diff --git a/plugins/calendar/helpdocs/locale/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/plugins/calendar/helpdocs/locale/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po index 962dcb84..21054ba1 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/helpdocs/locale/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po +++ b/plugins/calendar/helpdocs/locale/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po @@ -1,28 +1,29 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) 2014, roundcube.net # This file is distributed under the same license as the Roundcube Webmail Help package. # # Translators: +# alfvicente , 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Kolab Documentation\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-26 23:28+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-27 23:33+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-30 12:22+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: alfvicente \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (http://www.transifex.com/kolab/kolab-documentation/language/es_AR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: es_AR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../../en_US/_plugins/calendar/index.rst:9 msgid "Calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Calendario" #: ../../en_US/_plugins/calendar/index.rst:11 msgid "" "The *Calendar* gives you access to your personal and shared calendar and " "scheduling functions." msgstr "" diff --git a/plugins/calendar/localization/de_DE.inc b/plugins/calendar/localization/de_DE.inc index 0771ed44..f9ff3b49 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/localization/de_DE.inc +++ b/plugins/calendar/localization/de_DE.inc @@ -1,268 +1,268 @@ CalDAV-Klienten (z.B. Evolution oder Mozilla Thunderbird) kopieren, um den Kalender in Gänze mit einem mobilen Gerät zu synchronisieren.'; $labels['findcalendars'] = 'Kalender finden...'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Suchbegriffe'; $labels['calsearchresults'] = 'Verfügbare Kalender'; $labels['calendarsubscribe'] = 'Permanent anzeigen'; $labels['nocalendarsfound'] = 'Keine Kalender gefunden'; $labels['nrcalendarsfound'] = '$nr Kalender gefunden'; $labels['quickview'] = 'Nur diesen Kalender anzeigen'; $labels['invitationspending'] = 'Ausstehende Einladungen'; $labels['invitationsdeclined'] = 'Abgelehnte Einladungen'; $labels['changepartstat'] = 'Teilnehmerstatus ändern'; $labels['rsvpcomment'] = 'Einladungstext'; $labels['listrange'] = 'Angezeigter Bereich:'; $labels['listsections'] = 'Unterteilung:'; $labels['smartsections'] = 'Intelligent'; $labels['until'] = 'bis'; $labels['today'] = 'Heute'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Morgen'; $labels['thisweek'] = 'Diese Woche'; $labels['nextweek'] = 'Nächste Woche'; $labels['prevweek'] = 'Vorige Woche'; $labels['thismonth'] = 'Diesen Monat'; $labels['nextmonth'] = 'Nächsten Monat'; $labels['weekofyear'] = 'Woche'; $labels['pastevents'] = 'Vergangene'; $labels['futureevents'] = 'Zukünftige'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Erinnerungen anzeigen'; $labels['defaultalarmtype'] = 'Standard-Erinnerungseinstellung'; $labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = 'Standard-Erinnerungszeit'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Teilnehmer'; $labels['role'] = 'Rolle'; $labels['availability'] = 'Verfüg.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Hinzufügen'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organisator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Erforderlich'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Vorsitz'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Abwesend'; $labels['cutypeindividual'] = 'Person'; $labels['cutypegroup'] = 'Gruppe'; $labels['cutyperesource'] = 'Ressource'; $labels['cutyperoom'] = 'Raum'; $labels['availfree'] = 'Frei'; $labels['availbusy'] = 'Gebucht'; $labels['availunknown'] = 'Unbekannt'; $labels['availtentative'] = 'Mit Vorbehalt'; $labels['availoutofoffice'] = 'Abwesend'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegiert an:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegiert von:'; $labels['scheduletime'] = 'Verfügbarkeit anzeigen'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Einladungen versenden'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Teilnehmer über die Änderungen informieren'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Teilnehmer über die Terminabsage informieren'; $labels['onlyworkinghours'] = 'Verfügbarkeit innerhalb meiner Arbeitszeiten suchen'; $labels['reqallattendees'] = 'Erforderliche/alle Teilnehmer'; $labels['prevslot'] = 'Vorheriger Vorschlag'; $labels['nextslot'] = 'Nächster Vorschlag'; $labels['suggestedslot'] = 'Empfohlener Slot'; $labels['noslotfound'] = 'Es konnten keine freien Zeiten gefunden werden'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Sie wurden zu "$title" eingeladen'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nIm Anhang finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit allen Details des Termins. Diese können Sie in Ihre Kalenderanwendung importieren."; $labels['invitationattendlinks'] = "Falls Ihr E-Mail-Programm keine iTip-Anfragen unterstützt, können Sie den folgenden Link verwenden, um den Termin zu bestätigen oder abzulehnen:\n\$url"; $labels['eventupdatesubject'] = '"$title" wurde aktualisiert'; $labels['eventupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Termin wurde aktualisiert'; $labels['eventupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nIm Anhang finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den aktualisiereten Termindaten. Diese können Sie in Ihre Kalenderanwendung importieren."; $labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" wurde abgesagt'; $labels['eventcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nDer Termin wurde von \$organizer abgesagt.\n\nIm Anhang finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den Termindaten."; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'Der Termin auf den sich diese Nachricht bezieht, wurde in Ihrem Kalender nicht gefunden.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender hat die Einladung zum folgenden Termin angenommen:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender hat die Einladung mit Vorbehalt zum folgenden Termin angenommen:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender hat die Einladung zum folgenden Termin abgelehnt:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees"; -$labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender hat Ihre Teilnahme bei der folgenden Veranstaltung zurückgewiesen:\n\n*\$title*\n\nam: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender hat Ihre Teilnahme bei der folgenden Veranstaltung zurückgewiesen:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender hat die Teilnahme an folgendem Event delegiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date"; -$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender hat die Teilnahme an folgendem Event an Sie delegiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender hat die Teilnahme an folgendem Event an Sie delegiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWann: \$date"; $labels['itipdeclineevent'] = 'Möchten Sie die Einladung zu diesem Termin ablehnen?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Soll der abgelehnte Termin zusätzlich aus dem Kalender gelöscht werden?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Kommentar zur Einladungs-/Benachrichtigungsnachricht'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Dieser Kommentar wird an die Einladungs-/Benachrichtigungsnachricht angehängt, die an die Teilnehmer verschickt wird'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Sie sind nicht in der Liste der Teilnehmer aufgeführt'; $labels['eventcancelled'] = 'Der Termin wurde vom Organisator abgesagt'; $labels['saveincalendar'] = 'speichern in'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'In meinem Kalender aktualisieren'; $labels['savetocalendar'] = 'In Kalender übernehmen'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Kalender überprüfen'; $labels['noearlierevents'] = 'Keine früheren Ereignisse'; $labels['nolaterevents'] = 'Keine späteren Ereignisse'; $labels['resource'] = 'Ressource'; $labels['addresource'] = 'Ressource buchen'; $labels['findresources'] = 'Ressourcen finden'; $labels['resourcedetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['resourceavailability'] = 'Verfügbarkeit'; $labels['resourceowner'] = 'Eigentümer'; $labels['resourceadded'] = 'Diese Ressource wurde Ihrem Termin hinzugefügt'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Übersicht'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Wiederholung'; $labels['tabattendees'] = 'Teilnehmer'; $labels['tabresources'] = 'Ressourcen'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Anhänge'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Freigabe'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie diesen Termin wirklich löschen?'; $labels['deleteventconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie diesen Termin wirklich löschen?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie diesen Kalender mit allen Terminen wirklich löschen?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirmrecursive'] = 'Soll dieser Kalender wirklich mit allen Terminen und Unterkalendern gelöscht werden?'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Speichere Daten...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Fehler beim Speichern.'; $labels['operationfailed'] = 'Die Aktion ist fehlgeschlagen.'; $labels['invalideventdates'] = 'Ungültige Daten eingegeben! Bitte überprüfen Sie die Eingaben.'; $labels['invalidcalendarproperties'] = 'Ungültige Kalenderinformationen! Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein.'; $labels['searchnoresults'] = 'Keine Termine in den gewählten Kalendern gefunden.'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Der Termin wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.'; $labels['successrestore'] = 'Der Termin wurde erfolgreich wieder hergestellt.'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Benachrichtigung an die Teilnehmer konnten nicht gesendet werden'; $labels['errorimportingevent'] = 'Fehler beim Importieren'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Eine Kopie dieses Termins existiert bereits in Ihrem Kalender.'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Eine neuere Version dieses Termins exisitert bereits! Import abgebrochen.'; $labels['nowritecalendarfound'] = 'Kein Kalender zum Speichern gefunden'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Der Termin wurde erfolgreich in \'$calendar\' gespeichert'; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Der Termin wurde erfolgreich in \'$calendar\' geändert'; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Teilnehmerstatus erfolgreich aktualisiert'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Einladung an Teilnehmer versendet.'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Die Antwort auf diese Einladung konnte nicht versendet werden'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Diese Einladung ist nicht mehr gültig.'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Antwort auf diese Einladung erfolgreich an $mailto gesendet'; $labels['localchangeswarning'] = 'Die auszuführenden Änderungen werden sich nur auf den persönlichen Kalender auswirken und nicht an den Organisator des Termins weitergeleitet.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Es wurden $nr Termine erfolgreich importiert'; $labels['importnone'] = 'Keine Termine zum Importieren gefunden'; $labels['importerror'] = 'Fehler beim Importieren'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Der Zugriff auf diesen Kalender erfordert Administrator-Rechte.'; $labels['changeeventconfirm'] = 'Termin ändern'; $labels['removeeventconfirm'] = 'Termin löschen'; $labels['changerecurringeventwarning'] = 'Dies ist eine Terminreihe. Möchten Sie nur den aktuellen, diesen und alle zukünftigen oder alle Termine bearbeiten oder die Änderungen als neuen Termin speichern?'; $labels['removerecurringeventwarning'] = 'Dies ist ein wiederkehrender Termin. Wollen Sie nur diesen Termin bearbeiten oder alle zukünftigen Vorkommen? Alternativ können auch alle Vorkommen bearbeitet werden.'; $labels['removerecurringallonly'] = 'Dieses ist ein wiederkehrender Termin. Als ein Teilnehmer können Sie nur den gesamten Termin inklusive aller Wiederholungen löschen.'; $labels['currentevent'] = 'Aktuellen'; $labels['futurevents'] = 'Zukünftige'; $labels['allevents'] = 'Alle'; $labels['saveasnew'] = 'Als neu speichern'; $labels['birthdays'] = 'Geburtstage'; $labels['birthdayscalendar'] = 'Geburtstags-Kalender'; $labels['displaybirthdayscalendar'] = 'Geburtstags-Kalender anzeigen'; $labels['birthdayscalendarsources'] = 'Für diese Adressbücher'; $labels['birthdayeventtitle'] = '$names Geburtstag'; $labels['birthdayage'] = 'Alter $age'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Änderungshistorie'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Änderungen aus $rev1 nach $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Termindaten sind leider nicht vergübar'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Änderungshistorie ist nicht verfügbar für diesen Termin'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Vergleich für die gewählten Versionen nicht möglich'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Wollen Sie wirklich die Version $rev dieses Termins wiederherstellen? Diese Aktion wird die aktuelle Kopie mit der älteren Version ersetzen.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev erfolgreich wiederhergestellt'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Fehler beim Wiederherstellen der alten Revision'; $labels['arialabelminical'] = 'Kalender Datumswahl'; $labels['arialabelcalendarview'] = 'Kalender Ansicht'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Suchformular für Termine'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Sucheingabe für Termine'; $labels['arialabelcalsearchform'] = 'Suchformular für Kalender'; $labels['calendaractions'] = 'Kalenderaktionen'; $labels['arialabeleventattendees'] = 'Teilehmerliste'; $labels['arialabeleventresources'] = 'Liste der Terminressourcen'; $labels['arialabelresourcesearchform'] = 'Suchformular für Ressourcen'; $labels['arialabelresourceselection'] = 'Verfügbare Ressourcen'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/calendar/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/calendar/localization/es_AR.inc index 2762bc8b..33e39508 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/calendar/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,259 +1,268 @@ CalDAV (por ejemplo, Evolution o Mozilla Thunderbird) para sincronizar completamente este calendario específico con su ordenador o dispositivo móvil.'; $labels['findcalendars'] = 'Encontrar calendarios...'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Buscar términos'; $labels['calsearchresults'] = 'Calendarios disponibles'; $labels['calendarsubscribe'] = 'Listar permanentemente'; $labels['nocalendarsfound'] = 'No se encontraron calendarios'; $labels['nrcalendarsfound'] = '$nr calendarios encontrados'; $labels['quickview'] = 'Ver sólo este calendario'; $labels['invitationspending'] = 'Invitaciones pendientes'; $labels['invitationsdeclined'] = 'Invitaciones rechazadas'; $labels['changepartstat'] = 'Cambiar el estado del participante'; $labels['rsvpcomment'] = 'Texto de invitación'; $labels['listrange'] = 'Rango a mostrar:'; $labels['listsections'] = 'Dividir en:'; $labels['smartsections'] = 'Secciones inteligentes'; $labels['until'] = 'hasta'; $labels['today'] = 'Hoy'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Mañana'; $labels['thisweek'] = 'Esta semana'; $labels['nextweek'] = 'Próxima semana'; $labels['prevweek'] = 'Semana anterior'; $labels['thismonth'] = 'Este mes'; $labels['nextmonth'] = 'Próximo mes'; $labels['weekofyear'] = 'Semana'; $labels['pastevents'] = 'Pasado'; $labels['futureevents'] = 'Futuro'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Mostrar alarmas'; $labels['defaultalarmtype'] = 'Configuración predeterminada de recordatorio'; $labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = 'Tiempo predeterminado de recordatorio'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Participante'; $labels['role'] = 'Rol'; $labels['availability'] = 'Disp.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Estado'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Agregar participante'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizador'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Requerido'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Jefe'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Ausente'; $labels['cutypeindividual'] = 'Individual'; $labels['cutypegroup'] = 'Grupo'; $labels['cutyperesource'] = 'Recurso'; $labels['cutyperoom'] = 'Habitación'; $labels['availfree'] = 'Libre'; $labels['availbusy'] = 'Ocupado'; $labels['availunknown'] = 'Desconocido'; $labels['availtentative'] = 'Tentativo'; $labels['availoutofoffice'] = 'Fuera de la oficina'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegado a:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegado de:'; $labels['scheduletime'] = 'Buscar disponibilidad'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Enviar invitaciones'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notificar a los participantes sobre las modificaciones'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notificar a los participantes sobre la cancelación del evento'; $labels['onlyworkinghours'] = 'Buscar disponibilidad dentro de mi horario laboral'; $labels['reqallattendees'] = 'Requerido/todos los participantes'; $labels['prevslot'] = 'Espacio anterior'; $labels['nextslot'] = 'Espacio siguiente'; $labels['suggestedslot'] = 'Espacio sugerido'; $labels['noslotfound'] = 'Imposible encontrar un espacio libre'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Ha sido invitado a "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees\n\nEncontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles del evento, el cual puede importar a su aplicación de calendario."; $labels['invitationattendlinks'] = "En caso que su cliente de correo electrónico no soporte peticiones iTip puede usar el siguiente link para aceptar o declinar esta invitación:\n\$url"; $labels['eventupdatesubject'] = '"$title" ha sido actualizado'; $labels['eventupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Un evento que le interesa ha sido actualizado'; $labels['eventupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees\n\nEncontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles del evento, el cual puede importar a su aplicación de calendario."; +$labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" ha sido cancelado'; $labels['eventcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees\n\nEl evento ha sido cancelado por \$organizer.\n\nEncontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles actualizados del evento."; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'El evento referido por este mensaje no fue encontrado en su calendario.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender ha aceptado la invitación al siguiente evento:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender ha tentativamente aceptado la invitación al siguiente evento:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ha rechazado la invitación al siguiente evento:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date\n\nInvitados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender ha rechazado tu participación en el siguiente evento:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo:\$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender ha delegado la invitación en el siguiente evento:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender ha delegado la participación en el siguiente evento a usted:\n\n*\$title*\n\nCuándo: \$date"; $labels['itipdeclineevent'] = '¿Quiere rechazar la invitación a este evento?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = '¿Quiere también eliminar este evento rechazado de su calendario?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Comentario de la invitación/notificación'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Este comentario será adjuntado al mensaje de invitación/notificación enviado a los participantes'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'No esta incluído en la lista de invitados a este evento'; $labels['eventcancelled'] = 'El evento ha sido cancelado'; $labels['saveincalendar'] = 'guardar en'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Actualizar mi calendario'; $labels['savetocalendar'] = 'Guardar en el calendario'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Comprobar Calendario'; $labels['noearlierevents'] = 'No hay eventos anteriores'; $labels['nolaterevents'] = 'No hay eventos posteriores'; $labels['resource'] = 'Recurso'; $labels['addresource'] = 'Agendar recurso'; $labels['findresources'] = 'Encontrar recursos'; $labels['resourcedetails'] = 'Detalles'; $labels['resourceavailability'] = 'Disponibilidad'; $labels['resourceowner'] = 'Propietario'; $labels['resourceadded'] = 'El recurso fue agregado a su evento'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Sumario'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrencia'; $labels['tabattendees'] = 'Participantes'; $labels['tabresources'] = 'Recursos'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Adjuntos'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Compartir'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar este evento'; $labels['deleteventconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar este evento'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar este calendario con todos sus eventos'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirmrecursive'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar este calendario con todos sus eventos y sub-calendarios'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Guardando...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Falló guardando los cambios.'; $labels['operationfailed'] = 'La operación falló.'; $labels['invalideventdates'] = 'Ingresó fechas erroneas. Por favor compruebe los datos.'; $labels['invalidcalendarproperties'] = 'Propiedades del calendario erroneas. Por favor ingrese un nombre válido.'; $labels['searchnoresults'] = 'No hay eventos en los calendarios seleccionados.'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'El evento ha sido eliminado exitosamente.'; $labels['successrestore'] = 'El evento ha sido recuperado exitosamente.'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Fallo al enviar las notificaciones del evento a los participantes'; $labels['errorimportingevent'] = 'Fallo al importar el evento'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Una copia de este evento ya existe en su calendario.'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Ya existe una versión actualizada de este evento. Cancelado.'; $labels['nowritecalendarfound'] = 'No hay calendarios para guardar el evento.'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'El evento fue guardado en \'$calendar\' exitosamente'; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'El evento fue actualizado exitosamente en \'$calendar\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Se actualizaron los estados de los participantes exitosamente'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Invitaciones enviadas a los participantes.'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Fallo enviando la respuesta a la invitación de este evento'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Esta invitación no es válida'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Se envió la respuesta a la invitación $mailto exitosamente'; $labels['localchangeswarning'] = 'Se realizarán cambios que sólo serán reflejadas en su calendario y no serán enviadas al organizador del evento'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Importados $nr eventos exitosamente'; $labels['importnone'] = 'No se importaron eventos'; $labels['importerror'] = 'Fallo al importar'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'No tiene permisos de administrador en este calendario.'; $labels['changeeventconfirm'] = 'Cambiar evento'; $labels['removeeventconfirm'] = 'Eliminar evento'; $labels['changerecurringeventwarning'] = 'Este es un evento recurrente. ¿Desea editar solo el evento actual, este y las ocurrencias futuras, todas las ocurrencias o guardarlo como un evento nuevo?'; $labels['removerecurringeventwarning'] = 'Este es un evento recurrente. ¿Desea eliminar solo el evento actual, este y las ocurrencias futuras o todas las ocurrencias del evento?'; +$labels['removerecurringallonly'] = 'Este es un evento recurrente. Como participante, usted solamente puede eliminar el evento completo con todas las ocurrencias.'; $labels['currentevent'] = 'Actual'; $labels['futurevents'] = 'Futuro'; $labels['allevents'] = 'Todos'; $labels['saveasnew'] = 'Guardar como nuevo'; $labels['birthdays'] = 'Cumpleaños'; $labels['birthdayscalendar'] = 'Calendario de cumpleaños'; $labels['displaybirthdayscalendar'] = 'Mostrar calendario de cumpleaños'; $labels['birthdayscalendarsources'] = 'De estas libretas de direcciones'; $labels['birthdayeventtitle'] = 'Cumpleaños de $name'; $labels['birthdayage'] = 'Edad $age'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Cambiar Historial'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Cambios de $rev1 a $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Fallo al cargar datos del evento'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Cambiar historial no esta disponible para este evento'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No es posible comparar las revisiones seleccionadas'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Confirme que quiere recuperar la revisión $rev de este evento. Esta acción reemplazará el evento actual con la versión anterior.'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revisión $rev recuperada exitosamente'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Fallo al restaurar el evento anterior'; $labels['arialabelminical'] = 'Selección de fecha del calendario'; $labels['arialabelcalendarview'] = 'Vista del calendario'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de evento'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Entrada de búsqueda de evento'; $labels['arialabelcalsearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de calendario'; $labels['calendaractions'] = 'Acciones del calendario'; $labels['arialabeleventattendees'] = 'Lista de participantes del evento'; $labels['arialabeleventresources'] = 'Lista de recursos del evento'; $labels['arialabelresourcesearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de recursos'; $labels['arialabelresourceselection'] = 'Recursos disponibles'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/calendar/localization/pl_PL.inc b/plugins/calendar/localization/pl_PL.inc index 3c35f33b..0fb63307 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/localization/pl_PL.inc +++ b/plugins/calendar/localization/pl_PL.inc @@ -1,262 +1,268 @@ CalDAV (np. Evolution lub Mozilla Thunderbird) aby zsynchronizować wybrany kalendarz z twoim komputerem lub urządzeniem przenośnym.'; $labels['findcalendars'] = 'Wyszukaj kalendarze...'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Szukana fraza'; $labels['calsearchresults'] = 'Dostępne kalendarze'; $labels['calendarsubscribe'] = 'Dodaj do listy na stałe'; $labels['nocalendarsfound'] = 'Nie znaleziono żadych kalendarzy'; $labels['nrcalendarsfound'] = 'znaleziono $nr kalendarzy'; $labels['quickview'] = 'Pokaż tylko ten kalendarz'; $labels['invitationspending'] = 'Oczekujące zaproszenia'; $labels['invitationsdeclined'] = 'Odrzucone zaproszenia'; $labels['changepartstat'] = 'Zmień status uczestnika'; $labels['rsvpcomment'] = 'Treść zaproszenia'; $labels['listrange'] = 'Zakres do pokazania:'; $labels['listsections'] = 'Podziel na:'; $labels['smartsections'] = 'Inteligentne sekcje'; $labels['until'] = 'dopóki'; $labels['today'] = 'Dzisiaj'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Jutro'; $labels['thisweek'] = 'Bieżący tydzień'; $labels['nextweek'] = 'Następny tydzień'; $labels['prevweek'] = 'Poprzedni tydzień'; $labels['thismonth'] = 'Bieżący miesiąc'; $labels['nextmonth'] = 'Następny miesiąc'; $labels['weekofyear'] = 'Tydzień'; $labels['pastevents'] = 'Przeszłe'; $labels['futureevents'] = 'Przyszłe'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Pokaż powiadomienia'; $labels['defaultalarmtype'] = 'Domyślne powiadomienie'; $labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = 'Domyślny czas powiadomienia'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Uczestnik'; $labels['role'] = 'Rola'; $labels['availability'] = 'Dostępny'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Dodaj uczestnika'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Wymagany'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcjonalny'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Przewodniczący'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Nieobecny'; $labels['cutypeindividual'] = 'Osoba'; $labels['cutypegroup'] = 'Grupa'; $labels['cutyperesource'] = 'Zasób'; $labels['cutyperoom'] = 'Pokój'; $labels['availfree'] = 'Wolny'; $labels['availbusy'] = 'Zajęty'; $labels['availunknown'] = 'Nieznany'; $labels['availtentative'] = 'Niepewny'; $labels['availoutofoffice'] = 'Poza biurem'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Oddelegowany do:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Oddelegowany z:'; $labels['scheduletime'] = 'Sprawdź dostępność'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Wyślij zaproszenia'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Powiadom uczestników o zmianach'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Powiadom uczestników o anulowaniu zdarzenia'; $labels['onlyworkinghours'] = 'Sprawdź dostępność w moich godzinach pracy'; $labels['reqallattendees'] = 'Wymagany/wszyscy uczestnicy'; $labels['prevslot'] = 'Poprzedni przedział'; $labels['nextslot'] = 'Następny przedział'; $labels['suggestedslot'] = 'Sugerowany przedział'; $labels['noslotfound'] = 'Nie znaleziono wolnego przedziału czasu'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Zostałeś zaproszony do "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees\n\nW załączeniu plik w formacie iCalendar ze szczegółami zdarzenia, który możesz zaimportować do twojej aplikacji kalendarza."; $labels['invitationattendlinks'] = "W przypadku gdy klient poczty elektronicznej nie obsługuje rządań w formacie iTip, aby zaakceptować lub odrzucić to zaproszenie, można skorzystać z następującego linku:\n\$url "; $labels['eventupdatesubject'] = '"$title" zostało zaktualizowane'; $labels['eventupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Zdarzenie które cię dotyczy zostało zaktualizowane'; $labels['eventupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees\n\nW załączeniu plik w formacie iCalendar zawierający zaktualizowane szczegóły zdarzenia, które możesz zaimportować do swojej aplikacji kalendarza."; +$labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" zostało anulowane'; $labels['eventcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees\n\nZdarzenie zostało anulowane przez \$organizer.\n\nW załączeniu plik w formacie iCalendar ze zaktualizowanymi szczegółami zdarzenia."; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'W twoim kalendarzu nie znaleziono zdarzenia związanego z tą wiadomością.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender zaakceptował zaproszenie do następującego zdarzenia:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender warunkowo zaakceptował zaproszenie do następującego zdarzenia:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender odrzucił zaproszenie na następujące zdarzenie:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date\n\nZaproszeni: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender odrzucił twój udział w zastępującym zdarzeniu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender oddelegował udział w następującym wydarzeniu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender oddelegował do ciebie udział w następującym wydarzeniu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nKiedy: \$date"; $labels['itipdeclineevent'] = 'Czy chcesz odrzucić zaproszenie na to zdarzenie?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Czy chcesz także usunąć to odrzucone zdarzenie ze swojego kalendarza?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Komentarz zaproszenia/powiadomienia'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Komentarz ten będzie dołączony do wiadomości wysłanej do uczestników zdarzenia'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Nie jesteś na liście uczestników tego zdarzenia'; $labels['eventcancelled'] = 'Zdarzenie zostało anulowane'; $labels['saveincalendar'] = 'zapisz w'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Uaktualnij w moim kalendarzu'; $labels['savetocalendar'] = 'Zapisz do kalendarza'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Sprawdź kalendarz'; $labels['noearlierevents'] = 'Brak wcześniejszych zdarzeń'; $labels['nolaterevents'] = '« Brak póżniejszych zdarzeń'; $labels['resource'] = 'Zasób'; $labels['addresource'] = 'Rezerwuj zasób'; $labels['findresources'] = 'Wyszukaj zasoby'; $labels['resourcedetails'] = 'Szczegóły'; $labels['resourceavailability'] = 'Dostępność'; $labels['resourceowner'] = 'Właściciel'; $labels['resourceadded'] = 'Zasób został dodany do twojego zdarzenia'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Podsumowanie'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Powtarzalność'; $labels['tabattendees'] = 'Uczestnicy'; $labels['tabresources'] = 'Zasoby'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Załączniki'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Udostępnianie'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to zdarzenie?'; $labels['deleteventconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to zdarzenie?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten kalendarz z wszystkimi zadaniami?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirmrecursive'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten kalendarz ze wszystkimi zdarzeniami i pod-kalendarzami?'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Zapisuję dane...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Błąd podczas zapisu danych.'; $labels['operationfailed'] = 'Żądana operacja nie powiodła się.'; $labels['invalideventdates'] = 'Błędna data! Proszę sprawdzić wprowadzone dane.'; $labels['invalidcalendarproperties'] = 'Błędna właściwość kalendarza! Proszę podać poprawną nazwę.'; $labels['searchnoresults'] = 'Nie znaleziono zdarzeń w wybranym kalendarzu.'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Zdarzenie zostało usunięte.'; $labels['successrestore'] = 'Zdarzenie zostało przywrócone.'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Nie udało się wysłać powiadomień do uczestników zdarzenia'; $labels['errorimportingevent'] = 'Nie udało się zaimportować zdarzenia'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Kopia tego zdarzenia już istnieje w twoim kalendarzu.'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Istnieje nowsza wersja tego zdarzenia ! Przerwano.'; $labels['nowritecalendarfound'] = 'Nie znaleziono kalendarza aby zapisać zdarzenie.'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Zdarzenie dodano do \'$calendar\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Zdarzenie zostało pomyślnie zaktualizowane w \'$calendar\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Zaktualizowano status uczestnika.'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Wysłano zaproszenia do uczestników.'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Nie udało się wysłać odpowiedzi na to zaproszenie.'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'To zaproszenie nie jest już aktualne.'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Wysłano odpowiedź na zaproszenie do $mailto.'; $labels['localchangeswarning'] = 'Zamierzasz dokonać zmian, które mogą zostać wykonane tylko w twoim kalendarzu i nie zostaną wysłane do organizatora zdarzenia.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Zaimportowano $nr zdarzeń.'; $labels['importnone'] = 'Nie znaleziono zdarzeń do zaimportowania.'; $labels['importerror'] = 'Wystąpił błąd podczas importu.'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Nie masz uprawnień administracyjnych dla tego kalendarza.'; $labels['changeeventconfirm'] = 'Zmień zdarzenie'; $labels['removeeventconfirm'] = 'Usuń zdarzenie'; $labels['changerecurringeventwarning'] = 'To jest zdarzenie powtarzalne. Czy chcesz zmienić bieżące zdarzenie, bieżące i przyszłe, wszystkie, a może zapisać je jako nowe zdarzenie?'; $labels['removerecurringeventwarning'] = 'Jest to zdarzenie cykliczne. Czy chcesz usunąć wyłącznie bieżące zdarzenie i jego przyszłe wystąpienia, czy wszystkie wystąpienia tego zdarzenia?'; $labels['removerecurringallonly'] = 'Jest to zdarzenie cykliczne. Jako uczestnik, możesz jedynie usunąć całe zdarzenie ze wszystkimi jego wystąpieniami.'; $labels['currentevent'] = 'Bieżące'; $labels['futurevents'] = 'Przyszłe'; $labels['allevents'] = 'Wszystkie'; $labels['saveasnew'] = 'Zapisz jako nowe'; $labels['birthdays'] = 'Uruodziny'; $labels['birthdayscalendar'] = 'Kalendarz Urodzin'; $labels['displaybirthdayscalendar'] = 'Wyświetl kalendarz urodzin'; $labels['birthdayscalendarsources'] = 'Z tych książek adresowych'; $labels['birthdayeventtitle'] = 'Urodziny $name\'s'; $labels['birthdayage'] = 'Wiek $age'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Historia zmian'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Zmiany od $rev1 do $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Nie udało się wczytać zdarzenia'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Historia zmian jest niedostępna dla tego zdarzenia'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Nie można porównać wybranych wersji'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić wersję $rev tego zdarzenia? Bierzące zdarzenie zostanie zastąpione starszą wersją.'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Wersja $rev została pomyślnie przywrócona'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Nie udało się przywrócić starej wersji'; $labels['arialabelminical'] = 'Wybór daty kalendarza'; $labels['arialabelcalendarview'] = 'Podgląd kalendarza'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Formularz wyszukiwania zdarzeń'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Fraza wyszukiwania zdarzeń'; $labels['arialabelcalsearchform'] = 'Formularz wyszukiwania kalendarzy'; $labels['calendaractions'] = 'Akcje kalendarzy'; $labels['arialabeleventattendees'] = 'Lista uczestników zdarzenia'; $labels['arialabeleventresources'] = 'Lista zasobów zdarzenia'; $labels['arialabelresourcesearchform'] = 'Formularz wyszukiwania zasobów'; $labels['arialabelresourceselection'] = 'Dostępne zasoby'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/calendar/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/calendar/localization/zh_CN.inc index a9878cd0..fa32fbd3 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/calendar/localization/zh_CN.inc @@ -1,77 +1,119 @@ >'; +$labels['invitationspending'] = '未决邀请'; +$labels['invitationsdeclined'] = '已拒绝邀请'; +$labels['rsvpcomment'] = '邀请文字'; +$labels['until'] = '直到'; +$labels['today'] = '今天'; +$labels['tomorrow'] = '明天'; +$labels['thisweek'] = '本周'; +$labels['nextweek'] = '下周'; +$labels['prevweek'] = '上周'; +$labels['thismonth'] = '本月'; +$labels['nextmonth'] = '下月'; $labels['weekofyear'] = '周'; +$labels['pastevents'] = '过去'; +$labels['futureevents'] = '未来'; +$labels['showalarms'] = '显示提醒'; +$labels['defaultalarmtype'] = '默认提醒设置'; +$labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = '默认提醒时间'; +$labels['attendee'] = '参与者'; +$labels['role'] = '身份'; +$labels['availability'] = '有空'; $labels['confirmstate'] = '状态'; +$labels['addattendee'] = '添加参与者'; +$labels['roleorganizer'] = '组织者'; +$labels['rolerequired'] = '必须'; +$labels['roleoptional'] = '可选'; +$labels['rolenonparticipant'] = '缺席'; +$labels['cutypeindividual'] = '个人'; +$labels['cutypegroup'] = '组织'; +$labels['cutyperesource'] = '资源'; $labels['availfree'] = '空闲'; $labels['availbusy'] = '忙碌'; $labels['availunknown'] = '未知'; $labels['availtentative'] = '临时'; $labels['availoutofoffice'] = '外出'; +$labels['scheduletime'] = '查找是否有空'; +$labels['sendinvitations'] = '发送邀请'; +$labels['sendnotifications'] = '通知参加者修改事项'; +$labels['resource'] = '资源'; $labels['tabsummary'] = '汇总'; $labels['tabsharing'] = '分享'; $labels['savingdata'] = '保存数据...'; +$labels['futurevents'] = '未来'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/es_AR.inc index b15840c0..5be4e227 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
Para registrar un dispositivo, por favor conéctelo primero al servidor, usando las instrucciones de esta página. Posteriormente el dispositivo debería estar disponible para su configuración aquí.'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Guardando...'; $labels['savingerror'] = 'Fallo al guardar la configuración'; $labels['notsupported'] = 'Su servidor no soporta metadatos/anotaciones'; $labels['devicedeleteconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar la configuración para este dispositivo'; $labels['successfullydeleted'] = 'La configuración del dispositivo fue eliminada exitosamente'; $labels['devicenotfound'] = 'No se puede leer la configuración del dispositivo'; $labels['devicetype'] = 'Tipo de dispositivo'; $labels['acsversion'] = 'Versión del protocolo'; $labels['useragent'] = 'User agent'; $labels['friendlyname'] = 'Nombre amistoso'; $labels['os'] = 'Sistema operativo'; $labels['oslanguage'] = 'Idioma del SO'; $labels['phonenumber'] = 'Número de teléfono'; $labels['arialabeldeviceframe'] = 'Formulario de configuración de sincronización del dispositivo'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/zh_CN.inc index 24d19c42..27f2b011 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_activesync/localization/zh_CN.inc @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/es_AR.inc index 60ec978c..ad04fd95 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,60 +1,67 @@ CardDAV para sincronizar completamente esta libreta de direcciones específica con su ordenador o dispositivo móvil.'; $labels['addressbookprio'] = 'Selección/comportamiento de libreta(s) de direcciones'; $labels['personalfirst'] = 'Libreta(s) de direcciones personal primero'; $labels['globalfirst'] = 'Libreta(s) de direcciones globales primero'; $labels['personalonly'] = 'Sólo libreta(s) de direcciones personal'; $labels['globalonly'] = 'Sólo libreta(s) de direcciones global'; $labels['findaddressbooks'] = 'Encontrar libreta de direcciones'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Buscar términos'; $labels['listsearchresults'] = 'Libreta de direcciones adicional'; $labels['foldersearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de libreta de direcciones'; $labels['foldersubscribe'] = 'Listar permanentemente'; $labels['nraddressbooksfound'] = '$nr libretas de direcciones encontrada(s)'; $labels['noaddressbooksfound'] = 'No se encontraron libretas de direcciones'; +$labels['showhistory'] = 'Mostrar Historial'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Cambiar Historial'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Cambios de $rev1 a $rev2'; +$labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Confirme que quiere recuperar la revisión $rev de este contacto. Esta acción reemplazará el evento actual con la versión anterior.'; +$labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Fallo al cargar datos del contacto'; +$labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Cambiar historial no está disponible para este contacto'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No es posible comparar las revisiones seleccionadas'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revisión $rev recuperada exitosamente'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Fallo al restaurar el evento anterior'; $messages['bookdeleteconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar la libreta de direcciones y todos los contactos en ella'; $messages['bookdeleting'] = 'Eliminando libreta de direcciones...'; $messages['booksaving'] = 'Guardando libreta de direcciones...'; $messages['bookdeleted'] = 'Libreta de direcciones eliminada exitosamente.'; $messages['bookupdated'] = 'Libreta de direcciones actualizada exitosamente.'; $messages['bookcreated'] = 'Libreta de direcciones creada exitosamente.'; $messages['bookdeleteerror'] = 'Fallo eliminando la libreta de direcciones.'; $messages['bookupdateerror'] = 'Fallo al actualizar la libreta de direcciones.'; $messages['bookcreateerror'] = 'Fallo al crear la libreta de direcciones.'; $messages['nobooknamewarning'] = 'Por favor, ingrese el nombre de la libreta de direcciones.'; $messages['noemailnamewarning'] = 'Por favor, ingrese la dirección de correo electrónico o el nombre del contacto.'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/pl_PL.inc b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/pl_PL.inc index b6494b8d..2d19ea0e 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/pl_PL.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/pl_PL.inc @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc index ea16f41f..8b9c01ec 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/sv_SE.inc b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/pl_PL.inc similarity index 62% rename from plugins/kolab_auth/localization/sv_SE.inc rename to plugins/kolab_auth/localization/pl_PL.inc index 216fa4b9..89fb6f46 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/sv_SE.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/pl_PL.inc @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/zh_CN.inc similarity index 66% copy from plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc copy to plugins/kolab_auth/localization/zh_CN.inc index ea16f41f..623bc45b 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_auth/localization/zh_CN.inc @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_delegation/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/kolab_delegation/localization/zh_CN.inc index 9de2d752..ed34a591 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_delegation/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_delegation/localization/zh_CN.inc @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/es_AR.inc index 26fe9d97..7954bbc2 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,92 +1,163 @@ $file'; +$labels['editfiledialog'] = 'Confirmar la acción de edición'; +$labels['editfilesessions'] = 'Hay sesiones activas para el archivo seleccionado. Por favor, seleccione la acción que quiere realizar.'; +$labels['newsession'] = 'Crear una nueva sesión'; +$labels['newsessionro'] = 'Crear una nueva sesión (copiar el archivo en una ubicación de sólo lectura)'; +$labels['ownedsession'] = 'Continuar con la sesión existente'; +$labels['invitedsession'] = 'Unirse a la sesión de $user'; +$labels['joinsession'] = 'Requerir una invitación de $user'; +$labels['editfilero'] = 'Este archivo es de sólo lectura. Confirme que quiere crear y editar una copia del archivo.'; +$labels['editfilerotitle'] = 'Archivo de sólo lectura'; $labels['select'] = 'Seleccionar'; +$labels['terminatesession'] = 'Terminar la sesión'; +$labels['sessionterminatedtitle'] = 'Sesión terminada'; +$labels['sessionterminated'] = 'La sesión ha sido terminada. La ventana será cerrada.'; +$labels['terminate'] = 'Terminar'; +$labels['sessionterminating'] = 'Terminando la sesión...'; +$labels['unsavedchanges'] = 'Hay cambios sin guardad en el documento que serán perdidos. ¿Desea terminar la sesión de todos modos?'; +$labels['manageeditors'] = 'Invitar al documento'; $labels['participant'] = 'Participante'; $labels['status'] = 'Estado'; $labels['addparticipant'] = 'Agregar participante'; +$labels['delparticipant'] = 'Remover participante'; +$labels['invitationtexttitle'] = 'Este comentario será adjuntado al mensaje de invitación/notificación enviado al participante'; $labels['invitationtextlabel'] = 'Comentario de la invitación/notificación'; $labels['statusorganizer'] = 'Organizador'; +$labels['statusinvited'] = 'Invitado'; +$labels['statusaccepted'] = 'Aceptado'; +$labels['statusdeclined'] = 'Rechazado'; +$labels['statusrequested'] = 'Requerido'; +$labels['documentinviting'] = 'Invitando participante(s)...'; +$labels['documentcancelling'] = 'Removiendo participante(s)...'; $labels['removeparticipant'] = 'Elminiar'; +$labels['invitednotice'] = 'Ha sido invitado a la sesión de edición por $owner.'; +$labels['acceptedownernotice'] = '$owner ha aceptado su requerimiento de unirse a la sesión de edición.'; +$labels['declinedownernotice'] = '$owner rechazó su requerimiento de unirse a la sesión de edición.'; +$labels['acceptednotice'] = '$user ha aceptado su invitación a la sesión de edición.'; +$labels['declinednotice'] = '$user rechazó su invitación a la sesión de edición.'; +$labels['requestednotice'] = '$user ha requerido unirse a la sesión de edición.'; +$labels['sessiondialog'] = 'Sesión de edición del documento'; +$labels['sessiondialogcontent'] = 'Hay una sesión de edición de $file creada por $owner.'; +$labels['more'] = 'Más.'; $labels['accept'] = 'Aceptar'; +$labels['join'] = 'Unirse a la sesión'; $labels['decline'] = 'Rechazar'; $labels['owner'] = 'Propietario'; +$labels['when'] = 'Cuando'; +$labels['file'] = 'Archivo'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comentario'; +$labels['open'] = 'Abrir'; +$labels['request'] = 'Requerir una invitación'; +$labels['invitationtitle'] = 'Invitación para $file'; +$labels['ivitationaccepting'] = 'Aceptando una invitación...'; +$labels['ivitationdeclining'] = 'Rechazando una invitación...'; +$labels['ivitationrequesting'] = 'Requiriendo una invitación...'; +$labels['storepasswords'] = 'recordar contraseña'; +$labels['storepasswordsdesc'] = 'Las contraseñas almacenadas serán encriptadas. Habilite esto si no desea que se le pida su contraseña con cada ingreso o si quiere que este almacenamiento esté disponible vía WebDAV.'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de archivos'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Entrada de búsqueda'; $labels['arialabellistoptions'] = 'Opciones de lista de archivos'; $labels['arialabelfolderoptions'] = 'Acciones de carpeta'; $labels['arialabelfileeditform'] = 'Formulario de edición de archivo'; +$labels['arialabelfilecreateform'] = 'Formulario de creación de archivo'; +$labels['arialabelfilelist'] = 'Lista de archivos'; $labels['arialabelfoldercreateform'] = 'Formulario de creación de carpeta'; +$labels['arialabelfoldereditform'] = 'Formulario de edición de carpeta'; +$labels['arialabelfoldermountform'] = 'Formulario de almacenamiento externo'; +$labels['arialabelfolderauthform'] = 'Formulario de autenticación de almacenamiento externo'; $labels['arialabelfolderlist'] = 'Selección de carpeta/colección'; $labels['arialabelfileselectdialog'] = 'Diálogo de selección de archivo'; $labels['arialabelattachmentoptions'] = 'Opciones para guardar adjunto'; $labels['arialabelfilesavedialog'] = 'Diálogo de guardado de archivo(s)'; $labels['arialabelfileprops'] = 'Propiedades del archivo'; $labels['arialabelfilecontent'] = 'Contenido del archivo'; +$labels['arialabelfileeditdialog'] = 'Dialogo de edición de archivo'; +$labels['type.plain'] = 'Documento de Texto Plano'; +$labels['type.vndoasisopendocumenttext'] = 'Documento de Texto (ODF)'; +$labels['type.html'] = 'Documento HTML'; diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/zh_CN.inc index 0de470de..12f2b45f 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/zh_CN.inc @@ -1,34 +1,37 @@ diff --git a/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/es_AR.inc index 12138928..2f34c88b 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,60 +1,62 @@ enkelt forekomst ud af en serie af flere begivenheder'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Refererer til denne og alle fremtidige forekomster af en serie af begivenheder'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'Denne besked refererer kun til denne enkelte forekomst'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'Denne besked refererer til denne og alle fremtidige forekomster'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Du har accepteret denne invitation'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Du har forsøgsvist accepteret denne invitation'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Du har afvist denne invitation'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Du har delegeret denne invitation'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Du arbejder på denne tildelte opgave'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Du har afsluttet denne tildelte opgave'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Dit svar til denne invitation afventes stadig'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Du har tidligere accepteret denne invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Du har tidligere accepteret denne invitation tentativt'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Du har tidligere afvist denne invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Du har tidligere delegeret denne invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Du har tidligere rapporteret, at du vil arbejdet på denne tildelte opgave'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Du har tidligere afsluttet denne tildelte opgave'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Du svar til denne invitation afventes stadig'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Deltageren er blevet accepteret'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Deltageren er tentativt blevet accepteret'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Deltageren er blevet afvist'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Deltageren har delegeret til $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Deltager i under behandling'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Deltageren er afsluttet'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Du har ikke opført en deltager for dette objekt'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Denne invitation er blevet erstattet af en nyere version'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Gem i min kalender'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Fjern fra min kalender'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Opdatér min kopi'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Åbn forhåndsvisning'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Sikker på at du vil slette dette objekt?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Vil du også slette dette afviste objekt fra din konto?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegér invitation'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Delegér til'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Hold mig orienteret om opdateringer vedrørende denne hændelse'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Angiv venligst en gyldig e-mailadresse for den delegerede'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Gemmer data...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Substituér med gruppemedlemmer'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Kan ikke substituere denne gruppe. Fandt ikke medlemmer.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Kan ikke substituere denne gruppe. Den kan indeholde for mange medlemmer.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Denne gruppe indeholder for mange medlemmer til substituering.'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/de_CH.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/de_CH.inc index 08e2f430..1deac4fd 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/de_CH.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/de_CH.inc @@ -1,81 +1,84 @@ einzelne Wiederholung außerhalb einer Serie von Ereignissen'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Bezieht sich auf diese and alle zukünftigen Wiederholungen einer Serie von Ereignissen'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'Diese Nachricht bezieht sich nur auf eine einzelne Wiederholung'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'Diese Nachricht bezieht sich auf diese und alle zukünftigen Wiederholungen'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Sie haben die Einladung angenommen'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Sie haben die Einladung mit Vorbehalt angenommen'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Sie haben die Einladung abgelehnt'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung abgelehnt'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Sie arbeiten an dieser Aufgabe'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Sie haben diese Aufgabe erledigt'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Ihre Antwort auf diese Einladung ist noch ausstehend'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung zuvor angenommen'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung zuvor mit Vorbehalt angenommen'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung zuvor abgelehnt'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung zuvor delegiert'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Sie haben diese Aufgabe zuvor als In Bearbeitung gemeldet'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Sie haben diese Einladung zuvor erledigt'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Ihre Antwort auf diese Einladung ist noch ausstehend'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Teilnehmer hat akzeptiert'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Teilnehmer hat mit Vorbehalt akzeptiert'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Teilnehmer hat abgelehnt'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Teilnehmer hat an $delegatedto delegiert'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Teilnehmer arbeitet an dieser Aufgabe'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Teilnehmer hat die Aufgabe erledigt'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Sie sind nicht in der Liste der Teilnehmer aufgeführt'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Diese Einladung wurde durch eine neuere Version ersetzt'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'In Kalender übernehmen'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Aus meinem Kalender löschen'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Meine Kopie aktualisieren'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Vorschau öffnen'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie dieses Objekt wirklich löschen?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Soll das abgelehnte Objekt ebenfalls aus Ihrem Konto gelöscht werden?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Einladung delegieren'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Delegieren an'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Informiere mich über Aktualisierungen dieses Termins'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse für den Delegierten ein'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Speichere...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Mit Gruppenmitgliedern ersetzen'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Diese Gruppe konnte nicht ersetzt werden. Keine Gruppenmitglieder gefunden.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Diese Gruppe konnte nicht ersetzt werden. Sie hat möglicherweise zuviele Mitglieder.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Die Gruppe hat zuviele Mitglieder und konnte deshalb nicht ersetzt werden.'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_AR.inc index 24594f4f..5be88459 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,124 +1,158 @@ ocurrencia individual de una serie de eventos'; +$labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Refiere a esta y todas las futuras ocurrencias de una serie de eventos'; +$labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'El mensaje solamente refiere a esta ocurrencia individual'; +$labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'El mensaje refiere a esta y todas las futuras ocurrencias'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Ha aceptado esta invitación'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Ha aceptado tentativamente esta invitación'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Ha rechazado esta invitación'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Ha delegado esta invitación'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Usted está trabajando en esta asignación'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Ha completado esta asignación'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Su respuesta a esta invitación está pendiente'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Ha aceptado previamente esta invitación'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Ha aceptado previamente esta invitacion tentativamente'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Ha rechazado previamente esta invitación'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Ha delegado previamente esta invitación'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Ha reportado previamente que trabaja en esta asignación'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Ha completado previamente esta asignación'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Su respuesta a esta invitación está pendiente'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'El participante ha aceptado'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'El participante ha aceptado tentativamente'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'El participante ha rechazado'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'El participante ha delegado a $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'El participante está en proceso'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'El participante ha completado'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'No esta incluído en la lista de invitados a este objeto'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Esta invitación ha sido reemplazada por una nueva versión'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Guardar en mi calendario'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Eliminar de mi calendario'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Actualizar mi copia'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Abrir Vista Preliminar'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar este objeto'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = '¿Quiere también eliminar este objeto rechazado de su cuenta?'; +$labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegar Invitación'; +$labels['delegateto'] = 'Delegar a'; +$labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Mantenerme informado acerca de las actualizaciones de esta incidencia'; +$labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Por favor, ingrese una dirección de correo electrónico válida para la delegación'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Guardando...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Sustituir con miembros del grupo'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'No se puede sustituir este grupo. No se encontraron miembros.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'No se puede sustituir este grupo. Puede contener demasiados miembros.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Este grupo contiene demasiados miembros para sustituir.'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_ES.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_ES.inc index 32b089a0..c50ba9a9 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_ES.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/es_ES.inc @@ -1,59 +1,65 @@ yksittäinen esiintymä tapahtumasarjassa'; +$labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Viittaa tähän ja kaikkiin tuleviin esiintymiin tapahtumasarjassa'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'Tämä viesti viittaa vain yhteen esiintymään'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'Tämä viesti viittaa tähän ja kaikkiin tuleviin esiintymiin'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Olet hyväksynyt tämän kutsun'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Olet hyväksynyt tämän kutsun alustavasti'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Olet kieltäytynyt tästä kutsusta'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Olet delegoitu tähän kutsuun'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Työskentelet tämän tehtävän parissa'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Olet suorittanut tämän tehtävän'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Vastauksesi tähän kutsuun on yhä jonossa'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Olet aiemmin hyväksynyt tämän kutsun'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Olet aiemmin hyväksynyt tämän kutsun varauksella'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Sinut on aiemmin estetty tästä kutsusta'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Sinut on aiemmin delegoitu tähän kutsuun'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Sinut on aiemmin raportoitu työskentelevän tämän tehtävän parissa'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Olet aiemmin suorittanut tämän tehtävän'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Vastauksesi tähän kutsuun on yhä jonossa'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Osallistuja on hyväksynyt'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Osallistuja on hyväksynyt varauksella'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Osallistuja on hylännyt'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Osallistuja on delegoitu $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Osallistuja on prosessissa'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Osallistuja on suorittanut'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Sinua ei ole listattu osallistujaksi tähän kohteeseen'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Kutsu on korvattu uudemmalla versiolla'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Tallenna omaan kalenteriin'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Poista omasta kalenterista'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Päivitä kopioni'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Avaa esikatselu'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Haluatko todella poistaa tämän kohteen?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Haluatko poistaa tämän hylätyn kohteen tunnukseltasi?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegoi kutsu'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Delegoi henkilölle'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Pidä minut ajan tasalla tämän tapauksen päivityksistä'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Anna valiidi sähköpostiosoite delegoiaksesi'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Tallennetaan tietoja...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Korvaa ryhmän jäsenillä'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Korvaaminen ryhmän jäsenillä ei onnistu. Yhtään jäsentä ei löydy.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Korvaaminen ryhmän jäsenillä ei onnistu. Tämä saattaa sisältää liian monta jäsentä.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Tämä ryhmä sisältää liian monta jäsentä korvaamiseen'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/fr_FR.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/fr_FR.inc index 71725735..6c606ed5 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/fr_FR.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/fr_FR.inc @@ -1,138 +1,144 @@ seule occurrence parmi une série d\'événements'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Se réfère à celle-ci et à toutes les occurrences futures parmi une série d\'événements'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'Le message se réfère seulement à cette seule occurrence'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'Le message se réfère à celle-ci et à toutes les occurrences futures'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Vous avez accepté cette invitation'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Vous avez accepté provisoirement cette invitation'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Vous avez refusé cette invitation'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Vous avez délégué cette invitation'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Vous traiter cette affectation'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Vous avez traité cette affectation'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Vous êtes en attente d\'une réponse à cette invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Vous avez déjà accepté cette invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Vous avez déjà tenté d\'accepter cette invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Vous avez déjà décliné cette invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Vous avez déjà délégué cette invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Vous avez déjà signalé que vous traitez cette affectation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Vous avez déjà fini le traitement de cette affectation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Vous êtes en attente de la réponse pour cette invitation'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Cet utilisateur a accepté l\'invitaion'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Cette utilisateur tente d\'accepter l\'invitation'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Cet utilisateur a décliné l\'invitation'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Cet utilisateur a délégué à $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Cet utilisateur traite la tâche'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Cet utilisateur a fini la tâche'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas dans la liste des participants à cet évènement'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Cet invitation a été remplacée par une nouvelle version'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Enregistrer dans mon agenda'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Supprimer de mon agenda'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Mise à jour de ma copie'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Ouvrir la prévisualisation'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet objet ?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Voulez-vous supprimer cet objet décliné de votre compte ?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Invitation à déléguer'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Déléguer à '; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Me tenir informé des mises à jours de cet effet'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Entrer une adresse électronique valide pour le délégué'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Enregistrer...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Remplacement par les membres du groupe'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Impossible de substituer ce groupe, il ne contient aucun membre.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Impossible de substituer ce groupe, il contient trop de membres.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Ce groupe contient trop de membres pour être substitué.'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/he_IL.inc similarity index 63% copy from plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc copy to plugins/libcalendaring/localization/he_IL.inc index a6debe05..400235ae 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/he_IL.inc @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 単体の出来事 です'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = '一連のイベントの この出来事と将来の出来事 を参照する'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'このメッセージはこの単体の出来事のみを参照します'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'このメッセージはこの出来事とすべての将来の出来事を参照します'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'あなたはこの招待を承諾しました'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'あなたはこの招待を仮承諾しました。'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'あなたはこの招待を辞退しました。'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'あなたはこの招待を代行させました'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'あなたはこの割当を実行中です'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'あなたはこの割当を完了しました'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'この招待へのあなたの応答はまだ保留中です'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'あなたはこの招待を前もって承諾しました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'あなたはこの招待を前もって仮承諾しました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'あなたはこの招待を前もって断りました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'この招待を前もって代行させました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'あなたは前もってこの割当を実行する事をレポートしました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'あなたは前もってこの割当を完了しました'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'この招待へのあなたの応答はまだ保留中です'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = '参加者は承諾しました'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = '参加者は仮承諾しました'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = '参加者は断りました'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = '参加者は $delegatedto へ代行させました'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = '参加者は進行中です'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = '参加者は完了しました'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'このイベントの出席者として一覧にありません'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'この招待は新しいバージョンへ置き換えられました'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'カレンダーに保存'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'カレンダーから削除'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = '複製を更新'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'プレビューを開く'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = '本当にこのオブジェクトを削除しますか?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'アカウントからこの断ったオブジェクトも削除しますか?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = '招待を代行させる'; $labels['delegateto'] = '代行先'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'この出来事の更新に関する通知を続ける'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = '代行させるのに有効なEメールアドレスを入力してください'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'データを保存中…'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'グループメンバーの代理人'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'このグループの代理ができません。メンバーが見つかりません。'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'このグループの代理ができません。おそらくメンバーが多すぎます。'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'このグループは代理するにはメンバーが多すぎます。'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/ko_KR.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/ko_KR.inc index bd289ceb..77e66dce 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/ko_KR.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/ko_KR.inc @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ единичное событие из серии событий'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Относится к этому и всем последующим повторениями серии событий'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'Это сообщение относится только к этому единичному событию'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'Это сообщение относится к этому и всем последующим повторениям'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'Вы приняли это приглашение'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'Вы предварительно приняли это приглашение'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'Вы отклонили это приглашение'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'Вы делегировали это приглашение'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'Вы работаете над этим заданием'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'Вы завершили это задание'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Ваш ответ на это приглашение всё ещё ожидается'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'Вы уже приняли это приглашение'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'Вы уже предварительно приняли это приглашение'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'Вы уже отказались от этого приглашения'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'Вы уже делегировали это приглашение'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'Вы уже предоставили отчет о проделанной работе на это задание'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'Вы уже завершили это задание'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Ваш ответ на это приглашение всё ещё ожидается'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Участник принял приглашение'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Участник предварительно принял приглашение'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Участник отказался от приглашения'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Участник делегировал приглашение $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Участник в процессе'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Участник завершил'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'Вы не указаны как участник этого объекта'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'Это приглашение было заменено новой версией'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Сохранить в мой календарь'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Удалить из моего календаря'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Обновить мою копию'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Открыть предпросмотр'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Вы действительно хотите удалить этот объект?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Вы хотите так же удалить этот объект со своего аккаунта?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Приглашение представителей'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Поручить'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Сообщать мне об изменениях в этом событии'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите правильный email адрес представителя'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Сохранение данных...'; $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Заменить участниками группы'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Не удаётся заменить участниками группы. Ни одного не найдено.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Не удаётся заменить участниками группы. Возможно, в ней слишком много участников.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'Группа содержит слишком много участников для замены.'; diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/sk_SK.inc similarity index 64% copy from plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc copy to plugins/libcalendaring/localization/sk_SK.inc index a6debe05..700c2396 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/zh_CN.inc +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/localization/sk_SK.inc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ , 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Kolab Documentation\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-26 23:28+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-27 23:34+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-07 12:16+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Jeroen van Meeuwen \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/kolab/kolab-documentation/language/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../../en_US/_plugins/tasks/index.rst:9 msgid "Tasks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taken" #: ../../en_US/_plugins/tasks/index.rst:11 msgid "" "The *Tasks* module helps you organize your daily jobs and ToDo's and will " "alert you about upcoming deadlines." msgstr "" diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/bg_BG.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/bg_BG.inc index 23f4f1d1..e53990dd 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/bg_BG.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/bg_BG.inc @@ -1,176 +1,179 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Запазване като задача'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Запази като задача'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Печат на задачите'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Печат на описанията'; $labels['mark'] = 'Маркиране'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Демаркиране'; $labels['edit'] = 'Промяна'; $labels['delete'] = 'Изтриване'; $labels['title'] = 'Заглавие'; $labels['description'] = 'Описание'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Due'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Начало'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Начален час'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Напомняне'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Повторения'; $labels['links'] = 'Цикличност'; $labels['status'] = 'Статус'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Нужно е действие'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'В процес'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Завършен'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Отхвърлен'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Създадено в'; $labels['changed'] = 'Последна промяна'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Опции'; $labels['all'] = 'All'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Flagged'; $labels['complete'] = 'Complete'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Закъснение'; $labels['today'] = 'Днес'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Утре'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Следващите 7 дни'; $labels['later'] = 'Късно'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Моите задачи'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Задачи, назначени към мен'; $labels['nodate'] = 'no date'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Изтриване'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Нова задача'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Edit Task'; $labels['save'] = 'Запис'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Отказ'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Add subtask'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Delete task'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Delete this task only'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Delete with all subtasks'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Заглавие'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Повтаряне'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Прикрепени файлове'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Споделяне'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Редактиране на списък'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Добавяне на списък'; $labels['listactions'] = 'List options...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Име'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Показвай напомняния'; $labels['import'] = 'Import'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'View only this list'; $labels['on'] = 'on'; $labels['at'] = 'at'; $labels['this'] = 'this'; $labels['next'] = 'next'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Запазване на данни...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Failed to save data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Няма намерени задачи, отговарящи на този критерии'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Start date must not be greater than due date.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task and all its subtasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its tasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its sub-lists and tasks?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Роля'; $labels['availability'] = 'Avail.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Статус'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Организатор'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Задължителен'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'По избор'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Изпращане на покани'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'История'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr повече...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Запазване в задачи'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Не беше намерен списък, в който да запазите задачата'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Successfully updated the participant\'s status'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'This invitation is no longer valid'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ca_ES.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ca_ES.inc index e5eb51a0..07dc0cf8 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ca_ES.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ca_ES.inc @@ -1,175 +1,178 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Crea una nova tasca (per exemple, Dissabte talla la gespa)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Desa com a tasca'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Imprimeix descripcions'; $labels['mark'] = 'Marca'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Desmarca'; $labels['edit'] = 'Edita'; $labels['delete'] = 'Suprimeix'; $labels['title'] = 'Títol'; $labels['description'] = 'Descripció'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Venciment'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Hora de venciment'; $labels['start'] = 'Inici'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Hora d\'inici'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Recordatori'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repeteix'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Estat'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Necessita una acció'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'En procés'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completat'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancel·lat'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assignat a'; $labels['created'] = 'Creat'; $labels['changed'] = 'Darrera modificació'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opcions'; $labels['all'] = 'Tots'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Destacat'; $labels['complete'] = 'Completat'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progrés'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Endarrerit'; $labels['today'] = 'Avui'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Demà'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Els propers 7 dies'; $labels['later'] = 'Després'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assignat'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasques que heu assignat a altres'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Les meves tasques'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasques que se us han assignat'; $labels['nodate'] = 'sense data'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Suprimeix'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Detalls'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nova tasca'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Edita la tasca'; $labels['save'] = 'Desa'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel·la'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Desa i notifica'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Afegeix una subtasca'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Suprimeix la tasca'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Suprimeix només aquesta tasca'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Suprimeix amb totes les subtasques'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Opcions de la tasca...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Resum'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Periodicitat'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignacions'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Fitxers adjunts'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Compartit'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Edita la llista'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Afegeix llista'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opcions de la llista...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nom'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Mostra els recordatoris'; $labels['import'] = 'Importa'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Mostra accions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Mostra només aquesta llista'; $labels['on'] = 'en'; $labels['at'] = 'a'; $labels['this'] = 'aquest'; $labels['next'] = 'següent'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'S\'estan desant les dades...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'No s\'han pogut desar les dades.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'No tasks found for the given criteria'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Start date must not be greater than due date.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task and all its subtasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its tasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its sub-lists and tasks?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Rol'; $labels['availability'] = 'Disp.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Estat'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organitzador'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Obligatori'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'President'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Envia invitacions'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" ha estat actualitzat'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historial'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Canvia historial'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No és possible comparar les revisions seleccionades'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Comentari de la invitació/notificació'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr més...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegat a:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegat de:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comentari'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'L\'estat del participant ha estat actualitzat correctament'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Aquesta invitació ja no és vàlida'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/cs_CZ.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/cs_CZ.inc index 13248266..fd96142f 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/cs_CZ.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/cs_CZ.inc @@ -1,188 +1,191 @@ CalDAV klienta (např. Evolution nebo Mozilla Thunderbird) pro úplné synchronizování tohoto seznamu úkolů s vaším počítačem nebo mobilním zařízením.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nový úkol'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Vytvořit úkol '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Vytvořit nový úkol (např. Sobota, posekat trávník)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Uložit jako úkol'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Vytisknout úkoly'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Vytisknout popisy'; $labels['mark'] = 'Označit'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Odznačit'; $labels['edit'] = 'Upravit'; $labels['delete'] = 'Smazat'; $labels['title'] = 'Název'; $labels['description'] = 'Popis'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Vyřízení'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Čas vyřízení'; $labels['start'] = 'Začátek'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Začáteční čas'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Připomenutí'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Opakovat'; $labels['links'] = 'Odkaz'; $labels['status'] = 'Stav'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Potřebuje činnost'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'Rozpracováno'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Hotovo'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Zrušeno'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Přiděleno'; $labels['created'] = 'Vytvořeno'; $labels['changed'] = 'Naposledy změněno'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Volby'; $labels['all'] = 'Všechny'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Zatrženo'; $labels['complete'] = 'Dokončeno'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Postup'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Opožděno'; $labels['today'] = 'Dnes'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Zítra'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Dalších 7 dní'; $labels['later'] = 'Později'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Přiděleno'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Úkoly vámi přidělené ostatním'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Moje úkoly'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Úkoly přidělené vám'; $labels['nodate'] = 'žádné datum'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Odstranit'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Odstranit odkaz na e-mail'; $labels['auto'] = 'Automaticky'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Podrobnosti'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nový úkol'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Upravit úkol'; $labels['save'] = 'Uložit'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Zrušit'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Uložit a uvědomit'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Přidat podúkol'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Smazat úkol'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Smazat pouze tento úkol'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Smazat se všemi podúkoly'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Volby pro úkol...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Souhrn'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Opakování'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Přiřazení'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Přílohy'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Sdílení'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Upravit seznam'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Přidat seznam'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Volby pro seznam...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Název'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Ukázat připomenutí'; $labels['import'] = 'Zavést'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Zobrazit činnosti'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Zobrazit pouze tento seznam'; $labels['on'] = 'na'; $labels['at'] = 'v'; $labels['this'] = 'tento'; $labels['next'] = 'další'; $labels['yes'] = 'ano'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Ukládají se data...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Nepodařilo se uložit data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné úkoly odpovídající zadaným hlediskům'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Datum začátku nesmí být větší než datum vyřízení.'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Datum začátku a dokončení musí buď oba nebo žádný uvádět čas.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Opakující se úkoly vyžadují buďto datum zahájení nebo termín splnění.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Opravdu chcete smazat tento úkol?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Opravdu chcete smazat tento úkol a všechny jeho podúkoly?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Opravdu chcete smazat tento seznam se všemi jeho úkoly?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Opravdu chcete smazat tento seznam se všemi jeho podseznamy a úkoly?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Nemáte administrátorská práva k tomuto seznamu úkolů.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Aktualizovat úkol'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Chcete uvědomit účastníky o změnách?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Chcete uvědomit pořadatele o změně stavu?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Datum a název nového úkolu'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Rychlé přidání nového úkolu'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Hledání úkolů'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Zadání hledání úkolu'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Hledání seznamů úkolů'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Režim seznamu'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Seznam úkolů'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Pověřenec'; $labels['role'] = 'Role'; $labels['availability'] = 'Dost.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Stav'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Přidat pověřence'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Pořadatel'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Povinný'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Nepovinný'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Předseda'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Pozorovatel'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Poslat pozvánky'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Uvědomit pověřence o změnách'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Uvědomit pověřence o zrušení úkolu'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Byl(a) jste přidělen(a) k "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDokdy: \$date\n\nPřiděleno: \$attendees\n\nPodrobnosti o úkolu najdete v přiloženém souboru typu iCalendar. Můžete si ho nahrát do programu na úkoly."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = 'Událost "$title" byla aktualizována'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Úkol, který se vás týká, byl aktualizován'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDokdy: \$date\n\nPřiděleno: \$attendees\n\nAktualizované podrobnosti o úkolu najdete v přiloženém souboru typu iCalendar. Můžete si ho nahrát do programu na úkoly."; $labels['itipcancelsubject'] = 'Událost "$title" byla zrušena'; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDokdy: \$date\n\nPřiděleno: \$attendees\n\nÚkol byl zrušen \$organizer.\n\nAktualizované podrobnosti o úkolu najdete v přiloženém souboru typu iCalendar."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'uložit do'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historie'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Historie změn'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Změny od $rev1 do $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Nepodařilo se nahrát data úkolu'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Historie změn není pro tento úkol dostupná'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Pro vybrané verze není žádné srovnání možné'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Opravdu chcete obnovit změnu $rev tohoto úkolu? Tímto dojde k nahrazení nynějšího úkolu starou verzí.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Pozměnění $rev úspěšně obnoveno'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Nepodařilo se obnovit staré pozměnění'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'Úkol, na který tato zpráva odkazuje nebyl nalezen ve vašem seznamu úkolů.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender přijal přidělení úkolu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date\n\nZadávající: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender předběžně přijal přidělení k následujícímu úkolu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date\n\nPřiděleno: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender odmítl přidělení k následujícímu úkolu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date\n\nPřiděleno: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender odmítl vaše přidělení k následujícímu úkolu:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender nastavil stav následujícího úkolu na probíhající:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender dokončil tento úkol:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender delegoval následující úkol:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender vám delegoval následující úkol:\n\n*\$title*\n\nTermín: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Pověřená osoba přijala'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Pověřená osoba předběžně přijala'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Pověřená osoba odmítla'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Pověřená osoba pověřila $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Pověřená osoba na úkolu pracuje'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Pověřená osoba úkol dokončila'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Přijímáte tuto přidělenou práci?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Odmítnout své přidělení k tomuto úkolu. Říct o tom pořadateli'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Také chcete tento odmítnutý úkol smazat ze svého seznamu úkolů?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Poznámka k pozvání/oznámení'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Tato poznámka bude připojena ke zprávě s pozváním/oznámením poslané pověřeným osobám'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Oznámení zasláno pověřeným osobám'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Nepodařilo se poslat oznámení pověřeným osobám'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Odstranit z mých úkolů'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegovat přidělení'; $labels['andnmore'] = 'dalších $nr...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Pověřený:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Pověřující:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Uložit do úkolů'; $labels['comment'] = 'Poznámka'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Nepodařilo se zavést úkol(y)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Kopie tohoto úkolu již je ve vašem seznamu úkolů.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Úspěšně zavedeno $nr úkolů'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Existuje již novější verze tohoto úkolu! Operace byla zrušena.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Nebyl nalezen žádný seznam úkolů, do kterého by šlo uložit tento úkol.'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Úkol byl úspěšně přidán do \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Úkol byl úspěšně aktualizován v \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Stav účastníka byl úspěšně aktualizován'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Nepodařilo se odeslat odpověď na toto přidělení úkolu'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Tato pozvánka již není platná'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Odpověď na přidělení byla úspěšně odeslána na adresu $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Úkol byl úspěšně smazán.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Volby pro třídění úkolů'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/da_DK.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/da_DK.inc index daff67b3..a81c8d8f 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/da_DK.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/da_DK.inc @@ -1,187 +1,190 @@ CalDAV-klientprogram (eks. Evolution eller Mozilla Thunderbird) for at synkronisere denne specifikke opgaveliste med din computer eller mobilenhed.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Ny opgave'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Create Task '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Opret ny opgave (eks. Lørdag, Slå græsplænen)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Gem som opgave'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Udskriv opgaver'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Udskriv beskrivelser'; $labels['mark'] = 'Markér'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Fravælg'; $labels['edit'] = 'Redigér'; $labels['delete'] = 'Slet'; $labels['title'] = 'Titel'; $labels['description'] = 'Beskrivelse'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Forfalder'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Start'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Påmindelse'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Gentag'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Annulleret'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Tilvalg'; $labels['all'] = 'Alle'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Markeret'; $labels['complete'] = 'Udført'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Forfalden'; $labels['today'] = 'I dag'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'I morgen'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Næste 7 dage'; $labels['later'] = 'Senere'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'ingen dato'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Fjern'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Detaljer'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Ny opgave'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Redigér opgave'; $labels['save'] = 'Gem'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Annullér'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Tilføj delopgave'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Slet opgave'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Slet kunne denne opgave'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Slette inklusive alle delopgaver'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Resumé'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Gentagelse'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Vedhæftninger'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Deling'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Redigér liste'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Tilføj liste'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Tilvalg for liste...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Navn'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['import'] = 'Import'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Vis kun denne liste'; $labels['on'] = 'til'; $labels['at'] = 'ved'; $labels['this'] = 'denne'; $labels['next'] = 'næste'; $labels['yes'] = 'ja'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Gemmer data...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Kunne ikke gemme data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Fandt ingen opgaver ud fra angivne kriterie'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Startdato må ikke være senere end tidsfrist.'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'For start- og forfaldsdato skal der angives et tidspunkt for begge eller for ingen af dem.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Tilbagevendende opgaver kræver enten en start- eller forfaldsdato.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Vil du virkelig slette denne opgave?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Vil du virkelig slette denne opgaver og alle dens delopgaver?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Vil du virkelig slette denne liste og alle dens opgaver?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Vil du virkelig slette denne liste og alle dens dellister og opgaver?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Rolle'; $labels['availability'] = 'Tilg.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organisator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Påkrævet'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Valgfri'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Formand'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Send invitationer'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" er blevet opdateret'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historik'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Ændringshistorik'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Ændringer fra $rev1 til $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Kunne ikke indlæse opgavedata'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Ændringshistorikken er ikke tilgængelig for denne opgave'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Det er ikke muligt at sammenligne de valgte revisioner'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Sikker på at du vil genskabe revision $rev af denne opgave? Dette vil erstatte den nuværende opgave med den tidligere version.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev blev genskabt'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Mislykkedes med at genskabe den gamle revision'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr flere...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Opdatering af deltagernes status blev gennemført'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Denne invitation er ikke længere gyldig'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/de_CH.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/de_CH.inc index 1abf6caa..05ac0772 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/de_CH.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/de_CH.inc @@ -1,99 +1,102 @@ CalDAV Client-Anwendung (z.B. Evolution oder Mozilla Thunderbird), um diese spezifische Aufgabenliste mit Ihrem Computer oder Mobilgerät zu synchronisieren.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Neue Aufgabe'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Aufgabe erstellen '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Neue Aufgabe erstellen (z.B. Samstag, Rasen mähen)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Aufgabe speichern'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Aufgaben drucken'; -$labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Beschreibung drucken'; +$labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Beschreibungen drucken'; $labels['mark'] = 'Markieren'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Markierung entfernen'; $labels['edit'] = 'Bearbeiten'; $labels['delete'] = 'Löschen'; $labels['title'] = 'Titel'; $labels['description'] = 'Beschreibung'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Fällig'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Frist'; $labels['start'] = 'Beginn'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Startzeit'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Erinnerung'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Wiederholung'; $labels['links'] = 'Referenz'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Braucht Aktion'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In Bearbeitung'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Abgeschlossen'; -$labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Hinfällig'; +$labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Abgesagt'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Zugewiesen an'; $labels['created'] = 'Erstellt'; -$labels['changed'] = 'Geändert'; +$labels['changed'] = 'Zuletzt geändert'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Optionen'; $labels['all'] = 'Alle'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Markiert'; $labels['complete'] = 'Abgeschlossen'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Fortschritt'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Überfällig'; $labels['today'] = 'Heute'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Morgen'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Innerhalb von 7 Tagen'; $labels['later'] = 'Später'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Zugewiesen'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Aufgaben, welche an andere vergeben wurden'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Meine Aufgaben'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'An mich übertragene Aufgaben'; $labels['nodate'] = 'Ohne Datum'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Entfernen'; $labels['removelink'] = 'E-Mail-Referenz entfernen'; $labels['auto'] = 'Automatisch'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Neue Aufgabe'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Aufgabe ändern'; $labels['save'] = 'Speichern'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Abbrechen'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Speichern und Benachrichtigen'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Teilaufgabe hinzufügen'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Aufgabe löschen'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Nur diese Aufgabe löschen'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Mit allen Teilaufgaben löschen'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Aufgabeneinstellungen...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Titel'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Wiederholung'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Zuweisungen'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Anhänge'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Freigabe'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Liste bearbeiten'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Liste hinzufügen'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Listeneinstellungen…'; $labels['listname'] = 'Name'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['import'] = 'Importieren'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Ansicht-Aktionen'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Nur diese Liste anzeigen'; $labels['on'] = 'am'; $labels['at'] = 'um'; $labels['this'] = 'dies'; $labels['next'] = 'weiter'; $labels['yes'] = 'Ja'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Daten werden gespeichert…'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Daten konnten nicht gespeichert werden.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Keine Aufgabe erfüllt die angelegten Kriterien'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Das Anfangsdatum muss vor dem Fälligkeitsdatum liegen.'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Start- und Enddatum müssen entweder beide oder keins eine Zeit enthalten.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Wiederkehrende Aufgaben erfordern entweder ein Start- oder Enddatum.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Diese Aufgabe wirklich mit allen Teilaufgaben löschen?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Diese Aufgabenliste wirklich mit allen Aufgaben löschen?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Soll diese Liste wirklich mit allen Aufgaben und Unterlisten gelöscht werden?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Der Zugriff auf diese Aufgabenliste erfordert Administrator-Rechte.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Aufgabe ändern'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Wollen Sie die beauftragten Teilnehmer über diese Änderung informieren?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Wollen Sie den Organisator über die Statusänderung benachrichtigen?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Neue Aufgabe Datum und Titel'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Neue Aufgabe schnell hinzufügen'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Suchformular für Aufgaben'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Sucheingabe für Aufgaben'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Sucheingabe für Aufgabenlisten'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Listenmodus'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Aufgabenauflistung'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Beauftragter'; $labels['role'] = 'Rolle'; $labels['availability'] = 'Verfüg.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Beauftragten hinzufügen'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organisator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Erforderlich'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Vorsitz'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Beobachter'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Einladungen versenden'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Beauftragte Teilnehmer über die Änderung informieren'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Beauftragte Teilnehmer über die Stornierung informieren'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Ihnen wurde "$title" zugewiesen'; -$labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit allen Aufgabendetails, welche in Ihre Aufgabenanwendung importiert werden kann."; +$labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit allen Aufgabendetails, welche in Ihre Aufgabenanwendung importiert werden kann."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" wurde aktualisiert'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Eine ihrer Aufgabe wurde aktualisiert'; -$labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den aktualisierten Aufgabendetails, welche in Ihre Aufgabenanwendung importiert werden kann."; +$labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den aktualisierten Aufgabendetails, welche in Ihre Aufgabenanwendung importiert werden kann."; $labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" wurde abgesagt'; -$labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nDie Aufgabe wurde durch \$organizer storniert.\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den aktualisierten Aufgabendetails."; +$labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nTeilnehmer: \$attendees\n\nDie Aufgabe wurde durch \$organizer storniert.\n\nAngehängt finden Sie eine iCalendar-Datei mit den aktualisierten Aufgabendetails."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'speichern in'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historie'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Änderungshistorie'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Änderungen aus $rev1 nach $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Fehler beim Laden der Aufgabendaten'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Änderung der Historie ist nicht verfügbar für diese Aufgabe.'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Vergleich für die gewählten Versionen nicht möglich'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie wirklich die Version $rev dieser Aufgabe wiederherstellen? Dies wird die aktuelle Aufgabe mit der alten Version ersetzen.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev erfolgreich wiederhergestellt'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Fehler beim Wiederherstellen der alten Revision'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'Die Aufgabe, auf welche sich diese Nachricht bezieht, wurde nicht in Ihrer Aufgabenliste gefunden.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender hat die Zuweisung folgender Aufgabe akzeptiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nVerantwortlich: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender hat die Zuweisung folgender Aufgabe unter Vorbehalt akzeptiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nVerantwortlich: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender hat die Zuweisung folgender Aufgabe abgeleht:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date\n\nVerantwortlich: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender hat die Zuweisung folgender Aufgabe abgeleht:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender hat den Status folgender Aufgabe auf in-Bearbeitung gesetzt:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender hat folgende Aufgabe abgeschlossen:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender hat folgende Aufgabe delegiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender hat folgende Aufgabe an Sie delegiert:\n\n*\$title*\n\nFällig: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Delegierter hat akzeptiert'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Delegierter hat unter Vorbehalt akzeptiert'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Delegierter hat abgelehnt'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Zugewiesener hat zu $delegatedto delegiert'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Delegierter ist in Bearbeitung '; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Delegierter hat abgeschlossen'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Akzeptieren Sie die Zuweisung?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Lehnen Sie to Zuweisung dieser Aufgabe ab'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Möchten Sie diese abgelehnete Aufgabe aus Ihrer Aufgabenliste löschen?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Kommentar zur Einladungs-/Benachrichtigungsnachricht'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Dieser Kommentar wird der Benachrichtigung an andere Delegierte hinzugefügt'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Benachrichtigung an Delegierte gesendet'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Senden der Benachrichtigung an Delegierte fehlgeschlagen'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Aus meinen Aufgaben entfernen'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Zuweisung delegieren'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr weitere...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegiert an:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegiert von:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'In den Aufgaben speichern'; $labels['comment'] = 'Kommentar'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Fehler beim Importieren der Aufgabe(n)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Eine Kopie dieser Aufgabe exisistiert bereits in Ihrer Aufgabenliste'; $labels['importsuccess'] = '$nr Aufgaben erfolgreich importiert'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Eine neuere Version dieser Aufgabe existiert bereits! Abbruch.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Keine Aufgabenliste zum Speichern der Aufgabe gefunden'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich unter \'$list\' gespeichert'; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich in \'$list\' aktualisiert'; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Teilnehmerstatus erfolgreich aktualisiert'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Senden der Antwort auf diese Aufgabenzuweisung fehlgeschlagen'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Diese Einladung ist nicht mehr gültig.'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Antwort auf Aufgabenzuweisung erfolgreich an $mailto versendet'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Diese Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.'; $labels['invalidlistproperties'] = 'Ungültige Listeneigenschaften! Bitte einen gültigen Namen eingeben.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Aufgaben-Sortierungsoptionen'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_AR.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_AR.inc index b8dcdb22..08e0b4bf 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_AR.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_AR.inc @@ -1,170 +1,193 @@ CalDAV (por ejemplo, Evolution o Mozilla Thunderbird) para sincronizar esta lista de tareas específica con su ordenador o dispositivo móvil.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nueva Tarea'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Crear Tarea '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Crear nueva Tarea (ej. Sábado, Cortar el césped)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Guardar como tarea'; +$labels['printtitle'] = 'Imprimir tareas'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Imprimir descripciones'; $labels['mark'] = 'Marcar'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Desmarcar'; $labels['edit'] = 'Editar'; $labels['delete'] = 'Eliminar'; $labels['title'] = 'Título'; $labels['description'] = 'Descripción'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Vencimiento'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Fecha de vencimiento'; $labels['start'] = 'Inicio'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Hora de inicio'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Recordatorio'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repetir'; +$labels['links'] = 'Referencia'; $labels['status'] = 'Estado'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Necesita acción'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'En proceso'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completo'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancelado'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Asignado a'; $labels['created'] = 'Creado'; $labels['changed'] = 'Última modificación'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opciones'; $labels['all'] = 'Todos'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Marcado'; $labels['complete'] = 'Completar'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progreso'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Pasado de vencimiento'; $labels['today'] = 'Hoy'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Mañana'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Siguientes 7 días'; $labels['later'] = 'Luego'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Asignado'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tareas que ha asignado a otros'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Mis tareas'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tareas asignadas a usted'; $labels['nodate'] = 'sin fecha'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Elminiar'; +$labels['removelink'] = 'Eliminar referencia de correo'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Detalles'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nueva Tarea'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Editar Tarea'; $labels['save'] = 'Guardar'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancelar'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Guardar y Notificar'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Agregar subtarea'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Eliminar tarea'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Eliminar sólo esta tarea'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Eliminar con todas las subtareas'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Opciones de la tarea...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Sumario'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrencia'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Asignaciones'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Adjuntos'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Compartir'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Editar lista'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Agregar lista'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opciones de la lista...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nombre'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Mostrar alarmas'; $labels['import'] = 'Importar'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Ver acciones'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Ver sólo esta lista'; $labels['on'] = 'sobre'; $labels['at'] = 'en'; $labels['this'] = 'este'; $labels['next'] = 'siguiente'; $labels['yes'] = 'si'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Guardando...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Fallo al guardar datos.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'No se encontraron tareas para la búsqueda seleccionada'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'La fecha de inicio no debe ser superior a la fecha de vencimiento'; +$labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Las fechas de inicio o límite deben especificar un valor ambos o ninguno'; +$labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Las tareas recurrentes requieren una fecha de inicio o una fecha límite'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar esta tarea'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar esta tarea junto con todas sus subtareas'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar esta lista con todas sus tareas'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Confirme que desea eliminar esta lista con todas sus sublistas y tareas'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'No tiene permisos de administrador en esta lista de tareas'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Actualizar tarea'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Confirme que desea notificar a los asistentes sobre la modificación'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Confirme que desea notificar al organizador sobre el cambio de estado'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Nueva fecha y título de la tarea'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Nueva tarea rápida'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsqueda de tarea'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Entrada de búsqueda de tarea'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Formulario de búsquedas de listas de tareas'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Modo de lista'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Listado de tareas'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Asignado'; $labels['role'] = 'Rol'; $labels['availability'] = 'Disp.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Estado'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Agregar asignación'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizador'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Requerido'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Jefe'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observador'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Enviar invitaciones'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notificar a los asignados sobre las modificaciones'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notificar a los asignados sobre la cancelación de la tarea'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Ha sido asignado a "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees\n\nEncontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles de la tarea, el cual puede importar a su aplicación de tareas."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" ha sido actualizado'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Una tarea que le interesa ha sido actualizada'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees\n\Encontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles de la tarea, el cual puede importar a su aplicación de tareas."; +$labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" ha sido cancelado'; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees\n\La tarea ha sido cancelada por \$organizer.\n\nEncontrará adjunto un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles actualizados de la tarea."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'guardar en'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historial'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Cambiar Historial'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Cambios de $rev1 a $rev2'; +$labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Fallo al cargar datos de la tarea'; +$labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Cambiar historial no está disponible para esta tarea'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No es posible comparar las revisiones seleccionadas'; +$labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Confirme que quiere recuperar la revisión $rev de esta tarea. Esta acción reemplazará la tarea actual con la versión anterior.'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revisión $rev recuperada exitosamente'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Fallo al restaurar el evento anterior'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'La tarea referida por este mensaje no fue encontrada en su lista de tareas.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender ha aceptado la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender ha tentativamente aceptado la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ha rechazado la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date\n\nAsignados: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender ha rechazado tu asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender ha cambiado el estado de la siguiente tarea a en proceso:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender ha completado la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender ha delegado la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date"; +$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender ha delegado la siguiente tarea a usted:\n\n*\$title*\n\nVencimiento: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'La persona asignada ha aceptado'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'La persona asignada ha aceptado tentativamente'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'La persona asignada ha rechazado'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'La persona asignada ha delegado a $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'La asignación está en proceso'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'La persona asignada ha completado'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = '¿Acepta esta asignación?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Rechace su asignación a esta tarea al organizador'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = '¿Quiere también eliminar esta tarea rechazado de su lista de tareas?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Comentario de la invitación/notificación'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Este comentario será adjuntado al mensaje de invitación/notificación enviado a las personas asignadas'; +$labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notificación enviada a las personas asignadas'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Fallo al enviar las notificaciones de la tarea a las personas asignadas'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Eliminar de mis tareas'; +$labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegar asignación'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr más...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegado a:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegado de:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Guardar como tareas'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comentario'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Fallo al importar tarea(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Una copia de esta tarea ya existe en su lista de tareas.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Importadas $nr tareas exitosamente'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Ya existe una versión actualizada de esta tarea. Cancelado.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No hay lista de tareas para guardar esta tarea'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'La tarea fue guardada en \'$list\' exitosamente'; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'La tarea fue actualizada exitosamente en \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Se actualizaron los estados de los participantes exitosamente'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Fallo enviando la respuesta a la asignación de esta tarea'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Esta invitación no es válida'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Se envió la respuesta a la asignación a $mailto exitosamente'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'La tarea ha sido eliminada exitosamente.'; +$labels['invalidlistproperties'] = 'Propiedades de la lista erroneas. Por favor ingrese un nombre válido.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Opciones de orden de tareas'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_ES.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_ES.inc index 0c614a7c..4a6fe0b6 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_ES.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/es_ES.inc @@ -1,187 +1,190 @@ CalDAV cliente (Evolution o Mozilla Thunderbidr) para sincronizar esta tarea con su ordenador o celular.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nueva tarea'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Crear tarea '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Crear nueva tarea (ejemplo. Sábado, Cortar el césped)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Salvar tarea'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Imprimir tarea'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Imprimir descripción '; $labels['mark'] = 'Marcar'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Desmarcar'; $labels['edit'] = 'Editar'; $labels['delete'] = 'Borrar'; $labels['title'] = 'Título'; $labels['description'] = 'Descripción'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Esperado'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Plazo estipulado'; $labels['start'] = 'Inicio'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Tiempo de inicio'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Recordatorio'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repetir'; $labels['links'] = 'Referencia'; $labels['status'] = 'Estado'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Necesita acción'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'En proceso'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Realizado'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancelado'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Asignado a'; $labels['created'] = 'Creado'; $labels['changed'] = 'Última modificación'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opciones'; $labels['all'] = 'Todo'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Marcado'; $labels['complete'] = 'Completar'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progreso'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Atrasado'; $labels['today'] = 'Hoy'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Mañana'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Próximos 7 días'; $labels['later'] = 'Luego'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Asignado'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tareas que asigna a otros'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Mis tareas'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tareas asignadas a ti'; $labels['nodate'] = 'Sin fecha'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Eliminar'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Eliminar la referencia de correo electrónico'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Detalles'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nueva tarea'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Editar tarea'; $labels['save'] = 'Guardar'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancelar'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Salvar y notificar'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Añadir subtarea'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Borrar tarea'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Borrar solo esta tarea'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Borrar con todas las subtareas'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Opciones de tareas...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Sumario'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Se repite'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Asignaciones'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Adjuntos'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Compartir'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Editar lista'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Añadir lista'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opciones de lista...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nombre'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Mostrar recordatorios'; $labels['import'] = 'Importar'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Ver acciones'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Sólo ver esta lista'; $labels['on'] = 'en'; $labels['at'] = 'a'; $labels['this'] = 'esta'; $labels['next'] = 'próximo'; $labels['yes'] = 'sí'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Guardando datos...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Error al guardar los datos.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'No se encontraron tareas que coincidan con el criterio dado'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'La fecha de inicio no debe ser mayor que la fecha de vencimiento.'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Las fechas de inicio y vencimiento deben ser dispuestas en ambos casos o en ninguno.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Las tareas recurrentes requieren una fecha de inicio o vencimiento.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = '¿De verdad quiere eliminar esta tarea?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = '¿De verdad quiere eliminar esta tarea y todas sus subtareas?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = '¿De verdad quiere eliminar esta lista con todas sus tareas?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = '¿Realmente desea borrar esta lista con todos sus sub-listas y tareas?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Usted no tiene derechos de administrador en esta lista de tareas.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Actualizar tarea'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = '¿Quieres notificar a los asistentes acerca de la modificación?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = '¿Quieres notificar al organizador sobre el cambio de estado?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Nueva fecha de la tarea y el título'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Añadir nueva tarea rápida'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Búsqueda de tareas'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Búsqueda de tareas'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Búsqueda de listas de tareas '; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Modo de lista'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Listado de tareas'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Participantes'; $labels['role'] = 'Rol'; $labels['availability'] = 'Disponible'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Estado'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Añadir participante'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizador'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Requerido'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Silla'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observador'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Enviar invitaciones'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notificar a los asignados sobre modificaciones'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notificar a los asignados sobre la cancelación de tareas'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Usted ha sido asignado a "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nSe adjunta un archivo iCalendar con todos los detalles de la tarea, el mismo se puede importar a la aplicación de tareas."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" ha sido actualizada'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Una tarea que le concierne ha sido actualizada'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nSe adjunta un archivo iCalendar con los detalles de la tarea actualizada, el mismo se puede importar a la aplicación de tareas."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nLa tarea ha sido cancelado por \$organizer.\n\nSe adjunta un archivo iCalendar con los detalles de la tarea actualizada."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'salvar en'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historial'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Cambiar historial'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Cambiar de $rev1 a $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'No se pudo cargar los datos de la tarea'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Historial de cambios no está disponible para esta tarea'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No hay comparación posible que las revisiones seleccionadas'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = '¿Realmente desea restaurar la edición $rev de esta tarea? Esto reemplazará la tarea actual con la antigua versión.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revisión $rev restaurado correctamente'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'No se pudo restaurar la revisión antigua'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'La tarea referida por este mensaje no se encontró en su lista de tareas.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender ha aceptado la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender ha aceptado provisionalmente la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ha declinado la asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender ha rechazado su asignación a la siguiente tarea:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender ha establecido el estado de la siguiente tarea a: en proceso:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender ha completado la tarea siguiente:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender ha delegado la tarea siguiente:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender ha delegado la tarea siguiente para usted:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Asignado ha aceptado'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Asignado ha aceptado provisionalmente'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Asignado ha declinado'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Asignado ha delegado a $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Asignado está en proceso'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Asignado ha completado'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = '¿Acepta esta tarea?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Rechazar su asignación a esta tarea al organizador'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = '¿Usted también desea eliminar esta tarea declinada de su lista de tareas?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Añadir comentarios a la Invitación/notificación'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Este comentario se adjunta al mensaje de invitación/notificación enviada a los asignados.'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'La notificación enviada a los asignados'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'No se ha podido enviar la notificación a los asignados de esta tarea'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Borrar de mis tareas'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegar asignación'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr más...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegar a: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegado de:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Salvar a las tareas'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comentario'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Fallo al importar la(s) tarea(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Una copia de esta tarea ya existe en su lista de tareas.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Se ha importado $nr tareas correctamente'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Una nueva versión de esta tarea ya existe! Cancelado.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No se encontraron listas de tareas para guardar la tarea'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'La tarea ha sido añadido a \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'La tarea se ha actualizado correctamente en \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Se ha actualizado correctamente el estado del participante'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'No se pudo enviar la respuesta a esta asignación de tareas'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Esta invitación ya no es válida'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Respuesta de asignación con éxito enviada a $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'La tarea se ha eliminado correctamente.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Opciones de clasificación de tareas'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/et_EE.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/et_EE.inc index 94a896b0..4f1fd4bc 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/et_EE.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/et_EE.inc @@ -1,171 +1,174 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Create new Task (e.g. Saturday, Mow the lawn)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Save as task'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Print descriptions'; $labels['mark'] = 'Mark'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Unmark'; $labels['edit'] = 'Edit'; $labels['delete'] = 'Kustuta'; $labels['title'] = 'Pealkiri'; $labels['description'] = 'Description'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Due'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Start'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Reminder'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repeat'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['all'] = 'All'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Flagged'; $labels['complete'] = 'Complete'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Overdue'; $labels['today'] = 'Today'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Next 7 days'; $labels['later'] = 'Later'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'no date'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Remove'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['newtask'] = 'New Task'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Edit Task'; $labels['save'] = 'Salvesta'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Add subtask'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Delete task'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Delete this task only'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Delete with all subtasks'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Summary'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrence'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Attachments'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Sharing'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Edit list'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Add list'; $labels['listactions'] = 'List options...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nimi'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['import'] = 'Import'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'View only this list'; $labels['on'] = 'on'; $labels['at'] = 'at'; $labels['this'] = 'this'; $labels['next'] = 'next'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Saving data...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Failed to save data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'No tasks found for the given criteria'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Start date must not be greater than due date.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task and all its subtasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its tasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its sub-lists and tasks?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Role'; $labels['availability'] = 'Avail.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizer'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Kohustuslik'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Send invitations'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr more...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Kommentaar'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Successfully updated the participant\'s status'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'This invitation is no longer valid'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/fi_FI.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/fi_FI.inc index cff72c69..afe377d0 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/fi_FI.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/fi_FI.inc @@ -1,132 +1,137 @@ CalDAVia tukevaan sovellukseen (esim. Evolution tai Mozilla Thunderbird) synkronoidaksesi tämän yksittäisen tehtäväluettelon tietokoneesi tai mobiililaitteesi kanssa.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Uusi tehtävä'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Luo tehtävä '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Luo uusi tehtävä (esim. Sunnuntai, leikkaa ruoho)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Tallenna tehtävänä'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Tulosta tehtävät'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Tulosta kuvaukset'; $labels['mark'] = 'Merkitse'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Poista merkintä'; $labels['edit'] = 'Muokkaa'; $labels['delete'] = 'Poista'; $labels['title'] = 'Nimi'; $labels['description'] = 'Kuvaus'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Erääntyy'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Määräaika'; $labels['start'] = 'Alkaa'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Aloitusaika'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Muistutus'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Toista'; $labels['links'] = 'Viittaus'; $labels['status'] = 'Tila'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Vaatii toimenpiteitä'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'Prosessissa'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Valmis'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Peruttu'; $labels['created'] = 'Luotu'; $labels['changed'] = 'Viimeksi muokattu'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Valinnat'; $labels['all'] = 'Kaikki'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Liputettu'; $labels['complete'] = 'Valmiina'; +$labels['completeness'] = 'Edistyminen'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Myöhässä'; $labels['today'] = 'Tänään'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Huomenna'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Seuraavat 7 päivää'; $labels['later'] = 'Myöhemmin'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Siirretyt'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tehtävät, jotka määritit muille'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Omat tehtävät'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Sinulle määritetyt tehtävät'; $labels['nodate'] = 'ei päivää'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Poista'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Poista sähköpostiviittaus'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Tiedot'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Uusi tehtävä'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Muokkaa tehtävää'; $labels['save'] = 'Tallenna'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Peru'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Tallenna ja huomauta'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Lisää alitehtävä'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Poista tehtävä'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Poista vain tämä tehtävä'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Poista alitehtävineen'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Tehtävän valinnat...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Yhteenveto'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Toistuminen'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Liitteet'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Jakaminen'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Muokkaa listaa'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Lisää lista'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Listan valinnat...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nimi'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Näytä muistutukset'; $labels['import'] = 'Tuo'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Näytä toiminnot'; $labels['yes'] = 'kyllä'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Tallennetaan tietoja...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Tietojen tallenntaminen epäonnistui.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Ehtoja vastaavia tehtäviä ei löytynyt'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Aloituspäivän tulee olla vanhempi kuin eräpäivän.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Toistuvat tehtävät vaativat joko aloitus- tai määräpäivän.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tehtävän?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tehtävän kaikkine alitehtävineen?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän listan ja sen kaikki tehtävät?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän listan, sen alilistat ja tehtävät?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Sinulla ei ole ylläpitäjän oikeuksia tähän tehtävälistaan.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Päivitä tehtävä'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Haluatko huomauttaa järjestäjää tilamuutoksesta?'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Tehtävän pikalisäys'; $labels['role'] = 'Rooli'; $labels['availability'] = 'Saatavilla'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Tila'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Järjestäjä'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Vaadittu'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Valinnainen'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Kutsuja'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Lähetä kutsut'; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" on päivitetty'; $labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" on peruttu'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historia'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Muutoshistoria'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Muutokset versiosta $rev1 versioon $rev2'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Muutoshistoria ei ole käytettävissä tälle tehtävälle'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Valituille versioille ei ole mahdollista tehdä vertailua'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Versio $rev palautettu onnistuneesti'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Vanhan version palauttaminen epäonnistui'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Kutsun/herätteen kommentit'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Poista omista tehtävistä'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr lisää...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegoitu henkilölle:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegoitus henkilöltä:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Tallenna tehtäviin'; $labels['comment'] = 'Kommentti'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Tehtävien tuonti epäonnistui'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Kopio tästä tehtävästä on jo olemassa tehtävälistassasi.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = '$nr tehtävää tuotiin onnistuneesti'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Tästä tehtävästä on jo uudempi versio! Peruttiin toiminto.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Ei löytynyt tehtävälistaa, johon tallentaa tehtävä'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Tehtävä lisättiin listaan \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Osallistujan tila päivitetty onnistuneesti'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Kutsu ei ole enää kelvollinen'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Tehtävä poistettiin onnistuneesti.'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/fr_FR.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/fr_FR.inc index 7dfc8b93..3d596928 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/fr_FR.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/fr_FR.inc @@ -1,185 +1,188 @@ CalDAV (par exemple Evolution et Mozilla Thunderbird) afin de synchroniser cette liste de tâches spécifique avec votre ordinateur ou votre smartphone.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nouvelle tâche'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Créer une tâche '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Créer une nouvelle tâche (ex : Samedi, tondre la pelouse)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Sauvegarder comme une tâche'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Imprimer tâches'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Imprimer les descriptions'; $labels['mark'] = 'Sélectionner'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Désélectionner'; $labels['edit'] = 'Modifier'; $labels['delete'] = 'Supprimer'; $labels['title'] = 'Titre'; $labels['description'] = 'Description'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Fin'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Date de fin'; $labels['start'] = 'Début'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Date de début'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Rappel'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Répéter'; $labels['links'] = 'Référence'; $labels['status'] = 'Statut'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Action exigée'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'En cours'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Terminée'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Annulée'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Affectée à'; $labels['created'] = 'Créée'; $labels['changed'] = 'Dernière modification'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Options'; $labels['all'] = 'Tous'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Marqué'; $labels['complete'] = 'Terminé'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progression'; $labels['overdue'] = 'En retard'; $labels['today'] = 'Aujourd\'hui'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Demain'; $labels['next7days'] = '7 prochains jours'; $labels['later'] = 'Plus tard'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Affectée'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tâches que vous avez affecté à d\'autres'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Mes tâches'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tâches qui me sont affectées'; $labels['nodate'] = 'Pas de date'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Supprimer'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Enlever référence d\'e-mail'; $labels['auto'] = 'Automatique'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Détails'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nouvelle tâche'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Modifier la tâche'; $labels['save'] = 'Enregistrer'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Annuler'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Enregistrer et notifier'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Ajouter une sous-tâche'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Supprimer la tâche'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Supprimer seulement cette tâche'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Supprimer avec toutes les sous-tâches'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Options de la tâche...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Résumé'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Récurrence'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Affectations'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Pièces jointes'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Partage'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Modifier une liste'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Ajouter une liste'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Plus d\'options...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nom'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Afficher les rappels'; $labels['import'] = 'Importer'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Voir les actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Afficher uniquement cette liste'; $labels['on'] = 'sur'; $labels['at'] = 'à'; $labels['this'] = 'ce'; $labels['next'] = 'suivant'; $labels['yes'] = 'oui'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Enregistrer...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Échec lors de la sauvegarde des donnés'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Pas de tâche trouvé avec les critères sélectionnés'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'La date de début ne doit pas être supérieur à la date de fin'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Les dates de début et de fin d\'échéance doivent toutes les deux spécifier une heure ou pas.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'La tâches récurrentes exigent une date soit de début soit de fin d\'échéance.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette tâche?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette tâche et ses sous-tâches?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette liste et toutes ses tâches?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette liste avec tous ses sous-listes et tâches?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Vous ne disposez pas des droits d´ administrateur pour cette liste de tâches.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Modifier la tâche'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Voulez-vous avertir les invitées à propos de cette modification ?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Voulez-vous avertir l\'organisateur a propos du changement de statut ?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Nouvelle tâche, date et titre'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Ajout rapide d\'une nouvelle tâche'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Recherche de tâches'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Saisie d\'une recherche de tâche'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Recherche de listes de tâches'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Type de liste'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Liste des tâches'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Utilisateurs affectés'; $labels['role'] = 'Rôle'; $labels['availability'] = 'Dispo.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Statut'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Affecter un utilisateur'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organisateur'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Requis'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optionel'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observateur'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Envoyer les invitations'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Avertir les utilisateurs concernant les modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Avertir les utilisateurs concernant l\'annulation de la tâche'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Vous avez été affecté à la tâche "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFin: \$date\n\nAffectée à : \$attendees\n\nVous trouverez en attachement un objet de type iCalendar comprenant le détail de cette tâche et que vous pouvez importer dans votre gestionnaire de tâches."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" a été modifié'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Une tâche vous concernant a été modifiée'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date\n\nAffectée à : \$attendees\n\nVous trouverez en attachement un objet de type iCalendar comprenant le détail de cette tâche modifiée et que vous pouvez importer dans votre gestionnaire de tâches."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date\n\nAffectée à : \$attendees\n\nLa tâche a été supprimée par \$organizer.\n\nous trouverez en attachement un objet de type iCalendar comprenant le détail de cette tâche."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'Sauvegardé dans'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historique'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Historique des modifications'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Modifications depuis $rev1 jusqu\'à $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Échec lors du chargement des données de taches'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Il n\'y a pas d\'historique des modifications pour cette tâche'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'La comparaison des versions sélectionnées est impossible'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Voulez-vous vraiment restaurer la version $rev de cet tâche ? Cela va remplacer l\'événement courant par l\'ancienne version.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'La révision $rev a été restaurée avec succès'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Échec lors de la restauration de la précédente révision'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'La tâche correspondant à ce massage n\'a pas été trouvée dans votre liste de têches.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender a accepté l'affectation à cette tâche :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date\n\nAffectée à : \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender va tenter d’accepter l'affectation à cette tâche :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date\n\nAffectée à : \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ne pourra probablement pas accepter l'affectation à cette tâche :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date\n\nAffectée à: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender a refusé l'affectation à cette tâche :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender a fixer le statut de la tâche suivante dans l'état \"en cours de traitement\" :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin : \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender a fini la tâche suivante :\n\n*\$title*\n\nFin: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'L\'utilisateur a accepté l\'affectation'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'L\'utilisateur va tenté d\'accepter l\'affectation'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'L\'utilisateur a décliné l\'affectation'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'L\'affectation a été délégué à $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Cette tâche est en cours de traitement par les utilisateurs affectés'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Cette tâche a été traité par les utilisateurs affectés'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Acceptez-vous cet affectation ?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Décline à l\'organisateur votre affectation à cette tâche'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Voulez-vous supprimer cette tâche déclinée de votre liste ?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Commentaire d’invitation ou de notification'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Ce commentaire sera inséré au message d\'invitation envoyé aux utilisateurs affectés'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification envoyée aux utilisateurs assignés'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Erreur d\'envoi des notifications aux utilisateurs affectés à la tâche'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Supprimer de mes tâches'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Déléguer l\'affectation'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr de plus...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Délégué à :'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Délégué de :'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Sauvegarde des tâches'; $labels['comment'] = 'Commentaire'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Importation impossible'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Une copie de cette tâche existe déjà dans votre liste.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = '$nr tâches ont été importées avec succès'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Une version plus récente de cette tâche existe déjà ! Abandon.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Aucune liste trouvée pour sauvegarder cette tâche'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Cette tâche a été ajoutée avec succès à \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Cette tâche a été modifiée avec succès dans \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Le statut des participants a été modifié'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Impossible d\'envoyer la réponse de l\'utilisateur affecté à la tâche'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'C\'est invitation n\'est plus valide.'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'La réponse de l\'utilisateur affecté a été envoyé avec succès à $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Cette tâche a été supprimée avec succès.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Options de tri des tâches'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/he_IL.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/he_IL.inc index 4d5a40b4..eb79f45b 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/he_IL.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/he_IL.inc @@ -1,55 +1,58 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Új feladat címe'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Mentés feladatként'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Leírás nyomtatása'; $labels['mark'] = 'Jelölés be'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Jelölés ki'; $labels['edit'] = 'Módosítás'; $labels['delete'] = 'Törlés'; $labels['title'] = 'Tárgy'; $labels['description'] = 'Leírás'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Határidő'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Kezdet'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Emlékeztető'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Ismétlődik'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Stát.'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['all'] = 'Minden feladat'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Jelölt'; $labels['complete'] = 'Teljesített'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Túllépett'; $labels['today'] = 'Mai napi'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Holnapi'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Következő 7 napi'; $labels['later'] = 'Későbbi'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'Dátum nélküli'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Eltávolítás'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Részletek'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Új feladat'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Módosítás'; $labels['save'] = 'Mentés'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Mégse'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Új részfeladat'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Törlés'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Csak ezen feladat törlése'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Törlés részfeladatokkal együtt'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Tárgy'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Ismétlődés'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Mellékletek'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Megosztás'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Lista szerkesztése'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Lista hozzáadása'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Lista beállítások...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Név'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Emlékeztetők megjelenítése'; $labels['import'] = 'Importálás'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Csak ezen lista megjelenítése'; $labels['on'] = 'dátum'; $labels['at'] = 'időpont'; $labels['this'] = 'ezen'; $labels['next'] = 'következő'; $labels['yes'] = 'yes'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Adatok mentése...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Az adatok mentése nem sikerült'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'A megadott kritériumoknak nem felelt meg egy feladat sem'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'A kezdeti idő nem lehet később, mint a határidő'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a feladatot?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'DBiztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a feladatot, az összes részfeladattal együtt?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a listát, az összes benne lévő feladattal együtt?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a listát, az összes benne lévő listával és feladattal együtt?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Szerepkör'; $labels['availability'] = 'Elérh.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Stát.'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Szervező'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Kötelező'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcionális'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Elnöklő'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Meghívók küldése'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '$title - módosítva'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = 'még $nr ...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Beosztva ide: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Beosztva innen: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'A résztvevők adatai sikeresen frissítve'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Ez a meghívás már érvénytelen'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/it_IT.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/it_IT.inc index fb617368..39c98c43 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/it_IT.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/it_IT.inc @@ -1,170 +1,173 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Crea una nuova attività (es. Sabato, Falciare il prato)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Salva come attività'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Stampa descrizioni'; $labels['mark'] = 'Importante'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Non importante'; $labels['edit'] = 'Modifica'; $labels['delete'] = 'Elimina'; $labels['title'] = 'Titolo'; $labels['description'] = 'Descrizione'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Scadenza'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Ora scadenza'; $labels['start'] = 'Inizio'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Ora di inizio'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Promemoria'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Frequenza'; $labels['links'] = 'Riferimento'; $labels['status'] = 'Stato'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Necessaria azione'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In processo'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completato'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancellato'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assegnato a'; $labels['created'] = 'Creato'; $labels['changed'] = 'Ultima modifica'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opzioni'; $labels['all'] = 'Tutto'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Importanti'; $labels['complete'] = 'Fatto'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progresso'; $labels['overdue'] = 'In ritardo'; $labels['today'] = 'Oggi'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Domani'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Prossimi 7 giorni'; $labels['later'] = 'Dopo'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assegnato'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Attività che hai assegnato ad altri'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Mie attività'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Attività assegnate a te'; $labels['nodate'] = 'Senza data'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Elimina'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Rimuovi riferimento email'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Dettagli'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nuova attività'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Modifica attività'; $labels['save'] = 'Salva'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Annulla'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Salva e Notifica'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Aggiungi sotto-attività'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Elimina attività'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Elimina solo questa attività'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Elimina con tutte le sotto-attività'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Opzioni attività...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Oggetto'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Ricorrenza'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assegnazioni'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Allegati'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Condivisione'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Modifca elenco'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Aggiungi elenco'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opzioni elenco...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nome'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Mostra promemoria'; $labels['import'] = 'Importa'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Vedi azioni'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Mostra solo questo elenco'; $labels['on'] = 'su'; $labels['at'] = 'a'; $labels['this'] = 'questo'; $labels['next'] = 'prossimo'; $labels['yes'] = 'sì'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Salvataggio dati...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Salvataggio dati fallito.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Nessuna attività trovata.'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'La data di inizio non può essere successiva a quella di scadenza.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Eliminare davvero questa attività?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Eliminare davvero questa attività e tutte le sotto-attività?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Eliminare davvero questa lista con tutte le sue attività?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Eliminare davvero questa lista con tutte le sue sotto-liste e attività?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Non hai i diritti dell\'amministratore su questa lista attività.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Aggiorna attività'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Vuoi informare i partecipanti circa la modifica?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Vuoi informare l\'organizzatore del cambiamento di stato?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Nuova data attività e titolo'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Aggiunta veloce nuova attività'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Modulo ricerca attività'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Inserimento ricerca attività'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Modulo ricerca liste attività'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Modo lista'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Lista attività'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assegnatario'; $labels['role'] = 'Ruolo'; $labels['availability'] = 'Dispon.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Stato'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Aggiungi assegnatario'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizzatore'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Necessario'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Facoltativo'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Presidente'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Osservatore'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Manda inviti'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Informa gli assegnatari delle modifiche'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Informa gli assegnatari della cancellazione dell\'attività'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Sei stato assegnato a "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees\n\nIn allegato un file iCalendar con tutti i dettagli dell'attività che puoi importare nella tua applicazione di attività."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" è stato aggiornato'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Un\'attività che ti riguarda è stata aggiornata'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees\n\nIn allegato un file iCalendar con i dettagli dell'attività aggiornati che puoi importare nella tua applicazione di attività."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees\n\nL'attività è stata cancellata da \$organizer.\n\nIn allegato un file iCalendar con i dettagli dell'attività aggiornati "; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'Salva in'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Storico'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Storico modifiche'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Nessun confronto possibile tra le revisioni selezionate'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'L\'attività riportata da questo messaggio non è stata trovata nella tua lista attività.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender ha accettato l'assegnazione alla seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender ha provvisoriamente accettato l'assegnazione alla seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza:\$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ha rifiutato l'assegnazione alla seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date\n\nAssegnatari: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender ha rifiutato la tua assegnazione alla seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender ha impostato lo stato della seguente attività a in corso:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender ha completato la seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender ha delegato la seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender ha delegato a te la seguente attività:\n\n*\$title*\n\nScadenza: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'L\'assegnatario ha accettato'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'L\'assegnatario ha provvisoriamente accettato'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'L\'assegnatario ha rifiutato'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'L\'assegnatario ha delegato a $delegatedto'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Accetti questa assegnazione?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Commento all\'invito/notifica'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Questo commento verrà allegato al messaggio di invito/notifica inviato agli assegnatari'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notifica inviata agli assegnatari'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Impossibile inviare notifiche agli assegnatari dell\'attività'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Rimuovi dalle mie attività'; $labels['andnmore'] = 'Altri $nr...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegato a:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegato da:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Salva su attività'; $labels['comment'] = 'Commento'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Impossibile importare attività'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Una copia di questa attività esiste già nella tua lista attività.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Importate con successo $nr attività'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Una versione più recente di questa attività esiste già! Interrotto.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Nessuna lista attività trovata nella quale salvare l\'attività'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'L\'attività è stata aggiunta con successo a \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'L\'attività è stata aggiornata con successo in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Stato dei partecipanti aggiornato correttamente'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Impossibile spedire la risposta a questa assegnazione attività'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Questo invito non è più valido'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'L\'attività è stata cancellata con successo.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Opzioni ordinamento attività'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ja_JP.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ja_JP.inc index b13b62fa..8351abbc 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ja_JP.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ja_JP.inc @@ -1,187 +1,190 @@ CalDAV クライアントアプリケーションへこのアドレスをコピーしてください(たとえば エボリューションやMozillaサンダーバード)。'; $labels['newtask'] = '新しいタスク'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Create Task '; $labels['createnewtask'] = '新しいタスクの生成(例:土曜日、芝生を刈る)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'タスクとして保存'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'タスク印刷'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = '説明印刷'; $labels['mark'] = 'マーク'; $labels['unmark'] = 'マーク解除'; $labels['edit'] = '編集'; $labels['delete'] = '削除'; $labels['title'] = 'タイトル'; $labels['description'] = '説明'; $labels['datetime'] = '期限'; $labels['duetime'] = '期日'; $labels['start'] = '開始'; $labels['starttime'] = '開始時間'; $labels['alarms'] = '通知'; $labels['repeat'] = '繰返し'; $labels['links'] = '参照'; $labels['status'] = '状態'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'やるべき事'; $labels['status-in-process'] = '進行中'; $labels['status-completed'] = '完了'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'キャンセル済'; $labels['assignedto'] = '割当先'; $labels['created'] = '作成済'; $labels['changed'] = '最終変更'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'オプション'; $labels['all'] = '全て'; $labels['flagged'] = 'フラグ'; $labels['complete'] = '完了'; $labels['completeness'] = '進捗'; $labels['overdue'] = '期限切れ'; $labels['today'] = '今日'; $labels['tomorrow'] = '明日'; $labels['next7days'] = '翌 7 日'; $labels['later'] = '後で'; $labels['assigned'] = '割当済'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = '他へ割当てたタスク'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'マイ タスク'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = '自分に割当てられたタスク'; $labels['nodate'] = '期日なし'; $labels['removetag'] = '削除'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Eメール引用文の削除'; $labels['auto'] = '自動'; $labels['taskdetails'] = '詳細'; $labels['newtask'] = '新しいタスク'; $labels['edittask'] = 'タスク編集'; $labels['save'] = '保存'; $labels['cancel'] = 'キャンセル'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = '保存と通知'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'サブタスク追加'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'タスク削除'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'このタスクのみ削除'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = '全てのサブタスクも削除'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'タスク オプション...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = '要約'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = '繰返し'; $labels['tabassignments'] = '割当'; $labels['tabattachments'] = '添付'; $labels['tabsharing'] = '共有'; $labels['editlist'] = '一覧編集'; $labels['createlist'] = '一覧追加'; $labels['listactions'] = '一覧オプション'; $labels['listname'] = '名前'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'リマインド表示'; $labels['import'] = 'インポート'; $labels['viewactions'] = '行動ビュー'; $labels['focusview'] = 'このリストは閲覧のみ'; $labels['on'] = '上'; $labels['at'] = 'の'; $labels['this'] = 'この'; $labels['next'] = '次'; $labels['yes'] = 'はい'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'データを保存中…'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'データが保存できませんでした。'; $labels['notasksfound'] = '条件に該当するタスクは見つかりません'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = '開始日は終了日の前でなければいけません。'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = '開始と期日は両方とも時間を指定する、もしくは両方とも指定しないようにしなければいけません。'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = '繰返しタスクは開始と期日の両方が必要です。'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'このタスクを本当に削除しますか?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'このタスクとすべてのサブタスクを本当に削除しますか?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = '本当に、この一覧とすべてのタスクを一緒に削除しますか?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = '本当に全てのサブリストやタスクとともにこのリストを削除しますか?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'このタスクリストの管理権限がありません。'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'タスク更新'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'この変更について出席者へ通知しますか?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'ステータスの変更についてオーガナイザーへ通知しますか?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = '新しいタスク日時とタイトル'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = '新しいタスクのクイック追加'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'タスク検索元'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'タスク検索入力'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'タスクリスト検索元'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'リストモード'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'タスクリスト化'; $labels['attendee'] = '引受者'; $labels['role'] = 'ロール'; $labels['availability'] = '利用可'; $labels['confirmstate'] = '状態'; $labels['addattendee'] = '引受者追加'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = '編成者'; $labels['rolerequired'] = '要件'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'オプション'; $labels['rolechair'] = '議長'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = '傍聴人'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = '招待を送る'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = '変更を引受人に通知'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'タスクの中止を引受人へ通知'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = '"$title" へ割当られました'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n引受人: \$attendees\n\n添付されたあなたのタスクアプリケーションがインポート可能な全タスクの詳細を含むiカレンダーファイルを見つけてください。"; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" はアップデートされました'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'あなたに関連するイベントが更新されました'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n 引受人: \$attendees\n\n添付されたあなたのタスクアプリケーションにインポート可能なタスク更新の詳細を含むiカレンダーファイルを見つけてください。"; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n引受人: \$attendees\n\nタスクは \$organizer によってキャンセルされました。\n\n添付されたタスク詳細を含むiカレンダーファイルを見つけてください。"; $labels['saveintasklist'] = '保存'; $labels['taskhistory'] = '履歴'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = '変更履歴'; $labels['objectdiff'] = '$rev1 から $rev2 への変更'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'タスクデータのロードに失敗しました'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'このタスクの変更履歴は利用できません'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = '選択されたリビジョンでは比較できません'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = '本当にリビジョン $rev のタスクを復旧しますか? 現在のタスクは古いバージョンのタスクに置換えられます。'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'リビジョン $rev は復旧されました'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = '古いバージョンの復旧に失敗しました'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'このメッセージによって参照されるタスクはタスクリストには見つかりませんでした。'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクの割当を承諾しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n引受人: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクの割当を仮承諾しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n引受人: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクの割当を辞退しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date\n\n引受人: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクの割当を断りました: :\n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクのステータスを進行中にしました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクを完了しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクを代理しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender は以下のタスクをあなたへ代理しました: \n\n*\$title*\n\nいつ: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = '引受人は承諾しました'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = '引受人は仮承諾しました'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = '引受人は拒否しました'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = '引受人は $delegatedto へ代理しました'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = '引受人は進行中です'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = '引受人は完了しました'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'この割当を承諾しますか?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr さらに…'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = '出席者状況を更新しました'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'この招待は間もなく無効になります'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ko_KR.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ko_KR.inc index 319774c1..76ccd14e 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/ko_KR.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/ko_KR.inc @@ -1,46 +1,49 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Creer een nieuwe Taak (bijv. Zaterdag, gras maaien)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Als taak opslaan'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Taken afdrukken'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Print beschrijvingen'; $labels['mark'] = 'Markeren'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Demarkeren'; $labels['edit'] = 'Wijzigen'; $labels['delete'] = 'Verwijderen'; $labels['title'] = 'Titel'; $labels['description'] = 'Beschrijving'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Vóór'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Begin'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Herinnering'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Herhaal'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Afgelast'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opties'; $labels['all'] = 'Alle'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Gemarkeerd'; $labels['complete'] = 'Compleet'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Achterstallig'; $labels['today'] = 'Vandaag'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Morgen'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Volgende 7 dagen'; $labels['later'] = 'Later'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'geen datum'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Verwijder'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nieuwe Taak'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Taak Wijzigen'; $labels['save'] = 'Opslaan'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Annuleren'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Voeg subtaak toe'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Verwijder taak'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Verwijder alleen deze taak'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Verwijder inclusief subtaken'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Samenvatting'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Herhaling'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Toebehoren'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Delen'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Lijst wijzigen'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Lijst toevoegen'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Lijst opties...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Naam'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Laat herinneringen zien'; $labels['import'] = 'Importeren'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Bekijk alleen deze lijst'; $labels['on'] = 'op'; $labels['at'] = 'om'; $labels['this'] = 'deze'; $labels['next'] = 'volgende'; $labels['yes'] = 'ja'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Data wordt opgeslagen...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Fout in opslaan van data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Geen taken gevonden voor de gegeven criteria'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Begin datum kan niet later zijn dan vervaldag.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Wilt u deze taak echt verwijderen?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Wilt u deze taak en alle subtaken echt verwijderen?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Wilt u deze lijst met alle taken echt verwijderen?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Wilt u deze lijst en alle taken en subtaken echt verwijderen?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Rol'; $labels['availability'] = 'Beschikb.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organisatie'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Verplicht'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optioneel'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Voorzitter'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Verzend uitnodigingen'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" is gewijzigd'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Geschiedenis'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr meer...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Gedelegeerd aan'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Gedelegeerd door'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Opmerking'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Status van genodigde succesvol gewijzigd'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Deze uitnodiging is niet langer geldig'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pl_PL.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pl_PL.inc index a0d6f044..723f2a22 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pl_PL.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pl_PL.inc @@ -1,89 +1,96 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Utwórz nowe zadanie (np sobota, zrobić zakupy)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Zapisz jako zadanie'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Drukuj opisy'; $labels['edit'] = 'Edytuj'; $labels['delete'] = 'Usuń'; $labels['title'] = 'Tytuł'; $labels['description'] = 'Opis'; $labels['start'] = 'Start'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Początek'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Przypomnienie'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Powtórz'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Anulowane'; $labels['created'] = 'Utworzone'; $labels['changed'] = 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opcje'; $labels['all'] = 'Wszystko'; $labels['today'] = 'Dzisiaj'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Jutro'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Następne 7 dni'; $labels['later'] = 'Później'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Przydzielone'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Moje zadania'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Zadania przypisane do Ciebie'; $labels['nodate'] = 'brak daty'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Usuń'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Usuń odnośnik e-mail'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Szczegóły'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nowe zadanie'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Edytuj zadanie'; $labels['save'] = 'Zapisz'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Anuluj'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Dodaj podzadanie'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Usuń zadanie'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Usuń tylko to zadanie'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Usuń wraz z podzadaniami'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Opcje zadania'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Podsumowanie'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Powtarzalność'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Załączniki'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Udostępnianie'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Edytuj listę'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Dodaj listę'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opcje listy...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nazwa'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Pokaż powiadomienia'; $labels['import'] = 'Importuj'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Zapisuję dane...'; $labels['role'] = 'Rola'; $labels['availability'] = 'Dostępny'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Wymagane'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcjonalny'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Przewodniczący'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Wyślij zaproszenia'; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" zostało zaktualizowane'; +$labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" zostało anulowane'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Historia'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Historia zmian'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Zmiany od $rev1 do $rev2'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Nie można porównać wybranych wersji'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Wersja $rev została pomyślnie przywrócona'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Nie udało się przywrócić starej wersji'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Komentarz zaproszenia/powiadomienia'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr więcej...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Oddelegowany do:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Oddelegowany z:'; $labels['comment'] = 'Komentarz'; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Zaktualizowano status uczestnika.'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'To zaproszenie nie jest już aktualne.'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_BR.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_BR.inc index 1d6e62ac..80ceea2a 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_BR.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_BR.inc @@ -1,173 +1,176 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Criar nova Tarefa (ex.: Sábado, Cortar a grama)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Salvar como tarefa'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Descrições de impressão'; $labels['mark'] = 'Marcar'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Desmarcar'; $labels['edit'] = 'Editar'; $labels['delete'] = 'Deletar'; $labels['title'] = 'Título'; $labels['description'] = 'Descrição'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Due'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Início'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Lembrete'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repetir'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Situação'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancalado'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Opções'; $labels['all'] = 'Todos'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Marcado'; $labels['complete'] = 'Completado'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Atrasado'; $labels['today'] = 'Hoje'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Amanhã'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Próximos 7 dias'; $labels['later'] = 'Mais tarde'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'sem data'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Remover'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Detalhes'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nova Tarefa'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Editar Tarefa'; $labels['save'] = 'Gravar'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancelar'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Adicionar subtarefa'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Remover tarefa'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Remover esta tarefa somente'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Remover com todas as subtarefas'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Sumário'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Repetição'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Anexos'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Compartilhamento'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Editar lista'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Adicionar lista'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Opções da lista...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Nome'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['import'] = 'Importar'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'View only this list'; $labels['on'] = 'em'; $labels['at'] = 'no'; $labels['this'] = 'este'; $labels['next'] = 'próximo'; $labels['yes'] = 'sim'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Salvando dados...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Falha ao salvar dados.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Nenhuma tarefa encontrada com estes critérios'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Data de início não deve ser maior que data de término.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Você realmente quer remover esta tarefa?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Você realmente quer remover esta tarefa e todas suas subtarefas?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Você realmente quer remover esta lista com todas as suas tarefas?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its sub-lists and tasks?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Papel'; $labels['availability'] = 'Disp.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Situação'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizador'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Obrigatório'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Opcional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Enviar convites'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" foi atualizado'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr mais...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegado para:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegado de:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comentário'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'O status do participante foi atualizado com sucesso.'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Este convite não é mais válido'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_PT.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_PT.inc index f0440346..08deb5a3 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_PT.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/pt_PT.inc @@ -1,60 +1,63 @@ поддерживающий CalDAV (например, Evolution или Mozilla Thunderbird) для синхронизации данного списка задач со своим компьютером или мобильным устройством.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Новая задача'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Создать задачу '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Создать новую задачу (пример: Суббота, покосить газон)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Сохранить как задачу'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Напечатать задачи'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Печатать описания'; $labels['mark'] = 'Отметить'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Снять'; $labels['edit'] = 'Редактировать'; $labels['delete'] = 'Удалить'; $labels['title'] = 'Заголовок'; $labels['description'] = 'Описание'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Дата/Время'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Выполнить до'; $labels['start'] = 'Начало'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Время начала'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Напоминание'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Повторить'; $labels['links'] = 'Ссылка'; $labels['status'] = 'Статус'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Требует действия'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'В процессе'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Завершенные'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Отмененные'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Назначена'; $labels['created'] = 'Создана'; $labels['changed'] = 'Изменена'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Опции'; $labels['all'] = 'Все'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Отмеченные'; $labels['complete'] = 'Завершенные'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Прогресс'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Просроченные'; $labels['today'] = 'Сегодня'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Завтра'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Ближайшая неделя'; $labels['later'] = 'Позднее'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Назначена'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Задачи, которые вы назначили другим'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Мои задачи'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Задачи, назначенные вам'; $labels['nodate'] = 'без даты'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Убрать'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Удалить ссылку на письмо'; $labels['auto'] = 'Авто'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Подробнее'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Новая задача'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Редактировать задачу'; $labels['save'] = 'Сохранить'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Отмена'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Сохранить и оповестить'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Добавить подзадачу'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Удалить задачу'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Удалить только эту задачу'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Удалить задачу и все ее подзадачи'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Настройки задачи...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Сводка'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Повтор'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Задания'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Вложения'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Поделиться'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Изменить список'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Добавить список'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Действия со списком...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Название'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Показывать напоминания'; $labels['import'] = 'Импорт'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Просмотр действий'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Просмотреть только этот список'; $labels['on'] = 'в'; $labels['at'] = 'в'; $labels['this'] = 'этот'; $labels['next'] = 'следующий'; $labels['yes'] = 'да'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Сохранение данных...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Не удалось сохранить.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'По заданному условию не найдено задач'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Начальная дата не может превышать конечную.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Повторяющиеся задачи требуют даты начала или завершения.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Вы действительно хотите удалить эту задачу?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Вы действительно хотите удалить эту задачу и все ее подзадачи?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Вы действительно хотите удалить этот список и все его задачи?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Вы действительно хотите удалить этот список и все его задачи?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'У вас нет административных прав над этим списком задач.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Обновить задачу'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Вы хотите уведомлять участников об изменениях?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Вы хотите уведомлять организатора об изменениях статуса?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Дата и заголовок новой задачи'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Быстро создать задачу'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Форма поиска задач'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Поиск задач'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Форма поиска списка задач'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Списком'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Список задач'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Ответственный'; $labels['role'] = 'Роль'; $labels['availability'] = 'Доступность'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Статус'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Добавить ответственного'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Организатор'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Обязательный'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Необязательный'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Место'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Наблюдатель'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Отправить приглашения'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Оповестить ответственных о изменениях'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Оповестить ответственных об отмене задачи'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Вас назначили ответственным за "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nКогда: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees\n\nПожалуйста найдите вложения в iCalendar файл со всеми задачами которое Вы можете импортировать в вашу программу задач."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" было обновлено'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Задача, касающаяся вас, была обновлена'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nКогда: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees\n\nПожалуйста найдите вложения в iCalendar файл со всеми деталями задач которое Вы можете импортировать в вашу программу задач."; $labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" была отменена'; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nКогда: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees\n\nЭто событие отменено \$organizer.\n\nПожалуйста посмотрите вложение в iCalendar файл которое обновит детали задачи."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'сохранить в '; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'История'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'История изменений'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Изменения с $rev1 до $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Не удалось загрузить данные задачи'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'История изменений для этой задачи недоступна'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Невозможно провести сравнение выбранных ревизий '; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Вы уверенны, что хотите восстановить этоу задачу из ревизии $rev? Она заменит текущую задачу старой версией. '; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Ревизия $rev успешно восстановлена'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Не удалось восстановить старую ревизию'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'Задача, упомянутая в этом сообщении, не найдена в вашем списке задач.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender принял назначение ответственным за задание:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender предварительно принял назначение ответственным за задание:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender отказался от назначения ответственным за задание:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date\n\nОтветственные: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender отклонил ваше назначение ответственным за задание:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender установил статус \"в процессе\" для задачи:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender выполнил задачу:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender перепоручил(а) задачу:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender перепоручил(а) Вам задачу:\n\n*\$title*\n\nВыполнить до: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Ответственный принял'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Ответственный предварительно принял'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Ответственный отказался'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Ответственный перепоручил $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Ответственный в процессе'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Ответственный завершил'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Вы принимаете это задание?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Оповестить организатора о вашем отказе от задания'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Хотите ли вы так же удалить эту отклонённую задачу из вашего списка задач?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Комментарий к приглашению/извещению'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Этот комментарий будет прикреплен к приглашению/оповещению, отправляемому ответственным'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Уведомление отправлено ответственным'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Не удалось отправить оповещения ответственным'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Удалить из моих задач'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Назначение представителей'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr больше...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Поручено:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Поручено от:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Сохранить в задачи'; $labels['comment'] = 'Комментарий'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Не удалось импортировать задачи'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Копия этой задачи уже есть в вашем списке задач.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Успешно импортированы $nr задач'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Новая версия этой задачи уже существует! Отменено.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Не найден список задач для сохранения этой задачи'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Задача успешно добавлена в \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Задача успешно обновлена в \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Успешно обновлен статус участника'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Не удалось отправить ответ на назначение задания'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'Это приглашение больше не действительно'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Успешно отправлен ответ на задачу $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Задача успешно удалена.'; $labels['invalidlistproperties'] = 'Неверные параметры списка! Пожалуйста, задайте действительное имя.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Настройки сортировки списка задач'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/sk_SK.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/sk_SK.inc index 28b118b3..cad3a2eb 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/sk_SK.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/sk_SK.inc @@ -1,21 +1,24 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Nova naloga (npr. Sobota, Košnja trave)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Shrani kot nalogo'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Opis za tisk'; $labels['mark'] = 'Označi'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Odznači'; $labels['edit'] = 'Uredi'; $labels['delete'] = 'Izbriši'; $labels['title'] = 'Naslov'; $labels['description'] = 'Opis'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Poteklo'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Datum poteka'; $labels['start'] = 'Začetek'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Čas začetka'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Opomnik'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Ponovi'; $labels['links'] = 'Sklic'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Potrebuje pozornost'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'V procesu'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Opravljeno'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Preklicano'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Dodeljeno osebi'; $labels['created'] = 'Ustvarjeno'; $labels['changed'] = 'Nazadnje urejeno'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Nastavitve'; $labels['all'] = 'Vsi'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Označeno z zastavico'; $labels['complete'] = 'Opravi'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Napredek'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Poteče'; $labels['today'] = 'Danes'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Jutri'; $labels['next7days'] = 'V naslednjih 7 dneh'; $labels['later'] = 'Kasneje'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Dodeljeno'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Naloge, ki ste jih dodelili ostalim'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'Moje naloge'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Naloge, ki so dodeljene vam'; $labels['nodate'] = 'brez datuma'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Odstrani'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Odstrani email povezavo'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Podrobnosti'; $labels['newtask'] = 'Nova naloga'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Uredi nalogo'; $labels['save'] = 'Shrani'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Prekliči'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Shrani in pošlji obvestila'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Dodatna naloga'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Izbriši nalogo'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Izbriši samo to nalogo'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Izbriši skupaj z vsemi dodanimi nalogami'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Nastavitve naloge...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Pregled'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Ponovitev'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Dodeljene naloge'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Priponke'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Deli z ostalimi'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Uredi seznam'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Dodaj seznam'; $labels['listactions'] = 'Nastavitve seznama...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Ime'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Prikaži opomnike'; $labels['import'] = 'Uvozi'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'Prikaži možnosti'; $labels['focusview'] = 'Prikaži samo ta seznam'; $labels['on'] = 'dne'; $labels['at'] = 'ob'; $labels['this'] = 'ta'; $labels['next'] = 'naslednji'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Shranjujem...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Napaka pri shranjevanju podatkov.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'Ne najdem nalog z izbranimi iskalnimi kriteriji'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Datum začetka ne sme biti poznejši od datuma konca.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Potrdi izbris naloge?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Potrdi izbris naloge in vseh dodanih nalog?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Potrdi izbris seznama z vsemi nalogami?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Potrdi izbris seznama z vsemi pod seznami in nalogami?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'Nimate administratorskih pravic na tem seznamu.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Posodobi nalogo'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Ali želite o spremembi obvestiti udeležence?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Ali želite o spremembah obvestiti organizatorja dogodka?'; $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'Nov datum naloge in naslov'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Hitro dodajanje nove naloge'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Obrazec za iskanje nalog'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Vnos iskanja po nalogah'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Obrazec za iskanje po seznamih'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'Način seznama'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Prikaz seznamov nalog'; $labels['attendee'] = 'Dodeljeno osebi'; $labels['role'] = 'Vloga'; $labels['availability'] = 'Razpol.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Dodaj osebo'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizator'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Zahtevano'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Neobvezno'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Vodja sestanka'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Opazovalec'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Pošlji vabila'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Pošlji dodanim osebam obvestila o spremembah'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Pošlji dodanim osebam obvestila o preklicu naloge'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'Dodani ste bili nalogi "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nProsim preglejte iCalendar datoteko v priponki z vsemi podrobnostmi naloge. Datoteko lahko uvozite v vašo aplikacijo."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" je bil posodobljen'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'Zadevna naloga je bila posodobljena'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nProsim preglejte iCalendar datoteko v priponki z vsemi podrobnostmi glede naloge. Datoteko lahko uvozite v vašo aplikacijo."; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nNaloga je bila preklicana s strani \$organizer.\n\nProsim preglejte iCalendar datoteko z posodobljenimi podrobnostmi naloge."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'shrani v'; $labels['taskhistory'] = 'Zgodovina'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Spremeni Zgodovino'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'Primerjava za izbrane verzije ni na voljo'; $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'Naloga, na katero se nanaša to sporočilo, ni bila najdena na vašem seznamu.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender je sprejel vabilo na nalogo:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nDodeljeno: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender je okvirno sprejel vabilo na nalogo:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nDodeljeno: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender ni sprejel vabila na nalogo:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date\n\nDodeljeno: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender je zavrnil vašo dodelitev k nalogi:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender je spremenil stanje naloge na: v obdelavi:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender je opravil nalogo:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender je prenesel nalogo:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender je prenesel nalogo na vas:\n\n*\$title*\n\nPoteče: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je sprejela'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je okvirno sprejela'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je preklicala'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je prenesla sodelovanje na $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je v procesu'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Dodeljena oseba je opravila nalogo'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Ali sprejmete to nalogo?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Zavrnite dodelitev k tej nalogi'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Ali želite tudi izbrisati zavrnjeno nalogo iz vašega seznama?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Komentar vabila/obvestila'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'Komentar bo dodan k vabilu/obvestilu, ki bo poslano sodelujočim'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Vabilo sodelujočim poslano'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Napaka. Pošiljanje obvestil sodelujočim ni bilo uspešno.'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Odstrani iz seznama'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Prenesi nalogo'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr več...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Preneseno na:'; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Preneseno od:'; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Shrani kot nalogo'; $labels['comment'] = 'Komentar'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Napaka pri uvozu nalog(e)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'Različica te naloge že obstaja na vašem seznamu.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Uspešno uvoženih $nr nalog'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'Obstaja novejša verzija te naloge!'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'Za shranitev naloge ne najdem seznamov'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'Naloga je bila uspešno dodana na \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'Naloga je bila uspešno posodobljena na \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Posodabljanje statusa sodelujočega uspešno'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Napaka. Pošiljanje odgovora na dodelitev naloge ni bilo uspešno.'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'To vabilo ni več veljavno'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Odgovor je bil uspešno poslan na naslov $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'Naloga je bila uspešno izbrisana.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Nastavitve za sortiranje'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/sv_SE.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/sv_SE.inc index c98328a9..9f53e931 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/sv_SE.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/sv_SE.inc @@ -1,60 +1,63 @@ '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'สร้างงานใหม่ (เช่น วันเสาร์, ตัดหญ้าในสนาม)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'บันทึกเป็นงาน'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'พิมพ์คำอธิบาย'; $labels['mark'] = 'ทำเครื่องหมาย'; $labels['unmark'] = 'ยกเลิกการทำเครื่องหมาย'; $labels['edit'] = 'แก้ไข'; $labels['delete'] = 'ลบ'; $labels['title'] = 'หัวข้อ'; $labels['description'] = 'คำอธิบาย'; $labels['datetime'] = 'ครบกำหนด'; $labels['duetime'] = 'กำหนดเสร็จ'; $labels['start'] = 'เริ่ม'; $labels['starttime'] = 'เวลาเริ่มต้น'; $labels['alarms'] = 'แจ้งเตือน'; $labels['repeat'] = 'ทำซ้ำ'; $labels['links'] = 'อ้างอิง'; $labels['status'] = 'สถานะ'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'ต้องทำอะไรสักอย่าง'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'อยุ่ระหว่างดำเนินการ'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'เสร็จเรียบร้อย'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'ยกเลิก'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'มอบหมายให้'; $labels['created'] = 'สร้าง'; $labels['changed'] = 'แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้าย'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'ทางเลือก'; $labels['all'] = 'ทั้งหมด'; $labels['flagged'] = 'ติดธง'; $labels['complete'] = 'เสร็จ'; $labels['completeness'] = 'ความคืบหน้า'; $labels['overdue'] = 'เลยกำหนด'; $labels['today'] = 'วันนี้'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'พรุ่งนี้'; $labels['next7days'] = 'อีก 7 วัน'; $labels['later'] = 'ภายหลัง'; $labels['assigned'] = 'มอบหมายแล้ว'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'งานที่ท่านมอบหมายให้ผู้อื่น'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'งานของฉัน'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'งานที่ท่านได้รับมอบหมาย'; $labels['nodate'] = 'ไม่มีกำหนด'; $labels['removetag'] = 'เอาออก'; $labels['auto'] = 'อัตโนมัติ'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'รายละเอียด'; $labels['newtask'] = 'งานใหม่'; $labels['edittask'] = 'แก้ไขงาน'; $labels['save'] = 'บันทึก'; $labels['cancel'] = 'ยกเลิก'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'บันทึกและแจ้งเตือน'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'เพิ่มงานย่อย'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'ลบงาน'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'ลบงานนี้เท่านั้น'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'ลบพร้อมงานย่อย'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'งาน ทางเลือก...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'สรุป'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'การเกิดซ้ำ'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'งานที่ได้รับมอบหมาย'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'สิ่งที่แนบมาด้วย'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'แบ่งปัน'; $labels['editlist'] = 'แก้ไขรายการ'; $labels['createlist'] = 'เพิ่มรายการ'; $labels['listactions'] = 'แสดงรายการทางเลือก...'; $labels['listname'] = 'ชื่อ'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'แสดงการแจ้งเตือน'; $labels['import'] = 'นำเข้า'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'แสดงการปฎิบัติ'; $labels['focusview'] = 'ดูเฉพาะรายการนี้'; 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$labels['quickaddinput'] = 'งานใหม่ วันที่และหัวข้อ'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'เพิ่มงานใหม่อย่างรวดเร็ว'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'ฟอร์มสำหรับค้นหางาน'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'การป้อนข้อมูลค้นหางาน'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'ฟอร์มสำหรับค้นหารายการงาน'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'รูปแบบการแสดงรายการ'; $labels['attendee'] = 'ผู้รับมอบ'; $labels['role'] = 'บทบาท'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'สถานะ'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'เพิ่มผู้รับมอบงาน'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'ผู้จัดงาน'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'บังคับ'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'ทางเลือก'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'ผู้เฝ้าติดตาม'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'ส่งบัตรเชิญ'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'แจ้งเตือนผู้รับมอบเกี่ยวกับการแก้ไข'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'แจ้งเตือนผู้รับมอบเกี่ยวกับการยกเลิกงาน'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'ท่านได้รับมอบหมายให้เป็น "$title"'; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" ได้รับการปรับปรุงสถานะ'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'งานที่ทำให้คุณกังวลได้รับการปรับปรุงสถานะ'; 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