diff --git a/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php b/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php index f49d108c..12e08169 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php +++ b/plugins/kolab_auth/kolab_auth.php @@ -1,799 +1,808 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2011-2013, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_auth extends rcube_plugin { static $ldap; private $username; private $data = array(); public function init() { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $this->load_config(); $this->add_hook('authenticate', array($this, 'authenticate')); $this->add_hook('startup', array($this, 'startup')); $this->add_hook('user_create', array($this, 'user_create')); // Hook for password change $this->add_hook('password_ldap_bind', array($this, 'password_ldap_bind')); // Hooks related to "Login As" feature $this->add_hook('template_object_loginform', array($this, 'login_form')); $this->add_hook('storage_connect', array($this, 'imap_connect')); $this->add_hook('managesieve_connect', array($this, 'imap_connect')); $this->add_hook('smtp_connect', array($this, 'smtp_connect')); $this->add_hook('identity_form', array($this, 'identity_form')); // Hook to modify some configuration, e.g. ldap $this->add_hook('config_get', array($this, 'config_get')); // Hook to modify logging directory $this->add_hook('write_log', array($this, 'write_log')); $this->username = $_SESSION['username']; // Enable debug logs (per-user), when logged as another user if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin']) && $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_auditlog')) { $rcmail->config->set('debug_level', 1); $rcmail->config->set('smtp_log', true); $rcmail->config->set('log_logins', true); $rcmail->config->set('log_session', true); $rcmail->config->set('memcache_debug', true); $rcmail->config->set('imap_debug', true); $rcmail->config->set('ldap_debug', true); $rcmail->config->set('smtp_debug', true); $rcmail->config->set('sql_debug', true); // SQL debug need to be set directly on DB object // setting config variable will not work here because // the object is already initialized/configured if ($db = $rcmail->get_dbh()) { $db->set_debug(true); } } } /** * Startup hook handler */ public function startup($args) { // Check access rights when logged in as another user if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin']) && $args['task'] != 'login' && $args['task'] != 'logout') { // access to specified task is forbidden, // redirect to the first task on the list if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_allowed_tasks'])) { $tasks = (array)$_SESSION['kolab_auth_allowed_tasks']; if (!in_array($args['task'], $tasks) && !in_array('*', $tasks)) { header('Location: ?_task=' . array_shift($tasks)); die; } // add script that will remove disabled taskbar buttons if (!in_array('*', $tasks)) { $this->add_hook('render_page', array($this, 'render_page')); } } } // load per-user settings $this->load_user_role_plugins_and_settings(); return $args; } /** * Modify some configuration according to LDAP user record */ public function config_get($args) { // Replaces ldap_vars (%dc, etc) in public kolab ldap addressbooks // config based on the users base_dn. (for multi domain support) if ($args['name'] == 'ldap_public' && !empty($args['result'])) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $kolab_books = (array) $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_ldap_addressbooks'); foreach ($args['result'] as $name => $config) { if (in_array($name, $kolab_books) || in_array('*', $kolab_books)) { $args['result'][$name] = $this->patch_ldap_config($config); } } } else if ($args['name'] == 'kolab_users_directory' && !empty($args['result'])) { $args['result'] = $this->patch_ldap_config($args['result']); } return $args; } /** * Helper method to patch the given LDAP directory config with user-specific values */ protected function patch_ldap_config($config) { if (is_array($config)) { $config['base_dn'] = self::parse_ldap_vars($config['base_dn']); $config['search_base_dn'] = self::parse_ldap_vars($config['search_base_dn']); $config['bind_dn'] = str_replace('%dn', $_SESSION['kolab_dn'], $config['bind_dn']); if (!empty($config['groups'])) { $config['groups']['base_dn'] = self::parse_ldap_vars($config['groups']['base_dn']); } } return $config; } /** * Modifies list of plugins and settings according to * specified LDAP roles */ public function load_user_role_plugins_and_settings() { if (empty($_SESSION['user_roledns'])) { return; } $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); // Example 'kolab_auth_role_plugins' = // // Array( // '' => Array('plugin1', 'plugin2'), // ); // // NOTE that may in fact be something like: 'cn=role,%dc' $role_plugins = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_role_plugins'); // Example $rcmail_config['kolab_auth_role_settings'] = // // Array( // '' => Array( // '$setting' => Array( // 'mode' => '(override|merge)', (default: override) // 'value' => <>, // 'allow_override' => (true|false) (default: false) // ), // ), // ); // // NOTE that may in fact be something like: 'cn=role,%dc' $role_settings = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_role_settings'); if (!empty($role_plugins)) { foreach ($role_plugins as $role_dn => $plugins) { $role_dn = self::parse_ldap_vars($role_dn); if (!empty($role_plugins[$role_dn])) { $role_plugins[$role_dn] = array_unique(array_merge((array)$role_plugins[$role_dn], $plugins)); } else { $role_plugins[$role_dn] = $plugins; } } } if (!empty($role_settings)) { foreach ($role_settings as $role_dn => $settings) { $role_dn = self::parse_ldap_vars($role_dn); if (!empty($role_settings[$role_dn])) { $role_settings[$role_dn] = array_merge((array)$role_settings[$role_dn], $settings); } else { $role_settings[$role_dn] = $settings; } } } foreach ($_SESSION['user_roledns'] as $role_dn) { if (!empty($role_settings[$role_dn]) && is_array($role_settings[$role_dn])) { foreach ($role_settings[$role_dn] as $setting_name => $setting) { if (!isset($setting['mode'])) { $setting['mode'] = 'override'; } if ($setting['mode'] == "override") { $rcmail->config->set($setting_name, $setting['value']); } elseif ($setting['mode'] == "merge") { $orig_setting = $rcmail->config->get($setting_name); if (!empty($orig_setting)) { if (is_array($orig_setting)) { $rcmail->config->set($setting_name, array_merge($orig_setting, $setting['value'])); } } else { $rcmail->config->set($setting_name, $setting['value']); } } $dont_override = (array) $rcmail->config->get('dont_override'); if (empty($setting['allow_override'])) { $rcmail->config->set('dont_override', array_merge($dont_override, array($setting_name))); } else { if (in_array($setting_name, $dont_override)) { $_dont_override = array(); foreach ($dont_override as $_setting) { if ($_setting != $setting_name) { $_dont_override[] = $_setting; } } $rcmail->config->set('dont_override', $_dont_override); } } if ($setting_name == 'skin') { if ($rcmail->output->type == 'html') { $rcmail->output->set_skin($setting['value']); $rcmail->output->set_env('skin', $setting['value']); } } } } if (!empty($role_plugins[$role_dn])) { foreach ((array)$role_plugins[$role_dn] as $plugin) { $this->api->load_plugin($plugin); } } } } /** * Logging method replacement to print debug/errors into * a separate (sub)folder for each user */ public function write_log($args) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); if ($rcmail->config->get('log_driver') == 'syslog') { return $args; } // log_driver == 'file' is assumed here $log_dir = $rcmail->config->get('log_dir', RCUBE_INSTALL_PATH . 'logs'); // Append original username + target username for audit-logging if ($rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_auditlog') && !empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin'])) { $args['dir'] = $log_dir . '/' . strtolower($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin']) . '/' . strtolower($this->username); // Attempt to create the directory if (!is_dir($args['dir'])) { @mkdir($args['dir'], 0750, true); } } // Define the user log directory if a username is provided else if ($rcmail->config->get('per_user_logging') && !empty($this->username)) { $user_log_dir = $log_dir . '/' . strtolower($this->username); if (is_writable($user_log_dir)) { $args['dir'] = $user_log_dir; } else if ($args['name'] != 'errors') { $args['abort'] = true; // don't log if unauthenticed } } return $args; } /** * Sets defaults for new user. */ public function user_create($args) { if (!empty($this->data['user_email'])) { // addresses list is supported if (array_key_exists('email_list', $args)) { $email_list = array_unique($this->data['user_email']); // add organization to the list if (!empty($this->data['user_organization'])) { foreach ($email_list as $idx => $email) { $email_list[$idx] = array( 'organization' => $this->data['user_organization'], 'email' => $email, ); } } $args['email_list'] = $email_list; } else { $args['user_email'] = $this->data['user_email'][0]; } } if (!empty($this->data['user_name'])) { $args['user_name'] = $this->data['user_name']; } return $args; } /** * Modifies login form adding additional "Login As" field */ public function login_form($args) { $this->add_texts('localization/'); $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $admin_login = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_admin_login'); $group = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_group'); $role_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_role'); // Show "Login As" input if (empty($admin_login) || (empty($group) && empty($role_attr))) { return $args; } $input = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_loginas', 'id' => 'rcmloginas', 'type' => 'text', 'autocomplete' => 'off')); $row = html::tag('tr', null, html::tag('td', 'title', html::label('rcmloginas', rcube::Q($this->gettext('loginas')))) . html::tag('td', 'input', $input->show(trim(rcube_utils::get_input_value('_loginas', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST)))) ); $args['content'] = preg_replace('/<\/tbody>/i', $row . '', $args['content']); return $args; } /** * Find user credentials In LDAP. */ public function authenticate($args) { // get username and host $host = $args['host']; $user = $args['user']; $pass = $args['pass']; $loginas = trim(rcube_utils::get_input_value('_loginas', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST)); if (empty($user) || (empty($pass) && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']))) { $args['abort'] = true; return $args; } // temporarily set the current username to the one submitted $this->username = $user; $ldap = self::ldap(); if (!$ldap || !$ldap->ready) { self::log_login_error($user, "LDAP not ready"); $args['abort'] = true; $args['kolab_ldap_error'] = true; return $args; } // Find user record in LDAP $record = $ldap->get_user_record($user, $host); if (empty($record)) { self::log_login_error($user, "No user record found"); $args['abort'] = true; return $args; } $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $admin_login = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_admin_login'); $admin_pass = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_admin_password'); $login_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_login'); $name_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_name'); $email_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_email'); $org_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_organization'); $role_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_role'); $imap_attr = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_mailhost'); if (!empty($role_attr) && !empty($record[$role_attr])) { $_SESSION['user_roledns'] = (array)($record[$role_attr]); } if (!empty($imap_attr) && !empty($record[$imap_attr])) { $default_host = $rcmail->config->get('default_host'); if (!empty($default_host)) { rcube::write_log("errors", "Both default host and kolab_auth_mailhost set. Incompatible."); } else { $args['host'] = "tls://" . $record[$imap_attr]; } } // Login As... if (!empty($loginas) && $admin_login) { // Authenticate to LDAP $result = $ldap->bind($record['dn'], $pass); if (!$result) { self::log_login_error($user, "Unable to bind with '" . $record['dn'] . "'"); $args['abort'] = true; return $args; } $isadmin = false; $admin_rights = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_admin_rights', array()); // @deprecated: fall-back to the old check if the original user has/belongs to administrative role/group if (empty($admin_rights)) { $group = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_group'); $role_dn = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_role_value'); // check role attribute if (!empty($role_attr) && !empty($role_dn) && !empty($record[$role_attr])) { $role_dn = $ldap->parse_vars($role_dn, $user, $host); if (in_array($role_dn, (array)$record[$role_attr])) { $isadmin = true; } } // check group if (!$isadmin && !empty($group)) { $groups = $ldap->get_user_groups($record['dn'], $user, $host); if (in_array($group, $groups)) { $isadmin = true; } } if ($isadmin) { // user has admin privileges privilage, get "login as" user credentials $target_entry = $ldap->get_user_record($loginas, $host); $allowed_tasks = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_allowed_tasks'); } } else { // get "login as" user credentials $target_entry = $ldap->get_user_record($loginas, $host); if (!empty($target_entry)) { // get effective rights to determine login-as permissions $effective_rights = (array)$ldap->effective_rights($target_entry['dn']); if (!empty($effective_rights)) { $effective_rights['attrib'] = $effective_rights['attributeLevelRights']; $effective_rights['entry'] = $effective_rights['entryLevelRights']; // compare the rights with the permissions mapping $allowed_tasks = array(); foreach ($admin_rights as $task => $perms) { $perms_ = explode(':', $perms); $type = array_shift($perms_); $req = array_pop($perms_); $attrib = array_pop($perms_); if (array_key_exists($type, $effective_rights)) { if ($type == 'entry' && in_array($req, $effective_rights[$type])) { $allowed_tasks[] = $task; } else if ($type == 'attrib' && array_key_exists($attrib, $effective_rights[$type]) && in_array($req, $effective_rights[$type][$attrib])) { $allowed_tasks[] = $task; } } } $isadmin = !empty($allowed_tasks); } } } // Save original user login for log (see below) if ($login_attr) { $origname = is_array($record[$login_attr]) ? $record[$login_attr][0] : $record[$login_attr]; } else { $origname = $user; } if (!$isadmin || empty($target_entry)) { $this->add_texts('localization/'); $args['abort'] = true; $args['error'] = $this->gettext(array( 'name' => 'loginasnotallowed', 'vars' => array('user' => rcube::Q($loginas)), )); self::log_login_error($user, "No privileges to login as '" . $loginas . "'", $loginas); return $args; } // replace $record with target entry $record = $target_entry; $args['user'] = $this->username = $loginas; // Mark session to use SASL proxy for IMAP authentication $_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin'] = strtolower($origname); $_SESSION['kolab_auth_login'] = $rcmail->encrypt($admin_login); $_SESSION['kolab_auth_password'] = $rcmail->encrypt($admin_pass); $_SESSION['kolab_auth_allowed_tasks'] = $allowed_tasks; } // Store UID and DN of logged user in session for use by other plugins $_SESSION['kolab_uid'] = is_array($record['uid']) ? $record['uid'][0] : $record['uid']; $_SESSION['kolab_dn'] = $record['dn']; // Store LDAP replacement variables used for current user // This improves performance of load_user_role_plugins_and_settings() // which is executed on every request (via startup hook) and where // we don't like to use LDAP (connection + bind + search) $_SESSION['kolab_auth_vars'] = $ldap->get_parse_vars(); // Set user login if ($login_attr) { $this->data['user_login'] = is_array($record[$login_attr]) ? $record[$login_attr][0] : $record[$login_attr]; } if ($this->data['user_login']) { $args['user'] = $this->username = $this->data['user_login']; } // User name for identity (first log in) foreach ((array)$name_attr as $field) { $name = is_array($record[$field]) ? $record[$field][0] : $record[$field]; if (!empty($name)) { $this->data['user_name'] = $name; break; } } // User email(s) for identity (first log in) foreach ((array)$email_attr as $field) { $email = is_array($record[$field]) ? array_filter($record[$field]) : $record[$field]; if (!empty($email)) { $this->data['user_email'] = array_merge((array)$this->data['user_email'], (array)$email); } } // Organization name for identity (first log in) foreach ((array)$org_attr as $field) { $organization = is_array($record[$field]) ? $record[$field][0] : $record[$field]; if (!empty($organization)) { $this->data['user_organization'] = $organization; break; } } // Log "Login As" usage if (!empty($origname)) { rcube::write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Admin login for %s by %s from %s', $args['user'], $origname, rcube_utils::remote_ip())); } // load per-user settings/plugins $this->load_user_role_plugins_and_settings(); return $args; } /** * Set user DN for password change (password plugin with ldap_simple driver) */ public function password_ldap_bind($args) { $args['user_dn'] = $_SESSION['kolab_dn']; $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $rcmail->config->set('password_ldap_method', 'user'); return $args; } /** * Sets SASL Proxy login/password for IMAP and Managesieve auth */ public function imap_connect($args) { if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin'])) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $admin_login = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['kolab_auth_login']); $admin_pass = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['kolab_auth_password']); $args['auth_cid'] = $admin_login; $args['auth_pw'] = $admin_pass; } return $args; } /** * Sets SASL Proxy login/password for SMTP auth */ public function smtp_connect($args) { if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_admin'])) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $admin_login = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['kolab_auth_login']); $admin_pass = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['kolab_auth_password']); $args['smtp_auth_cid'] = $admin_login; $args['smtp_auth_pw'] = $admin_pass; } return $args; } /** * Hook to replace the plain text input field for email address by a drop-down list * with all email addresses (including aliases) from this user's LDAP record. */ public function identity_form($args) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $ident_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0)); // do nothing if email address modification is disabled if ($ident_level == 1 || $ident_level == 3) { return $args; } $ldap = self::ldap(); if (!$ldap || !$ldap->ready || empty($_SESSION['kolab_dn'])) { return $args; } $emails = array(); $user_record = $ldap->get_record($_SESSION['kolab_dn']); foreach ((array)$rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_email', array()) as $col) { $values = rcube_addressbook::get_col_values($col, $user_record, true); if (!empty($values)) $emails = array_merge($emails, array_filter($values)); } // kolab_delegation might want to modify this addresses list $plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('kolab_auth_emails', array('emails' => $emails)); $emails = $plugin['emails']; if (!empty($emails)) { $args['form']['addressing']['content']['email'] = array( 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array_combine($emails, $emails), ); } return $args; } /** * Action executed before the page is rendered to add an onload script * that will remove all taskbar buttons for disabled tasks */ public function render_page($args) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $tasks = (array)$_SESSION['kolab_auth_allowed_tasks']; $tasks[] = 'logout'; // disable buttons in taskbar $script = " \$('a').filter(function() { var ev = \$(this).attr('onclick'); return ev && ev.match(/'switch-task','([a-z]+)'/) && \$.inArray(RegExp.\$1, " . json_encode($tasks) . ") < 0; }).remove(); "; $rcmail->output->add_script($script, 'docready'); } /** * Initializes LDAP object and connects to LDAP server */ public static function ldap() { if (self::$ldap) { return self::$ldap; } $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $addressbook = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_addressbook'); if (!is_array($addressbook)) { $ldap_config = (array)$rcmail->config->get('ldap_public'); $addressbook = $ldap_config[$addressbook]; } if (empty($addressbook)) { return null; } require_once __DIR__ . '/kolab_auth_ldap.php'; self::$ldap = new kolab_auth_ldap($addressbook); return self::$ldap; } /** * Close LDAP connection */ public static function ldap_close() { if (self::$ldap) { self::$ldap->close(); self::$ldap = null; } } /** * Parses LDAP DN string with replacing supported variables. * See kolab_auth_ldap::parse_vars() * * @param string $str LDAP DN string * * @return string Parsed DN string */ public static function parse_ldap_vars($str) { if (!empty($_SESSION['kolab_auth_vars'])) { $str = strtr($str, $_SESSION['kolab_auth_vars']); } return $str; } /** * Log failed logins * * @param string $username Username/Login * @param string $message Error message (failure reason) * @param string $login_as Username/Login of "login as" user */ public static function log_login_error($username, $message = null, $login_as = null) { $config = rcube::get_instance()->config; if ($config->get('log_logins')) { + // don't fill the log with complete input, which could + // have been prepared by a hacker + if (strlen($username) > 256) { + $username = substr($username, 0, 256) . '...'; + } + if (strlen($login_as) > 256) { + $login_as = substr($login_as, 0, 256) . '...'; + } + if ($login_as) { $username = sprintf('%s (as user %s)', $username, $login_as); } $message = sprintf( "Failed login for %s from %s in session %s %s", $username, rcube_utils::remote_ip(), - session_id(), + session_id() ?: 'no-session', $message ? "($message)" : '' ); rcube::write_log('userlogins', $message); // disable log_logins to prevent from duplicate log entries $config->set('log_logins', false); } } }