diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_ldap.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_ldap.php index dc8cf1eb..6d5675c1 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_ldap.php +++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_ldap.php @@ -1,610 +1,610 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Wrapper class for rcube_ldap_generic */ class kolab_ldap extends rcube_ldap_generic { public $ready = false; private $conf = []; private $debug = false; private $fieldmap = []; private $parse_replaces = []; public function __construct($p) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $this->conf = $p; $this->conf['kolab_auth_user_displayname'] = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_user_displayname', '{name}'); $this->fieldmap = $p['fieldmap']; $this->fieldmap['uid'] = 'uid'; $p['attributes'] = array_values($this->fieldmap); $p['debug'] = (bool) $rcmail->config->get('ldap_debug'); if ($cache_type = $rcmail->config->get('ldap_cache', 'db')) { $cache_ttl = $rcmail->config->get('ldap_cache_ttl', '10m'); $this->cache = $rcmail->get_cache('LDAP.kolab_cache', $cache_type, $cache_ttl); } $this->debug = $p['debug']; // Connect to the server (with bind) parent::__construct($p); $this->_connect(); $rcmail->add_shutdown_function([$this, 'close']); } /** * Establish a connection to the LDAP server */ private function _connect() { // try to connect + bind for every host configured // with OpenLDAP 2.x ldap_connect() always succeeds but ldap_bind will fail if host isn't reachable // see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-connect.php foreach ((array)$this->config['hosts'] as $host) { // skip host if connection failed if (!$this->connect($host)) { continue; } $bind_pass = $this->config['bind_pass'] ?? null; $bind_user = $this->config['bind_user'] ?? null; $bind_dn = $this->config['bind_dn']; $base_dn = $this->config['base_dn']; $groups_base_dn = $this->config['groups']['base_dn'] ?: $base_dn; // User specific access, generate the proper values to use. if ($this->config['user_specific']) { $rcube = rcube::get_instance(); // No password set, use the session password if (empty($bind_pass)) { $bind_pass = $rcube->get_user_password(); } $u = null; // Get the pieces needed for variable replacement. if ($fu = ($rcube->get_user_email() ?: ($this->config['username'] ?? null))) { [$u, $d] = explode('@', $fu); } else { $d = $this->config['mail_domain'] ?? null; } $dc = 'dc=' . strtr($d, ['.' => ',dc=']); // hierarchal domain string // resolve $dc through LDAP if (!empty($this->config['domain_filter']) && !empty($this->config['search_bind_dn'])) { $this->bind($this->config['search_bind_dn'], $this->config['search_bind_pw']); $dc = $this->domain_root_dn($d); } $replaces = ['%dn' => '', '%dc' => $dc, '%d' => $d, '%fu' => $fu, '%u' => $u]; // Search for the dn to use to authenticate if (($this->config['search_base_dn'] ?? false) && ($this->config['search_filter'] ?? false) && (strstr($bind_dn, '%dn') || strstr($base_dn, '%dn') || strstr($groups_base_dn, '%dn')) ) { $search_attribs = ['uid']; if ($search_bind_attrib = (array) $this->config['search_bind_attrib']) { foreach ($search_bind_attrib as $r => $attr) { $search_attribs[] = $attr; $replaces[$r] = ''; } } $search_bind_dn = strtr($this->config['search_bind_dn'], $replaces); $search_base_dn = strtr($this->config['search_base_dn'], $replaces); $search_filter = strtr($this->config['search_filter'], $replaces); $cache_key = 'DN.' . md5("$host:$search_bind_dn:$search_base_dn:$search_filter:" . $this->config['search_bind_pw']); if ($this->cache && ($dn = $this->cache->get($cache_key))) { $replaces['%dn'] = $dn; } else { $ldap = $this; if (!empty($search_bind_dn) && !empty($this->config['search_bind_pw'])) { // To protect from "Critical extension is unavailable" error // we need to use a separate LDAP connection if (!empty($this->config['vlv'])) { $ldap = new rcube_ldap_generic($this->config); $ldap->config_set(['cache' => $this->cache, 'debug' => $this->debug]); if (!$ldap->connect($host)) { continue; } } if (!$ldap->bind($search_bind_dn, $this->config['search_bind_pw'])) { continue; // bind failed, try next host } } $res = $ldap->search($search_base_dn, $search_filter, 'sub', $search_attribs); if ($res) { $res->rewind(); $replaces['%dn'] = key($res->entries(true)); // add more replacements from 'search_bind_attrib' config if ($search_bind_attrib) { $res = $res->current(); foreach ($search_bind_attrib as $r => $attr) { $replaces[$r] = $res[$attr][0]; } } } if ($ldap != $this) { $ldap->close(); } } // DN not found if (empty($replaces['%dn'])) { if (!empty($this->config['search_dn_default'])) { $replaces['%dn'] = $this->config['search_dn_default']; } else { rcube::raise_error([ 'code' => 100, 'type' => 'ldap', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "DN not found using LDAP search."], true); continue; } } if ($this->cache && !empty($replaces['%dn'])) { $this->cache->set($cache_key, $replaces['%dn']); } } // Replace the bind_dn and base_dn variables. $bind_dn = strtr($bind_dn, $replaces); $base_dn = strtr($base_dn, $replaces); $groups_base_dn = strtr($groups_base_dn, $replaces); // replace placeholders in filter settings if (!empty($this->config['filter'])) { $this->config['filter'] = strtr($this->config['filter'], $replaces); } foreach (['base_dn', 'filter', 'member_filter'] as $k) { if (!empty($this->config['groups'][$k])) { $this->config['groups'][$k] = strtr($this->config['groups'][$k], $replaces); } } if (empty($bind_user)) { $bind_user = $u; } } if (empty($bind_pass)) { $this->ready = true; } else { if (!empty($this->config['auth_cid'])) { $this->ready = $this->sasl_bind($this->config['auth_cid'], $bind_pass, $bind_dn); } elseif (!empty($bind_dn)) { $this->ready = $this->bind($bind_dn, $bind_pass); } else { $this->ready = $this->sasl_bind($bind_user, $bind_pass); } } // connection established, we're done here if ($this->ready) { break; } } // end foreach hosts - if (!is_resource($this->conn)) { + if (empty($this->conn)) { rcube::raise_error(['code' => 100, 'type' => 'ldap', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Could not connect to any LDAP server"], true); $this->ready = false; } return $this->ready; } /** * Fetches user data from LDAP addressbook */ public function get_user_record($user, $host) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $filter = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_auth_filter'); $filter = $this->parse_vars($filter, $user, $host); $base_dn = $this->parse_vars($this->config['base_dn'], $user, $host); $scope = $this->config['scope']; // @TODO: print error if filter is empty // get record if ($result = parent::search($base_dn, $filter, $scope, $this->attributes)) { if ($result->count() == 1) { $entries = $result->entries(true); $dn = key($entries); $entry = array_pop($entries); $entry = $this->field_mapping($dn, $entry); return $entry; } } } /** * Fetches user data from LDAP addressbook */ public function get_user_groups($dn, $user, $host) { if (empty($dn) || empty($this->config['groups'])) { return []; } $base_dn = $this->parse_vars($this->config['groups']['base_dn'], $user, $host); $name_attr = $this->config['groups']['name_attr'] ? $this->config['groups']['name_attr'] : 'cn'; $member_attr = $this->get_group_member_attr(); $filter = "(member=$dn)(uniqueMember=$dn)"; if ($member_attr != 'member' && $member_attr != 'uniqueMember') { $filter .= "($member_attr=$dn)"; } $filter = strtr("(|$filter)", ["\\" => "\\\\"]); $result = parent::search($base_dn, $filter, 'sub', ['dn', $name_attr]); if (!$result) { return []; } $groups = []; foreach ($result as $entry) { $dn = $entry['dn']; $entry = rcube_ldap_generic::normalize_entry($entry); $groups[$dn] = $entry[$name_attr]; } return $groups; } /** * Get a specific LDAP record * * @param string $dn DN * * @return array|null Record data */ public function get_record($dn) { if (!$this->ready) { return null; } if ($rec = $this->get_entry($dn, $this->attributes)) { $rec = rcube_ldap_generic::normalize_entry($rec); $rec = $this->field_mapping($dn, $rec); } return $rec; } /** * Replace LDAP record data items * * @param string $dn DN * @param array $entry LDAP entry * * return bool True on success, False on failure */ public function replace($dn, $entry) { // fields mapping foreach ($this->fieldmap as $field => $attr) { if (array_key_exists($field, $entry)) { $entry[$attr] = $entry[$field]; if ($attr != $field) { unset($entry[$field]); } } } return $this->mod_replace($dn, $entry); } /** * Search records (simplified version of rcube_ldap::search) * * @param mixed $fields The field name or array of field names to search in * @param string $value Search value * @param int $mode Matching mode: * 0 - partial (*abc*), * 1 - strict (=), * 2 - prefix (abc*) * @param array $required List of fields that cannot be empty * @param int $limit Number of records * @param int $count Returns the number of records found * * @return array List of LDAP records found */ public function dosearch($fields, $value, $mode = 1, $required = [], $limit = 0, &$count = 0) { if (empty($fields)) { return []; } $mode = intval($mode); // try to resolve field names into ldap attributes $fieldmap = $this->fieldmap; $attrs = array_map(function ($f) use ($fieldmap) { return array_key_exists($f, $fieldmap) ? $fieldmap[$f] : $f; }, (array)$fields); // compose a full-text-search-like filter if (count($attrs) > 1 || $mode != 1) { $filter = self::fulltext_search_filter($value, $attrs, $mode); } // direct search else { $field = $attrs[0]; $filter = "($field=" . self::quote_string($value) . ")"; } // add required (non empty) fields filter $req_filter = ''; foreach ((array)$required as $field) { $attr = array_key_exists($field, $this->fieldmap) ? $this->fieldmap[$field] : $field; // only add if required field is not already in search filter if (!in_array($attr, $attrs)) { $req_filter .= "($attr=*)"; } } if (!empty($req_filter)) { $filter = '(&' . $req_filter . $filter . ')'; } // avoid double-wildcard if $value is empty $filter = preg_replace('/\*+/', '*', $filter); // add general filter to query if (!empty($this->config['filter'])) { $filter = '(&(' . preg_replace('/^\(|\)$/', '', $this->config['filter']) . ')' . $filter . ')'; } $base_dn = $this->parse_vars($this->config['base_dn']); $scope = $this->config['scope']; $attrs = array_values($this->fieldmap); $list = []; if ($result = $this->search($base_dn, $filter, $scope, $attrs)) { $count = $result->count(); $i = 0; foreach ($result as $entry) { if ($limit && $limit <= $i) { break; } $dn = $entry['dn']; $entry = rcube_ldap_generic::normalize_entry($entry); $list[$dn] = $this->field_mapping($dn, $entry); $i++; } } return $list; } /** * Set filter used in search() */ public function set_filter($filter) { $this->config['filter'] = $filter; } /** * Maps LDAP attributes to defined fields */ protected function field_mapping($dn, $entry) { $entry['dn'] = $dn; // fields mapping foreach ($this->fieldmap as $field => $attr) { // $entry might be indexed by lower-case attribute names $attr_lc = strtolower($attr); if (isset($entry[$attr_lc])) { $entry[$field] = $entry[$attr_lc]; } elseif (isset($entry[$attr])) { $entry[$field] = $entry[$attr]; } } // compose display name according to config if (empty($this->fieldmap['displayname'])) { $entry['displayname'] = rcube_addressbook::compose_search_name( $entry, $entry['email'], $entry['name'] ?? null, $this->conf['kolab_auth_user_displayname'] ); } return $entry; } /** * Detects group member attribute name */ private function get_group_member_attr($object_classes = []) { if (empty($object_classes)) { $object_classes = $this->config['groups']['object_classes']; } if (!empty($object_classes)) { foreach ((array)$object_classes as $oc) { switch (strtolower($oc)) { case 'group': case 'groupofnames': case 'kolabgroupofnames': $member_attr = 'member'; break; case 'groupofuniquenames': case 'kolabgroupofuniquenames': $member_attr = 'uniqueMember'; break; } } } if (!empty($member_attr)) { return $member_attr; } if (!empty($this->config['groups']['member_attr'])) { return $this->config['groups']['member_attr']; } return 'member'; } /** * Prepares filter query for LDAP search */ public function parse_vars($str, $user = null, $host = null) { // When authenticating user $user is always set // if not set it means we use this LDAP object for other // purposes, e.g. kolab_delegation, then username with // correct domain is in a session if (!$user && !empty($_SESSION['username'])) { $user = $_SESSION['username']; } $dc = null; if (isset($this->icache[$user])) { [$user, $dc] = $this->icache[$user]; } else { $orig_user = $user; $domain = null; $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); // get default domain if ($username_domain = $rcmail->config->get('username_domain')) { if ($host && is_array($username_domain) && isset($username_domain[$host])) { $domain = rcube_utils::parse_host($username_domain[$host], $host); } elseif (is_string($username_domain)) { $domain = rcube_utils::parse_host($username_domain, $host); } } // realmed username (with domain) if ($user && strpos($user, '@')) { [$usr, $dom] = explode('@', $user); // unrealm domain, user login can contain a domain alias if ($dom != $domain && ($dc = $this->domain_root_dn($dom))) { // @FIXME: we should replace domain in $user, I suppose } } elseif ($domain) { $user .= '@' . $domain; } $this->icache[$orig_user] = [$user, $dc]; } // replace variables in filter [$u, $d] = explode('@', $user); // hierarchal domain string if (empty($dc)) { $dc = 'dc=' . strtr($d, ['.' => ',dc=']); } $replaces = ['%dc' => $dc, '%d' => $d, '%fu' => $user, '%u' => $u]; $this->parse_replaces = $replaces; return strtr($str, $replaces); } /** * Returns variables used for replacement in (last) parse_vars() call * * @return array Variable-value hash array */ public function get_parse_vars() { return $this->parse_replaces; } /** * Register additional fields */ public function extend_fieldmap($map) { foreach ((array)$map as $name => $attr) { if (!in_array($attr, $this->attributes)) { $this->attributes[] = $attr; $this->fieldmap[$name] = $attr; } } } /** * HTML-safe DN string encoding * * @param string $str DN string * * @return string Encoded HTML identifier string */ public static function dn_encode($str) { return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($str), '+/', '-_'), '='); } /** * Decodes DN string encoded with _dn_encode() * * @param string $str Encoded HTML identifier string * * @return string DN string */ public static function dn_decode($str) { $str = str_pad(strtr($str, '-_', '+/'), strlen($str) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT); return base64_decode($str); } }