diff --git a/plugins/kolab_tags/lib/kolab_tags_engine.php b/plugins/kolab_tags/lib/kolab_tags_engine.php index 4a586540..bf4c485d 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_tags/lib/kolab_tags_engine.php +++ b/plugins/kolab_tags/lib/kolab_tags_engine.php @@ -1,549 +1,549 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2014, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_tags_engine { private $backend; private $plugin; private $rc; private $taglist; /** * Class constructor */ public function __construct($plugin) { $plugin->require_plugin('libkolab'); require_once $plugin->home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'kolab_tags_backend.php'; $this->backend = new kolab_tags_backend(); $this->plugin = $plugin; $this->rc = $plugin->rc; } /** * User interface initialization */ public function ui() { if ($this->rc->action && !in_array($this->rc->action, ['show', 'preview', 'dialog-ui'])) { return; } $this->plugin->add_texts('localization/'); $this->plugin->include_stylesheet($this->plugin->local_skin_path() . '/style.css'); $this->plugin->include_script('kolab_tags.js'); $this->rc->output->add_label('cancel', 'save'); $this->plugin->add_label( 'tags', 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'saving', 'nameempty', 'nameexists', 'colorinvalid', 'untag', 'tagname', 'tagcolor', 'tagsearchnew', 'newtag', 'notags' ); $this->rc->output->add_handlers([ 'plugin.taglist' => [$this, 'taglist'], ]); $ui = $this->rc->output->parse('kolab_tags.ui', false, false); $this->rc->output->add_footer($ui); // load miniColors and tagedit jqueryui::miniColors(); jqueryui::tagedit(); // Modify search filter (and set selected tags) if ($this->rc->task == 'mail' && ($this->rc->action == 'show' || !$this->rc->action)) { $this->search_filter_mods(); } } /** * Engine actions handler (managing tag objects) */ public function actions() { $this->plugin->add_texts('localization/'); $action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_act', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); if ($action) { $this->{'action_' . $action}(); } // manage tag objects else { $delete = (array) rcube_utils::get_input_value('delete', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $update = (array) rcube_utils::get_input_value('update', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); $add = (array) rcube_utils::get_input_value('add', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); $response = []; // tags deletion foreach ($delete as $uid) { if ($this->backend->remove($uid)) { $response['delete'][] = $uid; } else { $error = true; } } // tags creation foreach ($add as $tag) { if ($tag = $this->backend->create($tag)) { $response['add'][] = $this->parse_tag($tag); } else { $error = true; } } // tags update foreach ($update as $tag) { if ($this->backend->update($tag)) { $response['update'][] = $this->parse_tag($tag); } else { $error = true; } } if (!empty($error)) { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('updateerror'), 'error'); } else { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('updatesuccess'), 'confirmation'); } $this->rc->output->command('plugin.kolab_tags', $response); } $this->rc->output->send(); } /** * Remove tag from message(s) */ public function action_remove() { $tag = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_tag', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $filter = $tag == '*' ? [] : [['uid', '=', explode(',', $tag)]]; $taglist = $this->backend->list_tags($filter); $filter = []; $tags = []; foreach (rcmail::get_uids() as $mbox => $uids) { if ($uids === '*') { $filter[$mbox] = $this->build_member_url(['folder' => $mbox]); } else { foreach ((array)$uids as $uid) { $filter[$mbox][] = $this->build_member_url([ 'folder' => $mbox, 'uid' => $uid, ]); } } } // for every tag... foreach ($taglist as $tag) { $updated = false; // @todo: make sure members list is up-to-date (UIDs are up-to-date) // ...filter members by folder/uid prefix foreach ((array) $tag['members'] as $idx => $member) { foreach ($filter as $members) { // list of prefixes if (is_array($members)) { foreach ($members as $message) { if ($member == $message || strpos($member, $message . '?') === 0) { unset($tag['members'][$idx]); $updated = true; } } } // one prefix (all messages in a folder) else { if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($members, '/') . '\/[0-9]+(\?|$)/', $member)) { unset($tag['members'][$idx]); $updated = true; } } } } // update tag object if ($updated) { if (!$this->backend->update($tag)) { $error = true; } } $tags[] = $tag['uid']; } if (!empty($error)) { if ($_POST['_from'] != 'show') { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('untaggingerror'), 'error'); $this->rc->output->command('list_mailbox'); } } else { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('untaggingsuccess'), 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->command('plugin.kolab_tags', ['mark' => 1, 'delete' => $tags]); } } /** * Add tag to message(s) */ public function action_add() { $tag = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_tag', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $storage = $this->rc->get_storage(); $members = []; // build list of members foreach (rcmail::get_uids() as $mbox => $uids) { if ($uids === '*') { $index = $storage->index($mbox, null, null, true); $uids = $index->get(); $msgs = $storage->fetch_headers($mbox, $uids, false); } else { $msgs = $storage->fetch_headers($mbox, $uids, false); } // fetch_headers doesn't detect IMAP errors, so we make sure we get something back. if (!empty($uids) && empty($msgs)) { throw new Exception("Failed to find relation members, check the IMAP log."); } $members = array_merge($members, $this->build_members($mbox, $msgs)); } // create a new tag? if (!empty($_POST['_new'])) { $object = [ 'name' => $tag, 'members' => $members, ]; $object = $this->backend->create($object); $error = $object === false; } // use existing tags (by UID) else { $filter = [['uid', '=', explode(',', $tag)]]; $taglist = $this->backend->list_tags($filter); // for every tag... foreach ($taglist as $tag) { $tag['members'] = array_unique(array_merge((array) $tag['members'], $members)); // update tag object if (!$this->backend->update($tag)) { $error = true; } } } if (!empty($error)) { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('taggingerror'), 'error'); if ($_POST['_from'] != 'show') { $this->rc->output->command('list_mailbox'); } } else { $this->rc->output->show_message($this->plugin->gettext('taggingsuccess'), 'confirmation'); if (isset($object)) { $this->rc->output->command('plugin.kolab_tags', ['mark' => 1, 'add' => [$this->parse_tag($object)]]); } } } /** * Refresh tags list */ public function action_refresh() { $taglist = $this->backend->list_tags(); $taglist = array_map([$this, 'parse_tag'], $taglist); $this->rc->output->set_env('tags', $taglist); $this->rc->output->command('plugin.kolab_tags', ['refresh' => 1]); } /** * Template object building tags list/cloud */ public function taglist($attrib) { $taglist = $this->backend->list_tags(); // Performance: Save the list for later if ($this->rc->action == 'show' || $this->rc->action == 'preview') { $this->taglist = $taglist; } $taglist = array_map([$this, 'parse_tag'], $taglist); $this->rc->output->set_env('tags', $taglist); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('taglist', $attrib['id']); return html::tag('ul', $attrib, '', html::$common_attrib); } /** * Handler for messages list (add tag-boxes in subject line on the list) */ public function messages_list_handler($args) { if (empty($args['messages'])) { return; } // get tags list $taglist = $this->backend->list_tags(); // get message UIDs $message_tags = []; foreach ($args['messages'] as $msg) { $message_tags[$msg->uid . '-' . $msg->folder] = null; } $uids = array_keys($message_tags); foreach ($taglist as $tag) { $tag = $this->parse_tag($tag, true); foreach ((array) $tag['uids'] as $folder => $_uids) { array_walk($_uids, function (&$uid, $key, $folder) { $uid .= '-' . $folder; }, $folder); foreach (array_intersect($uids, $_uids) as $uid) { $message_tags[$uid][] = $tag['uid']; } } } $this->rc->output->set_env('message_tags', array_filter($message_tags)); // @TODO: tag counters for the whole folder (search result) return $args; } /** * Handler for a single message (add tag-boxes in subject line) */ public function message_headers_handler($args) { $taglist = $this->taglist ?: $this->backend->list_tags(); $uid = $args['uid']; $folder = $args['folder']; $tags = []; foreach ($taglist as $tag) { $tag = $this->parse_tag($tag, true, false); if (!empty($tag['uids'][$folder]) && in_array($uid, (array) $tag['uids'][$folder])) { unset($tag['uids']); $tags[] = $tag; } } if (!empty($tags)) { $this->rc->output->set_env('message_tags', $tags); } return $args; } /** * Handler for messages searching requests */ public function imap_search_handler($args) { if (empty($args['search_tags'])) { return $args; } // we'll reset to current folder to fix issues when searching in multi-folder mode $storage = $this->rc->get_storage(); $orig_folder = $storage->get_folder(); // get tags $tags = $this->backend->list_tags([['uid', '=', $args['search_tags']]]); // sanity check (that should not happen) if (empty($tags)) { if ($orig_folder) { $storage->set_folder($orig_folder); } return $args; } $search = []; $folders = (array) $args['folder']; // collect folders and uids foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = $this->parse_tag($tag, true); // tag has no members -> empty search result if (empty($tag['uids'])) { goto empty_result; } foreach ($tag['uids'] as $folder => $uid_list) { - $search[$folder] = array_merge((array)$search[$folder] ?? [], $uid_list); + $search[$folder] = array_merge($search[$folder] ?? [], $uid_list); } } $search = array_map('array_unique', $search); $criteria = []; // modify search folders/criteria $args['folder'] = array_intersect($folders, array_keys($search)); foreach ($args['folder'] as $folder) { $criteria[$folder] = ($args['search'] != 'ALL' ? trim($args['search']) . ' ' : '') . 'UID ' . rcube_imap_generic::compressMessageSet($search[$folder]); } if (!empty($args['folder'])) { $args['search'] = $criteria; } else { // return empty result empty_result: if (count($folders) > 1) { $args['result'] = new rcube_result_multifolder($args['folder']); foreach ($args['folder'] as $folder) { $index = new rcube_result_index($folder, '* SORT'); $args['result']->add($index); } } else { $class = 'rcube_result_' . ($args['threading'] ? 'thread' : 'index'); $result = $args['threading'] ? '* THREAD' : '* SORT'; $args['result'] = new $class($args['folder'] ?? 'INBOX', $result); } } if ($orig_folder) { $storage->set_folder($orig_folder); } return $args; } /** * Get selected tags when in search-mode */ protected function search_filter_mods() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['_search']) && !empty($_SESSION['search']) && $_SESSION['search_request'] == $_REQUEST['_search'] && ($filter = $_SESSION['search_filter']) ) { if (preg_match('/^(kolab_tags_[0-9]{10,}:([^:]+):)/', $filter, $m)) { $search_tags = explode(',', $m[2]); $search_filter = substr($filter, strlen($m[1])); // send current search properties to the browser $this->rc->output->set_env('search_filter_selected', $search_filter); $this->rc->output->set_env('selected_tags', $search_tags); } } } /** * "Convert" tag object to simple array for use in javascript */ private function parse_tag($tag, $list = false, $force = true) { $result = [ 'uid' => $tag['uid'], 'name' => $tag['name'], 'color' => $tag['color'] ?? null, ]; if ($list) { $result['uids'] = $this->get_tag_messages($tag, $force); } return $result; } /** * Resolve members to folder/UID * * @param array $tag Tag object * * @return array Folder/UID list */ protected function get_tag_messages(&$tag, $force = true) { return kolab_storage_config::resolve_members($tag, $force); } /** * Build array of member URIs from set of messages */ protected function build_members($folder, $messages) { return kolab_storage_config::build_members($folder, $messages); } /** * Parses tag member string * * @param string $url Member URI * * @return array Message folder, UID, Search headers (Message-Id, Date) */ protected function parse_member_url($url) { return kolab_storage_config::parse_member_url($url); } /** * Builds member URI * * @param array $params Message folder, UID, Search headers (Message-Id, Date) * * @return string $url Member URI */ protected function build_member_url($params) { return kolab_storage_config::build_member_url($params); } }