diff --git a/plugins/calendar/calendar_ui.js b/plugins/calendar/calendar_ui.js index 7d33a409..5b3f596f 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/calendar_ui.js +++ b/plugins/calendar/calendar_ui.js @@ -1,4248 +1,4248 @@ /** * Client UI Javascript for the Calendar plugin * * @author Lazlo Westerhof * @author Thomas Bruederli * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2010, Lazlo Westerhof * Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. */ // Roundcube calendar UI client class function rcube_calendar_ui(settings) { // extend base class rcube_calendar.call(this, settings); /*** member vars ***/ this.is_loading = false; this.selected_event = null; this.selected_calendar = null; this.search_request = null; this.saving_lock = null; this.calendars = {}; this.quickview_sources = []; /*** private vars ***/ var DAY_MS = 86400000; var HOUR_MS = 3600000; var me = this; var day_clicked = day_clicked_ts = 0; var ignore_click = false; var event_defaults = { free_busy:'busy', alarms:'' }; var event_attendees = []; var calendars_list; var calenders_search_list; var calenders_search_container; var search_calendars = {}; var attendees_list; var resources_list; var resources_treelist; var resources_data = {}; var resources_index = []; var resource_owners = {}; var resources_events_source = { url:null, editable:false }; var freebusy_ui = { workinhoursonly:false, needsupdate:false }; var freebusy_data = {}; var current_view = null; var count_sources = []; var exec_deferred = bw.ie6 ? 5 : 1; var sensitivitylabels = { 'public':rcmail.gettext('public','calendar'), 'private':rcmail.gettext('private','calendar'), 'confidential':rcmail.gettext('confidential','calendar') }; var ui_loading = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading'); // general datepicker settings var datepicker_settings = { // translate from fullcalendar format to datepicker format dateFormat: settings['date_format'].replace(/M/g, 'm').replace(/mmmmm/, 'MM').replace(/mmm/, 'M').replace(/dddd/, 'DD').replace(/ddd/, 'D').replace(/yy/g, 'y'), firstDay : settings['first_day'], dayNamesMin: settings['days_short'], monthNames: settings['months'], monthNamesShort: settings['months'], changeMonth: false, showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true }; // global fullcalendar settings var fullcalendar_defaults = { aspectRatio: 1, ignoreTimezone: true, // will treat the given date strings as in local (browser's) timezone monthNames : settings.months, monthNamesShort : settings.months_short, dayNames : settings.days, dayNamesShort : settings.days_short, firstDay : settings.first_day, firstHour : settings.first_hour, slotMinutes : 60/settings.timeslots, timeFormat: { '': settings.time_format, agenda: settings.time_format + '{ - ' + settings.time_format + '}', list: settings.time_format + '{ - ' + settings.time_format + '}', table: settings.time_format + '{ - ' + settings.time_format + '}' }, axisFormat : settings.time_format, columnFormat: { month: 'ddd', // Mon week: 'ddd ' + settings.date_short, // Mon 9/7 day: 'dddd ' + settings.date_short, // Monday 9/7 table: settings.date_agenda }, titleFormat: { month: 'MMMM yyyy', week: settings.dates_long, day: 'dddd ' + settings['date_long'], table: settings.dates_long }, listPage: 7, // advance one week in agenda view listRange: settings.agenda_range, listSections: settings.agenda_sections, tableCols: ['handle', 'date', 'time', 'title', 'location'], defaultView: rcmail.env.view || settings.default_view, allDayText: rcmail.gettext('all-day', 'calendar'), buttonText: { prev: ' ◄ ', next: ' ► ', today: settings['today'], day: rcmail.gettext('day', 'calendar'), week: rcmail.gettext('week', 'calendar'), month: rcmail.gettext('month', 'calendar'), table: rcmail.gettext('agenda', 'calendar') }, listTexts: { until: rcmail.gettext('until', 'calendar'), past: rcmail.gettext('pastevents', 'calendar'), today: rcmail.gettext('today', 'calendar'), tomorrow: rcmail.gettext('tomorrow', 'calendar'), thisWeek: rcmail.gettext('thisweek', 'calendar'), nextWeek: rcmail.gettext('nextweek', 'calendar'), thisMonth: rcmail.gettext('thismonth', 'calendar'), nextMonth: rcmail.gettext('nextmonth', 'calendar'), future: rcmail.gettext('futureevents', 'calendar'), week: rcmail.gettext('weekofyear', 'calendar') }, currentTimeIndicator: settings.time_indicator, // event rendering eventRender: function(event, element, view) { if (view.name != 'list' && view.name != 'table') { var prefix = event.sensitivity && event.sensitivity != 'public' ? String(sensitivitylabels[event.sensitivity]).toUpperCase()+': ' : ''; element.attr('title', prefix + event.title); } if (view.name != 'month') { if (event.location) { element.find('div.fc-event-title').after('
@ ' + Q(event.location) + '
'); } if (event.sensitivity && event.sensitivity != 'public') element.find('div.fc-event-time').append(''); if (event.recurrence) element.find('div.fc-event-time').append(''); if (event.alarms || (event.valarms && event.valarms.length)) element.find('div.fc-event-time').append(''); } if (event.status) { element.addClass('cal-event-status-' + String(event.status).toLowerCase()); } element.attr('aria-label', event.title + ', ' + me.event_date_text(event, true)); }, // render element indicating more (invisible) events overflowRender: function(data, element) { element.html(rcmail.gettext('andnmore', 'calendar').replace('$nr', data.count)) .click(function(e){ me.fisheye_view(data.date); }); }, // callback when a specific event is clicked eventClick: function(event, ev, view) { if (!event.temp && String(event.className).indexOf('fc-type-freebusy') < 0) event_show_dialog(event, ev); } }; /*** imports ***/ var Q = this.quote_html; var text2html = this.text2html; var event_date_text = this.event_date_text; var parse_datetime = this.parse_datetime; var date2unixtime = this.date2unixtime; var fromunixtime = this.fromunixtime; var parseISO8601 = this.parseISO8601; var date2servertime = this.date2ISO8601; var render_message_links = this.render_message_links; /*** private methods ***/ // same as str.split(delimiter) but it ignores delimiters within quoted strings var explode_quoted_string = function(str, delimiter) { var result = [], strlen = str.length, q, p, i, chr, last; for (q = p = i = 0; i < strlen; i++) { chr = str.charAt(i); if (chr == '"' && last != '\\') { q = !q; } else if (!q && chr == delimiter) { result.push(str.substring(p, i)); p = i + 1; } last = chr; } result.push(str.substr(p)); return result; }; // Change the first charcter to uppercase var ucfirst = function(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1); }; // clone the given date object and optionally adjust time var clone_date = function(date, adjust) { var d = new Date(date.getTime()); // set time to 00:00 if (adjust == 1) { d.setHours(0); d.setMinutes(0); } // set time to 23:59 else if (adjust == 2) { d.setHours(23); d.setMinutes(59); } return d; }; // fix date if jumped over a DST change var fix_date = function(date) { if (date.getHours() == 23) date.setTime(date.getTime() + HOUR_MS); else if (date.getHours() > 0) date.setHours(0); }; var date2timestring = function(date, dateonly) { return date2servertime(date).replace(/[^0-9]/g, '').substr(0, (dateonly ? 8 : 14)); } var format_datetime = function(date, mode, voice) { return me.format_datetime(date, mode, voice); } var render_link = function(url) { var islink = false, href = url; if (url.match(/^[fhtpsmailo]+?:\/\//i)) { islink = true; } else if (url.match(/^[a-z0-9.-:]+(\/|$)/i)) { islink = true; href = 'http://' + url; } return islink ? '' + Q(url) + '' : Q(url); } // determine whether the given date is on a weekend var is_weekend = function(date) { return date.getDay() == 0 || date.getDay() == 6; }; var is_workinghour = function(date) { if (settings['work_start'] > settings['work_end']) return date.getHours() >= settings['work_start'] || date.getHours() < settings['work_end']; else return date.getHours() >= settings['work_start'] && date.getHours() < settings['work_end']; }; var load_attachment = function(event, att) { var query = { _id: att.id, _event: event.recurrence_id || event.id, _cal:event.calendar, _frame: 1 }; if (event.rev) query._rev = event.rev; if (event.calendar == "--invitation--itip") $.extend(query, {_uid: event._uid, _part: event._part, _mbox: event._mbox}); // open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype if (id && att.mimetype && $.inArray(att.mimetype, settings.mimetypes)>=0) { if (rcmail.open_window(rcmail.url('get-attachment', query), true, true)) { return; } } query._frame = null; query._download = 1; rcmail.goto_url('get-attachment', query, false); }; // build event attachments list var event_show_attachments = function(list, container, event, edit) { var i, id, len, img, content, li, elem, ul = document.createElement('UL'); ul.className = 'attachmentslist'; for (i=0, len=list.length; i') .attr('title', rcmail.gettext('delete')) .attr('aria-label', rcmail.gettext('delete') + ' ' + Q(elem.name)) .addClass('delete') .click({id: elem.id}, function(e) { remove_attachment(this, e.data.id); return false; }); if (!rcmail.env.deleteicon) content.html(rcmail.gettext('delete')); else { img = document.createElement('IMG'); img.src = rcmail.env.deleteicon; img.alt = rcmail.gettext('delete'); content.append(img); } content.appendTo(li); } // name/link content = $('') .html(Q(elem.name)) .addClass('file') .click({event: event, att: elem}, function(e) { load_attachment(e.data.event, e.data.att); return false; }) .appendTo(li); ul.appendChild(li); } if (edit && rcmail.gui_objects.attachmentlist) { ul.id = rcmail.gui_objects.attachmentlist.id; rcmail.gui_objects.attachmentlist = ul; } container.empty().append(ul); }; var remove_attachment = function(elem, id) { $(elem.parentNode).hide(); rcmail.env.deleted_attachments.push(id); delete rcmail.env.attachments[id]; }; // event details dialog (show only) var event_show_dialog = function(event, ev, temp) { var $dialog = $("#eventshow"); var calendar = event.calendar && me.calendars[event.calendar] ? me.calendars[event.calendar] : { editable:false, rights:'lrs' }; if (!temp) me.selected_event = event; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); // remove status-* and sensitivity-* classes $dialog.removeClass(function(i, oldclass) { var oldies = String(oldclass).split(' '); return $.grep(oldies, function(cls) { return cls.indexOf('status-') === 0 || cls.indexOf('sensitivity-') === 0 }).join(' '); }); // convert start/end dates if not done yet by fullcalendar if (typeof event.start == 'string') event.start = parseISO8601(event.start); if (typeof event.end == 'string') event.end = parseISO8601(event.end); // allow other plugins to do actions when event form is opened rcmail.triggerEvent('calendar-event-init', {o: event}); $dialog.find('div.event-section, div.event-line').hide(); $('#event-title').html(Q(event.title)).show(); if (event.location) $('#event-location').html('@ ' + text2html(event.location)).show(); if (event.description) $('#event-description').show().children('.event-text').html(text2html(event.description, 300, 6)); if (event.vurl) $('#event-url').show().children('.event-text').html(render_link(event.vurl)); // render from-to in a nice human-readable way // -> now shown in dialog title // $('#event-date').html(Q(me.event_date_text(event))).show(); if (event.recurrence && event.recurrence_text) $('#event-repeat').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(event.recurrence_text)); if (event.valarms && event.alarms_text) $('#event-alarm').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(event.alarms_text).replace(',', ',
')); if (calendar.name) $('#event-calendar').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(calendar.name)).attr('class', 'event-text cal-'+calendar.id).css('color', calendar.textColor || calendar.color || ''); if (event.categories) $('#event-category').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(event.categories)).attr('class', 'event-text cat-'+String(event.categories).toLowerCase().replace(rcmail.identifier_expr, '')); if (event.free_busy) $('#event-free-busy').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(rcmail.gettext(event.free_busy, 'calendar'))); if (event.priority > 0) { var priolabels = [ '', rcmail.gettext('highest'), rcmail.gettext('high'), '', '', rcmail.gettext('normal'), '', '', rcmail.gettext('low'), rcmail.gettext('lowest') ]; $('#event-priority').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(event.priority+' '+priolabels[event.priority])); } if (event.status) { var status_lc = String(event.status).toLowerCase(); $('#event-status').show().children('.event-text').text(rcmail.gettext('status-'+status_lc,'calendar')); $('#event-status-badge > span').text(rcmail.gettext('status-'+status_lc,'calendar')); $dialog.addClass('status-'+status_lc); } if (event.sensitivity && event.sensitivity != 'public') { $('#event-sensitivity').show().children('.event-text').text(sensitivitylabels[event.sensitivity]); $('#event-status-badge > span').text(sensitivitylabels[event.sensitivity]); $dialog.addClass('sensitivity-'+event.sensitivity); } if (event.created || event.changed) { var created = parseISO8601(event.created), changed = parseISO8601(event.changed) $('#event-created-changed .event-created').html(Q(created ? format_datetime(created) : rcmail.gettext('unknown','calendar'))) $('#event-created-changed .event-changed').html(Q(changed ? format_datetime(changed) : rcmail.gettext('unknown','calendar'))) $('#event-created-changed').show() } // create attachments list if ($.isArray(event.attachments)) { event_show_attachments(event.attachments, $('#event-attachments').children('.event-text'), event); if (event.attachments.length > 0) { $('#event-attachments').show(); } } else if (calendar.attachments) { // fetch attachments, some drivers doesn't set 'attachments' prop of the event? } // build attachments list $('#event-links').hide(); if ($.isArray(event.links) && event.links.length) { render_message_links(event.links || [], $('#event-links').children('.event-text'), false, 'calendar'); $('#event-links').show(); } // list event attendees if (calendar.attendees && event.attendees) { // sort resources to the end event.attendees.sort(function(a,b) { var j = a.cutype == 'RESOURCE' ? 1 : 0, k = b.cutype == 'RESOURCE' ? 1 : 0; return (j - k); }); var data, mystatus = null, rsvp, line, morelink, html = '', overflow = '', organizer = me.is_organizer(event); for (var j=0; j < event.attendees.length; j++) { data = event.attendees[j]; if (data.email) { if (data.role != 'ORGANIZER' && settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+data.email) >= 0) { mystatus = (data.status || 'UNKNOWN').toLowerCase(); if (data.status == 'NEEDS-ACTION' || data.status == 'TENTATIVE' || data.rsvp) rsvp = mystatus; } } line = rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html(data); if (morelink) overflow += ' ' + line; else html += ' ' + line; // stop listing attendees if (j == 7 && event.attendees.length >= 7) { morelink = $('
').html(rcmail.gettext('andnmore', 'calendar').replace('$nr', event.attendees.length - j - 1)); } } if (html && (event.attendees.length > 1 || !organizer)) { $('#event-attendees').show() .children('.event-text') .html(html) .find('a.mailtolink').click(event_attendee_click); // display all attendees in a popup when clicking the "more" link if (morelink) { $('#event-attendees .event-text').append(morelink); morelink.click(function(e){ rcmail.show_popup_dialog( '
' + html + overflow + '
', rcmail.gettext('tabattendees','calendar'), null, { width:450, modal:false }); $('#all-event-attendees a.mailtolink').click(event_attendee_click); return false; }) } } if (mystatus && !rsvp) { $('#event-partstat').show().children('.changersvp') .removeClass('accepted tentative declined delegated needs-action unknown') .addClass(mystatus) .children('.event-text') .text(rcmail.gettext('status' + mystatus, 'libcalendaring')); } var show_rsvp = rsvp && !organizer && event.status != 'CANCELLED' && me.has_permission(calendar, 'v'); $('#event-rsvp')[(show_rsvp ? 'show' : 'hide')](); $('#event-rsvp .rsvp-buttons input').prop('disabled', false).filter('input[rel="'+(mystatus || '')+'"]').prop('disabled', true); if (show_rsvp && event.comment) $('#event-rsvp-comment').show().children('.event-text').html(Q(event.comment)); $('#event-rsvp a.reply-comment-toggle').show(); $('#event-rsvp .itip-reply-comment textarea').hide().val(''); if (event.recurrence && event.id) { var sel = event._savemode || (event.thisandfuture ? 'future' : (event.isexception ? 'current' : 'all')); $('#event-rsvp .rsvp-buttons').addClass('recurring'); } else { $('#event-rsvp .rsvp-buttons').removeClass('recurring'); } } var buttons = []; if (!temp && calendar.editable && event.editable !== false) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('edit', 'calendar'), click: function() { event_edit_dialog('edit', event); } }); } if (!temp && me.has_permission(calendar, 'td') && event.editable !== false) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('delete', 'calendar'), 'class': 'delete', click: function() { me.delete_event(event); $dialog.dialog('close'); } }); } if (!buttons.length) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('close', 'calendar'), click: function(){ $dialog.dialog('close'); } }); } // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: !bw.ie6, closeOnEscape: (!bw.ie6 && !bw.ie7), // disable for performance reasons title: me.event_date_text(event), open: function() { $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); setTimeout(function(){ $dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, 5); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); rcmail.command('menu-close','eventoptionsmenu'); $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, dragStart: function() { rcmail.command('menu-close','eventoptionsmenu'); $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, resizeStart: function() { rcmail.command('menu-close','eventoptionsmenu'); $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, buttons: buttons, minWidth: 320, width: 420 }).show(); // remember opener element (to be focused on close) $dialog.data('opener', ev && rcube_event.is_keyboard(ev) ? ev.target : null); // set voice title on dialog widget $dialog.dialog('widget').removeAttr('aria-labelledby') .attr('aria-label', me.event_date_text(event, true) + ', ', event.title); // set dialog size according to content me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 420); // add link for "more options" drop-down if (!temp && !event.temporary && event.calendar != '_resource') { $('') .attr('href', '#') .html(rcmail.gettext('eventoptions','calendar')) .addClass('dropdown-link') .click(function(e) { return rcmail.command('menu-open','eventoptionsmenu', this, e) }) .appendTo($dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset')); } rcmail.enable_command('event-history', calendar.history) rcmail.triggerEvent('calendar-event-dialog', {dialog: $dialog}); }; // event handler for clicks on an attendee link var event_attendee_click = function(e) { var cutype = $(this).attr('data-cutype'), mailto = this.href.substr(7); if (rcmail.env.calendar_resources && cutype == 'RESOURCE') { event_resources_dialog(mailto); } else { rcmail.command('compose', mailto, e ? e.target : null, e); } return false; }; // bring up the event dialog (jquery-ui popup) var event_edit_dialog = function(action, event) { // copy opener element from show dialog var op_elem = $("#eventshow:ui-dialog").data('opener'); // close show dialog first $("#eventshow:ui-dialog").data('opener', null).dialog('close'); var $dialog = $('
'); var calendar = event.calendar && me.calendars[event.calendar] ? me.calendars[event.calendar] : { editable:true, rights: action=='new' ? 'lrwitd' : 'lrs' }; me.selected_event = $.extend($.extend({}, event_defaults), event); // clone event object (with defaults) event = me.selected_event; // change reference to clone freebusy_ui.needsupdate = false; // reset dialog first $('#eventtabs').get(0).reset(); $('#event-panel-recurrence input, #event-panel-recurrence select, #event-panel-attachments input').prop('disabled', false); $('#event-panel-recurrence, #event-panel-attachments').removeClass('disabled'); // allow other plugins to do actions when event form is opened rcmail.triggerEvent('calendar-event-init', {o: event}); // event details var title = $('#edit-title').val(event.title || ''); var location = $('#edit-location').val(event.location || ''); var description = $('#edit-description').text(event.description || ''); var vurl = $('#edit-url').val(event.vurl || ''); var categories = $('#edit-categories').val(event.categories); var calendars = $('#edit-calendar').val(event.calendar); var eventstatus = $('#edit-event-status').val(event.status); var freebusy = $('#edit-free-busy').val(event.free_busy); var priority = $('#edit-priority').val(event.priority); var sensitivity = $('#edit-sensitivity').val(event.sensitivity); var syncstart = $('#edit-recurrence-syncstart input'); var duration = Math.round((event.end.getTime() - event.start.getTime()) / 1000); var startdate = $('#edit-startdate').val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.start, settings['date_format'])).data('duration', duration); var starttime = $('#edit-starttime').val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.start, settings['time_format'])).show(); var enddate = $('#edit-enddate').val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.end, settings['date_format'])); var endtime = $('#edit-endtime').val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.end, settings['time_format'])).show(); var allday = $('#edit-allday').get(0); var notify = $('#edit-attendees-donotify').get(0); var invite = $('#edit-attendees-invite').get(0); var comment = $('#edit-attendees-comment'); // make sure any calendar is selected if (!calendars.val()) calendars.val($('option:first', calendars).attr('value')); invite.checked = settings.itip_notify & 1 > 0; notify.checked = me.has_attendees(event) && invite.checked; if (event.allDay) { starttime.val("12:00").hide(); endtime.val("13:00").hide(); allday.checked = true; } else { allday.checked = false; } // set calendar selection according to permissions calendars.find('option').each(function(i, opt) { var cal = me.calendars[opt.value] || {}; $(opt).prop('disabled', !(cal.editable || (action == 'new' && me.has_permission(cal, 'i')))) }); // set alarm(s) me.set_alarms_edit('#edit-alarms', action != 'new' && event.valarms && calendar.alarms ? event.valarms : []); // enable/disable alarm property according to backend support $('#edit-alarms')[(calendar.alarms ? 'show' : 'hide')](); // check categories drop-down: add value if not exists if (event.categories && !categories.find("option[value='"+event.categories+"']").length) { $(' '; list_html += '
' + role_html + dispname + '
'; // clone attendees data for local modifications freebusy_ui.attendees[i] = freebusy_ui.attendees[domid] = $.extend({}, data); } // add total row list_html += '
'; list_html += '
' + rcmail.gettext('reqallattendees','calendar') + '
'; $('#schedule-attendees-list').html(list_html) .unbind('click.roleicons') .bind('click.roleicons', function(e){ // toggle attendee status upon click on icon if (e.target.id && e.target.id.match(/rcmlia(.+)/)) { var attendee, domid = RegExp.$1, roles = [ 'REQ-PARTICIPANT', 'OPT-PARTICIPANT', 'NON-PARTICIPANT', 'CHAIR' ]; if ((attendee = freebusy_ui.attendees[domid]) && attendee.role != 'ORGANIZER') { var req = attendee.role != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT' && attendee.role != 'NON-PARTICIPANT'; var j = $.inArray(attendee.role, roles); j = (j+1) % roles.length; attendee.role = roles[j]; $(e.target).parent().attr('class', 'attendee '+String(attendee.role).toLowerCase()); // update total display if required-status changed if (req != (roles[j] != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT' && roles[j] != 'NON-PARTICIPANT')) { compute_freebusy_totals(); update_freebusy_display(attendee.email); } } } return false; }); // enable/disable buttons $('#shedule-find-prev').button('option', 'disabled', (fb_start.getTime() < now.getTime())); // dialog buttons var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('select', 'calendar')] = function() { $('#edit-startdate').val(freebusy_ui.startdate.val()); $('#edit-starttime').val(freebusy_ui.starttime.val()); $('#edit-enddate').val(freebusy_ui.enddate.val()); $('#edit-endtime').val(freebusy_ui.endtime.val()); // write role changes back to main dialog $('select.edit-attendee-role').each(function(i, elem){ if (event_attendees[i] && freebusy_ui.attendees[i]) { event_attendees[i].role = freebusy_ui.attendees[i].role; $(elem).val(event_attendees[i].role); } }); if (freebusy_ui.needsupdate) update_freebusy_status(me.selected_event); freebusy_ui.needsupdate = false; $dialog.dialog("close"); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'calendar')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: (!bw.ie6 && !bw.ie7), title: rcmail.gettext('scheduletime', 'calendar'), open: function() { rcmail.ksearch_blur(); $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('#shedule-find-next, #shedule-find-prev').not(':disabled').first().focus(); }, close: function() { if (bw.ie6) $("#edit-attendees-table").css('visibility','visible'); $dialog.dialog("destroy").attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); // TODO: focus opener button }, resizeStop: function() { render_freebusy_overlay(); }, buttons: buttons, minWidth: 640, width: 850 }).show(); // hide edit dialog on IE6 because of drop-down elements if (bw.ie6) $("#edit-attendees-table").css('visibility','hidden'); // adjust dialog size to fit grid without scrolling var gridw = $('#schedule-freebusy-times').width(); var overflow = gridw - $('#attendees-freebusy-table td.times').width(); me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height() + (bw.ie ? 20 : 0), 800 + Math.max(0, overflow)); // fetch data from server freebusy_ui.loading = 0; load_freebusy_data(freebusy_ui.start, freebusy_ui.interval); }; // render an HTML table showing free-busy status for all the event attendees var render_freebusy_grid = function(delta) { if (delta) { freebusy_ui.start.setTime(freebusy_ui.start.getTime() + DAY_MS * delta); fix_date(freebusy_ui.start); // skip weekends if in workinhoursonly-mode if (Math.abs(delta) == 1 && freebusy_ui.workinhoursonly) { while (is_weekend(freebusy_ui.start)) freebusy_ui.start.setTime(freebusy_ui.start.getTime() + DAY_MS * delta); fix_date(freebusy_ui.start); } freebusy_ui.end = new Date(freebusy_ui.start.getTime() + DAY_MS * freebusy_ui.numdays); } var dayslots = Math.floor(1440 / freebusy_ui.interval); var date_format = 'ddd '+ (dayslots <= 2 ? settings.date_short : settings.date_format); var lastdate, datestr, css, curdate = new Date(), allday = (freebusy_ui.interval == 1440), interval = allday ? 1440 : (freebusy_ui.interval * (settings.timeslots || 1)); times_css = (allday ? 'allday ' : ''), dates_row = '', times_row = '', slots_row = ''; for (var s = 0, t = freebusy_ui.start.getTime(); t < freebusy_ui.end.getTime(); s++) { curdate.setTime(t); datestr = fc.fullCalendar('formatDate', curdate, date_format); if (datestr != lastdate) { if (lastdate && !allday) break; dates_row += '' + Q(datestr) + ''; lastdate = datestr; } // set css class according to working hours css = is_weekend(curdate) || (freebusy_ui.interval <= 60 && !is_workinghour(curdate)) ? 'offhours' : 'workinghours'; times_row += '' + Q(allday ? rcmail.gettext('all-day','calendar') : $.fullCalendar.formatDate(curdate, settings['time_format'])) + ''; slots_row += ' '; t += interval * 60000; } dates_row += ''; times_row += ''; // render list of attendees var domid, data, list_html = '', times_html = ''; for (var i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { data = event_attendees[i]; domid = String(data.email).replace(rcmail.identifier_expr, ''); times_html += '' + slots_row + ''; } // add line for all/required attendees times_html += ''; times_html += '' + slots_row + ''; var table = $('#schedule-freebusy-times'); table.children('thead').html(dates_row + times_row); table.children('tbody').html(times_html); // initialize event handlers on grid if (!freebusy_ui.grid_events) { freebusy_ui.grid_events = true; table.children('thead').click(function(e){ // move event to the clicked date/time if (e.target.id && e.target.id.match(/t-(\d+)/)) { var newstart = new Date(RegExp.$1 * 1000); // set time to 00:00 if (me.selected_event.allDay) { newstart.setMinutes(0); newstart.setHours(0); } update_freebusy_dates(newstart, new Date(newstart.getTime() + freebusy_ui.startdate.data('duration') * 1000)); render_freebusy_overlay(); } }); } // if we have loaded free-busy data, show it if (!freebusy_ui.loading) { if (freebusy_ui.start < freebusy_data.start || freebusy_ui.end > freebusy_data.end || freebusy_ui.interval != freebusy_data.interval) { load_freebusy_data(freebusy_ui.start, freebusy_ui.interval); } else { for (var email, i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { if ((email = event_attendees[i].email)) update_freebusy_display(email); } } } // render current event date/time selection over grid table // use timeout to let the dom attributes (width/height/offset) be set first window.setTimeout(function(){ render_freebusy_overlay(); }, 10); }; // render overlay element over the grid to visiualize the current event date/time var render_freebusy_overlay = function() { var overlay = $('#schedule-event-time'); if (me.selected_event.end.getTime() <= freebusy_ui.start.getTime() || me.selected_event.start.getTime() >= freebusy_ui.end.getTime()) { overlay.hide(); if (overlay.data('isdraggable')) overlay.draggable('disable'); } else { var i, n, table = $('#schedule-freebusy-times'), width = 0, pos = { top:table.children('thead').height(), left:0 }, eventstart = date2unixtime(clone_date(me.selected_event.start, me.selected_event.allDay?1:0)), eventend = date2unixtime(clone_date(me.selected_event.end, me.selected_event.allDay?2:0)) - 60, slotstart = date2unixtime(freebusy_ui.start), slotsize = freebusy_ui.interval * 60, slotnum = freebusy_ui.interval > 60 ? 1 : (60 / freebusy_ui.interval), cells = table.children('thead').find('td'), cell_width = cells.first().get(0).offsetWidth, slotend; // iterate through slots to determine position and size of the overlay for (i=0; i < cells.length; i++) { for (n=0; n < slotnum; n++) { slotend = slotstart + slotsize - 1; // event starts in this slot: compute left if (eventstart >= slotstart && eventstart <= slotend) { pos.left = Math.round(i * cell_width + (cell_width / slotnum) * n); } // event ends in this slot: compute width if (eventend >= slotstart && eventend <= slotend) { width = Math.round(i * cell_width + (cell_width / slotnum) * (n + 1)) - pos.left; } slotstart += slotsize; } } if (!width) width = table.width() - pos.left; // overlay is visible if (width > 0) { overlay.css({ width: (width-4)+'px', height:(table.children('tbody').height() - 4)+'px', left:pos.left+'px', top:pos.top+'px' }).show(); // configure draggable if (!overlay.data('isdraggable')) { overlay.draggable({ axis: 'x', scroll: true, stop: function(e, ui){ // convert pixels to time var px = ui.position.left; var range_p = $('#schedule-freebusy-times').width(); var range_t = freebusy_ui.end.getTime() - freebusy_ui.start.getTime(); var newstart = new Date(freebusy_ui.start.getTime() + px * (range_t / range_p)); newstart.setSeconds(0); newstart.setMilliseconds(0); // snap to day boundaries if (me.selected_event.allDay) { if (newstart.getHours() >= 12) // snap to next day newstart.setTime(newstart.getTime() + DAY_MS); newstart.setMinutes(0); newstart.setHours(0); } else { // round to 5 minutes // @TODO: round to timeslots? var round = newstart.getMinutes() % 5; if (round > 2.5) newstart.setTime(newstart.getTime() + (5 - round) * 60000); else if (round > 0) newstart.setTime(newstart.getTime() - round * 60000); } // update event times and display update_freebusy_dates(newstart, new Date(newstart.getTime() + freebusy_ui.startdate.data('duration') * 1000)); if (me.selected_event.allDay) render_freebusy_overlay(); } }).data('isdraggable', true); } else overlay.draggable('enable'); } else overlay.draggable('disable').hide(); } }; // fetch free-busy information for each attendee from server var load_freebusy_data = function(from, interval) { var start = new Date(from.getTime() - DAY_MS * 2); // start 2 days before event fix_date(start); var end = new Date(start.getTime() + DAY_MS * Math.max(14, freebusy_ui.numdays + 7)); // load min. 14 days freebusy_ui.numrequired = 0; freebusy_data.all = []; freebusy_data.required = []; // load free-busy information for every attendee var domid, email; for (var i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { if ((email = event_attendees[i].email)) { domid = String(email).replace(rcmail.identifier_expr, ''); $('#rcmli' + domid).addClass('loading'); freebusy_ui.loading++; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: rcmail.url('freebusy-times'), data: { email:email, start:date2servertime(clone_date(start, 1)), end:date2servertime(clone_date(end, 2)), interval:interval, _remote:1 }, success: function(data) { freebusy_ui.loading--; // find attendee var i, attendee = null; for (i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { if (freebusy_ui.attendees[i].email == data.email) { attendee = freebusy_ui.attendees[i]; break; } } // copy data to member var var ts, status, req = attendee.role != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT', start = parseISO8601(data.start); freebusy_data.start = new Date(start); freebusy_data.end = parseISO8601(data.end); freebusy_data.interval = data.interval; freebusy_data[data.email] = {}; for (i=0; i < data.slots.length; i++) { ts = date2timestring(start, data.interval > 60); status = data.slots.charAt(i); freebusy_data[data.email][ts] = status start = new Date(start.getTime() + data.interval * 60000); // set totals if (!freebusy_data.required[ts]) freebusy_data.required[ts] = [0,0,0,0]; if (req) freebusy_data.required[ts][status]++; if (!freebusy_data.all[ts]) freebusy_data.all[ts] = [0,0,0,0]; freebusy_data.all[ts][status]++; } // hide loading indicator var domid = String(data.email).replace(rcmail.identifier_expr, ''); $('#rcmli' + domid).removeClass('loading'); // update display update_freebusy_display(data.email); } }); // count required attendees if (freebusy_ui.attendees[i].role != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT') freebusy_ui.numrequired++; } } }; // re-calculate total status after role change var compute_freebusy_totals = function() { freebusy_ui.numrequired = 0; freebusy_data.all = []; freebusy_data.required = []; var email, req, status; for (var i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { if (!(email = event_attendees[i].email)) continue; req = freebusy_ui.attendees[i].role != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT'; if (req) freebusy_ui.numrequired++; for (var ts in freebusy_data[email]) { if (!freebusy_data.required[ts]) freebusy_data.required[ts] = [0,0,0,0]; if (!freebusy_data.all[ts]) freebusy_data.all[ts] = [0,0,0,0]; status = freebusy_data[email][ts]; freebusy_data.all[ts][status]++; if (req) freebusy_data.required[ts][status]++; } } }; // update free-busy grid with status loaded from server var update_freebusy_display = function(email) { var status_classes = ['unknown','free','busy','tentative','out-of-office']; var domid = String(email).replace(rcmail.identifier_expr, ''); var row = $('#fbrow' + domid); var rowall = $('#fbrowall').children(); var dateonly = freebusy_ui.interval > 60, t, ts = date2timestring(freebusy_ui.start, dateonly), curdate = new Date(), fbdata = freebusy_data[email]; if (fbdata && fbdata[ts] !== undefined && row.length) { t = freebusy_ui.start.getTime(); row.children().each(function(i, cell) { var j, n, attr, last, all_slots = [], slots = [], all_cell = rowall.get(i), cnt = dateonly ? 1 : (60 / freebusy_ui.interval), percent = (100 / cnt); for (n=0; n < cnt; n++) { curdate.setTime(t); ts = date2timestring(curdate, dateonly); attr = { 'style': 'float:left; width:' + percent.toFixed(2) + '%', 'class': fbdata[ts] ? status_classes[fbdata[ts]] : 'unknown' }; slots.push($('
').attr(attr)); // also update total row if all data was loaded if (!freebusy_ui.loading && freebusy_data.all[ts] && all_cell) { var all_status = freebusy_data.all[ts][2] ? 'busy' : 'unknown', req_status = freebusy_data.required[ts][2] ? 'busy' : 'free'; for (j=1; j < status_classes.length; j++) { if (freebusy_ui.numrequired && freebusy_data.required[ts][j] >= freebusy_ui.numrequired) req_status = status_classes[j]; if (freebusy_data.all[ts][j] == event_attendees.length) all_status = status_classes[j]; } attr['class'] = req_status + ' all-' + all_status; // these elements use some specific styling, so we want to minimize their number if (last && last.attr('class') == attr['class']) last.css('width', (percent + parseFloat(last.css('width').replace('%', ''))).toFixed(2) + '%'); else { last = $('
').attr(attr); all_slots.push(last); } } t += freebusy_ui.interval * 60000; } $(cell).html('').append(slots); if (all_slots.length) $(all_cell).html('').append(all_slots); }); } }; // write changed event date/times back to form fields var update_freebusy_dates = function(start, end) { // fix all-day evebt times if (me.selected_event.allDay) { var numdays = Math.floor((me.selected_event.end.getTime() - me.selected_event.start.getTime()) / DAY_MS); start.setHours(12); start.setMinutes(0); end.setTime(start.getTime() + numdays * DAY_MS); end.setHours(13); end.setMinutes(0); } me.selected_event.start = start; me.selected_event.end = end; freebusy_ui.startdate.val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(start, settings['date_format'])); freebusy_ui.starttime.val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(start, settings['time_format'])); freebusy_ui.enddate.val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(end, settings['date_format'])); freebusy_ui.endtime.val($.fullCalendar.formatDate(end, settings['time_format'])); freebusy_ui.needsupdate = true; }; // attempt to find a time slot where all attemdees are available var freebusy_find_slot = function(dir) { // exit if free-busy data isn't available yet if (!freebusy_data || !freebusy_data.start) return false; var event = me.selected_event, eventstart = clone_date(event.start, event.allDay ? 1 : 0).getTime(), // calculate with integers eventend = clone_date(event.end, event.allDay ? 2 : 0).getTime(), duration = eventend - eventstart - (event.allDay ? HOUR_MS : 0), /* make sure we don't cross day borders on DST change */ sinterval = freebusy_data.interval * 60000, intvlslots = 1, numslots = Math.ceil(duration / sinterval), fb_start = freebusy_data.start.getTime(), fb_end = freebusy_data.end.getTime(), checkdate, slotend, email, ts, slot, slotdate = new Date(), candidatecount = 0, candidatestart = false, success = false; // shift event times to next possible slot eventstart += sinterval * intvlslots * dir; eventend += sinterval * intvlslots * dir; // iterate through free-busy slots and find candidates for (slot = dir > 0 ? fb_start : fb_end - sinterval; (dir > 0 && slot < fb_end) || (dir < 0 && slot >= fb_start); slot += sinterval * dir ) { slotdate.setTime(slot); // fix slot if just crossed a DST change if (event.allDay) { fix_date(slotdate); slot = slotdate.getTime(); } slotend = slot + sinterval; if ((dir > 0 && slotend <= eventstart) || (dir < 0 && slot >= eventend)) // skip continue; // respect workinghours setting if (freebusy_ui.workinhoursonly) { if (is_weekend(slotdate) || (freebusy_data.interval <= 60 && !is_workinghour(slotdate))) { // skip off-hours candidatestart = false; candidatecount = 0; continue; } } if (!candidatestart) candidatestart = slot; ts = date2timestring(slotdate, freebusy_data.interval > 60); // check freebusy data for all attendees for (var i=0; i < event_attendees.length; i++) { if (freebusy_ui.attendees[i].role != 'OPT-PARTICIPANT' && (email = freebusy_ui.attendees[i].email) && freebusy_data[email] && freebusy_data[email][ts] > 1) { candidatestart = false; break; } } // occupied slot if (!candidatestart) { slot += Math.max(0, intvlslots - candidatecount - 1) * sinterval * dir; candidatecount = 0; continue; } else if (dir < 0) candidatestart = slot; candidatecount++; // if candidate is big enough, this is it! if (candidatecount == numslots) { event.start.setTime(candidatestart); event.end.setTime(candidatestart + duration); success = true; break; } } // update event date/time display if (success) { update_freebusy_dates(event.start, event.end); // move freebusy grid if necessary var offset = Math.ceil((event.start.getTime() - freebusy_ui.end.getTime()) / DAY_MS); if (event.start.getTime() >= freebusy_ui.end.getTime()) render_freebusy_grid(Math.max(1, offset)); else if (event.end.getTime() <= freebusy_ui.start.getTime()) render_freebusy_grid(Math.min(-1, offset)); else render_freebusy_overlay(); var now = new Date(); $('#shedule-find-prev').button('option', 'disabled', (event.start.getTime() < now.getTime())); // speak new selection rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('suggestedslot', 'calendar') + ': ' + me.event_date_text(event, true), 'voice'); } else { alert(rcmail.gettext('noslotfound','calendar')); } }; // update event properties and attendees availability if event times have changed var event_times_changed = function() { if (me.selected_event) { var allday = $('#edit-allday').get(0); me.selected_event.allDay = allday.checked; me.selected_event.start = parse_datetime(allday.checked ? '12:00' : $('#edit-starttime').val(), $('#edit-startdate').val()); me.selected_event.end = parse_datetime(allday.checked ? '13:00' : $('#edit-endtime').val(), $('#edit-enddate').val()); if (event_attendees) freebusy_ui.needsupdate = true; $('#edit-startdate').data('duration', Math.round((me.selected_event.end.getTime() - me.selected_event.start.getTime()) / 1000)); } }; // add the given list of participants var add_attendees = function(names, params) { names = explode_quoted_string(names.replace(/,\s*$/, ''), ','); // parse name/email pairs var item, email, name, success = false; for (var i=0; i < names.length; i++) { email = name = ''; item = $.trim(names[i]); if (!item.length) { continue; } // address in brackets without name (do nothing) else if (item.match(/^<[^@]+@[^>]+>$/)) { email = item.replace(/[<>]/g, ''); } // address without brackets and without name (add brackets) else if (rcube_check_email(item)) { email = item; } // address with name else if (item.match(/([^\s<@]+@[^>]+)>*$/)) { email = RegExp.$1; name = item.replace(email, '').replace(/^["\s<>]+/, '').replace(/["\s<>]+$/, ''); } if (email) { add_attendee($.extend({ email:email, name:name }, params)); success = true; } else { alert(rcmail.gettext('noemailwarning')); } } return success; }; // add the given attendee to the list var add_attendee = function(data, readonly, before) { if (!me.selected_event) return false; // check for dupes... var exists = false; $.each(event_attendees, function(i, v){ exists |= (v.email == data.email); }); if (exists) return false; var calendar = me.selected_event && me.calendars[me.selected_event.calendar] ? me.calendars[me.selected_event.calendar] : me.calendars[me.selected_calendar]; var dispname = Q(data.name || data.email); if (data.email) dispname = '' + dispname + ''; // role selection var organizer = data.role == 'ORGANIZER'; var opts = {}; if (organizer) opts.ORGANIZER = rcmail.gettext('calendar.roleorganizer'); opts['REQ-PARTICIPANT'] = rcmail.gettext('calendar.rolerequired'); opts['OPT-PARTICIPANT'] = rcmail.gettext('calendar.roleoptional'); opts['NON-PARTICIPANT'] = rcmail.gettext('calendar.rolenonparticipant'); if (data.cutype != 'RESOURCE') opts['CHAIR'] = rcmail.gettext('calendar.rolechair'); if (organizer && !readonly) dispname = rcmail.env['identities-selector']; var select = ''; // availability var avail = data.email ? 'loading' : 'unknown'; // delete icon var icon = rcmail.env.deleteicon ? '' : rcmail.gettext('delete'); var dellink = '' + icon + ''; var tooltip = '', status = (data.status || '').toLowerCase(), status_label = rcmail.gettext('status' + status, 'libcalendaring'); // send invitation checkbox var invbox = ''; if (data['delegated-to']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedto') + ' ' + data['delegated-to']; else if (data['delegated-from']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedfrom') + ' ' + data['delegated-from']; else if (status) tooltip = status_label; // add expand button for groups if (data.cutype == 'GROUP') { dispname += ' ' + rcmail.gettext('expandattendeegroup','libcalendaring') + ''; } var img_src = rcmail.assets_path('program/resources/blank.gif'); var html = '' + select + '' + '' + dispname + '' + '' + '' + Q(status ? status_label : '') + '' + (data.cutype != 'RESOURCE' ? '' + (organizer || readonly || !invbox ? '' : invbox) + '' : '') + '' + (organizer || readonly ? '' : dellink) + ''; var table = rcmail.env.calendar_resources && data.cutype == 'RESOURCE' ? resources_list : attendees_list; var tr = $('') .addClass(String(data.role).toLowerCase()) .html(html); if (before) tr.insertBefore(before) else tr.appendTo(table); tr.find('a.deletelink').click({ id:(data.email || data.name) }, function(e) { remove_attendee(this, e.data.id); return false; }); tr.find('a.mailtolink').click(event_attendee_click); tr.find('a.expandlink').click(data, function(e) { me.expand_attendee_group(e, add_attendee, remove_attendee); return false; }); tr.find('input.edit-attendee-reply').click(function() { var enabled = $('#edit-attendees-invite:checked').length || $('input.edit-attendee-reply:checked').length; $('#eventedit .attendees-commentbox')[enabled ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); // select organizer identity if (data.identity_id) $('#edit-identities-list').val(data.identity_id); // check free-busy status if (avail == 'loading') { check_freebusy_status(tr.find('img.availabilityicon'), data.email, me.selected_event); } event_attendees.push(data); return true; }; // iterate over all attendees and update their free-busy status display var update_freebusy_status = function(event) { attendees_list.find('img.availabilityicon').each(function(i,v) { var email, icon = $(this); if (email = icon.attr('data-email')) check_freebusy_status(icon, email, event); }); freebusy_ui.needsupdate = false; }; // load free-busy status from server and update icon accordingly var check_freebusy_status = function(icon, email, event) { var calendar = event.calendar && me.calendars[event.calendar] ? me.calendars[event.calendar] : { freebusy:false }; if (!calendar.freebusy) { $(icon).attr('class', 'availabilityicon unknown'); return; } icon = $(icon).attr('class', 'availabilityicon loading'); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', url: rcmail.url('freebusy-status'), data: { email:email, start:date2servertime(clone_date(event.start, event.allDay?1:0)), end:date2servertime(clone_date(event.end, event.allDay?2:0)), _remote: 1 }, success: function(status){ var avail = String(status).toLowerCase(); icon.removeClass('loading').addClass(avail).attr('alt', rcmail.gettext('avail' + avail, 'calendar')); }, error: function(){ icon.removeClass('loading').addClass('unknown').attr('alt', rcmail.gettext('availunknown', 'calendar')); } }); }; // remove an attendee from the list var remove_attendee = function(elem, id) { $(elem).closest('tr').remove(); event_attendees = $.grep(event_attendees, function(data){ return (data.name != id && data.email != id) }); }; // open a dialog to display detailed free-busy information and to find free slots var event_resources_dialog = function(search) { var $dialog = $('#eventresourcesdialog'); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); // dialog buttons var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('addresource', 'calendar')] = function() { rcmail.command('add-resource'); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('close')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('findresources', 'calendar'), open: function() { rcmail.ksearch_blur(); $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); }, resize: function(e) { var container = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar); container.fullCalendar('option', 'height', container.height() + 4); }, buttons: buttons, width: 900, height: 500 }).show(); // define add-button as main action $('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button', $dialog.parent()).first().addClass('mainaction').attr('id', 'rcmbtncalresadd'); me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), 540, Math.min(1000, $(window).width() - 50)); // set search query $('#resourcesearchbox').val(search || ''); // initialize the treelist widget if (!resources_treelist) { resources_treelist = new rcube_treelist_widget(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceslist, { id_prefix: 'rcres', id_encode: rcmail.html_identifier_encode, id_decode: rcmail.html_identifier_decode, selectable: true, save_state: true }); resources_treelist.addEventListener('select', function(node) { if (resources_data[node.id]) { resource_showinfo(resources_data[node.id]); rcmail.enable_command('add-resource', me.selected_event && $("#eventedit").is(':visible') ? true : false); } else { rcmail.enable_command('add-resource', false); $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfo).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceownerinfo).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar).fullCalendar('removeEventSource', resources_events_source); } }); // fetch (all) resource data from server me.loading_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', me.loading_lock); rcmail.http_request('resources-list', {}, me.loading_lock); // register button rcmail.register_button('add-resource', 'rcmbtncalresadd', 'uibutton'); // initialize resource calendar display var resource_cal = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar); resource_cal.fullCalendar($.extend({}, fullcalendar_defaults, { header: { left: '', center: '', right: '' }, height: resource_cal.height() + 4, defaultView: 'agendaWeek', eventSources: [], slotMinutes: 60, allDaySlot: false, eventRender: function(event, element, view) { var title = rcmail.get_label(event.status, 'calendar'); element.addClass('status-' + event.status); element.find('.fc-event-head').hide(); element.find('.fc-event-title').text(title); element.attr('aria-label', me.event_date_text(event, true) + ': ' + title); } })); $('#resource-calendar-prev').click(function(){ resource_cal.fullCalendar('prev'); return false; }); $('#resource-calendar-next').click(function(){ resource_cal.fullCalendar('next'); return false; }); } else if (search) { resource_search(); } else { resource_render_list(resources_index); } if (me.selected_event && me.selected_event.start) { $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar).fullCalendar('gotoDate', me.selected_event.start); } }; // render the resource details UI box var resource_showinfo = function(resource) { // inline function to render a resource attribute function render_attrib(value) { if (typeof value == 'boolean') { return value ? rcmail.get_label('yes') : rcmail.get_label('no'); } return value; } if (rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfo) { var tr, table = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfo).show().find('tbody').html(''), attribs = $.extend({ name:resource.name }, resource.attributes||{}) attribs.description = resource.description; for (var k in attribs) { if (typeof attribs[k] == 'undefined') continue; table.append($('').addClass(k) .append('' + Q(ucfirst(rcmail.get_label(k, 'calendar'))) + '') .append('' + text2html(render_attrib(attribs[k])) + '') ); } $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceownerinfo).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar).fullCalendar('removeEventSource', resources_events_source); if (resource.owner) { // display cached data if (resource_owners[resource.owner]) { resource_owner_load(resource_owners[resource.owner]); } else { // fetch owner data from server me.loading_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', me.loading_lock); rcmail.http_request('resources-owner', { _id: resource.owner }, me.loading_lock); } } // load resource calendar resources_events_source.url = "./?_task=calendar&_action=resources-calendar&_id="+urlencode(resource.ID); $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceinfocalendar).fullCalendar('addEventSource', resources_events_source); } }; // callback from server for resource listing var resource_data_load = function(data) { var resources_tree = {}; // store data by ID $.each(data, function(i, rec) { resources_data[rec.ID] = rec; // assign parent-relations if (rec.members) { $.each(rec.members, function(j, m){ resources_tree[m] = rec.ID; }); } }); // walk the parent-child tree to determine the depth of each node $.each(data, function(i, rec) { rec._depth = 0; if (resources_tree[rec.ID]) rec.parent_id = resources_tree[rec.ID]; var parent_id = resources_tree[rec.ID]; while (parent_id) { rec._depth++; parent_id = resources_tree[parent_id]; } }); // sort by depth, collection and name data.sort(function(a,b) { var j = a._type == 'collection' ? 1 : 0, k = b._type == 'collection' ? 1 : 0, d = a._depth - b._depth; if (!d) d = (k - j); if (!d) d = b.name < a.name ? 1 : -1; return d; }); $.each(data, function(i, rec) { resources_index.push(rec.ID); }); // apply search filter... if ($('#resourcesearchbox').val() != '') resource_search(); else // ...or render full list resource_render_list(resources_index); rcmail.set_busy(false, null, me.loading_lock); }; // renders the given list of resource records into the treelist var resource_render_list = function(index) { var rec, link; resources_treelist.reset(); $.each(index, function(i, dn) { if (rec = resources_data[dn]) { link = $('').attr('href', '#') .attr('rel', rec.ID) .html(Q(rec.name)); resources_treelist.insert({ id:rec.ID, html:link, classes:[rec._type], collapsed:true }, rec.parent_id, false); } }); }; // callback from server for owner information display var resource_owner_load = function(data) { if (data) { // cache this! resource_owners[data.ID] = data; var table = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resourceownerinfo).find('tbody').html(''); for (var k in data) { if (k == 'event' || k == 'ID') continue; table.append($('').addClass(k) .append('' + Q(ucfirst(rcmail.get_label(k, 'calendar'))) + '') .append('' + text2html(data[k]) + '') ); } table.parent().show(); } } // quick-filter the loaded resource data var resource_search = function() { var dn, rec, dataset = [], q = $('#resourcesearchbox').val().toLowerCase(); if (q.length && resources_data) { // search by iterating over all resource records for (dn in resources_data) { rec = resources_data[dn]; if ((rec.name && String(rec.name).toLowerCase().indexOf(q) >= 0) || (rec.email && String(rec.email).toLowerCase().indexOf(q) >= 0) || (rec.description && String(rec.description).toLowerCase().indexOf(q) >= 0) ) { dataset.push(rec.ID); } } resource_render_list(dataset); // select single match if (dataset.length == 1) { resources_treelist.select(dataset[0]); } } else { $('#resourcesearchbox').val(''); } }; // var reset_resource_search = function() { $('#resourcesearchbox').val('').focus(); resource_render_list(resources_index); }; // var add_resource2event = function() { var resource = resources_data[resources_treelist.get_selection()]; if (resource) { if (add_attendee($.extend({ role:'REQ-PARTICIPANT', status:'NEEDS-ACTION', cutype:'RESOURCE' }, resource))) rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('resourceadded', 'calendar'), 'confirmation'); } } // when the user accepts or declines an event invitation var event_rsvp = function(response, delegate, replymode) { var btn; if (typeof response == 'object') { btn = $(response); response = btn.attr('rel') } else { btn = $('#event-rsvp input.button[rel='+response+']'); } // show menu to select rsvp reply mode (current or all) if (me.selected_event && me.selected_event.recurrence && !replymode) { rcube_libcalendaring.itip_rsvp_recurring(btn, function(resp, mode) { event_rsvp(resp, null, mode); }); return; } if (me.selected_event && me.selected_event.attendees && response) { // bring up delegation dialog if (response == 'delegated' && !delegate) { rcube_libcalendaring.itip_delegate_dialog(function(data) { data.rsvp = data.rsvp ? 1 : ''; event_rsvp('delegated', data, replymode); }); return; } // update attendee status attendees = []; for (var data, i=0; i < me.selected_event.attendees.length; i++) { data = me.selected_event.attendees[i]; if (settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+String(data.email).toLowerCase()) >= 0) { data.status = response.toUpperCase(); data.rsvp = 0; // unset RSVP flag if (data.status == 'DELEGATED') { data['delegated-to'] = delegate.to; data.rsvp = delegate.rsvp } else { if (data['delegated-to']) { delete data['delegated-to']; if (data.role == 'NON-PARTICIPANT' && data.status != 'DECLINED') data.role = 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'; } } attendees.push(i) } else if (response != 'DELEGATED' && data['delegated-from'] && settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+String(data['delegated-from']).toLowerCase()) >= 0) { delete data['delegated-from']; } // set free_busy status to transparent if declined (#4425) if (data.status == 'DECLINED' || data.role == 'NON-PARTICIPANT') { me.selected_event.free_busy = 'free'; } else { me.selected_event.free_busy = 'busy'; } } // submit status change to server var submit_data = $.extend({}, me.selected_event, { source:null, comment:$('#reply-comment-event-rsvp').val(), _savemode: replymode || 'all' }, (delegate || {})), noreply = $('#noreply-event-rsvp:checked').length ? 1 : 0; // import event from mail (temporary iTip event) if (submit_data._mbox && submit_data._uid) { me.saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'calendar.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('mailimportitip', { _mbox: submit_data._mbox, _uid: submit_data._uid, _part: submit_data._part, _status: response, _to: (delegate ? delegate.to : null), _rsvp: (delegate && delegate.rsvp) ? 1 : 0, _noreply: noreply, _comment: submit_data.comment, _instance: submit_data._instance, _savemode: submit_data._savemode }); } else if (settings.invitation_calendars) { update_event('rsvp', submit_data, { status:response, noreply:noreply, attendees:attendees }); } else { me.saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'calendar.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('event', { action:'rsvp', e:submit_data, status:response, attendees:attendees, noreply:noreply }); } event_show_dialog(me.selected_event); } }; // add the given date to the RDATE list var add_rdate = function(date) { var li = $('
  • ') .attr('data-value', date2servertime(date)) .html('' + Q($.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, settings['date_format'])) + '') .appendTo('#edit-recurrence-rdates'); $('').attr('href', '#del') .addClass('iconbutton delete') .html(rcmail.get_label('delete', 'calendar')) .attr('title', rcmail.get_label('delete', 'calendar')) .appendTo(li); }; // re-sort the list items by their 'data-value' attribute var sort_rdates = function() { var mylist = $('#edit-recurrence-rdates'), listitems = mylist.children('li').get(); listitems.sort(function(a, b) { var compA = $(a).attr('data-value'); var compB = $(b).attr('data-value'); return (compA < compB) ? -1 : (compA > compB) ? 1 : 0; }) $.each(listitems, function(idx, item) { mylist.append(item); }); } // remove the link reference matching the given uri function remove_link(elem) { var $elem = $(elem), uri = $elem.attr('data-uri'); me.selected_event.links = $.grep(me.selected_event.links, function(link) { return link.uri != uri; }); // remove UI list item $elem.hide().closest('li').addClass('deleted'); } // post the given event data to server var update_event = function(action, data, add) { me.saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'calendar.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('calendar/event', $.extend({ action:action, e:data }, (add || {}))); // render event temporarily into the calendar if ((data.start && data.end) || data.id) { var event = data.id ? $.extend(fc.fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(e){ return e.id == data.id; })[0], data) : data; if (data.start) event.start = data.start; if (data.end) event.end = data.end; if (data.allday !== undefined) event.allDay = data.allday; event.editable = false; event.temp = true; event.className = 'fc-event-cal-'+data.calendar+' fc-event-temp'; fc.fullCalendar(data.id ? 'updateEvent' : 'renderEvent', event); // mark all recurring instances as temp if (event.recurrence || event.recurrence_id) { var base_id = event.recurrence_id ? event.recurrence_id : String(event.id).replace(/-\d+(T\d{6})?$/, ''); $.each(fc.fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(e){ return e.id == base_id || e.recurrence_id == base_id; }), function(i,ev) { ev.temp = true; ev.editable = false; event.className += ' fc-event-temp'; fc.fullCalendar('updateEvent', ev); }); } } }; // mouse-click handler to check if the show dialog is still open and prevent default action var dialog_check = function(e) { var showd = $("#eventshow"); if (showd.is(':visible') && !$(e.target).closest('.ui-dialog').length && !$(e.target).closest('.popupmenu').length) { showd.dialog('close'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); ignore_click = true; return false; } else if (ignore_click) { window.setTimeout(function(){ ignore_click = false; }, 20); return false; } return true; }; // display confirm dialog when modifying/deleting an event var update_event_confirm = function(action, event, data) { // Allow other plugins to do actions here // E.g. when you move/resize the event init wasn't called // but we need it as some plugins may modify user identities // we depend on here (kolab_delegation) rcmail.triggerEvent('calendar-event-init', {o: event}); if (!data) data = event; var decline = false, notify = false, html = '', cal = me.calendars[event.calendar], _has_attendees = me.has_attendees(event), _is_attendee = _has_attendees && me.is_attendee(event), _is_organizer = me.is_organizer(event); // event has attendees, ask whether to notify them if (_has_attendees) { var checked = (settings.itip_notify & 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); if (action == 'remove' && cal.group != 'shared' && !_is_organizer && _is_attendee) { decline = true; checked = event.status != 'CANCELLED' ? checked : ''; html += '
    ' + '
    '; } else if (_is_organizer) { notify = true; if (settings.itip_notify & 2) { html += '
    ' + '
    '; } else { data._notify = settings.itip_notify; } } } // recurring event: user needs to select the savemode if (event.recurrence) { var future_disabled = '', message_label = (action == 'remove' ? 'removerecurringeventwarning' : 'changerecurringeventwarning'); // disable the 'future' savemode if I'm an attendee // reason: no calendaring system supports the thisandfuture range parameter in iTip REPLY if (action == 'remove' && !_is_organizer && _is_attendee) { future_disabled = ' disabled'; } html += '
    ' + rcmail.gettext(message_label, 'calendar') + '
    ' + '
    '; } // show dialog if (html) { var $dialog = $('
    ').html(html); $dialog.find('a.button').button().filter(':not(.disabled)').click(function(e) { data._savemode = String(this.href).replace(/.+#/, ''); data._notify = settings.itip_notify; // open event edit dialog when saving as new if (data._savemode == 'new') { event._savemode = 'new'; event_edit_dialog('edit', event); fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } else { if ($dialog.find('input.confirm-attendees-donotify').length) data._notify = $dialog.find('input.confirm-attendees-donotify').get(0).checked ? 1 : 0; if (decline) { data._decline = $dialog.find('input.confirm-attendees-decline:checked').length; data._notify = 0; } update_event(action, data); } $dialog.dialog("close"); return false; }); var buttons = []; if (!event.recurrence) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext((action == 'remove' ? 'delete' : 'save'), 'calendar'), click: function() { data._notify = notify && $dialog.find('input.confirm-attendees-donotify:checked').length ? 1 : 0; data._decline = decline && $dialog.find('input.confirm-attendees-decline:checked').length ? 1 : 0; update_event(action, data); $(this).dialog("close"); } }); } buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'calendar'), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }); $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, width: 460, dialogClass: 'warning', title: rcmail.gettext((action == 'remove' ? 'removeeventconfirm' : 'changeeventconfirm'), 'calendar'), buttons: buttons, open: function() { setTimeout(function(){ $dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, 5); }, close: function(){ $dialog.dialog("destroy").remove(); if (!rcmail.busy) fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } }).addClass('event-update-confirm').show(); return false; } // show regular confirm box when deleting else if (action == 'remove' && !cal.undelete) { if (!confirm(rcmail.gettext('deleteventconfirm', 'calendar'))) return false; } // do update update_event(action, data); return true; }; var update_agenda_toolbar = function() { $('#agenda-listrange').val(fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listRange')); $('#agenda-listsections').val(fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listSections')); } /*** public methods ***/ /** * Remove saving lock and free the UI for new input */ this.unlock_saving = function() { if (me.saving_lock) rcmail.set_busy(false, null, me.saving_lock); }; // opens calendar day-view in a popup this.fisheye_view = function(date) { $('#fish-eye-view:ui-dialog').dialog('close'); // create list of active event sources var src, cals = {}, sources = []; for (var id in this.calendars) { src = $.extend({}, this.calendars[id]); src.editable = false; src.url = null; src.events = []; if (src.active) { cals[id] = src; sources.push(src); } } // copy events already loaded var events = fc.fullCalendar('clientEvents'); for (var event, i=0; i< events.length; i++) { event = events[i]; if (event.source && (src = cals[event.source.id])) { src.events.push(event); } } var h = $(window).height() - 50; var dialog = $('
    ') .attr('id', 'fish-eye-view') .dialog({ modal: true, width: 680, height: h, title: $.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, 'dddd ' + settings['date_long']), close: function(){ dialog.dialog("destroy"); me.fisheye_date = null; } }) .fullCalendar($.extend({}, fullcalendar_defaults, { defaultView: 'agendaDay', header: { left: '', center: '', right: '' }, height: h - 50, date: date.getDate(), month: date.getMonth(), year: date.getFullYear(), eventSources: sources })); this.fisheye_date = date; }; // opens the given calendar in a popup dialog this.quickview = function(id, shift) { var src, in_quickview = false; $.each(this.quickview_sources, function(i,cal) { if (cal.id == id) { in_quickview = true; src = cal; } }); // remove source from quickview if (in_quickview && shift) { this.quickview_sources = $.grep(this.quickview_sources, function(src) { return src.id != id; }); } else { if (!shift) { // remove all current quickview event sources if (this.quickview_active) { fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSources'); } this.quickview_sources = []; // uncheck all active quickview icons calendars_list.container.find('div.focusview') .add('#calendars .searchresults div.focusview') .removeClass('focusview') .find('a.quickview').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } if (!in_quickview) { // clone and modify calendar properties src = $.extend({}, this.calendars[id]); src.url += '&_quickview=1'; this.quickview_sources.push(src); } } // disable quickview if (this.quickview_active && !this.quickview_sources.length) { // register regular calendar event sources $.each(this.calendars, function(k, cal) { if (cal.active) fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', cal); }); this.quickview_active = false; $('body').removeClass('quickview-active'); // uncheck all active quickview icons calendars_list.container.find('div.focusview') .add('#calendars .searchresults div.focusview') .removeClass('focusview') .find('a.quickview').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } // activate quickview else if (!this.quickview_active) { // remove regular calendar event sources fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSources'); // register quickview event sources $.each(this.quickview_sources, function(i, src) { fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', src); }); this.quickview_active = true; $('body').addClass('quickview-active'); } // update quickview sources else if (in_quickview) { fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', src); } else if (src) { fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', src); } // activate quickview icon if (this.quickview_active) { $(calendars_list.get_item(id)).find('.calendar').first() .add('#calendars .searchresults .cal-' + id) [in_quickview ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('focusview') .find('a.quickview').attr('aria-checked', in_quickview ? 'false' : 'true'); } }; // disable quickview mode function reset_quickview() { // remove all current quickview event sources if (me.quickview_active) { fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSources'); me.quickview_sources = []; } // register regular calendar event sources $.each(me.calendars, function(k, cal) { if (cal.active) fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', cal); }); // uncheck all active quickview icons calendars_list.container.find('div.focusview') .add('#calendars .searchresults div.focusview') .removeClass('focusview') .find('a.quickview').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); me.quickview_active = false; $('body').removeClass('quickview-active'); }; //public method to show the print dialog. this.print_calendars = function(view) { if (!view) view = fc.fullCalendar('getView').name; var date = fc.fullCalendar('getDate') || new Date(); var range = fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listRange'); var sections = fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listSections'); rcmail.open_window(rcmail.url('print', { view: view, date: date2unixtime(date), range: range, sections: sections, search: this.search_query }), true, true); }; // public method to bring up the new event dialog this.add_event = function(templ) { if (this.selected_calendar) { var now = new Date(); var date = fc.fullCalendar('getDate'); if (typeof date != 'Date') date = now; date.setHours(now.getHours()+1); date.setMinutes(0); var end = new Date(date.getTime()); end.setHours(date.getHours()+1); event_edit_dialog('new', $.extend({ start:date, end:end, allDay:false, calendar:this.selected_calendar }, templ || {})); } }; // delete the given event after showing a confirmation dialog this.delete_event = function(event) { // show confirm dialog for recurring events, use jquery UI dialog return update_event_confirm('remove', event, { id:event.id, calendar:event.calendar, attendees:event.attendees }); }; // opens a jquery UI dialog with event properties (or empty for creating a new calendar) this.calendar_edit_dialog = function(calendar) { // close show dialog first var $dialog = $("#calendarform"); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); if (!calendar) calendar = { name:'', color:'cc0000', editable:true, showalarms:true }; var form, name, color, alarms; $dialog.html(rcmail.get_label('loading')); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', url: rcmail.url('calendar'), data: { action:(calendar.id ? 'form-edit' : 'form-new'), c:{ id:calendar.id } }, success: function(data) { $dialog.html(data); // resize and reposition dialog window form = $('#calendarpropform'); me.dialog_resize('#calendarform', form.height(), form.width()); name = $('#calendar-name').prop('disabled', !calendar.editable).val(calendar.editname || calendar.name); color = $('#calendar-color').val(calendar.color).minicolors($.extend(rcmail.env.minicolors_config || {}, {value: calendar.color})); alarms = $('#calendar-showalarms').prop('checked', calendar.showalarms).get(0); name.select(); } }); // dialog buttons var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('save', 'calendar')] = function() { // form is not loaded if (!form || !form.length) return; // TODO: do some input validation if (!name.val() || name.val().length < 2) { alert(rcmail.gettext('invalidcalendarproperties', 'calendar')); name.select(); return; } // post data to server var data = form.serializeJSON(); if (data.color) data.color = data.color.replace(/^#/, ''); if (calendar.id) data.id = calendar.id; if (alarms) data.showalarms = alarms.checked ? 1 : 0; me.saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'calendar.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('calendar', { action:(calendar.id ? 'edit' : 'new'), c:data }); $dialog.dialog("close"); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'calendar')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext((calendar.id ? 'editcalendar' : 'createcalendar'), 'calendar'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $dialog.html('').dialog("destroy").hide(); }, buttons: buttons, minWidth: 400, width: 420 }).show(); }; this.calendar_remove = function(calendar) { this.calendar_destroy_source(calendar.id); rcmail.http_post('calendar', { action:'subscribe', c:{ id:calendar.id, active:0, permanent:0, recursive:1 } }); return true; }; this.calendar_delete = function(calendar) { if (confirm(rcmail.gettext(calendar.children ? 'deletecalendarconfirmrecursive' : 'deletecalendarconfirm', 'calendar'))) { rcmail.http_post('calendar', { action:'delete', c:{ id:calendar.id } }); return true; } return false; }; this.calendar_refresh_source = function(id) { // got race-conditions fc.currentFetchID when using refetchEvents, // so we remove and add the source instead // fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents', me.calendars[id]); fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', me.calendars[id]); fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', me.calendars[id]); }; this.calendar_destroy_source = function(id) { var delete_ids = []; if (this.calendars[id]) { // find sub-calendars if (this.calendars[id].children) { for (var child_id in this.calendars) { if (String(child_id).indexOf(id) == 0) delete_ids.push(child_id); } } else { delete_ids.push(id); } } // delete all calendars in the list for (var i=0; i < delete_ids.length; i++) { id = delete_ids[i]; calendars_list.remove(id); fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', this.calendars[id]); $('#edit-calendar option[value="'+id+'"]').remove(); delete this.calendars[id]; } }; // open a dialog to upload an .ics file with events to be imported this.import_events = function(calendar) { // close show dialog first var $dialog = $("#eventsimport"), form = rcmail.gui_objects.importform; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); if (calendar) $('#event-import-calendar').val(calendar.id); var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('import', 'calendar')] = function() { if (form && form.elements._data.value) { rcmail.async_upload_form(form, 'import_events', function(e) { rcmail.set_busy(false, null, me.saving_lock); $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); // display error message if no sophisticated response from server arrived (e.g. iframe load error) if (me.import_succeeded === null) rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('importerror', 'calendar'), 'error'); }); // display upload indicator (with extended timeout) var timeout = rcmail.env.request_timeout; rcmail.env.request_timeout = 600; me.import_succeeded = null; me.saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'uploading'); $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('disable'); // restore settings rcmail.env.request_timeout = timeout; } }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'calendar')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext('importevents', 'calendar'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, buttons: buttons, width: 520 }).show(); }; // callback from server if import succeeded this.import_success = function(p) { this.import_succeeded = true; $("#eventsimport:ui-dialog").dialog('close'); rcmail.set_busy(false, null, me.saving_lock); rcmail.gui_objects.importform.reset(); if (p.refetch) this.refresh(p); }; // callback from server to report errors on import this.import_error = function(p) { this.import_succeeded = false; rcmail.set_busy(false, null, me.saving_lock); rcmail.display_message(p.message || rcmail.get_label('importerror', 'calendar'), 'error'); } // open a dialog to select calendars for export this.export_events = function(calendar) { // close show dialog first var $dialog = $("#eventsexport"), form = rcmail.gui_objects.exportform; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); if (calendar) $('#event-export-calendar').val(calendar.id); $('#event-export-range').change(function(e){ var custom = $('option:selected', this).val() == 'custom', input = $('#event-export-startdate') input.parent()[(custom?'show':'hide')](); if (custom) input.select(); }) var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('export', 'calendar')] = function() { if (form) { var start = 0, range = $('#event-export-range option:selected', this).val(), source = $('#event-export-calendar option:selected').val(), attachmt = $('#event-export-attachments').get(0).checked; if (range == 'custom') start = date2unixtime(parse_datetime('00:00', $('#event-export-startdate').val())); else if (range > 0) start = 'today -' + range + ' months'; rcmail.goto_url('export_events', { source:source, start:start, attachments:attachmt?1:0 }); } $dialog.dialog("close"); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'calendar')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext('exporttitle', 'calendar'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, buttons: buttons, width: 520 }).show(); }; // download the selected event as iCal this.event_download = function(event) { if (event && event.id) { rcmail.goto_url('export_events', { source:event.calendar, id:event.id, attachments:1 }); } }; // open the message compose step with a calendar_event parameter referencing the selected event. // the server-side plugin hook will pick that up and attach the event to the message. this.event_sendbymail = function(event, e) { if (event && event.id) { rcmail.command('compose', { _calendar_event:event._id }, e ? e.target : null, e); } }; // display the edit dialog, request 'new' action and pass the selected event this.event_copy = function(event) { if (event && event.id) { var copy = $.extend(true, {}, event); delete copy.id; delete copy._id; delete copy.created; delete copy.changed; delete copy.recurrence_id; delete copy.attachments; // @TODO $.each(copy.attendees, function (k, v) { if (v.role != 'ORGANIZER') { v.status = 'NEEDS-ACTION'; } }) event_edit_dialog('new', copy); } }; // show URL of the given calendar in a dialog box this.showurl = function(calendar) { var $dialog = $('#calendarurlbox'); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); if (calendar.feedurl) { if (calendar.caldavurl) { $('#caldavurl').val(calendar.caldavurl); $('#calendarcaldavurl').show(); } else { $('#calendarcaldavurl').hide(); } $dialog.dialog({ resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('showurl', 'calendar'), close: function() { $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, width: 520 }).show(); $('#calfeedurl').val(calendar.feedurl).select(); } }; // show free-busy URL in a dialog box this.showfburl = function() { var $dialog = $('#fburlbox'); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); $dialog.dialog({ resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('showfburl', 'calendar'), close: function() { $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, width: 520 }).show(); $('#fburl').val(settings.freebusy_url).select(); }; // refresh the calendar view after saving event data this.refresh = function(p) { var source = me.calendars[p.source]; // helper function to update the given fullcalendar view function update_view(view, event, source) { var existing = view.fullCalendar('clientEvents', event._id); if (existing.length) { $.extend(existing[0], event); view.fullCalendar('updateEvent', existing[0]); // remove old recurrence instances if (event.recurrence && !event.recurrence_id) view.fullCalendar('removeEvents', function(e){ return e._id.indexOf(event._id+'-') == 0; }); } else { event.source = source; // link with source view.fullCalendar('renderEvent', event); } } // remove temp events fc.fullCalendar('removeEvents', function(e){ return e.temp; }); if (source && (p.refetch || (p.update && !source.active))) { // activate event source if new event was added to an invisible calendar if (this.quickview_active) { // map source to the quickview_sources equivalent $.each(this.quickview_sources, function(src) { if (src.id == source.id) { source = src; return false; } }); fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents', source, true); } else if (!source.active) { source.active = true; fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', source); $('#rcmlical' + source.id + ' input').prop('checked', true); } else fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents', source, true); fetch_counts(); } // add/update single event object else if (source && p.update) { var event = p.update; event.temp = false; event.editable = 0; // update fish-eye view if (this.fisheye_date) update_view($('#fish-eye-view'), event, source); // update main view event.editable = source.editable; update_view(fc, event, source); // update the currently displayed event dialog if ($('#eventshow').is(':visible') && me.selected_event && me.selected_event.id == event.id) event_show_dialog(event) } // refetch all calendars else if (p.refetch) { fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents', undefined, true); fetch_counts(); } }; // modify query parameters for refresh requests this.before_refresh = function(query) { var view = fc.fullCalendar('getView'); query.start = date2unixtime(view.visStart); query.end = date2unixtime(view.visEnd); if (this.search_query) query.q = this.search_query; return query; }; // callback from server providing event counts this.update_counts = function(p) { $.each(p.counts, function(cal, count) { var li = calendars_list.get_item(cal), bubble = $(li).children('.calendar').find('span.count'); if (!bubble.length && count > 0) { bubble = $('') .addClass('count') .appendTo($(li).children('.calendar').first()) } if (count > 0) { bubble.text(count).show(); } else { bubble.text('').hide(); } }); }; // callback after an iTip message event was imported this.itip_message_processed = function(data) { // remove temporary iTip source fc.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', this.calendars['--invitation--itip']); $('#eventshow:ui-dialog').dialog('close'); this.selected_event = null; // refresh destination calendar source this.refresh({ source:data.calendar, refetch:true }); this.unlock_saving(); // process 'after_action' in mail task if (window.opener && window.opener.rcube_libcalendaring) window.opener.rcube_libcalendaring.itip_message_processed(data); }; // reload the calendar view by keeping the current date/view selection this.reload_view = function() { var query = { view: fc.fullCalendar('getView').name }, date = fc.fullCalendar('getDate'); if (date) query.date = date2unixtime(date); rcmail.redirect(rcmail.url('', query)); } // update browser location to remember current view this.update_state = function() { var query = { view: current_view }, date = fc.fullCalendar('getDate'); if (date) query.date = date2unixtime(date); if (window.history.replaceState) window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, rcmail.url('', query).replace('&_action=', '')); }; this.resource_search = resource_search; this.reset_resource_search = reset_resource_search; this.add_resource2event = add_resource2event; this.resource_data_load = resource_data_load; this.resource_owner_load = resource_owner_load; /*** event searching ***/ // execute search this.quicksearch = function() { if (rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox) { var q = rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value; if (q != '') { var id = 'search-'+q; var sources = []; if (me.quickview_active) reset_quickview(); if (this._search_message) rcmail.hide_message(this._search_message); for (var sid in this.calendars) { if (this.calendars[sid]) { this.calendars[sid].url = this.calendars[sid].url.replace(/&q=.+/, '') + '&q=' + urlencode(q); sources.push(sid); } } id += '@'+sources.join(','); // ignore if query didn't change if (this.search_request == id) { return; } // remember current view else if (!this.search_request) { this.default_view = fc.fullCalendar('getView').name; } this.search_request = id; this.search_query = q; // change to list view fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listSections', 'month') .fullCalendar('option', 'listRange', Math.max(60, settings['agenda_range'])) .fullCalendar('changeView', 'table'); update_agenda_toolbar(); // refetch events with new url (if not already triggered by changeView) if (!this.is_loading) fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } else // empty search input equals reset this.reset_quicksearch(); } }; // reset search and get back to normal event listing this.reset_quicksearch = function() { $(rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox).val(''); if (this._search_message) rcmail.hide_message(this._search_message); if (this.search_request) { // hide bottom links of agenda view fc.find('.fc-list-content > .fc-listappend').hide(); // restore original event sources and view mode from fullcalendar fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listSections', settings['agenda_sections']) .fullCalendar('option', 'listRange', settings['agenda_range']); update_agenda_toolbar(); for (var sid in this.calendars) { if (this.calendars[sid]) this.calendars[sid].url = this.calendars[sid].url.replace(/&q=.+/, ''); } if (this.default_view) fc.fullCalendar('changeView', this.default_view); if (!this.is_loading) fc.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); this.search_request = this.search_query = null; } }; // callback if all sources have been fetched from server this.events_loaded = function(count) { var addlinks, append = ''; // enhance list view when searching if (this.search_request) { if (!count) { this._search_message = rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('searchnoresults', 'calendar'), 'notice'); append = '
    ' + rcmail.gettext('searchnoresults', 'calendar') + '
    '; } append += ''; addlinks = true; } if (fc.fullCalendar('getView').name == 'table') { var container = fc.find('.fc-list-content > .fc-listappend'); if (append) { if (!container.length) container = $('
    ').appendTo(fc.find('.fc-list-content')); container.html(append).show(); } else if (container.length) container.hide(); // add links to adjust search date range if (addlinks) { var lc = container.find('.fc-bottomlinks'); $('').attr('href', '#').html(rcmail.gettext('searchearlierdates', 'calendar')).appendTo(lc).click(function(){ fc.fullCalendar('incrementDate', 0, -1, 0); }); lc.append(" "); $('').attr('href', '#').html(rcmail.gettext('searchlaterdates', 'calendar')).appendTo(lc).click(function(){ var range = fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listRange'); if (range < 90) { fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listRange', fc.fullCalendar('option', 'listRange') + 30).fullCalendar('render'); update_agenda_toolbar(); } else fc.fullCalendar('incrementDate', 0, 1, 0); }); } } if (this.fisheye_date) this.fisheye_view(this.fisheye_date); }; // adjust calendar view size this.view_resize = function() { var footer = fc.fullCalendar('getView').name == 'table' ? $('#agendaoptions').outerHeight() : 0; fc.fullCalendar('option', 'height', $('#calendar').height() - footer); }; // mark the given calendar folder as selected this.select_calendar = function(id, nolistupdate) { if (!nolistupdate) calendars_list.select(id); // trigger event hook rcmail.triggerEvent('selectfolder', { folder:id, prefix:'rcmlical' }); this.selected_calendar = id; rcmail.update_state({source: id}); }; // register the given calendar to the current view var add_calendar_source = function(cal) { var color, brightness, select, id = cal.id; me.calendars[id] = $.extend({ url: rcmail.url('calendar/load_events', { source: id }), className: 'fc-event-cal-'+id, id: id }, cal); // choose black text color when background is bright, white otherwise if (color = settings.event_coloring % 2 ? '' : '#' + cal.color) { if (/^#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$/i.test(color)) { // use information about brightness calculation found at // http://javascriptrules.com/2009/08/05/css-color-brightness-contrast-using-javascript/ brightness = (parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16) * 299 + parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16) * 587 + parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16) * 114) / 1000; if (brightness > 125) me.calendars[id].textColor = 'black'; } me.calendars[id].color = color; } if (fc && (cal.active || cal.subscribed)) { if (cal.active) fc.fullCalendar('addEventSource', me.calendars[id]); var submit = { id: id, active: cal.active ? 1 : 0 }; if (cal.subscribed !== undefined) submit.permanent = cal.subscribed ? 1 : 0; rcmail.http_post('calendar', { action:'subscribe', c:submit }); } // insert to #calendar-select options if writeable select = $('#edit-calendar'); if (fc && me.has_permission(cal, 'i') && select.length && !select.find('option[value="'+id+'"]').length) { $(''+rcmail.gettext('showmore','libcalendaring')+'
    ', lines = html.split(/\r?\n/), words, out = '', len = 0; for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { len += lines[i].length; if (maxlines && i == maxlines - 1) { out += lines[i] + '\n' + morelink; maxlen = html.length * 2; } else if (len > maxlen) { len = out.length; words = lines[i].split(' '); for (var j=0; j < words.length; j++) { len += words[j].length + 1; out += words[j] + ' '; if (len > maxlen) { out += morelink; maxlen = html.length * 2; maxlines = 0; } } out += '\n'; } else out += lines[i] + '\n'; } if (maxlen > str.length) out += ''; html = out; } // simple link parser (similar to rcube_string_replacer class in PHP) var utf_domain = '[^?&@"\'/\\(\\)\\s\\r\\t\\n]+\\.([^\x00-\x2f\x3b-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]{2,}|xn--[a-z0-9]{2,})'; var url1 = '.:;,', url2 = 'a-z0-9%=#@+?&/_~\\[\\]-'; var link_pattern = new RegExp('([hf]t+ps?://)('+utf_domain+'(['+url1+']?['+url2+']+)*)', 'ig'); var mailto_pattern = new RegExp('([^\\s\\n\\(\\);]+@'+utf_domain+')', 'ig'); var link_replace = function(matches, p1, p2) { var title = '', text = p2; if (p2 && p2.length > 55) { text = p2.substr(0, 45) + '...' + p2.substr(-8); title = p1 + p2; } return ''+p1+text+'' }; return html .replace(link_pattern, link_replace) .replace(mailto_pattern, '$1') .replace(/(mailto:)([^"]+)"/g, '$1$2" onclick="rcmail.command(\'compose\', \'$2\');return false"') .replace(/\n/g, "
    "); }; this.init_alarms_edit = function(prefix, index) { var edit_type = $(prefix+' select.edit-alarm-type'), dom_id = edit_type.attr('id'); // register events on alarm fields edit_type.change(function(){ $(this).parent().find('span.edit-alarm-values')[(this.selectedIndex>0?'show':'hide')](); }); $(prefix+' select.edit-alarm-offset').change(function(){ var val = $(this).val(), parent = $(this).parent(); - parent.find('.edit-alarm-date, .edit-alarm-time')[val == '@' ? 'show' : 'hide'](); + parent.find('.edit-alarm-date, .edit-alarm-time')[val === '@' ? 'show' : 'hide'](); parent.find('.edit-alarm-value').prop('disabled', val === '@' || val === '0'); - parent.find('.edit-alarm-related')[val == '@' ? 'hide' : 'show'](); + parent.find('.edit-alarm-related')[val === '@' ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }); $(prefix+' .edit-alarm-date').removeClass('hasDatepicker').removeAttr('id').datepicker(datepicker_settings); + this.init_time_autocomplete($(prefix+' .edit-alarm-time')[0], {}); $(prefix).on('click', 'a.delete-alarm', function(e){ if ($(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').siblings().length > 0) { $(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').remove(); } return false; }); // set a unique id attribute and set label reference accordingly if ((index || 0) > 0 && dom_id) { dom_id += ':' + (new Date().getTime()); edit_type.attr('id', dom_id); $(prefix+' label:first').attr('for', dom_id); } $(prefix).on('click', 'a.add-alarm', function(e){ var i = $(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').siblings().length + 1; var item = $(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').clone(false) .removeClass('first') .appendTo(prefix); me.init_alarms_edit(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:eq(' + i + ')', i); $('select.edit-alarm-type, select.edit-alarm-offset', item).change(); return false; }); } this.set_alarms_edit = function(prefix, valarms) { $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:gt(0)').remove(); var i, alarm, domnode, val, offset; for (i=0; i < valarms.length; i++) { alarm = valarms[i]; if (!alarm.action) alarm.action = 'DISPLAY'; - if (i == 0) { - domnode = $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').eq(0); - } - else { - domnode = $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').eq(0).clone(false).removeClass('first').appendTo(prefix); - this.init_alarms_edit(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:eq(' + i + ')', i); + domnode = $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').eq(0); + + if (i > 0) { + domnode = domnode.clone(false).removeClass('first').appendTo(prefix); + this.init_alarms_edit(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:eq(' + i + ')', i); } $('select.edit-alarm-type', domnode).val(alarm.action); $('select.edit-alarm-related', domnode).val(/END/i.test(alarm.related) ? 'end' : 'start'); if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/@(\d+)/)) { var ondate = this.fromunixtime(parseInt(RegExp.$1)); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val('@'); $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val(''); $('input.edit-alarm-date', domnode).val(this.format_datetime(ondate, 1)); $('input.edit-alarm-time', domnode).val(this.format_datetime(ondate, 2)); } else if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/^[-+]*0[MHDS]$/)) { $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val('0'); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val('0'); } else if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/([-+])(\d+)([MHDS])/)) { val = RegExp.$2; offset = ''+RegExp.$1+RegExp.$3; $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val(val); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val(offset); } } // set correct visibility by triggering onchange handlers $(prefix + ' select.edit-alarm-type, ' + prefix + ' select.edit-alarm-offset').change(); }; this.serialize_alarms = function(prefix) { var valarms = []; $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').each(function(i, elem) { var val, offset, alarm = { action: $('select.edit-alarm-type', elem).val(), related: $('select.edit-alarm-related', elem).val() }; if (alarm.action) { offset = $('select.edit-alarm-offset', elem).val(); if (offset == '@') { alarm.trigger = '@' + me.date2unixtime(me.parse_datetime($('input.edit-alarm-time', elem).val(), $('input.edit-alarm-date', elem).val())); } else if (offset === '0') { alarm.trigger = '0S'; } else if (!isNaN((val = parseInt($('input.edit-alarm-value', elem).val()))) && val >= 0) { alarm.trigger = offset[0] + val + offset[1]; } valarms.push(alarm); } }); return valarms; }; // format time string var time_autocomplete_format = function(hour, minutes, start) { var time, diff, unit, duration = '', d = new Date(); d.setHours(hour); d.setMinutes(minutes); time = me.format_time(d); if (start) { diff = Math.floor((d.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 60000); if (diff > 0) { unit = 'm'; if (diff >= 60) { unit = 'h'; diff = Math.round(diff / 3) / 20; } duration = ' (' + diff + unit + ')'; } } return [time, duration]; }; var time_autocomplete_list = function(p, callback) { // Time completions var st, h, step = 15, result = [], now = new Date(), id = String(this.element.attr('id')), m = id.match(/^(.*)-(starttime|endtime)$/), start = (m && m[2] == 'endtime' && (st = $('#' + m[1] + '-starttime').val()) && $('#' + m[1] + '-startdate').val() == $('#' + m[1] + '-enddate').val()) ? me.parse_datetime(st, '') : null, full = p.term - 1 > 0 || p.term.length > 1, hours = start ? start.getHours() : (full ? me.parse_datetime(p.term, '') : now).getHours(), minutes = hours * 60 + (full ? 0 : now.getMinutes()), min = Math.ceil(minutes / step) * step % 60, hour = Math.floor(Math.ceil(minutes / step) * step / 60); // list hours from 0:00 till now for (h = start ? start.getHours() : 0; h < hours; h++) result.push(time_autocomplete_format(h, 0, start)); // list 15min steps for the next two hours for (; h < hour + 2 && h < 24; h++) { while (min < 60) { result.push(time_autocomplete_format(h, min, start)); min += step; } min = 0; } // list the remaining hours till 23:00 while (h < 24) result.push(time_autocomplete_format((h++), 0, start)); return callback(result); }; var time_autocomplete_open = function(event, ui) { // scroll to current time var $this = $(this), widget = $this.autocomplete('widget') menu = $this.data('ui-autocomplete').menu, amregex = /^(.+)(a[.m]*)/i, pmregex = /^(.+)(a[.m]*)/i, val = $(this).val().replace(amregex, '0:$1').replace(pmregex, '1:$1'); widget.css('width', '10em'); if (val === '') menu._scrollIntoView(widget.children('li:first')); else widget.children().each(function() { var li = $(this), html = li.children().first().html() .replace(/\s+\(.+\)$/, '') .replace(amregex, '0:$1') .replace(pmregex, '1:$1'); if (html.indexOf(val) == 0) menu._scrollIntoView(li); }); }; /** * Initializes time autocompletion */ this.init_time_autocomplete = function(elem, props) { var default_props = { delay: 100, minLength: 1, - appendTo: props.container, + appendTo: props.container || $(elem).parents('form'), source: time_autocomplete_list, open: time_autocomplete_open, // change: time_autocomplete_change, select: function(event, ui) { $(this).val(ui.item[0]).change(); return false; } }; $(elem).attr('autocomplete', "off") .autocomplete($.extend(default_props, props)) .click(function() { // show drop-down upon clicks $(this).autocomplete('search', $(this).val() ? $(this).val().replace(/\D.*/, "") : " "); }); $(elem).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) { return $('
  • ') .data('ui-autocomplete-item', item) .append('' + item[0] + item[1] + '') .appendTo(ul); }; }; /***** Alarms handling *****/ /** * Display a notification for the given pending alarms */ this.display_alarms = function(alarms) { // clear old alert first if (this.alarm_dialog) this.alarm_dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); var i, actions, adismiss, asnooze, alarm, html, audio_alarms = [], records = [], event_ids = [], buttons = {}; for (i=0; i < alarms.length; i++) { alarm = alarms[i]; alarm.start = this.parseISO8601(alarm.start); alarm.end = this.parseISO8601(alarm.end); if (alarm.action == 'AUDIO') { audio_alarms.push(alarm); continue; } event_ids.push(alarm.id); html = '

    ' + Q(alarm.title) + '

    '; html += '
    ' + Q(alarm.location || '') + '
    '; html += '
    ' + Q(this.event_date_text(alarm)) + '
    '; adismiss = $('').html(rcmail.gettext('dismiss','libcalendaring')).click(function(e){ me.dismiss_link = $(this); me.dismiss_alarm(me.dismiss_link.data('id'), 0, e); }); asnooze = $('').html(rcmail.gettext('snooze','libcalendaring')).click(function(e){ me.snooze_dropdown($(this), e); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); actions = $('
    ').addClass('alarm-actions').append(adismiss.data('id', alarm.id)).append(asnooze.data('id', alarm.id)); records.push($('
    ').addClass('alarm-item').html(html).append(actions)); } if (audio_alarms.length) this.audio_alarms(audio_alarms); if (!records.length) return; this.alarm_dialog = $('
    ').attr('id', 'alarm-display').append(records); buttons[rcmail.gettext('close')] = function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('dismissall','libcalendaring')] = function(e) { // submit dismissed event_ids to server me.dismiss_alarm(me.alarm_ids.join(','), 0, e); $(this).dialog('close'); }; this.alarm_dialog.appendTo(document.body).dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: false, dialogClass: 'alarms', title: rcmail.gettext('alarmtitle','libcalendaring'), buttons: buttons, open: function() { setTimeout(function() { me.alarm_dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, 5); }, close: function() { $('#alarm-snooze-dropdown').hide(); $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); me.alarm_dialog = null; me.alarm_ids = null; }, drag: function(event, ui) { $('#alarm-snooze-dropdown').hide(); } }); this.alarm_dialog.closest('div[role=dialog]').attr('role', 'alertdialog'); this.alarm_ids = event_ids; }; /** * Display a notification and play a sound for a set of alarms */ this.audio_alarms = function(alarms) { var elem, txt = [], src = rcmail.assets_path('plugins/libcalendaring/alarm'), plugin = navigator.mimeTypes ? navigator.mimeTypes['audio/mp3'] : {}; // first generate and display notification text $.each(alarms, function() { txt.push(this.title); }); rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('alarmtitle','libcalendaring') + ': ' + Q(txt.join(', ')), 'notice', 10000); // Internet Explorer does not support wav files, // support in other browsers depends on enabled plugins, // so we use wav as a fallback src += bw.ie || (plugin && plugin.enabledPlugin) ? '.mp3' : '.wav'; // HTML5 try { elem = $('
  • ') .attr('data-value', this.date2ISO8601(date)) .html('' + Q(this.format_datetime(date, 1)) + '') .appendTo('#edit-recurrence-rdates'); $('').attr('href', '#del') .addClass('iconbutton delete') .html(rcmail.get_label('delete', 'libcalendaring')) .attr('title', rcmail.get_label('delete', 'libcalendaring')) .appendTo(li); }; // re-sort the list items by their 'data-value' attribute this.sort_rdates = function() { var mylist = $('#edit-recurrence-rdates'), listitems = mylist.children('li').get(); listitems.sort(function(a, b) { var compA = $(a).attr('data-value'); var compB = $(b).attr('data-value'); return (compA < compB) ? -1 : (compA > compB) ? 1 : 0; }) $.each(listitems, function(idx, item) { mylist.append(item); }); }; /***** Attendee form handling *****/ // expand the given contact group into individual event/task attendees this.expand_attendee_group = function(e, add, remove) { var id = (e.data ? e.data.email : null) || $(e.target).attr('data-email'), role_select = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('select.edit-attendee-role option:selected'); this.group2expand[id] = { link: e.target, data: $.extend({}, e.data || {}), adder: add, remover: remove } // copy group role from the according form element if (role_select.length) { this.group2expand[id].data.role = role_select.val(); } // register callback handler if (!this._expand_attendee_listener) { this._expand_attendee_listener = this.expand_attendee_callback; rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.expand_attendee_callback', function(result) { me._expand_attendee_listener(result); }); } rcmail.http_post('libcal/plugin.expand_attendee_group', { id: id, data: e.data || {} }, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading')); }; // callback from server to expand an attendee group this.expand_attendee_callback = function(result) { var attendee, id = result.id, data = this.group2expand[id], row = $(data.link).closest('tr'); // replace group entry with all members returned by the server if (data && data.adder && result.members && result.members.length) { for (var i=0; i < result.members.length; i++) { attendee = result.members[i]; attendee.role = data.data.role; attendee.cutype = 'INDIVIDUAL'; attendee.status = 'NEEDS-ACTION'; data.adder(attendee, null, row); } if (data.remover) { data.remover(data.link, id) } else { row.remove(); } delete this.group2expand[id]; } else { rcmail.display_message(result.error || rcmail.gettext('expandattendeegroupnodata','libcalendaring'), 'error'); } }; // Render message reference links to the given container this.render_message_links = function(links, container, edit, plugin) { var ul = $('
      ').addClass('attachmentslist'); $.each(links, function(i, link) { if (!link.mailurl) return true; // continue var li = $('
    • ').addClass('link') .addClass('message eml') .append($('') .attr('href', link.mailurl) .addClass('messagelink') .text(link.subject || link.uri) ) .appendTo(ul); // add icon to remove the link if (edit) { $('') .attr('href', '#delete') .attr('title', rcmail.gettext('removelink', plugin)) .attr('data-uri', link.uri) .addClass('delete') .text(rcmail.gettext('delete')) .appendTo(li); } }); container.empty().append(ul); } // resize and reposition (center) the dialog window this.dialog_resize = function(id, height, width) { var win = $(window), w = win.width(), h = win.height(); $(id).dialog('option', { height: Math.min(h-20, height+130), width: Math.min(w-20, width+50) }); }; } ////// static methods // render HTML code for displaying an attendee record rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html = function(data) { var name, tooltip = '', context = 'libcalendaring', dispname = data.name || data.email, status = data.role == 'ORGANIZER' ? 'ORGANIZER' : data.status; if (status) status = status.toLowerCase(); if (data.email) { tooltip = data.email; name = $('').attr({href: 'mailto:' + data.email, 'class': 'mailtolink', 'data-cutype': data.cutype}) if (status) tooltip += ' (' + rcmail.gettext('status' + status, context) + ')'; } else { name = $(''); } if (data['delegated-to']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedto') + ' ' + data['delegated-to']; else if (data['delegated-from']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedfrom') + ' ' + data['delegated-from']; return $('').append( $('').attr({'class': 'attendee ' + status, title: tooltip}).append(name.text(dispname)) ).html(); }; /** * */ rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail = function(mime_id, task, status, dom_id) { // ask user to delete the declined event from the local calendar (#1670) var del = false; if (rcmail.env.rsvp_saved && status == 'declined') { del = confirm(rcmail.gettext('itip.declinedeleteconfirm')); } // open dialog for iTip delegation if (status == 'delegated') { rcube_libcalendaring.itip_delegate_dialog(function(data) { rcmail.http_post(task + '/itip-delegate', { _uid: rcmail.env.uid, _mbox: rcmail.env.mailbox, _part: mime_id, _to: data.to, _rsvp: data.rsvp ? 1 : 0, _comment: data.comment, _folder: data.target }, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'itip.savingdata')); }, $('#rsvp-'+dom_id+' .folder-select')); return false; } var noreply = 0, comment = ''; if (dom_id) { noreply = $('#noreply-'+dom_id+':checked').length ? 1 : 0; if (!noreply) comment = $('#reply-comment-'+dom_id).val(); } rcmail.http_post(task + '/mailimportitip', { _uid: rcmail.env.uid, _mbox: rcmail.env.mailbox, _part: mime_id, _folder: $('#itip-saveto').val(), _status: status, _del: del?1:0, _noreply: noreply, _comment: comment }, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'itip.savingdata')); return false; }; /** * Helper function to render the iTip delegation dialog * and trigger a callback function when submitted. */ rcube_libcalendaring.itip_delegate_dialog = function(callback, selector) { // show dialog for entering the delegatee address and comment var html = '
      ' + '
      ' + '
      ' + '' + '
      ' + '
      ' + '' + '
      ' + '
      ' + '' + '
      ' + '
      ' + (selector && selector.length ? selector.html() : '') + '
      ' + '
      '; var dialog, buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('itipdelegated', 'itip'), click: function() { var doc = window.parent.document, delegatee = String($('#itip-delegate-to', doc).val()).replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/, ''); if (delegatee != '' && rcube_check_email(delegatee, true)) { callback({ to: delegatee, rsvp: $('#itip-delegate-rsvp', doc).prop('checked'), comment: $('#itip-delegate-comment', doc).val(), target: $('#itip-saveto', doc).val() }); setTimeout(function() { dialog.dialog("close"); }, 500); } else { alert(rcmail.gettext('itip.delegateinvalidaddress')); $('#itip-delegate-to', doc).focus(); } } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'itip'), click: function() { dialog.dialog('close'); } }); dialog = rcmail.show_popup_dialog(html, rcmail.gettext('delegateinvitation', 'itip'), buttons, { width: 460, open: function(event, ui) { $(this).parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().addClass('mainaction'); $(this).find('#itip-saveto').val(''); // initialize autocompletion var ac_props, rcm = rcmail.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : rcmail; if (rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads > 0) { ac_props = { threads: rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads, sources: rcmail.env.autocomplete_sources }; } rcm.init_address_input_events($(this).find('#itip-delegate-to').focus(), ac_props); rcm.env.recipients_delimiter = ''; }, close: function(event, ui) { rcm = rcmail.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : rcmail; rcm.ksearch_blur(); $(this).remove(); } }); return dialog; }; /** * Show a menu for selecting the RSVP reply mode */ rcube_libcalendaring.itip_rsvp_recurring = function(btn, callback) { var mnu = $('
        ').addClass('popupmenu libcal-rsvp-replymode'); $.each(['all','current'/*,'future'*/], function(i, mode) { $('
      • ' + rcmail.get_label('rsvpmode'+mode, 'libcalendaring') + '') .addClass('ui-menu-item') .attr('rel', mode) .appendTo(mnu); }); var action = btn.attr('rel'); // open the mennu mnu.menu({ select: function(event, ui) { callback(action, ui.item.attr('rel')); } }) .appendTo(document.body) .position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom+2', of: btn }) .data('action', action); setTimeout(function() { $(document).one('click', function() { mnu.menu('destroy'); mnu.remove(); }); }, 100); }; /** * */ rcube_libcalendaring.remove_from_itip = function(event, task, title) { if (confirm(rcmail.gettext('itip.deleteobjectconfirm').replace('$title', title))) { rcmail.http_post(task + '/itip-remove', event, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'itip.savingdata') ); } }; /** * */ rcube_libcalendaring.decline_attendee_reply = function(mime_id, task) { // show dialog for entering a comment and send to server var html = '
        ' + rcmail.gettext('itip.declineattendeeconfirm') + '
        ' + ''; var dialog, buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('declineattendee', 'itip'), click: function() { rcmail.http_post(task + '/itip-decline-reply', { _uid: rcmail.env.uid, _mbox: rcmail.env.mailbox, _part: mime_id, _comment: $('#itip-decline-comment', window.parent.document).val() }, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'itip.savingdata')); dialog.dialog("close"); } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'itip'), click: function() { dialog.dialog('close'); } }); dialog = rcmail.show_popup_dialog(html, rcmail.gettext('declineattendee', 'itip'), buttons, { width: 460, open: function() { $(this).parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().addClass('mainaction'); $('#itip-decline-comment').focus(); } }); return false; }; /** * */ rcube_libcalendaring.fetch_itip_object_status = function(p) { p.mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox; p.message_uid = rcmail.env.uid; rcmail.http_post(p.task + '/itip-status', { data: p }); }; /** * */ rcube_libcalendaring.update_itip_object_status = function(p) { rcmail.env.rsvp_saved = p.saved; rcmail.env.itip_existing = p.existing; // hide all elements first $('#itip-buttons-'+p.id+' > div').hide(); $('#rsvp-'+p.id+' .folder-select').remove(); if (p.html) { // append/replace rsvp status display $('#loading-'+p.id).next('.rsvp-status').remove(); $('#loading-'+p.id).hide().after(p.html); } // enable/disable rsvp buttons if (p.action == 'rsvp') { $('#rsvp-'+p.id+' input.button').prop('disabled', false) .filter('.'+String(p.status||'unknown').toLowerCase()).prop('disabled', p.latest); } // show rsvp/import buttons (with calendar selector) $('#'+p.action+'-'+p.id).show().find('input.button').last().after(p.select); // highlight date if date change detected if (p.rescheduled) $('.calendar-eventdetails td.date').addClass('modified'); // show itip box appendix after replacing the given placeholders if (p.append && p.append.selector) { var elem = $(p.append.selector); if (p.append.replacements) { $.each(p.append.replacements, function(k, html) { elem.html(elem.html().replace(k, html)); }); } else if (p.append.html) { elem.html(p.append.html) } elem.show(); } }; /** * Callback from server after an iTip message has been processed */ rcube_libcalendaring.itip_message_processed = function(metadata) { if (metadata.after_action) { setTimeout(function(){ rcube_libcalendaring.itip_after_action(metadata.after_action); }, 1200); } else { rcube_libcalendaring.fetch_itip_object_status(metadata); } }; /** * After-action on iTip request message. Action types: * 0 - no action * 1 - move to Trash * 2 - delete the message * 3 - flag as deleted * folder_name - move the message to the specified folder */ rcube_libcalendaring.itip_after_action = function(action) { if (!action) { return; } var rc = rcmail.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : rcmail; if (action === 2) { rc.permanently_remove_messages(); } else if (action === 3) { rc.mark_message('delete'); } else { rc.move_messages(action === 1 ? rc.env.trash_mailbox : action); } }; /** * Open the calendar preview for the current iTip event */ rcube_libcalendaring.open_itip_preview = function(url, msgref) { if (!rcmail.env.itip_existing) url += '&itip=' + escape(msgref); var win = rcmail.open_window(url); }; // extend jQuery (function($){ $.fn.serializeJSON = function(){ var json = {}; jQuery.map($(this).serializeArray(), function(n, i) { json[n['name']] = n['value']; }); return json; }; })(jQuery); /* libcalendaring plugin initialization */ window.rcmail && rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt) { if (rcmail.env.libcal_settings) { var libcal = new rcube_libcalendaring(rcmail.env.libcal_settings); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.display_alarms', function(alarms){ libcal.display_alarms(alarms); }); } rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_itip_object_status', rcube_libcalendaring.update_itip_object_status) .addEventListener('plugin.fetch_itip_object_status', rcube_libcalendaring.fetch_itip_object_status) .addEventListener('plugin.itip_message_processed', rcube_libcalendaring.itip_message_processed); if (rcmail.env.action == 'get-attachment' && rcmail.gui_objects['attachmentframe']) { rcmail.register_command('print-attachment', function() { var frame = rcmail.get_frame_window(rcmail.gui_objects['attachmentframe'].id); if (frame) frame.print(); }, true); } if (rcmail.env.action == 'get-attachment' && rcmail.env.attachment_download_url) { rcmail.register_command('download-attachment', function() { rcmail.location_href(rcmail.env.attachment_download_url, window); }, true); } }); diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php index b4dd2f65..d6d34422 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php +++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php @@ -1,753 +1,769 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2012, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ abstract class kolab_format_xcal extends kolab_format { public $CTYPE = 'application/calendar+xml'; public static $fulltext_cols = array('title', 'description', 'location', 'attendees:name', 'attendees:email', 'categories'); public static $scheduling_properties = array('start', 'end', 'location'); protected $_scheduling_properties = null; protected $sensitivity_map = array( 'public' => kolabformat::ClassPublic, 'private' => kolabformat::ClassPrivate, 'confidential' => kolabformat::ClassConfidential, ); protected $role_map = array( 'REQ-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::Required, 'OPT-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::Optional, 'NON-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::NonParticipant, 'CHAIR' => kolabformat::Chair, ); protected $cutype_map = array( 'INDIVIDUAL' => kolabformat::CutypeIndividual, 'GROUP' => kolabformat::CutypeGroup, 'ROOM' => kolabformat::CutypeRoom, 'RESOURCE' => kolabformat::CutypeResource, 'UNKNOWN' => kolabformat::CutypeUnknown, ); protected $rrule_type_map = array( 'MINUTELY' => RecurrenceRule::Minutely, 'HOURLY' => RecurrenceRule::Hourly, 'DAILY' => RecurrenceRule::Daily, 'WEEKLY' => RecurrenceRule::Weekly, 'MONTHLY' => RecurrenceRule::Monthly, 'YEARLY' => RecurrenceRule::Yearly, ); protected $weekday_map = array( 'MO' => kolabformat::Monday, 'TU' => kolabformat::Tuesday, 'WE' => kolabformat::Wednesday, 'TH' => kolabformat::Thursday, 'FR' => kolabformat::Friday, 'SA' => kolabformat::Saturday, 'SU' => kolabformat::Sunday, ); protected $alarm_type_map = array( 'DISPLAY' => Alarm::DisplayAlarm, 'EMAIL' => Alarm::EMailAlarm, 'AUDIO' => Alarm::AudioAlarm, ); protected $status_map = array( 'NEEDS-ACTION' => kolabformat::StatusNeedsAction, 'IN-PROCESS' => kolabformat::StatusInProcess, 'COMPLETED' => kolabformat::StatusCompleted, 'CANCELLED' => kolabformat::StatusCancelled, 'TENTATIVE' => kolabformat::StatusTentative, 'CONFIRMED' => kolabformat::StatusConfirmed, 'DRAFT' => kolabformat::StatusDraft, 'FINAL' => kolabformat::StatusFinal, ); protected $part_status_map = array( 'UNKNOWN' => kolabformat::PartNeedsAction, 'NEEDS-ACTION' => kolabformat::PartNeedsAction, 'TENTATIVE' => kolabformat::PartTentative, 'ACCEPTED' => kolabformat::PartAccepted, 'DECLINED' => kolabformat::PartDeclined, 'DELEGATED' => kolabformat::PartDelegated, 'IN-PROCESS' => kolabformat::PartInProcess, 'COMPLETED' => kolabformat::PartCompleted, ); /** * Convert common xcard properties into a hash array data structure * * @param array Additional data for merge * * @return array Object data as hash array */ public function to_array($data = array()) { // read common object props $object = parent::to_array($data); $status_map = array_flip($this->status_map); $sensitivity_map = array_flip($this->sensitivity_map); $object += array( 'sequence' => intval($this->obj->sequence()), 'title' => $this->obj->summary(), 'location' => $this->obj->location(), 'description' => $this->obj->description(), 'url' => $this->obj->url(), 'status' => $status_map[$this->obj->status()], 'sensitivity' => $sensitivity_map[$this->obj->classification()], 'priority' => $this->obj->priority(), 'categories' => self::vector2array($this->obj->categories()), 'start' => self::php_datetime($this->obj->start()), ); if (method_exists($this->obj, 'comment')) { $object['comment'] = $this->obj->comment(); } // read organizer and attendees if (($organizer = $this->obj->organizer()) && ($organizer->email() || $organizer->name())) { $object['organizer'] = array( 'email' => $organizer->email(), 'name' => $organizer->name(), ); } $role_map = array_flip($this->role_map); $cutype_map = array_flip($this->cutype_map); $part_status_map = array_flip($this->part_status_map); $attvec = $this->obj->attendees(); for ($i=0; $i < $attvec->size(); $i++) { $attendee = $attvec->get($i); $cr = $attendee->contact(); if ($cr->email() != $object['organizer']['email']) { $delegators = $delegatees = array(); $vdelegators = $attendee->delegatedFrom(); for ($j=0; $j < $vdelegators->size(); $j++) { $delegators[] = $vdelegators->get($j)->email(); } $vdelegatees = $attendee->delegatedTo(); for ($j=0; $j < $vdelegatees->size(); $j++) { $delegatees[] = $vdelegatees->get($j)->email(); } $object['attendees'][] = array( 'role' => $role_map[$attendee->role()], 'cutype' => $cutype_map[$attendee->cutype()], 'status' => $part_status_map[$attendee->partStat()], 'rsvp' => $attendee->rsvp(), 'email' => $cr->email(), 'name' => $cr->name(), 'delegated-from' => $delegators, 'delegated-to' => $delegatees, ); } } // read recurrence rule if (($rr = $this->obj->recurrenceRule()) && $rr->isValid()) { $rrule_type_map = array_flip($this->rrule_type_map); $object['recurrence'] = array('FREQ' => $rrule_type_map[$rr->frequency()]); if ($intvl = $rr->interval()) $object['recurrence']['INTERVAL'] = $intvl; if (($count = $rr->count()) && $count > 0) { $object['recurrence']['COUNT'] = $count; } else if ($until = self::php_datetime($rr->end())) { $refdate = $this->get_reference_date(); if ($refdate && $refdate instanceof DateTime && !$refdate->_dateonly) { $until->setTime($refdate->format('G'), $refdate->format('i'), 0); } $object['recurrence']['UNTIL'] = $until; } if (($byday = $rr->byday()) && $byday->size()) { $weekday_map = array_flip($this->weekday_map); $weekdays = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $byday->size(); $i++) { $daypos = $byday->get($i); $prefix = $daypos->occurence(); $weekdays[] = ($prefix ? $prefix : '') . $weekday_map[$daypos->weekday()]; } $object['recurrence']['BYDAY'] = join(',', $weekdays); } if (($bymday = $rr->bymonthday()) && $bymday->size()) { $object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY'] = join(',', self::vector2array($bymday)); } if (($bymonth = $rr->bymonth()) && $bymonth->size()) { $object['recurrence']['BYMONTH'] = join(',', self::vector2array($bymonth)); } if ($exdates = $this->obj->exceptionDates()) { for ($i=0; $i < $exdates->size(); $i++) { if ($exdate = self::php_datetime($exdates->get($i))) $object['recurrence']['EXDATE'][] = $exdate; } } } if ($rdates = $this->obj->recurrenceDates()) { for ($i=0; $i < $rdates->size(); $i++) { if ($rdate = self::php_datetime($rdates->get($i))) $object['recurrence']['RDATE'][] = $rdate; } } // read alarm $valarms = $this->obj->alarms(); $alarm_types = array_flip($this->alarm_type_map); $object['valarms'] = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $valarms->size(); $i++) { $alarm = $valarms->get($i); $type = $alarm_types[$alarm->type()]; if ($type == 'DISPLAY' || $type == 'EMAIL' || $type == 'AUDIO') { // only some alarms are supported $valarm = array( 'action' => $type, 'summary' => $alarm->summary(), 'description' => $alarm->description(), ); if ($type == 'EMAIL') { $valarm['attendees'] = array(); $attvec = $alarm->attendees(); for ($j=0; $j < $attvec->size(); $j++) { $cr = $attvec->get($j); $valarm['attendees'][] = $cr->email(); } } else if ($type == 'AUDIO') { $attach = $alarm->audioFile(); $valarm['uri'] = $attach->uri(); } if ($start = self::php_datetime($alarm->start())) { $object['alarms'] = '@' . $start->format('U'); $valarm['trigger'] = $start; } else if ($offset = $alarm->relativeStart()) { $prefix = $offset->isNegative() ? '-' : '+'; $value = ''; $time = ''; if ($w = $offset->weeks()) $value .= $w . 'W'; else if ($d = $offset->days()) $value .= $d . 'D'; else if ($h = $offset->hours()) $time .= $h . 'H'; else if ($m = $offset->minutes()) $time .= $m . 'M'; else if ($s = $offset->seconds()) $time .= $s . 'S'; // assume 'at event time' if (empty($value) && empty($time)) { $prefix = ''; $time = '0S'; } $object['alarms'] = $prefix . $value . $time; $valarm['trigger'] = $prefix . 'P' . $value . ($time ? 'T' . $time : ''); if ($alarm->relativeTo() == kolabformat::End) { $valarm['related'] == 'END'; } } // read alarm duration and repeat properties if (($duration = $alarm->duration()) && $duration->isValid()) { $value = $time = ''; if ($w = $duration->weeks()) $value .= $w . 'W'; else if ($d = $duration->days()) $value .= $d . 'D'; else if ($h = $duration->hours()) $time .= $h . 'H'; else if ($m = $duration->minutes()) $time .= $m . 'M'; else if ($s = $duration->seconds()) $time .= $s . 'S'; $valarm['duration'] = 'P' . $value . ($time ? 'T' . $time : ''); $valarm['repeat'] = $alarm->numrepeat(); } $object['alarms'] .= ':' . $type; // legacy property $object['valarms'][] = array_filter($valarm); } } $this->get_attachments($object); return $object; } /** * Set common xcal properties to the kolabformat object * * @param array Event data as hash array */ public function set(&$object) { $this->init(); $is_new = !$this->obj->uid(); $old_sequence = $this->obj->sequence(); $reschedule = $is_new; // set common object properties parent::set($object); // set sequence value if (!isset($object['sequence'])) { if ($is_new) { $object['sequence'] = 0; } else { $object['sequence'] = $old_sequence; // increment sequence when updating properties relevant for scheduling. // RFC 5545: "It is incremented [...] each time the Organizer makes a significant revision to the calendar component." if ($this->check_rescheduling($object)) { $object['sequence']++; } } } $this->obj->setSequence(intval($object['sequence'])); if ($object['sequence'] > $old_sequence) { $reschedule = true; } $this->obj->setSummary($object['title']); $this->obj->setLocation($object['location']); $this->obj->setDescription($object['description']); $this->obj->setPriority($object['priority']); $this->obj->setClassification($this->sensitivity_map[$object['sensitivity']]); $this->obj->setCategories(self::array2vector($object['categories'])); $this->obj->setUrl(strval($object['url'])); if (method_exists($this->obj, 'setComment')) { $this->obj->setComment($object['comment']); } // process event attendees $attendees = new vectorattendee; foreach ((array)$object['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) { if ($attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') { $object['organizer'] = $attendee; } else if ($attendee['email'] != $object['organizer']['email']) { $cr = new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $attendee['email']); $cr->setName($attendee['name']); // set attendee RSVP if missing if (!isset($attendee['rsvp'])) { $object['attendees'][$i]['rsvp'] = $attendee['rsvp'] = $reschedule; } $att = new Attendee; $att->setContact($cr); $att->setPartStat($this->part_status_map[$attendee['status']]); $att->setRole($this->role_map[$attendee['role']] ? $this->role_map[$attendee['role']] : kolabformat::Required); $att->setCutype($this->cutype_map[$attendee['cutype']] ? $this->cutype_map[$attendee['cutype']] : kolabformat::CutypeIndividual); $att->setRSVP((bool)$attendee['rsvp']); if (!empty($attendee['delegated-from'])) { $vdelegators = new vectorcontactref; foreach ((array)$attendee['delegated-from'] as $delegator) { $vdelegators->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $delegator)); } $att->setDelegatedFrom($vdelegators); } if (!empty($attendee['delegated-to'])) { $vdelegatees = new vectorcontactref; foreach ((array)$attendee['delegated-to'] as $delegatee) { $vdelegatees->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $delegatee)); } $att->setDelegatedTo($vdelegatees); } if ($att->isValid()) { $attendees->push($att); } else { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Invalid event attendee: " . json_encode($attendee), ), true); } } } $this->obj->setAttendees($attendees); if ($object['organizer']) { $organizer = new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $object['organizer']['email']); $organizer->setName($object['organizer']['name']); $this->obj->setOrganizer($organizer); } // save recurrence rule $rr = new RecurrenceRule; $rr->setFrequency(RecurrenceRule::FreqNone); if ($object['recurrence'] && !empty($object['recurrence']['FREQ'])) { $freq = $object['recurrence']['FREQ']; $bysetpos = explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYSETPOS']); $rr->setFrequency($this->rrule_type_map[$freq]); if ($object['recurrence']['INTERVAL']) $rr->setInterval(intval($object['recurrence']['INTERVAL'])); if ($object['recurrence']['BYDAY']) { $byday = new vectordaypos; foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYDAY']) as $day) { $occurrence = 0; if (preg_match('/^([\d-]+)([A-Z]+)$/', $day, $m)) { $occurrence = intval($m[1]); $day = $m[2]; } if (isset($this->weekday_map[$day])) { // @TODO: libkolabxml does not support BYSETPOS, neither we. // However, we can convert most common cases to BYDAY if (!$occurrence && $freq == 'MONTHLY' && !empty($bysetpos)) { foreach ($bysetpos as $pos) { $byday->push(new DayPos(intval($pos), $this->weekday_map[$day])); } } else { $byday->push(new DayPos($occurrence, $this->weekday_map[$day])); } } } $rr->setByday($byday); } if ($object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY']) { $bymday = new vectori; foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY']) as $day) $bymday->push(intval($day)); $rr->setBymonthday($bymday); } if ($object['recurrence']['BYMONTH']) { $bymonth = new vectori; foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYMONTH']) as $month) $bymonth->push(intval($month)); $rr->setBymonth($bymonth); } if ($object['recurrence']['COUNT']) $rr->setCount(intval($object['recurrence']['COUNT'])); else if ($object['recurrence']['UNTIL']) $rr->setEnd(self::get_datetime($object['recurrence']['UNTIL'], null, true)); if ($rr->isValid()) { // add exception dates (only if recurrence rule is valid) $exdates = new vectordatetime; foreach ((array)$object['recurrence']['EXDATE'] as $exdate) $exdates->push(self::get_datetime($exdate, null, true)); $this->obj->setExceptionDates($exdates); } else { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Invalid event recurrence rule: " . json_encode($object['recurrence']), ), true); } } $this->obj->setRecurrenceRule($rr); // save recurrence dates (aka RDATE) if (!empty($object['recurrence']['RDATE'])) { $rdates = new vectordatetime; foreach ((array)$object['recurrence']['RDATE'] as $rdate) $rdates->push(self::get_datetime($rdate, null, true)); $this->obj->setRecurrenceDates($rdates); } - // save alarm + // save alarm(s) $valarms = new vectoralarm; + $valarm_hashes = array(); if ($object['valarms']) { foreach ($object['valarms'] as $valarm) { if (!array_key_exists($valarm['action'], $this->alarm_type_map)) { continue; // skip unknown alarm types } + // Get rid of duplicates, some CalDAV clients can set them + $hash = serialize($valarm); + if (in_array($hash, $valarm_hashes)) { + continue; + } + $valarm_hashes[] = $hash; + if ($valarm['action'] == 'EMAIL') { $recipients = new vectorcontactref; foreach (($valarm['attendees'] ?: array($object['_owner'])) as $email) { $recipients->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $email)); } $alarm = new Alarm( strval($valarm['summary'] ?: $object['title']), strval($valarm['description'] ?: $object['description']), $recipients ); } else if ($valarm['action'] == 'AUDIO') { $attach = new Attachment; $attach->setUri($valarm['uri'] ?: 'null', 'unknown'); $alarm = new Alarm($attach); } else { // action == DISPLAY $alarm = new Alarm(strval($valarm['summary'] ?: $object['title'])); } if (is_object($valarm['trigger']) && $valarm['trigger'] instanceof DateTime) { $alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($valarm['trigger'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'))); } + else if (preg_match('/^@([0-9]+)$/', $valarm['trigger'], $m)) { + $alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($m[1], new DateTimeZone('UTC'))); + } else { + // Support also interval in format without PT, e.g. -10M + if (preg_match('/^([-+]*)([0-9]+[DHMS])$/', strtoupper($valarm['trigger']), $m)) { + $valarm['trigger'] = $m[1] . ($m[2][strlen($m[2])-1] == 'D' ? 'P' : 'PT') . $m[2]; + } + try { $period = new DateInterval(preg_replace('/[^0-9PTWDHMS]/', '', $valarm['trigger'])); $duration = new Duration($period->d, $period->h, $period->i, $period->s, $valarm['trigger'][0] == '-'); } catch (Exception $e) { // skip alarm with invalid trigger values rcube::raise_error($e, true); continue; } $related = strtoupper($valarm['related']) == 'END' ? kolabformat::End : kolabformat::Start; $alarm->setRelativeStart($duration, $related); } if ($valarm['duration']) { try { $d = new DateInterval($valarm['duration']); $duration = new Duration($d->d, $d->h, $d->i, $d->s); $alarm->setDuration($duration, intval($valarm['repeat'])); } catch (Exception $e) { // ignore } } $valarms->push($alarm); } } // legacy support else if ($object['alarms']) { list($offset, $type) = explode(":", $object['alarms']); if ($type == 'EMAIL' && !empty($object['_owner'])) { // email alarms implicitly go to event owner $recipients = new vectorcontactref; $recipients->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $object['_owner'])); $alarm = new Alarm($object['title'], strval($object['description']), $recipients); } else { // default: display alarm $alarm = new Alarm($object['title']); } if (preg_match('/^@(\d+)/', $offset, $d)) { $alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($d[1], new DateTimeZone('UTC'))); } else if (preg_match('/^([-+]?)P?T?(\d+)([SMHDW])/', $offset, $d)) { $days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0; switch ($d[3]) { case 'W': $days = 7*intval($d[2]); break; case 'D': $days = intval($d[2]); break; case 'H': $hours = intval($d[2]); break; case 'M': $minutes = intval($d[2]); break; case 'S': $seconds = intval($d[2]); break; } $alarm->setRelativeStart(new Duration($days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $d[1] == '-'), $d[1] == '-' ? kolabformat::Start : kolabformat::End); } $valarms->push($alarm); } $this->obj->setAlarms($valarms); $this->set_attachments($object); } /** * Return the reference date for recurrence and alarms * * @return mixed DateTime instance of null if no refdate is available */ public function get_reference_date() { if ($this->data['start'] && $this->data['start'] instanceof DateTime) { return $this->data['start']; } return self::php_datetime($this->obj->start()); } /** * Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get words to index for fulltext search * * @return array List of words to save in cache */ public function get_words($obj = null) { $data = ''; $object = $obj ?: $this->data; foreach (self::$fulltext_cols as $colname) { list($col, $field) = explode(':', $colname); if ($field) { $a = array(); foreach ((array)$object[$col] as $attr) $a[] = $attr[$field]; $val = join(' ', $a); } else { $val = is_array($object[$col]) ? join(' ', $object[$col]) : $object[$col]; } if (strlen($val)) $data .= $val . ' '; } $words = rcube_utils::normalize_string($data, true); // collect words from recurrence exceptions if (is_array($object['exceptions'])) { foreach ($object['exceptions'] as $exception) { $words = array_merge($words, $this->get_words($exception)); } } return array_unique($words); } /** * Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get object specific tags to cache * * @return array List of tags to save in cache */ public function get_tags($obj = null) { $tags = array(); $object = $obj ?: $this->data; if (!empty($object['valarms'])) { $tags[] = 'x-has-alarms'; } // create tags reflecting participant status if (is_array($object['attendees'])) { foreach ($object['attendees'] as $attendee) { if (!empty($attendee['email']) && !empty($attendee['status'])) $tags[] = 'x-partstat:' . $attendee['email'] . ':' . strtolower($attendee['status']); } } // collect tags from recurrence exceptions if (is_array($object['exceptions'])) { foreach ($object['exceptions'] as $exception) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->get_tags($exception)); } } if (!empty($object['status'])) { $tags[] = 'x-status:' . strtolower($object['status']); } return array_unique($tags); } /** * Identify changes considered relevant for scheduling * * @param array Hash array with NEW object properties * @param array Hash array with OLD object properties * * @return boolean True if changes affect scheduling, False otherwise */ public function check_rescheduling($object, $old = null) { $reschedule = false; if (!is_array($old)) { $old = $this->data['uid'] ? $this->data : $this->to_array(); } foreach ($this->_scheduling_properties ?: self::$scheduling_properties as $prop) { $a = $old[$prop]; $b = $object[$prop]; if ($object['allday'] && ($prop == 'start' || $prop == 'end') && $a instanceof DateTime && $b instanceof DateTime) { $a = $a->format('Y-m-d'); $b = $b->format('Y-m-d'); } if ($prop == 'recurrence' && is_array($a) && is_array($b)) { unset($a['EXCEPTIONS'], $b['EXCEPTIONS']); $a = array_filter($a); $b = array_filter($b); // advanced rrule comparison: no rescheduling if series was shortened if ($a['COUNT'] && $b['COUNT'] && $b['COUNT'] < $a['COUNT']) { unset($a['COUNT'], $b['COUNT']); } else if ($a['UNTIL'] && $b['UNTIL'] && $b['UNTIL'] < $a['UNTIL']) { unset($a['UNTIL'], $b['UNTIL']); } } if ($a != $b) { $reschedule = true; break; } } return $reschedule; } /** * Clones into an instance of libcalendaring's extended EventCal class * * @return mixed EventCal object or false on failure */ public function to_libcal() { static $error_logged = false; if (class_exists('kolabcalendaring')) { return new EventCal($this->obj); } else if (!$error_logged) { $error_logged = true; rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 900, 'message' => "required kolabcalendaring module not found" ), true); } return false; } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder_user.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder_user.php index 7e435002..ec751fdb 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder_user.php +++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder_user.php @@ -1,134 +1,134 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2014, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_storage_folder_user extends kolab_storage_folder_virtual { protected static $ldapcache = array(); public $ldaprec; public $type; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct($name, $parent = '', $ldaprec = null) { parent::__construct($name, kolab_storage::object_prettyname($name), 'other', $parent); if (!empty($ldaprec)) { self::$ldapcache[$name] = $this->ldaprec = $ldaprec; } // use value cached in memory for repeated lookups else if (array_key_exists($name, self::$ldapcache)) { $this->ldaprec = self::$ldapcache[$name]; } // lookup user in LDAP and set $this->ldaprec else if ($ldap = kolab_storage::ldap()) { // get domain from current user list(,$domain) = explode('@', rcube::get_instance()->get_user_name()); $this->ldaprec = $ldap->get_user_record(parent::get_foldername($this->name) . '@' . $domain, $_SESSION['imap_host']); if (!empty($this->ldaprec)) { $this->ldaprec['kolabtargetfolder'] = $name; } self::$ldapcache[$name] = $this->ldaprec; } } /** * Getter for the top-end folder name to be displayed * * @return string Name of this folder */ public function get_foldername() { return $this->ldaprec ? ($this->ldaprec['displayname'] ?: $this->ldaprec['name']) : parent::get_foldername(); } /** * Getter for a more informative title of this user folder * * @return string Title for the given user record */ public function get_title() { return trim($this->ldaprec['displayname'] . '; ' . $this->ldaprec['mail'], '; '); } /** * Returns the owner of the folder. * * @return string The owner of this folder. */ - public function get_owner() + public function get_owner($fully_qualified = false) { return $this->ldaprec['mail']; } /** * Check subscription status of this folder. * Subscription of a virtual user folder depends on the subscriptions of subfolders. * * @return boolean True if subscribed, false if not */ public function is_subscribed() { if (!empty($this->type)) { $children = $subscribed = 0; $delimiter = $this->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); foreach ((array)kolab_storage::list_folders($this->name . $delimiter, '*', $this->type, false) as $subfolder) { if (kolab_storage::folder_is_subscribed($subfolder)) { $subscribed++; } $children++; } if ($subscribed > 0) { return $subscribed == $children ? true : 2; } } return false; } /** * Change subscription status of this folder * * @param boolean The desired subscription status: true = subscribed, false = not subscribed * * @return True on success, false on error */ public function subscribe($subscribed) { $success = false; // (un)subscribe all subfolders of a given type if (!empty($this->type)) { $delimiter = $this->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); foreach ((array)kolab_storage::list_folders($this->name . $delimiter, '*', $this->type, false) as $subfolder) { $success |= ($subscribed ? kolab_storage::folder_subscribe($subfolder) : kolab_storage::folder_unsubscribe($subfolder)); } } return $success; } } diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/tasklist.js b/plugins/tasklist/tasklist.js index 42f7da3f..67c958ba 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/tasklist.js +++ b/plugins/tasklist/tasklist.js @@ -1,3504 +1,3504 @@ /** * Client scripts for the Tasklist plugin * * @author Thomas Bruederli * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. */ function rcube_tasklist_ui(settings) { // extend base class rcube_libcalendaring.call(this, settings); /* constants */ var FILTER_MASK_ALL = 0; var FILTER_MASK_TODAY = 1; var FILTER_MASK_TOMORROW = 2; var FILTER_MASK_WEEK = 4; var FILTER_MASK_LATER = 8; var FILTER_MASK_NODATE = 16; var FILTER_MASK_OVERDUE = 32; var FILTER_MASK_FLAGGED = 64; var FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE = 128; var FILTER_MASK_ASSIGNED = 256; var FILTER_MASK_MYTASKS = 512; var filter_masks = { all: FILTER_MASK_ALL, today: FILTER_MASK_TODAY, tomorrow: FILTER_MASK_TOMORROW, week: FILTER_MASK_WEEK, later: FILTER_MASK_LATER, nodate: FILTER_MASK_NODATE, overdue: FILTER_MASK_OVERDUE, flagged: FILTER_MASK_FLAGGED, complete: FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE, assigned: FILTER_MASK_ASSIGNED, mytasks: FILTER_MASK_MYTASKS }; /* private vars */ var tagsfilter = []; var filtermask = FILTER_MASK_ALL; var loadstate = { filter:-1, lists:'', search:null }; var idcount = 0; var focusview = false; var focusview_lists = []; var saving_lock; var ui_loading; var taskcounts = {}; var listindex = []; var listdata = {}; var tags = []; var draghelper; var search_request; var search_query; var completeness_slider; var task_draghelper; var tag_draghelper; var task_drag_active = false; var list_scroll_top = 0; var scroll_delay = 400; var scroll_step = 5; var scroll_speed = 20; var scroll_sensitivity = 40; var scroll_timer; var tasklists_widget; var focused_task; var focused_subclass; var task_attendees = []; var attendees_list; var me = this; // general datepicker settings var datepicker_settings = { // translate from PHP format to datepicker format dateFormat: settings['date_format'].replace(/M/g, 'm').replace(/mmmmm/, 'MM').replace(/mmm/, 'M').replace(/dddd/, 'DD').replace(/ddd/, 'D').replace(/yy/g, 'y'), firstDay : settings['first_day'], // dayNamesMin: settings['days_short'], // monthNames: settings['months'], // monthNamesShort: settings['months'], changeMonth: false, showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true }; var extended_datepicker_settings; /* public members */ this.tasklists = rcmail.env.tasklists; this.selected_task = null; this.selected_list = null; /* public methods */ this.init = init; this.edit_task = task_edit_dialog; this.print_tasks = print_tasks; this.delete_task = delete_task; this.add_childtask = add_childtask; this.quicksearch = quicksearch; this.reset_search = reset_search; this.expand_collapse = expand_collapse; this.list_delete = list_delete; this.list_remove = list_remove; this.list_showurl = list_showurl; this.list_edit_dialog = list_edit_dialog; this.unlock_saving = unlock_saving; /* imports */ var Q = this.quote_html; var text2html = this.text2html; var event_date_text = this.event_date_text; var parse_datetime = this.parse_datetime; var date2unixtime = this.date2unixtime; var fromunixtime = this.fromunixtime; var render_message_links = this.render_message_links; /** * initialize the tasks UI */ function init() { if (rcmail.env.action == 'print' && rcmail.task == 'tasks') { filtermask = rcmail.env.filtermask; data_ready({data: rcmail.env.tasks}); return; } // initialize task list selectors for (var id in me.tasklists) { if (settings.selected_list && me.tasklists[settings.selected_list] && !me.tasklists[settings.selected_list].active) { me.tasklists[settings.selected_list].active = true; me.selected_list = settings.selected_list; $(rcmail.gui_objects.tasklistslist).find("input[value='"+settings.selected_list+"']").prop('checked', true); } if (me.tasklists[id].editable && (!me.selected_list || me.tasklists[id]['default'] || (me.tasklists[id].active && !me.tasklists[me.selected_list].active))) { me.selected_list = id; } } if (rcmail.env.source && me.tasklists[rcmail.env.source]) me.selected_list = rcmail.env.source; // initialize treelist widget that controls the tasklists list var widget_class = window.kolab_folderlist || rcube_treelist_widget; tasklists_widget = new widget_class(rcmail.gui_objects.tasklistslist, { id_prefix: 'rcmlitasklist', selectable: true, save_state: true, keyboard: false, searchbox: '#tasklistsearch', search_action: 'tasks/tasklist', search_sources: [ 'folders', 'users' ], search_title: rcmail.gettext('listsearchresults','tasklist') }); tasklists_widget.addEventListener('select', function(node) { var id = $(this).data('id'); rcmail.enable_command('list-edit', me.has_permission(me.tasklists[node.id], 'wa')); rcmail.enable_command('list-delete', me.has_permission(me.tasklists[node.id], 'xa')); rcmail.enable_command('list-import', me.has_permission(me.tasklists[node.id], 'i')); rcmail.enable_command('list-remove', me.tasklists[node.id] && me.tasklists[node.id].removable); rcmail.enable_command('list-showurl', me.tasklists[node.id] && !!me.tasklists[node.id].caldavurl); me.selected_list = node.id; rcmail.update_state({source: node.id}); }); tasklists_widget.addEventListener('subscribe', function(p) { var list; if ((list = me.tasklists[p.id])) { list.subscribed = p.subscribed || false; rcmail.http_post('tasklist', { action:'subscribe', l:{ id:p.id, active:list.active?1:0, permanent:list.subscribed?1:0 } }); } }); tasklists_widget.addEventListener('remove', function(p) { if (me.tasklists[p.id] && me.tasklists[p.id].removable) { list_remove(p.id); } }); tasklists_widget.addEventListener('insert-item', function(p) { var list = p.data; if (list && list.id && !list.virtual) { me.tasklists[list.id] = list; var prop = { id:p.id, active:list.active?1:0 }; if (list.subscribed) prop.permanent = 1; rcmail.http_post('tasklist', { action:'subscribe', l:prop }); list_tasks(); $(p.item).data('type', 'tasklist'); } }); tasklists_widget.addEventListener('search-complete', function(data) { if (data.length) rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('nrtasklistsfound','tasklist').replace('$nr', data.length), 'voice'); else rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('notasklistsfound','tasklist'), 'info'); }); // init (delegate) event handler on tasklist checkboxes tasklists_widget.container.on('click', 'input[type=checkbox]', function(e) { var list, id = this.value; if ((list = me.tasklists[id])) { list.active = this.checked; fetch_counts(); if (!this.checked) remove_tasks(id); else list_tasks(null); rcmail.http_post('tasklist', { action:'subscribe', l:{ id:id, active:list.active?1:0 } }); // disable focusview if (!this.checked && focusview && $.inArray(id, focusview_lists) >= 0) { set_focusview(null); } // adjust checked state of original list item if (tasklists_widget.is_search()) { tasklists_widget.container.find('input[value="'+id+'"]').prop('checked', this.checked); } } e.stopPropagation(); }) .on('keypress', 'input[type=checkbox]', function(e) { // select tasklist on if (e.keyCode == 13) { tasklists_widget.select(this.value); return rcube_event.cancel(e); } }) .find('li:not(.virtual)').data('type', 'tasklist'); // handler for clicks on quickview buttons tasklists_widget.container.on('click', '.quickview', function(e){ var id = $(this).closest('li').attr('id').replace(/^rcmlitasklist/, ''); if (tasklists_widget.is_search()) id = id.replace(/--xsR$/, ''); if (!rcube_event.is_keyboard(e) && this.blur) this.blur(); set_focusview(id, e.shiftKey || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); // register dbl-click handler to open calendar edit dialog tasklists_widget.container.on('dblclick', ':not(.virtual) > .tasklist', function(e){ var id = $(this).closest('li').attr('id').replace(/^rcmlitasklist/, ''); if (tasklists_widget.is_search()) id = id.replace(/--xsR$/, ''); list_edit_dialog(id); }); if (me.selected_list) { rcmail.enable_command('addtask', true); tasklists_widget.select(me.selected_list); } // register server callbacks rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.data_ready', data_ready); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_task', update_taskitem); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.refresh_tasks', function(p) { update_taskitem(p, true); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_counts', update_counts); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.insert_tasklist', insert_list); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_tasklist', update_list); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.destroy_tasklist', destroy_list); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.unlock_saving', unlock_saving); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.refresh_tagcloud', function() { update_tagcloud(); }); rcmail.addEventListener('requestrefresh', before_refresh); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.reload_data', function(){ list_tasks(null, true); setTimeout(fetch_counts, 200); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.import_success', function(p){ rctasks.import_success(p); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.import_error', function(p){ rctasks.import_error(p); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.task_render_changelog', task_render_changelog); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.task_show_diff', task_show_diff); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.task_show_revision', function(data){ task_show_dialog(null, data, true); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.close_history_dialog', close_history_dialog); rcmail.register_command('list-sort', list_set_sort, true); rcmail.register_command('list-order', list_set_order, (settings.sort_col || 'auto') != 'auto'); rcmail.register_command('task-history', task_history_dialog, false); $('#taskviewsortmenu .by-' + (settings.sort_col || 'auto')).attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('selected'); $('#taskviewsortmenu .sortorder.' + (settings.sort_order || 'asc')).attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('selected'); // start loading tasks fetch_counts(); list_tasks(settings.selected_filter); // register event handlers for UI elements $('#taskselector a').click(function(e) { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('inactive')) { var selector = this.href.replace(/^.*#/, ''), mask = filter_masks[selector], shift = e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; if (!shift) filtermask = mask; // reset selection on regular clicks else if (filtermask & mask) filtermask -= mask; else filtermask |= mask; list_tasks(); } return false; }); // quick-add a task $(rcmail.gui_objects.quickaddform).submit(function(e){ if (saving_lock) return false; var tasktext = this.elements.text.value, rec = { id:-(++idcount), title:tasktext, readonly:true, mask:0, complete:0 }; if (tasktext && tasktext.length) { save_task({ tempid:rec.id, raw:tasktext, list:me.selected_list }, 'new'); $('#listmessagebox').hide(); } // clear form this.reset(); return false; }).find('input[type=text]').placeholder(rcmail.gettext('createnewtask','tasklist')); // click-handler on tags list $(rcmail.gui_objects.tagslist).on('click', 'li', function(e){ var item = e.target.nodeName == 'LI' ? $(e.target) : $(e.target).closest('li'), tag = item.data('value'); if (!tag) return false; // reset selection on regular clicks var index = $.inArray(tag, tagsfilter); var shift = e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; if (!shift) { if (tagsfilter.length > 1) index = -1; $('li', rcmail.gui_objects.tagslist).removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); tagsfilter = []; } // add tag to filter if (index < 0) { item.addClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); tagsfilter.push(tag); } else if (shift) { item.removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); var a = tagsfilter.slice(0,index); tagsfilter = a.concat(tagsfilter.slice(index+1)); } list_tasks(); // clear text selection in IE after shift+click if (shift && document.selection) document.selection.empty(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }) .on('keypress', 'li', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this).trigger('click', { pointerType:'keyboard' }); } }) .mousedown(function(e){ // disable content selection with the mouse e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // click-handler on task list items (delegate) $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).on('click', function(e){ var item = $(e.target); var className = e.target.className; if (item.hasClass('childtoggle')) { item = item.parent().find('.taskhead'); className = 'childtoggle'; } else if (!item.hasClass('taskhead')) item = item.closest('div.taskhead'); // ignore if (!item.length) return false; var id = item.data('id'), li = item.parent(), rec = listdata[id]; switch (className) { case 'childtoggle': rec.collapsed = !rec.collapsed; li.children('.childtasks:first').toggle().attr('aria-hidden', rec.collapsed ? 'true' : 'false'); $(e.target).toggleClass('collapsed').html(rec.collapsed ? '▶' : '▼'); rcmail.http_post('tasks/task', { action:'collapse', t:{ id:rec.id, list:rec.list }, collapsed:rec.collapsed?1:0 }); if (e.shiftKey) // expand/collapse all childs li.children('.childtasks:first .childtoggle.'+(rec.collapsed?'expanded':'collapsed')).click(); break; case 'complete': if (rcmail.busy) return false; save_task_confirm(rec, 'edit', { _status_before:rec.status + '', status:e.target.checked ? 'COMPLETED' : (rec.complete > 0 ? 'IN-PROCESS' : 'NEEDS-ACTION') }); item.toggleClass('complete'); return true; case 'flagged': if (rcmail.busy) return false; rec.flagged = rec.flagged ? 0 : 1; item.toggleClass('flagged').find('.flagged:first').attr('aria-checked', (rec.flagged ? 'true' : 'false')); save_task(rec, 'edit'); break; case 'date': if (rcmail.busy) return false; var link = $(e.target).html(''), input = $('').appendTo(link).val(rec.date || '') input.datepicker($.extend({ onClose: function(dateText, inst) { if (dateText != (rec.date || '')) { save_task_confirm(rec, 'edit', { date:dateText }); } input.datepicker('destroy').remove(); link.html(dateText || rcmail.gettext('nodate','tasklist')); } }, extended_datepicker_settings) ) .datepicker('setDate', rec.date) .datepicker('show'); break; case 'delete': delete_task(id); break; case 'actions': var pos, ref = $(e.target), menu = $('#taskitemmenu'); if (menu.is(':visible') && menu.data('refid') == id) { rcmail.command('menu-close', 'taskitemmenu'); } else { rcmail.enable_command('task-history', me.tasklists[rec.list] && !!me.tasklists[rec.list].history); rcmail.command('menu-open', { menu: 'taskitemmenu', show: true }, e.target, e); menu.data('refid', id); me.selected_task = rec; } e.bubble = false; break; case 'extlink': return true; default: if (e.target.nodeName != 'INPUT') task_show_dialog(id); break; } return false; }) .on('dblclick', '.taskhead, .childtoggle', function(e){ var id, rec, item = $(e.target); if (!item.hasClass('taskhead')) item = item.closest('div.taskhead'); if (!rcmail.busy && item.length && (id = item.data('id')) && (rec = listdata[id])) { var list = rec.list && me.tasklists[rec.list] ? me.tasklists[rec.list] : {}; if (rec.readonly || !list.editable) task_show_dialog(id); else task_edit_dialog(id, 'edit'); clearSelection(); } }) .on('keydown', '.taskhead', function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName == 'INPUT' && e.target.type == 'text') return true; var inc = 1; switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // Enter $(e.target).trigger('click', { pointerType:'keyboard' }); return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 38: // Up arrow key inc = -1; case 40: // Down arrow key if ($(e.target).hasClass('actions')) { // unfold actions menu $(e.target).trigger('click', { pointerType:'keyboard' }); return rcube_event.cancel(e); } // focus next/prev task item var x = 0, target = this, items = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).find('.taskhead:visible'); items.each(function(i, item) { if (item === target) { x = i; return false; } }); items.get(x + inc).focus(); return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 37: // Left arrow key case 39: // Right arrow key $(this).parent().children('.childtoggle:visible').first().trigger('click', { pointerType:'keyboard' }); break; } }) .on('focusin', '.taskhead', function(e){ if (rcube_event.is_keyboard(e)) { var item = $(e.target); if (!item.hasClass('taskhead')) item = item.closest('div.taskhead'); var id = item.data('id'); if (id && listdata[id]) { focused_task = id; focused_subclass = item.get(0) !== e.target ? e.target.className : null; } } }) .on('focusout', '.taskhead', function(e){ var item = $(e.target); if (focused_task && item.data('id') == focused_task) { focused_task = focused_subclass = null; } }); /** * */ function task_rsvp(response, delegate) { if (me.selected_task && me.selected_task.attendees && response) { // bring up delegation dialog if (response == 'delegated' && !delegate) { rcube_libcalendaring.itip_delegate_dialog(function(data) { $('#reply-comment-task-rsvp').val(data.comment); data.rsvp = data.rsvp ? 1 : ''; task_rsvp('delegated', data); }); return; } // update attendee status for (var data, i=0; i < me.selected_task.attendees.length; i++) { data = me.selected_task.attendees[i]; if (settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+String(data.email).toLowerCase()) >= 0) { data.status = response.toUpperCase(); if (data.status == 'DELEGATED') { data['delegated-to'] = delegate.to; } else { delete data.rsvp; // unset RSVP flag if (data['delegated-to']) { delete data['delegated-to']; if (data.role == 'NON-PARTICIPANT' && data.status != 'DECLINED') { data.role = 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'; } } } } } // submit status change to server saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'tasklist.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('tasks/task', { action: 'rsvp', t: $.extend({}, me.selected_task, (delegate || {})), filter: filtermask, status: response, noreply: $('#noreply-task-rsvp:checked').length ? 1 : 0, comment: $('#reply-comment-task-rsvp').val() }); task_show_dialog(me.selected_task.id); } } // init RSVP widget $('#task-rsvp input.button').click(function(e) { task_rsvp($(this).attr('rel')) }); // register click handler for message links $('#task-links, #taskedit-links').on('click', 'li a.messagelink', function(e) { rcmail.open_window(this.href); return false; }); // register click handler for message delete buttons $('#taskedit-links').on('click', 'li a.delete', function(e) { remove_link(e.target); return false; }); // extended datepicker settings var extended_datepicker_settings = $.extend({ showButtonPanel: true, beforeShow: function(input, inst) { setTimeout(function(){ $(input).datepicker('widget').find('button.ui-datepicker-close') .html(rcmail.gettext('nodate','tasklist')) .attr('onclick', '') .unbind('click') .bind('click', function(e){ $(input).datepicker('setDate', null).datepicker('hide'); }); }, 1); } }, datepicker_settings); } /** * initialize task edit form elements */ function init_taskedit() { $('#taskedit').tabs({ activate: function(event, ui) { // reset autocompletion on tab change (#3389) rcmail.ksearch_blur(); } }); var completeness_slider_change = function(e, ui){ var v = completeness_slider.slider('value'); if (v >= 98) v = 100; if (v <= 2) v = 0; $('#taskedit-completeness').val(v); }; completeness_slider = $('#taskedit-completeness-slider').slider({ range: 'min', animate: 'fast', slide: completeness_slider_change, change: completeness_slider_change }); $('#taskedit-completeness').change(function(e){ completeness_slider.slider('value', parseInt(this.value)) }); // register events on alarms and recurrence fields me.init_alarms_edit('#taskedit-alarms'); me.init_recurrence_edit('#eventedit'); $('#taskedit-date, #taskedit-startdate').datepicker(datepicker_settings); $('a.edit-nodate').click(function(){ var sel = $(this).attr('rel'); if (sel) $(sel).val(''); return false; }); // init attendees autocompletion var ac_props; // parallel autocompletion if (rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads > 0) { ac_props = { threads: rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads, sources: rcmail.env.autocomplete_sources }; } rcmail.init_address_input_events($('#edit-attendee-name'), ac_props); rcmail.addEventListener('autocomplete_insert', function(e) { var success = false; if (e.field.name == 'participant') { success = add_attendees(e.insert, { role:'REQ-PARTICIPANT', status:'NEEDS-ACTION', cutype:(e.data && e.data.type == 'group' ? 'GROUP' : 'INDIVIDUAL') }); } if (e.field && success) { e.field.value = ''; } }); $('#edit-attendee-add').click(function() { var input = $('#edit-attendee-name'); rcmail.ksearch_blur(); if (add_attendees(input.val(), { role:'REQ-PARTICIPANT', status:'NEEDS-ACTION', cutype:'INDIVIDUAL' })) { input.val(''); } }); // handle change of "send invitations" checkbox $('#edit-attendees-invite').change(function() { $('#edit-attendees-donotify,input.edit-attendee-reply').prop('checked', this.checked); // hide/show comment field $('#taskeditform .attendees-commentbox')[this.checked ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); // delegate change task to "send invitations" checkbox $('#edit-attendees-donotify').change(function() { $('#edit-attendees-invite').click(); return false; }); // configure drop-down menu on time input fields based on jquery UI autocomplete - $('#taskedit-starttime, #taskedit-time, #taskedit input.edit-alarm-time').each(function() { + $('#taskedit-starttime, #taskedit-time').each(function() { me.init_time_autocomplete(this, {container: '#taskedit'}); }); } /** * Request counts from the server */ function fetch_counts() { var active = active_lists(); if (active.length) rcmail.http_request('counts', { lists:active.join(',') }); else update_counts({}); } /** * List tasks matching the given selector */ function list_tasks(sel, force) { if (rcmail.busy) return; if (sel && filter_masks[sel] !== undefined) { filtermask = filter_masks[sel]; } var active = active_lists(), basefilter = filtermask & FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE ? FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE : FILTER_MASK_ALL, reload = force || active.join(',') != loadstate.lists || basefilter != loadstate.filter || loadstate.search != search_query; if (active.length && reload) { ui_loading = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading'); rcmail.http_request('fetch', { filter:basefilter, lists:active.join(','), q:search_query }, true); } else if (reload) data_ready({ data:[], lists:'', filter:basefilter, search:search_query }); else render_tasklist(); $('#taskselector li.selected').removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); // select all active selectors if (filtermask > 0) { $.each(filter_masks, function(sel, mask) { if (filtermask & mask) $('#taskselector li.'+sel).addClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); }); } else $('#taskselector li.all').addClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } /** * Remove all tasks of the given list from the UI */ function remove_tasks(list_id) { // remove all tasks of the given list from index var newindex = $.grep(listindex, function(id, i){ return listdata[id] && listdata[id].list != list_id; }); listindex = newindex; render_tasklist(); // avoid reloading me.tasklists[list_id].active = false; loadstate.lists = active_lists(); } // open a dialog to upload an .ics file with tasks to be imported this.import_tasks = function(tasklist) { // close show dialog first var buttons = {}, $dialog = $("#tasksimport"), form = rcmail.gui_objects.importform; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); if (tasklist) $('#task-import-list').val(tasklist); buttons[rcmail.gettext('import', 'tasklist')] = function() { if (form && form.elements._data.value) { rcmail.async_upload_form(form, 'import', function(e) { rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); saving_lock = null; $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); // display error message if no sophisticated response from server arrived (e.g. iframe load error) if (me.import_succeeded === null) rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('importerror', 'tasklist'), 'error'); }); // display upload indicator (with extended timeout) var timeout = rcmail.env.request_timeout; rcmail.env.request_timeout = 600; me.import_succeeded = null; saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'uploading'); $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('disable'); // restore settings rcmail.env.request_timeout = timeout; } }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'tasklist')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext('importtasks', 'tasklist'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, buttons: buttons, width: 520 }).show(); }; // callback from server if import succeeded this.import_success = function(p) { this.import_succeeded = true; $("#tasksimport:ui-dialog").dialog('close'); rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); saving_lock = null; rcmail.gui_objects.importform.reset(); if (p.refetch) { list_tasks(null, true); setTimeout(fetch_counts, 200); } }; // callback from server to report errors on import this.import_error = function(p) { this.import_succeeded = false; rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); saving_lock = null; rcmail.display_message(p.message || rcmail.get_label('importerror', 'tasklist'), 'error'); }; // open a tasks export dialog this.export_tasks = function() { // close show dialog first var $dialog = $("#tasksexport"), form = rcmail.gui_objects.exportform, buttons = {}; if (!form) return; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); $("#task-export-list").val(''); buttons[rcmail.gettext('export', 'tasklist')] = function() { var data = {}, source = $('#task-export-list option:selected').val(), form_elements = $('select, input', form); // "current view" export, use hidden form to POST task IDs if (source === '') { var cache = {}, tasks = [], inputs = [], postform = $('#tasks-export-form-post'); $.each(listindex || [], function() { var rec = listdata[this]; if (match_filter(rec, cache)) { tasks.push(rec.id); } }); // copy form inputs, there may be controls added by other plugins form_elements.each(function() { if (this.type != 'checkbox' || this.checked) inputs.push($('').attr({type: 'hidden', name: this.name, value: this.value})); }); inputs.push($('').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_token', value: rcmail.env.request_token})); inputs.push($('').attr({type: 'hidden', name: 'id', value: tasks.join(',')})); if (!postform.length) postform = $('
        ') .attr({style: 'display: none', method: 'POST', action: '?_task=tasks&_action=export'}) .appendTo('body'); postform.html('').append(inputs).submit(); } // otherwise we can use simple GET else { form_elements.each(function() { if (this.type != 'checkbox' || this.checked) data[this.name] = $(this).val(); }); rcmail.goto_url('export', data); } $dialog.dialog("close"); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'tasklist')] = function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext('exporttitle', 'tasklist'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button', $dialog.parent()).button('enable'); $dialog.dialog("destroy").hide(); }, buttons: buttons, width: 520 }).show(); }; /* // download the selected task as iCal this.task_download = function(task) { if (task && task.id) { rcmail.goto_url('export', {source: task.list, id: task.id, attachments: 1}); } }; */ /** * Modify query parameters for refresh requests */ function before_refresh(query) { query.filter = filtermask == FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE ? FILTER_MASK_COMPLETE : FILTER_MASK_ALL; query.lists = active_lists().join(','); if (search_query) query.q = search_query; return query; } /** * Callback if task data from server is ready */ function data_ready(response) { listdata = {}; listindex = []; loadstate.lists = response.lists; loadstate.filter = response.filter; loadstate.search = response.search; for (var id, i=0; i < response.data.length; i++) { id = response.data[i].id; listindex.push(id); listdata[id] = response.data[i]; listdata[id].children = []; // register a forward-pointer to child tasks if (listdata[id].parent_id && listdata[listdata[id].parent_id]) listdata[listdata[id].parent_id].children.push(id); } // sort index before rendering listindex.sort(function(a, b) { return task_cmp(listdata[a], listdata[b]); }); append_tags(response.tags || []); render_tasklist(); // show selected task dialog if (settings.selected_id) { if (listdata[settings.selected_id]) { task_show_dialog(settings.selected_id); delete settings.selected_id; } // remove _id from window location if (window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, rcmail.url('', { _list: me.selected_list })); } } rcmail.set_busy(false, 'loading', ui_loading); } /** * */ function render_tasklist() { // clear display var id, rec, count = 0, cache = {}, activetags = {}, msgbox = $('#listmessagebox').hide(), list = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).html(''); for (var i=0; i < listindex.length; i++) { id = listindex[i]; rec = listdata[id]; if (match_filter(rec, cache)) { if (rcmail.env.action == 'print') { render_task_printmode(rec); continue; } render_task(rec); count++; // keep a list of tags from all visible tasks for (var t, j=0; rec.tags && j < rec.tags.length; j++) { t = rec.tags[j]; if (typeof activetags[t] == 'undefined') activetags[t] = 0; activetags[t]++; } } } if (rcmail.env.action == 'print') return; fix_tree_toggles(); update_tagcloud(activetags); if (!count) { msgbox.html(rcmail.gettext('notasksfound','tasklist')).show(); rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('notasksfound','tasklist'), 'voice'); } } /** * Show/hide child toggle buttons on all visible task items */ function fix_tree_toggles() { $('.taskitem', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).each(function(i,elem){ var li = $(elem), rec = listdata[li.attr('rel')], childs = $('.childtasks li', li); $('.childtoggle', li)[(childs.length ? 'show' : 'hide')](); }) } /** * Expand/collapse all task items with childs */ function expand_collapse(expand) { var collapsed = !expand; $('.taskitem .childtasks')[(collapsed ? 'hide' : 'show')](); $('.taskitem .childtoggle') .removeClass(collapsed ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed') .addClass(collapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded') .html(collapsed ? '▶' : '▼'); // store new toggle collapse states var ids = []; for (var id in listdata) { if (listdata[id].children && listdata[id].children.length) ids.push(id); } if (ids.length) { rcmail.http_post('tasks/task', { action:'collapse', t:{ id:ids.join(',') }, collapsed:collapsed?1:0 }); } } /** * */ function append_tags(taglist) { // find new tags var newtags = []; for (var i=0; i < taglist.length; i++) { if ($.inArray(taglist[i], tags) < 0) newtags.push(taglist[i]); } tags = tags.concat(newtags); // append new tags to tag cloud $.each(newtags, function(i, tag){ $('
      • ') .attr('rel', tag) .data('value', tag) .html(Q(tag) + '') .appendTo(rcmail.gui_objects.tagslist) .draggable({ addClasses: false, revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 300, helper: tag_draggable_helper, start: tag_draggable_start, appendTo: 'body', cursor: 'pointer' }); }); // re-sort tags list $(rcmail.gui_objects.tagslist).children('li').sortElements(function(a,b){ return $.text([a]).toLowerCase() > $.text([b]).toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; }); } /** * Display the given counts to each tag and set those inactive which don't * have any matching tasks in the current view. */ function update_tagcloud(counts) { // compute counts first by iterating over all visible task items if (typeof counts == 'undefined') { counts = {}; $('li.taskitem', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).each(function(i,li){ var t, id = $(li).attr('rel'), rec = listdata[id]; for (var j=0; rec && rec.tags && j < rec.tags.length; j++) { t = rec.tags[j]; if (typeof counts[t] == 'undefined') counts[t] = 0; counts[t]++; } }); } $(rcmail.gui_objects.tagslist).children('li').each(function(i,li){ var elem = $(li), tag = elem.attr('rel'), count = counts[tag] || 0; elem.children('.count').html(count+''); if (count == 0) elem.addClass('inactive'); else elem.removeClass('inactive'); }); } /* Helper functions for drag & drop functionality of tags */ function tag_draggable_helper() { if (!tag_draghelper) tag_draghelper = $('
        '); else tag_draghelper.html(''); $(this).clone().addClass('tag').appendTo(tag_draghelper); return tag_draghelper; } function tag_draggable_start(event, ui) { $('.taskhead').droppable({ hoverClass: 'droptarget', accept: tag_droppable_accept, drop: tag_draggable_dropped, addClasses: false }); } function tag_droppable_accept(draggable) { if (rcmail.busy) return false; var tag = draggable.data('value'), drop_id = $(this).data('id'), drop_rec = listdata[drop_id], list = drop_rec && me.tasklists[drop_rec.list] ? me.tasklists[drop_rec.list] : { editable:true }; // target is not editable or already has this tag assigned if (!drop_rec || drop_rec.readonly || !me.has_permission(list, 'i') || (drop_rec.tags && $.inArray(tag, drop_rec.tags) >= 0)) { return false; } return true; } function tag_draggable_dropped(event, ui) { var drop_id = $(this).data('id'), tag = ui.draggable.data('value'), rec = listdata[drop_id]; if (rec && rec.id) { if (!rec.tags) rec.tags = []; rec.tags.push(tag); save_task(rec, 'edit'); } } /** * */ function update_counts(counts) { // got new data if (counts) taskcounts = counts; // iterate over all selector links and update counts $('#taskselector a').each(function(i, elem){ var link = $(elem), f = link.parent().attr('class').replace(/\s\w+/g, ''); if (f != 'all') link.children('span').html('+' + (taskcounts[f] || ''))[(taskcounts[f] ? 'show' : 'hide')](); }); // spacial case: overdue $('#taskselector li.overdue')[(taskcounts.overdue ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass')]('inactive'); } /** * Callback from server to update a single task item */ function update_taskitem(rec, filter) { // handle a list of task records if ($.isArray(rec)) { $.each(rec, function(i,r){ update_taskitem(r, filter); }); return; } var id = rec.id, oldid = rec.tempid || id, oldrec = listdata[oldid], oldindex = $.inArray(oldid, listindex), oldparent = oldrec ? (oldrec._old_parent_id || oldrec.parent_id) : null, list = me.tasklists[rec.list]; if (!id || !list) return; if (oldindex >= 0) listindex[oldindex] = id; else listindex.push(id); listdata[id] = rec; // remove child-pointer from old parent if (oldparent && listdata[oldparent] && oldparent != rec.parent_id) { var oldchilds = listdata[oldparent].children, i = $.inArray(oldid, oldchilds); if (i >= 0) { listdata[oldparent].children = oldchilds.slice(0,i).concat(oldchilds.slice(i+1)); } } // register a forward-pointer to child tasks if (rec.parent_id && listdata[rec.parent_id] && listdata[rec.parent_id].children && $.inArray(id, listdata[rec.parent_id].children) < 0) listdata[rec.parent_id].children.push(id); // restore pointers to my children if (!listdata[id].children) { listdata[id].children = []; for (var pid in listdata) { if (listdata[pid].parent_id == id) listdata[id].children.push(pid); } } // copy _depth property from old rec or derive from parent if (rec.parent_id && listdata[rec.parent_id]) { rec._depth = (listdata[rec.parent_id]._depth || 0) + 1; } else if (oldrec) { rec._depth = oldrec._depth || 0; } if (list.active || rec.tempid) { if (!filter || match_filter(rec, {})) render_task(rec, oldid); } else { $('li[rel="'+id+'"]', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist).remove(); } append_tags(rec.tags || []); update_tagcloud(); fix_tree_toggles(); // refresh currently displayed task details dialog if ($('#taskshow').is(':visible') && me.selected_task && me.selected_task.id == rec.id) { task_show_dialog(rec.id); } } /** * Submit the given (changed) task record to the server */ function save_task(rec, action) { // show confirmation dialog when status of an assigned task has changed if (rec._status_before !== undefined && me.is_attendee(rec)) return save_task_confirm(rec, action); if (!rcmail.busy) { saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'tasklist.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('tasks/task', { action:action, t:rec, filter:filtermask }); $('button.ui-button:ui-button').button('option', 'disabled', rcmail.busy); return true; } return false; } /** * Display confirm dialog when modifying/deleting a task record */ var save_task_confirm = function(rec, action, updates) { var data = $.extend({}, rec, updates || {}), notify = false, partstat = false, html = '', do_confirm = settings.itip_notify & 2; // task has attendees, ask whether to notify them if (me.has_attendees(rec) && me.is_organizer(rec)) { notify = true; if (do_confirm) { html = rcmail.gettext('changeconfirmnotifications', 'tasklist'); } else { data._notify = settings.itip_notify; } } // ask whether to change my partstat and notify organizer else if (data._status_before !== undefined && data.status && data._status_before != data.status && me.is_attendee(rec)) { partstat = true; if (do_confirm) { html = rcmail.gettext('partstatupdatenotification', 'tasklist'); } else if (settings.itip_notify & 1) { data._reportpartstat = data.status == 'CANCELLED' ? 'DECLINED' : data.status; } } // remove to avoid endless recursion delete data._status_before; // show dialog if (html) { var $dialog = $('
        ').html(html); var buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('saveandnotify', 'tasklist'), click: function() { if (notify) data._notify = 1; if (partstat) data._reportpartstat = data.status == 'CANCELLED' ? 'DECLINED' : data.status; save_task(data, action); $(this).dialog('close'); } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('save', 'tasklist'), click: function() { save_task(data, action); $(this).dialog('close'); } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'tasklist'), click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); if (updates) render_task(rec, rec.id); // restore previous state } }); $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, width: 460, closeOnEscapeType: false, dialogClass: 'warning no-close', title: rcmail.gettext('changetaskconfirm', 'tasklist'), buttons: buttons, open: function() { setTimeout(function(){ $dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, 5); }, close: function(){ $dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); } }).addClass('task-update-confirm').show(); return true; } // do update return save_task(data, action); } /** * Remove saving lock and free the UI for new input */ function unlock_saving() { if (saving_lock) { rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); $('button.ui-button:ui-button').button('option', 'disabled', false); saving_lock = null; } } /** * Render the given task into the tasks list */ function render_task(rec, replace) { var tags_html = ''; for (var j=0; rec.tags && j < rec.tags.length; j++) tags_html += '' + Q(rec.tags[j]) + ''; var label_id = rcmail.html_identifier(rec.id) + '-title'; var div = $('
        ').addClass('taskhead').html( '
        ' + '' + '' + '' + text2html(Q(rec.title)) + '' + '' + tags_html + '' + '' + Q(rec.date || rcmail.gettext('nodate','tasklist')) + '' + '' ) .attr('tabindex', '0') .attr('aria-labelledby', label_id) .data('id', rec.id) .draggable({ revert: 'invalid', addClasses: false, cursorAt: { left:-10, top:12 }, helper: task_draggable_helper, appendTo: 'body', start: task_draggable_start, stop: task_draggable_stop, drag: task_draggable_move, revertDuration: 300 }); if (is_complete(rec)) div.addClass('complete'); if (rec.flagged) div.addClass('flagged'); if (!rec.date) div.addClass('nodate'); if ((rec.mask & FILTER_MASK_OVERDUE)) div.addClass('overdue'); var li, inplace = false, parent = rec.parent_id ? $('li[rel="'+rec.parent_id+'"] > ul.childtasks', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist) : null; if (replace && (li = $('li[rel="'+replace+'"]', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist)) && li.length) { li.children('div.taskhead').first().replaceWith(div); li.attr('rel', rec.id); inplace = true; } else { li = $('
      • ') .attr('rel', rec.id) .addClass('taskitem') .append((rec.collapsed ? '
      • ').attr('rel', rec.id).addClass('taskitem') .append(div) .append('
          '); if (rec.description) div.append($('').text(rec.description)); /* if (is_complete(rec)) div.addClass('complete'); if (rec.flagged) div.addClass('flagged'); if (!rec.date) div.addClass('nodate'); if (rec.mask & FILTER_MASK_OVERDUE) div.addClass('overdue'); */ if (!parent || !parent.length) li.appendTo(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist); else li.appendTo(parent); } /** * Move the given task item to the right place in the list */ function resort_task(rec, li, animated) { var dir = 0, index, slice, cmp, next_li, next_id, next_rec, insert_after, past_myself; // animated moving var insert_animated = function(li, before, after) { if (before && li.next().get(0) == before.get(0)) return; // nothing to do else if (after && li.prev().get(0) == after.get(0)) return; // nothing to do var speed = 300; li.slideUp(speed, function(){ if (before) li.insertBefore(before); else if (after) li.insertAfter(after); li.slideDown(speed, function(){ if (focused_task == rec.id) { focus_task(li); } }); }); } // remove from list index var oldlist = listindex.join('%%%'); var oldindex = $.inArray(rec.id, listindex); if (oldindex >= 0) { slice = listindex.slice(0,oldindex); listindex = slice.concat(listindex.slice(oldindex+1)); } // find the right place to insert the task item li.parent().children('.taskitem').each(function(i, elem){ next_li = $(elem); next_id = next_li.attr('rel'); next_rec = listdata[next_id]; if (next_id == rec.id) { past_myself = true; return 1; // continue } cmp = next_rec ? task_cmp(rec, next_rec) : 0; if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && !past_myself)) { insert_after = next_li; return 1; // continue; } else if (next_li && cmp < 0) { if (animated) insert_animated(li, next_li); else li.insertBefore(next_li); index = $.inArray(next_id, listindex); return false; // break } }); if (insert_after) { if (animated) insert_animated(li, null, insert_after); else li.insertAfter(insert_after); next_id = insert_after.attr('rel'); index = $.inArray(next_id, listindex); } // insert into list index if (next_id && index >= 0) { slice = listindex.slice(0,index); slice.push(rec.id); listindex = slice.concat(listindex.slice(index)); } else { // restore old list index listindex = oldlist.split('%%%'); } } /** * Compare function of two task records. * (used for sorting) */ function task_cmp(a, b) { // sort by hierarchy level first if ((a._depth || 0) != (b._depth || 0)) return a._depth - b._depth; var p, alt, inv = 1, c = is_complete(a) - is_complete(b), d = c; // completed tasks always move to the end if (c != 0) return c; // custom sorting if (settings.sort_col && settings.sort_col != 'auto') { alt = settings.sort_col == 'datetime' || settings.sort_col == 'startdatetime' ? 99999999999 : 0 d = (a[settings.sort_col]||alt) - (b[settings.sort_col]||alt); inv = settings.sort_order == 'desc' ? -1 : 1; } // default sorting (auto) else { if (!d) d = (b._hasdate-0) - (a._hasdate-0); if (!d) d = (a.datetime||99999999999) - (b.datetime||99999999999); } // fall-back to created/changed date if (!d) d = (a.created||0) - (b.created||0); if (!d) d = (a.changed||0) - (b.changed||0); return d * inv; } /** * Set focus on the given task item after DOM update */ function focus_task(li) { var selector = '.taskhead'; if (focused_subclass) selector += ' .' + focused_subclass li.find(selector).focus(); } /** * Determine whether the given task should be displayed as "complete" */ function is_complete(rec) { return ((rec.complete == 1.0 && !rec.status) || rec.status === 'COMPLETED') ? 1 : 0; } /** * */ function get_all_childs(id) { var cid, childs = []; for (var i=0; listdata[id].children && i < listdata[id].children.length; i++) { cid = listdata[id].children[i]; childs.push(cid); childs = childs.concat(get_all_childs(cid)); } return childs; } /* Helper functions for drag & drop functionality */ function task_draggable_helper() { if (!task_draghelper) task_draghelper = $('
          '); return task_draghelper; } function task_draggable_start(event, ui) { var opts = { hoverClass: 'droptarget', accept: task_droppable_accept, drop: task_draggable_dropped, addClasses: false }; $('.taskhead, #rootdroppable').droppable(opts); tasklists_widget.droppable(opts); $(this).parent().addClass('dragging'); $('#rootdroppable').show(); // enable auto-scrolling of list container var container = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist); if (container.height() > container.parent().height()) { task_drag_active = true; list_scroll_top = container.parent().scrollTop(); } } function task_draggable_move(event, ui) { var scroll = 0, mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(event), container = $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist); mouse.y -= container.parent().offset().top; if (mouse.y < scroll_sensitivity && list_scroll_top > 0) { scroll = -1; // up } else if (mouse.y > container.parent().height() - scroll_sensitivity) { scroll = 1; // down } if (task_drag_active && scroll != 0) { if (!scroll_timer) scroll_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ tasklist_drag_scroll(container, scroll); }, scroll_delay); } else if (scroll_timer) { window.clearTimeout(scroll_timer); scroll_timer = null; } } function task_draggable_stop(event, ui) { $(this).parent().removeClass('dragging'); $('#rootdroppable').hide(); task_drag_active = false; } function task_droppable_accept(draggable) { if (rcmail.busy) return false; var drag_id = draggable.data('id'), drop_id = $(this).data('id'), drag_rec = listdata[drag_id] || {}, drop_rec = listdata[drop_id]; // drop target is another list if (drag_rec && $(this).data('type') == 'tasklist') { var drop_list = me.tasklists[drop_id], from_list = me.tasklists[drag_rec.list]; return !drag_rec.parent_id && drop_id != drag_rec.list && drop_list && drop_list.editable && from_list && from_list.editable; } if (drop_rec && drop_rec.list != drag_rec.list) return false; if (drop_id == drag_rec.parent_id) return false; while (drop_rec && drop_rec.parent_id) { if (drop_rec.parent_id == drag_id) return false; drop_rec = listdata[drop_rec.parent_id]; } return true; } function task_draggable_dropped(event, ui) { var drop_id = $(this).data('id'), task_id = ui.draggable.data('id'), rec = listdata[task_id], parent, li; // dropped on another list -> move if ($(this).data('type') == 'tasklist') { if (rec) { save_task({ id:rec.id, list:drop_id, _fromlist:rec.list }, 'move'); rec.list = drop_id; } } // dropped on a new parent task or root else { parent = drop_id ? $('li[rel="'+drop_id+'"] > ul.childtasks', rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist) : $(rcmail.gui_objects.resultlist) if (rec && parent.length) { // submit changes to server rec._old_parent_id = rec.parent_id; rec.parent_id = drop_id || 0; save_task(rec, 'edit'); li = ui.draggable.parent(); li.slideUp(300, function(){ li.appendTo(parent); resort_task(rec, li); li.slideDown(300); fix_tree_toggles(); }); } } } /** * Scroll list container in the given direction */ function tasklist_drag_scroll(container, dir) { if (!task_drag_active) return; var old_top = list_scroll_top; container.parent().get(0).scrollTop += scroll_step * dir; list_scroll_top = container.parent().scrollTop(); scroll_timer = null; if (list_scroll_top != old_top) scroll_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ tasklist_drag_scroll(container, dir); }, scroll_speed); } // check if the current user is the organizer this.is_organizer = function(task, email) { if (!email) email = task.organizer ? task.organizer.email : null; if (email) return settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+email) >= 0; return true; }; // add the given list of participants var add_attendees = function(names, params) { names = explode_quoted_string(names.replace(/,\s*$/, ''), ','); // parse name/email pairs var i, item, email, name, success = false; for (i=0; i < names.length; i++) { email = name = ''; item = $.trim(names[i]); if (!item.length) { continue; } // address in brackets without name (do nothing) else if (item.match(/^<[^@]+@[^>]+>$/)) { email = item.replace(/[<>]/g, ''); } // address without brackets and without name (add brackets) else if (rcube_check_email(item)) { email = item; } // address with name else if (item.match(/([^\s<@]+@[^>]+)>*$/)) { email = RegExp.$1; name = item.replace(email, '').replace(/^["\s<>]+/, '').replace(/["\s<>]+$/, ''); } if (email) { add_attendee($.extend({ email:email, name:name }, params)); success = true; } else { alert(rcmail.gettext('noemailwarning')); } } return success; }; // add the given attendee to the list var add_attendee = function(data, readonly, before) { if (!me.selected_task) return false; // check for dupes... var exists = false; $.each(task_attendees, function(i, v) { exists |= (v.email == data.email); }); if (exists) return false; var dispname = Q(data.name || data.email); if (data.email) dispname = '' + dispname + ''; // delete icon var icon = rcmail.env.deleteicon ? '' : rcmail.gettext('delete'); var dellink = '' + icon + ''; var tooltip, status = (data.status || '').toLowerCase(), status_label = rcmail.gettext('status' + status, 'libcalendaring'); // send invitation checkbox var invbox = ''; if (data['delegated-to']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedto') + ' ' + data['delegated-to']; else if (data['delegated-from']) tooltip = rcmail.gettext('libcalendaring.delegatedfrom') + ' ' + data['delegated-from']; else if (status) tooltip = status_label; // add expand button for groups if (data.cutype == 'GROUP') { dispname += ' ' + rcmail.gettext('expandattendeegroup','libcalendaring') + ''; } var html = '' + dispname + '' + '' + Q(status ? status_label : '') + '' + (data.cutype != 'RESOURCE' ? '' + (readonly || !invbox ? '' : invbox) + '' : '') + '' + (readonly ? '' : dellink) + ''; var tr = $('') .addClass(String(data.role).toLowerCase()) .html(html); if (before) tr.insertBefore(before) else tr.appendTo(attendees_list); tr.find('a.deletelink').click({ id:(data.email || data.name) }, function(e) { remove_attendee(this, e.data.id); return false; }); tr.find('a.mailtolink').click(task_attendee_click); tr.find('a.expandlink').click(data, function(e) { me.expand_attendee_group(e, add_attendee, remove_attendee); return false; }); tr.find('input.edit-attendee-reply').click(function() { var enabled = $('#edit-attendees-invite:checked').length || $('input.edit-attendee-reply:checked').length; $('#taskeditform .attendees-commentbox')[enabled ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); task_attendees.push(data); return true; }; // event handler for clicks on an attendee link var task_attendee_click = function(e) { var mailto = this.href.substr(7); rcmail.command('compose', mailto); return false; }; // remove an attendee from the list var remove_attendee = function(elem, id) { $(elem).closest('tr').remove(); task_attendees = $.grep(task_attendees, function(data) { return (data.name != id && data.email != id) }); }; /** * Show task details in a dialog */ function task_show_dialog(id, data, temp) { var $dialog = $('#taskshow'), rec, list; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); // remove status-* classes $dialog.removeClass(function(i, oldclass) { var oldies = String(oldclass).split(' '); return $.grep(oldies, function(cls) { return cls.indexOf('status-') === 0 }).join(' '); }); if (!(rec = (data || listdata[id])) || (rcmail.menu_stack && rcmail.menu_stack.length > 0)) return; me.selected_task = rec; list = rec.list && me.tasklists[rec.list] ? me.tasklists[rec.list] : {}; // fill dialog data $('#task-parent-title').html(Q(rec.parent_title || '')+' »').css('display', rec.parent_title ? 'block' : 'none'); $('#task-title').html(text2html(Q(rec.title || ''))); $('#task-description').html(text2html(rec.description || '', 300, 6))[(rec.description ? 'show' : 'hide')](); $('#task-date')[(rec.date ? 'show' : 'hide')]().children('.task-text').html(Q(rec.date || rcmail.gettext('nodate','tasklist'))); $('#task-time').html(Q(rec.time || '')); $('#task-start')[(rec.startdate ? 'show' : 'hide')]().children('.task-text').html(Q(rec.startdate || '')); $('#task-starttime').html(Q(rec.starttime || '')); $('#task-alarm')[(rec.alarms_text ? 'show' : 'hide')]().children('.task-text').html(Q(rec.alarms_text)); $('#task-completeness .task-text').html(((rec.complete || 0) * 100) + '%'); $('#task-status')[(rec.status ? 'show' : 'hide')]().children('.task-text').html(rcmail.gettext('status-'+String(rec.status).toLowerCase(),'tasklist')); $('#task-list .task-text').html(Q(me.tasklists[rec.list] ? me.tasklists[rec.list].name : '')); $('#task-attendees, #task-organizer, #task-created-changed, #task-rsvp, #task-rsvp-comment').hide(); var itags = get_inherited_tags(rec); var taglist = $('#task-tags')[(rec.tags && rec.tags.length || itags.length ? 'show' : 'hide')]().children('.task-text').empty(); if (rec.tags && rec.tags.length) { $.each(rec.tags, function(i,val){ $('').addClass('tag-element').html(Q(val)).appendTo(taglist); }); } // append inherited tags if (itags.length) { $.each(itags, function(i,val){ if (!rec.tags || $.inArray(val, rec.tags) < 0) $('').addClass('tag-element inherit').html(Q(val)).appendTo(taglist); }); // re-sort tags list $(taglist).children().sortElements(function(a,b){ return $.text([a]).toLowerCase() > $.text([b]).toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; }); } if (rec.status) { $dialog.addClass('status-' + String(rec.status).toLowerCase()); } if (rec.flagged) { $dialog.addClass('status-flagged'); } if (rec.recurrence && rec.recurrence_text) { $('#task-recurrence').show().children('.task-text').html(Q(rec.recurrence_text)); } else { $('#task-recurrence').hide(); } if (rec.created || rec.changed) { $('#task-created-changed .task-created').html(Q(rec.created_ || rcmail.gettext('unknown','tasklist'))) $('#task-created-changed .task-changed').html(Q(rec.changed_ || rcmail.gettext('unknown','tasklist'))) $('#task-created-changed').show() } // build attachments list $('#task-attachments').hide(); if ($.isArray(rec.attachments)) { task_show_attachments(rec.attachments || [], $('#task-attachments').children('.task-text'), rec); if (rec.attachments.length > 0) { $('#task-attachments').show(); } } // build attachments list $('#task-links').hide(); if ($.isArray(rec.links) && rec.links.length) { render_message_links(rec.links || [], $('#task-links').children('.task-text'), false, 'tasklist'); $('#task-links').show(); } // list task attendees if (list.attendees && rec.attendees) { /* // sort resources to the end rec.attendees.sort(function(a,b) { var j = a.cutype == 'RESOURCE' ? 1 : 0, k = b.cutype == 'RESOURCE' ? 1 : 0; return (j - k); }); */ var j, data, rsvp = false, mystatus = null, line, morelink, html = '', overflow = '', organizer = me.is_organizer(rec); for (j=0; j < rec.attendees.length; j++) { data = rec.attendees[j]; if (data.email && settings.identity.emails.indexOf(';'+data.email) >= 0) { mystatus = data.status.toLowerCase(); if (data.status == 'NEEDS-ACTION' || data.status == 'TENTATIVE' || data.rsvp) rsvp = mystatus; } line = rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html(data); if (morelink) overflow += line; else html += line; // stop listing attendees if (j == 7 && rec.attendees.length >= 7) { morelink = $('').html(rcmail.gettext('andnmore', 'tasklist').replace('$nr', rec.attendees.length - j - 1)); } } if (html) { $('#task-attendees').show() .children('.task-text') .html(html) .find('a.mailtolink').click(task_attendee_click); // display all attendees in a popup when clicking the "more" link if (morelink) { $('#task-attendees .task-text').append(morelink); morelink.click(function(e) { rcmail.show_popup_dialog( '
          ' + html + overflow + '
          ', rcmail.gettext('tabattendees', 'tasklist'), null, {width: 450, modal: false} ); $('#all-task-attendees a.mailtolink').click(task_attendee_click); return false; }); } } /* if (mystatus && !rsvp) { $('#task-partstat').show().children('.changersvp') .removeClass('accepted tentative declined delegated needs-action') .addClass(mystatus) .children('.task-text') .html(rcmail.gettext('status' + mystatus, 'libcalendaring')); } */ var show_rsvp = !temp && rsvp && list.editable && !me.is_organizer(rec) && rec.status != 'CANCELLED'; $('#task-rsvp')[(show_rsvp ? 'show' : 'hide')](); $('#task-rsvp .rsvp-buttons input').prop('disabled', false).filter('input[rel='+mystatus+']').prop('disabled', true); if (show_rsvp && rec.comment) { $('#task-rsvp-comment').show().children('.task-text').html(Q(rec.comment)); } $('#task-rsvp a.reply-comment-toggle').show(); $('#task-rsvp .itip-reply-comment textarea').hide().val(''); if (rec.organizer && !organizer) { $('#task-organizer').show().children('.task-text').html(rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html($.extend(rec.organizer, { role:'ORGANIZER' }))); } } // define dialog buttons var buttons = []; if (list.editable && !rec.readonly) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('edit','tasklist'), click: function() { task_edit_dialog(me.selected_task.id, 'edit'); }, disabled: rcmail.busy }); } if (me.has_permission(list, 'td') && !rec.readonly) { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('delete','tasklist'), 'class': 'delete', click: function() { if (delete_task(me.selected_task.id)) $dialog.dialog('close'); }, disabled: rcmail.busy }); } // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('taskdetails', 'tasklist'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').appendTo(document.body); $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, dragStart: function() { $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, resizeStart: function() { $('.libcal-rsvp-replymode').hide(); }, buttons: buttons, minWidth: 500, width: 580 }).show(); // set dialog size according to content me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 580); } /** * */ function task_history_dialog() { var dialog, rec = me.selected_task; if (!rec || !rec.id || !window.libkolab_audittrail) { return false; } // render dialog $dialog = libkolab_audittrail.object_history_dialog({ module: 'tasklist', container: '#taskhistory', title: rcmail.gettext('objectchangelog','tasklist') + ' - ' + rec.title, // callback function for list actions listfunc: function(action, rev) { var rec = $dialog.data('rec'); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('task', { action: action, t: { id: rec.id, list:rec.list, rev: rev } }, saving_lock); }, // callback function for comparing two object revisions comparefunc: function(rev1, rev2) { var rec = $dialog.data('rec'); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('task', { action:'diff', t: { id: rec.id, list: rec.list, rev1: rev1, rev2: rev2 } }, saving_lock); } }); $dialog.data('rec', rec); // fetch changelog data saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('task', { action: 'changelog', t: { id: rec.id, list: rec.list } }, saving_lock); } /** * */ function task_render_changelog(data) { var $dialog = $('#taskhistory'), rec = $dialog.data('rec'); if (data === false || !data.length || !rec) { // display 'unavailable' message $('
          ' + rcmail.gettext('objectchangelognotavailable','tasklist') + '
          ') .insertBefore($dialog.find('.changelog-table').hide()); return; } data.module = 'tasklist'; libkolab_audittrail.render_changelog(data, rec, me.tasklists[rec.list]); // set dialog size according to content me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 600); } /** * */ function task_show_diff(data) { var rec = me.selected_task, $dialog = $("#taskdiff"); $dialog.find('div.form-section, h2.task-title-new').hide().data('set', false).find('.index').html(''); $dialog.find('div.form-section.clone').remove(); // always show event title and date $('.task-title', $dialog).text(rec.title).removeClass('task-text-old').show(); // show each property change $.each(data.changes, function(i, change) { var prop = change.property, r2, html = false, row = $('div.task-' + prop, $dialog).first(); // special case: title if (prop == 'title') { $('.task-title', $dialog).addClass('task-text-old').text(change['old'] || '--'); $('.task-title-new', $dialog).text(change['new'] || '--').show(); } // no display container for this property if (!row.length) { return true; } // clone row if already exists if (row.data('set')) { r2 = row.clone().addClass('clone').insertAfter(row); row = r2; } // render description text if (prop == 'description') { if (!change.diff_ && change['old']) change.old_ = text2html(change['old']); if (!change.diff_ && change['new']) change.new_ = text2html(change['new']); html = true; } // format attendees struct else if (prop == 'attendees') { if (change['old']) change.old_ = rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html(change['old']); if (change['new']) change.new_ = rcube_libcalendaring.attendee_html($.extend({}, change['old'] || {}, change['new'])); html = true; } // localize status else if (prop == 'status') { if (change['old']) change.old_ = rcmail.gettext('status-'+String(change['old']).toLowerCase(), 'tasklist'); if (change['new']) change.new_ = rcmail.gettext('status-'+String(change['new']).toLowerCase(), 'tasklist'); } // format attachments struct if (prop == 'attachments') { if (change['old']) task_show_attachments([change['old']], row.children('.task-text-old'), rec, false); else row.children('.task-text-old').text('--'); if (change['new']) task_show_attachments([$.extend({}, change['old'] || {}, change['new'])], row.children('.task-text-new'), rec, false); else row.children('.task-text-new').text('--'); // remove click handler in diff view $('.attachmentslist li a', row).unbind('click').removeAttr('href'); } else if (change.diff_) { row.children('.task-text-diff').html(change.diff_); row.children('.task-text-old, .task-text-new').hide(); } else { if (!html) { // escape HTML characters change.old_ = Q(change.old_ || change['old'] || '--') change.new_ = Q(change.new_ || change['new'] || '--') } row.children('.task-text-old').html(change.old_ || change['old'] || '--').show(); row.children('.task-text-new').html(change.new_ || change['new'] || '--').show(); } // display index number if (typeof change.index != 'undefined') { row.find('.index').html('(' + change.index + ')'); } row.show().data('set', true); }); // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('objectdiff','tasklist').replace('$rev1', data.rev1).replace('$rev2', data.rev2) + ' - ' + rec.title, open: function() { $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); }, buttons: [ { text: rcmail.gettext('close'), click: function() { $dialog.dialog('close'); }, autofocus: true } ], minWidth: 320, width: 450 }).show(); // set dialog size according to content me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 400); } // close the event history dialog function close_history_dialog() { $('#taskhistory, #taskdiff').each(function(i, elem) { var $dialog = $(elem); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); }); }; /** * Opens the dialog to edit a task */ function task_edit_dialog(id, action, presets) { $('#taskshow:ui-dialog').dialog('close'); var selected_list, rec = listdata[id] || presets, $dialog = $('
          '), editform = $('#taskedit'), list = rec.list && me.tasklists[rec.list] ? me.tasklists[rec.list] : (me.selected_list ? me.tasklists[me.selected_list] : { editable: action == 'new', rights: action == 'new' ? 'rwitd' : 'r' }); if (rcmail.busy || !me.has_permission(list, 'i') || (action == 'edit' && (!rec || rec.readonly))) return false; me.selected_task = $.extend({ valarms:[] }, rec); // clone task object rec = me.selected_task; // assign temporary id if (!me.selected_task.id) me.selected_task.id = -(++idcount); // reset dialog first $('#taskeditform').get(0).reset(); // allow other plugins to do actions when task form is opened rcmail.triggerEvent('tasklist-task-init', {o: rec}); // fill form data var title = $('#taskedit-title').val(rec.title || ''); var description = $('#taskedit-description').val(rec.description || ''); var recdate = $('#taskedit-date').val(rec.date || ''); var rectime = $('#taskedit-time').val(rec.time || ''); var recstartdate = $('#taskedit-startdate').val(rec.startdate || ''); var recstarttime = $('#taskedit-starttime').val(rec.starttime || ''); var complete = $('#taskedit-completeness').val((rec.complete || 0) * 100); completeness_slider.slider('value', complete.val()); var taskstatus = $('#taskedit-status').val(rec.status || ''); var tasklist = $('#taskedit-tasklist').prop('disabled', rec.parent_id ? true : false); var notify = $('#edit-attendees-donotify').get(0); var invite = $('#edit-attendees-invite').get(0); var comment = $('#edit-attendees-comment'); invite.checked = settings.itip_notify & 1 > 0; notify.checked = me.has_attendees(rec) && invite.checked; // set tasklist selection according to permissions tasklist.find('option').each(function(i, opt) { var l = me.tasklists[opt.value] || {}, writable = l.editable || (action == 'new' && me.has_permission(l, 'i')); $(opt).prop('disabled', !writable); if (!selected_list && writable) selected_list = opt.value; }); tasklist.val(rec.list || me.selected_list || selected_list); // tag-edit line var tagline = $(rcmail.gui_objects.edittagline).empty(); $.each(typeof rec.tags == 'object' && rec.tags.length ? rec.tags : [''], function(i,val){ $('') .attr('name', 'tags[]') .attr('tabindex', '0') .addClass('tag') .val(val) .appendTo(tagline); }); $('input.tag', rcmail.gui_objects.edittagline).tagedit({ animSpeed: 100, allowEdit: false, checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive: false, autocompleteOptions: { source: tags, minLength: 0, noCheck: true, appendTo:'#taskedit' }, texts: { removeLinkTitle: rcmail.gettext('removetag', 'tasklist') } }); // set alarm(s) me.set_alarms_edit('#taskedit-alarms', action != 'new' && rec.valarms ? rec.valarms : []); if ($.isArray(rec.links) && rec.links.length) { render_message_links(rec.links, $('#taskedit-links .task-text'), true, 'tasklist'); $('#taskedit-links').show(); } else { $('#taskedit-links').hide(); } // set recurrence me.set_recurrence_edit(rec); // init attendees tab var organizer = !rec.attendees || me.is_organizer(rec), allow_invitations = organizer || (rec.owner && rec.owner == 'anonymous') || settings.invite_shared; task_attendees = []; attendees_list = $('#edit-attendees-table > tbody').html(''); $('#edit-attendees-notify')[(allow_invitations && me.has_attendees(rec) && (settings.itip_notify & 2) ? 'show' : 'hide')](); $('#edit-localchanges-warning')[(me.has_attendees(rec) && !(allow_invitations || (rec.owner && me.is_organizer(rec, rec.owner))) ? 'show' : 'hide')](); // attendees (aka assignees) if (list.attendees) { var j, data, reply_selected = 0; if (rec.attendees) { for (j=0; j < rec.attendees.length; j++) { data = rec.attendees[j]; add_attendee(data, !allow_invitations); if (allow_invitations && !data.noreply) { reply_selected++; } } } // make sure comment box is visible if at least one attendee has reply enabled // or global "send invitations" checkbox is checked $('#taskeditform .attendees-commentbox')[(reply_selected || invite.checked ? 'show' : 'hide')](); // select the correct organizer identity var identity_id = 0; $.each(settings.identities, function(i,v) { if (!rec.organizer || v == rec.organizer.email) { identity_id = i; return false; } }); $('#edit-tab-attendees').show(); $('#edit-attendees-form')[(allow_invitations?'show':'hide')](); $('#edit-identities-list').val(identity_id); $('#taskedit-organizer')[(organizer ? 'show' : 'hide')](); } else { $('#edit-tab-attendees').hide(); } // attachments rcmail.enable_command('remove-attachment', list.editable); me.selected_task.deleted_attachments = []; // we're sharing some code for uploads handling with app.js rcmail.env.attachments = []; rcmail.env.compose_id = me.selected_task.id; // for rcmail.async_upload_form() if ($.isArray(rec.attachments)) { task_show_attachments(rec.attachments, $('#taskedit-attachments'), rec, true); } else { $('#taskedit-attachments > ul').empty(); } // show/hide tabs according to calendar's feature support $('#taskedit-tab-attachments')[(list.attachments||rec.attachments?'show':'hide')](); // activate the first tab $('#taskedit').tabs('option', 'active', 0); // define dialog buttons var buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('save', 'tasklist'), 'class': 'mainaction', click: function() { var data = me.selected_task; data._status_before = me.selected_task.status + ''; // copy form field contents into task object to save $.each({ title:title, description:description, date:recdate, time:rectime, startdate:recstartdate, starttime:recstarttime, status:taskstatus }, function(key,input){ data[key] = input.val(); }); data.list = tasklist.find('option:selected').val(); data.tags = []; data.attachments = []; data.attendees = task_attendees; data.valarms = me.serialize_alarms('#taskedit-alarms'); data.recurrence = me.serialize_recurrence(rectime.val()); // do some basic input validation if (!data.title || !data.title.length) { title.focus(); return false; } else if (data.startdate && data.date) { var startdate = $.datepicker.parseDate(datepicker_settings.dateFormat, data.startdate, datepicker_settings); var duedate = $.datepicker.parseDate(datepicker_settings.dateFormat, data.date, datepicker_settings); if (startdate > duedate) { alert(rcmail.gettext('invalidstartduedates', 'tasklist')); return false; } else if ((data.time == '') != (data.starttime == '')) { alert(rcmail.gettext('invalidstartduetimes', 'tasklist')); return false; } } else if (data.recurrence && !data.startdate && !data.date) { alert(rcmail.gettext('recurrencerequiresdate', 'tasklist')); return false; } // collect tags $('input[type="hidden"]', rcmail.gui_objects.edittagline).each(function(i,elem) { if (elem.value) data.tags.push(elem.value); }); // including the "pending" one in the text box var newtag = $('#tagedit-input').val(); if (newtag != '') { data.tags.push(newtag); } // uploaded attachments list for (var i in rcmail.env.attachments) { if (i.match(/^rcmfile(.+)/)) data.attachments.push(RegExp.$1); } // task assigned to a new list if (data.list && listdata[id] && data.list != listdata[id].list) { data._fromlist = list.id; } data.complete = complete.val() / 100; if (isNaN(data.complete)) data.complete = null; else if (data.complete == 1.0 && rec.status === '') data.status = 'COMPLETED'; if (!data.list && list.id) data.list = list.id; if (!data.tags.length) data.tags = ''; if (organizer) { data._identity = $('#edit-identities-list option:selected').val(); delete data.organizer; } // per-attendee notification suppression var need_invitation = false; if (allow_invitations) { $.each(data.attendees, function (i, v) { if (v.role != 'ORGANIZER') { if ($('input.edit-attendee-reply[value="' + v.email + '"]').prop('checked')) { need_invitation = true; delete data.attendees[i]['noreply']; } else if (settings.itip_notify > 0) { data.attendees[i].noreply = 1; } } }); } // tell server to send notifications if ((me.has_attendees(data) || (rec.id && me.has_attendees(rec))) && allow_invitations && (notify.checked || invite.checked || need_invitation)) { data._notify = settings.itip_notify; data._comment = comment.val(); } else if (data._notify) { delete data._notify; } if (save_task(data, action)) $dialog.dialog('close'); } // end click: }); if (action != 'new') { buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('delete', 'tasklist'), 'class': 'delete', click: function() { if (delete_task(rec.id)) $dialog.dialog('close'); } }); } buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('cancel', 'tasklist'), click: function() { $dialog.dialog('close'); } }); // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: (!bw.ie6 && !bw.ie7), // disable for performance reasons closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext((action == 'edit' ? 'edittask' : 'newtask'), 'tasklist'), close: function() { rcmail.ksearch_blur(); editform.hide().appendTo(document.body); $dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); }, buttons: buttons, minHeight: 460, minWidth: 500, width: 580 }).append(editform.show()); // adding form content AFTERWARDS massively speeds up opening on IE title.select(); // set dialog size according to content me.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 580); } /** * Open a task attachment either in a browser window for inline view or download it */ function load_attachment(rec, att) { // can't open temp attachments if (!rec.id || rec.id < 0) return false; var query = { _id: att.id, _t: rec.recurrence_id||rec.id, _list:rec.list, _frame: 1 }; if (rec.rev) query._rev = rec.rev; // open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype // similar as in app.js and calendar_ui.js if (att.id && att.mimetype && $.inArray(att.mimetype, settings.mimetypes)>=0) { if (rcmail.open_window(rcmail.url('get-attachment', query), true, true)) { return; } } query._frame = null; query._download = 1; rcmail.goto_url('get-attachment', query, false); }; /** * Build task attachments list */ function task_show_attachments(list, container, rec, edit) { var i, id, len, content, li, elem, ul = $('