diff --git a/plugins/kolab_notes/kolab_notes.php b/plugins/kolab_notes/kolab_notes.php index e715cecb..6b55f642 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_notes/kolab_notes.php +++ b/plugins/kolab_notes/kolab_notes.php @@ -1,1480 +1,1480 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_notes extends rcube_plugin { public $task = '?(?!login|logout).*'; public $allowed_prefs = array('kolab_notes_sort_col'); public $rc; private $ui; private $lists; private $folders; private $cache = array(); private $message_notes = array(); private $bonnie_api = false; /** * Required startup method of a Roundcube plugin */ public function init() { $this->require_plugin('libkolab'); $this->rc = rcube::get_instance(); // proceed initialization in startup hook $this->add_hook('startup', array($this, 'startup')); } /** * Startup hook */ public function startup($args) { // the notes module can be enabled/disabled by the kolab_auth plugin if ($this->rc->config->get('kolab_notes_disabled', false) || !$this->rc->config->get('kolab_notes_enabled', true)) { return; } $this->register_task('notes'); // load plugin configuration $this->load_config(); // load localizations $this->add_texts('localization/', $args['task'] == 'notes' && (!$args['action'] || $args['action'] == 'dialog-ui')); $this->rc->load_language($_SESSION['language'], array('notes.notes' => $this->gettext('navtitle'))); // add label for task title if ($args['task'] == 'notes') { $this->add_hook('storage_init', array($this, 'storage_init')); // register task actions $this->register_action('index', array($this, 'notes_view')); $this->register_action('fetch', array($this, 'notes_fetch')); $this->register_action('get', array($this, 'note_record')); $this->register_action('action', array($this, 'note_action')); $this->register_action('list', array($this, 'list_action')); $this->register_action('dialog-ui', array($this, 'dialog_view')); $this->register_action('print', array($this, 'print_note')); if (!$this->rc->output->ajax_call && in_array($args['action'], array('dialog-ui', 'list'))) { $this->load_ui(); } } else if ($args['task'] == 'mail') { $this->add_hook('storage_init', array($this, 'storage_init')); $this->add_hook('message_compose', array($this, 'mail_message_compose')); if (in_array($args['action'], array('show', 'preview', 'print'))) { $this->add_hook('message_load', array($this, 'mail_message_load')); $this->add_hook('template_object_messagebody', array($this, 'mail_messagebody_html')); } // add 'Append note' item to message menu if ($this->api->output->type == 'html' && $_REQUEST['_rel'] != 'note') { $this->api->add_content(html::tag('li', null, $this->api->output->button(array( 'command' => 'append-kolab-note', 'label' => 'kolab_notes.appendnote', 'type' => 'link', 'classact' => 'icon appendnote active', 'class' => 'icon appendnote', 'innerclass' => 'icon note', ))), 'messagemenu'); $this->api->output->add_label('kolab_notes.appendnote', 'kolab_notes.editnote', 'kolab_notes.deletenotesconfirm', 'kolab_notes.entertitle', 'save', 'delete', 'cancel', 'close'); $this->include_script('notes_mail.js'); } } if (!$this->rc->output->ajax_call && !$this->rc->output->env['framed']) { $this->load_ui(); } // get configuration for the Bonnie API $this->bonnie_api = libkolab::get_bonnie_api(); // notes use fully encoded identifiers kolab_storage::$encode_ids = true; } /** * Hook into IMAP FETCH HEADER.FIELDS command and request MESSAGE-ID */ public function storage_init($p) { $p['fetch_headers'] = trim($p['fetch_headers'] . ' MESSAGE-ID'); return $p; } /** * Load and initialize UI class */ private function load_ui() { if (!$this->ui) { require_once($this->home . '/kolab_notes_ui.php'); $this->ui = new kolab_notes_ui($this); $this->ui->init(); } } /** * Read available calendars for the current user and store them internally */ private function _read_lists($force = false) { // already read sources if (isset($this->lists) && !$force) return $this->lists; // get all folders that have type "task" $folders = kolab_storage::sort_folders(kolab_storage::get_folders('note')); $this->lists = $this->folders = array(); // find default folder $default_index = 0; foreach ($folders as $i => $folder) { if ($folder->default) $default_index = $i; } // put default folder on top of the list if ($default_index > 0) { $default_folder = $folders[$default_index]; unset($folders[$default_index]); array_unshift($folders, $default_folder); } foreach ($folders as $folder) { $item = $this->folder_props($folder); $this->lists[$item['id']] = $item; $this->folders[$item['id']] = $folder; $this->folders[$folder->name] = $folder; } } /** * Get a list of available folders from this source */ public function get_lists(&$tree = null) { $this->_read_lists(); // attempt to create a default folder for this user if (empty($this->lists)) { $folder = array('name' => 'Notes', 'type' => 'note', 'default' => true, 'subscribed' => true); if (kolab_storage::folder_update($folder)) { $this->_read_lists(true); } } $folders = array(); foreach ($this->lists as $id => $list) { if (!empty($this->folders[$id])) { $folders[] = $this->folders[$id]; } } // include virtual folders for a full folder tree if (!is_null($tree)) { $folders = kolab_storage::folder_hierarchy($folders, $tree); } $delim = $this->rc->get_storage()->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); $lists = array(); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $list_id = $folder->id; $imap_path = explode($delim, $folder->name); // find parent do { array_pop($imap_path); $parent_id = kolab_storage::folder_id(join($delim, $imap_path)); } while (count($imap_path) > 1 && !$this->folders[$parent_id]); // restore "real" parent ID if ($parent_id && !$this->folders[$parent_id]) { $parent_id = kolab_storage::folder_id($folder->get_parent()); } $fullname = $folder->get_name(); $listname = $folder->get_foldername(); // special handling for virtual folders if ($folder instanceof kolab_storage_folder_user) { $lists[$list_id] = array( 'id' => $list_id, 'name' => $fullname, 'listname' => $listname, 'title' => $folder->get_title(), 'virtual' => true, 'editable' => false, 'rights' => 'l', 'group' => 'other virtual', 'class' => 'user', 'parent' => $parent_id, ); } else if ($folder->virtual) { $lists[$list_id] = array( 'id' => $list_id, 'name' => $fullname, 'listname' => $listname, 'virtual' => true, 'editable' => false, 'rights' => 'l', 'group' => $folder->get_namespace(), 'parent' => $parent_id, ); } else { if (!$this->lists[$list_id]) { $this->lists[$list_id] = $this->folder_props($folder); $this->folders[$list_id] = $folder; } $this->lists[$list_id]['parent'] = $parent_id; $lists[$list_id] = $this->lists[$list_id]; } } return $lists; } /** * Search for shared or otherwise not listed folders the user has access * * @param string Search string * @param string Section/source to search * @return array List of notes folders */ protected function search_lists($query, $source) { if (!kolab_storage::setup()) { return array(); } $this->search_more_results = false; $this->lists = $this->folders = array(); // find unsubscribed IMAP folders that have "event" type if ($source == 'folders') { foreach ((array)kolab_storage::search_folders('note', $query, array('other')) as $folder) { $this->folders[$folder->id] = $folder; $this->lists[$folder->id] = $this->folder_props($folder); } } // search other user's namespace via LDAP else if ($source == 'users') { $limit = $this->rc->config->get('autocomplete_max', 15) * 2; // we have slightly more space, so display twice the number foreach (kolab_storage::search_users($query, 0, array(), $limit * 10) as $user) { $folders = array(); // search for note folders shared by this user foreach (kolab_storage::list_user_folders($user, 'note', false) as $foldername) { $folders[] = new kolab_storage_folder($foldername, 'note'); } if (count($folders)) { $userfolder = new kolab_storage_folder_user($user['kolabtargetfolder'], '', $user); $this->folders[$userfolder->id] = $userfolder; $this->lists[$userfolder->id] = $this->folder_props($userfolder); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $this->folders[$folder->id] = $folder; $this->lists[$folder->id] = $this->folder_props($folder); $count++; } } if ($count >= $limit) { $this->search_more_results = true; break; } } } return $this->get_lists(); } /** * Derive list properties from the given kolab_storage_folder object */ protected function folder_props($folder) { if ($folder->get_namespace() == 'personal') { $norename = false; $editable = true; $rights = 'lrswikxtea'; $alarms = true; } else { $alarms = false; $rights = 'lr'; $editable = false; if (($myrights = $folder->get_myrights()) && !PEAR::isError($myrights)) { $rights = $myrights; if (strpos($rights, 't') !== false || strpos($rights, 'd') !== false) $editable = strpos($rights, 'i'); } $info = $folder->get_folder_info(); $norename = $readonly || $info['norename'] || $info['protected']; } $list_id = $folder->id; return array( 'id' => $list_id, 'name' => $folder->get_name(), 'listname' => $folder->get_foldername(), 'editname' => $folder->get_foldername(), 'editable' => $editable, 'rights' => $rights, 'norename' => $norename, 'parentfolder' => $folder->get_parent(), 'subscribed' => (bool)$folder->is_subscribed(), 'default' => $folder->default, 'group' => $folder->default ? 'default' : $folder->get_namespace(), 'class' => trim($folder->get_namespace() . ($folder->default ? ' default' : '')), ); } /** * Get the kolab_calendar instance for the given calendar ID * * @param string List identifier (encoded imap folder name) * @return object kolab_storage_folder Object nor null if list doesn't exist */ public function get_folder($id) { // create list and folder instance if necesary if (!$this->lists[$id]) { $folder = kolab_storage::get_folder(kolab_storage::id_decode($id)); if ($folder->type) { $this->folders[$id] = $folder; $this->lists[$id] = $this->folder_props($folder); } } return $this->folders[$id]; } /******* UI functions ********/ /** * Render main view of the tasklist task */ public function notes_view() { $this->ui->init(); $this->ui->init_templates(); $this->rc->output->set_pagetitle($this->gettext('navtitle')); $this->rc->output->send('kolab_notes.notes'); } /** * Deliver a rediced UI for inline (dialog) */ public function dialog_view() { // resolve message reference if ($msgref = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_msg', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC, true)) { $storage = $this->rc->get_storage(); list($uid, $folder) = explode('-', $msgref, 2); if ($message = $storage->get_message_headers($msgref)) { $this->rc->output->set_env('kolab_notes_template', array( '_from_mail' => true, 'title' => $message->get('subject'), 'links' => array(kolab_storage_config::get_message_reference( kolab_storage_config::get_message_uri($message, $folder), 'note' )), )); } } $this->ui->init_templates(); $this->rc->output->send('kolab_notes.dialogview'); } /** * Handler to retrieve note records for the given list and/or search query */ public function notes_fetch() { $search = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_q', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC, true); $list = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_list', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); $data = $this->notes_data($this->list_notes($list, $search), $tags); $this->rc->output->command('plugin.data_ready', array( 'list' => $list, 'search' => $search, 'data' => $data, 'tags' => array_values($tags) )); } /** * Convert the given note records for delivery to the client */ protected function notes_data($records, &$tags) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); $tags = $config->apply_tags($records); $config->apply_links($records); foreach ($records as $i => $rec) { unset($records[$i]['description']); $this->_client_encode($records[$i]); } return $records; } /** * Read note records for the given list from the storage backend */ protected function list_notes($list_id, $search = null) { $results = array(); // query Kolab storage $query = array(); // full text search (only works with cache enabled) if (strlen($search)) { $words = array_filter(rcube_utils::normalize_string(mb_strtolower($search), true)); foreach ($words as $word) { if (strlen($word) > 2) { // only words > 3 chars are stored in DB $query[] = array('words', '~', $word); } } } $this->_read_lists(); if ($folder = $this->get_folder($list_id)) { foreach ($folder->select($query) as $record) { // post-filter search results if (strlen($search)) { $matches = 0; $contents = mb_strtolower( $record['title'] . ($this->is_html($record) ? strip_tags($record['description']) : $record['description']) ); foreach ($words as $word) { if (mb_strpos($contents, $word) !== false) { $matches++; } } // skip records not matching all search words if ($matches < count($words)) { continue; } } $record['list'] = $list_id; $results[] = $record; } } return $results; } /** * Handler for delivering a full note record to the client */ public function note_record() { $data = $this->get_note(array( 'uid' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_id', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC), 'list' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_list', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC), )); // encode for client use if (is_array($data)) { $this->_client_encode($data); } $this->rc->output->command('plugin.render_note', $data); } /** * Get the full note record identified by the given UID + Lolder identifier */ public function get_note($note) { if (is_array($note)) { $uid = $note['uid'] ?: $note['id']; $list_id = $note['list']; } else { $uid = $note; } // deliver from in-memory cache $key = $list_id . ':' . $uid; if ($this->cache[$key]) { return $this->cache[$key]; } $result = false; $this->_read_lists(); if ($list_id) { if ($folder = $this->get_folder($list_id)) { $result = $folder->get_object($uid); } } // iterate over all calendar folders and search for the event ID else { foreach ($this->folders as $list_id => $folder) { if ($result = $folder->get_object($uid)) { $result['list'] = $list_id; break; } } } if ($result) { // get note tags $result['tags'] = $this->get_tags($result['uid']); // get note links $result['links'] = $this->get_links($result['uid']); } return $result; } /** * Helper method to encode the given note record for use in the client */ private function _client_encode(&$note) { foreach ($note as $key => $prop) { if ($key[0] == '_' || $key == 'x-custom') { unset($note[$key]); } } foreach (array('created','changed') as $key) { if (is_object($note[$key]) && $note[$key] instanceof DateTime) { $note[$key.'_'] = $note[$key]->format('U'); $note[$key] = $this->rc->format_date($note[$key]); } } // clean HTML contents if (!empty($note['description']) && $this->is_html($note)) { $note['html'] = $this->_wash_html($note['description']); } // convert link URIs references into structs if (array_key_exists('links', $note)) { foreach ((array)$note['links'] as $i => $link) { if (strpos($link, 'imap://') === 0 && ($msgref = kolab_storage_config::get_message_reference($link, 'note'))) { $note['links'][$i] = $msgref; } } } return $note; } /** * Handler for client-initiated actions on a single note record */ public function note_action() { $action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_do', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $note = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_data', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); $success = $silent = false; switch ($action) { case 'new': case 'edit': if ($success = $this->save_note($note)) { $refresh = $this->get_note($note); } break; case 'move': $uids = explode(',', $note['uid']); foreach ($uids as $uid) { $note['uid'] = $uid; if (!($success = $this->move_note($note, $note['to']))) { $refresh = $this->get_note($note); break; } } break; case 'delete': $uids = explode(',', $note['uid']); foreach ($uids as $uid) { $note['uid'] = $uid; if (!($success = $this->delete_note($note))) { $refresh = $this->get_note($note); break; } } break; case 'changelog': $data = $this->get_changelog($note); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { $rcmail = $this->rc; $dtformat = $rcmail->config->get('date_format') . ' ' . $this->rc->config->get('time_format'); array_walk($data, function(&$change) use ($lib, $rcmail, $dtformat) { if ($change['date']) { $dt = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($change['date']); if ($dt instanceof DateTime) { $change['date'] = $rcmail->format_date($dt, $dtformat); } } }); $this->rc->output->command('plugin.note_render_changelog', $data); } else { $this->rc->output->command('plugin.note_render_changelog', false); } $silent = true; break; case 'diff': $silent = true; $data = $this->get_diff($note, $note['rev1'], $note['rev2']); if (is_array($data)) { $this->rc->output->command('plugin.note_show_diff', $data); } else { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('objectdiffnotavailable'), 'error'); } break; case 'show': if ($rec = $this->get_revison($note, $note['rev'])) { $this->rc->output->command('plugin.note_show_revision', $this->_client_encode($rec)); } else { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('objectnotfound'), 'error'); } $silent = true; break; case 'restore': if ($this->restore_revision($note, $note['rev'])) { $refresh = $this->get_note($note); $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext(array('name' => 'objectrestoresuccess', 'vars' => array('rev' => $note['rev']))), 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->command('plugin.close_history_dialog'); } else { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('objectrestoreerror'), 'error'); } $silent = true; break; } // show confirmation/error message if ($success) { $this->rc->output->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation'); } else if (!$silent) { $this->rc->output->show_message('errorsaving', 'error'); } // unlock client $this->rc->output->command('plugin.unlock_saving'); if ($refresh) { $this->rc->output->command('plugin.update_note', $this->_client_encode($refresh)); } } /** * Update an note record with the given data * * @param array Hash array with note properties (id, list) * @return boolean True on success, False on error */ private function save_note(&$note) { $this->_read_lists(); $list_id = $note['list']; if (!$list_id || !($folder = $this->get_folder($list_id))) return false; // moved from another folder if ($note['_fromlist'] && ($fromfolder = $this->get_folder($note['_fromlist']))) { if (!$fromfolder->move($note['uid'], $folder->name)) return false; unset($note['_fromlist']); } // load previous version of this record to merge if ($note['uid']) { $old = $folder->get_object($note['uid']); if (!$old || PEAR::isError($old)) return false; // merge existing properties if the update isn't complete if (!isset($note['title']) || !isset($note['description'])) $note += $old; } // generate new note object from input $object = $this->_write_preprocess($note, $old); // email links and tags are handled separately $links = $object['links']; $tags = $object['tags']; unset($object['links']); unset($object['tags']); $saved = $folder->save($object, 'note', $note['uid']); if (!$saved) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving note object to Kolab server"), true, false); $saved = false; } else { // save links in configuration.relation object $this->save_links($object['uid'], $links); // save tags in configuration.relation object $this->save_tags($object['uid'], $tags); $note = $object; $note['list'] = $list_id; $note['tags'] = (array) $tags; // cache this in memory for later read $key = $list_id . ':' . $note['uid']; $this->cache[$key] = $note; } return $saved; } /** * Move the given note to another folder */ function move_note($note, $list_id) { $this->_read_lists(); $tofolder = $this->get_folder($list_id); $fromfolder = $this->get_folder($note['list']); if ($fromfolder && $tofolder) { return $fromfolder->move($note['uid'], $tofolder->name); } return false; } /** * Remove a single note record from the backend * * @param array Hash array with note properties (id, list) * @param boolean Remove record irreversible (mark as deleted otherwise) * @return boolean True on success, False on error */ public function delete_note($note, $force = true) { $this->_read_lists(); $list_id = $note['list']; if (!$list_id || !($folder = $this->get_folder($list_id))) { return false; } $status = $folder->delete($note['uid'], $force); if ($status) { $this->save_links($note['uid'], null); $this->save_tags($note['uid'], null); } return $status; } /** * Render the template for printing with placeholders */ public function print_note() { $uid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_uid', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $list = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_list', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $this->note = $this->get_note(array('uid' => $uid, 'list' => $list)); // encode for client use if (is_array($this->note)) { $this->_client_encode($this->note); } $this->rc->output->set_pagetitle($this->note['title']); $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array( 'noteheader' => array($this, 'print_note_header'), 'notebody' => array($this, 'print_note_body'), )); $this->include_script('notes.js'); $this->rc->output->send('kolab_notes.print'); } public function print_note_header() { $tags = array_map(array('rcube', 'Q'), (array) $this->note['tags']); $tags = implode(' ', $tags); return html::tag('h1', array('id' => 'notetitle'), rcube::Q($this->note['title'])) . html::div(array('id' => 'notetags', 'class' => 'tagline'), $tags) . html::div('dates', html::label(null, rcube::Q($this->gettext('created'))) . html::span(array('id' => 'notecreated'), rcube::Q($this->note['created'])) . html::label(null, rcube::Q($this->gettext('changed'))) . html::span(array('id' => 'notechanged'), rcube::Q($this->note['changed'])) ); } public function print_note_body() { return isset($this->note['html']) ? $this->note['html'] : rcube::Q($this->note['description']); } /** * Provide a list of revisions for the given object * * @param array $note Hash array with note properties * @return array List of changes, each as a hash array */ public function get_changelog($note) { if (empty($this->bonnie_api)) { return false; } list($uid, $mailbox, $msguid) = $this->_resolve_note_identity($note); $result = $uid && $mailbox ? $this->bonnie_api->changelog('note', $uid, $mailbox, $msguid) : null; if (is_array($result) && $result['uid'] == $uid) { return $result['changes']; } return false; } /** * Return full data of a specific revision of a note record * * @param mixed $note UID string or hash array with note properties * @param mixed $rev Revision number * * @return array Note object as hash array */ public function get_revison($note, $rev) { if (empty($this->bonnie_api)) { return false; } list($uid, $mailbox, $msguid) = $this->_resolve_note_identity($note); // call Bonnie API $result = $this->bonnie_api->get('note', $uid, $rev, $mailbox, $msguid); if (is_array($result) && $result['uid'] == $uid && !empty($result['xml'])) { $format = kolab_format::factory('note'); $format->load($result['xml']); $rec = $format->to_array(); if ($format->is_valid()) { $rec['rev'] = $result['rev']; return $rec; } } return false; } /** * Get a list of property changes beteen two revisions of a note object * * @param array $$note Hash array with note properties * @param mixed $rev Revisions: "from:to" * * @return array List of property changes, each as a hash array */ public function get_diff($note, $rev1, $rev2) { if (empty($this->bonnie_api)) { return false; } list($uid, $mailbox, $msguid) = $this->_resolve_note_identity($note); // call Bonnie API $result = $this->bonnie_api->diff('note', $uid, $rev1, $rev2, $mailbox, $msguid); if (is_array($result) && $result['uid'] == $uid) { $result['rev1'] = $rev1; $result['rev2'] = $rev2; // convert some properties, similar to self::_client_encode() $keymap = array( 'summary' => 'title', 'lastmodified-date' => 'changed', ); // map kolab object properties to keys and values the client expects array_walk($result['changes'], function(&$change, $i) use ($keymap) { if (array_key_exists($change['property'], $keymap)) { $change['property'] = $keymap[$change['property']]; } if ($change['property'] == 'created' || $change['property'] == 'changed') { if ($old_ = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($change['old'])) { $change['old_'] = $this->rc->format_date($old_); } if ($new_ = rcube_utils::anytodatetime($change['new'])) { $change['new_'] = $this->rc->format_date($new_); } } // compute a nice diff of note contents if ($change['property'] == 'description') { $change['diff_'] = libkolab::html_diff($change['old'], $change['new']); if (!empty($change['diff_'])) { unset($change['old'], $change['new']); $change['diff_'] = preg_replace(array('!^.*]*>!Uims','!.*$!Uims'), '', $change['diff_']); $change['diff_'] = preg_replace("!\n!", '', $change['diff_']); } } }); return $result; } return false; } /** * Command the backend to restore a certain revision of a note. * This shall replace the current object with an older version. * * @param array $note Hash array with note properties (id, list) * @param mixed $rev Revision number * * @return boolean True on success, False on failure */ public function restore_revision($note, $rev) { if (empty($this->bonnie_api)) { return false; } list($uid, $mailbox, $msguid) = $this->_resolve_note_identity($note); $folder = $this->get_folder($note['list']); $success = false; if ($folder && ($raw_msg = $this->bonnie_api->rawdata('note', $uid, $rev, $mailbox))) { $imap = $this->rc->get_storage(); // insert $raw_msg as new message if ($imap->save_message($folder->name, $raw_msg, null, false)) { $success = true; // delete old revision from imap and cache $imap->delete_message($msguid, $folder->name); $folder->cache->set($msguid, false); $this->cache = array(); } } return $success; } /** * Helper method to resolved the given note identifier into uid and mailbox * * @return array (uid,mailbox,msguid) tuple */ private function _resolve_note_identity($note) { $mailbox = $msguid = null; if (!is_array($note)) { $note = $this->get_note($note); } if (is_array($note)) { $uid = $note['uid'] ?: $note['id']; $list = $note['list']; } else { return array(null, $mailbox, $msguid); } if ($folder = $this->get_folder($list)) { $mailbox = $folder->get_mailbox_id(); // get object from storage in order to get the real object uid an msguid if ($rec = $folder->get_object($uid)) { $msguid = $rec['_msguid']; $uid = $rec['uid']; } } return array($uid, $mailbox, $msguid); } /** * Handler for client requests to list (aka folder) actions */ public function list_action() { $action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_do', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); $list = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_list', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC, true); $success = $update_cmd = false; if (empty($action)) { $action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('action', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); } switch ($action) { case 'form-new': case 'form-edit': $this->_read_lists(); $this->ui->list_editform($action, $this->lists[$list['id']], $this->folders[$list['id']]); exit; case 'new': $list['type'] = 'note'; $list['subscribed'] = true; $folder = kolab_storage::folder_update($list); if ($folder === false) { $save_error = $this->gettext(kolab_storage::$last_error); } else { $success = true; $update_cmd = 'plugin.update_list'; $list['id'] = kolab_storage::folder_id($folder); $list['_reload'] = true; } break; case 'edit': $this->_read_lists(); $oldparent = $this->lists[$list['id']]['parentfolder']; $newfolder = kolab_storage::folder_update($list); if ($newfolder === false) { $save_error = $this->gettext(kolab_storage::$last_error); } else { $success = true; $update_cmd = 'plugin.update_list'; $list['newid'] = kolab_storage::folder_id($newfolder); $list['_reload'] = $list['parent'] != $oldparent; // compose the new display name $delim = $this->rc->get_storage()->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); $path_imap = explode($delim, $newfolder); $list['name'] = kolab_storage::object_name($newfolder); $list['editname'] = rcube_charset::convert(array_pop($path_imap), 'UTF7-IMAP'); $list['listname'] = (!empty($path_imap) ? str_repeat('   ', count($path_imap)) . '» ' : '') . $list['editname']; } break; case 'delete': $this->_read_lists(); $folder = $this->get_folder($list['id']); if ($folder && kolab_storage::folder_delete($folder->name)) { $success = true; $update_cmd = 'plugin.destroy_list'; } else { $save_error = $this->gettext(kolab_storage::$last_error); } break; case 'search': $this->load_ui(); $results = array(); foreach ((array)$this->search_lists(rcube_utils::get_input_value('q', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC), rcube_utils::get_input_value('source', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC)) as $id => $prop) { $editname = $prop['editname']; unset($prop['editname']); // force full name to be displayed // let the UI generate HTML and CSS representation for this calendar $html = $this->ui->folder_list_item($id, $prop, $jsenv, true); $prop += (array)$jsenv[$id]; $prop['editname'] = $editname; $prop['html'] = $html; $results[] = $prop; } // report more results available if ($this->driver->search_more_results) { $this->rc->output->show_message('autocompletemore', 'notice'); } $this->rc->output->command('multi_thread_http_response', $results, rcube_utils::get_input_value('_reqid', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC)); return; case 'subscribe': $success = false; if ($list['id'] && ($folder = $this->get_folder($list['id']))) { if (isset($list['permanent'])) $success |= $folder->subscribe(intval($list['permanent'])); if (isset($list['active'])) $success |= $folder->activate(intval($list['active'])); // apply to child folders, too if ($list['recursive']) { foreach ((array)kolab_storage::list_folders($folder->name, '*', 'node') as $subfolder) { if (isset($list['permanent'])) ($list['permanent'] ? kolab_storage::folder_subscribe($subfolder) : kolab_storage::folder_unsubscribe($subfolder)); if (isset($list['active'])) ($list['active'] ? kolab_storage::folder_activate($subfolder) : kolab_storage::folder_deactivate($subfolder)); } } } break; } $this->rc->output->command('plugin.unlock_saving'); if ($success) { $this->rc->output->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation'); if ($update_cmd) { $this->rc->output->command($update_cmd, $list); } } else { $error_msg = $this->gettext('errorsaving') . ($save_error ? ': ' . $save_error :''); $this->rc->output->show_message($error_msg, 'error'); } } /** * Hook to add note attachments to message compose if the according parameter is present. * This completes the 'send note by mail' feature. */ public function mail_message_compose($args) { if (!empty($args['param']['with_notes'])) { $uids = explode(',', $args['param']['with_notes']); $list = $args['param']['notes_list']; foreach ($uids as $uid) { if ($note = $this->get_note(array('uid' => $uid, 'list' => $list))) { $data = $this->note2message($note); $args['attachments'][] = array( 'name' => abbreviate_string($note['title'], 50, ''), 'mimetype' => 'message/rfc822', 'data' => $data, 'size' => strlen($data), ); if (empty($args['param']['subject'])) { $args['param']['subject'] = $note['title']; } } } unset($args['param']['with_notes'], $args['param']['notes_list']); } return $args; } /** * Lookup backend storage and find notes associated with the given message */ public function mail_message_load($p) { if (!$p['object']->headers->others['x-kolab-type']) { $this->message_notes = $this->get_message_notes($p['object']->headers, $p['object']->folder); } } /** * Handler for 'messagebody_html' hook */ public function mail_messagebody_html($args) { $html = ''; foreach ($this->message_notes as $note) { $html .= html::a(array( 'href' => $this->rc->url(array('task' => 'notes', '_list' => $note['list'], '_id' => $note['uid'])), 'class' => 'kolabnotesref', 'rel' => $note['uid'] . '@' . $note['list'], 'target' => '_blank', ), rcube::Q($note['title'])); } // prepend note links to message body if ($html) { $this->load_ui(); - $args['content'] = html::div('kolabmessagenotes ui alert', $html) . $args['content']; + $args['content'] = html::div('kolabmessagenotes boxinformation noicon', $html) . $args['content']; } return $args; } /** * Determine whether the given note is HTML formatted */ private function is_html($note) { // check for opening and closing or tags return (preg_match('/<(html|body)(\s+[a-z]|>)/', $note['description'], $m) && strpos($note['description'], '') > 0); } /** * Build an RFC 822 message from the given note */ private function note2message($note) { $message = new Mail_mime("\r\n"); $message->setParam('text_encoding', '8bit'); $message->setParam('html_encoding', 'quoted-printable'); $message->setParam('head_encoding', 'quoted-printable'); $message->setParam('head_charset', RCUBE_CHARSET); $message->setParam('html_charset', RCUBE_CHARSET); $message->setParam('text_charset', RCUBE_CHARSET); $message->headers(array( 'Subject' => $note['title'], 'Date' => $note['changed']->format('r'), )); if ($this->is_html($note)) { $message->setHTMLBody($note['description']); // add a plain text version of the note content as an alternative part. $h2t = new rcube_html2text($note['description'], false, true, 0, RCUBE_CHARSET); $plain_part = rcube_mime::wordwrap($h2t->get_text(), $this->rc->config->get('line_length', 72), "\r\n", false, RCUBE_CHARSET); $plain_part = trim(wordwrap($plain_part, 998, "\r\n", true)); // make sure all line endings are CRLF $plain_part = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', "\r\n", $plain_part); $message->setTXTBody($plain_part); } else { $message->setTXTBody($note['description']); } return $message->getMessage(); } private function save_links($uid, $links) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); return $config->save_object_links($uid, (array) $links); } /** * Find messages assigned to specified note */ private function get_links($uid) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); return $config->get_object_links($uid); } /** * Get note tags */ private function get_tags($uid) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); $tags = $config->get_tags($uid); $tags = array_map(function($v) { return $v['name']; }, $tags); return $tags; } /** * Find notes assigned to specified message */ private function get_message_notes($message, $folder) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); $result = $config->get_message_relations($message, $folder, 'note'); foreach ($result as $idx => $note) { $result[$idx]['list'] = kolab_storage::folder_id($note['_mailbox']); } return $result; } /** * Update note tags */ private function save_tags($uid, $tags) { $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance(); $config->save_tags($uid, $tags); } /** * Process the given note data (submitted by the client) before saving it */ private function _write_preprocess($note, $old = array()) { $object = $note; // TODO: handle attachments // convert link references into simple URIs if (array_key_exists('links', $note)) { $object['links'] = array_map(function($link){ return is_array($link) ? $link['uri'] : strval($link); }, $note['links']); } else { $object['links'] = $old['links']; } // clean up HTML content $object['description'] = $this->_wash_html($note['description']); $is_html = true; // try to be smart and convert to plain-text if no real formatting is detected if (preg_match('!<(?:p|pre)>(.*)!Uims', $object['description'], $m)) { if (!preg_match('!<(a|b|i|strong|em|p|span|div|pre|li)(\s+[a-z]|>)!im', $m[1], $n) || !strpos($m[1], '')) { // $converter = new rcube_html2text($m[1], false, true, 0); // $object['description'] = rtrim($converter->get_text()); $object['description'] = html_entity_decode(preg_replace('!!', "\n", $m[1])); $is_html = false; } } // Add proper HTML header, otherwise Kontact renders it as plain text if ($is_html) { $object['description'] = ''."\n" . str_replace('', '', $object['description']); } // copy meta data (starting with _) from old object foreach ((array)$old as $key => $val) { if (!isset($object[$key]) && $key[0] == '_') $object[$key] = $val; } // make list of categories unique if (is_array($object['tags'])) { $object['tags'] = array_unique(array_filter($object['tags'])); } unset($object['list'], $object['tempid'], $object['created'], $object['changed'], $object['created_'], $object['changed_']); return $object; } /** * Sanity checks/cleanups HTML content */ private function _wash_html($html) { // Add header with charset spec., washtml cannot work without that $html = '' . '' . '' . $html . ''; // clean HTML with washtml by Frederic Motte $wash_opts = array( 'show_washed' => false, 'allow_remote' => 1, 'charset' => RCUBE_CHARSET, 'html_elements' => array('html', 'head', 'meta', 'body', 'link'), 'html_attribs' => array('rel', 'type', 'name', 'http-equiv'), ); // initialize HTML washer $washer = new rcube_washtml($wash_opts); $washer->add_callback('form', array($this, '_washtml_callback')); $washer->add_callback('a', array($this, '_washtml_callback')); // Remove non-UTF8 characters $html = rcube_charset::clean($html); $html = $washer->wash($html); // remove unwanted comments (produced by washtml) $html = preg_replace('//', '', $html); return $html; } /** * Callback function for washtml cleaning class */ public function _washtml_callback($tagname, $attrib, $content, $washtml) { switch ($tagname) { case 'form': $out = html::div('form', $content); break; case 'a': // strip temporary link tags from plain-text markup $attrib = html::parse_attrib_string($attrib); if (!empty($attrib['class']) && strpos($attrib['class'], 'x-templink') !== false) { // remove link entirely if (strpos($attrib['href'], html_entity_decode($content)) !== false) { $out = $content; break; } $attrib['class'] = trim(str_replace('x-templink', '', $attrib['class'])); } $out = html::a($attrib, $content); break; default: $out = ''; } return $out; } }