diff --git a/plugins/kolab_notes/notes.js b/plugins/kolab_notes/notes.js index eedd6c47..d9ff56ec 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_notes/notes.js +++ b/plugins/kolab_notes/notes.js @@ -1,1754 +1,1743 @@ /** * Client scripts for the Kolab Notes plugin * * @author Thomas Bruederli * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. */ function rcube_kolab_notes_ui(settings) { /* private vars */ var ui_loading = false; var saving_lock; var search_query; var folder_drop_target; var notebookslist; var noteslist; var notesdata = {}; var tagsfilter = []; var tags = []; var search_request; var search_query; var tag_draghelper; var render_no_focus; var me = this; /* public members */ this.selected_list; this.selected_note; this.notebooks = rcmail.env.kolab_notebooks || {}; /** * initialize the notes UI */ function init() { // register button commands rcmail.register_command('createnote', function(){ warn_unsaved_changes(function(){ edit_note(null, 'new'); }) }, false); rcmail.register_command('list-create', function(){ list_edit_dialog(null); }, true); rcmail.register_command('list-edit', function(){ list_edit_dialog(me.selected_list); }, false); rcmail.register_command('list-delete', function(){ list_delete(me.selected_list); }, false); rcmail.register_command('list-remove', function(){ list_remove(me.selected_list); }, false); rcmail.register_command('list-sort', list_set_sort, true); rcmail.register_command('save', save_note, true); rcmail.register_command('delete', delete_notes, false); rcmail.register_command('search', quicksearch, true); rcmail.register_command('reset-search', reset_search, true); rcmail.register_command('sendnote', send_note, false); rcmail.register_command('print', print_note, false); rcmail.register_command('history', show_history_dialog, false); // register server callbacks rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.data_ready', data_ready); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.render_note', render_note); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_note', update_note); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_list', list_update); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.destroy_list', list_destroy); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.unlock_saving', function(){ if (saving_lock) { rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); } if (rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform) { rcmail.lock_form(rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform, false); } }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.close_history_dialog', close_history_dialog); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.note_render_changelog', render_changelog); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.note_show_revision', render_revision); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.note_show_diff', show_diff); // initialize folder selectors if (settings.selected_list && !me.notebooks[settings.selected_list]) { settings.selected_list = null; } for (var id in me.notebooks) { if (me.notebooks[id].editable && !settings.selected_list) { settings.selected_list = id; } } var widget_class = window.kolab_folderlist || rcube_treelist_widget; notebookslist = new widget_class(rcmail.gui_objects.notebooks, { id_prefix: 'rcmliknb', save_state: true, selectable: true, keyboard: false, searchbox: '#notebooksearch', search_action: 'notes/list', search_sources: [ 'folders', 'users' ], search_title: rcmail.gettext('listsearchresults','kolab_notes'), check_droptarget: function(node) { var list = me.notebooks[node.id]; return !node.virtual && list.editable && node.id != me.selected_list; } }); notebookslist.addEventListener('select', function(node) { var id = node.id; if (me.notebooks[id] && id != me.selected_list) { warn_unsaved_changes(function(){ rcmail.enable_command('createnote', has_permission(me.notebooks[id], 'i')); rcmail.enable_command('list-edit', has_permission(me.notebooks[id], 'a')); rcmail.enable_command('list-delete', has_permission(me.notebooks[id], 'xa')); rcmail.enable_command('list-remove', !me.notebooks[id].default); fetch_notes(id); // sets me.selected_list }, function(){ // restore previous selection notebookslist.select(me.selected_list); }); } // unfocus clicked list item $(notebookslist.get_item(id)).find('a.listname').first().blur(); }); notebookslist.addEventListener('subscribe', function(p) { var list; if ((list = me.notebooks[p.id])) { list.subscribed = p.subscribed || false; rcmail.http_post('list', { _do:'subscribe', _list:{ id:p.id, permanent:list.subscribed?1:0 } }); } }); notebookslist.addEventListener('remove', function(p) { if (me.notebooks[p.id] && !me.notebooks[p.id].default) { list_remove(p.id); } }); notebookslist.addEventListener('insert-item', function(p) { var list = p.data; if (list && list.id && !list.virtual) { me.notebooks[list.id] = list; if (list.subscribed) rcmail.http_post('list', { _do:'subscribe', _list:{ id:p.id, permanent:1 } }); } }); notebookslist.addEventListener('click-item', function(p) { // avoid link execution return false; }); notebookslist.addEventListener('search-complete', function(data) { if (data.length) rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('nrnotebooksfound','kolab_notes').replace('$nr', data.length), 'voice'); else rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('nonotebooksfound','kolab_notes'), 'info'); }); $(rcmail.gui_objects.notebooks).on('click', 'div.folder > a.listname', function(e) { var id = String($(this).closest('li').attr('id')).replace(/^rcmliknb/, ''); notebookslist.select(id); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // register dbl-click handler to open list edit dialog $(rcmail.gui_objects.notebooks).on('dblclick', 'li:not(.virtual) a', function(e) { var id = String($(this).closest('li').attr('id')).replace(/^rcmliknb/, ''); if (me.notebooks[id] && has_permission(me.notebooks[id], 'a')) { list_edit_dialog(id); } // clear text selection (from dbl-clicking) var sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; if (sel && sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } else if (sel && sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // initialize notes list widget if (rcmail.gui_objects.noteslist) { noteslist = new rcube_list_widget(rcmail.gui_objects.noteslist, { multiselect:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true }); noteslist.addEventListener('select', function(list) { render_no_focus = rcube_event._last_keyboard_event && $(list.list).has(rcube_event._last_keyboard_event.target); var selection_changed = list.selection.length != 1 || !me.selected_note || list.selection[0] != me.selected_note.id; selection_changed && warn_unsaved_changes(function(){ var note; if (noteslist.selection.length == 1 && (note = notesdata[noteslist.selection[0]])) { edit_note(note.uid, 'edit'); } else { reset_view(); } }, function(){ // TODO: previous restore selection list.select(me.selected_note.id); }); rcmail.enable_command('delete', me.notebooks[me.selected_list] && has_permission(me.notebooks[me.selected_list], 'td') && list.selection.length > 0); rcmail.enable_command('sendnote', list.selection.length > 0); rcmail.enable_command('print', 'history', list.selection.length == 1); }) .addEventListener('dragstart', function(e) { folder_drop_target = null; notebookslist.drag_start(); }) .addEventListener('dragmove', function(e) { folder_drop_target = notebookslist.intersects(rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e), true); }) .addEventListener('dragend', function(e) { notebookslist.drag_end(); // move dragged notes to this folder if (folder_drop_target) { noteslist.draglayer.hide(); // check unsaved changes first var new_folder_id = folder_drop_target; warn_unsaved_changes( // ok function() { move_notes(new_folder_id); reset_view(); noteslist.clear_selection(); }, // nok undefined, // beforesave function(savedata) { savedata.list = new_folder_id; // remove from list and thus avoid being moved (again) var id = me.selected_note.id; noteslist.remove_row(id); delete notesdata[id]; } ); } folder_drop_target = null; }) .init().focus(); } if (settings.sort_col) { $('#notessortmenu a.by-' + settings.sort_col).addClass('selected'); } // click-handler on tags list $(rcmail.gui_objects.notestagslist).on('click', 'li', function(e){ var item = e.target.nodeName == 'LI' ? $(e.target) : $(e.target).closest('li'), tag = item.data('value'); if (!tag) return false; // reset selection on regular clicks var index = $.inArray(tag, tagsfilter); var shift = e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; if (!shift) { if (tagsfilter.length > 1) index = -1; $('li', rcmail.gui_objects.notestagslist).removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); tagsfilter = []; } // add tag to filter if (index < 0) { item.addClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); tagsfilter.push(tag); } else if (shift) { item.removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); var a = tagsfilter.slice(0,index); tagsfilter = a.concat(tagsfilter.slice(index+1)); } filter_notes(); // clear text selection in IE after shift+click if (shift && document.selection) document.selection.empty(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }) .on('keypress', 'li', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this).trigger('click', { pointerType:'keyboard' }); } }) .mousedown(function(e){ // disable content selection with the mouse e.preventDefault(); return false; }); init_editor(); if (settings.selected_list) { notebookslist.select(settings.selected_list) } } this.init = init; /** * */ function init_dialog() { rcmail.register_command('save', save_note, true); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.render_note', render_note); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.update_note', function(data){ data.id = rcmail.html_identifier_encode(data.uid); notesdata[data.id] = data; render_note(data); }); rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.unlock_saving', function(){ if (saving_lock) { rcmail.set_busy(false, null, saving_lock); } if (rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform) { rcmail.lock_form(rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform, false); } }); var id; for (id in me.notebooks) { if (me.notebooks[id].editable) { me.selected_list = id; break; } } init_editor(); if (settings.selected_uid) { me.selected_list = settings.selected_list; edit_note(settings.selected_uid); } else { setTimeout(function(){ me.selected_note = $.extend({ list: me.selected_list, uid: null, title: rcmail.gettext('newnote','kolab_notes'), description: '', tags: [], created: rcmail.gettext('now', 'kolab_notes'), changed: rcmail.gettext('now', 'kolab_notes') }, rcmail.env.kolab_notes_template || {}); render_note(me.selected_note); }, 100); } } this.init_dialog = init_dialog; /** * initialize tinyMCE editor */ function init_editor() { var editor_conf = { selector: '#notecontent', theme: 'modern', language: settings.editor.lang, content_css: rcmail.assets_path('program/js/tinymce/roundcube/content.css?v2'), plugins: 'autolink charmap code link paste tabfocus searchreplace table textcolor', toolbar: 'bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify ' + '| bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote | forecolor backcolor fontselect fontsizeselect ' + '| link unlink table charmap | code searchreplace undo redo', menubar: false, statusbar: false, toolbar_items_size: 'small', extended_valid_elements: 'font[face|size|color|style],span[id|class|align|style]', relative_urls: false, remove_script_host: false, convert_urls: false, image_description: false, paste_webkit_style: "color font-size font-family", paste_data_images: true, //spellchecker_rpc_url: '../../../../../?_task=utils&_action=spell_html&_remote=1', //spellchecker_language: rcmail.env.spell_lang, accessibility_focus: false, tabfocus_elements: [':prev','btn-save-note'], setup: function(ed) { // make links open on shift-click ed.on('click', function(e) { var link = $(e.target).closest('a'); if (link.length && e.shiftKey) { if (!bw.mz) window.open(link.get(0).href, '_blank'); return false; } }); } }; // support external configuration settings e.g. from skin if (window.rcmail_editor_settings) $.extend(editor_conf, window.rcmail_editor_settings); tinyMCE.init(editor_conf); // register click handler for message links $(rcmail.gui_objects.notesattachmentslist).on('click', 'li a.messagelink', function(){ rcmail.open_window(this.href); return false; }); } /** * Quote HTML entities */ function Q(str) { return String(str).replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } /** * Trim whitespace off the given string */ function trim(str) { return String(str).replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/^\s+/, ''); } /** * Check permissions on the given list object */ function has_permission(list, perm) { // multiple chars means "either of" if (String(perm).length > 1) { for (var i=0; i < perm.length; i++) { if (has_permission(list, perm[i])) { return true; } } } if (list.rights && String(list.rights).indexOf(perm) >= 0) { return true; } return (perm == 'i' && list.editable); } /** * */ function edit_note(uid, action) { if (!uid) { me.selected_note = null; if (noteslist) noteslist.clear_selection(); me.selected_note = { list: me.selected_list, uid: null, title: rcmail.gettext('newnote','kolab_notes'), description: '', tags: [], created: rcmail.gettext('now', 'kolab_notes'), changed: rcmail.gettext('now', 'kolab_notes') } render_note(me.selected_note); rcmail.enable_command('print', true); } else { ui_loading = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading'); rcmail.http_request('get', { _list:me.selected_list, _id:uid }, true); } } /** * */ function list_edit_dialog(id) { if (!rcmail.gui_containers.notebookeditform) { return false; } // close show dialog first var $dialog = rcmail.gui_containers.notebookeditform; if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) { $dialog.dialog('close'); } var list = me.notebooks[id] || { name:'', editable:true }; var form, name; $dialog.html(rcmail.get_label('loading')); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', url: rcmail.url('list'), data: { _do: (list.id ? 'form-edit' : 'form-new'), _list: { id: list.id } }, success: function(data) { $dialog.html(data); rcmail.triggerEvent('kolab_notes_editform_load', list); // resize and reposition dialog window form = $('#noteslistpropform'); var win = $(window), w = win.width(), h = win.height(); $dialog.dialog('option', { height: Math.min(h-20, form.height()+130), width: Math.min(w-20, form.width()+50) }) .dialog('option', 'position', ['center', 'center']); // only works in a separate call (!?) name = $('#noteslist-name').prop('disabled', !has_permission(list, 'a')).val(list.editname || list.name); name.select(); } }); // dialog buttons var buttons = {}; buttons[rcmail.gettext('save')] = function() { // form is not loaded if (!form || !form.length) return; // do some input validation if (!name.val() || name.val().length < 2) { alert(rcmail.gettext('invalidlistproperties', 'kolab_notes')); name.select(); return; } // post data to server var data = form.serializeJSON(); if (list.id) data.id = list.id; saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('list', { _do: (list.id ? 'edit' : 'new'), _list: data }); $dialog.dialog('close'); }; buttons[rcmail.gettext('cancel')] = function() { $dialog.dialog('close'); }; // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: false, title: rcmail.gettext((list.id ? 'editlist' : 'newnotebook'), 'kolab_notes'), open: function() { $dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonset .ui-button').first().addClass('mainaction'); }, close: function() { $dialog.html('').dialog('destroy').hide(); }, buttons: buttons, minWidth: 480, width: 640, }).show(); } /** * Callback from server after changing list properties */ function list_update(prop) { if (prop._reload) { rcmail.redirect(rcmail.url('', { _list: (prop.newid || prop.id) })); } else if (prop.newid && prop.newid != prop.id) { var book = $.extend({}, me.notebooks[prop.id]); book.id = prop.newid; book.name = prop.name; book.listname = prop.listname; book.editname = prop.editname || prop.name; me.notebooks[prop.newid] = book; delete me.notebooks[prop.id]; // update treelist item var li = $(notebookslist.get_item(prop.id)); $('.listname', li).html(prop.listname); notebookslist.update(prop.id, { id:book.id, html:li.html() }); // link all loaded note records to the new list id if (me.selected_list == prop.id) { me.selected_list = prop.newid; for (var k in notesdata) { if (notesdata[k].list == prop.id) { notesdata[k].list = book.id; } } notebookslist.select(prop.newid); } } } /** * */ function list_delete(id) { var list = me.notebooks[id]; if (list && confirm(rcmail.gettext('deletenotebookconfirm', 'kolab_notes'))) { saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('list', { _do: 'delete', _list: { id: list.id } }); } } /** * */ function list_remove(id) { if (me.notebooks[id]) { list_destroy(me.notebooks[id]); rcmail.http_post('list', { _do:'subscribe', _list:{ id:id, permanent:0, recursive:1 } }); } } /** * Callback from server on list delete command */ function list_destroy(prop) { if (!me.notebooks[prop.id]) { return; } notebookslist.remove(prop.id); delete me.notebooks[prop.id]; if (me.selected_list == prop.id) { for (id in me.notebooks) { if (me.notebooks[id]) { notebookslist.select(id); break; } } } } /** * Change notes list sort order */ function list_set_sort(col) { if (settings.sort_col != col) { settings.sort_col = col; $('#notessortmenu a').removeClass('selected').filter('.by-' + col).addClass('selected'); rcmail.save_pref({ name: 'kolab_notes_sort_col', value: col }); // re-sort table in DOM $(noteslist.tbody).children().sortElements(function(la, lb){ var a_id = String(la.id).replace(/^rcmrow/, ''), b_id = String(lb.id).replace(/^rcmrow/, ''), a = notesdata[a_id], b = notesdata[b_id]; if (!a || !b) { return 0; } else if (settings.sort_col == 'title') { return String(a.title).toLowerCase() > String(b.title).toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; } else { return b.changed_ - a.changed_; } }); } } /** * Execute search */ function quicksearch() { var q; if (rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox && (q = rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value)) { var id = 'search-'+q; // ignore if query didn't change if (search_request == id) return; warn_unsaved_changes(function(){ search_request = id; search_query = q; fetch_notes(); }, function(){ reset_search(); }); } else { // empty search input equals reset reset_search(); } } /** * Reset search and get back to normal listing */ function reset_search() { $(rcmail.gui_objects.qsearchbox).val(''); if (search_request) { search_request = search_query = null; fetch_notes(); } } /** * */ function fetch_notes(id) { if (rcmail.busy) return; if (id && id != me.selected_list) { me.selected_list = id; } ui_loading = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading'); rcmail.http_request('fetch', { _list:me.selected_list, _q:search_query }, true); reset_view(); noteslist.clear(true); notesdata = {}; tagsfilter = []; update_state(); } function filter_notes() { // tagsfilter var note, tr, match; for (var id in noteslist.rows) { tr = noteslist.rows[id].obj; note = notesdata[id]; match = note.tags && note.tags.length; for (var i=0; match && note && i < tagsfilter.length; i++) { if ($.inArray(tagsfilter[i], note.tags) < 0) match = false; } if (match || !tagsfilter.length) { $(tr).show(); } else { $(tr).hide(); } if (me.selected_note && me.selected_note.uid == note.uid && !match) { warn_unsaved_changes(function(){ me.selected_note = null; noteslist.clear_selection(); }, function(){ tagsfilter = []; filter_notes(); update_tagcloud(); }); } } } /** * */ function data_ready(data) { data.data.sort(function(a,b){ if (settings.sort_col == 'title') { return String(a.title).toLowerCase() > String(b.title).toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; } else { return b.changed_ - a.changed_; } }); var i, id, rec; for (i=0; data.data && i < data.data.length; i++) { rec = data.data[i]; rec.id = rcmail.html_identifier_encode(rec.uid); noteslist.insert_row({ id: 'rcmrow' + rec.id, cols: [ { className:'title', innerHTML:Q(rec.title) }, { className:'date', innerHTML:Q(rec.changed || '') } ] }); notesdata[rec.id] = rec; } render_tagslist(data.tags || [], !data.search) rcmail.set_busy(false, 'loading', ui_loading); // select the single result if (data.data.length == 1) { noteslist.select(data.data[0].id); } else if (settings.selected_uid) { noteslist.select(rcmail.html_identifier_encode(settings.selected_uid)); delete settings.selected_uid; } else if (me.selected_note && notesdata[me.selected_note.id]) { noteslist.select(me.selected_note.id); } else if (!data.data.length) { rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('norecordsfound','kolab_notes'), 'info'); } } /** * */ function render_note(data, container, temp, retry) { rcmail.set_busy(false, 'loading', ui_loading); if (!data) { rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('recordnotfound', 'kolab_notes'), 'error'); return; } if (!container) { container = rcmail.gui_containers['notedetailview']; } var list = me.notebooks[data.list] || me.notebooks[me.selected_list] || { rights: 'lrs', editable: false }; content = $('#notecontent').val(data.description), readonly = data.readonly || !(list.editable || !data.uid && has_permission(list,'i')), attachmentslist = gui_object('notesattachmentslist', container).html(''), titlecontainer = container || rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle; $('.notetitle', titlecontainer).val(data.title).prop('disabled', readonly).show(); $('.dates .notecreated', titlecontainer).html(Q(data.created || '')); $('.dates .notechanged', titlecontainer).html(Q(data.changed || '')); if (data.created || data.changed) { $('.dates', titlecontainer).show(); } // tag-edit line var tagline = $('.tagline', titlecontainer).empty()[readonly?'addClass':'removeClass']('disabled').show(); $.each(typeof data.tags == 'object' && data.tags.length ? data.tags : [''], function(i,val) { $('') .attr('name', 'tags[]') .attr('tabindex', '0') .addClass('tag') .val(val) .appendTo(tagline); }); if (!data.tags || !data.tags.length) { $('').addClass('placeholder') .html(rcmail.gettext('notags', 'kolab_notes')) .appendTo(tagline) .click(function(e) { $(this).parent().find('.tagedit-list').trigger('click'); }); } $('.tagline input.tag', titlecontainer).tagedit({ animSpeed: 100, allowEdit: false, allowAdd: !readonly, allowDelete: !readonly, checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive: false, autocompleteOptions: { source: tags, minLength: 0, noCheck: true }, texts: { removeLinkTitle: rcmail.gettext('removetag', 'kolab_notes') } }); if (data.links) { $.each(data.links, function(i, link) { var li = $('
  • ').addClass('link') .addClass('message eml') .append($('') .attr('href', link.mailurl) .addClass('messagelink') .text(link.subject || link.uri) ) .appendTo(attachmentslist); if (!readonly && !data._from_mail) { $('') .attr('href', '#delete') .attr('title', rcmail.gettext('removelink', 'kolab_notes')) .addClass('delete') .html(rcmail.gettext('delete')) .click({ uri:link.uri }, function(e) { remove_link(this, e.data.uri); return false; }) .appendTo(li); } }); } if (!readonly) { $('.tagedit-list', titlecontainer) .on('click', function(){ $('.tagline .placeholder').hide(); }); } if (!data.list) data.list = list.id; data.readonly = readonly; if (!temp) { $(rcmail.gui_objects.notebooks).filter('select').val(list.id); me.selected_note = data; me.selected_note.id = rcmail.html_identifier_encode(data.uid); rcmail.enable_command('save', !readonly); } var html = data.html || data.description; // convert plain text to HTML and make URLs clickable if (html != '' && (!data.html || !html.match(/<(html|body)/))) { html = text2html(html); } var node, editor = tinyMCE.get('notecontent'), is_html = false; retry = retry || 0; // sometimes the editor instance is not ready yet (FF only)... if (!readonly && !editor && $('#notecontent').length && retry < 5) { // ... give it some more time setTimeout(function() { gui_object('noteseditform', container).show(); render_note(data, container, temp, retry+1); }, 200); return; } if (!readonly && editor) { gui_object('notesdetailview', container).hide(); gui_object('noteseditform', container).show(); editor.setContent(html); node = editor.getContentAreaContainer().childNodes[0]; if (node) node.tabIndex = content.get(0).tabIndex; if (me.selected_note.uid) { if (!render_no_focus) editor.getBody().focus(); } else $('.notetitle', titlecontainer).focus().select(); // read possibly re-formatted content back from editor for later comparison me.selected_note.description = editor.getContent({ format:'html' }).replace(/^\s*(

    <\/p>\n*)?/, ''); is_html = true; } else { gui_object('noteseditform', container).hide(); gui_object('notesdetailview', container).html(html).show(); } render_no_focus = false; // notify subscribers rcmail.triggerEvent('kolab_notes_render', { data:data, readonly:readonly, html:is_html }); if (rcmail.is_framed()) parent.rcmail.triggerEvent('kolab_notes_render', { data:data, readonly:readonly, html:is_html }); // Trigger resize (needed for proper editor resizing) $(window).resize(); } /** * */ function gui_object(name, container) { var elem = rcmail.gui_objects[name], selector = elem; if (elem && elem.className && container) { selector = '.' + String(elem.className).split(' ').join('.'); } else if (elem && elem.id) { selector = '#' + elem.id; } return $(selector, container); } /** * Convert the given plain text to HTML contents to be displayed in editor */ function text2html(str) { // simple link parser (similar to rcube_string_replacer class in PHP) var utf_domain = '[^?&@"\'/\\(\\)\\s\\r\\t\\n]+\\.([^\x00-\x2f\x3b-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]{2,}|xn--[a-z0-9]{2,})', url1 = '.:;,', url2 = 'a-z0-9%=#@+?&/_~\\[\\]-', link_pattern = new RegExp('([hf]t+ps?://|www.)('+utf_domain+'(['+url1+']?['+url2+']+)*)?', 'ig'), link_replace = function(matches, p1, p2) { var url = (p1 == 'www.' ? 'http://' : '') + p1 + p2; return '' + p1 + p2 + ''; }; return '

    ' + Q(str).replace(link_pattern, link_replace) + '
    '; } /** * */ function show_history_dialog() { var dialog, rec = me.selected_note; if (!rec || !rec.uid || !window.libkolab_audittrail) { return false; } // render dialog $dialog = libkolab_audittrail.object_history_dialog({ module: 'kolab_notes', container: '#notehistory', title: rcmail.gettext('objectchangelog','kolab_notes') + ' - ' + rec.title, // callback function for list actions listfunc: function(action, rev) { var rec = $dialog.data('rec'); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('action', { _do: action, _data: { uid: rec.uid, list:rec.list, rev: rev } }, saving_lock); }, // callback function for comparing two object revisions comparefunc: function(rev1, rev2) { var rec = $dialog.data('rec'); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('action', { _do: 'diff', _data: { uid: rec.uid, list: rec.list, rev1: rev1, rev2: rev2 } }, saving_lock); } }); $dialog.data('rec', rec); // fetch changelog data saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading', saving_lock); rcmail.http_post('action', { _do: 'changelog', _data: { uid: rec.uid, list: rec.list } }, saving_lock); } /** * */ function render_changelog(data) { var $dialog = $('#notehistory'), rec = $dialog.data('rec'); if (data === false || !data.length || !event) { // display 'unavailable' message $('
    ' + rcmail.gettext('objectchangelognotavailable','kolab_notes') + '
    ') .insertBefore($dialog.find('.changelog-table').hide()); return; } data.module = 'kolab_notes'; libkolab_audittrail.render_changelog(data, rec, me.notebooks[rec.list]); - - // set dialog size according to content - dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), 600); } /** * */ function render_revision(data) { data.readonly = true; // clone view and render data into a dialog var model = rcmail.gui_containers['notedetailview'], container = model.clone(); container .removeAttr('id style class role') .find('.mce-container').remove(); // reset custom styles container.children('div, form').removeAttr('id style'); // open jquery UI dialog container.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: data.title + ' @ ' + data.rev, close: function() { container.dialog('destroy').remove(); }, buttons: [ { text: rcmail.gettext('close'), click: function() { container.dialog('close'); }, autofocus: true } ], width: model.width(), height: model.height(), minWidth: 450, minHeight: 400, }) .show(); render_note(data, container, true); } /** * */ function show_diff(data) { var rec = me.selected_note, $dialog = $('#notediff'); $dialog.find('div.form-section, h2.note-title-new').hide().data('set', false); // always show title $('.note-title', $dialog).text(rec.title).removeClass('diff-text-old').show(); // show each property change $.each(data.changes, function(i, change) { var prop = change.property, r2, html = false, row = $('div.note-' + prop, $dialog).first(); // special case: title if (prop == 'title') { $('.note-title', $dialog).addClass('diff-text-old').text(change['old'] || '--'); $('.note-title-new', $dialog).text(change['new'] || '--').show(); } // no display container for this property if (!row.length) { return true; } if (change.diff_) { row.children('.diff-text-diff').html(change.diff_); row.children('.diff-text-old, .diff-text-new').hide(); } else { if (!html) { // escape HTML characters change.old_ = Q(change.old_ || change['old'] || '--') change.new_ = Q(change.new_ || change['new'] || '--') } row.children('.diff-text-old').html(change.old_ || change['old'] || '--').show(); row.children('.diff-text-new').html(change.new_ || change['new'] || '--').show(); } row.show().data('set', true); }); // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: rcmail.gettext('objectdiff','kolab_notes').replace('$rev1', data.rev1).replace('$rev2', data.rev2) + ' - ' + rec.title, open: function() { $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); }, buttons: [ { text: rcmail.gettext('close'), click: function() { $dialog.dialog('close'); }, autofocus: true } ], minWidth: 400, width: 480 }).show(); // set dialog size according to content - dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), rcmail.gui_containers.notedetailview.width() - 40); + libkolab_audittrail.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height(), rcmail.gui_containers.notedetailview.width() - 40); } // close the event history dialog function close_history_dialog() { $('#notehistory, #notediff').each(function(i, elem) { var $dialog = $(elem); if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); }); }; /** * */ function remove_link(elem, uri) { // remove the link item matching the given uri me.selected_note.links = $.grep(me.selected_note.links, function(link) { return link.uri != uri; }); me.selected_note._links_removed = true // remove UI list item $(elem).hide().closest('li').addClass('deleted'); } /** * Open a new window to print the currently selected note */ function print_note() { var printwin, data, list; if (me.selected_note && (printwin = rcmail.open_window(settings.print_template))) { list = me.notebooks[me.selected_note.list] || me.notebooks[me.selected_list] || {}; data = get_save_data(); // for read-only notes, get_save_data() won't return the content if (me.selected_note.readonly || !list.editable) { data.description = me.selected_note.html || me.selected_note.description; if (!me.selected_note.html || !data.description.match(/<(html|body)/)) { data.description = text2html(data.description); } } $(printwin).load(function(){ printwin.document.title = data.title; $('#notetitle', printwin.document).html(Q(data.title)); $('#notebody', printwin.document).html(data.description); $('#notetags', printwin.document).html('' + data.tags.join('') + ''); $('#notecreated', printwin.document).html(Q(me.selected_note.created)); $('#notechanged', printwin.document).html(Q(me.selected_note.changed)); printwin.print(); }); } } /** * Redirect to message compose screen with UIDs of notes to be appended */ function send_note() { var uids = []; for (var rec, i=0; i < noteslist.selection.length; i++) { if (rec = notesdata[noteslist.selection[i]]) { uids.push(rec.uid); // TODO: check if rec.uid == me.selected_note.uid and unsaved changes } } if (uids.length) { rcmail.goto_url('mail/compose', { _with_notes: uids.join(','), _notes_list: me.selected_list }, true); } } /** * */ function render_tagslist(newtags, replace) { if (replace) { tags = newtags; } else { var append = []; for (var i=0; i < newtags.length; i++) { if ($.inArray(newtags[i], tags) < 0) append.push(newtags[i]); } if (!append.length) { update_tagcloud(); return; // nothing to be added } tags = tags.concat(append); } // sort tags first tags.sort(function(a,b){ return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; }) var widget = $(rcmail.gui_objects.notestagslist).html(''); // append tags to tag cloud $.each(tags, function(i, tag){ li = $('
  • ') .attr('rel', tag) .data('value', tag) .html(Q(tag) + '') .appendTo(widget) .draggable({ addClasses: false, revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 300, helper: tag_draggable_helper, start: tag_draggable_start, appendTo: 'body', cursor: 'pointer' }); }); update_tagcloud(); } /** * Display the given counts to each tag and set those inactive which don't * have any matching records in the current view. */ function update_tagcloud(counts) { // compute counts first by iterating over all visible task items if (typeof counts == 'undefined') { counts = {}; $.each(notesdata, function(id, rec){ for (var t, j=0; rec && rec.tags && j < rec.tags.length; j++) { t = rec.tags[j]; if (typeof counts[t] == 'undefined') counts[t] = 0; counts[t]++; } }); } $(rcmail.gui_objects.notestagslist).children('li').each(function(i,li){ var elem = $(li), tag = elem.attr('rel'), count = counts[tag] || 0; elem.children('.count').html(count+''); if (count == 0) elem.addClass('inactive'); else elem.removeClass('inactive'); if (tagsfilter && tagsfilter.length && $.inArray(tag, tagsfilter)) { elem.addClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { elem.removeClass('selected').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } }); } /** * Callback from server after saving a note record */ function update_note(data) { data.id = rcmail.html_identifier_encode(data.uid); var row, is_new = (notesdata[data.id] == undefined && data.list == me.selected_list); notesdata[data.id] = data; if (is_new || me.selected_note && data.id == me.selected_note.id) { render_note(data); render_tagslist(data.tags || []); } else if (data.tags) { render_tagslist(data.tags); } // add list item on top if (is_new) { noteslist.insert_row({ id: 'rcmrow' + data.id, cols: [ { className:'title', innerHTML:Q(data.title) }, { className:'date', innerHTML:Q(data.changed || '') } ] }, true); noteslist.select(data.id); } // update list item else if (row = noteslist.rows[data.id]) { $('.title', row.obj).html(Q(data.title)); $('.date', row.obj).html(Q(data.changed || '')); // TODO: move to top } } /** * */ function reset_view() { close_history_dialog(); me.selected_note = null; $('.notetitle', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).val('').hide(); $('.tagline, .dates', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.notesdetailview).hide(); $(rcmail.gui_objects.notesattachmentslist).html(''); rcmail.enable_command('save', false); } /** * Collect data from the edit form and submit it to the server */ function save_note(beforesave) { if (!me.selected_note) { return false; } var savedata = get_save_data(); // run savedata through the given callback function if (typeof beforesave == 'function') { beforesave(savedata); } // add reference to old list if changed if (me.selected_note.list && savedata.list != me.selected_note.list) { savedata._fromlist = me.selected_note.list; } // do some input validation if (savedata.title == '') { alert(rcmail.gettext('entertitle', 'kolab_notes')); $('.notetitle', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).focus(); return false; } if (check_change_state(savedata)) { rcmail.lock_form(rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform, true); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('action', { _data: savedata, _do: savedata.uid?'edit':'new' }, true); } else { rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('nochanges', 'kolab_notes'), 'info'); } } /** * Collect updated note properties from edit form for saving */ function get_save_data() { var editor = tinyMCE.get('notecontent'), listselect = $('option:selected', rcmail.gui_objects.notebooks); var savedata = { title: trim($('.notetitle', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).val()), description: editor ? editor.getContent({ format:'html' }).replace(/^\s*(

    <\/p>\n*)?/, '') : $('#notecontent').val(), list: listselect.length ? listselect.val() : me.selected_note.list || me.selected_list, uid: me.selected_note.uid, tags: [] }; // copy links if ($.isArray(me.selected_note.links)) { savedata.links = me.selected_note.links; } // collect tags $('.tagedit-list input[type="hidden"]', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).each(function(i, elem){ if (elem.value) savedata.tags.push(elem.value); }); // including the "pending" one in the text box var newtag = $('#tagedit-input').val(); if (newtag != '') { savedata.tags.push(newtag); } return savedata; } /** * Check if the currently edited note record was changed */ function check_change_state(data) { if (!me.selected_note || me.selected_note.readonly || !has_permission(me.notebooks[me.selected_note.list || me.selected_list], 'i')) { return false; } var savedata = data || get_save_data(); return savedata.title != me.selected_note.title || savedata.description != me.selected_note.description || savedata.tags.join(',') != (me.selected_note.tags || []).join(',') || savedata.list != me.selected_note.list || me.selected_note._links_removed; } /** * Check for unsaved changes and warn the user */ function warn_unsaved_changes(ok, nok, beforesave) { if (typeof ok != 'function') ok = function(){ }; if (typeof nok != 'function') nok = function(){ }; if (check_change_state()) { var dialog, buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('discard', 'kolab_notes'), click: function() { dialog.dialog('close'); ok(); } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('save'), 'class': 'mainaction', click: function() { save_note(beforesave); dialog.dialog('close'); rcmail.busy = false; // don't block next action ok(); } }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('abort', 'kolab_notes'), click: function() { dialog.dialog('close'); nok(); } }); var options = { width: 460, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, dialogClass: 'warning', open: function(event, ui) { $(this).parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:visible').first().focus(); }, 10); }, close: function(event, ui) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); } }; // open jquery UI dialog dialog = rcmail.show_popup_dialog( rcmail.gettext('discardunsavedchanges', 'kolab_notes'), rcmail.gettext('unsavedchanges', 'kolab_notes'), buttons, options ); return false; } if (typeof ok == 'function') { ok(); } return true; } /** * */ function delete_notes() { if (!noteslist.selection.length) { return false; } if (confirm(rcmail.gettext('deletenotesconfirm','kolab_notes'))) { var rec, id, uids = []; for (var i=0; i < noteslist.selection.length; i++) { id = noteslist.selection[i]; rec = notesdata[id]; if (rec) { noteslist.remove_row(id); uids.push(rec.uid); delete notesdata[id]; } } saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('action', { _data: { uid: uids.join(','), list: me.selected_list }, _do: 'delete' }, true); reset_view(); update_tagcloud(); noteslist.clear_selection(); } } /** * */ function move_notes(list_id) { var rec, id, uids = []; for (var i=0; i < noteslist.selection.length; i++) { id = noteslist.selection[i]; rec = notesdata[id]; if (rec) { noteslist.remove_row(id); uids.push(rec.uid); delete notesdata[id]; } } if (uids.length) { saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('action', { _data: { uid: uids.join(','), list: me.selected_list, to: list_id }, _do: 'move' }, true); } } /** * update browser location to remember current view */ function update_state() { var query = { _list: me.selected_list } if (settings.selected_uid) { query._id = settings.selected_uid; } if (window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, rcmail.url('', query)); } } /* Helper functions for drag & drop functionality of tags */ function tag_draggable_helper() { if (!tag_draghelper) tag_draghelper = $('

    '); else tag_draghelper.html(''); $(this).clone().addClass('tag').appendTo(tag_draghelper); return tag_draghelper; } function tag_draggable_start(event, ui) { // register notes list to receive drop events $('li', rcmail.gui_objects.noteslist).droppable({ hoverClass: 'droptarget', accept: tag_droppable_accept, drop: tag_draggable_dropped, addClasses: false }); // allow to drop tags onto edit form title $(rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).droppable({ drop: function(event, ui){ $('#tagedit-input').val(ui.draggable.data('value')).trigger('transformToTag'); $('.tagline .placeholder', rcmail.gui_objects.noteviewtitle).hide(); }, addClasses: false }) } function tag_droppable_accept(draggable) { if (rcmail.busy) return false; var tag = draggable.data('value'), drop_id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^rcmrow/, ''), drop_rec = notesdata[drop_id]; // target already has this tag assigned if (!drop_rec || (drop_rec.tags && $.inArray(tag, drop_rec.tags) >= 0)) { return false; } return true; } function tag_draggable_dropped(event, ui) { var drop_id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^rcmrow/, ''), tag = ui.draggable.data('value'), rec = notesdata[drop_id], savedata; if (rec && rec.id) { savedata = me.selected_note && rec.uid == me.selected_note.uid ? get_save_data() : $.extend({}, rec); if (savedata.id) delete savedata.id; if (savedata.html) delete savedata.html; if (!savedata.tags) savedata.tags = []; savedata.tags.push(tag); rcmail.lock_form(rcmail.gui_objects.noteseditform, true); saving_lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'kolab_notes.savingdata'); rcmail.http_post('action', { _data: savedata, _do: 'edit' }, true); } } - // resize and reposition (center) the dialog window - function dialog_resize(id, height, width) - { - var win = $(window), w = win.width(), h = win.height(); - $(id).dialog('option', { height: Math.min(h-20, height+130), width: Math.min(w-20, width+50) }) - .dialog('option', 'position', ['center', 'center']); // only works in a separate call (!?) - } - } // extend jQuery // from http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/sorting-elements-with-jquery/ jQuery.fn.sortElements = (function(){ var sort = [].sort; return function(comparator, getSortable) { getSortable = getSortable || function(){ return this }; var last = null; return sort.call(this, comparator).each(function(i){ // at this point the array is sorted, so we can just detach each one from wherever it is, and add it after the last var node = $(getSortable.call(this)); var parent = node.parent(); if (last) last.after(node); else parent.prepend(node); last = node; }); }; })(); /* notes plugin UI initialization */ var kolabnotes; window.rcmail && rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt) { kolabnotes = new rcube_kolab_notes_ui(rcmail.env.kolab_notes_settings); if (rcmail.env.action == 'dialog-ui') kolabnotes.init_dialog(); else kolabnotes.init(); }); diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/js/audittrail.js b/plugins/libkolab/js/audittrail.js index 87340b3f..641fa23e 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/js/audittrail.js +++ b/plugins/libkolab/js/audittrail.js @@ -1,201 +1,212 @@ /** * Kolab groupware audit trail utilities * * @author Thomas Bruederli * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. */ var libkolab_audittrail = {} libkolab_audittrail.quote_html = function(str) { return String(str).replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }; // show object changelog in a dialog libkolab_audittrail.object_history_dialog = function(p) { // render dialog var $dialog = $(p.container); // close show dialog first if ($dialog.is(':ui-dialog')) $dialog.dialog('close'); // hide and reset changelog table $dialog.find('div.notfound-message').remove(); $dialog.find('.changelog-table').show().children('tbody') .html('' + rcmail.gettext('loading') + ''); // open jquery UI dialog $dialog.dialog({ modal: false, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: p.title, open: function() { $dialog.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').hide(); }, buttons: [ { text: rcmail.gettext('close'), click: function() { $dialog.dialog('close'); }, autofocus: true } ], minWidth: 450, width: 650, height: 350, minHeight: 200 }) .show().children('.compare-button').hide(); // initialize event handlers for history dialog UI elements if (!$dialog.data('initialized')) { // compare button $dialog.find('.compare-button input').click(function(e) { var rev1 = $dialog.find('.changelog-table input.diff-rev1:checked').val(), rev2 = $dialog.find('.changelog-table input.diff-rev2:checked').val(); if (rev1 && rev2 && rev1 != rev2) { // swap revisions if the user got it wrong if (rev1 > rev2) { var tmp = rev2; rev2 = rev1; rev1 = tmp; } if (p.comparefunc) { p.comparefunc(rev1, rev2); } } else { alert('Invalid selection!') } if (!rcube_event.is_keyboard(e) && this.blur) { this.blur(); } return false; }); // delegate handlers for list actions $dialog.find('.changelog-table tbody').on('click', 'td.actions a', function(e) { var link = $(this), action = link.hasClass('restore') ? 'restore' : 'show', event = $('#eventhistory').data('event'), rev = link.attr('data-rev'); // ignore clicks on first row (current revision) if (link.closest('tr').hasClass('first')) { return false; } // let the user confirm the restore action if (action == 'restore' && !confirm(rcmail.gettext('revisionrestoreconfirm', p.module).replace('$rev', rev))) { return false; } if (p.listfunc) { p.listfunc(action, rev); } if (!rcube_event.is_keyboard(e) && this.blur) { this.blur(); } return false; }) .on('click', 'input.diff-rev1', function(e) { if (!this.checked) return true; var rev1 = this.value, selection_valid = false; $dialog.find('.changelog-table input.diff-rev2').each(function(i, elem) { $(elem).prop('disabled', elem.value <= rev1); if (elem.checked && elem.value > rev1) { selection_valid = true; } }); if (!selection_valid) { $dialog.find('.changelog-table input.diff-rev2:not([disabled])').last().prop('checked', true); } }); $dialog.addClass('changelog-dialog').data('initialized', true); } return $dialog; }; // callback from server with changelog data libkolab_audittrail.render_changelog = function(data, object, folder) { var Q = libkolab_audittrail.quote_html; var $dialog = $('.changelog-dialog') if (data === false || !data.length) { return false; } var i, change, accessible, op_append, first = data.length - 1, last = 0, is_writeable = !!folder.editable, op_labels = { APPEND: 'actionappend', MOVE: 'actionmove', DELETE: 'actiondelete' }, actions = ' ' + (is_writeable ? '' : ''), tbody = $dialog.find('.changelog-table tbody').html(''); for (i=first; i >= 0; i--) { change = data[i]; accessible = change.date && change.user; if (change.op == 'MOVE' && change.mailbox) { op_append = ' ⇢ ' + change.mailbox; } else { op_append = ''; } $('') .append('' + (accessible && change.op != 'DELETE' ? ' '+ '' : '')) .append('' + Q(i+1) + '') .append('' + Q(change.date || '') + '') .append('' + Q(change.user || 'undisclosed') + '') .append('' + Q(rcmail.gettext(op_labels[change.op] || '', data.module) + (op_append ? ' ...' : '')) + '') .append('' + (accessible && change.op != 'DELETE' ? actions.replace(/\{rev\}/g, change.rev) : '') + '') .appendTo(tbody); } if (first > 0) { $dialog.find('.compare-button').fadeIn(200); $dialog.find('.changelog-table tr.last input.diff-rev1').click(); } + // set dialog size according to content + libkolab_audittrail.dialog_resize($dialog.get(0), $dialog.height() + 15, 600); + return $dialog; -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; + +// resize and reposition (center) the dialog window +libkolab_audittrail.dialog_resize = function(id, height, width) +{ + var win = $(window), w = win.width(), h = win.height(); + $(id).dialog('option', { height: Math.min(h-20, height+130), width: Math.min(w-20, width+50) }) + .dialog('option', 'position', ['center', 'center']); // only works in a separate call (!?) +};