diff --git a/plugins/calendar/localization/en_US.inc b/plugins/calendar/localization/en_US.inc index 2a5d2359..43d07922 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/localization/en_US.inc +++ b/plugins/calendar/localization/en_US.inc @@ -1,301 +1,301 @@ CalDAV client application (e.g. Evolution or Mozilla Thunderbird) to fully synchronize this specific calendar with your computer or mobile device.'; $labels['findcalendars'] = 'Find calendars...'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Search terms'; $labels['calsearchresults'] = 'Available Calendars'; $labels['calendarsubscribe'] = 'List permanently'; $labels['nocalendarsfound'] = 'No calendars found'; $labels['nrcalendarsfound'] = '$nr calendars found'; $labels['quickview'] = 'View only this calendar'; $labels['invitationspending'] = 'Pending invitations'; $labels['invitationsdeclined'] = 'Declined invitations'; $labels['changepartstat'] = 'Change participant status'; $labels['rsvpcomment'] = 'Invitation text'; // agenda view $labels['listrange'] = 'Range to display:'; $labels['listsections'] = 'Divide into:'; $labels['smartsections'] = 'Smart sections'; $labels['until'] = 'until'; $labels['today'] = 'Today'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow'; $labels['thisweek'] = 'This week'; $labels['nextweek'] = 'Next week'; $labels['prevweek'] = 'Previous week'; $labels['thismonth'] = 'This month'; $labels['nextmonth'] = 'Next month'; $labels['weekofyear'] = 'Week'; $labels['pastevents'] = 'Past'; $labels['futureevents'] = 'Future'; // alarm/reminder settings $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['defaultalarmtype'] = 'Default reminder setting'; $labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = 'Default reminder time'; // attendees $labels['attendee'] = 'Participant'; $labels['role'] = 'Role'; $labels['availability'] = 'Avail.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add participant'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizer'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Required'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Absent'; $labels['cutypeindividual'] = 'Individual'; $labels['cutypegroup'] = 'Group'; $labels['cutyperesource'] = 'Resource'; $labels['cutyperoom'] = 'Room'; $labels['availfree'] = 'Free'; $labels['availbusy'] = 'Busy'; $labels['availunknown'] = 'Unknown'; $labels['availtentative'] = 'Tentative'; $labels['availoutofoffice'] = 'Out of Office'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['scheduletime'] = 'Find availability'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Send invitations'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify participants about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify participants about event cancellation'; $labels['onlyworkinghours'] = 'Find availability within my working hours'; $labels['reqallattendees'] = 'Required/all participants'; $labels['prevslot'] = 'Previous Slot'; $labels['nextslot'] = 'Next Slot'; $labels['suggestedslot'] = 'Suggested Slot'; $labels['noslotfound'] = 'Unable to find a free time slot'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been invited to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the event details which you can import to your calendar application."; $labels['invitationattendlinks'] = "In case your email client doesn't support iTip requests you can use the following link to either accept or decline this invitation:\n\$url"; $labels['eventupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated'; $labels['eventupdatesubjectempty'] = 'An event that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['eventupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details which you can import to your calendar application."; -$labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been canceled'; +$labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been cancelled'; $labels['eventcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nThe event has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details."; // invitation handling (overrides labels from libcalendaring) $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The event referred by this message was not found in your calendar.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your participation in the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the participation in the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the participation in the following event to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date"; $labels['itipdeclineevent'] = 'Do you want to decline your invitation to this event?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined event from your calendar?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to participants'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'You\'re not listed as an attendee of this event'; $labels['eventcancelled'] = 'The event has been cancelled'; $labels['saveincalendar'] = 'save in'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Update in my calendar'; $labels['savetocalendar'] = 'Save to calendar'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Check Calendar'; $labels['noearlierevents'] = 'No earlier events'; $labels['nolaterevents'] = 'No later events'; // resources $labels['resource'] = 'Resource'; $labels['addresource'] = 'Book resource'; $labels['findresources'] = 'Find resources'; $labels['resourcedetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['resourceavailability'] = 'Availability'; $labels['resourceowner'] = 'Owner'; $labels['resourceadded'] = 'The resource was added to your event'; // event dialog tabs $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Summary'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrence'; $labels['tabattendees'] = 'Participants'; $labels['tabresources'] = 'Resources'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Attachments'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Sharing'; // messages $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this event?'; $labels['deleteventconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this event?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this calendar with all its events?'; $labels['deletecalendarconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this calendar with all its events and sub-calendars?'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Saving data...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Failed to save changes.'; $labels['operationfailed'] = 'The requested operation failed.'; $labels['invalideventdates'] = 'Invalid dates entered! Please check your input.'; $labels['invalidcalendarproperties'] = 'Invalid calendar properties! Please set a valid name.'; $labels['searchnoresults'] = 'No events found in the selected calendars.'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The event has been deleted successfully.'; $labels['successrestore'] = 'The event has been restored successfully.'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to event participants'; $labels['errorimportingevent'] = 'Failed to import the event'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this event already exists in your calendar.'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this event already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritecalendarfound'] = 'No calendar found to save the event'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The event was successfully added to \'$calendar\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The event was successfully updated in \'$calendar\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Successfully updated the participant\'s status'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Invitation sent to participants.'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this event invitation'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'This invitation is no longer valid'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent invitation response to $mailto'; $labels['localchangeswarning'] = 'You are about to make changes that will only be reflected on your calendar and not be sent to the organizer of the event.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr events'; $labels['importnone'] = 'No events found to be imported'; $labels['importerror'] = 'An error occured while importing'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this calendar.'; $labels['changeeventconfirm'] = 'Change event'; $labels['removeeventconfirm'] = 'Delete event'; $labels['changerecurringeventwarning'] = 'This is a recurring event. Would you like to edit the current event only, this and all future occurences, all occurences or save it as a new event?'; $labels['removerecurringeventwarning'] = 'This is a recurring event. Would you like to delete the current event only, this and all future occurences or all occurences of this event?'; $labels['removerecurringallonly'] = 'This is a recurring event. As a participant, you can only delete the entire event with all occurences.'; $labels['currentevent'] = 'Current'; $labels['futurevents'] = 'Future'; $labels['allevents'] = 'All'; $labels['saveasnew'] = 'Save as new'; // birthdays calendar $labels['birthdays'] = 'Birthdays'; $labels['birthdayscalendar'] = 'Birthdays Calendar'; $labels['displaybirthdayscalendar'] = 'Display birthdays calendar'; $labels['birthdayscalendarsources'] = 'From these address books'; $labels['birthdayeventtitle'] = '$name\'s Birthday'; $labels['birthdayage'] = 'Age $age'; // history dialog $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Change History'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Changes from $rev1 to $rev2'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Failed to load event data'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Change history is not available for this event'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No comparison possible for the selected revisions'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to restore revision $rev of this event? This will replace the current event with the old version.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev successfully restored'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Failed to restore the old revision'; // (hidden) titles and labels for accessibility annotations $labels['arialabelminical'] = 'Calendar date selection'; $labels['arialabelcalendarview'] = 'Calendar view'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Event search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Event search input'; $labels['arialabelcalsearchform'] = 'Calendars search form'; $labels['calendaractions'] = 'Calendar actions'; $labels['arialabeleventattendees'] = 'Event participants list'; $labels['arialabeleventresources'] = 'Event resources list'; $labels['arialabelresourcesearchform'] = 'Resources search form'; $labels['arialabelresourceselection'] = 'Available resources'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/en_US.inc b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/en_US.inc index b636d4d5..885d75d3 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/en_US.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/localization/en_US.inc @@ -1,66 +1,77 @@ CardDAV client application to fully synchronize this specific address book with your computer or mobile device.'; $labels['addressbookprio'] = 'Address book(s) selection/behaviour'; $labels['personalfirst'] = 'Personal address book(s) first'; $labels['globalfirst'] = 'Global address book(s) first'; $labels['personalonly'] = 'Personal address book(s) only'; $labels['globalonly'] = 'Global address book(s) only'; $labels['findaddressbooks'] = 'Find address books'; $labels['searchterms'] = 'Search terms'; $labels['listsearchresults'] = 'Additional address books'; $labels['foldersearchform'] = 'Address book search form'; $labels['foldersubscribe'] = 'List permanently'; $labels['nraddressbooksfound'] = '$nr address books found'; $labels['noaddressbooksfound'] = 'No address books found'; +// history dialog +$labels['showhistory'] = 'Show History'; +$labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Change History'; +$labels['objectdiff'] = 'Changes from $rev1 to $rev2'; +$labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to restore revision $rev of this contact? This will replace the current contact with the old version.'; +$labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Failed to load contact data'; +$labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Change history is not available for this contact'; +$labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No comparison possible for the selected revisions'; +$labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev successfully restored'; +$labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Failed to restore the old revision'; + $messages['bookdeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete the selected address book and all contacts in it?'; $messages['bookdeleting'] = 'Deleting address book...'; $messages['booksaving'] = 'Saving address book...'; $messages['bookdeleted'] = 'Address book deleted successfully.'; $messages['bookupdated'] = 'Address book updated successfully.'; $messages['bookcreated'] = 'Address book created successfully.'; $messages['bookdeleteerror'] = 'An error occured while deleting address book.'; $messages['bookupdateerror'] = 'An error occured while updating address book.'; $messages['bookcreateerror'] = 'An error occured while creating address book.'; $messages['nobooknamewarning'] = 'Please, enter address book name.'; $messages['noemailnamewarning'] = 'Please, enter email address or contact name.'; ?> diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/en_US.inc b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/en_US.inc index 8d68fc86..5c131e1c 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/localization/en_US.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/localization/en_US.inc @@ -1,105 +1,174 @@ $file.'; +$labels['editfiledialog'] = 'Confirm editing action'; +$labels['editfilesessions'] = 'There are ongoing sessions on the selected file. Please, select the action you want to take.'; +$labels['newsession'] = 'Create a new session'; +$labels['newsessionro'] = 'Create a new session (copy the file into read-write location)'; +$labels['ownedsession'] = 'Continue your existing session'; +$labels['invitedsession'] = 'Join the session of $user'; +$labels['joinsession'] = 'Request an invitation from $user'; +$labels['editfilero'] = 'This file is read-only. Do you want to create and edit a copy of the file?'; +$labels['editfilerotitle'] = 'Read-only file'; +$labels['select'] = 'Select'; +$labels['terminatesession'] = 'Terminate the session'; +$labels['sessionterminatedtitle'] = 'Session terminated'; +$labels['sessionterminated'] = 'The session has been terminated. The window will be closed.'; +$labels['terminate'] = 'Terminate'; +$labels['sessionterminating'] = 'Terminating the session...'; +$labels['unsavedchanges'] = 'There are unsaved changes in the document that will be lost. Do you want to terminate the session anyway?'; +$labels['manageeditors'] = 'Invite to document'; +$labels['participant'] = 'Participant'; +$labels['status'] = 'Status'; +$labels['addparticipant'] = 'Add participant'; +$labels['delparticipant'] = 'Remove participant'; +$labels['invitationtexttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to the participant'; +$labels['invitationtextlabel'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; +$labels['statusorganizer'] = 'Organizer'; +$labels['statusinvited'] = 'Invited'; +$labels['statusaccepted'] = 'Accepted'; +$labels['statusdeclined'] = 'Declined'; +$labels['statusrequested'] = 'Requested'; +$labels['documentinviting'] = 'Inviting participant(s)...'; +$labels['documentcancelling'] = 'Removing participant(s)...'; +$labels['removeparticipant'] = 'Remove'; +$labels['invitednotice'] = 'You have been invited to the editing session by $owner.'; +$labels['acceptedownernotice'] = '$owner accepted your request to join the editing session.'; +$labels['declinedownernotice'] = '$owner declined your request to join the editing session.'; +$labels['acceptednotice'] = '$user accepted your invitation to the editing session.'; +$labels['declinednotice'] = '$user declined your invitation to the editing session.'; +$labels['requestednotice'] = '$user requested to join the editing session.'; +$labels['sessiondialog'] = 'Document editing session'; +$labels['sessiondialogcontent'] = 'There is ongoing editing session on $file created by $owner.'; +$labels['more'] = 'More.'; +$labels['accept'] = 'Accept'; +$labels['join'] = 'Join the session'; +$labels['decline'] = 'Decline'; +$labels['owner'] = 'Owner'; +$labels['when'] = 'When'; +$labels['file'] = 'File'; +$labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; +$labels['open'] = 'Open'; +$labels['request'] = 'Request an invitation'; +$labels['invitationtitle'] = 'Invitation for $file'; +$labels['ivitationaccepting'] = 'Accepting an invitation...'; +$labels['ivitationdeclining'] = 'Declining an invitation...'; +$labels['ivitationrequesting'] = 'Requesting an invitation...'; + $labels['storepasswords'] = 'remember password'; $labels['storepasswordsdesc'] = 'Stored passwords will be encrypted. Enable this if you do not want to be asked for the password on every login or you want this storage to be available via WebDAV.'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Files search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Search input'; $labels['arialabellistoptions'] = 'Files list options'; $labels['arialabelfolderoptions'] = 'Folder actions'; $labels['arialabelfileeditform'] = 'File editing form'; +$labels['arialabelfilecreateform'] = 'File creation form'; +$labels['arialabelfilelist'] = 'List of files'; $labels['arialabelfoldercreateform'] = 'Folder creation form'; $labels['arialabelfoldereditform'] = 'Folder editing form'; $labels['arialabelfoldermountform'] = 'External storage form'; $labels['arialabelfolderauthform'] = 'External storage authentication form'; $labels['arialabelfolderlist'] = 'Folder/Collection selection'; $labels['arialabelfileselectdialog'] = 'File selection dialog'; $labels['arialabelattachmentoptions'] = 'Attachment save options'; $labels['arialabelfilesavedialog'] = 'File(s) saving dialog'; $labels['arialabelfileprops'] = 'File properties'; $labels['arialabelfilecontent'] = 'File content'; +$labels['arialabelfileeditdialog'] = 'File editing dialog'; -?> +$labels['type.plain'] = 'Plain Text Document'; +$labels['type.vndoasisopendocumenttext'] = 'Text Document (ODF)'; +$labels['type.html'] = 'HTML Document'; diff --git a/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/en_US.inc b/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/en_US.inc index e0ede7a9..9bd46c5d 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/en_US.inc +++ b/plugins/kolab_notes/localization/en_US.inc @@ -1,67 +1,79 @@ single occurrence out of a series of events'; $labels['itipfutureoccurrence'] = 'Refers to this and all future occurrences of a series of events'; $labels['itipmessagesingleoccurrence'] = 'The message only refers to this single occurrence'; $labels['itipmessagefutureoccurrence'] = 'The message refers to this and all future occurrences'; $labels['youhaveaccepted'] = 'You have accepted this invitation'; $labels['youhavetentative'] = 'You have tentatively accepted this invitation'; $labels['youhavedeclined'] = 'You have declined this invitation'; $labels['youhavedelegated'] = 'You have delegated this invitation'; $labels['youhavein-process'] = 'You are working on this assignment'; $labels['youhavecompleted'] = 'You have completed this assignment'; $labels['youhaveneeds-action'] = 'Your response to this invitation is still pending'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyaccepted'] = 'You have previously accepted this invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslytentative'] = 'You have previously accepted this invitation tentatively'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydeclined'] = 'You have previously declined this invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslydelegated'] = 'You have previously delegated this invitation'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyin-process'] = 'You have previously reported to work on this assignment'; $labels['youhavepreviouslycompleted'] = 'You have previously completed this assignment'; $labels['youhavepreviouslyneeds-action'] = 'Your response to this invitation is still pending'; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Participant has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Participant has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Participant has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Participant has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Participant is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Participant has completed'; $labels['notanattendee'] = 'You\'re not listed as an attendee of this object'; $labels['outdatedinvitation'] = 'This invitation has been replaced by a newer version'; $labels['importtocalendar'] = 'Save to my calendar'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my calendar'; $labels['updatemycopy'] = 'Update my copy'; $labels['openpreview'] = 'Open Preview'; $labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this object?'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined object from your account?'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate Invitation'; $labels['delegateto'] = 'Delegate to'; $labels['delegatersvpme'] = 'Keep me informed about updates of this incidence'; $labels['delegateinvalidaddress'] = 'Please enter a valid email address for the delegate'; $labels['savingdata'] = 'Saving data...'; // attendees labels $labels['expandattendeegroup'] = 'Substitute with group members'; $labels['expandattendeegroupnodata'] = 'Unable to substitute this group. No members found.'; $labels['expandattendeegrouperror'] = 'Unable to substitute this group. It might contain too many members.'; $labels['expandattendeegroupsizelimit'] = 'This group contains too many members for substituting.'; diff --git a/plugins/tasklist/localization/en_US.inc b/plugins/tasklist/localization/en_US.inc index 0bf88940..7890683b 100644 --- a/plugins/tasklist/localization/en_US.inc +++ b/plugins/tasklist/localization/en_US.inc @@ -1,219 +1,213 @@ CalDAV client application (e.g. Evolution or Mozilla Thunderbird) to synchronize this specific tasklist with your computer or mobile device.'; $labels['newtask'] = 'New Task'; $labels['createtask'] = 'Create Task '; $labels['createnewtask'] = 'Create new Task (e.g. Saturday, Mow the lawn)'; $labels['createfrommail'] = 'Save as task'; $labels['printtitle'] = 'Print tasks'; $labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Print descriptions'; $labels['mark'] = 'Mark'; $labels['unmark'] = 'Unmark'; $labels['edit'] = 'Edit'; $labels['delete'] = 'Delete'; $labels['title'] = 'Title'; $labels['description'] = 'Description'; $labels['datetime'] = 'Due'; $labels['duetime'] = 'Due time'; $labels['start'] = 'Start'; $labels['starttime'] = 'Start time'; $labels['alarms'] = 'Reminder'; $labels['repeat'] = 'Repeat'; $labels['links'] = 'Reference'; $labels['status'] = 'Status'; $labels['status-needs-action'] = 'Needs action'; $labels['status-in-process'] = 'In process'; $labels['status-completed'] = 'Completed'; $labels['status-cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; $labels['assignedto'] = 'Assigned to'; $labels['created'] = 'Created'; $labels['changed'] = 'Last Modified'; $labels['taskoptions'] = 'Options'; $labels['all'] = 'All'; $labels['flagged'] = 'Flagged'; $labels['complete'] = 'Complete'; $labels['completeness'] = 'Progress'; $labels['overdue'] = 'Overdue'; $labels['today'] = 'Today'; $labels['tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow'; $labels['next7days'] = 'Next 7 days'; $labels['later'] = 'Later'; $labels['assigned'] = 'Assigned'; $labels['assignedtitle'] = 'Tasks you assigned to others'; $labels['mytasks'] = 'My tasks'; $labels['mytaskstitle'] = 'Tasks assigned to you'; $labels['nodate'] = 'no date'; $labels['removetag'] = 'Remove'; $labels['removelink'] = 'Remove email reference'; $labels['auto'] = 'Auto'; $labels['taskdetails'] = 'Details'; $labels['newtask'] = 'New Task'; $labels['edittask'] = 'Edit Task'; $labels['save'] = 'Save'; $labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $labels['saveandnotify'] = 'Save and Notify'; $labels['addsubtask'] = 'Add subtask'; $labels['deletetask'] = 'Delete task'; $labels['deletethisonly'] = 'Delete this task only'; $labels['deletewithchilds'] = 'Delete with all subtasks'; $labels['taskactions'] = 'Task options...'; $labels['tabsummary'] = 'Summary'; $labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrence'; $labels['tabassignments'] = 'Assignments'; $labels['tabattachments'] = 'Attachments'; $labels['tabsharing'] = 'Sharing'; $labels['editlist'] = 'Edit list'; $labels['createlist'] = 'Add list'; $labels['listactions'] = 'List options...'; $labels['listname'] = 'Name'; $labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders'; $labels['import'] = 'Import'; $labels['viewactions'] = 'View actions'; $labels['focusview'] = 'View only this list'; // date words $labels['on'] = 'on'; $labels['at'] = 'at'; $labels['this'] = 'this'; $labels['next'] = 'next'; $labels['yes'] = 'yes'; // messages $labels['savingdata'] = 'Saving data...'; $labels['errorsaving'] = 'Failed to save data.'; $labels['notasksfound'] = 'No tasks found for the given criteria'; $labels['invalidstartduedates'] = 'Start date must not be greater than due date.'; $labels['invalidstartduetimes'] = 'Start and due dates must either both or none specify a time.'; $labels['recurrencerequiresdate'] = 'Recurring tasks require either a start or due date.'; $labels['deletetasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task?'; $labels['deleteparenttasktconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this task and all its subtasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its tasks?'; $labels['deletelistconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this list with all its sub-lists and tasks?'; $labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this task list.'; $labels['changetaskconfirm'] = 'Update task'; $labels['changeconfirmnotifications'] = 'Do you want to notify the attendees about the modification?'; $labels['partstatupdatenotification'] = 'Do you want to notify the organizer about the status change?'; // (hidden) titles and labels for accessibility annotations $labels['quickaddinput'] = 'New task date and title'; $labels['arialabelquickaddbox'] = 'Quick add new task'; $labels['arialabelsearchform'] = 'Task search form'; $labels['arialabelquicksearchbox'] = 'Task search input'; $labels['arialabellistsearchform'] = 'Tasklists search form'; $labels['arialabeltaskselector'] = 'List mode'; $labels['arialabeltasklisting'] = 'Tasks listing'; // attendees $labels['attendee'] = 'Assignee'; $labels['role'] = 'Role'; $labels['availability'] = 'Avail.'; $labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status'; $labels['addattendee'] = 'Add assignee'; $labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizer'; $labels['rolerequired'] = 'Required'; $labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional'; $labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair'; $labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Observer'; $labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Send invitations'; $labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications'; $labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation'; $labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"'; $labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application."; $labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated'; $labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application."; -$labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been canceled'; +$labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been cancelled'; $labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details."; $labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in '; // history dialog $labels['taskhistory'] = 'History'; $labels['objectchangelog'] = 'Change History'; $labels['objectdiff'] = 'Changes from $rev1 to $rev2'; -$labels['actionappend'] = 'Saved'; -$labels['actionmove'] = 'Moved'; -$labels['actiondelete'] = 'Deleted'; -$labels['compare'] = 'Compare'; -$labels['showrevision'] = 'Show this version'; -$labels['restore'] = 'Restore this version'; $labels['objectnotfound'] = 'Failed to load task data'; $labels['objectchangelognotavailable'] = 'Change history is not available for this task'; $labels['objectdiffnotavailable'] = 'No comparison possible for the selected revisions'; $labels['revisionrestoreconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to restore revision $rev of this task? This will replace the current task with the old version.'; $labels['objectrestoresuccess'] = 'Revision $rev successfully restored'; $labels['objectrestoreerror'] = 'Failed to restore the old revision'; // invitation handling (overrides labels from libcalendaring) $labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.'; $labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees"; $labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date"; $labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted'; $labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted'; $labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined'; $labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto'; $labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process'; $labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed'; $labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?'; $labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer'; $labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?'; $labels['itipcomment'] = 'Invitation/notification comment'; $labels['itipcommenttitle'] = 'This comment will be attached to the invitation/notification message sent to assignees'; $labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Notification sent to assignees'; $labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to task assignees'; $labels['removefromcalendar'] = 'Remove from my tasks'; $labels['delegateinvitation'] = 'Delegate assignment'; $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr more...'; $labels['delegatedto'] = 'Delegated to: '; $labels['delegatedfrom'] = 'Delegated from: '; $labels['savetotasklist'] = 'Save to tasks'; $labels['comment'] = 'Comment'; $labels['errorimportingtask'] = 'Failed to import task(s)'; $labels['importwarningexists'] = 'A copy of this task already exists in your tasklist.'; $labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr tasks'; $labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this task already exists! Aborted.'; $labels['nowritetasklistfound'] = 'No tasklist found to save the task'; $labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully added to \'$list\''; $labels['updatedsuccessfully'] = 'The task was successfully updated in \'$list\''; $labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Successfully updated the participant\'s status'; $labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this task assignment'; $labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'This invitation is no longer valid'; $labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent assignment response to $mailto'; $labels['successremoval'] = 'The task has been deleted successfully.'; - +$labels['invalidlistproperties'] = 'Invalid list properties! Please set a valid name.'; $labels['arialabelsortmenu'] = 'Tasks sorting options';