diff --git a/wallace/module_invitationpolicy.py b/wallace/module_invitationpolicy.py index efe26fa..7474821 100644 --- a/wallace/module_invitationpolicy.py +++ b/wallace/module_invitationpolicy.py @@ -1,1498 +1,1490 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Kolab Systems AG (http://www.kolabsys.com) # # Thomas Bruederli (Kolab Systems) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from six import string_types import datetime import os import random import signal import sys import tempfile import time try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse import urllib import hashlib import traceback import re from email import message_from_bytes from email.parser import Parser from email.utils import formataddr from email.utils import getaddresses from . import modules import pykolab import kolabformat from pykolab import utils from pykolab.auth import Auth from pykolab.conf import Conf from pykolab.imap import IMAP from pykolab.xml import to_dt from pykolab.xml import utils as xmlutils from pykolab.xml import todo_from_message from pykolab.xml import event_from_message from pykolab.xml import participant_status_label from pykolab.itip import objects_from_message from pykolab.itip import check_event_conflict from pykolab.itip import send_reply from pykolab.translate import _ # define some contstants used in the code below ACT_MANUAL = 1 ACT_ACCEPT = 2 ACT_DELEGATE = 4 ACT_REJECT = 8 ACT_UPDATE = 16 ACT_CANCEL_DELETE = 32 ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER = 64 COND_IF_AVAILABLE = 128 COND_IF_CONFLICT = 256 COND_TENTATIVE = 512 COND_NOTIFY = 1024 COND_FORWARD = 2048 COND_TYPE_EVENT = 4096 COND_TYPE_TASK = 8192 COND_TYPE_ALL = COND_TYPE_EVENT + COND_TYPE_TASK ACT_TENTATIVE = ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TENTATIVE ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY = ACT_UPDATE + COND_NOTIFY ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD = ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER + COND_FORWARD ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY = ACT_CANCEL_DELETE + COND_NOTIFY FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION = '/vendor/kolab/folder-type' MESSAGE_PROCESSED = 1 MESSAGE_FORWARD = 2 policy_name_map = { # policy values applying to all object types 'ALL_MANUAL': ACT_MANUAL + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_ACCEPT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_REJECT': ACT_REJECT + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_DELEGATE': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_TYPE_ALL, # not implemented 'ALL_UPDATE': ACT_UPDATE + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_SAVE_TO_FOLDER': ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_SAVE_AND_FORWARD': ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_CANCEL_DELETE': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ALL_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_ALL, # event related policy values 'EVENT_MANUAL': ACT_MANUAL + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_ACCEPT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_TENTATIVE': ACT_TENTATIVE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_REJECT': ACT_REJECT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_DELEGATE': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, # not implemented 'EVENT_UPDATE': ACT_UPDATE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_ACCEPT_IF_NO_CONFLICT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_IF_AVAILABLE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_TENTATIVE_IF_NO_CONFLICT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TENTATIVE + COND_IF_AVAILABLE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_DELEGATE_IF_CONFLICT': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_IF_CONFLICT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_REJECT_IF_CONFLICT': ACT_REJECT + COND_IF_CONFLICT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER': ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD': ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_CANCEL_DELETE': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'EVENT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_EVENT, # task related policy values 'TASK_MANUAL': ACT_MANUAL + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_ACCEPT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_REJECT': ACT_REJECT + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_DELEGATE': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_TYPE_TASK, # not implemented 'TASK_UPDATE': ACT_UPDATE + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_SAVE_TO_FOLDER': ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_SAVE_AND_FORWARD': ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_CANCEL_DELETE': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE + COND_TYPE_TASK, 'TASK_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_TASK, # legacy values 'ACT_MANUAL': ACT_MANUAL + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_ACCEPT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_ACCEPT_IF_NO_CONFLICT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_IF_AVAILABLE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_TENTATIVE': ACT_TENTATIVE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_TENTATIVE_IF_NO_CONFLICT': ACT_ACCEPT + COND_TENTATIVE + COND_IF_AVAILABLE + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_DELEGATE': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_DELEGATE_IF_CONFLICT': ACT_DELEGATE + COND_IF_CONFLICT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_REJECT': ACT_REJECT + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_REJECT_IF_CONFLICT': ACT_REJECT + COND_IF_CONFLICT + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_UPDATE': ACT_UPDATE + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_UPDATE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_CANCEL_DELETE': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY': ACT_CANCEL_DELETE_AND_NOTIFY + COND_TYPE_ALL, 'ACT_SAVE_TO_CALENDAR': ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER + COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD': ACT_SAVE_AND_FORWARD + COND_TYPE_EVENT, } policy_value_map = dict([(v &~ COND_TYPE_ALL, k) for (k, v) in policy_name_map.items()]) object_type_conditons = { 'event': COND_TYPE_EVENT, 'task': COND_TYPE_TASK } log = pykolab.getLogger('pykolab.wallace/invitationpolicy') extra_log_params = {'qid': '-'} log = pykolab.logger.LoggerAdapter(log, extra_log_params) conf = pykolab.getConf() mybasepath = '/var/spool/pykolab/wallace/invitationpolicy/' auth = None imap = None write_locks = [] def __init__(): modules.register('invitationpolicy', execute, description=description()) def accept(filepath): new_filepath = os.path.join( mybasepath, 'ACCEPT', os.path.basename(filepath) ) cleanup() os.rename(filepath, new_filepath) filepath = new_filepath exec('modules.cb_action_ACCEPT(%r, %r)' % ('invitationpolicy',filepath)) def reject(filepath): new_filepath = os.path.join( mybasepath, 'REJECT', os.path.basename(filepath) ) os.rename(filepath, new_filepath) filepath = new_filepath exec('modules.cb_action_REJECT(%r, %r)' % ('invitationpolicy',filepath)) def description(): return """Invitation policy execution module.""" def cleanup(): global auth, imap, write_locks, extra_log_params log.debug("cleanup(): %r, %r" % (auth, imap), level=8) extra_log_params['qid'] = '-' auth.disconnect() del auth # Disconnect IMAP or we lock the mailbox almost constantly imap.disconnect() del imap # remove remaining write locks for key in write_locks: remove_write_lock(key, False) def execute(*args, **kw): global auth, imap, extra_log_params filepath = args[0] extra_log_params['qid'] = os.path.basename(filepath) # (re)set language to default pykolab.translate.setUserLanguage(conf.get('kolab','default_locale')) if not os.path.isdir(mybasepath): os.makedirs(mybasepath) for stage in ['incoming', 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT', 'HOLD', 'DEFER', 'locks']: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mybasepath, stage)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(mybasepath, stage)) log.debug(_("Invitation policy called for %r, %r") % (args, kw), level=8) auth = Auth() imap = IMAP() # ignore calls on lock files if '/locks/' in filepath or 'stage' in kw and kw['stage'] == 'locks': return False log.debug("Invitation policy executing for %r, %r" % (filepath, '/locks/' in filepath), level=8) if 'stage' in kw: log.debug(_("Issuing callback after processing to stage %s") % (kw['stage']), level=8) log.debug(_("Testing cb_action_%s()") % (kw['stage']), level=8) if hasattr(modules, 'cb_action_%s' % (kw['stage'])): log.debug(_("Attempting to execute cb_action_%s()") % (kw['stage']), level=8) exec( 'modules.cb_action_%s(%r, %r)' % ( kw['stage'], 'invitationpolicy', filepath ) ) return filepath else: # Move to incoming new_filepath = os.path.join( mybasepath, 'incoming', os.path.basename(filepath) ) if not filepath == new_filepath: log.debug("Renaming %r to %r" % (filepath, new_filepath)) os.rename(filepath, new_filepath) filepath = new_filepath # parse full message message = Parser().parse(open(filepath, 'r')) # invalid message, skip if not message.get('X-Kolab-To'): return filepath recipients = [address for displayname,address in getaddresses(message.get_all('X-Kolab-To'))] sender_email = [address for displayname,address in getaddresses(message.get_all('X-Kolab-From'))][0] any_itips = False recipient_email = None recipient_emails = [] recipient_user_dn = None # An iTip message may contain multiple events. Later on, test if the message # is an iTip message by checking the length of this list. try: itip_events = objects_from_message(message, ['VEVENT','VTODO'], ['REQUEST', 'REPLY', 'CANCEL']) except Exception as errmsg: log.error(_("Failed to parse iTip objects from message: %r" % (errmsg))) itip_events = [] if not len(itip_events) > 0: log.info(_("Message is not an iTip message or does not contain any (valid) iTip objects.")) else: any_itips = True log.debug(_("iTip objects attached to this message contain the following information: %r") % (itip_events), level=8) # See if any iTip actually allocates a user. if any_itips and len([x['uid'] for x in itip_events if 'attendees' in x or 'organizer' in x]) > 0: auth.connect() # we're looking at the first itip object itip_event = itip_events[0] for recipient in recipients: recipient_user_dn = user_dn_from_email_address(recipient) if recipient_user_dn: receiving_user = auth.get_entry_attributes(None, recipient_user_dn, ['*']) recipient_emails = auth.extract_recipient_addresses(receiving_user) recipient_email = recipient # extend with addresses from delegators # (only do this lookup for REPLY messages) receiving_user['_delegated_mailboxes'] = [] if itip_event['method'] == 'REPLY': for _delegator in auth.list_delegators(recipient_user_dn): if not _delegator['_mailbox_basename'] == None: receiving_user['_delegated_mailboxes'].append( _delegator['_mailbox_basename'].split('@')[0] ) log.debug(_("Recipient emails for %s: %r") % (recipient_user_dn, recipient_emails), level=8) break if not any_itips: log.debug(_("No itips, no users, pass along %r") % (filepath), level=5) return filepath elif recipient_email is None: log.debug(_("iTips, but no users, pass along %r") % (filepath), level=5) return filepath # for replies, the organizer is the recipient if itip_event['method'] == 'REPLY': # Outlook can send iTip replies without an organizer property if 'organizer' in itip_event: organizer_mailto = str(itip_event['organizer']).split(':')[-1] user_attendees = [organizer_mailto] if organizer_mailto in recipient_emails else [] else: user_attendees = [recipient_email] else: # Limit the attendees to the one that is actually invited with the current message. attendees = [str(a).split(':')[-1] for a in (itip_event['attendees'] if 'attendees' in itip_event else [])] user_attendees = [a for a in attendees if a in recipient_emails] if 'organizer' in itip_event: sender_email = itip_event['xml'].get_organizer().email() # abort if no attendee matches the envelope recipient if len(user_attendees) == 0: log.info(_("No user attendee matching envelope recipient %s, skip message") % (recipient_email)) return filepath log.debug(_("Receiving user: %r") % (receiving_user), level=8) # set recipient_email to the matching attendee mailto: address recipient_email = user_attendees[0] # change gettext language to the preferredlanguage setting of the receiving user if 'preferredlanguage' in receiving_user: pykolab.translate.setUserLanguage(receiving_user['preferredlanguage']) # find user's kolabInvitationPolicy settings and the matching policy values type_condition = object_type_conditons.get(itip_event['type'], COND_TYPE_ALL) policies = get_matching_invitation_policies(receiving_user, sender_email, type_condition) # select a processing function according to the iTip request method method_processing_map = { 'REQUEST': process_itip_request, 'REPLY': process_itip_reply, 'CANCEL': process_itip_cancel } done = None if itip_event['method'] in method_processing_map: processor_func = method_processing_map[itip_event['method']] # connect as cyrus-admin imap.connect() for policy in policies: log.debug(_("Apply invitation policy %r for sender %r") % (policy_value_map[policy], sender_email), level=8) done = processor_func(itip_event, policy, recipient_email, sender_email, receiving_user) # matching policy found if done is not None: break # remove possible write lock from this iteration remove_write_lock(get_lock_key(receiving_user, itip_event['uid'])) else: log.debug(_("Ignoring '%s' iTip method") % (itip_event['method']), level=8) # message has been processed by the module, remove it if done == MESSAGE_PROCESSED: log.debug(_("iTip message %r consumed by the invitationpolicy module") % (message.get('Message-ID')), level=5) os.unlink(filepath) cleanup() return None # accept message into the destination inbox accept(filepath) def process_itip_request(itip_event, policy, recipient_email, sender_email, receiving_user): """ Process an iTip REQUEST message according to the given policy """ # if invitation policy is set to MANUAL, pass message along if policy & ACT_MANUAL: log.info(_("Pass invitation for manual processing")) return MESSAGE_FORWARD try: receiving_attendee = itip_event['xml'].get_attendee_by_email(recipient_email) log.debug(_("Receiving attendee: %r") % (receiving_attendee.to_dict()), level=8) except Exception as errmsg: log.error("Could not find envelope attendee: %r" % (errmsg)) return MESSAGE_FORWARD # process request to participating attendees with RSVP=TRUE or PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION is_task = itip_event['type'] == 'task' nonpart = receiving_attendee.get_role() == kolabformat.NonParticipant partstat = receiving_attendee.get_participant_status() save_object = not nonpart or not partstat == kolabformat.PartNeedsAction rsvp = receiving_attendee.get_rsvp() scheduling_required = rsvp or partstat == kolabformat.PartNeedsAction respond_with = receiving_attendee.get_participant_status(True) condition_fulfilled = True # find existing event in user's calendar (existing, master) = find_existing_object(itip_event['uid'], itip_event['type'], itip_event['recurrence-id'], receiving_user, True) # compare sequence number to determine a (re-)scheduling request if existing is not None: scheduling_required = itip_event['sequence'] > 0 and itip_event['sequence'] > existing.get_sequence() log.debug(_("Scheduling required: %r, for existing %s: %s") % (scheduling_required, existing.type, existing.get_uid()), level=8) save_object = True # if scheduling: check availability (skip that for tasks) if scheduling_required: if not is_task and policy & (COND_IF_AVAILABLE | COND_IF_CONFLICT): condition_fulfilled = check_availability(itip_event, receiving_user) if not is_task and policy & COND_IF_CONFLICT: condition_fulfilled = not condition_fulfilled log.debug(_("Precondition for object %r fulfilled: %r") % (itip_event['uid'], condition_fulfilled), level=5) if existing: respond_with = None if policy & ACT_ACCEPT and condition_fulfilled: respond_with = 'TENTATIVE' if policy & COND_TENTATIVE else 'ACCEPTED' elif policy & ACT_REJECT and condition_fulfilled: respond_with = 'DECLINED' # TODO: only save declined invitation when a certain config option is set? elif policy & ACT_DELEGATE and condition_fulfilled: # TODO: delegate (but to whom?) return None # auto-update changes if enabled for this user elif policy & ACT_UPDATE and existing: # compare sequence number to avoid outdated updates if not itip_event['sequence'] == existing.get_sequence(): log.info(_("The iTip request sequence (%r) doesn't match the referred object version (%r). Ignoring.") % ( itip_event['sequence'], existing.get_sequence() )) return None log.debug(_("Auto-updating %s %r on iTip REQUEST (no re-scheduling)") % (existing.type, existing.uid), level=8) save_object = True rsvp = False # retain task status and percent-complete properties from my old copy if is_task: itip_event['xml'].set_status(existing.get_status()) itip_event['xml'].set_percentcomplete(existing.get_percentcomplete()) if policy & COND_NOTIFY: sender = itip_event['xml'].get_organizer() comment = itip_event['xml'].get_comment() send_update_notification(itip_event['xml'], receiving_user, existing, False, sender, comment) # if RSVP, send an iTip REPLY if rsvp or scheduling_required: # set attendee's CN from LDAP record if yet missing if not receiving_attendee.get_name() and 'cn' in receiving_user: receiving_attendee.set_name(receiving_user['cn']) # send iTip reply if respond_with is not None and not respond_with == 'NEEDS-ACTION': receiving_attendee.set_participant_status(respond_with) send_reply(recipient_email, itip_event, invitation_response_text(itip_event['type']), subject=_('"%(summary)s" has been %(status)s')) elif policy & ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER: # copy the invitation into the user's default folder with PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION itip_event['xml'].set_attendee_participant_status(receiving_attendee, respond_with or 'NEEDS-ACTION') save_object = True else: # policy doesn't match, pass on to next one return None if save_object: targetfolder = None # delete old version from IMAP if existing: targetfolder = existing._imap_folder delete_object(existing) elif master and hasattr(master, '_imap_folder'): targetfolder = master._imap_folder delete_object(master) if not nonpart or existing: # save new copy from iTip if store_object(itip_event['xml'], receiving_user, targetfolder, master): if policy & COND_FORWARD: log.debug(_("Forward invitation for notification"), level=5) return MESSAGE_FORWARD else: return MESSAGE_PROCESSED return None def process_itip_reply(itip_event, policy, recipient_email, sender_email, receiving_user): """ Process an iTip REPLY message according to the given policy """ # if invitation policy is set to MANUAL, pass message along if policy & ACT_MANUAL: log.info(_("Pass reply for manual processing")) return MESSAGE_FORWARD # auto-update is enabled for this user if policy & ACT_UPDATE: try: sender_attendee = itip_event['xml'].get_attendee_by_email(sender_email) log.debug(_("Sender Attendee: %r") % (sender_attendee), level=8) except Exception as errmsg: log.error("Could not find envelope sender attendee: %r" % (errmsg)) return MESSAGE_FORWARD # find existing event in user's calendar # sets/checks lock to avoid concurrent wallace processes trying to update the same event simultaneously (existing, master) = find_existing_object(itip_event['uid'], itip_event['type'], itip_event['recurrence-id'], receiving_user, True) if existing: # compare sequence number to avoid outdated replies? if not itip_event['sequence'] == existing.get_sequence(): log.info(_("The iTip reply sequence (%r) doesn't match the referred object version (%r). Forwarding to Inbox.") % ( itip_event['sequence'], existing.get_sequence() )) remove_write_lock(existing._lock_key) return MESSAGE_FORWARD log.debug(_("Auto-updating %s %r on iTip REPLY") % (existing.type, existing.uid), level=8) updated_attendees = [] try: existing.set_attendee_participant_status(sender_email, sender_attendee.get_participant_status(), rsvp=False) existing_attendee = existing.get_attendee(sender_email) updated_attendees.append(existing_attendee) except Exception as errmsg: log.error("Could not find corresponding attende in organizer's copy: %r" % (errmsg)) # append delegated-from attendee ? if len(sender_attendee.get_delegated_from()) > 0: existing.add_attendee(sender_attendee) updated_attendees.append(sender_attendee) else: # TODO: accept new participant if ACT_ACCEPT ? remove_write_lock(existing._lock_key) return MESSAGE_FORWARD # append delegated-to attendee if len(sender_attendee.get_delegated_to()) > 0: try: delegatee_email = sender_attendee.get_delegated_to(True)[0] sender_delegatee = itip_event['xml'].get_attendee_by_email(delegatee_email) existing_delegatee = existing.find_attendee(delegatee_email) if not existing_delegatee: existing.add_attendee(sender_delegatee) log.debug(_("Add delegatee: %r") % (sender_delegatee.to_dict()), level=8) else: existing_delegatee.copy_from(sender_delegatee) log.debug(_("Update existing delegatee: %r") % (existing_delegatee.to_dict()), level=8) updated_attendees.append(sender_delegatee) # copy all parameters from replying attendee (e.g. delegated-to, role, etc.) existing_attendee.copy_from(sender_attendee) existing.update_attendees([existing_attendee]) log.debug(_("Update delegator: %r") % (existing_attendee.to_dict()), level=8) except Exception as errmsg: log.error("Could not find delegated-to attendee: %r" % (errmsg)) # update the organizer's copy of the object if update_object(existing, receiving_user, master): if policy & COND_NOTIFY: send_update_notification(existing, receiving_user, existing, True, sender_attendee, itip_event['xml'].get_comment()) # update all other attendee's copies if conf.get('wallace','invitationpolicy_autoupdate_other_attendees_on_reply'): propagate_changes_to_attendees_accounts(existing, updated_attendees) return MESSAGE_PROCESSED else: log.error(_("The object referred by this reply was not found in the user's folders. Forwarding to Inbox.")) return MESSAGE_FORWARD return None def process_itip_cancel(itip_event, policy, recipient_email, sender_email, receiving_user): """ Process an iTip CANCEL message according to the given policy """ # if invitation policy is set to MANUAL, pass message along if policy & ACT_MANUAL: log.info(_("Pass cancellation for manual processing")) return MESSAGE_FORWARD # auto-update the local copy if policy & ACT_UPDATE or policy & ACT_CANCEL_DELETE: # find existing object in user's folders (existing, master) = find_existing_object(itip_event['uid'], itip_event['type'], itip_event['recurrence-id'], receiving_user, True) remove_object = policy & ACT_CANCEL_DELETE if existing: # on this-and-future cancel requests, set the recurrence until date on the master event if itip_event['recurrence-id'] and master and itip_event['xml'].get_thisandfuture(): rrule = master.get_recurrence() rrule.set_count(0) rrule.set_until(existing.get_start() + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)) master.set_recurrence(rrule) existing.set_recurrence_id(existing.get_recurrence_id(), True) remove_object = False # delete the local copy if remove_object: # remove exception and register an exdate to the main event if master: log.debug(_("Remove cancelled %s instance %s from %r") % (existing.type, itip_event['recurrence-id'], existing.uid), level=8) master.add_exception_date(existing.get_start()) master.del_exception(existing) success = update_object(master, receiving_user) # delete main event else: success = delete_object(existing) # update the local copy with STATUS=CANCELLED else: log.debug(_("Update cancelled %s %r with STATUS=CANCELLED") % (existing.type, existing.uid), level=8) existing.set_status('CANCELLED') existing.set_transparency(True) success = update_object(existing, receiving_user, master) if success: # send cancellation notification if policy & COND_NOTIFY: sender = itip_event['xml'].get_organizer() comment = itip_event['xml'].get_comment() send_cancel_notification(existing, receiving_user, remove_object, sender, comment) return MESSAGE_PROCESSED else: log.error(_("The object referred by this cancel request was not found in the user's folders. Forwarding to Inbox.")) return MESSAGE_FORWARD return None def user_dn_from_email_address(email_address): """ Resolves the given email address to a Kolab user entity """ global auth if not auth: auth = Auth() auth.connect() # return cached value if email_address in user_dn_from_email_address.cache: return user_dn_from_email_address.cache[email_address] local_domains = auth.list_domains() if local_domains is not None: local_domains = list(set(local_domains.keys())) if not email_address.split('@')[1] in local_domains: user_dn_from_email_address.cache[email_address] = None return None log.debug(_("Checking if email address %r belongs to a local user") % (email_address), level=8) user_dn = auth.find_user_dn(email_address, True) if isinstance(user_dn, string_types): log.debug(_("User DN: %r") % (user_dn), level=8) else: log.debug(_("No user record(s) found for %r") % (email_address), level=8) # remember this lookup user_dn_from_email_address.cache[email_address] = user_dn return user_dn user_dn_from_email_address.cache = {} def get_matching_invitation_policies(receiving_user, sender_email, type_condition=COND_TYPE_ALL): # get user's kolabInvitationPolicy settings policies = receiving_user['kolabinvitationpolicy'] if 'kolabinvitationpolicy' in receiving_user else [] if policies and not isinstance(policies, list): policies = [policies] if len(policies) == 0: policies = conf.get_list('wallace', 'kolab_invitation_policy') # match policies agains the given sender_email matches = [] for p in policies: if ':' in p: (value, domain) = p.split(':', 1) else: value = p domain = '' if domain == '' or domain == '*' or str(sender_email).endswith(domain): value = value.upper() if value in policy_name_map: val = policy_name_map[value] # append if type condition matches if val & type_condition: matches.append(val &~ COND_TYPE_ALL) # add manual as default action if len(matches) == 0: matches.append(ACT_MANUAL) return matches def imap_proxy_auth(user_rec): """ Perform IMAP login using proxy authentication with admin credentials """ global imap mail_attribute = conf.get('cyrus-sasl', 'result_attribute') if mail_attribute is None: mail_attribute = 'mail' mail_attribute = mail_attribute.lower() if mail_attribute not in user_rec: log.error(_("User record doesn't have the mailbox attribute %r set" % (mail_attribute))) return False # do IMAP prox auth with the given user backend = conf.get('kolab', 'imap_backend') admin_login = conf.get(backend, 'admin_login') admin_password = conf.get(backend, 'admin_password') try: imap.disconnect() imap.connect(login=False) imap.login_plain(admin_login, admin_password, user_rec[mail_attribute]) except Exception as errmsg: log.error(_("IMAP proxy authentication failed: %r") % (errmsg)) return False return True def list_user_folders(user_rec, _type): """ Get a list of the given user's private calendar/tasks folders """ global imap # return cached list if '_imap_folders' in user_rec: return user_rec['_imap_folders'] result = [] if not imap_proxy_auth(user_rec): return result folders = imap.get_metadata('*', FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION) log.debug( _("List %r folders for user %r: %r") % ( _type, user_rec['mail'], folders ), level=8 ) (ns_personal, ns_other, ns_shared) = imap.namespaces() _type = _type.encode('utf-8') _folders = {} # Filter the folders by type relevance for folder, metadata in folders.items(): key = ('/shared' + FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION).encode('utf-8') if key in metadata: if metadata[key].startswith(_type): _folders[folder] = metadata key = ('/private' + FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION).encode('utf-8') if key in metadata: if metadata[key].startswith(_type): _folders[folder] = metadata for folder, metadata in _folders.items(): folder_delegated = False # Exclude shared and other user's namespace # # First, test if this is another users folder if ns_other is not None and folder.startswith(ns_other): # If we have no delegated mailboxes, we can skip this entirely if '_delegated_mailboxes' not in user_rec: continue for _m in user_rec['_delegated_mailboxes']: if folder.startswith(ns_other + _m + '/'): folder_delegated = True if not folder_delegated: continue # TODO: list shared folders the user has write privileges ? if ns_shared is not None: if len([_ns for _ns in ns_shared if folder.startswith(_ns)]) > 0: continue - key = ('/shared' + FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION).encode('utf-8') - if key in metadata: - if metadata[key].startswith(_type): - result.append(folder) - key = ('/private' + FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION).encode('utf-8') - if key in metadata: - if metadata[key].startswith(_type): - result.append(folder) - - # store default folder in user record + if key in metadata and metadata[key].startswith(_type): + # store default,private and confidential folders in user record if metadata[key].endswith(b'.default'): - user_rec['_default_folder'] = folder - continue - - # store private and confidential folders in user record - if metadata[key].endswith(b'.confidential'): + if '_default_folder' not in user_rec: + user_rec['_default_folder'] = folder + elif metadata[key].endswith(b'.confidential'): if '_confidential_folder' not in user_rec: user_rec['_confidential_folder'] = folder - - continue - - if metadata[key].endswith(b'.private'): + elif metadata[key].endswith(b'.private'): if '_private_folder' not in user_rec: user_rec['_private_folder'] = folder - continue + result.append(folder) + continue + + key = ('/shared' + FOLDER_TYPE_ANNOTATION).encode('utf-8') + if key in metadata and metadata[key].startswith(_type): + result.append(folder) # cache with user record user_rec['_imap_folders'] = result return result def find_existing_object(uid, type, recurrence_id, user_rec, lock=False): """ Search user's private folders for the given object (by UID+type) """ global imap lock_key = None if lock: lock_key = get_lock_key(user_rec, uid) set_write_lock(lock_key) event = None master = None for folder in list_user_folders(user_rec, type): log.debug(_("Searching folder %r for %s %r") % (folder, type, uid), level=8) imap.imap.m.select(imap.folder_utf7(folder)) res, data = imap.imap.m.search(None, '(UNDELETED HEADER SUBJECT "%s")' % (uid)) for num in reversed(data[0].split()): res, data = imap.imap.m.fetch(num, '(UID RFC822)') try: msguid = re.search(r"\WUID (\d+)", data[0][0].decode('utf-8')).group(1) except Exception: log.error(_("No UID found in IMAP response: %r") % (data[0][0])) continue try: if type == 'task': event = todo_from_message(message_from_bytes(data[0][1])) else: event = event_from_message(message_from_bytes(data[0][1])) # find instance in a recurring series if recurrence_id and (event.is_recurring() or event.has_exceptions() or event.get_recurrence_id()): master = event event = master.get_instance(recurrence_id) setattr(master, '_imap_folder', folder) setattr(master, '_msguid', msguid) # return master, even if instance is not found if not event and master.uid == uid: return (event, master) if event is not None: setattr(event, '_imap_folder', folder) setattr(event, '_lock_key', lock_key) setattr(event, '_msguid', msguid) except Exception: log.error(_("Failed to parse %s from message %s/%s: %s") % (type, folder, num, traceback.format_exc())) event = None master = None continue if event and event.uid == uid: return (event, master) if lock_key is not None: remove_write_lock(lock_key) return (event, master) def check_availability(itip_event, receiving_user): """ For the receiving user, determine if the event in question is in conflict. """ start = time.time() num_messages = 0 conflict = False # return previously detected conflict if '_conflicts' in itip_event: return not itip_event['_conflicts'] for folder in list_user_folders(receiving_user, 'event'): log.debug(_("Listing events from folder %r") % (folder), level=8) imap.imap.m.select(imap.folder_utf7(folder)) res, data = imap.imap.m.search(None, '(UNDELETED HEADER X-Kolab-Type "application/x-vnd.kolab.event")') num_messages += len(data[0].split()) for num in reversed(data[0].split()): event = None res, data = imap.imap.m.fetch(num, '(RFC822)') try: event = event_from_message(message_from_bytes(data[0][1])) except Exception as errmsg: log.error(_("Failed to parse event from message %s/%s: %r") % (folder, num, errmsg)) continue if event and event.uid: conflict = check_event_conflict(event, itip_event) if conflict: log.info(_("Existing event %r conflicts with invitation %r") % (event.uid, itip_event['uid'])) break if conflict: break end = time.time() log.debug(_("start: %r, end: %r, total: %r, messages: %d") % (start, end, (end-start), num_messages), level=8) # remember the result of this check for further iterations itip_event['_conflicts'] = conflict return not conflict def set_write_lock(key, wait=True): """ Set a write-lock for the given key and wait if such a lock already exists """ if not os.path.isdir(mybasepath): os.makedirs(mybasepath) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mybasepath, 'locks')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(mybasepath, 'locks')) filename = os.path.join(mybasepath, 'locks', key + '.lock') locktime = 0 if os.path.isfile(filename): locktime = os.path.getmtime(filename) # wait if file lock is in place while time.time() < locktime + 300: if not wait: return False log.debug(_("%r is locked, waiting...") % (key), level=8) time.sleep(0.5) locktime = os.path.getmtime(filename) if os.path.isfile(filename) else 0 # touch the file if os.path.isfile(filename): os.utime(filename, None) else: open(filename, 'w').close() # register active lock write_locks.append(key) return True def remove_write_lock(key, update=True): """ Remove the lock file for the given key """ global write_locks if key is not None: file = os.path.join(mybasepath, 'locks', key + '.lock') if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file) if update: write_locks = [k for k in write_locks if not k == key] def get_lock_key(user, uid): return hashlib.md5(("%s/%s" % (user['mail'], uid)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def update_object(object, user_rec, master=None): """ Update the given object in IMAP (i.e. delete + append) """ success = False saveobj = object # updating a single instance only: use master event if object.get_recurrence_id() and master: saveobj = master if hasattr(saveobj, '_imap_folder'): if delete_object(saveobj): saveobj.set_lastmodified() # update last-modified timestamp success = store_object(object, user_rec, saveobj._imap_folder, master) # remove write lock for this event if hasattr(saveobj, '_lock_key') and saveobj._lock_key is not None: remove_write_lock(saveobj._lock_key) return success def store_object(object, user_rec, targetfolder=None, master=None): """ Append the given object to the user's default calendar/tasklist """ # find calendar folder to save object to if not specified if targetfolder is None: targetfolders = list_user_folders(user_rec, object.type) oc = object.get_classification() # use *.confidential/private folder for confidential/private invitations if oc == kolabformat.ClassConfidential and '_confidential_folder' in user_rec: targetfolder = user_rec['_confidential_folder'] elif oc == kolabformat.ClassPrivate and '_private_folder' in user_rec: targetfolder = user_rec['_private_folder'] # use *.default folder if exists elif '_default_folder' in user_rec: targetfolder = user_rec['_default_folder'] # fallback to any existing folder of specified type elif targetfolders is not None and len(targetfolders) > 0: targetfolder = targetfolders[0] if targetfolder is None: log.error(_("Failed to save %s: no target folder found for user %r") % (object.type, user_rec['mail'])) return False saveobj = object # updating a single instance only: add exception to master event if object.get_recurrence_id() and master: object.set_lastmodified() # update last-modified timestamp master.add_exception(object) saveobj = master log.debug(_("Save %s %r to user folder %r") % (saveobj.type, saveobj.uid, targetfolder), level=8) try: imap.imap.m.select(imap.folder_utf7(targetfolder)) result = imap.imap.m.append( imap.folder_utf7(targetfolder), None, None, saveobj.to_message(creator="Kolab Server ").as_string().encode('utf-8') ) return result except Exception as errmsg: log.error(_("Failed to save %s to user folder at %r: %r") % ( saveobj.type, targetfolder, errmsg )) return False def delete_object(existing): """ Removes the IMAP object with the given UID from a user's folder """ targetfolder = existing._imap_folder msguid = existing._msguid if hasattr(existing, '_msguid') else None try: imap.imap.m.select(imap.folder_utf7(targetfolder)) # delete by IMAP UID if msguid is not None: log.debug(_("Delete %s %r in %r by UID: %r") % ( existing.type, existing.uid, targetfolder, msguid ), level=8) imap.imap.m.uid('store', msguid, '+FLAGS', '(\\Deleted)') else: res, data = imap.imap.m.search(None, '(HEADER SUBJECT "%s")' % existing.uid) log.debug(_("Delete %s %r in %r: %r") % ( existing.type, existing.uid, targetfolder, data ), level=8) for num in data[0].split(): imap.imap.m.store(num, '+FLAGS', '(\\Deleted)') imap.imap.m.expunge() return True except Exception as errmsg: log.error(_("Failed to delete %s from folder %r: %r") % ( existing.type, targetfolder, errmsg )) return False def send_update_notification(object, receiving_user, old=None, reply=True, sender=None, comment=None): """ Send a (consolidated) notification about the current participant status to organizer """ global auth if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from email import charset else: from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from email import charset # encode unicode strings with quoted-printable charset.add_charset('utf-8', charset.SHORTEST, charset.QP) organizer = object.get_organizer() orgemail = organizer.email() orgname = organizer.name() itip_comment = None if comment is not None: comment = comment.strip() if sender is not None and not comment == '': itip_comment = _("%s commented: %s") % (_attendee_name(sender), comment) if reply: log.debug(_("Compose participation status summary for %s %r to user %r") % ( object.type, object.uid, receiving_user['mail'] ), level=8) auto_replies_expected = 0 auto_replies_received = 0 is_manual_reply = True partstats = {'ACCEPTED': [], 'TENTATIVE': [], 'DECLINED': [], 'DELEGATED': [], 'IN-PROCESS': [], 'COMPLETED': [], 'PENDING': []} for attendee in object.get_attendees(): parstat = attendee.get_participant_status(True) if parstat in partstats: partstats[parstat].append(attendee.get_displayname()) else: partstats['PENDING'].append(attendee.get_displayname()) # look-up kolabinvitationpolicy for this attendee if attendee.get_cutype() == kolabformat.CutypeResource: resource_dns = auth.find_resource(attendee.get_email()) if isinstance(resource_dns, list): attendee_dn = resource_dns[0] if len(resource_dns) > 0 else None else: attendee_dn = resource_dns else: attendee_dn = user_dn_from_email_address(attendee.get_email()) if attendee_dn: attendee_rec = auth.get_entry_attributes(None, attendee_dn, ['kolabinvitationpolicy']) if is_auto_reply(attendee_rec, orgemail, object.type): auto_replies_expected += 1 if not parstat == 'NEEDS-ACTION': auto_replies_received += 1 if sender is not None and sender.get_email() == attendee.get_email(): is_manual_reply = False # skip notification until we got replies from all automatically responding attendees if not is_manual_reply and auto_replies_received < auto_replies_expected: log.debug(_("Waiting for more automated replies (got %d of %d); skipping notification") % ( auto_replies_received, auto_replies_expected ), level=8) return # build notification message body roundup = '' if itip_comment is not None: roundup += "\n" + itip_comment for status,attendees in partstats.items(): if len(attendees) > 0: roundup += "\n" + participant_status_label(status) + ":\n\t" + "\n\t".join(attendees) + "\n" else: # build notification message body roundup = '' if itip_comment is not None: roundup += "\n" + itip_comment roundup += "\n" + _("Changes submitted by %s have been automatically applied.") % (orgname if orgname else orgemail) # list properties changed from previous version if old: diff = xmlutils.compute_diff(old.to_dict(), object.to_dict()) if len(diff) > 1: roundup += "\n" for change in diff: if not change['property'] in ['created','lastmodified-date','sequence']: new_value = xmlutils.property_to_string(change['property'], change['new']) if change['new'] else _("(removed)") if new_value: roundup += "\n- %s: %s" % (xmlutils.property_label(change['property']), new_value) # compose different notification texts for events/tasks if object.type == 'task': message_text = _(""" The assignment for '%(summary)s' has been updated in your tasklist. %(roundup)s """) % { 'summary': object.get_summary(), 'roundup': roundup } else: message_text = _(""" The event '%(summary)s' at %(start)s has been updated in your calendar. %(roundup)s """) % { 'summary': object.get_summary(), 'start': xmlutils.property_to_string('start', object.get_start()), 'roundup': roundup } if object.get_recurrence_id(): message_text += _("NOTE: This update only refers to this single occurrence!") + "\n" message_text += "\n" + _("*** This is an automated message. Please do not reply. ***") # compose mime message msg = MIMEText(utils.stripped_message(message_text), _charset='utf-8') msg['To'] = receiving_user['mail'] msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = utils.str2unicode(_('"%s" has been updated') % (object.get_summary())) msg['From'] = Header(utils.str2unicode('%s' % orgname) if orgname else '') msg['From'].append("<%s>" % orgemail) seed = random.randint(0, 6) alarm_after = (seed * 10) + 60 log.debug(_("Set alarm to %s seconds") % (alarm_after), level=8) signal.alarm(alarm_after) result = modules._sendmail(orgemail, receiving_user['mail'], msg.as_string()) log.debug(_("Sent update notification to %r: %r") % (receiving_user['mail'], result), level=8) signal.alarm(0) def send_cancel_notification(object, receiving_user, deleted=False, sender=None, comment=None): """ Send a notification about event/task cancellation """ if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from email import charset else: from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from email import charset # encode unicode strings with quoted-printable charset.add_charset('utf-8', charset.SHORTEST, charset.QP) log.debug(_("Send cancellation notification for %s %r to user %r") % ( object.type, object.uid, receiving_user['mail'] ), level=8) organizer = object.get_organizer() orgemail = organizer.email() orgname = organizer.name() # compose different notification texts for events/tasks if object.type == 'task': message_text = _("The assignment for '%(summary)s' has been cancelled by %(organizer)s.") % { 'summary': object.get_summary(), 'organizer': orgname if orgname else orgemail } if deleted: message_text += " " + _("The copy in your tasklist has been removed accordingly.") else: message_text += " " + _("The copy in your tasklist has been marked as cancelled accordingly.") else: message_text = _("The event '%(summary)s' at %(start)s has been cancelled by %(organizer)s.") % { 'summary': object.get_summary(), 'start': xmlutils.property_to_string('start', object.get_start()), 'organizer': orgname if orgname else orgemail } if deleted: message_text += " " + _("The copy in your calendar has been removed accordingly.") else: message_text += " " + _("The copy in your calendar has been marked as cancelled accordingly.") if comment is not None: comment = comment.strip() if sender is not None and not comment == '': message_text += "\n" + _("%s commented: %s") % (_attendee_name(sender), comment) if object.get_recurrence_id(): message_text += "\n" + _("NOTE: This cancellation only refers to this single occurrence!") message_text += "\n\n" + _("*** This is an automated message. Please do not reply. ***") # compose mime message msg = MIMEText(utils.stripped_message(message_text), _charset='utf-8') msg['To'] = receiving_user['mail'] msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = utils.str2unicode(_('"%s" has been cancelled') % (object.get_summary())) msg['From'] = Header(utils.str2unicode('%s' % orgname) if orgname else '') msg['From'].append("<%s>" % orgemail) seed = random.randint(0, 6) alarm_after = (seed * 10) + 60 log.debug(_("Set alarm to %s seconds") % (alarm_after), level=8) signal.alarm(alarm_after) result = modules._sendmail(orgemail, receiving_user['mail'], msg.as_string()) log.debug(_("Sent cancel notification to %r: %r") % (receiving_user['mail'], result), level=8) signal.alarm(0) def is_auto_reply(user, sender_email, type): accept_available = False accept_conflicts = False for policy in get_matching_invitation_policies(user, sender_email, object_type_conditons.get(type, COND_TYPE_EVENT)): if policy & (ACT_ACCEPT | ACT_REJECT | ACT_DELEGATE): if check_policy_condition(policy, True): accept_available = True if check_policy_condition(policy, False): accept_conflicts = True # we have both cases covered by a policy if accept_available and accept_conflicts: return True # manual action reached if policy & (ACT_MANUAL | ACT_SAVE_TO_FOLDER): return False return False def check_policy_condition(policy, available): condition_fulfilled = True if policy & (COND_IF_AVAILABLE | COND_IF_CONFLICT): condition_fulfilled = available if policy & COND_IF_CONFLICT: condition_fulfilled = not condition_fulfilled return condition_fulfilled def propagate_changes_to_attendees_accounts(object, updated_attendees=None): """ Find and update copies of this object in all attendee's personal folders """ recurrence_id = object.get_recurrence_id() for attendee in object.get_attendees(): attendee_user_dn = user_dn_from_email_address(attendee.get_email()) if attendee_user_dn: attendee_user = auth.get_entry_attributes(None, attendee_user_dn, ['*']) (attendee_object, master_object) = find_existing_object(object.uid, object.type, recurrence_id, attendee_user, True) # does IMAP authenticate if attendee_object: # find attendee's entry by one of its email addresses attendee_emails = auth.extract_recipient_addresses(attendee_user) for attendee_email in attendee_emails: try: attendee_entry = attendee_object.get_attendee_by_email(attendee_email) except: attendee_entry = None if attendee_entry: break # copy all attendees from master object (covers additions and removals) new_attendees = [] for a in object.get_attendees(): # keep my own entry intact if attendee_entry is not None and attendee_entry.get_email() == a.get_email(): new_attendees.append(attendee_entry) else: new_attendees.append(a) attendee_object.set_attendees(new_attendees) if updated_attendees and not recurrence_id: log.debug("Update Attendees %r for %s" % ([a.get_email()+':'+a.get_participant_status(True) for a in updated_attendees], attendee_user['mail']), level=8) attendee_object.update_attendees(updated_attendees, False) success = update_object(attendee_object, attendee_user, master_object) log.debug(_("Updated %s's copy of %r: %r") % (attendee_user['mail'], object.uid, success), level=8) else: log.debug(_("Attendee %s's copy of %r not found") % (attendee_user['mail'], object.uid), level=8) else: log.debug(_("Attendee %r not found in LDAP") % (attendee.get_email()), level=8) def invitation_response_text(type): footer = "\n\n" + _("*** This is an automated message. Please do not reply. ***") if type == 'task': return _("%(name)s has %(status)s your assignment for %(summary)s.") + footer else: return _("%(name)s has %(status)s your invitation for %(summary)s.") + footer def _attendee_name(attendee): # attendee here can be Attendee or ContactReference try: name = attendee.get_name() except Exception: name = attendee.name() if name == '': try: name = attendee.get_email() except Exception: name = attendee.email() return name