diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/windows/security.rb b/lib/puppet/util/windows/security.rb index ae6b341f0..240fbc348 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/windows/security.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/windows/security.rb @@ -1,722 +1,755 @@ # This class maps POSIX owner, group, and modes to the Windows # security model, and back. # # The primary goal of this mapping is to ensure that owner, group, and # modes can be round-tripped in a consistent and deterministic # way. Otherwise, Puppet might think file resources are out-of-sync # every time it runs. A secondary goal is to provide equivalent # permissions for common use-cases. For example, setting the owner to # "Administrators", group to "Users", and mode to 750 (which also # denies access to everyone else. # # There are some well-known problems mapping windows and POSIX # permissions due to differences between the two security # models. Search for "POSIX permission mapping leak". In POSIX, access # to a file is determined solely based on the most specific class # (user, group, other). So a mode of 460 would deny write access to # the owner even if they are a member of the group. But in Windows, # the entire access control list is walked until the user is # explicitly denied or allowed (denied take precedence, and if neither # occurs they are denied). As a result, a user could be allowed access # based on their group membership. To solve this problem, other people # have used deny access control entries to more closely model POSIX, # but this introduces a lot of complexity. # # In general, this implementation only supports "typical" permissions, # where group permissions are a subset of user, and other permissions # are a subset of group, e.g. 754, but not 467. However, there are # some Windows quirks to be aware of. # # * The owner can be either a user or group SID, and most system files # are owned by the Administrators group. # * The group can be either a user or group SID. # * Unexpected results can occur if the owner and group are the # same, but the user and group classes are different, e.g. 750. In # this case, it is not possible to allow write access to the owner, # but not the group. As a result, the actual permissions set on the # file would be 770. # * In general, only privileged users can set the owner, group, or # change the mode for files they do not own. In 2003, the user must # be a member of the Administrators group. In Vista/2008, the user # must be running with elevated privileges. # * A file/dir can be deleted by anyone with the DELETE access right # OR by anyone that has the FILE_DELETE_CHILD access right for the # parent. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/238018. But on Unix, # the user must have write access to the file/dir AND execute access # to all of the parent path components. # * Many access control entries are inherited from parent directories, # and it is common for file/dirs to have more than 3 entries, # e.g. Users, Power Users, Administrators, SYSTEM, etc, which cannot # be mapped into the 3 class POSIX model. The get_mode method will # set the S_IEXTRA bit flag indicating that an access control entry # was found whose SID is neither the owner, group, or other. This # enables Puppet to detect when file/dirs are out-of-sync, # especially those that Puppet did not create, but is attempting # to manage. # * A special case of this is S_ISYSTEM_MISSING, which is set when the # SYSTEM permissions are *not* present on the DACL. # * On Unix, the owner and group can be modified without changing the # mode. But on Windows, an access control entry specifies which SID # it applies to. As a result, the set_owner and set_group methods # automatically rebuild the access control list based on the new # (and different) owner or group. require 'puppet/util/windows' require 'pathname' require 'ffi' require 'win32/security' require 'windows/security' require 'windows/memory' require 'windows/msvcrt/buffer' module Puppet::Util::Windows::Security include ::Windows::Security include ::Windows::Memory include ::Windows::MSVCRT::Buffer include Puppet::Util::Windows::SID include Puppet::Util::Windows::String extend Puppet::Util::Windows::Security extend FFI::Library # file modes S_IRUSR = 0000400 S_IRGRP = 0000040 S_IROTH = 0000004 S_IWUSR = 0000200 S_IWGRP = 0000020 S_IWOTH = 0000002 S_IXUSR = 0000100 S_IXGRP = 0000010 S_IXOTH = 0000001 S_IRWXU = 0000700 S_IRWXG = 0000070 S_IRWXO = 0000007 S_ISVTX = 0001000 S_IEXTRA = 02000000 # represents an extra ace S_ISYSTEM_MISSING = 04000000 # constants that are missing from Windows::Security PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x80000000 UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x20000000 NO_INHERITANCE = 0x0 SE_DACL_PROTECTED = 0x1000 FILE = Puppet::Util::Windows::File SE_BACKUP_NAME = 'SeBackupPrivilege' SE_RESTORE_NAME = 'SeRestorePrivilege' # Set the owner of the object referenced by +path+ to the specified # +owner_sid+. The owner sid should be of the form "S-1-5-32-544" # and can either be a user or group. Only a user with the # SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege in their process token can overwrite the # object's owner to something other than the current user. def set_owner(owner_sid, path) sd = get_security_descriptor(path) if owner_sid != sd.owner sd.owner = owner_sid set_security_descriptor(path, sd) end end # Get the owner of the object referenced by +path+. The returned # value is a SID string, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544". Any user with read # access to an object can get the owner. Only a user with the # SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege in their process token can get the owner # for objects they do not have read access to. def get_owner(path) return unless supports_acl?(path) get_security_descriptor(path).owner end # Set the owner of the object referenced by +path+ to the specified # +group_sid+. The group sid should be of the form "S-1-5-32-544" # and can either be a user or group. Any user with WRITE_OWNER # access to the object can change the group (regardless of whether # the current user belongs to that group or not). def set_group(group_sid, path) sd = get_security_descriptor(path) if group_sid != sd.group sd.group = group_sid set_security_descriptor(path, sd) end end # Get the group of the object referenced by +path+. The returned # value is a SID string, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544". Any user with read # access to an object can get the group. Only a user with the # SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege in their process token can get the group # for objects they do not have read access to. def get_group(path) return unless supports_acl?(path) get_security_descriptor(path).group end FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS = 0x00000008 def supports_acl?(path) supported = false root = Pathname.new(path).enum_for(:ascend).to_a.last.to_s # 'A trailing backslash is required' root = "#{root}\\" unless root =~ /[\/\\]$/ FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer, 1) do |flags_ptr| if GetVolumeInformationW(wide_string(root), FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0, FFI::Pointer::NULL, FFI::Pointer::NULL, flags_ptr, FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to get volume information") end supported = flags_ptr.read_dword & FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS == FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS end supported end def get_attributes(path) Puppet.deprecation_warning('Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_attributes is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Windows::File.get_attributes') FILE.get_attributes(file_name) end def add_attributes(path, flags) Puppet.deprecation_warning('Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.add_attributes is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Windows::File.add_attributes') FILE.add_attributes(path, flags) end def remove_attributes(path, flags) Puppet.deprecation_warning('Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.remove_attributes is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Windows::File.remove_attributes') FILE.remove_attributes(path, flags) end def set_attributes(path, flags) Puppet.deprecation_warning('Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.set_attributes is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Windows::File.set_attributes') FILE.set_attributes(path, flags) end MASK_TO_MODE = { FILE::FILE_GENERIC_READ => S_IROTH, FILE::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE => S_IWOTH, (FILE::FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE & ~FILE::FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES) => S_IXOTH } def get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sid) get_security_descriptor(path).dacl.select { |ace| ace.sid == sid } end # Get the mode of the object referenced by +path+. The returned # integer value represents the POSIX-style read, write, and execute # modes for the user, group, and other classes, e.g. 0640. Any user # with read access to an object can get the mode. Only a user with # the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege in their process token can get the # mode for objects they do not have read access to. def get_mode(path) return unless supports_acl?(path) well_known_world_sid = Win32::Security::SID::Everyone well_known_nobody_sid = Win32::Security::SID::Nobody well_known_system_sid = Win32::Security::SID::LocalSystem mode = S_ISYSTEM_MISSING sd = get_security_descriptor(path) sd.dacl.each do |ace| next if ace.inherit_only? case ace.sid when sd.owner MASK_TO_MODE.each_pair do |k,v| if (ace.mask & k) == k mode |= (v << 6) end end when sd.group MASK_TO_MODE.each_pair do |k,v| if (ace.mask & k) == k mode |= (v << 3) end end when well_known_world_sid MASK_TO_MODE.each_pair do |k,v| if (ace.mask & k) == k mode |= (v << 6) | (v << 3) | v end end if File.directory?(path) && (ace.mask & (FILE::FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE::FILE_EXECUTE | FILE::FILE_DELETE_CHILD)) == (FILE::FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE::FILE_EXECUTE) mode |= S_ISVTX; end when well_known_nobody_sid if (ace.mask & FILE::FILE_APPEND_DATA).nonzero? mode |= S_ISVTX end when well_known_system_sid else #puts "Warning, unable to map SID into POSIX mode: #{ace.sid}" mode |= S_IEXTRA end if ace.sid == well_known_system_sid mode &= ~S_ISYSTEM_MISSING end # if owner and group the same, then user and group modes are the OR of both if sd.owner == sd.group mode |= ((mode & S_IRWXG) << 3) | ((mode & S_IRWXU) >> 3) #puts "owner: #{sd.group}, 0x#{ace.mask.to_s(16)}, #{mode.to_s(8)}" end end #puts "get_mode: #{mode.to_s(8)}" mode end MODE_TO_MASK = { S_IROTH => FILE::FILE_GENERIC_READ, S_IWOTH => FILE::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, S_IXOTH => (FILE::FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE & ~FILE::FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES), } # Set the mode of the object referenced by +path+ to the specified # +mode+. The mode should be specified as POSIX-stye read, write, # and execute modes for the user, group, and other classes, # e.g. 0640. The sticky bit, S_ISVTX, is supported, but is only # meaningful for directories. If set, group and others are not # allowed to delete child objects for which they are not the owner. # By default, the DACL is set to protected, meaning it does not # inherit access control entries from parent objects. This can be # changed by setting +protected+ to false. The owner of the object # (with READ_CONTROL and WRITE_DACL access) can always change the # mode. Only a user with the SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME # privileges in their process token can change the mode for objects # that they do not have read and write access to. def set_mode(mode, path, protected = true) sd = get_security_descriptor(path) well_known_world_sid = Win32::Security::SID::Everyone well_known_nobody_sid = Win32::Security::SID::Nobody well_known_system_sid = Win32::Security::SID::LocalSystem owner_allow = FILE::STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | FILE::FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE::FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES group_allow = FILE::STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | FILE::FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE::SYNCHRONIZE other_allow = FILE::STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | FILE::FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE::SYNCHRONIZE nobody_allow = 0 system_allow = 0 MODE_TO_MASK.each do |k,v| if ((mode >> 6) & k) == k owner_allow |= v end if ((mode >> 3) & k) == k group_allow |= v end if (mode & k) == k other_allow |= v end end if (mode & S_ISVTX).nonzero? nobody_allow |= FILE::FILE_APPEND_DATA; end # caller is NOT managing SYSTEM by using group or owner, so set to FULL if ! [sd.owner, sd.group].include? well_known_system_sid # we don't check S_ISYSTEM_MISSING bit, but automatically carry over existing SYSTEM perms # by default set SYSTEM perms to full system_allow = FILE::FILE_ALL_ACCESS end isdir = File.directory?(path) if isdir if (mode & (S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)) == (S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) owner_allow |= FILE::FILE_DELETE_CHILD end if (mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP)) == (S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP) && (mode & S_ISVTX) == 0 group_allow |= FILE::FILE_DELETE_CHILD end if (mode & (S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH)) == (S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH) && (mode & S_ISVTX) == 0 other_allow |= FILE::FILE_DELETE_CHILD end end # if owner and group the same, then map group permissions to the one owner ACE isownergroup = sd.owner == sd.group if isownergroup owner_allow |= group_allow end # if any ACE allows write, then clear readonly bit, but do this before we overwrite # the DACl and lose our ability to set the attribute if ((owner_allow | group_allow | other_allow ) & FILE::FILE_WRITE_DATA) == FILE::FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE.remove_attributes(path, FILE::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) end dacl = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlList.new dacl.allow(sd.owner, owner_allow) unless isownergroup dacl.allow(sd.group, group_allow) end dacl.allow(well_known_world_sid, other_allow) dacl.allow(well_known_nobody_sid, nobody_allow) # TODO: system should be first? dacl.allow(well_known_system_sid, system_allow) # add inherit-only aces for child dirs and files that are created within the dir if isdir inherit = INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE dacl.allow(Win32::Security::SID::CreatorOwner, owner_allow, inherit) dacl.allow(Win32::Security::SID::CreatorGroup, group_allow, inherit) inherit = INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE dacl.allow(Win32::Security::SID::CreatorOwner, owner_allow & ~FILE::FILE_EXECUTE, inherit) dacl.allow(Win32::Security::SID::CreatorGroup, group_allow & ~FILE::FILE_EXECUTE, inherit) end new_sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::SecurityDescriptor.new(sd.owner, sd.group, dacl, protected) set_security_descriptor(path, new_sd) nil end + ACL_REVISION = 2 + def add_access_allowed_ace(acl, mask, sid, inherit = nil) inherit ||= NO_INHERITANCE string_to_sid_ptr(sid) do |sid_ptr| if Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.IsValidSid(sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Invalid SID") end - unless AddAccessAllowedAceEx(acl, ACL_REVISION, inherit, mask, sid_ptr.address) + if AddAccessAllowedAceEx(acl, ACL_REVISION, inherit, mask, sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to add access control entry") end end + + # ensure this method is void if it doesn't raise + nil end def add_access_denied_ace(acl, mask, sid, inherit = nil) inherit ||= NO_INHERITANCE string_to_sid_ptr(sid) do |sid_ptr| if Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.IsValidSid(sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Invalid SID") end - unless AddAccessDeniedAceEx(acl, ACL_REVISION, inherit, mask, sid_ptr.address) + if AddAccessDeniedAceEx(acl, ACL_REVISION, inherit, mask, sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to add access control entry") end end + + # ensure this method is void if it doesn't raise + nil end def parse_dacl(dacl_ptr) # REMIND: need to handle NULL DACL raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Invalid DACL") unless IsValidAcl(dacl_ptr) # ACL structure, size and count are the important parts. The # size includes both the ACL structure and all the ACEs. # # BYTE AclRevision # BYTE Padding1 # WORD AclSize # WORD AceCount # WORD Padding2 acl_buf = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(acl_buf, dacl_ptr, acl_buf.size) ace_count = acl_buf.unpack('CCSSS')[3] dacl = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlList.new # deny all return dacl if ace_count == 0 0.upto(ace_count - 1) do |i| ace_ptr = [0].pack('L') next unless GetAce(dacl_ptr, i, ace_ptr) # ACE structures vary depending on the type. All structures # begin with an ACE header, which specifies the type, flags # and size of what follows. We are only concerned with # ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE and ACCESS_DENIED_ACEs, which have the # same structure: # # BYTE C AceType # BYTE C AceFlags # WORD S AceSize # DWORD L ACCESS_MASK # DWORD L Sid # .. ... # DWORD L Sid ace_buf = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(ace_buf, ace_ptr.unpack('L')[0], ace_buf.size) ace_type, ace_flags, size, mask = ace_buf.unpack('CCSL') case ace_type when ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE sid_ptr = FFI::Pointer.new(:pointer, ace_ptr.unpack('L')[0] + 8) # address of ace_ptr->SidStart if Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.IsValidSid(sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to read DACL, invalid SID") end sid = sid_ptr_to_string(sid_ptr) dacl.allow(sid, mask, ace_flags) when ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE sid_ptr = FFI::Pointer.new(:pointer, ace_ptr.unpack('L')[0] + 8) # address of ace_ptr->SidStart if Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.IsValidSid(sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to read DACL, invalid SID") end sid = sid_ptr_to_string(sid_ptr) dacl.deny(sid, mask, ace_flags) else Puppet.warning "Unsupported access control entry type: 0x#{ace_type.to_s(16)}" end end dacl end INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = FFI::Pointer.new(-1).address # Open an existing file with the specified access mode, and execute a # block with the opened file HANDLE. def open_file(path, access, &block) handle = CreateFileW( wide_string(path), access, FILE::FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE::FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FFI::Pointer::NULL, # security_attributes FILE::OPEN_EXISTING, FILE::FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | FILE::FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, FFI::Pointer::NULL_HANDLE) # template raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to open '#{path}'") if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE begin yield handle ensure FFI::WIN32.CloseHandle(handle) if handle end # handle has already had CloseHandle called against it, nothing to return nil end # Execute a block with the specified privilege enabled def with_privilege(privilege, &block) set_privilege(privilege, true) yield ensure set_privilege(privilege, false) end SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002 TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x0020 # Enable or disable a privilege. Note this doesn't add any privileges the # user doesn't already has, it just enables privileges that are disabled. def set_privilege(privilege, enable) return unless Puppet.features.root? Puppet::Util::Windows::Process.with_process_token(TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES) do |token| Puppet::Util::Windows::Process.lookup_privilege_value(privilege) do |luid| FFI::MemoryPointer.new(Puppet::Util::Windows::Process::LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.size) do |luid_and_attributes_ptr| # allocate unmanaged memory for structs that we clean up afterwards luid_and_attributes = Puppet::Util::Windows::Process::LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.new(luid_and_attributes_ptr) luid_and_attributes[:Luid] = luid luid_and_attributes[:Attributes] = enable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0 FFI::MemoryPointer.new(Puppet::Util::Windows::Process::TOKEN_PRIVILEGES.size) do |token_privileges_ptr| token_privileges = Puppet::Util::Windows::Process::TOKEN_PRIVILEGES.new(token_privileges_ptr) token_privileges[:PrivilegeCount] = 1 token_privileges[:Privileges][0] = luid_and_attributes # size is correct given we only have 1 LUID, otherwise would be: # [:PrivilegeCount].size + [:PrivilegeCount] * LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.size if AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, FFI::WIN32_FALSE, token_privileges, token_privileges.size, FFI::MemoryPointer::NULL, FFI::MemoryPointer::NULL) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to adjust process privileges") end end end end end # token / luid structs freed by this point, so return true as nothing raised true end def with_process_token(access, &block) Puppet.deprecation_warning('Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.with_process_token is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Windows::Process.get_process_token') Puppet::Util::Windows::Process.with_process_token(access) do |token| yield token end nil end def get_security_descriptor(path) sd = nil with_privilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME) do open_file(path, READ_CONTROL) do |handle| owner_sid = [0].pack('L') group_sid = [0].pack('L') dacl = [0].pack('L') ppsd = [0].pack('L') rv = GetSecurityInfo( handle, SE_FILE_OBJECT, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner_sid, group_sid, dacl, nil, #sacl ppsd) #sec desc raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to get security information") unless rv == FFI::ERROR_SUCCESS begin owner = sid_ptr_to_string(FFI::Pointer.new(:pointer, owner_sid.unpack('L')[0])) group = sid_ptr_to_string(FFI::Pointer.new(:pointer, group_sid.unpack('L')[0])) FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:word, 1) do |control| FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:dword, 1) do |revision| ffsd = FFI::Pointer.new(:pointer, ppsd.unpack('L')[0]) if GetSecurityDescriptorControl(ffsd, control, revision) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to get security descriptor control") end protect = (control.read_word & SE_DACL_PROTECTED) == SE_DACL_PROTECTED dacl = parse_dacl(dacl.unpack('L')[0]) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::SecurityDescriptor.new(owner, group, dacl, protect) end end ensure LocalFree(ppsd.unpack('L')[0]) end end end sd end # setting DACL requires both READ_CONTROL and WRITE_DACL access rights, # and their respective privileges, SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME. def set_security_descriptor(path, sd) - # REMIND: FFI - acl = 0.chr * 1024 # This can be increased later as neede - unless InitializeAcl(acl, acl.size, ACL_REVISION) - raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to initialize ACL") - end - - raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Invalid DACL") unless IsValidAcl(acl) + # This can be increased later as neede + FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:byte, 1024) do |acl_ptr| + unless InitializeAcl(acl_ptr.address, acl_ptr.size, ACL_REVISION) + raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to initialize ACL") + end - with_privilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME) do - with_privilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME) do - open_file(path, READ_CONTROL | WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER) do |handle| - string_to_sid_ptr(sd.owner) do |ownersid| - string_to_sid_ptr(sd.group) do |groupsid| - sd.dacl.each do |ace| - case ace.type - when ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE - #puts "ace: allow, sid #{sid_to_name(ace.sid)}, mask 0x#{ace.mask.to_s(16)}" - add_access_allowed_ace(acl, ace.mask, ace.sid, ace.flags) - when ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE - #puts "ace: deny, sid #{sid_to_name(ace.sid)}, mask 0x#{ace.mask.to_s(16)}" - add_access_denied_ace(acl, ace.mask, ace.sid, ace.flags) - else - raise "We should never get here" - # TODO: this should have been a warning in an earlier commit + raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Invalid DACL") unless IsValidAcl(acl_ptr.address) + + with_privilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME) do + with_privilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME) do + open_file(path, READ_CONTROL | WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER) do |handle| + string_to_sid_ptr(sd.owner) do |ownersid| + string_to_sid_ptr(sd.group) do |groupsid| + sd.dacl.each do |ace| + case ace.type + when ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE + #puts "ace: allow, sid #{sid_to_name(ace.sid)}, mask 0x#{ace.mask.to_s(16)}" + add_access_allowed_ace(acl_ptr, ace.mask, ace.sid, ace.flags) + when ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE + #puts "ace: deny, sid #{sid_to_name(ace.sid)}, mask 0x#{ace.mask.to_s(16)}" + add_access_denied_ace(acl_ptr, ace.mask, ace.sid, ace.flags) + else + raise "We should never get here" + # TODO: this should have been a warning in an earlier commit + end end - end - # protected means the object does not inherit aces from its parent - flags = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - flags |= sd.protect ? PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION : UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - - rv = SetSecurityInfo(handle, - SE_FILE_OBJECT, - flags, - ownersid.address, - groupsid.address, - acl, - nil) - raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to set security information") unless rv == FFI::ERROR_SUCCESS + # protected means the object does not inherit aces from its parent + flags = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION + flags |= sd.protect ? PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION : UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION + + rv = SetSecurityInfo(handle, + SE_FILE_OBJECT, + flags, + ownersid.address, + groupsid.address, + acl_ptr.address, + nil) + raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to set security information") unless rv == FFI::ERROR_SUCCESS + end end end end end end end ffi_convention :stdcall # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363858(v=vs.85).aspx # HANDLE WINAPI CreateFile( # _In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName, # _In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, # _In_ DWORD dwShareMode, # _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, # _In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition, # _In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, # _In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :CreateFileW, [:lpcwstr, :dword, :dword, :pointer, :dword, :dword, :handle], :handle # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364993(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI GetVolumeInformation( # _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpRootPathName, # _Out_opt_ LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer, # _In_ DWORD nVolumeNameSize, # _Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber, # _Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength, # _Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags, # _Out_opt_ LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer, # _In_ DWORD nFileSystemNameSize # ); ffi_lib :kernel32 attach_function_private :GetVolumeInformationW, [:lpcwstr, :lpwstr, :dword, :lpdword, :lpdword, :lpdword, :lpwstr, :dword], :win32_bool + # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa374951(v=vs.85).aspx + # BOOL WINAPI AddAccessAllowedAceEx( + # _Inout_ PACL pAcl, + # _In_ DWORD dwAceRevision, + # _In_ DWORD AceFlags, + # _In_ DWORD AccessMask, + # _In_ PSID pSid + # ); + ffi_lib :advapi32 + attach_function_private :AddAccessAllowedAceEx, + [:pointer, :dword, :dword, :dword, :pointer], :win32_bool + + # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa374964(v=vs.85).aspx + # BOOL WINAPI AddAccessDeniedAceEx( + # _Inout_ PACL pAcl, + # _In_ DWORD dwAceRevision, + # _In_ DWORD AceFlags, + # _In_ DWORD AccessMask, + # _In_ PSID pSid + # ); + ffi_lib :advapi32 + attach_function_private :AddAccessDeniedAceEx, + [:pointer, :dword, :dword, :dword, :pointer], :win32_bool + # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa375202(v=vs.85).aspx # BOOL WINAPI AdjustTokenPrivileges( # _In_ HANDLE TokenHandle, # _In_ BOOL DisableAllPrivileges, # _In_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, # _In_ DWORD BufferLength, # _Out_opt_ PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, # _Out_opt_ PDWORD ReturnLength # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :AdjustTokenPrivileges, [:handle, :win32_bool, :pointer, :dword, :pointer, :pdword], :win32_bool # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff556610(v=vs.85).aspx # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379561(v=vs.85).aspx # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa446647(v=vs.85).aspx # typedef WORD SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, *PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL; # BOOL WINAPI GetSecurityDescriptorControl( # _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, # _Out_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL pControl, # _Out_ LPDWORD lpdwRevision # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :GetSecurityDescriptorControl, [:pointer, :lpword, :lpdword], :win32_bool end