diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/parser/egrammar.ra b/lib/puppet/pops/parser/egrammar.ra index bb19cdcc8..962559647 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/parser/egrammar.ra +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/parser/egrammar.ra @@ -1,741 +1,742 @@ # vim: syntax=ruby # Parser using the Pops model, expression based class Puppet::Pops::Parser::Parser token STRING DQPRE DQMID DQPOST token LBRACK RBRACK LBRACE RBRACE SYMBOL FARROW COMMA TRUE token FALSE EQUALS APPENDS DELETES LESSEQUAL NOTEQUAL DOT COLON LLCOLLECT RRCOLLECT token QMARK LPAREN RPAREN ISEQUAL GREATEREQUAL GREATERTHAN LESSTHAN token IF ELSE token DEFINE ELSIF VARIABLE CLASS INHERITS NODE BOOLEAN token NAME SEMIC CASE DEFAULT AT ATAT LCOLLECT RCOLLECT CLASSREF token NOT OR AND UNDEF PARROW PLUS MINUS TIMES DIV LSHIFT RSHIFT UMINUS token MATCH NOMATCH REGEX IN_EDGE OUT_EDGE IN_EDGE_SUB OUT_EDGE_SUB token IN UNLESS PIPE token LAMBDA SELBRACE token NUMBER token HEREDOC SUBLOCATE token RENDER_STRING RENDER_EXPR EPP_START token LOW prechigh left HIGH left SEMIC left PIPE left LPAREN left RPAREN left AT ATAT left DOT left CALL nonassoc EPP_START left LBRACK LISTSTART left RBRACK left QMARK left LCOLLECT LLCOLLECT right NOT nonassoc UMINUS left IN left MATCH NOMATCH left TIMES DIV MODULO left MINUS PLUS left LSHIFT RSHIFT left NOTEQUAL ISEQUAL left GREATEREQUAL GREATERTHAN LESSTHAN LESSEQUAL left AND left OR right APPENDS DELETES EQUALS left LBRACE left SELBRACE left RBRACE left IN_EDGE OUT_EDGE IN_EDGE_SUB OUT_EDGE_SUB left TITLE_COLON left CASE_COLON left FARROW left COMMA nonassoc RENDER_EXPR nonassoc RENDER_STRING left LOW preclow rule # Produces [Model::BlockExpression, Model::Expression, nil] depending on multiple statements, single statement or empty program : statements { result = create_program(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[0])) } | epp_expression { result = create_program(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[0])) } | nil # Produces a semantic model (non validated, but semantically adjusted). statements : syntactic_statements { result = transform_calls(val[0]) } # Change may have issues with nil; i.e. program is a sequence of nils/nops # Simplified from original which had validation for top level constructs - see statement rule # Produces Array syntactic_statements : syntactic_statement { result = [val[0]]} | syntactic_statements SEMIC syntactic_statement { result = val[0].push val[2] } | syntactic_statements syntactic_statement { result = val[0].push val[1] } # Produce a single expression or Array of expression syntactic_statement : any_expression { result = val[0] } | syntactic_statement COMMA any_expression { result = aryfy(val[0]).push val[2] } any_expression : relationship_expression relationship_expression : resource_expression =LOW { result = val[0] } | relationship_expression IN_EDGE relationship_expression { result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] } | relationship_expression IN_EDGE_SUB relationship_expression { result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] } | relationship_expression OUT_EDGE relationship_expression { result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] } | relationship_expression OUT_EDGE_SUB relationship_expression { result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] } #---EXPRESSION # # Produces Model::Expression expression : higher_precedence | expression LBRACK expressions RBRACK =LBRACK { result = val[0][*val[2]] ; loc result, val[0], val[3] } | expression IN expression { result = val[0].in val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression MATCH expression { result = val[0] =~ val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression NOMATCH expression { result = val[0].mne val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression PLUS expression { result = val[0] + val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression MINUS expression { result = val[0] - val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression DIV expression { result = val[0] / val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression TIMES expression { result = val[0] * val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression MODULO expression { result = val[0] % val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression LSHIFT expression { result = val[0] << val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression RSHIFT expression { result = val[0] >> val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | MINUS expression =UMINUS { result = val[1].minus() ; loc result, val[0] } | expression NOTEQUAL expression { result = val[0].ne val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression ISEQUAL expression { result = val[0] == val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression GREATERTHAN expression { result = val[0] > val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression GREATEREQUAL expression { result = val[0] >= val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression LESSTHAN expression { result = val[0] < val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression LESSEQUAL expression { result = val[0] <= val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | NOT expression { result = val[1].not ; loc result, val[0] } | expression AND expression { result = val[0].and val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression OR expression { result = val[0].or val[2] ; loc result, val[1] } | expression EQUALS expression { result = val[0].set(val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] } | expression APPENDS expression { result = val[0].plus_set(val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] } | expression DELETES expression { result = val[0].minus_set(val[2]); loc result, val[1] } | expression QMARK selector_entries { result = val[0].select(*val[2]) ; loc result, val[0] } | LPAREN expression RPAREN { result = val[1].paren() ; loc result, val[0] } #---EXPRESSIONS # (e.g. argument list) # # This expression list can not contain function calls without parentheses around arguments # Produces Array expressions : expression { result = [val[0]] } | expressions COMMA expression { result = val[0].push(val[2]) } # These go through a chain of left recursion, ending with primary_expression higher_precedence : call_function_expression primary_expression : literal_expression | variable | call_method_with_lambda_expression | collection_expression | case_expression | if_expression | unless_expression | definition_expression | hostclass_expression | node_definition_expression | epp_render_expression # Aleways have the same value literal_expression : array | boolean | default | hash | regex | text_or_name | number | type | undef text_or_name : name { result = val[0] } | quotedtext { result = val[0] } #---CALL FUNCTION # # Produces Model::CallNamedFunction call_function_expression : primary_expression LPAREN expressions endcomma RPAREN { result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] } | primary_expression LPAREN RPAREN { result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, []) loc result, val[0], val[2] } | primary_expression LPAREN expressions endcomma RPAREN lambda { result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result.lambda = val[5] } | primary_expression LPAREN RPAREN lambda { result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, []) loc result, val[0], val[2] result.lambda = val[3] } | primary_expression = LOW { result = val[0] } #---CALL METHOD # call_method_with_lambda_expression : call_method_expression =LOW { result = val[0] } | call_method_expression lambda { result = val[0]; val[0].lambda = val[1] } call_method_expression : named_access LPAREN expressions RPAREN { result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], val[2]); loc result, val[1], val[3] } | named_access LPAREN RPAREN { result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], []); loc result, val[1], val[3] } | named_access =LOW { result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], []); loc result, val[0] } # TODO: It may be of value to access named elements of types too named_access : expression DOT NAME { result = val[0].dot(Factory.fqn(val[2][:value])) loc result, val[1], val[2] } #---LAMBDA # # This is a temporary switch while experimenting with concrete syntax # One should be picked for inclusion in puppet. # Lambda with parameters to the left of the body lambda : lambda_parameter_list lambda_rest { result = Factory.LAMBDA(val[0], val[1]) # loc result, val[1] # TODO } lambda_rest : LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = val[1] } | LBRACE RBRACE { result = nil } # Produces Array lambda_parameter_list : PIPE PIPE { result = [] } | PIPE parameters endcomma PIPE { result = val[1] } #---CONDITIONALS # #--IF # # Produces Model::IfExpression if_expression : IF if_part { result = val[1] loc(result, val[0], val[1]) } # Produces Model::IfExpression if_part : expression LBRACE statements RBRACE else { result = Factory.IF(val[0], Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]), val[4]) loc(result, val[0], (val[4] ? val[4] : val[3])) } | expression LBRACE RBRACE else { result = Factory.IF(val[0], nil, val[3]) loc(result, val[0], (val[3] ? val[3] : val[2])) } # Produces [Model::Expression, nil] - nil if there is no else or elsif part else : # nothing | ELSIF if_part { result = val[1] loc(result, val[0], val[1]) } | ELSE LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[3] } | ELSE LBRACE RBRACE { result = nil # don't think a nop is needed here either } #--UNLESS # # Changed from Puppet 3x where there is no else part on unless # unless_expression : UNLESS expression LBRACE statements RBRACE unless_else { result = Factory.UNLESS(val[1], Factory.block_or_expression(*val[3]), val[5]) loc result, val[0], val[4] } | UNLESS expression LBRACE RBRACE unless_else { result = Factory.UNLESS(val[1], nil, nil) loc result, val[0], val[4] } # Different from else part of if, since "elsif" is not supported, but 'else' is # # Produces [Model::Expression, nil] - nil if there is no else or elsif part unless_else : # nothing | ELSE LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[3] } | ELSE LBRACE RBRACE { result = nil # don't think a nop is needed here either } #--- CASE EXPRESSION # # Produces Model::CaseExpression case_expression : CASE expression LBRACE case_options RBRACE { result = Factory.CASE(val[1], *val[3]) loc result, val[0], val[4] } # Produces Array case_options : case_option { result = [val[0]] } | case_options case_option { result = val[0].push val[1] } # Produced Model::CaseOption (aka When) case_option : expressions case_colon LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = Factory.WHEN(val[0], val[3]) loc result, val[1], val[4] } | expressions case_colon LBRACE RBRACE = LOW { result = Factory.WHEN(val[0], nil) loc result, val[1], val[3] } case_colon: COLON =CASE_COLON { result = val[0] } # This special construct is required or racc will produce the wrong result when the selector entry # LHS is generalized to any expression (LBRACE looks like a hash). Thus it is not possible to write # a selector with a single entry where the entry LHS is a hash. # The SELBRACE token is a LBRACE that follows a QMARK, and this is produced by the lexer with a lookback # Produces Array # selector_entries : selector_entry | SELBRACE selector_entry_list endcomma RBRACE { result = val[1] } # Produces Array selector_entry_list : selector_entry { result = [val[0]] } | selector_entry_list COMMA selector_entry { result = val[0].push val[2] } # Produces a Model::SelectorEntry # This FARROW wins over FARROW in Hash selector_entry : expression FARROW expression { result = Factory.MAP(val[0], val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] } #---RESOURCE # # Produces [Model::ResourceExpression, Model::ResourceDefaultsExpression] # The resource expression parses a generalized syntax and then selects the correct # resulting model based on the combinatoin of the LHS and what follows. # It also handled exported and virtual resources, and the class case # resource_expression : expression =LOW { result = val[0] } | at expression LBRACE resourceinstances endsemi RBRACE { result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[1]) when :resource, :class tmp = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[1])), val[3]) tmp.form = val[0] tmp when :defaults error val[1], "A resource default can not be virtual or exported" when :override error val[1], "A resource override can not be virtual or exported" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[1], val[4] } | at expression LBRACE attribute_operations endcomma RBRACE { result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[1]) when :resource, :class, :defaults, :override error val[1], "Defaults are not virtualizable" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end } | expression LBRACE resourceinstances endsemi RBRACE { result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[0]) when :resource, :class Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[0])), val[2]) when :defaults error val[1], "A resource default can not specify a resource name" when :override error val[1], "A resource override does not allow override of name of resource" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[0], val[4] } | expression LBRACE attribute_operations endcomma RBRACE { result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[0]) when :resource, :class # This catches deprecated syntax. error val[1], "All resource specifications require names" when :defaults Factory.RESOURCE_DEFAULTS(val[0], val[2]) when :override # This was only done for override in original - TODO shuld it be here at all Factory.RESOURCE_OVERRIDE(val[0], val[2]) else error val[0], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[0], val[4] } | at CLASS LBRACE resourceinstances endsemi RBRACE { result = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[1])), val[3]) result.form = val[0] loc result, val[1], val[5] } | CLASS LBRACE resourceinstances endsemi RBRACE { result = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[0])), val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] } resourceinst : expression title_colon attribute_operations endcomma { result = Factory.RESOURCE_BODY(val[0], val[2]) } title_colon : COLON =TITLE_COLON { result = val[0] } resourceinstances : resourceinst { result = [val[0]] } | resourceinstances SEMIC resourceinst { result = val[0].push val[2] } # Produces Symbol corresponding to resource form # at : AT { result = :virtual } | AT AT { result = :exported } | ATAT { result = :exported } #---COLLECTION # # A Collection is a predicate applied to a set of objects with an implied context (used variables are # attributes of the object. # i.e. this is equivalent for source.select(QUERY).apply(ATTRIBUTE_OPERATIONS) # # Produces Model::CollectExpression # collection_expression : expression collect_query LBRACE attribute_operations endcomma RBRACE { result = Factory.COLLECT(val[0], val[1], val[3]) loc result, val[0], val[5] } | expression collect_query =LOW { result = Factory.COLLECT(val[0], val[1], []) loc result, val[0], val[1] } collect_query : LCOLLECT optional_query RCOLLECT { result = Factory.VIRTUAL_QUERY(val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[2] } | LLCOLLECT optional_query RRCOLLECT { result = Factory.EXPORTED_QUERY(val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[2] } optional_query : nil | expression #---ATTRIBUTE OPERATIONS # # (Not an expression) # # Produces Array # attribute_operations : { result = [] } | attribute_operation { result = [val[0]] } | attribute_operations COMMA attribute_operation { result = val[0].push(val[2]) } # Produces String # QUESTION: Why is BOOLEAN valid as an attribute name? # attribute_name : NAME | keyword | BOOLEAN # In this version, illegal combinations are validated instead of producing syntax errors # (Can give nicer error message "+> is not applicable to...") # Produces Model::AttributeOperation # attribute_operation : attribute_name FARROW expression { result = Factory.ATTRIBUTE_OP(val[0][:value], :'=>', val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[2] } | attribute_name PARROW expression { result = Factory.ATTRIBUTE_OP(val[0][:value], :'+>', val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[2] } #---DEFINE # # Produces Model::Definition # definition_expression : DEFINE classname parameter_list LBRACE opt_statements RBRACE { result = add_definition(Factory.DEFINITION(classname(val[1][:value]), val[2], val[4])) loc result, val[0], val[5] # New lexer does not keep track of this, this is done in validation if @lexer.respond_to?(:'indefine=') @lexer.indefine = false end } #---HOSTCLASS # # Produces Model::HostClassDefinition # hostclass_expression : CLASS stacked_classname parameter_list classparent LBRACE opt_statements RBRACE { # Remove this class' name from the namestack as all nested classes have been parsed namepop result = add_definition(Factory.HOSTCLASS(classname(val[1][:value]), val[2], token_text(val[3]), val[5])) loc result, val[0], val[6] } # Record the classname so nested classes gets a fully qualified name at parse-time # This is a separate rule since racc does not support intermediate actions. # stacked_classname : classname { namestack(val[0][:value]) ; result = val[0] } opt_statements : statements | nil # Produces String, name or nil result classparent : nil | INHERITS classnameordefault { result = val[1] } # Produces String (this construct allows a class to be named "default" and to be referenced as # the parent class. # TODO: Investigate the validity # Produces a String (classname), or a token (DEFAULT). # classnameordefault : classname | DEFAULT #---NODE # # Produces Model::NodeDefinition # node_definition_expression : NODE hostnames nodeparent LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = add_definition(Factory.NODE(val[1], val[2], val[4])) loc result, val[0], val[5] } | NODE hostnames nodeparent LBRACE RBRACE { result = add_definition(Factory.NODE(val[1], val[2], nil)) loc result, val[0], val[4] } # Hostnames is not a list of names, it is a list of name matchers (including a Regexp). # (The old implementation had a special "Hostname" object with some minimal validation) # # Produces Array # hostnames : hostname { result = [result] } | hostnames COMMA hostname { result = val[0].push(val[2]) } # Produces a LiteralExpression (string, :default, or regexp) # String with interpolation is validated for better error message hostname : dotted_name { result = val[0] } | quotedtext { result = val[0] } | DEFAULT { result = Factory.literal(:default); loc result, val[0] } | regex dotted_name : NAME { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } | dotted_name DOT NAME { result = Factory.concat(val[0], '.', val[2][:value]); loc result, val[0], val[2] } # Produces Expression, since hostname is an Expression nodeparent : nil | INHERITS hostname { result = val[1] } #---NAMES AND PARAMETERS COMMON TO SEVERAL RULES # Produces String # classname : NAME { result = val[0] } | CLASS { error val[0], "'class' is not a valid classname" } # Produces Array parameter_list : nil { result = [] } | LPAREN RPAREN { result = [] } | LPAREN parameters endcomma RPAREN { result = val[1] } # Produces Array parameters : parameter { result = [val[0]] } | parameters COMMA parameter { result = val[0].push(val[2]) } # Produces Model::Parameter parameter : VARIABLE EQUALS expression { result = Factory.PARAM(val[0][:value], val[2]) ; loc result, val[0] } | VARIABLE { result = Factory.PARAM(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } #--RESTRICTED EXPRESSIONS # i.e. where one could have expected an expression, but the set is limited ## What is allowed RHS of match operators (see expression) #match_rvalue # : regex # | text_or_name #--VARIABLE # variable : VARIABLE { result = Factory.fqn(val[0][:value]).var ; loc result, val[0] } #---LITERALS (dynamic and static) # array : LBRACK expressions RBRACK { result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] } | LBRACK expressions COMMA RBRACK { result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] } | LBRACK RBRACK { result = Factory.literal([]) ; loc result, val[0] } | LISTSTART expressions RBRACK { result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] } | LISTSTART expressions COMMA RBRACK { result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] } | LISTSTART RBRACK { result = Factory.literal([]) ; loc result, val[0] } hash : LBRACE hashpairs RBRACE { result = Factory.HASH(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] } | LBRACE hashpairs COMMA RBRACE { result = Factory.HASH(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] } | LBRACE RBRACE { result = Factory.literal({}) ; loc result, val[0], val[3] } hashpairs : hashpair { result = [val[0]] } | hashpairs COMMA hashpair { result = val[0].push val[2] } hashpair : expression FARROW expression { result = Factory.KEY_ENTRY(val[0], val[2]); loc result, val[1] } quotedtext : string | dq_string | heredoc string : STRING { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] } dq_string : dqpre dqrval { result = Factory.string(val[0], *val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[1][-1] } dqpre : DQPRE { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } dqpost : DQPOST { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } dqmid : DQMID { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } dqrval : text_expression dqtail { result = [val[0]] + val[1] } text_expression : expression { result = Factory.TEXT(val[0]) } dqtail : dqpost { result = [val[0]] } | dqmid dqrval { result = [val[0]] + val[1] } heredoc : HEREDOC sublocated_text { result = Factory.HEREDOC(val[0][:value], val[1]); loc result, val[0] } sublocated_text : SUBLOCATE string { result = Factory.SUBLOCATE(val[0], val[1]); loc result, val[0] } | SUBLOCATE dq_string { result = Factory.SUBLOCATE(val[0], val[1]); loc result, val[0] } epp_expression : EPP_START epp_parameters_list statements { result = Factory.EPP(val[1], val[2]); loc result, val[0] } epp_parameters_list : =LOW{ result = nil } | PIPE PIPE { result = [] } | PIPE parameters endcomma PIPE { result = val[1] } epp_render_expression : RENDER_STRING { result = Factory.RENDER_STRING(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } | RENDER_EXPR expression { result = Factory.RENDER_EXPR(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[1] } + | RENDER_EXPR LBRACE statements RBRACE { result = Factory.RENDER_EXPR(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2])); loc result, val[0], val[3] } number : NUMBER { result = Factory.NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] } name : NAME { result = Factory.QNAME_OR_NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] } type : CLASSREF { result = Factory.QREF(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] } undef : UNDEF { result = Factory.literal(:undef); loc result, val[0] } default : DEFAULT { result = Factory.literal(:default); loc result, val[0] } # Assumes lexer produces a Boolean value for booleans, or this will go wrong and produce a literal string # with the text 'true'. #TODO: could be changed to a specific boolean literal factory method to prevent this possible glitch. boolean : BOOLEAN { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] } regex : REGEX { result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] } #---MARKERS, SPECIAL TOKENS, SYNTACTIC SUGAR, etc. endcomma : # | COMMA { result = nil } endsemi : # | SEMIC keyword : AND | CASE | CLASS | DEFAULT | DEFINE | ELSE | ELSIF | IF | IN | INHERITS | NODE | OR | UNDEF | UNLESS nil : { result = nil} end ---- header ---- require 'puppet' require 'puppet/pops' module Puppet class ParseError < Puppet::Error; end class ImportError < Racc::ParseError; end class AlreadyImportedError < ImportError; end end ---- inner ---- # Make emacs happy # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # End: diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/parser/eparser.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/parser/eparser.rb index d232f3a65..55acc6498 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/parser/eparser.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/parser/eparser.rb @@ -1,2541 +1,2557 @@ # # DO NOT MODIFY!!!! # This file is automatically generated by Racc 1.4.9 # from Racc grammer file "". # require 'racc/parser.rb' require 'puppet' require 'puppet/pops' module Puppet class ParseError < Puppet::Error; end class ImportError < Racc::ParseError; end class AlreadyImportedError < ImportError; end end module Puppet module Pops module Parser class Parser < Racc::Parser -module_eval(<<'...end egrammar.ra/module_eval...', 'egrammar.ra', 737) +module_eval(<<'...end egrammar.ra/module_eval...', 'egrammar.ra', 738) # Make emacs happy # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # End: ...end egrammar.ra/module_eval... ##### State transition tables begin ### clist = [ -'57,59,-132,269,51,259,53,-130,79,-213,-222,126,259,126,79,125,307,125', -'356,292,223,346,102,14,106,223,101,234,102,41,106,48,101,50,45,234,49', -'69,65,237,43,68,46,47,-132,270,66,13,105,-130,67,-213,-222,12,105,220', -'57,59,249,248,51,70,53,387,239,223,246,42,79,247,80,64,60,122,62,63', -'61,126,242,14,52,125,102,241,106,41,101,48,290,50,45,126,49,69,65,125', -'43,68,46,47,257,126,66,13,240,125,67,244,105,12,57,59,243,258,51,126', -'53,70,259,125,341,313,340,42,79,324,230,64,60,310,62,63,341,14,340,326', -'52,219,102,41,106,48,101,50,45,328,49,69,65,72,43,68,46,47,126,309,66', -'13,125,306,67,57,59,12,105,266,57,59,268,291,51,70,53,385,86,85,333', -'42,79,81,82,64,60,334,62,63,80,335,223,14,52,210,102,338,106,41,101', -'48,290,50,45,87,49,69,65,342,43,68,46,47,344,74,66,13,186,266,67,268', -'105,12,266,352,57,59,353,114,51,70,53,383,290,74,153,42,151,149,363', -'64,60,284,62,63,364,57,59,14,52,57,59,283,268,41,127,48,282,50,45,367', -'49,69,65,114,43,68,46,47,115,268,66,13,114,371,67,344,373,12,57,59,374', -'375,51,135,53,70,133,135,376,377,133,42,111,379,380,64,60,381,62,63', -'266,14,74,71,52,388,70,41,389,48,70,50,108,390,49,69,65,60,43,68,391', 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nil, nil, 76, nil, nil, 4066, - 3742, 113, nil, 5990, nil, 126, 3688, 136, 5946, 3524, - 3470, 156, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, nil, 3416, 150, nil, 174, nil, 117, - 153, 3254, nil, 184, 100, 196, 178, 0, 3146, nil, - 174, 205, 179, 212, 216, nil, -25, nil, 218, 1578, - 1470, nil, nil, nil, 4865, nil, nil, 4922, nil, nil, - nil, 166, 5036, 233, 976, 238, nil, nil, nil, nil, - 5150, 5207, 248, 191, nil, nil, nil, 5264, 88, nil, - 544, 263, 241, nil, 266, 270, nil, nil, nil, 270, - 277, 278, nil, 490, nil, nil, nil, 265, 283, nil, - nil, 286, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, 220, nil, 164, 54, nil, nil, nil, 294, nil, - nil, nil, 297, nil, 302, nil, 309, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil ] + 3852, -15, 4979, 1362, nil, 164, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, 106, 172, 2, 1426, 118, 986, 3536, 1260, 4240, + 5509, 5552, 5575, 5595, 5640, 5660, 5705, 5725, 5772, 5792, + 6021, 5907, 5964, 5850, nil, nil, 274, nil, 5435, 598, + 868, 922, 259, 258, nil, nil, -8, nil, 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302, nil, 309, nil, + 311, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ] racc_action_default = [ - -224, -225, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -8, -10, -11, - -16, -107, -225, -225, -225, -45, -46, -47, -48, -49, + -225, -226, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -8, -10, -11, + -16, -107, -226, -226, -226, -45, -46, -47, -48, -49, -50, -51, -52, -53, -54, -55, -56, -57, -58, -59, -60, -61, -62, -63, -64, -65, -66, -67, -72, -73, - -77, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -118, -120, -225, -225, - -165, -225, -225, -225, -178, -179, -180, -181, -225, -183, - -225, -194, -197, -225, -199, -200, -201, -202, -203, -204, - -205, -225, -225, -7, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, - -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, - -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, -225, - -225, -225, -225, -127, -122, -224, -224, -28, -225, -35, - -225, -225, -74, -225, -225, -225, -225, -84, -225, -225, - -225, -225, -225, -224, -137, -156, -157, -119, -224, -224, - -146, -148, -149, -150, -151, -152, -43, -225, -168, -225, - -171, -225, -225, -174, -175, -187, -182, -225, -190, -225, - -225, -225, -198, 392, -6, -9, -12, -13, -14, -15, - -225, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23, -24, -25, -26, - -27, -29, -30, -31, -32, -33, -34, -36, -37, -38, - -39, -40, -225, -41, -102, -225, -78, -225, -217, -223, - -211, -208, -206, -116, -128, -200, -131, -204, -225, -214, - -212, -220, -202, -203, -210, -215, -216, -218, -219, -221, - -127, -126, -225, -125, -225, -42, -206, -69, -79, -225, - -82, -206, -161, -164, -225, -76, -225, -225, -225, -127, - -225, -208, -224, -158, -225, -225, -225, -225, -154, -225, - -225, -225, -166, -225, -169, -225, -172, -225, -184, -185, - -186, -188, -225, -191, -192, -193, -206, -195, -17, -225, - -225, -206, -104, -127, -115, -225, -209, -225, -207, -225, - -225, -206, -130, -132, -211, -212, -213, -214, -217, -220, - -222, -223, -123, -124, -207, -225, -71, -225, -81, -225, - -207, -225, -75, -225, -87, -225, -93, -225, -225, -97, - -208, -206, -208, -225, -225, -140, -225, -159, -206, -224, - -225, -147, -155, -153, -44, -167, -170, -177, -173, -176, - -189, -225, -106, -225, -207, -206, -110, -117, -111, -129, - -133, -134, -225, -68, -80, -83, -162, -163, -87, -86, - -225, -225, -93, -92, -225, -225, -101, -96, -98, -225, - -225, -225, -113, -224, -141, -142, -143, -225, -225, -138, - -139, -225, -145, -196, -103, -105, -114, -121, -70, -85, - -88, -225, -91, -225, -225, -108, -109, -112, -225, -160, - -135, -144, -225, -90, -225, -95, -225, -100, -136, -89, - -94, -99 ] + -77, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -118, -120, -226, -226, + -165, -226, -226, -226, -178, -179, -180, -181, -226, -183, + -226, -194, -197, -226, -200, -201, -202, -203, -204, -205, + -206, -226, -226, -7, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, + -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, + -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, -226, + -226, -226, -226, -127, -122, -225, -225, -28, -226, -35, + -226, -226, -74, -226, -226, -226, -226, -84, -226, -226, + -226, -226, -226, -225, -137, -156, -157, -119, -225, -225, + -146, -148, -149, -150, -151, -152, -43, -226, -168, -226, + -171, -226, -226, -174, -175, -187, -182, -226, -190, -226, + -226, -226, -198, -226, 396, -6, -9, -12, -13, -14, + -15, -226, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23, -24, -25, + -26, -27, -29, -30, -31, -32, -33, -34, -36, -37, + -38, -39, -40, -226, -41, -102, -226, -78, -226, -218, + -224, -212, -209, -207, -116, -128, -201, -131, -205, -226, + -215, -213, -221, -203, -204, -211, -216, -217, -219, -220, + -222, -127, -126, -226, -125, -226, -42, -207, -69, -79, + -226, -82, -207, -161, -164, -226, -76, -226, -226, -226, + -127, -226, -209, -225, -158, -226, -226, -226, -226, -154, + -226, -226, -226, -166, -226, -169, -226, -172, -226, -184, + -185, -186, -188, -226, -191, -192, -193, -207, -195, -107, + -226, -17, -226, -226, -207, -104, -127, -115, -226, -210, + -226, -208, -226, -226, -207, -130, -132, -212, -213, -214, + -215, -218, -221, -223, -224, -123, -124, -208, -226, -71, + -226, -81, -226, -208, -226, -75, -226, -87, -226, -93, + -226, -226, -97, -209, -207, -209, -226, -226, -140, -226, + -159, -207, -225, -226, -147, -155, -153, -44, -167, -170, + -177, -173, -176, -189, -226, -199, -106, -226, -208, -207, + -110, -117, -111, -129, -133, -134, -226, -68, -80, -83, + -162, -163, -87, -86, -226, -226, -93, -92, -226, -226, + -101, -96, -98, -226, -226, -226, -113, -225, -141, -142, + -143, -226, -226, -138, -139, -226, -145, -196, -103, -105, + -114, -121, -70, -85, -88, -226, -91, -226, -226, -108, + -109, -112, -226, -160, -135, -144, -226, -90, -226, -95, + -226, -100, -136, -89, -94, -99 ] racc_goto_table = [ - 2, 112, 4, 144, 107, 109, 110, 128, 146, 192, - 134, 132, 191, 265, 221, 184, 343, 232, 1, 339, - 358, 311, 235, 312, 299, 156, 157, 158, 159, 212, - 214, 231, 267, 116, 118, 119, 120, 73, 261, 327, - 263, 345, 329, 136, 136, 141, 298, 370, 218, 304, - 145, 256, 354, 303, 236, 152, 285, 183, 336, 142, - 155, 289, 372, 369, 378, 253, 254, 3, 251, 252, - 250, 136, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, - 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, - 179, 180, 181, 182, 348, 187, 321, 211, 211, 262, - 148, 323, 150, 136, 154, nil, nil, 136, 137, 139, - nil, 332, nil, nil, 187, nil, 271, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, 349, nil, 351, 233, nil, nil, nil, nil, - 233, 238, nil, nil, 308, 301, 160, nil, 300, 302, - nil, 350, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 357, nil, - 255, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 128, nil, - nil, nil, 134, 132, nil, 366, nil, nil, 216, 325, - nil, nil, 224, nil, nil, nil, nil, 182, nil, 286, - 116, 118, 119, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 319, 134, 132, - 134, 132, 320, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 287, - 136, 187, 187, nil, nil, nil, 293, 295, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, 314, 305, 314, nil, 317, 365, 141, - nil, nil, nil, nil, 145, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, 314, 322, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 187, nil, - nil, 330, 331, nil, nil, 355, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 314, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, 337, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - 136, nil, nil, nil, nil, 368, nil, nil, nil, nil, + 2, 112, 4, 146, 107, 109, 110, 128, 132, 193, + 192, 134, 222, 268, 185, 347, 343, 233, 362, 314, + 1, 315, 236, 264, 302, 157, 158, 159, 160, 232, + 270, 213, 215, 116, 118, 119, 120, 73, 349, 331, + 266, 301, 333, 136, 136, 141, 374, 219, 184, 257, + 145, 307, 358, 306, 288, 152, 237, 156, 340, 292, + 322, 373, 376, 382, 254, 255, 3, 252, 253, 251, + 148, 136, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, + 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, + 180, 181, 182, 183, 324, 188, 352, 212, 212, 265, + 150, 327, nil, 136, 155, nil, nil, 136, nil, nil, + nil, 336, nil, nil, 188, 137, 139, 274, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, 353, 234, 355, nil, nil, nil, + 234, 239, nil, 311, nil, nil, 304, 303, 305, nil, + nil, 354, nil, 161, nil, 259, nil, nil, 361, nil, + 256, nil, nil, 260, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 128, + nil, 132, nil, nil, 134, nil, 370, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, 329, nil, nil, 217, nil, nil, 183, 225, + 289, 116, 118, 119, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 132, 323, 132, + 134, nil, 134, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - 361, 360, nil, nil, nil, nil, 182, nil, nil, nil, + 290, 136, 188, 188, nil, nil, nil, 296, 298, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, 317, 308, 317, nil, 320, nil, + 141, 369, nil, nil, nil, 145, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, 317, 326, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, 188, nil, nil, 334, 335, nil, nil, 359, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 317, + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 341, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, 136, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 372, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, 116, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, 365, 364, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, + 183, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 116, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 360, nil, nil, nil, nil, + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 364, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, - nil, 382, nil, 384, 386 ] + nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 386, nil, 388, 390 ] racc_goto_check = [ - 2, 39, 4, 76, 10, 10, 10, 64, 81, 56, - 31, 37, 54, 55, 44, 51, 47, 65, 1, 46, - 66, 72, 65, 72, 49, 8, 8, 8, 8, 60, - 60, 54, 38, 10, 10, 10, 10, 6, 52, 57, - 58, 50, 61, 10, 10, 10, 48, 45, 43, 68, - 10, 44, 69, 55, 71, 10, 38, 13, 74, 75, - 7, 38, 47, 46, 66, 77, 78, 3, 82, 83, - 85, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, + 2, 39, 4, 81, 10, 10, 10, 64, 37, 56, + 54, 31, 44, 55, 51, 47, 46, 65, 66, 72, + 1, 72, 65, 52, 49, 8, 8, 8, 8, 54, + 38, 60, 60, 10, 10, 10, 10, 6, 50, 57, + 58, 48, 61, 10, 10, 10, 45, 43, 13, 44, + 10, 68, 69, 55, 38, 10, 71, 7, 74, 38, + 76, 46, 47, 66, 77, 78, 3, 82, 83, 85, + 86, 10, 10, 10, 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nil, nil, 54, 55, 56, + nil, nil, nil, 44, nil, nil, nil, 194, nil, 104, + nil, 195, 199, 197, 124, nil, nil, 123, nil, nil, + 129, nil, 130, 131, 223, 142, 144, 54, 55, 56, 58, nil, nil, nil, 147, nil, nil, nil ] racc_reduce_table = [ 0, 0, :racc_error, 1, 87, :_reduce_1, 1, 87, :_reduce_2, 1, 87, :_reduce_none, 1, 88, :_reduce_4, 1, 91, :_reduce_5, 3, 91, :_reduce_6, 2, 91, :_reduce_7, 1, 92, :_reduce_8, 3, 92, :_reduce_9, 1, 93, :_reduce_none, 1, 94, :_reduce_11, 3, 94, :_reduce_12, 3, 94, :_reduce_13, 3, 94, :_reduce_14, 3, 94, :_reduce_15, 1, 96, :_reduce_none, 4, 96, :_reduce_17, 3, 96, :_reduce_18, 3, 96, :_reduce_19, 3, 96, :_reduce_20, 3, 96, :_reduce_21, 3, 96, :_reduce_22, 3, 96, :_reduce_23, 3, 96, :_reduce_24, 3, 96, :_reduce_25, 3, 96, :_reduce_26, 3, 96, :_reduce_27, 2, 96, :_reduce_28, 3, 96, :_reduce_29, 3, 96, :_reduce_30, 3, 96, :_reduce_31, 3, 96, :_reduce_32, 3, 96, :_reduce_33, 3, 96, :_reduce_34, 2, 96, :_reduce_35, 3, 96, :_reduce_36, 3, 96, :_reduce_37, 3, 96, :_reduce_38, 3, 96, :_reduce_39, 3, 96, :_reduce_40, 3, 96, :_reduce_41, 3, 96, :_reduce_42, 1, 98, :_reduce_43, 3, 98, :_reduce_44, 1, 97, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 101, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 102, :_reduce_none, 1, 118, :_reduce_66, 1, 118, :_reduce_67, 5, 100, :_reduce_68, 3, 100, :_reduce_69, 6, 100, :_reduce_70, 4, 100, :_reduce_71, 1, 100, :_reduce_72, 1, 104, :_reduce_73, 2, 104, :_reduce_74, 4, 126, :_reduce_75, 3, 126, :_reduce_76, 1, 126, :_reduce_77, 3, 127, :_reduce_78, 2, 125, :_reduce_79, 3, 129, :_reduce_80, 2, 129, :_reduce_81, 2, 128, :_reduce_82, 4, 128, :_reduce_83, 2, 107, :_reduce_84, 5, 131, :_reduce_85, 4, 131, :_reduce_86, 0, 132, :_reduce_none, 2, 132, :_reduce_88, 4, 132, :_reduce_89, 3, 132, :_reduce_90, 6, 108, :_reduce_91, 5, 108, :_reduce_92, 0, 133, :_reduce_none, 4, 133, :_reduce_94, 3, 133, :_reduce_95, 5, 106, :_reduce_96, 1, 134, :_reduce_97, 2, 134, :_reduce_98, 5, 135, :_reduce_99, 4, 135, :_reduce_100, 1, 136, :_reduce_101, 1, 99, :_reduce_none, 4, 99, :_reduce_103, 1, 138, :_reduce_104, 3, 138, :_reduce_105, 3, 137, :_reduce_106, 1, 95, :_reduce_107, 6, 95, :_reduce_108, 6, 95, :_reduce_109, 5, 95, :_reduce_110, 5, 95, :_reduce_111, 6, 95, :_reduce_112, 5, 95, :_reduce_113, 4, 143, :_reduce_114, 1, 144, :_reduce_115, 1, 140, :_reduce_116, 3, 140, :_reduce_117, 1, 139, :_reduce_118, 2, 139, :_reduce_119, 1, 139, :_reduce_120, 6, 105, :_reduce_121, 2, 105, :_reduce_122, 3, 145, :_reduce_123, 3, 145, :_reduce_124, 1, 146, :_reduce_none, 1, 146, :_reduce_none, 0, 142, :_reduce_127, 1, 142, :_reduce_128, 3, 142, :_reduce_129, 1, 148, :_reduce_none, 1, 148, :_reduce_none, 1, 148, :_reduce_none, 3, 147, :_reduce_133, 3, 147, :_reduce_134, 6, 109, :_reduce_135, 7, 110, :_reduce_136, 1, 153, :_reduce_137, 1, 152, :_reduce_none, 1, 152, :_reduce_none, 1, 154, :_reduce_none, 2, 154, :_reduce_141, 1, 155, :_reduce_none, 1, 155, :_reduce_none, 6, 111, :_reduce_144, 5, 111, :_reduce_145, 1, 156, :_reduce_146, 3, 156, :_reduce_147, 1, 158, :_reduce_148, 1, 158, :_reduce_149, 1, 158, :_reduce_150, 1, 158, :_reduce_none, 1, 159, :_reduce_152, 3, 159, :_reduce_153, 1, 157, :_reduce_none, 2, 157, :_reduce_155, 1, 150, :_reduce_156, 1, 150, :_reduce_157, 1, 151, :_reduce_158, 2, 151, :_reduce_159, 4, 151, :_reduce_160, 1, 130, :_reduce_161, 3, 130, :_reduce_162, 3, 160, :_reduce_163, 1, 160, :_reduce_164, 1, 103, :_reduce_165, 3, 113, :_reduce_166, 4, 113, :_reduce_167, 2, 113, :_reduce_168, 3, 113, :_reduce_169, 4, 113, :_reduce_170, 2, 113, :_reduce_171, 3, 116, :_reduce_172, 4, 116, :_reduce_173, 2, 116, :_reduce_174, 1, 161, :_reduce_175, 3, 161, :_reduce_176, 3, 162, :_reduce_177, 1, 123, :_reduce_none, 1, 123, :_reduce_none, 1, 123, :_reduce_none, 1, 163, :_reduce_181, 2, 164, :_reduce_182, 1, 166, :_reduce_183, 1, 168, :_reduce_184, 1, 169, :_reduce_185, 2, 167, :_reduce_186, 1, 170, :_reduce_187, 1, 171, :_reduce_188, 2, 171, :_reduce_189, 2, 165, :_reduce_190, 2, 172, :_reduce_191, 2, 172, :_reduce_192, 3, 89, :_reduce_193, 0, 173, :_reduce_194, 2, 173, :_reduce_195, 4, 173, :_reduce_196, 1, 112, :_reduce_197, 2, 112, :_reduce_198, - 1, 119, :_reduce_199, - 1, 122, :_reduce_200, - 1, 120, :_reduce_201, - 1, 121, :_reduce_202, - 1, 115, :_reduce_203, - 1, 114, :_reduce_204, - 1, 117, :_reduce_205, + 4, 112, :_reduce_199, + 1, 119, :_reduce_200, + 1, 122, :_reduce_201, + 1, 120, :_reduce_202, + 1, 121, :_reduce_203, + 1, 115, :_reduce_204, + 1, 114, :_reduce_205, + 1, 117, :_reduce_206, 0, 124, :_reduce_none, - 1, 124, :_reduce_207, + 1, 124, :_reduce_208, 0, 141, :_reduce_none, 1, 141, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, 1, 149, :_reduce_none, - 0, 90, :_reduce_224 ] + 0, 90, :_reduce_225 ] -racc_reduce_n = 225 +racc_reduce_n = 226 -racc_shift_n = 392 +racc_shift_n = 396 racc_token_table = { false => 0, :error => 1, :STRING => 2, :DQPRE => 3, :DQMID => 4, :DQPOST => 5, :LBRACK => 6, :RBRACK => 7, :LBRACE => 8, :RBRACE => 9, :SYMBOL => 10, :FARROW => 11, :COMMA => 12, :TRUE => 13, :FALSE => 14, :EQUALS => 15, :APPENDS => 16, :DELETES => 17, :LESSEQUAL => 18, :NOTEQUAL => 19, :DOT => 20, :COLON => 21, :LLCOLLECT => 22, :RRCOLLECT => 23, :QMARK => 24, :LPAREN => 25, :RPAREN => 26, :ISEQUAL => 27, :GREATEREQUAL => 28, :GREATERTHAN => 29, :LESSTHAN => 30, :IF => 31, :ELSE => 32, :DEFINE => 33, :ELSIF => 34, :VARIABLE => 35, :CLASS => 36, :INHERITS => 37, :NODE => 38, :BOOLEAN => 39, :NAME => 40, :SEMIC => 41, :CASE => 42, :DEFAULT => 43, :AT => 44, :ATAT => 45, :LCOLLECT => 46, :RCOLLECT => 47, :CLASSREF => 48, :NOT => 49, :OR => 50, :AND => 51, :UNDEF => 52, :PARROW => 53, :PLUS => 54, :MINUS => 55, :TIMES => 56, :DIV => 57, :LSHIFT => 58, :RSHIFT => 59, :UMINUS => 60, :MATCH => 61, :NOMATCH => 62, :REGEX => 63, :IN_EDGE => 64, :OUT_EDGE => 65, :IN_EDGE_SUB => 66, :OUT_EDGE_SUB => 67, :IN => 68, :UNLESS => 69, :PIPE => 70, :LAMBDA => 71, :SELBRACE => 72, :NUMBER => 73, :HEREDOC => 74, :SUBLOCATE => 75, :RENDER_STRING => 76, :RENDER_EXPR => 77, :EPP_START => 78, :LOW => 79, :HIGH => 80, :CALL => 81, :LISTSTART => 82, :MODULO => 83, :TITLE_COLON => 84, :CASE_COLON => 85 } racc_nt_base = 86 racc_use_result_var = true Racc_arg = [ racc_action_table, racc_action_check, racc_action_default, racc_action_pointer, racc_goto_table, racc_goto_check, racc_goto_default, racc_goto_pointer, racc_nt_base, racc_reduce_table, racc_token_table, racc_shift_n, racc_reduce_n, racc_use_result_var ] Racc_token_to_s_table = [ "$end", "error", "STRING", "DQPRE", "DQMID", "DQPOST", "LBRACK", "RBRACK", "LBRACE", "RBRACE", "SYMBOL", "FARROW", "COMMA", "TRUE", "FALSE", "EQUALS", "APPENDS", "DELETES", "LESSEQUAL", "NOTEQUAL", "DOT", "COLON", "LLCOLLECT", "RRCOLLECT", "QMARK", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "ISEQUAL", "GREATEREQUAL", "GREATERTHAN", "LESSTHAN", "IF", "ELSE", "DEFINE", "ELSIF", "VARIABLE", "CLASS", "INHERITS", "NODE", "BOOLEAN", "NAME", "SEMIC", "CASE", "DEFAULT", "AT", "ATAT", "LCOLLECT", "RCOLLECT", "CLASSREF", "NOT", "OR", "AND", "UNDEF", "PARROW", "PLUS", "MINUS", "TIMES", "DIV", "LSHIFT", "RSHIFT", "UMINUS", "MATCH", "NOMATCH", "REGEX", "IN_EDGE", "OUT_EDGE", "IN_EDGE_SUB", "OUT_EDGE_SUB", "IN", "UNLESS", "PIPE", "LAMBDA", "SELBRACE", "NUMBER", "HEREDOC", "SUBLOCATE", "RENDER_STRING", "RENDER_EXPR", "EPP_START", "LOW", "HIGH", "CALL", "LISTSTART", "MODULO", "TITLE_COLON", "CASE_COLON", "$start", "program", "statements", "epp_expression", "nil", "syntactic_statements", "syntactic_statement", "any_expression", "relationship_expression", "resource_expression", "expression", "higher_precedence", "expressions", "selector_entries", "call_function_expression", "primary_expression", "literal_expression", "variable", "call_method_with_lambda_expression", "collection_expression", "case_expression", "if_expression", "unless_expression", "definition_expression", "hostclass_expression", "node_definition_expression", "epp_render_expression", "array", "boolean", "default", "hash", "regex", "text_or_name", "number", "type", "undef", "name", "quotedtext", "endcomma", "lambda", "call_method_expression", "named_access", "lambda_parameter_list", "lambda_rest", "parameters", "if_part", "else", "unless_else", "case_options", "case_option", "case_colon", "selector_entry", "selector_entry_list", "at", "resourceinstances", "endsemi", "attribute_operations", "resourceinst", "title_colon", "collect_query", "optional_query", "attribute_operation", "attribute_name", "keyword", "classname", "parameter_list", "opt_statements", "stacked_classname", "classparent", "classnameordefault", "hostnames", "nodeparent", "hostname", "dotted_name", "parameter", "hashpairs", "hashpair", "string", "dq_string", "heredoc", "dqpre", "dqrval", "dqpost", "dqmid", "text_expression", "dqtail", "sublocated_text", "epp_parameters_list" ] Racc_debug_parser = false ##### State transition tables end ##### # reduce 0 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 64) def _reduce_1(val, _values, result) result = create_program(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[0])) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 65) def _reduce_2(val, _values, result) result = create_program(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[0])) result end .,., # reduce 3 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 70) def _reduce_4(val, _values, result) result = transform_calls(val[0]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 76) def _reduce_5(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 77) def _reduce_6(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 78) def _reduce_7(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 82) def _reduce_8(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 83) def _reduce_9(val, _values, result) result = aryfy(val[0]).push val[2] result end .,., # reduce 10 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 89) def _reduce_11(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 90) def _reduce_12(val, _values, result) result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 91) def _reduce_13(val, _values, result) result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 92) def _reduce_14(val, _values, result) result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 93) def _reduce_15(val, _values, result) result = val[0].relop(val[1][:value], val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., # reduce 16 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 100) def _reduce_17(val, _values, result) result = val[0][*val[2]] ; loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 101) def _reduce_18(val, _values, result) result = val[0].in val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 102) def _reduce_19(val, _values, result) result = val[0] =~ val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 103) def _reduce_20(val, _values, result) result = val[0].mne val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 104) def _reduce_21(val, _values, result) result = val[0] + val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 105) def _reduce_22(val, _values, result) result = val[0] - val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 106) def _reduce_23(val, _values, result) result = val[0] / val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 107) def _reduce_24(val, _values, result) result = val[0] * val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 108) def _reduce_25(val, _values, result) result = val[0] % val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 109) def _reduce_26(val, _values, result) result = val[0] << val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 110) def _reduce_27(val, _values, result) result = val[0] >> val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 111) def _reduce_28(val, _values, result) result = val[1].minus() ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 112) def _reduce_29(val, _values, result) result = val[0].ne val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 113) def _reduce_30(val, _values, result) result = val[0] == val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 114) def _reduce_31(val, _values, result) result = val[0] > val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 115) def _reduce_32(val, _values, result) result = val[0] >= val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 116) def _reduce_33(val, _values, result) result = val[0] < val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 117) def _reduce_34(val, _values, result) result = val[0] <= val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 118) def _reduce_35(val, _values, result) result = val[1].not ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 119) def _reduce_36(val, _values, result) result = val[0].and val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 120) def _reduce_37(val, _values, result) result = val[0].or val[2] ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 121) def _reduce_38(val, _values, result) result = val[0].set(val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 122) def _reduce_39(val, _values, result) result = val[0].plus_set(val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 123) def _reduce_40(val, _values, result) result = val[0].minus_set(val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 124) def _reduce_41(val, _values, result) result = val[0].select(*val[2]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 125) def _reduce_42(val, _values, result) result = val[1].paren() ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 133) def _reduce_43(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 134) def _reduce_44(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push(val[2]) result end .,., # reduce 45 omitted # reduce 46 omitted # reduce 47 omitted # reduce 48 omitted # reduce 49 omitted # reduce 50 omitted # reduce 51 omitted # reduce 52 omitted # reduce 53 omitted # reduce 54 omitted # reduce 55 omitted # reduce 56 omitted # reduce 57 omitted # reduce 58 omitted # reduce 59 omitted # reduce 60 omitted # reduce 61 omitted # reduce 62 omitted # reduce 63 omitted # reduce 64 omitted # reduce 65 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 166) def _reduce_66(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 167) def _reduce_67(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 175) def _reduce_68(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 179) def _reduce_69(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, []) loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 183) def _reduce_70(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result.lambda = val[5] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 188) def _reduce_71(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_NAMED(val[0], true, []) loc result, val[0], val[2] result.lambda = val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 192) def _reduce_72(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 197) def _reduce_73(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 198) def _reduce_74(val, _values, result) result = val[0]; val[0].lambda = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 201) def _reduce_75(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], val[2]); loc result, val[1], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 202) def _reduce_76(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], []); loc result, val[1], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 203) def _reduce_77(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CALL_METHOD(val[0], []); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 208) def _reduce_78(val, _values, result) result = val[0].dot(Factory.fqn(val[2][:value])) loc result, val[1], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 220) def _reduce_79(val, _values, result) result = Factory.LAMBDA(val[0], val[1]) # loc result, val[1] # TODO result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 225) def _reduce_80(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 226) def _reduce_81(val, _values, result) result = nil result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 230) def _reduce_82(val, _values, result) result = [] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 231) def _reduce_83(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 241) def _reduce_84(val, _values, result) result = val[1] loc(result, val[0], val[1]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 248) def _reduce_85(val, _values, result) result = Factory.IF(val[0], Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]), val[4]) loc(result, val[0], (val[4] ? val[4] : val[3])) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 252) def _reduce_86(val, _values, result) result = Factory.IF(val[0], nil, val[3]) loc(result, val[0], (val[3] ? val[3] : val[2])) result end .,., # reduce 87 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 260) def _reduce_88(val, _values, result) result = val[1] loc(result, val[0], val[1]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 264) def _reduce_89(val, _values, result) result = Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 268) def _reduce_90(val, _values, result) result = nil # don't think a nop is needed here either result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 277) def _reduce_91(val, _values, result) result = Factory.UNLESS(val[1], Factory.block_or_expression(*val[3]), val[5]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 281) def _reduce_92(val, _values, result) result = Factory.UNLESS(val[1], nil, nil) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., # reduce 93 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 291) def _reduce_94(val, _values, result) result = Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 295) def _reduce_95(val, _values, result) result = nil # don't think a nop is needed here either result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 303) def _reduce_96(val, _values, result) result = Factory.CASE(val[1], *val[3]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 309) def _reduce_97(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 310) def _reduce_98(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 315) def _reduce_99(val, _values, result) result = Factory.WHEN(val[0], val[3]) loc result, val[1], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 319) def _reduce_100(val, _values, result) result = Factory.WHEN(val[0], nil) loc result, val[1], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 323) def _reduce_101(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., # reduce 102 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 334) def _reduce_103(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 339) def _reduce_104(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 340) def _reduce_105(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 345) def _reduce_106(val, _values, result) result = Factory.MAP(val[0], val[2]) ; loc result, val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 357) def _reduce_107(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 360) def _reduce_108(val, _values, result) result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[1]) when :resource, :class tmp = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[1])), val[3]) tmp.form = val[0] tmp when :defaults error val[1], "A resource default can not be virtual or exported" when :override error val[1], "A resource override can not be virtual or exported" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[1], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 375) def _reduce_109(val, _values, result) result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[1]) when :resource, :class, :defaults, :override error val[1], "Defaults are not virtualizable" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 383) def _reduce_110(val, _values, result) result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[0]) when :resource, :class Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[0])), val[2]) when :defaults error val[1], "A resource default can not specify a resource name" when :override error val[1], "A resource override does not allow override of name of resource" else error val[1], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 396) def _reduce_111(val, _values, result) result = case Factory.resource_shape(val[0]) when :resource, :class # This catches deprecated syntax. error val[1], "All resource specifications require names" when :defaults Factory.RESOURCE_DEFAULTS(val[0], val[2]) when :override # This was only done for override in original - TODO shuld it be here at all Factory.RESOURCE_OVERRIDE(val[0], val[2]) else error val[0], "Expression is not valid as a resource, resource-default, or resource-override" end loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 411) def _reduce_112(val, _values, result) result = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[1])), val[3]) result.form = val[0] loc result, val[1], val[5] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 416) def _reduce_113(val, _values, result) result = Factory.RESOURCE(Factory.fqn(token_text(val[0])), val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 421) def _reduce_114(val, _values, result) result = Factory.RESOURCE_BODY(val[0], val[2]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 423) def _reduce_115(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 426) def _reduce_116(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 427) def _reduce_117(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 432) def _reduce_118(val, _values, result) result = :virtual result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 433) def _reduce_119(val, _values, result) result = :exported result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 434) def _reduce_120(val, _values, result) result = :exported result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 446) def _reduce_121(val, _values, result) result = Factory.COLLECT(val[0], val[1], val[3]) loc result, val[0], val[5] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 450) def _reduce_122(val, _values, result) result = Factory.COLLECT(val[0], val[1], []) loc result, val[0], val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 455) def _reduce_123(val, _values, result) result = Factory.VIRTUAL_QUERY(val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 456) def _reduce_124(val, _values, result) result = Factory.EXPORTED_QUERY(val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., # reduce 125 omitted # reduce 126 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 469) def _reduce_127(val, _values, result) result = [] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 470) def _reduce_128(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 471) def _reduce_129(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push(val[2]) result end .,., # reduce 130 omitted # reduce 131 omitted # reduce 132 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 487) def _reduce_133(val, _values, result) result = Factory.ATTRIBUTE_OP(val[0][:value], :'=>', val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 491) def _reduce_134(val, _values, result) result = Factory.ATTRIBUTE_OP(val[0][:value], :'+>', val[2]) loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 501) def _reduce_135(val, _values, result) result = add_definition(Factory.DEFINITION(classname(val[1][:value]), val[2], val[4])) loc result, val[0], val[5] # New lexer does not keep track of this, this is done in validation if @lexer.respond_to?(:'indefine=') @lexer.indefine = false end result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 515) def _reduce_136(val, _values, result) # Remove this class' name from the namestack as all nested classes have been parsed namepop result = add_definition(Factory.HOSTCLASS(classname(val[1][:value]), val[2], token_text(val[3]), val[5])) loc result, val[0], val[6] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 525) def _reduce_137(val, _values, result) namestack(val[0][:value]) ; result = val[0] result end .,., # reduce 138 omitted # reduce 139 omitted # reduce 140 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 534) def _reduce_141(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., # reduce 142 omitted # reduce 143 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 551) def _reduce_144(val, _values, result) result = add_definition(Factory.NODE(val[1], val[2], val[4])) loc result, val[0], val[5] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 555) def _reduce_145(val, _values, result) result = add_definition(Factory.NODE(val[1], val[2], nil)) loc result, val[0], val[4] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 565) def _reduce_146(val, _values, result) result = [result] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 566) def _reduce_147(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push(val[2]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 571) def _reduce_148(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 572) def _reduce_149(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 573) def _reduce_150(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(:default); loc result, val[0] result end .,., # reduce 151 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 577) def _reduce_152(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 578) def _reduce_153(val, _values, result) result = Factory.concat(val[0], '.', val[2][:value]); loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., # reduce 154 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 583) def _reduce_155(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 589) def _reduce_156(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 590) def _reduce_157(val, _values, result) error val[0], "'class' is not a valid classname" result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 594) def _reduce_158(val, _values, result) result = [] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 595) def _reduce_159(val, _values, result) result = [] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 596) def _reduce_160(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 600) def _reduce_161(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 601) def _reduce_162(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push(val[2]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 605) def _reduce_163(val, _values, result) result = Factory.PARAM(val[0][:value], val[2]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 606) def _reduce_164(val, _values, result) result = Factory.PARAM(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 619) def _reduce_165(val, _values, result) result = Factory.fqn(val[0][:value]).var ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 625) def _reduce_166(val, _values, result) result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 626) def _reduce_167(val, _values, result) result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 627) def _reduce_168(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal([]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 628) def _reduce_169(val, _values, result) result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 629) def _reduce_170(val, _values, result) result = Factory.LIST(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 630) def _reduce_171(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal([]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 633) def _reduce_172(val, _values, result) result = Factory.HASH(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 634) def _reduce_173(val, _values, result) result = Factory.HASH(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 635) def _reduce_174(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal({}) ; loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 638) def _reduce_175(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 639) def _reduce_176(val, _values, result) result = val[0].push val[2] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 642) def _reduce_177(val, _values, result) result = Factory.KEY_ENTRY(val[0], val[2]); loc result, val[1] result end .,., # reduce 178 omitted # reduce 179 omitted # reduce 180 omitted module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 649) def _reduce_181(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 650) def _reduce_182(val, _values, result) result = Factory.string(val[0], *val[1]) ; loc result, val[0], val[1][-1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 651) def _reduce_183(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 652) def _reduce_184(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 653) def _reduce_185(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 654) def _reduce_186(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] + val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 655) def _reduce_187(val, _values, result) result = Factory.TEXT(val[0]) result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 658) def _reduce_188(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 659) def _reduce_189(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] + val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 662) def _reduce_190(val, _values, result) result = Factory.HEREDOC(val[0][:value], val[1]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 665) def _reduce_191(val, _values, result) result = Factory.SUBLOCATE(val[0], val[1]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 666) def _reduce_192(val, _values, result) result = Factory.SUBLOCATE(val[0], val[1]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 669) def _reduce_193(val, _values, result) result = Factory.EPP(val[1], val[2]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 672) def _reduce_194(val, _values, result) result = nil result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 673) def _reduce_195(val, _values, result) result = [] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 674) def _reduce_196(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 677) def _reduce_197(val, _values, result) result = Factory.RENDER_STRING(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 678) def _reduce_198(val, _values, result) result = Factory.RENDER_EXPR(val[1]); loc result, val[0], val[1] result end .,., -module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 680) +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 679) def _reduce_199(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.RENDER_EXPR(Factory.block_or_expression(*val[2])); loc result, val[0], val[3] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 681) def _reduce_200(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.QNAME_OR_NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 682) def _reduce_201(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.QREF(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.QNAME_OR_NUMBER(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 683) def _reduce_202(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.literal(:undef); loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.QREF(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] result end .,., module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 684) def _reduce_203(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.literal(:default); loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.literal(:undef); loc result, val[0] result end .,., -module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 689) +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 685) def _reduce_204(val, _values, result) - result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] + result = Factory.literal(:default); loc result, val[0] result end .,., -module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 692) +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 690) def _reduce_205(val, _values, result) + result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]) ; loc result, val[0] + result + end +.,., + +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 693) + def _reduce_206(val, _values, result) result = Factory.literal(val[0][:value]); loc result, val[0] result end .,., -# reduce 206 omitted +# reduce 207 omitted -module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 698) - def _reduce_207(val, _values, result) +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 699) + def _reduce_208(val, _values, result) result = nil result end .,., -# reduce 208 omitted - # reduce 209 omitted # reduce 210 omitted # reduce 211 omitted # reduce 212 omitted # reduce 213 omitted # reduce 214 omitted # reduce 215 omitted # reduce 216 omitted # reduce 217 omitted # reduce 218 omitted # reduce 219 omitted # reduce 220 omitted # reduce 221 omitted # reduce 222 omitted # reduce 223 omitted -module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 721) - def _reduce_224(val, _values, result) +# reduce 224 omitted + +module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'egrammar.ra', 722) + def _reduce_225(val, _values, result) result = nil result end .,., def _reduce_none(val, _values, result) val[0] end end # class Parser end # module Parser end # module Pops end # module Puppet diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/validation/checker4_0.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/validation/checker4_0.rb index df19b2ef4..cb2c632a1 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/validation/checker4_0.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/validation/checker4_0.rb @@ -1,516 +1,514 @@ # A Validator validates a model. # # Validation is performed on each model element in isolation. Each method should validate the model element's state # but not validate its referenced/contained elements except to check their validity in their respective role. # The intent is to drive the validation with a tree iterator that visits all elements in a model. # # # TODO: Add validation of multiplicities - this is a general validation that can be checked for all # Model objects via their metamodel. (I.e an extra call to multiplicity check in polymorph check). # This is however mostly valuable when validating model to model transformations, and is therefore T.B.D # class Puppet::Pops::Validation::Checker4_0 Issues = Puppet::Pops::Issues Model = Puppet::Pops::Model attr_reader :acceptor # Initializes the validator with a diagnostics producer. This object must respond to # `:will_accept?` and `:accept`. # def initialize(diagnostics_producer) @@check_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "check", 0, 0) @@rvalue_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "rvalue", 0, 0) @@hostname_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "hostname", 1, 2) @@assignment_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "assign", 0, 1) @@query_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "query", 0, 0) @@top_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "top", 1, 1) @@relation_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil, "relation", 0, 0) @acceptor = diagnostics_producer end # Validates the entire model by visiting each model element and calling `check`. # The result is collected (or acted on immediately) by the configured diagnostic provider/acceptor # given when creating this Checker. # def validate(model) # tree iterate the model, and call check for each element check(model) model.eAllContents.each {|m| check(m) } end # Performs regular validity check def check(o) @@check_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is a vaid hostname expression # @param single_feature_name [String, nil] the name of a single valued hostname feature of the value's container. e.g. 'parent' def hostname(o, semantic, single_feature_name = nil) @@hostname_visitor.visit_this_2(self, o, semantic, single_feature_name) end # Performs check if this is valid as a query def query(o) @@query_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is valid as a relationship side def relation(o) @@relation_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is valid as a rvalue def rvalue(o) @@rvalue_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is valid as a container of a definition (class, define, node) def top(o, definition) @@top_visitor.visit_this_1(self, o, definition) end # Checks the LHS of an assignment (is it assignable?). # If args[0] is true, assignment via index is checked. # def assign(o, via_index = false) @@assignment_visitor.visit_this_1(self, o, via_index) end #---ASSIGNMENT CHECKS def assign_VariableExpression(o, via_index) varname_string = varname_to_s(o.expr) if varname_string =~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::NUMERIC_VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_ASSIGNMENT, o, :varname => varname_string) end # Can not assign to something in another namespace (i.e. a '::' in the name is not legal) if acceptor.will_accept? Issues::CROSS_SCOPE_ASSIGNMENT if varname_string =~ /::/ acceptor.accept(Issues::CROSS_SCOPE_ASSIGNMENT, o, :name => varname_string) end end # TODO: Could scan for reassignment of the same variable if done earlier in the same container # Or if assigning to a parameter (more work). # TODO: Investigate if there are invalid cases for += assignment end def assign_AccessExpression(o, via_index) # Are indexed assignments allowed at all ? $x[x] = '...' if acceptor.will_accept? Issues::ILLEGAL_INDEXED_ASSIGNMENT acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_INDEXED_ASSIGNMENT, o) else # Then the left expression must be assignable-via-index assign(o.left_expr, true) end end def assign_Object(o, via_index) # Can not assign to anything else (differentiate if this is via index or not) # i.e. 10 = 'hello' vs. 10['x'] = 'hello' (the root is reported as being in error in both cases) # acceptor.accept(via_index ? Issues::ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT_VIA_INDEX : Issues::ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT, o) end #---CHECKS def check_Object(o) end def check_Factory(o) check(o.current) end def check_AccessExpression(o) # Only min range is checked, all other checks are RT checks as they depend on the resulting type # of the LHS. if o.keys.size < 1 acceptor.accept(Issues::MISSING_INDEX, o) end end def check_AssignmentExpression(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR, o, {:operator => o.operator}) unless [:'=', :'+=', :'-='].include? o.operator assign(o.left_expr) rvalue(o.right_expr) end # Checks that operation with :+> is contained in a ResourceOverride or Collector. # # Parent of an AttributeOperation can be one of: # * CollectExpression # * ResourceOverride # * ResourceBody (ILLEGAL this is a regular resource expression) # * ResourceDefaults (ILLEGAL) # def check_AttributeOperation(o) if o.operator == :'+>' # Append operator use is constrained parent = o.eContainer unless parent.is_a?(Model::CollectExpression) || parent.is_a?(Model::ResourceOverrideExpression) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_APPEND, o, {:name=>o.attribute_name, :parent=>parent}) end end rvalue(o.value_expr) end def check_BinaryExpression(o) rvalue(o.left_expr) rvalue(o.right_expr) end def check_CallNamedFunctionExpression(o) case o.functor_expr when Puppet::Pops::Model::QualifiedName # ok nil when Puppet::Pops::Model::RenderStringExpression # helpful to point out this easy to make Epp error acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EPP_PARAMETERS, o) else acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.functor_expr, {:feature=>'function name', :container => o}) end end def check_MethodCallExpression(o) unless o.functor_expr.is_a? Model::QualifiedName acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.functor_expr, :feature => 'function name', :container => o) end end def check_CaseExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) # There should only be one LiteralDefault case option value # TODO: Implement this check end def check_CaseOption(o) o.values.each { |v| rvalue(v) } end def check_CollectExpression(o) unless o.type_expr.is_a? Model::QualifiedReference acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.type_expr, :feature=> 'type name', :container => o) end # If a collect expression tries to collect exported resources and storeconfigs is not on # then it will not work... This was checked in the parser previously. This is a runtime checking # thing as opposed to a language thing. if acceptor.will_accept?(Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS) && o.query.is_a?(Model::ExportedQuery) acceptor.accept(Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS, o) end end # Only used for function names, grammar should not be able to produce something faulty, but # check anyway if model is created programatically (it will fail in transformation to AST for sure). def check_NamedAccessExpression(o) name = o.right_expr unless name.is_a? Model::QualifiedName acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, name, :feature=> 'function name', :container => o.eContainer) end end # for 'class' and 'define' def check_NamedDefinition(o) top(o.eContainer, o) if o.name !~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::CLASSREF acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_DEFINITION_NAME, o, {:name=>o.name}) end end def check_IfExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) end def check_KeyedEntry(o) rvalue(o.key) rvalue(o.value) # In case there are additional things to forbid than non-rvalues # acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.key, :feature => 'hash key', :container => o.eContainer) end # A Lambda is a Definition, but it may appear in other scopes than top scope (Which check_Definition asserts). # def check_LambdaExpression(o) end def check_LiteralList(o) o.values.each {|v| rvalue(v) } end def check_NodeDefinition(o) # Check that hostnames are valid hostnames (or regular expressions) hostname(o.host_matches, o) hostname(o.parent, o, 'parent') unless o.parent.nil? top(o.eContainer, o) end # No checking takes place - all expressions using a QualifiedName need to check. This because the # rules are slightly different depending on the container (A variable allows a numeric start, but not # other names). This means that (if the lexer/parser so chooses) a QualifiedName # can be anything when it represents a Bare Word and evaluates to a String. # def check_QualifiedName(o) end # Checks that the value is a valid UpperCaseWord (a CLASSREF), and optionally if it contains a hypen. # DOH: QualifiedReferences are created with LOWER CASE NAMES at parse time def check_QualifiedReference(o) # Is this a valid qualified name? if o.value !~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::CLASSREF acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_CLASSREF, o, {:name=>o.value}) end end def check_QueryExpression(o) query(o.expr) if o.expr # is optional end def relation_Object(o) rvalue(o) end def relation_CollectExpression(o); end def relation_RelationshipExpression(o); end def check_Parameter(o) if o.name =~ /^[0-9]+$/ acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_PARAMETER, o, :name => o.name) end end #relationship_side: resource # | resourceref # | collection # | variable # | quotedtext # | selector # | casestatement # | hasharrayaccesses def check_RelationshipExpression(o) relation(o.left_expr) relation(o.right_expr) end def check_ResourceExpression(o) # A resource expression must have a lower case NAME as its type e.g. 'file { ... }' unless o.type_name.is_a? Model::QualifiedName acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.type_name, :feature => 'resource type', :container => o) end # This is a runtime check - the model is valid, but will have runtime issues when evaluated # and storeconfigs is not set. if acceptor.will_accept?(Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS) && o.exported acceptor.accept(Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS_EXPORT, o) end end def check_ResourceDefaultsExpression(o) if o.form && o.form != :regular acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_VIRTUALIZEABLE, o) end end def check_SelectorExpression(o) rvalue(o.left_expr) end def check_SelectorEntry(o) rvalue(o.matching_expr) end def check_UnaryExpression(o) rvalue(o.expr) end def check_UnlessExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) # TODO: Unless may not have an else part that is an IfExpression (grammar denies this though) end # Checks that variable is either strictly 0, or a non 0 starting decimal number, or a valid VAR_NAME def check_VariableExpression(o) # The expression must be a qualified name if !o.expr.is_a?(Model::QualifiedName) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o, :feature => 'name', :container => o) else # name must be either a decimal value, or a valid NAME name = o.expr.value if name[0,1] =~ /[0-9]/ unless name =~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::NUMERIC_VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_VAR_NAME, o, :name => name) end else unless name =~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_VAR_NAME, o, :name => name) end end end end #--- HOSTNAME CHECKS # Transforms Array of host matching expressions into a (Ruby) array of AST::HostName def hostname_Array(o, semantic, single_feature_name) if single_feature_name acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o, {:feature=>single_feature_name, :container=>semantic}) end o.each {|x| hostname(x, semantic, false) } end def hostname_String(o, semantic, single_feature_name) # The 3.x checker only checks for illegal characters - if matching /[^-\w.]/ the name is invalid, # but this allows pathological names like "a..b......c", "----" # TODO: Investigate if more illegal hostnames should be flagged. # if o =~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_CHARS acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_CHARS, semantic, :hostname => o) end end def hostname_LiteralValue(o, semantic, single_feature_name) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o, single_feature_name) end def hostname_ConcatenatedString(o, semantic, single_feature_name) # Puppet 3.1. only accepts a concatenated string without interpolated expressions if the_expr = o.segments.index {|s| s.is_a?(Model::TextExpression) } acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_INTERPOLATION, o.segments[the_expr].expr) elsif o.segments.size() != 1 # corner case, bad model, concatenation of several plain strings acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_INTERPOLATION, o) else # corner case, may be ok, but lexer may have replaced with plain string, this is # here if it does not hostname_String(o.segments[0], o.segments[0], false) end end def hostname_QualifiedName(o, semantic, single_feature_name) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o, single_feature_name) end def hostname_QualifiedReference(o, semantic, single_feature_name) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o, single_feature_name) end def hostname_LiteralNumber(o, semantic, single_feature_name) # always ok end def hostname_LiteralDefault(o, semantic, single_feature_name) # always ok end def hostname_LiteralRegularExpression(o, semantic, single_feature_name) # always ok end def hostname_Object(o, semantic, single_feature_name) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o, {:feature=> single_feature_name || 'hostname', :container=>semantic}) end #---QUERY CHECKS # Anything not explicitly allowed is flagged as error. def query_Object(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_QUERY_EXPRESSION, o) end # Puppet AST only allows == and != # def query_ComparisonExpression(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_QUERY_EXPRESSION, o) unless [:'==', :'!='].include? o.operator end # Allows AND, OR, and checks if left/right are allowed in query. def query_BooleanExpression(o) query o.left_expr query o.right_expr end def query_ParenthesizedExpression(o) query(o.expr) end def query_VariableExpression(o); end def query_QualifiedName(o); end def query_LiteralNumber(o); end def query_LiteralString(o); end def query_LiteralBoolean(o); end #---RVALUE CHECKS # By default, all expressions are reported as being rvalues # Implement specific rvalue checks for those that are not. # def rvalue_Expression(o); end - def rvalue_BlockExpression(o) ; acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end - def rvalue_ResourceDefaultsExpression(o); acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end def rvalue_ResourceOverrideExpression(o); acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end def rvalue_CollectExpression(o) ; acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end def rvalue_Definition(o) ; acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end def rvalue_NodeDefinition(o) ; acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) ; end def rvalue_UnaryExpression(o) ; rvalue o.expr ; end #---TOP CHECK def top_NilClass(o, definition) # ok, reached the top, no more parents end def top_Object(o, definition) # fail, reached a container that is not top level acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_TOP_LEVEL, definition) end def top_BlockExpression(o, definition) # ok, if this is a block representing the body of a class, or is top level top o.eContainer, definition end def top_HostClassDefinition(o, definition) # ok, stop scanning parents end def top_Program(o, definition) # ok end # A LambdaExpression is a BlockExpression, and this method is needed to prevent the polymorph method for BlockExpression # to accept a lambda. # A lambda can not iteratively create classes, nodes or defines as the lambda does not have a closure. # def top_LambdaExpression(o, definition) # fail, stop scanning parents acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_TOP_LEVEL, definition) end #--- NON POLYMORPH, NON CHECKING CODE # Produces string part of something named, or nil if not a QualifiedName or QualifiedReference # def varname_to_s(o) case o when Model::QualifiedName o.value when Model::QualifiedReference o.value else nil end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/functions/inline_epp_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parser/functions/inline_epp_spec.rb index bbd7e8a33..44b24528b 100644 --- a/spec/unit/parser/functions/inline_epp_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/parser/functions/inline_epp_spec.rb @@ -1,78 +1,82 @@ require 'spec_helper' describe "the inline_epp function" do include PuppetSpec::Files before :all do Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall end before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end let :node do Puppet::Node.new('localhost') end let :compiler do Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) end let :scope do Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(compiler) end context "when accessing scope variables as $ variables" do it "looks up the value from the scope" do scope["what"] = "are belong" eval_template("all your base <%= $what %> to us").should == "all your base are belong to us" end it "get nil accessing a variable that does not exist" do eval_template("<%= $kryptonite == undef %>").should == "true" end it "get nil accessing a variable that is undef" do scope['undef_var'] = :undef eval_template("<%= $undef_var == undef %>").should == "true" end it "gets shadowed variable if args are given" do scope['phantom'] = 'of the opera' eval_template_with_args("<%= $phantom == dragos %>", 'phantom' => 'dragos').should == "true" end it "gets shadowed variable if args are given and parameters are specified" do scope['x'] = 'wrong one' eval_template_with_args("<%-| $x |-%><%= $x == correct %>", 'x' => 'correct').should == "true" end it "raises an error if required variable is not given" do scope['x'] = 'wrong one' expect { eval_template_with_args("<%-| $x |-%><%= $x == correct %>", 'y' => 'correct') }.to raise_error(/no value given for required parameters x/) end it "raises an error if too many arguments are given" do scope['x'] = 'wrong one' expect { eval_template_with_args("<%-| $x |-%><%= $x == correct %>", 'x' => 'correct', 'y' => 'surplus') }.to raise_error(/Too many arguments: 2 for 1/) end end + it "renders a block expression" do + eval_template_with_args("<%= {($x) $x + 1} %>", 'x' => 2).should == "3" + end + # although never a problem with epp it "is not interfered with by having a variable named 'string' (#14093)" do scope['string'] = "this output should not be seen" eval_template("some text that is static").should == "some text that is static" end it "has access to a variable named 'string' (#14093)" do scope['string'] = "the string value" eval_template("string was: <%= $string %>").should == "string was: the string value" end def eval_template_with_args(content, args_hash) scope.function_inline_epp([content, args_hash]) end def eval_template(content) scope.function_inline_epp([content]) end end