diff --git a/lib/puppet/rails/host.rb b/lib/puppet/rails/host.rb index b9dea2a3d..e5360217c 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/rails/host.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/rails/host.rb @@ -1,251 +1,258 @@ +require 'puppet/node/environment' require 'puppet/rails' require 'puppet/rails/resource' require 'puppet/rails/fact_name' require 'puppet/rails/source_file' require 'puppet/rails/benchmark' require 'puppet/util/rails/collection_merger' class Puppet::Rails::Host < ActiveRecord::Base include Puppet::Rails::Benchmark extend Puppet::Rails::Benchmark include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::CollectionMerger has_many :fact_values, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Puppet::Rails::FactValue" has_many :fact_names, :through => :fact_values, :class_name => "Puppet::Rails::FactName" belongs_to :source_file has_many :resources, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Puppet::Rails::Resource" def self.from_puppet(node) host = find_by_name(node.name) || new(:name => node.name) {"ipaddress" => "ip", "environment" => "environment"}.each do |myparam, itsparam| if value = node.send(myparam) host.send(itsparam + "=", value) end end host end + # Override the setter for environment to force it to be a string, lest it + # be YAML encoded. See #4487. + def environment=(value) + super value.to_s + end + # returns a hash of fact_names.name => [ fact_values ] for this host. # Note that 'fact_values' is actually a list of the value instances, not # just actual values. def get_facts_hash fact_values = self.fact_values.find(:all, :include => :fact_name) return fact_values.inject({}) do | hash, value | hash[value.fact_name.name] ||= [] hash[value.fact_name.name] << value hash end end # This is *very* similar to the merge_parameters method # of Puppet::Rails::Resource. def merge_facts(facts) db_facts = {} deletions = [] self.fact_values.find(:all, :include => :fact_name).each do |value| deletions << value['id'] and next unless facts.include?(value['name']) # Now store them for later testing. db_facts[value['name']] ||= [] db_facts[value['name']] << value end # Now get rid of any parameters whose value list is different. # This might be extra work in cases where an array has added or lost # a single value, but in the most common case (a single value has changed) # this makes sense. db_facts.each do |name, value_hashes| values = value_hashes.collect { |v| v['value'] } unless values == facts[name] value_hashes.each { |v| deletions << v['id'] } end end # Perform our deletions. Puppet::Rails::FactValue.delete(deletions) unless deletions.empty? # Lastly, add any new parameters. facts.each do |name, value| next if db_facts.include?(name) values = value.is_a?(Array) ? value : [value] values.each do |v| fact_values.build(:value => v, :fact_name => Puppet::Rails::FactName.find_or_create_by_name(name)) end end end # Set our resources. def merge_resources(list) # keep only exported resources in thin_storeconfig mode list = list.select { |r| r.exported? } if Puppet.settings[:thin_storeconfigs] resources_by_id = nil debug_benchmark("Searched for resources") { resources_by_id = find_resources } debug_benchmark("Searched for resource params and tags") { find_resources_parameters_tags(resources_by_id) } if id debug_benchmark("Performed resource comparison") { compare_to_catalog(resources_by_id, list) } end def find_resources condition = { :exported => true } if Puppet.settings[:thin_storeconfigs] resources.find(:all, :include => :source_file, :conditions => condition || {}).inject({}) do | hash, resource | hash[resource.id] = resource hash end end def find_resources_parameters_tags(resources) find_resources_parameters(resources) find_resources_tags(resources) end def compare_to_catalog(existing, list) compiled = list.inject({}) do |hash, resource| hash[resource.ref] = resource hash end resources = nil debug_benchmark("Resource removal") { resources = remove_unneeded_resources(compiled, existing) } # Now for all resources in the catalog but not in the db, we're pretty easy. additions = nil debug_benchmark("Resource merger") { additions = perform_resource_merger(compiled, resources) } debug_benchmark("Resource addition") { additions.each do |resource| build_rails_resource_from_parser_resource(resource) end log_accumulated_marks "Added resources" } end def add_new_resources(additions) additions.each do |resource| Puppet::Rails::Resource.from_parser_resource(self, resource) end end # Turn a parser resource into a Rails resource. def build_rails_resource_from_parser_resource(resource) db_resource = nil accumulate_benchmark("Added resources", :initialization) { args = Puppet::Rails::Resource.rails_resource_initial_args(resource) db_resource = self.resources.build(args) # Our file= method does the name to id conversion. db_resource.file = resource.file } accumulate_benchmark("Added resources", :parameters) { resource.each do |param, value| Puppet::Rails::ParamValue.from_parser_param(param, value).each do |value_hash| db_resource.param_values.build(value_hash) end end } accumulate_benchmark("Added resources", :tags) { resource.tags.each { |tag| db_resource.add_resource_tag(tag) } } db_resource.save db_resource end def perform_resource_merger(compiled, resources) return compiled.values if resources.empty? # Now for all resources in the catalog but not in the db, we're pretty easy. additions = [] compiled.each do |ref, resource| if db_resource = resources[ref] db_resource.merge_parser_resource(resource) else additions << resource end end log_accumulated_marks "Resource merger" additions end def remove_unneeded_resources(compiled, existing) deletions = [] resources = {} existing.each do |id, resource| # it seems that it can happen (see bug #2010) some resources are duplicated in the # database (ie logically corrupted database), in which case we remove the extraneous # entries. if resources.include?(resource.ref) deletions << id next end # If the resource is in the db but not in the catalog, mark it # for removal. unless compiled.include?(resource.ref) deletions << id next end resources[resource.ref] = resource end # We need to use 'destroy' here, not 'delete', so that all # dependent objects get removed, too. Puppet::Rails::Resource.destroy(deletions) unless deletions.empty? resources end def find_resources_parameters(resources) params = Puppet::Rails::ParamValue.find_all_params_from_host(self) # assign each loaded parameters/tags to the resource it belongs to params.each do |param| resources[param['resource_id']].add_param_to_list(param) if resources.include?(param['resource_id']) end end def find_resources_tags(resources) tags = Puppet::Rails::ResourceTag.find_all_tags_from_host(self) tags.each do |tag| resources[tag['resource_id']].add_tag_to_list(tag) if resources.include?(tag['resource_id']) end end def to_puppet node = Puppet::Node.new(self.name) {"ip" => "ipaddress", "environment" => "environment"}.each do |myparam, itsparam| if value = send(myparam) node.send(itsparam + "=", value) end end node end end diff --git a/spec/unit/rails/host_spec.rb b/spec/unit/rails/host_spec.rb index 4244f117f..b413a16b8 100755 --- a/spec/unit/rails/host_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/rails/host_spec.rb @@ -1,161 +1,169 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' +require 'puppet/node/environment' + describe "Puppet::Rails::Host", :if => Puppet.features.rails? do def column(name, type) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.new(name, nil, type, false) end before do require 'puppet/rails/host' # Stub this so we don't need access to the DB. Puppet::Rails::Host.stubs(:columns).returns([column("name", "string"), column("environment", "string"), column("ip", "string")]) @node = Puppet::Node.new("foo") @node.environment = "production" @node.ipaddress = "" @host = stub 'host', :environment= => nil, :ip= => nil end describe "when converting a Puppet::Node instance into a Rails instance" do it "should modify any existing instance in the database" do Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with("foo").returns @host Puppet::Rails::Host.from_puppet(@node) end it "should create a new instance in the database if none can be found" do Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with("foo").returns nil Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:new).with(:name => "foo").returns @host Puppet::Rails::Host.from_puppet(@node) end it "should copy the environment from the Puppet instance" do Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with("foo").returns @host @node.environment = "production" @host.expects(:environment=).with {|x| x.name.to_s == 'production' } Puppet::Rails::Host.from_puppet(@node) end + it "should stringify the environment" do + host = Puppet::Rails::Host.new + host.environment = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("production") + host.environment.class.should == String + end + it "should copy the ipaddress from the Puppet instance" do Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with("foo").returns @host @node.ipaddress = "" @host.expects(:ip=).with "" Puppet::Rails::Host.from_puppet(@node) end it "should not save the Rails instance" do Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with("foo").returns @host @host.expects(:save).never Puppet::Rails::Host.from_puppet(@node) end end describe "when converting a Puppet::Rails::Host instance into a Puppet::Node instance" do before do @host = Puppet::Rails::Host.new(:name => "foo", :environment => "production", :ip => "") @node = Puppet::Node.new("foo") Puppet::Node.stubs(:new).with("foo").returns @node end it "should create a new instance with the correct name" do Puppet::Node.expects(:new).with("foo").returns @node @host.to_puppet end it "should copy the environment from the Rails instance" do @host.environment = "prod" @node.expects(:environment=).with "prod" @host.to_puppet end it "should copy the ipaddress from the Rails instance" do @host.ip = "" @node.expects(:ipaddress=).with "" @host.to_puppet end end describe "when merging catalog resources and database resources" do before :each do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:thin_storeconfigs).returns(false) @resource1 = stub_everything 'res1' @resource2 = stub_everything 'res2' @resources = [ @resource1, @resource2 ] @dbresource1 = stub_everything 'dbres1' @dbresource2 = stub_everything 'dbres2' @dbresources = { 1 => @dbresource1, 2 => @dbresource2 } @host = Puppet::Rails::Host.new(:name => "foo", :environment => "production", :ip => "") @host.stubs(:find_resources).returns(@dbresources) @host.stubs(:find_resources_parameters_tags) @host.stubs(:compare_to_catalog) @host.stubs(:id).returns(1) end it "should find all database resources" do @host.expects(:find_resources) @host.merge_resources(@resources) end it "should find all paramaters and tags for those database resources" do @host.expects(:find_resources_parameters_tags).with(@dbresources) @host.merge_resources(@resources) end it "should compare all database resources to catalog" do @host.expects(:compare_to_catalog).with(@dbresources, @resources) @host.merge_resources(@resources) end it "should compare only exported resources in thin_storeconfigs mode" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:thin_storeconfigs).returns(true) @resource1.stubs(:exported?).returns(true) @host.expects(:compare_to_catalog).with(@dbresources, [ @resource1 ]) @host.merge_resources(@resources) end end describe "when searching the database for host resources" do before :each do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:thin_storeconfigs).returns(false) @resource1 = stub_everything 'res1', :id => 1 @resource2 = stub_everything 'res2', :id => 2 @resources = [ @resource1, @resource2 ] @dbresources = stub 'resources' @dbresources.stubs(:find).returns(@resources) @host = Puppet::Rails::Host.new(:name => "foo", :environment => "production", :ip => "") @host.stubs(:resources).returns(@dbresources) end it "should return a hash keyed by id of all resources" do @host.find_resources.should == { 1 => @resource1, 2 => @resource2 } end it "should return a hash keyed by id of only exported resources in thin_storeconfigs mode" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:thin_storeconfigs).returns(true) @dbresources.expects(:find).with { |*h| h[1][:conditions] == { :exported => true } }.returns([]) @host.find_resources end end end