diff --git a/tasks/yard.rake b/tasks/yard.rake index d513be771..ad5ece076 100644 --- a/tasks/yard.rake +++ b/tasks/yard.rake @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ begin require 'yard' namespace :doc do desc "Clean up generated documentation" task :clean do rm_rf "doc" end desc "Generate public documentation pages for the API" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:api) do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb'] t.options = %w{ --protected --private --verbose --markup markdown --readme README.md --tag status --transitive-tag status --tag comment --hide-tag comment --tag dsl:"DSL" --no-transitive-tag api --template-path yardoc/templates --files README_DEVELOPER.md,CO*.md,api/**/*.md --api public --api private --hide-void-return } end desc "Generate documentation pages for all of the code" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:all) do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb'] t.options = %w{ --verbose --markup markdown --readme README.md --tag status --transitive-tag status --tag comment --hide-tag comment --tag dsl:"DSL" --no-transitive-tag api --template-path yardoc/templates --files README_DEVELOPER.md,CO*.md,api/**/*.md --api public --api private --no-api --hide-void-return } end end rescue LoadError => e if verbose - puts "Document generation not available without yard. #{e.message}" + STDERR.puts "Document generation not available without yard. #{e.message}" end end