diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb index 259e2045b..6e0b4b66d 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb @@ -1,1245 +1,1245 @@ require 'puppet' require 'sync' require 'puppet/transportable' require 'getoptlong' # The class for handling configuration files. class Puppet::Util::Settings include Enumerable include Puppet::Util @@sync = Sync.new attr_accessor :file attr_reader :timer # Retrieve a config value def [](param) value(param) end # Set a config value. This doesn't set the defaults, it sets the value itself. def []=(param, value) @@sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe param = symbolize(param) unless element = @config[param] raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to assign a value to unknown configuration parameter %s" % param.inspect end if element.respond_to?(:munge) value = element.munge(value) end if element.respond_to?(:handle) element.handle(value) end # Reset the name, so it's looked up again. if param == :name @name = nil end @values[:memory][param] = value @cache.clear end return value end # A simplified equality operator. # LAK: For some reason, this causes mocha to not be able to mock # the 'value' method, and it's not used anywhere. # def ==(other) # self.each { |myname, myobj| # unless other[myname] == value(myname) # return false # end # } # # return true # end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that GetoptLong can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def addargs(options) # Hackish, but acceptable. Copy the current ARGV for restarting. Puppet.args = ARGV.dup # Add all of the config parameters as valid options. self.each { |name, element| element.getopt_args.each { |args| options << args } } return options end # Turn the config into a Puppet configuration and apply it def apply trans = self.to_transportable begin config = trans.to_catalog config.store_state = false config.apply config.clear rescue => detail if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end Puppet.err "Could not configure myself: %s" % detail end end # Is our parameter a boolean parameter? def boolean?(param) param = symbolize(param) if @config.include?(param) and @config[param].kind_of? CBoolean return true else return false end end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def clear(exceptcli = false) @config.each { |name, obj| unless exceptcli and obj.setbycli obj.clear end } @values.each do |name, values| next if name == :cli and exceptcli @values.delete(name) end # Don't clear the 'used' in this case, since it's a config file reparse, # and we want to retain this info. unless exceptcli @used = [] end @cache.clear @name = nil end # This is mostly just used for testing. def clearused @cache.clear @used = [] end # Do variable interpolation on the value. def convert(value) return value unless value return value unless value.is_a? String newval = value.gsub(/\$(\w+)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) do |value| varname = $2 || $1 if pval = self.value(varname) pval else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find value for %s" % parent end end return newval end # Return a value's description. def description(name) if obj = @config[symbolize(name)] obj.desc else nil end end def each @config.each { |name, object| yield name, object } end # Iterate over each section name. def eachsection yielded = [] @config.each do |name, object| section = object.section unless yielded.include? section yield section yielded << section end end end # Return an object by name. def element(param) param = symbolize(param) @config[param] end # Handle a command-line argument. def handlearg(opt, value = nil) @cache.clear value = munge_value(value) if value str = opt.sub(/^--/,'') bool = true newstr = str.sub(/^no-/, '') if newstr != str str = newstr bool = false end str = str.intern if self.valid?(str) if self.boolean?(str) @values[:cli][str] = bool else @values[:cli][str] = value end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument %s" % opt end end def include?(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @config.include?(name) end # check to see if a short name is already defined def shortinclude?(short) short = short.intern if name.is_a? String @shortnames.include?(short) end # Create a new config object def initialize @config = {} @shortnames = {} @created = [] @searchpath = nil # Keep track of set values. @values = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # And keep a per-environment cache @cache = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # A central concept of a name. @name = nil end # Return a given object's file metadata. def metadata(param) if obj = @config[symbolize(param)] and obj.is_a?(CFile) return [:owner, :group, :mode].inject({}) do |meta, p| if v = obj.send(p) meta[p] = v end meta end else nil end end # Make a directory with the appropriate user, group, and mode def mkdir(default) - obj = get_config_default(default) + obj = get_config_file_default(default) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(obj.owner, obj.group) do mode = obj.mode || 0750 Dir.mkdir(obj.value, mode) end end # Figure out our name. def name unless @name unless @config[:name] return nil end searchpath.each do |source| next if source == :name break if @name = @values[source][:name] end unless @name @name = convert(@config[:name].default).intern end end @name end # Return all of the parameters associated with a given section. def params(section = nil) if section section = section.intern if section.is_a? String @config.find_all { |name, obj| obj.section == section }.collect { |name, obj| name } else @config.keys end end # Parse the configuration file. def parse(file) clear(true) parse_file(file).each do |area, values| @values[area] = values end # Determine our environment, if we have one. if @config[:environment] env = self.value(:environment).to_sym else env = "none" end # Call any hooks we should be calling. settings_with_hooks.each do |setting| each_source(env) do |source| if value = @values[source][setting.name] # We still have to use value() to retrieve the value, since # we want the fully interpolated value, not $vardir/lib or whatever. # This results in extra work, but so few of the settings # will have associated hooks that it ends up being less work this # way overall. setting.handle(self.value(setting.name, env)) break end end end # We have to do it in the reverse of the search path, # because multiple sections could set the same value # and I'm too lazy to only set the metadata once. searchpath.reverse.each do |source| if meta = @values[source][:_meta] set_metadata(meta) end end end # Parse the configuration file. As of May 2007, this is a backward-compatibility method and # will be deprecated soon. def old_parse(file) text = nil if file.is_a? Puppet::Util::LoadedFile @file = file else @file = Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(file) end # Don't create a timer for the old style parsing. # settimer() begin text = File.read(@file.file) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Puppet::Error, "No such file %s" % file rescue Errno::EACCES raise Puppet::Error, "Permission denied to file %s" % file end @values = Hash.new { |names, name| names[name] = {} } # Get rid of the values set by the file, keeping cli values. self.clear(true) section = "puppet" metas = %w{owner group mode} values = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } text.split(/\n/).each { |line| case line when /^\[(\w+)\]$/: section = $1 # Section names when /^\s*#/: next # Skip comments when /^\s*$/: next # Skip blanks when /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/: # settings var = $1.intern if var == :mode value = $2 else value = munge_value($2) end # Only warn if we don't know what this config var is. This # prevents exceptions later on. unless @config.include?(var) or metas.include?(var.to_s) Puppet.warning "Discarded unknown configuration parameter %s" % var.inspect next # Skip this line. end # Mmm, "special" attributes if metas.include?(var.to_s) unless values.include?(section) values[section] = {} end values[section][var.to_s] = value # If the parameter is valid, then set it. if section == Puppet[:name] and @config.include?(var) #@config[var].value = value @values[:main][var] = value end next end # Don't override set parameters, since the file is parsed # after cli arguments are handled. unless @config.include?(var) and @config[var].setbycli Puppet.debug "%s: Setting %s to '%s'" % [section, var, value] @values[:main][var] = value end @config[var].section = symbolize(section) metas.each { |meta| if values[section][meta] if @config[var].respond_to?(meta + "=") @config[var].send(meta + "=", values[section][meta]) end end } else raise Puppet::Error, "Could not match line %s" % line end } end # Create a new element. The value is passed in because it's used to determine # what kind of element we're creating, but the value itself might be either # a default or a value, so we can't actually assign it. def newelement(hash) value = hash[:value] || hash[:default] klass = nil if hash[:section] hash[:section] = symbolize(hash[:section]) end case value when true, false, "true", "false": klass = CBoolean when /^\$\w+\//, /^\//: klass = CFile when String, Integer, Float: # nothing klass = CElement else raise Puppet::Error, "Invalid value '%s' for %s" % [value.inspect, hash[:name]] end hash[:parent] = self element = klass.new(hash) return element end # This has to be private, because it doesn't add the elements to @config private :newelement # Iterate across all of the objects in a given section. def persection(section) section = symbolize(section) self.each { |name, obj| if obj.section == section yield obj end } end # Reparse our config file, if necessary. def reparse if defined? @file and @file.changed? Puppet.notice "Reparsing %s" % @file.file @@sync.synchronize do parse(@file) end reuse() end end def reuse return unless defined? @used @@sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe @used.each do |section| @used.delete(section) self.use(section) end end end # The order in which to search for values. def searchpath(environment = nil) if environment [:cli, :memory, environment, :name, :main] else [:cli, :memory, :name, :main] end end # Get a list of objects per section def sectionlist sectionlist = [] self.each { |name, obj| section = obj.section || "puppet" sections[section] ||= [] unless sectionlist.include?(section) sectionlist << section end sections[section] << obj } return sectionlist, sections end # Convert a single section into transportable objects. def section_to_transportable(section, done = nil) done ||= Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } objects = [] persection(section) do |obj| if @config[:mkusers] and value(:mkusers) objects += add_user_resources(section, obj, done) end value = obj.value # Only files are convertable to transportable resources. next unless obj.respond_to? :to_transportable and transobjects = obj.to_transportable transobjects = [transobjects] unless transobjects.is_a? Array transobjects.each do |trans| # transportable could return nil next unless trans unless done[:file].include? trans.name @created << trans.name objects << trans done[:file][trans.name] = trans end end end bucket = Puppet::TransBucket.new bucket.type = "Settings" bucket.name = section bucket.push(*objects) bucket.keyword = "class" return bucket end # Set a bunch of defaults in a given section. The sections are actually pretty # pointless, but they help break things up a bit, anyway. def setdefaults(section, defs) section = symbolize(section) call = [] defs.each { |name, hash| if hash.is_a? Array unless hash.length == 2 raise ArgumentError, "Defaults specified as an array must contain only the default value and the decription" end tmp = hash hash = {} [:default, :desc].zip(tmp).each { |p,v| hash[p] = v } end name = symbolize(name) hash[:name] = name hash[:section] = section name = hash[:name] if @config.include?(name) raise ArgumentError, "Parameter %s is already defined" % name end tryconfig = newelement(hash) if short = tryconfig.short if other = @shortnames[short] raise ArgumentError, "Parameter %s is already using short name '%s'" % [other.name, short] end @shortnames[short] = tryconfig end @config[name] = tryconfig # Collect the settings that need to have their hooks called immediately. # We have to collect them so that we can be sure we're fully initialized before # the hook is called. call << tryconfig if tryconfig.call_on_define } call.each { |setting| setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) } end # Create a timer to check whether the file should be reparsed. def settimer if Puppet[:filetimeout] > 0 @timer = Puppet.newtimer( :interval => Puppet[:filetimeout], :tolerance => 1, :start? => true ) do self.reparse() end end end # Convert our list of objects into a component that can be applied. def to_configuration transport = self.to_transportable return transport.to_catalog end # Convert our list of config elements into a configuration file. def to_config str = %{The configuration file for #{Puppet[:name]}. Note that this file is likely to have unused configuration parameters in it; any parameter that's valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used. Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode. These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing. Note also that the section names are entirely for human-level organizational purposes; they don't provide separate namespaces. All parameters are in a single namespace. Generated on #{Time.now}. }.gsub(/^/, "# ") # Add a section heading that matches our name. if @config.include?(:name) str += "[%s]\n" % self[:name] end eachsection do |section| persection(section) do |obj| str += obj.to_config + "\n" end end return str end # Convert our configuration into a list of transportable objects. def to_transportable(*sections) done = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } topbucket = Puppet::TransBucket.new if defined? @file.file and @file.file topbucket.name = @file.file else topbucket.name = "top" end topbucket.type = "Settings" topbucket.top = true # Now iterate over each section if sections.empty? eachsection do |section| sections << section end end sections.each do |section| obj = section_to_transportable(section, done) topbucket.push obj end topbucket end # Convert to a parseable manifest def to_manifest transport = self.to_transportable manifest = transport.to_manifest + "\n" eachsection { |section| manifest += "include #{section}\n" } return manifest end # Create the necessary objects to use a section. This is idempotent; # you can 'use' a section as many times as you want. def use(*sections) @@sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe unless defined? @used @used = [] end bucket = to_transportable(*sections) config = bucket.to_catalog config.host_config = false config.apply do |transaction| if failures = transaction.any_failed? raise "Could not configure for running; got %s failure(s)" % failures end end config.clear sections.each { |s| @used << s } @used.uniq end end def valid?(param) param = symbolize(param) @config.has_key?(param) end # Find the correct value using our search path. Optionally accept an environment # in which to search before the other configuration sections. def value(param, environment = nil) param = symbolize(param) environment = symbolize(environment) if environment # Short circuit to nil for undefined parameters. return nil unless @config.include?(param) # Yay, recursion. self.reparse() unless param == :filetimeout # Check the cache first. It needs to be a per-environment # cache so that we don't spread values from one env # to another. if cached = @cache[environment||"none"][param] return cached end # See if we can find it within our searchable list of values val = nil each_source(environment) do |source| # Look for the value. We have to test the hash for whether # it exists, because the value might be false. if @values[source].include?(param) val = @values[source][param] break end end # If we didn't get a value, use the default val = @config[param].default if val.nil? # Convert it if necessary val = convert(val) # And cache it @cache[environment||"none"][param] = val return val end # Open a file with the appropriate user, group, and mode def write(default, *args, &bloc) - obj = get_config_default(default) + obj = get_config_file_default(default) writesub(default, value(obj.name), *args, &bloc) end # Open a non-default file under a default dir with the appropriate user, # group, and mode def writesub(default, file, *args, &bloc) - obj = get_config_default(default) + obj = get_config_file_default(default) chown = nil if Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.uid == 0 chown = [obj.owner, obj.group] else chown = [nil, nil] end Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(*chown) do mode = obj.mode || 0640 if args.empty? args << "w" end args << mode # Update the umask to make non-executable files Puppet::Util.withumask(File.umask ^ 0111) do File.open(file, *args) do |file| yield file end end end end def readwritelock(default, *args, &bloc) - file = value(get_config_default(default).name) + file = value(get_config_file_default(default).name) tmpfile = file + ".tmp" sync = Sync.new unless FileTest.directory?(File.dirname(tmpfile)) raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot create %s; directory %s does not exist" % [file, File.dirname(file)] end sync.synchronize(Sync::EX) do File.open(file, "r+", 0600) do |rf| rf.lock_exclusive do if File.exist?(tmpfile) raise Puppet::Error, ".tmp file already exists for %s; Aborting locked write. Check the .tmp file and delete if appropriate" % [file] end writesub(default, tmpfile, *args, &bloc) begin File.rename(tmpfile, file) rescue => detail Puppet.err "Could not rename %s to %s: %s" % [file, tmpfile, detail] end end end end end private - def get_config_default(default) + def get_config_file_default(default) obj = nil unless obj = @config[default] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown default %s" % default end unless obj.is_a? CFile raise ArgumentError, "Default %s is not a file" % default end return obj end # Create the transportable objects for users and groups. def add_user_resources(section, obj, done) resources = [] [:owner, :group].each do |attr| type = nil if attr == :owner type = :user else type = attr end # If a user and/or group is set, then make sure we're # managing that object if obj.respond_to? attr and name = obj.send(attr) # Skip root or wheel next if %w{root wheel}.include?(name.to_s) # Skip owners and groups we've already done, but tag # them with our section if necessary if done[type].include?(name) tags = done[type][name].tags unless tags.include?(section) done[type][name].tags = tags << section end else newobj = Puppet::TransObject.new(name, type.to_s) newobj.tags = ["puppet", "configuration", section] newobj[:ensure] = :present if type == :user newobj[:comment] ||= "%s user" % name end # Set the group appropriately for the user if type == :user newobj[:gid] = Puppet[:group] end done[type][name] = newobj resources << newobj end end end resources end # Yield each search source in turn. def each_source(environment) searchpath(environment).each do |source| # Modify the source as necessary. source = self.name if source == :name yield source end end # Return all elements that have associated hooks; this is so # we can call them after parsing the configuration file. def settings_with_hooks @config.values.find_all { |setting| setting.respond_to?(:handle) } end # Extract extra setting information for files. def extract_fileinfo(string) result = {} value = string.sub(/\{\s*([^}]+)\s*\}/) do params = $1 params.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |str| if str =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\d]+)\s*$/ param, value = $1.intern, $2 result[param] = value unless [:owner, :mode, :group].include?(param) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid file option '%s'" % param end if param == :mode and value !~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "File modes must be numbers" end else raise ArgumentError, "Could not parse '%s'" % string end end '' end result[:value] = value.sub(/\s*$/, '') return result return nil end # Convert arguments into booleans, integers, or whatever. def munge_value(value) # Handle different data types correctly return case value when /^false$/i: false when /^true$/i: true when /^\d+$/i: Integer(value) else value.gsub(/^["']|["']$/,'').sub(/\s+$/, '') end end # This is an abstract method that just turns a file in to a hash of hashes. # We mostly need this for backward compatibility -- as of May 2007 we need to # support parsing old files with any section, or new files with just two # valid sections. def parse_file(file) text = read_file(file) # Create a timer so that this file will get checked automatically # and reparsed if necessary. settimer() result = Hash.new { |names, name| names[name] = {} } count = 0 # Default to 'main' for the section. section = :main result[section][:_meta] = {} text.split(/\n/).each { |line| count += 1 case line when /^\s*\[(\w+)\]$/: section = $1.intern # Section names # Add a meta section result[section][:_meta] ||= {} when /^\s*#/: next # Skip comments when /^\s*$/: next # Skip blanks when /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/: # settings var = $1.intern # We don't want to munge modes, because they're specified in octal, so we'll # just leave them as a String, since Puppet handles that case correctly. if var == :mode value = $2 else value = munge_value($2) end # Check to see if this is a file argument and it has extra options begin if value.is_a?(String) and options = extract_fileinfo(value) value = options[:value] options.delete(:value) result[section][:_meta][var] = options end result[section][var] = value rescue Puppet::Error => detail detail.file = file detail.line = line raise end else error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not match line %s" % line) error.file = file error.line = line raise error end } return result end # Read the file in. def read_file(file) if file.is_a? Puppet::Util::LoadedFile @file = file else @file = Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(file) end begin return File.read(@file.file) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise ArgumentError, "No such file %s" % file rescue Errno::EACCES raise ArgumentError, "Permission denied to file %s" % file end end # Set file metadata. def set_metadata(meta) meta.each do |var, values| values.each do |param, value| @config[var].send(param.to_s + "=", value) end end end # The base element type. class CElement attr_accessor :name, :section, :default, :parent, :setbycli, :call_on_define attr_reader :desc, :short # Unset any set value. def clear @value = nil end def desc=(value) @desc = value.gsub(/^\s*/, '') end # get the arguments in getopt format def getopt_args if short [["--#{name}", "-#{short}", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]] else [["--#{name}", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]] end end def hook=(block) meta_def :handle, &block end # Create the new element. Pretty much just sets the name. def initialize(args = {}) if args.include?(:parent) self.parent = args[:parent] args.delete(:parent) end args.each do |param, value| method = param.to_s + "=" unless self.respond_to? method raise ArgumentError, "%s does not accept %s" % [self.class, param] end self.send(method, value) end unless self.desc raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a description for the %s config option" % self.name end end def iscreated @iscreated = true end def iscreated? if defined? @iscreated return @iscreated else return false end end def set? if defined? @value and ! @value.nil? return true else return false end end # short name for the celement def short=(value) if value.to_s.length != 1 raise ArgumentError, "Short names can only be one character." end @short = value.to_s end # Convert the object to a config statement. def to_config str = @desc.gsub(/^/, "# ") + "\n" # Add in a statement about the default. if defined? @default and @default str += "# The default value is '%s'.\n" % @default end # If the value has not been overridden, then print it out commented # and unconverted, so it's clear that that's the default and how it # works. value = @parent.value(self.name) if value != @default line = "%s = %s" % [@name, value] else line = "# %s = %s" % [@name, @default] end str += line + "\n" str.gsub(/^/, " ") end # Retrieves the value, or if it's not set, retrieves the default. def value @parent.value(self.name) end end # A file. class CFile < CElement attr_writer :owner, :group attr_accessor :mode, :create def group if defined? @group return @parent.convert(@group) else return nil end end def owner if defined? @owner return @parent.convert(@owner) else return nil end end # Set the type appropriately. Yep, a hack. This supports either naming # the variable 'dir', or adding a slash at the end. def munge(value) # If it's not a fully qualified path... if value.is_a?(String) and value !~ /^\$/ and value !~ /^\// and value != 'false' # Make it one value = File.join(Dir.getwd, value) end if value.to_s =~ /\/$/ @type = :directory return value.sub(/\/$/, '') end return value end # Return the appropriate type. def type value = @parent.value(self.name) if @name.to_s =~ /dir/ return :directory elsif value.to_s =~ /\/$/ return :directory elsif value.is_a? String return :file else return nil end end # Convert the object to a TransObject instance. def to_transportable type = self.type return nil unless type path = self.value return nil unless path.is_a?(String) return nil if path =~ /^\/dev/ return nil if Puppet::Type.type(:file)[path] # skip files that are in our global resource list. objects = [] # Skip plain files that don't exist, since we won't be managing them anyway. return nil unless self.name.to_s =~ /dir$/ or File.exist?(path) or self.create obj = Puppet::TransObject.new(path, "file") # Only create directories, or files that are specifically marked to # create. if type == :directory or self.create obj[:ensure] = type end [:mode].each { |var| if value = self.send(var) # Don't bother converting the mode, since the file type # can handle it any old way. obj[var] = value end } # Only chown or chgrp when root if Puppet.features.root? [:group, :owner].each { |var| if value = self.send(var) obj[var] = value end } end # And set the loglevel to debug for everything obj[:loglevel] = "debug" # We're not actually modifying any files here, and if we allow a # filebucket to get used here we get into an infinite recursion # trying to set the filebucket up. obj[:backup] = false if self.section obj.tags += ["puppet", "configuration", self.section, self.name] end objects << obj objects end # Make sure any provided variables look up to something. def validate(value) return true unless value.is_a? String value.scan(/\$(\w+)/) { |name| name = $1 unless @parent.include?(name) raise ArgumentError, "Settings parameter '%s' is undefined" % name end } end end # A simple boolean. class CBoolean < CElement # get the arguments in getopt format def getopt_args if short [["--#{name}", "-#{short}", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["--no-#{name}", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]] else [["--#{name}", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["--no-#{name}", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]] end end def munge(value) case value when true, "true": return true when false, "false": return false else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value '%s' for %s" % [value.inspect, @name] end end end end