diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb b/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb index 1bdb5863b..12c8294b1 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb @@ -1,114 +1,115 @@ module Puppet newtype(:ssh_authorized_key) do @doc = "Manages SSH authorized keys. Currently only type 2 keys are supported. **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user account in which this SSH key should be installed, the `ssh_authorized_key` resource will autorequire that user." ensurable newparam(:name) do desc "The SSH key comment. This attribute is currently used as a system-wide primary key and therefore has to be unique." isnamevar end newproperty(:type) do desc "The encryption type used: ssh-dss or ssh-rsa." - newvalues :'ssh-dss', :'ssh-rsa', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521' + newvalues :'ssh-dss', :'ssh-rsa', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', :'ssh-ed25519' aliasvalue(:dsa, :'ssh-dss') + aliasvalue(:ed25519, :'ssh-ed25519') aliasvalue(:rsa, :'ssh-rsa') end newproperty(:key) do desc "The public key itself; generally a long string of hex characters. The key attribute may not contain whitespace: Omit key headers (e.g. 'ssh-rsa') and key identifiers (e.g. 'joe@joescomputer.local') found in the public key file." validate do |value| raise Puppet::Error, "Key must not contain whitespace: #{value}" if value =~ /\s/ end end newproperty(:user) do desc "The user account in which the SSH key should be installed. The resource will automatically depend on this user." end newproperty(:target) do desc "The absolute filename in which to store the SSH key. This property is optional and should only be used in cases where keys are stored in a non-standard location (i.e.` not in `~user/.ssh/authorized_keys`)." defaultto :absent def should return super if defined?(@should) and @should[0] != :absent return nil unless user = resource[:user] begin return File.expand_path("~#{user}/.ssh/authorized_keys") rescue Puppet.debug "The required user is not yet present on the system" return nil end end def insync?(is) is == should end end newproperty(:options, :array_matching => :all) do desc "Key options, see sshd(8) for possible values. Multiple values should be specified as an array." defaultto do :absent end def is_to_s(value) if value == :absent or value.include?(:absent) super else value.join(",") end end def should_to_s(value) if value == :absent or value.include?(:absent) super else value.join(",") end end validate do |value| unless value == :absent or value =~ /^[-a-z0-9A-Z_]+(?:=\".*?\")?$/ raise Puppet::Error, "Option #{value} is not valid. A single option must either be of the form 'option' or 'option=\"value\". Multiple options must be provided as an array" end end end autorequire(:user) do should(:user) if should(:user) end validate do # Go ahead if target attribute is defined return if @parameters[:target].shouldorig[0] != :absent # Go ahead if user attribute is defined return if @parameters.include?(:user) # If neither target nor user is defined, this is an error raise Puppet::Error, "Attribute 'user' or 'target' is mandatory" end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb index 4d17ffe51..65c94bfad 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb @@ -1,257 +1,259 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'shared_behaviours/all_parsedfile_providers' require 'puppet_spec/files' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).provider(:parsed) describe provider_class, :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files before :each do @keyfile = tmpfile('authorized_keys') @provider_class = provider_class @provider_class.initvars @provider_class.any_instance.stubs(:target).returns @keyfile @user = 'random_bob' Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with(@user).returns 12345 end def mkkey(args) args[:target] = @keyfile args[:user] = @user resource = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).new(args) key = @provider_class.new(resource) args.each do |p,v| key.send(p.to_s + "=", v) end key end def genkey(key) @provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam) File.stubs(:chown) File.stubs(:chmod) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields key.flush @provider_class.target_object(@keyfile).read end it_should_behave_like "all parsedfile providers", provider_class it "should be able to generate a basic authorized_keys file" do key = mkkey(:name => "Just_Testing", :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj", :type => "ssh-dss", :ensure => :present, :options => [:absent] ) genkey(key).should == "ssh-dss AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj Just_Testing\n" end it "should be able to generate an authorized_keys file with options" do key = mkkey(:name => "root@localhost", :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj", :type => "ssh-rsa", :ensure => :present, :options => ['from=""', "no-pty", "no-X11-forwarding"] ) genkey(key).should == "from=\"\",no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj root@localhost\n" end it "should parse comments" do result = [{ :record_type => :comment, :line => "# hello" }] @provider_class.parse("# hello\n").should == result end it "should parse comments with leading whitespace" do result = [{ :record_type => :comment, :line => " # hello" }] @provider_class.parse(" # hello\n").should == result end it "should skip over lines with only whitespace" do result = [{ :record_type => :comment, :line => "#before" }, { :record_type => :blank, :line => " " }, { :record_type => :comment, :line => "#after" }] @provider_class.parse("#before\n \n#after\n").should == result end it "should skip over completely empty lines" do result = [{ :record_type => :comment, :line => "#before"}, { :record_type => :blank, :line => ""}, { :record_type => :comment, :line => "#after"}] @provider_class.parse("#before\n\n#after\n").should == result end it "should be able to parse name if it includes whitespace" do @provider_class.parse_line('ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC7pHZ1XRj3tXbFpPFhMGU1bVwz7jr13zt/wuE+pVIJA8GlmHYuYtIxHPfDHlkixdwLachCpSQUL9NbYkkRFRn9m6PZ7125ohE4E4m96QS6SGSQowTiRn4Lzd9LV38g93EMHjPmEkdSq7MY4uJEd6DUYsLvaDYdIgBiLBIWPA3OrQ== fancy user')[:name].should == 'fancy user' @provider_class.parse_line('from="host1.reductlivelabs.com,host.reductivelabs.com",command="/usr/local/bin/run",ssh-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC7pHZ1XRj3tXbFpPFhMGU1bVwz7jr13zt/wuE+pVIJA8GlmHYuYtIxHPfDHlkixdwLachCpSQUL9NbYkkRFRn9m6PZ7125ohE4E4m96QS6SGSQowTiRn4Lzd9LV38g93EMHjPmEkdSq7MY4uJEd6DUYsLvaDYdIgBiLBIWPA3OrQ== fancy user')[:name].should == 'fancy user' end it "should be able to parse options containing commas via its parse_options method" do options = %w{from="host1.reductlivelabs.com,host.reductivelabs.com" command="/usr/local/bin/run" ssh-pty} optionstr = options.join(", ") @provider_class.parse_options(optionstr).should == options end it "should use '' as name for entries that lack a comment" do line = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAut8aOSxenjOqF527dlsdHWV4MNoAsX14l9M297+SQXaQ5Z3BedIxZaoQthkDALlV/25A1COELrg9J2MqJNQc8Xe9XQOIkBQWWinUlD/BXwoOTWEy8C8zSZPHZ3getMMNhGTBO+q/O+qiJx3y5cA4MTbw2zSxukfWC87qWwcZ64UUlegIM056vPsdZWFclS9hsROVEa57YUMrehQ1EGxT4Z5j6zIopufGFiAPjZigq/vqgcAqhAKP6yu4/gwO6S9tatBeEjZ8fafvj1pmvvIplZeMr96gHE7xS3pEEQqnB3nd4RY7AF6j9kFixnsytAUO7STPh/M3pLiVQBN89TvWPQ==" @provider_class.parse(line)[0][:name].should == "" end ['ssh-dss', 'ssh-rsa', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'].each do |keytype| it "should be able to parse a #{keytype} key entry" do # use some real world examples generated with ssh-keygen key = case keytype when 'ssh-dss' # ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 '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' when 'ssh-rsa' # ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYtEaWa1mlxaAh9vtiz6RCVKDiJHDY15nsqqWU7F7A1+U1498+sWDyRDkZ8vXWQpzyOMBzBSHIxhsprlKhkjomy8BuJP+bHDBIKx4zgSFDrklrPIf467Iuug8J0qqDLxO4rOOjeAiLEyC0t2ZGnsTEea+rmat0bJ2cv3g5L4gH/OFz2pI4ZLp1HGN83ipl5UH8CjXQKwo3Db1E3WJCqKgszVX0Z4/qjnBRxFMoqky/1mGb/mX1eoT9JyQ8OhU9uENZOShkksSpgUqjlrjpj0Yd14hBlnE3M18pE4ivxjzectA/XRKNZaxOL1YREtU8sXusAwmlEY4aJ64aR0JrXfgx' when 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256' # ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 256 'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBO5PfBf0c2jAuqD+Lj3j+SuXOXNT2uqESLVOn5jVQfEF9GzllOw+CMOpUvV1CiOOn+F1ET15vcsfmD7z05WUTA=' when 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384' # ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 384 'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAzODQAAAAIbmlzdHAzODQAAABhBJIfxNoVK4FX3RuMlkHOwwxXwAh6Fqx5uAp4ftXrJ+64qYuIzb+/zSAkJV698Sre1b1lb0G4LyDdVAvXwaYK9kN25vy8umV3WdfZeHKXJGCcrplMCbbOERWARlpiPNEblg==' when 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521' #ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBADLK+u12xwB0JOwpmaxYXv8KnPK4p+SE2405qoo+vpAQ569fMwPMgKzltd770amdeuFogw/MJu17PN9LDdrD3o0uwHMjWee6TpHQDkuEetaxiou6K0WAzgbxx9QsY0MsJgXf1BuMLqdK+xT183wOSXwwumv99G7T32dOJZ5tYrH0y4XMw==' + when 'ssh-ed25519' #ssh-keygen -t ed25519 + 'AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBWvu7D1KHBPaNXQcEuBsp48+JyPelXAq8ds6K5Du9gd' else pending("No sample key for #{keytype} yet") end comment = 'sample_key' record = @provider_class.parse_line("#{keytype} #{key} #{comment}") record.should_not be_nil record[:name].should == comment record[:key].should == key record[:type].should == keytype end end end describe provider_class, :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do before :each do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).new(:name => "foo", :user => "random_bob") @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields provider_class.initvars end describe "when flushing" do before :each do # Stub file and directory operations Dir.stubs(:mkdir) File.stubs(:chmod) File.stubs(:chown) end describe "and both a user and a target have been specified" do before :each do Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with("random_bob").returns 12345 @resource[:user] = "random_bob" target = "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys" @resource[:target] = target end it "should create the directory" do Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir").returns false Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir", 0700) @provider.flush end it "should absolutely not chown the directory to the user" do uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob") File.expects(:chown).never @provider.flush end it "should absolutely not chown the key file to the user" do uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob") File.expects(:chown).never @provider.flush end it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys") @provider.flush end end describe "and a user has been specified with no target" do before :each do @resource[:user] = "nobody" # # I'd like to use random_bob here and something like # # File.stubs(:expand_path).with("~random_bob/.ssh").returns "/users/r/random_bob/.ssh" # # but mocha objects strenuously to stubbing File.expand_path # so I'm left with using nobody. @dir = File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh") end it "should create the directory if it doesn't exist" do Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false Dir.expects(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700) @provider.flush end it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false Dir.expects(:mkdir).never @provider.flush end it "should absolutely not chown the directory to the user if it creates it" do Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false Dir.stubs(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700) uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody") File.expects(:chown).never @provider.flush end it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false Dir.expects(:mkdir).never File.expects(:chown).never @provider.flush end it "should absolutely not chown the key file to the user" do uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody") File.expects(:chown).never @provider.flush end it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh/authorized_keys")) @provider.flush end end describe "and a target has been specified with no user" do it "should raise an error" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).new(:name => "foo", :target => "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys") @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) proc { @provider.flush }.should raise_error end end describe "and an invalid user has been specified with no target" do it "should catch an exception and raise a Puppet error" do @resource[:user] = "thisusershouldnotexist" lambda { @provider.flush }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end end