diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb b/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb index 3f0e68e8a..82dde69d6 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb @@ -1,220 +1,225 @@ module Puppet::Util::MonkeyPatches end begin Process.maxgroups = 1024 rescue Exception # Actually, I just want to ignore it, since various platforms - JRuby, # Windows, and so forth - don't support it, but only because it isn't a # meaningful or implementable concept there. end module RDoc def self.caller(skip=nil) in_gem_wrapper = false Kernel.caller.reject { |call| in_gem_wrapper ||= call =~ /#{Regexp.escape $0}:\d+:in `load'/ } end end require "yaml" require "puppet/util/zaml.rb" class Symbol def <=> (other) self.to_s <=> other.to_s end unless method_defined? '<=>' def intern self end unless method_defined? 'intern' end [Object, Exception, Integer, Struct, Date, Time, Range, Regexp, Hash, Array, Float, String, FalseClass, TrueClass, Symbol, NilClass, Class].each { |cls| cls.class_eval do def to_yaml(ignored=nil) ZAML.dump(self) end end } def YAML.dump(*args) ZAML.dump(*args) end # # Workaround for bug in MRI 1.8.7, see # http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/2708 # for details # if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.7' class NilClass def closed? true end end end class Object # ActiveSupport 2.3.x mixes in a dangerous method # that can cause rspec to fork bomb # and other strange things like that. def daemonize raise NotImplementedError, "Kernel.daemonize is too dangerous, please don't try to use it." end end class Symbol - # So, it turns out that one of the biggest memory allocation hot-spots in - # our code was using symbol-to-proc - because it allocated a new instance - # every time it was called, rather than caching. + # So, it turns out that one of the biggest memory allocation hot-spots in our + # code was using symbol-to-proc - because it allocated a new instance every + # time it was called, rather than caching (in Ruby 1.8.7 and earlier). + # + # In Ruby 1.9.3 and later Symbol#to_proc does implement a cache so we skip + # the change in behavior. our monkey patch. # # Changing this means we can see XX memory reduction... - if method_defined? :to_proc - alias __original_to_proc to_proc - def to_proc - @my_proc ||= __original_to_proc - end - else - def to_proc - @my_proc ||= Proc.new {|*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) } + if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.3" + if method_defined? :to_proc + alias __original_to_proc to_proc + def to_proc + @my_proc ||= __original_to_proc + end + else + def to_proc + @my_proc ||= Proc.new {|*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) } + end end end # Defined in 1.9, absent in 1.8, and used for compatibility in various # places, typically in third party gems. def intern return self end unless method_defined? :intern end class String unless method_defined? :lines require 'puppet/util/monkey_patches/lines' include Puppet::Util::MonkeyPatches::Lines end end require 'fcntl' class IO unless method_defined? :lines require 'puppet/util/monkey_patches/lines' include Puppet::Util::MonkeyPatches::Lines end def self.binread(name, length = nil, offset = 0) Puppet.deprecation_warning("This is a monkey-patched implementation of IO.binread on ruby 1.8 and is deprecated. Read the file without this method as it will be removed in a future version.") File.open(name, 'rb') do |f| f.seek(offset) if offset > 0 f.read(length) end end unless singleton_methods.include?(:binread) def self.binwrite(name, string, offset = nil) # Determine if we should truncate or not. Since the truncate method on a # file handle isn't implemented on all platforms, safer to do this in what # looks like the libc / POSIX flag - which is usually pretty robust. # --daniel 2012-03-11 mode = Fcntl::O_CREAT | Fcntl::O_WRONLY | (offset.nil? ? Fcntl::O_TRUNC : 0) # We have to duplicate the mode because Ruby on Windows is a bit precious, # and doesn't actually carry over the mode. It won't work to just use # open, either, because that doesn't like our system modes and the default # open bits don't do what we need, which is awesome. --daniel 2012-03-30 IO.open(IO::sysopen(name, mode), mode) do |f| # ...seek to our desired offset, then write the bytes. Don't try to # seek past the start of the file, eh, because who knows what platform # would legitimately blow up if we did that. # # Double-check the positioning, too, since destroying data isn't my idea # of a good time. --daniel 2012-03-11 target = [0, offset.to_i].max unless (landed = f.sysseek(target, IO::SEEK_SET)) == target raise "unable to seek to target offset #{target} in #{name}: got to #{landed}" end f.syswrite(string) end end unless singleton_methods.include?(:binwrite) end class Float INFINITY = (1.0/0.0) if defined?(Float::INFINITY).nil? end class Range def intersection(other) raise ArgumentError, 'value must be a Range' unless other.kind_of?(Range) return unless other === self.first || self === other.first start = [self.first, other.first].max if self.exclude_end? && self.last <= other.last start ... self.last elsif other.exclude_end? && self.last >= other.last start ... other.last else start .. [ self.last, other.last ].min end end unless method_defined? :intersection alias_method :&, :intersection unless method_defined? :& end # (#19151) Reject all SSLv2 ciphers and handshakes require 'openssl' class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext if DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 else DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] = OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 end DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers] << ':!SSLv2' alias __original_initialize initialize private :__original_initialize def initialize(*args) __original_initialize(*args) params = { :options => DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options], :ciphers => DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers], } set_params(params) end end require 'puppet/util/platform' if Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? require 'puppet/util/windows' require 'openssl' class OpenSSL::X509::Store alias __original_set_default_paths set_default_paths def set_default_paths # This can be removed once openssl integrates with windows # cert store, see http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=2158 Puppet::Util::Windows::RootCerts.instance.to_a.uniq.each do |x509| begin add_cert(x509) rescue OpenSSL::X509::StoreError => e warn "Failed to add #{x509.subject.to_s}" end end __original_set_default_paths end end end # Older versions of SecureRandom (e.g. in 1.8.7) don't have the uuid method module SecureRandom def self.uuid # Copied from the 1.9.1 stdlib implementation of uuid ary = self.random_bytes(16).unpack("NnnnnN") ary[2] = (ary[2] & 0x0fff) | 0x4000 ary[3] = (ary[3] & 0x3fff) | 0x8000 "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x" % ary end unless singleton_methods.include?(:uuid) end