diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb b/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb index 224e79731..80e0f9018 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/tidy.rb @@ -1,333 +1,333 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:tidy) do require 'puppet/file_serving/fileset' require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper' @doc = "Remove unwanted files based on specific criteria. Multiple criteria are OR'd together, so a file that is too large but is not old enough will still get tidied. If you don't specify either `age` or `size`, then all files will be removed. This resource type works by generating a file resource for every file that should be deleted and then letting that resource perform the actual deletion. " newparam(:path) do desc "The path to the file or directory to manage. Must be fully qualified." isnamevar end newparam(:recurse) do desc "If target is a directory, recursively descend into the directory looking for files to tidy." newvalues(:true, :false, :inf, /^[0-9]+$/) # Replace the validation so that we allow numbers in # addition to string representations of them. validate { |arg| } munge do |value| newval = super(value) case newval when :true, :inf; true when :false; false when Integer, Fixnum, Bignum; value when /^\d+$/; Integer(value) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid recurse value #{value.inspect}" end end end newparam(:matches) do desc <<-EOT One or more (shell type) file glob patterns, which restrict the list of files to be tidied to those whose basenames match at least one of the patterns specified. Multiple patterns can be specified using an array. Example: tidy { "/tmp": age => "1w", recurse => 1, matches => [ "[0-9]pub*.tmp", "*.temp", "tmpfile?" ] } This removes files from `/tmp` if they are one week old or older, are not in a subdirectory and match one of the shell globs given. Note that the patterns are matched against the basename of each file -- that is, your glob patterns should not have any '/' characters in them, since you are only specifying against the last bit of the file. Finally, note that you must now specify a non-zero/non-false value for recurse if matches is used, as matches only apply to files found by recursion (there's no reason to use static patterns match against a statically determined path). Requiering explicit recursion clears up a common source of confusion. EOT # Make sure we convert to an array. munge do |value| fail "Tidy can't use matches with recurse 0, false, or undef" if "#{@resource[:recurse]}" =~ /^(0|false|)$/ [value].flatten end # Does a given path match our glob patterns, if any? Return true # if no patterns have been provided. def tidy?(path, stat) basename = File.basename(path) flags = File::FNM_DOTMATCH | File::FNM_PATHNAME return(value.find {|pattern| File.fnmatch(pattern, basename, flags) } ? true : false) end end newparam(:backup) do desc "Whether tidied files should be backed up. Any values are passed directly to the file resources used for actual file deletion, so consult the `file` type's backup documentation to determine valid values." end newparam(:age) do desc "Tidy files whose age is equal to or greater than the specified time. You can choose seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks by specifying the first letter of any of those words (e.g., '1w'). Specifying 0 will remove all files." @@ageconvertors = { :s => 1, :m => 60 } @@ageconvertors[:h] = @@ageconvertors[:m] * 60 @@ageconvertors[:d] = @@ageconvertors[:h] * 24 @@ageconvertors[:w] = @@ageconvertors[:d] * 7 def convert(unit, multi) if num = @@ageconvertors[unit] return num * multi else self.fail "Invalid age unit '#{unit}'" end end def tidy?(path, stat) # If the file's older than we allow, we should get rid of it. (Time.now.to_i - stat.send(resource[:type]).to_i) > value end munge do |age| unit = multi = nil case age when /^([0-9]+)(\w)\w*$/ multi = Integer($1) unit = $2.downcase.intern when /^([0-9]+)$/ multi = Integer($1) unit = :d else self.fail "Invalid tidy age #{age}" end convert(unit, multi) end end newparam(:size) do desc "Tidy files whose size is equal to or greater than the specified size. Unqualified values are in kilobytes, but *b*, *k*, *m*, *g*, and *t* can be appended to specify *bytes*, *kilobytes*, *megabytes*, *gigabytes*, and *terabytes*, respectively. Only the first character is significant, so the full word can also be used." @@sizeconvertors = { :b => 0, :k => 1, :m => 2, :g => 3, :t => 4 } def convert(unit, multi) if num = @@sizeconvertors[unit] result = multi num.times do result *= 1024 end return result else self.fail "Invalid size unit '#{unit}'" end end def tidy?(path, stat) stat.size >= value end munge do |size| case size when /^([0-9]+)(\w)\w*$/ multi = Integer($1) unit = $2.downcase.intern when /^([0-9]+)$/ multi = Integer($1) unit = :k else self.fail "Invalid tidy size #{age}" end convert(unit, multi) end end newparam(:type) do - desc "Set the mechanism for determining age." + desc "Set the mechanism for determining age. Default: atime." newvalues(:atime, :mtime, :ctime) defaultto :atime end newparam(:rmdirs, :boolean => true) do desc "Tidy directories in addition to files; that is, remove directories whose age is older than the specified criteria. This will only remove empty directories, so all contained files must also be tidied before a directory gets removed." newvalues :true, :false end # Erase PFile's validate method validate do end def self.instances [] end def depthfirst? true end def initialize(hash) super # only allow backing up into filebuckets self[:backup] = false unless self[:backup].is_a? Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper end # Make a file resource to remove a given file. def mkfile(path) # Force deletion, so directories actually get deleted. Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path, :backup => self[:backup], :ensure => :absent, :force => true end def retrieve # Our ensure property knows how to retrieve everything for us. if obj = @parameters[:ensure] return obj.retrieve else return {} end end # Hack things a bit so we only ever check the ensure property. def properties [] end def generate return [] unless stat(self[:path]) case self[:recurse] when Integer, Fixnum, Bignum, /^\d+$/ parameter = { :recurse => true, :recurselimit => self[:recurse] } when true, :true, :inf parameter = { :recurse => true } end if parameter files = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(self[:path], parameter).files.collect do |f| f == "." ? self[:path] : ::File.join(self[:path], f) end else files = [self[:path]] end result = files.find_all { |path| tidy?(path) }.collect { |path| mkfile(path) }.each { |file| notice "Tidying #{file.ref}" }.sort { |a,b| b[:path] <=> a[:path] } # No need to worry about relationships if we don't have rmdirs; there won't be # any directories. return result unless rmdirs? # Now make sure that all directories require the files they contain, if all are available, # so that a directory is emptied before we try to remove it. files_by_name = result.inject({}) { |hash, file| hash[file[:path]] = file; hash } files_by_name.keys.sort { |a,b| b <=> b }.each do |path| dir = ::File.dirname(path) next unless resource = files_by_name[dir] if resource[:require] resource[:require] << Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) else resource[:require] = [Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path)] end end result end # Does a given path match our glob patterns, if any? Return true # if no patterns have been provided. def matches?(path) return true unless self[:matches] basename = File.basename(path) flags = File::FNM_DOTMATCH | File::FNM_PATHNAME if self[:matches].find {|pattern| File.fnmatch(pattern, basename, flags) } return true else debug "No specified patterns match #{path}, not tidying" return false end end # Should we remove the specified file? def tidy?(path) return false unless stat = self.stat(path) return false if stat.ftype == "directory" and ! rmdirs? # The 'matches' parameter isn't OR'ed with the other tests -- # it's just used to reduce the list of files we can match. return false if param = parameter(:matches) and ! param.tidy?(path, stat) tested = false [:age, :size].each do |name| next unless param = parameter(name) tested = true return true if param.tidy?(path, stat) end # If they don't specify either, then the file should always be removed. return true unless tested false end def stat(path) begin ::File.lstat(path) rescue Errno::ENOENT => error info "File does not exist" return nil rescue Errno::EACCES => error warning "Could not stat; permission denied" return nil end end end