diff --git a/ext/debian/control b/ext/debian/control index 7d4653c64..19f900cb5 100644 --- a/ext/debian/control +++ b/ext/debian/control @@ -1,144 +1,146 @@ Source: puppet Section: admin Priority: optional Maintainer: Puppet Labs Uploaders: Micah Anderson , Andrew Pollock , Nigel Kersten , Stig Sandbeck Mathisen Build-Depends-Indep: ruby | ruby-interpreter, libopenssl-ruby | libopenssl-ruby1.9.1 | libruby (>= 1:, facter (>= 1.7.0), hiera (>= 1.0.0) Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.0), openssl Standards-Version: 3.9.1 Vcs-Git: git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet Homepage: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet Package: puppet-common Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby | ruby-interpreter, libopenssl-ruby | libopenssl-ruby1.9.1 | libruby (>= 1:, ruby-shadow | libshadow-ruby1.8, libaugeas-ruby | libaugeas-ruby1.9.1 | libaugeas-ruby1.8, adduser, lsb-base, sysv-rc (>= 2.86) | file-rc, hiera (>= 1.0.0), facter (>= 1.7.0), libjson-ruby | ruby-json Recommends: lsb-release, debconf-utils Suggests: ruby-selinux | libselinux-ruby1.8 Breaks: puppet (<< 2.6.0~rc2-1), puppetmaster (<< 0.25.4-1) Provides: hiera-puppet Conflicts: hiera-puppet, puppet (<< 3.3.0-1puppetlabs1) Replaces: hiera-puppet Description: Centralized configuration management Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. . Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. . This package contains the puppet software and documentation. For the startup scripts needed to run the puppet agent and master, see the "puppet" and "puppetmaster" packages, respectively. Package: puppet Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, puppet-common (= ${binary:Version}), ruby | ruby-interpreter Recommends: rdoc Suggests: puppet-el, vim-puppet Conflicts: puppet-common (<< 3.3.0-1puppetlabs1) Description: Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts This package contains the startup script and compatbility scripts for the puppet agent, which is the process responsible for configuring the local node. . Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. . Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. Package: puppetmaster-common Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby | ruby-interpreter, puppet-common (= ${binary:Version}), facter (>= 1.7.0), lsb-base Breaks: puppet (<< 0.24.7-1), puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1) Replaces: puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1) +Conflicts: puppet-common (<< 3.3.0-1puppetlabs1) Suggests: apache2 | nginx, puppet-el, vim-puppet, rdoc, ruby-ldap | libldap-ruby1.8, puppetdb-terminus Description: Puppet master common scripts This package contains common scripts for the puppet master, which is the server hosting manifests and files for the puppet nodes. . Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. . Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. Package: puppetmaster Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby | ruby-interpreter, puppetmaster-common (= ${source:Version}), facter (>= 1.7.0), lsb-base Breaks: puppet (<< 0.24.7-1) +Conflicts: puppet (<< 3.3.0-1puppetlabs1) Suggests: apache2 | nginx, puppet-el, vim-puppet, rdoc, ruby-ldap | libldap-ruby1.8, puppetdb-terminus Description: Centralized configuration management - master startup and compatibility scripts This package contains the startup and compatibility scripts for the puppet master, which is the server hosting manifests and files for the puppet nodes. . Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. . Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. Package: puppetmaster-passenger Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby | ruby-interpreter, puppetmaster-common (= ${source:Version}), facter (>= 1.7.0), lsb-base, apache2, libapache2-mod-passenger Conflicts: puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1) Replaces: puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1) Description: Centralised configuration management - master setup to run under mod passenger This package provides a puppetmaster running under mod passenger. This configuration offers better performance and scalability. . Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. . Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. . Package: vim-puppet Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} Recommends: vim-addon-manager Conflicts: puppet (<< ${source:Version}) Description: syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in vim The vim-puppet package provides filetype detection and syntax highlighting for puppet manifests (files ending with ".pp"). Package: puppet-el Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, emacsen-common Conflicts: puppet (<< ${source:Version}) Description: syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in emacs The puppet-el package provides syntax highlighting for puppet manifests Package: puppet-testsuite Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby | ruby-interpreter, puppet-common (= ${source:Version}), facter (>= 1.7.0), lsb-base, rails (>= 1.2.3-2), rdoc, ruby-ldap | libldap-ruby1.8, ruby-rspec | librspec-ruby, git-core, ruby-mocha | libmocha-ruby1.8 Recommends: cron Description: Centralized configuration management - test suite This package provides all the tests from the upstream puppet source code. The tests are used for improving the QA of the puppet package. diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_calculator.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_calculator.rb index e734e020b..fd1487b78 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_calculator.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_calculator.rb @@ -1,1696 +1,1699 @@ # The TypeCalculator can answer questions about puppet types. # # The Puppet type system is primarily based on sub-classing. When asking the type calculator to infer types from Ruby in general, it # may not provide the wanted answer; it does not for instance take module inclusions and extensions into account. In general the type # system should be unsurprising for anyone being exposed to the notion of type. The type `Data` may require a bit more explanation; this # is an abstract type that includes all scalar types, as well as Array with an element type compatible with Data, and Hash with key # compatible with scalar and elements compatible with Data. Expressed differently; Data is what you typically express using JSON (with # the exception that the Puppet type system also includes Pattern (regular expression) as a scalar. # # Inference # --------- # The `infer(o)` method infers a Puppet type for scalar Ruby objects, and for Arrays and Hashes. # The inference result is instance specific for single typed collections # and allows answering questions about its embedded type. It does not however preserve multiple types in # a collection, and can thus not answer questions like `[1,a].infer() =~ Array[Integer, String]` since the inference # computes the common type Scalar when combining Integer and String. # # The `infer_generic(o)` method infers a generic Puppet type for scalar Ruby object, Arrays and Hashes. # This inference result does not contain instance specific information; e.g. Array[Integer] where the integer # range is the generic default. Just `infer` it also combines types into a common type. # # The `infer_set(o)` method works like `infer` but preserves all type information. It does not do any # reduction into common types or ranges. This method of inference is best suited for answering questions # about an object being an instance of a type. It correctly answers: `[1,a].infer_set() =~ Array[Integer, String]` # # The `generalize!(t)` method modifies an instance specific inference result to a generic. The method mutates # the given argument. Basically, this removes string instances from String, and range from Integer and Float. # # Assignability # ------------- # The `assignable?(t1, t2)` method answers if t2 conforms to t1. The type t2 may be an instance, in which case # its type is inferred, or a type. # # Instance? # --------- # The `instance?(t, o)` method answers if the given object (instance) is an instance that is assignable to the given type. # # String # ------ # Creates a string representation of a type. # # Creation of Type instances # -------------------------- # Instance of the classes in the {Puppet::Pops::Types type model} are used to denote a specific type. It is most convenient # to use the {Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory TypeFactory} when creating instances. # # @note # In general, new instances of the wanted type should be created as they are assigned to models using containment, and a # contained object can only be in one container at a time. Also, the type system may include more details in each type # instance, such as if it may be nil, be empty, contain a certain count etc. Or put differently, the puppet types are not # singletons. # # All types support `copy` which should be used when assigning a type where it is unknown if it is bound or not # to a parent type. A check can be made with `t.eContainer().nil?` # # Equality and Hash # ----------------- # Type instances are equal in terms of Ruby eql? and `==` if they describe the same type, but they are not `equal?` if they are not # the same type instance. Two types that describe the same type have identical hash - this makes them usable as hash keys. # # Types and Subclasses # -------------------- # In general, the type calculator should be used to answer questions if a type is a subtype of another (using {#assignable?}, or # {#instance?} if the question is if a given object is an instance of a given type (or is a subtype thereof). # Many of the types also have a Ruby subtype relationship; e.g. PHashType and PArrayType are both subtypes of PCollectionType, and # PIntegerType, PFloatType, PStringType,... are subtypes of PScalarType. Even if it is possible to answer certain questions about # type by looking at the Ruby class of the types this is considered an implementation detail, and such checks should in general # be performed by the type_calculator which implements the type system semantics. # # The PRuntimeType # ------------- # The PRuntimeType corresponds to a type in the runtime system (currently only supported runtime is 'ruby'). The # type has a runtime_type_name that corresponds to a Ruby Class name. # A Runtime[ruby] type can be used to describe any ruby class except for the puppet types that are specialized # (i.e. PRuntimeType should not be used for Integer, String, etc. since there are specialized types for those). # When the type calculator deals with PRuntimeTypes and checks for assignability, it determines the # "common ancestor class" of two classes. # This check is made based on the superclasses of the two classes being compared. In order to perform this, the # classes must be present (i.e. they are resolved from the string form in the PRuntimeType to a # loaded, instantiated Ruby Class). In general this is not a problem, since the question to produce the common # super type for two objects means that the classes must be present or there would have been # no instances present in the first place. If however the classes are not present, the type # calculator will fall back and state that the two types at least have Any in common. # # @see Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory TypeFactory for how to create instances of types # @see Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser TypeParser how to construct a type instance from a String # @see Puppet::Pops::Types Types for details about the type model # # Using the Type Calculator # ----- # The type calculator can be directly used via its class methods. If doing time critical work and doing many # calls to the type calculator, it is more performant to create an instance and invoke the corresponding # instance methods. Note that inference is an expensive operation, rather than inferring the same thing # several times, it is in general better to infer once and then copy the result if mutation to a more generic form is # required. # # @api public # class Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator Types = Puppet::Pops::Types TheInfinity = 1.0 / 0.0 # because the Infinity symbol is not defined # @api public def self.assignable?(t1, t2) singleton.assignable?(t1,t2) end # Answers, does the given callable accept the arguments given in args (an array or a tuple) # @param callable [Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType] - the callable # @param args [Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType] args optionally including a lambda callable at the end # @return [Boolan] true if the callable accepts the arguments # # @api public def self.callable?(callable, args) singleton.callable?(callable, args) end # Produces a String representation of the given type. # @param t [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] the type to produce a string form # @return [String] the type in string form # # @api public # def self.string(t) singleton.string(t) end # @api public def self.infer(o) singleton.infer(o) end # @api public def self.generalize!(o) singleton.generalize!(o) end # @api public def self.infer_set(o) singleton.infer_set(o) end # @api public def self.debug_string(t) singleton.debug_string(t) end # @api public def self.enumerable(t) singleton.enumerable(t) end # @api private def self.singleton() @tc_instance ||= new end # @api public # def initialize @@assignable_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"assignable",1,1) @@infer_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"infer",0,0) @@infer_set_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"infer_set",0,0) @@instance_of_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"instance_of",1,1) @@string_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"string",0,0) @@inspect_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"debug_string",0,0) @@enumerable_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"enumerable",0,0) @@extract_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"extract",0,0) @@generalize_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"generalize",0,0) @@callable_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(nil,"callable",1,1) da = Types::PArrayType.new() da.element_type = Types::PDataType.new() @data_array = da h = Types::PHashType.new() h.element_type = Types::PDataType.new() h.key_type = Types::PScalarType.new() @data_hash = h @data_t = Types::PDataType.new() @scalar_t = Types::PScalarType.new() @numeric_t = Types::PNumericType.new() @t = Types::PAnyType.new() # Data accepts a Tuple that has 0-infinity Data compatible entries (e.g. a Tuple equivalent to Array). data_tuple = Types::PTupleType.new() data_tuple.addTypes(Types::PDataType.new()) data_tuple.size_type = Types::PIntegerType.new() data_tuple.size_type.from = 0 data_tuple.size_type.to = nil # infinity @data_tuple_t = data_tuple # Variant type compatible with Data data_variant = Types::PVariantType.new() data_variant.addTypes(@data_hash.copy) data_variant.addTypes(@data_array.copy) data_variant.addTypes(Types::PScalarType.new) data_variant.addTypes(Types::PNilType.new) data_variant.addTypes(@data_tuple_t.copy) @data_variant_t = data_variant collection_default_size = Types::PIntegerType.new() collection_default_size.from = 0 collection_default_size.to = nil # infinity @collection_default_size_t = collection_default_size non_empty_string = Types::PStringType.new non_empty_string.size_type = Types::PIntegerType.new() non_empty_string.size_type.from = 1 non_empty_string.size_type.to = nil # infinity @non_empty_string_t = non_empty_string @nil_t = Types::PNilType.new end # Convenience method to get a data type for comparisons # @api private the returned value may not be contained in another element # def data @data_t end # Convenience method to get a variant compatible with the Data type. # @api private the returned value may not be contained in another element # def data_variant @data_variant_t end def self.data_variant singleton.data_variant end # Answers the question 'is it possible to inject an instance of the given class' # A class is injectable if it has a special *assisted inject* class method called `inject` taking # an injector and a scope as argument, or if it has a zero args `initialize` method. # # @param klazz [Class, PRuntimeType] the class/type to check if it is injectable # @return [Class, nil] the injectable Class, or nil if not injectable # @api public # def injectable_class(klazz) # Handle case when we get a PType instead of a class if klazz.is_a?(Types::PRuntimeType) klazz = Puppet::Pops::Types::ClassLoader.provide(klazz) end # data types can not be injected (check again, it is not safe to assume that given RubyRuntime klazz arg was ok) return false unless type(klazz).is_a?(Types::PRuntimeType) if (klazz.respond_to?(:inject) && klazz.method(:inject).arity() == -4) || klazz.instance_method(:initialize).arity() == 0 klazz else nil end end # Answers 'can an instance of type t2 be assigned to a variable of type t'. # Does not accept nil/undef unless the type accepts it. # # @api public # def assignable?(t, t2) if t.is_a?(Class) t = type(t) end if t2.is_a?(Class) t2 = type(t2) end # Unit can be assigned to anything return true if t2.class == Types::PUnitType @@assignable_visitor.visit_this_1(self, t, t2) end # Returns an enumerable if the t represents something that can be iterated def enumerable(t) @@enumerable_visitor.visit_this_0(self, t) end # Answers, does the given callable accept the arguments given in args (an array or a tuple) # def callable?(callable, args) return false if !self.class.is_kind_of_callable?(callable) # Note that polymorphism is for the args type, the callable is always a callable @@callable_visitor.visit_this_1(self, args, callable) end # Answers if the two given types describe the same type def equals(left, right) return false unless left.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) && right.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) # Types compare per class only - an extra test must be made if the are mutually assignable # to find all types that represent the same type of instance # left == right || (assignable?(right, left) && assignable?(left, right)) end # Answers 'what is the Puppet Type corresponding to the given Ruby class' # @param c [Class] the class for which a puppet type is wanted # @api public # def type(c) raise ArgumentError, "Argument must be a Class" unless c.is_a? Class # Can't use a visitor here since we don't have an instance of the class case when c <= Integer type = Types::PIntegerType.new() when c == Float type = Types::PFloatType.new() when c == Numeric type = Types::PNumericType.new() when c == String type = Types::PStringType.new() when c == Regexp type = Types::PRegexpType.new() when c == NilClass type = Types::PNilType.new() when c == FalseClass, c == TrueClass type = Types::PBooleanType.new() when c == Class type = Types::PType.new() when c == Array # Assume array of data values type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = Types::PDataType.new() when c == Hash # Assume hash with scalar keys and data values type = Types::PHashType.new() type.key_type = Types::PScalarType.new() type.element_type = Types::PDataType.new() else type = Types::PRuntimeType.new(:runtime => :ruby, :runtime_type_name => c.name) end type end # Generalizes value specific types. The given type is mutated and returned. # @api public def generalize!(o) @@generalize_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) o.eAllContents.each { |x| @@generalize_visitor.visit_this_0(self, x) } o end def generalize_Object(o) # do nothing, there is nothing to change for most types end def generalize_PStringType(o) o.values = [] o.size_type = nil [] end def generalize_PCollectionType(o) # erase the size constraint from Array and Hash (if one exists, it is transformed to -Infinity - + Infinity, which is # not desirable. o.size_type = nil end def generalize_PFloatType(o) o.to = nil o.from = nil end def generalize_PIntegerType(o) o.to = nil o.from = nil end # Answers 'what is the single common Puppet Type describing o', or if o is an Array or Hash, what is the # single common type of the elements (or keys and elements for a Hash). # @api public # def infer(o) @@infer_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end def infer_generic(o) result = generalize!(infer(o)) result end # Answers 'what is the set of Puppet Types of o' # @api public # def infer_set(o) @@infer_set_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end def instance_of(t, o) @@instance_of_visitor.visit_this_1(self, t, o) end def instance_of_Object(t, o) # Undef is Undef and Any, but nothing else when checking instance? return false if (o.nil?) && t.class != Types::PAnyType assignable?(t, infer(o)) end # Anything is an instance of Unit # @api private def instance_of_PUnitType(t, o) true end def instance_of_PArrayType(t, o) return false unless o.is_a?(Array) return false unless o.all? {|element| instance_of(t.element_type, element) } size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t size_t2 = size_as_type(o) # optimize by calling directly assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, size_t2) end def instance_of_PTupleType(t, o) return false unless o.is_a?(Array) # compute the tuple's min/max size, and check if that size matches size_t = t.size_type || Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.range(*t.size_range) # compute the array's size as type size_t2 = size_as_type(o) return false unless assignable?(size_t, size_t2) o.each_with_index do |element, index| return false unless instance_of(t.types[index] || t.types[-1], element) end true end def instance_of_PStructType(t, o) return false unless o.is_a?(Hash) h = t.hashed_elements # all keys must be present and have a value (even if nil/undef) (o.keys - h.keys).empty? && h.all? { |k,v| instance_of(v, o[k]) } end def instance_of_PHashType(t, o) return false unless o.is_a?(Hash) key_t = t.key_type element_t = t.element_type return false unless o.keys.all? {|key| instance_of(key_t, key) } && o.values.all? {|value| instance_of(element_t, value) } size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t size_t2 = size_as_type(o) # optimize by calling directly assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, size_t2) end def instance_of_PDataType(t, o) instance_of(@data_variant_t, o) end def instance_of_PNilType(t, o) return o.nil? end def instance_of_POptionalType(t, o) return true if (o.nil?) instance_of(t.optional_type, o) end def instance_of_PVariantType(t, o) # instance of variant if o is instance? of any of variant's types t.types.any? { |option_t| instance_of(option_t, o) } end # Answers 'is o an instance of type t' # @api public # def self.instance?(t, o) singleton.instance_of(t,o) end # Answers 'is o an instance of type t' # @api public # def instance?(t, o) instance_of(t,o) end # Answers if t is a puppet type # @api public # def is_ptype?(t) return t.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) end # Answers if t represents the puppet type PNilType # @api public # def is_pnil?(t) return t.nil? || t.is_a?(Types::PNilType) end # Answers, 'What is the common type of t1 and t2?' # # TODO: The current implementation should be optimized for performance # # @api public # def common_type(t1, t2) raise ArgumentError, 'two types expected' unless (is_ptype?(t1) || is_pnil?(t1)) && (is_ptype?(t2) || is_pnil?(t2)) # TODO: This is not right since Scalar U Undef is Any # if either is nil, the common type is the other if is_pnil?(t1) return t2 elsif is_pnil?(t2) return t1 end # If either side is Unit, it is the other type if t1.is_a?(Types::PUnitType) return t2 elsif t2.is_a?(Types::PUnitType) return t1 end # Simple case, one is assignable to the other if assignable?(t1, t2) return t1 elsif assignable?(t2, t1) return t2 end # when both are arrays, return an array with common element type if t1.is_a?(Types::PArrayType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PArrayType) type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = common_type(t1.element_type, t2.element_type) return type end # when both are hashes, return a hash with common key- and element type if t1.is_a?(Types::PHashType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PHashType) type = Types::PHashType.new() type.key_type = common_type(t1.key_type, t2.key_type) type.element_type = common_type(t1.element_type, t2.element_type) return type end # when both are host-classes, reduce to PHostClass[] (since one was not assignable to the other) if t1.is_a?(Types::PHostClassType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PHostClassType) return Types::PHostClassType.new() end # when both are resources, reduce to Resource[T] or Resource[] (since one was not assignable to the other) if t1.is_a?(Types::PResourceType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PResourceType) result = Types::PResourceType.new() # only Resource[] unless the type name is the same if t1.type_name == t2.type_name then result.type_name = t1.type_name end # the cross assignability test above has already determined that they do not have the same type and title return result end # Integers have range, expand the range to the common range if t1.is_a?(Types::PIntegerType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PIntegerType) t1range = from_to_ordered(t1.from, t1.to) t2range = from_to_ordered(t2.from, t2.to) t = Types::PIntegerType.new() from = [t1range[0], t2range[0]].min to = [t1range[1], t2range[1]].max t.from = from unless from == TheInfinity t.to = to unless to == TheInfinity return t end # Floats have range, expand the range to the common range if t1.is_a?(Types::PFloatType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PFloatType) t1range = from_to_ordered(t1.from, t1.to) t2range = from_to_ordered(t2.from, t2.to) t = Types::PFloatType.new() from = [t1range[0], t2range[0]].min to = [t1range[1], t2range[1]].max t.from = from unless from == TheInfinity t.to = to unless to == TheInfinity return t end if t1.is_a?(Types::PStringType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PStringType) t = Types::PStringType.new() t.values = t1.values | t2.values return t end if t1.is_a?(Types::PPatternType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PPatternType) t = Types::PPatternType.new() # must make copies since patterns are contained types, not data-types t.patterns = (t1.patterns | t2.patterns).map(&:copy) return t end if t1.is_a?(Types::PEnumType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PEnumType) # The common type is one that complies with either set t = Types::PEnumType.new t.values = t1.values | t2.values return t end if t1.is_a?(Types::PVariantType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PVariantType) # The common type is one that complies with either set t = Types::PVariantType.new t.types = (t1.types | t2.types).map(&:copy) return t end if t1.is_a?(Types::PRegexpType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PRegexpType) # if they were identical, the general rule would return a parameterized regexp # since they were not, the result is a generic regexp type return Types::PPatternType.new() end if t1.is_a?(Types::PCallableType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PCallableType) # They do not have the same signature, and one is not assignable to the other, # what remains is the most general form of Callable return Types::PCallableType.new() end # Common abstract types, from most specific to most general if common_numeric?(t1, t2) return Types::PNumericType.new() end if common_scalar?(t1, t2) return Types::PScalarType.new() end if common_data?(t1,t2) return Types::PDataType.new() end # Meta types Type[Integer] + Type[String] => Type[Data] if t1.is_a?(Types::PType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PType) type = Types::PType.new() type.type = common_type(t1.type, t2.type) return type end # If both are Runtime types if t1.is_a?(Types::PRuntimeType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PRuntimeType) if t1.runtime == t2.runtime && t1.runtime_type_name == t2.runtime_type_name return t1 end # finding the common super class requires that names are resolved to class # NOTE: This only supports runtime type of :ruby c1 = Types::ClassLoader.provide_from_type(t1) c2 = Types::ClassLoader.provide_from_type(t2) if c1 && c2 c2_superclasses = superclasses(c2) superclasses(c1).each do|c1_super| c2_superclasses.each do |c2_super| if c1_super == c2_super return Types::PRuntimeType.new(:runtime => :ruby, :runtime_type_name => c1_super.name) end end end end end # They better both be Any type, or the wrong thing was asked and nil is returned if t1.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) && t2.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) return Types::PAnyType.new() end end # Produces the superclasses of the given class, including the class def superclasses(c) result = [c] while s = c.superclass result << s c = s end result end # Produces a string representing the type # @api public # def string(t) @@string_visitor.visit_this_0(self, t) end # Produces a debug string representing the type (possibly with more information that the regular string format) # @api public # def debug_string(t) @@inspect_visitor.visit_this_0(self, t) end # Reduces an enumerable of types to a single common type. # @api public # def reduce_type(enumerable) enumerable.reduce(nil) {|memo, t| common_type(memo, t) } end # Reduce an enumerable of objects to a single common type # @api public # def infer_and_reduce_type(enumerable) reduce_type(enumerable.collect() {|o| infer(o) }) end # The type of all classes is PType # @api private # def infer_Class(o) Types::PType.new() end # @api private def infer_Closure(o) o.type() end # @api private def infer_Function(o) o.class.dispatcher.to_type end # @api private def infer_Object(o) Types::PRuntimeType.new(:runtime => :ruby, :runtime_type_name => o.class.name) end # The type of all types is PType # @api private # def infer_PAnyType(o) type = Types::PType.new() type.type = o.copy type end # The type of all types is PType # This is the metatype short circuit. # @api private # def infer_PType(o) type = Types::PType.new() type.type = o.copy type end # @api private def infer_String(o) t = Types::PStringType.new() t.addValues(o) t.size_type = size_as_type(o) t end # @api private def infer_Float(o) t = Types::PFloatType.new() t.from = o t.to = o t end # @api private def infer_Integer(o) t = Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = o t.to = o t end # @api private def infer_Regexp(o) t = Types::PRegexpType.new() t.pattern = o.source t end # @api private def infer_NilClass(o) Types::PNilType.new() end # Inference of :default as PDefaultType, and all other are Ruby[Symbol] # @api private def infer_Symbol(o) case o when :default Types::PDefaultType.new() else infer_Object(o) end end # @api private def infer_TrueClass(o) Types::PBooleanType.new() end # @api private def infer_FalseClass(o) Types::PBooleanType.new() end # @api private # A Puppet::Parser::Resource, or Puppet::Resource # def infer_Resource(o) t = Types::PResourceType.new() t.type_name = o.type.to_s.downcase # Only Puppet::Resource can have a title that is a symbol :undef, a PResource cannot. # A mapping must be made to empty string. A nil value will result in an error later title = o.title t.title = (:undef == title ? '' : title) type = Types::PType.new() type.type = t type end # @api private def infer_Array(o) type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = if o.empty? Types::PNilType.new() else infer_and_reduce_type(o) end type.size_type = size_as_type(o) type end # @api private def infer_Hash(o) type = Types::PHashType.new() if o.empty? ktype = Types::PNilType.new() etype = Types::PNilType.new() else ktype = infer_and_reduce_type(o.keys()) etype = infer_and_reduce_type(o.values()) end type.key_type = ktype type.element_type = etype type.size_type = size_as_type(o) type end def size_as_type(collection) size = collection.size t = Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = size t.to = size t end # Common case for everything that intrinsically only has a single type def infer_set_Object(o) infer(o) end def infer_set_Array(o) if o.empty? type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = Types::PNilType.new() type.size_type = size_as_type(o) else type = Types::PTupleType.new() type.types = o.map() {|x| infer_set(x) } end type end def infer_set_Hash(o) type = Types::PHashType.new() if o.empty? ktype = Types::PNilType.new() vtype = Types::PNilType.new() else ktype = Types::PVariantType.new() ktype.types = o.keys.map() {|k| infer_set(k) } etype = Types::PVariantType.new() etype.types = o.values.map() {|e| infer_set(e) } end type.key_type = unwrap_single_variant(ktype) type.element_type = unwrap_single_variant(etype) type.size_type = size_as_type(o) type end def unwrap_single_variant(possible_variant) if possible_variant.is_a?(Types::PVariantType) && possible_variant.types.size == 1 possible_variant.types[0] else possible_variant end end # False in general type calculator # @api private def assignable_Object(t, t2) false end # @api private def assignable_PAnyType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) end # @api private def assignable_PNilType(t, t2) # Only undef/nil is assignable to nil type t2.is_a?(Types::PNilType) end # Anything is assignable to a Unit type # @api private def assignable_PUnitType(t, t2) true end # @api private def assignable_PDefaultType(t, t2) # Only default is assignable to default type t2.is_a?(Types::PDefaultType) end # @api private def assignable_PScalarType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PScalarType) end # @api private def assignable_PNumericType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PNumericType) end # @api private def assignable_PIntegerType(t, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PIntegerType) trange = from_to_ordered(t.from, t.to) t2range = from_to_ordered(t2.from, t2.to) # If t2 min and max are within the range of t trange[0] <= t2range[0] && trange[1] >= t2range[1] end # Transform int range to a size constraint # if range == nil the constraint is 1,1 # if range.from == nil min size = 1 # if range.to == nil max size == Infinity # def size_range(range) return [1,1] if range.nil? from = range.from to = range.to x = from.nil? ? 1 : from y = to.nil? ? TheInfinity : to if x < y [x, y] else [y, x] end end # @api private def from_to_ordered(from, to) x = (from.nil? || from == :default) ? -TheInfinity : from y = (to.nil? || to == :default) ? TheInfinity : to if x < y [x, y] else [y, x] end end # @api private def assignable_PVariantType(t, t2) # Data is a specific variant t2 = @data_variant_t if t2.is_a?(Types::PDataType) if t2.is_a?(Types::PVariantType) # A variant is assignable if all of its options are assignable to one of this type's options return true if t == t2 t2.types.all? do |other| # if the other is a Variant, all of its options, but be assignable to one of this type's options other = other.is_a?(Types::PDataType) ? @data_variant_t : other if other.is_a?(Types::PVariantType) assignable?(t, other) else t.types.any? {|option_t| assignable?(option_t, other) } end end else # A variant is assignable if t2 is assignable to any of its types t.types.any? { |option_t| assignable?(option_t, t2) } end end # Catch all not callable combinations def callable_Object(o, callable_t) false end def callable_PTupleType(args_tuple, callable_t) if args_tuple.size_type raise ArgumentError, "Callable tuple may not have a size constraint when used as args" end # Assume no block was given - i.e. it is nil, and its type is PNilType block_t = @nil_t if self.class.is_kind_of_callable?(args_tuple.types.last) # a split is needed to make it possible to use required, optional, and varargs semantics # of the tuple type. # args_tuple = args_tuple.copy # to drop the callable, it must be removed explicitly since this is an rgen array args_tuple.removeTypes(block_t = args_tuple.types.last()) else # no block was given, if it is required, the below will fail end # unless argument types match parameter types return false unless assignable?(callable_t.param_types, args_tuple) # can the given block be *called* with a signature requirement specified by callable_t? assignable?(callable_t.block_type || @nil_t, block_t) end # @api private def self.is_kind_of_callable?(t, optional = true) case t when Types::PCallableType true when Types::POptionalType optional && is_kind_of_callable?(t.optional_type, optional) when Types::PVariantType t.types.all? {|t2| is_kind_of_callable?(t2, optional) } else false end end def callable_PArrayType(args_array, callable_t) return false unless assignable?(callable_t.param_types, args_array) # does not support calling with a block, but have to check that callable is ok with missing block assignable?(callable_t.block_type || @nil_t, @nil_t) end def callable_PNilType(nil_t, callable_t) # if callable_t is Optional (or indeed PNilType), this means that 'missing callable' is accepted assignable?(callable_t, nil_t) end def callable_PCallableType(given_callable_t, required_callable_t) # If the required callable is euqal or more specific than the given, the given is callable assignable?(required_callable_t, given_callable_t) end def max(a,b) a >=b ? a : b end def min(a,b) a <= b ? a : b end def assignable_PTupleType(t, t2) return true if t == t2 || t.types.empty? && (t2.is_a?(Types::PArrayType)) size_t = t.size_type || Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.range(*t.size_range) if t2.is_a?(Types::PTupleType) size_t2 = t2.size_type || Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.range(*t2.size_range) # not assignable if the number of types in t2 is outside number of types in t1 if assignable?(size_t, size_t2) t2.types.size.times do |index| return false unless assignable?((t.types[index] || t.types[-1]), t2.types[index]) end return true else return false end elsif t2.is_a?(Types::PArrayType) t2_entry = t2.element_type # Array of anything can not be assigned (unless tuple is tuple of anything) - this case # was handled at the top of this method. # return false if t2_entry.nil? size_t = t.size_type || Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.range(*t.size_range) size_t2 = t2.size_type || @collection_default_size_t return false unless assignable?(size_t, size_t2) min(t.types.size, size_t2.range()[1]).times do |index| return false unless assignable?((t.types[index] || t.types[-1]), t2_entry) end true else false end end # Produces the tuple entry at the given index given a tuple type, its from/to constraints on the last # type, and an index. # Produces nil if the index is out of bounds # from must be less than to, and from may not be less than 0 # # @api private # def tuple_entry_at(tuple_t, from, to, index) regular = (tuple_t.types.size - 1) if index < regular tuple_t.types[index] elsif index < regular + to # in the varargs part tuple_t.types[-1] else nil end end # @api private # def assignable_PStructType(t, t2) return true if t == t2 || t.elements.empty? && (t2.is_a?(Types::PHashType)) h = t.hashed_elements if t2.is_a?(Types::PStructType) h2 = t2.hashed_elements h.size == h2.size && h.all? {|k, v| assignable?(v, h2[k]) } elsif t2.is_a?(Types::PHashType) size_t2 = t2.size_type || @collection_default_size_t size_t = Types::PIntegerType.new size_t.from = size_t.to = h.size # compatible size # hash key type must be string of min 1 size # hash value t must be assignable to each key element_type = t2.element_type assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, size_t2) && assignable?(@non_empty_string_t, t2.key_type) && h.all? {|k,v| assignable?(v, element_type) } else false end end # @api private def assignable_POptionalType(t, t2) return true if t2.is_a?(Types::PNilType) if t2.is_a?(Types::POptionalType) assignable?(t.optional_type, t2.optional_type) else assignable?(t.optional_type, t2) end end # @api private def assignable_PEnumType(t, t2) return true if t == t2 || (t.values.empty? && (t2.is_a?(Types::PStringType) || t2.is_a?(Types::PEnumType))) case t2 when Types::PStringType # if the set of strings are all found in the set of enums - t2.values.all? { |s| t.values.any? { |e| e == s }} + !t2.values.empty?() && t2.values.all? { |s| t.values.any? { |e| e == s }} when Types::PVariantType t2.types.all? {|variant_t| assignable_PEnumType(t, variant_t) } when Types::PEnumType - t2.values.all? { |s| t.values.any? {|e| e == s }} + # empty means any enum + return true if t.values.empty? + !t2.values.empty? && t2.values.all? { |s| t.values.any? {|e| e == s }} else false end end # @api private def assignable_PStringType(t, t2) if t.values.empty? # A general string is assignable by any other string or pattern restricted string # if the string has a size constraint it does not match since there is no reasonable way # to compute the min/max length a pattern will match. For enum, it is possible to test that # each enumerator value is within range size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t case t2 when Types::PStringType # true if size compliant size_t2 = t2.size_type || @collection_default_size_t assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, size_t2) when Types::PPatternType # true if size constraint is at least 0 to +Infinity (which is the same as the default) assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, @collection_default_size_t) when Types::PEnumType - if t2.values + if t2.values && !t2.values.empty? # true if all enum values are within range min, max = t2.values.map(&:size).minmax trange = from_to_ordered(size_t.from, size_t.to) t2range = [min, max] # If t2 min and max are within the range of t trange[0] <= t2range[0] && trange[1] >= t2range[1] else - # no string can match this enum anyway since it does not accept anything - false + # enum represents all enums, and thus all strings, a sized constrained string can thus not + # be assigned any enum (unless it is max size). + assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, @collection_default_size_t) end else # no other type matches string false end elsif t2.is_a?(Types::PStringType) # A specific string acts as a set of strings - must have exactly the same strings # In this case, size does not matter since the definition is very precise anyway Set.new(t.values) == Set.new(t2.values) else # All others are false, since no other type describes the same set of specific strings false end end # @api private def assignable_PPatternType(t, t2) return true if t == t2 case t2 when Types::PStringType, Types::PEnumType values = t2.values when Types::PVariantType return t2.types.all? {|variant_t| assignable_PPatternType(t, variant_t) } else return false end if t2.values.empty? # Strings / Enums (unknown which ones) cannot all match a pattern, but if there is no pattern it is ok # (There should really always be a pattern, but better safe than sorry). return t.patterns.empty? ? true : false end # all strings in String/Enum type must match one of the patterns in Pattern type regexps = t.patterns.map {|p| p.regexp } t2.values.all? { |v| regexps.any? {|re| re.match(v) } } end # @api private def assignable_PFloatType(t, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PFloatType) trange = from_to_ordered(t.from, t.to) t2range = from_to_ordered(t2.from, t2.to) # If t2 min and max are within the range of t trange[0] <= t2range[0] && trange[1] >= t2range[1] end # @api private def assignable_PBooleanType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PBooleanType) end # @api private def assignable_PRegexpType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PRegexpType) && (t.pattern.nil? || t.pattern == t2.pattern) end # @api private def assignable_PCallableType(t, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PCallableType) # nil param_types means, any other Callable is assignable return true if t.param_types.nil? # NOTE: these tests are made in reverse as it is calling the callable that is constrained # (it's lower bound), not its upper bound return false unless assignable?(t2.param_types, t.param_types) # names are ignored, they are just information # Blocks must be compatible this_block_t = t.block_type || @nil_t that_block_t = t2.block_type || @nil_t assignable?(that_block_t, this_block_t) end # @api private def assignable_PCollectionType(t, t2) size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t case t2 when Types::PCollectionType size_t2 = t2.size_type || @collection_default_size_t assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, size_t2) when Types::PTupleType # compute the tuple's min/max size, and check if that size matches from, to = size_range(t2.size_type) t2s = Types::PIntegerType.new() t2s.from = t2.types.size - 1 + from t2s.to = t2.types.size - 1 + to assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, t2s) when Types::PStructType from = to = t2.elements.size t2s = Types::PIntegerType.new() t2s.from = from t2s.to = to assignable_PIntegerType(size_t, t2s) else false end end # @api private def assignable_PType(t, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PType) return true if t.type.nil? # wide enough to handle all types return false if t2.type.nil? # wider than t assignable?(t.type, t2.type) end # Array is assignable if t2 is an Array and t2's element type is assignable, or if t2 is a Tuple # where # @api private def assignable_PArrayType(t, t2) if t2.is_a?(Types::PArrayType) return false unless assignable?(t.element_type, t2.element_type) assignable_PCollectionType(t, t2) elsif t2.is_a?(Types::PTupleType) return false unless t2.types.all? {|t2_element| assignable?(t.element_type, t2_element) } t2_regular = t2.types[0..-2] t2_ranged = t2.types[-1] t2_from, t2_to = size_range(t2.size_type) t2_required = t2_regular.size + t2_from t_entry = t.element_type # Tuple of anything can not be assigned (unless array is tuple of anything) - this case # was handled at the top of this method. # return false if t_entry.nil? # array type may be size constrained size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t min, max = size_t.range # Tuple with fewer min entries can not be assigned return false if t2_required < min # Tuple with more optionally available entries can not be assigned return false if t2_regular.size + t2_to > max # each tuple type must be assignable to the element type t2_required.times do |index| t2_entry = tuple_entry_at(t2, t2_from, t2_to, index) return false unless assignable?(t_entry, t2_entry) end # ... and so must the last, possibly optional (ranged) type return assignable?(t_entry, t2_ranged) else false end end # Hash is assignable if t2 is a Hash and t2's key and element types are assignable # @api private def assignable_PHashType(t, t2) case t2 when Types::PHashType return false unless assignable?(t.key_type, t2.key_type) && assignable?(t.element_type, t2.element_type) assignable_PCollectionType(t, t2) when Types::PStructType # hash must accept String as key type # hash must accept all value types # hash must accept the size of the struct size_t = t.size_type || @collection_default_size_t min, max = size_t.range struct_size = t2.elements.size element_type = t.element_type ( struct_size >= min && struct_size <= max && assignable?(t.key_type, @non_empty_string_t) && t2.hashed_elements.all? {|k,v| assignable?(element_type, v) }) else false end end # @api private def assignable_PCatalogEntryType(t1, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PCatalogEntryType) end # @api private def assignable_PHostClassType(t1, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PHostClassType) # Class = Class[name}, Class[name] != Class return true if t1.class_name.nil? # Class[name] = Class[name] return t1.class_name == t2.class_name end # @api private def assignable_PResourceType(t1, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PResourceType) return true if t1.type_name.nil? return false if t1.type_name != t2.type_name return true if t1.title.nil? return t1.title == t2.title end # Data is assignable by other Data and by Array[Data] and Hash[Scalar, Data] # @api private def assignable_PDataType(t, t2) t2.is_a?(Types::PDataType) || assignable?(@data_variant_t, t2) end # Assignable if t2's has the same runtime and the runtime name resolves to # a class that is the same or subclass of t1's resolved runtime type name # @api private def assignable_PRuntimeType(t1, t2) return false unless t2.is_a?(Types::PRuntimeType) return false unless t1.runtime == t2.runtime return true if t1.runtime_type_name.nil? # t1 is wider return false if t2.runtime_type_name.nil? # t1 not nil, so t2 can not be wider # NOTE: This only supports Ruby, must change when/if the set of runtimes is expanded c1 = class_from_string(t1.runtime_type_name) c2 = class_from_string(t2.runtime_type_name) return false unless c1.is_a?(Class) && c2.is_a?(Class) !!(c2 <= c1) end # @api private def debug_string_Object(t) string(t) end # @api private def string_PType(t) if t.type.nil? "Type" else "Type[#{string(t.type)}]" end end # @api private def string_NilClass(t) ; '?' ; end # @api private def string_String(t) ; t ; end # @api private def string_Symbol(t) ; t.to_s ; end def string_PAnyType(t) ; "Any" ; end # @api private def string_PNilType(t) ; 'Undef' ; end # @api private def string_PDefaultType(t) ; 'Default' ; end # @api private def string_PBooleanType(t) ; "Boolean" ; end # @api private def string_PScalarType(t) ; "Scalar" ; end # @api private def string_PDataType(t) ; "Data" ; end # @api private def string_PNumericType(t) ; "Numeric" ; end # @api private def string_PIntegerType(t) range = range_array_part(t) unless range.empty? "Integer[#{range.join(', ')}]" else "Integer" end end # Produces a string from an Integer range type that is used inside other type strings # @api private def range_array_part(t) return [] if t.nil? || (t.from.nil? && t.to.nil?) [t.from.nil? ? 'default' : t.from , t.to.nil? ? 'default' : t.to ] end # @api private def string_PFloatType(t) range = range_array_part(t) unless range.empty? "Float[#{range.join(', ')}]" else "Float" end end # @api private def string_PRegexpType(t) t.pattern.nil? ? "Regexp" : "Regexp[#{t.regexp.inspect}]" end # @api private def string_PStringType(t) # skip values in regular output - see debug_string range = range_array_part(t.size_type) unless range.empty? "String[#{range.join(', ')}]" else "String" end end # @api private def debug_string_PStringType(t) range = range_array_part(t.size_type) range_part = range.empty? ? '' : '[' << range.join(' ,') << '], ' "String[" << range_part << (t.values.map {|s| "'#{s}'" }).join(', ') << ']' end # @api private def string_PEnumType(t) return "Enum" if t.values.empty? "Enum[" << t.values.map {|s| "'#{s}'" }.join(', ') << ']' end # @api private def string_PVariantType(t) return "Variant" if t.types.empty? "Variant[" << t.types.map {|t2| string(t2) }.join(', ') << ']' end # @api private def string_PTupleType(t) range = range_array_part(t.size_type) return "Tuple" if t.types.empty? s = "Tuple[" << t.types.map {|t2| string(t2) }.join(', ') unless range.empty? s << ", " << range.join(', ') end s << "]" s end # @api private def string_PCallableType(t) # generic return "Callable" if t.param_types.nil? if t.param_types.types.empty? range = [0, 0] else range = range_array_part(t.param_types.size_type) end # translate to string, and skip Unit types types = t.param_types.types.map {|t2| string(t2) unless t2.class == Types::PUnitType }.compact s = "Callable[" << types.join(', ') unless range.empty? (s << ', ') unless types.empty? s << range.join(', ') end # Add block T last (after min, max) if present) # unless t.block_type.nil? (s << ', ') unless types.empty? && range.empty? s << string(t.block_type) end s << "]" s end # @api private def string_PStructType(t) return "Struct" if t.elements.empty? "Struct[{" << t.elements.map {|element| string(element) }.join(', ') << "}]" end def string_PStructElement(t) "'#{t.name}'=>#{string(t.type)}" end # @api private def string_PPatternType(t) return "Pattern" if t.patterns.empty? "Pattern[" << t.patterns.map {|s| "#{s.regexp.inspect}" }.join(', ') << ']' end # @api private def string_PCollectionType(t) range = range_array_part(t.size_type) unless range.empty? "Collection[#{range.join(', ')}]" else "Collection" end end # @api private def string_PUnitType(t) "Unit" end # @api private def string_PRuntimeType(t) ; "Runtime[#{string(t.runtime)}, #{string(t.runtime_type_name)}]" ; end # @api private def string_PArrayType(t) parts = [string(t.element_type)] + range_array_part(t.size_type) "Array[#{parts.join(', ')}]" end # @api private def string_PHashType(t) parts = [string(t.key_type), string(t.element_type)] + range_array_part(t.size_type) "Hash[#{parts.join(', ')}]" end # @api private def string_PCatalogEntryType(t) "CatalogEntry" end # @api private def string_PHostClassType(t) if t.class_name "Class[#{t.class_name}]" else "Class" end end # @api private def string_PResourceType(t) if t.type_name if t.title "#{capitalize_segments(t.type_name)}['#{t.title}']" else capitalize_segments(t.type_name) end else "Resource" end end def string_POptionalType(t) if t.optional_type.nil? "Optional" else "Optional[#{string(t.optional_type)}]" end end # Catches all non enumerable types # @api private def enumerable_Object(o) nil end # @api private def enumerable_PIntegerType(t) # Not enumerable if representing an infinite range return nil if t.size == TheInfinity t end def self.copy_as_tuple(t) case t when Types::PTupleType t.copy when Types::PArrayType # transform array to tuple result = Types::PTupleType.new result.addTypes(t.element_type.copy) result.size_type = t.size_type.nil? ? nil : t.size_type.copy result else raise ArgumentError, "Internal Error: Only Array and Tuple can be given to copy_as_tuple" end end private NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = '::'.freeze def capitalize_segments(s) s.split(NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR).map(&:capitalize).join(NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) end def class_from_string(str) begin str.split(NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR).inject(Object) do |memo, name_segment| memo.const_get(name_segment) end rescue NameError return nil end end def common_data?(t1, t2) assignable?(@data_t, t1) && assignable?(@data_t, t2) end def common_scalar?(t1, t2) assignable?(@scalar_t, t1) && assignable?(@scalar_t, t2) end def common_numeric?(t1, t2) assignable?(@numeric_t, t1) && assignable?(@numeric_t, t2) end end diff --git a/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb b/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb index 0bd475263..b11ed23a9 100644 --- a/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb @@ -1,1800 +1,1831 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' describe 'The type calculator' do let(:calculator) { Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new() } def range_t(from, to) t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new t.from = from t.to = to t end + def constrained_t(t, from, to) + Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.constrain_size(t, from, to) + end def pattern_t(*patterns) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.pattern(*patterns) end def regexp_t(pattern) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.regexp(pattern) end def string_t(*strings) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.string(*strings) end def callable_t(*params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.callable(*params) end def all_callables_t(*params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.all_callables() end def with_block_t(callable_t, *params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.with_block(callable_t, *params) end def with_optional_block_t(callable_t, *params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.with_optional_block(callable_t, *params) end def enum_t(*strings) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.enum(*strings) end def variant_t(*types) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.variant(*types) end def integer_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.integer() end def array_t(t) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.array_of(t) end def hash_t(k,v) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.hash_of(v, k) end def data_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.data() end def factory() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory end def collection_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.collection() end def tuple_t(*types) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.tuple(*types) end def struct_t(type_hash) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.struct(type_hash) end def object_t Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.any() end def unit_t # Cannot be created via factory, the type is private to the type system Puppet::Pops::Types::PUnitType.new end def types Puppet::Pops::Types end shared_context "types_setup" do # Do not include the special type Unit in this list def all_types [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PType, Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDefaultType, ] end def scalar_types # PVariantType is also scalar, if its types are all Scalar [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, ] end def numeric_types # PVariantType is also numeric, if its types are all numeric [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, ] end def string_types # PVariantType is also string type, if its types are all compatible [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, ] end def collection_types # PVariantType is also string type, if its types are all compatible [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, ] end def data_compatible_types result = scalar_types result << Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType result << array_t(types::PDataType.new) result << types::TypeFactory.hash_of_data result << Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType tmp = tuple_t(types::PDataType.new) result << (tmp) tmp.size_type = range_t(0, nil) result end def type_from_class(c) c.is_a?(Class) ? c.new : c end end context 'when inferring ruby' do it 'fixnum translates to PIntegerType' do calculator.infer(1).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'large fixnum (or bignum depending on architecture) translates to PIntegerType' do calculator.infer(2**33).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'float translates to PFloatType' do calculator.infer(1.3).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType end it 'string translates to PStringType' do calculator.infer('foo').class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'inferred string type knows the string value' do t = calculator.infer('foo') t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType t.values.should == ['foo'] end it 'boolean true translates to PBooleanType' do calculator.infer(true).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end it 'boolean false translates to PBooleanType' do calculator.infer(false).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end it 'regexp translates to PRegexpType' do calculator.infer(/^a regular expression$/).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType end it 'nil translates to PNilType' do calculator.infer(nil).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end it ':undef translates to PRuntimeType' do calculator.infer(:undef).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType end it 'an instance of class Foo translates to PRuntimeType[ruby, Foo]' do class Foo end t = calculator.infer(Foo.new) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType t.runtime.should == :ruby t.runtime_type_name.should == 'Foo' end context 'array' do it 'translates to PArrayType' do calculator.infer([1,2]).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType end it 'with fixnum values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1,2]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'with 32 and 64 bit integer values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1,2**33]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'Range of integer values are computed' do t = calculator.infer([-3,0,42]).element_type t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType t.from.should == -3 t.to.should == 42 end it "Compound string values are computed" do t = calculator.infer(['a','b', 'c']).element_type t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType t.values.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] end it 'with fixnum and float values translates to PArrayType[PNumericType]' do calculator.infer([1,2.0]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType end it 'with fixnum and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with float and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1.0,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with fixnum, float, and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1, 2.0,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with fixnum and regexp values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1, /two/]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with string and regexp values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer(['one', /two/]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with string and symbol values translates to PArrayType[PAnyType]' do calculator.infer(['one', :two]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType end it 'with fixnum and nil values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1, nil]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'with arrays of string values translates to PArrayType[PArrayType[PStringType]]' do et = calculator.infer([['first' 'array'], ['second','array']]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with array of string values and array of fixnums translates to PArrayType[PArrayType[PScalarType]]' do et = calculator.infer([['first' 'array'], [1,2]]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with hashes of string values translates to PArrayType[PHashType[PStringType]]' do et = calculator.infer([{:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }, {:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with hash of string values and hash of fixnums translates to PArrayType[PHashType[PScalarType]]' do et = calculator.infer([{:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }, {:first => 1, :second => 2 }]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end end context 'hash' do it 'translates to PHashType' do calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType end it 'with symbolic keys translates to PHashType[PRuntimeType[ruby, Symbol], value]' do k = calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).key_type k.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType k.runtime.should == :ruby k.runtime_type_name.should == 'Symbol' end it 'with string keys translates to PHashType[PStringType, value]' do calculator.infer({'first' => 1, 'second' => 2}).key_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with fixnum values translates to PHashType[key, PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end end end context 'patterns' do it "constructs a PPatternType" do t = pattern_t('a(b)c') t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType t.patterns.size.should == 1 t.patterns[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType t.patterns[0].pattern.should == 'a(b)c' t.patterns[0].regexp.match('abc')[1].should == 'b' end it "constructs a PStringType with multiple strings" do t = string_t('a', 'b', 'c', 'abc') t.values.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'abc'] end end # Deal with cases not covered by computing common type context 'when computing common type' do it 'computes given resource type commonality' do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'File' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'File' r2.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r1.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File['/tmp/foo']" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r1.title = '/tmp/bar' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'Package' r2.title = 'apache' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Resource" end it 'computes given hostclass type commonality' do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r1.class_name = 'foo' r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r2.class_name = 'foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class[foo]" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r2.class_name = 'bar' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" end it 'computes pattern commonality' do t1 = pattern_t('abc') t2 = pattern_t('xyz') common_t = calculator.common_type(t1,t2) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType common_t.patterns.map { |pr| pr.pattern }.should == ['abc', 'xyz'] calculator.string(common_t).should == "Pattern[/abc/, /xyz/]" end it 'computes enum commonality to value set sum' do t1 = enum_t('a', 'b', 'c') t2 = enum_t('x', 'y', 'z') common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) common_t.should == enum_t('a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z') end it 'computed variant commonality to type union where added types are not sub-types' do a_t1 = integer_t() a_t2 = enum_t('b') v_a = variant_t(a_t1, a_t2) b_t1 = enum_t('a') v_b = variant_t(b_t1) common_t = calculator.common_type(v_a, v_b) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType Set.new(common_t.types).should == Set.new([a_t1, a_t2, b_t1]) end it 'computed variant commonality to type union where added types are sub-types' do a_t1 = integer_t() a_t2 = string_t() v_a = variant_t(a_t1, a_t2) b_t1 = enum_t('a') v_b = variant_t(b_t1) common_t = calculator.common_type(v_a, v_b) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType Set.new(common_t.types).should == Set.new([a_t1, a_t2]) end context "of callables" do it 'incompatible instances => generic callable' do t1 = callable_t(String) t2 = callable_t(Integer) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types).to be_nil expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'compatible instances => the most specific' do t1 = callable_t(String) scalar_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new t2 = callable_t(scalar_t) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType) expect(common_t.param_types.types).to eql([string_t]) expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'block_type is included in the check (incompatible block)' do t1 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), String) t2 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), Integer) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types).to be_nil expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'block_type is included in the check (compatible block)' do t1 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), String) scalar_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new t2 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), scalar_t) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.param_types.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType) expect(common_t.block_type).to eql(callable_t(scalar_t)) end end end context 'computes assignability' do include_context "types_setup" context 'for Unit, such that' do it 'all types are assignable to Unit' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PUnitType.new() all_types.each { |t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Unit is assignable to all other types' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PUnitType.new() all_types.each { |t2| t.should be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Unit is assignable to Unit' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PUnitType.new() t2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PUnitType.new() t.should be_assignable_to(t2) end end context "for Any, such that" do it 'all types are assignable to Any' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType.new() all_types.each { |t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Any is not assignable to anything but Any' do tested_types = all_types() - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType.new() tested_types.each { |t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Data, such that" do it 'all scalars + array and hash are assignable to Data' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() data_compatible_types.each { |t2| type_from_class(t2).should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'a Variant of scalar, hash, or array is assignable to Data' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() data_compatible_types.each { |t2| variant_t(type_from_class(t2)).should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Data is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() types_to_test = data_compatible_types- [Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(type_from_class(t2)) } end it 'Data is not assignable to a Variant of Data subtype' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() types_to_test = data_compatible_types- [Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] types_to_test.each { |t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(variant_t(type_from_class(t2))) } end it 'Data is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - scalar_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Scalar, such that" do it "all scalars are assignable to Scalar" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() scalar_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Scalar is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() types_to_test = scalar_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Scalar is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - scalar_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Numeric, such that" do it "all numerics are assignable to Numeric" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() numeric_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Numeric is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() types_to_test = numeric_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Numeric is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, ] - numeric_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Collection, such that" do it "all collections are assignable to Collection" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() collection_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Collection is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() types_to_test = collection_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Collection is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Array, such that" do it "Array is not assignable to non Array based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Array is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Hash, such that" do it "Hash is not assignable to any other Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Hash is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Tuple, such that" do it "Tuple is not assignable to any other non Array based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Tuple is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Struct, such that" do it "Struct is not assignable to any other non Hashed based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Struct is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Callable, such that" do it "Callable is not assignable to any disjunct type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end it 'should recognize mapped ruby types' do { Integer => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Fixnum => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Bignum => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Float => Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new, Numeric => Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new, NilClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new, TrueClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new, FalseClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new, String => Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new, Regexp => Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new, Regexp => Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new, Array => Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.array_of_data(), Hash => Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.hash_of_data() }.each do |ruby_type, puppet_type | ruby_type.should be_assignable_to(puppet_type) end end context 'when dealing with integer ranges' do it 'should accept an equal range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,5), range_t(2,5)).should == true end it 'should accept an equal reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,5), range_t(5,2)).should == true end it 'should accept a narrower range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,10), range_t(3,5)).should == true end it 'should accept a narrower reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,10), range_t(5,3)).should == true end it 'should reject a wider range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(2,10)).should == false end it 'should reject a wider reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(10,2)).should == false end it 'should reject a partially overlapping range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(2,4)).should == false calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(4,6)).should == false end it 'should reject a partially overlapping reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(4,2)).should == false calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(6,4)).should == false end end context 'when dealing with patterns' do it 'should accept a string matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t('abc') p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a regexp matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(/abc/) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a pattern matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(pattern_t('abc')) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a regexp matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(regexp_t('abc')) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a string matching all patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c') p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept multiple strings if they all match any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('X', 'Y', 'abc') p_s = string_t('Xa', 'aY', 'abc') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should reject a string not matching any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c') p_s = string_t('XqqqY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == false end it 'should reject multiple strings if not all match any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c', 'q') p_s = string_t('X', 'Y', 'Z') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == false end it 'should accept enum matching patterns as instanceof' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L' 'XL', 'XXL') pattern = pattern_t('S', 'M', 'L') calculator.assignable?(pattern, enum).should == true end it 'pattern should accept a variant where all variants are acceptable' do pattern = pattern_t(/^\w+$/) calculator.assignable?(pattern, variant_t(string_t('a'), string_t('b'))).should == true end end context 'when dealing with enums' do it 'should accept a string with matching content' do calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), string_t('a')).should == true calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), string_t('b')).should == true calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), string_t('c')).should == false end it 'should accept an enum with matching enum' do calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), enum_t('a', 'b')).should == true calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), enum_t('a')).should == true calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a', 'b'), enum_t('c')).should == false end + it 'non parameterized enum accepts any other enum but not the reverse' do + calculator.assignable?(enum_t(), enum_t('a')).should == true + calculator.assignable?(enum_t('a'), enum_t()).should == false + end + it 'enum should accept a variant where all variants are acceptable' do enum = enum_t('a', 'b') calculator.assignable?(enum, variant_t(string_t('a'), string_t('b'))).should == true end end + context 'when dealing with string and enum combinations' do + it 'should accept assigning any enum to unrestricted string' do + calculator.assignable?(string_t(), enum_t('blue')).should == true + calculator.assignable?(string_t(), enum_t('blue', 'red')).should == true + end + + it 'should not accept assigning longer enum value to size restricted string' do + calculator.assignable?(constrained_t(string_t(),2,2), enum_t('a','blue')).should == false + end + + it 'should accept assigning any string to empty enum' do + calculator.assignable?(enum_t(), string_t()).should == true + end + + it 'should accept assigning empty enum to any string' do + calculator.assignable?(string_t(), enum_t()).should == true + end + + it 'should not accept assigning empty enum to size constrained string' do + calculator.assignable?(constrained_t(string_t(),2,2), enum_t()).should == false + end + end + context 'when dealing with tuples' do it 'matches empty tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t() tuple2 = tuple_t() calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'accepts an empty tuple as assignable to a tuple with a min size of 0' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Object) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t() calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should accept matching tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept matching tuples where one is more general than the other' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) tuple2 = tuple_t(Numeric,Numeric) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == false calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept ranged tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 5, 5) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should reject ranged tuples when ranges does not match' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 4, 5) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should reject ranged tuples when ranges does not match (using infinite upper bound)' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 4, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should accept matching tuples with optional entries by repeating last' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t(Numeric,Numeric) factory.constrain_size(tuple2, 0, :default) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == false calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept matching tuples with optional entries' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Integer, Integer, String) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 1, 3) array2 = factory.constrain_size(array_t(Integer),2,2) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array2).should == true factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 3, 3) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array2).should == false end it 'should accept matching array' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) array = array_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(array, 2, 2) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array).should == true calculator.assignable?(array, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept empty array when tuple allows min of 0' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, 1) array = array_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(array, 0, 0) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array).should == true calculator.assignable?(array, tuple1).should == false end end context 'when dealing with structs' do it 'should accept matching structs' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) struct2 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) calculator.assignable?(struct1, struct2).should == true calculator.assignable?(struct2, struct1).should == true end it 'should accept matching structs where one is more general than the other' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) struct2 = struct_t({'a'=>Numeric, 'b'=>Numeric}) calculator.assignable?(struct1, struct2).should == false calculator.assignable?(struct2, struct1).should == true end it 'should accept matching hash' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) non_empty_string = string_t() non_empty_string.size_type = range_t(1, nil) hsh = hash_t(non_empty_string, Integer) factory.constrain_size(hsh, 2, 2) calculator.assignable?(struct1, hsh).should == true calculator.assignable?(hsh, struct1).should == true end end it 'should recognize ruby type inheritance' do class Foo end class Bar < Foo end fooType = calculator.infer(Foo.new) barType = calculator.infer(Bar.new) calculator.assignable?(fooType, fooType).should == true calculator.assignable?(Foo, fooType).should == true calculator.assignable?(fooType, barType).should == true calculator.assignable?(Foo, barType).should == true calculator.assignable?(barType, fooType).should == false calculator.assignable?(Bar, fooType).should == false end it "should allow host class with same name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == true end it "should allow host class with name assigned to hostclass without name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class() hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == true end it "should reject host classes with different names" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('another_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == false end it "should reject host classes without name assigned to host class with name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class() calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == false end it "should allow resource with same type_name and title" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', 'foo') r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', 'foo') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true end it "should allow more specific resource assignment" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource() r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', '/tmp/foo') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true end it "should reject less specific resource assignment" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', '/tmp/foo') r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == false r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource() calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == false end end context 'when testing if x is instance of type t' do include_context "types_setup" it 'should consider undef to be instance of Any, NilType, and optional' do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new(), nil).should == true calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType.new(), nil).should == true calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType.new(), nil).should == true end it 'all types should be (ruby) instance of PAnyType' do all_types.each do |t| t.new.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType).should == true end end it "should consider :undef to be instance of Runtime['ruby', 'Symbol]" do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType.new(:runtime => :ruby, :runtime_type_name => 'Symbol'), :undef).should == true end it 'should not consider undef to be an instance of any other type than Any, NilType and Data' do types_to_test = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType, Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType, ] types_to_test.each {|t| calculator.instance?(t.new, nil).should == false } types_to_test.each {|t| calculator.instance?(t.new, :undef).should == false } end it 'should consider default to be instance of Default and Any' do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDefaultType.new(), :default).should == true calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType.new(), :default).should == true end it 'should not consider "default" to be an instance of anything but Default, and Any' do types_to_test = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDefaultType, ] types_to_test.each {|t| calculator.instance?(t.new, :default).should == false } end it 'should consider fixnum instanceof PIntegerType' do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new(), 1).should == true end it 'should consider fixnum instanceof Fixnum' do calculator.instance?(Fixnum, 1).should == true end it 'should consider integer in range' do range = range_t(0,10) calculator.instance?(range, 1).should == true calculator.instance?(range, 10).should == true calculator.instance?(range, -1).should == false calculator.instance?(range, 11).should == false end it 'should consider string in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(string_t, 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, 'a').should == true calculator.instance?(range, 'abc').should == true calculator.instance?(range, '').should == false calculator.instance?(range, 'abcd').should == false end it 'should consider array in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(array_t(integer_t), 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, [1]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, []).should == false calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3,4]).should == false end it 'should consider hash in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(hash_t(integer_t, integer_t), 1,2) calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {}).should == false calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3}).should == false end it 'should consider collection in length range for array ' do range = factory.constrain_size(collection_t, 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, [1]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, []).should == false calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3,4]).should == false end it 'should consider collection in length range for hash' do range = factory.constrain_size(collection_t, 1,2) calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {}).should == false calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3}).should == false end it 'should consider string matching enum as instanceof' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', '0') calculator.instance?(enum, 'XS').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 'S').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 'XXL').should == false calculator.instance?(enum, '').should == false calculator.instance?(enum, '0').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 0).should == false end it 'should consider array[string] as instance of Array[Enum] when strings are instance of Enum' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', '0') array = array_t(enum) calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XL']).should == true calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XXL']).should == false end it 'should consider array[mixed] as instance of Variant[mixed] when mixed types are listed in Variant' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL') sizes = range_t(30, 50) array = array_t(variant_t(enum, sizes)) calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 30, 50]).should == true calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XXL']).should == false calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 29]).should == false end it 'should consider array[seq] as instance of Tuple[seq] when elements of seq are instance of' do tuple = tuple_t(Integer, String, Float) calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 'a', 3.14]).should == true calculator.instance?(tuple, [1.2, 'a', 3.14]).should == false calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 1, 3.14]).should == false calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 'a', 1]).should == false end it 'should consider hash[cont] as instance of Struct[cont-t]' do struct = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String, 'c'=>Float}) calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>3.14}).should == true calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1.2, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>3.14}).should == false calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=>3.14}).should == false calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>1}).should == false end context 'and t is Data' do it 'undef should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, nil).should == true end it 'other symbols should not be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, :love).should == false end it 'an empty array should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, []).should == true end it 'an empty hash should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {}).should == true end it 'a hash with nil/undef data should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {'a' => nil}).should == true end it 'a hash with nil/default key should not considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {nil => 10}).should == false calculator.instance?(data_t, {:default => 10}).should == false end it 'an array with nil entries should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, [nil]).should == true end it 'an array with nil + data entries should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, [1, nil, 'a']).should == true end end context "and t is something Callable" do it 'a Closure should be considered a Callable' do factory = Puppet::Pops::Model::Factory params = [factory.PARAM('a')] the_block = factory.LAMBDA(params,factory.literal(42)) the_closure = Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Closure.new(:fake_evaluator, the_block, :fake_scope) expect(calculator.instance?(all_callables_t, the_closure)).to be_true expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(object_t), the_closure)).to be_true expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(object_t, object_t), the_closure)).to be_false end it 'a Function instance should be considered a Callable' do fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(:foo) do dispatch :foo do param 'String', 'a' end def foo(a) a end end f = fc.new(:closure_scope, :loader) # Any callable expect(calculator.instance?(all_callables_t, f)).to be_true # Callable[String] expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(String), f)).to be_true end end end context 'when converting a ruby class' do it 'should yield \'PIntegerType\' for Integer, Fixnum, and Bignum' do [Integer,Fixnum,Bignum].each do |c| calculator.type(c).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end end it 'should yield \'PFloatType\' for Float' do calculator.type(Float).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType end it 'should yield \'PBooleanType\' for FalseClass and TrueClass' do [FalseClass,TrueClass].each do |c| calculator.type(c).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end end it 'should yield \'PNilType\' for NilClass' do calculator.type(NilClass).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end it 'should yield \'PStringType\' for String' do calculator.type(String).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'should yield \'PRegexpType\' for Regexp' do calculator.type(Regexp).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType end it 'should yield \'PArrayType[PDataType]\' for Array' do t = calculator.type(Array) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType t.element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType end it 'should yield \'PHashType[PScalarType,PDataType]\' for Hash' do t = calculator.type(Hash) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType t.key_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType t.element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType end end context 'when representing the type as string' do it 'should yield \'Type\' for PType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new()).should == 'Type' end it 'should yield \'Object\' for PAnyType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType.new()).should == 'Any' end it 'should yield \'Scalar\' for PScalarType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new()).should == 'Scalar' end it 'should yield \'Boolean\' for PBooleanType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new()).should == 'Boolean' end it 'should yield \'Data\' for PDataType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new()).should == 'Data' end it 'should yield \'Numeric\' for PNumericType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new()).should == 'Numeric' end it 'should yield \'Integer\' and from/to for PIntegerType' do int_T = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType calculator.string(int_T.new()).should == 'Integer' int = int_T.new() int.from = 1 int.to = 1 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[1, 1]' int = int_T.new() int.from = 1 int.to = 2 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[1, 2]' int = int_T.new() int.from = nil int.to = 2 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[default, 2]' int = int_T.new() int.from = 2 int.to = nil calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Float\' for PFloatType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new()).should == 'Float' end it 'should yield \'Regexp\' for PRegexpType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new()).should == 'Regexp' end it 'should yield \'Regexp[/pat/]\' for parameterized PRegexpType' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() t.pattern = ('a/b') calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new()).should == 'Regexp' end it 'should yield \'String\' for PStringType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new()).should == 'String' end it 'should yield \'String\' for PStringType with multiple values' do calculator.string(string_t('a', 'b', 'c')).should == 'String' end it 'should yield \'String\' and from/to for PStringType' do string_T = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 1,1)).should == 'String[1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 1,2)).should == 'String[1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), :default, 2)).should == 'String[default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 2, :default)).should == 'String[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Array[Integer]\' for PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() t.element_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Array[Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Collection\' and from/to for PCollectionType' do col = collection_t() calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Collection[1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Collection[1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Collection[default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Collection[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Array\' and from/to for PArrayType' do arr = array_t(string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Array[String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Array[String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Array[String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Array[String, 2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple[Integer]\' for PTupleType[PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) calculator.string(t).should == 'Tuple[Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple[T, T,..]\' for PTupleType[T, T, ...]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new()) calculator.string(t).should == 'Tuple[Integer, Integer, String]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple\' and from/to for PTupleType' do tuple_t = tuple_t(string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Tuple[String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Tuple[String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Tuple[String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Tuple[String, 2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Struct\' and details for PStructType' do struct_t = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String}) s = calculator.string(struct_t) # Ruby 1.8.7 - noone likes you... (s == "Struct[{'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String}]" || s == "Struct[{'b'=>String, 'a'=>Integer}]").should == true struct_t = struct_t({}) calculator.string(struct_t).should == "Struct" end it 'should yield \'Hash[String, Integer]\' for PHashType[PStringType, PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() t.key_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() t.element_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Hash[String, Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Hash\' and from/to for PHashType' do hsh = hash_t(string_t, string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Hash[String, String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 2, default]' end it "should yield 'Class' for a PHostClassType" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Class' end it "should yield 'Class[x]' for a PHostClassType[x]" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() t.class_name = 'x' calculator.string(t).should == 'Class[x]' end it "should yield 'Resource' for a PResourceType" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Resource' end it 'should yield \'File\' for a PResourceType[\'File\']' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() t.type_name = 'File' calculator.string(t).should == 'File' end it "should yield 'File['/tmp/foo']' for a PResourceType['File', '/tmp/foo']" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() t.type_name = 'File' t.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(t).should == "File['/tmp/foo']" end it "should yield 'Enum[s,...]' for a PEnumType[s,...]" do t = enum_t('a', 'b', 'c') calculator.string(t).should == "Enum['a', 'b', 'c']" end it "should yield 'Pattern[/pat/,...]' for a PPatternType['pat',...]" do t = pattern_t('a') t2 = pattern_t('a', 'b', 'c') calculator.string(t).should == "Pattern[/a/]" calculator.string(t2).should == "Pattern[/a/, /b/, /c/]" end it "should escape special characters in the string for a PPatternType['pat',...]" do t = pattern_t('a/b') calculator.string(t).should == "Pattern[/a\\/b/]" end it "should yield 'Variant[t1,t2,...]' for a PVariantType[t1, t2,...]" do t1 = string_t() t2 = integer_t() t3 = pattern_t('a') t = variant_t(t1, t2, t3) calculator.string(t).should == "Variant[String, Integer, Pattern[/a/]]" end it "should yield 'Callable' for generic callable" do expect(calculator.string(all_callables_t)).to eql("Callable") end it "should yield 'Callable[0,0]' for callable without params" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t)).to eql("Callable[0, 0]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,t]' for callable with typed parameters" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, Integer))).to eql("Callable[String, Integer]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,min,max]' for callable with size constraint (infinite max)" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, 0))).to eql("Callable[String, 0, default]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,min,max]' for callable with size constraint (capped max)" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, 0, 3))).to eql("Callable[String, 0, 3]") end it "should yield 'Callable[min,max]' callable with size > 0" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(0, 0))).to eql("Callable[0, 0]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(0, 1))).to eql("Callable[0, 1]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(0, :default))).to eql("Callable[0, default]") end it "should yield 'Callable[Callable]' for callable with block" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[0, 0, Callable]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(string_t, all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[String, Callable]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(string_t, 1,1, all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[String, 1, 1, Callable]") end it "should yield Unit for a Unit type" do expect(calculator.string(unit_t)).to eql('Unit') end end context 'when processing meta type' do it 'should infer PType as the type of all other types' do ptype = Puppet::Pops::Types::PType calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new()).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true end it 'should infer PType as the type of all other types' do ptype = Puppet::Pops::Types::PType calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new() )).should == "Type[Undef]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() )).should == "Type[Data]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() )).should == "Type[Scalar]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() )).should == "Type[String]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() )).should == "Type[Numeric]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() )).should == "Type[Integer]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new() )).should == "Type[Float]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() )).should == "Type[Regexp]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new() )).should == "Type[Boolean]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new())).should == "Type[Collection]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() )).should == "Type[Array[?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() )).should == "Type[Hash[?, ?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType.new() )).should == "Type[Runtime[?, ?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() )).should == "Type[Class]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() )).should == "Type[Resource]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType.new() )).should == "Type[Enum]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType.new() )).should == "Type[Variant]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType.new() )).should == "Type[Pattern]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() )).should == "Type[Tuple]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType.new() )).should == "Type[Optional]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() )).should == "Type[Callable]" calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new(:type_name => 'foo::fee::fum')).to_s.should == "Type[Foo::Fee::Fum]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new(:type_name => 'foo::fee::fum'))).should == "Type[Foo::Fee::Fum]" calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new(:type_name => 'Foo::Fee::Fum')).to_s.should == "Type[Foo::Fee::Fum]" end it "computes the common type of PType's type parameter" do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() string_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() calculator.string(calculator.infer([int_t])).should == "Array[Type[Integer], 1, 1]" calculator.string(calculator.infer([int_t, string_t])).should == "Array[Type[Scalar], 2, 2]" end it 'should infer PType as the type of ruby classes' do class Foo end [Object, Numeric, Integer, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, String, Regexp, Array, Hash, Foo].each do |c| calculator.infer(c).is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType).should() == true end end it 'should infer PType as the type of PType (meta regression short-circuit)' do calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new()).is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType).should() == true end it 'computes instance? to be true if parameterized and type match' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) type_type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(type_t) calculator.instance?(type_type_t, type_t).should == true end it 'computes instance? to be false if parameterized and type do not match' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() string_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) type_t2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(string_t) type_type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(type_t) # i.e. Type[Integer] =~ Type[Type[Integer]] # false calculator.instance?(type_type_t, type_t2).should == false end it 'computes instance? to be true if unparameterized and matched against a type[?]' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new, type_t).should == true end end context "when asking for an enumerable " do it "should produce an enumerable for an Integer range that is not infinite" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = 1 t.to = 10 calculator.enumerable(t).respond_to?(:each).should == true end it "should not produce an enumerable for an Integer range that has an infinite side" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = nil t.to = 10 calculator.enumerable(t).should == nil t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = 1 t.to = nil calculator.enumerable(t).should == nil end it "all but Integer range are not enumerable" do [Object, Numeric, Float, String, Regexp, Array, Hash].each do |t| calculator.enumerable(calculator.type(t)).should == nil end end end context "when dealing with different types of inference" do it "an instance specific inference is produced by infer" do calculator.infer(['a','b']).element_type.values.should == ['a', 'b'] end it "a generic inference is produced using infer_generic" do calculator.infer_generic(['a','b']).element_type.values.should == [] end it "a generic result is created by generalize! given an instance specific result for an Array" do generic = calculator.infer(['a','b']) generic.element_type.values.should == ['a', 'b'] calculator.generalize!(generic) generic.element_type.values.should == [] end it "a generic result is created by generalize! given an instance specific result for a Hash" do generic = calculator.infer({'a' =>1,'b' => 2}) generic.key_type.values.sort.should == ['a', 'b'] generic.element_type.from.should == 1 generic.element_type.to.should == 2 calculator.generalize!(generic) generic.key_type.values.should == [] generic.element_type.from.should == nil generic.element_type.to.should == nil end it "does not reduce by combining types when using infer_set" do element_type = calculator.infer(['a','b',1,2]).element_type element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType inferred_type = calculator.infer_set(['a','b',1,2]) inferred_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType element_types = inferred_type.types element_types[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[1].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[2].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType element_types[3].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it "does not reduce by combining types when using infer_set and values are undef" do element_type = calculator.infer(['a',nil]).element_type element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType inferred_type = calculator.infer_set(['a',nil]) inferred_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType element_types = inferred_type.types element_types[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[1].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end end context 'when determening callability' do context 'and given is exact' do it 'with callable' do required = callable_t(string_t) given = callable_t(string_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args tuple' do required = callable_t(string_t) given = tuple_t(string_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args tuple having a block' do required = callable_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t)) given = tuple_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t)) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args array' do required = callable_t(string_t) given = array_t(string_t) factory.constrain_size(given, 1, 1) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end end context 'and given is more generic' do it 'with callable' do required = callable_t(string_t) given = callable_t(object_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args tuple' do required = callable_t(string_t) given = tuple_t(object_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == false end it 'with args tuple having a block' do required = callable_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t)) given = tuple_t(string_t, callable_t(object_t)) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args tuple having a block with captures rest' do required = callable_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t)) given = tuple_t(string_t, callable_t(object_t, 0, :default)) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end end context 'and given is more specific' do it 'with callable' do required = callable_t(object_t) given = callable_t(string_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == false end it 'with args tuple' do required = callable_t(object_t) given = tuple_t(string_t) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == true end it 'with args tuple having a block' do required = callable_t(string_t, callable_t(object_t)) given = tuple_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t)) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == false end it 'with args tuple having a block with captures rest' do required = callable_t(string_t, callable_t(object_t)) given = tuple_t(string_t, callable_t(string_t, 0, :default)) calculator.callable?(required, given).should == false end end end matcher :be_assignable_to do |type| calc = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new match do |actual| calc.assignable?(type, actual) end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "#{calc.string(actual)} should be assignable to #{calc.string(type)}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "#{calc.string(actual)} is assignable to #{calc.string(type)} when it should not" end end end