diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/types/types.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/types/types.rb index 89fa24c34..1cd7849c3 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/types/types.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/types/types.rb @@ -1,422 +1,422 @@ require 'rgen/metamodel_builder' # The Types model is a model of Puppet Language types. # # The exact relationship between types is not visible in this model wrt. the PDataType which is an abstraction # of Scalar, Array[Data], and Hash[Scalar, Data] nested to any depth. This means it is not possible to # infer the type by simply looking at the inheritance hierarchy. The {Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator} should # be used to answer questions about types. The {Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory} should be used to create an instance # of a type whenever one is needed. # # The implementation of the Types model contains methods that are required for the type objects to behave as # expected when comparing them and using them as keys in hashes. (No other logic is, or should be included directly in # the model's classes). # # @api public # module Puppet::Pops::Types class PAbstractType < Puppet::Pops::Model::PopsObject abstract module ClassModule # Produce a deep copy of the type def copy Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end def hash self.class.hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class end alias eql? == def to_s Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.string(self) end end end # The type of types. # @api public class PType < PAbstractType contains_one_uni 'type', PAbstractType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, type].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && type == o.type end end end # Base type for all types except {Puppet::Pops::Types::PType PType}, the type of types. # @api public class PObjectType < PAbstractType module ClassModule end end # @api public class PNilType < PObjectType end # A flexible data type, being assignable to its subtypes as well as PArrayType and PHashType with element type assignable to PDataType. # # @api public class PDataType < PObjectType module ClassModule def ==(o) self.class == o.class || o.class == PVariantType && o == Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.data_variant() end end end # A flexible type describing an any? of other types # @api public class PVariantType < PObjectType contains_many_uni 'types', PAbstractType, :lowerBound => 1 module ClassModule def hash [self.class, Set.new(self.types)].hash end def ==(o) (self.class == o.class && Set.new(types) == Set.new(o.types)) || (o.class == PDataType && self == Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.data_variant()) end end end # Type that is PDataType compatible, but is not a PCollectionType. # @api public class PScalarType < PObjectType end # A string type describing the set of strings having one of the given values # class PEnumType < PScalarType has_many_attr 'values', String, :lowerBound => 1 module ClassModule def hash [self.class, Set.new(self.values)].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && Set.new(values) == Set.new(o.values) end end end # @api public class PNumericType < PScalarType end # @api public class PIntegerType < PNumericType has_attr 'from', Integer, :lowerBound => 0 has_attr 'to', Integer, :lowerBound => 0 module ClassModule # The integer type is enumerable when it defines a range include Enumerable # Returns Float.Infinity if one end of the range is unbound def size return 1.0 / 0.0 if from.nil? || to.nil? 1+(to-from).abs end # Returns the range as an array ordered so the smaller number is always first. # The number may be Infinity or -Infinity. def range f = from || -(1.0 / 0.0) t = to || (1.0 / 0.0) if f < t [f, t] else [t,f] end end # Returns Enumerator if no block is given # Returns self if size is infinity (does not yield) def each return self.to_enum unless block_given? return nil if from.nil? || to.nil? if to < from from.downto(to) {|x| yield x } else from.upto(to) {|x| yield x } end end def hash [self.class, from, to].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && from == o.from && to == o.to end end end # @api public class PFloatType < PNumericType has_attr 'from', Float, :lowerBound => 0 has_attr 'to', Float, :lowerBound => 0 module ClassModule def hash [self.class, from, to].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && from == o.from && to == o.to end end end # @api public class PStringType < PScalarType has_many_attr 'values', String, :lowerBound => 0, :upperBound => -1, :unique => true contains_one_uni 'size_type', PIntegerType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, self.size_type, Set.new(self.values)].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && self.size_type == o.size_type && Set.new(values) == Set.new(o.values) end end end # @api public class PRegexpType < PScalarType has_attr 'pattern', String, :lowerBound => 1 has_attr 'regexp', Object, :derived => true module ClassModule def regexp_derived @_regexp = Regexp.new(pattern) unless @_regexp && @_regexp.source == pattern @_regexp end def hash [self.class, pattern].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && pattern == o.pattern end end end # Represents a subtype of String that narrows the string to those matching the patterns # If specified without a pattern it is basically the same as the String type. # # @api public class PPatternType < PScalarType contains_many_uni 'patterns', PRegexpType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, Set.new(patterns)].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && Set.new(patterns) == Set.new(o.patterns) end end end # @api public class PBooleanType < PScalarType end # @api public class PCollectionType < PObjectType contains_one_uni 'element_type', PAbstractType contains_one_uni 'size_type', PIntegerType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, element_type, size].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && element_type == o.element_type && size_type == o.size_type end end end class PStructElement < Puppet::Pops::Model::PopsObject has_attr 'name', String, :lowerBound => 1 contains_one_uni 'type', PAbstractType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, type, name].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && type == o.type && name == o.name end end end # @api public class PStructType < PObjectType contains_many_uni 'elements', PStructElement, :lowerBound => 1 has_attr 'hashed_elements', Object, :derived => true module ClassModule def hashed_elements_derived @_hashed ||= elements.reduce({}) {|memo, e| memo[e.name] = e.type; memo } @_hashed end def clear_hashed_elements @_hashed = nil end def hash [self.class, Set.new(elements)].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && hashed_elements == o.hashed_elements end end end # @api public class PTupleType < PObjectType contains_many_uni 'types', PAbstractType, :lowerBound => 1 # If set, describes repetition of the last type in types contains_one_uni 'size_type', PIntegerType, :lowerBound => 0 module ClassModule def hash [self.class, size_type, Set.new(types)].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && types == o.types && size_type == o.size_type end end end # @api public class PArrayType < PCollectionType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, self.element_type, self.size_type].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && self.element_type == o.element_type && self.size_type == o.size_type end end end # @api public class PHashType < PCollectionType contains_one_uni 'key_type', PAbstractType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, key_type, self.element_type, self.size_type].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && key_type == o.key_type && self.element_type == o.element_type && self.size_type == o.size_type end end end # @api public class PRubyType < PObjectType has_attr 'ruby_class', String module ClassModule def hash [self.class, ruby_class].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && ruby_class == o.ruby_class end end end # Abstract representation of a type that can be placed in a Catalog. # @api public # class PCatalogEntryType < PObjectType end # Represents a (host-) class in the Puppet Language. # @api public # class PHostClassType < PCatalogEntryType has_attr 'class_name', String # contains_one_uni 'super_type', PHostClassType module ClassModule def hash - [self.class, host_class].hash + [self.class, class_name].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && class_name == o.class_name end end end # Represents a Resource Type in the Puppet Language # @api public # class PResourceType < PCatalogEntryType has_attr 'type_name', String has_attr 'title', String module ClassModule def hash [self.class, type_name, title].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && type_name == o.type_name && title == o.title end end end # Represents a type that accept PNilType instead of the type parameter # required_type - is a short hand for Variant[T, Undef] # class POptionalType < PAbstractType contains_one_uni 'optional_type', PAbstractType module ClassModule def hash [self.class, optional_type].hash end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && optional_type == o.optional_type end end end end