diff --git a/lib/puppet/application.rb b/lib/puppet/application.rb index d06716a62..6441ce629 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/application.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/application.rb @@ -1,442 +1,442 @@ require 'optparse' require 'puppet/util/plugins' require 'puppet/util/constant_inflector' require 'puppet/error' # This class handles all the aspects of a Puppet application/executable # * setting up options # * setting up logs # * choosing what to run # * representing execution status # # === Usage # An application is a subclass of Puppet::Application. # # For legacy compatibility, # Puppet::Application[:example].run # is equivalent to # Puppet::Application::Example.new.run # # # class Puppet::Application::Example << Puppet::Application # # def preinit # # perform some pre initialization # @all = false # end # # # run_command is called to actually run the specified command # def run_command # send Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.args.shift # end # # # option uses metaprogramming to create a method # # and also tells the option parser how to invoke that method # option("--arg ARGUMENT") do |v| # @args << v # end # # option("--debug", "-d") do |v| # @debug = v # end # # option("--all", "-a:) do |v| # @all = v # end # # def handle_unknown(opt,arg) # # last chance to manage an option # ... # # let's say to the framework we finally handle this option # true # end # # def read # # read action # end # # def write # # writeaction # end # # end # # === Preinit # The preinit block is the first code to be called in your application, before option parsing, # setup or command execution. # # === Options # Puppet::Application uses +OptionParser+ to manage the application options. # Options are defined with the +option+ method to which are passed various # arguments, including the long option, the short option, a description... # Refer to +OptionParser+ documentation for the exact format. # * If the option method is given a block, this one will be called whenever # the option is encountered in the command-line argument. # * If the option method has no block, a default functionnality will be used, that # stores the argument (or true/false if the option doesn't require an argument) in # the global (to the application) options array. # * If a given option was not defined by a the +option+ method, but it exists as a Puppet settings: # * if +unknown+ was used with a block, it will be called with the option name and argument # * if +unknown+ wasn't used, then the option/argument is handed to Puppet.settings.handlearg for # a default behavior # # --help is managed directly by the Puppet::Application class, but can be overriden. # # === Setup # Applications can use the setup block to perform any initialization. # The defaul +setup+ behaviour is to: read Puppet configuration and manage log level and destination # # === What and how to run # If the +dispatch+ block is defined it is called. This block should return the name of the registered command # to be run. # If it doesn't exist, it defaults to execute the +main+ command if defined. # # === Execution state # The class attributes/methods of Puppet::Application serve as a global place to set and query the execution # status of the application: stopping, restarting, etc. The setting of the application status does not directly # aftect its running status; it's assumed that the various components within the application will consult these # settings appropriately and affect their own processing accordingly. Control operations (signal handlers and # the like) should set the status appropriately to indicate to the overall system that it's the process of # stopping or restarting (or just running as usual). # # So, if something in your application needs to stop the process, for some reason, you might consider: # # def stop_me! # # indicate that we're stopping # Puppet::Application.stop! # # ...do stuff... # end # # And, if you have some component that involves a long-running process, you might want to consider: # # def my_long_process(giant_list_to_munge) # giant_list_to_munge.collect do |member| # # bail if we're stopping # return if Puppet::Application.stop_requested? # process_member(member) # end # end module Puppet class Application require 'puppet/util' include Puppet::Util DOCPATTERN = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/util/command_line/*" ) class << self include Puppet::Util attr_accessor :run_status def clear! self.run_status = nil end def stop! self.run_status = :stop_requested end def restart! self.run_status = :restart_requested end # Indicates that Puppet::Application.restart! has been invoked and components should # do what is necessary to facilitate a restart. def restart_requested? :restart_requested == run_status end # Indicates that Puppet::Application.stop! has been invoked and components should do what is necessary # for a clean stop. def stop_requested? :stop_requested == run_status end # Indicates that one of stop! or start! was invoked on Puppet::Application, and some kind of process # shutdown/short-circuit may be necessary. def interrupted? [:restart_requested, :stop_requested].include? run_status end # Indicates that Puppet::Application believes that it's in usual running run_mode (no stop/restart request # currently active). def clear? run_status.nil? end # Only executes the given block if the run status of Puppet::Application is clear (no restarts, stops, # etc. requested). # Upon block execution, checks the run status again; if a restart has been requested during the block's # execution, then controlled_run will send a new HUP signal to the current process. # Thus, long-running background processes can potentially finish their work before a restart. def controlled_run(&block) return unless clear? result = block.call Process.kill(:HUP, $PID) if restart_requested? result end SHOULD_PARSE_CONFIG_DEPRECATION_MSG = "is no longer supported; config file parsing " + "is now controlled by the puppet engine, rather than by individual applications. This " + "method will be removed in a future version of puppet." def should_parse_config Puppet.deprecation_warning("should_parse_config " + SHOULD_PARSE_CONFIG_DEPRECATION_MSG) end def should_not_parse_config Puppet.deprecation_warning("should_not_parse_config " + SHOULD_PARSE_CONFIG_DEPRECATION_MSG) end def should_parse_config? Puppet.deprecation_warning("should_parse_config? " + SHOULD_PARSE_CONFIG_DEPRECATION_MSG) true end # used to declare code that handle an option def option(*options, &block) long = options.find { |opt| opt =~ /^--/ }.gsub(/^--(?:\[no-\])?([^ =]+).*$/, '\1' ).gsub('-','_') - fname = symbolize("handle_#{long}") + fname = "handle_#{long}".intern if (block_given?) define_method(fname, &block) else define_method(fname) do |value| self.options["#{long}".to_sym] = value end end self.option_parser_commands << [options, fname] end def banner(banner = nil) @banner ||= banner end def option_parser_commands @option_parser_commands ||= ( superclass.respond_to?(:option_parser_commands) ? superclass.option_parser_commands.dup : [] ) @option_parser_commands end def find(file_name) # This should probably be using the autoloader, but due to concerns about the fact that # the autoloader currently considers the modulepath when looking for things to load, # we're delaying that for now. begin require ::File.join('puppet', 'application', file_name.to_s.downcase) rescue LoadError => e Puppet.log_and_raise(e, "Unable to find application '#{file_name}'. #{e}") end class_name = Puppet::Util::ConstantInflector.file2constant(file_name.to_s) clazz = try_load_class(class_name) ################################################################ #### Begin 2.7.x backward compatibility hack; #### eventually we need to issue a deprecation warning here, #### and then get rid of this stanza in a subsequent release. ################################################################ if (clazz.nil?) class_name = file_name.capitalize clazz = try_load_class(class_name) end ################################################################ #### End 2.7.x backward compatibility hack ################################################################ if clazz.nil? raise Puppet::Error.new("Unable to load application class '#{class_name}' from file 'puppet/application/#{file_name}.rb'") end return clazz end # Given the fully qualified name of a class, attempt to get the class instance. # @param [String] class_name the fully qualified name of the class to try to load # @return [Class] the Class instance, or nil? if it could not be loaded. def try_load_class(class_name) return self.const_defined?(class_name) ? const_get(class_name) : nil end private :try_load_class def [](name) find(name).new end # # I think that it would be nice to look into changing this into two methods (getter/setter); however, # it sounds like this is a desirable feature of our ruby DSL. --cprice 2012-03-06 # # Sets or gets the run_mode name. Sets the run_mode name if a mode_name is # passed. Otherwise, gets the run_mode or a default run_mode # def run_mode( mode_name = nil) return @run_mode if @run_mode and not mode_name require 'puppet/util/run_mode' @run_mode = Puppet::Util::RunMode[ mode_name || :user ] end end attr_reader :options, :command_line # Every app responds to --version # See also `lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb` for some special case early # handling of this. option("--version", "-V") do |arg| puts "#{Puppet.version}" exit end # Every app responds to --help option("--help", "-h") do |v| puts help exit end def app_defaults() Puppet::Settings.app_defaults_for_run_mode(self.class.run_mode).merge( :name => name ) end def initialize_app_defaults() Puppet.settings.initialize_app_defaults(app_defaults) end # override to execute code before running anything else def preinit end def initialize(command_line = nil) require 'puppet/util/command_line' @command_line = command_line || Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new @options = {} end # This is the main application entry point def run # I don't really like the names of these lifecycle phases. It would be nice to change them to some more meaningful # names, and make deprecated aliases. Also, Daniel suggests that we can probably get rid of this "plugin_hook" # pattern, but we need to check with PE and the community first. --cprice 2012-03-16 # exit_on_fail("get application-specific default settings") do plugin_hook('initialize_app_defaults') { initialize_app_defaults } end require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/instrumentation' Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.init exit_on_fail("initialize") { plugin_hook('preinit') { preinit } } exit_on_fail("parse application options") { plugin_hook('parse_options') { parse_options } } exit_on_fail("prepare for execution") { plugin_hook('setup') { setup } } exit_on_fail("configure routes from #{Puppet[:route_file]}") { configure_indirector_routes } exit_on_fail("run") { plugin_hook('run_command') { run_command } } end def main raise NotImplementedError, "No valid command or main" end def run_command main end def setup setup_logs end def setup_logs if options[:debug] or options[:verbose] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) if options[:debug] Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug else Puppet::Util::Log.level = :info end end Puppet::Util::Log.setup_default unless options[:setdest] end def configure_indirector_routes route_file = Puppet[:route_file] if ::File.exists?(route_file) routes = YAML.load_file(route_file) application_routes = routes[name.to_s] Puppet::Indirector.configure_routes(application_routes) if application_routes end end def parse_options # Create an option parser option_parser = OptionParser.new(self.class.banner) # He're we're building up all of the options that the application may need to handle. The main # puppet settings defined in "defaults.rb" have already been parsed once (in command_line.rb) by # the time we get here; however, our app may wish to handle some of them specially, so we need to # make the parser aware of them again. We might be able to make this a bit more efficient by # re-using the parser object that gets built up in command_line.rb. --cprice 2012-03-16 # Add all global options to it. Puppet.settings.optparse_addargs([]).each do |option| option_parser.on(*option) do |arg| handlearg(option[0], arg) end end # Add options that are local to this application, which were # created using the "option()" metaprogramming method. If there # are any conflicts, this application's options will be favored. self.class.option_parser_commands.each do |options, fname| option_parser.on(*options) do |value| # Call the method that "option()" created. self.send(fname, value) end end # Scan command line. We just hand any exceptions to our upper levels, # rather than printing help and exiting, so that we can meaningfully # respond with context-sensitive help if we want to. --daniel 2011-04-12 option_parser.parse!(self.command_line.args) end def handlearg(opt, val) opt, val = Puppet::Settings.clean_opt(opt, val) send(:handle_unknown, opt, val) if respond_to?(:handle_unknown) end # this is used for testing def self.exit(code) exit(code) end def name self.class.to_s.sub(/.*::/,"").downcase.to_sym end def help "No help available for puppet #{name}" end def plugin_hook(step,&block) Puppet::Plugins.send("before_application_#{step}",:application_object => self) x = yield Puppet::Plugins.send("after_application_#{step}",:application_object => self, :return_value => x) x end private :plugin_hook end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/node/exec.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/node/exec.rb index ceee3fedd..b1dd5d291 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/indirector/node/exec.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/node/exec.rb @@ -1,52 +1,64 @@ require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/indirector/exec' class Puppet::Node::Exec < Puppet::Indirector::Exec desc "Call an external program to get node information. See the [External Nodes](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/external_nodes.html) page for more information." include Puppet::Util def command command = Puppet[:external_nodes] raise ArgumentError, "You must set the 'external_nodes' parameter to use the external node terminus" unless command != "none" command.split end # Look for external node definitions. def find(request) output = super or return nil # Translate the output to ruby. result = translate(request.key, output) # Set the requested environment if it wasn't overridden # If we don't do this it gets set to the local default result[:environment] ||= request.environment.name create_node(request.key, result) end private # Turn our outputted objects into a Puppet::Node instance. def create_node(name, result) node = Puppet::Node.new(name) set = false [:parameters, :classes, :environment].each do |param| if value = result[param] node.send(param.to_s + "=", value) set = true end end node.fact_merge node end # Translate the yaml string into Ruby objects. def translate(name, output) - YAML.load(output).inject({}) { |hash, data| hash[symbolize(data[0])] = data[1]; hash } + YAML.load(output).inject({}) do |hash, data| + case data[0] + when String + hash[data[0].intern] = data[1] + when Symbol + hash[data[0]] = data[1] + else + raise Puppet::Error, "key is a #{data[0].class}, not a string or symbol" + end + + hash + end + rescue => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not load external node results for #{name}: #{detail}" end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/manager.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/manager.rb index 8252400c1..35f15fba4 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/metatype/manager.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/metatype/manager.rb @@ -1,135 +1,135 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/classgen' require 'puppet/node/environment' # Methods dealing with Type management. This module gets included into the # Puppet::Type class, it's just split out here for clarity. module Puppet::MetaType module Manager include Puppet::Util::ClassGen # remove all type instances; this is mostly only useful for testing def allclear @types.each { |name, type| type.clear } end # iterate across all of the subclasses of Type def eachtype @types.each do |name, type| # Only consider types that have names #if ! type.parameters.empty? or ! type.validproperties.empty? yield type #end end end # Load all types. Only currently used for documentation. def loadall typeloader.loadall end # Define a new type. def newtype(name, options = {}, &block) # Handle backward compatibility unless options.is_a?(Hash) Puppet.warning "Puppet::Type.newtype(#{name}) now expects a hash as the second argument, not #{options.inspect}" options = {:parent => options} end # First make sure we don't have a method sitting around - name = symbolize(name) - newmethod = "new#{name.to_s}" + name = name.intern + newmethod = "new#{name}" # Used for method manipulation. selfobj = singleton_class @types ||= {} if @types.include?(name) if self.respond_to?(newmethod) # Remove the old newmethod selfobj.send(:remove_method,newmethod) end end options = symbolize_options(options) if parent = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) end # Then create the class. klass = genclass( name, :parent => (parent || Puppet::Type), :overwrite => true, :hash => @types, :attributes => options, &block ) # Now define a "new" method for convenience. if self.respond_to? newmethod # Refuse to overwrite existing methods like 'newparam' or 'newtype'. Puppet.warning "'new#{name.to_s}' method already exists; skipping" else selfobj.send(:define_method, newmethod) do |*args| klass.new(*args) end end # If they've got all the necessary methods defined and they haven't # already added the property, then do so now. klass.ensurable if klass.ensurable? and ! klass.validproperty?(:ensure) # Now set up autoload any providers that might exist for this type. klass.providerloader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(klass, "puppet/provider/#{klass.name.to_s}") # We have to load everything so that we can figure out the default provider. klass.providerloader.loadall klass.providify unless klass.providers.empty? klass end # Remove an existing defined type. Largely used for testing. def rmtype(name) # Then create the class. klass = rmclass(name, :hash => @types) singleton_class.send(:remove_method, "new#{name}") if respond_to?("new#{name}") end # Return a Type instance by name. def type(name) @types ||= {} name = name.to_s.downcase.to_sym if t = @types[name] return t else if typeloader.load(name, Puppet::Node::Environment.current) Puppet.warning "Loaded puppet/type/#{name} but no class was created" unless @types.include? name end return @types[name] end end # Create a loader for Puppet types. def typeloader unless defined?(@typeloader) @typeloader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(self, "puppet/type", :wrap => false) end @typeloader end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/authstore.rb b/lib/puppet/network/authstore.rb index bd19aeb9c..a5452c960 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/network/authstore.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/network/authstore.rb @@ -1,267 +1,267 @@ # standard module for determining whether a given hostname or IP has access to # the requested resource require 'ipaddr' require 'puppet/util/logging' module Puppet class AuthStoreError < Puppet::Error; end class AuthorizationError < Puppet::Error; end class Network::AuthStore include Puppet::Util::Logging # Mark a given pattern as allowed. def allow(pattern) # a simple way to allow anyone at all to connect if pattern == "*" @globalallow = true else store(:allow, pattern) end nil end # Is a given combination of name and ip address allowed? If either input # is non-nil, then both inputs must be provided. If neither input # is provided, then the authstore is considered local and defaults to "true". def allowed?(name, ip) if name or ip # This is probably unnecessary, and can cause some weirdnesses in # cases where we're operating over localhost but don't have a real # IP defined. raise Puppet::DevError, "Name and IP must be passed to 'allowed?'" unless name and ip # else, we're networked and such else # we're local return true end # yay insecure overrides return true if globalallow? if decl = declarations.find { |d| d.match?(name, ip) } return decl.result end info "defaulting to no access for #{name}" false end # Deny a given pattern. def deny(pattern) store(:deny, pattern) end # Is global allow enabled? def globalallow? @globalallow end # does this auth store has any rules? def empty? @globalallow.nil? && @declarations.size == 0 end def initialize @globalallow = nil @declarations = [] end def to_s "authstore" end def interpolate(match) Thread.current[:declarations] = @declarations.collect { |ace| ace.interpolate(match) }.sort end def reset_interpolation Thread.current[:declarations] = nil end private # returns our ACEs list, but if we have a modification of it # in our current thread, let's return it # this is used if we want to override the this purely immutable list # by a modified version in a multithread safe way. def declarations Thread.current[:declarations] || @declarations end # Store the results of a pattern into our hash. Basically just # converts the pattern and sticks it into the hash. def store(type, pattern) @declarations << Declaration.new(type, pattern) @declarations.sort! nil end # A single declaration. Stores the info for a given declaration, # provides the methods for determining whether a declaration matches, # and handles sorting the declarations appropriately. class Declaration include Puppet::Util include Comparable # The type of declaration: either :allow or :deny attr_reader :type # The name: :ip or :domain attr_accessor :name # The pattern we're matching against. Can be an IPAddr instance, # or an array of strings, resulting from reversing a hostname # or domain name. attr_reader :pattern # The length. Only used for iprange and domain. attr_accessor :length # Sort the declarations most specific first. def <=>(other) compare(exact?, other.exact?) || compare(ip?, other.ip?) || ((length != other.length) && (other.length <=> length)) || compare(deny?, other.deny?) || ( ip? ? pattern.to_s <=> other.pattern.to_s : pattern <=> other.pattern) end def deny? type == :deny end def exact? @exact == :exact end def initialize(type, pattern) self.type = type self.pattern = pattern end # Are we an IP type? def ip? name == :ip end # Does this declaration match the name/ip combo? def match?(name, ip) if ip? if pattern.include?(IPAddr.new(ip)) Puppet.deprecation_warning "Authentication based on IP address is deprecated; please use certname-based rules instead" true else false end else matchname?(name) end end # Set the pattern appropriately. Also sets the name and length. def pattern=(pattern) parse(pattern) @orig = pattern end # Mapping a type of statement into a return value. def result type == :allow end def to_s "#{type}: #{pattern}" end # Set the declaration type. Either :allow or :deny. def type=(type) - type = symbolize(type) + type = type.intern raise ArgumentError, "Invalid declaration type #{type}" unless [:allow, :deny].include?(type) @type = type end # interpolate a pattern to replace any # backreferences by the given match # for instance if our pattern is $1.reductivelabs.com # and we're called with a MatchData whose capture 1 is puppet # we'll return a pattern of puppet.reductivelabs.com def interpolate(match) clone = dup if @name == :dynamic clone.pattern = clone.pattern.reverse.collect do |p| p.gsub(/\$(\d)/) { |m| match[$1.to_i] } end.join(".") end clone end private # Returns nil if both values are true or both are false, returns # -1 if the first is true, and 1 if the second is true. Used # in the <=> operator. def compare(me, them) (me and them) ? nil : me ? -1 : them ? 1 : nil end # Does the name match our pattern? def matchname?(name) case @name when :domain, :dynamic, :opaque name = munge_name(name) (pattern == name) or (not exact? and pattern.zip(name).all? { |p,n| p == n }) when :regex Regexp.new(pattern.slice(1..-2)).match(name) end end # Convert the name to a common pattern. def munge_name(name) # Change to name.downcase.split(".",-1).reverse for FQDN support name.downcase.split(".").reverse end # Parse our input pattern and figure out what kind of allowal # statement it is. The output of this is used for later matching. Octet = '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])' IPv4 = "#{Octet}\.#{Octet}\.#{Octet}\.#{Octet}" IPv6_full = "_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_|_:_:_:_:_:_::_?|_:_:_:_:_::((_:)?_)?|_:_:_:_::((_:){0,2}_)?|_:_:_::((_:){0,3}_)?|_:_::((_:){0,4}_)?|_::((_:){0,5}_)?|::((_:){0,6}_)?" IPv6_partial = "_:_:_:_:_:_:|_:_:_:_::(_:)?|_:_::(_:){0,2}|_::(_:){0,3}" # It should be: # IP = "#{IPv4}|#{IPv6_full}|(#{IPv6_partial}#{IPv4})".gsub(/_/,'([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})').gsub(/\(/,'(?:') # but ruby's ipaddr lib doesn't support the hybrid format IP = "#{IPv4}|#{IPv6_full}".gsub(/_/,'([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})').gsub(/\(/,'(?:') def parse(value) @name,@exact,@length,@pattern = *case value when /^(?:#{IP})\/(\d+)$/ #, a001:b002::efff/120, c444:1000:2000::9: [:ip,:inexact,$1.to_i,IPAddr.new(value)] when /^(#{IP})$/ #, [:ip,:exact,nil,IPAddr.new(value)] when /^(#{Octet}\.){1,3}\*$/ # an ip address with a '*' at the end segments = value.split(".")[0..-2] bits = 8*segments.length [:ip,:inexact,bits,IPAddr.new((segments+[0,0,0])[0,4].join(".") + "/#{bits}")] when /^(\w[-\w]*\.)+[-\w]+$/ # a full hostname # Change to /^(\w[-\w]*\.)+[-\w]+\.?$/ for FQDN support [:domain,:exact,nil,munge_name(value)] when /^\*(\.(\w[-\w]*)){1,}$/ # *.domain.com host_sans_star = munge_name(value)[0..-2] [:domain,:inexact,host_sans_star.length,host_sans_star] when /\$\d+/ # a backreference pattern ala $1.reductivelabs.com or 192.168.0.$1 or $1.$2 [:dynamic,:exact,nil,munge_name(value)] when /^\w[-.@\w]*$/ # ? Just like a host name but allow '@'s and ending '.'s [:opaque,:exact,nil,[value]] when /^\/.*\/$/ # a regular expression [:regex,:inexact,nil,value] else raise AuthStoreError, "Invalid pattern #{value}" end end end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/functions.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions.rb index 64f2eb8b7..33ba8c657 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/functions.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions.rb @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ require 'puppet/util/autoload' require 'puppet/parser/scope' require 'monitor' # A module for managing parser functions. Each specified function # is added to a central module that then gets included into the Scope # class. module Puppet::Parser::Functions (@functions = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }).extend(MonitorMixin) (@modules = {} ).extend(MonitorMixin) class << self include Puppet::Util end def self.autoloader unless defined?(@autoloader) @autoloader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new( self, "puppet/parser/functions", :wrap => false ) end @autoloader end Environment = Puppet::Node::Environment def self.environment_module(env = nil) if env and ! env.is_a?(Puppet::Node::Environment) env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new(env) end @modules.synchronize { @modules[ (env || Environment.current || Environment.root).name ] ||= Module.new } end # Create a new function type. def self.newfunction(name, options = {}, &block) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern Puppet.warning "Overwriting previous definition for function #{name}" if functions.include?(name) ftype = options[:type] || :statement unless ftype == :statement or ftype == :rvalue raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid statement type #{ftype.inspect}" end fname = "function_#{name}" environment_module.send(:define_method, fname, &block) # Someday we'll support specifying an arity, but for now, nope #functions[name] = {:arity => arity, :type => ftype} functions[name] = {:type => ftype, :name => fname} functions[name][:doc] = options[:doc] if options[:doc] end # Remove a function added by newfunction def self.rmfunction(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern raise Puppet::DevError, "Function #{name} is not defined" unless functions.include? name functions.delete name fname = "function_#{name}" environment_module.send(:remove_method, fname) end # Determine if a given name is a function def self.function(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern @functions.synchronize do unless functions.include?(name) or functions(Puppet::Node::Environment.root).include?(name) autoloader.load(name,Environment.current || Environment.root) end end ( functions(Environment.root)[name] || functions[name] || {:name => false} )[:name] end def self.functiondocs autoloader.loadall ret = "" functions.sort { |a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |name, hash| ret += "#{name}\n#{"-" * name.to_s.length}\n" if hash[:doc] ret += Puppet::Util::Docs.scrub(hash[:doc]) else ret += "Undocumented.\n" end ret += "\n\n- *Type*: #{hash[:type]}\n\n" end ret end def self.functions(env = nil) @functions.synchronize { @functions[ env || Environment.current || Environment.root ] } end # Determine if a given function returns a value or not. def self.rvalue?(name) - (functions[symbolize(name)] || {})[:type] == :rvalue + (functions[name.intern] || {})[:type] == :rvalue end # Runs a newfunction to create a function for each of the log levels Puppet::Util::Log.levels.each do |level| newfunction(level, :doc => "Log a message on the server at level #{level.to_s}.") do |vals| send(level, vals.join(" ")) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/create_resources.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/create_resources.rb index 9a5304dec..bdbed88e3 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/create_resources.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/create_resources.rb @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:create_resources, :doc => <<-'ENDHEREDOC') do |args| Converts a hash into a set of resources and adds them to the catalog. This function takes two mandatory arguments: a resource type, and a hash describing a set of resources. The hash should be in the form `{title => {parameters} }`: # A hash of user resources: $myusers = { 'nick' => { uid => '1330', group => allstaff, groups => ['developers', 'operations', 'release'], } 'dan' => { uid => '1308', group => allstaff, groups => ['developers', 'prosvc', 'release'], } } create_resources(user, $myusers) A third, optional parameter may be given, also as a hash: $defaults => { 'ensure' => present, 'provider' => 'ldap', } create_resources(user, $myusers, $defaults) The values given on the third argument are added to the parameters of each resource present in the set given on the second argument. If a parameter is present on both the second and third arguments, the one on the second argument takes precedence. This function can be used to create defined resources and classes, as well as native resources. ENDHEREDOC raise ArgumentError, ("create_resources(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be 2 or 3)") if args.length < 2 || args.length > 3 # figure out what kind of resource we are type_of_resource = nil type_name = args[0].downcase if type_name == 'class' type_of_resource = :class else if resource = Puppet::Type.type(type_name.to_sym) type_of_resource = :type elsif resource = find_definition(type_name.downcase) type_of_resource = :define else raise ArgumentError, "could not create resource of unknown type #{type_name}" end end # iterate through the resources to create defaults = args[2] || {} args[1].each do |title, params| - params = defaults.merge(params) - Puppet::Util.symbolizehash!(params) + params = Puppet::Util.symbolizehash(defaults.merge(params)) raise ArgumentError, 'params should not contain title' if(params[:title]) case type_of_resource # JJM The only difference between a type and a define is the call to instantiate_resource # for a defined type. when :type, :define p_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(type_name, title, :scope => self, :source => resource) {:name => title}.merge(params).each do |k,v| p_resource.set_parameter(k,v) end if type_of_resource == :define then resource.instantiate_resource(self, p_resource) end compiler.add_resource(self, p_resource) when :class klass = find_hostclass(title) raise ArgumentError, "could not find hostclass #{title}" unless klass klass.ensure_in_catalog(self, params) compiler.catalog.add_class(title) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/resource.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/resource.rb index ee1a8c436..dd92909c5 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/resource.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/resource.rb @@ -1,336 +1,336 @@ require 'puppet/resource' # The primary difference between this class and its # parent is that this class has rules on who can set # parameters class Puppet::Parser::Resource < Puppet::Resource require 'puppet/parser/resource/param' require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/file_collection/lookup' require 'puppet/parser/yaml_trimmer' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' include Puppet::FileCollection::Lookup include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::Util::Tagging include Puppet::Parser::YamlTrimmer attr_accessor :source, :scope, :collector_id attr_accessor :virtual, :override, :translated, :catalog, :evaluated attr_reader :exported, :parameters # Determine whether the provided parameter name is a relationship parameter. def self.relationship_parameter?(name) @relationship_names ||= Puppet::Type.relationship_params.collect { |p| p.name } @relationship_names.include?(name) end # Set up some boolean test methods def translated?; !!@translated; end def override?; !!@override; end def evaluated?; !!@evaluated; end def [](param) - param = symbolize(param) + param = param.intern if param == :title return self.title end if @parameters.has_key?(param) @parameters[param].value else nil end end def []=(param, value) set_parameter(param, value) end def eachparam @parameters.each do |name, param| yield param end end def environment scope.environment end # Process the stage metaparameter for a class. A containment edge # is drawn from the class to the stage. The stage for containment # defaults to main, if none is specified. def add_edge_to_stage return unless self.type.to_s.downcase == "class" unless stage = catalog.resource(:stage, self[:stage] || (scope && scope.resource && scope.resource[:stage]) || :main) raise ArgumentError, "Could not find stage #{self[:stage] || :main} specified by #{self}" end self[:stage] ||= stage.title unless stage.title == :main catalog.add_edge(stage, self) end # Retrieve the associated definition and evaluate it. def evaluate return if evaluated? @evaluated = true if klass = resource_type and ! builtin_type? finish evaluated_code = klass.evaluate_code(self) return evaluated_code elsif builtin? devfail "Cannot evaluate a builtin type (#{type})" else self.fail "Cannot find definition #{type}" end end # Mark this resource as both exported and virtual, # or remove the exported mark. def exported=(value) if value @virtual = true @exported = value else @exported = value end end # Do any finishing work on this object, called before evaluation or # before storage/translation. def finish return if finished? @finished = true add_defaults add_metaparams add_scope_tags validate end # Has this resource already been finished? def finished? @finished end def initialize(*args) raise ArgumentError, "Resources require a hash as last argument" unless args.last.is_a? Hash raise ArgumentError, "Resources require a scope" unless args.last[:scope] super @source ||= scope.source end # Is this resource modeling an isomorphic resource type? def isomorphic? if builtin_type? return resource_type.isomorphic? else return true end end # Merge an override resource in. This will throw exceptions if # any overrides aren't allowed. def merge(resource) # Test the resource scope, to make sure the resource is even allowed # to override. unless self.source.object_id == resource.source.object_id || resource.source.child_of?(self.source) raise Puppet::ParseError.new("Only subclasses can override parameters", resource.line, resource.file) end # Some of these might fail, but they'll fail in the way we want. resource.parameters.each do |name, param| override_parameter(param) end end # Unless we're running >= 0.25, we're in compat mode. def metaparam_compatibility_mode? ! (catalog and ver = (catalog.client_version||'0.0.0').split(".") and (ver[0] > "0" or ver[1].to_i >= 25)) end def name self[:name] || self.title end # A temporary occasion, until I get paths in the scopes figured out. def path to_s end # Define a parameter in our resource. # if we ever receive a parameter named 'tag', set # the resource tags with its value. def set_parameter(param, value = nil) if ! value.nil? param = Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param.new( :name => param, :value => value, :source => self.source ) elsif ! param.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param) raise ArgumentError, "Received incomplete information - no value provided for parameter #{param}" end tag(*param.value) if param.name == :tag # And store it in our parameter hash. @parameters[param.name] = param end def to_hash @parameters.inject({}) do |hash, ary| param = ary[1] # Skip "undef" values. hash[param.name] = param.value if param.value != :undef hash end end # Create a Puppet::Resource instance from this parser resource. # We plan, at some point, on not needing to do this conversion, but # it's sufficient for now. def to_resource result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) to_hash.each do |p, v| if v.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) v = Puppet::Resource.new(v.type, v.title) elsif v.is_a?(Array) # flatten resource references arrays v = v.flatten if v.flatten.find { |av| av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) } v = v.collect do |av| av = Puppet::Resource.new(av.type, av.title) if av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) av end end # If the value is an array with only one value, then # convert it to a single value. This is largely so that # the database interaction doesn't have to worry about # whether it returns an array or a string. result[p] = if v.is_a?(Array) and v.length == 1 v[0] else v end end result.file = self.file result.line = self.line result.exported = self.exported result.virtual = self.virtual result.tag(*self.tags) result end # Convert this resource to a RAL resource. def to_ral to_resource.to_ral end private # Add default values from our definition. def add_defaults scope.lookupdefaults(self.type).each do |name, param| unless @parameters.include?(name) self.debug "Adding default for #{name}" @parameters[name] = param.dup end end end def add_backward_compatible_relationship_param(name) # Skip metaparams for which we get no value. return unless scope.include?(name.to_s) val = scope[name.to_s] # The default case: just set the value set_parameter(name, val) and return unless @parameters[name] # For relationship params, though, join the values (a la #446). @parameters[name].value = [@parameters[name].value, val].flatten end # Add any metaparams defined in our scope. This actually adds any metaparams # from any parent scope, and there's currently no way to turn that off. def add_metaparams compat_mode = metaparam_compatibility_mode? Puppet::Type.eachmetaparam do |name| next unless self.class.relationship_parameter?(name) add_backward_compatible_relationship_param(name) if compat_mode end end def add_scope_tags if scope_resource = scope.resource tag(*scope_resource.tags) end end # Accept a parameter from an override. def override_parameter(param) # This can happen if the override is defining a new parameter, rather # than replacing an existing one. (set_parameter(param) and return) unless current = @parameters[param.name] # The parameter is already set. Fail if they're not allowed to override it. unless param.source.child_of?(current.source) msg = "Parameter '#{param.name}' is already set on #{self}" msg += " by #{current.source}" if current.source.to_s != "" if current.file or current.line fields = [] fields << current.file if current.file fields << current.line.to_s if current.line msg += " at #{fields.join(":")}" end msg += "; cannot redefine" Puppet.log_exception(ArgumentError.new(), msg) raise Puppet::ParseError.new(msg, param.line, param.file) end # If we've gotten this far, we're allowed to override. # Merge with previous value, if the parameter was generated with the +> # syntax. It's important that we use a copy of the new param instance # here, not the old one, and not the original new one, so that the source # is registered correctly for later overrides but the values aren't # implcitly shared when multiple resources are overrriden at once (see # ticket #3556). if param.add param = param.dup param.value = [current.value, param.value].flatten end set_parameter(param) end # Make sure the resource's parameters are all valid for the type. def validate @parameters.each do |name, param| validate_parameter(name) end rescue => detail fail Puppet::ParseError, detail.to_s end private def extract_parameters(params) params.each do |param| # Don't set the same parameter twice self.fail Puppet::ParseError, "Duplicate parameter '#{param.name}' for on #{self}" if @parameters[param.name] set_parameter(param) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/resource/param.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/resource/param.rb index c28322337..f38839415 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/resource/param.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/resource/param.rb @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ require 'puppet/file_collection/lookup' require 'puppet/parser/yaml_trimmer' # The parameters we stick in Resources. class Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param attr_accessor :name, :value, :source, :add include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::FileCollection::Lookup include Puppet::Parser::YamlTrimmer def initialize(hash) set_options(hash) requiredopts(:name, :value) - @name = symbolize(@name) + @name = @name.intern end def line_to_i line ? Integer(line) : nil end def to_s "#{self.name} => #{self.value}" end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider.rb b/lib/puppet/provider.rb index c964d1fe6..929eb1330 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider.rb @@ -1,404 +1,404 @@ # The container class for implementations. class Puppet::Provider include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::Warnings extend Puppet::Util::Warnings require 'puppet/provider/confiner' require 'puppet/provider/command' extend Puppet::Provider::Confiner Puppet::Util.logmethods(self, true) class << self # Include the util module so we have access to things like 'which' include Puppet::Util, Puppet::Util::Docs include Puppet::Util::Logging attr_accessor :name # The source parameter exists so that providers using the same # source can specify this, so reading doesn't attempt to read the # same package multiple times. attr_writer :source # LAK 2007-05-09: Keep the model stuff around for backward compatibility attr_reader :model attr_accessor :resource_type attr_writer :doc end # LAK 2007-05-09: Keep the model stuff around for backward compatibility attr_reader :model attr_accessor :resource # Provide access to execution of arbitrary commands in providers. Execution methods are # available on both the instance and the class of a provider because it seems that a lot of # providers switch between these contexts fairly freely. # # @see Puppet::Util::Execution for how to use these methods def execute(*args) Puppet::Util::Execution.execute(*args) end def self.execute(*args) Puppet::Util::Execution.execute(*args) end def execpipe(*args, &block) Puppet::Util::Execution.execpipe(*args, &block) end def self.execpipe(*args, &block) Puppet::Util::Execution.execpipe(*args, &block) end def execfail(*args) Puppet::Util::Execution.execfail(*args) end def self.execfail(*args) Puppet::Util::Execution.execfail(*args) end ######### def self.command(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern if defined?(@commands) and command = @commands[name] # nothing elsif superclass.respond_to? :command and command = superclass.command(name) # nothing else raise Puppet::DevError, "No command #{name} defined for provider #{self.name}" end which(command) end # Define commands that are not optional. # # @param [Hash{String => String}] command_specs Named commands that the provider will # be executing on the system. Each command is specified with a name and the path of the executable. # (@see #has_command) def self.commands(command_specs) command_specs.each do |name, path| has_command(name, path) end end # Define commands that are optional. # # @param [Hash{String => String}] command_specs Named commands that the provider will # be executing on the system. Each command is specified with a name and the path of the executable. # (@see #has_command) def self.optional_commands(hash) hash.each do |name, target| has_command(name, target) do is_optional end end end # Define a single command # # A method will be generated on the provider that allows easy execution of the command. The generated # method can take arguments that will be passed through to the executable as the command line arguments # when it is run. # # has_command(:echo, "/bin/echo") # def some_method # echo("arg 1", "arg 2") # end # # # or # # has_command(:echo, "/bin/echo") do # is_optional # environment :HOME => "/var/tmp", :PWD => "/tmp" # end # # @param [Symbol] name Name of the command (will be the name of the generated method to call the command) # @param [String] path The path to the executable for the command # @yield A block that configures the command (@see Puppet::Provider::Command) def self.has_command(name, path, &block) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern configuration = block_given? ? block : Proc.new {} command = CommandDefiner.define(name, path, self, &configuration) @commands[name] = command.executable # Now define the class and instance methods. create_class_and_instance_method(name) do |*args| return command.execute(*args) end end class CommandDefiner private_class_method :new def self.define(name, path, confiner, &block) definer = new(name, path, confiner) definer.instance_eval &block definer.command end def initialize(name, path, confiner) @name = name @path = path @optional = false @confiner = confiner @custom_environment = {} end def is_optional @optional = true end def environment(env) @custom_environment = @custom_environment.merge(env) end def command if not @optional @confiner.confine :exists => @path, :for_binary => true end Puppet::Provider::Command.new(@name, @path, Puppet::Util, Puppet::Util::Execution, { :custom_environment => @custom_environment }) end end # Is the provided feature a declared feature? def self.declared_feature?(name) defined?(@declared_features) and @declared_features.include?(name) end # Does this implementation match all of the default requirements? If # defaults are empty, we return false. def self.default? return false if @defaults.empty? if @defaults.find do |fact, values| values = [values] unless values.is_a? Array if fval = Facter.value(fact).to_s and fval != "" fval = fval.to_s.downcase.intern else return false end # If any of the values match, we're a default. if values.find do |value| fval == value.to_s.downcase.intern end false else true end end return false else return true end end # Store how to determine defaults. def self.defaultfor(hash) hash.each do |d,v| @defaults[d] = v end end def self.specificity (@defaults.length * 100) + ancestors.select { |a| a.is_a? Class }.length end def self.initvars @defaults = {} @commands = {} end # The method for returning a list of provider instances. Note that it returns providers, preferably with values already # filled in, not resources. def self.instances raise Puppet::DevError, "Provider #{self.name} has not defined the 'instances' class method" end # Create the methods for a given command. # # @deprecated Use {#commands}, {#optional_commands}, or {#has_command} instead. This was not meant to be part of a public API def self.make_command_methods(name) Puppet.deprecation_warning "Provider.make_command_methods is deprecated; use Provider.commands or Provider.optional_commands instead for creating command methods" # Now define a method for that command unless singleton_class.method_defined?(name) meta_def(name) do |*args| # This might throw an ExecutionFailure, but the system above # will catch it, if so. command = Puppet::Provider::Command.new(name, command(name), Puppet::Util, Puppet::Util::Execution) return command.execute(*args) end # And then define an instance method that just calls the class method. # We need both, so both instances and classes can easily run the commands. unless method_defined?(name) define_method(name) do |*args| self.class.send(name, *args) end end end end # Create getter/setter methods for each property our resource type supports. # They all get stored in @property_hash. This method is useful # for those providers that use prefetch and flush. def self.mkmodelmethods Puppet.deprecation_warning "Provider.mkmodelmethods is deprecated; use Provider.mk_resource_methods" mk_resource_methods end # Create getter/setter methods for each property our resource type supports. # They all get stored in @property_hash. This method is useful # for those providers that use prefetch and flush. def self.mk_resource_methods [resource_type.validproperties, resource_type.parameters].flatten.each do |attr| - attr = symbolize(attr) + attr = attr.intern next if attr == :name define_method(attr) do @property_hash[attr] || :absent end define_method(attr.to_s + "=") do |val| @property_hash[attr] = val end end end self.initvars def self.create_class_and_instance_method(name, &block) unless singleton_class.method_defined?(name) meta_def(name, &block) end unless method_defined?(name) define_method(name) do |*args| self.class.send(name, *args) end end end private_class_method :create_class_and_instance_method # Retrieve the data source. Defaults to the provider name. def self.source @source ||= self.name end # Does this provider support the specified parameter? def self.supports_parameter?(param) if param.is_a?(Class) klass = param else unless klass = resource_type.attrclass(param) raise Puppet::DevError, "'#{param}' is not a valid parameter for #{resource_type.name}" end end return true unless features = klass.required_features !!satisfies?(*features) end # def self.to_s # unless defined?(@str) # if self.resource_type # @str = "#{resource_type.name} provider #{self.name}" # else # @str = "unattached provider #{self.name}" # end # end # @str # end dochook(:defaults) do if @defaults.length > 0 return "Default for " + @defaults.collect do |f, v| "`#{f}` == `#{[v].flatten.join(', ')}`" end.join(" and ") + "." end end dochook(:commands) do if @commands.length > 0 return "Required binaries: " + @commands.collect do |n, c| "`#{c}`" end.join(", ") + "." end end dochook(:features) do if features.length > 0 return "Supported features: " + features.collect do |f| "`#{f}`" end.join(", ") + "." end end # Remove the reference to the resource, so GC can clean up. def clear @resource = nil @model = nil end # Retrieve a named command. def command(name) self.class.command(name) end # Get a parameter value. def get(param) - @property_hash[symbolize(param)] || :absent + @property_hash[param.intern] || :absent end def initialize(resource = nil) if resource.is_a?(Hash) # We don't use a duplicate here, because some providers (ParsedFile, at least) # use the hash here for later events. @property_hash = resource elsif resource @resource = resource # LAK 2007-05-09: Keep the model stuff around for backward compatibility @model = resource @property_hash = {} else @property_hash = {} end end def name if n = @property_hash[:name] return n elsif self.resource resource.name else raise Puppet::DevError, "No resource and no name in property hash in #{self.class.name} instance" end end # Set passed params as the current values. def set(params) params.each do |param, value| - @property_hash[symbolize(param)] = value + @property_hash[param.intern] = value end end def to_s "#{@resource}(provider=#{self.class.name})" end # Make providers comparable. include Comparable def <=>(other) # We can only have ordering against other providers. return nil unless other.is_a? Puppet::Provider # Otherwise, order by the providers class name. return self.class.name <=> other.class.name end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/aixobject.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/aixobject.rb index 9506c67a2..3cc4b5170 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/aixobject.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/aixobject.rb @@ -1,393 +1,393 @@ # # Common code for AIX providers. This class implements basic structure for # AIX resources. # Author:: Hector Rivas Gandara # class Puppet::Provider::AixObject < Puppet::Provider desc "Generic AIX resource provider" # The real provider must implement these functions. def lscmd(value=@resource[:name]) raise Puppet::Error, "Method not defined #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end def lscmd(value=@resource[:name]) raise Puppet::Error, "Method not defined #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end def addcmd(extra_attrs = []) raise Puppet::Error, "Method not defined #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end def modifycmd(attributes_hash) raise Puppet::Error, "Method not defined #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end def deletecmd raise Puppet::Error, "Method not defined #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end # Valid attributes to be managed by this provider. # It is a list of hashes # :aix_attr AIX command attribute name # :puppet_prop Puppet propertie name # :to Optional. Method name that adapts puppet property to aix command value. # :from Optional. Method to adapt aix command line value to puppet property. Optional class << self attr_accessor :attribute_mapping end # Mapping from Puppet property to AIX attribute. def self.attribute_mapping_to if ! @attribute_mapping_to @attribute_mapping_to = {} attribute_mapping.each { |elem| attribute_mapping_to[elem[:puppet_prop]] = { :key => elem[:aix_attr], :method => elem[:to] } } end @attribute_mapping_to end # Mapping from AIX attribute to Puppet property. def self.attribute_mapping_from if ! @attribute_mapping_from @attribute_mapping_from = {} attribute_mapping.each { |elem| attribute_mapping_from[elem[:aix_attr]] = { :key => elem[:puppet_prop], :method => elem[:from] } } end @attribute_mapping_from end # This functions translates a key and value using the given mapping. # Mapping can be nil (no translation) or a hash with this format # {:key => new_key, :method => translate_method} # It returns a list with the pair [key, value] def translate_attr(key, value, mapping) return [key, value] unless mapping return nil unless mapping[key] if mapping[key][:method] new_value = method(mapping[key][:method]).call(value) else new_value = value end [mapping[key][:key], new_value] end # Loads an AIX attribute (key=value) and stores it in the given hash with # puppet semantics. It translates the pair using the given mapping. # # This operation works with each property one by one, # subclasses must reimplement this if more complex operations are needed def load_attribute(key, value, mapping, objectinfo) if mapping.nil? objectinfo[key] = value elsif mapping[key].nil? # is not present in mapping, ignore it. true elsif mapping[key][:method].nil? objectinfo[mapping[key][:key]] = value elsif objectinfo[mapping[key][:key]] = method(mapping[key][:method]).call(value) end return objectinfo end # Gets the given command line argument for the given key and value, # using the given mapping to translate key and value. # All the objectinfo hash (@resource or @property_hash) is passed. # # This operation works with each property one by one, # and default behaviour is return the arguments as key=value pairs. # Subclasses must reimplement this if more complex operations/arguments # are needed # def get_arguments(key, value, mapping, objectinfo) if mapping.nil? new_key = key new_value = value elsif mapping[key].nil? # is not present in mapping, ignore it. new_key = nil new_value = nil elsif mapping[key][:method].nil? new_key = mapping[key][:key] new_value = value elsif new_key = mapping[key][:key] new_value = method(mapping[key][:method]).call(value) end # convert it to string new_value = Array(new_value).join(',') if new_key return [ "#{new_key}=#{new_value}" ] else return [] end end # Convert the provider properties (hash) to AIX command arguments # (list of strings) # This function will translate each value/key and generate the argument using # the get_arguments function. def hash2args(hash, mapping=self.class.attribute_mapping_to) return "" unless hash arg_list = [] hash.each {|key, val| arg_list += self.get_arguments(key, val, mapping, hash) } arg_list end # Parse AIX command attributes from the output of an AIX command, that # which format is a list of space separated of key=value pairs: # "uid=100 groups=a,b,c". # It returns an hash. # # If a mapping is provided, the keys are translated as defined in the # mapping hash. And only values included in mapping will be added # # NOTE: it will ignore the items not including '=' def parse_attr_list(str, mapping=self.class.attribute_mapping_from) properties = {} attrs = [] if !str or (attrs = str.split()).empty? return nil end attrs.each { |i| if i.include? "=" # Ignore if it does not include '=' (key_str, val) = i.split('=') # Check the key if !key_str or key_str.empty? info "Empty key in string 'i'?" continue end key = key_str.to_sym properties = self.load_attribute(key, val, mapping, properties) end } properties.empty? ? nil : properties end # Parse AIX command output in a colon separated list of attributes, # This function is useful to parse the output of commands like lsfs -c: # #MountPoint:Device:Vfs:Nodename:Type:Size:Options:AutoMount:Acct # /:/dev/hd4:jfs2::bootfs:557056:rw:yes:no # /home:/dev/hd1:jfs2:::2129920:rw:yes:no # /usr:/dev/hd2:jfs2::bootfs:9797632:rw:yes:no # # If a mapping is provided, the keys are translated as defined in the # mapping hash. And only values included in mapping will be added def parse_colon_list(str, key_list, mapping=self.class.attribute_mapping_from) properties = {} attrs = [] if !str or (attrs = str.split(':')).empty? return nil end attrs.each { |val| key = key_list.shift.downcase.to_sym properties = self.load_attribute(key, val, mapping, properties) } properties.empty? ? nil : properties end # Default parsing function for AIX commands. # It will choose the method depending of the first line. # For the colon separated list it will: # 1. Get keys from first line. # 2. Parse next line. def parse_command_output(output, mapping=self.class.attribute_mapping_from) lines = output.split("\n") # if it begins with #something:... is a colon separated list. if lines[0] =~ /^#.*:/ self.parse_colon_list(lines[1], lines[0][1..-1].split(':'), mapping) else self.parse_attr_list(lines[0], mapping) end end # Retrieve all the information of an existing resource. # It will execute 'lscmd' command and parse the output, using the mapping # 'attribute_mapping_from' to translate the keys and values. def getinfo(refresh = false) if @objectinfo.nil? or refresh == true # Execute lsuser, split all attributes and add them to a dict. begin output = execute(self.lscmd) @objectinfo = self.parse_command_output(execute(self.lscmd)) # All attributtes without translation @objectosinfo = self.parse_command_output(execute(self.lscmd), nil) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail # Print error if needed. FIXME: Do not check the user here. Puppet.debug "aix.getinfo(): Could not find #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end end @objectinfo end # Like getinfo, but it will not use the mapping to translate the keys and values. # It might be usefult to retrieve some raw information. def getosinfo(refresh = false) if @objectosinfo .nil? or refresh == true getinfo(refresh) end @objectosinfo end # List all elements of given type. It works for colon separated commands and # list commands. # It returns a list of names. def list_all names = [] begin output = execute(self.lsallcmd()).split('\n') (output.select{ |l| l != /^#/ }).each { |v| name = v.split(/[ :]/) names << name if not name.empty? } rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail # Print error if needed Puppet.debug "aix.list_all(): Could not get all resources of type #{@resource.class.name}: #{detail}" end names end #------------- # Provider API # ------------ # Clear out the cached values. def flush @property_hash.clear if @property_hash @objectinfo.clear if @objectinfo end # Check that the user exists def exists? !!getinfo(true) # !! => converts to bool end # Return all existing instances # The method for returning a list of provider instances. Note that it returns # providers, preferably with values already filled in, not resources. def self.instances objects=[] self.list_all().each { |entry| objects << new(:name => entry, :ensure => :present) } objects end #- **ensure** # The basic state that the object should be in. Valid values are # `present`, `absent`, `role`. # From ensurable: exists?, create, delete def ensure if exists? :present else :absent end end # Create a new instance of the resource def create if exists? info "already exists" # The object already exists return nil end begin execute(self.addcmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end end # Delete this instance of the resource def delete unless exists? info "already absent" # the object already doesn't exist return nil end begin execute(self.deletecmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not delete #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end end #-------------------------------- # Call this method when the object is initialized. # It creates getter/setter methods for each property our resource type supports. # If setter or getter already defined it will not be overwritten def self.mk_resource_methods [resource_type.validproperties, resource_type.parameters].flatten.each do |prop| next if prop == :ensure define_method(prop) { get(prop) || :absent} unless public_method_defined?(prop) define_method(prop.to_s + "=") { |*vals| set(prop, *vals) } unless public_method_defined?(prop.to_s + "=") end end # Define the needed getters and setters as soon as we know the resource type def self.resource_type=(resource_type) super mk_resource_methods end # Retrieve a specific value by name. def get(param) (hash = getinfo(false)) ? hash[param] : nil end # Set a property. def set(param, value) - @property_hash[symbolize(param)] = value + @property_hash[param.intern] = value if getinfo().nil? # This is weird... raise Puppet::Error, "Trying to update parameter '#{param}' to '#{value}' for a resource that does not exists #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end if value == getinfo()[param.to_sym] return end #self.class.validate(param, value) if cmd = modifycmd({param =>value}) begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set #{param} on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]: #{detail}" end end # Refresh de info. hash = getinfo(true) end def initialize(resource) super @objectinfo = nil @objectosinfo = nil end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice.rb index 693a422e9..5df414680 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice.rb @@ -1,276 +1,276 @@ require 'puppet' # This is the parent class of all NSS classes. They're very different in # their backend, but they're pretty similar on the front-end. This class # provides a way for them all to be as similar as possible. class Puppet::Provider::NameService < Puppet::Provider class << self def autogen_default(param) - defined?(@autogen_defaults) ? @autogen_defaults[symbolize(param)] : nil + defined?(@autogen_defaults) ? @autogen_defaults[param.intern] : nil end def autogen_defaults(hash) @autogen_defaults ||= {} hash.each do |param, value| - @autogen_defaults[symbolize(param)] = value + @autogen_defaults[param.intern] = value end end def initvars @checks = {} super end def instances objects = [] listbyname do |name| objects << new(:name => name, :ensure => :present) end objects end def option(name, option) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String (defined?(@options) and @options.include? name and @options[name].include? option) ? @options[name][option] : nil end def options(name, hash) raise Puppet::DevError, "#{name} is not a valid attribute for #{resource_type.name}" unless resource_type.valid_parameter?(name) @options ||= {} @options[name] ||= {} # Set options individually, so we can call the options method # multiple times. hash.each do |param, value| @options[name][param] = value end end # List everything out by name. Abstracted a bit so that it works # for both users and groups. def listbyname names = [] Etc.send("set#{section()}ent") begin while ent = Etc.send("get#{section()}ent") names << ent.name yield ent.name if block_given? end ensure Etc.send("end#{section()}ent") end names end def resource_type=(resource_type) super @resource_type.validproperties.each do |prop| next if prop == :ensure define_method(prop) { get(prop) || :absent} unless public_method_defined?(prop) define_method(prop.to_s + "=") { |*vals| set(prop, *vals) } unless public_method_defined?(prop.to_s + "=") end end # This is annoying, but there really aren't that many options, # and this *is* built into Ruby. def section unless defined?(@resource_type) raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot determine Etc section without a resource type" end if @resource_type.name == :group "gr" else "pw" end end def validate(name, value) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String if @checks.include? name block = @checks[name][:block] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value #{value}: #{@checks[name][:error]}" unless block.call(value) end end def verify(name, error, &block) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @checks[name] = {:error => error, :block => block} end private def op(property) @ops[property.name] || ("-#{property.name}") end end # Autogenerate a value. Mostly used for uid/gid, but also used heavily # with DirectoryServices, because DirectoryServices is stupid. def autogen(field) - field = symbolize(field) + field = field.intern id_generators = {:user => :uid, :group => :gid} if id_generators[@resource.class.name] == field return self.class.autogen_id(field, @resource.class.name) else if value = self.class.autogen_default(field) return value elsif respond_to?("autogen_#{field}") return send("autogen_#{field}") else return nil end end end # Autogenerate either a uid or a gid. This is not very flexible: we can # only generate one field type per class, and get kind of confused if asked # for both. def self.autogen_id(field, resource_type) # Figure out what sort of value we want to generate. case resource_type when :user; database = :passwd; method = :uid when :group; database = :group; method = :gid else raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid resource name #{resource}" end # Initialize from the data set, if needed. unless @prevauto # Sadly, Etc doesn't return an enumerator, it just invokes the block # given, or returns the first record from the database. There is no # other, more convenient enumerator for these, so we fake one with this # loop. Thanks, Ruby, for your awesome abstractions. --daniel 2012-03-23 highest = [] Etc.send(database) {|entry| highest << entry.send(method) } highest = highest.reject {|x| x > 65000 }.max @prevauto = highest || 1000 end # ...and finally increment and return the next value. @prevauto += 1 end def create if exists? info "already exists" # The object already exists return nil end begin execute(self.addcmd) if feature?(:manages_password_age) && (cmd = passcmd) execute(cmd) end rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end end def delete unless exists? info "already absent" # the object already doesn't exist return nil end begin execute(self.deletecmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not delete #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}" end end def ensure if exists? :present else :absent end end # Does our object exist? def exists? !!getinfo(true) end # Retrieve a specific value by name. def get(param) (hash = getinfo(false)) ? hash[param] : nil end # Retrieve what we can about our object def getinfo(refresh) if @objectinfo.nil? or refresh == true @etcmethod ||= ("get" + self.class.section.to_s + "nam").intern begin @objectinfo = Etc.send(@etcmethod, @resource[:name]) rescue ArgumentError => detail @objectinfo = nil end end # Now convert our Etc struct into a hash. @objectinfo ? info2hash(@objectinfo) : nil end # The list of all groups the user is a member of. Different # user mgmt systems will need to override this method. def groups groups = [] # Reset our group list Etc.setgrent user = @resource[:name] # Now iterate across all of the groups, adding each one our # user is a member of while group = Etc.getgrent members = group.mem groups << group.name if members.include? user end # We have to close the file, so each listing is a separate # reading of the file. Etc.endgrent groups.join(",") end # Convert the Etc struct into a hash. def info2hash(info) hash = {} self.class.resource_type.validproperties.each do |param| method = posixmethod(param) hash[param] = info.send(posixmethod(param)) if info.respond_to? method end hash end def initialize(resource) super @objectinfo = nil end def set(param, value) self.class.validate(param, value) cmd = modifycmd(param, value) raise Puppet::DevError, "Nameservice command must be an array" unless cmd.is_a?(Array) begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set #{param} on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]: #{detail}" end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice/directoryservice.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice/directoryservice.rb index 77b59870d..0b5d83192 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice/directoryservice.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/nameservice/directoryservice.rb @@ -1,596 +1,596 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/provider/nameservice' require 'facter/util/plist' require 'fileutils' class Puppet::Provider::NameService::DirectoryService < Puppet::Provider::NameService # JJM: Dive into the singleton_class class << self # JJM: This allows us to pass information when calling # Puppet::Type.type # e.g. Puppet::Type.type(:user).provide :directoryservice, :ds_path => "Users" # This is referenced in the get_ds_path class method attr_writer :ds_path attr_writer :macosx_version_major end initvars commands :dscl => "/usr/bin/dscl" commands :dseditgroup => "/usr/sbin/dseditgroup" commands :sw_vers => "/usr/bin/sw_vers" commands :plutil => '/usr/bin/plutil' confine :operatingsystem => :darwin defaultfor :operatingsystem => :darwin # JJM 2007-07-25: This map is used to map NameService attributes to their # corresponding DirectoryService attribute names. # See: http://images.apple.com/server/docs.Open_Directory_v10.4.pdf # JJM: Note, this is de-coupled from the Puppet::Type, and must # be actively maintained. There may also be collisions with different # types (Users, Groups, Mounts, Hosts, etc...) def ds_to_ns_attribute_map; self.class.ds_to_ns_attribute_map; end def self.ds_to_ns_attribute_map { 'RecordName' => :name, 'PrimaryGroupID' => :gid, 'NFSHomeDirectory' => :home, 'UserShell' => :shell, 'UniqueID' => :uid, 'RealName' => :comment, 'Password' => :password, 'GeneratedUID' => :guid, 'IPAddress' => :ip_address, 'ENetAddress' => :en_address, 'GroupMembership' => :members, } end # JJM The same table as above, inverted. def ns_to_ds_attribute_map; self.class.ns_to_ds_attribute_map end def self.ns_to_ds_attribute_map @ns_to_ds_attribute_map ||= ds_to_ns_attribute_map.invert end def self.password_hash_dir '/var/db/shadow/hash' end def self.users_plist_dir '/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users' end def self.instances # JJM Class method that provides an array of instance objects of this # type. # JJM: Properties are dependent on the Puppet::Type we're managine. type_property_array = [:name] + @resource_type.validproperties # Create a new instance of this Puppet::Type for each object present # on the system. list_all_present.collect do |name_string| self.new(single_report(name_string, *type_property_array)) end end def self.get_ds_path # JJM: 2007-07-24 This method dynamically returns the DS path we're concerned with. # For example, if we're working with an user type, this will be /Users # with a group type, this will be /Groups. # @ds_path is an attribute of the class itself. return @ds_path if defined?(@ds_path) # JJM: "Users" or "Groups" etc ... (Based on the Puppet::Type) # Remember this is a class method, so self.class is Class # Also, @resource_type seems to be the reference to the # Puppet::Type this class object is providing for. @resource_type.name.to_s.capitalize + "s" end def self.get_macosx_version_major return @macosx_version_major if defined?(@macosx_version_major) begin # Make sure we've loaded all of the facts Facter.loadfacts if Facter.value(:macosx_productversion_major) product_version_major = Facter.value(:macosx_productversion_major) else # TODO: remove this code chunk once we require Facter 1.5.5 or higher. Puppet.warning("DEPRECATION WARNING: Future versions of the directoryservice provider will require Facter 1.5.5 or newer.") product_version = Facter.value(:macosx_productversion) fail("Could not determine OS X version from Facter") if product_version.nil? product_version_major = product_version.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)./).join(".") end fail("#{product_version_major} is not supported by the directoryservice provider") if %w{10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4}.include?(product_version_major) @macosx_version_major = product_version_major return @macosx_version_major rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not determine OS X version: #{detail}") end end def self.list_all_present # JJM: List all objects of this Puppet::Type already present on the system. begin dscl_output = execute(get_exec_preamble("-list")) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not get #{@resource_type.name} list from DirectoryService") end dscl_output.split("\n") end def self.parse_dscl_plist_data(dscl_output) Plist.parse_xml(dscl_output) end def self.generate_attribute_hash(input_hash, *type_properties) attribute_hash = {} input_hash.keys.each do |key| ds_attribute = key.sub("dsAttrTypeStandard:", "") next unless (ds_to_ns_attribute_map.keys.include?(ds_attribute) and type_properties.include? ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute]) ds_value = input_hash[key] case ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute] when :members ds_value = ds_value # only members uses arrays so far when :gid, :uid # OS X stores objects like uid/gid as strings. # Try casting to an integer for these cases to be # consistent with the other providers and the group type # validation begin ds_value = Integer(ds_value[0]) rescue ArgumentError ds_value = ds_value[0] end else ds_value = ds_value[0] end attribute_hash[ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute]] = ds_value end # NBK: need to read the existing password here as it's not actually # stored in the user record. It is stored at a path that involves the # UUID of the user record for non-Mobile local acccounts. # Mobile Accounts are out of scope for this provider for now attribute_hash[:password] = self.get_password(attribute_hash[:guid], attribute_hash[:name]) if @resource_type.validproperties.include?(:password) and Puppet.features.root? attribute_hash end def self.single_report(resource_name, *type_properties) # JJM 2007-07-24: # Given a the name of an object and a list of properties of that # object, return all property values in a hash. # # This class method returns nil if the object doesn't exist # Otherwise, it returns a hash of the object properties. all_present_str_array = list_all_present # NBK: shortcut the process if the resource is missing return nil unless all_present_str_array.include? resource_name dscl_vector = get_exec_preamble("-read", resource_name) begin dscl_output = execute(dscl_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not get report. command execution failed.") end # (#11593) Remove support for OS X 10.4 and earlier fail_if_wrong_version dscl_plist = self.parse_dscl_plist_data(dscl_output) self.generate_attribute_hash(dscl_plist, *type_properties) end def self.fail_if_wrong_version fail("Puppet does not support OS X versions < 10.5") unless self.get_macosx_version_major >= "10.5" end def self.get_exec_preamble(ds_action, resource_name = nil) # JJM 2007-07-24 # DSCL commands are often repetitive and contain the same positional # arguments over and over. See http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Porting/Conceptual/PortingUnix/additionalfeatures/chapter_10_section_9.html # for an example of what I mean. # This method spits out proper DSCL commands for us. # We EXPECT name to be @resource[:name] when called from an instance object. # (#11593) Remove support for OS X 10.4 and earlier fail_if_wrong_version command_vector = [ command(:dscl), "-plist", "." ] # JJM: The actual action to perform. See "man dscl" # Common actiosn: -create, -delete, -merge, -append, -passwd command_vector << ds_action # JJM: get_ds_path will spit back "Users" or "Groups", # etc... Depending on the Puppet::Type of our self. if resource_name command_vector << "/#{get_ds_path}/#{resource_name}" else command_vector << "/#{get_ds_path}" end # JJM: This returns most of the preamble of the command. # e.g. 'dscl / -create /Users/mccune' command_vector end def self.set_password(resource_name, guid, password_hash) # Use Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp() to catch the scenario where a # version '10.10' would be < '10.7' with simple string comparison. This # if-statement only executes if the current version is less-than 10.7 if (Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(get_macosx_version_major, '10.7') == -1) password_hash_file = "#{password_hash_dir}/#{guid}" begin File.open(password_hash_file, 'w') { |f| f.write(password_hash)} rescue Errno::EACCES => detail fail("Could not write to password hash file: #{detail}") end # NBK: For shadow hashes, the user AuthenticationAuthority must contain a value of # ";ShadowHash;". The LKDC in 10.5 makes this more interesting though as it # will dynamically generate ;Kerberosv5;;username@LKDC:SHA1 attributes if # missing. Thus we make sure we only set ;ShadowHash; if it is missing, and # we can do this with the merge command. This allows people to continue to # use other custom AuthenticationAuthority attributes without stomping on them. # # There is a potential problem here in that we're only doing this when setting # the password, and the attribute could get modified at other times while the # hash doesn't change and so this doesn't get called at all... but # without switching all the other attributes to merge instead of create I can't # see a simple enough solution for this that doesn't modify the user record # every single time. This should be a rather rare edge case. (famous last words) dscl_vector = self.get_exec_preamble("-merge", resource_name) dscl_vector << "AuthenticationAuthority" << ";ShadowHash;" begin dscl_output = execute(dscl_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not set AuthenticationAuthority.") end else # 10.7 uses salted SHA512 password hashes which are 128 characters plus # an 8 character salt. Previous versions used a SHA1 hash padded with # zeroes. If someone attempts to use a password hash that worked with # a previous version of OX X, we will fail early and warn them. if password_hash.length != 136 fail("OS X 10.7 requires a Salted SHA512 hash password of 136 characters. \ Please check your password and try again.") end if File.exists?("#{users_plist_dir}/#{resource_name}.plist") # If a plist already exists in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users, then # we will need to extract the binary plist from the 'ShadowHashData' # key, log the new password into the resultant plist's 'SALTED-SHA512' # key, and then save the entire structure back. users_plist = Plist::parse_xml(plutil( '-convert', 'xml1', '-o', '/dev/stdout', \ "#{users_plist_dir}/#{resource_name}.plist")) # users_plist['ShadowHashData'][0].string is actually a binary plist # that's nested INSIDE the user's plist (which itself is a binary # plist). If we encounter a user plist that DOESN'T have a # ShadowHashData field, create one. if users_plist['ShadowHashData'] password_hash_plist = users_plist['ShadowHashData'][0].string converted_hash_plist = convert_binary_to_xml(password_hash_plist) else users_plist['ShadowHashData'] = [StringIO.new] converted_hash_plist = {'SALTED-SHA512' => StringIO.new} end # converted_hash_plist['SALTED-SHA512'].string expects a Base64 encoded # string. The password_hash provided as a resource attribute is a # hex value. We need to convert the provided hex value to a Base64 # encoded string to nest it in the converted hash plist. converted_hash_plist['SALTED-SHA512'].string = \ password_hash.unpack('a2'*(password_hash.size/2)).collect { |i| i.hex.chr }.join # Finally, we can convert the nested plist back to binary, embed it # into the user's plist, and convert the resultant plist back to # a binary plist. changed_plist = convert_xml_to_binary(converted_hash_plist) users_plist['ShadowHashData'][0].string = changed_plist Plist::Emit.save_plist(users_plist, "#{users_plist_dir}/#{resource_name}.plist") plutil('-convert', 'binary1', "#{users_plist_dir}/#{resource_name}.plist") end end end def self.get_password(guid, username) # Use Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp() to catch the scenario where a # version '10.10' would be < '10.7' with simple string comparison. This # if-statement only executes if the current version is less-than 10.7 if (Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(get_macosx_version_major, '10.7') == -1) password_hash = nil password_hash_file = "#{password_hash_dir}/#{guid}" if File.exists?(password_hash_file) and File.file?(password_hash_file) fail("Could not read password hash file at #{password_hash_file}") if not File.readable?(password_hash_file) f = File.new(password_hash_file) password_hash = f.read f.close end password_hash else if File.exists?("#{users_plist_dir}/#{username}.plist") # If a plist exists in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users, we will # extract the binary plist from the 'ShadowHashData' key, decode the # salted-SHA512 password hash, and then return it. users_plist = Plist::parse_xml(plutil('-convert', 'xml1', '-o', '/dev/stdout', "#{users_plist_dir}/#{username}.plist")) if users_plist['ShadowHashData'] # users_plist['ShadowHashData'][0].string is actually a binary plist # that's nested INSIDE the user's plist (which itself is a binary # plist). password_hash_plist = users_plist['ShadowHashData'][0].string converted_hash_plist = convert_binary_to_xml(password_hash_plist) # converted_hash_plist['SALTED-SHA512'].string is a Base64 encoded # string. The password_hash provided as a resource attribute is a # hex value. We need to convert the Base64 encoded string to a # hex value and provide it back to Puppet. password_hash = converted_hash_plist['SALTED-SHA512'].string.unpack("H*")[0] password_hash end end end end # This method will accept a hash that has been returned from Plist::parse_xml # and convert it to a binary plist (string value). def self.convert_xml_to_binary(plist_data) Puppet.debug('Converting XML plist to binary') Puppet.debug('Executing: \'plutil -convert binary1 -o - -\'') IO.popen('plutil -convert binary1 -o - -', mode='r+') do |io| io.write plist_data.to_plist io.close_write @converted_plist = io.read end @converted_plist end # This method will accept a binary plist (as a string) and convert it to a # hash via Plist::parse_xml. def self.convert_binary_to_xml(plist_data) Puppet.debug('Converting binary plist to XML') Puppet.debug('Executing: \'plutil -convert xml1 -o - -\'') IO.popen('plutil -convert xml1 -o - -', mode='r+') do |io| io.write plist_data io.close_write @converted_plist = io.read end Puppet.debug('Converting XML values to a hash.') @plist_hash = Plist::parse_xml(@converted_plist) @plist_hash end # Unlike most other *nixes, OS X doesn't provide built in functionality # for automatically assigning uids and gids to accounts, so we set up these # methods for consumption by functionality like --mkusers # By default we restrict to a reasonably sane range for system accounts def self.next_system_id(id_type, min_id=20) dscl_args = ['.', '-list'] if id_type == 'uid' dscl_args << '/Users' << 'uid' elsif id_type == 'gid' dscl_args << '/Groups' << 'gid' else fail("Invalid id_type #{id_type}. Only 'uid' and 'gid' supported") end dscl_out = dscl(dscl_args) # We're ok with throwing away negative uids here. ids = dscl_out.split.compact.collect { |l| l.to_i if l.match(/^\d+$/) } ids.compact!.sort! { |a,b| a.to_f <=> b.to_f } # We're just looking for an unused id in our sorted array. ids.each_index do |i| next_id = ids[i] + 1 return next_id if ids[i+1] != next_id and next_id >= min_id end end def ensure=(ensure_value) super # We need to loop over all valid properties for the type we're # managing and call the method which sets that property value # dscl can't create everything at once unfortunately. if ensure_value == :present @resource.class.validproperties.each do |name| next if name == :ensure # LAK: We use property.sync here rather than directly calling # the settor method because the properties might do some kind # of conversion. In particular, the user gid property might # have a string and need to convert it to a number if @resource.should(name) @resource.property(name).sync elsif value = autogen(name) self.send(name.to_s + "=", value) else next end end end end def password=(passphrase) exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-read", @resource.name) exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid] begin guid_output = execute(exec_arg_vector) guid_plist = Plist.parse_xml(guid_output) # Although GeneratedUID like all DirectoryService values can be multi-valued # according to the schema, in practice user accounts cannot have multiple UUIDs # otherwise Bad Things Happen, so we just deal with the first value. guid = guid_plist["dsAttrTypeStandard:#{ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid]}"][0] self.class.set_password(@resource.name, guid, passphrase) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not set #{param} on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]: #{detail}") end end # NBK: we override @parent.set as we need to execute a series of commands # to deal with array values, rather than the single command nameservice.rb # expects to be returned by modifycmd. Thus we don't bother defining modifycmd. def set(param, value) self.class.validate(param, value) current_members = @property_value_cache_hash[:members] if param == :members # If we are meant to be authoritative for the group membership # then remove all existing members who haven't been specified # in the manifest. remove_unwanted_members(current_members, value) if @resource[:auth_membership] and not current_members.nil? # if they're not a member, make them one. add_members(current_members, value) else exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) # JJM: The following line just maps the NS name to the DS name # e.g. { :uid => 'UniqueID' } - exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[symbolize(param)] + exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[param.intern] # JJM: The following line sends the actual value to set the property to exec_arg_vector << value.to_s begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not set #{param} on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]: #{detail}") end end end # NBK: we override @parent.create as we need to execute a series of commands # to create objects with dscl, rather than the single command nameservice.rb # expects to be returned by addcmd. Thus we don't bother defining addcmd. def create if exists? info "already exists" return nil end # NBK: First we create the object with a known guid so we can set the contents # of the password hash if required # Shelling out sucks, but for a single use case it doesn't seem worth # requiring people install a UUID library that doesn't come with the system. # This should be revisited if Puppet starts managing UUIDs for other platform # user records. guid = %x{/usr/bin/uuidgen}.chomp exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid] << guid begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not set GeneratedUID for #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}") end if value = @resource.should(:password) and value != "" self.class.set_password(@resource[:name], guid, value) end # Now we create all the standard properties Puppet::Type.type(@resource.class.name).validproperties.each do |property| next if property == :ensure value = @resource.should(property) if property == :gid and value.nil? value = self.class.next_system_id(id_type='gid') end if property == :uid and value.nil? value = self.class.next_system_id(id_type='uid') end if value != "" and not value.nil? if property == :members add_members(nil, value) else exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) - exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[symbolize(property)] + exec_arg_vector << ns_to_ds_attribute_map[property.intern] next if property == :password # skip setting the password here exec_arg_vector << value.to_s begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not create #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}") end end end end end def remove_unwanted_members(current_members, new_members) current_members.each do |member| if not new_members.flatten.include?(member) cmd = [:dseditgroup, "-o", "edit", "-n", ".", "-d", member, @resource[:name]] begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail # TODO: We're falling back to removing the member using dscl due to rdar://8481241 # This bug causes dseditgroup to fail to remove a member if that member doesn't exist cmd = [:dscl, ".", "-delete", "/Groups/#{@resource.name}", "GroupMembership", member] begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not remove #{member} from group: #{@resource.name}, #{detail}") end end end end end def add_members(current_members, new_members) new_members.flatten.each do |new_member| if current_members.nil? or not current_members.include?(new_member) cmd = [:dseditgroup, "-o", "edit", "-n", ".", "-a", new_member, @resource[:name]] begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail fail("Could not add #{new_member} to group: #{@resource.name}, #{detail}") end end end end def deletecmd # JJM: Like addcmd, only called when deleting the object itself # Note, this isn't used to delete properties of the object, # at least that's how I understand it... self.class.get_exec_preamble("-delete", @resource[:name]) end def getinfo(refresh = false) # JJM 2007-07-24: # Override the getinfo method, which is also defined in nameservice.rb # This method returns and sets @infohash # I'm not re-factoring the name "getinfo" because this method will be # most likely called by nameservice.rb, which I didn't write. if refresh or (! defined?(@property_value_cache_hash) or ! @property_value_cache_hash) # JJM 2007-07-24: OK, there's a bit of magic that's about to # happen... Let's see how strong my grip has become... =) # # self is a provider instance of some Puppet::Type, like # Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice for the case of the # user type and this provider. # # self.class looks like "user provider directoryservice", if that # helps you ... # # self.class.resource_type is a reference to the Puppet::Type class, # probably Puppet::Type::User or Puppet::Type::Group, etc... # # self.class.resource_type.validproperties is a class method, # returning an Array of the valid properties of that specific # Puppet::Type. # # So... something like [:comment, :home, :password, :shell, :uid, # :groups, :ensure, :gid] # # Ultimately, we add :name to the list, delete :ensure from the # list, then report on the remaining list. Pretty whacky, ehh? type_properties = [:name] + self.class.resource_type.validproperties type_properties.delete(:ensure) if type_properties.include? :ensure type_properties << :guid # append GeneratedUID so we just get the report here @property_value_cache_hash = self.class.single_report(@resource[:name], *type_properties) [:uid, :gid].each do |param| @property_value_cache_hash[param] = @property_value_cache_hash[param].to_i if @property_value_cache_hash and @property_value_cache_hash.include?(param) end end @property_value_cache_hash end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/parsedfile.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/parsedfile.rb index 75a215f4b..51d913a38 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/parsedfile.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/parsedfile.rb @@ -1,374 +1,374 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/filetype' require 'puppet/util/fileparsing' # This provider can be used as the parent class for a provider that # parses and generates files. Its content must be loaded via the # 'prefetch' method, and the file will be written when 'flush' is called # on the provider instance. At this point, the file is written once # for every provider instance. # # Once the provider prefetches the data, it's the resource's job to copy # that data over to the @is variables. class Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile < Puppet::Provider extend Puppet::Util::FileParsing class << self attr_accessor :default_target, :target end attr_accessor :property_hash def self.clean(hash) newhash = hash.dup [:record_type, :on_disk].each do |p| newhash.delete(p) if newhash.include?(p) end newhash end def self.clear @target_objects.clear @records.clear end def self.filetype @filetype ||= Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat) end def self.filetype=(type) if type.is_a?(Class) @filetype = type elsif klass = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(type) @filetype = klass else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid filetype #{type}" end end # Flush all of the targets for which there are modified records. The only # reason we pass a record here is so that we can add it to the stack if # necessary -- it's passed from the instance calling 'flush'. def self.flush(record) # Make sure this record is on the list to be flushed. unless record[:on_disk] record[:on_disk] = true @records << record # If we've just added the record, then make sure our # target will get flushed. modified(record[:target] || default_target) end return unless defined?(@modified) and ! @modified.empty? flushed = [] @modified.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.uniq.each do |target| Puppet.debug "Flushing #{@resource_type.name} provider target #{target}" flush_target(target) flushed << target end @modified.reject! { |t| flushed.include?(t) } end # Make sure our file is backed up, but only back it up once per transaction. # We cheat and rely on the fact that @records is created on each prefetch. def self.backup_target(target) return nil unless target_object(target).respond_to?(:backup) @backup_stats ||= {} return nil if @backup_stats[target] == @records.object_id target_object(target).backup @backup_stats[target] = @records.object_id end # Flush all of the records relating to a specific target. def self.flush_target(target) backup_target(target) records = target_records(target).reject { |r| r[:ensure] == :absent } target_object(target).write(to_file(records)) end # Return the header placed at the top of each generated file, warning # users that modifying this file manually is probably a bad idea. def self.header %{# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at #{Time.now} # HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it # HEADER: is definitely not recommended.\n} end # Add another type var. def self.initvars @records = [] @target_objects = {} @target = nil # Default to flat files @filetype ||= Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat) super end # Return a list of all of the records we can find. def self.instances targets.collect do |target| prefetch_target(target) end.flatten.reject { |r| skip_record?(r) }.collect do |record| new(record) end end # Override the default method with a lot more functionality. def self.mk_resource_methods [resource_type.validproperties, resource_type.parameters].flatten.each do |attr| - attr = symbolize(attr) + attr = attr.intern define_method(attr) do # if @property_hash.empty? # # Note that this swaps the provider out from under us. # prefetch # if @resource.provider == self # return @property_hash[attr] # else # return @resource.provider.send(attr) # end # end # If it's not a valid field for this record type (which can happen # when different platforms support different fields), then just # return the should value, so the resource shuts up. if @property_hash[attr] or self.class.valid_attr?(self.class.name, attr) @property_hash[attr] || :absent else if defined?(@resource) @resource.should(attr) else nil end end end define_method(attr.to_s + "=") do |val| mark_target_modified @property_hash[attr] = val end end end # Always make the resource methods. def self.resource_type=(resource) super mk_resource_methods end # Mark a target as modified so we know to flush it. This only gets # used within the attr= methods. def self.modified(target) @modified ||= [] @modified << target unless @modified.include?(target) end # Retrieve all of the data from disk. There are three ways to know # which files to retrieve: We might have a list of file objects already # set up, there might be instances of our associated resource and they # will have a path parameter set, and we will have a default path # set. We need to turn those three locations into a list of files, # prefetch each one, and make sure they're associated with each appropriate # resource instance. def self.prefetch(resources = nil) # Reset the record list. @records = prefetch_all_targets(resources) match_providers_with_resources(resources) end def self.match_providers_with_resources(resources) return unless resources matchers = resources.dup @records.each do |record| # Skip things like comments and blank lines next if skip_record?(record) if name = record[:name] and resource = resources[name] resource.provider = new(record) elsif respond_to?(:match) if resource = match(record, matchers) # Remove this resource from circulation so we don't unnecessarily try to match matchers.delete(resource.title) record[:name] = resource[:name] resource.provider = new(record) end end end end def self.prefetch_all_targets(resources) records = [] targets(resources).each do |target| records += prefetch_target(target) end records end # Prefetch an individual target. def self.prefetch_target(target) target_records = retrieve(target).each do |r| r[:on_disk] = true r[:target] = target r[:ensure] = :present end target_records = prefetch_hook(target_records) if respond_to?(:prefetch_hook) raise Puppet::DevError, "Prefetching #{target} for provider #{self.name} returned nil" unless target_records target_records end # Is there an existing record with this name? def self.record?(name) return nil unless @records @records.find { |r| r[:name] == name } end # Retrieve the text for the file. Returns nil in the unlikely # event that it doesn't exist. def self.retrieve(path) # XXX We need to be doing something special here in case of failure. text = target_object(path).read if text.nil? or text == "" # there is no file return [] else # Set the target, for logging. old = @target begin @target = path return self.parse(text) rescue Puppet::Error => detail detail.file = @target raise detail ensure @target = old end end end # Should we skip the record? Basically, we skip text records. # This is only here so subclasses can override it. def self.skip_record?(record) record_type(record[:record_type]).text? end # Initialize the object if necessary. def self.target_object(target) @target_objects[target] ||= filetype.new(target) @target_objects[target] end # Find all of the records for a given target def self.target_records(target) @records.find_all { |r| r[:target] == target } end # Find a list of all of the targets that we should be reading. This is # used to figure out what targets we need to prefetch. def self.targets(resources = nil) targets = [] # First get the default target raise Puppet::DevError, "Parsed Providers must define a default target" unless self.default_target targets << self.default_target # Then get each of the file objects targets += @target_objects.keys # Lastly, check the file from any resource instances if resources resources.each do |name, resource| if value = resource.should(:target) targets << value end end end targets.uniq.compact end def self.to_file(records) text = super header + text end def create @resource.class.validproperties.each do |property| if value = @resource.should(property) @property_hash[property] = value end end mark_target_modified (@resource.class.name.to_s + "_created").intern end def destroy # We use the method here so it marks the target as modified. self.ensure = :absent (@resource.class.name.to_s + "_deleted").intern end def exists? !(@property_hash[:ensure] == :absent or @property_hash[:ensure].nil?) end # Write our data to disk. def flush # Make sure we've got a target and name set. # If the target isn't set, then this is our first modification, so # mark it for flushing. unless @property_hash[:target] @property_hash[:target] = @resource.should(:target) || self.class.default_target self.class.modified(@property_hash[:target]) end @resource.class.key_attributes.each do |attr| @property_hash[attr] ||= @resource[attr] end self.class.flush(@property_hash) #@property_hash = {} end def initialize(record) super # The 'record' could be a resource or a record, depending on how the provider # is initialized. If we got an empty property hash (probably because the resource # is just being initialized), then we want to set up some defualts. @property_hash = self.class.record?(resource[:name]) || {:record_type => self.class.name, :ensure => :absent} if @property_hash.empty? end # Retrieve the current state from disk. def prefetch raise Puppet::DevError, "Somehow got told to prefetch with no resource set" unless @resource self.class.prefetch(@resource[:name] => @resource) end def record_type @property_hash[:record_type] end private # Mark both the resource and provider target as modified. def mark_target_modified if defined?(@resource) and restarget = @resource.should(:target) and restarget != @property_hash[:target] self.class.modified(restarget) end self.class.modified(@property_hash[:target]) if @property_hash[:target] != :absent and @property_hash[:target] end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/zone/solaris.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/zone/solaris.rb index 194af5049..84dd1770a 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/zone/solaris.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/zone/solaris.rb @@ -1,260 +1,260 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:zone).provide(:solaris) do desc "Provider for Solaris Zones." commands :adm => "/usr/sbin/zoneadm", :cfg => "/usr/sbin/zonecfg" defaultfor :operatingsystem => :solaris mk_resource_methods # Convert the output of a list into a hash def self.line2hash(line) fields = [:id, :name, :ensure, :path] properties = {} line.split(":").each_with_index { |value, index| next unless fields[index] properties[fields[index]] = value } # Configured but not installed zones do not have IDs properties.delete(:id) if properties[:id] == "-" - properties[:ensure] = symbolize(properties[:ensure]) + properties[:ensure] = properties[:ensure].intern properties end def self.instances # LAK:NOTE See http://snurl.com/21zf8 [groups_google_com] x = adm(:list, "-cp").split("\n").collect do |line| new(line2hash(line)) end end # Perform all of our configuration steps. def configure # If the thing is entirely absent, then we need to create the config. # Is there someway to get this on one line? str = "create -b #{@resource[:create_args]}\nset zonepath=#{@resource[:path]}\n" # Then perform all of our configuration steps. It's annoying # that we need this much internal info on the resource. @resource.send(:properties).each do |property| str += property.configtext + "\n" if property.is_a? ZoneConfigProperty and ! property.safe_insync?(properties[property.name]) end str += "commit\n" setconfig(str) end def destroy zonecfg :delete, "-F" end def exists? properties[:ensure] != :absent end # Clear out the cached values. def flush @property_hash.clear end def install(dummy_argument=:work_arround_for_ruby_GC_bug) if @resource[:clone] # TODO: add support for "-s snapshot" zoneadm :clone, @resource[:clone] elsif @resource[:install_args] zoneadm :install, @resource[:install_args].split(" ") else zoneadm :install end end # Look up the current status. def properties if @property_hash.empty? @property_hash = status || {} if @property_hash.empty? @property_hash[:ensure] = :absent else @resource.class.validproperties.each do |name| @property_hash[name] ||= :absent end end end @property_hash.dup end # We need a way to test whether a zone is in process. Our 'ensure' # property models the static states, but we need to handle the temporary ones. def processing? if hash = status case hash[:ensure] when "incomplete", "ready", "shutting_down" true else false end else false end end # Collect the configuration of the zone. def getconfig output = zonecfg :info name = nil current = nil hash = {} output.split("\n").each do |line| case line when /^(\S+):\s*$/ name = $1 current = nil # reset it when /^(\S+):\s*(.+)$/ hash[$1.intern] = $2 when /^\s+(\S+):\s*(.+)$/ if name hash[name] = [] unless hash.include? name unless current current = {} hash[name] << current end current[$1.intern] = $2 else err "Ignoring '#{line}'" end else debug "Ignoring zone output '#{line}'" end end hash end # Execute a configuration string. Can't be private because it's called # by the properties. def setconfig(str) command = "#{command(:cfg)} -z #{@resource[:name]} -f -" debug "Executing '#{command}' in zone #{@resource[:name]} with '#{str}'" IO.popen(command, "w") do |pipe| pipe.puts str end unless $CHILD_STATUS == 0 raise ArgumentError, "Failed to apply configuration" end end def start # Check the sysidcfg stuff if cfg = @resource[:sysidcfg] zoneetc = File.join(@resource[:path], "root", "etc") sysidcfg = File.join(zoneetc, "sysidcfg") # if the zone root isn't present "ready" the zone # which makes zoneadmd mount the zone root zoneadm :ready unless File.directory?(zoneetc) unless File.exists?(sysidcfg) begin File.open(sysidcfg, "w", 0600) do |f| f.puts cfg end rescue => detail puts detail.stacktrace if Puppet[:debug] raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create sysidcfg: #{detail}" end end end zoneadm :boot end # Return a hash of the current status of this zone. def status begin output = adm "-z", @resource[:name], :list, "-p" rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure return nil end main = self.class.line2hash(output.chomp) # Now add in the configuration information config_status.each do |name, value| main[name] = value end main end def ready zoneadm :ready end def stop zoneadm :halt end def unconfigure zonecfg :delete, "-F" end def uninstall zoneadm :uninstall, "-F" end private # Turn the results of getconfig into status information. def config_status config = getconfig result = {} result[:autoboot] = config[:autoboot] ? config[:autoboot].intern : :absent result[:pool] = config[:pool] result[:shares] = config[:shares] if dir = config["inherit-pkg-dir"] result[:inherit] = dir.collect { |dirs| dirs[:dir] } end if datasets = config["dataset"] result[:dataset] = datasets.collect { |dataset| dataset[:name] } end result[:iptype] = config[:"ip-type"] if net = config["net"] result[:ip] = net.collect do |params| if params[:defrouter] "#{params[:physical]}:#{params[:address]}:#{params[:defrouter]}" elsif params[:address] "#{params[:physical]}:#{params[:address]}" else params[:physical] end end end result end def zoneadm(*cmd) adm("-z", @resource[:name], *cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail self.fail "Could not #{cmd[0]} zone: #{detail}" end def zonecfg(*cmd) # You apparently can't get the configuration of the global zone return "" if self.name == "global" begin cfg("-z", self.name, *cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail self.fail "Could not #{cmd[0]} zone: #{detail}" end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/reports.rb b/lib/puppet/reports.rb index 3ebd16e30..69a3196e8 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/reports.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/reports.rb @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ require 'puppet/util/instance_loader' # A simple mechanism for loading and returning reports. class Puppet::Reports extend Puppet::Util::ClassGen extend Puppet::Util::InstanceLoader # Set up autoloading and retrieving of reports. instance_load :report, 'puppet/reports' class << self attr_reader :hooks end # Add a new report type. def self.register_report(name, options = {}, &block) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern mod = genmodule(name, :extend => Puppet::Util::Docs, :hash => instance_hash(:report), :block => block) mod.useyaml = true if options[:useyaml] mod.send(:define_method, :report_name) do name end end # Collect the docs for all of our reports. def self.reportdocs docs = "" # Use this method so they all get loaded instance_loader(:report).loadall loaded_instances(:report).sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |name| mod = self.report(name) docs += "#{name}\n#{"-" * name.to_s.length}\n" docs += Puppet::Util::Docs.scrub(mod.doc) + "\n\n" end docs end # List each of the reports. def self.reports instance_loader(:report).loadall loaded_instances(:report) end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type.rb b/lib/puppet/type.rb index 0f4cee5ba..d8b161664 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type.rb @@ -1,1956 +1,1956 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/log' require 'puppet/util/metric' require 'puppet/property' require 'puppet/parameter' require 'puppet/util' require 'puppet/util/autoload' require 'puppet/metatype/manager' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/util/log_paths' require 'puppet/util/logging' require 'puppet/file_collection/lookup' require 'puppet/util/tagging' # see the bottom of the file for the rest of the inclusions module Puppet class Type include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::LogPaths include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::FileCollection::Lookup include Puppet::Util::Tagging ############################### # Comparing type instances. include Comparable def <=>(other) # We only order against other types, not arbitrary objects. return nil unless other.is_a? Puppet::Type # Our natural order is based on the reference name we use when comparing # against other type instances. self.ref <=> other.ref end ############################### # Code related to resource type attributes. class << self include Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::Util::Warnings attr_reader :properties end def self.states Puppet.deprecation_warning "The states method is deprecated; use properties" properties end # All parameters, in the appropriate order. The key_attributes come first, then # the provider, then the properties, and finally the params and metaparams # in the order they were specified in the files. def self.allattrs key_attributes | (parameters & [:provider]) | properties.collect { |property| property.name } | parameters | metaparams end # Retrieve an attribute alias, if there is one. def self.attr_alias(param) # Intern again, because this might be called by someone who doesn't # understand the calling convention and all. @attr_aliases[param.intern] end # Create an alias to an existing attribute. This will cause the aliased # attribute to be valid when setting and retrieving values on the instance. def self.set_attr_alias(hash) hash.each do |new, old| @attr_aliases[new.intern] = old.intern end end # Find the class associated with any given attribute. def self.attrclass(name) @attrclasses ||= {} # We cache the value, since this method gets called such a huge number # of times (as in, hundreds of thousands in a given run). unless @attrclasses.include?(name) @attrclasses[name] = case self.attrtype(name) when :property; @validproperties[name] when :meta; @@metaparamhash[name] when :param; @paramhash[name] end end @attrclasses[name] end # What type of parameter are we dealing with? Cache the results, because # this method gets called so many times. def self.attrtype(attr) @attrtypes ||= {} unless @attrtypes.include?(attr) @attrtypes[attr] = case when @validproperties.include?(attr); :property when @paramhash.include?(attr); :param when @@metaparamhash.include?(attr); :meta end end @attrtypes[attr] end def self.eachmetaparam @@metaparams.each { |p| yield p.name } end # Create the 'ensure' class. This is a separate method so other types # can easily call it and create their own 'ensure' values. def self.ensurable(&block) if block_given? self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure, &block) else self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do self.defaultvalues end end end # Should we add the 'ensure' property to this class? def self.ensurable? # If the class has all three of these methods defined, then it's # ensurable. [:exists?, :create, :destroy].all? { |method| self.public_method_defined?(method) } end # These `apply_to` methods are horrible. They should really be implemented # as part of the usual system of constraints that apply to a type and # provider pair, but were implemented as a separate shadow system. # # We should rip them out in favour of a real constraint pattern around the # target device - whatever that looks like - and not have this additional # magic here. --daniel 2012-03-08 def self.apply_to_device @apply_to = :device end def self.apply_to_host @apply_to = :host end def self.apply_to_all @apply_to = :both end def self.apply_to @apply_to ||= :host end def self.can_apply_to(target) [ target == :device ? :device : :host, :both ].include?(apply_to) end # Deal with any options passed into parameters. def self.handle_param_options(name, options) # If it's a boolean parameter, create a method to test the value easily if options[:boolean] define_method(name.to_s + "?") do val = self[name] if val == :true or val == true return true end end end end # Is the parameter in question a meta-parameter? def self.metaparam?(param) - @@metaparamhash.include?(symbolize(param)) + @@metaparamhash.include?(param.intern) end # Find the metaparameter class associated with a given metaparameter name. + # Must accept a `nil` name, and return nil. def self.metaparamclass(name) - @@metaparamhash[symbolize(name)] + return nil if name.nil? + @@metaparamhash[name.intern] end def self.metaparams @@metaparams.collect { |param| param.name } end def self.metaparamdoc(metaparam) @@metaparamhash[metaparam].doc end # Create a new metaparam. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it. def self.newmetaparam(name, options = {}, &block) @@metaparams ||= [] @@metaparamhash ||= {} - name = symbolize(name) - + name = name.intern - param = genclass( - name, + param = genclass( + name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :prefix => "MetaParam", :hash => @@metaparamhash, :array => @@metaparams, :attributes => options[:attributes], - &block ) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] handle_param_options(name, options) param.metaparam = true param end def self.key_attribute_parameters @key_attribute_parameters ||= ( params = @parameters.find_all { |param| param.isnamevar? or param.name == :name } ) end def self.key_attributes key_attribute_parameters.collect { |p| p.name } end def self.title_patterns case key_attributes.length when 0; [] when 1; identity = lambda {|x| x} [ [ /(.*)/m, [ [key_attributes.first, identity ] ] ] ] else raise Puppet::DevError,"you must specify title patterns when there are two or more key attributes" end end def uniqueness_key self.class.key_attributes.sort_by { |attribute_name| attribute_name.to_s }.map{ |attribute_name| self[attribute_name] } end # Create a new parameter. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it. def self.newparam(name, options = {}, &block) options[:attributes] ||= {} param = genclass( name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :attributes => options[:attributes], :block => block, :prefix => "Parameter", :array => @parameters, :hash => @paramhash ) handle_param_options(name, options) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] param.isnamevar if options[:namevar] param end def self.newstate(name, options = {}, &block) Puppet.warning "newstate() has been deprecrated; use newproperty(#{name})" newproperty(name, options, &block) end # Create a new property. The first parameter must be the name of the property; # this is how users will refer to the property when creating new instances. # The second parameter is a hash of options; the options are: # * :parent: The parent class for the property. Defaults to Puppet::Property. # * :retrieve: The method to call on the provider or @parent object (if # the provider is not set) to retrieve the current value. def self.newproperty(name, options = {}, &block) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern # This is here for types that might still have the old method of defining # a parent class. unless options.is_a? Hash raise Puppet::DevError, "Options must be a hash, not #{options.inspect}" end raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self.name} already has a property named #{name}" if @validproperties.include?(name) if parent = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) else parent = Puppet::Property end # We have to create our own, new block here because we want to define # an initial :retrieve method, if told to, and then eval the passed # block if available. prop = genclass(name, :parent => parent, :hash => @validproperties, :attributes => options) do # If they've passed a retrieve method, then override the retrieve # method on the class. if options[:retrieve] define_method(:retrieve) do provider.send(options[:retrieve]) end end class_eval(&block) if block end # If it's the 'ensure' property, always put it first. if name == :ensure @properties.unshift prop else @properties << prop end prop end def self.paramdoc(param) @paramhash[param].doc end # Return the parameter names def self.parameters return [] unless defined?(@parameters) @parameters.collect { |klass| klass.name } end # Find the parameter class associated with a given parameter name. def self.paramclass(name) @paramhash[name] end # Return the property class associated with a name def self.propertybyname(name) @validproperties[name] end def self.validattr?(name) name = name.intern return true if name == :name @validattrs ||= {} unless @validattrs.include?(name) @validattrs[name] = !!(self.validproperty?(name) or self.validparameter?(name) or self.metaparam?(name)) end @validattrs[name] end # does the name reflect a valid property? def self.validproperty?(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern @validproperties.include?(name) && @validproperties[name] end # Return the list of validproperties def self.validproperties return {} unless defined?(@parameters) @validproperties.keys end # does the name reflect a valid parameter? def self.validparameter?(name) raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self} has not defined parameters" unless defined?(@parameters) !!(@paramhash.include?(name) or @@metaparamhash.include?(name)) end # This is a forward-compatibility method - it's the validity interface we'll use in Puppet::Resource. def self.valid_parameter?(name) validattr?(name) end # Return either the attribute alias or the attribute. def attr_alias(name) name = name.intern if synonym = self.class.attr_alias(name) return synonym else return name end end # Are we deleting this resource? def deleting? obj = @parameters[:ensure] and obj.should == :absent end # Create a new property if it is valid but doesn't exist # Returns: true if a new parameter was added, false otherwise def add_property_parameter(prop_name) if self.class.validproperty?(prop_name) && !@parameters[prop_name] self.newattr(prop_name) return true end false end # # The name_var is the key_attribute in the case that there is only one. # def name_var key_attributes = self.class.key_attributes (key_attributes.length == 1) && key_attributes.first end # abstract accessing parameters and properties, and normalize # access to always be symbols, not strings # This returns a value, not an object. It returns the 'is' # value, but you can also specifically return 'is' and 'should' # values using 'object.is(:property)' or 'object.should(:property)'. def [](name) name = attr_alias(name) fail("Invalid parameter #{name}(#{name.inspect})") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end if obj = @parameters[name] # Note that if this is a property, then the value is the "should" value, # not the current value. obj.value else return nil end end # Abstract setting parameters and properties, and normalize # access to always be symbols, not strings. This sets the 'should' # value on properties, and otherwise just sets the appropriate parameter. def []=(name,value) name = attr_alias(name) fail("Invalid parameter #{name}") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end raise Puppet::Error.new("Got nil value for #{name}") if value.nil? property = self.newattr(name) if property begin # make sure the parameter doesn't have any errors property.value = value rescue => detail error = Puppet::Error.new("Parameter #{name} failed: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end nil end # remove a property from the object; useful in testing or in cleanup # when an error has been encountered def delete(attr) - attr = symbolize(attr) + attr = attr.intern if @parameters.has_key?(attr) @parameters.delete(attr) else raise Puppet::DevError.new("Undefined attribute '#{attr}' in #{self}") end end # iterate across the existing properties def eachproperty # properties is a private method properties.each { |property| yield property } end # Create a transaction event. Called by Transaction or by # a property. def event(options = {}) Puppet::Transaction::Event.new({:resource => self, :file => file, :line => line, :tags => tags}.merge(options)) end # retrieve the 'should' value for a specified property def should(name) name = attr_alias(name) (prop = @parameters[name] and prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? prop.should : nil end # Create the actual attribute instance. Requires either the attribute # name or class as the first argument, then an optional hash of # attributes to set during initialization. def newattr(name) if name.is_a?(Class) klass = name name = klass.name end unless klass = self.class.attrclass(name) raise Puppet::Error, "Resource type #{self.class.name} does not support parameter #{name}" end if provider and ! provider.class.supports_parameter?(klass) missing = klass.required_features.find_all { |f| ! provider.class.feature?(f) } debug "Provider %s does not support features %s; not managing attribute %s" % [provider.class.name, missing.join(", "), name] return nil end return @parameters[name] if @parameters.include?(name) @parameters[name] = klass.new(:resource => self) end # return the value of a parameter def parameter(name) @parameters[name.to_sym] end def parameters @parameters.dup end # Is the named property defined? def propertydefined?(name) name = name.intern unless name.is_a? Symbol @parameters.include?(name) end # Return an actual property instance by name; to return the value, use 'resource[param]' # LAK:NOTE(20081028) Since the 'parameter' method is now a superset of this method, # this one should probably go away at some point. def property(name) - (obj = @parameters[symbolize(name)] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? obj : nil + (obj = @parameters[name.intern] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? obj : nil end # For any parameters or properties that have defaults and have not yet been # set, set them now. This method can be handed a list of attributes, # and if so it will only set defaults for those attributes. def set_default(attr) return unless klass = self.class.attrclass(attr) return unless klass.method_defined?(:default) return if @parameters.include?(klass.name) return unless parameter = newattr(klass.name) if value = parameter.default and ! value.nil? parameter.value = value else @parameters.delete(parameter.name) end end # Convert our object to a hash. This just includes properties. def to_hash rethash = {} @parameters.each do |name, obj| rethash[name] = obj.value end rethash end def type self.class.name end # Return a specific value for an attribute. def value(name) name = attr_alias(name) (obj = @parameters[name] and obj.respond_to?(:value)) ? obj.value : nil end def version return 0 unless catalog catalog.version end # Return all of the property objects, in the order specified in the # class. def properties self.class.properties.collect { |prop| @parameters[prop.name] }.compact end # Is this type's name isomorphic with the object? That is, if the # name conflicts, does it necessarily mean that the objects conflict? # Defaults to true. def self.isomorphic? if defined?(@isomorphic) return @isomorphic else return true end end def isomorphic? self.class.isomorphic? end # is the instance a managed instance? A 'yes' here means that # the instance was created from the language, vs. being created # in order resolve other questions, such as finding a package # in a list def managed? # Once an object is managed, it always stays managed; but an object # that is listed as unmanaged might become managed later in the process, # so we have to check that every time if @managed return @managed else @managed = false properties.each { |property| s = property.should if s and ! property.class.unmanaged @managed = true break end } return @managed end end ############################### # Code related to the container behaviour. def depthfirst? false end # Remove an object. The argument determines whether the object's # subscriptions get eliminated, too. def remove(rmdeps = true) # This is hackish (mmm, cut and paste), but it works for now, and it's # better than warnings. @parameters.each do |name, obj| obj.remove end @parameters.clear @parent = nil # Remove the reference to the provider. if self.provider @provider.clear @provider = nil end end ############################### # Code related to evaluating the resources. def ancestors [] end # Flush the provider, if it supports it. This is called by the # transaction. def flush self.provider.flush if self.provider and self.provider.respond_to?(:flush) end # if all contained objects are in sync, then we're in sync # FIXME I don't think this is used on the type instances any more, # it's really only used for testing def insync?(is) insync = true if property = @parameters[:ensure] unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end ensureis = is[property] if property.safe_insync?(ensureis) and property.should == :absent return true end end properties.each { |property| unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end propis = is[property] unless property.safe_insync?(propis) property.debug("Not in sync: #{propis.inspect} vs #{property.should.inspect}") insync = false #else # property.debug("In sync") end } #self.debug("#{self} sync status is #{insync}") insync end # retrieve the current value of all contained properties def retrieve fail "Provider #{provider.class.name} is not functional on this host" if self.provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) and ! provider.class.suitable? result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) # Provide the name, so we know we'll always refer to a real thing result[:name] = self[:name] unless self[:name] == title if ensure_prop = property(:ensure) or (self.class.validattr?(:ensure) and ensure_prop = newattr(:ensure)) result[:ensure] = ensure_state = ensure_prop.retrieve else ensure_state = nil end properties.each do |property| next if property.name == :ensure if ensure_state == :absent result[property] = :absent else result[property] = property.retrieve end end result end def retrieve_resource resource = retrieve resource = Resource.new(type, title, :parameters => resource) if resource.is_a? Hash resource end # Get a hash of the current properties. Returns a hash with # the actual property instance as the key and the current value # as the, um, value. def currentpropvalues # It's important to use the 'properties' method here, as it follows the order # in which they're defined in the class. It also guarantees that 'ensure' # is the first property, which is important for skipping 'retrieve' on # all the properties if the resource is absent. ensure_state = false return properties.inject({}) do | prophash, property| if property.name == :ensure ensure_state = property.retrieve prophash[property] = ensure_state else if ensure_state == :absent prophash[property] = :absent else prophash[property] = property.retrieve end end prophash end end # Are we running in noop mode? def noop? # If we're not a host_config, we're almost certainly part of # Settings, and we want to ignore 'noop' return false if catalog and ! catalog.host_config? if defined?(@noop) @noop else Puppet[:noop] end end def noop noop? end # retrieve a named instance of the current type def self.[](name) raise "Global resource access is deprecated" @objects[name] || @aliases[name] end # add an instance by name to the class list of instances def self.[]=(name,object) raise "Global resource storage is deprecated" newobj = nil if object.is_a?(Puppet::Type) newobj = object else raise Puppet::DevError, "must pass a Puppet::Type object" end if exobj = @objects[name] and self.isomorphic? msg = "Object '#{newobj.class.name}[#{name}]' already exists" msg += ("in file #{object.file} at line #{object.line}") if exobj.file and exobj.line msg += ("and cannot be redefined in file #{object.file} at line #{object.line}") if object.file and object.line error = Puppet::Error.new(msg) raise error else #Puppet.info("adding %s of type %s to class list" % # [name,object.class]) @objects[name] = newobj end end # Create an alias. We keep these in a separate hash so that we don't encounter # the objects multiple times when iterating over them. def self.alias(name, obj) raise "Global resource aliasing is deprecated" if @objects.include?(name) unless @objects[name] == obj raise Puppet::Error.new( "Cannot create alias #{name}: object already exists" ) end end if @aliases.include?(name) unless @aliases[name] == obj raise Puppet::Error.new( "Object #{@aliases[name].name} already has alias #{name}" ) end end @aliases[name] = obj end # remove all of the instances of a single type def self.clear raise "Global resource removal is deprecated" if defined?(@objects) @objects.each do |name, obj| obj.remove(true) end @objects.clear end @aliases.clear if defined?(@aliases) end # Force users to call this, so that we can merge objects if # necessary. def self.create(args) # LAK:DEP Deprecation notice added 12/17/2008 Puppet.deprecation_warning "Puppet::Type.create is deprecated; use Puppet::Type.new" new(args) end # remove a specified object def self.delete(resource) raise "Global resource removal is deprecated" return unless defined?(@objects) @objects.delete(resource.title) if @objects.include?(resource.title) @aliases.delete(resource.title) if @aliases.include?(resource.title) if @aliases.has_value?(resource) names = [] @aliases.each do |name, otherres| if otherres == resource names << name end end names.each { |name| @aliases.delete(name) } end end # iterate across each of the type's instances def self.each raise "Global resource iteration is deprecated" return unless defined?(@objects) @objects.each { |name,instance| yield instance } end # does the type have an object with the given name? def self.has_key?(name) raise "Global resource access is deprecated" @objects.has_key?(name) end # Retrieve all known instances. Either requires providers or must be overridden. def self.instances raise Puppet::DevError, "#{self.name} has no providers and has not overridden 'instances'" if provider_hash.empty? # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers. provider_instances = {} providers_by_source.collect do |provider| all_properties = self.properties.find_all do |property| provider.supports_parameter?(property) end.collect do |property| property.name end provider.instances.collect do |instance| # We always want to use the "first" provider instance we find, unless the resource # is already managed and has a different provider set if other = provider_instances[instance.name] Puppet.debug "%s %s found in both %s and %s; skipping the %s version" % [self.name.to_s.capitalize, instance.name, other.class.name, instance.class.name, instance.class.name] next end provider_instances[instance.name] = instance result = new(:name => instance.name, :provider => instance) properties.each { |name| result.newattr(name) } result end end.flatten.compact end # Return a list of one suitable provider per source, with the default provider first. def self.providers_by_source # Put the default provider first (can be nil), then the rest of the suitable providers. sources = [] [defaultprovider, suitableprovider].flatten.uniq.collect do |provider| next if provider.nil? next if sources.include?(provider.source) sources << provider.source provider end.compact end # Convert a simple hash into a Resource instance. def self.hash2resource(hash) hash = hash.inject({}) { |result, ary| result[ary[0].to_sym] = ary[1]; result } title = hash.delete(:title) title ||= hash[:name] title ||= hash[key_attributes.first] if key_attributes.length == 1 raise Puppet::Error, "Title or name must be provided" unless title # Now create our resource. resource = Puppet::Resource.new(self.name, title) [:catalog].each do |attribute| if value = hash[attribute] hash.delete(attribute) resource.send(attribute.to_s + "=", value) end end hash.each do |param, value| resource[param] = value end resource end # Create the path for logging and such. def pathbuilder if p = parent [p.pathbuilder, self.ref].flatten else [self.ref] end end ############################### # Add all of the meta parameters. newmetaparam(:noop) do desc "Boolean flag indicating whether work should actually be done." newvalues(:true, :false) munge do |value| case value when true, :true, "true"; @resource.noop = true when false, :false, "false"; @resource.noop = false end end end newmetaparam(:schedule) do desc "On what schedule the object should be managed. You must create a schedule object, and then reference the name of that object to use that for your schedule: schedule { 'daily': period => daily, range => \"2-4\" } exec { \"/usr/bin/apt-get update\": schedule => 'daily' } The creation of the schedule object does not need to appear in the configuration before objects that use it." end newmetaparam(:audit) do desc "Marks a subset of this resource's unmanaged attributes for auditing. Accepts an attribute name, an array of attribute names, or `all`. Auditing a resource attribute has two effects: First, whenever a catalog is applied with puppet apply or puppet agent, Puppet will check whether that attribute of the resource has been modified, comparing its current value to the previous run; any change will be logged alongside any actions performed by Puppet while applying the catalog. Secondly, marking a resource attribute for auditing will include that attribute in inspection reports generated by puppet inspect; see the puppet inspect documentation for more details. Managed attributes for a resource can also be audited, but note that changes made by Puppet will be logged as additional modifications. (I.e. if a user manually edits a file whose contents are audited and managed, puppet agent's next two runs will both log an audit notice: the first run will log the user's edit and then revert the file to the desired state, and the second run will log the edit made by Puppet.)" validate do |list| list = Array(list).collect {|p| p.to_sym} unless list == [:all] list.each do |param| next if @resource.class.validattr?(param) fail "Cannot audit #{param}: not a valid attribute for #{resource}" end end end munge do |args| properties_to_audit(args).each do |param| next unless resource.class.validproperty?(param) resource.newattr(param) end end def all_properties resource.class.properties.find_all do |property| resource.provider.nil? or resource.provider.class.supports_parameter?(property) end.collect do |property| property.name end end def properties_to_audit(list) if !list.kind_of?(Array) && list.to_sym == :all list = all_properties else list = Array(list).collect { |p| p.to_sym } end end end newmetaparam(:check) do desc "Audit specified attributes of resources over time, and report if any have changed. This parameter has been deprecated in favor of 'audit'." munge do |args| Puppet.deprecation_warning "'check' attribute is deprecated; use 'audit' instead" resource.warning "'check' attribute is deprecated; use 'audit' instead" resource[:audit] = args end end newmetaparam(:loglevel) do desc "Sets the level that information will be logged. The log levels have the biggest impact when logs are sent to syslog (which is currently the default)." defaultto :notice newvalues(*Puppet::Util::Log.levels) newvalues(:verbose) munge do |loglevel| val = super(loglevel) if val == :verbose val = :info end val end end newmetaparam(:alias) do desc "Creates an alias for the object. Puppet uses this internally when you provide a symbolic title: file { 'sshdconfig': path => $operatingsystem ? { solaris => \"/usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config\", default => \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\" }, source => \"...\" } service { 'sshd': subscribe => File['sshdconfig'] } When you use this feature, the parser sets `sshdconfig` as the title, and the library sets that as an alias for the file so the dependency lookup in `Service['sshd']` works. You can use this metaparameter yourself, but note that only the library can use these aliases; for instance, the following code will not work: file { \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\": owner => root, group => root, alias => 'sshdconfig' } file { 'sshdconfig': mode => 644 } There's no way here for the Puppet parser to know that these two stanzas should be affecting the same file. See the [Language Guide](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/language_guide.html) for more information. " munge do |aliases| aliases = [aliases] unless aliases.is_a?(Array) raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot add aliases without a catalog") unless @resource.catalog aliases.each do |other| if obj = @resource.catalog.resource(@resource.class.name, other) unless obj.object_id == @resource.object_id self.fail("#{@resource.title} can not create alias #{other}: object already exists") end next end # Newschool, add it to the catalog. @resource.catalog.alias(@resource, other) end end end newmetaparam(:tag) do desc "Add the specified tags to the associated resource. While all resources are automatically tagged with as much information as possible (e.g., each class and definition containing the resource), it can be useful to add your own tags to a given resource. Multiple tags can be specified as an array: file {'/etc/hosts': ensure => file, source => 'puppet:///modules/site/hosts', mode => 0644, tag => ['bootstrap', 'minimumrun', 'mediumrun'], } Tags are useful for things like applying a subset of a host's configuration with [the `tags` setting](/references/latest/configuration.html#tags): puppet agent --test --tags bootstrap This way, you can easily isolate the portion of the configuration you're trying to test." munge do |tags| tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array tags.each do |tag| @resource.tag(tag) end end end class RelationshipMetaparam < Puppet::Parameter class << self attr_accessor :direction, :events, :callback, :subclasses end @subclasses = [] def self.inherited(sub) @subclasses << sub end def munge(references) references = [references] unless references.is_a?(Array) references.collect do |ref| if ref.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) ref else Puppet::Resource.new(ref) end end end def validate_relationship @value.each do |ref| unless @resource.catalog.resource(ref.to_s) description = self.class.direction == :in ? "dependency" : "dependent" fail "Could not find #{description} #{ref} for #{resource.ref}" end end end # Create edges from each of our relationships. :in # relationships are specified by the event-receivers, and :out # relationships are specified by the event generator. This # way 'source' and 'target' are consistent terms in both edges # and events -- that is, an event targets edges whose source matches # the event's source. The direction of the relationship determines # which resource is applied first and which resource is considered # to be the event generator. def to_edges @value.collect do |reference| reference.catalog = resource.catalog # Either of the two retrieval attempts could have returned # nil. unless related_resource = reference.resolve self.fail "Could not retrieve dependency '#{reference}' of #{@resource.ref}" end # Are we requiring them, or vice versa? See the method docs # for futher info on this. if self.class.direction == :in source = related_resource target = @resource else source = @resource target = related_resource end if method = self.class.callback subargs = { :event => self.class.events, :callback => method } self.debug("subscribes to #{related_resource.ref}") else # If there's no callback, there's no point in even adding # a label. subargs = nil self.debug("requires #{related_resource.ref}") end rel = Puppet::Relationship.new(source, target, subargs) end end end def self.relationship_params RelationshipMetaparam.subclasses end # Note that the order in which the relationships params is defined # matters. The labelled params (notify and subcribe) must be later, # so that if both params are used, those ones win. It's a hackish # solution, but it works. newmetaparam(:require, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :NONE}) do desc "References to one or more objects that this object depends on. This is used purely for guaranteeing that changes to required objects happen before the dependent object. For instance: # Create the destination directory before you copy things down file { \"/usr/local/scripts\": ensure => directory } file { \"/usr/local/scripts/myscript\": source => \"puppet://server/module/myscript\", mode => 755, require => File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"] } Multiple dependencies can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of resources, enclosed in square brackets: require => [ File[\"/usr/local\"], File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"] ] Note that Puppet will autorequire everything that it can, and there are hooks in place so that it's easy for resources to add new ways to autorequire objects, so if you think Puppet could be smarter here, let us know. In fact, the above code was redundant --- Puppet will autorequire any parent directories that are being managed; it will automatically realize that the parent directory should be created before the script is pulled down. Currently, exec resources will autorequire their CWD (if it is specified) plus any fully qualified paths that appear in the command. For instance, if you had an `exec` command that ran the `myscript` mentioned above, the above code that pulls the file down would be automatically listed as a requirement to the `exec` code, so that you would always be running againts the most recent version. " end newmetaparam(:subscribe, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc "References to one or more objects that this object depends on. This metaparameter creates a dependency relationship like **require,** and also causes the dependent object to be refreshed when the subscribed object is changed. For instance: class nagios { file { 'nagconf': path => \"/etc/nagios/nagios.conf\" source => \"puppet://server/module/nagios.conf\", } service { 'nagios': ensure => running, subscribe => File['nagconf'] } } Currently the `exec`, `mount` and `service` types support refreshing. " end newmetaparam(:before, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :NONE}) do desc %{References to one or more objects that depend on this object. This parameter is the opposite of **require** --- it guarantees that the specified object is applied later than the specifying object: file { "/var/nagios/configuration": source => "...", recurse => true, before => Exec["nagios-rebuid"] } exec { "nagios-rebuild": command => "/usr/bin/make", cwd => "/var/nagios/configuration" } This will make sure all of the files are up to date before the make command is run.} end newmetaparam(:notify, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc %{References to one or more objects that depend on this object. This parameter is the opposite of **subscribe** --- it creates a dependency relationship like **before,** and also causes the dependent object(s) to be refreshed when this object is changed. For instance: file { "/etc/sshd_config": source => "....", notify => Service['sshd'] } service { 'sshd': ensure => running } This will restart the sshd service if the sshd config file changes.} end newmetaparam(:stage) do desc %{Which run stage a given resource should reside in. This just creates a dependency on or from the named milestone. For instance, saying that this is in the 'bootstrap' stage creates a dependency on the 'bootstrap' milestone. By default, all classes get directly added to the 'main' stage. You can create new stages as resources: stage { ['pre', 'post']: } To order stages, use standard relationships: stage { 'pre': before => Stage['main'] } Or use the new relationship syntax: Stage['pre'] -> Stage['main'] -> Stage['post'] Then use the new class parameters to specify a stage: class { 'foo': stage => 'pre' } Stages can only be set on classes, not individual resources. This will fail: file { '/foo': stage => 'pre', ensure => file } } end ############################### # All of the provider plumbing for the resource types. require 'puppet/provider' require 'puppet/util/provider_features' # Add the feature handling module. extend Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures attr_reader :provider # the Type class attribute accessors class << self attr_accessor :providerloader attr_writer :defaultprovider end # Find the default provider. def self.defaultprovider return @defaultprovider if @defaultprovider suitable = suitableprovider # Find which providers are a default for this system. defaults = suitable.find_all { |provider| provider.default? } # If we don't have any default we use suitable providers defaults = suitable if defaults.empty? max = defaults.collect { |provider| provider.specificity }.max defaults = defaults.find_all { |provider| provider.specificity == max } if defaults.length > 1 Puppet.warning( "Found multiple default providers for #{self.name}: #{defaults.collect { |i| i.name.to_s }.join(", ")}; using #{defaults[0].name}" ) end @defaultprovider = defaults.shift unless defaults.empty? end def self.provider_hash_by_type(type) @provider_hashes ||= {} @provider_hashes[type] ||= {} end def self.provider_hash Puppet::Type.provider_hash_by_type(self.name) end # Retrieve a provider by name. def self.provider(name) - name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) + name = name.intern # If we don't have it yet, try loading it. @providerloader.load(name) unless provider_hash.has_key?(name) provider_hash[name] end # Just list all of the providers. def self.providers provider_hash.keys end def self.validprovider?(name) - name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) + name = name.intern (provider_hash.has_key?(name) && provider_hash[name].suitable?) end # Create a new provider of a type. This method must be called # directly on the type that it's implementing. def self.provide(name, options = {}, &block) - name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) + name = name.intern if unprovide(name) Puppet.debug "Reloading #{name} #{self.name} provider" end parent = if pname = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) if pname.is_a? Class pname else if provider = self.provider(pname) provider else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find parent provider #{pname} of #{name}" end end else Puppet::Provider end options[:resource_type] ||= self self.providify provider = genclass( name, :parent => parent, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider", :block => block, :include => feature_module, :extend => feature_module, :attributes => options ) provider end # Make sure we have a :provider parameter defined. Only gets called if there # are providers. def self.providify return if @paramhash.has_key? :provider newparam(:provider) do # We're using a hacky way to get the name of our type, since there doesn't # seem to be a correct way to introspect this at the time this code is run. # We expect that the class in which this code is executed will be something # like Puppet::Type::Ssh_authorized_key::ParameterProvider. desc <<-EOT The specific backend to use for this `#{self.to_s.split('::')[2].downcase}` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform. EOT # This is so we can refer back to the type to get a list of # providers for documentation. class << self attr_accessor :parenttype end # We need to add documentation for each provider. def self.doc # Since we're mixing @doc with text from other sources, we must normalize # its indentation with scrub. But we don't need to manually scrub the # provider's doc string, since markdown_definitionlist sanitizes its inputs. scrub(@doc) + "Available providers are:\n\n" + parenttype.providers.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.collect { |i| markdown_definitionlist( i, scrub(parenttype().provider(i).doc) ) }.join end defaultto { prov = @resource.class.defaultprovider prov.name if prov } validate do |provider_class| provider_class = provider_class[0] if provider_class.is_a? Array provider_class = provider_class.class.name if provider_class.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) unless provider = @resource.class.provider(provider_class) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid #{@resource.class.name} provider '#{provider_class}'" end end munge do |provider| provider = provider[0] if provider.is_a? Array provider = provider.intern if provider.is_a? String @resource.provider = provider if provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) provider.class.name else provider end end end.parenttype = self end def self.unprovide(name) if @defaultprovider and @defaultprovider.name == name @defaultprovider = nil end rmclass(name, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider") end # Return an array of all of the suitable providers. def self.suitableprovider providerloader.loadall if provider_hash.empty? provider_hash.find_all { |name, provider| provider.suitable? }.collect { |name, provider| provider }.reject { |p| p.name == :fake } # For testing end def suitable? # If we don't use providers, then we consider it suitable. return true unless self.class.paramclass(:provider) # We have a provider and it is suitable. return true if provider && provider.class.suitable? # We're using the default provider and there is one. if !provider and self.class.defaultprovider self.provider = self.class.defaultprovider.name return true end # We specified an unsuitable provider, or there isn't any suitable # provider. false end def provider=(name) if name.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) @provider = name @provider.resource = self elsif klass = self.class.provider(name) @provider = klass.new(self) else raise ArgumentError, "Could not find #{name} provider of #{self.class.name}" end end ############################### # All of the relationship code. # Specify a block for generating a list of objects to autorequire. This # makes it so that you don't have to manually specify things that you clearly # require. def self.autorequire(name, &block) @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires[name] = block end # Yield each of those autorequires in turn, yo. def self.eachautorequire @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires.each { |type, block| yield(type, block) } end # Figure out of there are any objects we can automatically add as # dependencies. def autorequire(rel_catalog = nil) rel_catalog ||= catalog raise(Puppet::DevError, "You cannot add relationships without a catalog") unless rel_catalog reqs = [] self.class.eachautorequire { |type, block| # Ignore any types we can't find, although that would be a bit odd. next unless typeobj = Puppet::Type.type(type) # Retrieve the list of names from the block. next unless list = self.instance_eval(&block) list = [list] unless list.is_a?(Array) # Collect the current prereqs list.each { |dep| # Support them passing objects directly, to save some effort. unless dep.is_a? Puppet::Type # Skip autorequires that we aren't managing unless dep = rel_catalog.resource(type, dep) next end end reqs << Puppet::Relationship.new(dep, self) } } reqs end # Build the dependencies associated with an individual object. def builddepends # Handle the requires self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.to_edges end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # Define the initial list of tags. def tags=(list) tag(self.class.name) tag(*list) end # Types (which map to resources in the languages) are entirely composed of # attribute value pairs. Generally, Puppet calls any of these things an # 'attribute', but these attributes always take one of three specific # forms: parameters, metaparams, or properties. # In naming methods, I have tried to consistently name the method so # that it is clear whether it operates on all attributes (thus has 'attr' in # the method name, or whether it operates on a specific type of attributes. attr_writer :title attr_writer :noop include Enumerable # class methods dealing with Type management public # the Type class attribute accessors class << self attr_reader :name attr_accessor :self_refresh include Enumerable, Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::MetaType::Manager include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Logging end # all of the variables that must be initialized for each subclass def self.initvars # all of the instances of this class @objects = Hash.new @aliases = Hash.new @defaults = {} @parameters ||= [] @validproperties = {} @properties = [] @parameters = [] @paramhash = {} @attr_aliases = {} @paramdoc = Hash.new { |hash,key| key = key.intern if key.is_a?(String) if hash.include?(key) hash[key] else "Param Documentation for #{key} not found" end } @doc ||= "" end def self.to_s if defined?(@name) "Puppet::Type::#{@name.to_s.capitalize}" else super end end # Create a block to validate that our object is set up entirely. This will # be run before the object is operated on. def self.validate(&block) define_method(:validate, &block) #@validate = block end # The catalog that this resource is stored in. attr_accessor :catalog # is the resource exported attr_accessor :exported # is the resource virtual (it should not :-)) attr_accessor :virtual # create a log at specified level def log(msg) Puppet::Util::Log.create( :level => @parameters[:loglevel].value, :message => msg, :source => self ) end # instance methods related to instance intrinsics # e.g., initialize and name public attr_reader :original_parameters # initialize the type instance def initialize(resource) resource = self.class.hash2resource(resource) unless resource.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) # The list of parameter/property instances. @parameters = {} # Set the title first, so any failures print correctly. if resource.type.to_s.downcase.to_sym == self.class.name self.title = resource.title else # This should only ever happen for components self.title = resource.ref end [:file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual].each do |getter| setter = getter.to_s + "=" if val = resource.send(getter) self.send(setter, val) end end @tags = resource.tags @original_parameters = resource.to_hash set_name(@original_parameters) set_default(:provider) set_parameters(@original_parameters) self.validate if self.respond_to?(:validate) end private # Set our resource's name. def set_name(hash) self[name_var] = hash.delete(name_var) if name_var end # Set all of the parameters from a hash, in the appropriate order. def set_parameters(hash) # Use the order provided by allattrs, but add in any # extra attributes from the resource so we get failures # on invalid attributes. no_values = [] (self.class.allattrs + hash.keys).uniq.each do |attr| begin # Set any defaults immediately. This is mostly done so # that the default provider is available for any other # property validation. if hash.has_key?(attr) self[attr] = hash[attr] else no_values << attr end rescue ArgumentError, Puppet::Error, TypeError raise rescue => detail error = Puppet::DevError.new( "Could not set #{attr} on #{self.class.name}: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end no_values.each do |attr| set_default(attr) end end public # Set up all of our autorequires. def finish # Make sure all of our relationships are valid. Again, must be done # when the entire catalog is instantiated. self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.validate_relationship end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # For now, leave the 'name' method functioning like it used to. Once 'title' # works everywhere, I'll switch it. def name self[:name] end # Look up our parent in the catalog, if we have one. def parent return nil unless catalog unless defined?(@parent) if parents = catalog.adjacent(self, :direction => :in) # We should never have more than one parent, so let's just ignore # it if we happen to. @parent = parents.shift else @parent = nil end end @parent end # Return the "type[name]" style reference. def ref "#{self.class.name.to_s.capitalize}[#{self.title}]" end def self_refresh? self.class.self_refresh end # Mark that we're purging. def purging @purging = true end # Is this resource being purged? Used by transactions to forbid # deletion when there are dependencies. def purging? if defined?(@purging) @purging else false end end # Retrieve the title of an object. If no title was set separately, # then use the object's name. def title unless @title if self.class.validparameter?(name_var) @title = self[:name] elsif self.class.validproperty?(name_var) @title = self.should(name_var) else self.devfail "Could not find namevar #{name_var} for #{self.class.name}" end end @title end # convert to a string def to_s self.ref end def to_resource resource = self.retrieve_resource resource.tag(*self.tags) @parameters.each do |name, param| # Avoid adding each instance name twice next if param.class.isnamevar? and param.value == self.title # We've already got property values next if param.is_a?(Puppet::Property) resource[name] = param.value end resource end def virtual?; !!@virtual; end def exported?; !!@exported; end def appliable_to_device? self.class.can_apply_to(:device) end def appliable_to_host? self.class.can_apply_to(:host) end end end require 'puppet/provider' # Always load these types. Puppet::Type.type(:component) diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/cron.rb b/lib/puppet/type/cron.rb index a742a17ff..e7184394d 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/cron.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/cron.rb @@ -1,421 +1,421 @@ require 'etc' require 'facter' require 'puppet/util/filetype' Puppet::Type.newtype(:cron) do @doc = <<-EOT Installs and manages cron jobs. Every cron resource requires a command and user attribute, as well as at least one periodic attribute (hour, minute, month, monthday, weekday, or special). While the name of the cron job is not part of the actual job, it is used by Puppet to store and retrieve it. If you specify a cron job that matches an existing job in every way except name, then the jobs will be considered equivalent and the new name will be permanently associated with that job. Once this association is made and synced to disk, you can then manage the job normally (e.g., change the schedule of the job). Example: cron { logrotate: command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate", user => root, hour => 2, minute => 0 } Note that all periodic attributes can be specified as an array of values: cron { logrotate: command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate", user => root, hour => [2, 4] } ...or using ranges or the step syntax `*/2` (although there's no guarantee that your `cron` daemon supports these): cron { logrotate: command => "/usr/sbin/logrotate", user => root, hour => ['2-4'], minute => '*/10' } EOT ensurable # A base class for all of the Cron parameters, since they all have # similar argument checking going on. class CronParam < Puppet::Property class << self attr_accessor :boundaries, :default end # We have to override the parent method, because we consume the entire # "should" array def insync?(is) self.is_to_s(is) == self.should_to_s end # A method used to do parameter input handling. Converts integers # in string form to actual integers, and returns the value if it's # an integer or false if it's just a normal string. def numfix(num) if num =~ /^\d+$/ return num.to_i elsif num.is_a?(Integer) return num else return false end end # Verify that a number is within the specified limits. Return the # number if it is, or false if it is not. def limitcheck(num, lower, upper) (num >= lower and num <= upper) && num end # Verify that a value falls within the specified array. Does case # insensitive matching, and supports matching either the entire word # or the first three letters of the word. def alphacheck(value, ary) tmp = value.downcase # If they specified a shortened version of the name, then see # if we can lengthen it (e.g., mon => monday). if tmp.length == 3 ary.each_with_index { |name, index| if tmp.upcase == name[0..2].upcase return index end } else return ary.index(tmp) if ary.include?(tmp) end false end def should_to_s(newvalue = @should) if newvalue newvalue = [newvalue] unless newvalue.is_a?(Array) if self.name == :command or newvalue[0].is_a? Symbol newvalue[0] else newvalue.join(",") end else nil end end def is_to_s(currentvalue = @is) if currentvalue return currentvalue unless currentvalue.is_a?(Array) if self.name == :command or currentvalue[0].is_a? Symbol currentvalue[0] else currentvalue.join(",") end else nil end end def should if @should and @should[0] == :absent :absent else @should end end def should=(ary) super @should.flatten! end # The method that does all of the actual parameter value # checking; called by all of the +param=+ methods. # Requires the value, type, and bounds, and optionally supports # a boolean of whether to do alpha checking, and if so requires # the ary against which to do the checking. munge do |value| # Support 'absent' as a value, so that they can remove # a value if value == "absent" or value == :absent return :absent end # Allow the */2 syntax if value =~ /^\*\/[0-9]+$/ return value end # Allow ranges if value =~ /^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$/ return value end # Allow ranges + */2 if value =~ /^[0-9]+-[0-9]+\/[0-9]+$/ return value end if value == "*" return :absent end return value unless self.class.boundaries lower, upper = self.class.boundaries retval = nil if num = numfix(value) retval = limitcheck(num, lower, upper) elsif respond_to?(:alpha) # If it has an alpha method defined, then we check # to see if our value is in that list and if so we turn # it into a number retval = alphacheck(value, alpha) end if retval return retval.to_s else self.fail "#{value} is not a valid #{self.class.name}" end end end # Somewhat uniquely, this property does not actually change anything -- it # just calls +@resource.sync+, which writes out the whole cron tab for # the user in question. There is no real way to change individual cron # jobs without rewriting the entire cron file. # # Note that this means that managing many cron jobs for a given user # could currently result in multiple write sessions for that user. newproperty(:command, :parent => CronParam) do desc "The command to execute in the cron job. The environment provided to the command varies by local system rules, and it is best to always provide a fully qualified command. The user's profile is not sourced when the command is run, so if the user's environment is desired it should be sourced manually. All cron parameters support `absent` as a value; this will remove any existing values for that field." def retrieve return_value = super return_value = return_value[0] if return_value && return_value.is_a?(Array) return_value end def should if @should if @should.is_a? Array @should[0] else devfail "command is not an array" end else nil end end end newproperty(:special) do desc "A special value such as 'reboot' or 'annually'. Only available on supported systems such as Vixie Cron. Overrides more specific time of day/week settings." def specials %w{reboot yearly annually monthly weekly daily midnight hourly} end validate do |value| raise ArgumentError, "Invalid special schedule #{value.inspect}" unless specials.include?(value) end end newproperty(:minute, :parent => CronParam) do self.boundaries = [0, 59] desc "The minute at which to run the cron job. Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 59, inclusive." end newproperty(:hour, :parent => CronParam) do self.boundaries = [0, 23] desc "The hour at which to run the cron job. Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 23, inclusive." end newproperty(:weekday, :parent => CronParam) do def alpha %w{sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday} end self.boundaries = [0, 7] desc "The weekday on which to run the command. Optional; if specified, must be between 0 and 7, inclusive, with 0 (or 7) being Sunday, or must be the name of the day (e.g., Tuesday)." end newproperty(:month, :parent => CronParam) do def alpha %w{january february march april may june july august september october november december} end self.boundaries = [1, 12] desc "The month of the year. Optional; if specified must be between 1 and 12 or the month name (e.g., December)." end newproperty(:monthday, :parent => CronParam) do self.boundaries = [1, 31] desc "The day of the month on which to run the command. Optional; if specified, must be between 1 and 31." end newproperty(:environment) do desc "Any environment settings associated with this cron job. They will be stored between the header and the job in the crontab. There can be no guarantees that other, earlier settings will not also affect a given cron job. Also, Puppet cannot automatically determine whether an existing, unmanaged environment setting is associated with a given cron job. If you already have cron jobs with environment settings, then Puppet will keep those settings in the same place in the file, but will not associate them with a specific job. Settings should be specified exactly as they should appear in the crontab, e.g., `PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin`." validate do |value| unless value =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ or value == :absent or value == "absent" raise ArgumentError, "Invalid environment setting #{value.inspect}" end end def insync?(is) if is.is_a? Array return is.sort == @should.sort else return is == @should end end def is_to_s(newvalue) if newvalue if newvalue.is_a?(Array) newvalue.join(",") else newvalue end else nil end end def should @should end def should_to_s(newvalue = @should) if newvalue newvalue.join(",") else nil end end end newparam(:name) do desc "The symbolic name of the cron job. This name is used for human reference only and is generated automatically for cron jobs found on the system. This generally won't matter, as Puppet will do its best to match existing cron jobs against specified jobs (and Puppet adds a comment to cron jobs it adds), but it is at least possible that converting from unmanaged jobs to managed jobs might require manual intervention." isnamevar end newproperty(:user) do desc "The user to run the command as. This user must be allowed to run cron jobs, which is not currently checked by Puppet. The user defaults to whomever Puppet is running as." defaultto { struct = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid) struct.respond_to?(:name) && struct.name or 'root' } end # Autorequire the owner of the crontab entry. autorequire(:user) do self[:user] end newproperty(:target) do desc "Where the cron job should be stored. For crontab-style entries this is the same as the user and defaults that way. Other providers default accordingly." defaultto { if provider.is_a?(@resource.class.provider(:crontab)) if val = @resource.should(:user) val else raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a user with crontab entries" end elsif provider.class.ancestors.include?(Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile) provider.class.default_target else nil end } end # We have to reorder things so that :provide is before :target attr_accessor :uid def value(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern ret = nil if obj = @parameters[name] ret = obj.should ret ||= obj.retrieve if ret == :absent ret = nil end end unless ret case name when :command devfail "No command, somehow" unless @parameters[:ensure].value == :absent when :special # nothing else #ret = (self.class.validproperty?(name).default || "*").to_s ret = "*" end end ret end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/mount.rb b/lib/puppet/type/mount.rb index c64032402..1c167582b 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/mount.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/mount.rb @@ -1,241 +1,241 @@ module Puppet # We want the mount to refresh when it changes. newtype(:mount, :self_refresh => true) do @doc = "Manages mounted filesystems, including putting mount information into the mount table. The actual behavior depends on the value of the 'ensure' parameter. Note that if a `mount` receives an event from another resource, it will try to remount the filesystems if `ensure` is set to `mounted`." feature :refreshable, "The provider can remount the filesystem.", :methods => [:remount] # Use the normal parent class, because we actually want to # call code when sync is called. newproperty(:ensure) do desc "Control what to do with this mount. Set this attribute to `umounted` to make sure the filesystem is in the filesystem table but not mounted (if the filesystem is currently mounted, it will be unmounted). Set it to `absent` to unmount (if necessary) and remove the filesystem from the fstab. Set to `mounted` to add it to the fstab and mount it. Set to `present` to add to fstab but not change mount/unmount status." # IS -> SHOULD In Sync Action # ghost -> present NO create # absent -> present NO create # (mounted -> present YES) # (unmounted -> present YES) newvalue(:defined) do provider.create return :mount_created end aliasvalue :present, :defined # IS -> SHOULD In Sync Action # ghost -> unmounted NO create, unmount # absent -> unmounted NO create # mounted -> unmounted NO unmount newvalue(:unmounted) do case self.retrieve when :ghost # (not in fstab but mounted) provider.create @resource.flush provider.unmount return :mount_unmounted when nil, :absent # (not in fstab and not mounted) provider.create return :mount_created when :mounted # (in fstab and mounted) provider.unmount syncothers # I guess it's more likely that the mount was originally mounted with # the wrong attributes so I sync AFTER the umount return :mount_unmounted else raise Puppet::Error, "Unexpected change from #{current_value} to unmounted}" end end # IS -> SHOULD In Sync Action # ghost -> absent NO unmount # mounted -> absent NO provider.destroy AND unmount # unmounted -> absent NO provider.destroy newvalue(:absent, :event => :mount_deleted) do current_value = self.retrieve provider.unmount if provider.mounted? provider.destroy unless current_value == :ghost end # IS -> SHOULD In Sync Action # ghost -> mounted NO provider.create # absent -> mounted NO provider.create AND mount # unmounted -> mounted NO mount newvalue(:mounted, :event => :mount_mounted) do # Create the mount point if it does not already exist. current_value = self.retrieve currently_mounted = provider.mounted? provider.create if [nil, :absent, :ghost].include?(current_value) syncothers # The fs can be already mounted if it was absent but mounted provider.property_hash[:needs_mount] = true unless currently_mounted end # insync: mounted -> present # unmounted -> present def insync?(is) if should == :defined and [:mounted,:unmounted].include?(is) true else super end end def syncothers # We have to flush any changes to disk. currentvalues = @resource.retrieve_resource # Determine if there are any out-of-sync properties. oos = @resource.send(:properties).find_all do |prop| unless currentvalues.include?(prop) raise Puppet::DevError, "Parent has property %s but it doesn't appear in the current values", [prop.name] end if prop.name == :ensure false else ! prop.safe_insync?(currentvalues[prop]) end end.each { |prop| prop.sync }.length @resource.flush if oos > 0 end end newproperty(:device) do desc "The device providing the mount. This can be whatever device is supporting by the mount, including network devices or devices specified by UUID rather than device path, depending on the operating system." end # Solaris specifies two devices, not just one. newproperty(:blockdevice) do desc "The device to fsck. This is property is only valid on Solaris, and in most cases will default to the correct value." # Default to the device but with "dsk" replaced with "rdsk". defaultto do if Facter["operatingsystem"].value == "Solaris" device = @resource.value(:device) if device =~ %r{/dsk/} device.sub(%r{/dsk/}, "/rdsk/") else nil end else nil end end end newproperty(:fstype) do desc "The mount type. Valid values depend on the operating system. This is a required option." end newproperty(:options) do desc "Mount options for the mounts, as they would appear in the fstab." end newproperty(:pass) do desc "The pass in which the mount is checked." defaultto { 0 if @resource.managed? } end newproperty(:atboot) do desc "Whether to mount the mount at boot. Not all platforms support this." end newproperty(:dump) do desc "Whether to dump the mount. Not all platform support this. Valid values are `1` or `0`. or `2` on FreeBSD, Default is `0`." if Facter["operatingsystem"].value == "FreeBSD" newvalue(%r{(0|1|2)}) else newvalue(%r{(0|1)}) end newvalue(%r{(0|1)}) defaultto { 0 if @resource.managed? } end newproperty(:target) do desc "The file in which to store the mount table. Only used by those providers that write to disk." defaultto { if @resource.class.defaultprovider.ancestors.include?(Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile) @resource.class.defaultprovider.default_target else nil end } end newparam(:name) do desc "The mount path for the mount." isnamevar end newparam(:path) do desc "The deprecated name for the mount point. Please use `name` now." def value=(value) Puppet.deprecation_warning "'path' is deprecated for mounts. Please use 'name'." @resource[:name] = value super end end newparam(:remounts) do desc "Whether the mount can be remounted `mount -o remount`. If this is false, then the filesystem will be unmounted and remounted manually, which is prone to failure." newvalues(:true, :false) defaultto do case Facter.value(:operatingsystem) when "FreeBSD", "Darwin", "AIX" false else true end end end def refresh # Only remount if we're supposed to be mounted. provider.remount if self.should(:fstype) != "swap" and provider.mounted? end def value(name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern ret = nil if property = @parameters[name] return property.value end end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util.rb b/lib/puppet/util.rb index 816878da9..98e587221 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util.rb @@ -1,583 +1,562 @@ # A module to collect utility functions. require 'English' require 'puppet/external/lock' require 'puppet/error' require 'puppet/util/execution_stub' require 'uri' require 'sync' require 'monitor' require 'tempfile' require 'pathname' require 'ostruct' require 'puppet/util/platform' module Puppet module Util require 'puppet/util/monkey_patches' require 'benchmark' # These are all for backward compatibility -- these are methods that used # to be in Puppet::Util but have been moved into external modules. require 'puppet/util/posix' extend Puppet::Util::POSIX @@sync_objects = {}.extend MonitorMixin def self.activerecord_version if (defined?(::ActiveRecord) and defined?(::ActiveRecord::VERSION) and defined?(::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR) and defined?(::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR)) ([::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR, ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR].join('.').to_f) else 0 end end # Run some code with a specific environment. Resets the environment back to # what it was at the end of the code. def self.withenv(hash) saved = ENV.to_hash hash.each do |name, val| ENV[name.to_s] = val end yield ensure ENV.clear saved.each do |name, val| ENV[name] = val end end # Execute a given chunk of code with a new umask. def self.withumask(mask) cur = File.umask(mask) begin yield ensure File.umask(cur) end end def self.synchronize_on(x,type) sync_object,users = 0,1 begin @@sync_objects.synchronize { (@@sync_objects[x] ||= [Sync.new,0])[users] += 1 } @@sync_objects[x][sync_object].synchronize(type) { yield } ensure @@sync_objects.synchronize { @@sync_objects.delete(x) unless (@@sync_objects[x][users] -= 1) > 0 } end end # Change the process to a different user def self.chuser if group = Puppet[:group] begin Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.change_group(group, true) rescue => detail Puppet.warning "could not change to group #{group.inspect}: #{detail}" $stderr.puts "could not change to group #{group.inspect}" # Don't exit on failed group changes, since it's # not fatal #exit(74) end end if user = Puppet[:user] begin Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.change_user(user, true) rescue => detail $stderr.puts "Could not change to user #{user}: #{detail}" exit(74) end end end # Create instance methods for each of the log levels. This allows # the messages to be a little richer. Most classes will be calling this # method. def self.logmethods(klass, useself = true) Puppet::Util::Log.eachlevel { |level| klass.send(:define_method, level, proc { |args| args = args.join(" ") if args.is_a?(Array) if useself Puppet::Util::Log.create( :level => level, :source => self, :message => args ) else Puppet::Util::Log.create( :level => level, :message => args ) end }) } end # Proxy a bunch of methods to another object. def self.classproxy(klass, objmethod, *methods) classobj = class << klass; self; end methods.each do |method| classobj.send(:define_method, method) do |*args| obj = self.send(objmethod) obj.send(method, *args) end end end # Proxy a bunch of methods to another object. def self.proxy(klass, objmethod, *methods) methods.each do |method| klass.send(:define_method, method) do |*args| obj = self.send(objmethod) obj.send(method, *args) end end end def benchmark(*args) msg = args.pop level = args.pop object = nil if args.empty? if respond_to?(level) object = self else object = Puppet end else object = args.pop end raise Puppet::DevError, "Failed to provide level to :benchmark" unless level unless level == :none or object.respond_to? level raise Puppet::DevError, "Benchmarked object does not respond to #{level}" end # Only benchmark if our log level is high enough if level != :none and Puppet::Util::Log.sendlevel?(level) result = nil seconds = Benchmark.realtime { yield } object.send(level, msg + (" in %0.2f seconds" % seconds)) return seconds else yield end end def which(bin) if absolute_path?(bin) return bin if FileTest.file? bin and FileTest.executable? bin else ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |dir| begin dest = File.expand_path(File.join(dir, bin)) rescue ArgumentError => e # if the user's PATH contains a literal tilde (~) character and HOME is not set, we may get # an ArgumentError here. Let's check to see if that is the case; if not, re-raise whatever error # was thrown. if e.to_s =~ /HOME/ and (ENV['HOME'].nil? || ENV['HOME'] == "") # if we get here they have a tilde in their PATH. We'll issue a single warning about this and then # ignore this path element and carry on with our lives. Puppet::Util::Warnings.warnonce("PATH contains a ~ character, and HOME is not set; ignoring PATH element '#{dir}'.") elsif e.to_s =~ /doesn't exist|can't find user/ # ...otherwise, we just skip the non-existent entry, and do nothing. Puppet::Util::Warnings.warnonce("Couldn't expand PATH containing a ~ character; ignoring PATH element '#{dir}'.") else raise end else if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? && File.extname(dest).empty? exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] exts = exts ? exts.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) : %w[.COM .EXE .BAT .CMD] exts.each do |ext| destext = File.expand_path(dest + ext) return destext if FileTest.file? destext and FileTest.executable? destext end end return dest if FileTest.file? dest and FileTest.executable? dest end end end nil end module_function :which # Determine in a platform-specific way whether a path is absolute. This # defaults to the local platform if none is specified. def absolute_path?(path, platform=nil) # Escape once for the string literal, and once for the regex. slash = '[\\\\/]' name = '[^\\\\/]+' regexes = { :windows => %r!^(([A-Z]:#{slash})|(#{slash}#{slash}#{name}#{slash}#{name})|(#{slash}#{slash}\?#{slash}#{name}))!i, :posix => %r!^/!, } # Due to weird load order issues, I was unable to remove this require. # This is fixed in Telly so it can be removed there. require 'puppet' # Ruby only sets File::ALT_SEPARATOR on Windows and the Ruby standard # library uses that to test what platform it's on. Normally in Puppet we # would use Puppet.features.microsoft_windows?, but this method needs to # be called during the initialization of features so it can't depend on # that. platform ||= Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? ? :windows : :posix !! (path =~ regexes[platform]) end module_function :absolute_path? # Convert a path to a file URI def path_to_uri(path) return unless path params = { :scheme => 'file' } if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? path = path.gsub(/\\/, '/') if unc = /^\/\/([^\/]+)(\/[^\/]+)/.match(path) params[:host] = unc[1] path = unc[2] elsif path =~ /^[a-z]:\//i path = '/' + path end end params[:path] = URI.escape(path) begin URI::Generic.build(params) rescue => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Failed to convert '#{path}' to URI: #{detail}" end end module_function :path_to_uri # Get the path component of a URI def uri_to_path(uri) return unless uri.is_a?(URI) path = URI.unescape(uri.path) if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and uri.scheme == 'file' if uri.host path = "//#{uri.host}" + path # UNC else path.sub!(/^\//, '') end end path end module_function :uri_to_path def safe_posix_fork(stdin=$stdin, stdout=$stdout, stderr=$stderr, &block) child_pid = Kernel.fork do $stdin.reopen(stdin) $stdout.reopen(stdout) $stderr.reopen(stderr) 3.upto(256){|fd| IO::new(fd).close rescue nil} block.call if block end child_pid end module_function :safe_posix_fork # Create an exclusive lock. def threadlock(resource, type = Sync::EX) Puppet::Util.synchronize_on(resource,type) { yield } end module_function :benchmark def memory unless defined?(@pmap) @pmap = which('pmap') end if @pmap %x{#{@pmap} #{Process.pid}| grep total}.chomp.sub(/^\s*total\s+/, '').sub(/K$/, '').to_i else 0 end end - def symbolize(value) - if value.respond_to? :intern - value.intern - else - value - end - end - def symbolizehash(hash) newhash = {} hash.each do |name, val| - if name.is_a? String - newhash[name.intern] = val - else - newhash[name] = val - end + name = name.intern if name.respond_to? :intern + newhash[name] = val end newhash end - - def symbolizehash!(hash) - # this is not the most memory-friendly way to accomplish this, but the - # code re-use and clarity seems worthwhile. - newhash = symbolizehash(hash) - hash.clear - hash.merge!(newhash) - - hash - end - module_function :symbolize, :symbolizehash, :symbolizehash! + module_function :symbolizehash # Just benchmark, with no logging. def thinmark seconds = Benchmark.realtime { yield } seconds end module_function :memory, :thinmark # Because IO#binread is only available in 1.9 def binread(file) File.open(file, 'rb') { |f| f.read } end module_function :binread # utility method to get the current call stack and format it to a human-readable string (which some IDEs/editors # will recognize as links to the line numbers in the trace) def self.pretty_backtrace(backtrace = caller(1)) backtrace.collect do |line| file_path, line_num = line.split(":") file_path = expand_symlinks(File.expand_path(file_path)) file_path + ":" + line_num end .join("\n") end # utility method that takes a path as input, checks each component of the path to see if it is a symlink, and expands # it if it is. returns the expanded path. def self.expand_symlinks(file_path) file_path.split("/").inject do |full_path, next_dir| next_path = full_path + "/" + next_dir if File.symlink?(next_path) then link = File.readlink(next_path) next_path = case link when /^\// then link else File.expand_path(full_path + "/" + link) end end next_path end end # Replace a file, securely. This takes a block, and passes it the file # handle of a file open for writing. Write the replacement content inside # the block and it will safely replace the target file. # # This method will make no changes to the target file until the content is # successfully written and the block returns without raising an error. # # As far as possible the state of the existing file, such as mode, is # preserved. This works hard to avoid loss of any metadata, but will result # in an inode change for the file. # # Arguments: `filename`, `default_mode` # # The filename is the file we are going to replace. # # The default_mode is the mode to use when the target file doesn't already # exist; if the file is present we copy the existing mode/owner/group values # across. def replace_file(file, default_mode, &block) raise Puppet::DevError, "replace_file requires a block" unless block_given? file = Pathname(file) tempfile = Tempfile.new(file.basename.to_s, file.dirname.to_s) file_exists = file.exist? # Set properties of the temporary file before we write the content, because # Tempfile doesn't promise to be safe from reading by other people, just # that it avoids races around creating the file. # # Our Windows emulation is pretty limited, and so we have to carefully # and specifically handle the platform, which has all sorts of magic. # So, unlike Unix, we don't pre-prep security; we use the default "quite # secure" tempfile permissions instead. Magic happens later. unless Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? # Grab the current file mode, and fall back to the defaults. stat = file.lstat rescue OpenStruct.new(:mode => default_mode, :uid => Process.euid, :gid => Process.egid) # We only care about the bottom four slots, which make the real mode, # and not the rest of the platform stat call fluff and stuff. tempfile.chmod(stat.mode & 07777) tempfile.chown(stat.uid, stat.gid) end # OK, now allow the caller to write the content of the file. yield tempfile # Now, make sure the data (which includes the mode) is safe on disk. tempfile.flush begin tempfile.fsync rescue NotImplementedError # fsync may not be implemented by Ruby on all platforms, but # there is absolutely no recovery path if we detect that. So, we just # ignore the return code. # # However, don't be fooled: that is accepting that we are running in # an unsafe fashion. If you are porting to a new platform don't stub # that out. end tempfile.close if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? # This will appropriately clone the file, but only if the file we are # replacing exists. Which is kind of annoying; thanks Microsoft. # # So, to avoid getting into an infinite loop we will retry once if the # file doesn't exist, but only the once... have_retried = false begin # Yes, the arguments are reversed compared to the rename in the rest # of the world. Puppet::Util::Windows::File.replace_file(file, tempfile.path) rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e # This might race, but there are enough possible cases that there # isn't a good, solid "better" way to do this, and the next call # should fail in the same way anyhow. raise if have_retried or File.exist?(file) have_retried = true # OK, so, we can't replace a file that doesn't exist, so let us put # one in place and set the permissions. Then we can retry and the # magic makes this all work. # # This is the least-worst option for handling Windows, as far as we # can determine. File.open(file, 'a') do |fh| # this space deliberately left empty for auto-close behaviour, # append mode, and not actually changing any of the content. end # Set the permissions to what we want. Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.set_mode(default_mode, file.to_s) # ...and finally retry the operation. retry end else File.rename(tempfile.path, file) end # Ideally, we would now fsync the directory as well, but Ruby doesn't # have support for that, and it doesn't matter /that/ much... # Return something true, and possibly useful. file end module_function :replace_file # Executes a block of code, wrapped with some special exception handling. Causes the ruby interpreter to # exit if the block throws an exception. # # @param [String] message a message to log if the block fails # @param [Integer] code the exit code that the ruby interpreter should return if the block fails # @yield def exit_on_fail(message, code = 1) yield # First, we need to check and see if we are catching a SystemExit error. These will be raised # when we daemonize/fork, and they do not necessarily indicate a failure case. rescue SystemExit => err raise err # Now we need to catch *any* other kind of exception, because we may be calling third-party # code (e.g. webrick), and we have no idea what they might throw. rescue Exception => err ## NOTE: when debugging spec failures, these two lines can be very useful #puts err.inspect #puts Puppet::Util.pretty_backtrace(err.backtrace) Puppet.log_exception(err, "Could not #{message}: #{err}") Puppet::Util::Log.force_flushqueue() exit(code) end module_function :exit_on_fail ####################################################################################################### # Deprecated methods relating to process execution; these have been moved to Puppet::Util::Execution ####################################################################################################### def execpipe(command, failonfail = true, &block) Puppet.deprecation_warning("Puppet::Util.execpipe is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Execution.execpipe") Puppet::Util::Execution.execpipe(command, failonfail, &block) end module_function :execpipe def execfail(command, exception) Puppet.deprecation_warning("Puppet::Util.execfail is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Execution.execfail") Puppet::Util::Execution.execfail(command, exception) end module_function :execfail def execute(command, arguments = {}) Puppet.deprecation_warning("Puppet::Util.execute is deprecated; please use Puppet::Util::Execution.execute") Puppet::Util::Execution.execute(command, arguments) end module_function :execute end end require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' require 'puppet/util/metaid' require 'puppet/util/classgen' require 'puppet/util/docs' require 'puppet/util/execution' require 'puppet/util/logging' require 'puppet/util/package' require 'puppet/util/warnings' diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/classgen.rb b/lib/puppet/util/classgen.rb index 1e99aa873..7993e695b 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/classgen.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/classgen.rb @@ -1,209 +1,209 @@ module Puppet class ConstantAlreadyDefined < Error; end class SubclassAlreadyDefined < Error; end end module Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util # Create a new subclass. Valid options are: # * :array: An array of existing classes. If specified, the new # class is added to this array. # * :attributes: A hash of attributes to set before the block is # evaluated. # * :block: The block to evaluate in the context of the class. # You can also just pass the block normally, but it will still be evaluated # with class_eval. # * :constant: What to set the constant as. Defaults to the # capitalized name. # * :hash: A hash of existing classes. If specified, the new # class is added to this hash, and it is also used for overwrite tests. # * :overwrite: Whether to overwrite an existing class. # * :parent: The parent class for the generated class. Defaults to # self. # * :prefix: The constant prefix. Default to nothing; if specified, # the capitalized name is appended and the result is set as the constant. def genclass(name, options = {}, &block) genthing(name, Class, options, block) end # Create a new module. Valid options are: # * :array: An array of existing classes. If specified, the new # class is added to this array. # * :attributes: A hash of attributes to set before the block is # evaluated. # * :block: The block to evaluate in the context of the class. # You can also just pass the block normally, but it will still be evaluated # with class_eval. # * :constant: What to set the constant as. Defaults to the # capitalized name. # * :hash: A hash of existing classes. If specified, the new # class is added to this hash, and it is also used for overwrite tests. # * :overwrite: Whether to overwrite an existing class. # * :prefix: The constant prefix. Default to nothing; if specified, # the capitalized name is appended and the result is set as the constant. def genmodule(name, options = {}, &block) genthing(name, Module, options, block) end # Remove an existing class def rmclass(name, options) options = symbolize_options(options) const = genconst_string(name, options) retval = false if const_defined?(const) remove_const(const) retval = true end if hash = options[:hash] and hash.include? name hash.delete(name) retval = true end # Let them know whether we did actually delete a subclass. retval end private # Generate the constant to create or remove. def genconst_string(name, options) unless const = options[:constant] prefix = options[:prefix] || "" const = prefix + name2const(name) end const end # This does the actual work of creating our class or module. It's just a # slightly abstract version of genclass. def genthing(name, type, options, block) options = symbolize_options(options) - name = symbolize(name.to_s.downcase) + name = name.to_s.downcase.intern if type == Module #evalmethod = :module_eval evalmethod = :class_eval # Create the class, with the correct name. klass = Module.new do class << self attr_reader :name end @name = name end else options[:parent] ||= self evalmethod = :class_eval # Create the class, with the correct name. klass = Class.new(options[:parent]) do @name = name end end # Create the constant as appropriation. handleclassconst(klass, name, options) # Initialize any necessary variables. initclass(klass, options) block ||= options[:block] # Evaluate the passed block if there is one. This should usually # define all of the work. klass.send(evalmethod, &block) if block klass.postinit if klass.respond_to? :postinit # Store the class in hashes or arrays or whatever. storeclass(klass, name, options) klass end # const_defined? in Ruby 1.9 behaves differently in terms # of which class hierarchy it polls for nested namespaces # # See http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1915 def is_constant_defined?(const) if ::RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ const_defined?(const, false) else const_defined?(const) end end # Handle the setting and/or removing of the associated constant. def handleclassconst(klass, name, options) const = genconst_string(name, options) if is_constant_defined?(const) if options[:overwrite] Puppet.info "Redefining #{name} in #{self}" remove_const(const) else raise Puppet::ConstantAlreadyDefined, "Class #{const} is already defined in #{self}" end end const_set(const, klass) const end # Perform the initializations on the class. def initclass(klass, options) klass.initvars if klass.respond_to? :initvars if attrs = options[:attributes] attrs.each do |param, value| method = param.to_s + "=" klass.send(method, value) if klass.respond_to? method end end [:include, :extend].each do |method| if set = options[method] set = [set] unless set.is_a?(Array) set.each do |mod| klass.send(method, mod) end end end klass.preinit if klass.respond_to? :preinit end # Convert our name to a constant. def name2const(name) name.to_s.capitalize end # Store the class in the appropriate places. def storeclass(klass, klassname, options) if hash = options[:hash] if hash.include? klassname and ! options[:overwrite] raise Puppet::SubclassAlreadyDefined, "Already a generated class named #{klassname}" end hash[klassname] = klass end # If we were told to stick it in a hash, then do so if array = options[:array] if (klass.respond_to? :name and array.find { |c| c.name == klassname } and ! options[:overwrite]) raise Puppet::SubclassAlreadyDefined, "Already a generated class named #{klassname}" end array << klass end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/fileparsing.rb b/lib/puppet/util/fileparsing.rb index 2c7af6847..5ac1c843b 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/fileparsing.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/fileparsing.rb @@ -1,373 +1,373 @@ # A mini-language for parsing files. This is only used file the ParsedFile # provider, but it makes more sense to split it out so it's easy to maintain # in one place. # # You can use this module to create simple parser/generator classes. For instance, # the following parser should go most of the way to parsing /etc/passwd: # # class Parser # include Puppet::Util::FileParsing # record_line :user, :fields => %w{name password uid gid gecos home shell}, # :separator => ":" # end # # You would use it like this: # # parser = Parser.new # lines = parser.parse(File.read("/etc/passwd")) # # lines.each do |type, hash| # type will always be :user, since we only have one # p hash # end # # Each line in this case would be a hash, with each field set appropriately. # You could then call 'parser.to_line(hash)' on any of those hashes to generate # the text line again. require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' module Puppet::Util::FileParsing include Puppet::Util attr_writer :line_separator, :trailing_separator class FileRecord include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper attr_accessor :absent, :joiner, :rts, :separator, :rollup, :name, :match, :block_eval attr_reader :fields, :optional, :type INVALID_FIELDS = [:record_type, :target, :on_disk] # Customize this so we can do a bit of validation. def fields=(fields) @fields = fields.collect do |field| - r = symbolize(field) + r = field.intern raise ArgumentError.new("Cannot have fields named #{r}") if INVALID_FIELDS.include?(r) r end end def initialize(type, options = {}, &block) - @type = symbolize(type) + @type = type.intern raise ArgumentError, "Invalid record type #{@type}" unless [:record, :text].include?(@type) set_options(options) if self.type == :record # Now set defaults. self.absent ||= "" self.separator ||= /\s+/ self.joiner ||= " " self.optional ||= [] @rollup = true unless defined?(@rollup) end if block_given? @block_eval ||= :process # Allow the developer to specify that a block should be instance-eval'ed. if @block_eval == :instance instance_eval(&block) else meta_def(@block_eval, &block) end end end # Convert a record into a line by joining the fields together appropriately. # This is pulled into a separate method so it can be called by the hooks. def join(details) joinchar = self.joiner fields.collect { |field| # If the field is marked absent, use the appropriate replacement if details[field] == :absent or details[field] == [:absent] or details[field].nil? if self.optional.include?(field) self.absent else raise ArgumentError, "Field '#{field}' is required" end else details[field].to_s end }.reject { |c| c.nil?}.join(joinchar) end # Customize this so we can do a bit of validation. def optional=(optional) @optional = optional.collect do |field| - symbolize(field) + field.intern end end # Create a hook that modifies the hash resulting from parsing. def post_parse=(block) meta_def(:post_parse, &block) end # Create a hook that modifies the hash just prior to generation. def pre_gen=(block) meta_def(:pre_gen, &block) end # Are we a text type? def text? type == :text end def to_line=(block) meta_def(:to_line, &block) end end # Clear all existing record definitions. Only used for testing. def clear_records @record_types.clear @record_order.clear end def fields(type) if record = record_type(type) record.fields.dup else nil end end # Try to match a specific text line. def handle_text_line(line, record) line =~ record.match ? {:record_type => record.name, :line => line} : nil end # Try to match a record. def handle_record_line(line, record) ret = nil if record.respond_to?(:process) if ret = record.send(:process, line.dup) unless ret.is_a?(Hash) raise Puppet::DevError, "Process record type #{record.name} returned non-hash" end else return nil end elsif regex = record.match # In this case, we try to match the whole line and then use the # match captures to get our fields. if match = regex.match(line) fields = [] ret = {} record.fields.zip(match.captures).each do |field, value| if value == record.absent ret[field] = :absent else ret[field] = value end end else nil end else ret = {} sep = record.separator # String "helpfully" replaces ' ' with /\s+/ in splitting, so we # have to work around it. if sep == " " sep = / / end line_fields = line.split(sep) record.fields.each do |param| value = line_fields.shift if value and value != record.absent ret[param] = value else ret[param] = :absent end end if record.rollup and ! line_fields.empty? last_field = record.fields[-1] val = ([ret[last_field]] + line_fields).join(record.joiner) ret[last_field] = val end end if ret ret[:record_type] = record.name return ret else return nil end end def line_separator @line_separator ||= "\n" @line_separator end # Split text into separate lines using the record separator. def lines(text) # Remove any trailing separators, and then split based on them # LAK:NOTE See http://snurl.com/21zf8 [groups_google_com] x = text.sub(/#{self.line_separator}\Q/,'').split(self.line_separator) end # Split a bunch of text into lines and then parse them individually. def parse(text) count = 1 lines(text).collect do |line| count += 1 if val = parse_line(line) val else error = Puppet::ResourceError.new("Could not parse line #{line.inspect}") error.line = count raise error end end end # Handle parsing a single line. def parse_line(line) raise Puppet::DevError, "No record types defined; cannot parse lines" unless records? @record_order.each do |record| # These are basically either text or record lines. method = "handle_#{record.type}_line" if respond_to?(method) if result = send(method, line, record) record.send(:post_parse, result) if record.respond_to?(:post_parse) return result end else raise Puppet::DevError, "Somehow got invalid line type #{record.type}" end end nil end # Define a new type of record. These lines get split into hashes. Valid # options are: # * :absent: What to use as value within a line, when a field is # absent. Note that in the record object, the literal :absent symbol is # used, and not this value. Defaults to "". # * :fields: The list of fields, as an array. By default, all # fields are considered required. # * :joiner: How to join fields together. Defaults to '\t'. # * :optional: Which fields are optional. If these are missing, # you'll just get the 'absent' value instead of an ArgumentError. # * :rts: Whether to remove trailing whitespace. Defaults to false. # If true, whitespace will be removed; if a regex, then whatever matches # the regex will be removed. # * :separator: The record separator. Defaults to /\s+/. def record_line(name, options, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Must include a list of fields" unless options.include?(:fields) record = FileRecord.new(:record, options, &block) - record.name = symbolize(name) + record.name = name.intern new_line_type(record) end # Are there any record types defined? def records? defined?(@record_types) and ! @record_types.empty? end # Define a new type of text record. def text_line(name, options, &block) raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a :match regex for text lines" unless options.include?(:match) record = FileRecord.new(:text, options, &block) - record.name = symbolize(name) + record.name = name.intern new_line_type(record) end # Generate a file from a bunch of hash records. def to_file(records) text = records.collect { |record| to_line(record) }.join(line_separator) text += line_separator if trailing_separator text end # Convert our parsed record into a text record. def to_line(details) unless record = record_type(details[:record_type]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid record type #{details[:record_type].inspect}" end if record.respond_to?(:pre_gen) details = details.dup record.send(:pre_gen, details) end case record.type when :text; return details[:line] else return record.to_line(details) if record.respond_to?(:to_line) line = record.join(details) if regex = record.rts # If they say true, then use whitespace; else, use their regex. if regex == true regex = /\s+$/ end return line.sub(regex,'') else return line end end end # Whether to add a trailing separator to the file. Defaults to true def trailing_separator if defined?(@trailing_separator) return @trailing_separator else return true end end def valid_attr?(type, attr) - type = symbolize(type) - if record = record_type(type) and record.fields.include?(symbolize(attr)) + type = type.intern + if record = record_type(type) and record.fields.include?(attr.intern) return true else - if symbolize(attr) == :ensure + if attr.intern == :ensure return true else false end end end private # Define a new type of record. def new_line_type(record) @record_types ||= {} @record_order ||= [] raise ArgumentError, "Line type #{record.name} is already defined" if @record_types.include?(record.name) @record_types[record.name] = record @record_order << record record end # Retrieve the record object. def record_type(type) - @record_types[symbolize(type)] + @record_types[type.intern] end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/instance_loader.rb b/lib/puppet/util/instance_loader.rb index 5e16bd7fa..7c2e18486 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/util/instance_loader.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/instance_loader.rb @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ require 'puppet/util/autoload' require 'puppet/util' # A module that can easily autoload things for us. Uses an instance # of Puppet::Util::Autoload module Puppet::Util::InstanceLoader include Puppet::Util # Are we instance-loading this type? def instance_loading?(type) - defined?(@autoloaders) and @autoloaders.include?(symbolize(type)) + defined?(@autoloaders) and @autoloaders.include?(type.intern) end # Define a new type of autoloading. def instance_load(type, path, options = {}) @autoloaders ||= {} @instances ||= {} - type = symbolize(type) + type = type.intern @instances[type] = {} @autoloaders[type] = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(self, path, options) # Now define our new simple methods unless respond_to?(type) meta_def(type) do |name| loaded_instance(type, name) end end end # Return a list of the names of all instances def loaded_instances(type) @instances[type].keys end # Collect the docs for all of our instances. def instance_docs(type) docs = "" # Load all instances. instance_loader(type).loadall # Use this method so they all get loaded loaded_instances(type).sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |name| mod = self.loaded_instance(name) docs += "#{name}\n#{"-" * name.to_s.length}\n" docs += Puppet::Util::Docs.scrub(mod.doc) + "\n\n" end docs end # Return the instance hash for our type. def instance_hash(type) - @instances[symbolize(type)] + @instances[type.intern] end # Return the Autoload object for a given type. def instance_loader(type) - @autoloaders[symbolize(type)] + @autoloaders[type.intern] end # Retrieve an alread-loaded instance, or attempt to load our instance. def loaded_instance(type, name) - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern return nil unless instances = instance_hash(type) unless instances.include? name if instance_loader(type).load(name) unless instances.include? name Puppet.warning( "Loaded #{type} file for #{name} but #{type} was not defined" ) return nil end else return nil end end instances[name] end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/instrumentation.rb b/lib/puppet/util/instrumentation.rb index bd0ed3ba5..eb522437e 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/instrumentation.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/instrumentation.rb @@ -1,173 +1,171 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/classgen' require 'puppet/util/instance_loader' class Puppet::Util::Instrumentation extend Puppet::Util::ClassGen extend Puppet::Util::InstanceLoader extend MonitorMixin # we're using a ruby lazy autoloader to prevent a loop when requiring listeners # since this class sets up an indirection which is also used in Puppet::Indirector::Indirection # which is used to setup indirections... autoload :Listener, 'puppet/util/instrumentation/listener' autoload :Data, 'puppet/util/instrumentation/data' # Set up autoloading and retrieving of instrumentation listeners. instance_load :listener, 'puppet/util/instrumentation/listeners' class << self attr_accessor :listeners, :listeners_of end # instrumentation layer # Triggers an instrumentation # # Call this method around the instrumentation point # Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.instrument(:my_long_computation) do # ... a long computation # end # # This will send an event to all the listeners of "my_long_computation". # Note: this method uses ruby yield directive to call the instrumented code. # It is usually way slower than calling start and stop directly around the instrumented code. # For high traffic code path, it is thus advisable to not use this method. def self.instrument(label, data = {}) id = self.start(label, data) yield ensure self.stop(label, id, data) end # Triggers a "start" instrumentation event # # Important note: # For proper use, the data hash instance used for start should also # be used when calling stop. The idea is to use the current scope # where start is called to retain a reference to 'data' so that it is possible # to send it back to stop. # This way listeners can match start and stop events more easily. def self.start(label, data) data[:started] = Time.now publish(label, :start, data) data[:id] = next_id end # Triggers a "stop" instrumentation event def self.stop(label, id, data) data[:finished] = Time.now publish(label, :stop, data) end def self.publish(label, event, data) each_listener(label) do |k,l| l.notify(label, event, data) end end def self.listeners @listeners.values end def self.each_listener(label) synchronize { @listeners_of[label] ||= @listeners.select do |k,l| l.listen_to?(label) end }.each do |l| yield l end end # Adds a new listener # # Usage: # Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.new_listener(:my_instrumentation, pattern) do # # def notify(label, data) # ... do something for data... # end # end # # It is possible to use a "pattern". The listener will be notified only # if the pattern match the label of the event. # The pattern can be a symbol, a string or a regex. # If no pattern is provided, then the listener will be called for every events def self.new_listener(name, options = {}, &block) Puppet.debug "new listener called #{name}" - name = symbolize(name) + name = name.intern listener = genclass(name, :hash => instance_hash(:listener), :block => block) listener.send(:define_method, :name) do name end subscribe(listener.new, options[:label_pattern], options[:event]) end def self.subscribe(listener, label_pattern, event) synchronize { raise "Listener #{listener.name} is already subscribed" if @listeners.include?(listener.name) Puppet.debug "registering instrumentation listener #{listener.name}" @listeners[listener.name] = Listener.new(listener, label_pattern, event) listener.subscribed if listener.respond_to?(:subscribed) rehash } end def self.unsubscribe(listener) synchronize { Puppet.warning("#{listener.name} hasn't been registered but asked to be unregistered") unless @listeners.include?(listener.name) Puppet.info "unregistering instrumentation listener #{listener.name}" @listeners.delete(listener.name) listener.unsubscribed if listener.respond_to?(:unsubscribed) rehash } end def self.init # let's init our probe indirection require 'puppet/util/instrumentation/indirection_probe' synchronize { @listeners ||= {} @listeners_of ||= {} instance_loader(:listener).loadall } end def self.clear synchronize { @listeners = {} @listeners_of = {} @id = 0 } end def self.[](key) synchronize { - key = symbolize(key) - @listeners[key] + @listeners[key.intern] } end def self.[]=(key, value) synchronize { - key = symbolize(key) - @listeners[key] = value + @listeners[key.intern] = value rehash } end private # should be called only under the guard # self.synchronize def self.rehash @listeners_of = {} end def self.next_id synchronize { @id = (@id || 0) + 1 } end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/posix.rb b/lib/puppet/util/posix.rb index 2707e10a3..2ef4f2f2e 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/util/posix.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/posix.rb @@ -1,147 +1,147 @@ # Utility methods for interacting with POSIX objects; mostly user and group module Puppet::Util::POSIX # This is a list of environment variables that we will set when we want to override the POSIX locale LOCALE_ENV_VARS = ['LANG', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANGUAGE', 'LC_COLLATE', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LC_MONETARY', 'LC_NUMERIC', 'LC_TIME'] # This is a list of user-related environment variables that we will unset when we want to provide a pristine # environment for "exec" runs USER_ENV_VARS = ['HOME', 'USER', 'LOGNAME'] # Retrieve a field from a POSIX Etc object. The id can be either an integer # or a name. This only works for users and groups. It's also broken on # some platforms, unfortunately, which is why we fall back to the other # method search_posix_field in the gid and uid methods if a sanity check # fails def get_posix_field(space, field, id) raise Puppet::DevError, "Did not get id from caller" unless id if id.is_a?(Integer) if id > Puppet[:maximum_uid].to_i Puppet.err "Tried to get #{field} field for silly id #{id}" return nil end method = methodbyid(space) else method = methodbyname(space) end begin return Etc.send(method, id).send(field) rescue ArgumentError => detail # ignore it; we couldn't find the object return nil end end # A degenerate method of retrieving name/id mappings. The job of this method is # to retrieve all objects of a certain type, search for a specific entry # and then return a given field from that entry. def search_posix_field(type, field, id) idmethod = idfield(type) integer = false if id.is_a?(Integer) integer = true if id > Puppet[:maximum_uid].to_i Puppet.err "Tried to get #{field} field for silly id #{id}" return nil end end Etc.send(type) do |object| if integer and object.send(idmethod) == id return object.send(field) elsif object.name == id return object.send(field) end end # Apparently the group/passwd methods need to get reset; if we skip # this call, then new users aren't found. case type when :passwd; Etc.send(:endpwent) when :group; Etc.send(:endgrent) end nil end # Determine what the field name is for users and groups. def idfield(space) - case Puppet::Util.symbolize(space) + case space.intern when :gr, :group; return :gid when :pw, :user, :passwd; return :uid else raise ArgumentError.new("Can only handle users and groups") end end # Determine what the method is to get users and groups by id def methodbyid(space) - case Puppet::Util.symbolize(space) + case space.intern when :gr, :group; return :getgrgid when :pw, :user, :passwd; return :getpwuid else raise ArgumentError.new("Can only handle users and groups") end end # Determine what the method is to get users and groups by name def methodbyname(space) - case Puppet::Util.symbolize(space) + case space.intern when :gr, :group; return :getgrnam when :pw, :user, :passwd; return :getpwnam else raise ArgumentError.new("Can only handle users and groups") end end # Get the GID of a given group, provided either a GID or a name def gid(group) begin group = Integer(group) rescue ArgumentError # pass end if group.is_a?(Integer) return nil unless name = get_posix_field(:group, :name, group) gid = get_posix_field(:group, :gid, name) check_value = gid else return nil unless gid = get_posix_field(:group, :gid, group) name = get_posix_field(:group, :name, gid) check_value = name end if check_value != group return search_posix_field(:group, :gid, group) else return gid end end # Get the UID of a given user, whether a UID or name is provided def uid(user) begin user = Integer(user) rescue ArgumentError # pass end if user.is_a?(Integer) return nil unless name = get_posix_field(:passwd, :name, user) uid = get_posix_field(:passwd, :uid, name) check_value = uid else return nil unless uid = get_posix_field(:passwd, :uid, user) name = get_posix_field(:passwd, :name, uid) check_value = name end if check_value != user return search_posix_field(:passwd, :uid, user) else return uid end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/provider_features.rb b/lib/puppet/util/provider_features.rb index 30e8dcb39..7d61ae55c 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/provider_features.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/provider_features.rb @@ -1,169 +1,168 @@ # Provides feature definitions. require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' require 'puppet/util/docs' require 'puppet/util' module Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures include Puppet::Util::Docs # The class that models the features and handles checking whether the features # are present. class ProviderFeature include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util::Docs attr_accessor :name, :docs, :methods # Are all of the requirements met? def available?(obj) if self.methods return !!methods_available?(obj) else # In this case, the provider has to declare support for this # feature, and that's been checked before we ever get to the # method checks. return false end end def initialize(name, docs, hash) - self.name = symbolize(name) + self.name = name.intern self.docs = docs hash = symbolize_options(hash) set_options(hash) end private # Are all of the required methods available? def methods_available?(obj) methods.each do |m| if obj.is_a?(Class) return false unless obj.public_method_defined?(m) else return false unless obj.respond_to?(m) end end true end end # Define one or more features. At a minimum, features require a name # and docs, and at this point they should also specify a list of methods # required to determine if the feature is present. def feature(name, docs, hash = {}) @features ||= {} raise(Puppet::DevError, "Feature #{name} is already defined") if @features.include?(name) begin obj = ProviderFeature.new(name, docs, hash) @features[obj.name] = obj rescue ArgumentError => detail error = ArgumentError.new( "Could not create feature #{name}: #{detail}" ) error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end # Return a hash of all feature documentation. def featuredocs str = "" @features ||= {} return nil if @features.empty? names = @features.keys.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } names.each do |name| doc = @features[name].docs.gsub(/\n\s+/, " ") str += "- *#{name}*: #{doc}\n" end if providers.length > 0 headers = ["Provider", names].flatten data = {} providers.each do |provname| data[provname] = [] prov = provider(provname) names.each do |name| if prov.feature?(name) data[provname] << "*X*" else data[provname] << "" end end end str += doctable(headers, data) end str end # Return a list of features. def features @features ||= {} @features.keys end # Generate a module that sets up the boolean methods to test for given # features. def feature_module unless defined?(@feature_module) @features ||= {} @feature_module = ::Module.new const_set("FeatureModule", @feature_module) features = @features # Create a feature? method that can be passed a feature name and # determine if the feature is present. @feature_module.send(:define_method, :feature?) do |name| method = name.to_s + "?" return !!(respond_to?(method) and send(method)) end # Create a method that will list all functional features. @feature_module.send(:define_method, :features) do return false unless defined?(features) features.keys.find_all { |n| feature?(n) }.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } end # Create a method that will determine if a provided list of # features are satisfied by the curred provider. @feature_module.send(:define_method, :satisfies?) do |*needed| ret = true needed.flatten.each do |feature| unless feature?(feature) ret = false break end end ret end # Create a boolean method for each feature so you can test them # individually as you might need. @features.each do |name, feature| method = name.to_s + "?" @feature_module.send(:define_method, method) do (is_a?(Class) ? declared_feature?(name) : self.class.declared_feature?(name)) or feature.available?(self) end end # Allow the provider to declare that it has a given feature. @feature_module.send(:define_method, :has_features) do |*names| @declared_features ||= [] names.each do |name| - name = symbolize(name) - @declared_features << name + @declared_features << name.intern end end # Aaah, grammatical correctness @feature_module.send(:alias_method, :has_feature, :has_features) end @feature_module end # Return the actual provider feature instance. Really only used for testing. def provider_feature(name) return nil unless defined?(@features) @features[name] end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/reference.rb b/lib/puppet/util/reference.rb index bb0ead7df..df3db0d82 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/reference.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/reference.rb @@ -1,124 +1,124 @@ require 'puppet/util/instance_loader' require 'fileutils' # Manage Reference Documentation. class Puppet::Util::Reference include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Docs extend Puppet::Util::InstanceLoader instance_load(:reference, 'puppet/reference') def self.footer "\n\n----------------\n\n*This page autogenerated on #{Time.now}*\n" end def self.modes %w{pdf text} end def self.newreference(name, options = {}, &block) ref = self.new(name, options, &block) - instance_hash(:reference)[symbolize(name)] = ref + instance_hash(:reference)[name.intern] = ref ref end def self.page(*sections) depth = 4 # Use the minimum depth sections.each do |name| section = reference(name) or raise "Could not find section #{name}" depth = section.depth if section.depth < depth end end def self.pdf(text) puts "creating pdf" rst2latex = which('rst2latex') || which('rst2latex.py') || raise("Could not find rst2latex") cmd = %{#{rst2latex} /tmp/puppetdoc.txt > /tmp/puppetdoc.tex} Puppet::Util.replace_file("/tmp/puppetdoc.txt") {|f| f.puts text } # There used to be an attempt to use secure_open / replace_file to secure # the target, too, but that did nothing: the race was still here. We can # get exactly the same benefit from running this effort: File.unlink('/tmp/puppetdoc.tex') rescue nil output = %x{#{cmd}} unless $CHILD_STATUS == 0 $stderr.puts "rst2latex failed" $stderr.puts output exit(1) end $stderr.puts output # Now convert to pdf Dir.chdir("/tmp") do %x{texi2pdf puppetdoc.tex >/dev/null 2>/dev/null} end end def self.references instance_loader(:reference).loadall loaded_instances(:reference).sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } end attr_accessor :page, :depth, :header, :title, :dynamic attr_writer :doc def doc if defined?(@doc) return "#{@name} - #{@doc}" else return @title end end def dynamic? self.dynamic end def initialize(name, options = {}, &block) @name = name options.each do |option, value| send(option.to_s + "=", value) end meta_def(:generate, &block) # Now handle the defaults @title ||= "#{@name.to_s.capitalize} Reference" @page ||= @title.gsub(/\s+/, '') @depth ||= 2 @header ||= "" end # Indent every line in the chunk except those which begin with '..'. def indent(text, tab) text.gsub(/(^|\A)/, tab).gsub(/^ +\.\./, "..") end def option(name, value) ":#{name.to_s.capitalize}: #{value}\n" end def text puts output end def to_markdown(withcontents = true) # First the header text = markdown_header(@title, 1) text << "\n\n**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on #{Time.now.to_s})*\n\n" text << @header text << generate text << self.class.footer if withcontents text end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util_spec.rb index b51f1ded5..d4bfc5ce7 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util_spec.rb @@ -1,503 +1,495 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Util do include PuppetSpec::Files if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? def set_mode(mode, file) Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.set_mode(mode, file) end def get_mode(file) Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_mode(file) & 07777 end else def set_mode(mode, file) File.chmod(mode, file) end def get_mode(file) File.lstat(file).mode & 07777 end end describe "#withenv" do before :each do @original_path = ENV["PATH"] @new_env = {:PATH => "/some/bogus/path"} end it "should change environment variables within the block then reset environment variables to their original values" do Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["PATH"].should == "/some/bogus/path" end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should reset environment variables to their original values even if the block fails" do begin Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["PATH"].should == "/some/bogus/path" raise "This is a failure" end rescue end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should reset environment variables even when they are set twice" do # Setting Path & Environment parameters in Exec type can cause weirdness @new_env["PATH"] = "/someother/bogus/path" Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do # When assigning duplicate keys, can't guarantee order of evaluation ENV["PATH"].should =~ /\/some.*\/bogus\/path/ end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should remove any new environment variables after the block ends" do @new_env[:FOO] = "bar" Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["FOO"].should == "bar" end ENV["FOO"].should == nil end end describe "#absolute_path?" do describe "on posix systems", :as_platform => :posix do it "should default to the platform of the local system" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('C:/foo') end end describe "on windows", :as_platform => :windows do it "should default to the platform of the local system" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('C:/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('/foo') end end describe "when using platform :posix" do %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar //foo //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\Server/Foo /foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end %w[. ./foo \foo C:/foo \\Server\Foo\Bar \\?\C:\foo\bar \/?/foo\bar \/Server/foo foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do %w[C:/foo C:\foo \\\\Server\Foo\Bar \\\\?\C:\foo\bar //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\?\C:/foo\bar \/Server\Foo/Bar c:/foo//bar//baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end %w[/ . ./foo \foo /foo /foo/../bar //foo C:foo/bar foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end end end describe "#path_to_uri" do %w[. .. foo foo/bar foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should reject relative path: #{path}" do lambda { Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end it "should perform URI escaping" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("/foo bar").path.should == "/foo%20bar" end describe "when using platform :posix" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == path end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end it "should normalize backslashes" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri('c:\\foo\\bar\\baz').path.should == '/' + 'c:/foo/bar/baz' end %w[C:/ C:/foo/bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to absolute URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == '/' + path end end %w[share C$].each do |path| it "should convert UNC #{path} to absolute URI" do uri = Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("\\\\server\\#{path}") uri.host.should == 'server' uri.path.should == '/' + path end end end end describe ".uri_to_path" do require 'uri' it "should strip host component" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar')).should == '/bar' end it "should accept puppet URLs" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('puppet:///modules/foo')).should == '/modules/foo' end it "should return unencoded path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar%20baz')).should == '/bar baz' end it "should be nil-safe" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(nil).should be_nil end describe "when using platform :posix",:if => Puppet.features.posix? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/')).should == '/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end end describe "when using platform :windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/')).should == 'C:/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept file scheme with double slashes as a UNC path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file://host/share/file')).should == '//host/share/file' end end end describe "safe_posix_fork" do let(:pid) { 5501 } before :each do # Most of the things this method does are bad to do during specs. :/ Kernel.stubs(:fork).returns(pid).yields $stdin.stubs(:reopen) $stdout.stubs(:reopen) $stderr.stubs(:reopen) end it "should close all open file descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr" do # This is ugly, but I can't really think of a better way to do it without # letting it actually close fds, which seems risky (0..2).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).never} (3..256).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).returns mock('io', :close) } Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork end it "should fork a child process to execute the block" do Kernel.expects(:fork).returns(pid).yields Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork do message = "Fork this!" end end it "should return the pid of the child process" do Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork.should == pid end end describe "#which" do let(:base) { File.expand_path('/bin') } let(:path) { File.join(base, 'foo') } before :each do FileTest.stubs(:file?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(path).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(path).returns true end it "should accept absolute paths" do Puppet::Util.which(path).should == path end it "should return nil if no executable found" do Puppet::Util.which('doesnotexist').should be_nil end it "should warn if the user's HOME is not set but their PATH contains a ~" do env_path = %w[~/bin /usr/bin /bin].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) Puppet::Util.withenv({:HOME => nil, :PATH => env_path}) do Puppet::Util::Warnings.expects(:warnonce).once Puppet::Util.which('foo') end end it "should reject directories" do Puppet::Util.which(base).should be_nil end it "should ignore ~user directories if the user doesn't exist" do # Windows treats *any* user as a "user that doesn't exist", which means # that this will work correctly across all our platforms, and should # behave consistently. If they ever implement it correctly (eg: to do # the lookup for real) it should just work transparently. baduser = 'if_this_user_exists_I_will_eat_my_hat' Puppet::Util.withenv("PATH" => "~#{baduser}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{base}") do Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end end describe "on POSIX systems" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end it "should walk the search PATH returning the first executable" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(File.expand_path('/bin')) Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end end describe "on Windows systems" do let(:path) { File.expand_path(File.join(base, 'foo.CMD')) } before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end describe "when a file extension is specified" do it "should walk each directory in PATH ignoring PATHEXT" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(%w[/bar /bin].map{|dir| File.expand_path(dir)}.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(File.join(File.expand_path('/bar'), 'foo.CMD')).returns false ENV.expects(:[]).with('PATHEXT').never Puppet::Util.which('foo.CMD').should == path end end describe "when a file extension is not specified" do it "should walk each extension in PATHEXT until an executable is found" do bar = File.expand_path('/bar') ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns("#{bar}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{base}") ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}.CMD") exts = sequence('extensions') FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.CMD')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should walk the default extension path if the environment variable is not defined" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(nil) exts = sequence('extensions') %w[.COM .EXE .BAT].each do |ext| FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, "foo#{ext}")).returns false end FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should fall back if no extension matches" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE") FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == File.join(base, 'foo') end end end end describe "#binread" do let(:contents) { "foo\r\nbar" } it "should preserve line endings" do path = tmpfile('util_binread') File.open(path, 'wb') { |f| f.print contents } Puppet::Util.binread(path).should == contents end it "should raise an error if the file doesn't exist" do expect { Puppet::Util.binread('/path/does/not/exist') }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end describe "hash symbolizing functions" do let (:myhash) { { "foo" => "bar", :baz => "bam" } } let (:resulthash) { { :foo => "bar", :baz => "bam" } } describe "#symbolizehash" do it "should return a symbolized hash" do newhash = Puppet::Util.symbolizehash(myhash) newhash.should == resulthash end end - - describe "#symbolizehash!" do - it "should symbolize the hash in place" do - localhash = myhash - Puppet::Util.symbolizehash!(localhash) - localhash.should == resulthash - end - end end context "#replace_file" do subject { Puppet::Util } it { should respond_to :replace_file } let :target do target = Tempfile.new("puppet-util-replace-file") target.puts("hello, world") target.flush # make sure content is on disk. target.fsync rescue nil target.close target end it "should fail if no block is given" do expect { subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) }.to raise_error /block/ end it "should replace a file when invoked" do # Check that our file has the expected content. File.read(target.path).should == "hello, world\n" # Replace the file. subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| fh.puts "I am the passenger..." end # ...and check the replacement was complete. File.read(target.path).should == "I am the passenger...\n" end # When running with the same user and group sid, which is the default, # Windows collapses the owner and group modes into a single ACE, resulting # in set(0600) => get(0660) and so forth. --daniel 2012-03-30 modes = [0555, 0660, 0770] modes += [0600, 0700] unless Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? modes.each do |mode| it "should copy 0#{mode.to_s(8)} permissions from the target file by default" do set_mode(mode, target.path) get_mode(target.path).should == mode subject.replace_file(target.path, 0000) {|fh| fh.puts "bazam" } get_mode(target.path).should == mode File.read(target.path).should == "bazam\n" end end it "should copy the permissions of the source file before yielding on Unix", :if => !Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do set_mode(0555, target.path) inode = File.stat(target.path).ino yielded = false subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| get_mode(fh.path).should == 0555 yielded = true end yielded.should be_true File.stat(target.path).ino.should_not == inode get_mode(target.path).should == 0555 end it "should use the default permissions if the source file doesn't exist" do new_target = target.path + '.foo' File.should_not be_exist(new_target) begin subject.replace_file(new_target, 0555) {|fh| fh.puts "foo" } get_mode(new_target).should == 0555 ensure File.unlink(new_target) if File.exists?(new_target) end end it "should not replace the file if an exception is thrown in the block" do yielded = false threw = false begin subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| yielded = true fh.puts "different content written, then..." raise "...throw some random failure" end rescue Exception => e if e.to_s =~ /some random failure/ threw = true else raise end end yielded.should be_true threw.should be_true # ...and check the replacement was complete. File.read(target.path).should == "hello, world\n" end end end