diff --git a/lib/puppet/application/master.rb b/lib/puppet/application/master.rb index 6d1cdef1b..c5e9ada54 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/application/master.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/application/master.rb @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ require 'puppet/application' class Puppet::Application::Master < Puppet::Application should_parse_config run_mode :master option("--debug", "-d") option("--verbose", "-v") # internal option, only to be used by ext/rack/config.ru option("--rack") option("--compile host", "-c host") do |arg| options[:node] = arg end option("--logdest DEST", "-l DEST") do |arg| begin Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(arg) options[:setdest] = true rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:debug] $stderr.puts detail.to_s end end def preinit Signal.trap(:INT) do $stderr.puts "Cancelling startup" exit(0) end # Create this first-off, so we have ARGV require 'puppet/daemon' @daemon = Puppet::Daemon.new @daemon.argv = ARGV.dup end def run_command if options[:node] compile elsif Puppet[:parseonly] parseonly else main end end def compile Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console raise ArgumentError, "Cannot render compiled catalogs without pson support" unless Puppet.features.pson? begin unless catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.find(options[:node]) raise "Could not compile catalog for #{options[:node]}" end jj catalog.to_resource rescue => detail $stderr.puts detail exit(30) end exit(0) end def parseonly begin Puppet::Node::Environment.new(Puppet[:environment]).known_resource_types rescue => detail Puppet.err detail exit 1 end exit(0) end def main require 'etc' require 'puppet/file_serving/content' require 'puppet/file_serving/metadata' xmlrpc_handlers = [:Status, :FileServer, :Master, :Report, :Filebucket] xmlrpc_handlers << :CA if Puppet[:ca] # Make sure we've got a localhost ssl cert Puppet::SSL::Host.localhost # And now configure our server to *only* hit the CA for data, because that's # all it will have write access to. Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :only if Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.ca? if Puppet.features.root? begin Puppet::Util.chuser rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] $stderr.puts "Could not change user to #{Puppet[:user]}: #{detail}" exit(39) end end unless options[:rack] require 'puppet/network/server' @daemon.server = Puppet::Network::Server.new(:xmlrpc_handlers => xmlrpc_handlers) @daemon.daemonize if Puppet[:daemonize] else require 'puppet/network/http/rack' @app = Puppet::Network::HTTP::Rack.new(:xmlrpc_handlers => xmlrpc_handlers, :protocols => [:rest, :xmlrpc]) end Puppet.notice "Starting Puppet master version #{Puppet.version}" unless options[:rack] @daemon.start else return @app end end def setup # Handle the logging settings. if options[:debug] or options[:verbose] if options[:debug] Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug else Puppet::Util::Log.level = :info end unless Puppet[:daemonize] or options[:rack] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) options[:setdest] = true end end Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:syslog) unless options[:setdest] exit(Puppet.settings.print_configs ? 0 : 1) if Puppet.settings.print_configs? - Puppet.settings.use :main, :master, :ssl + Puppet.settings.use :main, :master, :ssl, :metrics # Cache our nodes in yaml. Currently not configurable. Puppet::Node.cache_class = :yaml # Configure all of the SSL stuff. if Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.ca? Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :local Puppet.settings.use :ca Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.instance else Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :none end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb index 8da104086..36159bcf7 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb @@ -1,817 +1,818 @@ # The majority of the system configuration parameters are set in this file. module Puppet setdefaults(:main, :confdir => [Puppet.run_mode.conf_dir, "The main Puppet configuration directory. The default for this parameter is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being in the user's home directory."], :vardir => [Puppet.run_mode.var_dir, "Where Puppet stores dynamic and growing data. The default for this parameter is calculated specially, like `confdir`_."], :name => [Puppet.application_name.to_s, "The name of the application, if we are running as one. The default is essentially $0 without the path or `.rb`."], :run_mode => [Puppet.run_mode.name.to_s, "The effective 'run mode' of the application: master, agent, or user."] ) setdefaults(:main, :logdir => Puppet.run_mode.logopts) setdefaults(:main, :trace => [false, "Whether to print stack traces on some errors"], :autoflush => { :default => false, :desc => "Whether log files should always flush to disk.", :hook => proc { |value| Log.autoflush = value } }, :syslogfacility => ["daemon", "What syslog facility to use when logging to syslog. Syslog has a fixed list of valid facilities, and you must choose one of those; you cannot just make one up."], :statedir => { :default => "$vardir/state", :mode => 01755, :desc => "The directory where Puppet state is stored. Generally, this directory can be removed without causing harm (although it might result in spurious service restarts)." }, :rundir => { :default => Puppet.run_mode.run_dir, :mode => 01777, :desc => "Where Puppet PID files are kept." }, :genconfig => [false, "Whether to just print a configuration to stdout and exit. Only makes sense when used interactively. Takes into account arguments specified on the CLI."], :genmanifest => [false, "Whether to just print a manifest to stdout and exit. Only makes sense when used interactively. Takes into account arguments specified on the CLI."], :configprint => ["", "Print the value of a specific configuration parameter. If a parameter is provided for this, then the value is printed and puppet exits. Comma-separate multiple values. For a list of all values, specify 'all'. This feature is only available in Puppet versions higher than 0.18.4."], :color => ["ansi", "Whether to use colors when logging to the console. Valid values are `ansi` (equivalent to `true`), `html` (mostly used during testing with TextMate), and `false`, which produces no color."], :mkusers => [false, "Whether to create the necessary user and group that puppet agent will run as."], :manage_internal_file_permissions => [true, "Whether Puppet should manage the owner, group, and mode of files it uses internally" ], :onetime => {:default => false, :desc => "Run the configuration once, rather than as a long-running daemon. This is useful for interactively running puppetd.", :short => 'o' }, :path => {:default => "none", :desc => "The shell search path. Defaults to whatever is inherited from the parent process.", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the libdir set. :hook => proc do |value| ENV["PATH"] = "" if ENV["PATH"].nil? ENV["PATH"] = value unless value == "none" paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) %w{/usr/sbin /sbin}.each do |path| ENV["PATH"] += File::PATH_SEPARATOR + path unless paths.include?(path) end value end }, :libdir => {:default => "$vardir/lib", :desc => "An extra search path for Puppet. This is only useful for those files that Puppet will load on demand, and is only guaranteed to work for those cases. In fact, the autoload mechanism is responsible for making sure this directory is in Ruby's search path", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the libdir set. :hook => proc do |value| $LOAD_PATH.delete(@oldlibdir) if defined?(@oldlibdir) and $LOAD_PATH.include?(@oldlibdir) @oldlibdir = value $LOAD_PATH << value end }, :ignoreimport => [false, "A parameter that can be used in commit hooks, since it enables you to parse-check a single file rather than requiring that all files exist."], :authconfig => [ "$confdir/namespaceauth.conf", "The configuration file that defines the rights to the different namespaces and methods. This can be used as a coarse-grained authorization system for both `puppet agent` and `puppet master`." ], :environment => {:default => "production", :desc => "The environment Puppet is running in. For clients (e.g., `puppet agent`) this determines the environment itself, which is used to find modules and much more. For servers (i.e., `puppet master`) this provides the default environment for nodes we know nothing about." }, :diff_args => ["-u", "Which arguments to pass to the diff command when printing differences between files."], :diff => ["diff", "Which diff command to use when printing differences between files."], :show_diff => [false, "Whether to print a contextual diff when files are being replaced. The diff is printed on stdout, so this option is meaningless unless you are running Puppet interactively. This feature currently requires the `diff/lcs` Ruby library."], :daemonize => { :default => true, :desc => "Send the process into the background. This is the default.", :short => "D" }, :maximum_uid => [4294967290, "The maximum allowed UID. Some platforms use negative UIDs but then ship with tools that do not know how to handle signed ints, so the UIDs show up as huge numbers that can then not be fed back into the system. This is a hackish way to fail in a slightly more useful way when that happens."], :node_terminus => ["plain", "Where to find information about nodes."], :catalog_terminus => ["compiler", "Where to get node catalogs. This is useful to change if, for instance, you'd like to pre-compile catalogs and store them in memcached or some other easily-accessed store."], :facts_terminus => { :default => Puppet.application_name.to_s == "master" ? 'yaml' : 'facter', :desc => "The node facts terminus.", :hook => proc do |value| require 'puppet/node/facts' if value.to_s == "rest" Puppet::Node::Facts.cache_class = :yaml end end }, :inventory_terminus => [ "$facts_terminus", "Should usually be the same as the facts terminus" ], :httplog => { :default => "$logdir/http.log", :owner => "root", :mode => 0640, :desc => "Where the puppet agent web server logs." }, :http_proxy_host => ["none", "The HTTP proxy host to use for outgoing connections. Note: You may need to use a FQDN for the server hostname when using a proxy."], :http_proxy_port => [3128, "The HTTP proxy port to use for outgoing connections"], :filetimeout => [ 15, "The minimum time to wait (in seconds) between checking for updates in configuration files. This timeout determines how quickly Puppet checks whether a file (such as manifests or templates) has changed on disk." ], :queue_type => ["stomp", "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing."], :queue_type => ["stomp", "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing."], :queue_source => ["stomp://localhost:61613/", "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing. If your stomp server requires authentication, you can include it in the URI as long as your stomp client library is at least 1.1.1"], :async_storeconfigs => {:default => false, :desc => "Whether to use a queueing system to provide asynchronous database integration. Requires that `puppetqd` be running and that 'PSON' support for ruby be installed.", :hook => proc do |value| if value # This reconfigures the terminii for Node, Facts, and Catalog Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true # But then we modify the configuration Puppet::Resource::Catalog.cache_class = :queue else raise "Cannot disable asynchronous storeconfigs in a running process" end end }, :thin_storeconfigs => {:default => false, :desc => "Boolean; wether storeconfigs store in the database only the facts and exported resources. If true, then storeconfigs performance will be higher and still allow exported/collected resources, but other usage external to Puppet might not work", :hook => proc do |value| Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true if value end }, :config_version => ["", "How to determine the configuration version. By default, it will be the time that the configuration is parsed, but you can provide a shell script to override how the version is determined. The output of this script will be added to every log message in the reports, allowing you to correlate changes on your hosts to the source version on the server."], :zlib => [true, "Boolean; whether to use the zlib library", ], :prerun_command => ["", "A command to run before every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero return code, the entire Puppet run will fail."], :postrun_command => ["", "A command to run after every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero return code, the entire Puppet run will be considered to have failed, even though it might have performed work during the normal run."], :freeze_main => [false, "Freezes the 'main' class, disallowing any code to be added to it. This essentially means that you can't have any code outside of a node, class, or definition other than in the site manifest."] ) hostname = Facter["hostname"].value domain = Facter["domain"].value if domain and domain != "" fqdn = [hostname, domain].join(".") else fqdn = hostname end Puppet.setdefaults( :main, # We have to downcase the fqdn, because the current ssl stuff (as oppsed to in master) doesn't have good facilities for # manipulating naming. :certname => {:default => fqdn.downcase, :desc => "The name to use when handling certificates. Defaults to the fully qualified domain name.", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we're always downcased :hook => proc { |value| raise(ArgumentError, "Certificate names must be lower case; see #1168") unless value == value.downcase }}, :certdnsnames => ['', "The DNS names on the Server certificate as a colon-separated list. If it's anything other than an empty string, it will be used as an alias in the created certificate. By default, only the server gets an alias set up, and only for 'puppet'."], :certdir => { :default => "$ssldir/certs", :owner => "service", :desc => "The certificate directory." }, :ssldir => { :default => "$confdir/ssl", :mode => 0771, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where SSL certificates are kept." }, :publickeydir => { :default => "$ssldir/public_keys", :owner => "service", :desc => "The public key directory." }, :requestdir => { :default => "$ssldir/certificate_requests", :owner => "service", :desc => "Where host certificate requests are stored." }, :privatekeydir => { :default => "$ssldir/private_keys", :mode => 0750, :owner => "service", :desc => "The private key directory." }, :privatedir => { :default => "$ssldir/private", :mode => 0750, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where the client stores private certificate information." }, :passfile => { :default => "$privatedir/password", :mode => 0640, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where puppet agent stores the password for its private key. Generally unused." }, :hostcsr => { :default => "$ssldir/csr_$certname.pem", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their certificate requests." }, :hostcert => { :default => "$certdir/$certname.pem", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their certificates." }, :hostprivkey => { :default => "$privatekeydir/$certname.pem", :mode => 0600, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their private key." }, :hostpubkey => { :default => "$publickeydir/$certname.pem", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their public key." }, :localcacert => { :default => "$certdir/ca.pem", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where each client stores the CA certificate." }, :hostcrl => { :default => "$ssldir/crl.pem", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :desc => "Where the host's certificate revocation list can be found. This is distinct from the certificate authority's CRL." }, :certificate_revocation => [true, "Whether certificate revocation should be supported by downloading a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to all clients. If enabled, CA chaining will almost definitely not work."] ) setdefaults( :ca, :ca_name => ["Puppet CA: $certname", "The name to use the Certificate Authority certificate."], :cadir => { :default => "$ssldir/ca", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0770, :desc => "The root directory for the certificate authority." }, :cacert => { :default => "$cadir/ca_crt.pem", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0660, :desc => "The CA certificate." }, :cakey => { :default => "$cadir/ca_key.pem", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0660, :desc => "The CA private key." }, :capub => { :default => "$cadir/ca_pub.pem", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The CA public key." }, :cacrl => { :default => "$cadir/ca_crl.pem", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0664, :desc => "The certificate revocation list (CRL) for the CA. Will be used if present but otherwise ignored.", :hook => proc do |value| if value == 'false' Puppet.warning "Setting the :cacrl to 'false' is deprecated; Puppet will just ignore the crl if yours is missing" end end }, :caprivatedir => { :default => "$cadir/private", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0770, :desc => "Where the CA stores private certificate information." }, :csrdir => { :default => "$cadir/requests", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where the CA stores certificate requests" }, :signeddir => { :default => "$cadir/signed", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0770, :desc => "Where the CA stores signed certificates." }, :capass => { :default => "$caprivatedir/ca.pass", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where the CA stores the password for the private key" }, :serial => { :default => "$cadir/serial", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0644, :desc => "Where the serial number for certificates is stored." }, :autosign => { :default => "$confdir/autosign.conf", :mode => 0644, :desc => "Whether to enable autosign. Valid values are true (which autosigns any key request, and is a very bad idea), false (which never autosigns any key request), and the path to a file, which uses that configuration file to determine which keys to sign."}, :ca_days => ["", "How long a certificate should be valid. This parameter is deprecated, use ca_ttl instead"], :ca_ttl => ["5y", "The default TTL for new certificates; valid values must be an integer, optionally followed by one of the units 'y' (years of 365 days), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours), or 's' (seconds). The unit defaults to seconds. If this parameter is set, ca_days is ignored. Examples are '3600' (one hour) and '1825d', which is the same as '5y' (5 years) "], :ca_md => ["md5", "The type of hash used in certificates."], :req_bits => [2048, "The bit length of the certificates."], :keylength => [1024, "The bit length of keys."], :cert_inventory => { :default => "$cadir/inventory.txt", :mode => 0644, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "A Complete listing of all certificates" } ) # Define the config default. setdefaults( Puppet.settings[:name], :config => ["$confdir/puppet.conf", "The configuration file for #{Puppet[:name]}."], :pidfile => ["$rundir/$name.pid", "The pid file"], :bindaddress => ["", "The address a listening server should bind to. Mongrel servers default to and WEBrick defaults to"], :servertype => {:default => "webrick", :desc => "The type of server to use. Currently supported options are webrick and mongrel. If you use mongrel, you will need a proxy in front of the process or processes, since Mongrel cannot speak SSL.", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the correct bind address set. :hook => proc { |value| value == "webrick" ? Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] = "" : Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] = "" if Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] == "" } } ) setdefaults(:master, :user => ["puppet", "The user puppet master should run as."], :group => ["puppet", "The group puppet master should run as."], :manifestdir => ["$confdir/manifests", "Where puppet master looks for its manifests."], :manifest => ["$manifestdir/site.pp", "The entry-point manifest for puppet master."], :code => ["", "Code to parse directly. This is essentially only used by `puppet`, and should only be set if you're writing your own Puppet executable"], :masterlog => { :default => "$logdir/puppetmaster.log", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppet master logs. This is generally not used, since syslog is the default log destination." }, :masterhttplog => { :default => "$logdir/masterhttp.log", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0660, :create => true, :desc => "Where the puppet master web server logs." }, :masterport => [8140, "Which port puppet master listens on."], :parseonly => [false, "Just check the syntax of the manifests."], :node_name => ["cert", "How the puppetmaster determines the client's identity and sets the 'hostname', 'fqdn' and 'domain' facts for use in the manifest, in particular for determining which 'node' statement applies to the client. Possible values are 'cert' (use the subject's CN in the client's certificate) and 'facter' (use the hostname that the client reported in its facts)"], :bucketdir => { :default => "$vardir/bucket", :mode => 0750, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where FileBucket files are stored." }, :rest_authconfig => [ "$confdir/auth.conf", "The configuration file that defines the rights to the different rest indirections. This can be used as a fine-grained authorization system for `puppet master`." ], :ca => [true, "Wether the master should function as a certificate authority."], :modulepath => {:default => "$confdir/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules", :desc => "The search path for modules as a colon-separated list of directories.", :type => :setting }, # We don't want this to be considered a file, since it's multiple files. :ssl_client_header => ["HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN", "The header containing an authenticated client's SSL DN. Only used with Mongrel. This header must be set by the proxy to the authenticated client's SSL DN (e.g., `/CN=puppet.puppetlabs.com`). See http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Using_Mongrel for more information."], :ssl_client_verify_header => ["HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY", "The header containing the status message of the client verification. Only used with Mongrel. This header must be set by the proxy to 'SUCCESS' if the client successfully authenticated, and anything else otherwise. See http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Using_Mongrel for more information."], # To make sure this directory is created before we try to use it on the server, we need # it to be in the server section (#1138). :yamldir => {:default => "$vardir/yaml", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => "750", :desc => "The directory in which YAML data is stored, usually in a subdirectory."}, :server_datadir => {:default => "$vardir/server_data", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => "750", :desc => "The directory in which serialized data is stored, usually in a subdirectory."}, :reports => ["store", "The list of reports to generate. All reports are looked for in `puppet/reports/name.rb`, and multiple report names should be comma-separated (whitespace is okay)." ], :reportdir => {:default => "$vardir/reports", :mode => 0750, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The directory in which to store reports received from the client. Each client gets a separate subdirectory."}, :reporturl => ["http://localhost:3000/reports", "The URL used by the http reports processor to send reports"], :fileserverconfig => ["$confdir/fileserver.conf", "Where the fileserver configuration is stored."], :strict_hostname_checking => [false, "Whether to only search for the complete hostname as it is in the certificate when searching for node information in the catalogs."] ) setdefaults(:metrics, :rrddir => {:default => "$vardir/rrd", + :mode => 0750, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The directory where RRD database files are stored. Directories for each reporting host will be created under this directory." }, :rrdinterval => ["$runinterval", "How often RRD should expect data. This should match how often the hosts report back to the server."] ) setdefaults(:agent, :localconfig => { :default => "$statedir/localconfig", :owner => "root", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppet agent caches the local configuration. An extension indicating the cache format is added automatically."}, :statefile => { :default => "$statedir/state.yaml", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppet agent and puppet master store state associated with the running configuration. In the case of puppet master, this file reflects the state discovered through interacting with clients." }, :clientyamldir => {:default => "$vardir/client_yaml", :mode => "750", :desc => "The directory in which client-side YAML data is stored."}, :client_datadir => {:default => "$vardir/client_data", :mode => "750", :desc => "The directory in which serialized data is stored on the client."}, :classfile => { :default => "$statedir/classes.txt", :owner => "root", :mode => 0644, :desc => "The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the classes associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in the separate `puppet` executable using the `--loadclasses` option."}, :puppetdlog => { :default => "$logdir/puppetd.log", :owner => "root", :mode => 0640, :desc => "The log file for puppet agent. This is generally not used." }, :server => ["puppet", "The server to which server puppet agent should connect"], :ignoreschedules => [false, "Boolean; whether puppet agent should ignore schedules. This is useful for initial puppet agent runs."], :puppetport => [8139, "Which port puppet agent listens on."], :noop => [false, "Whether puppet agent should be run in noop mode."], :runinterval => [1800, # 30 minutes "How often puppet agent applies the client configuration; in seconds."], :listen => [false, "Whether puppet agent should listen for connections. If this is true, then by default only the `runner` server is started, which allows remote authorized and authenticated nodes to connect and trigger `puppet agent` runs."], :ca_server => ["$server", "The server to use for certificate authority requests. It's a separate server because it cannot and does not need to horizontally scale."], :ca_port => ["$masterport", "The port to use for the certificate authority."], :catalog_format => { :default => "", :desc => "(Deprecated for 'preferred_serialization_format') What format to use to dump the catalog. Only supports 'marshal' and 'yaml'. Only matters on the client, since it asks the server for a specific format.", :hook => proc { |value| if value Puppet.warning "Setting 'catalog_format' is deprecated; use 'preferred_serialization_format' instead." Puppet.settings[:preferred_serialization_format] = value end } }, :preferred_serialization_format => ["pson", "The preferred means of serializing ruby instances for passing over the wire. This won't guarantee that all instances will be serialized using this method, since not all classes can be guaranteed to support this format, but it will be used for all classes that support it."], :puppetdlockfile => [ "$statedir/puppetdlock", "A lock file to temporarily stop puppet agent from doing anything."], :usecacheonfailure => [true, "Whether to use the cached configuration when the remote configuration will not compile. This option is useful for testing new configurations, where you want to fix the broken configuration rather than reverting to a known-good one." ], :use_cached_catalog => [false, "Whether to only use the cached catalog rather than compiling a new catalog on every run. Puppet can be run with this enabled by default and then selectively disabled when a recompile is desired."], :ignorecache => [false, "Ignore cache and always recompile the configuration. This is useful for testing new configurations, where the local cache may in fact be stale even if the timestamps are up to date - if the facts change or if the server changes." ], :downcasefacts => [false, "Whether facts should be made all lowercase when sent to the server."], :dynamicfacts => ["memorysize,memoryfree,swapsize,swapfree", "Facts that are dynamic; these facts will be ignored when deciding whether changed facts should result in a recompile. Multiple facts should be comma-separated."], :splaylimit => ["$runinterval", "The maximum time to delay before runs. Defaults to being the same as the run interval."], :splay => [false, "Whether to sleep for a pseudo-random (but consistent) amount of time before a run."], :clientbucketdir => { :default => "$vardir/clientbucket", :mode => 0750, :desc => "Where FileBucket files are stored locally." }, :configtimeout => [120, "How long the client should wait for the configuration to be retrieved before considering it a failure. This can help reduce flapping if too many clients contact the server at one time." ], :reportserver => { :default => "$server", :call_on_define => false, :desc => "(Deprecated for 'report_server') The server to which to send transaction reports.", :hook => proc do |value| Puppet.settings[:report_server] = value if value end }, :report_server => ["$server", "The server to send transaction reports to." ], :report_port => ["$masterport", "The port to communicate with the report_server." ], :inventory_server => ["$server", "The server to send facts to." ], :inventory_port => ["$masterport", "The port to communicate with the inventory_server." ], :report => [false, "Whether to send reports after every transaction." ], :graph => [false, "Whether to create dot graph files for the different configuration graphs. These dot files can be interpreted by tools like OmniGraffle or dot (which is part of ImageMagick)."], :graphdir => ["$statedir/graphs", "Where to store dot-outputted graphs."], :http_compression => [false, "Allow http compression in REST communication with the master. This setting might improve performance for agent -> master communications over slow WANs. Your puppetmaster needs to support compression (usually by activating some settings in a reverse-proxy in front of the puppetmaster, which rules out webrick). It is harmless to activate this settings if your master doesn't support compression, but if it supports it, this setting might reduce performance on high-speed LANs."] ) setdefaults(:inspect, :archive_files => [false, "During an inspect run, whether to archive files whose contents are audited to a file bucket."], :archive_file_server => ["$server", "During an inspect run, the file bucket server to archive files to if archive_files is set."] ) # Plugin information. setdefaults( :main, :plugindest => ["$libdir", "Where Puppet should store plugins that it pulls down from the central server."], :pluginsource => ["puppet://$server/plugins", "From where to retrieve plugins. The standard Puppet `file` type is used for retrieval, so anything that is a valid file source can be used here."], :pluginsync => [false, "Whether plugins should be synced with the central server."], :pluginsignore => [".svn CVS .git", "What files to ignore when pulling down plugins."] ) # Central fact information. setdefaults( :main, :factpath => {:default => "$vardir/lib/facter:$vardir/facts", :desc => "Where Puppet should look for facts. Multiple directories should be colon-separated, like normal PATH variables.", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the value added to facter. :type => :setting, # Don't consider it a file, because it could be multiple colon-separated files :hook => proc { |value| Facter.search(value) if Facter.respond_to?(:search) }}, :factdest => ["$vardir/facts/", "Where Puppet should store facts that it pulls down from the central server."], :factsource => ["puppet://$server/facts/", "From where to retrieve facts. The standard Puppet `file` type is used for retrieval, so anything that is a valid file source can be used here."], :factsync => [false, "Whether facts should be synced with the central server."], :factsignore => [".svn CVS", "What files to ignore when pulling down facts."] ) setdefaults( :tagmail, :tagmap => ["$confdir/tagmail.conf", "The mapping between reporting tags and email addresses."], :sendmail => [which('sendmail') || '', "Where to find the sendmail binary with which to send email."], :reportfrom => ["report@" + [Facter["hostname"].value, Facter["domain"].value].join("."), "The 'from' email address for the reports."], :smtpserver => ["none", "The server through which to send email reports."] ) setdefaults( :rails, :dblocation => { :default => "$statedir/clientconfigs.sqlite3", :mode => 0660, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The database cache for client configurations. Used for querying within the language." }, :dbadapter => [ "sqlite3", "The type of database to use." ], :dbmigrate => [ false, "Whether to automatically migrate the database." ], :dbname => [ "puppet", "The name of the database to use." ], :dbserver => [ "localhost", "The database server for caching. Only used when networked databases are used."], :dbport => [ "", "The database password for caching. Only used when networked databases are used."], :dbuser => [ "puppet", "The database user for caching. Only used when networked databases are used."], :dbpassword => [ "puppet", "The database password for caching. Only used when networked databases are used."], :dbconnections => [ '', "The number of database connections for networked databases. Will be ignored unless the value is a positive integer."], :dbsocket => [ "", "The database socket location. Only used when networked databases are used. Will be ignored if the value is an empty string."], :railslog => {:default => "$logdir/rails.log", :mode => 0600, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where Rails-specific logs are sent" }, :rails_loglevel => ["info", "The log level for Rails connections. The value must be a valid log level within Rails. Production environments normally use `info` and other environments normally use `debug`."] ) setdefaults( :couchdb, :couchdb_url => ["", "The url where the puppet couchdb database will be created"] ) setdefaults( :transaction, :tags => ["", "Tags to use to find resources. If this is set, then only resources tagged with the specified tags will be applied. Values must be comma-separated."], :evaltrace => [false, "Whether each resource should log when it is being evaluated. This allows you to interactively see exactly what is being done."], :summarize => [false, "Whether to print a transaction summary." ] ) setdefaults( :main, :external_nodes => ["none", "An external command that can produce node information. The output must be a YAML dump of a hash, and that hash must have one or both of `classes` and `parameters`, where `classes` is an array and `parameters` is a hash. For unknown nodes, the commands should exit with a non-zero exit code. This command makes it straightforward to store your node mapping information in other data sources like databases."]) setdefaults( :ldap, :ldapnodes => [false, "Whether to search for node configurations in LDAP. See http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/LDAP_Nodes for more information."], :ldapssl => [false, "Whether SSL should be used when searching for nodes. Defaults to false because SSL usually requires certificates to be set up on the client side."], :ldaptls => [false, "Whether TLS should be used when searching for nodes. Defaults to false because TLS usually requires certificates to be set up on the client side."], :ldapserver => ["ldap", "The LDAP server. Only used if `ldapnodes` is enabled."], :ldapport => [389, "The LDAP port. Only used if `ldapnodes` is enabled."], :ldapstring => ["(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))", "The search string used to find an LDAP node."], :ldapclassattrs => ["puppetclass", "The LDAP attributes to use to define Puppet classes. Values should be comma-separated."], :ldapstackedattrs => ["puppetvar", "The LDAP attributes that should be stacked to arrays by adding the values in all hierarchy elements of the tree. Values should be comma-separated."], :ldapattrs => ["all", "The LDAP attributes to include when querying LDAP for nodes. All returned attributes are set as variables in the top-level scope. Multiple values should be comma-separated. The value 'all' returns all attributes."], :ldapparentattr => ["parentnode", "The attribute to use to define the parent node."], :ldapuser => ["", "The user to use to connect to LDAP. Must be specified as a full DN."], :ldappassword => ["", "The password to use to connect to LDAP."], :ldapbase => ["", "The search base for LDAP searches. It's impossible to provide a meaningful default here, although the LDAP libraries might have one already set. Generally, it should be the 'ou=Hosts' branch under your main directory."] ) setdefaults(:master, :storeconfigs => {:default => false, :desc => "Whether to store each client's configuration. This requires ActiveRecord from Ruby on Rails.", :call_on_define => true, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the libdir set. :hook => proc do |value| require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/node/facts' if value require 'puppet/rails' raise "StoreConfigs not supported without ActiveRecord 2.1 or higher" unless Puppet.features.rails? Puppet::Resource::Catalog.cache_class = :active_record unless Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] Puppet::Node::Facts.cache_class = :active_record Puppet::Node.cache_class = :active_record end end } ) # This doesn't actually work right now. setdefaults( :parser, :lexical => [false, "Whether to use lexical scoping (vs. dynamic)."], :templatedir => ["$vardir/templates", "Where Puppet looks for template files. Can be a list of colon-seperated directories." ] ) end diff --git a/lib/puppet/file_serving/fileset.rb b/lib/puppet/file_serving/fileset.rb index fdbcf93a3..c020f036d 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/file_serving/fileset.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/file_serving/fileset.rb @@ -1,171 +1,172 @@ # # Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-10-22. # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. require 'find' require 'puppet/file_serving' require 'puppet/file_serving/metadata' # Operate recursively on a path, returning a set of file paths. class Puppet::FileServing::Fileset attr_reader :path, :ignore, :links attr_accessor :recurse, :recurselimit, :checksum_type # Produce a hash of files, with merged so that earlier files # with the same postfix win. E.g., /dir1/subfile beats /dir2/subfile. # It's a hash because we need to know the relative path of each file, # and the base directory. # This will probably only ever be used for searching for plugins. def self.merge(*filesets) result = {} filesets.each do |fileset| fileset.files.each do |file| result[file] ||= fileset.path end end result end # Return a list of all files in our fileset. This is different from the # normal definition of find in that we support specific levels # of recursion, which means we need to know when we're going another # level deep, which Find doesn't do. def files files = perform_recursion # Now strip off the leading path, so each file becomes relative, and remove # any slashes that might end up at the beginning of the path. result = files.collect { |file| file.sub(%r{^#{Regexp.escape(@path)}/*}, '') } # And add the path itself. result.unshift(".") result end # Should we ignore this path? def ignore?(path) return false if @ignore == [nil] # 'detect' normally returns the found result, whereas we just want true/false. ! @ignore.detect { |pattern| File.fnmatch?(pattern, path) }.nil? end def ignore=(values) values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) @ignore = values end def initialize(path, options = {}) + path = path.chomp(File::SEPARATOR) raise ArgumentError.new("Fileset paths must be fully qualified") unless File.expand_path(path) == path @path = path # Set our defaults. @ignore = [] @links = :manage @recurse = false @recurselimit = :infinite if options.is_a?(Puppet::Indirector::Request) initialize_from_request(options) else initialize_from_hash(options) end raise ArgumentError.new("Fileset paths must exist") unless stat = stat(path) raise ArgumentError.new("Fileset recurse parameter must not be a number anymore, please use recurselimit") if @recurse.is_a?(Integer) end def links=(links) links = links.to_sym raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid :links value '#{links}'") unless [:manage, :follow].include?(links) @links = links @stat_method = links == :manage ? :lstat : :stat end # Should we recurse further? This is basically a single # place for all of the logic around recursion. def recurse?(depth) # recurse if told to, and infinite recursion or current depth not at the limit self.recurse and (self.recurselimit == :infinite or depth <= self.recurselimit) end def initialize_from_hash(options) options.each do |option, value| method = option.to_s + "=" begin send(method, value) rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option '#{option}'" end end end def initialize_from_request(request) [:links, :ignore, :recurse, :recurselimit, :checksum_type].each do |param| if request.options.include?(param) # use 'include?' so the values can be false value = request.options[param] elsif request.options.include?(param.to_s) value = request.options[param.to_s] end next if value.nil? value = true if value == "true" value = false if value == "false" value = Integer(value) if value.is_a?(String) and value =~ /^\d+$/ send(param.to_s + "=", value) end end private # Pull the recursion logic into one place. It's moderately hairy, and this # allows us to keep the hairiness apart from what we do with the files. def perform_recursion # Start out with just our base directory. current_dirs = [@path] next_dirs = [] depth = 1 result = [] return result unless recurse?(depth) while dir_path = current_dirs.shift or ((depth += 1) and recurse?(depth) and current_dirs = next_dirs and next_dirs = [] and dir_path = current_dirs.shift) next unless stat = stat(dir_path) next unless stat.directory? Dir.entries(dir_path).each do |file_path| next if [".", ".."].include?(file_path) # Note that this also causes matching directories not # to be recursed into. next if ignore?(file_path) # Add it to our list of files to return result << File.join(dir_path, file_path) # And to our list of files/directories to iterate over. next_dirs << File.join(dir_path, file_path) end end result end public # Stat a given file, using the links-appropriate method. def stat(path) @stat_method ||= self.links == :manage ? :lstat : :stat begin return File.send(@stat_method, path) rescue # If this happens, it is almost surely because we're # trying to manage a link to a file that does not exist. return nil end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/indirector/exec.rb b/lib/puppet/indirector/exec.rb index fa789442b..4683eda0f 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/indirector/exec.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/indirector/exec.rb @@ -1,49 +1,48 @@ require 'puppet/indirector/terminus' require 'puppet/util' class Puppet::Indirector::Exec < Puppet::Indirector::Terminus # Look for external node definitions. def find(request) # Run the command. unless output = query(request.key) return nil end # Translate the output to ruby. output end private # Proxy the execution, so it's easier to test. def execute(command) Puppet::Util.execute(command) end # Call the external command and see if it returns our output. def query(name) external_command = command # Make sure it's an arry raise Puppet::DevError, "Exec commands must be an array" unless external_command.is_a?(Array) # Make sure it's fully qualified. raise ArgumentError, "You must set the exec parameter to a fully qualified command" unless external_command[0][0] == File::SEPARATOR[0] # Add our name to it. external_command << name begin output = execute(external_command) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail - Puppet.err "Failed to find #{name} via exec: #{detail}" - return nil + raise Puppet::Error, "Failed to find #{name} via exec: #{detail}" end if output =~ /\A\s*\Z/ # all whitespace Puppet.debug "Empty response for #{name} from exec #{self.name} terminus" return nil else return output end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb index ff7cab22b..29d60fc66 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb @@ -1,302 +1,304 @@ require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' require 'puppet/util/log_paths' require 'puppet/util/logging' require 'puppet/util/docs' require 'puppet/util/cacher' class Puppet::Parameter include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::LogPaths include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util::Cacher require 'puppet/parameter/value_collection' class << self include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Docs attr_reader :validater, :munger, :name, :default, :required_features, :value_collection attr_accessor :metaparam # Define the default value for a given parameter or parameter. This # means that 'nil' is an invalid default value. This defines # the 'default' instance method. def defaultto(value = nil, &block) if block define_method(:default, &block) else if value.nil? raise Puppet::DevError, "Either a default value or block must be provided" end define_method(:default) do value end end end # Return a documentation string. If there are valid values, # then tack them onto the string. def doc @doc ||= "" unless defined?(@addeddocvals) @doc += value_collection.doc if f = self.required_features @doc += " Requires features #{f.flatten.collect { |f| f.to_s }.join(" ")}." end @addeddocvals = true end @doc end def nodefault undef_method :default if public_method_defined? :default end # Store documentation for this parameter. def desc(str) @doc = str end def initvars @value_collection = ValueCollection.new end # This is how we munge the value. Basically, this is our # opportunity to convert the value from one form into another. def munge(&block) # I need to wrap the unsafe version in begin/rescue parameterments, # but if I directly call the block then it gets bound to the # class's context, not the instance's, thus the two methods, # instead of just one. define_method(:unsafe_munge, &block) end # Does the parameter supports reverse munge? # This will be called when something wants to access the parameter # in a canonical form different to what the storage form is. def unmunge(&block) define_method(:unmunge, &block) end # Mark whether we're the namevar. def isnamevar @isnamevar = true @required = true end # Is this parameter the namevar? Defaults to false. def isnamevar? @isnamevar end # This parameter is required. def isrequired @required = true end # Specify features that are required for this parameter to work. def required_features=(*args) @required_features = args.flatten.collect { |a| a.to_s.downcase.intern } end # Is this parameter required? Defaults to false. def required? @required end # Verify that we got a good value def validate(&block) define_method(:unsafe_validate, &block) end # Define a new value for our parameter. def newvalues(*names) @value_collection.newvalues(*names) end def aliasvalue(name, other) @value_collection.aliasvalue(name, other) end end # Just a simple method to proxy instance methods to class methods def self.proxymethods(*values) values.each { |val| define_method(val) do self.class.send(val) end } end # And then define one of these proxies for each method in our # ParamHandler class. proxymethods("required?", "isnamevar?") attr_accessor :resource # LAK 2007-05-09: Keep the @parent around for backward compatibility. attr_accessor :parent [:line, :file, :version].each do |param| define_method(param) do resource.send(param) end end def devfail(msg) self.fail(Puppet::DevError, msg) end def expirer resource.catalog end def fail(*args) type = nil if args[0].is_a?(Class) type = args.shift else type = Puppet::Error end error = type.new(args.join(" ")) error.line = @resource.line if @resource and @resource.line error.file = @resource.file if @resource and @resource.file raise error end # Basic parameter initialization. def initialize(options = {}) options = symbolize_options(options) if resource = options[:resource] self.resource = resource options.delete(:resource) else raise Puppet::DevError, "No resource set for #{self.class.name}" end set_options(options) end def log(msg) send_log(resource[:loglevel], msg) end # Is this parameter a metaparam? def metaparam? self.class.metaparam end # each parameter class must define the name method, and parameter # instances do not change that name this implicitly means that a given # object can only have one parameter instance of a given parameter # class def name self.class.name end # for testing whether we should actually do anything def noop @noop ||= false tmp = @noop || self.resource.noop || Puppet[:noop] || false #debug "noop is #{tmp}" tmp end # return the full path to us, for logging and rollback; not currently # used def pathbuilder if @resource return [@resource.pathbuilder, self.name] else return [self.name] end end # If the specified value is allowed, then munge appropriately. # If the developer uses a 'munge' hook, this method will get overridden. def unsafe_munge(value) self.class.value_collection.munge(value) end # no unmunge by default def unmunge(value) value end # A wrapper around our munging that makes sure we raise useful exceptions. def munge(value) begin ret = unsafe_munge(value) rescue Puppet::Error => detail Puppet.debug "Reraising #{detail}" raise rescue => detail raise Puppet::DevError, "Munging failed for value #{value.inspect} in class #{self.name}: #{detail}", detail.backtrace end ret end # Verify that the passed value is valid. # If the developer uses a 'validate' hook, this method will get overridden. def unsafe_validate(value) self.class.value_collection.validate(value) end # A protected validation method that only ever raises useful exceptions. def validate(value) begin unsafe_validate(value) rescue ArgumentError => detail fail detail.to_s rescue Puppet::Error, TypeError raise rescue => detail raise Puppet::DevError, "Validate method failed for class #{self.name}: #{detail}", detail.backtrace end end def remove @resource = nil end def value unmunge(@value) unless @value.nil? end # Store the value provided. All of the checking should possibly be # late-binding (e.g., users might not exist when the value is assigned # but might when it is asked for). def value=(value) validate(value) @value = munge(value) end # Retrieve the resource's provider. Some types don't have providers, in which # case we return the resource object itself. def provider @resource.provider end # The properties need to return tags so that logs correctly collect them. def tags unless defined?(@tags) @tags = [] # This might not be true in testing @tags = @resource.tags if @resource.respond_to? :tags @tags << self.name.to_s end @tags end def to_s name.to_s end end + +require 'puppet/parameter/path' diff --git a/lib/puppet/parameter/path.rb b/lib/puppet/parameter/path.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44886afd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/puppet/parameter/path.rb @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +require 'puppet/parameter' + +class Puppet::Parameter::Path < Puppet::Parameter + def self.accept_arrays(bool = true) + @accept_arrays = !!bool + end + def self.arrays? + @accept_arrays + end + + def validate_path(paths) + if paths.is_a?(Array) and ! self.class.arrays? then + fail "#{name} only accepts a single path, not an array of paths" + end + + # We *always* support Unix path separators, as Win32 does now too. + absolute = "[/#{::Regexp.quote(::File::SEPARATOR)}]" + win32 = Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? + + Array(paths).each do |path| + next if path =~ %r{^#{absolute}} + next if win32 and path =~ %r{^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?#{absolute}} + fail("#{name} must be a fully qualified path") + end + + paths + end + + # This will be overridden if someone uses the validate option, which is why + # it just delegates to the other, useful, method. + def unsafe_validate(paths) + validate_path(paths) + end + + # Likewise, this might be overridden, but by default... + def unsafe_munge(paths) + if paths.is_a?(Array) and ! self.class.arrays? then + fail "#{name} only accepts a single path, not an array of paths" + end + paths + end +end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb index fdabd05c9..6e8e3d26b 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb @@ -1,489 +1,489 @@ # Created by Luke A. Kanies on 2007-08-13. # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/resource/catalog' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' # Maintain a graph of scopes, along with a bunch of data # about the individual catalog we're compiling. class Puppet::Parser::Compiler include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper def self.compile(node) new(node).compile.to_resource rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] raise Puppet::Error, "#{detail} on node #{node.name}" ensure # We get these from the environment and only cache them in a thread # variable for the duration of the compilation. Thread.current[:known_resource_types] = nil Thread.current[:env_module_directories] = nil end attr_reader :node, :facts, :collections, :catalog, :node_scope, :resources, :relationships # Add a collection to the global list. def add_collection(coll) @collections << coll end def add_relationship(dep) @relationships << dep end # Store a resource override. def add_override(override) # If possible, merge the override in immediately. if resource = @catalog.resource(override.ref) resource.merge(override) else # Otherwise, store the override for later; these # get evaluated in Resource#finish. @resource_overrides[override.ref] << override end end # Store a resource in our resource table. def add_resource(scope, resource) @resources << resource # Note that this will fail if the resource is not unique. @catalog.add_resource(resource) # Add our container edge. If we're a class, then we get treated specially - we can # control the stage that the class is applied in. Otherwise, we just # get added to our parent container. return if resource.type.to_s.downcase == "stage" if resource.type.to_s.downcase != "class" raise ArgumentError, "Only classes can set 'stage'; normal resources like #{resource} cannot change run stage" if resource[:stage] return @catalog.add_edge(scope.resource, resource) end unless stage = @catalog.resource(:stage, resource[:stage] || (scope && scope.resource && scope.resource[:stage]) || :main) raise ArgumentError, "Could not find stage #{resource[:stage] || :main} specified by #{resource}" end resource[:stage] ||= stage.title unless stage.title == :main @catalog.add_edge(stage, resource) end # Do we use nodes found in the code, vs. the external node sources? def ast_nodes? known_resource_types.nodes? end # Store the fact that we've evaluated a class def add_class(name) @catalog.add_class(name) unless name == "" end # Return a list of all of the defined classes. def classlist @catalog.classes end # Compiler our catalog. This mostly revolves around finding and evaluating classes. # This is the main entry into our catalog. def compile # Set the client's parameters into the top scope. set_node_parameters create_settings_scope evaluate_main evaluate_ast_node evaluate_node_classes evaluate_generators finish fail_on_unevaluated @catalog end # LAK:FIXME There are no tests for this. def delete_collection(coll) @collections.delete(coll) if @collections.include?(coll) end # Return the node's environment. def environment unless defined?(@environment) @environment = (node.environment and node.environment != "") ? node.environment : nil end Puppet::Node::Environment.current = @environment @environment end # Evaluate all of the classes specified by the node. def evaluate_node_classes evaluate_classes(@node.classes, topscope) end # Evaluate each specified class in turn. If there are any classes we can't # find, just tag the catalog and move on. This method really just # creates resource objects that point back to the classes, and then the # resources are themselves evaluated later in the process. def evaluate_classes(classes, scope, lazy_evaluate = true) raise Puppet::DevError, "No source for scope passed to evaluate_classes" unless scope.source found = [] param_classes = nil # if we are a param class, save the classes hash # and transform classes to be the keys if classes.class == Hash param_classes = classes classes = classes.keys end classes.each do |name| # If we can find the class, then make a resource that will evaluate it. if klass = scope.find_hostclass(name) if param_classes resource = klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope, param_classes[name] || {}) else found << name and next if scope.class_scope(klass) resource = klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope) end # If they've disabled lazy evaluation (which the :include function does), # then evaluate our resource immediately. resource.evaluate unless lazy_evaluate found << name else - Puppet.info "Could not find class #{name} for #{node.name}" + Puppet.warning "Could not find class #{name} for #{node.name}" @catalog.tag(name) end end found end def evaluate_relationships @relationships.each { |rel| rel.evaluate(catalog) } end # Return a resource by either its ref or its type and title. def findresource(*args) @catalog.resource(*args) end def initialize(node, options = {}) @node = node options.each do |param, value| begin send(param.to_s + "=", value) rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "Compiler objects do not accept #{param}" end end initvars end # Create a new scope, with either a specified parent scope or # using the top scope. def newscope(parent, options = {}) parent ||= topscope options[:compiler] = self scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(options) scope.parent = parent scope end # Return any overrides for the given resource. def resource_overrides(resource) @resource_overrides[resource.ref] end # The top scope is usually the top-level scope, but if we're using AST nodes, # then it is instead the node's scope. def topscope node_scope || @topscope end private # If ast nodes are enabled, then see if we can find and evaluate one. def evaluate_ast_node return unless ast_nodes? # Now see if we can find the node. astnode = nil @node.names.each do |name| break if astnode = known_resource_types.node(name.to_s.downcase) end unless (astnode ||= known_resource_types.node("default")) raise Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find default node or by name with '#{node.names.join(", ")}'" end # Create a resource to model this node, and then add it to the list # of resources. resource = astnode.ensure_in_catalog(topscope) resource.evaluate # Now set the node scope appropriately, so that :topscope can # behave differently. @node_scope = topscope.class_scope(astnode) end # Evaluate our collections and return true if anything returned an object. # The 'true' is used to continue a loop, so it's important. def evaluate_collections return false if @collections.empty? found_something = false exceptwrap do # We have to iterate over a dup of the array because # collections can delete themselves from the list, which # changes its length and causes some collections to get missed. @collections.dup.each do |collection| found_something = true if collection.evaluate end end found_something end # Make sure all of our resources have been evaluated into native resources. # We return true if any resources have, so that we know to continue the # evaluate_generators loop. def evaluate_definitions exceptwrap do !unevaluated_resources.each { |resource| resource.evaluate }.empty? end end # Iterate over collections and resources until we're sure that the whole # compile is evaluated. This is necessary because both collections # and defined resources can generate new resources, which themselves could # be defined resources. def evaluate_generators count = 0 loop do done = true # Call collections first, then definitions. done = false if evaluate_collections done = false if evaluate_definitions break if done count += 1 if count > 1000 raise Puppet::ParseError, "Somehow looped more than 1000 times while evaluating host catalog" end end end # Find and evaluate our main object, if possible. def evaluate_main @main = known_resource_types.find_hostclass([""], "") || known_resource_types.add(Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "")) @topscope.source = @main @main_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", :main, :scope => @topscope, :source => @main) @topscope.resource = @main_resource add_resource(@topscope, @main_resource) @main_resource.evaluate end # Make sure the entire catalog is evaluated. def fail_on_unevaluated fail_on_unevaluated_overrides fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections end # If there are any resource overrides remaining, then we could # not find the resource they were supposed to override, so we # want to throw an exception. def fail_on_unevaluated_overrides remaining = [] @resource_overrides.each do |name, overrides| remaining += overrides end unless remaining.empty? fail Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find resource(s) %s for overriding" % remaining.collect { |o| o.ref }.join(", ") end end # Make sure we don't have any remaining collections that specifically # look for resources, because we want to consider those to be # parse errors. def fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections remaining = [] @collections.each do |coll| # We're only interested in the 'resource' collections, # which result from direct calls of 'realize'. Anything # else is allowed not to return resources. # Collect all of them, so we have a useful error. if r = coll.resources if r.is_a?(Array) remaining += r else remaining << r end end end raise Puppet::ParseError, "Failed to realize virtual resources #{remaining.join(', ')}" unless remaining.empty? end # Make sure all of our resources and such have done any last work # necessary. def finish evaluate_relationships resources.each do |resource| # Add in any resource overrides. if overrides = resource_overrides(resource) overrides.each do |over| resource.merge(over) end # Remove the overrides, so that the configuration knows there # are none left. overrides.clear end resource.finish if resource.respond_to?(:finish) end add_resource_metaparams end def add_resource_metaparams unless main = catalog.resource(:class, :main) raise "Couldn't find main" end names = [] Puppet::Type.eachmetaparam do |name| next if Puppet::Parser::Resource.relationship_parameter?(name) names << name end data = {} catalog.walk(main, :out) do |source, target| if source_data = data[source] || metaparams_as_data(source, names) # only store anything in the data hash if we've actually got # data data[source] ||= source_data source_data.each do |param, value| target[param] = value if target[param].nil? end data[target] = source_data.merge(metaparams_as_data(target, names)) end target.tag(*(source.tags)) end end def metaparams_as_data(resource, params) data = nil params.each do |param| unless resource[param].nil? # Because we could be creating a hash for every resource, # and we actually probably don't often have any data here at all, # we're optimizing a bit by only creating a hash if there's # any data to put in it. data ||= {} data[param] = resource[param] end end data end # Set up all of our internal variables. def initvars # The list of objects that will available for export. @exported_resources = {} # The list of overrides. This is used to cache overrides on objects # that don't exist yet. We store an array of each override. @resource_overrides = Hash.new do |overs, ref| overs[ref] = [] end # The list of collections that have been created. This is a global list, # but they each refer back to the scope that created them. @collections = [] # The list of relationships to evaluate. @relationships = [] # For maintaining the relationship between scopes and their resources. @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new(@node.name) @catalog.version = known_resource_types.version # Create our initial scope and a resource that will evaluate main. @topscope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(:compiler => self) @main_stage_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("stage", :main, :scope => @topscope) @catalog.add_resource(@main_stage_resource) # local resource array to maintain resource ordering @resources = [] # Make sure any external node classes are in our class list if @node.classes.class == Hash @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes.keys) else @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes) end end # Set the node's parameters into the top-scope as variables. def set_node_parameters node.parameters.each do |param, value| @topscope.setvar(param, value) end # These might be nil. catalog.client_version = node.parameters["clientversion"] catalog.server_version = node.parameters["serverversion"] end def create_settings_scope unless settings_type = environment.known_resource_types.hostclass("settings") settings_type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new :hostclass, "settings" environment.known_resource_types.add(settings_type) end settings_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", "settings", :scope => @topscope) settings_type.evaluate_code(settings_resource) @catalog.add_resource(settings_resource) scope = @topscope.class_scope(settings_type) Puppet.settings.each do |name, setting| next if name.to_s == "name" scope.setvar name.to_s, environment[name] end end # Return an array of all of the unevaluated resources. These will be definitions, # which need to get evaluated into native resources. def unevaluated_resources # The order of these is significant for speed due to short-circuting resources.reject { |resource| resource.evaluated? or resource.virtual? or resource.builtin_type? } end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb index 9a25263f6..71d9440ff 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb @@ -1,582 +1,583 @@ # the scanner/lexer require 'strscan' require 'puppet' module Puppet class LexError < RuntimeError; end end module Puppet::Parser; end class Puppet::Parser::Lexer attr_reader :last, :file, :lexing_context, :token_queue attr_accessor :line, :indefine def lex_error msg raise Puppet::LexError.new(msg) end class Token attr_accessor :regex, :name, :string, :skip, :incr_line, :skip_text, :accumulate def initialize(regex, name) if regex.is_a?(String) @name, @string = name, regex @regex = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(@string)) else @name, @regex = name, regex end end # MQR: Why not just alias? %w{skip accumulate}.each do |method| define_method(method+"?") do self.send(method) end end def to_s if self.string @string else @name.to_s end end def acceptable?(context={}) # By default tokens are aceeptable in any context true end end # Maintain a list of tokens. class TokenList attr_reader :regex_tokens, :string_tokens def [](name) @tokens[name] end # Create a new token. def add_token(name, regex, options = {}, &block) token = Token.new(regex, name) raise(ArgumentError, "Token #{name} already exists") if @tokens.include?(name) @tokens[token.name] = token if token.string @string_tokens << token @tokens_by_string[token.string] = token else @regex_tokens << token end options.each do |name, option| token.send(name.to_s + "=", option) end token.meta_def(:convert, &block) if block_given? token end def initialize @tokens = {} @regex_tokens = [] @string_tokens = [] @tokens_by_string = {} end # Look up a token by its value, rather than name. def lookup(string) @tokens_by_string[string] end # Define more tokens. def add_tokens(hash) hash.each do |regex, name| add_token(name, regex) end end # Sort our tokens by length, so we know once we match, we're done. # This helps us avoid the O(n^2) nature of token matching. def sort_tokens @string_tokens.sort! { |a, b| b.string.length <=> a.string.length } end end TOKENS = TokenList.new TOKENS.add_tokens( '[' => :LBRACK, ']' => :RBRACK, '{' => :LBRACE, '}' => :RBRACE, '(' => :LPAREN, ')' => :RPAREN, '=' => :EQUALS, '+=' => :APPENDS, '==' => :ISEQUAL, '>=' => :GREATEREQUAL, '>' => :GREATERTHAN, '<' => :LESSTHAN, '<=' => :LESSEQUAL, '!=' => :NOTEQUAL, '!' => :NOT, ',' => :COMMA, '.' => :DOT, ':' => :COLON, '@' => :AT, '<<|' => :LLCOLLECT, '->' => :IN_EDGE, '<-' => :OUT_EDGE, '~>' => :IN_EDGE_SUB, '<~' => :OUT_EDGE_SUB, '|>>' => :RRCOLLECT, '<|' => :LCOLLECT, '|>' => :RCOLLECT, ';' => :SEMIC, '?' => :QMARK, '\\' => :BACKSLASH, '=>' => :FARROW, '+>' => :PARROW, '+' => :PLUS, '-' => :MINUS, '/' => :DIV, '*' => :TIMES, '<<' => :LSHIFT, '>>' => :RSHIFT, '=~' => :MATCH, '!~' => :NOMATCH, %r{([a-z][-\w]*)?(::[a-z][-\w]*)+} => :CLASSNAME, # Require '::' in the class name, else we'd compete with NAME %r{((::){0,1}[A-Z][-\w]*)+} => :CLASSREF, "" => :STRING, "" => :DQPRE, "" => :DQMID, "" => :DQPOST, "" => :BOOLEAN ) TOKENS.add_token :NUMBER, %r{\b(?:0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|0?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE]-?\d+)?)\b} do |lexer, value| [TOKENS[:NAME], value] end #:stopdoc: # Issue #4161 def (TOKENS[:NUMBER]).acceptable?(context={}) ![:DQPRE,:DQMID].include? context[:after] end #:startdoc: TOKENS.add_token :NAME, %r{[a-z0-9][-\w]*} do |lexer, value| string_token = self # we're looking for keywords here if tmp = KEYWORDS.lookup(value) string_token = tmp if [:TRUE, :FALSE].include?(string_token.name) value = eval(value) string_token = TOKENS[:BOOLEAN] end end [string_token, value] end [:NAME,:CLASSNAME,:CLASSREF].each { |name_token| #:stopdoc: # Issue #4161 def (TOKENS[name_token]).acceptable?(context={}) ![:DQPRE,:DQMID].include? context[:after] end #:startdoc: } TOKENS.add_token :COMMENT, %r{#.*}, :accumulate => true, :skip => true do |lexer,value| value.sub!(/# ?/,'') [self, value] end TOKENS.add_token :MLCOMMENT, %r{/\*(.*?)\*/}m, :accumulate => true, :skip => true do |lexer, value| lexer.line += value.count("\n") value.sub!(/^\/\* ?/,'') value.sub!(/ ?\*\/$/,'') [self,value] end TOKENS.add_token :REGEX, %r{/[^/\n]*/} do |lexer, value| # Make sure we haven't matched an escaped / while value[-2..-2] == '\\' other = lexer.scan_until(%r{/}) value += other end regex = value.sub(%r{\A/}, "").sub(%r{/\Z}, '').gsub("\\/", "/") [self, Regexp.new(regex)] end #:stopdoc: # Issue #4161 def (TOKENS[:REGEX]).acceptable?(context={}) [:NODE,:LBRACE,:RBRACE,:MATCH,:NOMATCH,:COMMA].include? context[:after] end #:startdoc: TOKENS.add_token :RETURN, "\n", :skip => true, :incr_line => true, :skip_text => true TOKENS.add_token :SQUOTE, "'" do |lexer, value| [TOKENS[:STRING], lexer.slurpstring(value,["'"],:ignore_invalid_escapes).first ] end DQ_initial_token_types = {'$' => :DQPRE,'"' => :STRING} DQ_continuation_token_types = {'$' => :DQMID,'"' => :DQPOST} TOKENS.add_token :DQUOTE, /"/ do |lexer, value| lexer.tokenize_interpolated_string(DQ_initial_token_types) end TOKENS.add_token :DQCONT, /\}/ do |lexer, value| lexer.tokenize_interpolated_string(DQ_continuation_token_types) end #:stopdoc: # Issue #4161 def (TOKENS[:DQCONT]).acceptable?(context={}) context[:string_interpolation_depth] > 0 end #:startdoc: TOKENS.add_token :DOLLAR_VAR, %r{\$(\w*::)*\w+} do |lexer, value| [TOKENS[:VARIABLE],value[1..-1]] end TOKENS.add_token :VARIABLE, %r{(\w*::)*\w+} #:stopdoc: # Issue #4161 def (TOKENS[:VARIABLE]).acceptable?(context={}) [:DQPRE,:DQMID].include? context[:after] end #:startdoc: TOKENS.sort_tokens @@pairs = { "{" => "}", "(" => ")", "[" => "]", "<|" => "|>", "<<|" => "|>>" } KEYWORDS = TokenList.new KEYWORDS.add_tokens( "case" => :CASE, "class" => :CLASS, "default" => :DEFAULT, "define" => :DEFINE, "import" => :IMPORT, "if" => :IF, "elsif" => :ELSIF, "else" => :ELSE, "inherits" => :INHERITS, "node" => :NODE, "and" => :AND, "or" => :OR, "undef" => :UNDEF, "false" => :FALSE, "true" => :TRUE, "in" => :IN ) def clear initvars end def expected return nil if @expected.empty? name = @expected[-1] TOKENS.lookup(name) or lex_error "Could not find expected token #{name}" end # scan the whole file # basically just used for testing def fullscan array = [] self.scan { |token, str| # Ignore any definition nesting problems @indefine = false array.push([token,str]) } array end def file=(file) @file = file @line = 1 - @scanner = StringScanner.new(File.read(file)) + contents = File.exists?(file) ? File.read(file) : "" + @scanner = StringScanner.new(contents) end def shift_token @token_queue.shift end def find_string_token # We know our longest string token is three chars, so try each size in turn # until we either match or run out of chars. This way our worst-case is three # tries, where it is otherwise the number of string token we have. Also, # the lookups are optimized hash lookups, instead of regex scans. # s = @scanner.peek(3) token = TOKENS.lookup(s[0,3]) || TOKENS.lookup(s[0,2]) || TOKENS.lookup(s[0,1]) [ token, token && @scanner.scan(token.regex) ] end # Find the next token that matches a regex. We look for these first. def find_regex_token @regex += 1 best_token = nil best_length = 0 # I tried optimizing based on the first char, but it had # a slightly negative affect and was a good bit more complicated. TOKENS.regex_tokens.each do |token| if length = @scanner.match?(token.regex) and token.acceptable?(lexing_context) # We've found a longer match if length > best_length best_length = length best_token = token end end end return best_token, @scanner.scan(best_token.regex) if best_token end # Find the next token, returning the string and the token. def find_token @find += 1 shift_token || find_regex_token || find_string_token end def indefine? if defined?(@indefine) @indefine else false end end def initialize @find = 0 @regex = 0 initvars end def initvars @line = 1 @previous_token = nil @scanner = nil @file = nil # AAARRGGGG! okay, regexes in ruby are bloody annoying # no one else has "\n" =~ /\s/ @skip = %r{[ \t\r]+} @namestack = [] @token_queue = [] @indefine = false @expected = [] @commentstack = [ ['', @line] ] @lexing_context = { :after => nil, :start_of_line => true, :string_interpolation_depth => 0 } end # Make any necessary changes to the token and/or value. def munge_token(token, value) @line += 1 if token.incr_line skip if token.skip_text return if token.skip and not token.accumulate? token, value = token.convert(self, value) if token.respond_to?(:convert) return unless token if token.accumulate? comment = @commentstack.pop comment[0] << value + "\n" @commentstack.push(comment) end return if token.skip return token, { :value => value, :line => @line } end # Go up one in the namespace. def namepop @namestack.pop end # Collect the current namespace. def namespace @namestack.join("::") end # This value might have :: in it, but we don't care -- it'll be # handled normally when joining, and when popping we want to pop # this full value, however long the namespace is. def namestack(value) @namestack << value end def rest @scanner.rest end # this is the heart of the lexer def scan #Puppet.debug("entering scan") lex_error "Invalid or empty string" unless @scanner # Skip any initial whitespace. skip until token_queue.empty? and @scanner.eos? do yielded = false matched_token, value = find_token # error out if we didn't match anything at all lex_error "Could not match #{@scanner.rest[/^(\S+|\s+|.*)/]}" unless matched_token newline = matched_token.name == :RETURN # this matches a blank line; eat the previously accumulated comments getcomment if lexing_context[:start_of_line] and newline lexing_context[:start_of_line] = newline final_token, token_value = munge_token(matched_token, value) unless final_token skip next end lexing_context[:after] = final_token.name unless newline lexing_context[:string_interpolation_depth] += 1 if final_token.name == :DQPRE lexing_context[:string_interpolation_depth] -= 1 if final_token.name == :DQPOST value = token_value[:value] if match = @@pairs[value] and final_token.name != :DQUOTE and final_token.name != :SQUOTE @expected << match elsif exp = @expected[-1] and exp == value and final_token.name != :DQUOTE and final_token.name != :SQUOTE @expected.pop end if final_token.name == :LBRACE or final_token.name == :LPAREN commentpush end if final_token.name == :RPAREN commentpop end yield [final_token.name, token_value] if @previous_token namestack(value) if @previous_token.name == :CLASS and value != '{' if @previous_token.name == :DEFINE if indefine? msg = "Cannot nest definition #{value} inside #{@indefine}" self.indefine = false raise Puppet::ParseError, msg end @indefine = value end end @previous_token = final_token skip end @scanner = nil # This indicates that we're done parsing. yield [false,false] end # Skip any skipchars in our remaining string. def skip @scanner.skip(@skip) end # Provide some limited access to the scanner, for those # tokens that need it. def scan_until(regex) @scanner.scan_until(regex) end # we've encountered the start of a string... # slurp in the rest of the string and return it def slurpstring(terminators,escapes=%w{ \\ $ ' " n t s }+["\n"],ignore_invalid_escapes=false) # we search for the next quote that isn't preceded by a # backslash; the caret is there to match empty strings str = @scanner.scan_until(/([^\\]|^|[^\\])([\\]{2})*[#{terminators}]/) or lex_error "Unclosed quote after '#{last}' in '#{rest}'" @line += str.count("\n") # literal carriage returns add to the line count. str.gsub!(/\\(.)/m) { ch = $1 if escapes.include? ch case ch when 'n'; "\n" when 't'; "\t" when 's'; " " when "\n": '' else ch end else Puppet.warning "Unrecognised escape sequence '\\#{ch}'#{file && " in file #{file}"}#{line && " at line #{line}"}" unless ignore_invalid_escapes "\\#{ch}" end } [ str[0..-2],str[-1,1] ] end def tokenize_interpolated_string(token_type,preamble='') value,terminator = slurpstring('"$') token_queue << [TOKENS[token_type[terminator]],preamble+value] if terminator != '$' or @scanner.scan(/\{/) - token_queue.shift + token_queue.shift elsif var_name = @scanner.scan(%r{(\w*::)*\w+|[0-9]}) token_queue << [TOKENS[:VARIABLE],var_name] tokenize_interpolated_string(DQ_continuation_token_types) else tokenize_interpolated_string(token_type,token_queue.pop.last + terminator) end end # just parse a string, not a whole file def string=(string) @scanner = StringScanner.new(string) end # returns the content of the currently accumulated content cache def commentpop @commentstack.pop[0] end def getcomment(line = nil) comment = @commentstack.last if line.nil? or comment[1] <= line @commentstack.pop @commentstack.push(['', @line]) return comment[0] end '' end def commentpush @commentstack.push(['', @line]) end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/parser_support.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/parser_support.rb index 7a0aa2601..9e580efb2 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/parser_support.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/parser_support.rb @@ -1,237 +1,236 @@ # I pulled this into a separate file, because I got # tired of rebuilding the parser.rb file all the time. class Puppet::Parser::Parser require 'puppet/parser/functions' require 'puppet/parser/files' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' require 'puppet/resource/type' require 'monitor' AST = Puppet::Parser::AST include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper attr_reader :version, :environment attr_accessor :files attr_accessor :lexer # Add context to a message; useful for error messages and such. def addcontext(message, obj = nil) obj ||= @lexer message += " on line #{obj.line}" if file = obj.file message += " in file #{file}" end message end # Create an AST array out of all of the args def aryfy(*args) if args[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = args.shift args.each { |arg| result.push arg } else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => args end result end # Create an AST object, and automatically add the file and line information if # available. def ast(klass, hash = {}) klass.new ast_context(klass.use_docs, hash[:line]).merge(hash) end def ast_context(include_docs = false, ast_line = nil) result = { :line => ast_line || lexer.line, :file => lexer.file } result[:doc] = lexer.getcomment(result[:line]) if include_docs result end # The fully qualifed name, with the full namespace. def classname(name) [@lexer.namespace, name].join("::").sub(/^::/, '') end def clear initvars end # Raise a Parse error. def error(message) if brace = @lexer.expected message += "; expected '%s'" end except = Puppet::ParseError.new(message) except.line = @lexer.line except.file = @lexer.file if @lexer.file raise except end def file @lexer.file end def file=(file) unless FileTest.exist?(file) unless file =~ /\.pp$/ file = file + ".pp" end - raise Puppet::Error, "Could not find file #{file}" unless FileTest.exist?(file) end raise Puppet::AlreadyImportedError, "Import loop detected" if known_resource_types.watching_file?(file) watch_file(file) @lexer.file = file end [:hostclass, :definition, :node, :nodes?].each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| known_resource_types.send(method, *args) end end def find_hostclass(namespace, name) known_resource_types.find_or_load(namespace, name, :hostclass) end def find_definition(namespace, name) known_resource_types.find_or_load(namespace, name, :definition) end def import(file) known_resource_types.loader.import(file, @lexer.file) end def initialize(env) # The environment is needed to know how to find the resource type collection. @environment = env.is_a?(String) ? Puppet::Node::Environment.new(env) : env initvars end # Initialize or reset all of our variables. def initvars @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new end # Split an fq name into a namespace and name def namesplit(fullname) ary = fullname.split("::") n = ary.pop || "" ns = ary.join("::") return ns, n end # Create a new class, or merge with an existing class. def newclass(name, options = {}) known_resource_types.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, name, ast_context(true, options[:line]).merge(options)) end # Create a new definition. def newdefine(name, options = {}) known_resource_types.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, name, ast_context(true, options[:line]).merge(options)) end # Create a new node. Nodes are special, because they're stored in a global # table, not according to namespaces. def newnode(names, options = {}) names = [names] unless names.instance_of?(Array) context = ast_context(true, options[:line]) names.collect do |name| known_resource_types.add(Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, name, context.merge(options))) end end def on_error(token,value,stack) if token == 0 # denotes end of file value = 'end of file' else value = "'#{value[:value]}'" end error = "Syntax error at #{value}" if brace = @lexer.expected error += "; expected '#{brace}'" end except = Puppet::ParseError.new(error) except.line = @lexer.line except.file = @lexer.file if @lexer.file raise except end # how should I do error handling here? def parse(string = nil) return parse_ruby_file if self.file =~ /\.rb$/ self.string = string if string begin @yydebug = false main = yyparse(@lexer,:scan) rescue Racc::ParseError => except error = Puppet::ParseError.new(except) error.line = @lexer.line error.file = @lexer.file error.set_backtrace except.backtrace raise error rescue Puppet::ParseError => except except.line ||= @lexer.line except.file ||= @lexer.file raise except rescue Puppet::Error => except # and this is a framework error except.line ||= @lexer.line except.file ||= @lexer.file raise except rescue Puppet::DevError => except except.line ||= @lexer.line except.file ||= @lexer.file raise except rescue => except error = Puppet::DevError.new(except.message) error.line = @lexer.line error.file = @lexer.file error.set_backtrace except.backtrace raise error end if main # Store the results as the top-level class. newclass("", :code => main) end return known_resource_types ensure @lexer.clear end def parse_ruby_file # Execute the contents of the file inside its own "main" object so # that it can call methods in the resource type API. Puppet::DSL::ResourceTypeAPI.new.instance_eval(File.read(self.file)) end def string=(string) @lexer.string = string end def version known_resource_types.version end # Add a new file to be checked when we're checking to see if we should be # reparsed. This is basically only used by the TemplateWrapper to let the # parser know about templates that should be parsed. def watch_file(filename) known_resource_types.watch_file(filename) end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/exec/posix.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/exec/posix.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92dbd8c98 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/exec/posix.rb @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provide :posix do + include Puppet::Util::Execution + + confine :feature => :posix + defaultfor :feature => :posix + + desc "Execute external binaries directly, on POSIX systems. +This does not pass through a shell, or perform any interpolation, but +only directly calls the command with the arguments given." + + def run(command, check = false) + output = nil + status = nil + dir = nil + + checkexe(command) + + if dir = resource[:cwd] + unless File.directory?(dir) + if check + dir = nil + else + self.fail "Working directory '#{dir}' does not exist" + end + end + end + + dir ||= Dir.pwd + + debug "Executing#{check ? " check": ""} '#{command}'" + begin + # Do our chdir + Dir.chdir(dir) do + environment = {} + + environment[:PATH] = resource[:path].join(":") if resource[:path] + + if envlist = resource[:environment] + envlist = [envlist] unless envlist.is_a? Array + envlist.each do |setting| + if setting =~ /^(\w+)=((.|\n)+)$/ + env_name = $1 + value = $2 + if environment.include?(env_name) || environment.include?(env_name.to_sym) + warning "Overriding environment setting '#{env_name}' with '#{value}'" + end + environment[env_name] = value + else + warning "Cannot understand environment setting #{setting.inspect}" + end + end + end + + withenv environment do + Timeout::timeout(resource[:timeout]) do + output, status = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager. + run_and_capture([command], resource[:user], resource[:group]) + end + # The shell returns 127 if the command is missing. + if status.exitstatus == 127 + raise ArgumentError, output + end + end + end + rescue Errno::ENOENT => detail + self.fail detail.to_s + end + + return output, status + end + + # Verify that we have the executable + def checkexe(command) + exe = extractexe(command) + + if resource[:path] + if Puppet.features.posix? and !File.exists?(exe) + withenv :PATH => resource[:path].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) do + exe = which(exe) || raise(ArgumentError,"Could not find command '#{exe}'") + end + elsif Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and !File.exists?(exe) + resource[:path].each do |path| + [".exe", ".ps1", ".bat", ".com", ""].each do |extension| + file = File.join(path, exe+extension) + return if File.exists?(file) + end + end + end + end + + raise ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{exe}'" unless File.exists?(exe) + unless File.executable?(exe) + raise ArgumentError, + "'#{exe}' is not executable" + end + end + + def extractexe(command) + # easy case: command was quoted + if command =~ /^"([^"]+)"/ + $1 + else + command.split(/ /)[0] + end + end + + def validatecmd(command) + exe = extractexe(command) + # if we're not fully qualified, require a path + self.fail "'#{command}' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." if File.expand_path(exe) != exe and resource[:path].nil? + end +end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/exec/shell.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/exec/shell.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98f309e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/exec/shell.rb @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provide :shell, :parent => :posix do + include Puppet::Util::Execution + + confine :feature => :posix + + desc "Execute external binaries directly, on POSIX systems. +passing through a shell so that shell built ins are available." + + def run(command, check = false) + command = %Q{/bin/sh -c "#{command.gsub(/"/,'\"')}"} + super(command, check) + end + + def validatecmd(command) + true + end +end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/service/debian.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/service/debian.rb index 3d09e2849..58b808a8e 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/service/debian.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/service/debian.rb @@ -1,48 +1,52 @@ # Manage debian services. Start/stop is the same as InitSvc, but enable/disable # is special. Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :debian, :parent => :init do desc "Debian's form of `init`-style management. The only difference is that this supports service enabling and disabling via `update-rc.d` and determines enabled status via `invoke-rc.d`. " commands :update_rc => "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" # note this isn't being used as a command until # http://projects.reductivelabs.com/issues/2538 # is resolved. commands :invoke_rc => "/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d" defaultfor :operatingsystem => [:debian, :ubuntu] def self.defpath superclass.defpath end # Remove the symlinks def disable - update_rc "-f", @resource[:name], "remove" - update_rc @resource[:name], "stop", "00", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "." + if `dpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Version}' sysv-rc) ge 2.88 ; echo $?`.to_i == 0 + update_rc @resource[:name], "disable" + else + update_rc "-f", @resource[:name], "remove" + update_rc @resource[:name], "stop", "00", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "." + end end def enabled? # TODO: Replace system call when Puppet::Util.execute gives us a way # to determine exit status. http://projects.reductivelabs.com/issues/2538 system("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d", "--quiet", "--query", @resource[:name], "start") # 104 is the exit status when you query start an enabled service. # 106 is the exit status when the policy layer supplies a fallback action # See x-man-page://invoke-rc.d if [104, 106].include?($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) return :true else return :false end end def enable update_rc "-f", @resource[:name], "remove" update_rc @resource[:name], "defaults" end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/resource/type_collection.rb b/lib/puppet/resource/type_collection.rb index 277d37b18..347e1c0e0 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/resource/type_collection.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/resource/type_collection.rb @@ -1,217 +1,216 @@ class Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection attr_reader :environment def clear @hostclasses.clear @definitions.clear @nodes.clear end def initialize(env) @environment = env.is_a?(String) ? Puppet::Node::Environment.new(env) : env @hostclasses = {} @definitions = {} @nodes = {} # So we can keep a list and match the first-defined regex @node_list = [] @watched_files = {} end def inspect "TypeCollection" + { :hostclasses => @hostclasses.keys, :definitions => @definitions.keys, :nodes => @nodes.keys }.inspect end def <<(thing) add(thing) self end def add(instance) if instance.type == :hostclass and other = @hostclasses[instance.name] and other.type == :hostclass other.merge(instance) return other end method = "add_#{instance.type}" send(method, instance) instance.resource_type_collection = self instance end def add_hostclass(instance) dupe_check(instance, @hostclasses) { |dupe| "Class '#{instance.name}' is already defined#{dupe.error_context}; cannot redefine" } dupe_check(instance, @definitions) { |dupe| "Definition '#{instance.name}' is already defined#{dupe.error_context}; cannot be redefined as a class" } @hostclasses[instance.name] = instance instance end def hostclass(name) @hostclasses[munge_name(name)] end def add_node(instance) dupe_check(instance, @nodes) { |dupe| "Node '#{instance.name}' is already defined#{dupe.error_context}; cannot redefine" } @node_list << instance @nodes[instance.name] = instance instance end def loader require 'puppet/parser/type_loader' @loader ||= Puppet::Parser::TypeLoader.new(environment) end def node(name) name = munge_name(name) if node = @nodes[name] return node end @node_list.each do |node| next unless node.name_is_regex? return node if node.match(name) end nil end def node_exists?(name) @nodes[munge_name(name)] end def nodes? @nodes.length > 0 end def add_definition(instance) dupe_check(instance, @hostclasses) { |dupe| "'#{instance.name}' is already defined#{dupe.error_context} as a class; cannot redefine as a definition" } dupe_check(instance, @definitions) { |dupe| "Definition '#{instance.name}' is already defined#{dupe.error_context}; cannot be redefined" } @definitions[instance.name] = instance end def definition(name) @definitions[munge_name(name)] end def find(namespaces, name, type) #Array("") == [] for some reason namespaces = [namespaces] unless namespaces.is_a?(Array) if name =~ /^::/ return send(type, name.sub(/^::/, '')) end namespaces.each do |namespace| ary = namespace.split("::") while ary.length > 0 tmp_namespace = ary.join("::") if r = find_partially_qualified(tmp_namespace, name, type) return r end # Delete the second to last object, which reduces our namespace by one. ary.pop end if result = send(type, name) return result end end nil end def find_or_load(namespaces, name, type) name = name.downcase namespaces = [namespaces] unless namespaces.is_a?(Array) namespaces = namespaces.collect { |ns| ns.downcase } # This could be done in the load_until, but the knowledge seems to # belong here. if r = find(namespaces, name, type) return r end loader.load_until(namespaces, name) { find(namespaces, name, type) } end def find_node(namespaces, name) find("", name, :node) end def find_hostclass(namespaces, name) find_or_load(namespaces, name, :hostclass) end def find_definition(namespaces, name) find_or_load(namespaces, name, :definition) end [:hostclasses, :nodes, :definitions].each do |m| define_method(m) do instance_variable_get("@#{m}").dup end end def perform_initial_import parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new(environment) if code = Puppet.settings.uninterpolated_value(:code, environment.to_s) and code != "" parser.string = code else file = Puppet.settings.value(:manifest, environment.to_s) - return unless File.exist?(file) parser.file = file end parser.parse rescue => detail msg = "Could not parse for environment #{environment}: #{detail}" error = Puppet::Error.new(msg) error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end def stale? @watched_files.values.detect { |file| file.changed? } end def version return @version if defined?(@version) if environment[:config_version] == "" @version = Time.now.to_i return @version end @version = Puppet::Util.execute([environment[:config_version]]).strip rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e raise Puppet::ParseError, "Unable to set config_version: #{e.message}" end def watch_file(file) @watched_files[file] = Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(file) end def watching_file?(file) @watched_files.include?(file) end private def find_partially_qualified(namespace, name, type) send(type, [namespace, name].join("::")) end def munge_name(name) name.to_s.downcase end def dupe_check(instance, hash) return unless dupe = hash[instance.name] message = yield dupe instance.fail Puppet::ParseError, message end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/simple_graph.rb b/lib/puppet/simple_graph.rb index c5dac0f6c..c658b3b92 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/simple_graph.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/simple_graph.rb @@ -1,452 +1,452 @@ # Created by Luke A. Kanies on 2007-11-07. # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. require 'puppet/external/dot' require 'puppet/relationship' require 'set' # A hopefully-faster graph class to replace the use of GRATR. class Puppet::SimpleGraph # An internal class for handling a vertex's edges. class VertexWrapper attr_accessor :in, :out, :vertex # Remove all references to everything. def clear @adjacencies[:in].clear @adjacencies[:out].clear @vertex = nil end def initialize(vertex) @vertex = vertex @adjacencies = {:in => {}, :out => {}} end # Find adjacent vertices or edges. def adjacent(options) direction = options[:direction] || :out options[:type] ||= :vertices return send(direction.to_s + "_edges") if options[:type] == :edges @adjacencies[direction].keys.reject { |vertex| @adjacencies[direction][vertex].empty? } end # Add an edge to our list. def add_edge(direction, edge) opposite_adjacencies(direction, edge) << edge end # Return all known edges. def edges in_edges + out_edges end # Test whether we share an edge with a given vertex. def has_edge?(direction, vertex) return(vertex_adjacencies(direction, vertex).length > 0 ? true : false) end # Create methods for returning the degree and edges. [:in, :out].each do |direction| # LAK:NOTE If you decide to create methods for directly # testing the degree, you'll have to get the values and flatten # the results -- you might have duplicate edges, which can give # a false impression of what the degree is. That's just # as expensive as just getting the edge list, so I've decided # to only add this method. define_method("#{direction}_edges") do @adjacencies[direction].values.inject([]) { |total, adjacent| total += adjacent.to_a; total } end end # The other vertex in the edge. def other_vertex(direction, edge) case direction when :in; edge.source else edge.target end end # Remove an edge from our list. Assumes that we've already checked # that the edge is valid. def remove_edge(direction, edge) opposite_adjacencies(direction, edge).delete(edge) end def to_s vertex.to_s end def inspect { :@adjacencies => @adjacencies, :@vertex => @vertex.to_s }.inspect end private # These methods exist so we don't need a Hash with a default proc. # Look up the adjacencies for a vertex at the other end of an # edge. def opposite_adjacencies(direction, edge) opposite_vertex = other_vertex(direction, edge) vertex_adjacencies(direction, opposite_vertex) end # Look up the adjacencies for a given vertex. def vertex_adjacencies(direction, vertex) @adjacencies[direction][vertex] ||= Set.new @adjacencies[direction][vertex] end end def initialize @vertices = {} @edges = [] end # Clear our graph. def clear @vertices.each { |vertex, wrapper| wrapper.clear } @vertices.clear @edges.clear end # Which resources a given resource depends upon. def dependents(resource) tree_from_vertex(resource).keys end # Which resources depend upon the given resource. def dependencies(resource) # Cache the reversal graph, because it's somewhat expensive # to create. @reversal ||= reversal # Strangely, it's significantly faster to search a reversed # tree in the :out direction than to search a normal tree # in the :in direction. @reversal.tree_from_vertex(resource, :out).keys end # Whether our graph is directed. Always true. Used to produce dot files. def directed? true end # Determine all of the leaf nodes below a given vertex. def leaves(vertex, direction = :out) tree = tree_from_vertex(vertex, direction) l = tree.keys.find_all { |c| adjacent(c, :direction => direction).empty? } end # Collect all of the edges that the passed events match. Returns # an array of edges. def matching_edges(event, base = nil) source = base || event.resource unless vertex?(source) Puppet.warning "Got an event from invalid vertex #{source.ref}" return [] end # Get all of the edges that this vertex should forward events # to, which is the same thing as saying all edges directly below # This vertex in the graph. adjacent(source, :direction => :out, :type => :edges).find_all do |edge| edge.match?(event.name) end end # Return a reversed version of this graph. def reversal result = self.class.new vertices.each { |vertex| result.add_vertex(vertex) } edges.each do |edge| newedge = edge.class.new(edge.target, edge.source, edge.label) result.add_edge(newedge) end result end # Return the size of the graph. def size @vertices.length end # Return the graph as an array. def to_a @vertices.keys end # Provide a topological sort. def topsort degree = {} zeros = [] result = [] # Collect each of our vertices, with the number of in-edges each has. @vertices.each do |name, wrapper| edges = wrapper.in_edges zeros << wrapper if edges.length == 0 degree[wrapper.vertex] = edges end # Iterate over each 0-degree vertex, decrementing the degree of # each of its out-edges. while wrapper = zeros.pop result << wrapper.vertex wrapper.out_edges.each do |edge| degree[edge.target].delete(edge) zeros << @vertices[edge.target] if degree[edge.target].length == 0 end end # If we have any vertices left with non-zero in-degrees, then we've found a cycle. if cycles = degree.find_all { |vertex, edges| edges.length > 0 } and cycles.length > 0 message = cycles.collect { |vertex, edges| edges.collect { |e| e.to_s }.join(", ") }.join(", ") raise Puppet::Error, "Found dependency cycles in the following relationships: #{message}; try using the '--graph' option and open the '.dot' files in OmniGraffle or GraphViz" end result end # Add a new vertex to the graph. def add_vertex(vertex) @reversal = nil return false if vertex?(vertex) setup_vertex(vertex) true # don't return the VertexWrapper instance. end # Remove a vertex from the graph. def remove_vertex!(vertex) return nil unless vertex?(vertex) @vertices[vertex].edges.each { |edge| remove_edge!(edge) } @edges -= @vertices[vertex].edges @vertices[vertex].clear @vertices.delete(vertex) end # Test whether a given vertex is in the graph. def vertex?(vertex) @vertices.include?(vertex) end # Return a list of all vertices. def vertices @vertices.keys end # Add a new edge. The graph user has to create the edge instance, # since they have to specify what kind of edge it is. def add_edge(source, target = nil, label = nil) @reversal = nil if target edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(source, target, label) else edge = source end [edge.source, edge.target].each { |vertex| setup_vertex(vertex) unless vertex?(vertex) } @vertices[edge.source].add_edge :out, edge @vertices[edge.target].add_edge :in, edge @edges << edge true end # Find a matching edge. Note that this only finds the first edge, # not all of them or whatever. def edge(source, target) @edges.each_with_index { |test_edge, index| return test_edge if test_edge.source == source and test_edge.target == target } end def edge_label(source, target) return nil unless edge = edge(source, target) edge.label end # Is there an edge between the two vertices? def edge?(source, target) return false unless vertex?(source) and vertex?(target) @vertices[source].has_edge?(:out, target) end def edges @edges.dup end # Remove an edge from our graph. def remove_edge!(edge) @vertices[edge.source].remove_edge(:out, edge) @vertices[edge.target].remove_edge(:in, edge) @edges.delete(edge) nil end # Find adjacent edges. def adjacent(vertex, options = {}) return [] unless wrapper = @vertices[vertex] wrapper.adjacent(options) end private # An internal method that skips the validation, so we don't have # duplicate validation calls. def setup_vertex(vertex) @vertices[vertex] = VertexWrapper.new(vertex) end public # # For some reason, unconnected vertices do not show up in # # this graph. # def to_jpg(path, name) # gv = vertices # Dir.chdir(path) do # induced_subgraph(gv).write_to_graphic_file('jpg', name) # end # end # Take container information from another graph and use it # to replace any container vertices with their respective leaves. # This creates direct relationships where there were previously # indirect relationships through the containers. def splice!(other, type) # We have to get the container list via a topological sort on the # configuration graph, because otherwise containers that contain # other containers will add those containers back into the # graph. We could get a similar affect by only setting relationships # to container leaves, but that would result in many more # relationships. stage_class = Puppet::Type.type(:stage) whit_class = Puppet::Type.type(:whit) containers = other.topsort.find_all { |v| (v.is_a?(type) or v.is_a?(stage_class)) and vertex?(v) } containers.each do |container| # Get the list of children from the other graph. children = other.adjacent(container, :direction => :out) # MQR TODO: Luke suggests that it should be possible to refactor the system so that - # container nodes are retained, thus obviating the need for the whit. + # container nodes are retained, thus obviating the need for the whit. children = [whit_class.new(:name => container.name, :catalog => other)] if children.empty? # First create new edges for each of the :in edges [:in, :out].each do |dir| edges = adjacent(container, :direction => dir, :type => :edges) edges.each do |edge| children.each do |child| if dir == :in s = edge.source t = child else s = child t = edge.target end add_edge(s, t, edge.label) end # Now get rid of the edge, so remove_vertex! works correctly. remove_edge!(edge) end end remove_vertex!(container) end end # Just walk the tree and pass each edge. def walk(source, direction) # Use an iterative, breadth-first traversal of the graph. One could do # this recursively, but Ruby's slow function calls and even slower # recursion make the shorter, recursive algorithm cost-prohibitive. stack = [source] seen = Set.new until stack.empty? node = stack.shift next if seen.member? node connected = adjacent(node, :direction => direction) connected.each do |target| yield node, target end stack.concat(connected) seen << node end end # A different way of walking a tree, and a much faster way than the # one that comes with GRATR. def tree_from_vertex(start, direction = :out) predecessor={} walk(start, direction) do |parent, child| predecessor[child] = parent end predecessor end # LAK:FIXME This is just a paste of the GRATR code with slight modifications. # Return a DOT::DOTDigraph for directed graphs or a DOT::DOTSubgraph for an # undirected Graph. _params_ can contain any graph property specified in # rdot.rb. If an edge or vertex label is a kind of Hash then the keys # which match +dot+ properties will be used as well. def to_dot_graph (params = {}) params['name'] ||= self.class.name.gsub(/:/,'_') fontsize = params['fontsize'] ? params['fontsize'] : '8' graph = (directed? ? DOT::DOTDigraph : DOT::DOTSubgraph).new(params) edge_klass = directed? ? DOT::DOTDirectedEdge : DOT::DOTEdge vertices.each do |v| name = v.to_s params = {'name' => '"'+name+'"', 'fontsize' => fontsize, 'label' => name} v_label = v.to_s params.merge!(v_label) if v_label and v_label.kind_of? Hash graph << DOT::DOTNode.new(params) end edges.each do |e| params = {'from' => '"'+ e.source.to_s + '"', 'to' => '"'+ e.target.to_s + '"', 'fontsize' => fontsize } e_label = e.to_s params.merge!(e_label) if e_label and e_label.kind_of? Hash graph << edge_klass.new(params) end graph end # Output the dot format as a string def to_dot (params={}) to_dot_graph(params).to_s; end # Call +dotty+ for the graph which is written to the file 'graph.dot' # in the # current directory. def dotty (params = {}, dotfile = 'graph.dot') File.open(dotfile, 'w') {|f| f << to_dot(params) } system('dotty', dotfile) end # Use +dot+ to create a graphical representation of the graph. Returns the # filename of the graphics file. def write_to_graphic_file (fmt='png', dotfile='graph') src = dotfile + '.dot' dot = dotfile + '.' + fmt File.open(src, 'w') {|f| f << self.to_dot << "\n"} system( "dot -T#{fmt} #{src} -o #{dot}" ) dot end # Produce the graph files if requested. def write_graph(name) return unless Puppet[:graph] Puppet.settings.use(:graphing) file = File.join(Puppet[:graphdir], "#{name}.dot") File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts to_dot("name" => name.to_s.capitalize) } end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb b/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb index 5ed2b104c..be0ece023 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb @@ -1,651 +1,514 @@ module Puppet newtype(:exec) do include Puppet::Util::Execution require 'timeout' @doc = "Executes external commands. It is critical that all commands executed using this mechanism can be run multiple times without harm, i.e., they are *idempotent*. One useful way to create idempotent commands is to use the checks like `creates` to avoid running the command unless some condition is met. Note that you can restrict an `exec` to only run when it receives events by using the `refreshonly` parameter; this is a useful way to have your configuration respond to events with arbitrary commands. Note also that if an `exec` receives an event from another resource, it will get executed again (or execute the command specified in `refresh`, if there is one). There is a strong tendency to use `exec` to do whatever work Puppet can't already do; while this is obviously acceptable (and unavoidable) in the short term, it is highly recommended to migrate work from `exec` to native Puppet types as quickly as possible. If you find that you are doing a lot of work with `exec`, please at least notify us at Puppet Labs what you are doing, and hopefully we can work with you to get a native resource type for the work you are doing. - - **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing an exec's cwd or the executable file used in an exec's command, the exec resource will autorequire those files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as, the exec resource will autorequire that user." - require 'open3' + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing an exec's cwd or the executable file used in an exec's command, the exec resource will autorequire those files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as, the exec resource will autorequire that user." # Create a new check mechanism. It's basically just a parameter that # provides one extra 'check' method. - def self.newcheck(name, &block) + def self.newcheck(name, options = {}, &block) @checks ||= {} - check = newparam(name, &block) + check = newparam(name, options, &block) @checks[name] = check end def self.checks @checks.keys end newproperty(:returns, :array_matching => :all, :event => :executed_command) do |property| include Puppet::Util::Execution munge do |value| value.to_s end def event_name :executed_command end defaultto "0" attr_reader :output desc "The expected return code(s). An error will be returned if the executed command returns something else. Defaults to 0. Can be specified as an array of acceptable return codes or a single value." # Make output a bit prettier def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) "executed successfully" end # First verify that all of our checks pass. def retrieve - # Default to somethinng - - if @resource.check + # We need to return :notrun to trigger evaluation; when that isn't + # true, we *LIE* about what happened and return a "success" for the + # value, which causes us to be treated as in_sync?, which means we + # don't actually execute anything. I think. --daniel 2011-03-10 + if @resource.check_all_attributes return :notrun else return self.should end end # Actually execute the command. def sync olddir = nil # We need a dir to change to, even if it's just the cwd dir = self.resource[:cwd] || Dir.pwd event = :executed_command tries = self.resource[:tries] try_sleep = self.resource[:try_sleep] begin tries.times do |try| # Only add debug messages for tries > 1 to reduce log spam. debug("Exec try #{try+1}/#{tries}") if tries > 1 - @output, @status = @resource.run(self.resource[:command]) + @output, @status = provider.run(self.resource[:command]) break if self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) if try_sleep > 0 and tries > 1 debug("Sleeping for #{try_sleep} seconds between tries") sleep try_sleep end end rescue Timeout::Error self.fail "Command exceeded timeout" % value.inspect end if log = @resource[:logoutput] case log when :true log = @resource[:loglevel] when :on_failure unless self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) log = @resource[:loglevel] else log = :false end end unless log == :false @output.split(/\n/).each { |line| self.send(log, line) } end end unless self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) self.fail("#{self.resource[:command]} returned #{@status.exitstatus} instead of one of [#{self.should.join(",")}]") end event end end newparam(:command) do isnamevar desc "The actual command to execute. Must either be fully qualified or a search path for the command must be provided. If the command succeeds, any output produced will be logged at the instance's normal log level (usually `notice`), but if the command fails (meaning its return code does not match the specified code) then any output is logged at the `err` log level." end newparam(:path) do desc "The search path used for command execution. Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths - can be specified as an array or as a colon-separated list." + can be specified as an array or as a colon separated list." # Support both arrays and colon-separated fields. def value=(*values) @value = values.flatten.collect { |val| if val =~ /;/ # recognize semi-colon separated paths val.split(";") elsif val =~ /^\w:[^:]*$/ # heuristic to avoid splitting a driveletter away val else val.split(":") end }.flatten end end newparam(:user) do desc "The user to run the command as. Note that if you use this then any error output is not currently captured. This is because of a bug within Ruby. If you are using Puppet to create this user, the exec will automatically require the user, as long as it is specified by name." # Most validation is handled by the SUIDManager class. validate do |user| self.fail "Only root can execute commands as other users" unless Puppet.features.root? end end newparam(:group) do desc "The group to run the command as. This seems to work quite haphazardly on different platforms -- it is a platform issue not a Ruby or Puppet one, since the same variety exists when running commnands as different users in the shell." # Validation is handled by the SUIDManager class. end - newparam(:cwd) do + newparam(:cwd, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Path) do desc "The directory from which to run the command. If this directory does not exist, the command will fail." - - validate do |dir| - unless dir =~ /^#{File::SEPARATOR}/ - self.fail("CWD must be a fully qualified path") - end - end - - munge do |dir| - dir = dir[0] if dir.is_a?(Array) - - dir - end end newparam(:logoutput) do desc "Whether to log output. Defaults to logging output at the loglevel for the `exec` resource. Use *on_failure* to only log the output when the command reports an error. Values are **true**, *false*, *on_failure*, and any legal log level." newvalues(:true, :false, :on_failure) end newparam(:refresh) do desc "How to refresh this command. By default, the exec is just called again when it receives an event from another resource, but this parameter allows you to define a different command for refreshing." validate do |command| - @resource.validatecmd(command) + provider.validatecmd(command) end end newparam(:env) do desc "This parameter is deprecated. Use 'environment' instead." munge do |value| warning "'env' is deprecated on exec; use 'environment' instead." resource[:environment] = value end end newparam(:environment) do desc "Any additional environment variables you want to set for a command. Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override the `path` attribute. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an array." validate do |values| values = [values] unless values.is_a? Array values.each do |value| unless value =~ /\w+=/ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid environment setting '#{value}'" end end end end newparam(:timeout) do desc "The maximum time the command should take. If the command takes longer than the timeout, the command is considered to have failed - and will be stopped. Use any negative number to disable the timeout. + and will be stopped. Use 0 to disable the timeout. The time is specified in seconds." munge do |value| value = value.shift if value.is_a?(Array) - if value.is_a?(String) - unless value =~ /^[-\d.]+$/ - raise ArgumentError, "The timeout must be a number." - end - Float(value) - else - value + begin + value = Float(value) + rescue ArgumentError => e + raise ArgumentError, "The timeout must be a number." end + [value, 0.0].max end defaultto 300 end newparam(:tries) do desc "The number of times execution of the command should be tried. Defaults to '1'. This many attempts will be made to execute the command until an acceptable return code is returned. Note that the timeout paramater applies to each try rather than to the complete set of tries." munge do |value| if value.is_a?(String) unless value =~ /^[\d]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Tries must be an integer" end value = Integer(value) end raise ArgumentError, "Tries must be an integer >= 1" if value < 1 value end defaultto 1 end newparam(:try_sleep) do desc "The time to sleep in seconds between 'tries'." munge do |value| if value.is_a?(String) unless value =~ /^[-\d.]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "try_sleep must be a number" end value = Float(value) end raise ArgumentError, "try_sleep cannot be a negative number" if value < 0 value end defaultto 0 end newcheck(:refreshonly) do desc "The command should only be run as a refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. It only makes sense to use this option when this command depends on some other object; it is useful for triggering an action: # Pull down the main aliases file file { \"/etc/aliases\": source => \"puppet://server/module/aliases\" } # Rebuild the database, but only when the file changes exec { newaliases: path => [\"/usr/bin\", \"/usr/sbin\"], subscribe => File[\"/etc/aliases\"], refreshonly => true } Note that only `subscribe` and `notify` can trigger actions, not `require`, so it only makes sense to use `refreshonly` with `subscribe` or `notify`." newvalues(:true, :false) # We always fail this test, because we're only supposed to run # on refresh. def check(value) # We have to invert the values. if value == :true false else true end end end - newcheck(:creates) do + newcheck(:creates, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Path) do desc "A file that this command creates. If this parameter is provided, then the command will only be run if the specified file does not exist: exec { \"tar xf /my/tar/file.tar\": cwd => \"/var/tmp\", creates => \"/var/tmp/myfile\", path => [\"/usr/bin\", \"/usr/sbin\"] } " - # FIXME if they try to set this and fail, then we should probably - # fail the entire exec, right? - validate do |files| - files = [files] unless files.is_a? Array - - files.each do |file| - self.fail("'creates' must be set to a fully qualified path") unless file - - unless file =~ %r{^#{File::SEPARATOR}} - self.fail "'creates' files must be fully qualified." - end - end - end + accept_arrays # If the file exists, return false (i.e., don't run the command), # else return true def check(value) ! FileTest.exists?(value) end end newcheck(:unless) do desc "If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will run unless the command returns 0. For example: exec { \"/bin/echo root >> /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow\": path => \"/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin\", unless => \"grep root /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow 2>/dev/null\" } This would add `root` to the cron.allow file (on Solaris) unless `grep` determines it's already there. Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command, which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set. " validate do |cmds| cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array - cmds.each do |cmd| - @resource.validatecmd(cmd) + cmds.each do |command| + provider.validatecmd(command) end end # Return true if the command does not return 0. def check(value) begin - output, status = @resource.run(value, true) + output, status = provider.run(value, true) rescue Timeout::Error err "Check #{value.inspect} exceeded timeout" return false end status.exitstatus != 0 end end newcheck(:onlyif) do desc "If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will only run if the command returns 0. For example: exec { \"logrotate\": path => \"/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin\", onlyif => \"test `du /var/log/messages | cut -f1` -gt 100000\" } This would run `logrotate` only if that test returned true. Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command, which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set. Also note that onlyif can take an array as its value, e.g.: onlyif => [\"test -f /tmp/file1\", \"test -f /tmp/file2\"] This will only run the exec if /all/ conditions in the array return true. " validate do |cmds| cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array - cmds.each do |cmd| - @resource.validatecmd(cmd) + cmds.each do |command| + provider.validatecmd(command) end end # Return true if the command returns 0. def check(value) begin - output, status = @resource.run(value, true) + output, status = provider.run(value, true) rescue Timeout::Error err "Check #{value.inspect} exceeded timeout" return false end status.exitstatus == 0 end end # Exec names are not isomorphic with the objects. @isomorphic = false validate do - validatecmd(self[:command]) + provider.validatecmd(self[:command]) end # FIXME exec should autorequire any exec that 'creates' our cwd autorequire(:file) do reqs = [] # Stick the cwd in there if we have it reqs << self[:cwd] if self[:cwd] self[:command].scan(/^(#{File::SEPARATOR}\S+)/) { |str| reqs << str } self[:command].scan(/^"([^"]+)"/) { |str| reqs << str } [:onlyif, :unless].each { |param| next unless tmp = self[param] tmp = [tmp] unless tmp.is_a? Array tmp.each do |line| # And search the command line for files, adding any we # find. This will also catch the command itself if it's # fully qualified. It might not be a bad idea to add # unqualified files, but, well, that's a bit more annoying # to do. reqs += line.scan(%r{(#{File::SEPARATOR}\S+)}) end } # For some reason, the += isn't causing a flattening reqs.flatten! reqs end autorequire(:user) do # Autorequire users if they are specified by name if user = self[:user] and user !~ /^\d+$/ user end end def self.instances [] end # Verify that we pass all of the checks. The argument determines whether # we skip the :refreshonly check, which is necessary because we now check # within refresh - def check(refreshing = false) + def check_all_attributes(refreshing = false) self.class.checks.each { |check| next if refreshing and check == :refreshonly if @parameters.include?(check) val = @parameters[check].value val = [val] unless val.is_a? Array val.each do |value| return false unless @parameters[check].check(value) end end } true end - # Verify that we have the executable - def checkexe(cmd) - exe = extractexe(cmd) - - if self[:path] - if Puppet.features.posix? and !File.exists?(exe) - withenv :PATH => self[:path].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) do - exe = which(exe) || raise(ArgumentError,"Could not find command '#{exe}'") - end - elsif Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and !File.exists?(exe) - self[:path].each do |path| - [".exe", ".ps1", ".bat", ".com", ""].each do |extension| - file = File.join(path, exe+extension) - return if File.exists?(file) - end - end - end - end - - raise ArgumentError, "Could not find executable '#{exe}'" unless FileTest.exists?(exe) - unless FileTest.executable?(exe) - raise ArgumentError, - "'#{exe}' is not executable" - end - end - def output if self.property(:returns).nil? return nil else return self.property(:returns).output end end # Run the command, or optionally run a separately-specified command. def refresh - if self.check(true) + if self.check_all_attributes(true) if cmd = self[:refresh] - self.run(cmd) + provider.run(cmd) else self.property(:returns).sync end end end - - # Run a command. - def run(command, check = false) - output = nil - status = nil - - dir = nil - - checkexe(command) - - if dir = self[:cwd] - unless File.directory?(dir) - if check - dir = nil - else - self.fail "Working directory '#{dir}' does not exist" - end - end - end - - dir ||= Dir.pwd - - if check - debug "Executing check '#{command}'" - else - debug "Executing '#{command}'" - end - begin - # Do our chdir - Dir.chdir(dir) do - environment = {} - - environment[:PATH] = self[:path].join(":") if self[:path] - - if envlist = self[:environment] - envlist = [envlist] unless envlist.is_a? Array - envlist.each do |setting| - if setting =~ /^(\w+)=((.|\n)+)$/ - name = $1 - value = $2 - if environment.include? name - warning( - "Overriding environment setting '#{name}' with '#{value}'" - ) - end - environment[name] = value - else - warning "Cannot understand environment setting #{setting.inspect}" - end - end - end - - withenv environment do - Timeout::timeout(self[:timeout]) do - output, status = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture( - [command], self[:user], self[:group] - ) - end - # The shell returns 127 if the command is missing. - if status.exitstatus == 127 - raise ArgumentError, output - end - end - end - rescue Errno::ENOENT => detail - self.fail detail.to_s - end - - return output, status - end - - def validatecmd(cmd) - exe = extractexe(cmd) - # if we're not fully qualified, require a path - self.fail "'#{cmd}' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." if File.expand_path(exe) != exe and self[:path].nil? - end - - def extractexe(cmd) - # easy case: command was quoted - if cmd =~ /^"([^"]+)"/ - $1 - else - cmd.split(/ /)[0] - end - end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/command_line/puppetrun b/lib/puppet/util/command_line/puppetrun index 7eba3b2c4..3437405b0 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/util/command_line/puppetrun +++ b/lib/puppet/util/command_line/puppetrun @@ -1,126 +1,125 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # = Synopsis # # Trigger a puppet agent run on a set of hosts. # # = Usage # # puppet kick [-a|--all] [-c|--class ] [-d|--debug] [-f|--foreground] # [-h|--help] [--host ] [--no-fqdn] [--ignoreschedules] # [-t|--tag ] [--test] [-p|--ping] [ [...]] # # = Description # # This script can be used to connect to a set of machines running +puppet agent+ # and trigger them to run their configurations. The most common usage would # be to specify a class of hosts and a set of tags, and +puppet kick+ would # look up in LDAP all of the hosts matching that class, then connect to # each host and trigger a run of all of the objects with the specified tags. # # If you are not storing your host configurations in LDAP, you can specify # hosts manually. # # You will most likely have to run +puppet kick+ as root to get access to # the SSL certificates. # # +puppet kick+ reads +puppet master+'s configuration file, so that it can copy # things like LDAP settings. # # = Usage Notes # # +puppet kick+ is useless unless +puppet agent+ is listening. See its documentation # for more information, but the gist is that you must enable +listen+ on the # +puppet agent+ daemon, either using +--listen+ on the command line or adding # 'listen: true' in its config file. In addition, you need to set the daemons # up to specifically allow connections by creating the +namespaceauth+ file, # normally at '/etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf'. This file specifies who has # access to each namespace; if you create the file you must add every namespace # you want any Puppet daemon to allow -- it is currently global to all Puppet # daemons. # # An example file looks like this:: # # [fileserver] # allow *.madstop.com # # [puppetmaster] # allow *.madstop.com # # [puppetrunner] # allow culain.madstop.com # # This is what you would install on your Puppet master; non-master hosts could # leave off the 'fileserver' and 'puppetmaster' namespaces. # # = Options # # Note that any configuration parameter that's valid in the configuration file # is also a valid long argument. For example, 'ssldir' is a valid configuration # parameter, so you can specify '--ssldir ' as an argument. # # See the configuration file documentation at # http://reductivelabs.com/projects/puppet/reference/configref.html for # the full list of acceptable parameters. A commented list of all # configuration options can also be generated by running puppet master with # '--genconfig'. # # # all:: # Connect to all available hosts. Requires LDAP support at this point. # # class:: # Specify a class of machines to which to connect. This only works if you # have LDAP configured, at the moment. # # debug:: # Enable full debugging. # # foreground:: # Run each configuration in the foreground; that is, when connecting to a host, # do not return until the host has finished its run. The default is false. # # help:: # Print this help message # # host:: # A specific host to which to connect. This flag can be specified more # than once. # # ignoreschedules:: # Whether the client should ignore schedules when running its configuration. # This can be used to force the client to perform work it would not normally # perform so soon. The default is false. # # parallel:: # How parallel to make the connections. Parallelization is provided by forking # for each client to which to connect. The default is 1, meaning serial execution. # # tag:: # Specify a tag for selecting the objects to apply. Does not work with the # --test option. # # # test:: # Print the hosts you would connect to but do not actually connect. This # option requires LDAP support at this point. # # ping:: -# # Do a ICMP echo against the target host. Skip hosts that don't respond to ping. # # = Example # # sudo puppet kick -p 10 -t remotefile -t webserver host1 host2 # # = Author # # Luke Kanies # # = Copyright # # Copyright (c) 2005 Puppet Labs, LLC # Licensed under the GNU Public License #Puppet::Application[:kick].run diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/loadedfile.rb b/lib/puppet/util/loadedfile.rb index 735dba459..d2f5d0923 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/util/loadedfile.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/loadedfile.rb @@ -1,65 +1,61 @@ # A simple class that tells us when a file has changed and thus whether we # should reload it require 'puppet' module Puppet class NoSuchFile < Puppet::Error; end class Util::LoadedFile attr_reader :file, :statted # Provide a hook for setting the timestamp during testing, so we don't # have to depend on the granularity of the filesystem. attr_writer :tstamp # Determine whether the file has changed and thus whether it should # be reparsed. def changed? # Allow the timeout to be disabled entirely. return true if Puppet[:filetimeout] < 0 tmp = stamp # We use a different internal variable than the stamp method # because it doesn't keep historical state and we do -- that is, # we will always be comparing two timestamps, whereas # stamp just always wants the latest one. if tmp == @tstamp return false else @tstamp = tmp return @tstamp end end # Create the file. Must be passed the file path. def initialize(file) @file = file - unless FileTest.exists?(@file) - raise Puppet::NoSuchFile, - "Can not use a non-existent file for parsing" - end @statted = 0 @stamp = nil @tstamp = stamp end # Retrieve the filestamp, but only refresh it if we're beyond our # filetimeout def stamp if @stamp.nil? or (Time.now.to_i - @statted >= Puppet[:filetimeout]) @statted = Time.now.to_i begin @stamp = File.stat(@file).ctime - rescue Errno::ENOENT + rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR @stamp = Time.now end end @stamp end def to_s @file end end end diff --git a/spec/integration/transaction_spec.rb b/spec/integration/transaction_spec.rb index d5478d7a7..2c12b3d5f 100755 --- a/spec/integration/transaction_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/transaction_spec.rb @@ -1,284 +1,278 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet/transaction' require 'puppet_spec/files' describe Puppet::Transaction do include PuppetSpec::Files before do Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end def mk_catalog(*resources) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) resources.each { |res| catalog.add_resource res } catalog end it "should not apply generated resources if the parent resource fails" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo/bar", :backup => false catalog.add_resource resource child_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo/bar/baz", :backup => false resource.expects(:eval_generate).returns([child_resource]) transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(catalog) resource.expects(:retrieve).raises "this is a failure" resource.stubs(:err) child_resource.expects(:retrieve).never transaction.evaluate end it "should not apply virtual resources" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo/bar", :backup => false resource.virtual = true catalog.add_resource resource transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(catalog) resource.expects(:evaluate).never transaction.evaluate end it "should apply exported resources" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new path = tmpfile("exported_files") resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path, :backup => false, :ensure => :file resource.exported = true catalog.add_resource resource catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exist(path) end it "should not apply virtual exported resources" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo/bar", :backup => false resource.exported = true resource.virtual = true catalog.add_resource resource transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(catalog) resource.expects(:evaluate).never transaction.evaluate end # Verify that one component requiring another causes the contained # resources in the requiring component to get refreshed. it "should propagate events from a contained resource through its container to its dependent container's contained resources" do transaction = nil file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => tmpfile("event_propagation"), :ensure => :present execfile = File.join(tmpdir("exec_event"), "exectestingness2") exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => "touch #{execfile}", :path => ENV['PATH'] catalog = mk_catalog(file) fcomp = Puppet::Type.type(:component).new(:name => "Foo[file]") catalog.add_resource fcomp catalog.add_edge(fcomp, file) ecomp = Puppet::Type.type(:component).new(:name => "Foo[exec]") catalog.add_resource ecomp catalog.add_resource exec catalog.add_edge(ecomp, exec) ecomp[:subscribe] = Puppet::Resource.new(:foo, "file") exec[:refreshonly] = true exec.expects(:refresh) catalog.apply end # Make sure that multiple subscriptions get triggered. it "should propagate events to all dependent resources" do path = tmpfile("path") file1 = tmpfile("file1") file2 = tmpfile("file2") - file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => path, - + file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => path, :ensure => "file" ) - exec1 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :path => ENV["PATH"], + exec1 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch #{file1}", :refreshonly => true, - - :subscribe => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) + :subscribe => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) ) - exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :path => ENV["PATH"], - :command => "touch #{file2}", + exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :path => ENV["PATH"], + :command => "touch #{file2}", :refreshonly => true, - - :subscribe => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) + :subscribe => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) ) catalog = mk_catalog(file, exec1, exec2) catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exist(file1) FileTest.should be_exist(file2) end it "should not let one failed refresh result in other refreshes failing" do path = tmpfile("path") newfile = tmpfile("file") file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :path => path, :ensure => "file" ) exec1 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch /this/cannot/possibly/exist", :logoutput => true, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => file, :title => "one" ) exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch #{newfile}", :logoutput => true, :refreshonly => true, :subscribe => [file, exec1], :title => "two" ) exec1.stubs(:err) catalog = mk_catalog(file, exec1, exec2) catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exists(newfile) end it "should still trigger skipped resources" do catalog = mk_catalog catalog.add_resource(*Puppet::Type.type(:schedule).mkdefaultschedules) Puppet[:ignoreschedules] = false file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :name => tmpfile("file"), :ensure => "file", :backup => false ) fname = tmpfile("exec") exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :name => "touch #{fname}", :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", :schedule => "monthly", :subscribe => Puppet::Resource.new("file", file.name) ) catalog.add_resource(file, exec) # Run it once catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exists(fname) # Now remove it, so it can get created again File.unlink(fname) file[:content] = "some content" catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exists(fname) # Now remove it, so it can get created again File.unlink(fname) # And tag our exec exec.tag("testrun") # And our file, so it runs file.tag("norun") Puppet[:tags] = "norun" file[:content] = "totally different content" catalog.apply FileTest.should be_exists(fname) end it "should not attempt to evaluate resources with failed dependencies" do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :command => "/bin/mkdir /this/path/cannot/possibly/exit", :title => "mkdir" ) file1 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :title => "file1", :path => tmpfile("file1"), :require => exec, :ensure => :file ) file2 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :title => "file2", :path => tmpfile("file2"), :require => file1, :ensure => :file ) catalog = mk_catalog(exec, file1, file2) catalog.apply FileTest.should_not be_exists(file1[:path]) FileTest.should_not be_exists(file2[:path]) end # #801 -- resources only checked in noop should be rescheduled immediately. it "should immediately reschedule noop resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:schedule).mkdefaultschedules resource = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:name => "mymessage", :noop => true) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource resource trans = catalog.apply trans.resource_harness.should be_scheduled(trans.resource_status(resource), resource) end end diff --git a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/verbose.rb b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/verbose.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9834f2d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/verbose.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# Support code for running stuff with warnings disabled. +module Kernel + def with_verbose_disabled + verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil + result = yield + $VERBOSE = verbose + return result + end +end diff --git a/spec/shared_behaviours/path_parameters.rb b/spec/shared_behaviours/path_parameters.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5a907900 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/shared_behaviours/path_parameters.rb @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +# In order to use this correctly you must define a method to get an instance +# of the type being tested, so that this code can remain generic: +# +# it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :path do +# def instance(path) +# Puppet::Type.type(:example).new( +# :name => 'foo', :require => 'bar', :path_param => path +# ) +# end +# +# That method will be invoked for each test to create the instance that we +# subsequently test through the system; you should ensure that the minimum of +# possible attributes are set to keep the tests clean. +# +# You must also pass the symbolic name of the parameter being tested to the +# block, and optionally can pass a hash of additional options to the block. +# +# The known options are: +# :array :: boolean, does this support arrays of paths, default true. + +shared_examples_for "all pathname parameters with arrays" do |win32| + path_types = { + "unix absolute" => "/foo/bar", + "unix relative" => "foo/bar", + "win32 absolute" => %q{\foo\bar}, + "win32 relative" => %q{foo\bar}, + "drive absolute" => %q{c:\foo\bar}, + "drive relative" => %q{c:foo\bar} + } + + describe "when given an array of paths" do + (1..path_types.length).each do |n| + path_types.keys.combination(n) do |set| + data = path_types.collect { |k, v| set.member?(k) ? v : nil } .compact + reject = true + only_absolute = set.find { |k| k =~ /relative/ } .nil? + only_unix = set.reject { |k| k =~ /unix/ } .length == 0 + + if only_absolute and (only_unix or win32) then + reject = false + end + + it "should #{reject ? 'reject' : 'accept'} #{set.join(", ")}" do + if reject then + expect { instance(data) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /fully qualified/ + else + instance = instance(data) + instance[@param].should == data + end + end + + it "should #{reject ? 'reject' : 'accept'} #{set.join(", ")} doubled" do + if reject then + expect { instance(data + data) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /fully qualified/ + else + instance = instance(data + data) + instance[@param].should == (data + data) + end + end + end + end + end +end + + +shared_examples_for "all path parameters" do |param, options| + # Extract and process options to the block. + options ||= {} + array = options[:array].nil? ? true : options.delete(:array) + if options.keys.length > 0 then + fail "unknown options for 'all path parameters': " + + options.keys.sort.join(', ') + end + + def instance(path) + fail "we didn't implement the 'instance(path)' method in the it_should_behave_like block" + end + + ######################################################################## + # The actual testing code... + before :all do + @param = param + end + + before :each do + @file_separator = File::SEPARATOR + end + after :each do + with_verbose_disabled do + verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil + File::SEPARATOR = @file_separator + $VERBOSE = verbose + end + end + + describe "on a Unix-like platform it" do + before :each do + with_verbose_disabled do + File::SEPARATOR = '/' + end + Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(false) + Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(true) + end + + if array then + it_should_behave_like "all pathname parameters with arrays", false + end + + it "should accept a fully qualified path" do + path = File.join('', 'foo') + instance = instance(path) + instance[@param].should == path + end + + it "should give a useful error when the path is not absolute" do + path = 'foo' + expect { instance(path) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /fully qualified/ + end + + { "Unix" => '/', "Win32" => '\\' }.each do |style, slash| + %w{q Q a A z Z c C}.sort.each do |drive| + it "should reject drive letter '#{drive}' with #{style} path separators" do + path = "#{drive}:#{slash}Program Files" + expect { instance(path) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /fully qualified/ + end + end + end + end + + describe "on a Windows-like platform it" do + before :each do + with_verbose_disabled do + File::SEPARATOR = '\\' + end + Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(true) + Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(false) + end + + if array then + it_should_behave_like "all pathname parameters with arrays", true + end + + it "should accept a fully qualified path" do + path = File.join('', 'foo') + instance = instance(path) + instance[@param].should == path + end + + it "should give a useful error when the path is not absolute" do + path = 'foo' + expect { instance(path) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /fully qualified/ + end + + it "also accepts Unix style path separators" do + path = '/Program Files' + instance = instance(path) + instance[@param].should == path + end + + { "Unix" => '/', "Win32" => '\\' }.each do |style, slash| + %w{q Q a A z Z c C}.sort.each do |drive| + it "should accept drive letter '#{drive}' with #{style} path separators " do + path = "#{drive}:#{slash}Program Files" + instance = instance(path) + instance[@param].should == path + end + end + end + + { "UNC paths" => %q{\\foo\bar}, + "unparsed local paths" => %q{\\?\c:\foo}, + "unparsed UNC paths" => %q{\\?\foo\bar} + }.each do |name, path| + it "should accept #{name} as absolute" do + instance = instance(path) + instance[@param].should == path + end + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb index ae4edb2d9..505a8f973 100644 --- a/spec/spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -1,83 +1,89 @@ unless defined?(SPEC_HELPER_IS_LOADED) SPEC_HELPER_IS_LOADED = 1 dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/") $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/lib") # a spec-specific test lib dir $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/../lib") $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/../test/lib") # Don't want puppet getting the command line arguments for rake or autotest ARGV.clear require 'puppet' require 'mocha' gem 'rspec', '>=2.0.0' # So everyone else doesn't have to include this base constant. module PuppetSpec FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "fixtures") unless defined?(FIXTURE_DIR) end module PuppetTest end +require 'pathname' +require 'lib/puppet_spec/verbose' require 'lib/puppet_spec/files' require 'monkey_patches/alias_should_to_must' require 'monkey_patches/publicize_methods' +Pathname.glob("#{dir}/shared_behaviours/**/*.rb") do |behaviour| + require behaviour.relative_path_from(Pathname.new(dir)) +end + RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :mocha config.after :each do Puppet.settings.clear Puppet::Node::Environment.clear Puppet::Util::Storage.clear Puppet::Util::ExecutionStub.reset if defined?($tmpfiles) $tmpfiles.each do |file| file = File.expand_path(file) if Puppet.features.posix? and file !~ /^\/tmp/ and file !~ /^\/var\/folders/ puts "Not deleting tmpfile #{file} outside of /tmp or /var/folders" next elsif Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? tempdir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir::LOCAL_APPDATA, "Temp")) if file !~ /^#{tempdir}/ puts "Not deleting tmpfile #{file} outside of #{tempdir}" next end end if FileTest.exist?(file) system("chmod -R 755 '#{file}'") system("rm -rf '#{file}'") end end $tmpfiles.clear end @logs.clear Puppet::Util::Log.close_all end config.before :each do # these globals are set by Application $puppet_application_mode = nil $puppet_application_name = nil Signal.stubs(:trap) # Set the confdir and vardir to gibberish so that tests # have to be correctly mocked. Puppet[:confdir] = "/dev/null" Puppet[:vardir] = "/dev/null" # Avoid opening ports to the outside world Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] = "" @logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(@logs) end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/application/master_spec.rb b/spec/unit/application/master_spec.rb index 074249a4d..d99b22ded 100644 --- a/spec/unit/application/master_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/application/master_spec.rb @@ -1,451 +1,451 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/application/master' require 'puppet/daemon' require 'puppet/network/server' describe Puppet::Application::Master do before :each do @master = Puppet::Application[:master] @daemon = stub_everything 'daemon' Puppet::Daemon.stubs(:new).returns(@daemon) Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:level=) Puppet::Node.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Node.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:terminus_class=) end it "should operate in master run_mode" do @master.class.run_mode.name.should equal(:master) end it "should ask Puppet::Application to parse Puppet configuration file" do @master.should_parse_config?.should be_true end it "should declare a main command" do @master.should respond_to(:main) end it "should declare a parseonly command" do @master.should respond_to(:parseonly) end it "should declare a compile command" do @master.should respond_to(:compile) end it "should declare a preinit block" do @master.should respond_to(:preinit) end describe "during preinit" do before :each do @master.stubs(:trap) end it "should catch INT" do @master.stubs(:trap).with { |arg,block| arg == :INT } @master.preinit end it "should create a Puppet Daemon" do Puppet::Daemon.expects(:new).returns(@daemon) @master.preinit end it "should give ARGV to the Daemon" do argv = stub 'argv' ARGV.stubs(:dup).returns(argv) @daemon.expects(:argv=).with(argv) @master.preinit end end [:debug,:verbose].each do |option| it "should declare handle_#{option} method" do @master.should respond_to("handle_#{option}".to_sym) end it "should store argument value when calling handle_#{option}" do @master.options.expects(:[]=).with(option, 'arg') @master.send("handle_#{option}".to_sym, 'arg') end end describe "when applying options" do before do @master.command_line.stubs(:args).returns([]) end it "should set the log destination with --logdest" do Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("console") @master.handle_logdest("console") end it "should put the setdest options to true" do @master.options.expects(:[]=).with(:setdest,true) @master.handle_logdest("console") end it "should parse the log destination from ARGV" do @master.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(%w{--logdest /my/file}) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("/my/file") @master.parse_options end end describe "during setup" do before :each do Puppet::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet.stubs(:settraps) Puppet::Log.stubs(:level=) Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:instance) Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?) Puppet.settings.stubs(:use) @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(any_parameters) end it "should set log level to debug if --debug was passed" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(true) Puppet::Log.expects(:level=).with(:debug) @master.setup end it "should set log level to info if --verbose was passed" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(true) Puppet::Log.expects(:level=).with(:info) @master.setup end it "should set console as the log destination if no --logdest and --daemonize" do @master.stubs(:[]).with(:daemonize).returns(:false) Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) @master.setup end it "should set syslog as the log destination if no --logdest and not --daemonize" do Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) @master.setup end it "should set syslog as the log destination if --rack" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:rack).returns(:true) Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) @master.setup end it "should print puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do @master.stubs(:exit) Puppet.settings.stubs(:print_configs?).returns(true) Puppet.settings.expects(:print_configs) @master.setup end it "should exit after printing puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:print_configs?).returns(true) lambda { @master.setup }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end - it "should tell Puppet.settings to use :main,:ssl and :master category" do - Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main,:master,:ssl) + it "should tell Puppet.settings to use :main,:ssl,:master and :metrics category" do + Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main,:master,:ssl,:metrics) @master.setup end it "should cache class in yaml" do Puppet::Node.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @master.setup end describe "with no ca" do it "should set the ca_location to none" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:none) @master.setup end end describe "with a ca configured" do before :each do Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?).returns(true) end it "should set the ca_location to local" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:local) @master.setup end it "should tell Puppet.settings to use :ca category" do Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:ca) @master.setup end it "should instantiate the CertificateAuthority singleton" do Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.expects(:instance) @master.setup end end end describe "when running" do before do @master.preinit end it "should dispatch to parseonly if parseonly is set" do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:parseonly).returns(true) @master.options[:node] = nil @master.expects(:parseonly) @master.run_command end it "should dispatch to compile if called with --compile" do @master.options[:node] = "foo" @master.expects(:compile) @master.run_command end it "should dispatch to main if parseonly is not set" do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:parseonly).returns(false) @master.options[:node] = nil @master.expects(:main) @master.run_command end describe "the parseonly command" do before :each do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:environment) Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:manifest).returns("site.pp") Puppet.stubs(:err) @master.stubs(:exit) @collection = stub_everything Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.stubs(:new).returns(@collection) end it "should use a Puppet Resource Type Collection to parse the file" do @collection.expects(:perform_initial_import) @master.parseonly end it "should exit with exit code 0 if no error" do @master.expects(:exit).with(0) @master.parseonly end it "should exit with exit code 1 if error" do @collection.stubs(:perform_initial_import).raises(Puppet::ParseError) @master.expects(:exit).with(1) @master.parseonly end end describe "the compile command" do before do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:environment) Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:manifest).returns("site.pp") Puppet.stubs(:err) @master.stubs(:jj) @master.stubs(:exit) Puppet.features.stubs(:pson?).returns true end it "should fail if pson isn't available" do Puppet.features.expects(:pson?).returns false lambda { @master.compile }.should raise_error end it "should compile a catalog for the specified node" do @master.options[:node] = "foo" Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with("foo").returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new $stdout.stubs(:puts) @master.compile end it "should convert the catalog to a pure-resource catalog and use 'jj' to pretty-print the catalog" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).returns catalog catalog.expects(:to_resource).returns("rescat") @master.options[:node] = "foo" @master.expects(:jj).with("rescat") @master.compile end it "should exit with error code 30 if no catalog can be found" do @master.options[:node] = "foo" Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).returns nil @master.expects(:exit).with(30) $stderr.expects(:puts) @master.compile end it "should exit with error code 30 if there's a failure" do @master.options[:node] = "foo" Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).raises ArgumentError @master.expects(:exit).with(30) $stderr.expects(:puts) @master.compile end end describe "the main command" do before :each do @master.preinit @server = stub_everything 'server' Puppet::Network::Server.stubs(:new).returns(@server) @app = stub_everything 'app' Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:localhost) Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?) Process.stubs(:uid).returns(1000) Puppet.stubs(:service) Puppet.stubs(:[]) Puppet.stubs(:notice) Puppet.stubs(:start) end it "should create a Server" do Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new) @master.main end it "should give the server to the daemon" do @daemon.expects(:server=).with(@server) @master.main end it "should create the server with the right XMLRPC handlers" do Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:xmlrpc_handlers] == [:Status, :FileServer, :Master, :Report, :Filebucket]} @master.main end it "should create the server with a :ca xmlrpc handler if needed" do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ca).returns(true) Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:xmlrpc_handlers].include?(:CA) } @master.main end it "should generate a SSL cert for localhost" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:localhost) @master.main end it "should make sure to *only* hit the CA for data" do Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?).returns(true) Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:only) @master.main end it "should drop privileges if running as root" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true Puppet::Util.expects(:chuser) @master.main end it "should daemonize if needed" do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:daemonize).returns(true) @daemon.expects(:daemonize) @master.main end it "should start the service" do @daemon.expects(:start) @master.main end describe "with --rack", :if => Puppet.features.rack? do before do require 'puppet/network/http/rack' Puppet::Network::HTTP::Rack.stubs(:new).returns(@app) end it "it should create the app with REST and XMLRPC support" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:rack).returns(:true) Puppet::Network::HTTP::Rack.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:xmlrpc_handlers] == [:Status, :FileServer, :Master, :Report, :Filebucket] and args[:protocols] == [:rest, :xmlrpc] } @master.main end it "it should not start a daemon" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:rack).returns(:true) @daemon.expects(:start).never @master.main end it "it should return the app" do @master.options.stubs(:[]).with(:rack).returns(:true) app = @master.main app.should equal(@app) end end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/file_serving/fileset_spec.rb b/spec/unit/file_serving/fileset_spec.rb index ecc77812c..149c68c4a 100755 --- a/spec/unit/file_serving/fileset_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/file_serving/fileset_spec.rb @@ -1,348 +1,356 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/file_serving/fileset' describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, " when initializing" do it "should require a path" do proc { Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if its path is not fully qualified" do proc { Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("some/file") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end + it "should not fail if the path is fully qualified, with a trailing separator" do + path = "/some/path/with/trailing/separator" + path_with_separator = "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}" + File.stubs(:lstat).with(path).returns stub('stat') + fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(path_with_separator) + fileset.path.should == path + end + it "should fail if its path does not exist" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns nil proc { Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should accept a 'recurse' option" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") set = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :recurse => true) set.recurse.should be_true end it "should accept a 'recurselimit' option" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") set = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :recurselimit => 3) set.recurselimit.should == 3 end it "should accept an 'ignore' option" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") set = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :ignore => ".svn") set.ignore.should == [".svn"] end it "should accept a 'links' option" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") set = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :links => :manage) set.links.should == :manage end it "should accept a 'checksum_type' option" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") set = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :checksum_type => :test) set.checksum_type.should == :test end it "should fail if 'links' is set to anything other than :manage or :follow" do proc { Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", :links => :whatever) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should default to 'false' for recurse" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file").recurse.should == false end it "should default to :infinite for recurselimit" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file").recurselimit.should == :infinite end it "should default to an empty ignore list" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file").ignore.should == [] end it "should default to :manage for links" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file").links.should == :manage end it "should support using an Indirector Request for its options" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/some/file").returns stub("stat") request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:file_serving, :find, "foo") lambda { Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/some/file", request) }.should_not raise_error end describe "using an indirector request" do before do File.stubs(:lstat).returns stub("stat") @values = {:links => :manage, :ignore => %w{a b}, :recurse => true, :recurselimit => 1234} @request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:file_serving, :find, "foo") end [:recurse, :recurselimit, :ignore, :links].each do |option| it "should pass :recurse, :recurselimit, :ignore, and :links settings on to the fileset if present" do @request.stubs(:options).returns(option => @values[option]) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/my/file", @request).send(option).should == @values[option] end it "should pass :recurse, :recurselimit, :ignore, and :links settings on to the fileset if present with the keys stored as strings" do @request.stubs(:options).returns(option.to_s => @values[option]) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/my/file", @request).send(option).should == @values[option] end end it "should convert the integer as a string to their integer counterpart when setting options" do @request.stubs(:options).returns(:recurselimit => "1234") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/my/file", @request).recurselimit.should == 1234 end it "should convert the string 'true' to the boolean true when setting options" do @request.stubs(:options).returns(:recurse => "true") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/my/file", @request).recurse.should == true end it "should convert the string 'false' to the boolean false when setting options" do @request.stubs(:options).returns(:recurse => "false") Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new("/my/file", @request).recurse.should == false end end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, " when determining whether to recurse" do before do @path = "/my/path" File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat") @fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(@path) end it "should always recurse if :recurse is set to 'true' and with infinite recursion" do @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.recurselimit = :infinite @fileset.recurse?(0).should be_true end it "should never recurse if :recurse is set to 'false'" do @fileset.recurse = false @fileset.recurse?(-1).should be_false end it "should recurse if :recurse is set to true, :recurselimit is set to an integer and the current depth is less than that integer" do @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.recurselimit = 1 @fileset.recurse?(0).should be_true end it "should recurse if :recurse is set to true, :recurselimit is set to an integer and the current depth is equal to that integer" do @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.recurselimit = 1 @fileset.recurse?(1).should be_true end it "should not recurse if :recurse is set to true, :recurselimit is set to an integer and the current depth is greater than that integer" do @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.recurselimit = 1 @fileset.recurse?(2).should be_false end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, " when recursing" do before do @path = "/my/path" File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :directory? => true) @fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(@path) @dirstat = stub 'dirstat', :directory? => true @filestat = stub 'filestat', :directory? => false end def mock_dir_structure(path, stat_method = :lstat) File.stubs(stat_method).with(path).returns(@dirstat) Dir.stubs(:entries).with(path).returns(%w{one two .svn CVS}) # Keep track of the files we're stubbing. @files = %w{.} %w{one two .svn CVS}.each do |subdir| @files << subdir # relative path subpath = File.join(path, subdir) File.stubs(stat_method).with(subpath).returns(@dirstat) Dir.stubs(:entries).with(subpath).returns(%w{.svn CVS file1 file2}) %w{file1 file2 .svn CVS}.each do |file| @files << File.join(subdir, file) # relative path File.stubs(stat_method).with(File.join(subpath, file)).returns(@filestat) end end end it "should recurse through the whole file tree if :recurse is set to 'true'" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.stubs(:recurse?).returns(true) @fileset.files.sort.should == @files.sort end it "should not recurse if :recurse is set to 'false'" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.stubs(:recurse?).returns(false) @fileset.files.should == %w{.} end # It seems like I should stub :recurse? here, or that I shouldn't stub the # examples above, but... it "should recurse to the level set if :recurselimit is set to an integer" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.recurselimit = 1 @fileset.files.should == %w{. one two .svn CVS} end it "should ignore the '.' and '..' directories in subdirectories" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.files.sort.should == @files.sort end it "should function if the :ignore value provided is nil" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.ignore = nil lambda { @fileset.files }.should_not raise_error end it "should ignore files that match a single pattern in the ignore list" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.ignore = ".svn" @fileset.files.find { |file| file.include?(".svn") }.should be_nil end it "should ignore files that match any of multiple patterns in the ignore list" do mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.ignore = %w{.svn CVS} @fileset.files.find { |file| file.include?(".svn") or file.include?("CVS") }.should be_nil end it "should use File.stat if :links is set to :follow" do mock_dir_structure(@path, :stat) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.links = :follow @fileset.files.sort.should == @files.sort end it "should use File.lstat if :links is set to :manage" do mock_dir_structure(@path, :lstat) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.links = :manage @fileset.files.sort.should == @files.sort end it "should succeed when paths have regexp significant characters" do @path = "/my/path/rV1x2DafFr0R6tGG+1bbk++++TM" File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :directory? => true) @fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(@path) mock_dir_structure(@path) @fileset.recurse = true @fileset.files.sort.should == @files.sort end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, " when following links that point to missing files" do before do @path = "/my/path" File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :directory? => true) @fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(@path) @fileset.links = :follow @fileset.recurse = true @stat = stub 'stat', :directory? => true File.expects(:stat).with(@path).returns(@stat) File.expects(:stat).with(File.join(@path, "mylink")).raises(Errno::ENOENT) Dir.stubs(:entries).with(@path).returns(["mylink"]) end it "should not fail" do proc { @fileset.files }.should_not raise_error end it "should still manage the link" do @fileset.files.sort.should == %w{. mylink}.sort end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, " when ignoring" do before do @path = "/my/path" File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :directory? => true) @fileset = Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(@path) end it "should use ruby's globbing to determine what files should be ignored" do @fileset.ignore = ".svn" File.expects(:fnmatch?).with(".svn", "my_file") @fileset.ignore?("my_file") end it "should ignore files whose paths match a single provided ignore value" do @fileset.ignore = ".svn" File.stubs(:fnmatch?).with(".svn", "my_file").returns true @fileset.ignore?("my_file").should be_true end it "should ignore files whose paths match any of multiple provided ignore values" do @fileset.ignore = [".svn", "CVS"] File.stubs(:fnmatch?).with(".svn", "my_file").returns false File.stubs(:fnmatch?).with("CVS", "my_file").returns true @fileset.ignore?("my_file").should be_true end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Fileset, "when merging other filesets" do before do @paths = %w{/first/path /second/path /third/path} File.stubs(:lstat).returns stub("stat", :directory? => false) @filesets = @paths.collect do |path| File.stubs(:lstat).with(path).returns stub("stat", :directory? => true) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.new(path, :recurse => true) end Dir.stubs(:entries).returns [] end it "should return a hash of all files in each fileset with the value being the base path" do Dir.expects(:entries).with("/first/path").returns(%w{one uno}) Dir.expects(:entries).with("/second/path").returns(%w{two dos}) Dir.expects(:entries).with("/third/path").returns(%w{three tres}) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.merge(*@filesets).should == { "." => "/first/path", "one" => "/first/path", "uno" => "/first/path", "two" => "/second/path", "dos" => "/second/path", "three" => "/third/path", "tres" => "/third/path", } end it "should include the base directory from the first fileset" do Dir.expects(:entries).with("/first/path").returns(%w{one}) Dir.expects(:entries).with("/second/path").returns(%w{two}) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.merge(*@filesets)["."].should == "/first/path" end it "should use the base path of the first found file when relative file paths conflict" do Dir.expects(:entries).with("/first/path").returns(%w{one}) Dir.expects(:entries).with("/second/path").returns(%w{one}) Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.merge(*@filesets)["one"].should == "/first/path" end end diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/exec_spec.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/exec_spec.rb index acad1ea93..de37f2775 100755 --- a/spec/unit/indirector/exec_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/indirector/exec_spec.rb @@ -1,56 +1,55 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/indirector/exec' describe Puppet::Indirector::Exec do before do @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :testing Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.expects(:instance).with(:testing).returns(@indirection) @exec_class = Class.new(Puppet::Indirector::Exec) do def self.to_s "Testing::Mytype" end attr_accessor :command end @searcher = @exec_class.new @searcher.command = ["/echo"] @request = stub 'request', :key => "foo" end it "should throw an exception if the command is not an array" do @searcher.command = "/usr/bin/echo" proc { @searcher.find(@request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should throw an exception if the command is not fully qualified" do @searcher.command = ["mycommand"] proc { @searcher.find(@request) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should execute the command with the object name as the only argument" do @searcher.expects(:execute).with(%w{/echo foo}) @searcher.find(@request) end it "should return the output of the script" do @searcher.expects(:execute).with(%w{/echo foo}).returns("whatever") @searcher.find(@request).should == "whatever" end it "should return nil when the command produces no output" do @searcher.expects(:execute).with(%w{/echo foo}).returns(nil) @searcher.find(@request).should be_nil end - it "should return nil and log an error if there's an execution failure" do + it "should raise an exception if there's an execution failure" do @searcher.expects(:execute).with(%w{/echo foo}).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure.new("message")) - Puppet.expects(:err) - @searcher.find(@request).should be_nil + lambda {@searcher.find(@request)}.should raise_exception(Puppet::Error, 'Failed to find foo via exec: message') end end diff --git a/spec/unit/parameter/path_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parameter/path_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08a26de33 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/unit/parameter/path_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../spec_helper')) + +require 'puppet/parameter/path' + +[false, true].each do |arrays| + describe "Puppet::Parameter::Path with arrays #{arrays}" do + it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :path, :array => arrays do + # The new type allows us a test that is guaranteed to go direct to our + # validation code, without passing through any "real type" overrides or + # whatever on the way. + Puppet::newtype(:test_puppet_parameter_path) do + newparam(:path, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Path, :arrays => arrays) do + isnamevar + accept_arrays arrays + end + end + + def instance(path) + Puppet::Type.type(:test_puppet_parameter_path).new(:path => path) + end + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/compiler_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parser/compiler_spec.rb index 687f2ecb9..261cfdec1 100755 --- a/spec/unit/parser/compiler_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/parser/compiler_spec.rb @@ -1,850 +1,849 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' class CompilerTestResource attr_accessor :builtin, :virtual, :evaluated, :type, :title def initialize(type, title) @type = type @title = title end def [](attr) return nil if attr == :stage :main end def ref "#{type.to_s.capitalize}[#{title}]" end def evaluated? @evaluated end def builtin_type? @builtin end def virtual? @virtual end def evaluate end end describe Puppet::Parser::Compiler do def resource(type, title) Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(type, title, :scope => @scope) end before :each do @node = Puppet::Node.new "testnode" @known_resource_types = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new "development" @compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(@node) @scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(:compiler => @compiler, :source => stub('source')) @scope_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:file, "/my/file", :scope => @scope) @scope.resource = @scope_resource @compiler.environment.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns @known_resource_types end it "should have a class method that compiles, converts, and returns a catalog" do compiler = stub 'compiler' Puppet::Parser::Compiler.expects(:new).with(@node).returns compiler catalog = stub 'catalog' compiler.expects(:compile).returns catalog converted_catalog = stub 'converted_catalog' catalog.expects(:to_resource).returns converted_catalog Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(@node).should equal(converted_catalog) end it "should fail intelligently when a class-level compile fails" do Puppet::Parser::Compiler.expects(:new).raises ArgumentError lambda { Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(@node) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should use the node's environment as its environment" do @compiler.environment.should equal(@node.environment) end it "should include the resource type collection helper" do Puppet::Parser::Compiler.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper) end it "should be able to return a class list containing all added classes" do @compiler.add_class "" @compiler.add_class "one" @compiler.add_class "two" @compiler.classlist.sort.should == %w{one two}.sort end describe "when initializing" do it "should set its node attribute" do @compiler.node.should equal(@node) end it "should detect when ast nodes are absent" do @compiler.ast_nodes?.should be_false end it "should detect when ast nodes are present" do @known_resource_types.expects(:nodes?).returns true @compiler.ast_nodes?.should be_true end it "should copy the known_resource_types version to the catalog" do @compiler.catalog.version.should == @known_resource_types.version end it "should copy any node classes into the class list" do node = Puppet::Node.new("mynode") node.classes = %w{foo bar} compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) compiler.classlist.should =~ ['foo', 'bar'] end it "should transform node class hashes into a class list" do node = Puppet::Node.new("mynode") node.classes = {'foo'=>{'one'=>'1'}, 'bar'=>{'two'=>'2'}} compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) compiler.classlist.should =~ ['foo', 'bar'] end it "should add a 'main' stage to the catalog" do @compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, :main).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource) end end describe "when managing scopes" do it "should create a top scope" do @compiler.topscope.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Scope) end it "should be able to create new scopes" do @compiler.newscope(@compiler.topscope).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Scope) end it "should correctly set the level of newly created scopes" do @compiler.newscope(@compiler.topscope, :level => 5).level.should == 5 end it "should set the parent scope of the new scope to be the passed-in parent" do scope = mock 'scope' newscope = @compiler.newscope(scope) newscope.parent.should equal(scope) end it "should set the parent scope of the new scope to its topscope if the parent passed in is nil" do scope = mock 'scope' newscope = @compiler.newscope(nil) newscope.parent.should equal(@compiler.topscope) end end describe "when compiling" do def compile_methods [:set_node_parameters, :evaluate_main, :evaluate_ast_node, :evaluate_node_classes, :evaluate_generators, :fail_on_unevaluated, :finish, :store, :extract, :evaluate_relationships] end # Stub all of the main compile methods except the ones we're specifically interested in. def compile_stub(*except) (compile_methods - except).each { |m| @compiler.stubs(m) } end it "should set node parameters as variables in the top scope" do params = {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"} @node.stubs(:parameters).returns(params) compile_stub(:set_node_parameters) @compiler.compile @compiler.topscope.lookupvar("a").should == "b" @compiler.topscope.lookupvar("c").should == "d" end it "should set the client and server versions on the catalog" do params = {"clientversion" => "2", "serverversion" => "3"} @node.stubs(:parameters).returns(params) compile_stub(:set_node_parameters) @compiler.compile @compiler.catalog.client_version.should == "2" @compiler.catalog.server_version.should == "3" end it "should evaluate any existing classes named in the node" do classes = %w{one two three four} main = stub 'main' one = stub 'one', :name => "one" three = stub 'three', :name => "three" @node.stubs(:name).returns("whatever") @node.stubs(:classes).returns(classes) @compiler.expects(:evaluate_classes).with(classes, @compiler.topscope) @compiler.class.publicize_methods(:evaluate_node_classes) { @compiler.evaluate_node_classes } end it "should evaluate any parameterized classes named in the node" do classes = {'foo'=>{'1'=>'one'}, 'bar'=>{'2'=>'two'}} @node.stubs(:classes).returns(classes) @compiler.expects(:evaluate_classes).with(classes, @compiler.topscope) @compiler.compile end it "should evaluate the main class if it exists" do compile_stub(:evaluate_main) main_class = @known_resource_types.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") main_class.expects(:evaluate_code).with { |r| r.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource) } @compiler.topscope.expects(:source=).with(main_class) @compiler.compile end it "should create a new, empty 'main' if no main class exists" do compile_stub(:evaluate_main) @compiler.compile @known_resource_types.find_hostclass([""], "").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource::Type) end it "should add an edge between the main stage and main class" do @compiler.compile (stage = @compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, "main")).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource) (klass = @compiler.catalog.resource(:class, "")).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource) @compiler.catalog.edge?(stage, klass).should be_true end it "should evaluate any node classes" do @node.stubs(:classes).returns(%w{one two three four}) @compiler.expects(:evaluate_classes).with(%w{one two three four}, @compiler.topscope) @compiler.send(:evaluate_node_classes) end it "should evaluate all added collections" do colls = [] # And when the collections fail to evaluate. colls << mock("coll1-false") colls << mock("coll2-false") colls.each { |c| c.expects(:evaluate).returns(false) } @compiler.add_collection(colls[0]) @compiler.add_collection(colls[1]) compile_stub(:evaluate_generators) @compiler.compile end it "should ignore builtin resources" do resource = resource(:file, "testing") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) resource.expects(:evaluate).never @compiler.compile end it "should evaluate unevaluated resources" do resource = CompilerTestResource.new(:file, "testing") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) # We have to now mark the resource as evaluated resource.expects(:evaluate).with { |*whatever| resource.evaluated = true } @compiler.compile end it "should not evaluate already-evaluated resources" do resource = resource(:file, "testing") resource.stubs(:evaluated?).returns true @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) resource.expects(:evaluate).never @compiler.compile end it "should evaluate unevaluated resources created by evaluating other resources" do resource = CompilerTestResource.new(:file, "testing") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) resource2 = CompilerTestResource.new(:file, "other") # We have to now mark the resource as evaluated resource.expects(:evaluate).with { |*whatever| resource.evaluated = true; @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource2) } resource2.expects(:evaluate).with { |*whatever| resource2.evaluated = true } @compiler.compile end describe "when finishing" do before do @compiler.send(:evaluate_main) @catalog = @compiler.catalog end def add_resource(name, parent = nil) resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new "file", name, :scope => @scope @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @catalog.add_edge(parent, resource) if parent resource end it "should call finish() on all resources" do # Add a resource that does respond to :finish resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new "file", "finish", :scope => @scope resource.expects(:finish) @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) # And one that does not dnf_resource = stub_everything "dnf", :ref => "File[dnf]", :type => "file" @compiler.add_resource(@scope, dnf_resource) @compiler.send(:finish) end it "should call finish() in add_resource order" do resources = sequence('resources') resource1 = add_resource("finish1") resource1.expects(:finish).in_sequence(resources) resource2 = add_resource("finish2") resource2.expects(:finish).in_sequence(resources) @compiler.send(:finish) end it "should add each container's metaparams to its contained resources" do main = @catalog.resource(:class, :main) main[:noop] = true resource1 = add_resource("meh", main) @compiler.send(:finish) resource1[:noop].should be_true end it "should add metaparams recursively" do main = @catalog.resource(:class, :main) main[:noop] = true resource1 = add_resource("meh", main) resource2 = add_resource("foo", resource1) @compiler.send(:finish) resource2[:noop].should be_true end it "should prefer metaparams from immediate parents" do main = @catalog.resource(:class, :main) main[:noop] = true resource1 = add_resource("meh", main) resource2 = add_resource("foo", resource1) resource1[:noop] = false @compiler.send(:finish) resource2[:noop].should be_false end it "should merge tags downward" do main = @catalog.resource(:class, :main) main.tag("one") resource1 = add_resource("meh", main) resource1.tag "two" resource2 = add_resource("foo", resource1) @compiler.send(:finish) resource2.tags.should be_include("one") resource2.tags.should be_include("two") end it "should work if only middle resources have metaparams set" do main = @catalog.resource(:class, :main) resource1 = add_resource("meh", main) resource1[:noop] = true resource2 = add_resource("foo", resource1) @compiler.send(:finish) resource2[:noop].should be_true end end it "should return added resources in add order" do resource1 = resource(:file, "yay") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource1) resource2 = resource(:file, "youpi") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource2) @compiler.resources.should == [resource1, resource2] end it "should add resources that do not conflict with existing resources" do resource = resource(:file, "yay") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.should be_vertex(resource) end it "should fail to add resources that conflict with existing resources" do path = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/foo" : "C:/foo" file1 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path file2 = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path @compiler.add_resource(@scope, file1) lambda { @compiler.add_resource(@scope, file2) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Resource::Catalog::DuplicateResourceError) end it "should add an edge from the scope resource to the added resource" do resource = resource(:file, "yay") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.should be_edge(@scope.resource, resource) end it "should add an edge to any specified stage for class resources" do other_stage = resource(:stage, "other") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, other_stage) resource = resource(:class, "foo") resource[:stage] = 'other' @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.edge?(other_stage, resource).should be_true end it "should fail if a non-class resource attempts to set a stage" do other_stage = resource(:stage, "other") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, other_stage) resource = resource(:file, "foo") resource[:stage] = 'other' lambda { @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if an unknown stage is specified" do resource = resource(:class, "foo") resource[:stage] = 'other' lambda { @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should add edges from the class resources to the parent's stage if no stage is specified" do main = @compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, :main) foo_stage = resource(:stage, :foo_stage) @compiler.add_resource(@scope, foo_stage) resource = resource(:class, "foo") @scope.stubs(:resource).returns(:stage => :foo_stage) @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.should be_edge(foo_stage, resource) end it "should add edges from top-level class resources to the main stage if no stage is specified" do main = @compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, :main) resource = resource(:class, "foo") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.should be_edge(main, resource) end it "should not add non-class resources that don't specify a stage to the 'main' stage" do main = @compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, :main) resource = resource(:file, "foo") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.catalog.should_not be_edge(main, resource) end it "should not add any parent-edges to stages" do stage = resource(:stage, "other") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, stage) @scope.resource = resource(:class, "foo") @compiler.catalog.edge?(@scope.resource, stage).should be_false end it "should not attempt to add stages to other stages" do other_stage = resource(:stage, "other") second_stage = resource(:stage, "second") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, other_stage) @compiler.add_resource(@scope, second_stage) second_stage[:stage] = "other" @compiler.catalog.edge?(other_stage, second_stage).should be_false end it "should have a method for looking up resources" do resource = resource(:yay, "foo") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.findresource("Yay[foo]").should equal(resource) end it "should be able to look resources up by type and title" do resource = resource(:yay, "foo") @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) @compiler.findresource("Yay", "foo").should equal(resource) end it "should not evaluate virtual defined resources" do resource = resource(:file, "testing") resource.virtual = true @compiler.add_resource(@scope, resource) resource.expects(:evaluate).never @compiler.compile end end describe "when evaluating collections" do it "should evaluate each collection" do 2.times { |i| coll = mock 'coll%s' % i @compiler.add_collection(coll) # This is the hard part -- we have to emulate the fact that # collections delete themselves if they are done evaluating. coll.expects(:evaluate).with do @compiler.delete_collection(coll) end } @compiler.class.publicize_methods(:evaluate_collections) { @compiler.evaluate_collections } end it "should not fail when there are unevaluated resource collections that do not refer to specific resources" do coll = stub 'coll', :evaluate => false coll.expects(:resources).returns(nil) @compiler.add_collection(coll) lambda { @compiler.compile }.should_not raise_error end it "should fail when there are unevaluated resource collections that refer to a specific resource" do coll = stub 'coll', :evaluate => false coll.expects(:resources).returns(:something) @compiler.add_collection(coll) lambda { @compiler.compile }.should raise_error Puppet::ParseError, 'Failed to realize virtual resources something' end it "should fail when there are unevaluated resource collections that refer to multiple specific resources" do coll = stub 'coll', :evaluate => false coll.expects(:resources).returns([:one, :two]) @compiler.add_collection(coll) lambda { @compiler.compile }.should raise_error Puppet::ParseError, 'Failed to realize virtual resources one, two' end end describe "when evaluating relationships" do it "should evaluate each relationship with its catalog" do dep = stub 'dep' dep.expects(:evaluate).with(@compiler.catalog) @compiler.add_relationship dep @compiler.evaluate_relationships end end describe "when told to evaluate missing classes" do it "should fail if there's no source listed for the scope" do scope = stub 'scope', :source => nil proc { @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{one two}, scope) }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should tag the catalog with the name of each not-found class" do @compiler.catalog.expects(:tag).with("notfound") @scope.expects(:find_hostclass).with("notfound").returns(nil) @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{notfound}, @scope) end - # I wish it would fail it "should log when it can't find class" do klasses = {'foo'=>nil} @node.classes = klasses @compiler.topscope.stubs(:find_hostclass).with('foo').returns(nil) - Puppet.expects(:info).with('Could not find class foo for testnode') + Puppet.expects(:warning).with('Could not find class foo for testnode') @compiler.compile end end describe "when evaluating found classes" do before do @class = stub 'class', :name => "my::class" @scope.stubs(:find_hostclass).with("myclass").returns(@class) @resource = stub 'resource', :ref => "Class[myclass]", :type => "file" end it "should evaluate each class" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).with(@scope) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class) @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{myclass}, @scope) end it "should ensure each node class hash is in catalog and have appropriate parameters" do klasses = {'foo'=>{'1'=>'one'}, 'bar::foo'=>{'2'=>'two'}, 'bar'=>{'1'=> [1,2,3], '2'=>{'foo'=>'bar'}}} @node.classes = klasses ast_obj = Puppet::Parser::AST::String.new(:value => 'foo') klasses.each do |name, params| klass = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, name, :arguments => {'1' => ast_obj, '2' => ast_obj}) @compiler.topscope.known_resource_types.add klass end catalog = @compiler.compile catalog.classes.should =~ ['foo', 'bar::foo', 'settings', 'bar'] r1 = catalog.resources.detect {|r| r.title == 'Foo' } r1.to_hash.should == {:'1' => 'one', :'2' => 'foo'} r1.tags. should =~ ['class', 'foo'] r2 = catalog.resources.detect {|r| r.title == 'Bar::Foo' } r2.to_hash.should == {:'1' => 'foo', :'2' => 'two'} r2.tags.should =~ ['bar::foo', 'class', 'bar', 'foo'] r2 = catalog.resources.detect {|r| r.title == 'Bar' } r2.to_hash.should == {:'1' => [1,2,3], :'2' => {'foo'=>'bar'}} r2.tags.should =~ ['class', 'bar'] end it "should ensure each node class is in catalog and has appropriate tags" do klasses = ['bar::foo'] @node.classes = klasses ast_obj = Puppet::Parser::AST::String.new(:value => 'foo') klasses.each do |name| klass = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, name, :arguments => {'1' => ast_obj, '2' => ast_obj}) @compiler.topscope.known_resource_types.add klass end catalog = @compiler.compile r2 = catalog.resources.detect {|r| r.title == 'Bar::Foo' } r2.tags.should =~ ['bar::foo', 'class', 'bar', 'foo'] end it "should fail if required parameters are missing" do klass = {'foo'=>{'1'=>'one'}} @node.classes = klass klass = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, 'foo', :arguments => {'1' => nil, '2' => nil}) @compiler.topscope.known_resource_types.add klass lambda { @compiler.compile }.should raise_error Puppet::ParseError, "Must pass 2 to Class[Foo]" end it "should fail if invalid parameters are passed" do klass = {'foo'=>{'3'=>'one'}} @node.classes = klass klass = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, 'foo', :arguments => {'1' => nil, '2' => nil}) @compiler.topscope.known_resource_types.add klass lambda { @compiler.compile }.should raise_error Puppet::ParseError, "Invalid parameter 3" end it "should ensure class is in catalog without params" do @node.classes = klasses = {'foo'=>nil} foo = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, 'foo') @compiler.topscope.known_resource_types.add foo catalog = @compiler.compile catalog.classes.should include 'foo' end it "should not evaluate the resources created for found classes unless asked" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @resource.expects(:evaluate).never @class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).returns(@resource) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class) @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{myclass}, @scope) end it "should immediately evaluate the resources created for found classes when asked" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @resource.expects(:evaluate) @class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).returns(@resource) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class) @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{myclass}, @scope, false) end it "should skip classes that have already been evaluated" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class).returns("something") @compiler.expects(:add_resource).never @resource.expects(:evaluate).never Puppet::Parser::Resource.expects(:new).never @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{myclass}, @scope, false) end it "should skip classes previously evaluated with different capitalization" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @scope.stubs(:find_hostclass).with("MyClass").returns(@class) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class).returns("something") @compiler.expects(:add_resource).never @resource.expects(:evaluate).never Puppet::Parser::Resource.expects(:new).never @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{MyClass}, @scope, false) end it "should return the list of found classes" do @compiler.catalog.stubs(:tag) @compiler.stubs(:add_resource) @scope.stubs(:find_hostclass).with("notfound").returns(nil) @scope.stubs(:class_scope).with(@class) Puppet::Parser::Resource.stubs(:new).returns(@resource) @class.stubs :ensure_in_catalog @compiler.evaluate_classes(%w{myclass notfound}, @scope).should == %w{myclass} end end describe "when evaluating AST nodes with no AST nodes present" do it "should do nothing" do @compiler.expects(:ast_nodes?).returns(false) @compiler.known_resource_types.expects(:nodes).never Puppet::Parser::Resource.expects(:new).never @compiler.send(:evaluate_ast_node) end end describe "when evaluating AST nodes with AST nodes present" do before do @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:nodes?).returns true # Set some names for our test @node.stubs(:names).returns(%w{a b c}) @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("a").returns(nil) @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("b").returns(nil) @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("c").returns(nil) # It should check this last, of course. @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("default").returns(nil) end it "should fail if the named node cannot be found" do proc { @compiler.send(:evaluate_ast_node) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end it "should evaluate the first node class matching the node name" do node_class = stub 'node', :name => "c", :evaluate_code => nil @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("c").returns(node_class) node_resource = stub 'node resource', :ref => "Node[c]", :evaluate => nil, :type => "node" node_class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).returns(node_resource) @compiler.compile end it "should match the default node if no matching node can be found" do node_class = stub 'node', :name => "default", :evaluate_code => nil @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("default").returns(node_class) node_resource = stub 'node resource', :ref => "Node[default]", :evaluate => nil, :type => "node" node_class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).returns(node_resource) @compiler.compile end it "should evaluate the node resource immediately rather than using lazy evaluation" do node_class = stub 'node', :name => "c" @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("c").returns(node_class) node_resource = stub 'node resource', :ref => "Node[c]", :type => "node" node_class.expects(:ensure_in_catalog).returns(node_resource) node_resource.expects(:evaluate) @compiler.send(:evaluate_ast_node) end it "should set the node's scope as the top scope" do node_resource = stub 'node resource', :ref => "Node[c]", :evaluate => nil, :type => "node" node_class = stub 'node', :name => "c", :ensure_in_catalog => node_resource @compiler.known_resource_types.stubs(:node).with("c").returns(node_class) # The #evaluate method normally does this. scope = stub 'scope', :source => "mysource" @compiler.topscope.expects(:class_scope).with(node_class).returns(scope) node_resource.stubs(:evaluate) @compiler.stubs :create_settings_scope @compiler.compile @compiler.topscope.should equal(scope) end end describe "when managing resource overrides" do before do @override = stub 'override', :ref => "File[/foo]", :type => "my" @resource = resource(:file, "/foo") end it "should be able to store overrides" do lambda { @compiler.add_override(@override) }.should_not raise_error end it "should apply overrides to the appropriate resources" do @compiler.add_resource(@scope, @resource) @resource.expects(:merge).with(@override) @compiler.add_override(@override) @compiler.compile end it "should accept overrides before the related resource has been created" do @resource.expects(:merge).with(@override) # First store the override @compiler.add_override(@override) # Then the resource @compiler.add_resource(@scope, @resource) # And compile, so they get resolved @compiler.compile end it "should fail if the compile is finished and resource overrides have not been applied" do @compiler.add_override(@override) lambda { @compiler.compile }.should raise_error Puppet::ParseError, 'Could not find resource(s) File[/foo] for overriding' end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/lexer_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parser/lexer_spec.rb index 4ef242cf5..d144504c5 100755 --- a/spec/unit/parser/lexer_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/parser/lexer_spec.rb @@ -1,681 +1,693 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/parser/lexer' # This is a special matcher to match easily lexer output RSpec::Matchers.define :be_like do |*expected| match do |actual| expected.zip(actual).all? { |e,a| !e or a[0] == e or (e.is_a? Array and a[0] == e[0] and (a[1] == e[1] or (a[1].is_a?(Hash) and a[1][:value] == e[1]))) } end end __ = nil describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer do describe "when reading strings" do before { @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new } it "should increment the line count for every carriage return in the string" do @lexer.line = 10 @lexer.string = "this\nis\natest'" @lexer.slurpstring("'") @lexer.line.should == 12 end it "should not increment the line count for escapes in the string" do @lexer.line = 10 @lexer.string = "this\\nis\\natest'" @lexer.slurpstring("'") @lexer.line.should == 10 end it "should not think the terminator is escaped, when preceeded by an even number of backslashes" do @lexer.line = 10 @lexer.string = "here\nis\nthe\nstring\\\\'with\nextra\njunk" @lexer.slurpstring("'") @lexer.line.should == 13 end end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token do before do @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token.new(%r{something}, :NAME) end [:regex, :name, :string, :skip, :incr_line, :skip_text, :accumulate].each do |param| it "should have a #{param.to_s} reader" do @token.should be_respond_to(param) end it "should have a #{param.to_s} writer" do @token.should be_respond_to(param.to_s + "=") end end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token, "when initializing" do it "should create a regex if the first argument is a string" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token.new("something", :NAME).regex.should == %r{something} end it "should set the string if the first argument is one" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token.new("something", :NAME).string.should == "something" end it "should set the regex if the first argument is one" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::Token.new(%r{something}, :NAME).regex.should == %r{something} end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TokenList do before do @list = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TokenList.new end it "should have a method for retrieving tokens by the name" do token = @list.add_token :name, "whatever" @list[:name].should equal(token) end it "should have a method for retrieving string tokens by the string" do token = @list.add_token :name, "whatever" @list.lookup("whatever").should equal(token) end it "should add tokens to the list when directed" do token = @list.add_token :name, "whatever" @list[:name].should equal(token) end it "should have a method for adding multiple tokens at once" do @list.add_tokens "whatever" => :name, "foo" => :bar @list[:name].should_not be_nil @list[:bar].should_not be_nil end it "should fail to add tokens sharing a name with an existing token" do @list.add_token :name, "whatever" lambda { @list.add_token :name, "whatever" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set provided options on tokens being added" do token = @list.add_token :name, "whatever", :skip_text => true token.skip_text.should == true end it "should define any provided blocks as a :convert method" do token = @list.add_token(:name, "whatever") do "foo" end token.convert.should == "foo" end it "should store all string tokens in the :string_tokens list" do one = @list.add_token(:name, "1") @list.string_tokens.should be_include(one) end it "should store all regex tokens in the :regex_tokens list" do one = @list.add_token(:name, %r{one}) @list.regex_tokens.should be_include(one) end it "should not store string tokens in the :regex_tokens list" do one = @list.add_token(:name, "1") @list.regex_tokens.should_not be_include(one) end it "should not store regex tokens in the :string_tokens list" do one = @list.add_token(:name, %r{one}) @list.string_tokens.should_not be_include(one) end it "should sort the string tokens inversely by length when asked" do one = @list.add_token(:name, "1") two = @list.add_token(:other, "12") @list.sort_tokens @list.string_tokens.should == [two, one] end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS do before do @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new end { :LBRACK => '[', :RBRACK => ']', :LBRACE => '{', :RBRACE => '}', :LPAREN => '(', :RPAREN => ')', :EQUALS => '=', :ISEQUAL => '==', :GREATEREQUAL => '>=', :GREATERTHAN => '>', :LESSTHAN => '<', :LESSEQUAL => '<=', :NOTEQUAL => '!=', :NOT => '!', :COMMA => ',', :DOT => '.', :COLON => ':', :AT => '@', :LLCOLLECT => '<<|', :RRCOLLECT => '|>>', :LCOLLECT => '<|', :RCOLLECT => '|>', :SEMIC => ';', :QMARK => '?', :BACKSLASH => '\\', :FARROW => '=>', :PARROW => '+>', :APPENDS => '+=', :PLUS => '+', :MINUS => '-', :DIV => '/', :TIMES => '*', :LSHIFT => '<<', :RSHIFT => '>>', :MATCH => '=~', :NOMATCH => '!~', :IN_EDGE => '->', :OUT_EDGE => '<-', :IN_EDGE_SUB => '~>', :OUT_EDGE_SUB => '<~', }.each do |name, string| it "should have a token named #{name.to_s}" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[name].should_not be_nil end it "should match '#{string}' for the token #{name.to_s}" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[name].string.should == string end end { "case" => :CASE, "class" => :CLASS, "default" => :DEFAULT, "define" => :DEFINE, "import" => :IMPORT, "if" => :IF, "elsif" => :ELSIF, "else" => :ELSE, "inherits" => :INHERITS, "node" => :NODE, "and" => :AND, "or" => :OR, "undef" => :UNDEF, "false" => :FALSE, "true" => :TRUE, "in" => :IN, }.each do |string, name| it "should have a keyword named #{name.to_s}" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS[name].should_not be_nil end it "should have the keyword for #{name.to_s} set to #{string}" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS[name].string.should == string end end # These tokens' strings don't matter, just that the tokens exist. [:STRING, :DQPRE, :DQMID, :DQPOST, :BOOLEAN, :NAME, :NUMBER, :COMMENT, :MLCOMMENT, :RETURN, :SQUOTE, :DQUOTE, :VARIABLE].each do |name| it "should have a token named #{name.to_s}" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[name].should_not be_nil end end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:CLASSNAME] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:CLASSNAME] } it "should match against lower-case alpha-numeric terms separated by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "one::two" end it "should match against many lower-case alpha-numeric terms separated by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "one::two::three::four::five" end it "should match against lower-case alpha-numeric terms prefixed by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "::one" end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:CLASSREF] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:CLASSREF] } it "should match against single upper-case alpha-numeric terms" do @token.regex.should =~ "One" end it "should match against upper-case alpha-numeric terms separated by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "One::Two" end it "should match against many upper-case alpha-numeric terms separated by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "One::Two::Three::Four::Five" end it "should match against upper-case alpha-numeric terms prefixed by double colons" do @token.regex.should =~ "::One" end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NAME] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NAME] } it "should match against lower-case alpha-numeric terms" do @token.regex.should =~ "one-two" end it "should return itself and the value if the matched term is not a keyword" do Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS.expects(:lookup).returns(nil) @token.convert(stub("lexer"), "myval").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NAME], "myval"] end it "should return the keyword token and the value if the matched term is a keyword" do keyword = stub 'keyword', :name => :testing Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS.expects(:lookup).returns(keyword) @token.convert(stub("lexer"), "myval").should == [keyword, "myval"] end it "should return the BOOLEAN token and 'true' if the matched term is the string 'true'" do keyword = stub 'keyword', :name => :TRUE Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS.expects(:lookup).returns(keyword) @token.convert(stub('lexer'), "true").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:BOOLEAN], true] end it "should return the BOOLEAN token and 'false' if the matched term is the string 'false'" do keyword = stub 'keyword', :name => :FALSE Puppet::Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS.expects(:lookup).returns(keyword) @token.convert(stub('lexer'), "false").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:BOOLEAN], false] end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NUMBER] do before do @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NUMBER] @regex = @token.regex end it "should match against numeric terms" do @regex.should =~ "2982383139" end it "should match against float terms" do @regex.should =~ "29823.235" end it "should match against hexadecimal terms" do @regex.should =~ "0xBEEF0023" end it "should match against float with exponent terms" do @regex.should =~ "10e23" end it "should match against float terms with negative exponents" do @regex.should =~ "10e-23" end it "should match against float terms with fractional parts and exponent" do @regex.should =~ "1.234e23" end it "should return the NAME token and the value" do @token.convert(stub("lexer"), "myval").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:NAME], "myval"] end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:COMMENT] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:COMMENT] } it "should match against lines starting with '#'" do @token.regex.should =~ "# this is a comment" end it "should be marked to get skipped" do @token.skip?.should be_true end it "should be marked to accumulate" do @token.accumulate?.should be_true end it "'s block should return the comment without the #" do @token.convert(@lexer,"# this is a comment")[1].should == "this is a comment" end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:MLCOMMENT] do before do @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:MLCOMMENT] @lexer = stub 'lexer', :line => 0 end it "should match against lines enclosed with '/*' and '*/'" do @token.regex.should =~ "/* this is a comment */" end it "should match multiple lines enclosed with '/*' and '*/'" do @token.regex.should =~ """/* this is a comment */""" end it "should increase the lexer current line number by the amount of lines spanned by the comment" do @lexer.expects(:line=).with(2) @token.convert(@lexer, "1\n2\n3") end it "should not greedily match comments" do match = @token.regex.match("/* first */ word /* second */") match[1].should == " first " end it "should be marked to accumulate" do @token.accumulate?.should be_true end it "'s block should return the comment without the comment marks" do @lexer.stubs(:line=).with(0) @token.convert(@lexer,"/* this is a comment */")[1].should == "this is a comment" end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:RETURN] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:RETURN] } it "should match against carriage returns" do @token.regex.should =~ "\n" end it "should be marked to initiate text skipping" do @token.skip_text.should be_true end it "should be marked to increment the line" do @token.incr_line.should be_true end end def tokens_scanned_from(s) lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new lexer.string = s lexer.fullscan[0..-2] end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer,"when lexing strings" do { %q{'single quoted string')} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string']], %q{"double quoted string"} => [[:STRING,'double quoted string']], %q{'single quoted string with an escaped "\\'"'} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string with an escaped "\'"']], %q{'single quoted string with an escaped "\$"'} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string with an escaped "\$"']], %q{'single quoted string with an escaped "\."'} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string with an escaped "\."']], %q{'single quoted string with an escaped "\n"'} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string with an escaped "\n"']], %q{'single quoted string with an escaped "\\\\"'} => [[:STRING,'single quoted string with an escaped "\\\\"']], %q{"string with an escaped '\\"'"} => [[:STRING,"string with an escaped '\"'"]], %q{"string with an escaped '\\$'"} => [[:STRING,"string with an escaped '$'"]], %Q{"string with a line ending with a backslash: \\\nfoo"} => [[:STRING,"string with a line ending with a backslash: foo"]], %q{"string with $v (but no braces)"} => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:VARIABLE,'v'],[:DQPOST,' (but no braces)']], %q["string with ${v} in braces"] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:VARIABLE,'v'],[:DQPOST,' in braces']], %q["string with ${qualified::var} in braces"] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:VARIABLE,'qualified::var'],[:DQPOST,' in braces']], %q{"string with $v and $v (but no braces)"} => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:VARIABLE,"v"],[:DQMID," and "],[:VARIABLE,"v"],[:DQPOST," (but no braces)"]], %q["string with ${v} and ${v} in braces"] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:VARIABLE,"v"],[:DQMID," and "],[:VARIABLE,"v"],[:DQPOST," in braces"]], %q["string with ${'a nested single quoted string'} inside it."] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],[:STRING,'a nested single quoted string'],[:DQPOST,' inside it.']], %q["string with ${['an array ',$v2]} in it."] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],:LBRACK,[:STRING,"an array "],:COMMA,[:VARIABLE,"v2"],:RBRACK,[:DQPOST," in it."]], %q{a simple "scanner" test} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"simple"], [:STRING,"scanner"],[:NAME,"test"]], %q{a simple 'single quote scanner' test} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"simple"], [:STRING,"single quote scanner"],[:NAME,"test"]], %q{a harder 'a $b \c"'} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"harder"], [:STRING,'a $b \c"']], %q{a harder "scanner test"} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"harder"], [:STRING,"scanner test"]], %q{a hardest "scanner \"test\""} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"hardest"],[:STRING,'scanner "test"']], %Q{a hardestest "scanner \\"test\\"\n"} => [[:NAME,"a"],[:NAME,"hardestest"],[:STRING,%Q{scanner "test"\n}]], %q{function("call")} => [[:NAME,"function"],[:LPAREN,"("],[:STRING,'call'],[:RPAREN,")"]], %q["string with ${(3+5)/4} nested math."] => [[:DQPRE,"string with "],:LPAREN,[:NAME,"3"],:PLUS,[:NAME,"5"],:RPAREN,:DIV,[:NAME,"4"],[:DQPOST," nested math."]], %q["$$$$"] => [[:STRING,"$$$$"]], %q["$variable"] => [[:DQPRE,""],[:VARIABLE,"variable"],[:DQPOST,""]], %q["$var$other"] => [[:DQPRE,""],[:VARIABLE,"var"],[:DQMID,""],[:VARIABLE,"other"],[:DQPOST,""]], %q["foo$bar$"] => [[:DQPRE,"foo"],[:VARIABLE,"bar"],[:DQPOST,"$"]], %q["foo$$bar"] => [[:DQPRE,"foo$"],[:VARIABLE,"bar"],[:DQPOST,""]], %q[""] => [[:STRING,""]], }.each { |src,expected_result| it "should handle #{src} correctly" do tokens_scanned_from(src).should be_like(*expected_result) end } end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:DOLLAR_VAR] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:DOLLAR_VAR] } it "should match against alpha words prefixed with '$'" do @token.regex.should =~ '$this_var' end it "should return the VARIABLE token and the variable name stripped of the '$'" do @token.convert(stub("lexer"), "$myval").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:VARIABLE], "myval"] end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:REGEX] do before { @token = Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:REGEX] } it "should match against any expression enclosed in //" do @token.regex.should =~ '/this is a regex/' end it 'should not match if there is \n in the regex' do @token.regex.should_not =~ "/this is \n a regex/" end describe "when scanning" do it "should not consider escaped slashes to be the end of a regex" do tokens_scanned_from("$x =~ /this \\/ foo/").should be_like(__,__,[:REGEX,%r{this / foo}]) end it "should not lex chained division as a regex" do tokens_scanned_from("$x = $a/$b/$c").collect { |name, data| name }.should_not be_include( :REGEX ) end it "should accept a regular expression after NODE" do tokens_scanned_from("node /www.*\.mysite\.org/").should be_like(__,[:REGEX,Regexp.new("www.*\.mysite\.org")]) end it "should accept regular expressions in a CASE" do s = %q{case $variable { "something": {$othervar = 4096 / 2} /regex/: {notice("this notably sucks")} } } tokens_scanned_from(s).should be_like( :CASE,:VARIABLE,:LBRACE,:STRING,:COLON,:LBRACE,:VARIABLE,:EQUALS,:NAME,:DIV,:NAME,:RBRACE,[:REGEX,/regex/],:COLON,:LBRACE,:NAME,:LPAREN,:STRING,:RPAREN,:RBRACE,:RBRACE ) end end it "should return the REGEX token and a Regexp" do @token.convert(stub("lexer"), "/myregex/").should == [Puppet::Parser::Lexer::TOKENS[:REGEX], Regexp.new(/myregex/)] end end describe Puppet::Parser::Lexer, "when lexing comments" do before { @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new } it "should accumulate token in munge_token" do token = stub 'token', :skip => true, :accumulate? => true, :incr_line => nil, :skip_text => false token.stubs(:convert).with(@lexer, "# this is a comment").returns([token, " this is a comment"]) @lexer.munge_token(token, "# this is a comment") @lexer.munge_token(token, "# this is a comment") @lexer.getcomment.should == " this is a comment\n this is a comment\n" end it "should add a new comment stack level on LBRACE" do @lexer.string = "{" @lexer.expects(:commentpush) @lexer.fullscan end it "should add a new comment stack level on LPAREN" do @lexer.string = "(" @lexer.expects(:commentpush) @lexer.fullscan end it "should pop the current comment on RPAREN" do @lexer.string = ")" @lexer.expects(:commentpop) @lexer.fullscan end it "should return the current comments on getcomment" do @lexer.string = "# comment" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.getcomment.should == "comment\n" end it "should discard the previous comments on blank line" do @lexer.string = "# 1\n\n# 2" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.getcomment.should == "2\n" end it "should skip whitespace before lexing the next token after a non-token" do tokens_scanned_from("/* 1\n\n */ \ntest").should be_like([:NAME, "test"]) end it "should not return comments seen after the current line" do @lexer.string = "# 1\n\n# 2" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.getcomment(1).should == "" end it "should return a comment seen before the current line" do @lexer.string = "# 1\n# 2" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.getcomment(2).should == "1\n2\n" end end # FIXME: We need to rewrite all of these tests, but I just don't want to take the time right now. describe "Puppet::Parser::Lexer in the old tests" do before { @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new } it "should do simple lexing" do { %q{\\} => [[:BACKSLASH,"\\"]], %q{simplest scanner test} => [[:NAME,"simplest"],[:NAME,"scanner"],[:NAME,"test"]], %Q{returned scanner test\n} => [[:NAME,"returned"],[:NAME,"scanner"],[:NAME,"test"]] }.each { |source,expected| tokens_scanned_from(source).should be_like(*expected) } end it "should fail usefully" do lambda { tokens_scanned_from('^') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should fail if the string is not set" do lambda { @lexer.fullscan }.should raise_error(Puppet::LexError) end it "should correctly identify keywords" do tokens_scanned_from("case").should be_like([:CASE, "case"]) end it "should correctly parse class references" do %w{Many Different Words A Word}.each { |t| tokens_scanned_from(t).should be_like([:CLASSREF,t])} end # #774 it "should correctly parse namespaced class refernces token" do %w{Foo ::Foo Foo::Bar ::Foo::Bar}.each { |t| tokens_scanned_from(t).should be_like([:CLASSREF, t]) } end it "should correctly parse names" do %w{this is a bunch of names}.each { |t| tokens_scanned_from(t).should be_like([:NAME,t]) } end it "should correctly parse names with numerals" do %w{1name name1 11names names11}.each { |t| tokens_scanned_from(t).should be_like([:NAME,t]) } end it "should correctly parse empty strings" do lambda { tokens_scanned_from('$var = ""') }.should_not raise_error end it "should correctly parse virtual resources" do tokens_scanned_from("@type {").should be_like([:AT, "@"], [:NAME, "type"], [:LBRACE, "{"]) end it "should correctly deal with namespaces" do @lexer.string = %{class myclass} @lexer.fullscan @lexer.namespace.should == "myclass" @lexer.namepop @lexer.namespace.should == "" @lexer.string = "class base { class sub { class more" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.namespace.should == "base::sub::more" @lexer.namepop @lexer.namespace.should == "base::sub" end it "should not put class instantiation on the namespace" do @lexer.string = "class base { class sub { class { mode" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.namespace.should == "base::sub" end it "should correctly handle fully qualified names" do @lexer.string = "class base { class sub::more {" @lexer.fullscan @lexer.namespace.should == "base::sub::more" @lexer.namepop @lexer.namespace.should == "base" end it "should correctly lex variables" do ["$variable", "$::variable", "$qualified::variable", "$further::qualified::variable"].each do |string| tokens_scanned_from(string).should be_like([:VARIABLE,string.sub(/^\$/,'')]) end end end require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../test/lib/puppettest' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../test/lib/puppettest/support/utils' describe "Puppet::Parser::Lexer in the old tests when lexing example files" do extend PuppetTest::Support::Utils textfiles do |file| it "should correctly lex #{file}" do lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new lexer.file = file lambda { lexer.fullscan }.should_not raise_error end end end + +describe "when trying to lex an non-existent file" do + include PuppetSpec::Files + + it "should return an empty list of tokens" do + lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new + lexer.file = nofile = tmpfile('lexer') + File.exists?(nofile).should == false + + lexer.fullscan.should == [[false,false]] + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d02099250 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' + +provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:posix) + +describe provider_class do + before :each do + @resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:exec, 'foo') + @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) + end + + ["posix", "microsoft_windows"].each do |feature| + describe "when in #{feature} environment" do + before :each do + if feature == "microsoft_windows" + Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(true) + Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(false) + else + Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(true) + Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(false) + end + end + + describe "#validatecmd" do + it "should fail if no path is specified and the command is not fully qualified" do + lambda { @provider.validatecmd("foo") }.should raise_error( + Puppet::Error, + "'foo' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." + ) + end + + it "should pass if a path is given" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + @provider.validatecmd("../foo") + end + + it "should pass if command is fully qualifed" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + @provider.validatecmd("/bin/blah/foo") + end + end + + describe "#run" do + it "should fail if no path is specified and command does not exist" do + lambda { @provider.run("foo") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") + end + + it "should fail if the command isn't in the path" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + lambda { @provider.run("foo") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") + end + + it "should fail if the command isn't executable" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + File.stubs(:exists?).with("foo").returns(true) + + lambda { @provider.run("foo") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "'foo' is not executable") + end + + it "should not be able to execute shell builtins" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bin'] + lambda { @provider.run("cd ..") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'cd'") + end + + it "should execute the command if the command given includes arguments or subcommands" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + File.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) + File.stubs(:exists?).with("foo").returns(true) + File.stubs(:executable?).with("foo").returns(true) + + Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with() { |command, arguments| (command == ['foo bar --sillyarg=true --blah']) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } + @provider.run("foo bar --sillyarg=true --blah") + end + + it "should fail if quoted command doesn't exist" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + File.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) + File.stubs(:exists?).with("foo").returns(true) + File.stubs(:executable?).with("foo").returns(true) + + lambda { @provider.run('"foo bar --sillyarg=true --blah"') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo bar --sillyarg=true --blah'") + end + + it "should execute the command if it finds it in the path and is executable" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + File.stubs(:exists?).with("foo").returns(true) + File.stubs(:executable?).with("foo").returns(true) + Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with() { |command, arguments| (command == ['foo']) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } + + @provider.run("foo") + end + + if feature == "microsoft_windows" + [".exe", ".ps1", ".bat", ".com", ""].each do |extension| + it "should check file extension #{extension} when it can't find the executable" do + @provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] + File.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) + File.stubs(:exists?).with("/bogus/bin/foo#{extension}").returns(true) + File.stubs(:executable?).with("foo").returns(true) + Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with() { |command, arguments| (command == ['foo']) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } + + @provider.run("foo") + end + end + end + + it "should warn if you're overriding something in environment" do + @provider.resource[:environment] = ['WHATEVER=/something/else', 'WHATEVER=/foo'] + File.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) + File.stubs(:exists?).with("foo").returns(true) + File.stubs(:executable?).with("foo").returns(true) + + Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with() { |command, arguments| (command == ['foo']) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } + @provider.run("foo") + @logs.map {|l| "#{l.level}: #{l.message}" }.should == ["warning: Overriding environment setting 'WHATEVER' with '/foo'"] + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/exec/shell_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/exec/shell_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4bae354c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/unit/provider/exec/shell_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' + +provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:shell) + +describe provider_class do + before :each do + @resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:exec, 'foo') + @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) + end + + describe "#run" do + it "should be able to run builtin shell commands" do + output, status = @provider.run("if [ 1 = 1 ]; then echo 'blah'; fi") + status.exitstatus.should == 0 + output.should == "blah\n" + end + + it "should be able to run commands with single quotes in them" do + output, status = @provider.run("echo 'foo bar'") + status.exitstatus.should == 0 + output.should == "foo bar\n" + end + + it "should be able to run commands with double quotes in them" do + output, status = @provider.run('echo "foo bar"') + status.exitstatus.should == 0 + output.should == "foo bar\n" + end + + it "should be able to run multiple commands separated by a semicolon" do + output, status = @provider.run("echo 'foo' ; echo 'bar'") + status.exitstatus.should == 0 + output.should == "foo\nbar\n" + end + + it "should be able to read values from the environment parameter" do + @resource[:environment] = "FOO=bar" + output, status = @provider.run("echo $FOO") + status.exitstatus.should == 0 + output.should == "bar\n" + end + end + + describe "#validatecmd" do + it "should always return true because builtins don't need path or to be fully qualified" do + @provider.validatecmd('whateverdoesntmatter').should == true + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb index 8dee2ee94..440d4491b 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb @@ -1,89 +1,101 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Unit testing for the debian service provider # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:debian) describe provider_class do before(:each) do # Create a mock resource @resource = stub 'resource' @provider = provider_class.new # A catch all; no parameters set @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil) # But set name, source and path @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice" @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]" @provider.resource = @resource @provider.stubs(:command).with(:update_rc).returns "update_rc" @provider.stubs(:command).with(:invoke_rc).returns "invoke_rc" @provider.stubs(:update_rc) @provider.stubs(:invoke_rc) end it "should have an enabled? method" do @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?) end it "should have an enable method" do @provider.should respond_to(:enable) end it "should have a disable method" do @provider.should respond_to(:disable) end describe "when enabling" do it "should call update-rc.d twice" do @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice @provider.enable end end describe "when disabling" do - it "should call update-rc.d twice" do - @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice + it "should be able to disable services with newer sysv-rc versions" do + @provider.stubs(:`).with("dpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Version}' sysv-rc) ge 2.88 ; echo $?").returns "0" + + @provider.expects(:update_rc).with(@resource[:name], "disable") + + @provider.disable + end + + it "should be able to enable services with older sysv-rc versions" do + @provider.stubs(:`).with("dpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Version}' sysv-rc) ge 2.88 ; echo $?").returns "1" + + @provider.expects(:update_rc).with("-f", @resource[:name], "remove") + @provider.expects(:update_rc).with(@resource[:name], "stop", "00", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", ".") + @provider.disable end end describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do it "should call Kernel.system() with the appropriate parameters" do @provider.expects(:system).with("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d", "--quiet", "--query", @resource[:name], "start").once @provider.enabled? end it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 104 status" do @provider.stubs(:system) $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(104) @provider.enabled?.should == :true end it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 106 status" do @provider.stubs(:system) $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(106) @provider.enabled?.should == :true end # pick a range of non-[104.106] numbers, strings and booleans to test with. [-100, -1, 0, 1, 100, "foo", "", :true, :false].each do |exitstatus| it "should return false when invoke-rc.d exits with #{exitstatus} status" do @provider.stubs(:system) $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(exitstatus) @provider.enabled?.should == :false end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/type_collection_spec.rb b/spec/unit/resource/type_collection_spec.rb index ff4c22234..cf7039a51 100644 --- a/spec/unit/resource/type_collection_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/resource/type_collection_spec.rb @@ -1,459 +1,456 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection' require 'puppet/resource/type' describe Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection do + include PuppetSpec::Files before do @instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo") @code = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") end it "should require an environment at initialization" do env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("testing") Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new(env).environment.should equal(env) end it "should convert the environment into an environment instance if a string is provided" do env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("testing") Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("testing").environment.should equal(env) end it "should create a 'loader' at initialization" do Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("testing").loader.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::TypeLoader) end it "should be able to add a resource type" do Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env").should respond_to(:add) end it "should consider '<<' to be an alias to 'add' but should return self" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.expects(:add).with "foo" loader.expects(:add).with "bar" loader << "foo" << "bar" end it "should set itself as the code collection for added resource types" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") node = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "foo") @code.add(node) @code.node("foo").should equal(node) node.resource_type_collection.should equal(@code) end it "should store node resource types as nodes" do node = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "foo") @code.add(node) @code.node("foo").should equal(node) end it "should store hostclasses as hostclasses" do klass = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo") @code.add(klass) @code.hostclass("foo").should equal(klass) end it "should store definitions as definitions" do define = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foo") @code.add(define) @code.definition("foo").should equal(define) end it "should merge new classes with existing classes of the same name" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") first = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo") second = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo") loader.add first first.expects(:merge).with(second) loader.add(second) end it "should remove all nodes, classes, and definitions when cleared" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "class") loader.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "define") loader.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "node") loader.clear loader.hostclass("class").should be_nil loader.definition("define").should be_nil loader.node("node").should be_nil end describe "when looking up names" do before do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "ns::klass") end it "should support looking up with multiple namespaces" do @code.add @type @code.find_hostclass(%w{boo baz ns}, "klass").should equal(@type) end it "should not attempt to import anything when the type is already defined" do @code.add @type @code.loader.expects(:import).never @code.find_hostclass(%w{ns}, "klass").should equal(@type) end describe "that need to be loaded" do it "should use the loader to load the files" do @code.loader.expects(:load_until).with(["ns"], "klass") @code.find_or_load(["ns"], "klass", :hostclass) end it "should downcase the name and downcase and array-fy the namespaces before passing to the loader" do @code.loader.expects(:load_until).with(["ns"], "klass") @code.find_or_load("Ns", "Klass", :hostclass) end it "should attempt to find the type when the loader yields" do @code.loader.expects(:load_until).yields @code.expects(:find).with(["ns"], "klass", :hostclass).times(2).returns(false).then.returns(true) @code.find_or_load("ns", "klass", :hostclass) end it "should return the result of 'load_until'" do @code.loader.expects(:load_until).returns "foo" @code.find_or_load("Ns", "Klass", :hostclass).should == "foo" end it "should return nil if the name isn't found" do @code.stubs(:load_until).returns(nil) @code.find_or_load("Ns", "Klass", :hostclass).should be_nil end end end %w{hostclass node definition}.each do |data| before do @instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(data, "foo") end it "should have a method for adding a #{data}" do Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env").should respond_to("add_#{data}") end it "should use the name of the instance to add it" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.send("add_#{data}", @instance) loader.send(data, @instance.name).should equal(@instance) end unless data == "hostclass" it "should fail to add a #{data} when one already exists" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.add @instance lambda { loader.add(@instance) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end it "should return the added #{data}" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.add(@instance).should equal(@instance) end it "should be able to retrieve #{data} by name" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(data, "bar") loader.add instance loader.send(data, "bar").should equal(instance) end it "should retrieve #{data} insensitive to case" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(data, "Bar") loader.add instance loader.send(data, "bAr").should equal(instance) end it "should return nil when asked for a #{data} that has not been added" do Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env").send(data, "foo").should be_nil end it "should be able to retrieve all #{data}s" do plurals = { "hostclass" => "hostclasses", "node" => "nodes", "definition" => "definitions" } loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(data, "foo") loader.add instance loader.send(plurals[data]).should == { "foo" => instance } end end describe "when finding a qualified instance" do it "should return any found instance if the instance name is fully qualified" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") loader.add instance loader.find("namespace", "::foo::bar", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return nil if the instance name is fully qualified and no such instance exists" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.find("namespace", "::foo::bar", :hostclass).should be_nil end it "should be able to find classes in the base namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo") loader.add instance loader.find("", "foo", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return the partially qualified object if it exists in a provided namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar::baz") loader.add instance loader.find("foo", "bar::baz", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should be able to find partially qualified objects in any of the provided namespaces" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar::baz") loader.add instance loader.find(["nons", "foo", "otherns"], "bar::baz", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return the unqualified object if it exists in a provided namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") loader.add instance loader.find("foo", "bar", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return the unqualified object if it exists in the parent namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") loader.add instance loader.find("foo::bar::baz", "bar", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should should return the partially qualified object if it exists in the parent namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar::baz") loader.add instance loader.find("foo::bar", "bar::baz", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return the qualified object if it exists in the root namespace" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar::baz") loader.add instance loader.find("foo::bar", "foo::bar::baz", :hostclass).should equal(instance) end it "should return nil if the object cannot be found" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") instance = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar::baz") loader.add instance loader.find("foo::bar", "eh", :hostclass).should be_nil end describe "when topscope has a class that has the same name as a local class" do before do @loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") [ "foo::bar", "bar" ].each do |name| @loader.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, name) end end it "should favor the local class, if the name is unqualified" do @loader.find("foo", "bar", :hostclass).name.should == 'foo::bar' end it "should only look in the topclass, if the name is qualified" do @loader.find("foo", "::bar", :hostclass).name.should == 'bar' end end - + it "should not look in the local scope for classes when the name is qualified" do @loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") @loader.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") @loader.find("foo", "::bar", :hostclass).should == nil end end it "should use the generic 'find' method with an empty namespace to find nodes" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.expects(:find).with("", "bar", :node) loader.find_node(stub("ignored"), "bar") end it "should use the 'find_or_load' method to find hostclasses" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.expects(:find_or_load).with("foo", "bar", :hostclass) loader.find_hostclass("foo", "bar") end it "should use the 'find_or_load' method to find definitions" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.expects(:find_or_load).with("foo", "bar", :definition) loader.find_definition("foo", "bar") end it "should indicate whether any nodes are defined" do loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") loader.add_node(Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "foo")) loader.should be_nodes end it "should indicate whether no nodes are defined" do Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env").should_not be_nodes end describe "when finding nodes" do before :each do @loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") end it "should return any node whose name exactly matches the provided node name" do node = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "foo") @loader << node @loader.node("foo").should equal(node) end it "should return the first regex node whose regex matches the provided node name" do node1 = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, /\w/) node2 = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, /\d/) @loader << node1 << node2 @loader.node("foo10").should equal(node1) end it "should preferentially return a node whose name is string-equal over returning a node whose regex matches a provided name" do node1 = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, /\w/) node2 = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, "foo") @loader << node1 << node2 @loader.node("foo").should equal(node2) end end describe "when managing files" do before do @loader = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.stubs(:new).returns stub("watched_file") end it "should have a method for specifying a file should be watched" do @loader.should respond_to(:watch_file) end it "should have a method for determining if a file is being watched" do @loader.watch_file("/foo/bar") @loader.should be_watching_file("/foo/bar") end it "should use LoadedFile to watch files" do Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/foo/bar").returns stub("watched_file") @loader.watch_file("/foo/bar") end it "should be considered stale if any files have changed" do file1 = stub 'file1', :changed? => false file2 = stub 'file2', :changed? => true Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).times(2).returns(file1).then.returns(file2) @loader.watch_file("/foo/bar") @loader.watch_file("/other/bar") @loader.should be_stale end it "should not be considered stable if no files have changed" do file1 = stub 'file1', :changed? => false file2 = stub 'file2', :changed? => false Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).times(2).returns(file1).then.returns(file2) @loader.watch_file("/foo/bar") @loader.watch_file("/other/bar") @loader.should_not be_stale end end describe "when performing initial import" do before do - @parser = stub 'parser', :file= => nil, :string => nil, :parse => nil + @parser = stub 'parser' Puppet::Parser::Parser.stubs(:new).returns @parser @code = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") end - it "should create a new parser instance" do - Puppet::Parser::Parser.expects(:new).returns @parser - @code.perform_initial_import - end - it "should set the parser's string to the 'code' setting and parse if code is available" do Puppet.settings[:code] = "my code" @parser.expects(:string=).with "my code" @parser.expects(:parse) @code.perform_initial_import end it "should set the parser's file to the 'manifest' setting and parse if no code is available and the manifest is available" do - File.stubs(:expand_path).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file" - File.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true - Puppet.settings[:manifest] = "/my/file" - @parser.expects(:file=).with "/my/file" + filename = tmpfile('myfile') + File.open(filename, 'w'){|f| } + Puppet.settings[:manifest] = filename + @parser.expects(:file=).with filename @parser.expects(:parse) @code.perform_initial_import end - it "should not attempt to load a manifest if none is present" do - File.stubs(:expand_path).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file" - File.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns false - Puppet.settings[:manifest] = "/my/file" - @parser.expects(:file=).never - @parser.expects(:parse).never + it "should pass the manifest file to the parser even if it does not exist on disk" do + filename = tmpfile('myfile') + Puppet.settings[:code] = "" + Puppet.settings[:manifest] = filename + @parser.expects(:file=).with(filename).once + @parser.expects(:parse).once @code.perform_initial_import end it "should fail helpfully if there is an error importing" do File.stubs(:exist?).returns true @parser.expects(:parse).raises ArgumentError + @parser.stubs(:file=) lambda { @code.perform_initial_import }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end describe "when determining the configuration version" do before do @code = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") end it "should default to the current time" do time = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns time @code.version.should == time.to_i end it "should use the output of the environment's config_version setting if one is provided" do @code.environment.stubs(:[]).with(:config_version).returns("/my/foo") Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with(["/my/foo"]).returns "output\n" @code.version.should == "output" end it "should raise a puppet parser error if executing config_version fails" do @code.environment.stubs(:[]).with(:config_version).returns("test") Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure.new("msg")) lambda { @code.version }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/type/cron_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/cron_spec.rb index 03817d20e..f985cdd09 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type/cron_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type/cron_spec.rb @@ -1,33 +1,481 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f) : Dir.chdir("..") { s.call(f) } }).call("spec/spec_helper.rb") } describe Puppet::Type.type(:cron) do before do - @cron = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => "foo" ) - end + @class = Puppet::Type.type(:cron) + + # Init a fake provider + @provider_class = stub 'provider_class', :ancestors => [], :name => 'fake', :suitable? => true, :supports_parameter? => true + @class.stubs(:defaultprovider).returns @provider_class + @class.stubs(:provider).returns @provider_class + + @provider = stub 'provider', :class => @provider_class, :clean => nil + @provider.stubs(:is_a?).returns false + @provider_class.stubs(:new).returns @provider - it "it should accept an :environment that looks like a path" do - lambda do - @cron[:environment] = 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin' - end.should_not raise_error + @cron = @class.new( :name => "foo" ) end - it "should not accept environment variables that do not contain '='" do - lambda do - @cron[:environment] = "INVALID" - end.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + it "should have :name be its namevar" do + @class.key_attributes.should == [:name] end - it "should accept empty environment variables that do not contain '='" do - lambda do - @cron[:environment] = "MAILTO=" - end.should_not raise_error(Puppet::Error) + describe "when validating attributes" do + + [:name, :provider].each do |param| + it "should have a #{param} parameter" do + @class.attrtype(param).should == :param + end + end + + [:command, :special, :minute, :hour, :weekday, :month, :monthday, :environment, :user, :target].each do |property| + it "should have a #{property} property" do + @class.attrtype(property).should == :property + end + end + + [:command, :minute, :hour, :weekday, :month, :monthday].each do |cronparam| + it "should have #{cronparam} of type CronParam" do + @class.attrclass(cronparam).ancestors.should include CronParam + end + end + end - it "should accept 'absent'" do - lambda do - @cron[:environment] = 'absent' - end.should_not raise_error(Puppet::Error) + + describe "when validating attribute" do + + describe "ensure" do + it "should support present as a value for ensure" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :ensure => :present) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support absent as a value for ensure" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :ensure => :present) }.should_not raise_error + end + end + + describe "minute" do + + it "should support absent" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => 'absent') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support *" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should translate absent to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => 'absent')[:minute].should == :absent + end + + it "should translate * to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*')[:minute].should == :absent + end + + it "should support valid single values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '0') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '1') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '59') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support non numeric characters" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => 'z59') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '5z9') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '59z') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support single values out of range" do + + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '60') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '61') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '120') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid multiple values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['0','1','59'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['40','30','20'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['10','30','20'] ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support multiple values if at least one is invalid" do + # one invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['0','1','60'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['0','120','59'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['-1','1','59'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # two invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['0','61','62'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # all invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => ['-1','61','62'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid step syntax" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '10-16/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support invalid steps" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*/A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*/2A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # As it turns out cron does not complaining about steps that exceed the valid range + # proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :minute => '*/120' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + + describe "hour" do + + it "should support absent" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => 'absent') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support *" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should translate absent to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => 'absent')[:hour].should == :absent + end + + it "should translate * to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*')[:hour].should == :absent + end + + it "should support valid single values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '0') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '11') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '12') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '13') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '23') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support non numeric characters" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => 'z15') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '1z5') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '15z') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support single values out of range" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '24') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '120') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid multiple values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['0','1','23'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['5','16','14'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['16','13','9'] ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support multiple values if at least one is invalid" do + # one invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['0','1','24'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['0','-1','5'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['-1','1','23'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # two invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['0','25','26'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # all invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => ['-1','24','120'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid step syntax" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '10-18/4' ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support invalid steps" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*/A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*/2A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # As it turns out cron does not complaining about steps that exceed the valid range + # proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :hour => '*/26' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + + describe "weekday" do + + it "should support absent" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'absent') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support *" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should translate absent to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'absent')[:weekday].should == :absent + end + + it "should translate * to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*')[:weekday].should == :absent + end + + it "should support valid numeric weekdays" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '0') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '1') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '6') }.should_not raise_error + # According to http://www.manpagez.com/man/5/crontab 7 is also valid (Sunday) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '7') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support valid weekdays as words (3 character version)" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Monday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Tuesday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Wednesday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Thursday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Friday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Saturday') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Sunday') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support valid weekdays as words (3 character version)" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Mon') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Tue') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Wed') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Thu') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Fri') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Sat') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Sun') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support numeric values out of range" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '8') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support invalid weekday names" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => 'Sar') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid multiple values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['0','1','6'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['Mon','Wed','Friday'] ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support multiple values if at least one is invalid" do + # one invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['0','1','8'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['Mon','Fii','Sat'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # two invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['Mos','Fii','Sat'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # all invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['Mos','Fii','Saa'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => ['-1','8','11'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid step syntax" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '0-4/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support invalid steps" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*/A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*/2A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # As it turns out cron does not complaining about steps that exceed the valid range + # proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :weekday => '*/9' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + + describe "month" do + + it "should support absent" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'absent') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support *" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should translate absent to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'absent')[:month].should == :absent + end + + it "should translate * to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*')[:month].should == :absent + end + + it "should support valid numeric values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '1') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '12') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support valid months as words" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'January') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'February') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'March') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'April') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'May') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'June') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'July') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'August') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'September') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'October') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'November') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'December') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support valid months as words (3 character short version)" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Jan') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Feb') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Mar') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Apr') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'May') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Jun') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Jul') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Aug') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Sep') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Oct') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Nov') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Dec') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support numeric values out of range" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '0') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '13') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support words that are not valid months" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => 'Jal') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support single values out of range" do + + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '60') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '61') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '120') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid multiple values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['1','9','12'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['Jan','March','Jul'] ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support multiple values if at least one is invalid" do + # one invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['0','1','12'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['1','13','10'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['Jan','Feb','Jxx'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # two invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['Jan','Fex','Jux'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # all invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['-1','0','13'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => ['Jax','Fex','Aux'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid step syntax" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '1-12/3' ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support invalid steps" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*/A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*/2A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # As it turns out cron does not complaining about steps that exceed the valid range + # proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :month => '*/13' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + + describe "monthday" do + + it "should support absent" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => 'absent') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should support *" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should translate absent to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => 'absent')[:monthday].should == :absent + end + + it "should translate * to :absent" do + @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*')[:monthday].should == :absent + end + + it "should support valid single values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '1') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '30') }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '31') }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support non numeric characters" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => 'z23') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '2z3') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '23z') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should not support single values out of range" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '-1') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '0') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '32') }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid multiple values" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['1','23','31'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['31','23','1'] ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['1','31','23'] ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support multiple values if at least one is invalid" do + # one invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['1','23','32'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['-1','12','23'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['13','32','30'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # two invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['-1','0','23'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # all invalid + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => ['-1','0','32'] ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should support valid step syntax" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '10-16/2' ) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not support invalid steps" do + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*/A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*/2A' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + # As it turns out cron does not complaining about steps that exceed the valid range + # proc { @class.new(:name => 'foo', :monthday => '*/32' ) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + + describe "environment" do + + it "it should accept an :environment that looks like a path" do + lambda do + @cron[:environment] = 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin' + end.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should not accept environment variables that do not contain '='" do + lambda do + @cron[:environment] = "INVALID" + end.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should accept empty environment variables that do not contain '='" do + lambda do + @cron[:environment] = "MAILTO=" + end.should_not raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + it "should accept 'absent'" do + lambda do + @cron[:environment] = 'absent' + end.should_not raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end + + end + end end diff --git a/spec/unit/type/exec_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/exec_spec.rb index e04cfc065..e155506b0 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type/exec_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type/exec_spec.rb @@ -1,162 +1,689 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby - require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:exec) do - - def create_resource(command, output, exitstatus, returns = 0) - @user_name = 'some_user_name' + def exec_tester(command, exitstatus = 0, rest = {}) + @user_name = 'some_user_name' @group_name = 'some_group_name' Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(true) - @execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => command, :path => @example_path, :user => @user_name, :group => @group_name, :returns => returns) - status = stub "process" - status.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(exitstatus) + output = rest.delete(:output) || '' + tries = rest[:tries] || 1 + + args = { + :name => command, + :path => @example_path, + :user => @user_name, + :group => @group_name, + :logoutput => false, + :loglevel => :err, + :returns => 0 + }.merge(rest) + + exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(args) - Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:run_and_capture).with([command], @user_name, @group_name).returns([output, status]) + status = stub "process", :exitstatus => exitstatus + Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:run_and_capture).times(tries). + with([command], @user_name, @group_name).returns([output, status]) + + return exec end - def create_logging_resource(command, output, exitstatus, logoutput, loglevel, returns = 0) - create_resource(command, output, exitstatus, returns) - @execer[:logoutput] = logoutput - @execer[:loglevel] = loglevel + before do + @command = Puppet.features.posix? ? '/bin/true whatever' : '"C:/Program Files/something.exe" whatever' end - def expect_output(output, loglevel) - output.split(/\n/).each do |line| - @execer.property(:returns).expects(loglevel).with(line) + describe "when not stubbing the provider" do + before do + @executable = Puppet.features.posix? ? '/bin/true' : 'C:/Program Files/something.exe' + File.stubs(:exists?).returns false + File.stubs(:exists?).with(@executable).returns true + File.stubs(:exists?).with('/bin/false').returns true + @example_path = Puppet.features.posix? ? %w{/usr/bin /bin} : [ "C:/Program Files/something/bin", "C:/Ruby/bin" ] + File.stubs(:exists?).with(File.join(@example_path[0],"true")).returns true + File.stubs(:exists?).with(File.join(@example_path[0],"false")).returns true + end + + it "should return :executed_command as its event" do + resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => @command + resource.parameter(:returns).event.name.should == :executed_command + end + + describe "when execing" do + it "should use the 'run_and_capture' method to exec" do + exec_tester("true").refresh.should == :executed_command + end + + it "should report a failure" do + proc { exec_tester('false', 1).refresh }. + should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^false returned 1 instead of/) + end + + it "should not report a failure if the exit status is specified in a returns array" do + proc { exec_tester("false", 1, :returns => [0, 1]).refresh }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should report a failure if the exit status is not specified in a returns array" do + proc { exec_tester('false', 1, :returns => [0, 100]).refresh }. + should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^false returned 1 instead of/) + end + + it "should log the output on success" do + output = "output1\noutput2\n" + exec_tester('false', 0, :output => output, :logoutput => true).refresh + output.split("\n").each do |line| + log = @logs.shift + log.level.should == :err + log.message.should == line + end + end + + it "should log the output on failure" do + output = "output1\noutput2\n" + proc { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :logoutput => true).refresh }. + should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + + output.split("\n").each do |line| + log = @logs.shift + log.level.should == :err + log.message.should == line + end + end + end + + describe "when logoutput=>on_failure is set" do + it "should log the output on failure" do + output = "output1\noutput2\n" + proc { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh }. + should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^false returned 1 instead of/) + + output.split("\n").each do |line| + log = @logs.shift + log.level.should == :err + log.message.should == line + end + end + + it "should log the output on failure when returns is specified as an array" do + output = "output1\noutput2\n" + + proc { + exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :returns => [0, 100], + :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh + }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^false returned 1 instead of/) + + output.split("\n").each do |line| + log = @logs.shift + log.level.should == :err + log.message.should == line + end + end + + it "shouldn't log the output on success" do + exec_tester('true', 0, :output => "a\nb\nc\n", :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh + @logs.should == [] + end + end + + it "shouldn't log the output on success when non-zero exit status is in a returns array" do + exec_tester("true", 100, :output => "a\n", :logoutput => :on_failure, :returns => [1, 100]).refresh + @logs.should == [] + end + + describe " when multiple tries are set," do + it "should repeat the command attempt 'tries' times on failure and produce an error" do + tries = 5 + resource = exec_tester("false", 1, :tries => tries, :try_sleep => 0) + proc { resource.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + end end end - before do - @executable = Puppet.features.posix? ? '/bin/true' : 'C:/Program Files/something.exe' - @command = Puppet.features.posix? ? '/bin/true whatever' : '"C:/Program Files/something.exe" whatever' - File.stubs(:exists?).returns false - File.stubs(:exists?).with(@executable).returns true - @example_path = Puppet.features.posix? ? %w{/usr/bin /bin} : [ "C:/Program Files/something/bin", "C:/Ruby/bin" ] - File.stubs(:exists?).with(File.join(@example_path[0],"true")).returns true - File.stubs(:exists?).with(File.join(@example_path[0],"false")).returns true + it "should be able to autorequire files mentioned in the command" do + catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new + tmp = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => "/bin/foo") + catalog.add_resource tmp + execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bin/foo") + catalog.add_resource execer + + catalog.relationship_graph.dependencies(execer).should == [tmp] end - it "should return :executed_command as its event" do - resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => @command - resource.parameter(:returns).event.name.should == :executed_command + describe "when handling the path parameter" do + expect = %w{one two three four} + { "an array" => expect, + "a colon separated list" => "one:two:three:four", + "a semi-colon separated list" => "one;two;three;four", + "both array and colon lists" => ["one", "two:three", "four"], + "both array and semi-colon lists" => ["one", "two;three", "four"], + "colon and semi-colon lists" => ["one:two", "three;four"] + }.each do |test, input| + it "should accept #{test}" do + type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :path => input) + type[:path].should == expect + end + end end - describe "when execing" do + describe "when setting user" do + it "should fail if we are not root" do + Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(false) + expect { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :user => 'input') }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /Parameter user failed/ + end - it "should use the 'run_and_capture' method to exec" do - command = "true" - create_resource(command, "", 0) + ['one', 2, 'root', 4294967295, 4294967296].each do |value| + it "should accept '#{value}' as user if we are root" do + Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(true) + type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :user => value) + type[:user].should == value + end + end + end - @execer.refresh.should == :executed_command + describe "when setting group" do + shared_examples_for "exec[:group]" do + ['one', 2, 'wheel', 4294967295, 4294967296].each do |value| + it "should accept '#{value}' without error or judgement" do + type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :group => value) + type[:group].should == value + end + end end - it "should report a failure" do - command = "false" - create_resource(command, "", 1) + describe "when running as root" do + before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(true) end + it_behaves_like "exec[:group]" + end + + describe "when not running as root" do + before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(false) end + it_behaves_like "exec[:group]" + end + end + + describe "when setting cwd" do + it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :cwd, :array => false do + def instance(path) + Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true', :cwd => path) + end + end + end + + shared_examples_for "all exec command parameters" do |param| + { "relative" => "example", "absolute" => "/bin/example" }.sort.each do |name, command| + describe "if command is #{name}" do + before :each do + @param = param + end - proc { @execer.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + def test(command, valid) + if @param == :name then + instance = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new() + else + instance = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bin/true") + end + if valid then + instance.provider.expects(:validatecmd).returns(true) + else + instance.provider.expects(:validatecmd).raises(Puppet::Error, "from a stub") + end + instance[@param] = command + end + + it "should work if the provider calls the command valid" do + expect { test(command, true) }.should_not raise_error + end + + it "should fail if the provider calls the command invalid" do + expect { test(command, false) }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /Parameter #{@param} failed: from a stub/ + end + end end + end + + shared_examples_for "all exec command parameters that take arrays" do |param| + describe "when given an array of inputs" do + before :each do + @test = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bin/true") + end - it "should not report a failure if the exit status is specified in a returns array" do - command = "false" - create_resource(command, "", 1, [0,1]) - proc { @execer.refresh }.should_not raise_error(Puppet::Error) + it "should accept the array when all commands return valid" do + input = %w{one two three} + @test.provider.expects(:validatecmd).times(input.length).returns(true) + @test[param] = input + @test[param].should == input + end + + it "should reject the array when any commands return invalid" do + input = %w{one two three} + @test.provider.expects(:validatecmd).with(input.first).returns(false) + input[1..-1].each do |cmd| + @test.provider.expects(:validatecmd).with(cmd).returns(true) + end + @test[param] = input + @test[param].should == input + end + + it "should reject the array when all commands return invalid" do + input = %w{one two three} + @test.provider.expects(:validatecmd).times(input.length).returns(false) + @test[param] = input + @test[param].should == input + end end + end - it "should report a failure if the exit status is not specified in a returns array" do - command = "false" - create_resource(command, "", 1, [0,100]) - proc { @execer.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + describe "when setting refresh" do + it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :refresh + end + + describe "for simple parameters" do + before :each do + @exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true') end - it "should log the output on success" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "false" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 0, true, :err) - expect_output(output, :err) - @execer.refresh + describe "when setting env" do + it "should issue a deprecation warning" do + expect { @exec[:env] = 'foo=bar' }.should_not raise_error + @logs.first.message.should =~ /deprecate.*environment/ + end + + it "should update the value of env" do + data = ['foo=bar'] + @exec[:env] = data + @exec[:env].should == data + end + + it "should forward to environment" do + data = ['foo=bar'] + @exec[:env] = data + @exec[:environment].should == data + end + + it "should not override environment if both are set" do + pending "can't fix: too disruptive for 2.6, removed in 2.7" + # ...so this test is here to validate that we know about the problem. + # This ensures correct order of evaluation to trigger the bug; don't + # count on this happening in the constructor. --daniel 2011-03-01 + @exec[:environment] = 'environment=true' + @exec[:env] = 'env=true' + + @exec[:environment].should == "environment=true" + end end - it "should log the output on failure" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "false" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 1, true, :err) - expect_output(output, :err) + describe "when setting environment" do + { "single values" => "foo=bar", + "multiple values" => ["foo=bar", "baz=quux"], + }.each do |name, data| + it "should accept #{name}" do + @exec[:environment] = data + @exec[:environment].should == data + end + end - proc { @execer.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + { "single values" => "foo", + "only values" => ["foo", "bar"], + "any values" => ["foo=bar", "baz"] + }.each do |name, data| + it "should reject #{name} without assignment" do + expect { @exec[:environment] = data }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /Invalid environment setting/ + end + end end + describe "when setting timeout" do + [0, 0.1, 1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| + it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do + @exec[:timeout] = valid + @exec[:timeout].should == valid + end + + it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do + @exec[:timeout] = [valid] + @exec[:timeout].should == valid + end + end + + ['1/2', '', 'foo', '5foo'].each do |invalid| + it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do + expect { @exec[:timeout] = invalid }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /The timeout must be a number/ + end + + it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do + expect { @exec[:timeout] = [invalid] }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /The timeout must be a number/ + end + end + + it "should fail if timeout is exceeded" do + File.stubs(:exists?).with('/bin/sleep').returns(true) + File.stubs(:exists?).with('sleep').returns(false) + sleep_exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => 'sleep 1', :path => ['/bin'], :timeout => '0.2') + lambda { sleep_exec.refresh }.should raise_error Puppet::Error, "Command exceeded timeout" + end + + it "should convert timeout to a float" do + resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => "/bin/false", :timeout => "12" + resource[:timeout].should be_a(Float) + resource[:timeout].should == 12.0 + end + + it "should munge negative timeouts to 0.0" do + resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => "/bin/false", :timeout => "-12.0" + resource.parameter(:timeout).value.should be_a(Float) + resource.parameter(:timeout).value.should == 0.0 + end + end + + describe "when setting tries" do + [1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| + it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do + @exec[:tries] = valid + @exec[:tries].should == valid + end + + if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then + it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do + pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" + @exec[:tries] = [valid] + @exec[:tries].should == valid + end + end + end + + [-3.5, -1, 0, 0.2, '1/2', '1_000_000', '+12', '', 'foo'].each do |invalid| + it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do + expect { @exec[:tries] = invalid }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /Tries must be an integer/ + end + + if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then + it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do + pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" + expect { @exec[:tries] = [invalid] }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /Tries must be an integer/ + end + end + end + end + + describe "when setting try_sleep" do + [0, 0.2, 1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| + it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do + @exec[:try_sleep] = valid + @exec[:try_sleep].should == valid + end + + if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then + it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do + pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" + @exec[:try_sleep] = [valid] + @exec[:try_sleep].should == valid + end + end + end + + { -3.5 => "cannot be a negative number", + -1 => "cannot be a negative number", + '1/2' => 'must be a number', + '1_000_000' => 'must be a number', + '+12' => 'must be a number', + '' => 'must be a number', + 'foo' => 'must be a number', + }.each do |invalid, error| + it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do + expect { @exec[:try_sleep] = invalid }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /try_sleep #{error}/ + end + + if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then + it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do + pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" + expect { @exec[:try_sleep] = [invalid] }. + should raise_error Puppet::Error, /try_sleep #{error}/ + end + end + end + end + + describe "when setting refreshonly" do + [:true, :false].each do |value| + it "should accept '#{value}'" do + @exec[:refreshonly] = value + @exec[:refreshonly].should == value + end + end + + [1, 0, "1", "0", "yes", "y", "no", "n"].each do |value| + it "should reject '#{value}'" do + expect { @exec[:refreshonly] = value }. + should raise_error(Puppet::Error, + /Invalid value #{value.inspect}\. Valid values are true, false/ + ) + end + end + end + + describe "when setting creates" do + it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :creates, :array => true do + def instance(path) + Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true', :creates => path) + end + end + end end - describe "when logoutput=>on_failure is set" do + describe "when setting unless" do + it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :unless + it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters that take arrays", :unless + end - it "should log the output on failure" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "false" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 1, :on_failure, :err) - expect_output(output, :err) + describe "when setting onlyif" do + it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :onlyif + it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters that take arrays", :onlyif + end - proc { @execer.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + describe "#check" do + before :each do + @test = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bin/true") end - it "should log the output on failure when returns is specified as an array" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "false" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 1, :on_failure, :err, [0, 100]) - expect_output(output, :err) + describe ":refreshonly" do + { :true => false, :false => true }.each do |input, result| + it "should return '#{result}' when given '#{input}'" do + @test[:refreshonly] = input + @test.check_all_attributes.should == result + end + end + end + + describe ":creates" do + before :all do + @exist = "/" + @unexist = "/this/path/should/never/exist" + while FileTest.exist?(@unexist) do @unexist += "/foo" end + end + + context "with a single item" do + it "should run when the item does not exist" do + @test[:creates] = @unexist + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run when the item exists" do + @test[:creates] = @exist + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + end + + context "with an array with one item" do + it "should run when the item does not exist" do + @test[:creates] = [@unexist] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run when the item exists" do + @test[:creates] = [@exist] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + end + + context "with an array with multiple items" do + it "should run when all items do not exist" do + @test[:creates] = [@unexist] * 3 + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run when one item exists" do + @test[:creates] = [@unexist, @exist, @unexist] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end - proc { @execer.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + it "should not run when all items exist" do + @test[:creates] = [@exist] * 3 + end + end end - it "shouldn't log the output on success" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "true" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 0, :on_failure, :err) - @execer.property(:returns).expects(:err).never - @execer.refresh + { :onlyif => { :pass => false, :fail => true }, + :unless => { :pass => true, :fail => false }, + }.each do |param, sense| + describe ":#{param}" do + before :each do + @pass = "/magic/pass" + @fail = "/magic/fail" + + @pass_status = stub('status', :exitstatus => sense[:pass] ? 0 : 1) + @fail_status = stub('status', :exitstatus => sense[:fail] ? 0 : 1) + + @test.provider.stubs(:checkexe).returns(true) + [true, false].each do |check| + @test.provider.stubs(:run).with(@pass, check). + returns(['test output', @pass_status]) + @test.provider.stubs(:run).with(@fail, check). + returns(['test output', @fail_status]) + end + end + + context "with a single item" do + it "should run if the command exits non-zero" do + @test[param] = @fail + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run if the command exits zero" do + @test[param] = @pass + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + end + + context "with an array with a single item" do + it "should run if the command exits non-zero" do + @test[param] = [@fail] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run if the command exits zero" do + @test[param] = [@pass] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + end + + context "with an array with multiple items" do + it "should run if all the commands exits non-zero" do + @test[param] = [@fail] * 3 + @test.check_all_attributes.should == true + end + + it "should not run if one command exits zero" do + @test[param] = [@pass, @fail, @pass] + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + + it "should not run if all command exits zero" do + @test[param] = [@pass] * 3 + @test.check_all_attributes.should == false + end + end + end end end - it "shouldn't log the output on success when non-zero exit status is in a returns array" do - #Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console - command = "true" - output = "output1\noutput2\n" - create_logging_resource(command, output, 100, :on_failure, :err, [1,100]) - @execer.property(:returns).expects(:err).never - @execer.refresh + describe "#retrieve" do + before :each do + @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bogus/cmd") + end + + it "should return :notrun when check_all_attributes returns true" do + @exec_resource.stubs(:check_all_attributes).returns true + @exec_resource.retrieve[:returns].should == :notrun + end + + it "should return default exit code 0 when check_all_attributes returns false" do + @exec_resource.stubs(:check_all_attributes).returns false + @exec_resource.retrieve[:returns].should == ['0'] + end + + it "should return the specified exit code when check_all_attributes returns false" do + @exec_resource.stubs(:check_all_attributes).returns false + @exec_resource[:returns] = 42 + @exec_resource.retrieve[:returns].should == ["42"] + end end - describe " when multiple tries are set," do + describe "#output" do + before :each do + @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bogus/cmd") + end + + it "should return the provider's run output" do + provider = stub 'provider' + status = stubs "process_status" + status.stubs(:exitstatus).returns("0") + provider.expects(:run).returns(["silly output", status]) + @exec_resource.stubs(:provider).returns(provider) - it "should repeat the command attempt 'tries' times on failure and produce an error" do - Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(true) - command = "false" - user = "user" - group = "group" - tries = 5 - retry_exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => command, :path => %w{/usr/bin /bin}, :user => user, :group => group, :returns => 0, :tries => tries, :try_sleep => 0) - status = stub "process" - status.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(1) - Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:run_and_capture).with([command], user, group).times(tries).returns(["", status]) - proc { retry_exec.refresh }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) + @exec_resource.refresh + @exec_resource.output.should == 'silly output' end end - it "should be able to autorequire files mentioned in the command" do - catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new - catalog.add_resource Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => @executable) - @execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command) - catalog.add_resource @execer + describe "#refresh" do + before :each do + @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "/bogus/cmd") + end + + it "should call provider run with the refresh parameter if it is set" do + provider = stub 'provider' + @exec_resource.stubs(:provider).returns(provider) + @exec_resource.stubs(:[]).with(:refresh).returns('/myother/bogus/cmd') + provider.expects(:run).with('/myother/bogus/cmd') - rels = @execer.autorequire - rels[0].should be_instance_of(Puppet::Relationship) - rels[0].target.should equal(@execer) + @exec_resource.refresh + end + + it "should call provider run with the specified command if the refresh parameter is not set" do + provider = stub 'provider' + status = stubs "process_status" + status.stubs(:exitstatus).returns("0") + provider.expects(:run).with('/bogus/cmd').returns(["silly output", status]) + @exec_resource.stubs(:provider).returns(provider) + + @exec_resource.refresh + end + + it "should not run the provider if check_all_attributes is false" do + @exec_resource.stubs(:check_all_attributes).returns false + provider = stub 'provider' + provider.expects(:run).never + @exec_resource.stubs(:provider).returns(provider) + + @exec_resource.refresh + end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/type_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type_spec.rb index 6d9d0b234..9b1f20500 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type_spec.rb @@ -1,584 +1,584 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby -require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' +require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../spec_helper')) describe Puppet::Type do it "should include the Cacher module" do Puppet::Type.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Cacher) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:path) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid property" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:fstype) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid metaparam" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:noop) end it "should use its catalog as its expirer" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.catalog = catalog resource.expirer.should equal(catalog) end it "should do nothing when asked to expire when it has no catalog" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) lambda { resource.expire }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to retrieve a property by name" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.property(:fstype).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:fstype)) end it "should be able to retrieve a parameter by name" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.parameter(:name).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:name)) end it "should be able to retrieve a property by name using the :parameter method" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.parameter(:fstype).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:fstype)) end it "should be able to retrieve all set properties" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) props = resource.properties props.should_not be_include(nil) [:fstype, :ensure, :pass].each do |name| props.should be_include(resource.parameter(name)) end end it "should have a method for setting default values for resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:set_default) end it "should do nothing for attributes that have no defaults and no specified value" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").parameter(:noop).should be_nil end it "should have a method for adding tags" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:tags) end it "should use the tagging module" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Tagging) end it "should delegate to the tagging module when tags are added" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") resource.stubs(:tag).with(:mount) resource.expects(:tag).with(:tag1, :tag2) resource.tags = [:tag1,:tag2] end it "should add the current type as tag" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") resource.stubs(:tag) resource.expects(:tag).with(:mount) resource.tags = [:tag1,:tag2] end it "should have a method to know if the resource is exported" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:exported?) end it "should have a method to know if the resource is virtual" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:virtual?) end it "should consider its version to be its catalog version" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.version = 50 catalog.add_resource resource resource.version.should == 50 end it "should consider its version to be zero if it has no catalog" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").version.should == 0 end it "should provide source_descriptors" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.version = 50 catalog.add_resource resource resource.source_descriptors.should == {:tags=>["mount", "foo"], :path=>"/Mount[foo]"} end it "should consider its type to be the name of its class" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").type.should == :mount end it "should use any provided noop value" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :noop => true).must be_noop end it "should use the global noop value if none is provided" do Puppet[:noop] = true Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").must be_noop end it "should not be noop if in a non-host_config catalog" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource resource resource.should_not be_noop end describe "when creating an event" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "foo" end it "should have the resource's reference as the resource" do @resource.event.resource.should == "Mount[foo]" end it "should have the resource's log level as the default log level" do @resource[:loglevel] = :warning @resource.event.default_log_level.should == :warning end {:file => "/my/file", :line => 50, :tags => %{foo bar}}.each do |attr, value| it "should set the #{attr}" do @resource.stubs(attr).returns value @resource.event.send(attr).should == value end end it "should allow specification of event attributes" do @resource.event(:status => "noop").status.should == "noop" end end describe "when choosing a default provider" do it "should choose the provider with the highest specificity" do # Make a fake type type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:defaultprovidertest) do newparam(:name) do end end basic = type.provide(:basic) {} greater = type.provide(:greater) {} basic.stubs(:specificity).returns 1 greater.stubs(:specificity).returns 2 type.defaultprovider.should equal(greater) end end describe "when initializing" do describe "and passed a TransObject" do it "should fail" do trans = Puppet::TransObject.new("/foo", :mount) lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(trans) }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end end describe "and passed a Puppet::Resource instance" do it "should set its title to the title of the resource if the resource type is equal to the current type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "/other"}) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).title.should == "/foo" end it "should set its title to the resource reference if the resource type is not equal to the current type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).title.should == "User[foo]" end [:line, :file, :catalog, :exported, :virtual].each do |param| it "should copy '#{param}' from the resource if present" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") resource.send(param.to_s + "=", "foo") resource.send(param.to_s + "=", "foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).send(param).should == "foo" end end it "should copy any tags from the resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") resource.tag "one", "two" tags = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).tags tags.should be_include("one") tags.should be_include("two") end it "should copy the resource's parameters as its own" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:atboot => true, :fstype => "boo"}) params = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).to_hash params[:fstype].should == "boo" params[:atboot].should == true end end describe "and passed a Hash" do it "should extract the title from the hash" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should work when hash keys are provided as strings" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new("title" => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should work when hash keys are provided as symbols" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should use the name from the hash as the title if no explicit title is provided" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should use the Resource Type's namevar to determine how to find the name in the hash" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end [:catalog].each do |param| it "should extract '#{param}' from the hash if present" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "/yay", param => "foo").send(param).should == "foo" end end it "should use any remaining hash keys as its parameters" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/foo", :catalog => "foo", :atboot => true, :fstype => "boo") resource[:fstype].must == "boo" resource[:atboot].must == true end end it "should fail if any invalid attributes have been provided" do lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/foo", :nosuchattr => "whatever") }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should set its name to the resource's title if the resource does not have a :name or namevar parameter set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).name.should == "/foo" end it "should fail if no title, name, or namevar are provided" do lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:atboot => true) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should set the attributes in the order returned by the class's :allattrs method" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).stubs(:allattrs).returns([:name, :atboot, :noop]) resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "myname", :atboot => "myboot", :noop => "whatever"}) set = [] Puppet::Type.type(:mount).any_instance.stubs(:newattr).with do |param, hash| set << param true end.returns(stub_everything("a property")) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource) set[-1].should == :noop set[-2].should == :atboot end it "should always set the name and then default provider before anything else" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).stubs(:allattrs).returns([:provider, :name, :atboot]) resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "myname", :atboot => "myboot"}) set = [] Puppet::Type.type(:mount).any_instance.stubs(:newattr).with do |param, hash| set << param true end.returns(stub_everything("a property")) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource) set[0].should == :name set[1].should == :provider end # This one is really hard to test :/ it "should each default immediately if no value is provided" do defaults = [] Puppet::Type.type(:package).any_instance.stubs(:set_default).with { |value| defaults << value; true } Puppet::Type.type(:package).new :name => "whatever" defaults[0].should == :provider end it "should retain a copy of the originally provided parameters" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :atboot => true, :noop => false).original_parameters.should == {:atboot => true, :noop => false} end it "should delete the name via the namevar from the originally provided parameters" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => "/foo").original_parameters[:path].should be_nil end end it "should have a class method for converting a hash into a Puppet::Resource instance" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).must respond_to(:hash2resource) end describe "when converting a hash to a Puppet::Resource instance" do before do @type = Puppet::Type.type(:mount) end it "should treat a :title key as the title of the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "/foo", :title => "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should use the name from the hash as the title if no explicit title is provided" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should use the Resource Type's namevar to determine how to find the name in the hash" do @type.stubs(:key_attributes).returns([ :myname ]) @type.hash2resource(:myname => "foo").title.should == "foo" end [:catalog].each do |attr| it "should use any provided #{attr}" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", attr => "eh").send(attr).should == "eh" end end it "should set all provided parameters on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :fstype => "boo", :boot => "fee").to_hash.should == {:name => "foo", :fstype => "boo", :boot => "fee"} end it "should not set the title as a parameter on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :title => "eh")[:title].should be_nil end it "should not set the catalog as a parameter on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :catalog => "eh")[:catalog].should be_nil end it "should treat hash keys equivalently whether provided as strings or symbols" do resource = @type.hash2resource("name" => "foo", "title" => "eh", "fstype" => "boo") resource.title.should == "eh" resource[:name].should == "foo" resource[:fstype].should == "boo" end end describe "when retrieving current property values" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) @resource.property(:ensure).stubs(:retrieve).returns :absent end it "should fail if its provider is unsuitable" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) @resource.provider.class.expects(:suitable?).returns false lambda { @resource.retrieve_resource }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should return a Puppet::Resource instance with its type and title set appropriately" do result = @resource.retrieve_resource result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) result.type.should == "Mount" result.title.should == "foo" end it "should set the name of the returned resource if its own name and title differ" do @resource[:name] = "my name" @resource.title = "other name" @resource.retrieve_resource[:name].should == "my name" end it "should provide a value for all set properties" do values = @resource.retrieve_resource [:ensure, :fstype, :pass].each { |property| values[property].should_not be_nil } end it "should provide a value for 'ensure' even if no desired value is provided" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => "/my/file/that/can't/exist") end it "should not call retrieve on non-ensure properties if the resource is absent and should consider the property absent" do @resource.property(:ensure).expects(:retrieve).returns :absent @resource.property(:fstype).expects(:retrieve).never @resource.retrieve_resource[:fstype].should == :absent end it "should include the result of retrieving each property's current value if the resource is present" do @resource.property(:ensure).expects(:retrieve).returns :present @resource.property(:fstype).expects(:retrieve).returns 15 @resource.retrieve_resource[:fstype] == 15 end end describe ".title_patterns" do describe "when there's one namevar" do before do @type_class = Puppet::Type.type(:notify) @type_class.stubs(:key_attributes).returns([:one]) end it "should have a default pattern for when there's one namevar" do patterns = @type_class.title_patterns patterns.length.should == 1 patterns[0].length.should == 2 end it "should have a regexp that captures the entire string" do patterns = @type_class.title_patterns string = "abc\n\tdef" patterns[0][0] =~ string $1.should == "abc\n\tdef" end end end describe "when in a catalog" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @container = Puppet::Type.type(:component).new(:name => "container") @one = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => "/file/one") @two = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => "/file/two") @catalog.add_resource @container @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @catalog.add_edge @container, @one @catalog.add_edge @container, @two end it "should have no parent if there is no in edge" do @container.parent.should be_nil end it "should set its parent to its in edge" do @one.parent.ref.should == @container.ref end after do @catalog.clear(true) end end it "should have a 'stage' metaparam" do Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:stage).should be_instance_of(Class) end end describe Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam do it "should be a subclass of Puppet::Parameter" do Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Parameter) end it "should be able to produce a list of subclasses" do Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam.should respond_to(:subclasses) end describe "when munging relationships" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "/foo" @metaparam = Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new :resource => @resource end it "should accept Puppet::Resource instances" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/foo") @metaparam.munge(ref)[0].should equal(ref) end it "should turn any string into a Puppet::Resource" do @metaparam.munge("File[/ref]")[0].should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end end it "should be able to validate relationships" do Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new(:resource => mock("resource")).should respond_to(:validate_relationship) end it "should fail if any specified resource is not found in the catalog" do catalog = mock 'catalog' resource = stub 'resource', :catalog => catalog, :ref => "resource" param = Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new(:resource => resource, :value => %w{Foo[bar] Class[test]}) catalog.expects(:resource).with("Foo[bar]").returns "something" catalog.expects(:resource).with("Class[Test]").returns nil param.expects(:fail).with { |string| string.include?("Class[Test]") } param.validate_relationship end end describe Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:check) do it "should warn and create an instance of ':audit'" do file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo" file.expects(:warning) file[:check] = :mode file[:audit].should == [:mode] end end describe Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:audit) do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => "/foo" end it "should default to being nil" do @resource[:audit].should be_nil end it "should specify all possible properties when asked to audit all properties" do @resource[:audit] = :all list = @resource.class.properties.collect { |p| p.name } @resource[:audit].should == list end it "should accept the string 'all' to specify auditing all possible properties" do @resource[:audit] = 'all' list = @resource.class.properties.collect { |p| p.name } @resource[:audit].should == list end it "should fail if asked to audit an invalid property" do lambda { @resource[:audit] = :foobar }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should create an attribute instance for each auditable property" do @resource[:audit] = :mode @resource.parameter(:mode).should_not be_nil end it "should accept properties specified as a string" do @resource[:audit] = "mode" @resource.parameter(:mode).should_not be_nil end it "should not create attribute instances for parameters, only properties" do @resource[:audit] = :noop @resource.parameter(:noop).should be_nil end describe "when generating the uniqueness key" do it "should include all of the key_attributes in alphabetical order by attribute name" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:path, :mode, :owner] Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:title_patterns).returns( [ [ /(.*)/, [ [:path, lambda{|x| x} ] ] ] ] ) res = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :title => '/my/file', :path => '/my/file', :owner => 'root', :content => 'hello' ) res.uniqueness_key.should == [ nil, 'root', '/my/file'] end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/loadedfile_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/loadedfile_spec.rb index 3bc26a421..c6fd625fc 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/loadedfile_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/loadedfile_spec.rb @@ -1,65 +1,72 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'puppet/util/loadedfile' describe Puppet::Util::LoadedFile do + include PuppetSpec::Files before(:each) do @f = Tempfile.new('loadedfile_test') @f.puts "yayness" @f.flush @loaded = Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(@f.path) fake_ctime = Time.now - (2 * Puppet[:filetimeout]) @stat = stub('stat', :ctime => fake_ctime) @fake_now = Time.now + (2 * Puppet[:filetimeout]) end + it "should accept files that don't exist" do + nofile = tmpfile('testfile') + File.exists?(nofile).should == false + lambda{ Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(nofile) }.should_not raise_error + end + it "should recognize when the file has not changed" do # Use fake "now" so that we can be sure changed? actually checks, without sleeping # for Puppet[:filetimeout] seconds. Time.stubs(:now).returns(@fake_now) @loaded.changed?.should == false end it "should recognize when the file has changed" do # Fake File.stat so we don't have to depend on the filesystem granularity. Doing a flush() # just didn't do the job. File.stubs(:stat).returns(@stat) # Use fake "now" so that we can be sure changed? actually checks, without sleeping # for Puppet[:filetimeout] seconds. Time.stubs(:now).returns(@fake_now) @loaded.changed?.should be_an_instance_of(Time) end it "should not catch a change until the timeout has elapsed" do # Fake File.stat so we don't have to depend on the filesystem granularity. Doing a flush() # just didn't do the job. File.stubs(:stat).returns(@stat) @loaded.changed?.should be(false) # Use fake "now" so that we can be sure changed? actually checks, without sleeping # for Puppet[:filetimeout] seconds. Time.stubs(:now).returns(@fake_now) @loaded.changed?.should_not be(false) end it "should consider a file changed when that file is missing" do @f.close! # Use fake "now" so that we can be sure changed? actually checks, without sleeping # for Puppet[:filetimeout] seconds. Time.stubs(:now).returns(@fake_now) @loaded.changed?.should_not be(false) end it "should disable checking if Puppet[:filetimeout] is negative" do Puppet[:filetimeout] = -1 @loaded.changed?.should_not be(false) end after(:each) do @f.close end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/rdoc/parser_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/rdoc/parser_spec.rb index b4453ae86..6ae28b40a 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/rdoc/parser_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/rdoc/parser_spec.rb @@ -1,556 +1,557 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f) : Dir.chdir("..") { s.call(f) } }).call("spec/spec_helper.rb") } require 'puppet/resource/type_collection' require 'puppet/util/rdoc/parser' require 'puppet/util/rdoc/code_objects' require 'rdoc/options' require 'rdoc/rdoc' describe RDoc::Parser do before :each do File.stubs(:stat).with("init.pp") @top_level = stub_everything 'toplevel', :file_relative_name => "init.pp" @parser = RDoc::Parser.new(@top_level, "module/manifests/init.pp", nil, Options.instance, RDoc::Stats.new) end describe "when scanning files" do it "should parse puppet files with the puppet parser" do @parser.stubs(:scan_top_level) parser = stub 'parser' Puppet::Parser::Parser.stubs(:new).returns(parser) - parser.expects(:parse) + parser.expects(:parse).at_least_once parser.expects(:file=).with("module/manifests/init.pp") + parser.expects(:file=).with("/dev/null/manifests/site.pp") @parser.scan end it "should scan the ast for Puppet files" do parser = stub_everything 'parser' Puppet::Parser::Parser.stubs(:new).returns(parser) @parser.expects(:scan_top_level) @parser.scan end it "should return a PuppetTopLevel to RDoc" do parser = stub_everything 'parser' Puppet::Parser::Parser.stubs(:new).returns(parser) @parser.expects(:scan_top_level) @parser.scan.should be_a(RDoc::PuppetTopLevel) end it "should scan the top level even if the file has already parsed" do known_type = stub 'known_types' env = stub 'env' Puppet::Node::Environment.stubs(:new).returns(env) env.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns(known_type) known_type.expects(:watching_file?).with("module/manifests/init.pp").returns(true) @parser.expects(:scan_top_level) @parser.scan end end describe "when scanning top level entities" do before :each do @resource_type_collection = stub_everything 'resource_type_collection' @parser.ast = @resource_type_collection @parser.stubs(:split_module).returns("module") @topcontainer = stub_everything 'topcontainer' @container = stub_everything 'container' @module = stub_everything 'module' @container.stubs(:add_module).returns(@module) @parser.stubs(:get_class_or_module).returns([@container, "module"]) end it "should read any present README as module documentation" do FileTest.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:open).returns("readme") @parser.stubs(:parse_elements) @module.expects(:comment=).with("readme") @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should tell the container its module name" do @parser.stubs(:parse_elements) @topcontainer.expects(:module_name=).with("module") @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should not document our toplevel if it isn't a valid module" do @parser.stubs(:split_module).returns(nil) @topcontainer.expects(:document_self=).with(false) @parser.expects(:parse_elements).never @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should set the module as global if we parse the global manifests (ie __site__ module)" do @parser.stubs(:split_module).returns(RDoc::Parser::SITE) @parser.stubs(:parse_elements) @topcontainer.expects(:global=).with(true) @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should attach this module container to the toplevel container" do @parser.stubs(:parse_elements) @container.expects(:add_module).with(RDoc::PuppetModule, "module").returns(@module) @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should defer ast parsing to parse_elements for this module" do @parser.expects(:parse_elements).with(@module) @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end it "should defer plugins parsing to parse_plugins for this module" do @parser.input_file_name = "module/lib/puppet/parser/function.rb" @parser.expects(:parse_plugins).with(@module) @parser.scan_top_level(@topcontainer) end end describe "when finding modules from filepath" do before :each do Puppet::Module.stubs(:modulepath).returns("/path/to/modules") end it "should return the module name for modulized puppet manifests" do File.stubs(:expand_path).returns("/path/to/module/manifests/init.pp") File.stubs(:identical?).with("/path/to", "/path/to/modules").returns(true) @parser.split_module("/path/to/modules/mymodule/manifests/init.pp").should == "module" end it "should return for manifests not under module path" do File.stubs(:expand_path).returns("/path/to/manifests/init.pp") File.stubs(:identical?).returns(false) @parser.split_module("/path/to/manifests/init.pp").should == RDoc::Parser::SITE end end describe "when parsing AST elements" do before :each do @klass = stub_everything 'klass', :file => "module/manifests/init.pp", :name => "myclass", :type => :hostclass @definition = stub_everything 'definition', :file => "module/manifests/init.pp", :type => :definition, :name => "mydef" @node = stub_everything 'node', :file => "module/manifests/init.pp", :type => :node, :name => "mynode" @resource_type_collection = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("env") @parser.ast = @resource_type_collection @container = stub_everything 'container' end it "should document classes in the parsed file" do @resource_type_collection.add_hostclass(@klass) @parser.expects(:document_class).with("myclass", @klass, @container) @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should not document class parsed in an other file" do @klass.stubs(:file).returns("/not/same/path/file.pp") @resource_type_collection.add_hostclass(@klass) @parser.expects(:document_class).with("myclass", @klass, @container).never @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should document vardefs for the main class" do @klass.stubs(:name).returns :main @resource_type_collection.add_hostclass(@klass) code = stub 'code', :is_a? => false @klass.stubs(:name).returns("") @klass.stubs(:code).returns(code) @parser.expects(:scan_for_vardef).with(@container, code) @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should document definitions in the parsed file" do @resource_type_collection.add_definition(@definition) @parser.expects(:document_define).with("mydef", @definition, @container) @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should not document definitions parsed in an other file" do @definition.stubs(:file).returns("/not/same/path/file.pp") @resource_type_collection.add_definition(@definition) @parser.expects(:document_define).with("mydef", @definition, @container).never @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should document nodes in the parsed file" do @resource_type_collection.add_node(@node) @parser.expects(:document_node).with("mynode", @node, @container) @parser.parse_elements(@container) end it "should not document node parsed in an other file" do @node.stubs(:file).returns("/not/same/path/file.pp") @resource_type_collection.add_node(@node) @parser.expects(:document_node).with("mynode", @node, @container).never @parser.parse_elements(@container) end end describe "when documenting definition" do before(:each) do @define = stub_everything 'define', :arguments => [], :doc => "mydoc", :file => "file", :line => 42 @class = stub_everything 'class' @parser.stubs(:get_class_or_module).returns([@class, "mydef"]) end it "should register a RDoc method to the current container" do @class.expects(:add_method).with { |m| m.name == "mydef"} @parser.document_define("mydef", @define, @class) end it "should attach the documentation to this method" do @class.expects(:add_method).with { |m| m.comment = "mydoc" } @parser.document_define("mydef", @define, @class) end it "should produce a better error message on unhandled exception" do @class.expects(:add_method).raises(ArgumentError) lambda { @parser.document_define("mydef", @define, @class) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /in file at line 42/) end it "should convert all definition parameter to string" do arg = stub 'arg' val = stub 'val' @define.stubs(:arguments).returns({arg => val}) arg.expects(:to_s).returns("arg") val.expects(:to_s).returns("val") @parser.document_define("mydef", @define, @class) end end describe "when documenting nodes" do before :each do @code = stub_everything 'code' @node = stub_everything 'node', :doc => "mydoc", :parent => "parent", :code => @code, :file => "file", :line => 42 @rdoc_node = stub_everything 'rdocnode' @class = stub_everything 'class' @class.stubs(:add_node).returns(@rdoc_node) end it "should add a node to the current container" do @class.expects(:add_node).with("mynode", "parent").returns(@rdoc_node) @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) end it "should associate the node documentation to the rdoc node" do @rdoc_node.expects(:comment=).with("mydoc") @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) end it "should scan for include and require" do @parser.expects(:scan_for_include_or_require).with(@rdoc_node, @code) @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) end it "should scan for variable definition" do @parser.expects(:scan_for_vardef).with(@rdoc_node, @code) @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) end it "should scan for resources if needed" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:document_all).returns(true) @parser.expects(:scan_for_resource).with(@rdoc_node, @code) @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) end it "should produce a better error message on unhandled exception" do @class.stubs(:add_node).raises(ArgumentError) lambda { @parser.document_node("mynode", @node, @class) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /in file at line 42/) end end describe "when documenting classes" do before :each do @code = stub_everything 'code' @class = stub_everything 'class', :doc => "mydoc", :parent => "parent", :code => @code, :file => "file", :line => 42 @rdoc_class = stub_everything 'rdoc-class' @module = stub_everything 'class' @module.stubs(:add_class).returns(@rdoc_class) @parser.stubs(:get_class_or_module).returns([@module, "myclass"]) end it "should add a class to the current container" do @module.expects(:add_class).with(RDoc::PuppetClass, "myclass", "parent").returns(@rdoc_class) @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) end it "should set the superclass" do @rdoc_class.expects(:superclass=).with("parent") @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) end it "should associate the node documentation to the rdoc class" do @rdoc_class.expects(:comment=).with("mydoc") @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) end it "should scan for include and require" do @parser.expects(:scan_for_include_or_require).with(@rdoc_class, @code) @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) end it "should scan for resources if needed" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:[]).with(:document_all).returns(true) @parser.expects(:scan_for_resource).with(@rdoc_class, @code) @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) end it "should produce a better error message on unhandled exception" do @module.stubs(:add_class).raises(ArgumentError) lambda { @parser.document_class("mynode", @class, @module) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /in file at line 42/) end end describe "when scanning for includes and requires" do def create_stmt(name) stmt_value = stub "#{name}_value", :to_s => "myclass" Puppet::Parser::AST::Function.new( :name => name, :arguments => [stmt_value], :doc => 'mydoc' ) end before(:each) do @class = stub_everything 'class' @code = stub_everything 'code' @code.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray).returns(true) end it "should also scan mono-instruction code" do @class.expects(:add_include).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Include) and i.name == "myclass" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_include_or_require(@class, create_stmt("include")) end it "should register recursively includes to the current container" do @code.stubs(:children).returns([ create_stmt("include") ]) @class.expects(:add_include)#.with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Include) and i.name == "myclass" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_include_or_require(@class, [@code]) end it "should register requires to the current container" do @code.stubs(:children).returns([ create_stmt("require") ]) @class.expects(:add_require).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Include) and i.name == "myclass" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_include_or_require(@class, [@code]) end end describe "when scanning for realized virtual resources" do def create_stmt stmt_value = stub "resource_ref", :to_s => "File[\"/tmp/a\"]" Puppet::Parser::AST::Function.new( :name => 'realize', :arguments => [stmt_value], :doc => 'mydoc' ) end before(:each) do @class = stub_everything 'class' @code = stub_everything 'code' @code.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray).returns(true) end it "should also scan mono-instruction code" do @class.expects(:add_realize).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Include) and i.name == "File[\"/tmp/a\"]" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_realize(@class,create_stmt) end it "should register recursively includes to the current container" do @code.stubs(:children).returns([ create_stmt ]) @class.expects(:add_realize).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Include) and i.name == "File[\"/tmp/a\"]" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_realize(@class, [@code]) end end describe "when scanning for variable definition" do before :each do @class = stub_everything 'class' @stmt = stub_everything 'stmt', :name => "myvar", :value => "myvalue", :doc => "mydoc" @stmt.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray).returns(false) @stmt.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::VarDef).returns(true) @code = stub_everything 'code' @code.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray).returns(true) end it "should recursively register variables to the current container" do @code.stubs(:children).returns([ @stmt ]) @class.expects(:add_constant).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Constant) and i.name == "myvar" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_vardef(@class, [ @code ]) end it "should also scan mono-instruction code" do @class.expects(:add_constant).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::Constant) and i.name == "myvar" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_vardef(@class, @stmt) end end describe "when scanning for resources" do before :each do @class = stub_everything 'class' @stmt = Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource.new( :type => "File", :title => "myfile", :doc => 'mydoc', :parameters => Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray.new(:children => []) ) @code = stub_everything 'code' @code.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray).returns(true) end it "should register a PuppetResource to the current container" do @code.stubs(:children).returns([ @stmt ]) @class.expects(:add_resource).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::PuppetResource) and i.title == "myfile" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_resource(@class, [ @code ]) end it "should also scan mono-instruction code" do @class.expects(:add_resource).with { |i| i.is_a?(RDoc::PuppetResource) and i.title == "myfile" and i.comment == "mydoc" } @parser.scan_for_resource(@class, @stmt) end end describe "when parsing plugins" do before :each do @container = stub 'container' end it "should delegate parsing custom facts to parse_facts" do @parser = RDoc::Parser.new(@top_level, "module/manifests/lib/puppet/facter/test.rb", nil, Options.instance, RDoc::Stats.new) @parser.expects(:parse_fact).with(@container) @parser.parse_plugins(@container) end it "should delegate parsing plugins to parse_plugins" do @parser = RDoc::Parser.new(@top_level, "module/manifests/lib/puppet/functions/test.rb", nil, Options.instance, RDoc::Stats.new) @parser.expects(:parse_puppet_plugin).with(@container) @parser.parse_plugins(@container) end end describe "when parsing plugins" do before :each do @container = stub_everything 'container' end it "should add custom functions to the container" do File.stubs(:open).yields("# documentation module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:myfunc, :type => :rvalue) do |args| File.dirname(args[0]) end end".split("\n")) @container.expects(:add_plugin).with do |plugin| plugin.comment == "documentation\n" #and plugin.name == "myfunc" end @parser.parse_puppet_plugin(@container) end it "should add custom types to the container" do File.stubs(:open).yields("# documentation Puppet::Type.newtype(:mytype) do end".split("\n")) @container.expects(:add_plugin).with do |plugin| plugin.comment == "documentation\n" #and plugin.name == "mytype" end @parser.parse_puppet_plugin(@container) end end describe "when parsing facts" do before :each do @container = stub_everything 'container' File.stubs(:open).yields(["# documentation", "Facter.add('myfact') do", "confine :kernel => :linux", "end"]) end it "should add facts to the container" do @container.expects(:add_fact).with do |fact| fact.comment == "documentation\n" and fact.name == "myfact" end @parser.parse_fact(@container) end it "should add confine to the parsed facts" do ourfact = nil @container.expects(:add_fact).with do |fact| ourfact = fact true end @parser.parse_fact(@container) ourfact.confine.should == { :type => "kernel", :value => ":linux" } end end end diff --git a/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake b/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake index 980d2fbce..f2ae7ee69 100644 --- a/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake +++ b/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake @@ -1,121 +1,123 @@ # This set of tasks helps automate the workflow as described on # http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Development_Lifecycle def find_start(start) # This is a case statement, as we might want to map certain # git tags to starting points that are not currently in git. case start when nil?: when @next_release: return "master" else return start end end desc "Set up git for working with Puppet" task :git_setup do # This should be changed as new versions get released @next_release = '0.26.x' @remote = {} default_remote = {} default_remote[:url] = 'git://github.com/reductivelabs/puppet' default_remote[:name] = 'origin' @remote[:name] = %x{git config puppet.defaultremote}.chomp @remote[:name] = @remote[:name].empty? ? default_remote[:name] : @remote[:name] @remote[:url] = default_remote[:url] if @remote[:name] == default_remote[:name] default_fetch = '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/puppet/*' @remote[:fetch] = %x{git config puppet.#{@remote[:name]}.fetch}.chomp @remote[:fetch] = @remote[:fetch].empty? ? default_fetch : @remote[:fetch] end desc "Start work on a feature" task :start_feature, [:feature,:remote,:branch] => :git_setup do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:remote => @remote[:name]) args.with_defaults(:branch => @next_release) start_at = find_start(args.branch) branch = "feature/#{start_at}/#{args.feature}" sh "git checkout -b #{branch} #{start_at}" do |ok, res| if ! ok raise < :git_setup do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:remote => @remote[:name]) args.with_defaults(:branch => @next_release) start_at = find_start(args.branch) branch = "tickets/#{start_at}/#{args.ticket}" sh "git checkout -b #{branch} #{start_at}" do |ok, res| unless ok raise < 0 raise "Patches already exist matching '00*.patch'; clean up first" end unless %x{git status} =~ /On branch (.+)/ raise "Could not get branch from 'git status'" end branch = $1 unless branch =~ %r{^([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)$} raise "Branch name does not follow // model; cannot autodetect parent branch" end type, parent, name = $1, $2, $3 # Create all of the patches sh "git format-patch -C -M -s -n --subject-prefix='PATCH/puppet' #{parent}..HEAD" # And then mail them out. # If we've got more than one patch, add --compose if Dir.glob("00*.patch").length > 1 compose = "--compose" + subject = "--subject \"#{type} #{name} against #{parent}\"" else compose = "" + subject = "" end # Now send the mail. - sh "git send-email #{compose} --no-signed-off-by-cc --suppress-from --to puppet-dev@googlegroups.com 00*.patch" + sh "git send-email #{compose} #{subject} --no-signed-off-by-cc --suppress-from --to puppet-dev@googlegroups.com 00*.patch" # Finally, clean up the patches sh "rm 00*.patch" end diff --git a/test/ral/type/exec.rb b/test/ral/type/exec.rb index 5b26a98a2..dd42ae61f 100755 --- a/test/ral/type/exec.rb +++ b/test/ral/type/exec.rb @@ -1,847 +1,758 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest' require 'puppettest' class TestExec < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest def test_numvsstring [0, "0"].each { |val| command = nil output = nil assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :command => "/bin/echo", :returns => val ) } assert_events([:executed_command], command) } end def test_path_or_qualified command = nil output = nil assert_raise(Puppet::Error) { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :command => "echo" ) } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "echo", - - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" ) } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :command => "/bin/echo" ) } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "/bin/echo", - - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" ) } end def test_nonzero_returns assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "mkdir /this/directory/does/not/exist", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :returns => 1 ) } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "touch /etc", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :returns => 1 ) } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "thiscommanddoesnotexist", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :returns => 127 ) } end def test_cwdsettings command = nil dir = "/tmp" wd = Dir.chdir(dir) { Dir.getwd } assert_nothing_raised { command = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "pwd", - :cwd => dir, - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :cwd => dir, + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :returns => 0 ) } assert_events([:executed_command], command) assert_equal(wd,command.output.chomp) end def test_refreshonly_functional file = nil cmd = nil tmpfile = tempfile @@tmpfiles.push tmpfile trans = nil - file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => tmpfile, - - :content => "yay" + file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => tmpfile, + :content => "yay" ) # Get the file in sync assert_apply(file) # Now make an exec maker = tempfile assert_nothing_raised { - cmd = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :command => "touch #{maker}", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - :subscribe => file, - + :command => "touch #{maker}", + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + :subscribe => file, :refreshonly => true ) } assert(cmd, "did not make exec") assert_nothing_raised do - assert(! cmd.check, "Check passed when refreshonly is set") + assert(! cmd.check_all_attributes, "Check passed when refreshonly is set") end assert_events([], file, cmd) assert(! FileTest.exists?(maker), "made file without refreshing") # Now change our content, so we throw a refresh file[:content] = "yayness" assert_events([:content_changed, :restarted], file, cmd) assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "file was not made in refresh") end def test_refreshonly cmd = true assert_nothing_raised { - cmd = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :command => "pwd", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :command => "pwd", + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :refreshonly => true ) } # Checks should always fail when refreshonly is enabled - assert(!cmd.check, "Check passed with refreshonly true") + assert(!cmd.check_all_attributes, "Check passed with refreshonly true") # Now make sure it passes if we pass in "true" - assert(cmd.check(true), "Check failed with refreshonly true while refreshing") + assert(cmd.check_all_attributes(true), "Check failed with refreshonly true while refreshing") # Now set it to false cmd[:refreshonly] = false - assert(cmd.check, "Check failed with refreshonly false") + assert(cmd.check_all_attributes, "Check failed with refreshonly false") end def test_creates file = tempfile exec = nil assert(! FileTest.exists?(file), "File already exists") assert_nothing_raised { exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "touch #{file}", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", - + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", :creates => file ) } comp = mk_catalog("createstest", exec) assert_events([:executed_command], comp, "creates") assert_events([], comp, "creates") end # Verify that we can download the file that we're going to execute. def test_retrievethenmkexe exe = tempfile oexe = tempfile sh = %x{which sh} File.open(exe, "w") { |f| f.puts "#!#{sh}\necho yup" } - - file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => oexe, - :source => exe, - - :mode => 0755 + file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => oexe, + :source => exe, + :mode => 0755 ) - - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :command => oexe, - - :require => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, oexe) + exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :command => oexe, + :require => Puppet::Resource.new(:file, oexe) ) comp = mk_catalog("Testing", file, exec) assert_events([:file_created, :executed_command], comp) end # Verify that we auto-require any managed scripts. def test_autorequire_files exe = tempfile oexe = tempfile sh = %x{which sh} File.open(exe, "w") { |f| f.puts "#!#{sh}\necho yup" } - file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => oexe, - :source => exe, - - :mode => 755 + file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => oexe, + :source => exe, + :mode => 755 ) basedir = File.dirname(oexe) - baseobj = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => basedir, - :source => exe, - - :mode => 755 + baseobj = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => basedir, + :source => exe, + :mode => 755 ) - ofile = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => exe, - - :mode => 755 + ofile = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( + :path => exe, + :mode => 755 ) - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :command => oexe, - :path => ENV["PATH"], - - :cwd => basedir + exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :command => oexe, + :path => ENV["PATH"], + :cwd => basedir ) - - cat = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :command => "cat #{exe} #{oexe}", - - :path => ENV["PATH"] + cat = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :command => "cat #{exe} #{oexe}", + :path => ENV["PATH"] ) catalog = mk_catalog(file, baseobj, ofile, exec, cat) rels = nil assert_nothing_raised do rels = exec.autorequire end # Verify we get the script itself assert(rels.detect { |r| r.source == file }, "Exec did not autorequire its command") # Verify we catch the cwd assert(rels.detect { |r| r.source == baseobj }, "Exec did not autorequire its cwd") # Verify we don't require ourselves assert(! rels.detect { |r| r.source == ofile }, "Exec incorrectly required mentioned file") # We not longer autorequire inline files assert_nothing_raised do rels = cat.autorequire end assert(! rels.detect { |r| r.source == ofile }, "Exec required second inline file") assert(! rels.detect { |r| r.source == file }, "Exec required inline file") end def test_ifonly afile = tempfile bfile = tempfile exec = nil assert_nothing_raised { exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "touch #{bfile}", - :onlyif => "test -f #{afile}", - - :path => ENV['PATH'] + :onlyif => "test -f #{afile}", + :path => ENV['PATH'] ) } assert_events([], exec) system("touch #{afile}") assert_events([:executed_command], exec) assert_events([:executed_command], exec) system("rm #{afile}") assert_events([], exec) end def test_unless afile = tempfile bfile = tempfile exec = nil assert_nothing_raised { - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "touch #{bfile}", :unless => "test -f #{afile}", - :path => ENV['PATH'] ) } comp = mk_catalog(exec) assert_events([:executed_command], comp) assert_events([:executed_command], comp) system("touch #{afile}") assert_events([], comp) assert_events([], comp) system("rm #{afile}") assert_events([:executed_command], comp) assert_events([:executed_command], comp) end if Puppet.features.root? # Verify that we can execute commands as a special user def mknverify(file, user, group = nil, id = true) File.umask(0022) args = { :command => "touch #{file}", :path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", } if user #Puppet.warning "Using user #{user.name}" if id # convert to a string, because that's what the object expects args[:user] = user.uid.to_s else args[:user] = user.name end end if group #Puppet.warning "Using group #{group.name}" if id args[:group] = group.gid.to_s else args[:group] = group.name end end exec = nil assert_nothing_raised { exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(args) } comp = mk_catalog("usertest", exec) assert_events([:executed_command], comp, "usertest") assert(FileTest.exists?(file), "File does not exist") assert_equal(user.uid, File.stat(file).uid, "File UIDs do not match") if user # We can't actually test group ownership, unfortunately, because # behaviour changes wildlly based on platform. Puppet::Type.allclear end def test_userngroup file = tempfile [ [nonrootuser], # just user, by name [nonrootuser, nil, true], # user, by uid [nil, nonrootgroup], # just group [nil, nonrootgroup, true], # just group, by id [nonrootuser, nonrootgroup], # user and group, by name [nonrootuser, nonrootgroup, true], # user and group, by id ].each { |ary| mknverify(file, *ary) { } } end end def test_logoutput exec = nil assert_nothing_raised { - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "logoutputesting", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", - :command => "echo logoutput is false", - + :title => "logoutputesting", + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", + :command => "echo logoutput is false", :logoutput => false ) } assert_apply(exec) assert_nothing_raised { exec[:command] = "echo logoutput is true" exec[:logoutput] = true } assert_apply(exec) assert_nothing_raised { exec[:command] = "echo logoutput is on_failure" exec[:logoutput] = "on_failure" } assert_apply(exec) end def test_execthenfile exec = nil file = nil basedir = tempfile path = File.join(basedir, "subfile") assert_nothing_raised { exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "mkdir", - :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", + :title => "mkdir", + :path => "/usr/bin:/bin", :creates => basedir, - :command => "mkdir #{basedir}; touch #{path}" - ) } assert_nothing_raised { file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( - - :path => basedir, + :path => basedir, :recurse => true, - :mode => "755", - + :mode => "755", :require => Puppet::Resource.new("exec", "mkdir") ) } comp = mk_catalog(file, exec) comp.finalize assert_events([:executed_command, :mode_changed], comp) assert(FileTest.exists?(path), "Exec ran first") assert(File.stat(path).mode & 007777 == 0755) end # Make sure all checks need to be fully qualified. def test_falsevals exec = nil assert_nothing_raised do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( :command => "/bin/touch yayness" ) end Puppet::Type.type(:exec).checks.each do |check| klass = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).paramclass(check) next if klass.value_collection.values.include? :false assert_raise(Puppet::Error, "Check '#{check}' did not fail on false") do exec[check] = false end end end def test_createcwdandexe exec1 = exec2 = nil dir = tempfile file = tempfile assert_nothing_raised { - exec1 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "one", - :path => ENV["PATH"], - + :title => "one", + :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "mkdir #{dir}" ) } assert_nothing_raised("Could not create exec w/out existing cwd") { exec2 = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "two", - :path => ENV["PATH"], + :title => "two", + :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch #{file}", - - :cwd => dir + :cwd => dir ) } # Throw a check in there with our cwd and make sure it works assert_nothing_raised("Could not check with a missing cwd") do exec2[:unless] = "test -f /this/file/does/not/exist" exec2.retrieve end assert_raise(Puppet::Error) do exec2.property(:returns).sync end assert_nothing_raised do exec2[:require] = exec1 end assert_apply(exec1, exec2) assert(FileTest.exists?(file)) end def test_checkarrays exec = nil file = tempfile test = "test -f #{file}" assert_nothing_raised { - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :path => ENV["PATH"], - + :path => ENV["PATH"], :command => "touch #{file}" ) } assert_nothing_raised { exec[:unless] = test } assert_nothing_raised { - assert(exec.check, "Check did not pass") + assert(exec.check_all_attributes, "Check did not pass") } assert_nothing_raised { exec[:unless] = [test, test] } assert_nothing_raised { exec.finish } assert_nothing_raised { - assert(exec.check, "Check did not pass") + assert(exec.check_all_attributes, "Check did not pass") } assert_apply(exec) assert_nothing_raised { - assert(! exec.check, "Check passed") + assert(! exec.check_all_attributes, "Check passed") } end def test_missing_checks_cause_failures # Solaris's sh exits with 1 here instead of 127 return if Facter.value(:operatingsystem) == "Solaris" exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "echo true", - :path => ENV["PATH"], - - :onlyif => "/bin/nosuchthingexists" - ) + :path => ENV["PATH"], + :onlyif => "/bin/nosuchthingexists" + ) assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Missing command did not raise error") { - exec.run("/bin/nosuchthingexists") + exec.provider.run("/bin/nosuchthingexists") } end def test_envparam exec = Puppet::Type.newexec( - :command => "echo $envtest", - :path => ENV["PATH"], - - :env => "envtest=yayness" + :path => ENV["PATH"], + :env => "envtest=yayness" ) assert(exec, "Could not make exec") output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run("echo $envtest") + output, status = exec.provider.run("echo $envtest") } assert_equal("yayness\n", output) # Now check whether we can do multiline settings assert_nothing_raised do exec[:env] = "envtest=a list of things and stuff" end output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run('echo "$envtest"') + output, status = exec.provider.run('echo "$envtest"') } assert_equal("a list of things\nand stuff\n", output) # Now test arrays assert_nothing_raised do exec[:env] = ["funtest=A", "yaytest=B"] end output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run('echo "$funtest" "$yaytest"') + output, status = exec.provider.run('echo "$funtest" "$yaytest"') } assert_equal("A B\n", output) end def test_environmentparam exec = Puppet::Type.newexec( - - :command => "echo $environmenttest", - :path => ENV["PATH"], - + :command => "echo $environmenttest", + :path => ENV["PATH"], :environment => "environmenttest=yayness" ) assert(exec, "Could not make exec") output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run("echo $environmenttest") + output, status = exec.provider.run("echo $environmenttest") } assert_equal("yayness\n", output) # Now check whether we can do multiline settings assert_nothing_raised do exec[:environment] = "environmenttest=a list of things and stuff" end output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run('echo "$environmenttest"') + output, status = exec.provider.run('echo "$environmenttest"') } assert_equal("a list of things\nand stuff\n", output) # Now test arrays assert_nothing_raised do exec[:environment] = ["funtest=A", "yaytest=B"] end output = status = nil assert_nothing_raised { - output, status = exec.run('echo "$funtest" "$yaytest"') + output, status = exec.provider.run('echo "$funtest" "$yaytest"') } assert_equal("A B\n", output) end - def test_timeout - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:command => "sleep 1", :path => ENV["PATH"], :timeout => "0.2") - time = Time.now - - assert_raise(Timeout::Error) { - exec.run("sleep 1") - } - Puppet.info "#{Time.now.to_f - time.to_f} seconds, vs a timeout of #{exec[:timeout]}" - - - assert_apply(exec) - end - # Testing #470 def test_run_as_created_user exec = nil if Process.uid == 0 user = "nosuchuser" assert_nothing_raised("Could not create exec with non-existent user") do - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "/bin/echo yay", - - :user => user + :user => user ) end end # Now try the group group = "nosuchgroup" assert_nothing_raised("Could not create exec with non-existent user") do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - :command => "/bin/echo yay", - - :group => group + :group => group ) end end # make sure paths work both as arrays and strings def test_paths_as_arrays path = %w{/usr/bin /usr/sbin /sbin} exec = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not use an array for the path") do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:command => "echo yay", :path => path) end assert_equal(path, exec[:path], "array-based path did not match") assert_nothing_raised("Could not use a string for the path") do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:command => "echo yay", :path => path.join(":")) end assert_equal(path, exec[:path], "string-based path did not match") assert_nothing_raised("Could not use a colon-separated strings in an array for the path") do exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:command => "echo yay", :path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin:/sbin"]) end assert_equal(path, exec[:path], "colon-separated array path did not match") end def test_checks_apply_to_refresh file = tempfile maker = tempfile - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "maker", - :command => "touch #{maker}", - - :path => ENV["PATH"] + exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :title => "maker", + :command => "touch #{maker}", + :path => ENV["PATH"] ) # Make sure it runs normally assert_apply(exec) assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "exec did not run") File.unlink(maker) # Now make sure it refreshes assert_nothing_raised("Failed to refresh exec") do exec.refresh end assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "exec did not run refresh") File.unlink(maker) # Now add the checks exec[:creates] = file # Make sure it runs when the file doesn't exist assert_nothing_raised("Failed to refresh exec") do exec.refresh end assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "exec did not refresh when checks passed") File.unlink(maker) # Now create the file and make sure it doesn't refresh File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "" } assert_nothing_raised("Failed to refresh exec") do exec.refresh end assert(! FileTest.exists?(maker), "exec refreshed with failing checks") end def test_explicit_refresh refresher = tempfile maker = tempfile - exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( - - :title => "maker", - :command => "touch #{maker}", - - :path => ENV["PATH"] + exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new( + :title => "maker", + :command => "touch #{maker}", + :path => ENV["PATH"] ) # Call refresh normally assert_nothing_raised do exec.refresh end # Make sure it created the normal file assert(FileTest.exists?(maker), "normal refresh did not work") File.unlink(maker) # Now reset refresh, and make sure it wins assert_nothing_raised("Could not set refresh parameter") do exec[:refresh] = "touch #{refresher}" end assert_nothing_raised do exec.refresh end # Make sure it created the normal file assert(FileTest.exists?(refresher), "refresh param was ignored") assert(! FileTest.exists?(maker), "refresh param also ran command") end if Puppet.features.root? def test_autorequire_user user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new(:name => "yay") exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:command => "/bin/echo fun", :user => "yay") rels = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not evaluate autorequire") do rels = exec.autorequire end assert(rels.find { |r| r.source == user and r.target == exec }, "Exec did not autorequire user") end end end -