diff --git a/lib/puppet/resource.rb b/lib/puppet/resource.rb index 0f4e24cc4..214516908 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/resource.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/resource.rb @@ -1,444 +1,439 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/util/pson' # The simplest resource class. Eventually it will function as the # base class for all resource-like behaviour. class Puppet::Resource # This stub class is only needed for serialization compatibility with 0.25.x. # Specifically, it exists to provide a compatibility API when using YAML # serialized objects loaded from StoreConfigs. Reference = Puppet::Resource include Puppet::Util::Tagging require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper extend Puppet::Util::Pson include Enumerable attr_accessor :file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual, :validate_parameters, :strict attr_reader :type, :title require 'puppet/indirector' extend Puppet::Indirector indirects :resource, :terminus_class => :ral ATTRIBUTES = [:file, :line, :exported] def self.from_pson(pson) raise ArgumentError, "No resource type provided in pson data" unless type = pson['type'] raise ArgumentError, "No resource title provided in pson data" unless title = pson['title'] resource = new(type, title) if params = pson['parameters'] params.each { |param, value| resource[param] = value } end if tags = pson['tags'] tags.each { |tag| resource.tag(tag) } end ATTRIBUTES.each do |a| if value = pson[a.to_s] resource.send(a.to_s + "=", value) end end resource.exported ||= false resource end def inspect "#{@type}[#{@title}]#{to_hash.inspect}" end def to_pson_data_hash data = ([:type, :title, :tags] + ATTRIBUTES).inject({}) do |hash, param| next hash unless value = self.send(param) hash[param.to_s] = value hash end data["exported"] ||= false params = self.to_hash.inject({}) do |hash, ary| param, value = ary # Don't duplicate the title as the namevar next hash if param == namevar and value == title hash[param] = Puppet::Resource.value_to_pson_data(value) hash end data["parameters"] = params unless params.empty? data end def self.value_to_pson_data(value) if value.is_a? Array value.map{|v| value_to_pson_data(v) } elsif value.is_a? Puppet::Resource value.to_s else value end end def yaml_property_munge(x) case x when Hash x.inject({}) { |h,kv| k,v = kv h[k] = self.class.value_to_pson_data(v) h } else self.class.value_to_pson_data(x) end end def to_pson(*args) to_pson_data_hash.to_pson(*args) end # Proxy these methods to the parameters hash. It's likely they'll # be overridden at some point, but this works for now. %w{has_key? keys length delete empty? <<}.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| parameters.send(method, *args) end end # Set a given parameter. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def []=(param, value) validate_parameter(param) if validate_parameters parameters[parameter_name(param)] = value end # Return a given parameter's value. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def [](param) parameters[parameter_name(param)] end def ==(other) return false unless other.respond_to?(:title) and self.type == other.type and self.title == other.title return false unless to_hash == other.to_hash true end # Compatibility method. def builtin? builtin_type? end # Is this a builtin resource type? def builtin_type? resource_type.is_a?(Class) end # Iterate over each param/value pair, as required for Enumerable. def each parameters.each { |p,v| yield p, v } end def include?(parameter) super || parameters.keys.include?( parameter_name(parameter) ) end # These two methods are extracted into a Helper # module, but file load order prevents me # from including them in the class, and I had weird # behaviour (i.e., sometimes it didn't work) when # I directly extended each resource with the helper. def environment Puppet::Node::Environment.new(@environment) end def environment=(env) if env.is_a?(String) or env.is_a?(Symbol) @environment = env else @environment = env.name end end %w{exported virtual strict}.each do |m| define_method(m+"?") do self.send(m) end end # Create our resource. def initialize(type, title = nil, attributes = {}) @parameters = {} # Set things like strictness first. attributes.each do |attr, value| next if attr == :parameters send(attr.to_s + "=", value) end @type, @title = extract_type_and_title(type, title) @type = munge_type_name(@type) if @type == "Class" @title = :main if @title == "" @title = munge_type_name(@title) end if params = attributes[:parameters] extract_parameters(params) end tag(self.type) tag(self.title) if valid_tag?(self.title) @reference = self # for serialization compatibility with 0.25.x if strict? and ! resource_type if @type == 'Class' raise ArgumentError, "Could not find declared class #{title}" else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid resource type #{type}" end end end def ref to_s end # Find our resource. def resolve return(catalog ? catalog.resource(to_s) : nil) end def resource_type case type when "Class"; known_resource_types.hostclass(title == :main ? "" : title) when "Node"; known_resource_types.node(title) else Puppet::Type.type(type.to_s.downcase.to_sym) || known_resource_types.definition(type) end end # Produce a simple hash of our parameters. def to_hash parse_title.merge parameters end def to_s "#{type}[#{title}]" end def uniqueness_key # Temporary kludge to deal with inconsistant use patters h = self.to_hash h[namevar] ||= h[:name] h[:name] ||= h[namevar] - # Simulate the same behaviour like Type#uniqueness_key - if key_attributes.size == 1 - h[namevar] - else - h.values_at(*key_attributes) - end + h.values_at(*key_attributes.sort_by { |k| k.to_s }) end def key_attributes - resource_type.respond_to?(:key_attributes) ? resource_type.key_attributes : [:name] + return(resource_type.respond_to? :key_attributes) ? resource_type.key_attributes : [:name] end # Convert our resource to Puppet code. def to_manifest # Collect list of attributes to align => and move ensure first attr = parameters.keys attr_max = attr.inject(0) { |max,k| k.to_s.length > max ? k.to_s.length : max } attr.sort! if attr.first != :ensure && attr.include?(:ensure) attr.delete(:ensure) attr.unshift(:ensure) end attributes = attr.collect { |k| v = parameters[k] if v.is_a? Array " %-#{attr_max}s => %s,\n" % [ k, "[\'#{v.join("', '")}\']" ] else " %-#{attr_max}s => %s,\n" % [ k, "\'#{v}\'" ] end } "%s { '%s':\n%s}" % [self.type.to_s.downcase, self.title, attributes] end def to_ref ref end # Convert our resource to a RAL resource instance. Creates component # instances for resource types that don't exist. def to_ral if typeklass = Puppet::Type.type(self.type) return typeklass.new(self) else return Puppet::Type::Component.new(self) end end # Translate our object to a backward-compatible transportable object. def to_trans if builtin_type? and type.downcase.to_s != "stage" result = to_transobject else result = to_transbucket end result.file = self.file result.line = self.line result end def to_trans_ref [type.to_s, title.to_s] end # Create an old-style TransObject instance, for builtin resource types. def to_transobject # Now convert to a transobject result = Puppet::TransObject.new(title, type) to_hash.each do |p, v| if v.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) v = v.to_trans_ref elsif v.is_a?(Array) v = v.collect { |av| av = av.to_trans_ref if av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) av } end # If the value is an array with only one value, then # convert it to a single value. This is largely so that # the database interaction doesn't have to worry about # whether it returns an array or a string. result[p.to_s] = if v.is_a?(Array) and v.length == 1 v[0] else v end end result.tags = self.tags result end def name # this is potential namespace conflict # between the notion of an "indirector name" # and a "resource name" [ type, title ].join('/') end def to_resource self end def valid_parameter?(name) resource_type.valid_parameter?(name) end def validate_parameter(name) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid parameter #{name}" unless valid_parameter?(name) end private # Produce a canonical method name. def parameter_name(param) param = param.to_s.downcase.to_sym if param == :name and n = namevar param = namevar end param end # The namevar for our resource type. If the type doesn't exist, # always use :name. def namevar if builtin_type? and t = resource_type and t.key_attributes.length == 1 t.key_attributes.first else :name end end # Create an old-style TransBucket instance, for non-builtin resource types. def to_transbucket bucket = Puppet::TransBucket.new([]) bucket.type = self.type bucket.name = self.title # TransBuckets don't support parameters, which is why they're being deprecated. bucket end def extract_parameters(params) params.each do |param, value| validate_parameter(param) if strict? self[param] = value end end def extract_type_and_title(argtype, argtitle) if (argtitle || argtype) =~ /^([^\[\]]+)\[(.+)\]$/m then [ $1, $2 ] elsif argtitle then [ argtype, argtitle ] elsif argtype.is_a?(Puppet::Type) then [ argtype.class.name, argtype.title ] elsif argtype.is_a?(Hash) then raise ArgumentError, "Puppet::Resource.new does not take a hash as the first argument. "+ "Did you mean (#{(argtype[:type] || argtype["type"]).inspect}, #{(argtype[:title] || argtype["title"]).inspect }) ?" else raise ArgumentError, "No title provided and #{argtype.inspect} is not a valid resource reference" end end def munge_type_name(value) return :main if value == :main return "Class" if value == "" or value.nil? or value.to_s.downcase == "component" value.to_s.split("::").collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join("::") end def parse_title h = {} type = resource_type if type.respond_to? :title_patterns type.title_patterns.each { |regexp, symbols_and_lambdas| if captures = regexp.match(title.to_s) symbols_and_lambdas.zip(captures[1..-1]).each { |symbol_and_lambda,capture| sym, lam = symbol_and_lambda #self[sym] = lam.call(capture) h[sym] = lam.call(capture) } return h end } else return { :name => title.to_s } end end def parameters # @parameters could have been loaded from YAML, causing it to be nil (by # bypassing initialize). @parameters ||= {} end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/transaction.rb b/lib/puppet/transaction.rb index 6c816f130..aa650eea1 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/transaction.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/transaction.rb @@ -1,334 +1,334 @@ # the class that actually walks our resource/property tree, collects the changes, # and performs them require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/application' class Puppet::Transaction require 'puppet/transaction/event' require 'puppet/transaction/event_manager' require 'puppet/transaction/resource_harness' require 'puppet/resource/status' attr_accessor :component, :catalog, :ignoreschedules attr_accessor :sorted_resources, :configurator # The report, once generated. attr_accessor :report # Routes and stores any events and subscriptions. attr_reader :event_manager # Handles most of the actual interacting with resources attr_reader :resource_harness include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Tagging # Wraps application run state check to flag need to interrupt processing def stop_processing? Puppet::Application.stop_requested? end # Add some additional times for reporting def add_times(hash) hash.each do |name, num| report.add_times(name, num) end end # Are there any failed resources in this transaction? def any_failed? report.resource_statuses.values.detect { |status| status.failed? } end # Apply all changes for a resource def apply(resource, ancestor = nil) status = resource_harness.evaluate(resource) add_resource_status(status) event_manager.queue_events(ancestor || resource, status.events) rescue => detail resource.err "Could not evaluate: #{detail}" end # Find all of the changed resources. def changed? report.resource_statuses.values.find_all { |status| status.changed }.collect { |status| catalog.resource(status.resource) } end # Copy an important relationships from the parent to the newly-generated # child resource. def make_parent_child_relationship(resource, children) depthfirst = resource.depthfirst? children.each do |gen_child| if depthfirst edge = [gen_child, resource] else edge = [resource, gen_child] end relationship_graph.add_vertex(gen_child) unless relationship_graph.edge?(edge[1], edge[0]) relationship_graph.add_edge(*edge) else resource.debug "Skipping automatic relationship to #{gen_child}" end end end # See if the resource generates new resources at evaluation time. def eval_generate(resource) generate_additional_resources(resource, :eval_generate) end # Evaluate a single resource. def eval_resource(resource, ancestor = nil) if skip?(resource) resource_status(resource).skipped = true else eval_children_and_apply_resource(resource, ancestor) end # Check to see if there are any events queued for this resource event_manager.process_events(resource) end def eval_children_and_apply_resource(resource, ancestor = nil) resource_status(resource).scheduled = true # We need to generate first regardless, because the recursive # actions sometimes change how the top resource is applied. children = eval_generate(resource) if ! children.empty? and resource.depthfirst? children.each do |child| # The child will never be skipped when the parent isn't eval_resource(child, ancestor || resource) end end # Perform the actual changes apply(resource, ancestor) if ! children.empty? and ! resource.depthfirst? children.each do |child| eval_resource(child, ancestor || resource) end end end # This method does all the actual work of running a transaction. It # collects all of the changes, executes them, and responds to any # necessary events. def evaluate # Start logging. Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(@report) prepare Puppet.info "Applying configuration version '#{catalog.version}'" if catalog.version begin @sorted_resources.each do |resource| next if stop_processing? if resource.is_a?(Puppet::Type::Component) Puppet.warning "Somehow left a component in the relationship graph" next end ret = nil seconds = thinmark do ret = eval_resource(resource) end resource.info "Evaluated in %0.2f seconds" % seconds if Puppet[:evaltrace] and @catalog.host_config? ret end ensure # And then close the transaction log. Puppet::Util::Log.close(@report) end Puppet.debug "Finishing transaction #{object_id}" end def events event_manager.events end def failed?(resource) s = resource_status(resource) and s.failed? end # Does this resource have any failed dependencies? def failed_dependencies?(resource) # First make sure there are no failed dependencies. To do this, # we check for failures in any of the vertexes above us. It's not # enough to check the immediate dependencies, which is why we use # a tree from the reversed graph. found_failed = false relationship_graph.dependencies(resource).each do |dep| next unless failed?(dep) resource.notice "Dependency #{dep} has failures: #{resource_status(dep).failed}" found_failed = true end found_failed end # A general method for recursively generating new resources from a # resource. def generate_additional_resources(resource, method) return [] unless resource.respond_to?(method) begin made = resource.send(method) rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] resource.err "Failed to generate additional resources using '#{method}': #{detail}" end return [] unless made made = [made] unless made.is_a?(Array) made.uniq.find_all do |res| begin res.tag(*resource.tags) @catalog.add_resource(res) do |r| r.finish make_parent_child_relationship(resource, [r]) # Call 'generate' recursively generate_additional_resources(r, method) end true rescue Puppet::Resource::Catalog::DuplicateResourceError res.info "Duplicate generated resource; skipping" false end end end # Collect any dynamically generated resources. This method is called # before the transaction starts. def generate list = @catalog.vertices newlist = [] while ! list.empty? list.each do |resource| newlist += generate_additional_resources(resource, :generate) end list = newlist newlist = [] end end # Should we ignore tags? def ignore_tags? ! (@catalog.host_config? or Puppet[:name] == "puppet") end # this should only be called by a Puppet::Type::Component resource now # and it should only receive an array def initialize(catalog) @catalog = catalog @report = Report.new("apply", catalog.version) @event_manager = Puppet::Transaction::EventManager.new(self) @resource_harness = Puppet::Transaction::ResourceHarness.new(self) end # Prefetch any providers that support it. We don't support prefetching # types, just providers. def prefetch prefetchers = {} @catalog.vertices.each do |resource| if provider = resource.provider and provider.class.respond_to?(:prefetch) prefetchers[provider.class] ||= {} - prefetchers[provider.class][resource.uniqueness_key] = resource + prefetchers[provider.class][resource.name] = resource end end # Now call prefetch, passing in the resources so that the provider instances can be replaced. prefetchers.each do |provider, resources| Puppet.debug "Prefetching #{provider.name} resources for #{provider.resource_type.name}" begin provider.prefetch(resources) rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] Puppet.err "Could not prefetch #{provider.resource_type.name} provider '#{provider.name}': #{detail}" end end end # Prepare to evaluate the resources in a transaction. def prepare # Now add any dynamically generated resources generate # Then prefetch. It's important that we generate and then prefetch, # so that any generated resources also get prefetched. prefetch # This will throw an error if there are cycles in the graph. @sorted_resources = relationship_graph.topsort end def relationship_graph catalog.relationship_graph end def add_resource_status(status) report.add_resource_status status end def resource_status(resource) report.resource_statuses[resource.to_s] || add_resource_status(Puppet::Resource::Status.new(resource)) end # Is the resource currently scheduled? def scheduled?(resource) self.ignoreschedules or resource_harness.scheduled?(resource_status(resource), resource) end # Should this resource be skipped? def skip?(resource) if missing_tags?(resource) resource.debug "Not tagged with #{tags.join(", ")}" elsif ! scheduled?(resource) resource.debug "Not scheduled" elsif failed_dependencies?(resource) resource.warning "Skipping because of failed dependencies" elsif resource.virtual? resource.debug "Skipping because virtual" else return false end true end # The tags we should be checking. def tags self.tags = Puppet[:tags] unless defined?(@tags) super end def handle_qualified_tags( qualified ) # The default behavior of Puppet::Util::Tagging is # to split qualified tags into parts. That would cause # qualified tags to match too broadly here. return end # Is this resource tagged appropriately? def missing_tags?(resource) return false if ignore_tags? return false if tags.empty? not resource.tagged?(*tags) end end require 'puppet/transaction/report' diff --git a/lib/puppet/type.rb b/lib/puppet/type.rb index c8d8688b0..205d809c1 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type.rb @@ -1,1916 +1,1910 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/log' require 'puppet/util/metric' require 'puppet/property' require 'puppet/parameter' require 'puppet/util' require 'puppet/util/autoload' require 'puppet/metatype/manager' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/util/log_paths' require 'puppet/util/logging' require 'puppet/util/cacher' require 'puppet/file_collection/lookup' require 'puppet/util/tagging' # see the bottom of the file for the rest of the inclusions module Puppet class Type include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::LogPaths include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::Util::Cacher include Puppet::FileCollection::Lookup include Puppet::Util::Tagging ############################### # Code related to resource type attributes. class << self include Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::Util::Warnings attr_reader :properties end def self.states warnonce "The states method is deprecated; use properties" properties end # All parameters, in the appropriate order. The key_attributes come first, then # the provider, then the properties, and finally the params and metaparams # in the order they were specified in the files. def self.allattrs key_attributes | (parameters & [:provider]) | properties.collect { |property| property.name } | parameters | metaparams end # Retrieve an attribute alias, if there is one. def self.attr_alias(param) @attr_aliases[symbolize(param)] end # Create an alias to an existing attribute. This will cause the aliased # attribute to be valid when setting and retrieving values on the instance. def self.set_attr_alias(hash) hash.each do |new, old| @attr_aliases[symbolize(new)] = symbolize(old) end end # Find the class associated with any given attribute. def self.attrclass(name) @attrclasses ||= {} # We cache the value, since this method gets called such a huge number # of times (as in, hundreds of thousands in a given run). unless @attrclasses.include?(name) @attrclasses[name] = case self.attrtype(name) when :property; @validproperties[name] when :meta; @@metaparamhash[name] when :param; @paramhash[name] end end @attrclasses[name] end # What type of parameter are we dealing with? Cache the results, because # this method gets called so many times. def self.attrtype(attr) @attrtypes ||= {} unless @attrtypes.include?(attr) @attrtypes[attr] = case when @validproperties.include?(attr); :property when @paramhash.include?(attr); :param when @@metaparamhash.include?(attr); :meta end end @attrtypes[attr] end def self.eachmetaparam @@metaparams.each { |p| yield p.name } end # Create the 'ensure' class. This is a separate method so other types # can easily call it and create their own 'ensure' values. def self.ensurable(&block) if block_given? self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure, &block) else self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do self.defaultvalues end end end # Should we add the 'ensure' property to this class? def self.ensurable? # If the class has all three of these methods defined, then it's # ensurable. ens = [:exists?, :create, :destroy].inject { |set, method| set &&= self.public_method_defined?(method) } ens end # Deal with any options passed into parameters. def self.handle_param_options(name, options) # If it's a boolean parameter, create a method to test the value easily if options[:boolean] define_method(name.to_s + "?") do val = self[name] if val == :true or val == true return true end end end end # Is the parameter in question a meta-parameter? def self.metaparam?(param) @@metaparamhash.include?(symbolize(param)) end # Find the metaparameter class associated with a given metaparameter name. def self.metaparamclass(name) @@metaparamhash[symbolize(name)] end def self.metaparams @@metaparams.collect { |param| param.name } end def self.metaparamdoc(metaparam) @@metaparamhash[metaparam].doc end # Create a new metaparam. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it. def self.newmetaparam(name, options = {}, &block) @@metaparams ||= [] @@metaparamhash ||= {} name = symbolize(name) param = genclass( name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :prefix => "MetaParam", :hash => @@metaparamhash, :array => @@metaparams, :attributes => options[:attributes], &block ) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] handle_param_options(name, options) param.metaparam = true param end def self.key_attribute_parameters @key_attribute_parameters ||= ( params = @parameters.find_all { |param| param.isnamevar? or param.name == :name } ) end def self.key_attributes key_attribute_parameters.collect { |p| p.name } end def self.title_patterns case key_attributes.length when 0; [] when 1; identity = lambda {|x| x} [ [ /(.*)/m, [ [key_attributes.first, identity ] ] ] ] else raise Puppet::DevError,"you must specify title patterns when there are two or more key attributes" end end def uniqueness_key - # If we have only one namevar use that one (res.uniqueness_key behaves - # like res[:name] in that case). Otherwise use an array of all keyattributes - if name_var - self[:name] - else - @parameters.values_at(*self.class.key_attributes).collect {|p| p.value } - end + to_resource.uniqueness_key end # Create a new parameter. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it. def self.newparam(name, options = {}, &block) options[:attributes] ||= {} param = genclass( name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :attributes => options[:attributes], :block => block, :prefix => "Parameter", :array => @parameters, :hash => @paramhash ) handle_param_options(name, options) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] param.isnamevar if options[:namevar] param end def self.newstate(name, options = {}, &block) Puppet.warning "newstate() has been deprecrated; use newproperty(#{name})" newproperty(name, options, &block) end # Create a new property. The first parameter must be the name of the property; # this is how users will refer to the property when creating new instances. # The second parameter is a hash of options; the options are: # * :parent: The parent class for the property. Defaults to Puppet::Property. # * :retrieve: The method to call on the provider or @parent object (if # the provider is not set) to retrieve the current value. def self.newproperty(name, options = {}, &block) name = symbolize(name) # This is here for types that might still have the old method of defining # a parent class. unless options.is_a? Hash raise Puppet::DevError, "Options must be a hash, not #{options.inspect}" end raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self.name} already has a property named #{name}" if @validproperties.include?(name) if parent = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) else parent = Puppet::Property end # We have to create our own, new block here because we want to define # an initial :retrieve method, if told to, and then eval the passed # block if available. prop = genclass(name, :parent => parent, :hash => @validproperties, :attributes => options) do # If they've passed a retrieve method, then override the retrieve # method on the class. if options[:retrieve] define_method(:retrieve) do provider.send(options[:retrieve]) end end class_eval(&block) if block end # If it's the 'ensure' property, always put it first. if name == :ensure @properties.unshift prop else @properties << prop end prop end def self.paramdoc(param) @paramhash[param].doc end # Return the parameter names def self.parameters return [] unless defined?(@parameters) @parameters.collect { |klass| klass.name } end # Find the parameter class associated with a given parameter name. def self.paramclass(name) @paramhash[name] end # Return the property class associated with a name def self.propertybyname(name) @validproperties[name] end def self.validattr?(name) name = symbolize(name) return true if name == :name @validattrs ||= {} unless @validattrs.include?(name) @validattrs[name] = !!(self.validproperty?(name) or self.validparameter?(name) or self.metaparam?(name)) end @validattrs[name] end # does the name reflect a valid property? def self.validproperty?(name) name = symbolize(name) @validproperties.include?(name) && @validproperties[name] end # Return the list of validproperties def self.validproperties return {} unless defined?(@parameters) @validproperties.keys end # does the name reflect a valid parameter? def self.validparameter?(name) raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self} has not defined parameters" unless defined?(@parameters) !!(@paramhash.include?(name) or @@metaparamhash.include?(name)) end # This is a forward-compatibility method - it's the validity interface we'll use in Puppet::Resource. def self.valid_parameter?(name) validattr?(name) end # Return either the attribute alias or the attribute. def attr_alias(name) name = symbolize(name) if synonym = self.class.attr_alias(name) return synonym else return name end end # Are we deleting this resource? def deleting? obj = @parameters[:ensure] and obj.should == :absent end # Create a new property if it is valid but doesn't exist # Returns: true if a new parameter was added, false otherwise def add_property_parameter(prop_name) if self.class.validproperty?(prop_name) && !@parameters[prop_name] self.newattr(prop_name) return true end false end # # The name_var is the key_attribute in the case that there is only one. # def name_var key_attributes = self.class.key_attributes (key_attributes.length == 1) && key_attributes.first end # abstract accessing parameters and properties, and normalize # access to always be symbols, not strings # This returns a value, not an object. It returns the 'is' # value, but you can also specifically return 'is' and 'should' # values using 'object.is(:property)' or 'object.should(:property)'. def [](name) name = attr_alias(name) fail("Invalid parameter #{name}(#{name.inspect})") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end if obj = @parameters[name] # Note that if this is a property, then the value is the "should" value, # not the current value. obj.value else return nil end end # Abstract setting parameters and properties, and normalize # access to always be symbols, not strings. This sets the 'should' # value on properties, and otherwise just sets the appropriate parameter. def []=(name,value) name = attr_alias(name) fail("Invalid parameter #{name}") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end raise Puppet::Error.new("Got nil value for #{name}") if value.nil? property = self.newattr(name) if property begin # make sure the parameter doesn't have any errors property.value = value rescue => detail error = Puppet::Error.new("Parameter #{name} failed: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end nil end # remove a property from the object; useful in testing or in cleanup # when an error has been encountered def delete(attr) attr = symbolize(attr) if @parameters.has_key?(attr) @parameters.delete(attr) else raise Puppet::DevError.new("Undefined attribute '#{attr}' in #{self}") end end # iterate across the existing properties def eachproperty # properties is a private method properties.each { |property| yield property } end # Create a transaction event. Called by Transaction or by # a property. def event(options = {}) Puppet::Transaction::Event.new({:resource => self, :file => file, :line => line, :tags => tags}.merge(options)) end # Let the catalog determine whether a given cached value is # still valid or has expired. def expirer catalog end # retrieve the 'should' value for a specified property def should(name) name = attr_alias(name) (prop = @parameters[name] and prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? prop.should : nil end # Create the actual attribute instance. Requires either the attribute # name or class as the first argument, then an optional hash of # attributes to set during initialization. def newattr(name) if name.is_a?(Class) klass = name name = klass.name end unless klass = self.class.attrclass(name) raise Puppet::Error, "Resource type #{self.class.name} does not support parameter #{name}" end if provider and ! provider.class.supports_parameter?(klass) missing = klass.required_features.find_all { |f| ! provider.class.feature?(f) } info "Provider %s does not support features %s; not managing attribute %s" % [provider.class.name, missing.join(", "), name] return nil end return @parameters[name] if @parameters.include?(name) @parameters[name] = klass.new(:resource => self) end # return the value of a parameter def parameter(name) @parameters[name.to_sym] end def parameters @parameters.dup end # Is the named property defined? def propertydefined?(name) name = name.intern unless name.is_a? Symbol @parameters.include?(name) end # Return an actual property instance by name; to return the value, use 'resource[param]' # LAK:NOTE(20081028) Since the 'parameter' method is now a superset of this method, # this one should probably go away at some point. def property(name) (obj = @parameters[symbolize(name)] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? obj : nil end # For any parameters or properties that have defaults and have not yet been # set, set them now. This method can be handed a list of attributes, # and if so it will only set defaults for those attributes. def set_default(attr) return unless klass = self.class.attrclass(attr) return unless klass.method_defined?(:default) return if @parameters.include?(klass.name) return unless parameter = newattr(klass.name) if value = parameter.default and ! value.nil? parameter.value = value else @parameters.delete(parameter.name) end end # Convert our object to a hash. This just includes properties. def to_hash rethash = {} @parameters.each do |name, obj| rethash[name] = obj.value end rethash end def type self.class.name end # Return a specific value for an attribute. def value(name) name = attr_alias(name) (obj = @parameters[name] and obj.respond_to?(:value)) ? obj.value : nil end def version return 0 unless catalog catalog.version end # Return all of the property objects, in the order specified in the # class. def properties self.class.properties.collect { |prop| @parameters[prop.name] }.compact end # Is this type's name isomorphic with the object? That is, if the # name conflicts, does it necessarily mean that the objects conflict? # Defaults to true. def self.isomorphic? if defined?(@isomorphic) return @isomorphic else return true end end def isomorphic? self.class.isomorphic? end # is the instance a managed instance? A 'yes' here means that # the instance was created from the language, vs. being created # in order resolve other questions, such as finding a package # in a list def managed? # Once an object is managed, it always stays managed; but an object # that is listed as unmanaged might become managed later in the process, # so we have to check that every time if @managed return @managed else @managed = false properties.each { |property| s = property.should if s and ! property.class.unmanaged @managed = true break end } return @managed end end ############################### # Code related to the container behaviour. # this is a retarded hack method to get around the difference between # component children and file children def self.depthfirst? @depthfirst end def depthfirst? self.class.depthfirst? end # Remove an object. The argument determines whether the object's # subscriptions get eliminated, too. def remove(rmdeps = true) # This is hackish (mmm, cut and paste), but it works for now, and it's # better than warnings. @parameters.each do |name, obj| obj.remove end @parameters.clear @parent = nil # Remove the reference to the provider. if self.provider @provider.clear @provider = nil end end ############################### # Code related to evaluating the resources. # Flush the provider, if it supports it. This is called by the # transaction. def flush self.provider.flush if self.provider and self.provider.respond_to?(:flush) end # if all contained objects are in sync, then we're in sync # FIXME I don't think this is used on the type instances any more, # it's really only used for testing def insync?(is) insync = true if property = @parameters[:ensure] unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end ensureis = is[property] if property.safe_insync?(ensureis) and property.should == :absent return true end end properties.each { |property| unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end propis = is[property] unless property.safe_insync?(propis) property.debug("Not in sync: #{propis.inspect} vs #{property.should.inspect}") insync = false #else # property.debug("In sync") end } #self.debug("#{self} sync status is #{insync}") insync end # retrieve the current value of all contained properties def retrieve fail "Provider #{provider.class.name} is not functional on this host" if self.provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) and ! provider.class.suitable? result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) # Provide the name, so we know we'll always refer to a real thing result[:name] = self[:name] unless self[:name] == title if ensure_prop = property(:ensure) or (self.class.validattr?(:ensure) and ensure_prop = newattr(:ensure)) result[:ensure] = ensure_state = ensure_prop.retrieve else ensure_state = nil end properties.each do |property| next if property.name == :ensure if ensure_state == :absent result[property] = :absent else result[property] = property.retrieve end end result end def retrieve_resource resource = retrieve resource = Resource.new(type, title, :parameters => resource) if resource.is_a? Hash resource end # Get a hash of the current properties. Returns a hash with # the actual property instance as the key and the current value # as the, um, value. def currentpropvalues # It's important to use the 'properties' method here, as it follows the order # in which they're defined in the class. It also guarantees that 'ensure' # is the first property, which is important for skipping 'retrieve' on # all the properties if the resource is absent. ensure_state = false return properties.inject({}) do | prophash, property| if property.name == :ensure ensure_state = property.retrieve prophash[property] = ensure_state else if ensure_state == :absent prophash[property] = :absent else prophash[property] = property.retrieve end end prophash end end # Are we running in noop mode? def noop? # If we're not a host_config, we're almost certainly part of # Settings, and we want to ignore 'noop' return false if catalog and ! catalog.host_config? if defined?(@noop) @noop else Puppet[:noop] end end def noop noop? end ############################### # Code related to managing resource instances. require 'puppet/transportable' # retrieve a named instance of the current type def self.[](name) raise "Global resource access is deprecated" @objects[name] || @aliases[name] end # add an instance by name to the class list of instances def self.[]=(name,object) raise "Global resource storage is deprecated" newobj = nil if object.is_a?(Puppet::Type) newobj = object else raise Puppet::DevError, "must pass a Puppet::Type object" end if exobj = @objects[name] and self.isomorphic? msg = "Object '#{newobj.class.name}[#{name}]' already exists" msg += ("in file #{object.file} at line #{object.line}") if exobj.file and exobj.line msg += ("and cannot be redefined in file #{object.file} at line #{object.line}") if object.file and object.line error = Puppet::Error.new(msg) raise error else #Puppet.info("adding %s of type %s to class list" % # [name,object.class]) @objects[name] = newobj end end # Create an alias. We keep these in a separate hash so that we don't encounter # the objects multiple times when iterating over them. def self.alias(name, obj) raise "Global resource aliasing is deprecated" if @objects.include?(name) unless @objects[name] == obj raise Puppet::Error.new( "Cannot create alias #{name}: object already exists" ) end end if @aliases.include?(name) unless @aliases[name] == obj raise Puppet::Error.new( "Object #{@aliases[name].name} already has alias #{name}" ) end end @aliases[name] = obj end # remove all of the instances of a single type def self.clear raise "Global resource removal is deprecated" if defined?(@objects) @objects.each do |name, obj| obj.remove(true) end @objects.clear end @aliases.clear if defined?(@aliases) end # Force users to call this, so that we can merge objects if # necessary. def self.create(args) # LAK:DEP Deprecation notice added 12/17/2008 Puppet.warning "Puppet::Type.create is deprecated; use Puppet::Type.new" new(args) end # remove a specified object def self.delete(resource) raise "Global resource removal is deprecated" return unless defined?(@objects) @objects.delete(resource.title) if @objects.include?(resource.title) @aliases.delete(resource.title) if @aliases.include?(resource.title) if @aliases.has_value?(resource) names = [] @aliases.each do |name, otherres| if otherres == resource names << name end end names.each { |name| @aliases.delete(name) } end end # iterate across each of the type's instances def self.each raise "Global resource iteration is deprecated" return unless defined?(@objects) @objects.each { |name,instance| yield instance } end # does the type have an object with the given name? def self.has_key?(name) raise "Global resource access is deprecated" @objects.has_key?(name) end # Retrieve all known instances. Either requires providers or must be overridden. def self.instances raise Puppet::DevError, "#{self.name} has no providers and has not overridden 'instances'" if provider_hash.empty? # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers. provider_instances = {} providers_by_source.collect do |provider| provider.instances.collect do |instance| # We always want to use the "first" provider instance we find, unless the resource # is already managed and has a different provider set if other = provider_instances[instance.name] Puppet.warning "%s %s found in both %s and %s; skipping the %s version" % [self.name.to_s.capitalize, instance.name, other.class.name, instance.class.name, instance.class.name] next end provider_instances[instance.name] = instance new(:name => instance.name, :provider => instance, :audit => :all) end end.flatten.compact end # Return a list of one suitable provider per source, with the default provider first. def self.providers_by_source # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers. sources = [] [defaultprovider, suitableprovider].flatten.uniq.collect do |provider| next if sources.include?(provider.source) sources << provider.source provider end.compact end # Convert a simple hash into a Resource instance. def self.hash2resource(hash) hash = hash.inject({}) { |result, ary| result[ary[0].to_sym] = ary[1]; result } title = hash.delete(:title) title ||= hash[:name] title ||= hash[key_attributes.first] if key_attributes.length == 1 raise Puppet::Error, "Title or name must be provided" unless title # Now create our resource. resource = Puppet::Resource.new(self.name, title) [:catalog].each do |attribute| if value = hash[attribute] hash.delete(attribute) resource.send(attribute.to_s + "=", value) end end hash.each do |param, value| resource[param] = value end resource end # Create the path for logging and such. def pathbuilder if p = parent [p.pathbuilder, self.ref].flatten else [self.ref] end end ############################### # Add all of the meta parameters. newmetaparam(:noop) do desc "Boolean flag indicating whether work should actually be done." newvalues(:true, :false) munge do |value| case value when true, :true, "true"; @resource.noop = true when false, :false, "false"; @resource.noop = false end end end newmetaparam(:schedule) do desc "On what schedule the object should be managed. You must create a schedule object, and then reference the name of that object to use that for your schedule: schedule { daily: period => daily, range => \"2-4\" } exec { \"/usr/bin/apt-get update\": schedule => daily } The creation of the schedule object does not need to appear in the configuration before objects that use it." end newmetaparam(:audit) do desc "Marks a subset of this resource's unmanaged attributes for auditing. Accepts an attribute name or a list of attribute names. Auditing a resource attribute has two effects: First, whenever a catalog is applied with puppet apply or puppet agent, Puppet will check whether that attribute of the resource has been modified, comparing its current value to the previous run; any change will be logged alongside any actions performed by Puppet while applying the catalog. Secondly, marking a resource attribute for auditing will include that attribute in inspection reports generated by puppet inspect; see the puppet inspect documentation for more details. Managed attributes for a resource can also be audited, but note that changes made by Puppet will be logged as additional modifications. (I.e. if a user manually edits a file whose contents are audited and managed, puppet agent's next two runs will both log an audit notice: the first run will log the user's edit and then revert the file to the desired state, and the second run will log the edit made by Puppet.)" validate do |list| list = Array(list).collect {|p| p.to_sym} unless list == [:all] list.each do |param| next if @resource.class.validattr?(param) fail "Cannot audit #{param}: not a valid attribute for #{resource}" end end end munge do |args| properties_to_audit(args).each do |param| next unless resource.class.validproperty?(param) resource.newattr(param) end end def all_properties resource.class.properties.find_all do |property| resource.provider.nil? or resource.provider.class.supports_parameter?(property) end.collect do |property| property.name end end def properties_to_audit(list) if !list.kind_of?(Array) && list.to_sym == :all list = all_properties else list = Array(list).collect { |p| p.to_sym } end end end newmetaparam(:check) do desc "Audit specified attributes of resources over time, and report if any have changed. This parameter has been deprecated in favor of 'audit'." munge do |args| resource.warning "'check' attribute is deprecated; use 'audit' instead" resource[:audit] = args end end newmetaparam(:loglevel) do desc "Sets the level that information will be logged. The log levels have the biggest impact when logs are sent to syslog (which is currently the default)." defaultto :notice newvalues(*Puppet::Util::Log.levels) newvalues(:verbose) munge do |loglevel| val = super(loglevel) if val == :verbose val = :info end val end end newmetaparam(:alias) do desc "Creates an alias for the object. Puppet uses this internally when you provide a symbolic name: file { sshdconfig: path => $operatingsystem ? { solaris => \"/usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config\", default => \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\" }, source => \"...\" } service { sshd: subscribe => File[sshdconfig] } When you use this feature, the parser sets `sshdconfig` as the name, and the library sets that as an alias for the file so the dependency lookup for `sshd` works. You can use this parameter yourself, but note that only the library can use these aliases; for instance, the following code will not work: file { \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\": owner => root, group => root, alias => sshdconfig } file { sshdconfig: mode => 644 } There's no way here for the Puppet parser to know that these two stanzas should be affecting the same file. See the [Language Tutorial](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/language_tutorial.html) for more information. " munge do |aliases| aliases = [aliases] unless aliases.is_a?(Array) raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot add aliases without a catalog") unless @resource.catalog aliases.each do |other| if obj = @resource.catalog.resource(@resource.class.name, other) unless obj.object_id == @resource.object_id self.fail("#{@resource.title} can not create alias #{other}: object already exists") end next end # Newschool, add it to the catalog. @resource.catalog.alias(@resource, other) end end end newmetaparam(:tag) do desc "Add the specified tags to the associated resource. While all resources are automatically tagged with as much information as possible (e.g., each class and definition containing the resource), it can be useful to add your own tags to a given resource. Tags are currently useful for things like applying a subset of a host's configuration: puppet agent --test --tags mytag This way, when you're testing a configuration you can run just the portion you're testing." munge do |tags| tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array tags.each do |tag| @resource.tag(tag) end end end class RelationshipMetaparam < Puppet::Parameter class << self attr_accessor :direction, :events, :callback, :subclasses end @subclasses = [] def self.inherited(sub) @subclasses << sub end def munge(references) references = [references] unless references.is_a?(Array) references.collect do |ref| if ref.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) ref else Puppet::Resource.new(ref) end end end def validate_relationship @value.each do |ref| unless @resource.catalog.resource(ref.to_s) description = self.class.direction == :in ? "dependency" : "dependent" fail "Could not find #{description} #{ref} for #{resource.ref}" end end end # Create edges from each of our relationships. :in # relationships are specified by the event-receivers, and :out # relationships are specified by the event generator. This # way 'source' and 'target' are consistent terms in both edges # and events -- that is, an event targets edges whose source matches # the event's source. The direction of the relationship determines # which resource is applied first and which resource is considered # to be the event generator. def to_edges @value.collect do |reference| reference.catalog = resource.catalog # Either of the two retrieval attempts could have returned # nil. unless related_resource = reference.resolve self.fail "Could not retrieve dependency '#{reference}' of #{@resource.ref}" end # Are we requiring them, or vice versa? See the method docs # for futher info on this. if self.class.direction == :in source = related_resource target = @resource else source = @resource target = related_resource end if method = self.class.callback subargs = { :event => self.class.events, :callback => method } self.debug("subscribes to #{related_resource.ref}") else # If there's no callback, there's no point in even adding # a label. subargs = nil self.debug("requires #{related_resource.ref}") end rel = Puppet::Relationship.new(source, target, subargs) end end end def self.relationship_params RelationshipMetaparam.subclasses end # Note that the order in which the relationships params is defined # matters. The labelled params (notify and subcribe) must be later, # so that if both params are used, those ones win. It's a hackish # solution, but it works. newmetaparam(:require, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :NONE}) do desc "One or more objects that this object depends on. This is used purely for guaranteeing that changes to required objects happen before the dependent object. For instance: # Create the destination directory before you copy things down file { \"/usr/local/scripts\": ensure => directory } file { \"/usr/local/scripts/myscript\": source => \"puppet://server/module/myscript\", mode => 755, require => File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"] } Multiple dependencies can be specified by providing a comma-seperated list of resources, enclosed in square brackets: require => [ File[\"/usr/local\"], File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"] ] Note that Puppet will autorequire everything that it can, and there are hooks in place so that it's easy for resources to add new ways to autorequire objects, so if you think Puppet could be smarter here, let us know. In fact, the above code was redundant -- Puppet will autorequire any parent directories that are being managed; it will automatically realize that the parent directory should be created before the script is pulled down. Currently, exec resources will autorequire their CWD (if it is specified) plus any fully qualified paths that appear in the command. For instance, if you had an `exec` command that ran the `myscript` mentioned above, the above code that pulls the file down would be automatically listed as a requirement to the `exec` code, so that you would always be running againts the most recent version. " end newmetaparam(:subscribe, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc "One or more objects that this object depends on. Changes in the subscribed to objects result in the dependent objects being refreshed (e.g., a service will get restarted). For instance: class nagios { file { \"/etc/nagios/nagios.conf\": source => \"puppet://server/module/nagios.conf\", alias => nagconf # just to make things easier for me } service { nagios: ensure => running, subscribe => File[nagconf] } } Currently the `exec`, `mount` and `service` type support refreshing. " end newmetaparam(:before, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :NONE}) do desc %{This parameter is the opposite of **require** -- it guarantees that the specified object is applied later than the specifying object: file { "/var/nagios/configuration": source => "...", recurse => true, before => Exec["nagios-rebuid"] } exec { "nagios-rebuild": command => "/usr/bin/make", cwd => "/var/nagios/configuration" } This will make sure all of the files are up to date before the make command is run.} end newmetaparam(:notify, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc %{This parameter is the opposite of **subscribe** -- it sends events to the specified object: file { "/etc/sshd_config": source => "....", notify => Service[sshd] } service { sshd: ensure => running } This will restart the sshd service if the sshd config file changes.} end newmetaparam(:stage) do desc %{Which run stage a given resource should reside in. This just creates a dependency on or from the named milestone. For instance, saying that this is in the 'bootstrap' stage creates a dependency on the 'bootstrap' milestone. By default, all classes get directly added to the 'main' stage. You can create new stages as resources: stage { [pre, post]: } To order stages, use standard relationships: stage { pre: before => Stage[main] } Or use the new relationship syntax: Stage[pre] -> Stage[main] -> Stage[post] Then use the new class parameters to specify a stage: class { foo: stage => pre } Stages can only be set on classes, not individual resources. This will fail: file { '/foo': stage => pre, ensure => file } } end ############################### # All of the provider plumbing for the resource types. require 'puppet/provider' require 'puppet/util/provider_features' # Add the feature handling module. extend Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures attr_reader :provider # the Type class attribute accessors class << self attr_accessor :providerloader attr_writer :defaultprovider end # Find the default provider. def self.defaultprovider unless @defaultprovider suitable = suitableprovider # Find which providers are a default for this system. defaults = suitable.find_all { |provider| provider.default? } # If we don't have any default we use suitable providers defaults = suitable if defaults.empty? max = defaults.collect { |provider| provider.specificity }.max defaults = defaults.find_all { |provider| provider.specificity == max } retval = nil if defaults.length > 1 Puppet.warning( "Found multiple default providers for #{self.name}: #{defaults.collect { |i| i.name.to_s }.join(", ")}; using #{defaults[0].name}" ) retval = defaults.shift elsif defaults.length == 1 retval = defaults.shift else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find a default provider for #{self.name}" end @defaultprovider = retval end @defaultprovider end def self.provider_hash_by_type(type) @provider_hashes ||= {} @provider_hashes[type] ||= {} end def self.provider_hash Puppet::Type.provider_hash_by_type(self.name) end # Retrieve a provider by name. def self.provider(name) name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) # If we don't have it yet, try loading it. @providerloader.load(name) unless provider_hash.has_key?(name) provider_hash[name] end # Just list all of the providers. def self.providers provider_hash.keys end def self.validprovider?(name) name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) (provider_hash.has_key?(name) && provider_hash[name].suitable?) end # Create a new provider of a type. This method must be called # directly on the type that it's implementing. def self.provide(name, options = {}, &block) name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name) if obj = provider_hash[name] Puppet.debug "Reloading #{name} #{self.name} provider" unprovide(name) end parent = if pname = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) if pname.is_a? Class pname else if provider = self.provider(pname) provider else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find parent provider #{pname} of #{name}" end end else Puppet::Provider end options[:resource_type] ||= self self.providify provider = genclass( name, :parent => parent, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider", :block => block, :include => feature_module, :extend => feature_module, :attributes => options ) provider end # Make sure we have a :provider parameter defined. Only gets called if there # are providers. def self.providify return if @paramhash.has_key? :provider newparam(:provider) do desc "The specific backend for #{self.name.to_s} to use. You will seldom need to specify this -- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform." # This is so we can refer back to the type to get a list of # providers for documentation. class << self attr_accessor :parenttype end # We need to add documentation for each provider. def self.doc @doc + " Available providers are:\n\n" + parenttype.providers.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.collect { |i| "* **#{i}**: #{parenttype().provider(i).doc}" }.join("\n") end defaultto { @resource.class.defaultprovider.name } validate do |provider_class| provider_class = provider_class[0] if provider_class.is_a? Array provider_class = provider_class.class.name if provider_class.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) unless provider = @resource.class.provider(provider_class) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid #{@resource.class.name} provider '#{provider_class}'" end end munge do |provider| provider = provider[0] if provider.is_a? Array provider = provider.intern if provider.is_a? String @resource.provider = provider if provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) provider.class.name else provider end end end.parenttype = self end def self.unprovide(name) if provider_hash.has_key? name rmclass( name, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider" ) if @defaultprovider and @defaultprovider.name == name @defaultprovider = nil end end end # Return an array of all of the suitable providers. def self.suitableprovider providerloader.loadall if provider_hash.empty? provider_hash.find_all { |name, provider| provider.suitable? }.collect { |name, provider| provider }.reject { |p| p.name == :fake } # For testing end def provider=(name) if name.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) @provider = name @provider.resource = self elsif klass = self.class.provider(name) @provider = klass.new(self) else raise ArgumentError, "Could not find #{name} provider of #{self.class.name}" end end ############################### # All of the relationship code. # Specify a block for generating a list of objects to autorequire. This # makes it so that you don't have to manually specify things that you clearly # require. def self.autorequire(name, &block) @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires[name] = block end # Yield each of those autorequires in turn, yo. def self.eachautorequire @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires.each { |type, block| yield(type, block) } end # Figure out of there are any objects we can automatically add as # dependencies. def autorequire(rel_catalog = nil) rel_catalog ||= catalog raise(Puppet::DevError, "You cannot add relationships without a catalog") unless rel_catalog reqs = [] self.class.eachautorequire { |type, block| # Ignore any types we can't find, although that would be a bit odd. next unless typeobj = Puppet::Type.type(type) # Retrieve the list of names from the block. next unless list = self.instance_eval(&block) list = [list] unless list.is_a?(Array) # Collect the current prereqs list.each { |dep| obj = nil # Support them passing objects directly, to save some effort. unless dep.is_a? Puppet::Type # Skip autorequires that we aren't managing unless dep = rel_catalog.resource(type, dep) next end end reqs << Puppet::Relationship.new(dep, self) } } reqs end # Build the dependencies associated with an individual object. def builddepends # Handle the requires self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.to_edges end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # Define the initial list of tags. def tags=(list) tag(self.class.name) tag(*list) end # Types (which map to resources in the languages) are entirely composed of # attribute value pairs. Generally, Puppet calls any of these things an # 'attribute', but these attributes always take one of three specific # forms: parameters, metaparams, or properties. # In naming methods, I have tried to consistently name the method so # that it is clear whether it operates on all attributes (thus has 'attr' in # the method name, or whether it operates on a specific type of attributes. attr_writer :title attr_writer :noop include Enumerable # class methods dealing with Type management public # the Type class attribute accessors class << self attr_reader :name attr_accessor :self_refresh include Enumerable, Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::MetaType::Manager include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Logging end # all of the variables that must be initialized for each subclass def self.initvars # all of the instances of this class @objects = Hash.new @aliases = Hash.new @defaults = {} @parameters ||= [] @validproperties = {} @properties = [] @parameters = [] @paramhash = {} @attr_aliases = {} @paramdoc = Hash.new { |hash,key| key = key.intern if key.is_a?(String) if hash.include?(key) hash[key] else "Param Documentation for #{key} not found" end } @doc ||= "" end def self.to_s if defined?(@name) "Puppet::Type::#{@name.to_s.capitalize}" else super end end # Create a block to validate that our object is set up entirely. This will # be run before the object is operated on. def self.validate(&block) define_method(:validate, &block) #@validate = block end # The catalog that this resource is stored in. attr_accessor :catalog # is the resource exported attr_accessor :exported # is the resource virtual (it should not :-)) attr_accessor :virtual # create a log at specified level def log(msg) Puppet::Util::Log.create( :level => @parameters[:loglevel].value, :message => msg, :source => self ) end # instance methods related to instance intrinsics # e.g., initialize and name public attr_reader :original_parameters # initialize the type instance def initialize(resource) raise Puppet::DevError, "Got TransObject instead of Resource or hash" if resource.is_a?(Puppet::TransObject) resource = self.class.hash2resource(resource) unless resource.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) # The list of parameter/property instances. @parameters = {} # Set the title first, so any failures print correctly. if resource.type.to_s.downcase.to_sym == self.class.name self.title = resource.title else # This should only ever happen for components self.title = resource.ref end [:file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual].each do |getter| setter = getter.to_s + "=" if val = resource.send(getter) self.send(setter, val) end end @tags = resource.tags @original_parameters = resource.to_hash set_name(@original_parameters) set_default(:provider) set_parameters(@original_parameters) self.validate if self.respond_to?(:validate) end private # Set our resource's name. def set_name(hash) self[name_var] = hash.delete(name_var) if name_var end # Set all of the parameters from a hash, in the appropriate order. def set_parameters(hash) # Use the order provided by allattrs, but add in any # extra attributes from the resource so we get failures # on invalid attributes. no_values = [] (self.class.allattrs + hash.keys).uniq.each do |attr| begin # Set any defaults immediately. This is mostly done so # that the default provider is available for any other # property validation. if hash.has_key?(attr) self[attr] = hash[attr] else no_values << attr end rescue ArgumentError, Puppet::Error, TypeError raise rescue => detail error = Puppet::DevError.new( "Could not set #{attr} on #{self.class.name}: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end no_values.each do |attr| set_default(attr) end end public # Set up all of our autorequires. def finish # Make sure all of our relationships are valid. Again, must be done # when the entire catalog is instantiated. self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.validate_relationship end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # For now, leave the 'name' method functioning like it used to. Once 'title' # works everywhere, I'll switch it. def name self[:name] end # Look up our parent in the catalog, if we have one. def parent return nil unless catalog unless defined?(@parent) if parents = catalog.adjacent(self, :direction => :in) # We should never have more than one parent, so let's just ignore # it if we happen to. @parent = parents.shift else @parent = nil end end @parent end # Return the "type[name]" style reference. def ref "#{self.class.name.to_s.capitalize}[#{self.title}]" end def self_refresh? self.class.self_refresh end # Mark that we're purging. def purging @purging = true end # Is this resource being purged? Used by transactions to forbid # deletion when there are dependencies. def purging? if defined?(@purging) @purging else false end end # Retrieve the title of an object. If no title was set separately, # then use the object's name. def title unless @title if self.class.validparameter?(name_var) @title = self[:name] elsif self.class.validproperty?(name_var) @title = self.should(name_var) else self.devfail "Could not find namevar #{name_var} for #{self.class.name}" end end @title end # convert to a string def to_s self.ref end # Convert to a transportable object def to_trans(ret = true) trans = TransObject.new(self.title, self.class.name) values = retrieve_resource values.each do |name, value| name = name.name if name.respond_to? :name trans[name] = value end @parameters.each do |name, param| # Avoid adding each instance name twice next if param.class.isnamevar? and param.value == self.title # We've already got property values next if param.is_a?(Puppet::Property) trans[name] = param.value end trans.tags = self.tags # FIXME I'm currently ignoring 'parent' and 'path' trans end def to_resource # this 'type instance' versus 'resource' distinction seems artificial # I'd like to see it collapsed someday ~JW self.to_trans.to_resource end def virtual?; !!@virtual; end def exported?; !!@exported; end end end require 'puppet/provider' # Always load these types. require 'puppet/type/component' diff --git a/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb index 6f94409ab..345ccd06e 100755 --- a/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb @@ -1,819 +1,812 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/resource' describe Puppet::Resource do before do @basepath = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/somepath" : "C:/somepath" end [:catalog, :file, :line].each do |attr| it "should have an #{attr} attribute" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") resource.should respond_to(attr) resource.should respond_to(attr.to_s + "=") end end it "should have a :title attribute" do Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should require the type and title" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should canonize types to capitalized strings" do Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo").type.should == "User" end it "should canonize qualified types so all strings are capitalized" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "foo").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should tag itself with its type" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should be_tagged("file") end it "should tag itself with its title if the title is a valid tag" do Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bar").should be_tagged("bar") end it "should not tag itself with its title if the title is a not valid tag" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar").should_not be_tagged("/bar") end it "should allow setting of attributes" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar", :file => "/foo").file.should == "/foo" Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar", :exported => true).should be_exported end it "should set its type to 'Class' and its title to the passed title if the passed type is :component and the title has no square brackets in it" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:component, "foo") ref.type.should == "Class" ref.title.should == "Foo" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is :component and the title contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:component, "foo::bar[yay]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should == "yay" end it "should set the type to 'Class' if it is nil and the title contains no square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "yay") ref.type.should == "Class" ref.title.should == "Yay" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is nil and the title contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "foo::bar[yay]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should == "yay" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is nil and the title contains nested square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "foo::bar[baz[yay]]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should =="baz[yay]" end it "should interpret the type as a reference and assign appropriately if the title is nil and the type contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar[baz]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should =="baz" end it "should be able to extract its information from a Puppet::Type instance" do ral = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => @basepath+"/foo" ref = Puppet::Resource.new(ral) ref.type.should == "File" ref.title.should == @basepath+"/foo" end it "should fail if the title is nil and the type is not a valid resource reference string" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("foo") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should fail if strict is set and type does not exist' do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new('foo', 'title', {:strict=>true}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid resource type foo') end it 'should fail if strict is set and class does not exist' do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new('Class', 'foo', {:strict=>true}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Could not find declared class foo') end it "should fail if the title is a hash and the type is not a valid resource reference string" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new({:type => "foo", :title => "bar"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Puppet::Resource.new does not take a hash as the first argument. Did you mean ("foo", "bar") ?' ) end it "should be able to produce a backward-compatible reference array" do Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/f").to_trans_ref.should == %w{Foobar /f} end it "should be taggable" do Puppet::Resource.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Tagging) end it "should have an 'exported' attribute" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") resource.exported = true resource.exported.should == true resource.should be_exported end it "should support an environment attribute" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :environment => :foo).environment.name.should == :foo end describe "and munging its type and title" do describe "when modeling a builtin resource" do it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").resource_type.should equal(Puppet::Type.type(:file)) end it "should set its type to the capitalized type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").type.should == "File" end end describe "when modeling a defined resource" do describe "that exists" do before do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foo::bar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type end it "should set its type to the capitalized type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").resource_type.should equal(@type) end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").title.should == "/my/file" end end describe "that does not exist" do it "should set its resource type to the capitalized resource type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end end end describe "when modeling a node" do # Life's easier with nodes, because they can't be qualified. it "should set its type to 'Node' and its title to the provided title" do node = Puppet::Resource.new("node", "foo") node.type.should == "Node" node.title.should == "foo" end end describe "when modeling a class" do it "should set its type to 'Class'" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo").type.should == "Class" end describe "that exists" do before do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type end it "should set its title to the capitalized, fully qualified resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar").title.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar").resource_type.should equal(@type) end end describe "that does not exist" do it "should set its type to 'Class' and its title to the capitalized provided name" do klass = Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar") klass.type.should == "Class" klass.title.should == "Foo::Bar" end end describe "and its name is set to the empty string" do it "should set its title to :main" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "").title.should == :main end describe "and a class exists whose name is the empty string" do # this was a bit tough to track down it "should set its title to :main" do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type Puppet::Resource.new("class", "").title.should == :main end end end describe "and its name is set to :main" do it "should set its title to :main" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", :main).title.should == :main end describe "and a class exists whose name is the empty string" do # this was a bit tough to track down it "should set its title to :main" do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type Puppet::Resource.new("class", :main).title.should == :main end end end end end it "should return nil when looking up resource types that don't exist" do Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "bar").resource_type.should be_nil end it "should not fail when an invalid parameter is used and strict mode is disabled" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file") resource[:yay] = true end it "should be considered equivalent to another resource if their type and title match and no parameters are set" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") end it "should be considered equivalent to another resource if their type, title, and parameters are equal" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}).should == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}) end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their type and title match but parameters are different" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:fee => "baz"}).should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}) end it "should not be considered equivalent to a non-resource" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should_not == "foo" end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their types do not match" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("exec", "/f") end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their titles do not match" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/foo").should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") end describe "when referring to a resource with name canonicalization" do it "should canonicalize its own name" do res = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path/") - res.uniqueness_key.should == "/path" + res.uniqueness_key.should == ["/path"] res.ref.should == "File[/path/]" end end describe "when running in strict mode" do it "should be strict" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path", :strict => true).should be_strict end it "should fail if invalid parameters are used" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path", :strict => true, :parameters => {:nosuchparam => "bar"}) }.should raise_error end it "should fail if the resource type cannot be resolved" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("nosuchtype", "/path", :strict => true) }.should raise_error end end describe "when managing parameters" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are not valid for builtin types" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").should_not be_valid_parameter("foobar") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are valid for builtin types" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").should be_valid_parameter("mode") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are not valid for defined resource types" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file").should_not be_valid_parameter("myparam") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are valid for defined resource types" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar", :arguments => {"myparam" => nil}) Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file").should be_valid_parameter("myparam") end it "should allow setting and retrieving of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should allow setting of parameters at initialization" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"})[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should canonicalize retrieved parameter names to treat symbols and strings equivalently" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource["foo"].should == "bar" end it "should canonicalize set parameter names to treat symbols and strings equivalently" do @resource["foo"] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should set the namevar when asked to set the name" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource[:name] = "bob" resource[:myvar].should == "bob" end it "should return the namevar when asked to return the name" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource[:myvar] = "test" resource[:name].should == "test" end it "should be able to set the name for non-builtin types" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:foo, "bar") resource[:name] = "eh" lambda { resource[:name] = "eh" }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to return the name for non-builtin types" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:foo, "bar") resource[:name] = "eh" resource[:name].should == "eh" end it "should be able to iterate over parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:fee] = "bare" params = {} @resource.each do |key, value| params[key] = value end params.should == {:foo => "bar", :fee => "bare"} end it "should include Enumerable" do @resource.class.ancestors.should be_include(Enumerable) end it "should have a method for testing whether a parameter is included" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.should be_has_key(:foo) @resource.should_not be_has_key(:eh) end it "should have a method for providing the list of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:bar] = "foo" keys = @resource.keys keys.should be_include(:foo) keys.should be_include(:bar) end it "should have a method for providing the number of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.length.should == 1 end it "should have a method for deleting parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.delete(:foo) @resource[:foo].should be_nil end it "should have a method for testing whether the parameter list is empty" do @resource.should be_empty @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.should_not be_empty end it "should be able to produce a hash of all existing parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:fee] = "yay" hash = @resource.to_hash hash[:foo].should == "bar" hash[:fee].should == "yay" end it "should not provide direct access to the internal parameters hash when producing a hash" do hash = @resource.to_hash hash[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should be_nil end it "should use the title as the namevar to the hash if no namevar is present" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource.to_hash[:myvar].should == "bob" end it "should set :name to the title if :name is not present for non-builtin types" do krt = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("myenv") krt.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, :foo) resource = Puppet::Resource.new :foo, "bar" resource.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns krt resource.to_hash[:name].should == "bar" end end describe "when serializing" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") @resource["one"] = "test" @resource["two"] = "other" end it "should be able to be dumped to yaml" do proc { YAML.dump(@resource) }.should_not raise_error end it "should produce an equivalent yaml object" do text = YAML.dump(@resource) newresource = YAML.load(text) newresource.title.should == @resource.title newresource.type.should == @resource.type %w{one two}.each do |param| newresource[param].should == @resource[param] end end end describe "when loading 0.25.x storedconfigs YAML" do before :each do @old_storedconfig_yaml = %q{--- !ruby/object:Puppet::Resource::Reference builtin_type: title: /tmp/bar type: File } end it "should deserialize a Puppet::Resource::Reference without exceptions" do lambda { YAML.load(@old_storedconfig_yaml) }.should_not raise_error end it "should deserialize as a Puppet::Resource::Reference as a Puppet::Resource" do YAML.load(@old_storedconfig_yaml).class.should == Puppet::Resource end it "should to_hash properly" do YAML.load(@old_storedconfig_yaml).to_hash.should == { :path => "/tmp/bar" } end end describe "when converting to a RAL resource" do it "should use the resource type's :new method to create the resource if the resource is of a builtin type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", @basepath+"/my/file") result = resource.to_ral result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:file)) result[:path].should == @basepath+"/my/file" end it "should convert to a component instance if the resource type is not of a builtin type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "somename") result = resource.to_ral result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:component)) result.title.should == "Foobar[somename]" end end it "should be able to convert itself to Puppet code" do Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file").should respond_to(:to_manifest) end describe "when converting to puppet code" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file", :parameters => { :noop => true, :foo => %w{one two}, :ensure => 'present', } ) end it "should align, sort and add trailing commas to attributes with ensure first" do @resource.to_manifest.should == <<-HEREDOC.gsub(/^\s{8}/, '').gsub(/\n$/, '') one::two { '/my/file': ensure => 'present', foo => ['one', 'two'], noop => 'true', } HEREDOC end end it "should be able to convert itself to a TransObject instance" do Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file").should respond_to(:to_trans) end describe "when converting to a TransObject" do describe "and the resource is not an instance of a builtin type" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foo", "bar") end it "should return a simple TransBucket if it is not an instance of a builtin type" do bucket = @resource.to_trans bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransBucket) bucket.type.should == @resource.type bucket.name.should == @resource.title end it "should return a simple TransBucket if it is a stage" do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("stage", "bar") bucket = @resource.to_trans bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransBucket) bucket.type.should == @resource.type bucket.name.should == @resource.title end it "should copy over the resource's file" do @resource.file = "/foo/bar" @resource.to_trans.file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should copy over the resource's line" do @resource.line = 50 @resource.to_trans.line.should == 50 end end describe "and the resource is an instance of a builtin type" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "bar") end it "should return a TransObject if it is an instance of a builtin resource type" do trans = @resource.to_trans trans.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject) trans.type.should == "file" trans.name.should == @resource.title end it "should copy over the resource's file" do @resource.file = "/foo/bar" @resource.to_trans.file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should copy over the resource's line" do @resource.line = 50 @resource.to_trans.line.should == 50 end # Only TransObjects support tags, annoyingly it "should copy over the resource's tags" do @resource.tag "foo" @resource.to_trans.tags.should == @resource.tags end it "should copy the resource's parameters into the transobject and convert the parameter name to a string" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == "bar" end it "should be able to copy arrays of values" do @resource[:foo] = %w{yay fee} @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == %w{yay fee} end it "should reduce single-value arrays to just a value" do @resource[:foo] = %w{yay} @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == "yay" end it "should convert resource references into the backward-compatible form" do @resource[:foo] = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/f") @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == %w{File /f} end it "should convert resource references into the backward-compatible form even when within arrays" do @resource[:foo] = ["a", Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/f")] @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == ["a", %w{File /f}] end end end describe "when converting to pson", :if => Puppet.features.pson? do def pson_output_should @resource.class.expects(:pson_create).with { |hash| yield hash } end it "should include the pson util module" do Puppet::Resource.singleton_class.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Pson) end # LAK:NOTE For all of these tests, we convert back to the resource so we can # trap the actual data structure then. it "should set its type to the provided type" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo").to_pson)).type.should == "File" end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo").to_pson)).title.should == "/foo" end it "should include all tags from the resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.tag("yay") Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).tags.should == resource.tags end it "should include the file if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.file = "/my/file" Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).file.should == "/my/file" end it "should include the line if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.line = 50 Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).line.should == 50 end it "should include the 'exported' value if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.exported = true Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).exported.should be_true end it "should set 'exported' to false if no value is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).exported.should be_false end it "should set all of its parameters as the 'parameters' entry" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource[:foo] = %w{bar eh} resource[:fee] = %w{baz} result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) result["foo"].should == %w{bar eh} result["fee"].should == %w{baz} end it "should serialize relationships as reference strings" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource[:requires] = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/bar") result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) result[:requires].should == "File[/bar]" end it "should serialize multiple relationships as arrays of reference strings" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource[:requires] = [Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/bar"), Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/baz")] result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) result[:requires].should == [ "File[/bar]", "File[/baz]" ] end end describe "when converting from pson", :if => Puppet.features.pson? do def pson_result_should Puppet::Resource.expects(:new).with { |hash| yield hash } end before do @data = { 'type' => "file", 'title' => @basepath+"/yay", } end it "should set its type to the provided type" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).type.should == "File" end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).title.should == @basepath+"/yay" end it "should tag the resource with any provided tags" do @data['tags'] = %w{foo bar} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource.tags.should be_include("foo") resource.tags.should be_include("bar") end it "should set its file to the provided file" do @data['file'] = "/foo/bar" Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should set its line to the provided line" do @data['line'] = 50 Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).line.should == 50 end it "should 'exported' to true if set in the pson data" do @data['exported'] = true Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).exported.should be_true end it "should 'exported' to false if not set in the pson data" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).exported.should be_false end it "should fail if no title is provided" do @data.delete('title') lambda { Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if no type is provided" do @data.delete('type') lambda { Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set each of the provided parameters" do @data['parameters'] = {'foo' => %w{one two}, 'fee' => %w{three four}} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource['foo'].should == %w{one two} resource['fee'].should == %w{three four} end it "should convert single-value array parameters to normal values" do @data['parameters'] = {'foo' => %w{one}} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource['foo'].should == %w{one} end end describe "it should implement to_resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") resource.to_resource.should == resource end describe "because it is an indirector model" do it "should include Puppet::Indirector" do Puppet::Resource.should be_is_a(Puppet::Indirector) end it "should have a default terminus" do Puppet::Resource.indirection.terminus_class.should == :ral end it "should have a name" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").name.should == "File//my/file" end end describe "when resolving resources with a catalog" do it "should resolve all resources using the catalog" do catalog = mock 'catalog' resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "yay") resource.catalog = catalog catalog.expects(:resource).with("Foo::Bar[yay]").returns(:myresource) resource.resolve.should == :myresource end end describe "when generating the uniqueness key" do - - it "should use namevar if there is only one key_attribute" do - Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:path] - res = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :parameters => {:owner => 'root', :content => 'hello'}) - res.uniqueness_key.should == '/my/file' - end - - it "should include all of the key_attributes" do + it "should include all of the key_attributes in alphabetical order by attribute name" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar, :owner, :path] Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:title_patterns).returns( [ [ /(.*)/, [ [:path, lambda{|x| x} ] ] ] ] ) res = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :parameters => {:owner => 'root', :content => 'hello'}) res.uniqueness_key.should == [ nil, 'root', '/my/file'] end end end