diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb index 12403c14f..3a048082c 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb @@ -1,611 +1,607 @@ require 'forwardable' require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/resource/catalog' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' require 'puppet/loaders' # Maintain a graph of scopes, along with a bunch of data # about the individual catalog we're compiling. class Puppet::Parser::Compiler extend Forwardable include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper def self.compile(node) $env_module_directories = nil node.environment.check_for_reparse errors = node.environment.validation_errors if !errors.empty? errors.each { |e| Puppet.err(e) } if errors.size > 1 errmsg = [ "Compilation has been halted because: #{errors.first}", "For more information, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html", ] raise(Puppet::Error, errmsg.join(' ')) end new(node).compile.to_resource rescue => detail message = "#{detail} on node #{node.name}" Puppet.log_exception(detail, message) raise Puppet::Error, message, detail.backtrace end attr_reader :node, :facts, :collections, :catalog, :resources, :relationships, :topscope # The injector that provides lookup services, or nil if accessed before the compiler has started compiling and # bootstrapped. The injector is initialized and available before any manifests are evaluated. # # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector, nil] The injector that provides lookup services for this compiler/environment # @api public # attr_accessor :injector # Access to the configured loaders for 4x # @return [Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loaders] the configured loaders # @api private attr_reader :loaders # The injector that provides lookup services during the creation of the {#injector}. # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector, nil] The injector that provides lookup services during injector creation # for this compiler/environment # # @api private # attr_accessor :boot_injector # Add a collection to the global list. def_delegator :@collections, :<<, :add_collection def_delegator :@relationships, :<<, :add_relationship # Store a resource override. def add_override(override) # If possible, merge the override in immediately. if resource = @catalog.resource(override.ref) resource.merge(override) else # Otherwise, store the override for later; these # get evaluated in Resource#finish. @resource_overrides[override.ref] << override end end def add_resource(scope, resource) @resources << resource # Note that this will fail if the resource is not unique. @catalog.add_resource(resource) if not resource.class? and resource[:stage] raise ArgumentError, "Only classes can set 'stage'; normal resources like #{resource} cannot change run stage" end # Stages should not be inside of classes. They are always a # top-level container, regardless of where they appear in the # manifest. return if resource.stage? # This adds a resource to the class it lexically appears in in the # manifest. unless resource.class? return @catalog.add_edge(scope.resource, resource) end end # Do we use nodes found in the code, vs. the external node sources? def_delegator :known_resource_types, :nodes?, :ast_nodes? # Store the fact that we've evaluated a class def add_class(name) @catalog.add_class(name) unless name == "" end # Return a list of all of the defined classes. def_delegator :@catalog, :classes, :classlist # Compiler our catalog. This mostly revolves around finding and evaluating classes. # This is the main entry into our catalog. def compile Puppet.override( @context_overrides , "For compiling #{node.name}") do @catalog.environment_instance = environment # Set the client's parameters into the top scope. Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Set node parameters", [:compiler, :set_node_params]) { set_node_parameters } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Created settings scope", [:compiler, :create_settings_scope]) { create_settings_scope } activate_binder -# # create injector, if not already created - this is for 3x that does not trigger -# # lazy loading of injector via context -# Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Created injector", [:compiler, :create_injector]) { injector } -# end Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated main", [:compiler, :evaluate_main]) { evaluate_main } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated AST node", [:compiler, :evaluate_ast_node]) { evaluate_ast_node } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated node classes", [:compiler, :evaluate_node_classes]) { evaluate_node_classes } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated generators", [:compiler, :evaluate_generators]) { evaluate_generators } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Finished catalog", [:compiler, :finish_catalog]) { finish } fail_on_unevaluated @catalog end end # Constructs the overrides for the context def context_overrides() { :current_environment => environment, :global_scope => @topscope, # 4x placeholder for new global scope :loaders => lambda {|| loaders() }, # 4x loaders :injector => lambda {|| injector() } # 4x API - via context instead of via compiler } end def_delegator :@collections, :delete, :delete_collection # Return the node's environment. def environment node.environment end # Evaluate all of the classes specified by the node. # Classes with parameters are evaluated as if they were declared. # Classes without parameters or with an empty set of parameters are evaluated # as if they were included. This means classes with an empty set of # parameters won't conflict even if the class has already been included. def evaluate_node_classes if @node.classes.is_a? Hash classes_with_params, classes_without_params = @node.classes.partition {|name,params| params and !params.empty?} # The results from Hash#partition are arrays of pairs rather than hashes, # so we have to convert to the forms evaluate_classes expects (Hash, and # Array of class names) classes_with_params = Hash[classes_with_params] classes_without_params.map!(&:first) else classes_with_params = {} classes_without_params = @node.classes end evaluate_classes(classes_with_params, @node_scope || topscope) evaluate_classes(classes_without_params, @node_scope || topscope) end # Evaluate each specified class in turn. If there are any classes we can't # find, raise an error. This method really just creates resource objects # that point back to the classes, and then the resources are themselves # evaluated later in the process. # # Sometimes we evaluate classes with a fully qualified name already, in which # case, we tell scope.find_hostclass we've pre-qualified the name so it # doesn't need to search its namespaces again. This gets around a weird # edge case of duplicate class names, one at top scope and one nested in our # namespace and the wrong one (or both!) getting selected. See ticket #13349 # for more detail. --jeffweiss 26 apr 2012 def evaluate_classes(classes, scope, lazy_evaluate = true, fqname = false) raise Puppet::DevError, "No source for scope passed to evaluate_classes" unless scope.source class_parameters = nil # if we are a param class, save the classes hash # and transform classes to be the keys if classes.class == Hash class_parameters = classes classes = classes.keys end hostclasses = classes.collect do |name| scope.find_hostclass(name, :assume_fqname => fqname) or raise Puppet::Error, "Could not find class #{name} for #{node.name}" end if class_parameters resources = ensure_classes_with_parameters(scope, hostclasses, class_parameters) if !lazy_evaluate resources.each(&:evaluate) end resources else already_included, newly_included = ensure_classes_without_parameters(scope, hostclasses) if !lazy_evaluate newly_included.each(&:evaluate) end already_included + newly_included end end def evaluate_relationships @relationships.each { |rel| rel.evaluate(catalog) } end # Return a resource by either its ref or its type and title. def_delegator :@catalog, :resource, :findresource def initialize(node, options = {}) @node = node set_options(options) initvars end # Create a new scope, with either a specified parent scope or # using the top scope. def newscope(parent, options = {}) parent ||= topscope scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(self, options) scope.parent = parent scope end # Return any overrides for the given resource. def resource_overrides(resource) @resource_overrides[resource.ref] end def injector create_injector if @injector.nil? @injector end def loaders @loaders ||= Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(environment) end def boot_injector create_boot_injector(nil) if @boot_injector.nil? @boot_injector end # Creates the boot injector from registered system, default, and injector config. # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector] the created boot injector # @api private Cannot be 'private' since it is called from the BindingsComposer. # def create_boot_injector(env_boot_bindings) assert_binder_active() pb = Puppet::Pops::Binder boot_contribution = pb::SystemBindings.injector_boot_contribution(env_boot_bindings) final_contribution = pb::SystemBindings.final_contribution binder = pb::Binder.new(pb::BindingsFactory.layered_bindings(final_contribution, boot_contribution)) @boot_injector = pb::Injector.new(binder) end # Answers if Puppet Binder should be active or not, and if it should and is not active, then it is activated. # @return [Boolean] true if the Puppet Binder should be activated def activate_binder # TODO: this should be in a central place Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.assert_rgen_installed() @@binder_loaded ||= false unless @@binder_loaded require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/plugins/configuration' @@binder_loaded = true end true end private def ensure_classes_with_parameters(scope, hostclasses, parameters) hostclasses.collect do |klass| klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope, parameters[klass.name] || {}) end end def ensure_classes_without_parameters(scope, hostclasses) already_included = [] newly_included = [] hostclasses.each do |klass| class_scope = scope.class_scope(klass) if class_scope already_included << class_scope.resource else newly_included << klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope) end end [already_included, newly_included] end # If ast nodes are enabled, then see if we can find and evaluate one. def evaluate_ast_node return unless ast_nodes? # Now see if we can find the node. astnode = nil @node.names.each do |name| break if astnode = known_resource_types.node(name.to_s.downcase) end unless (astnode ||= known_resource_types.node("default")) raise Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find default node or by name with '#{node.names.join(", ")}'" end # Create a resource to model this node, and then add it to the list # of resources. resource = astnode.ensure_in_catalog(topscope) resource.evaluate @node_scope = topscope.class_scope(astnode) end # Evaluate our collections and return true if anything returned an object. # The 'true' is used to continue a loop, so it's important. def evaluate_collections return false if @collections.empty? exceptwrap do # We have to iterate over a dup of the array because # collections can delete themselves from the list, which # changes its length and causes some collections to get missed. Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated collections", [:compiler, :evaluate_collections]) do found_something = false @collections.dup.each do |collection| found_something = true if collection.evaluate end found_something end end end # Make sure all of our resources have been evaluated into native resources. # We return true if any resources have, so that we know to continue the # evaluate_generators loop. def evaluate_definitions exceptwrap do Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated definitions", [:compiler, :evaluate_definitions]) do !unevaluated_resources.each do |resource| Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated resource #{resource}", [:compiler, :evaluate_resource, resource]) do resource.evaluate end end.empty? end end end # Iterate over collections and resources until we're sure that the whole # compile is evaluated. This is necessary because both collections # and defined resources can generate new resources, which themselves could # be defined resources. def evaluate_generators count = 0 loop do done = true Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Iterated (#{count + 1}) on generators", [:compiler, :iterate_on_generators]) do # Call collections first, then definitions. done = false if evaluate_collections done = false if evaluate_definitions end break if done count += 1 if count > 1000 raise Puppet::ParseError, "Somehow looped more than 1000 times while evaluating host catalog" end end end # Find and evaluate our main object, if possible. def evaluate_main @main = known_resource_types.find_hostclass([""], "") || known_resource_types.add(Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "")) @topscope.source = @main @main_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", :main, :scope => @topscope, :source => @main) @topscope.resource = @main_resource add_resource(@topscope, @main_resource) @main_resource.evaluate end # Make sure the entire catalog is evaluated. def fail_on_unevaluated fail_on_unevaluated_overrides fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections end # If there are any resource overrides remaining, then we could # not find the resource they were supposed to override, so we # want to throw an exception. def fail_on_unevaluated_overrides remaining = @resource_overrides.values.flatten.collect(&:ref) if !remaining.empty? fail Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find resource(s) #{remaining.join(', ')} for overriding" end end # Make sure there are no remaining collections that are waiting for # resources that have not yet been instantiated. If this occurs it # is an error (missing resource - it could not be realized). # def fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections remaining = @collections.collect(&:unresolved_resources).flatten.compact if !remaining.empty? raise Puppet::ParseError, "Failed to realize virtual resources #{remaining.join(', ')}" end end # Make sure all of our resources and such have done any last work # necessary. def finish evaluate_relationships resources.each do |resource| # Add in any resource overrides. if overrides = resource_overrides(resource) overrides.each do |over| resource.merge(over) end # Remove the overrides, so that the configuration knows there # are none left. overrides.clear end resource.finish if resource.respond_to?(:finish) end add_resource_metaparams end def add_resource_metaparams unless main = catalog.resource(:class, :main) raise "Couldn't find main" end names = Puppet::Type.metaparams.select do |name| !Puppet::Parser::Resource.relationship_parameter?(name) end data = {} catalog.walk(main, :out) do |source, target| if source_data = data[source] || metaparams_as_data(source, names) # only store anything in the data hash if we've actually got # data data[source] ||= source_data source_data.each do |param, value| target[param] = value if target[param].nil? end data[target] = source_data.merge(metaparams_as_data(target, names)) end target.tag(*(source.tags)) end end def metaparams_as_data(resource, params) data = nil params.each do |param| unless resource[param].nil? # Because we could be creating a hash for every resource, # and we actually probably don't often have any data here at all, # we're optimizing a bit by only creating a hash if there's # any data to put in it. data ||= {} data[param] = resource[param] end end data end # Set up all of our internal variables. def initvars # The list of overrides. This is used to cache overrides on objects # that don't exist yet. We store an array of each override. @resource_overrides = Hash.new do |overs, ref| overs[ref] = [] end # The list of collections that have been created. This is a global list, # but they each refer back to the scope that created them. @collections = [] # The list of relationships to evaluate. @relationships = [] # For maintaining the relationship between scopes and their resources. @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new(@node.name, @node.environment) # MOVED HERE - SCOPE IS NEEDED (MOVE-SCOPE) # Create the initial scope, it is needed early @topscope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(self) # Need to compute overrides here, and remember them, because we are about to # enter the magic zone of known_resource_types and initial import. # Expensive entries in the context are bound lazily. @context_overrides = context_overrides() # This construct ensures that initial import (triggered by instantiating # the structure 'known_resource_types') has a configured context # It cannot survive the initvars method, and is later reinstated # as part of compiling... # Puppet.override( @context_overrides , "For initializing compiler") do # THE MAGIC STARTS HERE ! This triggers parsing, loading etc. @catalog.version = known_resource_types.version end @catalog.add_resource(Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("stage", :main, :scope => @topscope)) # local resource array to maintain resource ordering @resources = [] # Make sure any external node classes are in our class list if @node.classes.class == Hash @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes.keys) else @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes) end end # Set the node's parameters into the top-scope as variables. def set_node_parameters node.parameters.each do |param, value| @topscope[param.to_s] = value end # These might be nil. catalog.client_version = node.parameters["clientversion"] catalog.server_version = node.parameters["serverversion"] @topscope.set_trusted(node.trusted_data) facts_hash = node.facts.nil? ? {} : node.facts.values @topscope.set_facts(facts_hash) end def create_settings_scope settings_type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new :hostclass, "settings" environment.known_resource_types.add(settings_type) settings_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", "settings", :scope => @topscope) @catalog.add_resource(settings_resource) settings_type.evaluate_code(settings_resource) scope = @topscope.class_scope(settings_type) env = environment Puppet.settings.each do |name, setting| next if name == :name scope[name.to_s] = env[name] end end # Return an array of all of the unevaluated resources. These will be definitions, # which need to get evaluated into native resources. def unevaluated_resources # The order of these is significant for speed due to short-circuting resources.reject { |resource| resource.evaluated? or resource.virtual? or resource.builtin_type? } end # Creates the injector from bindings found in the current environment. # @return [void] # @api private # def create_injector assert_binder_active() composer = Puppet::Pops::Binder::BindingsComposer.new() layered_bindings = composer.compose(topscope) @injector = Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector.new(Puppet::Pops::Binder::Binder.new(layered_bindings)) end def assert_binder_active unless activate_binder() raise Puppet::DevError, "The Puppet Binder was not activated" end end end