diff --git a/spec/unit/daemon_spec.rb b/spec/unit/daemon_spec.rb index da7953738..013a66f7a 100755 --- a/spec/unit/daemon_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/daemon_spec.rb @@ -1,302 +1,302 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/daemon' require 'puppet/agent' def without_warnings flag = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil yield $VERBOSE = flag end class TestClient def lockfile_path "/dev/null" end end -describe Puppet::Daemon do +describe Puppet::Daemon, :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do before do @agent = Puppet::Agent.new(TestClient.new) @daemon = Puppet::Daemon.new end it "should be able to manage an agent" do @daemon.should respond_to(:agent) end it "should be able to manage a network server" do @daemon.should respond_to(:server) end it "should reopen the Log logs when told to reopen logs" do Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:reopen) @daemon.reopen_logs end describe "when setting signal traps" do signals = {:INT => :stop, :TERM => :stop } signals.update({:HUP => :restart, :USR1 => :reload, :USR2 => :reopen_logs}) unless Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? signals.each do |signal, method| it "should log and call #{method} when it receives #{signal}" do Signal.expects(:trap).with(signal).yields Puppet.expects(:notice) @daemon.expects(method) @daemon.set_signal_traps end end end describe "when starting" do before do @daemon.stubs(:create_pidfile) @daemon.stubs(:set_signal_traps) EventLoop.current.stubs(:run) end it "should fail if it has neither agent nor server" do lambda { @daemon.start }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should create its pidfile" do @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.expects(:create_pidfile) @daemon.start end it "should start the agent if the agent is configured" do @agent.expects(:start) @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.start end it "should start the agent with should_fork at true" do @agent.expects(:should_fork=).with(true) @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.start end it "should start its server if one is configured" do server = mock 'server' server.expects(:start) @daemon.stubs(:server).returns server @daemon.start end it "should let the current EventLoop run" do @daemon.agent = @agent EventLoop.current.expects(:run) @daemon.start end end describe "when stopping" do before do @daemon.stubs(:remove_pidfile) Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:close_all) # to make the global safe to mock, set it to a subclass of itself, # then restore it in an after pass without_warnings { Puppet::Application = Class.new(Puppet::Application) } end after do # restore from the superclass so we lose the stub garbage without_warnings { Puppet::Application = Puppet::Application.superclass } end it "should stop its server if one is configured" do server = mock 'server' server.expects(:stop) @daemon.stubs(:server).returns server expect { @daemon.stop }.to exit_with 0 end it 'should request a stop from Puppet::Application' do Puppet::Application.expects(:stop!) expect { @daemon.stop }.to exit_with 0 end it "should remove its pidfile" do @daemon.expects(:remove_pidfile) expect { @daemon.stop }.to exit_with 0 end it "should close all logs" do Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:close_all) expect { @daemon.stop }.to exit_with 0 end it "should exit unless called with ':exit => false'" do expect { @daemon.stop }.to exit_with 0 end it "should not exit if called with ':exit => false'" do @daemon.stop :exit => false end end describe "when creating its pidfile" do it "should use an exclusive mutex" do Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:name).returns "me" Puppet::Util.expects(:synchronize_on).with("me",Sync::EX) @daemon.create_pidfile end it "should lock the pidfile using the Pidlock class" do pidfile = mock 'pidfile' Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns "eh" Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:pidfile).returns "/my/file" Puppet::Util::Pidlock.expects(:new).with("/my/file").returns pidfile pidfile.expects(:lock).returns true @daemon.create_pidfile end it "should fail if it cannot lock" do pidfile = mock 'pidfile' Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns "eh" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:pidfile).returns "/my/file" Puppet::Util::Pidlock.expects(:new).with("/my/file").returns pidfile pidfile.expects(:lock).returns false lambda { @daemon.create_pidfile }.should raise_error end end describe "when removing its pidfile" do it "should use an exclusive mutex" do Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:name).returns "me" Puppet::Util.expects(:synchronize_on).with("me",Sync::EX) @daemon.remove_pidfile end it "should do nothing if the pidfile is not present" do pidfile = mock 'pidfile', :locked? => false Puppet::Util::Pidlock.expects(:new).with("/my/file").returns pidfile Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns "eh" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:pidfile).returns "/my/file" pidfile.expects(:unlock).never @daemon.remove_pidfile end it "should unlock the pidfile using the Pidlock class" do pidfile = mock 'pidfile', :locked? => true Puppet::Util::Pidlock.expects(:new).with("/my/file").returns pidfile pidfile.expects(:unlock).returns true Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns "eh" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:pidfile).returns "/my/file" @daemon.remove_pidfile end it "should warn if it cannot remove the pidfile" do pidfile = mock 'pidfile', :locked? => true Puppet::Util::Pidlock.expects(:new).with("/my/file").returns pidfile pidfile.expects(:unlock).returns false Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns "eh" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:pidfile).returns "/my/file" Puppet.expects :err @daemon.remove_pidfile end end describe "when reloading" do it "should do nothing if no agent is configured" do @daemon.reload end it "should do nothing if the agent is running" do @agent.expects(:running?).returns true @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.reload end it "should run the agent if one is available and it is not running" do @agent.expects(:running?).returns false @agent.expects :run @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.reload end end describe "when restarting" do before do without_warnings { Puppet::Application = Class.new(Puppet::Application) } end after do without_warnings { Puppet::Application = Puppet::Application.superclass } end it 'should set Puppet::Application.restart!' do Puppet::Application.expects(:restart!) @daemon.stubs(:reexec) @daemon.restart end it "should reexec itself if no agent is available" do @daemon.expects(:reexec) @daemon.restart end it "should reexec itself if the agent is not running" do @agent.expects(:running?).returns false @daemon.agent = @agent @daemon.expects(:reexec) @daemon.restart end end describe "when reexecing it self" do before do @daemon.stubs(:exec) @daemon.stubs(:stop) end it "should fail if no argv values are available" do @daemon.expects(:argv).returns nil lambda { @daemon.reexec }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should shut down without exiting" do @daemon.argv = %w{foo} @daemon.expects(:stop).with(:exit => false) @daemon.reexec end it "should call 'exec' with the original executable and arguments" do @daemon.argv = %w{foo} @daemon.expects(:exec).with($0 + " foo") @daemon.reexec end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb index 4b268960a..76158a9c4 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/exec/posix_spec.rb @@ -1,155 +1,155 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:posix) do include PuppetSpec::Files def make_exe command = tmpfile('my_command') FileUtils.touch(command) File.chmod(0755, command) command end let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => File.expand_path('/foo'), :provider => :posix) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(resource) } describe "#validatecmd" do it "should fail if no path is specified and the command is not fully qualified" do expect { provider.validatecmd("foo") }.to raise_error( Puppet::Error, "'foo' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." ) end it "should pass if a path is given" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] provider.validatecmd("../foo") end it "should pass if command is fully qualifed" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] provider.validatecmd(File.expand_path("/bin/blah/foo")) end end describe "#run" do describe "when the command is an absolute path" do let(:command) { tmpfile('foo') } it "should fail if the command doesn't exist" do expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{command}'") end it "should fail if the command isn't a file" do FileUtils.mkdir(command) FileUtils.chmod(0755, command) expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "'#{command}' is a directory, not a file") end it "should fail if the command isn't executable" do FileUtils.touch(command) File.stubs(:executable?).with(command).returns(false) expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "'#{command}' is not executable") end end describe "when the command is a relative path" do it "should execute the command if it finds it in the path and is executable" do command = make_exe provider.resource[:path] = [File.dirname(command)] filename = File.basename(command) Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with { |cmdline, arguments| (cmdline == filename) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } provider.run(filename) end it "should fail if the command isn't in the path" do resource[:path] = ["/fake/path"] expect { provider.run('foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") end it "should fail if the command is in the path but not executable" do command = tmpfile('foo') FileUtils.touch(command) FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(command).returns(false) resource[:path] = [File.dirname(command)] filename = File.basename(command) expect { provider.run(filename) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{filename}'") end end it "should not be able to execute shell builtins" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bin'] expect { provider.run("cd ..") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'cd'") end it "should execute the command if the command given includes arguments or subcommands" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] command = make_exe Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with { |cmdline, arguments| (cmdline == "#{command} bar --sillyarg=true --blah") && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } provider.run("#{command} bar --sillyarg=true --blah") end it "should fail if quoted command doesn't exist" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] command = "#{File.expand_path('/foo')} bar --sillyarg=true --blah" expect { provider.run(%Q["#{command}"]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{command}'") end it "should warn if you're overriding something in environment" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['WHATEVER=/something/else', 'WHATEVER=/foo'] command = make_exe Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with { |cmdline, arguments| (cmdline == command) && (arguments.is_a? Hash) } provider.run(command) @logs.map {|l| "#{l.level}: #{l.message}" }.should == ["warning: Overriding environment setting 'WHATEVER' with '/foo'"] end - describe "locale settings" do + describe "posix locale settings", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do # a sentinel value that we can use to emulate what locale environment variables might be set to on an international # system. lang_sentinel_value = "es_ES.UTF-8" # a temporary hash that contains sentinel values for each of the locale environment variables that we override in # "execute" locale_sentinel_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each { |var| locale_sentinel_env[var] = lang_sentinel_value } command = "/bin/echo $%s" it "should not override user's locale during execution" do # we'll do this once without any sentinel values, to give us a little more test coverage orig_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each { |var| orig_env[var] = ENV[var] if ENV[var] } orig_env.keys.each do |var| output, status = provider.run(command % var) output.strip.should == orig_env[var] end # now, once more... but with our sentinel values Puppet::Util::Execution.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| output, status = provider.run(command % var) output.strip.should == locale_sentinel_env[var] end end end it "should respect locale overrides in user's 'environment' configuration" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['LANG=foo', 'LC_ALL=bar'] output, status = provider.run(command % 'LANG') output.strip.should == 'foo' output, status = provider.run(command % 'LC_ALL') output.strip.should == 'bar' end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util_spec.rb index 4a9520a63..11990d927 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util_spec.rb @@ -1,651 +1,651 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Util do include PuppetSpec::Files def process_status(exitstatus) return exitstatus if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? stub('child_status', :exitstatus => exitstatus) end describe "#absolute_path?" do it "should default to the platform of the local system" do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(true) Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(false) Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('C:/foo') Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns(false) Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(true) Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('C:/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('/foo') end describe "when using platform :posix" do %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar //foo //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\Server/Foo /foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end %w[. ./foo \foo C:/foo \\Server\Foo\Bar \\?\C:\foo\bar \/?/foo\bar \/Server/foo foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do %w[C:/foo C:\foo \\\\Server\Foo\Bar \\\\?\C:\foo\bar //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\?\C:/foo\bar \/Server\Foo/Bar c:/foo//bar//baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end %w[/ . ./foo \foo /foo /foo/../bar //foo C:foo/bar foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end end end describe "#path_to_uri" do %w[. .. foo foo/bar foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should reject relative path: #{path}" do lambda { Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end it "should perform URI escaping" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("/foo bar").path.should == "/foo%20bar" end describe "when using platform :posix" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == path end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end it "should normalize backslashes" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri('c:\\foo\\bar\\baz').path.should == '/' + 'c:/foo/bar/baz' end %w[C:/ C:/foo/bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to absolute URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == '/' + path end end %w[share C$].each do |path| it "should convert UNC #{path} to absolute URI" do uri = Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("\\\\server\\#{path}") uri.host.should == 'server' uri.path.should == '/' + path end end end end describe ".uri_to_path" do require 'uri' it "should strip host component" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar')).should == '/bar' end it "should accept puppet URLs" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('puppet:///modules/foo')).should == '/modules/foo' end it "should return unencoded path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar%20baz')).should == '/bar baz' end it "should be nil-safe" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(nil).should be_nil end describe "when using platform :posix",:if => Puppet.features.posix? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/')).should == '/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end end describe "when using platform :windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/')).should == 'C:/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept file scheme with double slashes as a UNC path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file://host/share/file')).should == '//host/share/file' end end end describe "execution methods" do let(:pid) { 5501 } let(:null_file) { Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null' } describe "#execute_posix (stubs)" do before :each do # Most of the things this method does are bad to do during specs. :/ Kernel.stubs(:fork).returns(pid).yields Process.stubs(:setsid) Kernel.stubs(:exec) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:change_user) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:change_group) $stdin.stubs(:reopen) $stdout.stubs(:reopen) $stderr.stubs(:reopen) @stdin = File.open(null_file, 'r') @stdout = Tempfile.new('stdout') @stderr = File.open(null_file, 'w') end it "should fork a child process to execute the command" do Kernel.expects(:fork).returns(pid).yields Kernel.expects(:exec).with('test command') Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should start a new session group" do Process.expects(:setsid) Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should close all open file descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr" do # This is ugly, but I can't really think of a better way to do it without # letting it actually close fds, which seems risky (0..2).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).never} (3..256).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).returns mock('io', :close) } Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should permanently change to the correct user and group if specified" do Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:change_group).with(55, true) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:change_user).with(50, true) Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {:uid => 50, :gid => 55}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should exit failure if there is a problem execing the command" do Kernel.expects(:exec).with('test command').raises("failed to execute!") Puppet::Util.stubs(:puts) Puppet::Util.expects(:exit!).with(1) Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should properly execute commands specified as arrays" do Kernel.expects(:exec).with('test command', 'with', 'arguments') Puppet::Util.execute_posix(['test command', 'with', 'arguments'], {:uid => 50, :gid => 55}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should properly execute string commands with embedded newlines" do Kernel.expects(:exec).with("/bin/echo 'foo' ; \n /bin/echo 'bar' ;") Puppet::Util.execute_posix("/bin/echo 'foo' ; \n /bin/echo 'bar' ;", {:uid => 50, :gid => 55}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should return the pid of the child process" do Puppet::Util.execute_posix('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr).should == pid end end describe "#execute_windows (stubs)" do let(:proc_info_stub) { stub 'processinfo', :process_id => pid } before :each do Process.stubs(:create).returns(proc_info_stub) Process.stubs(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(0)]) @stdin = File.open(null_file, 'r') @stdout = Tempfile.new('stdout') @stderr = File.open(null_file, 'w') end it "should create a new process for the command" do Process.expects(:create).with( :command_line => "test command", :startup_info => {:stdin => @stdin, :stdout => @stdout, :stderr => @stderr} ).returns(proc_info_stub) Puppet::Util.execute_windows('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end it "should return the pid of the child process" do Puppet::Util.execute_windows('test command', {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr).should == pid end it "should quote arguments containing spaces if command is specified as an array" do Process.expects(:create).with do |args| args[:command_line] == '"test command" with some "arguments \"with spaces"' end.returns(proc_info_stub) Puppet::Util.execute_windows(['test command', 'with', 'some', 'arguments "with spaces'], {}, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr) end end describe "#execute (stubs)" do before :each do Process.stubs(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(0)]) end describe "when an execution stub is specified" do before :each do Puppet::Util::ExecutionStub.set do |command,args,stdin,stdout,stderr| "execution stub output" end end it "should call the block on the stub" do Puppet::Util.execute("/usr/bin/run_my_execute_stub").should == "execution stub output" end it "should not actually execute anything" do Puppet::Util.expects(:execute_posix).never Puppet::Util.expects(:execute_windows).never Puppet::Util.execute("/usr/bin/run_my_execute_stub") end end describe "when setting up input and output files" do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:executor) { Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? 'execute_windows' : 'execute_posix' } before :each do Puppet::Util.stubs(:wait_for_output) end it "should set stdin to the stdinfile if specified" do input = tmpfile('stdin') FileUtils.touch(input) Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,stdin,_,_| stdin.path == input end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :stdinfile => input) end it "should set stdin to the null file if not specified" do Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,stdin,_,_| stdin.path == null_file end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command') end describe "when squelch is set" do it "should set stdout and stderr to the null file" do Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,_,stdout,stderr| stdout.path == null_file and stderr.path == null_file end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :squelch => true) end end describe "when squelch is not set" do it "should set stdout to a temporary output file" do outfile = Tempfile.new('stdout') Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(outfile) Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,_,stdout,_| stdout.path == outfile.path end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :squelch => false) end it "should set stderr to the same file as stdout if combine is true" do outfile = Tempfile.new('stdout') Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(outfile) Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,_,stdout,stderr| stdout.path == outfile.path and stderr.path == outfile.path end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :squelch => false, :combine => true) end it "should set stderr to the null device if combine is false" do outfile = Tempfile.new('stdout') Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(outfile) Puppet::Util.expects(executor).with do |_,_,_,stdout,stderr| stdout.path == outfile.path and stderr.path == null_file end.returns(pid) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :squelch => false, :combine => false) end end end end - describe "#execute" do - # build up a printf-style string that contains an OS-specific command to get the value of an environment variable + describe "#execute (posix locale)", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do + # build up a printf-style string that contains a command to get the value of an environment variable # from the operating system. We can substitute into this with the names of the desired environment variables later. - get_env_var_cmd = Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? 'cmd.exe /c "echo %%%s%%"' : 'echo $%s' + get_env_var_cmd = 'echo $%s' # a sentinel value that we can use to emulate what locale environment variables might be set to on an international # system. lang_sentinel_value = "es_ES.UTF-8" # a temporary hash that contains sentinel values for each of the locale environment variables that we override in # "execute" locale_sentinel_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each { |var| locale_sentinel_env[var] = lang_sentinel_value } it "should override the locale environment variables when :override_locale is not set (defaults to true)" do # temporarily override the locale environment vars with a sentinel value, so that we can confirm that # execute is actually setting them. Puppet::Util::Execution.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| # we expect that all of the POSIX vars will have been cleared except for LANG and LC_ALL expected_value = (['LANG', 'LC_ALL'].include?(var)) ? "C" : "" Puppet::Util::execute(get_env_var_cmd % var).strip.should == expected_value end end end it "should override the LANG environment variable when :override_locale is set to true" do # temporarily override the locale environment vars with a sentinel value, so that we can confirm that # execute is actually setting them. Puppet::Util::Execution.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| # we expect that all of the POSIX vars will have been cleared except for LANG and LC_ALL expected_value = (['LANG', 'LC_ALL'].include?(var)) ? "C" : "" Puppet::Util::execute(get_env_var_cmd % var, {:override_locale => true}).strip.should == expected_value end end end it "should *not* override the LANG environment variable when :override_locale is set to false" do # temporarily override the locale environment vars with a sentinel value, so that we can confirm that # execute is not setting them. Puppet::Util::Execution.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| Puppet::Util::execute(get_env_var_cmd % var, {:override_locale => false}).strip.should == lang_sentinel_value end end end it "should have restored the LANG and locale environment variables after execution" do # we'll do this once without any sentinel values, to give us a little more test coverage orig_env_vals = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| orig_env_vals[var] = ENV[var] end # now we can really execute any command--doesn't matter what it is... Puppet::Util::execute(get_env_var_cmd % 'anything', {:override_locale => true}) # now we check and make sure the original environment was restored Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| ENV[var].should == orig_env_vals[var] end # now, once more... but with our sentinel values Puppet::Util::Execution.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do # now we can really execute any command--doesn't matter what it is... Puppet::Util::execute(get_env_var_cmd % 'anything', {:override_locale => true}) # now we check and make sure the original environment was restored Puppet::Util::POSIX_LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| ENV[var].should == locale_sentinel_env[var] end end end end describe "after execution" do let(:executor) { Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? 'execute_windows' : 'execute_posix' } before :each do Process.stubs(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(0)]) Puppet::Util.stubs(executor).returns(pid) end it "should wait for the child process to exit" do Puppet::Util.stubs(:wait_for_output) Process.expects(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(0)]) Puppet::Util.execute('test command') end it "should close the stdin/stdout/stderr files used by the child" do stdin = mock 'file', :close stdout = mock 'file', :close stderr = mock 'file', :close File.expects(:open). times(3). returns(stdin). then.returns(stdout). then.returns(stderr) Puppet::Util.execute('test command', {:squelch => true, :combine => false}) end it "should read and return the output if squelch is false" do stdout = Tempfile.new('test') Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(stdout) stdout.write("My expected command output") Puppet::Util.execute('test command').should == "My expected command output" end it "should not read the output if squelch is true" do stdout = Tempfile.new('test') Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(stdout) stdout.write("My expected command output") Puppet::Util.execute('test command', :squelch => true).should == nil end it "should delete the file used for output if squelch is false" do stdout = Tempfile.new('test') path = stdout.path Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns(stdout) Puppet::Util.execute('test command') File.should_not be_exist(path) end it "should raise an error if failonfail is true and the child failed" do Process.expects(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(1)]) expect { Puppet::Util.execute('fail command', :failonfail => true) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, /Execution of 'fail command' returned 1/) end it "should not raise an error if failonfail is false and the child failed" do Process.expects(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(1)]) expect { Puppet::Util.execute('fail command', :failonfail => false) }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise an error if failonfail is true and the child succeeded" do Process.expects(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(0)]) expect { Puppet::Util.execute('fail command', :failonfail => true) }.not_to raise_error end it "should respect default values for args that aren't overridden if a partial arg list is passed in" do Process.expects(:waitpid2).with(pid).returns([pid, process_status(1)]) expect { # here we are passing in a non-nil value for "arguments", but we aren't specifying a value for # :failonfail. We expect it to be set to its normal default value (true). Puppet::Util.execute('fail command', { :squelch => true }) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, /Execution of 'fail command' returned 1/) end end end describe "#which" do let(:base) { File.expand_path('/bin') } let(:path) { File.join(base, 'foo') } before :each do FileTest.stubs(:file?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(path).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(path).returns true end it "should accept absolute paths" do Puppet::Util.which(path).should == path end it "should return nil if no executable found" do Puppet::Util.which('doesnotexist').should be_nil end it "should reject directories" do Puppet::Util.which(base).should be_nil end describe "on POSIX systems" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end it "should walk the search PATH returning the first executable" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(File.expand_path('/bin')) Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end end describe "on Windows systems" do let(:path) { File.expand_path(File.join(base, 'foo.CMD')) } before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end describe "when a file extension is specified" do it "should walk each directory in PATH ignoring PATHEXT" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(%w[/bar /bin].map{|dir| File.expand_path(dir)}.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(File.join(File.expand_path('/bar'), 'foo.CMD')).returns false ENV.expects(:[]).with('PATHEXT').never Puppet::Util.which('foo.CMD').should == path end end describe "when a file extension is not specified" do it "should walk each extension in PATHEXT until an executable is found" do bar = File.expand_path('/bar') ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns("#{bar}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{base}") ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}.CMD") exts = sequence('extensions') FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.CMD')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should walk the default extension path if the environment variable is not defined" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(nil) exts = sequence('extensions') %w[.COM .EXE .BAT].each do |ext| FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, "foo#{ext}")).returns false end FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should fall back if no extension matches" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE") FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == File.join(base, 'foo') end end end end describe "#binread" do let(:contents) { "foo\r\nbar" } it "should preserve line endings" do path = tmpfile('util_binread') File.open(path, 'wb') { |f| f.print contents } Puppet::Util.binread(path).should == contents end it "should raise an error if the file doesn't exist" do expect { Puppet::Util.binread('/path/does/not/exist') }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end end