diff --git a/lib/puppet/application.rb b/lib/puppet/application.rb index 03a638cd8..cccaa1734 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/application.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/application.rb @@ -1,421 +1,421 @@ require 'optparse' require 'puppet/util/plugins' # This class handles all the aspects of a Puppet application/executable # * setting up options # * setting up logs # * choosing what to run # * representing execution status # # === Usage # An application is a subclass of Puppet::Application. # # For legacy compatibility, # Puppet::Application[:example].run # is equivalent to # Puppet::Application::Example.new.run # # # class Puppet::Application::Example << Puppet::Application # # def preinit # # perform some pre initialization # @all = false # end # # # run_command is called to actually run the specified command # def run_command # send Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.args.shift # end # # # option uses metaprogramming to create a method # # and also tells the option parser how to invoke that method # option("--arg ARGUMENT") do |v| # @args << v # end # # option("--debug", "-d") do |v| # @debug = v # end # # option("--all", "-a:) do |v| # @all = v # end # # def handle_unknown(opt,arg) # # last chance to manage an option # ... # # let's say to the framework we finally handle this option # true # end # # def read # # read action # end # # def write # # writeaction # end # # end # # === Preinit # The preinit block is the first code to be called in your application, before option parsing, # setup or command execution. # # === Options # Puppet::Application uses +OptionParser+ to manage the application options. # Options are defined with the +option+ method to which are passed various # arguments, including the long option, the short option, a description... # Refer to +OptionParser+ documentation for the exact format. # * If the option method is given a block, this one will be called whenever # the option is encountered in the command-line argument. # * If the option method has no block, a default functionnality will be used, that # stores the argument (or true/false if the option doesn't require an argument) in # the global (to the application) options array. # * If a given option was not defined by a the +option+ method, but it exists as a Puppet settings: # * if +unknown+ was used with a block, it will be called with the option name and argument # * if +unknown+ wasn't used, then the option/argument is handed to Puppet.settings.handlearg for # a default behavior # # --help is managed directly by the Puppet::Application class, but can be overriden. # # === Setup # Applications can use the setup block to perform any initialization. # The defaul +setup+ behaviour is to: read Puppet configuration and manage log level and destination # # === What and how to run # If the +dispatch+ block is defined it is called. This block should return the name of the registered command # to be run. # If it doesn't exist, it defaults to execute the +main+ command if defined. # # === Execution state # The class attributes/methods of Puppet::Application serve as a global place to set and query the execution # status of the application: stopping, restarting, etc. The setting of the application status does not directly # aftect its running status; it's assumed that the various components within the application will consult these # settings appropriately and affect their own processing accordingly. Control operations (signal handlers and # the like) should set the status appropriately to indicate to the overall system that it's the process of # stopping or restarting (or just running as usual). # # So, if something in your application needs to stop the process, for some reason, you might consider: # # def stop_me! # # indicate that we're stopping # Puppet::Application.stop! # # ...do stuff... # end # # And, if you have some component that involves a long-running process, you might want to consider: # # def my_long_process(giant_list_to_munge) # giant_list_to_munge.collect do |member| # # bail if we're stopping # return if Puppet::Application.stop_requested? # process_member(member) # end # end module Puppet class Application require 'puppet/util' include Puppet::Util DOCPATTERN = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/util/command_line/*" ) class << self include Puppet::Util attr_accessor :run_status def clear! self.run_status = nil end def stop! self.run_status = :stop_requested end def restart! self.run_status = :restart_requested end # Indicates that Puppet::Application.restart! has been invoked and components should # do what is necessary to facilitate a restart. def restart_requested? :restart_requested == run_status end # Indicates that Puppet::Application.stop! has been invoked and components should do what is necessary # for a clean stop. def stop_requested? :stop_requested == run_status end # Indicates that one of stop! or start! was invoked on Puppet::Application, and some kind of process # shutdown/short-circuit may be necessary. def interrupted? [:restart_requested, :stop_requested].include? run_status end # Indicates that Puppet::Application believes that it's in usual running run_mode (no stop/restart request # currently active). def clear? run_status.nil? end # Only executes the given block if the run status of Puppet::Application is clear (no restarts, stops, # etc. requested). # Upon block execution, checks the run status again; if a restart has been requested during the block's # execution, then controlled_run will send a new HUP signal to the current process. # Thus, long-running background processes can potentially finish their work before a restart. def controlled_run(&block) return unless clear? result = block.call Process.kill(:HUP, $PID) if restart_requested? result end def should_parse_config @parse_config = true end def should_not_parse_config @parse_config = false end def should_parse_config? @parse_config = true if ! defined?(@parse_config) @parse_config end # used to declare code that handle an option def option(*options, &block) long = options.find { |opt| opt =~ /^--/ }.gsub(/^--(?:\[no-\])?([^ =]+).*$/, '\1' ).gsub('-','_') fname = symbolize("handle_#{long}") if (block_given?) define_method(fname, &block) else define_method(fname) do |value| self.options["#{long}".to_sym] = value end end self.option_parser_commands << [options, fname] end def banner(banner = nil) @banner ||= banner end def option_parser_commands @option_parser_commands ||= ( superclass.respond_to?(:option_parser_commands) ? superclass.option_parser_commands.dup : [] ) @option_parser_commands end def find(name) klass = name.to_s.capitalize begin require ::File.join('puppet', 'application', name.to_s.downcase) rescue LoadError => e puts "Unable to find application '#{name}'. #{e}" Kernel::exit(1) end self.const_get(klass) end def [](name) find(name).new end # Sets or gets the run_mode name. Sets the run_mode name if a mode_name is # passed. Otherwise, gets the run_mode or a default run_mode # def run_mode( mode_name = nil) return @run_mode if @run_mode and not mode_name require 'puppet/util/run_mode' @run_mode = Puppet::Util::RunMode[ mode_name || :user ] end end attr_reader :options, :command_line # Every app responds to --version option("--version", "-V") do |arg| puts "#{Puppet.version}" exit end # Every app responds to --help option("--help", "-h") do |v| puts help exit end def should_parse_config? self.class.should_parse_config? end # override to execute code before running anything else def preinit end def initialize(command_line = nil) require 'puppet/util/command_line' @command_line = command_line || Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new set_run_mode self.class.run_mode @options = {} require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/instrumentation' Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.init end # WARNING: This is a totally scary, frightening, and nasty internal API. We # strongly advise that you do not use this, and if you insist, we will # politely allow you to keep both pieces of your broken code. # # We plan to provide a supported, long-term API to deliver this in a way # that you can use. Please make sure that you let us know if you do require # this, and this message is still present in the code. --daniel 2011-02-03 def set_run_mode(mode) @run_mode = mode $puppet_application_mode = @run_mode $puppet_application_name = name if Puppet.respond_to? :settings # This is to reduce the amount of confusion in rspec # because it might have loaded defaults.rb before the globals were set # and thus have the wrong defaults for the current application Puppet.settings.set_value(:confdir, Puppet.run_mode.conf_dir, :mutable_defaults) Puppet.settings.set_value(:vardir, Puppet.run_mode.var_dir, :mutable_defaults) Puppet.settings.set_value(:name, Puppet.application_name.to_s, :mutable_defaults) Puppet.settings.set_value(:logdir, Puppet.run_mode.logopts, :mutable_defaults) Puppet.settings.set_value(:rundir, Puppet.run_mode.run_dir, :mutable_defaults) Puppet.settings.set_value(:run_mode, Puppet.run_mode.name.to_s, :mutable_defaults) end end # This is the main application entry point def run exit_on_fail("initialize") { hook('preinit') { preinit } } exit_on_fail("parse options") { hook('parse_options') { parse_options } } exit_on_fail("parse configuration file") { Puppet.settings.parse } if should_parse_config? exit_on_fail("prepare for execution") { hook('setup') { setup } } exit_on_fail("configure routes from #{Puppet[:route_file]}") { configure_indirector_routes } exit_on_fail("run") { hook('run_command') { run_command } } end def main raise NotImplementedError, "No valid command or main" end def run_command main end def setup setup_logs end def setup_logs if options[:debug] or options[:verbose] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) if options[:debug] Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug else Puppet::Util::Log.level = :info end end - Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:syslog) unless options[:setdest] + Puppet::Util::Log.setup_default unless options[:setdest] end def configure_indirector_routes route_file = Puppet[:route_file] if ::File.exists?(route_file) routes = YAML.load_file(route_file) application_routes = routes[name.to_s] Puppet::Indirector.configure_routes(application_routes) if application_routes end end def parse_options # Create an option parser option_parser = OptionParser.new(self.class.banner) # Add all global options to it. Puppet.settings.optparse_addargs([]).each do |option| option_parser.on(*option) do |arg| handlearg(option[0], arg) end end # Add options that are local to this application, which were # created using the "option()" metaprogramming method. If there # are any conflicts, this application's options will be favored. self.class.option_parser_commands.each do |options, fname| option_parser.on(*options) do |value| # Call the method that "option()" created. self.send(fname, value) end end # Scan command line. We just hand any exceptions to our upper levels, # rather than printing help and exiting, so that we can meaningfully # respond with context-sensitive help if we want to. --daniel 2011-04-12 option_parser.parse!(self.command_line.args) end def handlearg(opt, arg) # rewrite --[no-]option to --no-option if that's what was given if opt =~ /\[no-\]/ and !arg opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/,'no-') end # otherwise remove the [no-] prefix to not confuse everybody opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/, '') unless respond_to?(:handle_unknown) and send(:handle_unknown, opt, arg) # Puppet.settings.handlearg doesn't handle direct true/false :-) if arg.is_a?(FalseClass) arg = "false" elsif arg.is_a?(TrueClass) arg = "true" end Puppet.settings.handlearg(opt, arg) end end # this is used for testing def self.exit(code) exit(code) end def name self.class.to_s.sub(/.*::/,"").downcase.to_sym end def help "No help available for puppet #{name}" end private def exit_on_fail(message, code = 1) yield rescue ArgumentError, RuntimeError, NotImplementedError => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] $stderr.puts "Could not #{message}: #{detail}" exit(code) end def hook(step,&block) Puppet::Plugins.send("before_application_#{step}",:application_object => self) x = yield Puppet::Plugins.send("after_application_#{step}",:application_object => self, :return_value => x) x end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb index 67eaf645b..c0a94f9a7 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb @@ -1,269 +1,273 @@ require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/util/classgen' # Pass feedback to the user. Log levels are modeled after syslog's, and it is # expected that that will be the most common log destination. Supports # multiple destinations, one of which is a remote server. class Puppet::Util::Log include Puppet::Util extend Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::Util::Tagging @levels = [:debug,:info,:notice,:warning,:err,:alert,:emerg,:crit] @loglevel = 2 @desttypes = {} # Create a new destination type. def self.newdesttype(name, options = {}, &block) dest = genclass( name, :parent => Puppet::Util::Log::Destination, :prefix => "Dest", :block => block, :hash => @desttypes, :attributes => options ) dest.match(dest.name) dest end require 'puppet/util/log/destination' require 'puppet/util/log/destinations' @destinations = {} @queued = [] class << self include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::ClassGen attr_reader :desttypes end # Reset log to basics. Basically just flushes and closes files and # undefs other objects. def Log.close(destination) if @destinations.include?(destination) @destinations[destination].flush if @destinations[destination].respond_to?(:flush) @destinations[destination].close if @destinations[destination].respond_to?(:close) @destinations.delete(destination) end end def self.close_all destinations.keys.each { |dest| close(dest) } raise Puppet::DevError.new("Log.close_all failed to close #{@destinations.keys.inspect}") if !@destinations.empty? end # Flush any log destinations that support such operations. def Log.flush @destinations.each { |type, dest| dest.flush if dest.respond_to?(:flush) } end def Log.autoflush=(v) @destinations.each do |type, dest| dest.autoflush = v if dest.respond_to?(:autoflush=) end end # Create a new log message. The primary role of this method is to # avoid creating log messages below the loglevel. def Log.create(hash) raise Puppet::DevError, "Logs require a level" unless hash.include?(:level) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid log level #{hash[:level]}" unless @levels.index(hash[:level]) @levels.index(hash[:level]) >= @loglevel ? Puppet::Util::Log.new(hash) : nil end def Log.destinations @destinations end # Yield each valid level in turn def Log.eachlevel @levels.each { |level| yield level } end # Return the current log level. def Log.level @levels[@loglevel] end # Set the current log level. def Log.level=(level) level = level.intern unless level.is_a?(Symbol) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid loglevel #{level}" unless @levels.include?(level) @loglevel = @levels.index(level) end def Log.levels @levels.dup end # Create a new log destination. def Log.newdestination(dest) # Each destination can only occur once. if @destinations.find { |name, obj| obj.name == dest } return end name, type = @desttypes.find do |name, klass| klass.match?(dest) end if type.respond_to?(:suitable?) and not type.suitable?(dest) return end raise Puppet::DevError, "Unknown destination type #{dest}" unless type begin if type.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 1 @destinations[dest] = type.new(dest) else @destinations[dest] = type.new end flushqueue @destinations[dest] rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:debug] # If this was our only destination, then add the console back in. newdestination(:console) if @destinations.empty? and (dest != :console and dest != "console") end end # Route the actual message. FIXME There are lots of things this method # should do, like caching and a bit more. It's worth noting that there's # a potential for a loop here, if the machine somehow gets the destination set as # itself. def Log.newmessage(msg) return if @levels.index(msg.level) < @loglevel queuemessage(msg) if @destinations.length == 0 @destinations.each do |name, dest| threadlock(dest) do dest.handle(msg) end end end def Log.queuemessage(msg) @queued.push(msg) end def Log.flushqueue return unless @destinations.size >= 1 @queued.each do |msg| Log.newmessage(msg) end @queued.clear end def Log.sendlevel?(level) @levels.index(level) >= @loglevel end # Reopen all of our logs. def Log.reopen Puppet.notice "Reopening log files" types = @destinations.keys @destinations.each { |type, dest| dest.close if dest.respond_to?(:close) } @destinations.clear # We need to make sure we always end up with some kind of destination begin types.each { |type| Log.newdestination(type) } rescue => detail if @destinations.empty? - Log.newdestination(:syslog) + Log.setup_default Puppet.err detail.to_s end end end + def self.setup_default + Log.newdestination(Puppet.features.syslog? ? :syslog : Puppet[:puppetdlog]) + end + # Is the passed level a valid log level? def self.validlevel?(level) @levels.include?(level) end attr_accessor :time, :remote, :file, :line, :source attr_reader :level, :message def initialize(args) self.level = args[:level] self.message = args[:message] self.source = args[:source] || "Puppet" @time = Time.now if tags = args[:tags] tags.each { |t| self.tag(t) } end [:file, :line].each do |attr| next unless value = args[attr] send(attr.to_s + "=", value) end Log.newmessage(self) end def message=(msg) raise ArgumentError, "Puppet::Util::Log requires a message" unless msg @message = msg.to_s end def level=(level) raise ArgumentError, "Puppet::Util::Log requires a log level" unless level @level = level.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "Invalid log level #{@level}" unless self.class.validlevel?(@level) # Tag myself with my log level tag(level) end # If they pass a source in to us, we make sure it is a string, and # we retrieve any tags we can. def source=(source) if source.respond_to?(:source_descriptors) descriptors = source.source_descriptors @source = descriptors[:path] descriptors[:tags].each { |t| tag(t) } [:file, :line].each do |param| next unless descriptors[param] send(param.to_s + "=", descriptors[param]) end else @source = source.to_s end end def to_report "#{time} #{source} (#{level}): #{to_s}" end def to_s message end end # This is for backward compatibility from when we changed the constant to Puppet::Util::Log # because the reports include the constant name. Apparently the alias was created in # March 2007, should could probably be removed soon. Puppet::Log = Puppet::Util::Log diff --git a/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb b/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb index 13be1a5af..44162bf0c 100755 --- a/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb @@ -1,631 +1,631 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/agent' require 'puppet/application/agent' require 'puppet/network/server' require 'puppet/daemon' require 'puppet/network/handler' describe Puppet::Application::Agent do before :each do @puppetd = Puppet::Application[:agent] @puppetd.stubs(:puts) @daemon = stub_everything 'daemon' Puppet::Daemon.stubs(:new).returns(@daemon) Puppet[:daemonize] = false @agent = stub_everything 'agent' Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).returns(@agent) @puppetd.preinit Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) end it "should operate in agent run_mode" do @puppetd.class.run_mode.name.should == :agent end it "should ask Puppet::Application to parse Puppet configuration file" do @puppetd.should_parse_config?.should be_true end it "should declare a main command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:main) end it "should declare a onetime command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:onetime) end it "should declare a fingerprint command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:fingerprint) end it "should declare a preinit block" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:preinit) end describe "in preinit" do it "should catch INT" do Signal.expects(:trap).with { |arg,block| arg == :INT } @puppetd.preinit end it "should init client to true" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:client].should be_true end it "should init fqdn to nil" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:fqdn].should be_nil end it "should init serve to []" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:serve].should == [] end it "should use MD5 as default digest algorithm" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:digest].should == :MD5 end it "should not fingerprint by default" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:fingerprint].should be_false end end describe "when handling options" do before do @puppetd.command_line.stubs(:args).returns([]) end [:centrallogging, :enable, :debug, :fqdn, :test, :verbose, :digest].each do |option| it "should declare handle_#{option} method" do @puppetd.should respond_to("handle_#{option}".to_sym) end it "should store argument value when calling handle_#{option}" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(option, 'arg') @puppetd.send("handle_#{option}".to_sym, 'arg') end end describe "when handling --disable" do it "should declare handle_disable method" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:handle_disable) end it "should set disable to true" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:disable, true) @puppetd.handle_disable('') end it "should store disable message" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:disable_message, "message") @puppetd.handle_disable('message') end end it "should set an existing handler on server" do Puppet::Network::Handler.stubs(:handler).with("handler").returns(true) @puppetd.handle_serve("handler") @puppetd.options[:serve].should == [ :handler ] end it "should set client to false with --no-client" do @puppetd.handle_no_client(nil) @puppetd.options[:client].should be_false end it "should set waitforcert to 0 with --onetime and if --waitforcert wasn't given" do Puppet[:onetime] = true Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(0) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should use supplied waitforcert when --onetime is specified" do Puppet[:onetime] = true @puppetd.handle_waitforcert(60) Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(60) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should use a default value for waitforcert when --onetime and --waitforcert are not specified" do Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(120) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should set the log destination with --logdest" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=).with { |opt,val| opt == :setdest } Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("console") @puppetd.handle_logdest("console") end it "should put the setdest options to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:setdest,true) @puppetd.handle_logdest("console") end it "should parse the log destination from the command line" do @puppetd.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(%w{--logdest /my/file}) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("/my/file") @puppetd.parse_options end it "should store the waitforcert options with --waitforcert" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:waitforcert,42) @puppetd.handle_waitforcert("42") end it "should set args[:Port] with --port" do @puppetd.handle_port("42") @puppetd.args[:Port].should == "42" end end describe "during setup" do before :each do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]) Puppet.stubs(:info) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) Puppet[:libdir] = "/dev/null/lib" Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:ca_location=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) @host = stub_everything 'host' Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:new).returns(@host) Puppet.stubs(:settraps) end describe "with --test" do before :each do #Puppet.settings.stubs(:handlearg) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) end it "should call setup_test" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:test).returns(true) @puppetd.expects(:setup_test) @puppetd.setup end it "should set options[:verbose] to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:verbose,true) @puppetd.setup_test end it "should set options[:onetime] to true" do Puppet[:onetime] = false @puppetd.setup_test Puppet[:onetime].should == true end it "should set options[:detailed_exitcodes] to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:detailed_exitcodes,true) @puppetd.setup_test end end it "should call setup_logs" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_logs) @puppetd.setup end describe "when setting up logs" do before :each do Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) end it "should set log level to debug if --debug was passed" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(true) @puppetd.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :debug end it "should set log level to info if --verbose was passed" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(true) @puppetd.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :info end [:verbose, :debug].each do |level| it "should set console as the log destination with level #{level}" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(level).returns(true) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:console) @puppetd.setup_logs end end - it "should set syslog as the log destination if no --logdest" do + it "should set a default log destination if no --logdest" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:setdest).returns(false) - Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) + Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:setup_default) @puppetd.setup_logs end end it "should print puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do Puppet[:configprint] = "pluginsync" Puppet.settings.expects(:print_configs).returns true expect { @puppetd.setup }.to exit_with 0 end it "should exit after printing puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do Puppet[:modulepath] = '/my/path' Puppet[:configprint] = "modulepath" Puppet::Util::Settings.any_instance.expects(:puts).with('/my/path') expect { @puppetd.setup }.to exit_with 0 end it "should set a central log destination with --centrallogs" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:centrallogs).returns(true) Puppet[:server] = "puppet.reductivelabs.com" - Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination).with(:syslog) + Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:setup_default) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("puppet.reductivelabs.com") @puppetd.setup end it "should use :main, :puppetd, and :ssl" do Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main, :agent, :ssl) @puppetd.setup end it "should install a remote ca location" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:remote) @puppetd.setup end it "should install a none ca location in fingerprint mode" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:none) @puppetd.setup end it "should tell the report handler to use REST" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with(:rest) @puppetd.setup end it "should tell the report handler to cache locally as yaml" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @puppetd.setup end it "should change the catalog_terminus setting to 'rest'" do Puppet[:catalog_terminus] = :foo @puppetd.setup Puppet[:catalog_terminus].should == :rest end it "should tell the catalog handler to use cache" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @puppetd.setup end it "should change the facts_terminus setting to 'facter'" do Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :foo @puppetd.setup Puppet[:facts_terminus].should == :facter end it "should create an agent" do Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).with(Puppet::Configurer) @puppetd.setup end [:enable, :disable].each do |action| it "should delegate to enable_disable_client if we #{action} the agent" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(action).returns(true) @puppetd.expects(:enable_disable_client).with(@agent) @puppetd.setup end end describe "when enabling or disabling agent" do [:enable, :disable].each do |action| it "should call client.#{action}" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(action).returns(true) @agent.expects(action) expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end end it "should pass the disable message when disabling" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable_message).returns("message") @agent.expects(:disable).with("message") expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end it "should pass the default disable message when disabling without a message" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable_message).returns(nil) @agent.expects(:disable).with("reason not specified") expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end it "should finally exit" do expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end end it "should inform the daemon about our agent if :client is set to 'true'" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]).with(:client).returns true @daemon.expects(:agent=).with(@agent) @puppetd.setup end it "should not inform the daemon about our agent if :client is set to 'false'" do @puppetd.options[:client] = false @daemon.expects(:agent=).never @puppetd.setup end it "should daemonize if needed" do Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false Puppet[:daemonize] = true @daemon.expects(:daemonize) @puppetd.setup end it "should wait for a certificate" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:waitforcert).returns(123) @host.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(123) @puppetd.setup end it "should not wait for a certificate in fingerprint mode" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:waitforcert).returns(123) @host.expects(:wait_for_cert).never @puppetd.setup end it "should setup listen if told to and not onetime" do Puppet[:listen] = true @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(false) @puppetd.expects(:setup_listen) @puppetd.setup end describe "when setting up listen" do before :each do Puppet[:authconfig] = 'auth' FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with('auth').returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:serve).returns([]) @server = stub_everything 'server' Puppet::Network::Server.stubs(:new).returns(@server) end it "should exit if no authorization file" do Puppet.stubs(:err) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with(Puppet[:rest_authconfig]).returns(false) expect { @puppetd.setup_listen }.to exit_with 14 end it "should create a server to listen on at least the Runner handler" do Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:xmlrpc_handlers] == [:Runner] } @puppetd.setup_listen end it "should create a server to listen for specific handlers" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:serve).returns([:handler]) Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:xmlrpc_handlers] == [:handler] } @puppetd.setup_listen end it "should use puppet default port" do Puppet[:puppetport] = 32768 Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:port] == 32768 } @puppetd.setup_listen end end describe "when setting up for fingerprint" do before(:each) do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) end it "should not setup as an agent" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_agent).never @puppetd.setup end it "should not create an agent" do Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).with(Puppet::Configurer).never @puppetd.setup end it "should not daemonize" do @daemon.expects(:daemonize).never @puppetd.setup end it "should setup our certificate host" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_host) @puppetd.setup end end end describe "when running" do before :each do @puppetd.agent = @agent @puppetd.daemon = @daemon @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(false) end it "should dispatch to fingerprint if --fingerprint is used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.stubs(:fingerprint) @puppetd.run_command end it "should dispatch to onetime if --onetime is used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(true) @puppetd.stubs(:onetime) @puppetd.run_command end it "should dispatch to main if --onetime and --fingerprint are not used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(false) @puppetd.stubs(:main) @puppetd.run_command end describe "with --onetime" do before :each do @agent.stubs(:run).returns(:report) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client).returns(:client) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:detailed_exitcodes).returns(false) Puppet.stubs(:newservice) end it "should exit if no defined --client" do $stderr.stubs(:puts) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client).returns(nil) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 43 end it "should setup traps" do @daemon.expects(:set_signal_traps) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should let the agent run" do @agent.expects(:run).returns(:report) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should finish by exiting with 0 error code" do expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should stop the daemon" do @daemon.expects(:stop).with(:exit => false) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end describe "and --detailed-exitcodes" do before :each do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:detailed_exitcodes).returns(true) end it "should exit with report's computed exit status" do Puppet[:noop] = false report = stub 'report', :exit_status => 666 @agent.stubs(:run).returns(report) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 666 end it "should exit with the report's computer exit status, even if --noop is set." do Puppet[:noop] = true report = stub 'report', :exit_status => 666 @agent.stubs(:run).returns(report) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 666 end end end describe "with --fingerprint" do before :each do @cert = stub_everything 'cert' @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:digest).returns(:MD5) @host = stub_everything 'host' @puppetd.stubs(:host).returns(@host) end it "should fingerprint the certificate if it exists" do @host.expects(:certificate).returns(@cert) @cert.expects(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns "fingerprint" @puppetd.fingerprint end it "should fingerprint the certificate request if no certificate have been signed" do @host.expects(:certificate).returns(nil) @host.expects(:certificate_request).returns(@cert) @cert.expects(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns "fingerprint" @puppetd.fingerprint end it "should display the fingerprint" do @host.stubs(:certificate).returns(@cert) @cert.stubs(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns("DIGEST") @puppetd.expects(:puts).with "DIGEST" @puppetd.fingerprint end end describe "without --onetime and --fingerprint" do before :each do Puppet.stubs(:notice) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client) end it "should start our daemon" do @daemon.expects(:start) @puppetd.main end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/application/device_spec.rb b/spec/unit/application/device_spec.rb index fa200b128..d66cb6f11 100755 --- a/spec/unit/application/device_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/application/device_spec.rb @@ -1,393 +1,393 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/application/device' require 'puppet/util/network_device/config' require 'ostruct' require 'puppet/configurer' describe Puppet::Application::Device do include PuppetSpec::Files before :each do @device = Puppet::Application[:device] @device.preinit Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) end it "should operate in agent run_mode" do @device.class.run_mode.name.should == :agent end it "should ask Puppet::Application to parse Puppet configuration file" do @device.should_parse_config?.should be_true end it "should declare a main command" do @device.should respond_to(:main) end it "should declare a preinit block" do @device.should respond_to(:preinit) end describe "in preinit" do before :each do @device.stubs(:trap) end it "should catch INT" do Signal.expects(:trap).with { |arg,block| arg == :INT } @device.preinit end end describe "when handling options" do before do @device.command_line.stubs(:args).returns([]) end [:centrallogging, :debug, :verbose,].each do |option| it "should declare handle_#{option} method" do @device.should respond_to("handle_#{option}".to_sym) end it "should store argument value when calling handle_#{option}" do @device.options.expects(:[]=).with(option, 'arg') @device.send("handle_#{option}".to_sym, 'arg') end end it "should set waitforcert to 0 with --onetime and if --waitforcert wasn't given" do Puppet[:onetime] = true Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(0) @device.setup_host end it "should use supplied waitforcert when --onetime is specified" do Puppet[:onetime] = true @device.handle_waitforcert(60) Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(60) @device.setup_host end it "should use a default value for waitforcert when --onetime and --waitforcert are not specified" do Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(120) @device.setup_host end it "should set the log destination with --logdest" do @device.options.stubs(:[]=).with { |opt,val| opt == :setdest } Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("console") @device.handle_logdest("console") end it "should put the setdest options to true" do @device.options.expects(:[]=).with(:setdest,true) @device.handle_logdest("console") end it "should parse the log destination from the command line" do @device.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(%w{--logdest /my/file}) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("/my/file") @device.parse_options end it "should store the waitforcert options with --waitforcert" do @device.options.expects(:[]=).with(:waitforcert,42) @device.handle_waitforcert("42") end it "should set args[:Port] with --port" do @device.handle_port("42") @device.args[:Port].should == "42" end end describe "during setup" do before :each do @device.options.stubs(:[]) Puppet.stubs(:info) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) Puppet[:libdir] = "/dev/null/lib" Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:ca_location=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) @host = stub_everything 'host' Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:new).returns(@host) Puppet.stubs(:settraps) end it "should call setup_logs" do @device.expects(:setup_logs) @device.setup end describe "when setting up logs" do before :each do Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) end it "should set log level to debug if --debug was passed" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(true) @device.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :debug end it "should set log level to info if --verbose was passed" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(true) @device.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :info end [:verbose, :debug].each do |level| it "should set console as the log destination with level #{level}" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(level).returns(true) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:console) @device.setup_logs end end - it "should set syslog as the log destination if no --logdest" do + it "should set a default log destination if no --logdest" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:setdest).returns(false) - Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) + Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:setup_default) @device.setup_logs end end it "should set a central log destination with --centrallogs" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:centrallogs).returns(true) Puppet[:server] = "puppet.reductivelabs.com" Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination).with(:syslog) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("puppet.reductivelabs.com") @device.setup end it "should use :main, :agent, :device and :ssl config" do Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main, :agent, :device, :ssl) @device.setup end it "should install a remote ca location" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:remote) @device.setup end it "should tell the report handler to use REST" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with(:rest) @device.setup end it "should change the catalog_terminus setting to 'rest'" do Puppet[:catalog_terminus] = :foo @device.setup Puppet[:catalog_terminus].should == :rest end it "should tell the catalog handler to use cache" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @device.setup end it "should change the facts_terminus setting to 'network_device'" do Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :foo @device.setup Puppet[:facts_terminus].should == :network_device end end describe "when initializing each devices SSL" do before(:each) do @host = stub_everything 'host' Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:new).returns(@host) end it "should create a new ssl host" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:new).returns(@host) @device.setup_host end it "should wait for a certificate" do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:waitforcert).returns(123) @host.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(123) @device.setup_host end end describe "when running" do before :each do @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(false) Puppet.stubs(:notice) @device.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client) Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Config.stubs(:devices).returns({}) end it "should dispatch to main" do @device.stubs(:main) @device.run_command end it "should get the device list" do device_hash = stub_everything 'device hash' Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Config.expects(:devices).returns(device_hash) @device.main end it "should exit if the device list is empty" do expect { @device.main }.to exit_with 1 end describe "for each device" do before(:each) do Puppet[:vardir] = make_absolute("/dummy") Puppet[:confdir] = make_absolute("/dummy") Puppet[:certname] = "certname" @device_hash = { "device1" => OpenStruct.new(:name => "device1", :url => "url", :provider => "cisco"), "device2" => OpenStruct.new(:name => "device2", :url => "url", :provider => "cisco"), } Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Config.stubs(:devices).returns(@device_hash) Puppet.settings.stubs(:set_value) Puppet.settings.stubs(:use) @device.stubs(:setup_host) Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.stubs(:init) @configurer = stub_everything 'configurer' Puppet::Configurer.stubs(:new).returns(@configurer) end it "should set vardir to the device vardir" do Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(:vardir, make_absolute("/dummy/devices/device1"), :cli) @device.main end it "should set confdir to the device confdir" do Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(:confdir, make_absolute("/dummy/devices/device1"), :cli) @device.main end it "should set certname to the device certname" do Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(:certname, "device1", :cli) Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(:certname, "device2", :cli) @device.main end it "should make sure all the required folders and files are created" do Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main, :agent, :ssl).twice @device.main end it "should initialize the device singleton" do Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.expects(:init).with(@device_hash["device1"]).then.with(@device_hash["device2"]) @device.main end it "should setup the SSL context" do @device.expects(:setup_host).twice @device.main end it "should launch a configurer for this device" do @configurer.expects(:run).twice @device.main end [:vardir, :confdir].each do |setting| it "should cleanup the #{setting} setting after the run" do all_devices = Set.new(@device_hash.keys.map do |device_name| make_absolute("/dummy/devices/#{device_name}") end) found_devices = Set.new() # a block to use in a few places later to validate the arguments passed to "set_value" p = Proc.new do |my_setting, my_value, my_type| success = (my_setting == setting) && (my_type == :cli) && (all_devices.include?(my_value)) found_devices.add(my_value) if success success end seq = sequence("clean up dirs") all_devices.size.times do ## one occurrence of set / run / set("/dummy") for each device Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(&p).in_sequence(seq) @configurer.expects(:run).in_sequence(seq) Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(setting, make_absolute("/dummy"), :cli).in_sequence(seq) end @device.main # make sure that we were called with each of the defined devices all_devices.should == found_devices end end it "should cleanup the certname setting after the run" do all_devices = Set.new(@device_hash.keys) found_devices = Set.new() # a block to use in a few places later to validate the arguments passed to "set_value" p = Proc.new do |my_setting, my_value, my_type| success = (my_setting == :certname) && (my_type == :cli) && (all_devices.include?(my_value)) found_devices.add(my_value) if success success #true end seq = sequence("clean up certname") all_devices.size.times do ## one occurrence of set / run / set("certname") for each device Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(&p).in_sequence(seq) @configurer.expects(:run).in_sequence(seq) Puppet.settings.expects(:set_value).with(:certname, "certname", :cli).in_sequence(seq) end @device.main # make sure that we were called with each of the defined devices all_devices.should == found_devices end it "should expire all cached attributes" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:reset).twice @device.main end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/application_spec.rb b/spec/unit/application_spec.rb index efd5b4678..b26e8e0b2 100755 --- a/spec/unit/application_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/application_spec.rb @@ -1,617 +1,618 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/application' require 'puppet' require 'getoptlong' describe Puppet::Application do before do Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.stubs(:init) @app = Class.new(Puppet::Application).new @appclass = @app.class @app.stubs(:name).returns("test_app") # avoid actually trying to parse any settings Puppet.settings.stubs(:parse) end describe "finding" do before do @klass = Puppet::Application @klass.stubs(:puts) end it "should find classes in the namespace" do @klass.find("Agent").should == @klass::Agent end it "should not find classes outside the namespace", :'fails_on_ruby_1.9.2' => true do expect { @klass.find("String") }.to exit_with 1 end it "should exit if it can't find a class" do reg = "Unable to find application 'ThisShallNeverEverEverExist'. " reg += "no such file to load -- puppet/application/thisshallneverevereverexist" @klass.expects(:puts).with(reg) expect { @klass.find("ThisShallNeverEverEverExist") }.to exit_with 1 end it "#12114: should prevent File namespace collisions" do # have to require the file face once, then the second time around it would fail @klass.find("File").should == Puppet::Application::File @klass.find("File").should == Puppet::Application::File end end describe ".run_mode" do it "should default to user" do @appclass.run_mode.name.should == :user end it "should set and get a value" do @appclass.run_mode :agent @appclass.run_mode.name.should == :agent end end it "should sadly and frighteningly allow run_mode to change at runtime" do class TestApp < Puppet::Application run_mode :master def run_command # This is equivalent to calling these methods externally to the # instance, but since this is what "real world" code is likely to do # (and we need the class anyway) we may as well test that. --daniel 2011-02-03 set_run_mode self.class.run_mode "agent" end end + Puppet.features.stubs(:syslog?).returns(true) Puppet[:run_mode].should == "user" expect { app = TestApp.new Puppet[:run_mode].should == "master" app.run app.class.run_mode.name.should == :agent $puppet_application_mode.name.should == :agent }.should_not raise_error Puppet[:run_mode].should == "agent" end it "it should not allow run mode to be set multiple times" do pending "great floods of tears, you can do this right now" # --daniel 2011-02-03 app = Puppet::Application.new expect { app.set_run_mode app.class.run_mode "master" $puppet_application_mode.name.should == :master app.set_run_mode app.class.run_mode "agent" $puppet_application_mode.name.should == :agent }.should raise_error end it "should explode when an invalid run mode is set at runtime, for great victory" # ...but you can, and while it will explode, that only happens too late for # us to easily test. --daniel 2011-02-03 it "should have a run entry-point" do @app.should respond_to(:run) end it "should have a read accessor to options" do @app.should respond_to(:options) end it "should include a default setup method" do @app.should respond_to(:setup) end it "should include a default preinit method" do @app.should respond_to(:preinit) end it "should include a default run_command method" do @app.should respond_to(:run_command) end it "should invoke main as the default" do @app.expects( :main ) @app.run_command end it "should initialize the Puppet Instrumentation layer on creation" do Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.expects(:init) Class.new(Puppet::Application).new end describe 'when invoking clear!' do before :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = :stop_requested Puppet::Application.clear! end it 'should have nil run_status' do Puppet::Application.run_status.should be_nil end it 'should return false for restart_requested?' do Puppet::Application.restart_requested?.should be_false end it 'should return false for stop_requested?' do Puppet::Application.stop_requested?.should be_false end it 'should return false for interrupted?' do Puppet::Application.interrupted?.should be_false end it 'should return true for clear?' do Puppet::Application.clear?.should be_true end end describe 'after invoking stop!' do before :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil Puppet::Application.stop! end after :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil end it 'should have run_status of :stop_requested' do Puppet::Application.run_status.should == :stop_requested end it 'should return true for stop_requested?' do Puppet::Application.stop_requested?.should be_true end it 'should return false for restart_requested?' do Puppet::Application.restart_requested?.should be_false end it 'should return true for interrupted?' do Puppet::Application.interrupted?.should be_true end it 'should return false for clear?' do Puppet::Application.clear?.should be_false end end describe 'when invoking restart!' do before :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil Puppet::Application.restart! end after :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil end it 'should have run_status of :restart_requested' do Puppet::Application.run_status.should == :restart_requested end it 'should return true for restart_requested?' do Puppet::Application.restart_requested?.should be_true end it 'should return false for stop_requested?' do Puppet::Application.stop_requested?.should be_false end it 'should return true for interrupted?' do Puppet::Application.interrupted?.should be_true end it 'should return false for clear?' do Puppet::Application.clear?.should be_false end end describe 'when performing a controlled_run' do it 'should not execute block if not :clear?' do Puppet::Application.run_status = :stop_requested target = mock 'target' target.expects(:some_method).never Puppet::Application.controlled_run do target.some_method end end it 'should execute block if :clear?' do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil target = mock 'target' target.expects(:some_method).once Puppet::Application.controlled_run do target.some_method end end describe 'on POSIX systems', :if => Puppet.features.posix? do it 'should signal process with HUP after block if restart requested during block execution', :'fails_on_ruby_1.9.2' => true do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil target = mock 'target' target.expects(:some_method).once old_handler = trap('HUP') { target.some_method } begin Puppet::Application.controlled_run do Puppet::Application.run_status = :restart_requested end ensure trap('HUP', old_handler) end end end after :each do Puppet::Application.run_status = nil end end describe "when parsing command-line options" do before :each do @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns([]) Puppet.settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns([]) end it "should pass the banner to the option parser" do option_parser = stub "option parser" option_parser.stubs(:on) option_parser.stubs(:parse!) @app.class.instance_eval do banner "banner" end OptionParser.expects(:new).with("banner").returns(option_parser) @app.parse_options end it "should get options from Puppet.settings.optparse_addargs" do Puppet.settings.expects(:optparse_addargs).returns([]) @app.parse_options end it "should add Puppet.settings options to OptionParser" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns( [["--option","-o", "Funny Option"]]) Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", 'true') @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(["--option"]) @app.parse_options end it "should ask OptionParser to parse the command-line argument" do @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(%w{ fake args }) OptionParser.any_instance.expects(:parse!).with(%w{ fake args }) @app.parse_options end describe "when using --help" do it "should call exit" do @app.stubs(:puts) expect { @app.handle_help(nil) }.to exit_with 0 end end describe "when using --version" do it "should declare a version option" do @app.should respond_to(:handle_version) end it "should exit after printing the version" do @app.stubs(:puts) expect { @app.handle_version(nil) }.to exit_with 0 end end describe "when dealing with an argument not declared directly by the application" do it "should pass it to handle_unknown if this method exists" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns([["--not-handled", :REQUIRED]]) @app.expects(:handle_unknown).with("--not-handled", "value").returns(true) @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(["--not-handled", "value"]) @app.parse_options end it "should pass it to Puppet.settings if handle_unknown says so" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns([["--topuppet", :REQUIRED]]) @app.stubs(:handle_unknown).with("--topuppet", "value").returns(false) Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--topuppet", "value") @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(["--topuppet", "value"]) @app.parse_options end it "should pass it to Puppet.settings if there is no handle_unknown method" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns([["--topuppet", :REQUIRED]]) @app.stubs(:respond_to?).returns(false) Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--topuppet", "value") @app.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(["--topuppet", "value"]) @app.parse_options end it "should transform boolean false value to string for Puppet.settings" do Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", "false") @app.handlearg("--option", false) end it "should transform boolean true value to string for Puppet.settings" do Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", "true") @app.handlearg("--option", true) end it "should transform boolean option to normal form for Puppet.settings" do Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", "true") @app.handlearg("--[no-]option", true) end it "should transform boolean option to no- form for Puppet.settings" do Puppet.settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--no-option", "false") @app.handlearg("--[no-]option", false) end end end describe "when calling default setup" do before :each do @app.stubs(:should_parse_config?).returns(false) @app.options.stubs(:[]) end [ :debug, :verbose ].each do |level| it "should honor option #{level}" do @app.options.stubs(:[]).with(level).returns(true) Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) @app.setup Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == (level == :verbose ? :info : :debug) end end it "should honor setdest option" do @app.options.stubs(:[]).with(:setdest).returns(false) - Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) + Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:setup_default) @app.setup end end describe "when configuring routes" do include PuppetSpec::Files before :each do Puppet::Node.indirection.reset_terminus_class end after :each do Puppet::Node.indirection.reset_terminus_class end it "should use the routes specified for only the active application" do Puppet[:route_file] = tmpfile('routes') File.open(Puppet[:route_file], 'w') do |f| f.print <<-ROUTES test_app: node: terminus: exec other_app: node: terminus: plain catalog: terminus: invalid ROUTES end @app.configure_indirector_routes Puppet::Node.indirection.terminus_class.should == 'exec' end it "should not fail if the route file doesn't exist" do Puppet[:route_file] = "/dev/null/non-existent" expect { @app.configure_indirector_routes }.should_not raise_error end it "should raise an error if the routes file is invalid" do Puppet[:route_file] = tmpfile('routes') File.open(Puppet[:route_file], 'w') do |f| f.print <<-ROUTES invalid : : yaml ROUTES end expect { @app.configure_indirector_routes }.should raise_error end end describe "when running" do before :each do @app.stubs(:preinit) @app.stubs(:setup) @app.stubs(:parse_options) end it "should call preinit" do @app.stubs(:run_command) @app.expects(:preinit) @app.run end it "should call parse_options" do @app.stubs(:run_command) @app.expects(:parse_options) @app.run end it "should call run_command" do @app.expects(:run_command) @app.run end it "should parse Puppet configuration if should_parse_config is called" do @app.stubs(:run_command) @app.class.should_parse_config Puppet.settings.expects(:parse) @app.run end it "should not parse_option if should_not_parse_config is called" do @app.stubs(:run_command) @app.class.should_not_parse_config Puppet.settings.expects(:parse).never @app.run end it "should parse Puppet configuration if needed" do @app.stubs(:run_command) @app.stubs(:should_parse_config?).returns(true) Puppet.settings.expects(:parse) @app.run end it "should call run_command" do @app.expects(:run_command) @app.run end it "should call main as the default command" do @app.expects(:main) @app.run end it "should warn and exit if no command can be called" do $stderr.expects(:puts) expect { @app.run }.to exit_with 1 end it "should raise an error if dispatch returns no command" do @app.stubs(:get_command).returns(nil) $stderr.expects(:puts) expect { @app.run }.to exit_with 1 end it "should raise an error if dispatch returns an invalid command" do @app.stubs(:get_command).returns(:this_function_doesnt_exist) $stderr.expects(:puts) expect { @app.run }.to exit_with 1 end end describe "when metaprogramming" do describe "when calling option" do it "should create a new method named after the option" do @app.class.option("--test1","-t") do end @app.should respond_to(:handle_test1) end it "should transpose in option name any '-' into '_'" do @app.class.option("--test-dashes-again","-t") do end @app.should respond_to(:handle_test_dashes_again) end it "should create a new method called handle_test2 with option(\"--[no-]test2\")" do @app.class.option("--[no-]test2","-t") do end @app.should respond_to(:handle_test2) end describe "when a block is passed" do it "should create a new method with it" do @app.class.option("--[no-]test2","-t") do raise "I can't believe it, it works!" end lambda { @app.handle_test2 }.should raise_error end it "should declare the option to OptionParser" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on) OptionParser.any_instance.expects(:on).with { |*arg| arg[0] == "--[no-]test3" } @app.class.option("--[no-]test3","-t") do end @app.parse_options end it "should pass a block that calls our defined method" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on) OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on).with('--test4','-t').yields(nil) @app.expects(:send).with(:handle_test4, nil) @app.class.option("--test4","-t") do end @app.parse_options end end describe "when no block is given" do it "should declare the option to OptionParser" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on) OptionParser.any_instance.expects(:on).with("--test4","-t") @app.class.option("--test4","-t") @app.parse_options end it "should give to OptionParser a block that adds the the value to the options array" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on) OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:on).with("--test4","-t").yields(nil) @app.options.expects(:[]=).with(:test4,nil) @app.class.option("--test4","-t") @app.parse_options end end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/log_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/log_spec.rb index 68728fe43..3b9718f32 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/log_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/log_spec.rb @@ -1,243 +1,259 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/log' describe Puppet::Util::Log do include PuppetSpec::Files it "should write a given message to the specified destination" do arraydest = [] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(Puppet::Test::LogCollector.new(arraydest)) Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "foo") message = arraydest.last.message message.should == "foo" end + describe ".setup_default" do + it "should default to :syslog" do + Puppet.features.stubs(:syslog?).returns(true) + Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:syslog) + + Puppet::Util::Log.setup_default + end + + it "should fall back to :file" do + Puppet.features.stubs(:syslog?).returns(false) + Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(Puppet[:puppetdlog]) + + Puppet::Util::Log.setup_default + end + end + describe Puppet::Util::Log::DestConsole do before do @console = Puppet::Util::Log::DestConsole.new end it "should colorize if Puppet[:color] is :ansi" do Puppet[:color] = :ansi @console.colorize(:alert, "abc").should == "\e[0;31mabc\e[0m" end it "should colorize if Puppet[:color] is 'yes'" do Puppet[:color] = "yes" @console.colorize(:alert, "abc").should == "\e[0;31mabc\e[0m" end it "should htmlize if Puppet[:color] is :html" do Puppet[:color] = :html @console.colorize(:alert, "abc").should == "abc" end it "should do nothing if Puppet[:color] is false" do Puppet[:color] = false @console.colorize(:alert, "abc").should == "abc" end it "should do nothing if Puppet[:color] is invalid" do Puppet[:color] = "invalid option" @console.colorize(:alert, "abc").should == "abc" end end describe Puppet::Util::Log::DestSyslog do before do @syslog = Puppet::Util::Log::DestSyslog.new end end describe "instances" do before do Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newmessage) end [:level, :message, :time, :remote].each do |attr| it "should have a #{attr} attribute" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new :level => :notice, :message => "A test message" log.should respond_to(attr) log.should respond_to(attr.to_s + "=") end end it "should fail if created without a level" do lambda { Puppet::Util::Log.new(:message => "A test message") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if created without a message" do lambda { Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should make available the level passed in at initialization" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "A test message").level.should == :notice end it "should make available the message passed in at initialization" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "A test message").message.should == "A test message" end # LAK:NOTE I don't know why this behavior is here, I'm just testing what's in the code, # at least at first. it "should always convert messages to strings" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => :foo).message.should == "foo" end it "should flush the log queue when the first destination is specified" do Puppet::Util::Log.close_all Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:flushqueue) Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) end it "should convert the level to a symbol if it's passed in as a string" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).level.should == :notice end it "should fail if the level is not a symbol or string", :'fails_on_ruby_1.9.2' => true do lambda { Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => 50, :message => :foo) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if the provided level is not valid" do Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:validlevel?).with(:notice).returns false lambda { Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => :foo) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set its time to the initialization time" do time = mock 'time' Time.expects(:now).returns time Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).time.should equal(time) end it "should make available any passed-in tags" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :tags => %w{foo bar}) log.tags.should be_include("foo") log.tags.should be_include("bar") end it "should use an passed-in source" do Puppet::Util::Log.any_instance.expects(:source=).with "foo" Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :source => "foo") end [:file, :line].each do |attr| it "should use #{attr} if provided" do Puppet::Util::Log.any_instance.expects(attr.to_s + "=").with "foo" Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, attr => "foo") end end it "should default to 'Puppet' as its source" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).source.should == "Puppet" end it "should register itself with Log" do Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newmessage) Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo) end it "should update Log autoflush when Puppet[:autoflush] is set" do Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:autoflush=).once.with(true) Puppet[:autoflush] = true end it "should have a method for determining if a tag is present" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).should respond_to(:tagged?) end it "should match a tag if any of the tags are equivalent to the passed tag as a string" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :tags => %w{one two}).should be_tagged(:one) end it "should tag itself with its log level" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).should be_tagged(:notice) end it "should return its message when converted to a string" do Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo).to_s.should == "foo" end it "should include its time, source, level, and message when prepared for reporting" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo) report = log.to_report report.should be_include("notice") report.should be_include("foo") report.should be_include(log.source) report.should be_include(log.time.to_s) end it "should not create unsuitable log destinations" do Puppet.features.stubs(:syslog?).returns(false) Puppet::Util::Log::DestSyslog.expects(:suitable?) Puppet::Util::Log::DestSyslog.expects(:new).never Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:syslog) end describe "when setting the source as a RAL object" do it "should tag itself with any tags the source has" do source = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => make_absolute("/foo/bar") log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :source => source) source.tags.each do |tag| log.tags.should be_include(tag) end end it "should use the source_descriptors" do source = stub "source" source.stubs(:source_descriptors).returns(:tags => ["tag","tag2"], :path => "path", :version => 100) log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo) log.expects(:tag).with("tag") log.expects(:tag).with("tag2") log.source = source log.source.should == "path" end it "should copy over any file and line information" do source = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => make_absolute("/foo/bar") source.file = "/my/file" source.line = 50 log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :source => source) log.file.should == "/my/file" log.line.should == 50 end end describe "when setting the source as a non-RAL object" do it "should not try to copy over file, version, line, or tag information" do source = Puppet::Module.new("foo") source.expects(:file).never log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :source => source) end end end describe "to_yaml", :'fails_on_ruby_1.9.2' => true do it "should not include the @version attribute" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :version => 100) log.to_yaml_properties.should_not include('@version') end it "should include attributes @level, @message, @source, @tags, and @time" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :version => 100) log.to_yaml_properties.should == %w{@level @message @source @tags @time} end it "should include attributes @file and @line if specified" do log = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => "notice", :message => :foo, :file => "foo", :line => 35) log.to_yaml_properties.should include('@file') log.to_yaml_properties.should include('@line') end end end