diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb index 89f08ac00..59513e35a 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb @@ -1,371 +1,376 @@ #-- # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Bryan Kearney require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas? require 'strscan' Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do include Puppet::Util confine :true => Puppet.features.augeas? has_features :parse_commands, :need_to_run?,:execute_changes SAVE_NOOP = "noop" SAVE_OVERWRITE = "overwrite" COMMANDS = { "set" => [ :path, :string ], "rm" => [ :path ], "clear" => [ :path ], "insert" => [ :string, :string, :path ], "get" => [ :path, :comparator, :string ], "defvar" => [ :string, :path ], + "defnode" => [ :string, :path, :string ], "match" => [ :path, :glob ], "size" => [:comparator, :int], "include" => [:string], "not_include" => [:string], "==" => [:glob], "!=" => [:glob] } COMMANDS["ins"] = COMMANDS["insert"] COMMANDS["remove"] = COMMANDS["rm"] attr_accessor :aug # Extracts an 2 dimensional array of commands which are in the # form of command path value. # The input can be # - A string with one command # - A string with many commands per line # - An array of strings. def parse_commands(data) context = resource[:context] # Add a trailing / if it is not there if (context.length > 0) context << "/" if context[-1, 1] != "/" end data = data.split($/) if data.is_a?(String) data = data.flatten args = [] data.each do |line| line.strip! next if line.nil? || line.empty? argline = [] sc = StringScanner.new(line) cmd = sc.scan(/\w+|==|!=/) formals = COMMANDS[cmd] fail("Unknown command #{cmd}") unless formals argline << cmd narg = 0 formals.each do |f| sc.skip(/\s+/) narg += 1 if f == :path start = sc.pos nbracket = 0 inSingleTick = false inDoubleTick = false begin sc.skip(/([^\]\[\s\\'"]|\\.)+/) ch = sc.getch nbracket += 1 if ch == "[" nbracket -= 1 if ch == "]" inSingleTick = !inSingleTick if ch == "'" inDoubleTick = !inDoubleTick if ch == "\"" fail("unmatched [") if nbracket < 0 end until ((nbracket == 0 && !inSingleTick && !inDoubleTick && (ch =~ /\s/)) || sc.eos?) len = sc.pos - start len -= 1 unless sc.eos? unless p = sc.string[start, len] fail("missing path argument #{narg} for #{cmd}") end # Rip off any ticks if they are there. p = p[1, (p.size - 2)] if p[0,1] == "'" || p[0,1] == "\"" p.chomp!("/") if p[0,1] != '$' && p[0,1] != "/" argline << context + p else argline << p end elsif f == :string delim = sc.peek(1) if delim == "'" || delim == "\"" sc.getch argline << sc.scan(/([^\\#{delim}]|(\\.))*/) sc.getch else argline << sc.scan(/[^\s]+/) end fail("missing string argument #{narg} for #{cmd}") unless argline[-1] elsif f == :comparator argline << sc.scan(/(==|!=|=~|<|<=|>|>=)/) unless argline[-1] puts sc.rest fail("invalid comparator for command #{cmd}") end elsif f == :int argline << sc.scan(/\d+/).to_i elsif f== :glob argline << sc.rest end end args << argline end args end def open_augeas unless @aug flags = Augeas::NONE flags = Augeas::TYPE_CHECK if resource[:type_check] == :true flags |= Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD if resource[:incl] root = resource[:root] load_path = resource[:load_path] debug("Opening augeas with root #{root}, lens path #{load_path}, flags #{flags}") @aug = Augeas::open(root, load_path,flags) debug("Augeas version #{get_augeas_version} is installed") if get_augeas_version >= "0.3.6" if resource[:incl] aug.set("/augeas/load/Xfm/lens", resource[:lens]) aug.set("/augeas/load/Xfm/incl", resource[:incl]) aug.load end end @aug end def close_augeas if @aug @aug.close debug("Closed the augeas connection") @aug = nil end end # Used by the need_to_run? method to process get filters. Returns # true if there is a match, false if otherwise # Assumes a syntax of get /files/path [COMPARATOR] value def process_get(cmd_array) return_value = false #validate and tear apart the command fail ("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length < 4 cmd = cmd_array.shift path = cmd_array.shift comparator = cmd_array.shift arg = cmd_array.join(" ") #check the value in augeas result = @aug.get(path) || '' case comparator when "!=" return_value = (result != arg) when "=~" regex = Regexp.new(arg) return_value = (result =~ regex) else return_value = (result.send(comparator, arg)) end !!return_value end # Used by the need_to_run? method to process match filters. Returns # true if there is a match, false if otherwise def process_match(cmd_array) return_value = false #validate and tear apart the command fail("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length < 3 cmd = cmd_array.shift path = cmd_array.shift # Need to break apart the clause clause_array = parse_commands(cmd_array.shift)[0] verb = clause_array.shift #Get the values from augeas result = @aug.match(path) || [] fail("Error trying to match path '#{path}'") if (result == -1) # Now do the work case verb when "size" fail("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if clause_array.length != 2 comparator = clause_array.shift arg = clause_array.shift case comparator when "!=" return_value = !(result.size.send(:==, arg)) else return_value = (result.size.send(comparator, arg)) end when "include" arg = clause_array.shift return_value = result.include?(arg) when "not_include" arg = clause_array.shift return_value = !result.include?(arg) when "==" begin arg = clause_array.shift new_array = eval arg return_value = (result == new_array) rescue fail("Invalid array in command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") end when "!=" begin arg = clause_array.shift new_array = eval arg return_value = (result != new_array) rescue fail("Invalid array in command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") end end !!return_value end def get_augeas_version @aug.get("/augeas/version") || "" end def set_augeas_save_mode(mode) @aug.set("/augeas/save", mode) end def files_changed? saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved") saved_files.size > 0 end # Determines if augeas acutally needs to run. def need_to_run? force = resource[:force] return_value = true begin open_augeas filter = resource[:onlyif] unless filter == "" cmd_array = parse_commands(filter)[0] command = cmd_array[0]; begin case command when "get"; return_value = process_get(cmd_array) when "match"; return_value = process_match(cmd_array) end rescue SystemExit,NoMemoryError raise rescue Exception => e fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array[1..-1].inspect}/#{e.message}") end end unless force # If we have a verison of augeas which is at least 0.3.6 then we # can make the changes now, see if changes were made, and # actually do the save. if return_value and get_augeas_version >= "0.3.6" debug("Will attempt to save and only run if files changed") set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_NOOP) do_execute_changes save_result = @aug.save saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved") if save_result and not files_changed? debug("Skipping because no files were changed") return_value = false else debug("Files changed, should execute") end end end ensure close_augeas end return_value end def execute_changes # Re-connect to augeas, and re-execute the changes begin open_augeas set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_OVERWRITE) if get_augeas_version >= "0.3.6" do_execute_changes success = @aug.save fail("Save failed with return code #{success}") if success != true ensure close_augeas end :executed end # Actually execute the augeas changes. def do_execute_changes commands = parse_commands(resource[:changes]) commands.each do |cmd_array| fail("invalid command #{cmd_array.join[" "]}") if cmd_array.length < 2 command = cmd_array[0] cmd_array.shift begin case command when "set" debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") rv = aug.set(cmd_array[0], cmd_array[1]) fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (!rv) when "rm", "remove" debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") rv = aug.rm(cmd_array[0]) fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (rv == -1) when "clear" debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") rv = aug.clear(cmd_array[0]) fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (!rv) when "insert", "ins" label = cmd_array[0] where = cmd_array[1] path = cmd_array[2] case where when "before"; before = true when "after"; before = false else fail("Invalid value '#{where}' for where param") end debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{[label, where, path].inspect}") rv = aug.insert(path, label, before) fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (rv == -1) when "defvar" debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") rv = aug.defvar(cmd_array[0], cmd_array[1]) fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (!rv) + when "defnode" + debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") + rv = aug.defnode(cmd_array[0], cmd_array[1], cmd_array[2]) + fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}") if (!rv) else fail("Command '#{command}' is not supported") end rescue SystemExit,NoMemoryError raise rescue Exception => e fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}/#{e.message}") end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb index a65af9993..3d53286ad 100644 --- a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb @@ -1,460 +1,469 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper') provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provider(:augeas) describe provider_class do describe "command parsing" do before do @resource = stub("resource") @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) end it "should break apart a single line into three tokens and clean up the context" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/context") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set Jar/Jar Binks") tokens.size.should == 1 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == "/context/Jar/Jar" tokens[0][2].should == "Binks" end it "should break apart a multiple line into six tokens" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks\nrm anakin") tokens.size.should == 2 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[1].size.should == 2 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar" tokens[0][2].should == "Binks" tokens[1][0].should == "rm" tokens[1][1].should == "anakin" end it "should strip whitespace and ignore blank lines" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("") tokens = @provider.parse_commands(" set /Jar/Jar Binks \t\n \n\n rm anakin ") tokens.size.should == 2 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[1].size.should == 2 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar" tokens[0][2].should == "Binks" tokens[1][0].should == "rm" tokens[1][1].should == "anakin" end it "should handle arrays" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") commands = ["set /Jar/Jar Binks", "rm anakin"] tokens = @provider.parse_commands(commands) tokens.size.should == 2 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[1].size.should == 2 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar" tokens[0][2].should == "Binks" tokens[1][0].should == "rm" tokens[1][1].should == "/foo/anakin" end # This is not supported in the new parsing class #it "should concat the last values" do # provider = provider_class.new # tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks is my copilot") # tokens.size.should == 1 # tokens[0].size.should == 3 # tokens[0][0].should == "set" # tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar" # tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot" #end it "should accept spaces in the value and single ticks" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set JarJar 'Binks is my copilot'") tokens.size.should == 1 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == "/foo/JarJar" tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot" end it "should accept spaces in the value and double ticks" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set /JarJar "Binks is my copilot"') tokens.size.should == 1 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == '/JarJar' tokens[0][2].should == 'Binks is my copilot' end it "should accept mixed ticks" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set JarJar "Some \'Test\'"') tokens.size.should == 1 tokens[0].size.should == 3 tokens[0][0].should == "set" tokens[0][1].should == '/foo/JarJar' tokens[0][2].should == "Some \'Test\'" end it "should handle predicates with literals" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("rm */*[module='pam_console.so']") tokens.should == [["rm", "/foo/*/*[module='pam_console.so']"]] end it "should handle whitespace in predicates" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("ins 42 before /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]") tokens.should == [["ins", "42", "before","/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]"]] end it "should handle multiple predicates" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("clear pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']") tokens.should == [["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']"]] end it "should handle nested predicates" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") args = ["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module[ ../type = 'type] = 'system-auth'][type[last()] = 'account']"] tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" ")) tokens.should == [ args ] end it "should handle escaped doublequotes in doublequoted string" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /foo \"''\\\"''\"") tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo", "''\\\"''" ]] end it "should allow escaped spaces and brackets in paths" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") args = [ "set", "/white\\ space/\\[section", "value" ] tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t ")) tokens.should == [ args ] end it "should allow single quoted escaped spaces in paths" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") args = [ "set", "'/white\\ space/key'", "value" ] tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t ")) tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]] end it "should allow double quoted escaped spaces in paths" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") args = [ "set", '"/white\\ space/key"', "value" ] tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t ")) tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]] end it "should remove trailing slashes" do @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/") tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set foo/ bar") tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo/foo", "bar" ]] end end describe "get filters" do before do augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value") @provider = provider_class.new @provider.aug= augeas_stub end it "should return false for a = nonmatch" do command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "value"] @provider.process_get(command).should == true end it "should return true for a != match" do command = ["get", "fake value", "!=", "value"] @provider.process_get(command).should == false end it "should return true for a =~ match" do command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "val*"] @provider.process_get(command).should == true end it "should return false for a == nonmatch" do command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "num*"] @provider.process_get(command).should == false end end describe "match filters" do before do resource = stub("resource", :[] => "") augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) @provider = provider_class.new(resource) @provider.aug= augeas_stub end it "should return true for size match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "size == 3"] @provider.process_match(command).should == true end it "should return false for a size non match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "size < 3"] @provider.process_match(command).should == false end it "should return true for includes match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "include values"] @provider.process_match(command).should == true end it "should return false for includes non match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "include JarJar"] @provider.process_match(command).should == false end it "should return true for includes match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include JarJar"] @provider.process_match(command).should == true end it "should return false for includes non match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include values"] @provider.process_match(command).should == false end it "should return true for an array match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['set', 'of', 'values']"] @provider.process_match(command).should == true end it "should return false for an array non match" do command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"] @provider.process_match(command).should == false end it "should return false for an array match with noteq" do command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['set', 'of', 'values']"] @provider.process_match(command).should == false end it "should return true for an array non match with noteq" do command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"] @provider.process_match(command).should == true end end describe "need to run" do it "should handle no filters" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("").then.returns("") augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider = provider_class.new(resource) provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == true end it "should return true when a get filter matches" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == value").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value") augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == true end it "should return false when a get filter does not match" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == another value").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value") augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == false end it "should return true when a match filter matches" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 3").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == true end it "should return false when a match filter does not match" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == false end #This is a copy of the last one, with setting the force to true it "setting force should not change the above logic" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(true).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == false end #Ticket 5211 testing it "should return true when a size != the provided value" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size != 17").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == true end #Ticket 5211 testing it "should return false when a size doeas equal the provided value" do resource = stub("resource") resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size != 3").then.returns("") provider = provider_class.new(resource) augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"]) augeas_stub.stubs("close") provider.aug= augeas_stub provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") provider.need_to_run?.should == false end end describe "augeas execution integration" do before do @resource = stub("resource") @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) @augeas = stub("augeas") @provider.aug= @augeas @provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5") end it "should handle set commands" do command = "set JarJar Binks" context = "/some/path/" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:set).with("/some/path/JarJar", "Binks").returns(true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle rm commands" do command = "rm /Jar/Jar" context = "" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar") @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle remove commands" do command = "remove /Jar/Jar" context = "" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar") @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle clear commands" do command = "clear Jar/Jar" context = "/foo/" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle ins commands with before" do command = "ins Binks before Jar/Jar" context = "/foo" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle ins commands with after" do command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar" context = "/foo" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle ins with no context" do command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar" context = "" # this is the default @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle multiple commands" do command = ["ins Binks after /Jar/Jar", "clear Jar/Jar"] context = "/foo/" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false) @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end it "should handle defvar commands" do command = "defvar myjar Jar/Jar" context = "/foo/" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:defvar).with("myjar", "/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end - it "should pass through augeas defvar variables without context" do + it "should pass through augeas variables without context" do command = ["defvar myjar Jar/Jar","set $myjar/Binks 1"] context = "/foo/" @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) @augeas.expects(:defvar).with("myjar", "/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true) # this is the important bit, shouldn't be /foo/$myjar/Binks @augeas.expects(:set).with("$myjar/Binks", "1").returns(true) @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) @augeas.expects(:close) @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed end + it "should handle defnode commands" do + command = "defnode newjar Jar/Jar[last()+1] Binks" + context = "/foo/" + @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context) + @augeas.expects(:defnode).with("newjar", "/foo/Jar/Jar[last()+1]", "Binks").returns(true) + @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true) + @augeas.expects(:close) + @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed + end end end