diff --git a/test/network/handler/fileserver.rb b/test/network/handler/fileserver.rb index b76f8e199..2eb88eeb1 100755 --- a/test/network/handler/fileserver.rb +++ b/test/network/handler/fileserver.rb @@ -1,1260 +1,1266 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest') require 'puppettest' require 'puppet/network/handler/fileserver' class TestFileServer < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest def mkmount(path = nil) mount = nil name = "yaytest" base = path || tempfile Dir.mkdir(base) unless FileTest.exists?(base) # Create a test file File.open(File.join(base, "file"), "w") { |f| f.puts "bazoo" } assert_nothing_raised { mount = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::Mount.new(name, base) } mount end # make a simple file source def mktestdir testdir = File.join(tmpdir, "remotefilecopytesting") @@tmpfiles << testdir # create a tmpfile pattern = "tmpfile" tmpfile = File.join(testdir, pattern) assert_nothing_raised { Dir.mkdir(testdir) File.open(tmpfile, "w") { |f| 3.times { f.puts rand(100) } } } [testdir, %r{#{pattern}}, tmpfile] end # make a bunch of random test files def mktestfiles(testdir) @@tmpfiles << testdir assert_nothing_raised { files = %w{a b c d e}.collect { |l| name = File.join(testdir, "file#{l}") File.open(name, "w") { |f| f.puts rand(100) } name } return files } end def assert_describe(base, file, server) file = File.basename(file) assert_nothing_raised { desc = server.describe(base + file) assert(desc, "Got no description for #{file}") assert(desc != "", "Got no description for #{file}") assert_match(/^\d+/, desc, "Got invalid description #{desc}") } end # test for invalid names def test_namefailures server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } [" ", "=" "+", "&", "#", "*"].each do |char| assert_raise(Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError, "'#{char}' did not throw a failure in fileserver module names") { server.mount("/tmp", "invalid#{char}name") } end end # verify that listing the root behaves as expected def test_listroot server = nil testdir, pattern, tmpfile = mktestdir file = nil checks = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::CHECKPARAMS # and make our fileserver assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } # mount the testdir assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(testdir, "test") } # and verify different iterations of 'root' return the same value list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/test/", :manage, true, false) } assert(list =~ pattern) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/test", :manage, true, false) } assert(list =~ pattern) end # test listing individual files def test_getfilelist server = nil testdir, pattern, tmpfile = mktestdir file = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(testdir, "test") } # get our listing list = nil sfile = "/test/tmpfile" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false) } output = "/\tfile" # verify it got listed as a file assert_equal(output, list) # verify we got all fields assert(list !~ /\t\t/) # verify that we didn't get the directory itself list.split("\n").each { |line| assert(line !~ %r{remotefile}) } # and then verify that the contents match contents = File.read(tmpfile) ret = nil assert_nothing_raised { ret = server.retrieve(sfile) } assert_equal(contents, ret) end # check that the fileserver is seeing newly created files def test_seenewfiles server = nil testdir, pattern, tmpfile = mktestdir newfile = File.join(testdir, "newfile") # go through the whole schtick again... file = nil checks = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::CHECKPARAMS assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(testdir, "test") } list = nil sfile = "/test/" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false) } # create the new file File.open(newfile, "w") { |f| 3.times { f.puts rand(100) } } newlist = nil assert_nothing_raised { newlist = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false) } # verify the list has changed assert(list != newlist) # and verify that we are specifically seeing the new file assert(newlist =~ /newfile/) end # verify we can mount /, which is what local file servers will # normally do def test_mountroot server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount("/", "root") } testdir, pattern, tmpfile = mktestdir list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/root/#{testdir}", :manage, true, false) } assert(list =~ pattern) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/root#{testdir}", :manage, true, false) } assert(list =~ pattern) end # verify that we're correctly recursing the right number of levels def test_recursionlevels server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } # make our deep recursion basedir = File.join(tmpdir, "recurseremotetesting") testdir = "#{basedir}/with/some/sub/directories/for/the/purposes/of/testing" oldfile = File.join(testdir, "oldfile") assert_nothing_raised { system("mkdir -p #{testdir}") File.open(oldfile, "w") { |f| 3.times { f.puts rand(100) } } @@tmpfiles << basedir } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(basedir, "test") } # get our list list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/test/with", :manage, false, false) } # make sure we only got one line, since we're not recursing assert(list !~ /\n/) # for each level of recursion, make sure we get the right list [0, 1, 2].each { |num| assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/test/with", :manage, num, false) } count = 0 while list =~ /\n/ list.sub!(/\n/, '') count += 1 end assert_equal(num, count) } end # verify that we're not seeing the dir we ask for; i.e., that our # list is relative to that dir, not it's parent dir def test_listedpath server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } # create a deep dir basedir = tempfile testdir = "#{basedir}/with/some/sub/directories/for/testing" oldfile = File.join(testdir, "oldfile") assert_nothing_raised { system("mkdir -p #{testdir}") File.open(oldfile, "w") { |f| 3.times { f.puts rand(100) } } @@tmpfiles << basedir } # mounty mounty assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(basedir, "localhost") } list = nil # and then check a few dirs assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/localhost/with", :manage, false, false) } assert(list !~ /with/) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/localhost/with/some/sub", :manage, true, false) } assert(list !~ /sub/) end # test many dirs, not necessarily very deep def test_widelists server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } basedir = tempfile dirs = %w{a set of directories} assert_nothing_raised { Dir.mkdir(basedir) dirs.each { |dir| Dir.mkdir(File.join(basedir, dir)) } @@tmpfiles << basedir } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(basedir, "localhost") } list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/localhost/", :manage, 1, false) } assert_instance_of(String, list, "Server returned %s instead of string") list = list.split("\n") assert_equal(dirs.length + 1, list.length) end # verify that 'describe' works as advertised def test_describe server = nil testdir = tstdir files = mktestfiles(testdir) file = nil checks = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::CHECKPARAMS assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(testdir, "test") } # get our list list = nil sfile = "/test/" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false) } # and describe each file in the list assert_nothing_raised { list.split("\n").each { |line| file, type = line.split("\t") desc = server.describe(sfile + file) } } # and then make sure we can describe everything that we know is there files.each { |file| assert_describe(sfile, file, server) } # And then describe some files that we know aren't there retval = nil assert_nothing_raised("Describing non-existent files raised an error") { retval = server.describe(sfile + "noexisties") } assert_equal("", retval, "Description of non-existent files returned a value") # Now try to describe some sources that don't even exist retval = nil assert_raise( Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError, "Describing non-existent mount did not raise an error") { retval = server.describe("/notmounted/noexisties") } assert_nil(retval, "Description of non-existent mounts returned a value") end def test_describe_does_not_fail_when_mount_does_not_find_file server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new(:Local => true, :Config => false) assert_nothing_raised("Failed when describing missing plugins") do server.describe "/plugins" end end # test that our config file is parsing and working as planned def test_configfile server = nil basedir = File.join(tmpdir, "fileserverconfigfiletesting") @@tmpfiles << basedir # make some dirs for mounting Dir.mkdir(basedir) mounts = {} %w{thing thus the-se those}.each { |dir| path = File.join(basedir, dir) Dir.mkdir(path) mounts[dir] = mktestfiles(path) } # create an example file with each of them conffile = tempfile @@tmpfiles << conffile File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print "# a test config file [thing] path #{basedir}/thing allow 192.168.0.* [thus] path #{basedir}/thus allow *.madstop.com, *.kanies.com deny *.sub.madstop.com [the-se] path #{basedir}/the-se [those] path #{basedir}/those " } # create a server with the file assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => false, :Config => conffile ) } list = nil # run through once with no host/ip info, to verify everything is working mounts.each { |mount, files| mount = "/#{mount}/" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(mount, :manage, true, false) } assert_nothing_raised { list.split("\n").each { |line| file, type = line.split("\t") desc = server.describe(mount + file) } } files.each { |f| assert_describe(mount, f, server) } } # now let's check that things are being correctly forbidden # this is just a map of names and expected results { "thing" => { :deny => [ ["hostname.com", ""], ["hostname.com", ""] ], :allow => [ ["hostname.com", ""], ["hostname.com", ""], ] }, "thus" => { :deny => [ ["hostname.com", ""], ["name.sub.madstop.com", ""] ], :allow => [ ["luke.kanies.com", ""], ["luke.madstop.com", ""], ] } }.each { |mount, hash| mount = "/#{mount}/" # run through the map hash.each { |type, ary| ary.each { |sub| host, ip = sub case type when :deny assert_raise( Puppet::AuthorizationError, "Host #{host}, ip #{ip}, allowed #{mount}") { list = server.list(mount, :manage, true, false, host, ip) } when :allow assert_nothing_raised("Host #{host}, ip #{ip}, denied #{mount}") { list = server.list(mount, :manage, true, false, host, ip) } end } } } end # Test that we smoothly handle invalid config files def test_configfailures # create an example file with each of them conffile = tempfile invalidmounts = { "noexist" => "[noexist] path /this/path/does/not/exist allow 192.168.0.* " } invalidconfigs = [ "[not valid] path /this/path/does/not/exist allow 192.168.0.* ", "[valid] invalidstatement path /etc allow 192.168.0.* ", "[valid] allow 192.168.0.* " ] invalidmounts.each { |mount, text| File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print text } # create a server with the file server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => conffile ) } assert_raise( Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError, "Invalid mount was mounted") { server.list(mount, :manage) } } invalidconfigs.each_with_index { |text, i| File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print text } # create a server with the file server = nil assert_raise( Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError, "Invalid config #{i} did not raise error") { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => conffile ) } } end # verify we reread the config file when it changes def test_filereread server = nil conffile = tempfile dir = tstdir files = mktestfiles(dir) File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print "# a test config file [thing] path #{dir} allow test1.domain.com " } # Reset the timeout, so we reload faster Puppet[:filetimeout] = 0.5 # start our server with a fast timeout assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => false, :Config => conffile ) } list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list( "/thing/", :manage, false, false, "test1.domain.com", "") } assert(list != "", "List returned nothing in rereard test") assert_raise(Puppet::AuthorizationError, "List allowed invalid host") { list = server.list("/thing/", :manage, false, false, "test2.domain.com", "") } sleep 1 File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print "# a test config file [thing] path #{dir} allow test2.domain.com " } assert_raise(Puppet::AuthorizationError, "List allowed invalid host") { list = server.list("/thing/", :manage, false, false, "test1.domain.com", "") } assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list("/thing/", :manage, false, false, "test2.domain.com", "") } assert(list != "", "List returned nothing in rereard test") list = nil end # Verify that we get converted to the right kind of string def test_mountstring mount = nil name = "yaytest" path = tmpdir assert_nothing_raised { mount = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::Mount.new(name, path) } assert_equal("mount[#{name}]", mount.to_s) end def test_servinglinks # Disable the checking, so changes propagate immediately. Puppet[:filetimeout] = -5 server = nil source = tempfile file = File.join(source, "file") link = File.join(source, "link") Dir.mkdir(source) File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "yay" } File.symlink(file, link) assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } assert_nothing_raised { server.mount(source, "mount") } # First describe the link when following results = {} assert_nothing_raised { server.describe("/mount/link", :follow).split("\t").zip( Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::CHECKPARAMS ).each { |v,p| results[p] = v } } assert_equal("file", results[:type]) # Then not results = {} assert_nothing_raised { server.describe("/mount/link", :manage).split("\t").zip( Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver::CHECKPARAMS ).each { |v,p| results[p] = v } } assert_equal("link", results[:type]) results.each { |p,v| assert(v, "#{p} has no value") assert(v != "", "#{p} has no value") } end # Test that substitution patterns in the path are exapanded # properly. Disabled, because it was testing too much of the process # and in a non-portable way. This is a thorough enough test that it should # be kept, but it should be done in a way that is clearly portable (e.g., # no md5 sums of file paths). def test_host_specific client1 = "client1.example.com" client2 = "client2.example.com" ip = "" # Setup a directory hierarchy for the tests fsdir = File.join(tmpdir, "host-specific") @@tmpfiles << fsdir hostdir = File.join(fsdir, "host") fqdndir = File.join(fsdir, "fqdn") client1_hostdir = File.join(hostdir, "client1") client2_fqdndir = File.join(fqdndir, client2) contents = { client1_hostdir => "client1\n", client2_fqdndir => client2 + "\n" } [fsdir, hostdir, fqdndir, client1_hostdir, client2_fqdndir].each { |d| Dir.mkdir(d) } [client1_hostdir, client2_fqdndir].each do |d| File.open(File.join(d, "file.txt"), "w") do |f| f.print contents[d] end end conffile = tempfile File.open(conffile, "w") do |f| f.print(" [host] path #{hostdir}/%h allow * [fqdn] path #{fqdndir}/%H allow * ") end server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => conffile ) } # check that list returns the correct thing for the two clients list = nil sfile = "/host/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false, client1, ip) } assert_equal("/\tfile", list) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false, client2, ip) } assert_equal("", list) sfile = "/fqdn/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false, client1, ip) } assert_equal("", list) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(sfile, :manage, true, false, client2, ip) } assert_equal("/\tfile", list) # check describe sfile = "/host/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.describe(sfile, :manage, client1, ip).split("\t") } assert_equal(5, list.size) assert_equal("file", list[1]) md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(contents[client1_hostdir]) assert_equal("{md5}#{md5}", list[4]) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.describe(sfile, :manage, client2, ip).split("\t") } assert_equal([], list) sfile = "/fqdn/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.describe(sfile, :manage, client1, ip).split("\t") } assert_equal([], list) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.describe(sfile, :manage, client2, ip).split("\t") } assert_equal(5, list.size) assert_equal("file", list[1]) md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(contents[client2_fqdndir]) assert_equal("{md5}#{md5}", list[4]) # Check retrieve sfile = "/host/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.retrieve(sfile, :manage, client1, ip).chomp } assert_equal(contents[client1_hostdir].chomp, list) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.retrieve(sfile, :manage, client2, ip).chomp } assert_equal("", list) sfile = "/fqdn/file.txt" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.retrieve(sfile, :manage, client1, ip).chomp } assert_equal("", list) assert_nothing_raised { list = server.retrieve(sfile, :manage, client2, ip).chomp } assert_equal(contents[client2_fqdndir].chomp, list) end # Make sure the 'subdir' method in Mount works. def test_mount_subdir mount = nil base = tempfile Dir.mkdir(base) subdir = File.join(base, "subdir") Dir.mkdir(subdir) [base, subdir].each do |d| File.open(File.join(d, "file"), "w") { |f| f.puts "bazoo" } end mount = mkmount(base) assert_equal(base, mount.subdir, "Did not default to base path") assert_equal(subdir, mount.subdir("subdir"), "Did not default to base path") end # Make sure mounts get correctly marked expandable or not, depending on # the path. def test_expandable name = "yaytest" dir = tempfile Dir.mkdir(dir) mount = mkmount assert_nothing_raised { mount.path = dir } assert(! mount.expandable?, "Mount incorrectly called expandable") assert_nothing_raised { mount.path = "/dir/a%a" } assert(mount.expandable?, "Mount not called expandable") # This isn't a valid replacement pattern, so it should throw an error # because the dir doesn't exist assert_raise(Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError) { mount.path = "/dir/a%" } # Now send it back to a normal path assert_nothing_raised { mount.path = dir } # Make sure it got reverted assert(! mount.expandable?, "Mount incorrectly called expandable") end def test_mount_expand mount = mkmount check = proc do |client, pattern, repl| path = "/my/#{pattern}/file" assert_equal("/my/#{repl}/file", mount.expand(path, client)) end # Do a round of checks with a fake client client = "host.domain.com" {"%h" => "host", # Short name "%H" => client, # Full name "%d" => "domain.com", # domain "%%" => "%", # escape "%o" => "%o" # other }.each do |pat, repl| result = check.call(client, pat, repl) end # Now, check that they use Facter info client = nil Facter.stubs(:value).with { |v| v.to_s == "hostname" }.returns("myhost") Facter.stubs(:value).with { |v| v.to_s == "domain" }.returns("mydomain.com") Facter.stubs(:to_hash).returns( { :ipaddress => "", :hostname => "myhost", :domain => "mydomain.com", }) {"%h" => "myhost", # Short name "%H" => "myhost.mydomain.com", # Full name "%d" => "mydomain.com", # domain "%%" => "%", # escape "%o" => "%o" # other }.each do |pat, repl| check.call(client, pat, repl) end end # Test that the fileserver expands the %h and %d things. def test_fileserver_expansion server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler.fileserver.new( :Local => true, :Config => false ) } dir = tempfile # When mocks attack, part 2 kernel_fact = Facter.value(:kernel) ip = '' Facter.stubs(:to_hash).returns( { :kernel => kernel_fact, :ipaddress => "", :hostname => "myhost", :domain => "mydomain.com", }) Dir.mkdir(dir) host = "myhost.mydomain.com" { "%H" => "myhost.mydomain.com", "%h" => "myhost", "%d" => "mydomain.com" }.each do |pattern, string| file = File.join(dir, string) mount = File.join(dir, pattern) File.open(file, "w") do |f| f.puts "yayness: #{string}" end name = "name" obj = nil assert_nothing_raised { obj = server.mount(mount, name) } obj.allow "*" ret = nil assert_nothing_raised do ret = server.list("/name", :manage, false, false, host, ip) end assert_equal("/\tfile", ret) assert_nothing_raised do ret = server.describe("/name", :manage, host, ip) end assert(ret =~ /\tfile\t/, "Did not get valid a description (#{ret.inspect})") assert_nothing_raised do ret = server.retrieve("/name", :manage, host, ip) end assert_equal(ret, File.read(file)) server.umount(name) File.unlink(file) end end # Test the default modules fileserving def test_modules_default moddir = tempfile Dir.mkdir(moddir) mounts = {} Puppet[:modulepath] = moddir - mods = %w{green red}.collect do |name| + %w{green red}.each do |name| path = File::join(moddir, name, Puppet::Module::FILES) FileUtils::mkdir_p(path) if name == "green" file = File::join(path, "test.txt") File::open(file, "w") { |f| f.print name } end + end + + # We changed modulepath, so we have to clear the environment cache to + # refresh it + Puppet::Node::Environment.current.modules = nil + mods = %w{green red}.map do |name| Puppet::Module::find(name) end conffile = tempfile File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.puts "# a test config file" } # create a server with the file server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer.new( :Local => false , :Config => conffile ) } mods.each do |mod| mount = "/#{mod.name}/" list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(mount, :manage, true, false) } list = list.split("\n") if mod.name == "green" assert_equal(2, list.size) assert_equal("/\tdirectory", list[0]) assert_equal("/test.txt\tfile", list[1]) else assert_equal(1, list.size) assert_equal("/\tdirectory", list[0]) end assert_nothing_raised("Host 'allow' denied #{mount}") { server.list(mount, :manage, true, false, 'allow.example.com', "") } end end # Test that configuring deny/allow for modules works def test_modules_config moddir = tempfile Dir.mkdir(moddir) mounts = {} Puppet[:modulepath] = moddir path = File::join(moddir, "amod", Puppet::Module::FILES) file = File::join(path, "test.txt") FileUtils::mkdir_p(path) File::open(file, "w") { |f| f.print "Howdy" } mod = Puppet::Module::find("amod") conffile = tempfile @@tmpfiles << conffile File.open(conffile, "w") { |f| f.print "# a test config file [modules] path #{basedir}/thing allow 192.168.0.* " } # create a server with the file server = nil assert_nothing_raised { server = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer.new( :Local => false, :Config => conffile ) } list = nil mount = "/#{mod.name}/" assert_nothing_raised { list = server.list(mount, :manage, true, false) } assert_nothing_raised { list.split("\n").each { |line| file, type = line.split("\t") server.describe(mount + file) } } assert_describe(mount, file, server) # now let's check that things are being correctly forbidden assert_raise( Puppet::AuthorizationError, "Host 'deny' allowed #{mount}") { server.list(mount, :manage, true, false, 'deny.example.com', "") } assert_nothing_raised("Host 'allow' denied #{mount}") { server.list(mount, :manage, true, false, 'allow.example.com', "") } end # Make sure we successfully throw errors -- someone ran into this with # 0.22.4. def test_failures # create a server with the file server = nil config = tempfile [ "[this is invalid]\nallow one.two.com", # invalid name "[valid]\nallow *.testing something.com", # invalid allow "[valid]\nallow one.two.com\ndeny *.testing something.com", # invalid deny ].each do |failer| File.open(config, "w") { |f| f.puts failer } assert_raise(Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServerError, "Did not fail on #{failer.inspect}") { server = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer.new( :Local => false, :Config => config ) } end end def test_can_start_without_configuration Puppet[:fileserverconfig] = tempfile assert_nothing_raised("Could not create fileserver when configuration is absent") do server = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer.new( :Local => false ) end end def test_creates_default_mounts_when_no_configuration_is_available Puppet[:fileserverconfig] = tempfile server = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer.new(:Local => false) assert(server.mounted?("plugins"), "Did not create default plugins mount when missing configuration file") assert(server.mounted?("modules"), "Did not create default modules mount when missing configuration file") end end