diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/computer.rb b/lib/puppet/type/computer.rb index 89a0692bf..7a2c52d53 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/computer.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/computer.rb @@ -1,62 +1,66 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:computer) do @doc = "Computer object management using DirectoryService on OS X. Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts', as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to them. This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service domain, not in remote directories. If you wish to manage `/etc/hosts` file on Mac OS X, then simply use the host type as per other platforms. This type primarily exists to create localhost Computer objects that MCX - policy can then be attached to." + policy can then be attached to. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the plist file representing a + Computer object (located at `/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/{name}.plist`), + the Computer resource will autorequire it." # ensurable # We autorequire the computer object in case it is being managed at the # file level by Puppet. autorequire(:file) do if self[:name] "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/#{self[:name]}.plist" else nil end end newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do desc "Control the existences of this computer record. Set this attribute to `present` to ensure the computer record exists. Set it to `absent` to delete any computer records with this name" newvalue(:present) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent) do provider.delete end end newparam(:name) do desc "The authoritative 'short' name of the computer record." isnamevar end newparam(:realname) do desc "The 'long' name of the computer record." end newproperty(:en_address) do desc "The MAC address of the primary network interface. Must match en0." end newproperty(:ip_address) do desc "The IP Address of the Computer object." end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb b/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb index daa49e223..5ed2b104c 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/exec.rb @@ -1,649 +1,651 @@ module Puppet newtype(:exec) do include Puppet::Util::Execution require 'timeout' @doc = "Executes external commands. It is critical that all commands executed using this mechanism can be run multiple times without harm, i.e., they are *idempotent*. One useful way to create idempotent commands is to use the checks like `creates` to avoid running the command unless some condition is met. Note that you can restrict an `exec` to only run when it receives events by using the `refreshonly` parameter; this is a useful way to have your configuration respond to events with arbitrary commands. Note also that if an `exec` receives an event from another resource, it will get executed again (or execute the command specified in `refresh`, if there is one). There is a strong tendency to use `exec` to do whatever work Puppet can't already do; while this is obviously acceptable (and unavoidable) in the short term, it is highly recommended to migrate work from `exec` to native Puppet types as quickly as possible. If you find that you are doing a lot of work with `exec`, please at least notify us at Puppet Labs what you are doing, and hopefully we can work with - you to get a native resource type for the work you are doing." + you to get a native resource type for the work you are doing. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing an exec's cwd or the executable file used in an exec's command, the exec resource will autorequire those files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run as, the exec resource will autorequire that user." require 'open3' # Create a new check mechanism. It's basically just a parameter that # provides one extra 'check' method. def self.newcheck(name, &block) @checks ||= {} check = newparam(name, &block) @checks[name] = check end def self.checks @checks.keys end newproperty(:returns, :array_matching => :all, :event => :executed_command) do |property| include Puppet::Util::Execution munge do |value| value.to_s end def event_name :executed_command end defaultto "0" attr_reader :output desc "The expected return code(s). An error will be returned if the executed command returns something else. Defaults to 0. Can be specified as an array of acceptable return codes or a single value." # Make output a bit prettier def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) "executed successfully" end # First verify that all of our checks pass. def retrieve # Default to somethinng if @resource.check return :notrun else return self.should end end # Actually execute the command. def sync olddir = nil # We need a dir to change to, even if it's just the cwd dir = self.resource[:cwd] || Dir.pwd event = :executed_command tries = self.resource[:tries] try_sleep = self.resource[:try_sleep] begin tries.times do |try| # Only add debug messages for tries > 1 to reduce log spam. debug("Exec try #{try+1}/#{tries}") if tries > 1 @output, @status = @resource.run(self.resource[:command]) break if self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) if try_sleep > 0 and tries > 1 debug("Sleeping for #{try_sleep} seconds between tries") sleep try_sleep end end rescue Timeout::Error self.fail "Command exceeded timeout" % value.inspect end if log = @resource[:logoutput] case log when :true log = @resource[:loglevel] when :on_failure unless self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) log = @resource[:loglevel] else log = :false end end unless log == :false @output.split(/\n/).each { |line| self.send(log, line) } end end unless self.should.include?(@status.exitstatus.to_s) self.fail("#{self.resource[:command]} returned #{@status.exitstatus} instead of one of [#{self.should.join(",")}]") end event end end newparam(:command) do isnamevar desc "The actual command to execute. Must either be fully qualified or a search path for the command must be provided. If the command succeeds, any output produced will be logged at the instance's normal log level (usually `notice`), but if the command fails (meaning its return code does not match the specified code) then any output is logged at the `err` log level." end newparam(:path) do desc "The search path used for command execution. Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths can be specified as an array or as a colon-separated list." # Support both arrays and colon-separated fields. def value=(*values) @value = values.flatten.collect { |val| if val =~ /;/ # recognize semi-colon separated paths val.split(";") elsif val =~ /^\w:[^:]*$/ # heuristic to avoid splitting a driveletter away val else val.split(":") end }.flatten end end newparam(:user) do desc "The user to run the command as. Note that if you use this then any error output is not currently captured. This is because of a bug within Ruby. If you are using Puppet to create this user, the exec will automatically require the user, as long as it is specified by name." # Most validation is handled by the SUIDManager class. validate do |user| self.fail "Only root can execute commands as other users" unless Puppet.features.root? end end newparam(:group) do desc "The group to run the command as. This seems to work quite haphazardly on different platforms -- it is a platform issue not a Ruby or Puppet one, since the same variety exists when running commnands as different users in the shell." # Validation is handled by the SUIDManager class. end newparam(:cwd) do desc "The directory from which to run the command. If this directory does not exist, the command will fail." validate do |dir| unless dir =~ /^#{File::SEPARATOR}/ self.fail("CWD must be a fully qualified path") end end munge do |dir| dir = dir[0] if dir.is_a?(Array) dir end end newparam(:logoutput) do desc "Whether to log output. Defaults to logging output at the loglevel for the `exec` resource. Use *on_failure* to only log the output when the command reports an error. Values are **true**, *false*, *on_failure*, and any legal log level." newvalues(:true, :false, :on_failure) end newparam(:refresh) do desc "How to refresh this command. By default, the exec is just called again when it receives an event from another resource, but this parameter allows you to define a different command for refreshing." validate do |command| @resource.validatecmd(command) end end newparam(:env) do desc "This parameter is deprecated. Use 'environment' instead." munge do |value| warning "'env' is deprecated on exec; use 'environment' instead." resource[:environment] = value end end newparam(:environment) do desc "Any additional environment variables you want to set for a command. Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override the `path` attribute. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an array." validate do |values| values = [values] unless values.is_a? Array values.each do |value| unless value =~ /\w+=/ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid environment setting '#{value}'" end end end end newparam(:timeout) do desc "The maximum time the command should take. If the command takes longer than the timeout, the command is considered to have failed and will be stopped. Use any negative number to disable the timeout. The time is specified in seconds." munge do |value| value = value.shift if value.is_a?(Array) if value.is_a?(String) unless value =~ /^[-\d.]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "The timeout must be a number." end Float(value) else value end end defaultto 300 end newparam(:tries) do desc "The number of times execution of the command should be tried. Defaults to '1'. This many attempts will be made to execute the command until an acceptable return code is returned. Note that the timeout paramater applies to each try rather than to the complete set of tries." munge do |value| if value.is_a?(String) unless value =~ /^[\d]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Tries must be an integer" end value = Integer(value) end raise ArgumentError, "Tries must be an integer >= 1" if value < 1 value end defaultto 1 end newparam(:try_sleep) do desc "The time to sleep in seconds between 'tries'." munge do |value| if value.is_a?(String) unless value =~ /^[-\d.]+$/ raise ArgumentError, "try_sleep must be a number" end value = Float(value) end raise ArgumentError, "try_sleep cannot be a negative number" if value < 0 value end defaultto 0 end newcheck(:refreshonly) do desc "The command should only be run as a refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. It only makes sense to use this option when this command depends on some other object; it is useful for triggering an action: # Pull down the main aliases file file { \"/etc/aliases\": source => \"puppet://server/module/aliases\" } # Rebuild the database, but only when the file changes exec { newaliases: path => [\"/usr/bin\", \"/usr/sbin\"], subscribe => File[\"/etc/aliases\"], refreshonly => true } Note that only `subscribe` and `notify` can trigger actions, not `require`, so it only makes sense to use `refreshonly` with `subscribe` or `notify`." newvalues(:true, :false) # We always fail this test, because we're only supposed to run # on refresh. def check(value) # We have to invert the values. if value == :true false else true end end end newcheck(:creates) do desc "A file that this command creates. If this parameter is provided, then the command will only be run if the specified file does not exist: exec { \"tar xf /my/tar/file.tar\": cwd => \"/var/tmp\", creates => \"/var/tmp/myfile\", path => [\"/usr/bin\", \"/usr/sbin\"] } " # FIXME if they try to set this and fail, then we should probably # fail the entire exec, right? validate do |files| files = [files] unless files.is_a? Array files.each do |file| self.fail("'creates' must be set to a fully qualified path") unless file unless file =~ %r{^#{File::SEPARATOR}} self.fail "'creates' files must be fully qualified." end end end # If the file exists, return false (i.e., don't run the command), # else return true def check(value) ! FileTest.exists?(value) end end newcheck(:unless) do desc "If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will run unless the command returns 0. For example: exec { \"/bin/echo root >> /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow\": path => \"/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin\", unless => \"grep root /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow 2>/dev/null\" } This would add `root` to the cron.allow file (on Solaris) unless `grep` determines it's already there. Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command, which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set. " validate do |cmds| cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array cmds.each do |cmd| @resource.validatecmd(cmd) end end # Return true if the command does not return 0. def check(value) begin output, status = @resource.run(value, true) rescue Timeout::Error err "Check #{value.inspect} exceeded timeout" return false end status.exitstatus != 0 end end newcheck(:onlyif) do desc "If this parameter is set, then this `exec` will only run if the command returns 0. For example: exec { \"logrotate\": path => \"/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin\", onlyif => \"test `du /var/log/messages | cut -f1` -gt 100000\" } This would run `logrotate` only if that test returned true. Note that this command follows the same rules as the main command, which is to say that it must be fully qualified if the path is not set. Also note that onlyif can take an array as its value, e.g.: onlyif => [\"test -f /tmp/file1\", \"test -f /tmp/file2\"] This will only run the exec if /all/ conditions in the array return true. " validate do |cmds| cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array cmds.each do |cmd| @resource.validatecmd(cmd) end end # Return true if the command returns 0. def check(value) begin output, status = @resource.run(value, true) rescue Timeout::Error err "Check #{value.inspect} exceeded timeout" return false end status.exitstatus == 0 end end # Exec names are not isomorphic with the objects. @isomorphic = false validate do validatecmd(self[:command]) end # FIXME exec should autorequire any exec that 'creates' our cwd autorequire(:file) do reqs = [] # Stick the cwd in there if we have it reqs << self[:cwd] if self[:cwd] self[:command].scan(/^(#{File::SEPARATOR}\S+)/) { |str| reqs << str } self[:command].scan(/^"([^"]+)"/) { |str| reqs << str } [:onlyif, :unless].each { |param| next unless tmp = self[param] tmp = [tmp] unless tmp.is_a? Array tmp.each do |line| # And search the command line for files, adding any we # find. This will also catch the command itself if it's # fully qualified. It might not be a bad idea to add # unqualified files, but, well, that's a bit more annoying # to do. reqs += line.scan(%r{(#{File::SEPARATOR}\S+)}) end } # For some reason, the += isn't causing a flattening reqs.flatten! reqs end autorequire(:user) do # Autorequire users if they are specified by name if user = self[:user] and user !~ /^\d+$/ user end end def self.instances [] end # Verify that we pass all of the checks. The argument determines whether # we skip the :refreshonly check, which is necessary because we now check # within refresh def check(refreshing = false) self.class.checks.each { |check| next if refreshing and check == :refreshonly if @parameters.include?(check) val = @parameters[check].value val = [val] unless val.is_a? Array val.each do |value| return false unless @parameters[check].check(value) end end } true end # Verify that we have the executable def checkexe(cmd) exe = extractexe(cmd) if self[:path] if Puppet.features.posix? and !File.exists?(exe) withenv :PATH => self[:path].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) do exe = which(exe) || raise(ArgumentError,"Could not find command '#{exe}'") end elsif Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and !File.exists?(exe) self[:path].each do |path| [".exe", ".ps1", ".bat", ".com", ""].each do |extension| file = File.join(path, exe+extension) return if File.exists?(file) end end end end raise ArgumentError, "Could not find executable '#{exe}'" unless FileTest.exists?(exe) unless FileTest.executable?(exe) raise ArgumentError, "'#{exe}' is not executable" end end def output if self.property(:returns).nil? return nil else return self.property(:returns).output end end # Run the command, or optionally run a separately-specified command. def refresh if self.check(true) if cmd = self[:refresh] self.run(cmd) else self.property(:returns).sync end end end # Run a command. def run(command, check = false) output = nil status = nil dir = nil checkexe(command) if dir = self[:cwd] unless File.directory?(dir) if check dir = nil else self.fail "Working directory '#{dir}' does not exist" end end end dir ||= Dir.pwd if check debug "Executing check '#{command}'" else debug "Executing '#{command}'" end begin # Do our chdir Dir.chdir(dir) do environment = {} environment[:PATH] = self[:path].join(":") if self[:path] if envlist = self[:environment] envlist = [envlist] unless envlist.is_a? Array envlist.each do |setting| if setting =~ /^(\w+)=((.|\n)+)$/ name = $1 value = $2 if environment.include? name warning( "Overriding environment setting '#{name}' with '#{value}'" ) end environment[name] = value else warning "Cannot understand environment setting #{setting.inspect}" end end end withenv environment do Timeout::timeout(self[:timeout]) do output, status = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture( [command], self[:user], self[:group] ) end # The shell returns 127 if the command is missing. if status.exitstatus == 127 raise ArgumentError, output end end end rescue Errno::ENOENT => detail self.fail detail.to_s end return output, status end def validatecmd(cmd) exe = extractexe(cmd) # if we're not fully qualified, require a path self.fail "'#{cmd}' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." if File.expand_path(exe) != exe and self[:path].nil? end def extractexe(cmd) # easy case: command was quoted if cmd =~ /^"([^"]+)"/ $1 else cmd.split(/ /)[0] end end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/file.rb b/lib/puppet/type/file.rb index cbb51bbed..e1a4ecbb9 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/file.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/file.rb @@ -1,791 +1,793 @@ require 'digest/md5' require 'cgi' require 'etc' require 'uri' require 'fileutils' require 'puppet/network/handler' require 'puppet/util/diff' require 'puppet/util/checksums' require 'puppet/network/client' require 'puppet/util/backups' Puppet::Type.newtype(:file) do include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util::Checksums include Puppet::Util::Backups @doc = "Manages local files, including setting ownership and permissions, creation of both files and directories, and retrieving entire files from remote servers. As Puppet matures, it expected that the `file` resource will be used less and less to manage content, and instead native resources will be used to do so. If you find that you are often copying files in from a central location, rather than using native resources, please contact Puppet Labs and we can hopefully work with you to develop a - native resource to support what you are doing." + native resource to support what you are doing. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them." def self.title_patterns [ [ /^(.*?)\/*\Z/m, [ [ :path, lambda{|x| x} ] ] ] ] end newparam(:path) do desc "The path to the file to manage. Must be fully qualified." isnamevar validate do |value| # accept various path syntaxes: lone slash, posix, win32, unc unless (Puppet.features.posix? and value =~ /^\//) or (Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and (value =~ /^.:\// or value =~ /^\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+/)) fail Puppet::Error, "File paths must be fully qualified, not '#{value}'" end end # convert the current path in an index into the collection and the last # path name. The aim is to use less storage for all common paths in a hierarchy munge do |value| path, name = File.split(value.gsub(/\/+/,'/')) { :index => Puppet::FileCollection.collection.index(path), :name => name } end # and the reverse unmunge do |value| basedir = Puppet::FileCollection.collection.path(value[:index]) # a lone slash as :name indicates a root dir on windows if value[:name] == '/' basedir else File.join( basedir, value[:name] ) end end end newparam(:backup) do desc "Whether files should be backed up before being replaced. The preferred method of backing files up is via a `filebucket`, which stores files by their MD5 sums and allows easy retrieval without littering directories with backups. You can specify a local filebucket or a network-accessible server-based filebucket by setting `backup => bucket-name`. Alternatively, if you specify any value that begins with a `.` (e.g., `.puppet-bak`), then Puppet will use copy the file in the same directory with that value as the extension of the backup. Setting `backup => false` disables all backups of the file in question. Puppet automatically creates a local filebucket named `puppet` and defaults to backing up there. To use a server-based filebucket, you must specify one in your configuration filebucket { main: server => puppet } The `puppet master` daemon creates a filebucket by default, so you can usually back up to your main server with this configuration. Once you've described the bucket in your configuration, you can use it in any file file { \"/my/file\": source => \"/path/in/nfs/or/something\", backup => main } This will back the file up to the central server. At this point, the benefits of using a filebucket are that you do not have backup files lying around on each of your machines, a given version of a file is only backed up once, and you can restore any given file manually, no matter how old. Eventually, transactional support will be able to automatically restore filebucketed files. " defaultto "puppet" munge do |value| # I don't really know how this is happening. value = value.shift if value.is_a?(Array) case value when false, "false", :false false when true, "true", ".puppet-bak", :true ".puppet-bak" when String value else self.fail "Invalid backup type #{value.inspect}" end end end newparam(:recurse) do desc "Whether and how deeply to do recursive management." newvalues(:true, :false, :inf, :remote, /^[0-9]+$/) # Replace the validation so that we allow numbers in # addition to string representations of them. validate { |arg| } munge do |value| newval = super(value) case newval when :true, :inf; true when :false; false when :remote; :remote when Integer, Fixnum, Bignum self.warning "Setting recursion depth with the recurse parameter is now deprecated, please use recurselimit" # recurse == 0 means no recursion return false if value == 0 resource[:recurselimit] = value true when /^\d+$/ self.warning "Setting recursion depth with the recurse parameter is now deprecated, please use recurselimit" value = Integer(value) # recurse == 0 means no recursion return false if value == 0 resource[:recurselimit] = value true else self.fail "Invalid recurse value #{value.inspect}" end end end newparam(:recurselimit) do desc "How deeply to do recursive management." newvalues(/^[0-9]+$/) munge do |value| newval = super(value) case newval when Integer, Fixnum, Bignum; value when /^\d+$/; Integer(value) else self.fail "Invalid recurselimit value #{value.inspect}" end end end newparam(:replace, :boolean => true) do desc "Whether or not to replace a file that is sourced but exists. This is useful for using file sources purely for initialization." newvalues(:true, :false) aliasvalue(:yes, :true) aliasvalue(:no, :false) defaultto :true end newparam(:force, :boolean => true) do desc "Force the file operation. Currently only used when replacing directories with links." newvalues(:true, :false) defaultto false end newparam(:ignore) do desc "A parameter which omits action on files matching specified patterns during recursion. Uses Ruby's builtin globbing engine, so shell metacharacters are fully supported, e.g. `[a-z]*`. Matches that would descend into the directory structure are ignored, e.g., `*/*`." validate do |value| unless value.is_a?(Array) or value.is_a?(String) or value == false self.devfail "Ignore must be a string or an Array" end end end newparam(:links) do desc "How to handle links during file actions. During file copying, `follow` will copy the target file instead of the link, `manage` will copy the link itself, and `ignore` will just pass it by. When not copying, `manage` and `ignore` behave equivalently (because you cannot really ignore links entirely during local recursion), and `follow` will manage the file to which the link points." newvalues(:follow, :manage) defaultto :manage end newparam(:purge, :boolean => true) do desc "Whether unmanaged files should be purged. If you have a filebucket configured the purged files will be uploaded, but if you do not, this will destroy data. Only use this option for generated files unless you really know what you are doing. This option only makes sense when recursively managing directories. Note that when using `purge` with `source`, Puppet will purge any files that are not on the remote system." defaultto :false newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:sourceselect) do desc "Whether to copy all valid sources, or just the first one. This parameter is only used in recursive copies; by default, the first valid source is the only one used as a recursive source, but if this parameter is set to `all`, then all valid sources will have all of their contents copied to the local host, and for sources that have the same file, the source earlier in the list will be used." defaultto :first newvalues(:first, :all) end # Autorequire any parent directories. autorequire(:file) do basedir = File.dirname(self[:path]) if basedir != self[:path] basedir else nil end end # Autorequire the owner and group of the file. {:user => :owner, :group => :group}.each do |type, property| autorequire(type) do if @parameters.include?(property) # The user/group property automatically converts to IDs next unless should = @parameters[property].shouldorig val = should[0] if val.is_a?(Integer) or val =~ /^\d+$/ nil else val end end end end CREATORS = [:content, :source, :target] SOURCE_ONLY_CHECKSUMS = [:none, :ctime, :mtime] validate do creator_count = 0 CREATORS.each do |param| creator_count += 1 if self.should(param) end creator_count += 1 if @parameters.include?(:source) self.fail "You cannot specify more than one of #{CREATORS.collect { |p| p.to_s}.join(", ")}" if creator_count > 1 self.fail "You cannot specify a remote recursion without a source" if !self[:source] and self[:recurse] == :remote self.fail "You cannot specify source when using checksum 'none'" if self[:checksum] == :none && !self[:source].nil? SOURCE_ONLY_CHECKSUMS.each do |checksum_type| self.fail "You cannot specify content when using checksum '#{checksum_type}'" if self[:checksum] == checksum_type && !self[:content].nil? end self.warning "Possible error: recurselimit is set but not recurse, no recursion will happen" if !self[:recurse] and self[:recurselimit] end def self.[](path) return nil unless path super(path.gsub(/\/+/, '/').sub(/\/$/, '')) end def self.instances(base = '/') return self.new(:name => base, :recurse => true, :recurselimit => 1, :audit => :all).recurse_local.values end @depthfirst = false # Determine the user to write files as. def asuser if self.should(:owner) and ! self.should(:owner).is_a?(Symbol) writeable = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(self.should(:owner)) { FileTest.writable?(File.dirname(self[:path])) } # If the parent directory is writeable, then we execute # as the user in question. Otherwise we'll rely on # the 'owner' property to do things. asuser = self.should(:owner) if writeable end asuser end def bucket return @bucket if @bucket backup = self[:backup] return nil unless backup return nil if backup =~ /^\./ unless catalog or backup == "puppet" fail "Can not find filebucket for backups without a catalog" end unless catalog and filebucket = catalog.resource(:filebucket, backup) or backup == "puppet" fail "Could not find filebucket #{backup} specified in backup" end return default_bucket unless filebucket @bucket = filebucket.bucket @bucket end def default_bucket Puppet::Type.type(:filebucket).mkdefaultbucket.bucket end # Does the file currently exist? Just checks for whether # we have a stat def exist? stat ? true : false end # We have to do some extra finishing, to retrieve our bucket if # there is one. def finish # Look up our bucket, if there is one bucket super end # Create any children via recursion or whatever. def eval_generate return [] unless self.recurse? recurse #recurse.reject do |resource| # catalog.resource(:file, resource[:path]) #end.each do |child| # catalog.add_resource child # catalog.relationship_graph.add_edge self, child #end end def flush # We want to make sure we retrieve metadata anew on each transaction. @parameters.each do |name, param| param.flush if param.respond_to?(:flush) end @stat = nil end def initialize(hash) # Used for caching clients @clients = {} super # If they've specified a source, we get our 'should' values # from it. unless self[:ensure] if self[:target] self[:ensure] = :symlink elsif self[:content] self[:ensure] = :file end end @stat = nil end # Configure discovered resources to be purged. def mark_children_for_purging(children) children.each do |name, child| next if child[:source] child[:ensure] = :absent end end # Create a new file or directory object as a child to the current # object. def newchild(path) full_path = File.join(self[:path], path) # Add some new values to our original arguments -- these are the ones # set at initialization. We specifically want to exclude any param # values set by the :source property or any default values. # LAK:NOTE This is kind of silly, because the whole point here is that # the values set at initialization should live as long as the resource # but values set by default or by :source should only live for the transaction # or so. Unfortunately, we don't have a straightforward way to manage # the different lifetimes of this data, so we kludge it like this. # The right-side hash wins in the merge. options = @original_parameters.merge(:path => full_path).reject { |param, value| value.nil? } # These should never be passed to our children. [:parent, :ensure, :recurse, :recurselimit, :target, :alias, :source].each do |param| options.delete(param) if options.include?(param) end self.class.new(options) end # Files handle paths specially, because they just lengthen their # path names, rather than including the full parent's title each # time. def pathbuilder # We specifically need to call the method here, so it looks # up our parent in the catalog graph. if parent = parent() # We only need to behave specially when our parent is also # a file if parent.is_a?(self.class) # Remove the parent file name list = parent.pathbuilder list.pop # remove the parent's path info return list << self.ref else return super end else return [self.ref] end end # Should we be purging? def purge? @parameters.include?(:purge) and (self[:purge] == :true or self[:purge] == "true") end # Recursively generate a list of file resources, which will # be used to copy remote files, manage local files, and/or make links # to map to another directory. def recurse children = {} children = recurse_local if self[:recurse] != :remote if self[:target] recurse_link(children) elsif self[:source] recurse_remote(children) end # If we're purging resources, then delete any resource that isn't on the # remote system. mark_children_for_purging(children) if self.purge? result = children.values.sort { |a, b| a[:path] <=> b[:path] } remove_less_specific_files(result) end # This is to fix bug #2296, where two files recurse over the same # set of files. It's a rare case, and when it does happen you're # not likely to have many actual conflicts, which is good, because # this is a pretty inefficient implementation. def remove_less_specific_files(files) mypath = self[:path].split(File::Separator) other_paths = catalog.vertices. select { |r| r.is_a?(self.class) and r[:path] != self[:path] }. collect { |r| r[:path].split(File::Separator) }. select { |p| p[0,mypath.length] == mypath } return files if other_paths.empty? files.reject { |file| path = file[:path].split(File::Separator) other_paths.any? { |p| path[0,p.length] == p } } end # A simple method for determining whether we should be recursing. def recurse? return false unless @parameters.include?(:recurse) val = @parameters[:recurse].value !!(val and (val == true or val == :remote)) end # Recurse the target of the link. def recurse_link(children) perform_recursion(self[:target]).each do |meta| if meta.relative_path == "." self[:ensure] = :directory next end children[meta.relative_path] ||= newchild(meta.relative_path) if meta.ftype == "directory" children[meta.relative_path][:ensure] = :directory else children[meta.relative_path][:ensure] = :link children[meta.relative_path][:target] = meta.full_path end end children end # Recurse the file itself, returning a Metadata instance for every found file. def recurse_local result = perform_recursion(self[:path]) return {} unless result result.inject({}) do |hash, meta| next hash if meta.relative_path == "." hash[meta.relative_path] = newchild(meta.relative_path) hash end end # Recurse against our remote file. def recurse_remote(children) sourceselect = self[:sourceselect] total = self[:source].collect do |source| next unless result = perform_recursion(source) return if top = result.find { |r| r.relative_path == "." } and top.ftype != "directory" result.each { |data| data.source = "#{source}/#{data.relative_path}" } break result if result and ! result.empty? and sourceselect == :first result end.flatten # This only happens if we have sourceselect == :all unless sourceselect == :first found = [] total.reject! do |data| result = found.include?(data.relative_path) found << data.relative_path unless found.include?(data.relative_path) result end end total.each do |meta| if meta.relative_path == "." parameter(:source).metadata = meta next end children[meta.relative_path] ||= newchild(meta.relative_path) children[meta.relative_path][:source] = meta.source children[meta.relative_path][:checksum] = :md5 if meta.ftype == "file" children[meta.relative_path].parameter(:source).metadata = meta end children end def perform_recursion(path) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.search( path, :links => self[:links], :recurse => (self[:recurse] == :remote ? true : self[:recurse]), :recurselimit => self[:recurselimit], :ignore => self[:ignore], :checksum_type => (self[:source] || self[:content]) ? self[:checksum] : :none ) end # Remove any existing data. This is only used when dealing with # links or directories. def remove_existing(should) return unless s = stat self.fail "Could not back up; will not replace" unless perform_backup unless should.to_s == "link" return if s.ftype.to_s == should.to_s end case s.ftype when "directory" if self[:force] == :true debug "Removing existing directory for replacement with #{should}" FileUtils.rmtree(self[:path]) else notice "Not removing directory; use 'force' to override" end when "link", "file" debug "Removing existing #{s.ftype} for replacement with #{should}" File.unlink(self[:path]) else self.fail "Could not back up files of type #{s.ftype}" end expire end def retrieve if source = parameter(:source) source.copy_source_values end super end # Set the checksum, from another property. There are multiple # properties that modify the contents of a file, and they need the # ability to make sure that the checksum value is in sync. def setchecksum(sum = nil) if @parameters.include? :checksum if sum @parameters[:checksum].checksum = sum else # If they didn't pass in a sum, then tell checksum to # figure it out. currentvalue = @parameters[:checksum].retrieve @parameters[:checksum].checksum = currentvalue end end end # Should this thing be a normal file? This is a relatively complex # way of determining whether we're trying to create a normal file, # and it's here so that the logic isn't visible in the content property. def should_be_file? return true if self[:ensure] == :file # I.e., it's set to something like "directory" return false if e = self[:ensure] and e != :present # The user doesn't really care, apparently if self[:ensure] == :present return true unless s = stat return(s.ftype == "file" ? true : false) end # If we've gotten here, then :ensure isn't set return true if self[:content] return true if stat and stat.ftype == "file" false end # Stat our file. Depending on the value of the 'links' attribute, we # use either 'stat' or 'lstat', and we expect the properties to use the # resulting stat object accordingly (mostly by testing the 'ftype' # value). cached_attr(:stat) do method = :stat # Files are the only types that support links if (self.class.name == :file and self[:links] != :follow) or self.class.name == :tidy method = :lstat end path = self[:path] begin File.send(method, self[:path]) rescue Errno::ENOENT => error return nil rescue Errno::EACCES => error warning "Could not stat; permission denied" return nil end end # We have to hack this just a little bit, because otherwise we'll get # an error when the target and the contents are created as properties on # the far side. def to_trans(retrieve = true) obj = super obj.delete(:target) if obj[:target] == :notlink obj end # Write out the file. Requires the property name for logging. # Write will be done by the content property, along with checksum computation def write(property) remove_existing(:file) use_temporary_file = write_temporary_file? if use_temporary_file path = "#{self[:path]}.puppettmp_#{rand(10000)}" path = "#{self[:path]}.puppettmp_#{rand(10000)}" while File.exists?(path) or File.symlink?(path) else path = self[:path] end mode = self.should(:mode) # might be nil umask = mode ? 000 : 022 mode_int = mode ? mode.to_i(8) : nil content_checksum = Puppet::Util.withumask(umask) { File.open(path, 'w', mode_int ) { |f| write_content(f) } } # And put our new file in place if use_temporary_file # This is only not true when our file is empty. begin fail_if_checksum_is_wrong(path, content_checksum) if validate_checksum? File.rename(path, self[:path]) rescue => detail fail "Could not rename temporary file #{path} to #{self[:path]}: #{detail}" ensure # Make sure the created file gets removed File.unlink(path) if FileTest.exists?(path) end end # make sure all of the modes are actually correct property_fix end private # Should we validate the checksum of the file we're writing? def validate_checksum? self[:checksum] !~ /time/ end # Make sure the file we wrote out is what we think it is. def fail_if_checksum_is_wrong(path, content_checksum) newsum = parameter(:checksum).sum_file(path) return if [:absent, nil, content_checksum].include?(newsum) self.fail "File written to disk did not match checksum; discarding changes (#{content_checksum} vs #{newsum})" end # write the current content. Note that if there is no content property # simply opening the file with 'w' as done in write is enough to truncate # or write an empty length file. def write_content(file) (content = property(:content)) && content.write(file) end private def write_temporary_file? # unfortunately we don't know the source file size before fetching it # so let's assume the file won't be empty (c = property(:content) and c.length) || (s = @parameters[:source] and 1) end # There are some cases where all of the work does not get done on # file creation/modification, so we have to do some extra checking. def property_fix properties.each do |thing| next unless [:mode, :owner, :group, :seluser, :selrole, :seltype, :selrange].include?(thing.name) # Make sure we get a new stat objct expire currentvalue = thing.retrieve thing.sync unless thing.safe_insync?(currentvalue) end end end # We put all of the properties in separate files, because there are so many # of them. The order these are loaded is important, because it determines # the order they are in the property lit. require 'puppet/type/file/checksum' require 'puppet/type/file/content' # can create the file require 'puppet/type/file/source' # can create the file require 'puppet/type/file/target' # creates a different type of file require 'puppet/type/file/ensure' # can create the file require 'puppet/type/file/owner' require 'puppet/type/file/group' require 'puppet/type/file/mode' require 'puppet/type/file/type' require 'puppet/type/file/selcontext' # SELinux file context require 'puppet/type/file/ctime' require 'puppet/type/file/mtime' diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/macauthorization.rb b/lib/puppet/type/macauthorization.rb index ef6fbb6c1..e89aa7c89 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/macauthorization.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/macauthorization.rb @@ -1,163 +1,166 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:macauthorization) do @doc = "Manage the Mac OS X authorization database. - See the [Apple developer site](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Security_Services/chapter_4_section_5.html) for more information." + See the [Apple developer site](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Security_Services/chapter_4_section_5.html) for more information. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the `/etc/authorization` file, each + macauthorization resource will autorequire it." ensurable autorequire(:file) do ["/etc/authorization"] end def munge_boolean(value) case value when true, "true", :true :true when false, "false", :false :false else fail("munge_boolean only takes booleans") end end def munge_integer(value) Integer(value) rescue ArgumentError fail("munge_integer only takes integers") end newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the right or rule to be managed. Corresponds to 'key' in Authorization Services. The key is the name of a rule. A key uses the same naming conventions as a right. The Security Server uses a rule’s key to match the rule with a right. Wildcard keys end with a ‘.’. The generic rule has an empty key value. Any rights that do not match a specific rule use the generic rule." isnamevar end newproperty(:auth_type) do desc "type - can be a 'right' or a 'rule'. 'comment' has not yet been implemented." newvalue(:right) newvalue(:rule) # newvalue(:comment) # not yet implemented. end newproperty(:allow_root, :boolean => true) do desc "Corresponds to 'allow-root' in the authorization store, renamed due to hyphens being problematic. Specifies whether a right should be allowed automatically if the requesting process is running with uid == 0. AuthorizationServices defaults this attribute to false if not specified" newvalue(:true) newvalue(:false) munge do |value| @resource.munge_boolean(value) end end newproperty(:authenticate_user, :boolean => true) do desc "Corresponds to 'authenticate-user' in the authorization store, renamed due to hyphens being problematic." newvalue(:true) newvalue(:false) munge do |value| @resource.munge_boolean(value) end end newproperty(:auth_class) do desc "Corresponds to 'class' in the authorization store, renamed due to 'class' being a reserved word." newvalue(:user) newvalue(:'evaluate-mechanisms') newvalue(:allow) newvalue(:deny) newvalue(:rule) end newproperty(:comment) do desc "The 'comment' attribute for authorization resources." end newproperty(:group) do desc "The user must authenticate as a member of this group. This attribute can be set to any one group." end newproperty(:k_of_n) do desc "k-of-n describes how large a subset of rule mechanisms must succeed for successful authentication. If there are 'n' mechanisms, then 'k' (the integer value of this parameter) mechanisms must succeed. The most common setting for this parameter is '1'. If k-of-n is not set, then 'n-of-n' mechanisms must succeed." munge do |value| @resource.munge_integer(value) end end newproperty(:mechanisms, :array_matching => :all) do desc "an array of suitable mechanisms." end newproperty(:rule, :array_matching => :all) do desc "The rule(s) that this right refers to." end newproperty(:session_owner, :boolean => true) do desc "Corresponds to 'session-owner' in the authorization store, renamed due to hyphens being problematic. Whether the session owner automatically matches this rule or right." newvalue(:true) newvalue(:false) munge do |value| @resource.munge_boolean(value) end end newproperty(:shared, :boolean => true) do desc "If this is set to true, then the Security Server marks the credentials used to gain this right as shared. The Security Server may use any shared credentials to authorize this right. For maximum security, set sharing to false so credentials stored by the Security Server for one application may not be used by another application." newvalue(:true) newvalue(:false) munge do |value| @resource.munge_boolean(value) end end newproperty(:timeout) do desc "The credential used by this rule expires in the specified number of seconds. For maximum security where the user must authenticate every time, set the timeout to 0. For minimum security, remove the timeout attribute so the user authenticates only once per session." munge do |value| @resource.munge_integer(value) end end newproperty(:tries) do desc "The number of tries allowed." munge do |value| @resource.munge_integer(value) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/mcx.rb b/lib/puppet/type/mcx.rb index 4f0a6c3c5..07c9348dd 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/mcx.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/mcx.rb @@ -1,115 +1,118 @@ #-- # Copyright (C) 2008 Jeffrey J McCune. # This program and entire repository is free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Author: Jeff McCune Puppet::Type.newtype(:mcx) do @doc = "MCX object management using DirectoryService on OS X. The default provider of this type merely manages the XML plist as reported by the dscl -mcxexport command. This is similar to the content property of the file type in Puppet. The recommended method of using this type is to use Work Group Manager to manage users and groups on the local computer, record the resulting -puppet manifest using the command 'ralsh mcx' then deploying this +puppet manifest using the command `puppet resource mcx`, then deploy it to other machines. + +**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user, group, or computer that these +MCX settings refer to, the MCX resource will autorequire that user, group, or computer. " feature :manages_content, \ "The provider can manage MCXSettings as a string.", :methods => [:content, :content=] ensurable do desc "Create or remove the MCX setting." newvalue(:present) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent) do provider.destroy end end newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the resource being managed. The default naming convention follows Directory Service paths: /Computers/localhost /Groups/admin /Users/localadmin The `ds_type` and `ds_name` type parameters are not necessary if the default naming convention is followed." isnamevar end newparam(:ds_type) do desc "The DirectoryService type this MCX setting attaches to." newvalues(:user, :group, :computer, :computerlist) end newparam(:ds_name) do desc "The name to attach the MCX Setting to. e.g. 'localhost' when ds_type => computer. This setting is not required, as it may be parsed so long as the resource name is parseable. e.g. /Groups/admin where 'group' is the dstype." end newproperty(:content, :required_features => :manages_content) do desc "The XML Plist. The value of MCXSettings in DirectoryService. This is the standard output from the system command: dscl localhost -mcxexport /Local/Default//ds_name Note that `ds_type` is capitalized and plural in the dscl command." end # JJM Yes, this is not DRY at all. Because of the code blocks # autorequire must be done this way. I think. def setup_autorequire(type) # value returns a Symbol name = value(:name) ds_type = value(:ds_type) ds_name = value(:ds_name) if ds_type == type rval = [ ds_name.to_s ] else rval = [ ] end rval end autorequire(:user) do setup_autorequire(:user) end autorequire(:group) do setup_autorequire(:group) end autorequire(:computer) do setup_autorequire(:computer) end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb index d73d90dff..1222a5319 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb @@ -1,319 +1,323 @@ # Define the different packaging systems. Each package system is implemented # in a module, which then gets used to individually extend each package object. # This allows packages to exist on the same machine using different packaging # systems. module Puppet newtype(:package) do @doc = "Manage packages. There is a basic dichotomy in package support right now: Some package types (e.g., yum and apt) can retrieve their own package files, while others (e.g., rpm and sun) cannot. For those package formats that cannot retrieve their own files, you can use the `source` parameter to point to the correct file. Puppet will automatically guess the packaging format that you are using based on the platform you are on, but you can override it using the `provider` parameter; each provider defines what it requires in order to function, and you must meet those requirements - to use a given provider." + to use a given provider. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the files specified as a package's + `adminfile`, `responsefile`, or `source`, the package resource will autorequire + those files." feature :installable, "The provider can install packages.", :methods => [:install] feature :uninstallable, "The provider can uninstall packages.", :methods => [:uninstall] feature :upgradeable, "The provider can upgrade to the latest version of a package. This feature is used by specifying `latest` as the desired value for the package.", :methods => [:update, :latest] feature :purgeable, "The provider can purge packages. This generally means that all traces of the package are removed, including existing configuration files. This feature is thus destructive and should be used with the utmost care.", :methods => [:purge] feature :versionable, "The provider is capable of interrogating the package database for installed version(s), and can select which out of a set of available versions of a package to install if asked." feature :holdable, "The provider is capable of placing packages on hold such that they are not automatically upgraded as a result of other package dependencies unless explicit action is taken by a user or another package. Held is considered a superset of installed.", :methods => [:hold] ensurable do desc "What state the package should be in. *latest* only makes sense for those packaging formats that can retrieve new packages on their own and will throw an error on those that cannot. For those packaging systems that allow you to specify package versions, specify them here. Similarly, *purged* is only useful for packaging systems that support the notion of managing configuration files separately from 'normal' system files." attr_accessor :latest newvalue(:present, :event => :package_installed) do provider.install end newvalue(:absent, :event => :package_removed) do provider.uninstall end newvalue(:purged, :event => :package_purged, :required_features => :purgeable) do provider.purge end newvalue(:held, :event => :package_held, :required_features => :holdable) do provider.hold end # Alias the 'present' value. aliasvalue(:installed, :present) newvalue(:latest, :required_features => :upgradeable) do # Because yum always exits with a 0 exit code, there's a retrieve # in the "install" method. So, check the current state now, # to compare against later. current = self.retrieve begin provider.update rescue => detail self.fail "Could not update: #{detail}" end if current == :absent :package_installed else :package_changed end end newvalue(/./, :required_features => :versionable) do begin provider.install rescue => detail self.fail "Could not update: #{detail}" end if self.retrieve == :absent :package_installed else :package_changed end end defaultto :installed # Override the parent method, because we've got all kinds of # funky definitions of 'in sync'. def insync?(is) @latest ||= nil @lateststamp ||= (Time.now.to_i - 1000) # Iterate across all of the should values, and see how they # turn out. @should.each { |should| case should when :present return true unless [:absent, :purged, :held].include?(is) when :latest # Short-circuit packages that are not present return false if is == :absent or is == :purged # Don't run 'latest' more than about every 5 minutes if @latest and ((Time.now.to_i - @lateststamp) / 60) < 5 #self.debug "Skipping latest check" else begin @latest = provider.latest @lateststamp = Time.now.to_i rescue => detail error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not get latest version: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end case is when @latest return true when :present # This will only happen on retarded packaging systems # that can't query versions. return true else self.debug "#{@resource.name} #{is.inspect} is installed, latest is #{@latest.inspect}" end when :absent return true if is == :absent or is == :purged when :purged return true if is == :purged when is return true end } false end # This retrieves the current state. LAK: I think this method is unused. def retrieve provider.properties[:ensure] end # Provide a bit more information when logging upgrades. def should_to_s(newvalue = @should) if @latest @latest.to_s else super(newvalue) end end end newparam(:name) do desc "The package name. This is the name that the packaging system uses internally, which is sometimes (especially on Solaris) a name that is basically useless to humans. If you want to abstract package installation, then you can use aliases to provide a common name to packages: # In the 'openssl' class $ssl = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => SMCossl, default => openssl } # It is not an error to set an alias to the same value as the # object name. package { $ssl: ensure => installed, alias => openssl } . etc. . $ssh = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => SMCossh, default => openssh } # Use the alias to specify a dependency, rather than # having another selector to figure it out again. package { $ssh: ensure => installed, alias => openssh, require => Package[openssl] } " isnamevar end newparam(:source) do desc "Where to find the actual package. This must be a local file (or on a network file system) or a URL that your specific packaging type understands; Puppet will not retrieve files for you." end newparam(:instance) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:status) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:type) do desc "Deprecated form of `provider`." munge do |value| warning "'type' is deprecated; use 'provider' instead" @resource[:provider] = value @resource[:provider] end end newparam(:adminfile) do desc "A file containing package defaults for installing packages. This is currently only used on Solaris. The value will be validated according to system rules, which in the case of Solaris means that it should either be a fully qualified path or it should be in `/var/sadm/install/admin`." end newparam(:responsefile) do desc "A file containing any necessary answers to questions asked by the package. This is currently used on Solaris and Debian. The value will be validated according to system rules, but it should generally be a fully qualified path." end newparam(:configfiles) do desc "Whether configfiles should be kept or replaced. Most packages types do not support this parameter." defaultto :keep newvalues(:keep, :replace) end newparam(:category) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:platform) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:root) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:vendor) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:description) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:allowcdrom) do desc "Tells apt to allow cdrom sources in the sources.list file. Normally apt will bail if you try this." newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:flavor) do desc "Newer versions of OpenBSD support 'flavors', which are further specifications for which type of package you want." end autorequire(:file) do autos = [] [:responsefile, :adminfile].each { |param| if val = self[param] autos << val end } if source = self[:source] if source =~ /^#{File::SEPARATOR}/ autos << source end end autos end # This only exists for testing. def clear if obj = @parameters[:ensure] obj.latest = nil end end # The 'query' method returns a hash of info if the package # exists and returns nil if it does not. def exists? @provider.get(:ensure) != :absent end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/selmodule.rb b/lib/puppet/type/selmodule.rb index 60be8a855..e76c18cc0 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/selmodule.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/selmodule.rb @@ -1,53 +1,55 @@ # # Simple module for manageing SELinux policy modules # Puppet::Type.newtype(:selmodule) do @doc = "Manages loading and unloading of SELinux policy modules on the system. Requires SELinux support. See man semodule(8) - for more information on SELinux policy modules." + for more information on SELinux policy modules. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the file containing this SELinux policy module (which is either explicitly specified in the `selmodulepath` attribute or will be found at {`selmoduledir`}/{`name`}.pp), the selmodule resource will autorequire that file." ensurable newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the SELinux policy to be managed. You should not include the customary trailing .pp extension." isnamevar end newparam(:selmoduledir) do desc "The directory to look for the compiled pp module file in. Currently defaults to `/usr/share/selinux/targeted`. If selmodulepath is not specified the module will be looked for in this directory in a in a file called NAME.pp, where NAME is the value of the name parameter." defaultto "/usr/share/selinux/targeted" end newparam(:selmodulepath) do desc "The full path to the compiled .pp policy module. You only need to use this if the module file is not in the directory pointed at by selmoduledir." end newproperty(:syncversion) do desc "If set to `true`, the policy will be reloaded if the version found in the on-disk file differs from the loaded version. If set to `false` (the default) the the only check that will be made is if the policy is loaded at all or not." newvalue(:true) newvalue(:false) end autorequire(:file) do if self[:selmodulepath] [self[:selmodulepath]] else ["#{self[:selmoduledir]}/#{self[:name]}.pp"] end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb b/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb index e3320140e..8338e2d64 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/ssh_authorized_key.rb @@ -1,98 +1,102 @@ module Puppet newtype(:ssh_authorized_key) do @doc = "Manages SSH authorized keys. Currently only type 2 keys are - supported." + supported. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user account in which this + SSH key should be installed, the `ssh_authorized_key` resource will autorequire + that user." ensurable newparam(:name) do desc "The SSH key comment. This attribute is currently used as a system-wide primary key and therefore has to be unique." isnamevar end newproperty(:type) do desc "The encryption type used: ssh-dss or ssh-rsa." newvalue("ssh-dss") newvalue("ssh-rsa") aliasvalue(:dsa, "ssh-dss") aliasvalue(:rsa, "ssh-rsa") end newproperty(:key) do desc "The key itself; generally a long string of hex digits." end newproperty(:user) do desc "The user account in which the SSH key should be installed. The resource will automatically depend on this user." end newproperty(:target) do desc "The absolute filename in which to store the SSH key. This property is optional and should only be used in cases where keys are stored in a non-standard location (i.e.` not in `~user/.ssh/authorized_keys`)." defaultto :absent def should return super if defined?(@should) and @should[0] != :absent return nil unless user = resource[:user] begin return File.expand_path("~#{user}/.ssh/authorized_keys") rescue Puppet.debug "The required user is not yet present on the system" return nil end end def insync?(is) is == should end end newproperty(:options, :array_matching => :all) do desc "Key options, see sshd(8) for possible values. Multiple values should be specified as an array." defaultto do :absent end def is_to_s(value) if value == :absent or value.include?(:absent) super else value.join(",") end end def should_to_s(value) if value == :absent or value.include?(:absent) super else value.join(",") end end end autorequire(:user) do should(:user) if should(:user) end validate do # Go ahead if target attribute is defined return if @parameters[:target].shouldorig[0] != :absent # Go ahead if user attribute is defined return if @parameters.include?(:user) # If neither target nor user is defined, this is an error raise Puppet::Error, "Attribute 'user' or 'target' is mandatory" end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/user.rb b/lib/puppet/type/user.rb index e7389a0d1..584d3adfc 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/user.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/user.rb @@ -1,436 +1,438 @@ require 'etc' require 'facter' require 'puppet/property/list' require 'puppet/property/ordered_list' require 'puppet/property/keyvalue' module Puppet newtype(:user) do @doc = "Manage users. This type is mostly built to manage system users, so it is lacking some features useful for managing normal users. This resource type uses the prescribed native tools for creating groups and generally uses POSIX APIs for retrieving information - about them. It does not directly modify `/etc/passwd` or anything." + about them. It does not directly modify `/etc/passwd` or anything. + + **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user's primary group (as provided in the `gid` attribute), the user resource will autorequire that group. If Puppet is managing any role accounts corresponding to the user's roles, the user resource will autorequire those role accounts." feature :allows_duplicates, "The provider supports duplicate users with the same UID." feature :manages_homedir, "The provider can create and remove home directories." feature :manages_passwords, "The provider can modify user passwords, by accepting a password hash." feature :manages_password_age, "The provider can set age requirements and restrictions for passwords." feature :manages_solaris_rbac, "The provider can manage roles and normal users" feature :manages_expiry, "The provider can manage the expiry date for a user." newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do newvalue(:present, :event => :user_created) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent, :event => :user_removed) do provider.delete end newvalue(:role, :event => :role_created, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do provider.create_role end desc "The basic state that the object should be in." # If they're talking about the thing at all, they generally want to # say it should exist. defaultto do if @resource.managed? :present else nil end end def retrieve if provider.exists? if provider.respond_to?(:is_role?) and provider.is_role? return :role else return :present end else return :absent end end end newproperty(:home) do desc "The home directory of the user. The directory must be created separately and is not currently checked for existence." end newproperty(:uid) do desc "The user ID. Must be specified numerically. For new users being created, if no user ID is specified then one will be chosen automatically, which will likely result in the same user having different IDs on different systems, which is not recommended. This is especially noteworthy if you use Puppet to manage the same user on both Darwin and other platforms, since Puppet does the ID generation for you on Darwin, but the tools do so on other platforms." munge do |value| case value when String if value =~ /^[-0-9]+$/ value = Integer(value) end end return value end end newproperty(:gid) do desc "The user's primary group. Can be specified numerically or by name." munge do |value| if value.is_a?(String) and value =~ /^[-0-9]+$/ Integer(value) else value end end def insync?(is) # We know the 'is' is a number, so we need to convert the 'should' to a number, # too. @should.each do |value| return true if number = Puppet::Util.gid(value) and is == number end false end def sync found = false @should.each do |value| if number = Puppet::Util.gid(value) provider.gid = number found = true break end end fail "Could not find group(s) #{@should.join(",")}" unless found # Use the default event. end end newproperty(:comment) do desc "A description of the user. Generally is a user's full name." end newproperty(:shell) do desc "The user's login shell. The shell must exist and be executable." end newproperty(:password, :required_features => :manages_passwords) do desc "The user's password, in whatever encrypted format the local machine requires. Be sure to enclose any value that includes a dollar sign ($) in single quotes (\')." validate do |value| raise ArgumentError, "Passwords cannot include ':'" if value.is_a?(String) and value.include?(":") end def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) if currentvalue == :absent return "created password" else return "changed password" end end end newproperty(:password_min_age, :required_features => :manages_password_age) do desc "The minimum amount of time in days a password must be used before it may be changed" munge do |value| case value when String Integer(value) else value end end validate do |value| if value.to_s !~ /^-?\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Password minimum age must be provided as a number" end end end newproperty(:password_max_age, :required_features => :manages_password_age) do desc "The maximum amount of time in days a password may be used before it must be changed" munge do |value| case value when String Integer(value) else value end end validate do |value| if value.to_s !~ /^-?\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Password maximum age must be provided as a number" end end end newproperty(:groups, :parent => Puppet::Property::List) do desc "The groups of which the user is a member. The primary group should not be listed. Multiple groups should be specified as an array." validate do |value| if value =~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Group names must be provided, not numbers" end raise ArgumentError, "Group names must be provided as an array, not a comma-separated list" if value.include?(",") end end newparam(:name) do desc "User name. While limitations are determined for each operating system, it is generally a good idea to keep to the degenerate 8 characters, beginning with a letter." isnamevar end newparam(:membership) do desc "Whether specified groups should be treated as the only groups of which the user is a member or whether they should merely be treated as the minimum membership list." newvalues(:inclusive, :minimum) defaultto :minimum end newparam(:allowdupe, :boolean => true) do desc "Whether to allow duplicate UIDs." newvalues(:true, :false) defaultto false end newparam(:managehome, :boolean => true) do desc "Whether to manage the home directory when managing the user." newvalues(:true, :false) defaultto false validate do |val| if val.to_s == "true" raise ArgumentError, "User provider #{provider.class.name} can not manage home directories" unless provider.class.manages_homedir? end end end newproperty(:expiry, :required_features => :manages_expiry) do desc "The expiry date for this user. Must be provided in a zero padded YYYY-MM-DD format - e.g 2010-02-19." validate do |value| if value !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ raise ArgumentError, "Expiry dates must be YYYY-MM-DD" end end end # Autorequire the group, if it's around autorequire(:group) do autos = [] if obj = @parameters[:gid] and groups = obj.shouldorig groups = groups.collect { |group| if group =~ /^\d+$/ Integer(group) else group end } groups.each { |group| case group when Integer if resource = catalog.resources.find { |r| r.is_a?(Puppet::Type.type(:group)) and r.should(:gid) == group } autos << resource end else autos << group end } end if obj = @parameters[:groups] and groups = obj.should autos += groups.split(",") end autos end # Provide an external hook. Yay breaking out of APIs. def exists? provider.exists? end def retrieve absent = false properties.inject({}) { |prophash, property| current_value = :absent if absent prophash[property] = :absent else current_value = property.retrieve prophash[property] = current_value end if property.name == :ensure and current_value == :absent absent = true end prophash } end newproperty(:roles, :parent => Puppet::Property::List, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do desc "The roles the user has. Multiple roles should be specified as an array." def membership :role_membership end validate do |value| if value =~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Role names must be provided, not numbers" end raise ArgumentError, "Role names must be provided as an array, not a comma-separated list" if value.include?(",") end end #autorequire the roles that the user has autorequire(:user) do reqs = [] if roles_property = @parameters[:roles] and roles = roles_property.should reqs += roles.split(',') end reqs end newparam(:role_membership) do desc "Whether specified roles should be treated as the only roles of which the user is a member or whether they should merely be treated as the minimum membership list." newvalues(:inclusive, :minimum) defaultto :minimum end newproperty(:auths, :parent => Puppet::Property::List, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do desc "The auths the user has. Multiple auths should be specified as an array." def membership :auth_membership end validate do |value| if value =~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Auth names must be provided, not numbers" end raise ArgumentError, "Auth names must be provided as an array, not a comma-separated list" if value.include?(",") end end newparam(:auth_membership) do desc "Whether specified auths should be treated as the only auths of which the user is a member or whether they should merely be treated as the minimum membership list." newvalues(:inclusive, :minimum) defaultto :minimum end newproperty(:profiles, :parent => Puppet::Property::OrderedList, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do desc "The profiles the user has. Multiple profiles should be specified as an array." def membership :profile_membership end validate do |value| if value =~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "Profile names must be provided, not numbers" end raise ArgumentError, "Profile names must be provided as an array, not a comma-separated list" if value.include?(",") end end newparam(:profile_membership) do desc "Whether specified roles should be treated as the only roles of which the user is a member or whether they should merely be treated as the minimum membership list." newvalues(:inclusive, :minimum) defaultto :minimum end newproperty(:keys, :parent => Puppet::Property::KeyValue, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do desc "Specify user attributes in an array of keyvalue pairs" def membership :key_membership end validate do |value| raise ArgumentError, "key value pairs must be seperated by an =" unless value.include?("=") end end newparam(:key_membership) do desc "Whether specified key value pairs should be treated as the only attributes of the user or whether they should merely be treated as the minimum list." newvalues(:inclusive, :minimum) defaultto :minimum end newproperty(:project, :required_features => :manages_solaris_rbac) do desc "The name of the project associated with a user" end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/zfs.rb b/lib/puppet/type/zfs.rb index 1757931f8..6f04bddd8 100755 --- a/lib/puppet/type/zfs.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/zfs.rb @@ -1,50 +1,52 @@ module Puppet newtype(:zfs) do - @doc = "Manage zfs. Create destroy and set properties on zfs instances." + @doc = "Manage zfs. Create destroy and set properties on zfs instances. + +**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the zpool at the root of this zfs instance, the zfs resource will autorequire it. If Puppet is managing any parent zfs instances, the zfs resource will autorequire them." ensurable newparam(:name) do desc "The full name for this filesystem. (including the zpool)" end newproperty(:mountpoint) do desc "The mountpoint property." end newproperty(:compression) do desc "The compression property." end newproperty(:copies) do desc "The copies property." end newproperty(:quota) do desc "The quota property." end newproperty(:reservation) do desc "The reservation property." end newproperty(:sharenfs) do desc "The sharenfs property." end newproperty(:snapdir) do desc "The snapdir property." end autorequire(:zpool) do #strip the zpool off the zfs name and autorequire it [@parameters[:name].value.split('/')[0]] end autorequire(:zfs) do #slice and dice, we want all the zfs before this one names = @parameters[:name].value.split('/') names.slice(1..-2).inject([]) { |a,v| a << "#{a.last}/#{v}" }.collect { |fs| names[0] + fs } end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb b/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb index 408d6f5dd..471619c98 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb @@ -1,444 +1,446 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:zone) do - @doc = "Solaris zones." + @doc = "Solaris zones. + +**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the directory specified as the root of the zone's filesystem (with the `path` attribute), the zone resource will autorequire that directory." # These properties modify the zone configuration, and they need to provide # the text separately from syncing it, so all config statements can be rolled # into a single creation statement. class ZoneConfigProperty < Puppet::Property # Perform the config operation. def sync provider.setconfig self.configtext end end # Those properties that can have multiple instances. class ZoneMultiConfigProperty < ZoneConfigProperty def configtext list = @should current_value = self.retrieve unless current_value.is_a? Symbol if current_value.is_a? Array list += current_value else list << current_value if current_value end end # Some hackery so we can test whether current_value is an array or a symbol if current_value.is_a? Array tmpis = current_value else if current_value tmpis = [current_value] else tmpis = [] end end rms = [] adds = [] # Collect the modifications to make list.sort.uniq.collect do |obj| # Skip objectories that are configured and should be next if tmpis.include?(obj) and @should.include?(obj) if tmpis.include?(obj) rms << obj else adds << obj end end # And then perform all of the removals before any of the adds. (rms.collect { |o| rm(o) } + adds.collect { |o| add(o) }).join("\n") end # We want all specified directories to be included. def insync?(current_value) if current_value.is_a? Array and @should.is_a? Array current_value.sort == @should.sort else current_value == @should end end end ensurable do desc "The running state of the zone. The valid states directly reflect the states that `zoneadm` provides. The states are linear, in that a zone must be `configured` then `installed`, and only then can be `running`. Note also that `halt` is currently used to stop zones." @states = {} @parametervalues = [] def self.alias_state(values) @state_aliases ||= {} values.each do |nick, name| @state_aliases[nick] = name end end def self.newvalue(name, hash) @parametervalues = [] if @parametervalues.is_a? Hash @parametervalues << name @states[name] = hash hash[:name] = name end def self.state_name(name) if other = @state_aliases[name] other else name end end newvalue :absent, :down => :destroy newvalue :configured, :up => :configure, :down => :uninstall newvalue :installed, :up => :install, :down => :stop newvalue :running, :up => :start alias_state :incomplete => :installed, :ready => :installed, :shutting_down => :running defaultto :running def self.state_index(value) @parametervalues.index(state_name(value)) end # Return all of the states between two listed values, exclusive # of the first item. def self.state_sequence(first, second) findex = sindex = nil unless findex = @parametervalues.index(state_name(first)) raise ArgumentError, "'#{first}' is not a valid zone state" end unless sindex = @parametervalues.index(state_name(second)) raise ArgumentError, "'#{first}' is not a valid zone state" end list = nil # Apparently ranges are unidirectional, so we have to reverse # the range op twice. if findex > sindex list = @parametervalues[sindex..findex].collect do |name| @states[name] end.reverse else list = @parametervalues[findex..sindex].collect do |name| @states[name] end end # The first result is the current state, so don't return it. list[1..-1] end def retrieve provider.properties[:ensure] end def sync method = nil if up? direction = :up else direction = :down end # We need to get the state we're currently in and just call # everything between it and us. self.class.state_sequence(self.retrieve, self.should).each do |state| if method = state[direction] warned = false while provider.processing? unless warned info "Waiting for zone to finish processing" warned = true end sleep 1 end provider.send(method) else raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot move #{direction} from #{st[:name]}" end end ("zone_#{self.should}").intern end # Are we moving up the property tree? def up? current_value = self.retrieve self.class.state_index(current_value) < self.class.state_index(self.should) end end newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the zone." isnamevar end newparam(:id) do desc "The numerical ID of the zone. This number is autogenerated and cannot be changed." end newparam(:clone) do desc "Instead of installing the zone, clone it from another zone. If the zone root resides on a zfs file system, a snapshot will be used to create the clone, is it redisides on ufs, a copy of the zone will be used. The zone you clone from must not be running." end newproperty(:ip, :parent => ZoneMultiConfigProperty) do require 'ipaddr' desc "The IP address of the zone. IP addresses must be specified with the interface, separated by a colon, e.g.: bge0: For multiple interfaces, specify them in an array." # Add an interface. def add(str) interface, ip, defrouter = ipsplit(str) cmd = "add net\n" cmd += "set physical=#{interface}\n" if interface cmd += "set address=#{ip}\n" if ip cmd += "set defrouter=#{defrouter}\n" if defrouter #if @resource[:iptype] == :shared cmd += "end\n" end # Convert a string into the component interface, address and defrouter def ipsplit(str) interface, address, defrouter = str.split(':') return interface, address, defrouter end # Remove an interface. def rm(str) interface, ip, defrouter = ipsplit(str) # Reality seems to disagree with the documentation here; the docs # specify that braces are required, but they're apparently only # required if you're specifying multiple values. if ip "remove net address=#{ip}" elsif interface "remove net interface=#{interface}" else raise ArgumentError, "can not remove network based on default router" end end end newproperty(:iptype, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "The IP stack type of the zone. Can either be 'shared' or 'exclusive'." defaultto :shared newvalue :shared newvalue :exclusive def configtext "set ip-type=#{self.should}" end end newproperty(:autoboot, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "Whether the zone should automatically boot." defaultto true newvalue(:true) {} newvalue(:false) {} def configtext "set autoboot=#{self.should}" end end newproperty(:pool, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "The resource pool for this zone." def configtext "set pool=#{self.should}" end end newproperty(:shares, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "Number of FSS CPU shares allocated to the zone." def configtext "add rctl\nset name=zone.cpu-shares\nadd value (priv=privileged,limit=#{self.should},action=none)\nend" end end newproperty(:inherit, :parent => ZoneMultiConfigProperty) do desc "The list of directories that the zone inherits from the global zone. All directories must be fully qualified." validate do |value| unless value =~ /^\// raise ArgumentError, "Inherited filesystems must be fully qualified" end end # Add a directory to our list of inherited directories. def add(dir) "add inherit-pkg-dir\nset dir=#{dir}\nend" end def rm(dir) # Reality seems to disagree with the documentation here; the docs # specify that braces are required, but they're apparently only # required if you're specifying multiple values. "remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=#{dir}" end def should @should end end # Specify the sysidcfg file. This is pretty hackish, because it's # only used to boot the zone the very first time. newparam(:sysidcfg) do desc %{The text to go into the sysidcfg file when the zone is first booted. The best way is to use a template: # $templatedir/sysidcfg system_locale=en_US timezone=GMT terminal=xterms security_policy=NONE root_password=<%= password %> timeserver=localhost name_service=DNS {domain_name=<%= domain %> name_server=<%= nameserver %>} network_interface=primary {hostname=<%= realhostname %> ip_address=<%= ip %> netmask=<%= netmask %> protocol_ipv6=no default_route=<%= defaultroute %>} nfs4_domain=dynamic And then call that: zone { myzone: ip => "bge0:", sysidcfg => template(sysidcfg), path => "/opt/zones/myzone", realhostname => "fully.qualified.domain.name" } The sysidcfg only matters on the first booting of the zone, so Puppet only checks for it at that time.} end newparam(:path) do desc "The root of the zone's filesystem. Must be a fully qualified file name. If you include '%s' in the path, then it will be replaced with the zone's name. At this point, you cannot use Puppet to move a zone." validate do |value| unless value =~ /^\// raise ArgumentError, "The zone base must be fully qualified" end end munge do |value| if value =~ /%s/ value % @resource[:name] else value end end end newparam(:create_args) do desc "Arguments to the zonecfg create command. This can be used to create branded zones." end newparam(:install_args) do desc "Arguments to the zoneadm install command. This can be used to create branded zones." end newparam(:realhostname) do desc "The actual hostname of the zone." end # If Puppet is also managing the base dir or its parent dir, list them # both as prerequisites. autorequire(:file) do if @parameters.include? :path [@parameters[:path].value, File.dirname(@parameters[:path].value)] else nil end end def validate_ip(ip, name) IPAddr.new(ip) if ip rescue ArgumentError self.fail "'#{ip}' is an invalid #{name}" end validate do value = self[:ip] interface, address, defrouter = value.split(':') if self[:iptype] == :shared if (interface && address && defrouter.nil?) || (interface && address && defrouter) validate_ip(address, "IP address") validate_ip(defrouter, "default router") else self.fail "ip must contain interface name and ip address separated by a \":\"" end else self.fail "only interface may be specified when using exclusive IP stack: #{value}" unless interface && address.nil? && defrouter.nil? end self.fail "zone path is required" unless self[:path] end def retrieve provider.flush if hash = provider.properties and hash[:ensure] != :absent result = setstatus(hash) result else # Return all properties as absent. return properties.inject({}) do | prophash, property| prophash[property] = :absent prophash end end end # Take the results of a listing and set everything appropriately. def setstatus(hash) prophash = {} hash.each do |param, value| next if param == :name case self.class.attrtype(param) when :property # Only try to provide values for the properties we're managing if prop = self.property(param) prophash[prop] = value end else self[param] = value end end prophash end end