diff --git a/spec/unit/configurer_spec.rb b/spec/unit/configurer_spec.rb index 0c9d06362..ebc5768ea 100755 --- a/spec/unit/configurer_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/configurer_spec.rb @@ -1,494 +1,494 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-11-12. # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/configurer' describe Puppet::Configurer do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new end it "should include the Plugin Handler module" do Puppet::Configurer.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Configurer::PluginHandler) end it "should include the Fact Handler module" do Puppet::Configurer.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Configurer::FactHandler) end it "should use the puppetdlockfile as its lockfile path" do Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:puppetdlockfile).returns("/my/lock") Puppet::Configurer.lockfile_path.should == "/my/lock" end describe "when executing a pre-run hook" do it "should do nothing if the hook is set to an empty string" do Puppet.settings[:prerun_command] = "" Puppet::Util.expects(:exec).never @agent.execute_prerun_command end it "should execute any pre-run command provided via the 'prerun_command' setting" do Puppet.settings[:prerun_command] = "/my/command" Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/command" } @agent.execute_prerun_command end it "should fail if the command fails" do Puppet.settings[:prerun_command] = "/my/command" Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure lambda { @agent.execute_prerun_command }.should raise_error(Puppet::Configurer::CommandHookError) end end describe "when executing a post-run hook" do it "should do nothing if the hook is set to an empty string" do Puppet.settings[:postrun_command] = "" Puppet::Util.expects(:exec).never @agent.execute_postrun_command end it "should execute any post-run command provided via the 'postrun_command' setting" do Puppet.settings[:postrun_command] = "/my/command" Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/command" } @agent.execute_postrun_command end it "should fail if the command fails" do Puppet.settings[:postrun_command] = "/my/command" Puppet::Util.expects(:execute).raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure lambda { @agent.execute_postrun_command }.should raise_error(Puppet::Configurer::CommandHookError) end end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when initializing a report" do it "should return an instance of a transaction report" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new @agent.initialize_report.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Transaction::Report) end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when executing a catalog run" do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new @agent.stubs(:prepare) @agent.stubs(:facts_for_uploading).returns({}) @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @catalog.stubs(:apply) @agent.stubs(:retrieve_catalog).returns @catalog Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:close) end it "should prepare for the run" do @agent.expects(:prepare) @agent.run end it "should initialize a transaction report if one is not provided" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report @agent.run end it "should pass the new report to the catalog" do report = stub 'report' @agent.stubs(:initialize_report).returns report @catalog.expects(:apply).with{|options| options[:report] == report} @agent.run end it "should use the provided report if it was passed one" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).never @catalog.expects(:apply).with{|options| options[:report] == report} @agent.run(:report => report) end it "should set the report as a log destination" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(report) @agent.run end it "should retrieve the catalog" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog) @agent.run end it "should log a failure and do nothing if no catalog can be retrieved" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).returns nil Puppet.expects(:err).with "Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run" @agent.run end it "should apply the catalog with all options to :run" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).returns @catalog @catalog.expects(:apply).with { |args| args[:one] == true } @agent.run :one => true end it "should accept a catalog and use it instead of retrieving a different one" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).never @catalog.expects(:apply) @agent.run :one => true, :catalog => @catalog end it "should benchmark how long it takes to apply the catalog" do @agent.expects(:benchmark).with(:notice, "Finished catalog run") @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).returns @catalog @catalog.expects(:apply).never # because we're not yielding @agent.run end it "should execute post-run hooks after the run" do @agent.expects(:execute_postrun_command) @agent.run end it "should send the report" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report @agent.expects(:send_report).with { |r, trans| r == report } @agent.run end it "should send the transaction report with a reference to the transaction if a run was actually made" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report trans = stub 'transaction' @catalog.expects(:apply).returns trans @agent.expects(:send_report).with { |r, t| t == trans } @agent.run :catalog => @catalog end it "should send the transaction report even if the catalog could not be retrieved" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).returns nil report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report @agent.expects(:send_report) @agent.run end it "should send the transaction report even if there is a failure" do @agent.expects(:retrieve_catalog).raises "whatever" report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report @agent.expects(:send_report) lambda { @agent.run }.should raise_error end it "should remove the report as a log destination when the run is finished" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:close).with(report) @agent.run end it "should return the report as the result of the run" do report = stub 'report' @agent.expects(:initialize_report).returns report @agent.run.should equal(report) end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when sending a report" do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @configurer = Puppet::Configurer.new @report = stub 'report' @trans = stub 'transaction' end it "should require a report" do lambda { @configurer.send_report }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow specification of a transaction" do lambda { @configurer.send_report(@report, @trans) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use any provided transaction to add metrics to the report" do @trans.expects(:generate_report) @configurer.send_report(@report, @trans) end it "should print a report summary if configured to do so" do Puppet.settings[:summarize] = true @report.expects(:summary).returns "stuff" @configurer.expects(:puts).with("stuff") @configurer.send_report(@report) end it "should not print a report summary if not configured to do so" do Puppet.settings[:summarize] = false @configurer.expects(:puts).never @configurer.send_report(@report) end it "should save the report if reporting is enabled" do Puppet.settings[:report] = true @report.expects(:save) @configurer.send_report(@report) end it "should not save the report if reporting is disabled" do Puppet.settings[:report] = false @report.expects(:save).never @configurer.send_report(@report) end it "should log but not fail if saving the report fails" do Puppet.settings[:report] = true @report.expects(:save).raises "whatever" Puppet.expects(:err) lambda { @configurer.send_report(@report) }.should_not raise_error end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when retrieving a catalog" do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new @agent.stubs(:facts_for_uploading).returns({}) @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new # this is the default when using a Configurer instance Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class).returns :rest @agent.stubs(:convert_catalog).returns @catalog end describe "and configured to only retrieve a catalog from the cache" do before do Puppet.settings[:use_cached_catalog] = true end it "should first look in the cache for a catalog" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.returns @catalog Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.never @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end it "should compile a new catalog if none is found in the cache" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.returns nil Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end end describe "when not using a REST terminus for catalogs" do it "should not pass any facts when retrieving the catalog" do @agent.expects(:facts_for_uploading).never Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:facts].nil? }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog end end describe "when using a REST terminus for catalogs" do it "should pass the prepared facts and the facts format as arguments when retrieving the catalog" do @agent.expects(:facts_for_uploading).returns(:facts => "myfacts", :facts_format => :foo) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:facts] == "myfacts" and options[:facts_format] == :foo }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog end end it "should use the Catalog class to get its catalog" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog end it "should use its certname to retrieve the catalog" do Facter.stubs(:value).returns "eh" Puppet.settings[:certname] = "myhost.domain.com" Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| name == "myhost.domain.com" }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog end it "should default to returning a catalog retrieved directly from the server, skipping the cache" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end it "should log and return the cached catalog when no catalog can be retrieved from the server" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns nil Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.returns @catalog Puppet.expects(:notice) @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end it "should not look in the cache for a catalog if one is returned from the server" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns @catalog Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.never @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end it "should return the cached catalog when retrieving the remote catalog throws an exception" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.raises "eh" Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.returns @catalog @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == @catalog end it "should log and return nil if no catalog can be retrieved from the server and :usecacheonfailure is disabled" do Puppet.stubs(:[]) Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:usecacheonfailure).returns false Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns nil Puppet.expects(:warning) @agent.retrieve_catalog.should be_nil end it "should return nil if no cached catalog is available and no catalog can be retrieved from the server" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_cache] == true }.returns nil Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).with { |name, options| options[:ignore_terminus] == true }.returns nil @agent.retrieve_catalog.should be_nil end it "should convert the catalog before returning" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:find).returns @catalog @agent.expects(:convert_catalog).with { |cat, dur| cat == @catalog }.returns "converted catalog" @agent.retrieve_catalog.should == "converted catalog" end it "should return nil if there is an error while retrieving the catalog" do - Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).raises "eh" + Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:find).at_least_once.raises "eh" @agent.retrieve_catalog.should be_nil end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when converting the catalog" do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @oldcatalog = stub 'old_catalog', :to_ral => @catalog end it "should convert the catalog to a RAL-formed catalog" do @oldcatalog.expects(:to_ral).returns @catalog @agent.convert_catalog(@oldcatalog, 10).should equal(@catalog) end it "should finalize the catalog" do @catalog.expects(:finalize) @agent.convert_catalog(@oldcatalog, 10) end it "should record the passed retrieval time with the RAL catalog" do @catalog.expects(:retrieval_duration=).with 10 @agent.convert_catalog(@oldcatalog, 10) end it "should write the RAL catalog's class file" do @catalog.expects(:write_class_file) @agent.convert_catalog(@oldcatalog, 10) end end describe Puppet::Configurer, "when preparing for a run" do before do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use).returns(true) @agent = Puppet::Configurer.new @agent.stubs(:dostorage) @agent.stubs(:download_fact_plugins) @agent.stubs(:download_plugins) @agent.stubs(:execute_prerun_command) @facts = {"one" => "two", "three" => "four"} end it "should initialize the metadata store" do @agent.class.stubs(:facts).returns(@facts) @agent.expects(:dostorage) @agent.prepare end it "should download fact plugins" do @agent.expects(:download_fact_plugins) @agent.prepare end it "should download plugins" do @agent.expects(:download_plugins) @agent.prepare end it "should perform the pre-run commands" do @agent.expects(:execute_prerun_command) @agent.prepare end end