diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/yumrepo.rb b/lib/puppet/type/yumrepo.rb index d9ff11d3b..028717071 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/yumrepo.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/yumrepo.rb @@ -1,360 +1,363 @@ require 'uri' Puppet::Type.newtype(:yumrepo) do @doc = "The client-side description of a yum repository. Repository configurations are found by parsing `/etc/yum.conf` and the files indicated by the `reposdir` option in that file (see `yum.conf(5)` for details). Most parameters are identical to the ones documented in the `yum.conf(5)` man page. Continuation lines that yum supports (for the `baseurl`, for example) are not supported. This type does not attempt to read or verify the exinstence of files listed in the `include` attribute." # Ensure yumrepos can be removed too. ensurable # Doc string for properties that can be made 'absent' ABSENT_DOC="Set this to `absent` to remove it from the file completely." # False can be false/0/no and True can be true/1/yes in yum. YUM_BOOLEAN=/^(True|False|0|1|No|Yes)$/i YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC="Valid values are: False/0/No or True/1/Yes." VALID_SCHEMES = %w[file http https ftp] newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc "The name of the repository. This corresponds to the `repositoryid` parameter in `yum.conf(5)`." end newparam(:target) do desc "The filename to write the yum repository to." defaultto :absent end newproperty(:descr) do desc "A human-readable description of the repository. This corresponds to the name parameter in `yum.conf(5)`. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:mirrorlist) do desc "The URL that holds the list of mirrors for this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' parsed = URI.parse(value) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end newproperty(:baseurl) do desc "The URL for this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' value.split(/\s+/).each do |uri| parsed = URI.parse(uri) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end end newproperty(:enabled) do desc "Whether this repository is enabled. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:gpgcheck) do desc "Whether to check the GPG signature on packages installed from this repository. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:repo_gpgcheck) do desc "Whether to check the GPG signature on repodata. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:gpgkey) do desc "The URL for the GPG key with which packages from this repository are signed. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' value.split(/\s+/).each do |uri| parsed = URI.parse(uri) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end end newproperty(:mirrorlist_expire) do desc "Time (in seconds) after which the mirrorlist locally cached will expire.\n#{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^[0-9]+$/, :absent) end newproperty(:include) do desc "The URL of a remote file containing additional yum configuration settings. Puppet does not check for this file's existence or validity. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' parsed = URI.parse(value) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end newproperty(:exclude) do desc "List of shell globs. Matching packages will never be considered in updates or installs for this repo. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:gpgcakey) do desc "The URL for the GPG CA key for this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' parsed = URI.parse(value) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end newproperty(:includepkgs) do desc "List of shell globs. If this is set, only packages matching one of the globs will be considered for update or install from this repo. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:enablegroups) do desc "Whether yum will allow the use of package groups for this repository. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:failovermethod) do desc "The failover method for this repository; should be either `roundrobin` or `priority`. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^roundrobin|priority$/, :absent) end newproperty(:keepalive) do desc "Whether HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be used with this repository. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:retries) do desc "Set the number of times any attempt to retrieve a file should retry before returning an error. Setting this to `0` makes yum try forever.\n#{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^[0-9]+$/, :absent) end newproperty(:http_caching) do desc "What to cache from this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^(packages|all|none)$/, :absent) end newproperty(:timeout) do desc "Number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing out. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^\d+$/, :absent) end newproperty(:metadata_expire) do desc "Number of seconds after which the metadata will expire. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^([0-9]+[dhm]?|never)$/, :absent) end newproperty(:protect) do desc "Enable or disable protection for this repository. Requires that the `protectbase` plugin is installed and enabled. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:priority) do desc "Priority of this repository from 1-99. Requires that the `priorities` plugin is installed and enabled. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' unless (1..99).include?(value.to_i) fail("Must be within range 1-99") end end end newproperty(:throttle) do desc "Enable bandwidth throttling for downloads. This option can be expressed as a absolute data rate in bytes/sec or a percentage `60%`. An SI prefix (k, M or G) may be appended to the data rate values.\n#{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^\d+[kMG%]?$/, :absent) end newproperty(:bandwidth) do desc "Use to specify the maximum available network bandwidth in bytes/second. Used with the `throttle` option. If `throttle` is a percentage and `bandwidth` is `0` then bandwidth throttling will be disabled. If `throttle` is expressed as a data rate then this option is ignored.\n#{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^\d+[kMG]?$/, :absent) end newproperty(:cost) do desc "Cost of this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/^\d+$/, :absent) end newproperty(:proxy) do - desc "URL to the proxy server for this repository. #{ABSENT_DOC}" + desc "URL of a proxy server that Yum should use when accessing this repository. + This attribute can also be set to `'_none_'`, which will make Yum bypass any + global proxy settings when accessing this repository. + #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s =~ /^(absent|_none_)$/ parsed = URI.parse(value) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end newproperty(:proxy_username) do desc "Username for this proxy. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:proxy_password) do desc "Password for this proxy. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:s3_enabled) do desc "Access the repo via S3. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:sslcacert) do desc "Path to the directory containing the databases of the certificate authorities yum should use to verify SSL certificates. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:sslverify) do desc "Should yum verify SSL certificates/hosts at all. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end newproperty(:sslclientcert) do desc "Path to the SSL client certificate yum should use to connect to repos/remote sites. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:sslclientkey) do desc "Path to the SSL client key yum should use to connect to repos/remote sites. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) end newproperty(:metalink) do desc "Metalink for mirrors. #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(/.*/, :absent) validate do |value| next if value.to_s == 'absent' parsed = URI.parse(value) unless VALID_SCHEMES.include?(parsed.scheme) raise "Must be a valid URL" end end end newproperty(:skip_if_unavailable) do desc "Should yum skip this repository if unable to reach it. #{YUM_BOOLEAN_DOC} #{ABSENT_DOC}" newvalues(YUM_BOOLEAN, :absent) end end