diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb index fdec7ae45..6deab0c2a 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb @@ -1,1281 +1,1283 @@ require 'puppet' require 'sync' require 'getoptlong' require 'puppet/util/loadedfile' require 'puppet/util/command_line/puppet_option_parser' class Puppet::SettingsError < Puppet::Error end # The class for handling configuration files. class Puppet::Util::Settings include Enumerable require 'puppet/util/settings/string_setting' require 'puppet/util/settings/file_setting' require 'puppet/util/settings/directory_setting' + require 'puppet/util/settings/path_setting' require 'puppet/util/settings/boolean_setting' # local reference for convenience PuppetOptionParser = Puppet::Util::CommandLine::PuppetOptionParser attr_accessor :files attr_reader :timer READ_ONLY_SETTINGS = [:run_mode] # These are the settings that every app is required to specify; there are reasonable defaults defined in application.rb. REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS = [:run_mode, :logdir, :confdir, :vardir] # This method is intended for puppet internal use only; it is a convenience method that # returns reasonable application default settings values for a given run_mode. def self.app_defaults_for_run_mode(run_mode) { :name => run_mode.to_s, :run_mode => run_mode.name, :confdir => run_mode.conf_dir, :vardir => run_mode.var_dir, :rundir => run_mode.run_dir, :logdir => run_mode.log_dir, } end def self.default_global_config_dir() Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? File.join(Dir::COMMON_APPDATA, "PuppetLabs", "puppet", "etc") : "/etc/puppet" end def self.default_user_config_dir() "~/.puppet" end def self.default_global_var_dir() Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? File.join(Dir::COMMON_APPDATA, "PuppetLabs", "puppet", "var") : "/var/lib/puppet" end def self.default_user_var_dir() "~/.puppet/var" end def self.default_config_file_name() "puppet.conf" end # Retrieve a config value def [](param) value(param) end # Set a config value. This doesn't set the defaults, it sets the value itself. def []=(param, value) set_value(param, value, :memory) end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that GetoptLong can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def addargs(options) # Add all of the config parameters as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| setting.getopt_args.each { |args| options << args } } options end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that OptionParser can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def optparse_addargs(options) # Add all of the config parameters as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| options << setting.optparse_args } options end # Is our parameter a boolean parameter? def boolean?(param) param = param.to_sym !!(@config.include?(param) and @config[param].kind_of? BooleanSetting) end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def clear @sync.synchronize do unsafe_clear end end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def unsafe_clear(clear_cli = true, clear_application_defaults = false) @values.each do |name, values| next if ((name == :application_defaults) and !clear_application_defaults) next if ((name == :cli) and !clear_cli) @values.delete(name) end # Only clear the 'used' values if we were explicitly asked to clear out # :cli values; otherwise, it may be just a config file reparse, # and we want to retain this cli values. @used = [] if clear_cli @app_defaults_initialized = false if clear_application_defaults @cache.clear end private :unsafe_clear # This is mostly just used for testing. def clearused @cache.clear @used = [] end def global_defaults_initialized?() @global_defaults_initialized end def initialize_global_settings(args = []) raise Puppet::DevError, "Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!" if global_defaults_initialized? # The first two phases of the lifecycle of a puppet application are: # 1) To parse the command line options and handle any of them that are registered, defined "global" puppet # settings (mostly from defaults.rb).) # 2) To parse the puppet config file(s). # # These 2 steps are being handled explicitly here. If there ever arises a situation where they need to be # triggered from outside of this class, without triggering the rest of the lifecycle--we might want to move them # out into a separate method that we call from here. However, this seems to be sufficient for now. # --cprice 2012-03-16 # Here's step 1. parse_global_options(args) # Here's step 2. NOTE: this is a change in behavior where we are now parsing the config file on every run; # before, there were several apps that specifically registered themselves as not requiring anything from # the config file. The fact that we're always parsing it now might be a small performance hit, but it was # necessary in order to make sure that we can resolve the libdir before we look for the available applications. parse_config_files @global_defaults_initialized = true end # This method is called during application bootstrapping. It is responsible for parsing all of the # command line options and initializing the settings accordingly. # # It will ignore options that are not defined in the global puppet settings list, because they may # be valid options for the specific application that we are about to launch... however, at this point # in the bootstrapping lifecycle, we don't yet know what that application is. def parse_global_options(args) # Create an option parser option_parser = PuppetOptionParser.new option_parser.ignore_invalid_options = true # Add all global options to it. self.optparse_addargs([]).each do |option| option_parser.on(*option) do |arg| opt, val = Puppet::Util::Settings.clean_opt(option[0], arg) handlearg(opt, val) end end option_parser.parse(args) end private :parse_global_options ## Private utility method; this is the callback that the OptionParser will use when it finds ## an option that was defined in Puppet.settings. All that this method does is a little bit ## of clanup to get the option into the exact format that Puppet.settings expects it to be in, ## and then passes it along to Puppet.settings. ## ## @param [String] opt the command-line option that was matched ## @param [String, TrueClass, FalseClass] the value for the setting (as determined by the OptionParser) #def handlearg(opt, val) # opt, val = self.class.clean_opt(opt, val) # Puppet.settings.handlearg(opt, val) #end #private :handlearg # A utility method (public, is used by application.rb and perhaps elsewhere) that munges a command-line # option string into the format that Puppet.settings expects. (This mostly has to deal with handling the # "no-" prefix on flag/boolean options). # # @param [String] opt the command line option that we are munging # @param [String, TrueClass, FalseClass] the value for the setting (as determined by the OptionParser) def self.clean_opt(opt, val) # rewrite --[no-]option to --no-option if that's what was given if opt =~ /\[no-\]/ and !val opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/,'no-') end # otherwise remove the [no-] prefix to not confuse everybody opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/, '') [opt, val] end def app_defaults_initialized?() @app_defaults_initialized end def initialize_app_defaults(app_defaults) raise Puppet::DevError, "Attempting to initialize application default settings more than once!" if app_defaults_initialized? REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS.each do |key| raise Puppet::SettingsError, "missing required app default setting '#{key}'" unless app_defaults.has_key?(key) end app_defaults.each do |key, value| set_value(key, value, :application_defaults) end call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization @app_defaults_initialized = true end def call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization(options = {}) @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization.each do |setting| begin setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) rescue Puppet::SettingsError => err raise err unless options[:ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors] #swallow. We're not concerned if we can't call hooks because dependencies don't exist yet #we'll get another chance after application defaults are initialized end end end private :call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization # Do variable interpolation on the value. def convert(value, environment = nil) return nil if value.nil? return value unless value.is_a? String newval = value.gsub(/\$(\w+)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) do |value| varname = $2 || $1 if varname == "environment" and environment environment elsif pval = self.value(varname, environment) pval else raise Puppet::SettingsError, "Could not find value for #{value}" end end newval end # Return a value's description. def description(name) if obj = @config[name.to_sym] obj.desc else nil end end def each @config.each { |name, object| yield name, object } end # Iterate over each section name. def eachsection yielded = [] @config.each do |name, object| section = object.section unless yielded.include? section yield section yielded << section end end end # Return an object by name. def setting(param) param = param.to_sym @config[param] end # Handle a command-line argument. def handlearg(opt, value = nil) @cache.clear if value.is_a?(FalseClass) value = "false" elsif value.is_a?(TrueClass) value = "true" end value &&= munge_value(value) str = opt.sub(/^--/,'') bool = true newstr = str.sub(/^no-/, '') if newstr != str str = newstr bool = false end str = str.intern if @config[str].is_a?(Puppet::Util::Settings::BooleanSetting) if value == "" or value.nil? value = bool end end set_value(str, value, :cli) end def include?(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @config.include?(name) end # check to see if a short name is already defined def shortinclude?(short) short = short.intern if name.is_a? String @shortnames.include?(short) end # Create a new collection of config settings. def initialize @config = {} @shortnames = {} @created = [] @searchpath = nil # Mutex-like thing to protect @values @sync = Sync.new # Keep track of set values. @values = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # And keep a per-environment cache @cache = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # The list of sections we've used. @used = [] @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization = [] end # NOTE: ACS ahh the util classes. . .sigh # as part of a fix for 1183, I pulled the logic for the following 5 methods out of the executables and puppet.rb # They probably deserve their own class, but I don't want to do that until I can refactor environments # its a little better than where they were # Prints the contents of a config file with the available config settings, or it # prints a single value of a config setting. def print_config_options env = value(:environment) val = value(:configprint) if val == "all" hash = {} each do |name, obj| val = value(name,env) val = val.inspect if val == "" hash[name] = val end hash.sort { |a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |name, val| puts "#{name} = #{val}" end else val.split(/\s*,\s*/).sort.each do |v| if include?(v) #if there is only one value, just print it for back compatibility if v == val puts value(val,env) break end puts "#{v} = #{value(v,env)}" else puts "invalid parameter: #{v}" return false end end end true end def generate_config puts to_config true end def generate_manifest puts to_manifest true end def print_configs return print_config_options if value(:configprint) != "" return generate_config if value(:genconfig) generate_manifest if value(:genmanifest) end def print_configs? (value(:configprint) != "" || value(:genconfig) || value(:genmanifest)) && true end # Return a given object's file metadata. def metadata(param) if obj = @config[param.to_sym] and obj.is_a?(FileSetting) return [:owner, :group, :mode].inject({}) do |meta, p| if v = obj.send(p) meta[p] = v end meta end else nil end end # Make a directory with the appropriate user, group, and mode def mkdir(default) obj = get_config_file_default(default) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(obj.owner, obj.group) do mode = obj.mode || 0750 Dir.mkdir(obj.value, mode) end end # Figure out the section name for the run_mode. def run_mode @run_mode || :user end # PRIVATE! This only exists because we need a hook to validate the run mode when it's being set, and # it should never, ever, ever, ever be called from outside of this file. def run_mode=(mode) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid run mode '#{mode}'" unless [:master, :agent, :user].include?(mode) @run_mode = mode end private :run_mode= # Return all of the parameters associated with a given section. def params(section = nil) if section section = section.intern if section.is_a? String @config.find_all { |name, obj| obj.section == section }.collect { |name, obj| name } else @config.keys end end # Parse the configuration file. Just provides # thread safety. def parse_config_files # we are now supporting multiple config files; the "main" config file will be the one located in # /etc/puppet (or overridden $confdir)... but we will also look for a config file in the user's home # directory. This was introduced in an effort to provide maximum backwards compatibility while # de-coupling the process of locating the config file from the "run mode" of the application. files = [main_config_file] files << user_config_file unless Puppet.features.root? @sync.synchronize do unsafe_parse(files) end # talking with cprice, Settings.parse will not be the final location for this. He's working on ticket # that, as a side effect, will create a more appropriate place for this. At that time, this will be # moved to the new location. --jeffweiss 24 apr 2012 call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization :ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors => true end private :parse_config_files def main_config_file # the algorithm here is basically this: # * use the explicit config file location if one has been specified; this can be affected by modifications # to either the "confdir" or "config" settings (most likely via CLI arguments). # * if no explicit config location has been specified, we fall back to the default. # # The easiest way to determine whether an explicit one has been specified is to simply attempt to evaluate # the value of ":config". This will obviously be successful if they've passed an explicit value for :config, # but it will also result in successful interpolation if they've only passed an explicit value for :confdir. # # If they've specified neither, then the interpolation will fail and we'll get an exception. # begin return self[:config] if self[:config] rescue Puppet::SettingsError => err # This means we failed to interpolate, which means that they didn't explicitly specify either :config or # :confdir... so we'll fall out to the default value. end # return the default value. return File.join(self.class.default_global_config_dir, config_file_name) end private :main_config_file def user_config_file return File.join(self.class.default_user_config_dir, config_file_name) end private :user_config_file # This method is here to get around some life-cycle issues. We need to be able to determine the config file name # before the settings / defaults are fully loaded. However, we also need to respect any overrides of this value # that the user may have specified on the command line. # # The easiest way to do this is to attempt to read the setting, and if we catch an error (meaning that it hasn't been # set yet), we'll fall back to the default value. def config_file_name begin return self[:config_file_name] if self[:config_file_name] rescue Puppet::SettingsError => err # This just means that the setting wasn't explicitly set on the command line, so we will ignore it and # fall through to the default name. end return self.class.default_config_file_name end private :config_file_name # Unsafely parse the file -- this isn't thread-safe and causes plenty of problems if used directly. def unsafe_parse(files) raise Puppet::DevError unless files.length > 0 # build up a single data structure that contains the values from all of the parsed files. data = {} files.each do |file| next unless FileTest.exist?(file) begin file_data = parse_file(file) # This is a little kludgy; basically we are merging a hash of hashes. We can't use "merge" at the # outermost level or we risking losing data from the hash we're merging into. file_data.keys.each do |key| if data.has_key?(key) data[key].merge!(file_data[key]) else data[key] = file_data[key] end end rescue => detail Puppet.log_exception(detail, "Could not parse #{file}: #{detail}") return end end # If we get here and don't have any data, we just return and don't muck with the current state of the world. return if data.empty? # If we get here then we have some data, so we need to clear out any previous settings that may have come from # config files. unsafe_clear(false, false) # And now we can repopulate with the values from our last parsing of the config files. metas = {} data.each do |area, values| metas[area] = values.delete(:_meta) values.each do |key,value| set_value(key, value, area, :dont_trigger_handles => true, :ignore_bad_settings => true ) end end # Determine our environment, if we have one. if @config[:environment] env = self.value(:environment).to_sym else env = "none" end # Call any hooks we should be calling. settings_with_hooks.each do |setting| each_source(env) do |source| if value = @values[source][setting.name] # We still have to use value to retrieve the value, since # we want the fully interpolated value, not $vardir/lib or whatever. # This results in extra work, but so few of the settings # will have associated hooks that it ends up being less work this # way overall. setting.handle(self.value(setting.name, env)) break end end end # We have to do it in the reverse of the search path, # because multiple sections could set the same value # and I'm too lazy to only set the metadata once. searchpath.reverse.each do |source| source = run_mode if source == :run_mode source = @name if (@name && source == :name) if meta = metas[source] set_metadata(meta) end end end private :unsafe_parse # Create a new setting. The value is passed in because it's used to determine # what kind of setting we're creating, but the value itself might be either # a default or a value, so we can't actually assign it. # # See #define_settings for documentation on the legal values for the ":type" option. def newsetting(hash) klass = nil hash[:section] = hash[:section].to_sym if hash[:section] if type = hash[:type] unless klass = { :string => StringSetting, :file => FileSetting, :directory => DirectorySetting, - :path => StringSetting, + :path => PathSetting, :boolean => BooleanSetting, } [type] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid setting type '#{type}'" end hash.delete(:type) else # The only implicit typing we still do for settings is to fall back to "String" type if they didn't explicitly # specify a type. Personally I'd like to get rid of this too, and make the "type" option mandatory... but # there was a little resistance to taking things quite that far for now. --cprice 2012-03-19 klass = StringSetting end hash[:settings] = self setting = klass.new(hash) setting end # This has to be private, because it doesn't add the settings to @config private :newsetting # Iterate across all of the objects in a given section. def persection(section) section = section.to_sym self.each { |name, obj| if obj.section == section yield obj end } end # Reparse our config file, if necessary. def reparse_config_files if files if filename = any_files_changed? Puppet.notice "Config file #{filename} changed; triggering re-parse of all config files." parse_config_files reuse end end end def files return @files if @files @files = [] [main_config_file, user_config_file].each do |path| if FileTest.exist?(path) @files << Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(path) end end @files end private :files # Checks to see if any of the config files have been modified # @return the filename of the first file that is found to have changed, or nil if no files have changed def any_files_changed? files.each do |file| return file.file if file.changed? end nil end private :any_files_changed? def reuse return unless defined?(@used) @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe new = @used @used = [] self.use(*new) end end # The order in which to search for values. def searchpath(environment = nil) if environment [:cli, :memory, environment, :run_mode, :main, :application_defaults] else [:cli, :memory, :run_mode, :main, :application_defaults] end end # Get a list of objects per section def sectionlist sectionlist = [] self.each { |name, obj| section = obj.section || "puppet" sections[section] ||= [] sectionlist << section unless sectionlist.include?(section) sections[section] << obj } return sectionlist, sections end def service_user_available? return @service_user_available if defined?(@service_user_available) return @service_user_available = false unless user_name = self[:user] user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new :name => self[:user], :audit => :ensure @service_user_available = user.exists? end def legacy_to_mode(type, param) require 'puppet/util/command_line/legacy_command_line' if Puppet::Util::CommandLine::LegacyCommandLine::LEGACY_APPS.has_key?(type) new_type = Puppet::Util::CommandLine::LegacyCommandLine::LEGACY_APPS[type].run_mode Puppet.deprecation_warning "You have configuration parameter $#{param} specified in [#{type}], which is a deprecated section. I'm assuming you meant [#{new_type}]" return new_type end type end # Allow later inspection to determine if the setting was set on the # command line, or through some other code path. Used for the # `dns_alt_names` option during cert generate. --daniel 2011-10-18 def set_by_cli?(param) param = param.to_sym !@values[:cli][param].nil? end def set_value(param, value, type, options = {}) param = param.to_sym unless setting = @config[param] if options[:ignore_bad_settings] return else raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to assign a value to unknown configuration parameter #{param.inspect}" end end - value = setting.munge(value) if setting.respond_to?(:munge) setting.handle(value) if setting.has_hook? and not options[:dont_trigger_handles] if read_only_settings.include? param and type != :application_defaults raise ArgumentError, "You're attempting to set configuration parameter $#{param}, which is read-only." end type = legacy_to_mode(type, param) @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe @values[type][param] = value @cache.clear clearused # Clear the list of environments, because they cache, at least, the module path. # We *could* preferentially just clear them if the modulepath is changed, # but we don't really know if, say, the vardir is changed and the modulepath # is defined relative to it. We need the defined?(stuff) because of loading # order issues. Puppet::Node::Environment.clear if defined?(Puppet::Node) and defined?(Puppet::Node::Environment) end # This is a hack. The run_mode should probably not be a "normal" setting, because the places # it is used tend to create lifecycle issues and cause other weird problems. In some places # we need for it to have a default value, in other places it may be preferable to be able to # determine that it has not yet been set. There used to be a global variable that some # code paths would access; as a first step towards cleaning it up, I've gotten rid of the global # variable and am instead using an instance variable in this class, but that means that if # someone modifies the value of the setting at a later point during execution, then the # instance variable needs to be updated as well... so that's what we're doing here. # # This code should be removed if we get a chance to remove run_mode from the defined settings. # --cprice 2012-03-19 self.run_mode = value if param == :run_mode value end # Deprecated; use #define_settings instead def setdefaults(section, defs) Puppet.deprecation_warning("'setdefaults' is deprecated and will be removed; please call 'define_settings' instead") define_settings(section, defs) end # Define a group of settings. # # @param [Symbol] section a symbol to use for grouping multiple settings together into a conceptual unit. This value # (and the conceptual separation) is not used very often; the main place where it will have a potential impact # is when code calls Settings#use method. See docs on that method for further details, but basically that method # just attempts to do any preparation that may be necessary before code attempts to leverage the value of a particular # setting. This has the most impact for file/directory settings, where #use will attempt to "ensure" those # files / directories. # @param [Hash[Hash]] defs the settings to be defined. This argument is a hash of hashes; each key should be a symbol, # which is basically the name of the setting that you are defining. The value should be another hash that specifies # the parameters for the particular setting. Legal values include: # [:default] => required; this is a string value that will be used as a default value for a setting if no other # value is specified (via cli, config file, etc.) This string may include "variables", demarcated with $ or ${}, # which will be interpolated with values of other settings. # [:desc] => required; a description of the setting, used in documentation / help generation # [:type] => not required, but highly encouraged! This specifies the data type that the setting represents. If # you do not specify it, it will default to "string". Legal values include: # :string - A generic string setting # :boolean - A boolean setting; values are expected to be "true" or "false" # :file - A (single) file path; puppet may attempt to create this file depending on how the settings are used. This type # also supports additional options such as "mode", "owner", "group" # :directory - A (single) directory path; puppet may attempt to create this file depending on how the settings are used. This type # also supports additional options such as "mode", "owner", "group" # :path - This is intended to be used for settings whose value can contain multiple directory paths, respresented # as strings separated by the system path separator (e.g. system path, module path, etc.). # [:mode] => an (optional) octal value to be used as the permissions/mode for :file and :directory settings # [:owner] => optional owner username/uid for :file and :directory settings # [:group] => optional group name/gid for :file and :directory settings # def define_settings(section, defs) section = section.to_sym call = [] defs.each { |name, hash| raise ArgumentError, "setting definition for '#{name}' is not a hash!" unless hash.is_a? Hash name = name.to_sym hash[:name] = name hash[:section] = section raise ArgumentError, "Parameter #{name} is already defined" if @config.include?(name) tryconfig = newsetting(hash) if short = tryconfig.short if other = @shortnames[short] raise ArgumentError, "Parameter #{other.name} is already using short name '#{short}'" end @shortnames[short] = tryconfig end @config[name] = tryconfig # Collect the settings that need to have their hooks called immediately. # We have to collect them so that we can be sure we're fully initialized before # the hook is called. call << tryconfig if tryconfig.call_hook_on_define? @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization << tryconfig if tryconfig.call_hook_on_initialize? } call.each { |setting| setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) } end # Convert the settings we manage into a catalog full of resources that model those settings. def to_catalog(*sections) sections = nil if sections.empty? catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("Settings") @config.keys.find_all { |key| @config[key].is_a?(FileSetting) }.each do |key| file = @config[key] next unless (sections.nil? or sections.include?(file.section)) next unless resource = file.to_resource next if catalog.resource(resource.ref) Puppet.debug("Using settings: adding file resource '#{key}': '#{resource.inspect}'") catalog.add_resource(resource) end add_user_resources(catalog, sections) catalog end # Convert our list of config settings into a configuration file. def to_config str = %{The configuration file for #{Puppet.run_mode.name}. Note that this file is likely to have unused configuration parameters in it; any parameter that's valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used. Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode. These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing. Generated on #{Time.now}. }.gsub(/^/, "# ") # Add a section heading that matches our name. if @config.include?(:run_mode) str += "[#{self[:run_mode]}]\n" end eachsection do |section| persection(section) do |obj| str += obj.to_config + "\n" unless read_only_settings.include? obj.name or obj.name == :genconfig end end return str end # Convert to a parseable manifest def to_manifest catalog = to_catalog catalog.resource_refs.collect do |ref| catalog.resource(ref).to_manifest end.join("\n\n") end # Create the necessary objects to use a section. This is idempotent; # you can 'use' a section as many times as you want. def use(*sections) sections = sections.collect { |s| s.to_sym } @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe sections = sections.reject { |s| @used.include?(s) } return if sections.empty? begin catalog = to_catalog(*sections).to_ral rescue => detail Puppet.log_and_raise(detail, "Could not create resources for managing Puppet's files and directories in sections #{sections.inspect}: #{detail}") end catalog.host_config = false catalog.apply do |transaction| if transaction.any_failed? report = transaction.report failures = report.logs.find_all { |log| log.level == :err } raise "Got #{failures.length} failure(s) while initializing: #{failures.collect { |l| l.to_s }.join("; ")}" end end sections.each { |s| @used << s } @used.uniq! end end def valid?(param) param = param.to_sym @config.has_key?(param) end def uninterpolated_value(param, environment = nil) param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym # See if we can find it within our searchable list of values val = find_value(environment, param) # If we didn't get a value, use the default val = @config[param].default if val.nil? val end def find_value(environment, param) each_source(environment) do |source| # Look for the value. We have to test the hash for whether # it exists, because the value might be false. @sync.synchronize do return @values[source][param] if @values[source].include?(param) end end return nil end private :find_value # Find the correct value using our search path. Optionally accept an environment # in which to search before the other configuration sections. def value(param, environment = nil, bypass_interpolation = false) param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym + setting = @config[param] + # Short circuit to nil for undefined parameters. return nil unless @config.include?(param) # Yay, recursion. #self.reparse unless [:config, :filetimeout].include?(param) # Check the cache first. It needs to be a per-environment # cache so that we don't spread values from one env # to another. if cached = @cache[environment||"none"][param] return cached end val = uninterpolated_value(param, environment) return val if bypass_interpolation if param == :code # if we interpolate code, all hell breaks loose. return val end # Convert it if necessary begin val = convert(val, environment) rescue Puppet::SettingsError => err raise Puppet::SettingsError.new("Error converting value for param '#{param}': #{err}") end - + val = setting.munge(val) if setting.respond_to?(:munge) # And cache it @cache[environment||"none"][param] = val val end # Open a file with the appropriate user, group, and mode def write(default, *args, &bloc) obj = get_config_file_default(default) writesub(default, value(obj.name), *args, &bloc) end # Open a non-default file under a default dir with the appropriate user, # group, and mode def writesub(default, file, *args, &bloc) obj = get_config_file_default(default) chown = nil if Puppet.features.root? chown = [obj.owner, obj.group] else chown = [nil, nil] end Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(*chown) do mode = obj.mode ? obj.mode.to_i : 0640 args << "w" if args.empty? args << mode # Update the umask to make non-executable files Puppet::Util.withumask(File.umask ^ 0111) do File.open(file, *args) do |file| yield file end end end end def readwritelock(default, *args, &bloc) file = value(get_config_file_default(default).name) tmpfile = file + ".tmp" sync = Sync.new raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot create #{file}; directory #{File.dirname(file)} does not exist" unless FileTest.directory?(File.dirname(tmpfile)) sync.synchronize(Sync::EX) do File.open(file, ::File::CREAT|::File::RDWR, 0600) do |rf| rf.lock_exclusive do if File.exist?(tmpfile) raise Puppet::Error, ".tmp file already exists for #{file}; Aborting locked write. Check the .tmp file and delete if appropriate" end # If there's a failure, remove our tmpfile begin writesub(default, tmpfile, *args, &bloc) rescue File.unlink(tmpfile) if FileTest.exist?(tmpfile) raise end begin File.rename(tmpfile, file) rescue => detail Puppet.err "Could not rename #{file} to #{tmpfile}: #{detail}" File.unlink(tmpfile) if FileTest.exist?(tmpfile) end end end end end private # This is just here to simplify testing. This method can be stubbed easily. Constants can't. def read_only_settings() READ_ONLY_SETTINGS end def get_config_file_default(default) obj = nil unless obj = @config[default] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown default #{default}" end raise ArgumentError, "Default #{default} is not a file" unless obj.is_a? FileSetting obj end def add_user_resources(catalog, sections) return unless Puppet.features.root? return if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? return unless self[:mkusers] @config.each do |name, setting| next unless setting.respond_to?(:owner) next unless sections.nil? or sections.include?(setting.section) if user = setting.owner and user != "root" and catalog.resource(:user, user).nil? resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:user, user, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) resource[:gid] = self[:group] if self[:group] catalog.add_resource resource end if group = setting.group and ! %w{root wheel}.include?(group) and catalog.resource(:group, group).nil? catalog.add_resource Puppet::Resource.new(:group, group, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) end end end # Yield each search source in turn. def each_source(environment) searchpath(environment).each do |source| # Modify the source as necessary. source = self.run_mode if source == :run_mode yield source end end # Return all settings that have associated hooks; this is so # we can call them after parsing the configuration file. def settings_with_hooks @config.values.find_all { |setting| setting.has_hook? } end # Extract extra setting information for files. def extract_fileinfo(string) result = {} value = string.sub(/\{\s*([^}]+)\s*\}/) do params = $1 params.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |str| if str =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\d]+)\s*$/ param, value = $1.intern, $2 result[param] = value raise ArgumentError, "Invalid file option '#{param}'" unless [:owner, :mode, :group].include?(param) if param == :mode and value !~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "File modes must be numbers" end else raise ArgumentError, "Could not parse '#{string}'" end end '' end result[:value] = value.sub(/\s*$/, '') result end # Convert arguments into booleans, integers, or whatever. def munge_value(value) # Handle different data types correctly return case value when /^false$/i; false when /^true$/i; true when /^\d+$/i; Integer(value) when true; true when false; false else value.gsub(/^["']|["']$/,'').sub(/\s+$/, '') end end # This method just turns a file in to a hash of hashes. def parse_file(file) text = read_file(file) result = Hash.new { |names, name| names[name] = {} } count = 0 # Default to 'main' for the section. section = :main result[section][:_meta] = {} text.split(/\n/).each do |line| count += 1 case line when /^\s*\[(\w+)\]\s*$/ section = $1.intern # Section names #disallow application_defaults in config file if section == :application_defaults raise Puppet::Error.new("Illegal section 'application_defaults' in config file", file, line) end # Add a meta section result[section][:_meta] ||= {} when /^\s*#/; next # Skip comments when /^\s*$/; next # Skip blanks when /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ # settings var = $1.intern # We don't want to munge modes, because they're specified in octal, so we'll # just leave them as a String, since Puppet handles that case correctly. if var == :mode value = $2 else value = munge_value($2) end # Check to see if this is a file argument and it has extra options begin if value.is_a?(String) and options = extract_fileinfo(value) value = options[:value] options.delete(:value) result[section][:_meta][var] = options end result[section][var] = value rescue Puppet::Error => detail detail.file = file detail.line = line raise end else error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not match line #{line}") error.file = file error.line = line raise error end end result end # Read the file in. def read_file(file) begin return File.read(file) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise ArgumentError, "No such file #{file}" rescue Errno::EACCES raise ArgumentError, "Permission denied to file #{file}" end end # Set file metadata. def set_metadata(meta) meta.each do |var, values| values.each do |param, value| @config[var].send(param.to_s + "=", value) end end end # Private method for internal test use only; allows to do a comprehensive clear of all settings between tests. # # @return nil def clear_everything_for_tests() @sync.synchronize do unsafe_clear(true, true) @global_defaults_initialized = false @app_defaults_initialized = false end end private :clear_everything_for_tests end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings/directory_setting.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings/directory_setting.rb index 8b7579cd3..c50ee95de 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/settings/directory_setting.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings/directory_setting.rb @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ require 'puppet/util/settings/file_setting' class Puppet::Util::Settings::DirectorySetting < Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting def type - return :directory + :directory end -end \ No newline at end of file +end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings/file_setting.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings/file_setting.rb index 0f308ccf3..d311541c8 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/settings/file_setting.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings/file_setting.rb @@ -1,126 +1,119 @@ require 'puppet/util/settings/string_setting' # A file. class Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting < Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting AllowedOwners = %w{root service} AllowedGroups = %w{root service} class SettingError < StandardError; end attr_accessor :mode, :create # Should we create files, rather than just directories? def create_files? create end def group=(value) unless AllowedGroups.include?(value) identifying_fields = [desc,name,default].compact.join(': ') raise SettingError, "Internal error: The :group setting for #{identifying_fields} must be 'service', not '#{value}'" end @group = value end def group return unless @group @settings[:group] end def owner=(value) unless AllowedOwners.include?(value) identifying_fields = [desc,name,default].compact.join(': ') raise SettingError, "Internal error: The :owner setting for #{identifying_fields} must be either 'root' or 'service', not '#{value}'" end @owner = value end def owner return unless @owner return "root" if @owner == "root" or ! use_service_user? @settings[:user] end def use_service_user? @settings[:mkusers] or @settings.service_user_available? end - # Set the type appropriately. Yep, a hack. This supports either naming - # the variable 'dir', or adding a slash at the end. def munge(value) - # If it's not a fully qualified path... - if value.is_a?(String) and value !~ /^\$/ and value != 'false' - # Preserve trailing slash (stripped by expand_path) - isdir = value =~ /\/$/ + if value.is_a?(String) value = File.expand_path(value) - value += '/' if isdir end value end - def type :file end # Turn our setting thing into a Puppet::Resource instance. def to_resource return nil unless type = self.type path = self.value return nil unless path.is_a?(String) # Make sure the paths are fully qualified. path = File.expand_path(path) return nil unless type == :directory or create_files? or File.exist?(path) return nil if path =~ /^\/dev/ or path =~ /^[A-Z]:\/dev/i resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) if Puppet[:manage_internal_file_permissions] if self.mode # This ends up mimicking the munge method of the mode # parameter to make sure that we're always passing the string # version of the octal number. If we were setting the # 'should' value for mode rather than the 'is', then the munge # method would be called for us automatically. Normally, one # wouldn't need to call the munge method manually, since # 'should' gets set by the provider and it should be able to # provide the data in the appropriate format. mode = self.mode mode = mode.to_i(8) if mode.is_a?(String) mode = mode.to_s(8) resource[:mode] = mode end # REMIND fails on Windows because chown/chgrp functionality not supported yet if Puppet.features.root? and !Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? resource[:owner] = self.owner if self.owner resource[:group] = self.group if self.group end end resource[:ensure] = type resource[:loglevel] = :debug resource[:links] = :follow resource[:backup] = false resource.tag(self.section, self.name, "settings") resource end # Make sure any provided variables look up to something. def validate(value) return true unless value.is_a? String value.scan(/\$(\w+)/) { |name| name = $1 unless @settings.include?(name) raise ArgumentError, "Settings parameter '#{name}' is undefined" end } end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings/path_setting.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings/path_setting.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b18ad1933 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings/path_setting.rb @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +require 'puppet/util/settings/string_setting' + +class Puppet::Util::Settings::PathSetting < Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting + def munge(value) + if value.is_a?(String) + value = value.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map { |d| File.expand_path(d) }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) + end + value + end +end diff --git a/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb b/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb index 3e0a62e62..164b7dd45 100755 --- a/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb @@ -1,308 +1,308 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/defaults' require 'puppet/rails' describe "Puppet defaults" do describe "when setting the :factpath" do it "should add the :factpath to Facter's search paths" do Facter.expects(:search).with("/my/fact/path") Puppet.settings[:factpath] = "/my/fact/path" end end describe "when setting the :certname" do it "should fail if the certname is not downcased" do lambda { Puppet.settings[:certname] = "Host.Domain.Com" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when setting :node_name_value" do it "should default to the value of :certname" do Puppet.settings[:certname] = 'blargle' Puppet.settings[:node_name_value].should == 'blargle' end end describe "when setting the :node_name_fact" do it "should fail when also setting :node_name_value" do lambda do Puppet.settings[:node_name_value] = "some value" Puppet.settings[:node_name_fact] = "some_fact" end.should raise_error("Cannot specify both the node_name_value and node_name_fact settings") end it "should not fail when using the default for :node_name_value" do lambda do Puppet.settings[:node_name_fact] = "some_fact" end.should_not raise_error end end describe "when :certdnsnames is set" do it "should not fail" do expect { Puppet[:certdnsnames] = 'fred:wilma' }.should_not raise_error end it "should warn the value is ignored" do Puppet.expects(:warning).with {|msg| msg =~ /CVE-2011-3872/ } Puppet[:certdnsnames] = 'fred:wilma' end end describe "when configuring the :crl" do it "should warn if :cacrl is set to false" do Puppet.expects(:warning) Puppet.settings[:cacrl] = 'false' end end describe "when setting the :catalog_format" do it "should log a deprecation notice" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) Puppet.settings[:catalog_format] = 'marshal' end it "should copy the value to :preferred_serialization_format" do Puppet.settings[:catalog_format] = 'marshal' Puppet.settings[:preferred_serialization_format].should == 'marshal' end end it "should have a clientyamldir setting" do Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir].should_not be_nil end it "should have different values for the yamldir and clientyamldir" do Puppet.settings[:yamldir].should_not == Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir] end it "should have a client_datadir setting" do Puppet.settings[:client_datadir].should_not be_nil end it "should have different values for the server_datadir and client_datadir" do Puppet.settings[:server_datadir].should_not == Puppet.settings[:client_datadir] end # See #1232 it "should not specify a user or group for the clientyamldir" do Puppet.settings.setting(:clientyamldir).owner.should be_nil Puppet.settings.setting(:clientyamldir).group.should be_nil end it "should use the service user and group for the yamldir" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true Puppet.settings.setting(:yamldir).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user] Puppet.settings.setting(:yamldir).group.should == Puppet.settings[:group] end # See #1232 it "should not specify a user or group for the rundir" do Puppet.settings.setting(:rundir).owner.should be_nil Puppet.settings.setting(:rundir).group.should be_nil end it "should specify that the host private key should be owned by the service user" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true Puppet.settings.setting(:hostprivkey).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user] end it "should specify that the host certificate should be owned by the service user" do Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true Puppet.settings.setting(:hostcert).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user] end it "should use a bind address of ''" do Puppet.settings.clear Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == "" end [:modulepath, :factpath].each do |setting| it "should configure '#{setting}' not to be a file setting, so multi-directory settings are acceptable" do - Puppet.settings.setting(setting).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting) + Puppet.settings.setting(setting).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::PathSetting) end end it "should add /usr/sbin and /sbin to the path if they're not there" do Puppet::Util.withenv("PATH" => "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin") do Puppet.settings[:path] = "none" # this causes it to ignore the setting ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).should be_include("/usr/sbin") ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).should be_include("/sbin") end end it "should default to pson for the preferred serialization format" do Puppet.settings.value(:preferred_serialization_format).should == "pson" end describe "when enabling storeconfigs" do before do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true end it "should set the Catalog cache class to :store_configs" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs) Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end it "should not set the Catalog cache class to :store_configs if asynchronous storeconfigs is enabled" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs).never Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:async_storeconfigs).returns true Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end it "should set the Facts cache class to :store_configs" do Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs) Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end it "should set the Node cache class to :store_configs" do Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs) Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end end describe "when enabling asynchronous storeconfigs" do before do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true end it "should set storeconfigs to true" do Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] = true Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs].should be_true end it "should set the Catalog cache class to :queue" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:queue) Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] = true end it "should set the Facts cache class to :store_configs" do Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs) Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end it "should set the Node cache class to :store_configs" do Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:store_configs) Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true end end describe "when enabling thin storeconfigs" do before do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true end it "should set storeconfigs to true" do Puppet.settings[:thin_storeconfigs] = true Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs].should be_true end end it "should have a setting for determining the configuration version and should default to an empty string" do Puppet.settings[:config_version].should == "" end describe "when enabling reports" do it "should use the default server value when report server is unspecified" do Puppet.settings[:server] = "server" Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "server" end it "should use the default masterport value when report port is unspecified" do Puppet.settings[:masterport] = "1234" Puppet.settings[:report_port].should == "1234" end it "should set report_server when reportserver is set" do Puppet.settings[:reportserver] = "reportserver" Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "reportserver" end it "should use report_port when set" do Puppet.settings[:masterport] = "1234" Puppet.settings[:report_port] = "5678" Puppet.settings[:report_port].should == "5678" end it "should prefer report_server over reportserver" do Puppet.settings[:reportserver] = "reportserver" Puppet.settings[:report_server] = "report_server" Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "report_server" end end it "should have a :caname setting that defaults to the cert name" do Puppet.settings[:certname] = "foo" Puppet.settings[:ca_name].should == "Puppet CA: foo" end it "should have a 'prerun_command' that defaults to the empty string" do Puppet.settings[:prerun_command].should == "" end it "should have a 'postrun_command' that defaults to the empty string" do Puppet.settings[:postrun_command].should == "" end it "should have a 'certificate_revocation' setting that defaults to true" do Puppet.settings[:certificate_revocation].should be_true end it "should have an http_compression setting that defaults to false" do Puppet.settings[:http_compression].should be_false end describe "reportdir" do subject { Puppet.settings[:reportdir] } it { should == "#{Puppet[:vardir]}/reports" } end describe "reporturl" do subject { Puppet.settings[:reporturl] } it { should == "http://localhost:3000/reports/upload" } end describe "when configuring color" do subject { Puppet.settings[:color] } it { should == "ansi" } end describe "daemonize" do it "should default to true", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do Puppet.settings[:daemonize].should == true end describe "on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do it "should default to false" do Puppet.settings[:daemonize].should == false end it "should raise an error if set to true" do lambda { Puppet.settings[:daemonize] = true }.should raise_error(/Cannot daemonize on Windows/) end end end describe "diff" do it "should default to 'diff' on POSIX", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do Puppet.settings[:diff].should == 'diff' end it "should default to '' on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do Puppet.settings[:diff].should == '' end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb b/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb index 2f3a9a0e3..0d3f09bb4 100755 --- a/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/application/agent_spec.rb @@ -1,621 +1,624 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/agent' require 'puppet/application/agent' require 'puppet/network/server' require 'puppet/daemon' describe Puppet::Application::Agent do + include PuppetSpec::Files + before :each do @puppetd = Puppet::Application[:agent] @puppetd.stubs(:puts) @daemon = stub_everything 'daemon' Puppet::Daemon.stubs(:new).returns(@daemon) Puppet[:daemonize] = false @agent = stub_everything 'agent' Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).returns(@agent) @puppetd.preinit Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Node.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) end it "should operate in agent run_mode" do @puppetd.class.run_mode.name.should == :agent end it "should declare a main command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:main) end it "should declare a onetime command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:onetime) end it "should declare a fingerprint command" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:fingerprint) end it "should declare a preinit block" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:preinit) end describe "in preinit" do it "should catch INT" do Signal.expects(:trap).with { |arg,block| arg == :INT } @puppetd.preinit end it "should init client to true" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:client].should be_true end it "should init fqdn to nil" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:fqdn].should be_nil end it "should init serve to []" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:serve].should == [] end it "should use MD5 as default digest algorithm" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:digest].should == :MD5 end it "should not fingerprint by default" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:fingerprint].should be_false end it "should init waitforcert to nil" do @puppetd.preinit @puppetd.options[:waitforcert].should be_nil end end describe "when handling options" do before do @puppetd.command_line.stubs(:args).returns([]) end [:centrallogging, :enable, :debug, :fqdn, :test, :verbose, :digest].each do |option| it "should declare handle_#{option} method" do @puppetd.should respond_to("handle_#{option}".to_sym) end it "should store argument value when calling handle_#{option}" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(option, 'arg') @puppetd.send("handle_#{option}".to_sym, 'arg') end end describe "when handling --disable" do it "should declare handle_disable method" do @puppetd.should respond_to(:handle_disable) end it "should set disable to true" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:disable, true) @puppetd.handle_disable('') end it "should store disable message" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:disable_message, "message") @puppetd.handle_disable('message') end end it "should set client to false with --no-client" do @puppetd.handle_no_client(nil) @puppetd.options[:client].should be_false end it "should set waitforcert to 0 with --onetime and if --waitforcert wasn't given" do Puppet[:onetime] = true Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(0) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should use supplied waitforcert when --onetime is specified" do Puppet[:onetime] = true @puppetd.handle_waitforcert(60) Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(60) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should use a default value for waitforcert when --onetime and --waitforcert are not specified" do Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(120) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should use the waitforcert setting when checking for a signed certificate" do Puppet[:waitforcert] = 10 Puppet::SSL::Host.any_instance.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(10) @puppetd.setup_host end it "should set the log destination with --logdest" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=).with { |opt,val| opt == :setdest } Puppet::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("console") @puppetd.handle_logdest("console") end it "should put the setdest options to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:setdest,true) @puppetd.handle_logdest("console") end it "should parse the log destination from the command line" do @puppetd.command_line.stubs(:args).returns(%w{--logdest /my/file}) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("/my/file") @puppetd.parse_options end it "should store the waitforcert options with --waitforcert" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:waitforcert,42) @puppetd.handle_waitforcert("42") end it "should set args[:Port] with --port" do @puppetd.handle_port("42") @puppetd.args[:Port].should == "42" end end describe "during setup" do before :each do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]) Puppet.stubs(:info) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) Puppet[:libdir] = "/dev/null/lib" Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:ca_location=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.stubs(:cache_class=) Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=) @host = stub_everything 'host' Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:new).returns(@host) Puppet.stubs(:settraps) end describe "with --test" do before :each do #Puppet.settings.stubs(:handlearg) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]=) end it "should call setup_test" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:test).returns(true) @puppetd.expects(:setup_test) @puppetd.setup end it "should set options[:verbose] to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:verbose,true) @puppetd.setup_test end it "should set options[:onetime] to true" do Puppet[:onetime] = false @puppetd.setup_test Puppet[:onetime].should == true end it "should set options[:detailed_exitcodes] to true" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]=).with(:detailed_exitcodes,true) @puppetd.setup_test end end it "should call setup_logs" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_logs) @puppetd.setup end describe "when setting up logs" do before :each do Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) end it "should set log level to debug if --debug was passed" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(true) @puppetd.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :debug end it "should set log level to info if --verbose was passed" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(true) @puppetd.setup_logs Puppet::Util::Log.level.should == :info end [:verbose, :debug].each do |level| it "should set console as the log destination with level #{level}" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(level).returns(true) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with(:console) @puppetd.setup_logs end end it "should set a default log destination if no --logdest" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:setdest).returns(false) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:setup_default) @puppetd.setup_logs end end it "should print puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do Puppet[:configprint] = "pluginsync" Puppet.settings.expects(:print_configs).returns true expect { @puppetd.setup }.to exit_with 0 end it "should exit after printing puppet config if asked to in Puppet config" do - Puppet[:modulepath] = '/my/path' + path = make_absolute('/my/path') + Puppet[:modulepath] = path Puppet[:configprint] = "modulepath" - Puppet::Util::Settings.any_instance.expects(:puts).with('/my/path') + Puppet::Util::Settings.any_instance.expects(:puts).with(path) expect { @puppetd.setup }.to exit_with 0 end it "should set a central log destination with --centrallogs" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:centrallogs).returns(true) Puppet[:server] = "puppet.reductivelabs.com" Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:setup_default) Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:newdestination).with("puppet.reductivelabs.com") @puppetd.setup end it "should use :main, :puppetd, and :ssl" do Puppet.settings.expects(:use).with(:main, :agent, :ssl) @puppetd.setup end it "should install a remote ca location" do Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:remote) @puppetd.setup end it "should install a none ca location in fingerprint mode" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:none) @puppetd.setup end it "should tell the report handler to use REST" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with(:rest) @puppetd.setup end it "should tell the report handler to cache locally as yaml" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @puppetd.setup end it "should change the catalog_terminus setting to 'rest'" do Puppet[:catalog_terminus] = :foo @puppetd.setup Puppet[:catalog_terminus].should == :rest end it "should tell the catalog handler to use cache" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) @puppetd.setup end it "should change the facts_terminus setting to 'facter'" do Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :foo @puppetd.setup Puppet[:facts_terminus].should == :facter end it "should create an agent" do Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).with(Puppet::Configurer) @puppetd.setup end [:enable, :disable].each do |action| it "should delegate to enable_disable_client if we #{action} the agent" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(action).returns(true) @puppetd.expects(:enable_disable_client).with(@agent) @puppetd.setup end end describe "when enabling or disabling agent" do [:enable, :disable].each do |action| it "should call client.#{action}" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(action).returns(true) @agent.expects(action) expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end end it "should pass the disable message when disabling" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable_message).returns("message") @agent.expects(:disable).with("message") expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end it "should pass the default disable message when disabling without a message" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:disable_message).returns(nil) @agent.expects(:disable).with("reason not specified") expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end it "should finally exit" do expect { @puppetd.enable_disable_client(@agent) }.to exit_with 0 end end it "should inform the daemon about our agent if :client is set to 'true'" do @puppetd.options.expects(:[]).with(:client).returns true @daemon.expects(:agent=).with(@agent) @puppetd.setup end it "should not inform the daemon about our agent if :client is set to 'false'" do @puppetd.options[:client] = false @daemon.expects(:agent=).never @puppetd.setup end it "should daemonize if needed" do Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false Puppet[:daemonize] = true @daemon.expects(:daemonize) @puppetd.setup end it "should wait for a certificate" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:waitforcert).returns(123) @host.expects(:wait_for_cert).with(123) @puppetd.setup end it "should not wait for a certificate in fingerprint mode" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:waitforcert).returns(123) @host.expects(:wait_for_cert).never @puppetd.setup end it "should setup listen if told to and not onetime" do Puppet[:listen] = true @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(false) @puppetd.expects(:setup_listen) @puppetd.setup end describe "when setting up listen" do before :each do Puppet[:authconfig] = 'auth' FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with('auth').returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:serve).returns([]) @server = stub_everything 'server' Puppet::Network::Server.stubs(:new).returns(@server) end it "should exit if no authorization file" do Puppet.stubs(:err) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with(Puppet[:rest_authconfig]).returns(false) expect { @puppetd.setup_listen }.to exit_with 14 end it "should use puppet default port" do Puppet[:puppetport] = 32768 Puppet::Network::Server.expects(:new).with { |args| args[:port] == 32768 } @puppetd.setup_listen end end describe "when setting up for fingerprint" do before(:each) do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) end it "should not setup as an agent" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_agent).never @puppetd.setup end it "should not create an agent" do Puppet::Agent.stubs(:new).with(Puppet::Configurer).never @puppetd.setup end it "should not daemonize" do @daemon.expects(:daemonize).never @puppetd.setup end it "should setup our certificate host" do @puppetd.expects(:setup_host) @puppetd.setup end end end describe "when running" do before :each do @puppetd.agent = @agent @puppetd.daemon = @daemon @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(false) end it "should dispatch to fingerprint if --fingerprint is used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.stubs(:fingerprint) @puppetd.run_command end it "should dispatch to onetime if --onetime is used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(true) @puppetd.stubs(:onetime) @puppetd.run_command end it "should dispatch to main if --onetime and --fingerprint are not used" do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:onetime).returns(false) @puppetd.stubs(:main) @puppetd.run_command end describe "with --onetime" do before :each do @agent.stubs(:run).returns(:report) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client).returns(:client) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:detailed_exitcodes).returns(false) Puppet.stubs(:newservice) end it "should exit if no defined --client" do $stderr.stubs(:puts) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client).returns(nil) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 43 end it "should setup traps" do @daemon.expects(:set_signal_traps) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should not let the agent fork" do @agent.expects(:should_fork=).with(false) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should let the agent run" do @agent.expects(:run).returns(:report) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should finish by exiting with 0 error code" do expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end it "should stop the daemon" do @daemon.expects(:stop).with(:exit => false) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 0 end describe "and --detailed-exitcodes" do before :each do @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:detailed_exitcodes).returns(true) end it "should exit with agent computed exit status" do Puppet[:noop] = false @agent.stubs(:run).returns(666) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 666 end it "should exit with the agent's exit status, even if --noop is set." do Puppet[:noop] = true @agent.stubs(:run).returns(666) expect { @puppetd.onetime }.to exit_with 666 end end end describe "with --fingerprint" do before :each do @cert = stub_everything 'cert' @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fingerprint).returns(true) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:digest).returns(:MD5) @host = stub_everything 'host' @puppetd.stubs(:host).returns(@host) end it "should fingerprint the certificate if it exists" do @host.expects(:certificate).returns(@cert) @cert.expects(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns "fingerprint" @puppetd.fingerprint end it "should fingerprint the certificate request if no certificate have been signed" do @host.expects(:certificate).returns(nil) @host.expects(:certificate_request).returns(@cert) @cert.expects(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns "fingerprint" @puppetd.fingerprint end it "should display the fingerprint" do @host.stubs(:certificate).returns(@cert) @cert.stubs(:fingerprint).with(:MD5).returns("DIGEST") @puppetd.expects(:puts).with "DIGEST" @puppetd.fingerprint end end describe "without --onetime and --fingerprint" do before :each do Puppet.stubs(:notice) @puppetd.options.stubs(:[]).with(:client) end it "should start our daemon" do @daemon.expects(:start) @puppetd.main end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/face/module/install_spec.rb b/spec/unit/face/module/install_spec.rb index 3fbca5537..88d7c7c0a 100644 --- a/spec/unit/face/module/install_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/face/module/install_spec.rb @@ -1,158 +1,159 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/face' require 'puppet/module_tool' describe "puppet module install" do + include PuppetSpec::Files subject { Puppet::Face[:module, :current] } let(:options) do {} end describe "option validation" do before do Puppet.settings[:modulepath] = fakemodpath end let(:expected_options) do { :target_dir => fakefirstpath, :modulepath => fakemodpath, :environment => 'production' } end let(:sep) { File::PATH_SEPARATOR } - let(:fakefirstpath) { "/my/fake/modpath" } - let(:fakesecondpath) { "/other/fake/path" } + let(:fakefirstpath) { make_absolute("/my/fake/modpath") } + let(:fakesecondpath) { make_absolute("/other/fake/path") } let(:fakemodpath) { "#{fakefirstpath}#{sep}#{fakesecondpath}" } - let(:fakedirpath) { "/my/fake/path" } + let(:fakedirpath) { make_absolute("/my/fake/path") } context "without any options" do it "should require a name" do pattern = /wrong number of arguments/ expect { subject.install }.to raise_error ArgumentError, pattern end it "should not require any options" do Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer.expects(:run).with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options).once subject.install("puppetlabs-apache") end end it "should accept the --force option" do options[:force] = true expected_options.merge!(options) Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer.expects(:run).with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options).once subject.install("puppetlabs-apache", options) end it "should accept the --target-dir option" do - options[:target_dir] = "/foo/puppet/modules" + options[:target_dir] = make_absolute("/foo/puppet/modules") expected_options.merge!(options) expected_options[:modulepath] = "#{options[:target_dir]}#{sep}#{fakemodpath}" Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer.expects(:run).with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options).once subject.install("puppetlabs-apache", options) end it "should accept the --version option" do options[:version] = "0.0.1" expected_options.merge!(options) Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer.expects(:run).with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options).once subject.install("puppetlabs-apache", options) end it "should accept the --ignore-dependencies option" do options[:ignore_dependencies] = true expected_options.merge!(options) Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer.expects(:run).with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options).once subject.install("puppetlabs-apache", options) end describe "when modulepath option is passed" do let(:expected_options) { { :modulepath => fakemodpath, :environment => Puppet[:environment] } } let(:options) { { :modulepath => fakemodpath } } describe "when target-dir option is not passed" do it "should set target-dir to be first path from modulepath" do expected_options[:target_dir] = fakefirstpath Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer. expects(:run). with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options) Puppet::Face[:module, :current].install("puppetlabs-apache", options) Puppet.settings[:modulepath].should == fakemodpath end end describe "when target-dir option is passed" do it "should set target-dir to be first path of modulepath" do options[:target_dir] = fakedirpath expected_options[:target_dir] = fakedirpath expected_options[:modulepath] = "#{fakedirpath}#{sep}#{fakemodpath}" Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer. expects(:run). with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options) Puppet::Face[:module, :current].install("puppetlabs-apache", options) Puppet.settings[:modulepath].should == "#{fakedirpath}#{sep}#{fakemodpath}" end end end describe "when modulepath option is not passed" do before do Puppet.settings[:modulepath] = fakemodpath end describe "when target-dir option is not passed" do it "should set target-dir to be first path of default mod path" do expected_options[:target_dir] = fakefirstpath expected_options[:modulepath] = fakemodpath Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer. expects(:run). with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options) Puppet::Face[:module, :current].install("puppetlabs-apache", options) end end describe "when target-dir option is passed" do it "should prepend target-dir to modulepath" do options[:target_dir] = fakedirpath expected_options[:target_dir] = fakedirpath expected_options[:modulepath] = "#{options[:target_dir]}#{sep}#{fakemodpath}" Puppet::ModuleTool::Applications::Installer. expects(:run). with("puppetlabs-apache", expected_options) Puppet::Face[:module, :current].install("puppetlabs-apache", options) Puppet.settings[:modulepath].should == expected_options[:modulepath] end end end end describe "inline documentation" do subject { Puppet::Face[:module, :current].get_action :install } its(:summary) { should =~ /install.*module/im } its(:description) { should =~ /install.*module/im } its(:returns) { should =~ /pathname/i } its(:examples) { should_not be_empty } %w{ license copyright summary description returns examples }.each do |doc| context "of the" do its(doc.to_sym) { should_not =~ /(FIXME|REVISIT|TODO)/ } end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/module_tool_spec.rb b/spec/unit/module_tool_spec.rb old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index edee553ef..53e778b3a --- a/spec/unit/module_tool_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/module_tool_spec.rb @@ -1,180 +1,184 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env rspec # encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/module_tool' describe Puppet::ModuleTool do describe '.format_tree' do it 'should return an empty tree when given an empty list' do subject.format_tree([]).should == '' end it 'should return a shallow when given a list without dependencies' do list = [ { :text => 'first' }, { :text => 'second' }, { :text => 'third' } ] subject.format_tree(list).should == <<-TREE ├── first ├── second └── third TREE end it 'should return a deeply nested tree when given a list with deep dependencies' do list = [ { :text => 'first', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'second', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'third' } ] } ] }, ] subject.format_tree(list).should == <<-TREE └─┬ first └─┬ second └── third TREE end it 'should show connectors when deep dependencies are not on the last node of the top level' do list = [ { :text => 'first', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'second', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'third' } ] } ] }, { :text => 'fourth' } ] subject.format_tree(list).should == <<-TREE ├─┬ first │ └─┬ second │ └── third └── fourth TREE end it 'should show connectors when deep dependencies are not on the last node of any level' do list = [ { :text => 'first', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'second', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'third' } ] }, { :text => 'fourth' } ] } ] subject.format_tree(list).should == <<-TREE └─┬ first ├─┬ second │ └── third └── fourth TREE end it 'should show connectors in every case when deep dependencies are not on the last node' do list = [ { :text => 'first', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'second', :dependencies => [ { :text => 'third' } ] }, { :text => 'fourth' } ] }, { :text => 'fifth' } ] subject.format_tree(list).should == <<-TREE ├─┬ first │ ├─┬ second │ │ └── third │ └── fourth └── fifth TREE end end describe '.set_option_defaults' do + include PuppetSpec::Files + let (:setting) { {:environment => "foo", :modulepath => make_absolute("foo")} } + [:environment, :modulepath].each do |value| describe "if #{value} is part of options" do let (:options) { {} } before(:each) do - options[value] = "foo" + options[value] = setting[value] Puppet[value] = "bar" end it "should set Puppet[#{value}] to the options[#{value}]" do subject.set_option_defaults options Puppet[value].should == options[value] end it "should not override options[#{value}]" do subject.set_option_defaults options - options[value].should == "foo" + options[value].should == setting[value] end end describe "if #{value} is not part of options" do let (:options) { {} } before(:each) do - Puppet[value] = "bar" + Puppet[value] = setting[value] end it "should populate options[#{value}] with the value of Puppet[#{value}]" do subject.set_option_defaults options Puppet[value].should == options[value] end it "should not override Puppet[#{value}]" do subject.set_option_defaults options - Puppet[value].should == "bar" + Puppet[value].should == setting[value] end end end describe ':target_dir' do let (:sep) { File::PATH_SEPARATOR } let (:my_fake_path) { "/my/fake/dir#{sep}/my/other/dir"} let (:options) { {:modulepath => my_fake_path}} describe "when not specified" do it "should set options[:target_dir]" do subject.set_option_defaults options options[:target_dir].should_not be_nil end it "should be the first path of options[:modulepath]" do subject.set_option_defaults options options[:target_dir].should == my_fake_path.split(sep).first end end describe "when specified" do let (:my_target_dir) { "/foo/bar" } before(:each) do options[:target_dir] = my_target_dir end it "should not be overridden" do subject.set_option_defaults options options[:target_dir].should == my_target_dir end it "should be prepended to options[:modulepath]" do subject.set_option_defaults options options[:modulepath].split(sep).first.should == my_target_dir end it "should leave the remainder of options[:modulepath] untouched" do subject.set_option_defaults options options[:modulepath].split(sep).drop(1).join(sep).should == my_fake_path end end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/settings/file_setting_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/settings/file_setting_spec.rb index 4c60649cc..d075af35e 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/settings/file_setting_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/settings/file_setting_spec.rb @@ -1,299 +1,290 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/settings' require 'puppet/util/settings/file_setting' describe Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting do FileSetting = Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting include PuppetSpec::Files before do @basepath = make_absolute("/somepath") end describe "when determining whether the service user should be used" do before do @settings = mock 'settings' @settings.stubs(:[]).with(:mkusers).returns false @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true end it "should be true if the service user is available" do @settings.expects(:service_user_available?).returns true setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => @settings, :owner => "root", :desc => "a setting") setting.should be_use_service_user end it "should be true if 'mkusers' is set" do @settings.expects(:[]).with(:mkusers).returns true setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => @settings, :owner => "root", :desc => "a setting") setting.should be_use_service_user end it "should be false if the service user is not available and 'mkusers' is unset" do setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => @settings, :owner => "root", :desc => "a setting") setting.should be_use_service_user end end describe "when setting the owner" do it "should allow the file to be owned by root" do root_owner = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :owner => "root", :desc => "a setting") } root_owner.should_not raise_error end it "should allow the file to be owned by the service user" do service_owner = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :owner => "service", :desc => "a setting") } service_owner.should_not raise_error end it "should allow the ownership of the file to be unspecified" do no_owner = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :desc => "a setting") } no_owner.should_not raise_error end it "should not allow other owners" do invalid_owner = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :owner => "invalid", :desc => "a setting") } invalid_owner.should raise_error(FileSetting::SettingError) end end describe "when reading the owner" do it "should be root when the setting specifies root" do setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :owner => "root", :desc => "a setting") setting.owner.should == "root" end it "should be the owner of the service when the setting specifies service and the service user should be used" do settings = mock("settings") settings.stubs(:[]).returns "the_service" setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => settings, :owner => "service", :desc => "a setting") setting.expects(:use_service_user?).returns true setting.owner.should == "the_service" end it "should be the root when the setting specifies service and the service user should not be used" do settings = mock("settings") settings.stubs(:[]).returns "the_service" setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => settings, :owner => "service", :desc => "a setting") setting.expects(:use_service_user?).returns false setting.owner.should == "root" end it "should be nil when the owner is unspecified" do FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :desc => "a setting").owner.should be_nil end end describe "when setting the group" do it "should allow the group to be service" do service_group = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :group => "service", :desc => "a setting") } service_group.should_not raise_error end it "should allow the group to be unspecified" do no_group = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :desc => "a setting") } no_group.should_not raise_error end it "should not allow invalid groups" do invalid_group = lambda { FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :group => "invalid", :desc => "a setting") } invalid_group.should raise_error(FileSetting::SettingError) end end describe "when reading the group" do it "should be service when the setting specifies service" do setting = FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings", :[] => "the_service"), :group => "service", :desc => "a setting") setting.group.should == "the_service" end it "should be nil when the group is unspecified" do FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :desc => "a setting").group.should be_nil end end it "should be able to be converted into a resource" do FileSetting.new(:settings => mock("settings"), :desc => "eh").should respond_to(:to_resource) end describe "when being converted to a resource" do before do @settings = mock 'settings' @file = Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting.new(:settings => @settings, :desc => "eh", :name => :myfile, :section => "mysect") @file.stubs(:create_files?).returns true @settings.stubs(:value).with(:myfile).returns @basepath end it "should return :file as its type" do @file.type.should == :file end it "should skip non-existent files if 'create_files' is not enabled" do @file.expects(:create_files?).returns false @file.expects(:type).returns :file File.expects(:exist?).with(@basepath).returns false @file.to_resource.should be_nil end it "should manage existent files even if 'create_files' is not enabled" do @file.expects(:create_files?).returns false @file.expects(:type).returns :file File.expects(:exist?).with(@basepath).returns true @file.to_resource.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end describe "on POSIX systems", :if => Puppet.features.posix? do it "should skip files in /dev" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:myfile).returns "/dev/file" @file.to_resource.should be_nil end end it "should skip files whose paths are not strings" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:myfile).returns :foo @file.to_resource.should be_nil end it "should return a file resource with the path set appropriately" do resource = @file.to_resource resource.type.should == "File" resource.title.should == @basepath end it "should fully qualified returned files if necessary (#795)" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:myfile).returns "myfile" path = File.join(Dir.getwd, "myfile") # Dir.getwd can return windows paths with backslashes, so we normalize them using expand_path path = File.expand_path(path) if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? @file.to_resource.title.should == path end it "should set the mode on the file if a mode is provided as an octal number" do @file.mode = 0755 @file.to_resource[:mode].should == '755' end it "should set the mode on the file if a mode is provided as a string" do @file.mode = '0755' @file.to_resource[:mode].should == '755' end it "should not set the mode on a the file if manage_internal_file_permissions is disabled" do Puppet[:manage_internal_file_permissions] = false @file.stubs(:mode).returns(0755) @file.to_resource[:mode].should == nil end it "should set the owner if running as root and the owner is provided" do Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false @file.stubs(:owner).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:owner].should == "foo" end it "should not set the owner if manage_internal_file_permissions is disabled" do Puppet[:manage_internal_file_permissions] = false Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true @file.stubs(:owner).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:owner].should == nil end it "should set the group if running as root and the group is provided" do Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false @file.stubs(:group).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:group].should == "foo" end it "should not set the group if manage_internal_file_permissions is disabled" do Puppet[:manage_internal_file_permissions] = false Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true @file.stubs(:group).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:group].should == nil end it "should not set owner if not running as root" do Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false @file.stubs(:owner).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:owner].should be_nil end it "should not set group if not running as root" do Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false @file.stubs(:group).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:group].should be_nil end describe "on Microsoft Windows systems" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end it "should not set owner" do @file.stubs(:owner).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:owner].should be_nil end it "should not set group" do @file.stubs(:group).returns "foo" @file.to_resource[:group].should be_nil end end it "should set :ensure to the file type" do @file.expects(:type).returns :directory @file.to_resource[:ensure].should == :directory end it "should set the loglevel to :debug" do @file.to_resource[:loglevel].should == :debug end it "should set the backup to false" do @file.to_resource[:backup].should be_false end it "should tag the resource with the settings section" do @file.expects(:section).returns "mysect" @file.to_resource.should be_tagged("mysect") end it "should tag the resource with the setting name" do @file.to_resource.should be_tagged("myfile") end it "should tag the resource with 'settings'" do @file.to_resource.should be_tagged("settings") end it "should set links to 'follow'" do @file.to_resource[:links].should == :follow end end - - describe "when munging a filename" do - it "should preserve trailing slashes" do - settings = mock 'settings' - file = Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting.new(:settings => settings, :desc => "eh", :name => :myfile, :section => "mysect") - path = @basepath + '/' - file.munge(path).should == path - end - end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/settings/path_setting_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/settings/path_setting_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2536c6d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/unit/util/settings/path_setting_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env rspec +require 'spec_helper' + +describe Puppet::Util::Settings::PathSetting do + subject { described_class.new(:settings => mock('settings'), :desc => "test") } + + context "#munge" do + it "should expand all path elements" do + munged = subject.munge("hello#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}good/morning#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}goodbye") + munged.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |p| + Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(p) + end + end + + it "should leave nil as nil" do + subject.munge(nil).should be_nil + end + + context "on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do + it "should convert \\ to /" do + subject.munge('C:\test\directory').should == 'C:/test/directory' + end + + it "should work with UNC paths" do + subject.munge('//server/some/path').should == '//server/some/path' + subject.munge('\\\\server\some\path').should == '//server/some/path' + end + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb index eb2696c89..d55cf23ed 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb @@ -1,1480 +1,1482 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe Puppet::Util::Settings do include PuppetSpec::Files MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = File.join(Puppet::Util::Settings.default_global_config_dir, "puppet.conf") USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = File.join(Puppet::Util::Settings.default_user_config_dir, "puppet.conf") describe "when specifying defaults" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new end it "should start with no defined parameters" do @settings.params.length.should == 0 end it "should not allow specification of default values associated with a section as an array" do expect { @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => ["defaultval", "my description"]) }.to raise_error end it "should not allow duplicate parameter specifications" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => { :default => "a", :desc => "b" }) lambda { @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => { :default => "c", :desc => "d" }) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow specification of default values associated with a section as a hash" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "defaultval", :desc => "my description"}) end it "should consider defined parameters to be valid" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => { :default => "defaultval", :desc => "my description" }) @settings.valid?(:myvalue).should be_true end it "should require a description when defaults are specified with a hash" do lambda { @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "a value"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should support specifying owner, group, and mode when specifying files" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:type => :file, :default => "/some/file", :owner => "service", :mode => "boo", :group => "service", :desc => "whatever"}) end it "should support specifying a short name" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) end it "should support specifying the setting type" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "/w", :desc => "b", :type => :string}) @settings.setting(:myvalue).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting) end it "should fail if an invalid setting type is specified" do lambda { @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :type => :foo}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail when short names conflict" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) lambda { @settings.define_settings(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when initializing application defaults do" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new end it "should fail if someone attempts to initialize app defaults more than once" do @settings.expects(:app_defaults_initialized?).returns(true) expect { @settings.initialize_app_defaults({}) }.to raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should fail if the app defaults hash is missing any required values" do expect { @settings.initialize_app_defaults({}) }.to raise_error(Puppet::SettingsError) end # ultimately I'd like to stop treating "run_mode" as a normal setting, because it has so many special # case behaviors / uses. However, until that time... we need to make sure that our private run_mode= # setter method gets properly called during app initialization. it "should call the hacky run mode setter method until we do a better job of separating run_mode" do app_defaults = {} Puppet::Util::Settings::REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS.each do |key| app_defaults[key] = "foo" end @settings.define_settings(:main, PuppetSpec::Settings::TEST_APP_DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS) @settings.expects(:run_mode=).with("foo") @settings.initialize_app_defaults(app_defaults) end end describe "#call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization" do let (:good_default) { "yay" } let (:bad_default) { "$doesntexist" } before(:each) do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new end describe "when ignoring dependency interpolation errors" do let(:options) { {:ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors => true} } describe "if interpolation error" do it "should not raise an error" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :badhook => {:default => bad_default, :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) expect do @settings.send(:call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization, options) end.to_not raise_error end end describe "if no interpolation error" do it "should not raise an error" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :goodhook => {:default => good_default, :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) expect do @settings.send(:call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization, options) end.to_not raise_error end end end describe "when not ignoring dependency interpolation errors" do [ {}, {:ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors => false}].each do |options| describe "if interpolation error" do it "should raise an error" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :badhook => {:default => bad_default, :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) expect do @settings.send(:call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization, options) end.to raise_error end it "should contain the setting name in error message" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :badhook => {:default => bad_default, :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) expect do @settings.send(:call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization, options) end.to raise_error Puppet::SettingsError, /badhook/ end end describe "if no interpolation error" do it "should not raise an error" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :goodhook => {:default => good_default, :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) expect do @settings.send(:call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization, options) end.to_not raise_error end end end end end describe "when setting values" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings :main, :myval => { :default => "val", :desc => "desc" } @settings.define_settings :main, :bool => { :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "desc" } end it "should provide a method for setting values from other objects" do @settings[:myval] = "something else" @settings[:myval].should == "something else" end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for setting values" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "newval") @settings[:myval].should == "newval" end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for turning booleans off" do @settings[:bool] = true @settings.handlearg("--no-bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == false end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for turning booleans on" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with no argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with an empty string as an argument to be a boolean, if the setting itself is a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with an empty string as an argument to be an empty argument, if the setting itself is not a boolean" do @settings[:myval] = "bob" @settings.handlearg("--myval", "") @settings[:myval].should == "" end it "should consider a cli setting with a boolean as an argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "true") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should not consider a cli setting of a non boolean with a boolean as an argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:myval] = "bob" @settings.handlearg("--no-myval", "") @settings[:myval].should == "" end it "should flag string settings from the CLI" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "12") @settings.set_by_cli?(:myval).should be_true end it "should flag bool settings from the CLI" do @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool") @settings.set_by_cli?(:bool).should be_true end it "should not flag settings memory as from CLI" do @settings[:myval] = "12" @settings.set_by_cli?(:myval).should be_false end describe "setbycli" do it "should generate a deprecation warning" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) @settings.setting(:myval).setbycli = true end it "should set the value" do @settings[:myval] = "blah" @settings.setting(:myval).setbycli = true @settings.set_by_cli?(:myval).should be_true end it "should raise error if trying to unset value" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "blah") expect do @settings.setting(:myval).setbycli = nil end.to raise_error ArgumentError, /unset/ end end it "should clear the cache when setting getopt-specific values" do @settings.define_settings :mysection, :one => { :default => "whah", :desc => "yay" }, :two => { :default => "$one yay", :desc => "bah" } @settings[:two].should == "whah yay" @settings.handlearg("--one", "else") @settings[:two].should == "else yay" end it "should not clear other values when setting getopt-specific values" do @settings[:myval] = "yay" @settings.handlearg("--no-bool", "") @settings[:myval].should == "yay" end it "should clear the list of used sections" do @settings.expects(:clearused) @settings[:myval] = "yay" end describe "call_hook" do Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting.available_call_hook_values.each do |val| describe "when :#{val}" do describe "and definition invalid" do it "should raise error if no hook defined" do expect do @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => val}) end.to raise_error ArgumentError, /no :hook/ end it "should include the setting name in the error message" do expect do @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => val}) end.to raise_error ArgumentError, /for :hooker/ end end describe "and definition valid" do before(:each) do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => val, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) end it "should call the hook when value written" do @settings.setting(:hooker).expects(:handle).with("something").once @settings[:hooker] = "something" end end end end it "should have a default value of :on_write_only" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) @settings.setting(:hooker).call_hook.should == :on_write_only end describe "when nil" do it "should generate a warning" do Puppet.expects(:warning) @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => nil, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) end it "should use default" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => nil, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) @settings.setting(:hooker).call_hook.should == :on_write_only end end describe "when invalid" do it "should raise an error" do expect do @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :foo, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) end.to raise_error ArgumentError, /invalid.*call_hook/i end end describe "when :on_define_and_write" do it "should call the hook at definition" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_define_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) @settings.setting(:hooker).call_hook.should == :on_define_and_write hook_values.should == %w{yay} end end describe "when :on_initialize_and_write" do before(:each) do @hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| @hook_values << v }}) end it "should not call the hook at definition" do @hook_values.should == [] @hook_values.should_not == %w{yay} end it "should call the hook at initialization" do app_defaults = {} Puppet::Util::Settings::REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS.each do |key| app_defaults[key] = "foo" end app_defaults[:run_mode] = :user @settings.define_settings(:main, PuppetSpec::Settings::TEST_APP_DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS) @settings.setting(:hooker).expects(:handle).with("yay").once @settings.initialize_app_defaults app_defaults end end end describe "call_on_define" do [true, false].each do |val| describe "to #{val}" do it "should generate a deprecation warning" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_on_define => val, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) end it "should should set call_hook" do values = [] name = "hooker_#{val}".to_sym @settings.define_settings(:section, name => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_on_define => val, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) @settings.setting(name).call_hook.should == :on_define_and_write if val @settings.setting(name).call_hook.should == :on_write_only unless val end end end end it "should call passed blocks when values are set" do values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == [] @settings[:hooker] = "something" values.should == %w{something} end it "should call passed blocks when values are set via the command line" do values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == [] @settings.handlearg("--hooker", "yay") values.should == %w{yay} end it "should provide an option to call passed blocks during definition" do values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_define_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == %w{yay} end it "should pass the fully interpolated value to the hook when called on definition" do values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :one => { :default => "test", :desc => "a" }) @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "$one/yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => :on_define_and_write, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == %w{test/yay} end it "should munge values using the setting-specific methods" do @settings[:bool] = "false" @settings[:bool].should == false end it "should prefer cli values to values set in Ruby code" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "cliarg") @settings[:myval] = "memarg" @settings[:myval].should == "cliarg" end it "should clear the list of environments" do Puppet::Node::Environment.expects(:clear).at_least(1) @settings[:myval] = "memarg" end it "should raise an error if we try to set a setting that hasn't been defined'" do lambda{ @settings[:why_so_serious] = "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /unknown configuration parameter/) end it "should raise an error if we try to set a setting that is read-only (which, really, all of our settings probably should be)" do @settings.define_settings(:section, :one => { :default => "test", :desc => "a" }) @settings.expects(:read_only_settings).returns([:one]) lambda{ @settings[:one] = "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /read-only/) end it "should warn and use [master] if we ask for [puppetmasterd]" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) @settings.set_value(:myval, "foo", :puppetmasterd) @settings.stubs(:run_mode).returns(:master) @settings.value(:myval).should == "foo" end it "should warn and use [agent] if we ask for [puppetd]" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) @settings.set_value(:myval, "foo", :puppetd) @settings.stubs(:run_mode).returns(:agent) @settings.value(:myval).should == "foo" end end describe "when returning values" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings :section, :config => { :type => :file, :default => "/my/file", :desc => "eh" }, :one => { :default => "ONE", :desc => "a" }, :two => { :default => "$one TWO", :desc => "b"}, :three => { :default => "$one $two THREE", :desc => "c"}, :four => { :default => "$two $three FOUR", :desc => "d"} FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true end describe "call_on_define" do it "should generate a deprecation warning" do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) @settings.setting(:hooker).call_on_define end Puppet::Util::Settings::StringSetting.available_call_hook_values.each do |val| it "should match value for call_hook => :#{val}" do hook_values = [] @settings.define_settings(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_hook => val, :hook => lambda { |v| hook_values << v }}) @settings.setting(:hooker).call_on_define.should == @settings.setting(:hooker).call_hook_on_define? end end end it "should provide a mechanism for returning set values" do @settings[:one] = "other" @settings[:one].should == "other" end it "should interpolate default values for other parameters into returned parameter values" do @settings[:one].should == "ONE" @settings[:two].should == "ONE TWO" @settings[:three].should == "ONE ONE TWO THREE" end it "should interpolate default values that themselves need to be interpolated" do @settings[:four].should == "ONE TWO ONE ONE TWO THREE FOUR" end it "should provide a method for returning uninterpolated values" do @settings[:two] = "$one tw0" @settings.uninterpolated_value(:two).should == "$one tw0" @settings.uninterpolated_value(:four).should == "$two $three FOUR" end it "should interpolate set values for other parameters into returned parameter values" do @settings[:one] = "on3" @settings[:two] = "$one tw0" @settings[:three] = "$one $two thr33" @settings[:four] = "$one $two $three f0ur" @settings[:one].should == "on3" @settings[:two].should == "on3 tw0" @settings[:three].should == "on3 on3 tw0 thr33" @settings[:four].should == "on3 on3 tw0 on3 on3 tw0 thr33 f0ur" end it "should not cache interpolated values such that stale information is returned" do @settings[:two].should == "ONE TWO" @settings[:one] = "one" @settings[:two].should == "one TWO" end it "should not cache values such that information from one environment is returned for another environment" do text = "[env1]\none = oneval\n[env2]\none = twoval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings.value(:one, "env1").should == "oneval" @settings.value(:one, "env2").should == "twoval" end it "should have a run_mode that defaults to user" do @settings.run_mode.should == :user end describe "setbycli" do it "should generate a deprecation warning" do @settings.handlearg("--one", "blah") Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning) @settings.setting(:one).setbycli end it "should be true" do @settings.handlearg("--one", "blah") @settings.setting(:one).setbycli.should be_true end end end describe "when choosing which value to return" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings :section, :config => { :type => :file, :default => "/my/file", :desc => "a" }, :one => { :default => "ONE", :desc => "a" }, :two => { :default => "TWO", :desc => "b" } FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true @settings.stubs(:run_mode).returns :mymode end it "should return default values if no values have been set" do @settings[:one].should == "ONE" end it "should return values set on the cli before values set in the configuration file" do text = "[main]\none = fileval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should return values set on the cli before values set in Ruby" do @settings[:one] = "rubyval" @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should return values set in the mode-specific section before values set in the main section" do text = "[main]\none = mainval\n[mymode]\none = modeval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "modeval" end it "should not return values outside of its search path" do text = "[other]\none = oval\n" file = "/some/file" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "ONE" end it "should return values in a specified environment" do text = "[env]\none = envval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings.value(:one, "env").should == "envval" end it 'should use the current environment for $environment' do @settings.define_settings :main, :myval => { :default => "$environment/foo", :desc => "mydocs" } @settings.value(:myval, "myenv").should == "myenv/foo" end it "should interpolate found values using the current environment" do text = "[main]\none = mainval\n[myname]\none = nameval\ntwo = $one/two\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings.value(:two, "myname").should == "nameval/two" end it "should return values in a specified environment before values in the main or name sections" do text = "[env]\none = envval\n[main]\none = mainval\n[myname]\none = nameval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings.value(:one, "env").should == "envval" end end describe "when locating config files" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new end describe "when root" do it "should look for #{MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION} if config settings haven't been overridden'" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(true) FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(false) FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).never @settings.send(:parse_config_files) end end describe "when not root" do it "should look for #{MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION} and #{USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION} if config settings haven't been overridden'" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(false) seq = sequence "load config files" FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(false).in_sequence(seq) FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(false).in_sequence(seq) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) end end end describe "when parsing its configuration" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true - @file = "/some/file" + @file = make_absolute("/some/file") + @userconfig = make_absolute("/test/userconfigfile") @settings.define_settings :section, :user => { :default => "suser", :desc => "doc" }, :group => { :default => "sgroup", :desc => "doc" } @settings.define_settings :section, - :config => { :type => :file, :default => "/some/file", :desc => "eh" }, + :config => { :type => :file, :default => @file, :desc => "eh" }, :one => { :default => "ONE", :desc => "a" }, :two => { :default => "$one TWO", :desc => "b" }, :three => { :default => "$one $two THREE", :desc => "c" } - @settings.stubs(:user_config_file).returns("/test/userconfigfile") - FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with("/some/file").returns true - FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with("/test/userconfigfile").returns false + @settings.stubs(:user_config_file).returns(@userconfig) + FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with(@file).returns true + FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with(@userconfig).returns false end it "should not ignore the report setting" do @settings.define_settings :section, :report => { :default => "false", :desc => "a" } # This is needed in order to make sure we pass on windows - myfile = File.expand_path("/my/file") + myfile = File.expand_path(@file) @settings[:config] = myfile text = <<-CONF [puppetd] report=true CONF FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(myfile).returns(true) @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:report].should be_true end it "should use its current ':config' value for the file to parse" do myfile = make_absolute("/my/file") # do not stub expand_path here, as this leads to a stack overflow, when mocha tries to use it @settings[:config] = myfile FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(myfile).returns(true) File.expects(:read).with(myfile).returns "[main]" @settings.send(:parse_config_files) end it "should not try to parse non-existent files" do - FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/some/file").returns false + FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(@file).returns false - File.expects(:read).with("/some/file").never + File.expects(:read).with(@file).never @settings.send(:parse_config_files) end it "should return values set in the configuration file" do text = "[main] one = fileval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "fileval" end #484 - this should probably be in the regression area it "should not throw an exception on unknown parameters" do text = "[main]\nnosuchparam = mval\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) lambda { @settings.send(:parse_config_files) }.should_not raise_error end it "should convert booleans in the configuration file into Ruby booleans" do text = "[main] one = true two = false " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == true @settings[:two].should == false end it "should convert integers in the configuration file into Ruby Integers" do text = "[main] one = 65 " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == 65 end it "should support specifying all metadata (owner, group, mode) in the configuration file" do - @settings.define_settings :section, :myfile => { :type => :file, :default => "/myfile", :desc => "a" } + @settings.define_settings :section, :myfile => { :type => :file, :default => make_absolute("/myfile"), :desc => "a" } otherfile = make_absolute("/other/file") text = "[main] myfile = #{otherfile} {owner = service, group = service, mode = 644} " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:myfile].should == otherfile @settings.metadata(:myfile).should == {:owner => "suser", :group => "sgroup", :mode => "644"} end it "should support specifying a single piece of metadata (owner, group, or mode) in the configuration file" do - @settings.define_settings :section, :myfile => { :type => :file, :default => "/myfile", :desc => "a" } + @settings.define_settings :section, :myfile => { :type => :file, :default => make_absolute("/myfile"), :desc => "a" } otherfile = make_absolute("/other/file") text = "[main] myfile = #{otherfile} {owner = service} " - file = "/some/file" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:myfile].should == otherfile @settings.metadata(:myfile).should == {:owner => "suser"} end it "should call hooks associated with values set in the configuration file" do values = [] @settings.define_settings :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[main] mysetting = setval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) values.should == ["setval"] end it "should not call the same hook for values set multiple times in the configuration file" do values = [] @settings.define_settings :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[user] mysetting = setval [main] mysetting = other " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) values.should == ["setval"] end it "should pass the environment-specific value to the hook when one is available" do values = [] @settings.define_settings :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} @settings.define_settings :section, :environment => { :default => "yay", :desc => "a" } @settings.define_settings :section, :environments => { :default => "yay,foo", :desc => "a" } text = "[main] mysetting = setval [yay] mysetting = other " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) values.should == ["other"] end it "should pass the interpolated value to the hook when one is available" do values = [] @settings.define_settings :section, :base => {:default => "yay", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} @settings.define_settings :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[main] mysetting = $base/setval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) values.should == ["yay/setval"] end it "should allow empty values" do @settings.define_settings :section, :myarg => { :default => "myfile", :desc => "a" } text = "[main] myarg = " @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:myarg].should == "" end describe "and when reading a non-positive filetimeout value from the config file" do before do @settings.define_settings :foo, :filetimeout => { :default => 5, :desc => "eh" } somefile = "/some/file" text = "[main] filetimeout = -1 " File.expects(:read).with(somefile).returns(text) File.expects(:expand_path).with(somefile).returns somefile @settings[:config] = somefile end end end describe "when there are multiple config files" do let(:main_config_text) { "[main]\none = main\ntwo = main2" } let(:user_config_text) { "[main]\none = user\n" } let(:seq) { sequence "config_file_sequence" } before do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns(false) @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings(:section, { :one => { :default => "ONE", :desc => "a" }, :two => { :default => "TWO", :desc => "b" }, }) FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(true).in_sequence(seq) @settings.expects(:read_file).with(MAIN_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(main_config_text).in_sequence(seq) FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(true).in_sequence(seq) @settings.expects(:read_file).with(USER_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION).returns(user_config_text).in_sequence(seq) end it "should return values from the config file in the user's home dir before values set in the main configuration file" do @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "user" end it "should return values from the main config file if they aren't overridden in the config file in the user's home dir" do @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:two].should == "main2" end end describe "when reparsing its configuration" do before do + @file = make_absolute("/test/file") + @userconfig = make_absolute("/test/userconfigfile") @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings :section, - :config => { :type => :file, :default => "/test/file", :desc => "a" }, + :config => { :type => :file, :default => @file, :desc => "a" }, :one => { :default => "ONE", :desc => "a" }, :two => { :default => "$one TWO", :desc => "b" }, :three => { :default => "$one $two THREE", :desc => "c" } - FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with("/test/file").returns true - FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with("/test/userconfigfile").returns false - @settings.stubs(:user_config_file).returns("/test/userconfigfile") + FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with(@file).returns true + FileTest.stubs(:exist?).with(@userconfig).returns false + @settings.stubs(:user_config_file).returns(@userconfig) end it "should use a LoadedFile instance to determine if the file has changed" do file = mock 'file' - Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file + Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with(@file).returns file file.expects(:changed?) @settings.stubs(:parse) @settings.reparse_config_files end it "should not create the LoadedFile instance and should not parse if the file does not exist" do - FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/test/file").returns false + FileTest.expects(:exist?).with(@file).returns false Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).never @settings.expects(:parse_config_files).never @settings.reparse_config_files end it "should not reparse if the file has not changed" do file = mock 'file' - Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file + Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with(@file).returns file file.expects(:changed?).returns false @settings.expects(:parse_config_files).never @settings.reparse_config_files end it "should reparse if the file has changed" do - file = stub 'file', :file => "/test/file" - Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file + file = stub 'file', :file => @file + Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with(@file).returns file file.expects(:changed?).returns true @settings.expects(:parse_config_files) @settings.reparse_config_files end it "should replace in-memory values with on-file values" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = disk-init\n" file = mock 'file' file.stubs(:changed?).returns(true) - file.stubs(:file).returns("/test/file") + file.stubs(:file).returns(@file) @settings[:one] = "init" @settings.files = [file] # Now replace the value text = "[main]\none = disk-replace\n" # This is kinda ridiculous - the reason it parses twice is that # it goes to parse again when we ask for the value, because the # mock always says it should get reparsed. @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.reparse_config_files @settings[:one].should == "disk-replace" end it "should retain parameters set by cli when configuration files are reparsed" do @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") text = "[main]\none = on-disk\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should remove in-memory values that are no longer set in the file" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = disk-init\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "disk-init" # Now replace the value text = "[main]\ntwo = disk-replace\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) # The originally-overridden value should be replaced with the default @settings[:one].should == "ONE" # and we should now have the new value in memory @settings[:two].should == "disk-replace" end it "should retain in-memory values if the file has a syntax error" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = initial-value\n" - @settings.expects(:read_file).with("/test/file").returns(text) + @settings.expects(:read_file).with(@file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) @settings[:one].should == "initial-value" # Now replace the value with something bogus text = "[main]\nkenny = killed-by-what-follows\n1 is 2, blah blah florp\n" - @settings.expects(:read_file).with("/test/file").returns(text) + @settings.expects(:read_file).with(@file).returns(text) @settings.send(:parse_config_files) # The originally-overridden value should not be replaced with the default @settings[:one].should == "initial-value" # and we should not have the new value in memory @settings[:kenny].should be_nil end end it "should provide a method for creating a catalog of resources from its configuration" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should respond_to(:to_catalog) end describe "when creating a catalog" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true @prefix = Puppet.features.posix? ? "" : "C:" end it "should add all file resources to the catalog if no sections have been specified" do @settings.define_settings :main, :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/maindir", :desc => "a"}, :seconddir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/seconddir", :desc => "a"} @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/otherdir", :desc => "a" } catalog = @settings.to_catalog [@prefix+"/maindir", @prefix+"/seconddir", @prefix+"/otherdir"].each do |path| catalog.resource(:file, path).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end end it "should add only files in the specified sections if section names are provided" do @settings.define_settings :main, :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/maindir", :desc => "a" } @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/otherdir", :desc => "a" } catalog = @settings.to_catalog(:main) catalog.resource(:file, @prefix+"/otherdir").should be_nil catalog.resource(:file, @prefix+"/maindir").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end it "should not try to add the same file twice" do @settings.define_settings :main, :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/maindir", :desc => "a" } @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/maindir", :desc => "a" } lambda { @settings.to_catalog }.should_not raise_error end it "should ignore files whose :to_resource method returns nil" do @settings.define_settings :main, :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => @prefix+"/maindir", :desc => "a" } @settings.setting(:maindir).expects(:to_resource).returns nil Puppet::Resource::Catalog.any_instance.expects(:add_resource).never @settings.to_catalog end describe "on Microsoft Windows" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true @settings.define_settings :foo, :mkusers => { :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "e" }, :user => { :default => "suser", :desc => "doc" }, :group => { :default => "sgroup", :desc => "doc" } @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} @catalog = @settings.to_catalog end it "it should not add users and groups to the catalog" do @catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil @catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end end describe "when adding users and groups to the catalog" do before do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false @settings.define_settings :foo, :mkusers => { :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "e" }, :user => { :default => "suser", :desc => "doc" }, :group => { :default => "sgroup", :desc => "doc" } @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => {:type => :directory, :default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} @catalog = @settings.to_catalog end it "should add each specified user and group to the catalog if :mkusers is a valid setting, is enabled, and we're running as root" do @catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) @catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end it "should only add users and groups to the catalog from specified sections" do @settings.define_settings :yay, :yaydir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/yaydir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} catalog = @settings.to_catalog(:other) catalog.resource(:user, "jane").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "billy").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers not running as root" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns false catalog = @settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers is not a valid setting" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => {:type => :directory, :default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} catalog = settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers is a valid setting but is disabled" do @settings[:mkusers] = false catalog = @settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not try to add users or groups to the catalog twice" do @settings.define_settings :yay, :yaydir => {:type => :directory, :default => "/yaydir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} # This would fail if users/groups were added twice lambda { @settings.to_catalog }.should_not raise_error end it "should set :ensure to :present on each created user and group" do @catalog.resource(:user, "suser")[:ensure].should == :present @catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup")[:ensure].should == :present end it "should set each created user's :gid to the service group" do @settings.to_catalog.resource(:user, "suser")[:gid].should == "sgroup" end it "should not attempt to manage the root user" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true @settings.define_settings :foo, :foodir => {:type => :directory, :default => "/foodir", :desc => "a", :owner => "root", :group => "service"} @settings.to_catalog.resource(:user, "root").should be_nil end end end it "should be able to be converted to a manifest" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should respond_to(:to_manifest) end describe "when being converted to a manifest" do it "should produce a string with the code for each resource joined by two carriage returns" do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.define_settings :main, :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/maindir", :desc => "a"}, :seconddir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/seconddir", :desc => "a"} main = stub 'main_resource', :ref => "File[/maindir]" main.expects(:to_manifest).returns "maindir" second = stub 'second_resource', :ref => "File[/seconddir]" second.expects(:to_manifest).returns "seconddir" @settings.setting(:maindir).expects(:to_resource).returns main @settings.setting(:seconddir).expects(:to_resource).returns second @settings.to_manifest.split("\n\n").sort.should == %w{maindir seconddir} end end describe "when using sections of the configuration to manage the local host" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true @settings.define_settings :main, :noop => { :default => false, :desc => "", :type => :boolean } @settings.define_settings :main, - :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/maindir", :desc => "a" }, - :seconddir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/seconddir", :desc => "a"} + :maindir => { :type => :directory, :default => make_absolute("/maindir"), :desc => "a" }, + :seconddir => { :type => :directory, :default => make_absolute("/seconddir"), :desc => "a"} @settings.define_settings :main, :user => { :default => "suser", :desc => "doc" }, :group => { :default => "sgroup", :desc => "doc" } - @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => {:type => :directory, :default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0755} - @settings.define_settings :third, :thirddir => { :type => :directory, :default => "/thirddir", :desc => "b"} - @settings.define_settings :files, :myfile => {:type => :file, :default => "/myfile", :desc => "a", :mode => 0755} + @settings.define_settings :other, :otherdir => {:type => :directory, :default => make_absolute("/otherdir"), :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0755} + @settings.define_settings :third, :thirddir => { :type => :directory, :default => make_absolute("/thirddir"), :desc => "b"} + @settings.define_settings :files, :myfile => {:type => :file, :default => make_absolute("/myfile"), :desc => "a", :mode => 0755} end it "should provide a method that writes files with the correct modes" do @settings.should respond_to(:write) end it "should provide a method that creates directories with the correct modes" do Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:asuser).with("suser", "sgroup").yields - Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/otherdir", 0755) + Dir.expects(:mkdir).with(make_absolute("/otherdir"), 0755) @settings.mkdir(:otherdir) end it "should create a catalog with the specified sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :other) end it "should canonicalize the sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use("main", "other") end it "should ignore sections that have already been used" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main) @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :other) end it "should ignore tags and schedules when creating files and directories" it "should be able to provide all of its parameters in a format compatible with GetOpt::Long" do pending "Not converted from test/unit yet" end it "should convert the created catalog to a RAL catalog" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main).returns @catalog @catalog.expects(:to_ral).returns @catalog @settings.use(:main) end it "should specify that it is not managing a host catalog" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") catalog.expects(:apply) @settings.expects(:to_catalog).returns catalog catalog.stubs(:to_ral).returns catalog catalog.expects(:host_config=).with false @settings.use(:main) end it "should support a method for re-using all currently used sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :third).times(2).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :third) @settings.reuse end it "should fail with an appropriate message if any resources fail" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @catalog.stubs(:to_ral).returns @catalog @settings.expects(:to_catalog).returns @catalog @trans = mock("transaction") @catalog.expects(:apply).yields(@trans) @trans.expects(:any_failed?).returns(true) report = mock 'report' @trans.expects(:report).returns report log = mock 'log', :to_s => "My failure", :level => :err report.expects(:logs).returns [log] @settings.expects(:raise).with { |msg| msg.include?("My failure") } @settings.use(:whatever) end end describe "when dealing with printing configs" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new #these are the magic default values @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("") @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(false) @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(false) @settings.stubs(:value).with(:environment).returns(nil) end describe "when checking print_config?" do it "should return false when the :configprint, :genconfig and :genmanifest are not set" do @settings.print_configs?.should be_false end it "should return true when :configprint has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end it "should return true when :genconfig has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end it "should return true when :genmanifest has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end end describe "when printing configs" do describe "when :configprint has a value" do it "should call print_config_options" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.expects(:print_config_options) @settings.print_configs end it "should get the value of the option using the environment" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.expects(:value).with(:environment).returns("env") @settings.expects(:value).with("something", "env").returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs end it "should print the value of the option" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("something", nil).returns("foo") @settings.expects(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs end it "should print the value pairs if there are multiple options" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("bar,baz") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("bar").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:include?).with("baz").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("bar", nil).returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:value).with("baz", nil).returns("fud") @settings.expects(:puts).with("bar = foo") @settings.expects(:puts).with("baz = fud") @settings.print_configs end it "should print a whole bunch of stuff if :configprint = all" it "should return true after printing" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("something", nil).returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs.should be_true end it "should return false if a config param is not found" do @settings.stubs :puts @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(false) @settings.print_configs.should be_false end end describe "when genconfig is true" do before do @settings.stubs :puts end it "should call to_config" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.expects(:to_config) @settings.print_configs end it "should return true from print_configs" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.stubs(:to_config) @settings.print_configs.should be_true end end describe "when genmanifest is true" do before do @settings.stubs :puts end it "should call to_config" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.expects(:to_manifest) @settings.print_configs end it "should return true from print_configs" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.stubs(:to_manifest) @settings.print_configs.should be_true end end end end describe "when determining if the service user is available" do it "should return false if there is no user setting" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should_not be_service_user_available end it "should return false if the user provider says the user is missing" do settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.define_settings :main, :user => { :default => "foo", :desc => "doc" } user = mock 'user' user.expects(:exists?).returns false Puppet::Type.type(:user).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:name] == "foo" }.returns user settings.should_not be_service_user_available end it "should return true if the user provider says the user is present" do settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.define_settings :main, :user => { :default => "foo", :desc => "doc" } user = mock 'user' user.expects(:exists?).returns true Puppet::Type.type(:user).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:name] == "foo" }.returns user settings.should be_service_user_available end it "should cache the result" end describe "#writesub" do it "should only pass valid arguments to File.open" do settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.stubs(:get_config_file_default).with(:privatekeydir).returns(OpenStruct.new(:mode => "750")) File.expects(:open).with("/path/to/keydir", "w", 750).returns true settings.writesub(:privatekeydir, "/path/to/keydir") end end describe "when dealing with command-line options" do let(:settings) { Puppet::Util::Settings.new } it "should get options from Puppet.settings.optparse_addargs" do settings.expects(:optparse_addargs).returns([]) settings.send(:parse_global_options, []) end it "should add options to OptionParser" do settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns( [["--option","-o", "Funny Option", :NONE]]) settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", true) settings.send(:parse_global_options, ["--option"]) end it "should not die if it sees an unrecognized option, because the app/face may handle it later" do expect { settings.send(:parse_global_options, ["--topuppet", "value"]) } .to_not raise_error end it "should not pass an unrecognized option to handleargs" do settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--topuppet", "value").never expect { settings.send(:parse_global_options, ["--topuppet", "value"]) } .to_not raise_error end it "should pass valid puppet settings options to handlearg even if they appear after an unrecognized option" do settings.stubs(:optparse_addargs).returns( [["--option","-o", "Funny Option", :NONE]]) settings.expects(:handlearg).with("--option", true) settings.send(:parse_global_options, ["--invalidoption", "--option"]) end it "should transform boolean option to normal form" do Puppet::Util::Settings.clean_opt("--[no-]option", true).should == ["--option", true] end it "should transform boolean option to no- form" do Puppet::Util::Settings.clean_opt("--[no-]option", false).should == ["--no-option", false] end end end