diff --git a/spec/unit/type_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type_spec.rb index 1f7d10dda..1e3f46d9a 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type_spec.rb @@ -1,778 +1,777 @@ #!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type, :fails_on_windows => true do include PuppetSpec::Files it "should be Comparable" do a = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:name => "a") b = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:name => "b") c = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:name => "c") [[a, b, c], [a, c, b], [b, a, c], [b, c, a], [c, a, b], [c, b, a]].each do |this| this.sort.should == [a, b, c] end a.should be < b a.should be < c b.should be > a b.should be < c c.should be > a c.should be > b [a, b, c].each {|x| a.should be <= x } [a, b, c].each {|x| c.should be >= x } b.should be_between(a, c) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:path) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid property" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:fstype) end it "should consider a parameter to be valid if it is a valid metaparam" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).should be_valid_parameter(:noop) end it "should be able to retrieve a property by name" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.property(:fstype).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:fstype)) end it "should be able to retrieve a parameter by name" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.parameter(:name).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:name)) end it "should be able to retrieve a property by name using the :parameter method" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) resource.parameter(:fstype).must be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).attrclass(:fstype)) end it "should be able to retrieve all set properties" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) props = resource.properties props.should_not be_include(nil) [:fstype, :ensure, :pass].each do |name| props.should be_include(resource.parameter(name)) end end it "should have a method for setting default values for resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:set_default) end it "should do nothing for attributes that have no defaults and no specified value" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").parameter(:noop).should be_nil end it "should have a method for adding tags" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:tags) end it "should use the tagging module" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Tagging) end it "should delegate to the tagging module when tags are added" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") resource.stubs(:tag).with(:mount) resource.expects(:tag).with(:tag1, :tag2) resource.tags = [:tag1,:tag2] end it "should add the current type as tag" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") resource.stubs(:tag) resource.expects(:tag).with(:mount) resource.tags = [:tag1,:tag2] end it "should have a method to know if the resource is exported" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:exported?) end it "should have a method to know if the resource is virtual" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").should respond_to(:virtual?) end it "should consider its version to be its catalog version" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.version = 50 catalog.add_resource resource resource.version.should == 50 end it "should consider its version to be zero if it has no catalog" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").version.should == 0 end it "should provide source_descriptors" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.version = 50 catalog.add_resource resource resource.source_descriptors.should == {:tags=>["mount", "foo"], :path=>"/Mount[foo]"} end it "should consider its type to be the name of its class" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").type.should == :mount end it "should use any provided noop value" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :noop => true).must be_noop end it "should use the global noop value if none is provided" do Puppet[:noop] = true Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo").must be_noop end it "should not be noop if in a non-host_config catalog" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource resource resource.should_not be_noop end describe "when creating an event" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "foo" end it "should have the resource's reference as the resource" do @resource.event.resource.should == "Mount[foo]" end it "should have the resource's log level as the default log level" do @resource[:loglevel] = :warning @resource.event.default_log_level.should == :warning end {:file => "/my/file", :line => 50, :tags => %{foo bar}}.each do |attr, value| it "should set the #{attr}" do @resource.stubs(attr).returns value @resource.event.send(attr).should == value end end it "should allow specification of event attributes" do @resource.event(:status => "noop").status.should == "noop" end end describe "when creating a provider" do before :each do @type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:provider_test_type) do newparam(:name) { isnamevar } newparam(:foo) newproperty(:bar) end end after :each do @type.provider_hash.clear end describe "when determining if instances of the type are managed" do it "should not consider audit only resources to be managed" do @type.new(:name => "foo", :audit => 'all').managed?.should be_false end it "should not consider resources with only parameters to be managed" do @type.new(:name => "foo", :foo => 'did someone say food?').managed?.should be_false end it "should consider resources with any properties set to be managed" do @type.new(:name => "foo", :bar => 'Let us all go there').managed?.should be_true end end it "should have documentation for the 'provider' parameter if there are providers" do @type.provide(:test_provider) @type.paramdoc(:provider).should =~ /`provider_test_type`[\s\r]+resource/ end it "should not have documentation for the 'provider' parameter if there are no providers" do expect { @type.paramdoc(:provider) }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should create a subclass of Puppet::Provider for the provider" do provider = @type.provide(:test_provider) provider.ancestors.should include(Puppet::Provider) end it "should use a parent class if specified" do parent_provider = @type.provide(:parent_provider) child_provider = @type.provide(:child_provider, :parent => parent_provider) child_provider.ancestors.should include(parent_provider) end it "should use a parent class if specified by name" do parent_provider = @type.provide(:parent_provider) child_provider = @type.provide(:child_provider, :parent => :parent_provider) child_provider.ancestors.should include(parent_provider) end it "should raise an error when the parent class can't be found" do expect { @type.provide(:child_provider, :parent => :parent_provider) }.to raise_error(Puppet::DevError, /Could not find parent provider.+parent_provider/) end it "should ensure its type has a 'provider' parameter" do @type.provide(:test_provider) @type.parameters.should include(:provider) end it "should remove a previously registered provider with the same name" do old_provider = @type.provide(:test_provider) new_provider = @type.provide(:test_provider) old_provider.should_not equal(new_provider) end it "should register itself as a provider for the type" do provider = @type.provide(:test_provider) provider.should == @type.provider(:test_provider) end it "should create a provider when a provider with the same name previously failed" do @type.provide(:test_provider) do raise "failed to create this provider" end rescue nil provider = @type.provide(:test_provider) provider.ancestors.should include(Puppet::Provider) provider.should == @type.provider(:test_provider) end end describe "when choosing a default provider" do it "should choose the provider with the highest specificity" do # Make a fake type type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:defaultprovidertest) do newparam(:name) do end end basic = type.provide(:basic) {} greater = type.provide(:greater) {} basic.stubs(:specificity).returns 1 greater.stubs(:specificity).returns 2 type.defaultprovider.should equal(greater) end end describe "when initializing" do describe "and passed a TransObject" do it "should fail" do trans = Puppet::TransObject.new("/foo", :mount) lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(trans) }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end end describe "and passed a Puppet::Resource instance" do it "should set its title to the title of the resource if the resource type is equal to the current type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "/other"}) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).title.should == "/foo" end it "should set its title to the resource reference if the resource type is not equal to the current type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).title.should == "User[foo]" end [:line, :file, :catalog, :exported, :virtual].each do |param| it "should copy '#{param}' from the resource if present" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") resource.send(param.to_s + "=", "foo") resource.send(param.to_s + "=", "foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).send(param).should == "foo" end end it "should copy any tags from the resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") resource.tag "one", "two" tags = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).tags tags.should be_include("one") tags.should be_include("two") end it "should copy the resource's parameters as its own" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:atboot => true, :fstype => "boo"}) params = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).to_hash params[:fstype].should == "boo" params[:atboot].should == true end end describe "and passed a Hash" do it "should extract the title from the hash" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should work when hash keys are provided as strings" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new("title" => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should work when hash keys are provided as symbols" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should use the name from the hash as the title if no explicit title is provided" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "/yay").title.should == "/yay" end it "should use the Resource Type's namevar to determine how to find the name in the hash" do yay = make_absolute('/yay') Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => yay).title.should == yay end [:catalog].each do |param| it "should extract '#{param}' from the hash if present" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "/yay", param => "foo").send(param).should == "foo" end end it "should use any remaining hash keys as its parameters" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/foo", :catalog => "foo", :atboot => true, :fstype => "boo") resource[:fstype].must == "boo" resource[:atboot].must == true end end it "should fail if any invalid attributes have been provided" do lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:title => "/foo", :nosuchattr => "whatever") }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should set its name to the resource's title if the resource does not have a :name or namevar parameter set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo") Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource).name.should == "/foo" end it "should fail if no title, name, or namevar are provided" do lambda { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:atboot => true) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should set the attributes in the order returned by the class's :allattrs method" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).stubs(:allattrs).returns([:name, :atboot, :noop]) resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "myname", :atboot => "myboot", :noop => "whatever"}) set = [] Puppet::Type.type(:mount).any_instance.stubs(:newattr).with do |param, hash| set << param true end.returns(stub_everything("a property")) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource) set[-1].should == :noop set[-2].should == :atboot end it "should always set the name and then default provider before anything else" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).stubs(:allattrs).returns([:provider, :name, :atboot]) resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:mount, "/foo", :parameters => {:name => "myname", :atboot => "myboot"}) set = [] Puppet::Type.type(:mount).any_instance.stubs(:newattr).with do |param, hash| set << param true end.returns(stub_everything("a property")) Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(resource) set[0].should == :name set[1].should == :provider end # This one is really hard to test :/ it "should set each default immediately if no value is provided" do defaults = [] Puppet::Type.type(:service).any_instance.stubs(:set_default).with { |value| defaults << value; true } Puppet::Type.type(:service).new :name => "whatever" defaults[0].should == :provider end it "should retain a copy of the originally provided parameters" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :atboot => true, :noop => false).original_parameters.should == {:atboot => true, :noop => false} end it "should delete the name via the namevar from the originally provided parameters" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => make_absolute('/foo')).original_parameters[:path].should be_nil end end it "should have a class method for converting a hash into a Puppet::Resource instance" do Puppet::Type.type(:mount).must respond_to(:hash2resource) end describe "when converting a hash to a Puppet::Resource instance" do before do @type = Puppet::Type.type(:mount) end it "should treat a :title key as the title of the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "/foo", :title => "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should use the name from the hash as the title if no explicit title is provided" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should use the Resource Type's namevar to determine how to find the name in the hash" do @type.stubs(:key_attributes).returns([ :myname ]) @type.hash2resource(:myname => "foo").title.should == "foo" end [:catalog].each do |attr| it "should use any provided #{attr}" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", attr => "eh").send(attr).should == "eh" end end it "should set all provided parameters on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :fstype => "boo", :boot => "fee").to_hash.should == {:name => "foo", :fstype => "boo", :boot => "fee"} end it "should not set the title as a parameter on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :title => "eh")[:title].should be_nil end it "should not set the catalog as a parameter on the resource" do @type.hash2resource(:name => "foo", :catalog => "eh")[:catalog].should be_nil end it "should treat hash keys equivalently whether provided as strings or symbols" do resource = @type.hash2resource("name" => "foo", "title" => "eh", "fstype" => "boo") resource.title.should == "eh" resource[:name].should == "foo" resource[:fstype].should == "boo" end end describe "when retrieving current property values" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) @resource.property(:ensure).stubs(:retrieve).returns :absent end it "should fail if its provider is unsuitable" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(:name => "foo", :fstype => "bar", :pass => 1, :ensure => :present) @resource.provider.class.expects(:suitable?).returns false lambda { @resource.retrieve_resource }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should return a Puppet::Resource instance with its type and title set appropriately" do result = @resource.retrieve_resource result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) result.type.should == "Mount" result.title.should == "foo" end it "should set the name of the returned resource if its own name and title differ" do @resource[:name] = "my name" @resource.title = "other name" @resource.retrieve_resource[:name].should == "my name" end it "should provide a value for all set properties" do values = @resource.retrieve_resource [:ensure, :fstype, :pass].each { |property| values[property].should_not be_nil } end it "should provide a value for 'ensure' even if no desired value is provided" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => make_absolute("/my/file/that/can't/exist")) end it "should not call retrieve on non-ensure properties if the resource is absent and should consider the property absent" do @resource.property(:ensure).expects(:retrieve).returns :absent @resource.property(:fstype).expects(:retrieve).never @resource.retrieve_resource[:fstype].should == :absent end it "should include the result of retrieving each property's current value if the resource is present" do @resource.property(:ensure).expects(:retrieve).returns :present @resource.property(:fstype).expects(:retrieve).returns 15 @resource.retrieve_resource[:fstype] == 15 end end describe ".title_patterns" do describe "when there's one namevar" do before do @type_class = Puppet::Type.type(:notify) @type_class.stubs(:key_attributes).returns([:one]) end it "should have a default pattern for when there's one namevar" do patterns = @type_class.title_patterns patterns.length.should == 1 patterns[0].length.should == 2 end it "should have a regexp that captures the entire string" do patterns = @type_class.title_patterns string = "abc\n\tdef" patterns[0][0] =~ string $1.should == "abc\n\tdef" end end end describe "when in a catalog" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @container = Puppet::Type.type(:component).new(:name => "container") @one = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => make_absolute("/file/one")) @two = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => make_absolute("/file/two")) @catalog.add_resource @container @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @catalog.add_edge @container, @one @catalog.add_edge @container, @two end it "should have no parent if there is no in edge" do @container.parent.should be_nil end it "should set its parent to its in edge" do @one.parent.ref.should == @container.ref end after do @catalog.clear(true) end end it "should have a 'stage' metaparam" do Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:stage).should be_instance_of(Class) end describe "#suitable?" do let(:type) { Puppet::Type.type(:file) } let(:resource) { type.new :path => tmpfile('suitable') } let(:provider) { resource.provider } it "should be suitable if its type doesn't use providers" do type.stubs(:paramclass).with(:provider).returns nil resource.should be_suitable end it "should be suitable if it has a provider which is suitable" do resource.should be_suitable end it "should not be suitable if it has a provider which is not suitable" do provider.class.stubs(:suitable?).returns false resource.should_not be_suitable end it "should be suitable if it does not have a provider and there is a default provider" do resource.stubs(:provider).returns nil resource.should be_suitable end it "should not be suitable if it doesn't have a provider and there is not default provider" do resource.stubs(:provider).returns nil type.stubs(:defaultprovider).returns nil resource.should_not be_suitable end end describe "::instances" do - before :each do - @fake_type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:foo) do + it "should not fail if no suitable providers are found" do + fake_type = Puppet::Type.newtype(:type_spec_fake_type) do newparam(:name) do isnamevar end newproperty(:prop1) do end + + provide(:fake1) do + confine :exists => '/no/such/file' + mk_resource_methods + end end - @unsuitable_provider = Puppet::Type.type(:foo).provide(:fake1) do - confine :exists => '/no/such/file' - mk_resource_methods - end - end - it "should not fail if no suitable providers are found" do - lambda { @fake_type.instances }.should_not raise_error + expect { fake_type.instances }.should_not raise_error end end describe "::ensurable?" do before :each do class TestEnsurableType < Puppet::Type def exists?; end def create; end def destroy; end end end it "is true if the class has exists?, create, and destroy methods defined" do TestEnsurableType.should be_ensurable end it "is false if exists? is not defined" do TestEnsurableType.class_eval { remove_method(:exists?) } TestEnsurableType.should_not be_ensurable end it "is false if create is not defined" do TestEnsurableType.class_eval { remove_method(:create) } TestEnsurableType.should_not be_ensurable end it "is false if destroy is not defined" do TestEnsurableType.class_eval { remove_method(:destroy) } TestEnsurableType.should_not be_ensurable end end end describe Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam do include PuppetSpec::Files it "should be a subclass of Puppet::Parameter" do Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Parameter) end it "should be able to produce a list of subclasses" do Puppet::Type::RelationshipMetaparam.should respond_to(:subclasses) end describe "when munging relationships", :fails_on_windows => true do before do @path = make_absolute('/foo') @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => @path @metaparam = Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new :resource => @resource end it "should accept Puppet::Resource instances" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, @path) @metaparam.munge(ref)[0].should equal(ref) end it "should turn any string into a Puppet::Resource" do @metaparam.munge("File[/ref]")[0].should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end end it "should be able to validate relationships" do Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new(:resource => mock("resource")).should respond_to(:validate_relationship) end it "should fail if any specified resource is not found in the catalog" do catalog = mock 'catalog' resource = stub 'resource', :catalog => catalog, :ref => "resource" param = Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:require).new(:resource => resource, :value => %w{Foo[bar] Class[test]}) catalog.expects(:resource).with("Foo[bar]").returns "something" catalog.expects(:resource).with("Class[Test]").returns nil param.expects(:fail).with { |string| string.include?("Class[Test]") } param.validate_relationship end end describe Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:check) do include PuppetSpec::Files it "should warn and create an instance of ':audit'" do file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => make_absolute('/foo') file.expects(:warning) file[:check] = :mode file[:audit].should == [:mode] end end describe Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:audit) do include PuppetSpec::Files before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => make_absolute('/foo') end it "should default to being nil" do @resource[:audit].should be_nil end it "should specify all possible properties when asked to audit all properties" do @resource[:audit] = :all list = @resource.class.properties.collect { |p| p.name } @resource[:audit].should == list end it "should accept the string 'all' to specify auditing all possible properties" do @resource[:audit] = 'all' list = @resource.class.properties.collect { |p| p.name } @resource[:audit].should == list end it "should fail if asked to audit an invalid property" do lambda { @resource[:audit] = :foobar }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should create an attribute instance for each auditable property" do @resource[:audit] = :mode @resource.parameter(:mode).should_not be_nil end it "should accept properties specified as a string" do @resource[:audit] = "mode" @resource.parameter(:mode).should_not be_nil end it "should not create attribute instances for parameters, only properties" do @resource[:audit] = :noop @resource.parameter(:noop).should be_nil end describe "when generating the uniqueness key" do it "should include all of the key_attributes in alphabetical order by attribute name" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:path, :mode, :owner] Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:title_patterns).returns( [ [ /(.*)/, [ [:path, lambda{|x| x} ] ] ] ] ) myfile = make_absolute('/my/file') res = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new( :title => myfile, :path => myfile, :owner => 'root', :content => 'hello' ) res.uniqueness_key.should == [ nil, 'root', myfile] end end end