diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/rpm.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/rpm.rb index d11725d6c..fad6b4845 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/rpm.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/rpm.rb @@ -1,186 +1,189 @@ require 'puppet/provider/package' # RPM packaging. Should work anywhere that has rpm installed. Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :rpm, :source => :rpm, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Package do desc "RPM packaging support; should work anywhere with a working `rpm` binary. This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options` attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to the RPM binary. These options should be specified as an array, where each element is either a string or a `{'--flag' => 'value'}` hash. (That hash example would be equivalent to a `'--flag=value'` string; the hash syntax is available as a convenience.)" has_feature :versionable has_feature :install_options has_feature :uninstall_options + has_feature :virtual_packages # Note: self:: is required here to keep these constants in the context of what will # eventually become this Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm class. # The query format by which we identify installed packages self::NEVRA_FORMAT = %Q{%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\\n} self::NEVRA_REGEX = %r{^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$} self::NEVRA_FIELDS = [:name, :epoch, :version, :release, :arch] commands :rpm => "rpm" if command('rpm') confine :true => begin rpm('--version') rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure false else true end end def self.current_version return @current_version unless @current_version.nil? output = rpm "--version" @current_version = output.gsub('RPM version ', '').strip end # rpm < 4.1 don't support --nosignature def self.nosignature '--nosignature' unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(current_version, '4.1') < 0 end # rpm < 4.0.2 don't support --nodigest def self.nodigest '--nodigest' unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(current_version, '4.0.2') < 0 end def self.instances packages = [] # list out all of the packages begin execpipe("#{command(:rpm)} -qa #{nosignature} #{nodigest} --qf '#{self::NEVRA_FORMAT}'") { |process| # now turn each returned line into a package object process.each_line { |line| hash = nevra_to_hash(line) packages << new(hash) unless hash.empty? } } rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure raise Puppet::Error, "Failed to list packages", $!.backtrace end packages end # Find the fully versioned package name and the version alone. Returns # a hash with entries :instance => fully versioned package name, and # :ensure => version-release def query #NOTE: Prior to a fix for issue 1243, this method potentially returned a cached value #IF YOU CALL THIS METHOD, IT WILL CALL RPM #Use get(:property) to check if cached values are available cmd = ["-q", @resource[:name], "#{self.class.nosignature}", "#{self.class.nodigest}", "--qf", self.class::NEVRA_FORMAT] begin output = rpm(*cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure + return nil unless @resource.allow_virtual? + # rpm -q exits 1 if package not found # retry the query for virtual packages cmd << '--whatprovides' begin output = rpm(*cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure # couldn't find a virtual package either return nil end end # FIXME: We could actually be getting back multiple packages # for multilib and this will only return the first such package @property_hash.update(self.class.nevra_to_hash(output)) @property_hash.dup end # Here we just retrieve the version from the file specified in the source. def latest unless source = @resource[:source] @resource.fail "RPMs must specify a package source" end cmd = [command(:rpm), "-q", "--qf", self.class::NEVRA_FORMAT, "-p", source] h = self.class.nevra_to_hash(execfail(cmd, Puppet::Error)) h[:ensure] end def install unless source = @resource[:source] @resource.fail "RPMs must specify a package source" end # RPM gets pissy if you try to install an already # installed package if @resource.should(:ensure) == @property_hash[:ensure] or @resource.should(:ensure) == :latest && @property_hash[:ensure] == latest return end flag = ["-i"] flag = ["-U", "--oldpackage"] if @property_hash[:ensure] and @property_hash[:ensure] != :absent flag += install_options if resource[:install_options] rpm flag, source end def uninstall query if get(:arch) == :absent nvr = "#{get(:name)}-#{get(:version)}-#{get(:release)}" arch = ".#{get(:arch)}" # If they specified an arch in the manifest, erase that Otherwise, # erase the arch we got back from the query. If multiple arches are # installed and only the package name is specified (without the # arch), this will uninstall all of them on successive runs of the # client, one after the other # version of RPM prior to 4.2.1 can't accept the architecture as # part of the package name. unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(self.class.current_version, '4.2.1') < 0 if @resource[:name][-arch.size, arch.size] == arch nvr += arch else nvr += ".#{get(:arch)}" end end flag = ['-e'] flag += uninstall_options if resource[:uninstall_options] rpm flag, nvr end def update self.install end def install_options join_options(resource[:install_options]) end def uninstall_options join_options(resource[:uninstall_options]) end private # @param line [String] one line of rpm package query information # @return [Hash] of NEVRA_FIELDS strings parsed from package info # or an empty hash if we failed to parse # @api private def self.nevra_to_hash(line) line.strip! hash = {} if match = self::NEVRA_REGEX.match(line) self::NEVRA_FIELDS.zip(match.captures) { |f, v| hash[f] = v } hash[:provider] = self.name hash[:ensure] = "#{hash[:version]}-#{hash[:release]}" else Puppet.debug("Failed to match rpm line #{line}") end return hash end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/yum.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/yum.rb index 2e545ecdf..a2c6079dd 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/yum.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/yum.rb @@ -1,187 +1,187 @@ require 'puppet/util/package' Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :yum, :parent => :rpm, :source => :rpm do desc "Support via `yum`. Using this provider's `uninstallable` feature will not remove dependent packages. To remove dependent packages with this provider use the `purgeable` feature, but note this feature is destructive and should be used with the utmost care." - has_feature :install_options, :versionable + has_feature :install_options, :versionable, :virtual_packages commands :yum => "yum", :rpm => "rpm", :python => "python" self::YUMHELPER = File::join(File::dirname(__FILE__), "yumhelper.py") if command('rpm') confine :true => begin rpm('--version') rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure false else true end end defaultfor :operatingsystem => [:fedora, :centos, :redhat] def self.prefetch(packages) raise Puppet::Error, "The yum provider can only be used as root" if Process.euid != 0 super end # Retrieve the latest package version information for a given package name # and combination of repos to enable and disable. # # @note If multiple package versions are defined (such as in the case where a # package is built for multiple architectures), the first package found # will be used. # # @api private # @param package [String] The name of the package to query # @param enablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to enable for this query # @param disablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to disable for this query # @return [Hash] def self.latest_package_version(package, enablerepo, disablerepo) key = [enablerepo, disablerepo] @latest_versions ||= {} if @latest_versions[key].nil? @latest_versions[key] = fetch_latest_versions(enablerepo, disablerepo) end if @latest_versions[key][package] @latest_versions[key][package].first end end # Search for all installed packages that have newer versions, given a # combination of repositories to enable and disable. # # @api private # @param enablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to enable for this query # @param disablerepo [Array] A list of repositories to disable for this query # @return [Hash>>] All packages that were # found with a list of found versions for each package. def self.fetch_latest_versions(enablerepo, disablerepo) latest_versions = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = []} args = [self::YUMHELPER] args.concat(enablerepo.map { |repo| ['-e', repo] }.flatten) args.concat(disablerepo.map { |repo| ['-d', repo] }.flatten) python(args).scan(/^_pkg (.*)$/) do |match| hash = nevra_to_hash(match[0]) # Create entries for both the package name without a version and a # version since yum considers those as mostly interchangeable. short_name = hash[:name] long_name = "#{hash[:name]}.#{hash[:arch]}" latest_versions[short_name] << hash latest_versions[long_name] << hash end latest_versions end def self.clear @latest_versions = nil end def install should = @resource.should(:ensure) self.debug "Ensuring => #{should}" wanted = @resource[:name] operation = :install case should when true, false, Symbol # pass should = nil else # Add the package version wanted += "-#{should}" is = self.query if is && Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(should, is[:ensure]) < 0 self.debug "Downgrading package #{@resource[:name]} from version #{is[:ensure]} to #{should}" operation = :downgrade end end args = ["-d", "0", "-e", "0", "-y", install_options, operation, wanted].compact yum *args is = self.query raise Puppet::Error, "Could not find package #{self.name}" unless is # FIXME: Should we raise an exception even if should == :latest # and yum updated us to a version other than @param_hash[:ensure] ? raise Puppet::Error, "Failed to update to version #{should}, got version #{is[:ensure]} instead" if should && should != is[:ensure] end # What's the latest package version available? def latest upd = self.class.latest_package_version(@resource[:name], enablerepo, disablerepo) unless upd.nil? # FIXME: there could be more than one update for a package # because of multiarch return "#{upd[:epoch]}:#{upd[:version]}-#{upd[:release]}" else # Yum didn't find updates, pretend the current # version is the latest raise Puppet::DevError, "Tried to get latest on a missing package" if properties[:ensure] == :absent return properties[:ensure] end end def update # Install in yum can be used for update, too self.install end def purge yum "-y", :erase, @resource[:name] end # @deprecated def latest_info Puppet.deprecation_warning("#{self.class}##{__method__} is deprecated and is no longer used.") @latest_info end # @deprecated def latest_info=(latest) Puppet.deprecation_warning("#{self.class}##{__method__} is deprecated and is no longer used.") @latest_info = latest end private def enablerepo scan_options(resource[:install_options], '--enablerepo') end def disablerepo scan_options(resource[:install_options], '--disablerepo') end # Scan a structure that looks like the package type 'install_options' # structure for all hashes that have a specific key. # # @api private # @param options [Array, nil] The options structure. If the # options are nil an empty array will be returned. # @param key [String] The key to look for in all contained hashes # @return [Array] All hash values with the given key. def scan_options(options, key) return [] if options.nil? options.inject([]) do |repos, opt| if opt.is_a? Hash and opt[key] repos << opt[key] end repos end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb index d78c8fb81..9a009db46 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb @@ -1,455 +1,466 @@ # Define the different packaging systems. Each package system is implemented # in a module, which then gets used to individually extend each package object. # This allows packages to exist on the same machine using different packaging # systems. require 'puppet/parameter/package_options' +require 'puppet/parameter/boolean' module Puppet newtype(:package) do @doc = "Manage packages. There is a basic dichotomy in package support right now: Some package types (e.g., yum and apt) can retrieve their own package files, while others (e.g., rpm and sun) cannot. For those package formats that cannot retrieve their own files, you can use the `source` parameter to point to the correct file. Puppet will automatically guess the packaging format that you are using based on the platform you are on, but you can override it using the `provider` parameter; each provider defines what it requires in order to function, and you must meet those requirements to use a given provider. **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the files specified as a package's `adminfile`, `responsefile`, or `source`, the package resource will autorequire those files." feature :installable, "The provider can install packages.", :methods => [:install] feature :uninstallable, "The provider can uninstall packages.", :methods => [:uninstall] feature :upgradeable, "The provider can upgrade to the latest version of a package. This feature is used by specifying `latest` as the desired value for the package.", :methods => [:update, :latest] feature :purgeable, "The provider can purge packages. This generally means that all traces of the package are removed, including existing configuration files. This feature is thus destructive and should be used with the utmost care.", :methods => [:purge] feature :versionable, "The provider is capable of interrogating the package database for installed version(s), and can select which out of a set of available versions of a package to install if asked." feature :holdable, "The provider is capable of placing packages on hold such that they are not automatically upgraded as a result of other package dependencies unless explicit action is taken by a user or another package. Held is considered a superset of installed.", :methods => [:hold] feature :install_options, "The provider accepts options to be passed to the installer command." feature :uninstall_options, "The provider accepts options to be passed to the uninstaller command." feature :package_settings, "The provider accepts package_settings to be ensured for the given package. The meaning and format of these settings is provider-specific.", :methods => [:package_settings_insync?, :package_settings, :package_settings=] - + feature :virtual_packages, "The provider accepts virtual package names for install and uninstall." ensurable do desc <<-EOT What state the package should be in. On packaging systems that can retrieve new packages on their own, you can choose which package to retrieve by specifying a version number or `latest` as the ensure value. On packaging systems that manage configuration files separately from "normal" system files, you can uninstall config files by specifying `purged` as the ensure value. This defaults to `installed`. EOT attr_accessor :latest newvalue(:present, :event => :package_installed) do provider.install end newvalue(:absent, :event => :package_removed) do provider.uninstall end newvalue(:purged, :event => :package_purged, :required_features => :purgeable) do provider.purge end newvalue(:held, :event => :package_held, :required_features => :holdable) do provider.hold end # Alias the 'present' value. aliasvalue(:installed, :present) newvalue(:latest, :required_features => :upgradeable) do # Because yum always exits with a 0 exit code, there's a retrieve # in the "install" method. So, check the current state now, # to compare against later. current = self.retrieve begin provider.update rescue => detail self.fail Puppet::Error, "Could not update: #{detail}", detail end if current == :absent :package_installed else :package_changed end end newvalue(/./, :required_features => :versionable) do begin provider.install rescue => detail self.fail Puppet::Error, "Could not update: #{detail}", detail end if self.retrieve == :absent :package_installed else :package_changed end end defaultto :installed # Override the parent method, because we've got all kinds of # funky definitions of 'in sync'. def insync?(is) @lateststamp ||= (Time.now.to_i - 1000) # Iterate across all of the should values, and see how they # turn out. @should.each { |should| case should when :present return true unless [:absent, :purged, :held].include?(is) when :latest # Short-circuit packages that are not present return false if is == :absent or is == :purged # Don't run 'latest' more than about every 5 minutes if @latest and ((Time.now.to_i - @lateststamp) / 60) < 5 #self.debug "Skipping latest check" else begin @latest = provider.latest @lateststamp = Time.now.to_i rescue => detail error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not get latest version: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end case when is.is_a?(Array) && is.include?(@latest) return true when is == @latest return true when is == :present # This will only happen on retarded packaging systems # that can't query versions. return true else self.debug "#{@resource.name} #{is.inspect} is installed, latest is #{@latest.inspect}" end when :absent return true if is == :absent or is == :purged when :purged return true if is == :purged # this handles version number matches and # supports providers that can have multiple versions installed when *Array(is) return true end } false end # This retrieves the current state. LAK: I think this method is unused. def retrieve provider.properties[:ensure] end # Provide a bit more information when logging upgrades. def should_to_s(newvalue = @should) if @latest @latest.to_s else super(newvalue) end end end newparam(:name) do desc "The package name. This is the name that the packaging system uses internally, which is sometimes (especially on Solaris) a name that is basically useless to humans. If you want to abstract package installation, then you can use aliases to provide a common name to packages: # In the 'openssl' class $ssl = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => SMCossl, default => openssl } # It is not an error to set an alias to the same value as the # object name. package { $ssl: ensure => installed, alias => openssl } . etc. . $ssh = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => SMCossh, default => openssh } # Use the alias to specify a dependency, rather than # having another selector to figure it out again. package { $ssh: ensure => installed, alias => openssh, require => Package[openssl] } " isnamevar validate do |value| if !value.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Name must be a String not #{value.class}" end end end newproperty(:package_settings, :required_features=>:package_settings) do desc "Settings that can change the contents or configuration of a package. The formatting and effects of package_settings are provider-specific; any provider that implements them must explain how to use them in its documentation. (Our general expectation is that if a package is installed but its settings are out of sync, the provider should re-install that package with the desired settings.) An example of how package_settings could be used is FreeBSD's port build options --- a future version of the provider could accept a hash of options, and would reinstall the port if the installed version lacked the correct settings. package { 'www/apache22': package_settings => { 'SUEXEC' => false } } Again, check the documentation of your platform's package provider to see the actual usage." validate do |value| if provider.respond_to?(:package_settings_validate) provider.package_settings_validate(value) else super(value) end end munge do |value| if provider.respond_to?(:package_settings_munge) provider.package_settings_munge(value) else super(value) end end def insync?(is) provider.package_settings_insync?(should, is) end def should_to_s(newvalue) if provider.respond_to?(:package_settings_should_to_s) provider.package_settings_should_to_s(should, newvalue) else super(newvalue) end end def is_to_s(currentvalue) if provider.respond_to?(:package_settings_is_to_s) provider.package_settings_is_to_s(should, currentvalue) else super(currentvalue) end end def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) if provider.respond_to?(:package_settings_change_to_s) provider.package_settings_change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) else super(currentvalue,newvalue) end end end newparam(:source) do desc "Where to find the actual package. This must be a local file (or on a network file system) or a URL that your specific packaging type understands; Puppet will not retrieve files for you, although you can manage packages as `file` resources." validate do |value| provider.validate_source(value) end end newparam(:instance) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:status) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:adminfile) do desc "A file containing package defaults for installing packages. This is currently only used on Solaris. The value will be validated according to system rules, which in the case of Solaris means that it should either be a fully qualified path or it should be in `/var/sadm/install/admin`." end newparam(:responsefile) do desc "A file containing any necessary answers to questions asked by the package. This is currently used on Solaris and Debian. The value will be validated according to system rules, but it should generally be a fully qualified path." end newparam(:configfiles) do desc "Whether configfiles should be kept or replaced. Most packages types do not support this parameter. Defaults to `keep`." defaultto :keep newvalues(:keep, :replace) end newparam(:category) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:platform) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:root) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:vendor) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:description) do desc "A read-only parameter set by the package." end newparam(:allowcdrom) do desc "Tells apt to allow cdrom sources in the sources.list file. Normally apt will bail if you try this." newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:flavor) do desc "OpenBSD supports 'flavors', which are further specifications for which type of package you want." end newparam(:install_options, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::PackageOptions, :required_features => :install_options) do desc <<-EOT An array of additional options to pass when installing a package. These options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software vendor. One commonly implemented option is `INSTALLDIR`: package { 'mysql': ensure => installed, source => 'N:/packages/mysql-5.5.16-winx64.msi', install_options => [ '/S', { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\\mysql-5.5' } ], } Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each option will automatically be quoted when passed to the install command. On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted strings _may_ be double-escaped. EOT end newparam(:uninstall_options, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::PackageOptions, :required_features => :uninstall_options) do desc <<-EOT An array of additional options to pass when uninstalling a package. These options are package-specific, and should be documented by the software vendor. For example: package { 'VMware Tools': ensure => absent, uninstall_options => [ { 'REMOVE' => 'Sync,VSS' } ], } Each option in the array can either be a string or a hash, where each key and value pair are interpreted in a provider specific way. Each option will automatically be quoted when passed to the uninstall command. On Windows, this is the **only** place in Puppet where backslash separators should be used. Note that backslashes in double-quoted strings _must_ be double-escaped and backslashes in single-quoted strings _may_ be double-escaped. EOT end + newparam(:allow_virtual, :boolean => true, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Boolean, :required_features => :virtual_packages) do + desc 'Specifies if virtual package names are allowed for install and uninstall.' + + # In a future release, this should be defaulted to true and the below deprecation warning removed + defaultto do + Puppet.deprecation_warning('The package type\'s allow_virtual parameter will be changing its default value from false to true in a future release. If you do not want to allow virtual packages, please explicitly set allow_virtual to false.') unless value + false + end + end + autorequire(:file) do autos = [] [:responsefile, :adminfile].each { |param| if val = self[param] autos << val end } if source = self[:source] and absolute_path?(source) autos << source end autos end # This only exists for testing. def clear if obj = @parameters[:ensure] obj.latest = nil end end # The 'query' method returns a hash of info if the package # exists and returns nil if it does not. def exists? @provider.get(:ensure) != :absent end def present?(current_values) super && current_values[:ensure] != :purged end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/aptrpm_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/aptrpm_spec.rb index 80a83a254..5ae9ea012 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/package/aptrpm_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/aptrpm_spec.rb @@ -1,48 +1,47 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:aptrpm) do let :type do Puppet::Type.type(:package) end let :pkg do type.new(:name => 'faff', :provider => :aptrpm, :source => '/tmp/faff.rpm') end it { should be_versionable } context "when retrieving ensure" do before(:each) do Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") pkg.provider.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "--version"], {:combine => true, :custom_environment => {}, :failonfail => true}).returns("4.10.1\n").at_most_once end def rpm_args ['-q', 'faff', '--nosignature', '--nodigest', '--qf', "%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\\n"] end def rpm(args = rpm_args) pkg.provider.expects(:rpm).with(*args) end it "should report absent packages" do rpm.raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "couldn't find rpm") - rpm(rpm_args + ['--whatprovides']).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, 'no package provides faff') pkg.property(:ensure).retrieve.should == :absent end it "should report present packages correctly" do rpm.returns("faff-1.2.3-1 0 1.2.3-1 5 i686\n") pkg.property(:ensure).retrieve.should == "1.2.3-1-5" end end it "should try and install when asked" do pkg.provider.expects(:aptget). with('-q', '-y', 'install', 'faff'). returns(0) pkg.provider.install end it "should try and purge when asked" do pkg.provider.expects(:aptget).with('-y', '-q', 'remove', '--purge', 'faff').returns(0) pkg.provider.purge end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/rpm_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/rpm_spec.rb index 63727710d..c61ea1c4f 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/package/rpm_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/rpm_spec.rb @@ -1,384 +1,390 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:rpm) describe provider_class do let (:packages) do <<-RPM_OUTPUT cracklib-dicts 0 2.8.9 3.3 x86_64 basesystem 0 8.0 5.1.1.el5.centos noarch chkconfig 0 2.el5 x86_64 myresource 0 5.el4 noarch mysummaryless 0 5.el4 noarch RPM_OUTPUT end let(:resource_name) { 'myresource' } let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => resource_name, :ensure => :installed, :provider => 'rpm' ) end let(:provider) do provider = provider_class.new provider.resource = resource provider end let(:nevra_format) { %Q{%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\\n} } let(:execute_options) do {:failonfail => true, :combine => true, :custom_environment => {}} end let(:rpm_version) { "RPM version 5.0.0\n" } before(:each) do Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") provider_class.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") provider_class.instance_variable_set("@current_version", nil) Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "--version"]).returns(rpm_version).at_most_once Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "--version"], execute_options).returns(rpm_version).at_most_once end + describe 'provider features' do + it { should be_versionable } + it { should be_install_options } + it { should be_uninstall_options } + it { should be_virtual_packages } + end + describe "self.instances" do describe "with a modern version of RPM" do it "includes all the modern flags" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with("/bin/rpm -qa --nosignature --nodigest --qf '#{nevra_format}'").yields(packages) installed_packages = provider_class.instances end end describe "with a version of RPM < 4.1" do let(:rpm_version) { "RPM version 4.0.2\n" } it "excludes the --nosignature flag" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with("/bin/rpm -qa --nodigest --qf '#{nevra_format}'").yields(packages) installed_packages = provider_class.instances end end describe "with a version of RPM < 4.0.2" do let(:rpm_version) { "RPM version 3.0.5\n" } it "excludes the --nodigest flag" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with("/bin/rpm -qa --qf '#{nevra_format}'").yields(packages) installed_packages = provider_class.instances end end it "returns an array of packages" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with("/bin/rpm -qa --nosignature --nodigest --qf '#{nevra_format}'").yields(packages) installed_packages = provider_class.instances expect(installed_packages[0].properties).to eq( { :provider => :rpm, :name => "cracklib-dicts", :epoch => "0", :version => "2.8.9", :release => "3.3", :arch => "x86_64", :ensure => "2.8.9-3.3", } ) expect(installed_packages[1].properties).to eq( { :provider => :rpm, :name => "basesystem", :epoch => "0", :version => "8.0", :release => "5.1.1.el5.centos", :arch => "noarch", :ensure => "8.0-5.1.1.el5.centos", } ) expect(installed_packages[2].properties).to eq( { :provider => :rpm, :name => "chkconfig", :epoch => "0", :version => "", :release => "2.el5", :arch => "x86_64", :ensure => "", } ) expect(installed_packages.last.properties).to eq( { :provider => :rpm, :name => "mysummaryless", :epoch => "0", :version => "", :release => "5.el4", :arch => "noarch", :ensure => "", } ) end end describe "#install" do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => 'myresource', :ensure => :installed, :source => '/path/to/package' ) end describe "when not already installed" do it "only includes the '-i' flag" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-i"], '/path/to/package'], execute_options) provider.install end end describe "when installed with options" do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => resource_name, :ensure => :installed, :provider => 'rpm', :source => '/path/to/package', :install_options => ['-D', {'--test' => 'value'}, '-Q'] ) end it "includes the options" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-i", "-D", "--test=value", "-Q"], '/path/to/package'], execute_options) provider.install end end describe "when an older version is installed" do before(:each) do # Force the provider to think a version of the package is already installed # This is real hacky. I'm sorry. --jeffweiss 25 Jan 2013 provider.instance_variable_get('@property_hash')[:ensure] = '' end it "includes the '-U --oldpackage' flags" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-U", "--oldpackage"], '/path/to/package'], execute_options) provider.install end end end describe "#latest" do it "retrieves version string after querying rpm for version from source file" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns('source-string') Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execfail).with(["/bin/rpm", "-q", "--qf", nevra_format, "-p", "source-string"], Puppet::Error).returns("myresource 0 5.el4 noarch\n") expect(provider.latest).to eq("") end end describe "#uninstall" do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => 'myresource', :ensure => :installed ) end describe "on a modern RPM" do before(:each) do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "-q", "myresource", '--nosignature', '--nodigest', "--qf", nevra_format], execute_options).returns("myresource 0 5.el4 noarch\n") end let(:rpm_version) { "RPM version 4.10.0\n" } it "includes the architecture in the package name" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-e"], 'myresource-'], execute_options).returns('').at_most_once provider.uninstall end end describe "on an ancient RPM" do before(:each) do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "-q", "myresource", '', '', '--qf', nevra_format], execute_options).returns("myresource 0 5.el4 noarch\n") end let(:rpm_version) { "RPM version 3.0.6\n" } it "excludes the architecture from the package name" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-e"], 'myresource-'], execute_options).returns('').at_most_once provider.uninstall end end describe "when uninstalled with options" do before(:each) do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "-q", "myresource", '--nosignature', '--nodigest', "--qf", nevra_format], execute_options).returns("myresource 0 5.el4 noarch\n") end let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => resource_name, :ensure => :absent, :provider => 'rpm', :uninstall_options => ['--nodeps'] ) end it "includes the options" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", ["-e", "--nodeps"], 'myresource-'], execute_options) provider.uninstall end end end describe "parsing" do def parser_test(rpm_output_string, gold_hash, number_of_debug_logs = 0) Puppet.expects(:debug).times(number_of_debug_logs) Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "-q", resource_name, "--nosignature", "--nodigest", "--qf", nevra_format], execute_options).returns(rpm_output_string) expect(provider.query).to eq(gold_hash) end let(:resource_name) { 'name' } let('delimiter') { ':DESC:' } let(:package_hash) do { :name => 'name', :epoch => 'epoch', :version => 'version', :release => 'release', :arch => 'arch', :provider => :rpm, :ensure => 'version-release', } end let(:line) { 'name epoch version release arch' } ['name', 'epoch', 'version', 'release', 'arch'].each do |field| it "still parses if #{field} is replaced by delimiter" do parser_test( line.gsub(field, delimiter), package_hash.merge( field.to_sym => delimiter, :ensure => 'version-release'.gsub(field, delimiter) ) ) end end it "does not fail if line is unparseable, but issues a debug log" do parser_test('bad data', {}, 1) end it "does not log or fail if rpm returns package not found" do Puppet.expects(:debug).never expected_args = ["/bin/rpm", "-q", resource_name, "--nosignature", "--nodigest", "--qf", nevra_format] Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(expected_args, execute_options).raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure.new("package #{resource_name} is not installed") - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(expected_args + ["--whatprovides"], execute_options).raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure.new("no package provides #{resource_name}") expect(provider.query).to be_nil end it "parses virtual package" do - #Puppet.expects(:debug).never + provider.resource[:allow_virtual] = true expected_args = ["/bin/rpm", "-q", resource_name, "--nosignature", "--nodigest", "--qf", nevra_format] Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(expected_args, execute_options).raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure.new("package #{resource_name} is not installed") Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(expected_args + ["--whatprovides"], execute_options).returns "myresource 0 5.el4 noarch\n" expect(provider.query).to eq({ :name => "myresource", :epoch => "0", :version => "", :release => "5.el4", :arch => "noarch", :provider => :rpm, :ensure => "" }) end end describe "#install_options" do it "returns nil by default" do expect(provider.install_options).to eq(nil) end it "returns install_options when set" do provider.resource[:install_options] = ['-n'] expect(provider.install_options).to eq(['-n']) end it "returns multiple install_options when set" do provider.resource[:install_options] = ['-L', '/opt/puppet'] expect(provider.install_options).to eq(['-L', '/opt/puppet']) end it 'returns install_options when set as hash' do provider.resource[:install_options] = [{ '-Darch' => 'vax' }] expect(provider.install_options).to eq(['-Darch=vax']) end it 'returns install_options when an array with hashes' do provider.resource[:install_options] = [ '-L', { '-Darch' => 'vax' }] expect(provider.install_options).to eq(['-L', '-Darch=vax']) end end describe "#uninstall_options" do it "returns nil by default" do expect(provider.uninstall_options).to eq(nil) end it "returns uninstall_options when set" do provider.resource[:uninstall_options] = ['-n'] expect(provider.uninstall_options).to eq(['-n']) end it "returns multiple uninstall_options when set" do provider.resource[:uninstall_options] = ['-L', '/opt/puppet'] expect(provider.uninstall_options).to eq(['-L', '/opt/puppet']) end it 'returns uninstall_options when set as hash' do provider.resource[:uninstall_options] = [{ '-Darch' => 'vax' }] expect(provider.uninstall_options).to eq(['-Darch=vax']) end it 'returns uninstall_options when an array with hashes' do provider.resource[:uninstall_options] = [ '-L', { '-Darch' => 'vax' }] expect(provider.uninstall_options).to eq(['-L', '-Darch=vax']) end end describe ".nodigest" do { '4.0' => nil, '4.0.1' => nil, '4.0.2' => '--nodigest', '4.0.3' => '--nodigest', '4.1' => '--nodigest', '5' => '--nodigest', }.each do |version, expected| describe "when current version is #{version}" do it "returns #{expected.inspect}" do provider_class.stubs(:current_version).returns(version) expect(provider_class.nodigest).to eq(expected) end end end end describe ".nosignature" do { '4.0.3' => nil, '4.1' => '--nosignature', '4.1.1' => '--nosignature', '4.2' => '--nosignature', '5' => '--nosignature', }.each do |version, expected| describe "when current version is #{version}" do it "returns #{expected.inspect}" do provider_class.stubs(:current_version).returns(version) expect(provider_class.nosignature).to eq(expected) end end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/yum_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/yum_spec.rb index 03825a8fd..6f110fbbc 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/package/yum_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/yum_spec.rb @@ -1,290 +1,296 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:yum) describe provider_class do let(:name) { 'mypackage' } let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => name, :ensure => :installed, :provider => 'yum' ) end let(:provider) do provider = provider_class.new provider.resource = resource provider end before do provider.stubs(:yum).returns 'yum' provider.stubs(:rpm).returns 'rpm' provider.stubs(:get).with(:version).returns '1' provider.stubs(:get).with(:release).returns '1' provider.stubs(:get).with(:arch).returns 'i386' end + describe 'provider features' do + it { should be_versionable } + it { should be_install_options } + it { should be_virtual_packages } + end + # provider should repond to the following methods [:install, :latest, :update, :purge, :install_options].each do |method| it "should have a(n) #{method}" do provider.should respond_to(method) end end describe 'when installing' do before(:each) do Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") provider.stubs(:which).with("rpm").returns("/bin/rpm") Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(["/bin/rpm", "--version"], {:combine => true, :custom_environment => {}, :failonfail => true}).returns("4.10.1\n").at_most_once end it 'should call yum install for :installed' do resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :installed provider.expects(:yum).with('-d', '0', '-e', '0', '-y', :install, 'mypackage') provider.install end it 'should use :install to update' do provider.expects(:install) provider.update end it 'should be able to set version' do resource[:ensure] = '1.2' provider.expects(:yum).with('-d', '0', '-e', '0', '-y', :install, 'mypackage-1.2') provider.stubs(:query).returns :ensure => '1.2' provider.install end it 'should be able to downgrade' do resource[:ensure] = '1.0' provider.expects(:yum).with('-d', '0', '-e', '0', '-y', :downgrade, 'mypackage-1.0') provider.stubs(:query).returns(:ensure => '1.2').then.returns(:ensure => '1.0') provider.install end it 'should accept install options' do resource[:ensure] = :installed resource[:install_options] = ['-t', {'-x' => 'expackage'}] provider.expects(:yum).with('-d', '0', '-e', '0', '-y', ['-t', '-x=expackage'], :install, 'mypackage') provider.install end end describe 'when uninstalling' do it 'should use erase to purge' do provider.expects(:yum).with('-y', :erase, 'mypackage') provider.purge end end it 'should be versionable' do provider.should be_versionable end describe 'determining the latest version available for a package' do it "passes the value of enablerepo install_options when querying" do resource[:install_options] = [ {'--enablerepo' => 'contrib'}, {'--enablerepo' => 'centosplus'}, ] provider.stubs(:properties).returns({:ensure => '3.4.5'}) described_class.expects(:latest_package_version).with('mypackage', ['contrib', 'centosplus'], []) provider.latest end it "passes the value of disablerepo install_options when querying" do resource[:install_options] = [ {'--disablerepo' => 'updates'}, {'--disablerepo' => 'centosplus'}, ] provider.stubs(:properties).returns({:ensure => '3.4.5'}) described_class.expects(:latest_package_version).with('mypackage', [], ['updates', 'centosplus']) provider.latest end describe 'and a newer version is not available' do before :each do described_class.stubs(:latest_package_version).with('mypackage', [], []).returns nil end it 'raises an error the package is not installed' do provider.stubs(:properties).returns({:ensure => :absent}) expect { provider.latest }.to raise_error(Puppet::DevError, 'Tried to get latest on a missing package') end it 'returns version of the currently installed package' do provider.stubs(:properties).returns({:ensure => '3.4.5'}) provider.latest.should == '3.4.5' end end describe 'and a newer version is available' do let(:latest_version) do { :name => 'mypackage', :epoch => '1', :version => '2.3.4', :release => '5', :arch => 'i686', } end it 'includes the epoch in the version string' do described_class.stubs(:latest_package_version).with('mypackage', [], []).returns(latest_version) provider.latest.should == '1:2.3.4-5' end end end describe "lazy loading of latest package versions" do before { described_class.clear } after { described_class.clear } let(:mypackage_version) do { :name => 'mypackage', :epoch => '1', :version => '2.3.4', :release => '5', :arch => 'i686', } end let(:mypackage_newerversion) do { :name => 'mypackage', :epoch => '1', :version => '4.5.6', :release => '7', :arch => 'i686', } end let(:latest_versions) { {'mypackage' => [mypackage_version]} } let(:enabled_versions) { {'mypackage' => [mypackage_newerversion]} } it "returns the version hash if the package was found" do described_class.expects(:fetch_latest_versions).with([], []).once.returns(latest_versions) version = described_class.latest_package_version('mypackage', [], []) expect(version).to eq(mypackage_version) end it "is nil if the package was not found in the query" do described_class.expects(:fetch_latest_versions).with([], []).once.returns(latest_versions) version = described_class.latest_package_version('nopackage', [], []) expect(version).to be_nil end it "caches the package list and reuses that for subsequent queries" do described_class.expects(:fetch_latest_versions).with([], []).once.returns(latest_versions) 2.times { version = described_class.latest_package_version('mypackage', [], []) expect(version).to eq mypackage_version } end it "caches separate lists for each combination of 'enablerepo' and 'disablerepo'" do described_class.expects(:fetch_latest_versions).with([], []).once.returns(latest_versions) described_class.expects(:fetch_latest_versions).with(['enabled'], ['disabled']).once.returns(enabled_versions) 2.times { version = described_class.latest_package_version('mypackage', [], []) expect(version).to eq mypackage_version } 2.times { version = described_class.latest_package_version('mypackage', ['enabled'], ['disabled']) expect(version).to eq(mypackage_newerversion) } end end describe "querying for the latest version of all packages" do let(:yumhelper_single_arch) do <<-YUMHELPER_OUTPUT * base: centos.tcpdiag.net * extras: centos.mirrors.hoobly.com * updates: mirrors.arsc.edu _pkg nss-tools 0 3.14.3 4.el6_4 x86_64 _pkg pixman 0 0.26.2 5.el6_4 x86_64 _pkg myresource 0 5.el4 noarch _pkg mysummaryless 0 5.el4 noarch YUMHELPER_OUTPUT end let(:yumhelper_multi_arch) do yumhelper_single_arch + <<-YUMHELPER_OUTPUT _pkg nss-tools 0 3.14.3 4.el6_4 i386 _pkg pixman 0 0.26.2 5.el6_4 i386 YUMHELPER_OUTPUT end it "creates an entry for each line that's prefixed with '_pkg'" do described_class.expects(:python).with([described_class::YUMHELPER]).returns(yumhelper_single_arch) entries = described_class.fetch_latest_versions([], []) expect(entries.keys).to include 'nss-tools' expect(entries.keys).to include 'pixman' expect(entries.keys).to include 'myresource' expect(entries.keys).to include 'mysummaryless' end it "creates an entry for each package name and architecture" do described_class.expects(:python).with([described_class::YUMHELPER]).returns(yumhelper_single_arch) entries = described_class.fetch_latest_versions([], []) expect(entries.keys).to include 'nss-tools.x86_64' expect(entries.keys).to include 'pixman.x86_64' expect(entries.keys).to include 'myresource.noarch' expect(entries.keys).to include 'mysummaryless.noarch' end it "stores multiple entries if a package is build for multiple architectures" do described_class.expects(:python).with([described_class::YUMHELPER]).returns(yumhelper_multi_arch) entries = described_class.fetch_latest_versions([], []) expect(entries.keys).to include 'nss-tools.x86_64' expect(entries.keys).to include 'pixman.x86_64' expect(entries.keys).to include 'nss-tools.i386' expect(entries.keys).to include 'pixman.i386' expect(entries['nss-tools']).to have(2).items expect(entries['pixman']).to have(2).items end it "passes the repos to enable to the helper" do described_class.expects(:python).with do |script, *args| expect(script).to eq described_class::YUMHELPER expect(args).to eq %w[-e updates -e centosplus] end.returns('') described_class.fetch_latest_versions(['updates', 'centosplus'], []) end it "passes the repos to disable to the helper" do described_class.expects(:python).with do |script, *args| expect(script).to eq described_class::YUMHELPER expect(args).to eq %w[-d updates -d centosplus] end.returns('') described_class.fetch_latest_versions([], ['updates', 'centosplus']) end it 'passes a combination of repos to the helper' do described_class.expects(:python).with do |script, *args| expect(script).to eq described_class::YUMHELPER expect(args).to eq %w[-e os -e contrib -d updates -d centosplus] end.returns('') described_class.fetch_latest_versions(['os', 'contrib'], ['updates', 'centosplus']) end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/type/package_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/package_spec.rb index 3e9ceb8c6..b0feb48d4 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type/package_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type/package_spec.rb @@ -1,304 +1,324 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:package) do before do Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end it "should have an :installable feature that requires the :install method" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:installable).methods.should == [:install] end it "should have an :uninstallable feature that requires the :uninstall method" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:uninstallable).methods.should == [:uninstall] end it "should have an :upgradeable feature that requires :update and :latest methods" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:upgradeable).methods.should == [:update, :latest] end it "should have a :purgeable feature that requires the :purge latest method" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:purgeable).methods.should == [:purge] end it "should have a :versionable feature" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:versionable).should_not be_nil end it "should have a :package_settings feature that requires :package_settings_insync?, :package_settings and :package_settings=" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider_feature(:package_settings).methods.should == [:package_settings_insync?, :package_settings, :package_settings=] end it "should default to being installed" do pkg = Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :provider => :apt) pkg.should(:ensure).should == :present end describe "when validating attributes" do - [:name, :source, :instance, :status, :adminfile, :responsefile, :configfiles, :category, :platform, :root, :vendor, :description, :allowcdrom].each do |param| + [:name, :source, :instance, :status, :adminfile, :responsefile, :configfiles, :category, :platform, :root, :vendor, :description, :allowcdrom, :allow_virtual].each do |param| it "should have a #{param} parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).attrtype(param).should == :param end end it "should have an ensure property" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).attrtype(:ensure).should == :property end it "should have a package_settings property" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).attrtype(:package_settings).should == :property end end describe "when validating attribute values" do before :each do @provider = stub( 'provider', :class => Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider, :clear => nil, :validate_source => nil ) Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider.stubs(:new).returns(@provider) end after :each do Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider = nil end it "should support :present as a value to :ensure" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :present) end it "should alias :installed to :present as a value to :ensure" do pkg = Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :installed) pkg.should(:ensure).should == :present end it "should support :absent as a value to :ensure" do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :absent) end it "should support :purged as a value to :ensure if the provider has the :purgeable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:purgeable]).returns(true) Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :purged) end it "should not support :purged as a value to :ensure if the provider does not have the :purgeable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:purgeable]).returns(false) expect { Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :purged) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should support :latest as a value to :ensure if the provider has the :upgradeable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:upgradeable]).returns(true) Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :latest) end it "should not support :latest as a value to :ensure if the provider does not have the :upgradeable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:upgradeable]).returns(false) expect { Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => :latest) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should support version numbers as a value to :ensure if the provider has the :versionable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:versionable]).returns(true) Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => "1.0") end it "should not support version numbers as a value to :ensure if the provider does not have the :versionable feature" do @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:versionable]).returns(false) expect { Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :ensure => "1.0") }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should accept any string as an argument to :source" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay", :source => "stuff") }.to_not raise_error end it "should not accept a non-string name" do expect do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => ["error"]) end.to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, /Name must be a String/) end + + it "should issue deprecation warning for default allow_virtual for a provider that supports virtual packages" do + Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with('The package type\'s allow_virtual parameter will be changing its default value from false to true in a future release. If you do not want to allow virtual packages, please explicitly set allow_virtual to false.') + Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => 'yay', :provider => :yum) + end + + it "should not issue deprecation warning for allow_virtual set to false for a provider that supports virtual packages" do + Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).never + Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => 'yay', :provider => :yum, :allow_virtual => false) + end + + it "should not issue deprecation warning for allow_virtual set to true for a provider that supports virtual packages" do + Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).never + Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => 'yay', :provider => :yum, :allow_virtual => true) + end + + it "should not issue deprecation warning for default allow_virtual for a provider that does not support virtual packages" do + Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).never + Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => 'yay', :provider => :apt) + end end module PackageEvaluationTesting def setprops(properties) @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(properties) end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package) do before :each do @provider = stub( 'provider', :class => Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider, :clear => nil, :satisfies? => true, :name => :mock, :validate_source => nil ) Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider.stubs(:new).returns(@provider) Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider.stubs(:instances).returns([]) @package = Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => "yay") @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @catalog.add_resource(@package) end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package), "when it should be purged" do include PackageEvaluationTesting before { @package[:ensure] = :purged } it "should do nothing if it is :purged" do @provider.expects(:properties).returns(:ensure => :purged).at_least_once @catalog.apply end [:absent, :installed, :present, :latest].each do |state| it "should purge if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => state) @provider.expects(:purge) @catalog.apply end end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package), "when it should be absent" do include PackageEvaluationTesting before { @package[:ensure] = :absent } [:purged, :absent].each do |state| it "should do nothing if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.expects(:properties).returns(:ensure => state).at_least_once @catalog.apply end end [:installed, :present, :latest].each do |state| it "should uninstall if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => state) @provider.expects(:uninstall) @catalog.apply end end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package), "when it should be present" do include PackageEvaluationTesting before { @package[:ensure] = :present } [:present, :latest, "1.0"].each do |state| it "should do nothing if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.expects(:properties).returns(:ensure => state).at_least_once @catalog.apply end end [:purged, :absent].each do |state| it "should install if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => state) @provider.expects(:install) @catalog.apply end end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package), "when it should be latest" do include PackageEvaluationTesting before { @package[:ensure] = :latest } [:purged, :absent].each do |state| it "should upgrade if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => state) @provider.expects(:update) @catalog.apply end end it "should upgrade if the current version is not equal to the latest version" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => "1.0") @provider.stubs(:latest).returns("2.0") @provider.expects(:update) @catalog.apply end it "should do nothing if it is equal to the latest version" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => "1.0") @provider.stubs(:latest).returns("1.0") @provider.expects(:update).never @catalog.apply end it "should do nothing if the provider returns :present as the latest version" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => :present) @provider.stubs(:latest).returns("1.0") @provider.expects(:update).never @catalog.apply end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:package), "when it should be a specific version" do include PackageEvaluationTesting before { @package[:ensure] = "1.0" } [:purged, :absent].each do |state| it "should install if it is #{state.to_s}" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => state) @package.property(:ensure).insync?(state).should be_false @provider.expects(:install) @catalog.apply end end it "should do nothing if the current version is equal to the desired version" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => "1.0") @package.property(:ensure).insync?('1.0').should be_true @provider.expects(:install).never @catalog.apply end it "should install if the current version is not equal to the specified version" do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => "2.0") @package.property(:ensure).insync?('2.0').should be_false @provider.expects(:install) @catalog.apply end describe "when current value is an array" do let(:installed_versions) { ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0"] } before (:each) do @provider.stubs(:properties).returns(:ensure => installed_versions) end it "should install if value not in the array" do @package[:ensure] = "1.5" @package.property(:ensure).insync?(installed_versions).should be_false @provider.expects(:install) @catalog.apply end it "should not install if value is in the array" do @package[:ensure] = "2.0" @package.property(:ensure).insync?(installed_versions).should be_true @provider.expects(:install).never @catalog.apply end describe "when ensure is set to 'latest'" do it "should not install if the value is in the array" do @provider.expects(:latest).returns("3.0") @package[:ensure] = "latest" @package.property(:ensure).insync?(installed_versions).should be_true @provider.expects(:install).never @catalog.apply end end end end end end