diff --git a/lib/puppet/resource.rb b/lib/puppet/resource.rb index 9894f2f9e..31237e3b1 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/resource.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/resource.rb @@ -1,479 +1,486 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/util/pson' # The simplest resource class. Eventually it will function as the # base class for all resource-like behaviour. class Puppet::Resource include Puppet::Util::Tagging require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper extend Puppet::Util::Pson include Enumerable attr_accessor :file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual, :validate_parameters, :strict attr_reader :namespaces require 'puppet/indirector' extend Puppet::Indirector indirects :resource, :terminus_class => :ral ATTRIBUTES = [:file, :line, :exported] def self.from_pson(pson) raise ArgumentError, "No resource type provided in pson data" unless type = pson['type'] raise ArgumentError, "No resource title provided in pson data" unless title = pson['title'] resource = new(type, title) if params = pson['parameters'] params.each { |param, value| resource[param] = value } end if tags = pson['tags'] tags.each { |tag| resource.tag(tag) } end ATTRIBUTES.each do |a| if value = pson[a.to_s] resource.send(a.to_s + "=", value) end end resource.exported ||= false resource end def to_pson_data_hash data = ([:type, :title, :tags] + ATTRIBUTES).inject({}) do |hash, param| next hash unless value = self.send(param) hash[param.to_s] = value hash end data["exported"] ||= false params = self.to_hash.inject({}) do |hash, ary| param, value = ary # Don't duplicate the title as the namevar next hash if param == namevar and value == title - if value.is_a? Puppet::Resource - hash[param] = value.to_s - else - hash[param] = value - end + + hash[param] = Puppet::Resource.value_to_pson_data(value) hash end data["parameters"] = params unless params.empty? data end + def self.value_to_pson_data(value) + if value.is_a? Array + value.map{|v| value_to_pson_data(v) } + elsif value.is_a? Puppet::Resource + value.to_s + else + value + end + end + def to_pson(*args) to_pson_data_hash.to_pson(*args) end # Proxy these methods to the parameters hash. It's likely they'll # be overridden at some point, but this works for now. %w{has_key? keys length delete empty? <<}.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| @parameters.send(method, *args) end end # Set a given parameter. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def []=(param, value) validate_parameter(param) if validate_parameters @parameters[parameter_name(param)] = value end # Return a given parameter's value. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def [](param) @parameters[parameter_name(param)] end def ==(other) return false unless other.respond_to?(:title) and self.type == other.type and self.title == other.title return false unless to_hash == other.to_hash true end # Compatibility method. def builtin? builtin_type? end # Is this a builtin resource type? def builtin_type? resource_type.is_a?(Class) end # Iterate over each param/value pair, as required for Enumerable. def each @parameters.each { |p,v| yield p, v } end def include?(parameter) super || @parameters.keys.include?( parameter_name(parameter) ) end # These two methods are extracted into a Helper # module, but file load order prevents me # from including them in the class, and I had weird # behaviour (i.e., sometimes it didn't work) when # I directly extended each resource with the helper. def environment Puppet::Node::Environment.new(@environment) end def environment=(env) if env.is_a?(String) or env.is_a?(Symbol) @environment = env else @environment = env.name end end %w{exported virtual strict}.each do |m| define_method(m+"?") do self.send(m) end end # Create our resource. def initialize(type, title = nil, attributes = {}) @parameters = {} @namespaces = [""] # Set things like namespaces and strictness first. attributes.each do |attr, value| next if attr == :parameters send(attr.to_s + "=", value) end # We do namespaces first, and use tmp variables, so our title # canonicalization works (i.e., namespaces are set and resource # types can be looked up) tmp_type, tmp_title = extract_type_and_title(type, title) self.type = tmp_type self.title = tmp_title if params = attributes[:parameters] extract_parameters(params) end resolve_type_and_title tag(self.type) tag(self.title) if valid_tag?(self.title) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid resource type #{type}" if strict? and ! resource_type end def ref to_s end # Find our resource. def resolve return(catalog ? catalog.resource(to_s) : nil) end def title=(value) @unresolved_title = value @title = nil end def resource_type case type when "Class"; find_hostclass(title) when "Node"; find_node(title) else find_resource_type(type) end end # Produce a simple hash of our parameters. def to_hash parse_title.merge @parameters end def to_s "#{type}[#{title}]" end def uniqueness_key self.to_hash.values_at(*key_attributes.sort_by { |k| k.to_s }) end def key_attributes return(resource_type.respond_to? :key_attributes) ? resource_type.key_attributes : [:name] end # Convert our resource to Puppet code. def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s.downcase, self.title, @parameters.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") ] end def to_ref ref end # Convert our resource to a RAL resource instance. Creates component # instances for resource types that don't exist. def to_ral if typeklass = Puppet::Type.type(self.type) return typeklass.new(self) else return Puppet::Type::Component.new(self) end end # Translate our object to a backward-compatible transportable object. def to_trans if builtin_type? and type.downcase.to_s != "stage" result = to_transobject else result = to_transbucket end result.file = self.file result.line = self.line result end def to_trans_ref [type.to_s, title.to_s] end # Create an old-style TransObject instance, for builtin resource types. def to_transobject # Now convert to a transobject result = Puppet::TransObject.new(title, type) to_hash.each do |p, v| if v.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) v = v.to_trans_ref elsif v.is_a?(Array) v = v.collect { |av| av = av.to_trans_ref if av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) av } end # If the value is an array with only one value, then # convert it to a single value. This is largely so that # the database interaction doesn't have to worry about # whether it returns an array or a string. result[p.to_s] = if v.is_a?(Array) and v.length == 1 v[0] else v end end result.tags = self.tags result end def name # this is potential namespace conflict # between the notion of an "indirector name" # and a "resource name" [ type, title ].join('/') end def to_resource self end # We have to lazy-evaluate this. def title=(value) @title = nil @unresolved_title = value end # We have to lazy-evaluate this. def type=(value) @type = nil @unresolved_type = value || "Class" end def title resolve_type_and_title unless @title @title end def type resolve_type_and_title unless @type @type end def valid_parameter?(name) resource_type.valid_parameter?(name) end def validate_parameter(name) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid parameter #{name}" unless valid_parameter?(name) end private def find_node(name) known_resource_types.node(name) end def find_hostclass(title) name = title == :main ? "" : title known_resource_types.find_hostclass(namespaces, name) end def find_resource_type(type) # It still works fine without the type == 'class' short-cut, but it is a lot slower. find_builtin_resource_type(type) || find_defined_resource_type(type) unless type.to_s.downcase == 'class' end def find_builtin_resource_type(type) Puppet::Type.type(type.to_s.downcase.to_sym) end def find_defined_resource_type(type) known_resource_types.find_definition(namespaces, type.to_s.downcase) end # Produce a canonical method name. def parameter_name(param) param = param.to_s.downcase.to_sym if param == :name and n = namevar param = namevar end param end def namespaces=(ns) @namespaces = Array(ns) end # The namevar for our resource type. If the type doesn't exist, # always use :name. def namevar if builtin_type? and t = resource_type and t.key_attributes.length == 1 t.key_attributes.first else :name end end # Create an old-style TransBucket instance, for non-builtin resource types. def to_transbucket bucket = Puppet::TransBucket.new([]) bucket.type = self.type bucket.name = self.title # TransBuckets don't support parameters, which is why they're being deprecated. bucket end def extract_parameters(params) params.each do |param, value| validate_parameter(param) if strict? self[param] = value end end def extract_type_and_title(argtype, argtitle) if (argtitle || argtype) =~ /^([^\[\]]+)\[(.+)\]$/m then [ $1, $2 ] elsif argtitle then [ argtype, argtitle ] elsif argtype.is_a?(Puppet::Type) then [ argtype.class.name, argtype.title ] else raise ArgumentError, "No title provided and #{argtype.inspect} is not a valid resource reference" end end def munge_type_name(value) return :main if value == :main return "Class" if value == "" or value.nil? or value.to_s.downcase == "component" value.to_s.split("::").collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join("::") end # This is an annoyingly complicated method for resolving qualified # types as necessary, and putting them in type or title attributes. def resolve_type_and_title if @unresolved_type @type = resolve_type @unresolved_type = nil end if @unresolved_title @title = resolve_title @unresolved_title = nil end end def resolve_type case type = munge_type_name(@unresolved_type) when "Class", "Node"; type else # Otherwise, some kind of builtin or defined resource type munge_type_name( (r = find_resource_type(type)) ? r.name : type) end end # This method only works if resolve_type was called first def resolve_title case @type when "Node"; return @unresolved_title when "Class"; resolve_title_for_class(@unresolved_title) else @unresolved_title end end def resolve_title_for_class(title) if title == "" or title == :main return :main end if klass = find_hostclass(title) result = klass.name end munge_type_name(result || title) end def parse_title h = {} type = find_resource_type(@type) if type.respond_to? :title_patterns type.title_patterns.each { |regexp, symbols_and_lambdas| if captures = regexp.match(title.to_s) symbols_and_lambdas.zip(captures[1..-1]).each { |symbol_and_lambda,capture| sym, lam = symbol_and_lambda #self[sym] = lam.call(capture) h[sym] = lam.call(capture) } return h end } else return { :name => title.to_s } end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb index aff3816c2..95f0dd04b 100755 --- a/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb @@ -1,805 +1,812 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/resource' describe Puppet::Resource do before do @basepath = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/somepath" : "C:/somepath" end [:catalog, :file, :line].each do |attr| it "should have an #{attr} attribute" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") resource.should respond_to(attr) resource.should respond_to(attr.to_s + "=") end end it "should have a :title attribute" do Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo").title.should == "foo" end it "should require the type and title" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should canonize types to capitalized strings" do Puppet::Resource.new(:user, "foo").type.should == "User" end it "should canonize qualified types so all strings are capitalized" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "foo").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should tag itself with its type" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should be_tagged("file") end it "should tag itself with its title if the title is a valid tag" do Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bar").should be_tagged("bar") end it "should not tag itself with its title if the title is a not valid tag" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar").should_not be_tagged("/bar") end it "should allow setting of attributes" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar", :file => "/foo").file.should == "/foo" Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/bar", :exported => true).should be_exported end it "should set its type to 'Class' and its title to the passed title if the passed type is :component and the title has no square brackets in it" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:component, "foo") ref.type.should == "Class" ref.title.should == "Foo" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is :component and the title contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(:component, "foo::bar[yay]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should == "yay" end it "should set the type to 'Class' if it is nil and the title contains no square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "yay") ref.type.should == "Class" ref.title.should == "Yay" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is nil and the title contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "foo::bar[yay]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should == "yay" end it "should interpret the title as a reference and assign appropriately if the type is nil and the title contains nested square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new(nil, "foo::bar[baz[yay]]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should =="baz[yay]" end it "should interpret the type as a reference and assign appropriately if the title is nil and the type contains square brackets" do ref = Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar[baz]") ref.type.should == "Foo::Bar" ref.title.should =="baz" end it "should be able to extract its information from a Puppet::Type instance" do ral = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => @basepath+"/foo" ref = Puppet::Resource.new(ral) ref.type.should == "File" ref.title.should == @basepath+"/foo" end it "should fail if the title is nil and the type is not a valid resource reference string" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("foo") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to produce a backward-compatible reference array" do Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/f").to_trans_ref.should == %w{Foobar /f} end it "should be taggable" do Puppet::Resource.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Tagging) end it "should have an 'exported' attribute" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") resource.exported = true resource.exported.should == true resource.should be_exported end it "should support an environment attribute" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :environment => :foo).environment.name.should == :foo end it "should support specifying namespaces" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :namespaces => ["foo"]).namespaces.should == ["foo"] end it "should convert namespaces to an array if not specified as one" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :namespaces => "foo").namespaces.should == ["foo"] end it "should default to a single amespace of an empty string" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").namespaces.should == [""] end describe "and munging its type and title" do describe "when modeling a builtin resource" do it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").resource_type.should equal(Puppet::Type.type(:file)) end it "should set its type to the capitalized type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").type.should == "File" end end describe "when modeling a defined resource" do describe "that exists" do before do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foo::bar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type end it "should set its type to the capitalized type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").resource_type.should equal(@type) end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").title.should == "/my/file" end describe "and the resource is unqualified and models a qualified resource type" do it "should set its type to the fully qualified resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("bar", "/my/file", :namespaces => %w{foo}).type.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("bar", "/my/file", :namespaces => %w{foo}).resource_type.should equal(@type) end end end describe "that does not exist" do it "should set its resource type to the capitalized resource type name" do Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "/my/file").type.should == "Foo::Bar" end end end describe "when modeling a node" do # Life's easier with nodes, because they can't be qualified. it "should set its type to 'Node' and its title to the provided title" do node = Puppet::Resource.new("node", "foo") node.type.should == "Node" node.title.should == "foo" end end describe "when modeling a class" do it "should set its type to 'Class'" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo").type.should == "Class" end describe "that exists" do before do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo::bar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type end it "should set its title to the capitalized, fully qualified resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar").title.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar").resource_type.should equal(@type) end describe "and the resource is unqualified and models a qualified class" do it "should set its title to the fully qualified resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "bar", :namespaces => %w{foo}).title.should == "Foo::Bar" end it "should be able to find the resource type" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "bar", :namespaces => %w{foo}).resource_type.should equal(@type) end it "should set its type to 'Class'" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "bar", :namespaces => %w{foo}).type.should == "Class" end end end describe "that does not exist" do it "should set its type to 'Class' and its title to the capitalized provided name" do klass = Puppet::Resource.new("class", "foo::bar") klass.type.should == "Class" klass.title.should == "Foo::Bar" end end describe "and its name is set to the empty string" do it "should set its title to :main" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", "").title.should == :main end describe "and a class exists whose name is the empty string" do # this was a bit tough to track down it "should set its title to :main" do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type Puppet::Resource.new("class", "").title.should == :main end end end describe "and its name is set to :main" do it "should set its title to :main" do Puppet::Resource.new("class", :main).title.should == :main end describe "and a class exists whose name is the empty string" do # this was a bit tough to track down it "should set its title to :main" do @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add @type Puppet::Resource.new("class", :main).title.should == :main end end end end end it "should return nil when looking up resource types that don't exist" do Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "bar").resource_type.should be_nil end it "should not fail when an invalid parameter is used and strict mode is disabled" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file") resource[:yay] = true end it "should be considered equivalent to another resource if their type and title match and no parameters are set" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") end it "should be considered equivalent to another resource if their type, title, and parameters are equal" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}).should == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}) end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their type and title match but parameters are different" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:fee => "baz"}).should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"}) end it "should not be considered equivalent to a non-resource" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should_not == "foo" end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their types do not match" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f").should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("exec", "/f") end it "should not be considered equivalent to another resource if their titles do not match" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/foo").should_not == Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/f") end describe "when referring to a resource with name canonicalization" do it "should canonicalize its own name" do res = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path/") res.uniqueness_key.should == ["/path"] res.ref.should == "File[/path/]" end end describe "when running in strict mode" do it "should be strict" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path", :strict => true).should be_strict end it "should fail if invalid parameters are used" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/path", :strict => true, :parameters => {:nosuchparam => "bar"}) }.should raise_error end it "should fail if the resource type cannot be resolved" do lambda { Puppet::Resource.new("nosuchtype", "/path", :strict => true) }.should raise_error end end describe "when managing parameters" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are not valid for builtin types" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").should_not be_valid_parameter("foobar") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are valid for builtin types" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").should be_valid_parameter("mode") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are not valid for defined resource types" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar") Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file").should_not be_valid_parameter("myparam") end it "should correctly detect when provided parameters are valid for defined resource types" do type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foobar", :arguments => {"myparam" => nil}) Puppet::Node::Environment.new.known_resource_types.add type Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "/my/file").should be_valid_parameter("myparam") end it "should allow setting and retrieving of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should allow setting of parameters at initialization" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :parameters => {:foo => "bar"})[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should canonicalize retrieved parameter names to treat symbols and strings equivalently" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource["foo"].should == "bar" end it "should canonicalize set parameter names to treat symbols and strings equivalently" do @resource["foo"] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should == "bar" end it "should set the namevar when asked to set the name" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource[:name] = "bob" resource[:myvar].should == "bob" end it "should return the namevar when asked to return the name" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource[:myvar] = "test" resource[:name].should == "test" end it "should be able to set the name for non-builtin types" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:foo, "bar") resource[:name] = "eh" lambda { resource[:name] = "eh" }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to return the name for non-builtin types" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:foo, "bar") resource[:name] = "eh" resource[:name].should == "eh" end it "should be able to iterate over parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:fee] = "bare" params = {} @resource.each do |key, value| params[key] = value end params.should == {:foo => "bar", :fee => "bare"} end it "should include Enumerable" do @resource.class.ancestors.should be_include(Enumerable) end it "should have a method for testing whether a parameter is included" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.should be_has_key(:foo) @resource.should_not be_has_key(:eh) end it "should have a method for providing the list of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:bar] = "foo" keys = @resource.keys keys.should be_include(:foo) keys.should be_include(:bar) end it "should have a method for providing the number of parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.length.should == 1 end it "should have a method for deleting parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.delete(:foo) @resource[:foo].should be_nil end it "should have a method for testing whether the parameter list is empty" do @resource.should be_empty @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.should_not be_empty end it "should be able to produce a hash of all existing parameters" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:fee] = "yay" hash = @resource.to_hash hash[:foo].should == "bar" hash[:fee].should == "yay" end it "should not provide direct access to the internal parameters hash when producing a hash" do hash = @resource.to_hash hash[:foo] = "bar" @resource[:foo].should be_nil end it "should use the title as the namevar to the hash if no namevar is present" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("user", "bob") Puppet::Type.type(:user).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar] resource.to_hash[:myvar].should == "bob" end it "should set :name to the title if :name is not present for non-builtin types" do krt = Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.new("myenv") krt.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, :foo) resource = Puppet::Resource.new :foo, "bar" resource.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns krt resource.to_hash[:name].should == "bar" end end describe "when serializing" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") @resource["one"] = "test" @resource["two"] = "other" end it "should be able to be dumped to yaml" do proc { YAML.dump(@resource) }.should_not raise_error end it "should produce an equivalent yaml object" do text = YAML.dump(@resource) newresource = YAML.load(text) newresource.title.should == @resource.title newresource.type.should == @resource.type %w{one two}.each do |param| newresource[param].should == @resource[param] end end end describe "when converting to a RAL resource" do it "should use the resource type's :new method to create the resource if the resource is of a builtin type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", @basepath+"/my/file") result = resource.to_ral result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:file)) result[:path].should == @basepath+"/my/file" end it "should convert to a component instance if the resource type is not of a builtin type" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foobar", "somename") result = resource.to_ral result.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Type.type(:component)) result.title.should == "Foobar[somename]" end end it "should be able to convert itself to Puppet code" do Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file").should respond_to(:to_manifest) end describe "when converting to puppet code" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file", :parameters => {:noop => true, :foo => %w{one two}}) end it "should print the type and title" do @resource.to_manifest.should be_include("one::two { '/my/file':\n") end it "should print each parameter, with the value single-quoted" do @resource.to_manifest.should be_include(" noop => 'true'") end it "should print array values appropriately" do @resource.to_manifest.should be_include(" foo => ['one','two']") end end it "should be able to convert itself to a TransObject instance" do Puppet::Resource.new("one::two", "/my/file").should respond_to(:to_trans) end describe "when converting to a TransObject" do describe "and the resource is not an instance of a builtin type" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foo", "bar") end it "should return a simple TransBucket if it is not an instance of a builtin type" do bucket = @resource.to_trans bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransBucket) bucket.type.should == @resource.type bucket.name.should == @resource.title end it "should return a simple TransBucket if it is a stage" do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("stage", "bar") bucket = @resource.to_trans bucket.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransBucket) bucket.type.should == @resource.type bucket.name.should == @resource.title end it "should copy over the resource's file" do @resource.file = "/foo/bar" @resource.to_trans.file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should copy over the resource's line" do @resource.line = 50 @resource.to_trans.line.should == 50 end end describe "and the resource is an instance of a builtin type" do before do @resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "bar") end it "should return a TransObject if it is an instance of a builtin resource type" do trans = @resource.to_trans trans.should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject) trans.type.should == "file" trans.name.should == @resource.title end it "should copy over the resource's file" do @resource.file = "/foo/bar" @resource.to_trans.file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should copy over the resource's line" do @resource.line = 50 @resource.to_trans.line.should == 50 end # Only TransObjects support tags, annoyingly it "should copy over the resource's tags" do @resource.tag "foo" @resource.to_trans.tags.should == @resource.tags end it "should copy the resource's parameters into the transobject and convert the parameter name to a string" do @resource[:foo] = "bar" @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == "bar" end it "should be able to copy arrays of values" do @resource[:foo] = %w{yay fee} @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == %w{yay fee} end it "should reduce single-value arrays to just a value" do @resource[:foo] = %w{yay} @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == "yay" end it "should convert resource references into the backward-compatible form" do @resource[:foo] = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/f") @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == %w{File /f} end it "should convert resource references into the backward-compatible form even when within arrays" do @resource[:foo] = ["a", Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/f")] @resource.to_trans["foo"].should == ["a", %w{File /f}] end end end describe "when converting to pson" do confine "Missing 'pson' library" => Puppet.features.pson? def pson_output_should @resource.class.expects(:pson_create).with { |hash| yield hash } end it "should include the pson util module" do Puppet::Resource.singleton_class.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Util::Pson) end # LAK:NOTE For all of these tests, we convert back to the resource so we can # trap the actual data structure then. it "should set its type to the provided type" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo").to_pson)).type.should == "File" end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo").to_pson)).title.should == "/foo" end it "should include all tags from the resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.tag("yay") Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).tags.should == resource.tags end it "should include the file if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.file = "/my/file" Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).file.should == "/my/file" end it "should include the line if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.line = 50 Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).line.should == 50 end it "should include the 'exported' value if one is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource.exported = true Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).exported.should be_true end it "should set 'exported' to false if no value is set" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)).exported.should be_false end it "should set all of its parameters as the 'parameters' entry" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource[:foo] = %w{bar eh} resource[:fee] = %w{baz} result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) result["foo"].should == %w{bar eh} result["fee"].should == %w{baz} end it "should serialize relationships as reference strings" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") resource[:requires] = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/bar") result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) result[:requires].should == "File[/bar]" end + + it "should serialize multiple relationships as arrays of reference strings" do + resource = Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/foo") + resource[:requires] = [Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/bar"), Puppet::Resource.new("File", "/baz")] + result = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(PSON.parse(resource.to_pson)) + result[:requires].should == [ "File[/bar]", "File[/baz]" ] + end end describe "when converting from pson" do confine "Missing 'pson' library" => Puppet.features.pson? def pson_result_should Puppet::Resource.expects(:new).with { |hash| yield hash } end before do @data = { 'type' => "file", 'title' => @basepath+"/yay", } end it "should set its type to the provided type" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).type.should == "File" end it "should set its title to the provided title" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).title.should == @basepath+"/yay" end it "should tag the resource with any provided tags" do @data['tags'] = %w{foo bar} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource.tags.should be_include("foo") resource.tags.should be_include("bar") end it "should set its file to the provided file" do @data['file'] = "/foo/bar" Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).file.should == "/foo/bar" end it "should set its line to the provided line" do @data['line'] = 50 Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).line.should == 50 end it "should 'exported' to true if set in the pson data" do @data['exported'] = true Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).exported.should be_true end it "should 'exported' to false if not set in the pson data" do Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data).exported.should be_false end it "should fail if no title is provided" do @data.delete('title') lambda { Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if no type is provided" do @data.delete('type') lambda { Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set each of the provided parameters" do @data['parameters'] = {'foo' => %w{one two}, 'fee' => %w{three four}} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource['foo'].should == %w{one two} resource['fee'].should == %w{three four} end it "should convert single-value array parameters to normal values" do @data['parameters'] = {'foo' => %w{one}} resource = Puppet::Resource.from_pson(@data) resource['foo'].should == %w{one} end end describe "it should implement to_resource" do resource = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file") resource.to_resource.should == resource end describe "because it is an indirector model" do it "should include Puppet::Indirector" do Puppet::Resource.should be_is_a(Puppet::Indirector) end it "should have a default terminus" do Puppet::Resource.indirection.terminus_class.should == :ral end it "should have a name" do Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file").name.should == "File//my/file" end end describe "when resolving resources with a catalog" do it "should resolve all resources using the catalog" do catalog = mock 'catalog' resource = Puppet::Resource.new("foo::bar", "yay") resource.catalog = catalog catalog.expects(:resource).with("Foo::Bar[yay]").returns(:myresource) resource.resolve.should == :myresource end end describe "when generating the uniqueness key" do it "should include all of the key_attributes in alphabetical order by attribute name" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:key_attributes).returns [:myvar, :owner, :path] Puppet::Type.type(:file).stubs(:title_patterns).returns( [ [ /(.*)/, [ [:path, lambda{|x| x} ] ] ] ] ) res = Puppet::Resource.new("file", "/my/file", :parameters => {:owner => 'root', :content => 'hello'}) res.uniqueness_key.should == [ nil, 'root', '/my/file'] end end end