diff --git a/test/network/client/master.rb b/test/network/client/master.rb index 41796575f..28e7b8968 100755 --- a/test/network/client/master.rb +++ b/test/network/client/master.rb @@ -1,577 +1,579 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest' require 'puppettest' require 'mocha' class TestMasterClient < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest::ServerTest def setup super @master = Puppet::Network::Client.master end def mkmaster(options = {}) options[:UseNodes] = false options[:Local] = true if code = options[:Code] Puppet[:code] = code else Puppet[:manifest] = options[:Manifest] || mktestmanifest end # create our master # this is the default server setup master = Puppet::Network::Handler.master.new(options) return master end def mkclient(master = nil) master ||= mkmaster() client = Puppet::Network::Client.master.new( :Master => master ) return client end def test_disable FileUtils.mkdir_p(Puppet[:statedir]) manifest = mktestmanifest master = mkmaster(:Manifest => manifest) client = mkclient(master) assert_nothing_raised("Could not disable client") { client.disable } client.expects(:getconfig).never client.run client = mkclient(master) client.expects(:getconfig) assert_nothing_raised("Could not enable client") { client.enable } client.run end # Make sure we're getting the client version in our list of facts def test_clientversionfact facts = nil assert_nothing_raised { facts = Puppet::Network::Client.master.facts } assert_equal(Puppet.version.to_s, facts["clientversion"]) end # Make sure non-string facts don't make things go kablooie def test_nonstring_facts FileUtils.mkdir_p(Puppet[:statedir]) # Add a nonstring fact Facter.add("nonstring") do setcode { 1 } end assert_equal(1, Facter.nonstring, "Fact was a string from facter") client = mkclient() assert(! FileTest.exists?(@createdfile)) assert_nothing_raised { client.run } end # This method downloads files, and yields each file object if a block is given. def test_download source = tempfile() dest = tempfile() sfile = File.join(source, "file") dfile = File.join(dest, "file") Dir.mkdir(source) File.open(sfile, "w") {|f| f.puts "yay"} files = [] assert_nothing_raised do files = Puppet::Network::Client.master.download(:dest => dest, :source => source, :name => "testing") end assert(FileTest.directory?(dest), "dest dir was not created") assert(FileTest.file?(dfile), "dest file was not created") assert_equal(File.read(sfile), File.read(dfile), "Dest file had incorrect contents") assert_equal([dest, dfile].sort, files.sort, "Changed files were not returned correctly") end def test_getplugins Puppet[:filetimeout] = -1 Puppet[:pluginsource] = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(Puppet[:pluginsource]) Dir.mkdir(File.join(Puppet[:pluginsource], "testing")) $loaded = [] loader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(self, "testing") myplugin = File.join(Puppet[:pluginsource], "testing", "myplugin.rb") File.open(myplugin, "w") do |f| f.puts %{$loaded << :myplugin} end assert_nothing_raised("Could not get plugins") { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getplugins } destfile = File.join(Puppet[:plugindest], "testing", "myplugin.rb") assert(File.exists?(destfile), "Did not get plugin") assert(loader.load(:myplugin), "Did not load downloaded plugin") assert($loaded.include?(:myplugin), "Downloaded code was not evaluated") # Now modify the file and make sure the type is replaced File.open(myplugin, "w") do |f| f.puts %{$loaded << :changed} end assert_nothing_raised("Could not get plugin changes") { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getplugins } assert($loaded.include?(:changed), "Changed code was not evaluated") # Now try it again, to make sure we don't have any objects lying around assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getplugins } end def test_getfacts Puppet[:filetimeout] = -1 Puppet[:factsource] = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(Puppet[:factsource]) hostname = Facter.value(:hostname) myfact = File.join(Puppet[:factsource], "myfact.rb") File.open(myfact, "w") do |f| f.puts %{Facter.add("myfact") do setcode { "yayness" } end } end assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getfacts } destfile = File.join(Puppet[:factdest], "myfact.rb") assert(File.exists?(destfile), "Did not get fact") assert_equal(hostname, Facter.value(:hostname), "Lost value to hostname") assert_equal("yayness", Facter.value(:myfact), "Did not get correct fact value") # Now modify the file and make sure the type is replaced File.open(myfact, "w") do |f| f.puts %{Facter.add("myfact") do setcode { "funtest" } end } end assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getfacts } assert_equal("funtest", Facter.value(:myfact), "Did not reload fact") assert_equal(hostname, Facter.value(:hostname), "Lost value to hostname") # Now run it again and make sure the fact still loads assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.getfacts } assert_equal("funtest", Facter.value(:myfact), "Did not reload fact") assert_equal(hostname, Facter.value(:hostname), "Lost value to hostname") end # Make sure that setting environment by fact takes precedence to configuration def test_setenvironmentwithfact name = "environment" value = "test_environment" Facter.stubs(:to_hash).returns(name => value) assert_equal(value, Puppet::Network::Client.master.facts[name]) end # Make sure we load all facts on startup. def test_loadfacts dirs = [tempfile(), tempfile()] count = 0 names = [] dirs.each do |dir| Dir.mkdir(dir) name = "fact%s" % count names << name file = File.join(dir, "%s.rb" % name) # Write out a plugin file File.open(file, "w") do |f| f.puts %{Facter.add("#{name}") do setcode { "#{name}" } end } end count += 1 end Puppet[:factpath] = dirs.join(":") names.each do |name| assert_nil(Facter.value(name), "Somehow retrieved invalid fact") end assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.loadfacts } names.each do |name| assert_equal(name, Facter.value(name), "Did not retrieve facts") end end if Process.uid == 0 # Testing #283. Make sure plugins et al are downloaded as the running user. def test_download_ownership dir = tstdir() dest = tstdir() file = File.join(dir, "file") File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "funtest" } user = nonrootuser() group = nonrootgroup() chowner = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create :path => dir, :owner => user.name, :group => group.name, :recurse => true assert_apply(chowner) chowner.remove assert_equal(user.uid, File.stat(file).uid) assert_equal(group.gid, File.stat(file).gid) assert_nothing_raised { Puppet::Network::Client.master.download(:dest => dest, :source => dir, :name => "testing" ) {} } destfile = File.join(dest, "file") assert(FileTest.exists?(destfile), "Did not create destfile") assert_equal(Process.uid, File.stat(destfile).uid) end end # Test retrieving all of the facts. def test_facts facts = nil assert_nothing_raised do facts = Puppet::Network::Client.master.facts end Facter.to_hash.each do |fact, value| assert_equal(facts[fact.downcase], value.to_s, "%s is not equal" % fact.inspect) end # Make sure the puppet version got added assert_equal(Puppet::PUPPETVERSION, facts["clientversion"], "client version did not get added") # And make sure the ruby version is in there assert_equal(RUBY_VERSION, facts["rubyversion"], "ruby version did not get added") end # #424 def test_caching_of_compile_time file = tempfile() manifest = tempfile() File.open(manifest, "w") { |f| f.puts "file { '#{file}': content => yay }" } Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:save) driver = mkmaster(:Manifest => manifest) driver.local = false master = mkclient(driver) # We have to make everything thinks it's remote, because there's no local caching info master.local = false assert(! master.fresh?(master.class.facts), "Considered fresh with no compile at all") assert_nothing_raised { master.run } assert(master.fresh?(master.class.facts), "not considered fresh after compile") # Now make sure the config time is cached assert(master.compile_time, "No stored config time") assert_equal(master.compile_time, Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:compile_time], "times did not match") time = master.compile_time master.clear File.unlink(file) Puppet::Util::Storage.store # Now make a new master Puppet::Util::Storage.clear master = mkclient(driver) master.run assert_equal(time, master.compile_time, "time was not retrieved from cache") assert(FileTest.exists?(file), "file was not created on second run") end # #540 - make sure downloads aren't affected by noop def test_download_in_noop source = tempfile File.open(source, "w") { |f| f.puts "something" } dest = tempfile Puppet[:noop] = true + node = stub 'node', :environment => "development" + Puppet::Node.stubs(:find).returns node assert_nothing_raised("Could not download in noop") do @master.download(:dest => dest, :source => source, :tag => "yay") end assert(FileTest.exists?(dest), "did not download in noop mode") assert(Puppet[:noop], "noop got disabled in run") end # #491 - make sure a missing config doesn't kill us def test_missing_localconfig master = mkclient master.local = false driver = master.send(:instance_variable_get, "@driver") driver.local = false Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:save) # Retrieve the configuration master.getconfig # Now the config is up to date, so get rid of the @objects var and # the cached config master.clear File.unlink(master.cachefile) assert_nothing_raised("Missing cache file threw error") do master.getconfig end assert(! @logs.detect { |l| l.message =~ /Could not load/}, "Tried to load cache when it is non-existent") end # #519 - cache the facts so that we notice if they change. def test_factchanges_cause_recompile $value = "one" Facter.add(:testfact) do setcode { $value } end assert_equal("one", Facter.value(:testfact), "fact was not set correctly") master = mkclient master.local = false driver = master.send(:instance_variable_get, "@driver") driver.local = false Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:save) assert_nothing_raised("Could not compile config") do master.getconfig end $value = "two" Facter.clear Facter.loadfacts Facter.add(:testfact) do setcode { $value } end facts = master.class.facts assert_equal("two", Facter.value(:testfact), "fact did not change") assert(master.send(:facts_changed?, facts), "master does not think facts changed") assert(! master.fresh?(facts), "master is considered fresh after facts changed") assert_nothing_raised("Could not recompile when facts changed") do master.getconfig end end def test_locking master = mkclient class << master def getconfig raise ArgumentError, "Just testing" end end master.run assert(! master.send(:lockfile).locked?, "Master is still locked after failure") end # Make sure we get a value for timeout def test_config_timeout master = Puppet::Network::Client.client(:master) time = Integer(Puppet[:configtimeout]) assert_equal(time, master.timeout, "Did not get default value for timeout") assert_equal(time, master.timeout, "Did not get default value for timeout on second run") # Reset it Puppet[:configtimeout] = "50" assert_equal(50, master.timeout, "Did not get changed default value for timeout") assert_equal(50, master.timeout, "Did not get changed default value for timeout on second run") # Now try an integer Puppet[:configtimeout] = 100 assert_equal(100, master.timeout, "Did not get changed integer default value for timeout") assert_equal(100, master.timeout, "Did not get changed integer default value for timeout on second run") end # #569 -- Make sure we can ignore dynamic facts. def test_dynamic_facts client = mkclient assert_equal(%w{memorysize memoryfree swapsize swapfree}, client.class.dynamic_facts, "Did not get correct defaults for dynamic facts") # Cache some values for comparison cached = {"one" => "yep", "two" => "nope"} Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:facts] = cached assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, cached), "Facts incorrectly considered to be changed") # Now add some values to the passed result and make sure we get a positive newfacts = cached.dup newfacts["changed"] = "something" assert(client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Did not catch changed fact") # Now add a dynamic fact and make sure it's ignored newfacts = cached.dup newfacts["memorysize"] = "something" assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive") # And try it with both cached["memorysize"] = "something else" assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive") # And finally, with only in the cache newfacts.delete("memorysize") assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive") end def test_splay client = mkclient # Make sure we default to no splay client.expects(:sleep).never assert_nothing_raised("Failed to call splay") do client.send(:splay) end # Now set it to true and make sure we get the right value client = mkclient client.expects(:sleep) Puppet[:splay] = true assert_nothing_raised("Failed to call sleep when splay is true") do client.send(:splay) end time = Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:splay_time] assert(time, "Splay time was not cached") # Now try it again client = mkclient client.expects(:sleep).with(time) assert_nothing_raised("Failed to call sleep when splay is true with a cached value") do client.send(:splay) end end def test_environment_is_added_to_facts facts = Puppet::Network::Client::Master.facts assert_equal(facts["environment"], Puppet[:environment], "Did not add environment to client facts") # Now set it to a real value Puppet[:environments] = "something,else" Puppet[:environment] = "something" facts = Puppet::Network::Client::Master.facts assert_equal(facts["environment"], Puppet[:environment], "Did not add environment to client facts") end # This is partially to fix #532, but also to save on memory. def test_remove_objects_after_every_run client = mkclient ftype = Puppet::Type.type(:file) file = ftype.create :title => "/what/ever", :ensure => :present config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new config.add_resource(file) config.expects :apply client.catalog = config client.expects(:getconfig) client.run assert_nil(ftype[@createdfile], "file object was not removed from memory") end # #685 def test_http_failures_do_not_kill_puppetd client = mkclient client.meta_def(:getconfig) { raise "A failure" } assert_nothing_raised("Failure in getconfig threw an error") do client.run end end def test_invalid_catalogs_do_not_get_cached master = mkmaster :Code => "notify { one: require => File[yaytest] }" master.local = false # so it gets cached client = mkclient(master) client.stubs(:facts).returns({}) client.local = false Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class).returns(:memory) # Make sure the config is not cached. client.expects(:cache).never client.getconfig # Doesn't throw an exception, but definitely fails. client.run end end