diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb index 626ed20eb..f243b8691 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/util/settings.rb @@ -1,932 +1,932 @@ require 'puppet' require 'sync' require 'getoptlong' require 'puppet/external/event-loop' require 'puppet/util/cacher' require 'puppet/util/loadedfile' # The class for handling configuration files. class Puppet::Util::Settings include Enumerable include Puppet::Util::Cacher require 'puppet/util/settings/setting' require 'puppet/util/settings/file_setting' require 'puppet/util/settings/boolean_setting' attr_accessor :file attr_reader :timer ReadOnly = [:run_mode, :name] # Retrieve a config value def [](param) value(param) end # Set a config value. This doesn't set the defaults, it sets the value itself. def []=(param, value) set_value(param, value, :memory) end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that GetoptLong can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def addargs(options) # Add all of the config parameters as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| setting.getopt_args.each { |args| options << args } } options end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that OptionParser can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def optparse_addargs(options) # Add all of the config parameters as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| options << setting.optparse_args } options end # Is our parameter a boolean parameter? def boolean?(param) param = param.to_sym !!(@config.include?(param) and @config[param].kind_of? BooleanSetting) end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def clear(exceptcli = false) @sync.synchronize do unsafe_clear(exceptcli) end end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def unsafe_clear(exceptcli = false) @values.each do |name, values| @values.delete(name) unless exceptcli and name == :cli end # Don't clear the 'used' in this case, since it's a config file reparse, # and we want to retain this info. @used = [] unless exceptcli @cache.clear end # This is mostly just used for testing. def clearused @cache.clear @used = [] end # Do variable interpolation on the value. def convert(value, environment = nil) return value unless value return value unless value.is_a? String newval = value.gsub(/\$(\w+)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) do |value| varname = $2 || $1 if varname == "environment" and environment environment - elsif pval = self.value(varname) + elsif pval = self.value(varname, environment) pval else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find value for #{value}" end end newval end # Return a value's description. def description(name) if obj = @config[name.to_sym] obj.desc else nil end end def each @config.each { |name, object| yield name, object } end # Iterate over each section name. def eachsection yielded = [] @config.each do |name, object| section = object.section unless yielded.include? section yield section yielded << section end end end # Return an object by name. def setting(param) param = param.to_sym @config[param] end # Handle a command-line argument. def handlearg(opt, value = nil) @cache.clear value &&= munge_value(value) str = opt.sub(/^--/,'') bool = true newstr = str.sub(/^no-/, '') if newstr != str str = newstr bool = false end str = str.intern if @config[str].is_a?(Puppet::Util::Settings::BooleanSetting) if value == "" or value.nil? value = bool end end set_value(str, value, :cli) end def include?(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @config.include?(name) end # check to see if a short name is already defined def shortinclude?(short) short = short.intern if name.is_a? String @shortnames.include?(short) end # Create a new collection of config settings. def initialize @config = {} @shortnames = {} @created = [] @searchpath = nil # Mutex-like thing to protect @values @sync = Sync.new # Keep track of set values. @values = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # And keep a per-environment cache @cache = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # The list of sections we've used. @used = [] end # NOTE: ACS ahh the util classes. . .sigh # as part of a fix for 1183, I pulled the logic for the following 5 methods out of the executables and puppet.rb # They probably deserve their own class, but I don't want to do that until I can refactor environments # its a little better than where they were # Prints the contents of a config file with the available config settings, or it # prints a single value of a config setting. def print_config_options env = value(:environment) val = value(:configprint) if val == "all" hash = {} each do |name, obj| val = value(name,env) val = val.inspect if val == "" hash[name] = val end hash.sort { |a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |name, val| puts "#{name} = #{val}" end else val.split(/\s*,\s*/).sort.each do |v| if include?(v) #if there is only one value, just print it for back compatibility if v == val puts value(val,env) break end puts "#{v} = #{value(v,env)}" else puts "invalid parameter: #{v}" return false end end end true end def generate_config puts to_config true end def generate_manifest puts to_manifest true end def print_configs return print_config_options if value(:configprint) != "" return generate_config if value(:genconfig) generate_manifest if value(:genmanifest) end def print_configs? (value(:configprint) != "" || value(:genconfig) || value(:genmanifest)) && true end # Return a given object's file metadata. def metadata(param) if obj = @config[param.to_sym] and obj.is_a?(FileSetting) return [:owner, :group, :mode].inject({}) do |meta, p| if v = obj.send(p) meta[p] = v end meta end else nil end end # Make a directory with the appropriate user, group, and mode def mkdir(default) obj = get_config_file_default(default) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(obj.owner, obj.group) do mode = obj.mode || 0750 Dir.mkdir(obj.value, mode) end end # Figure out the section name for the run_mode. def run_mode Puppet.run_mode.name end # Return all of the parameters associated with a given section. def params(section = nil) if section section = section.intern if section.is_a? String @config.find_all { |name, obj| obj.section == section }.collect { |name, obj| name } else @config.keys end end # Parse the configuration file. Just provides # thread safety. def parse raise "No :config setting defined; cannot parse unknown config file" unless self[:config] @sync.synchronize do unsafe_parse(self[:config]) end # Create a timer so that this file will get checked automatically # and reparsed if necessary. set_filetimeout_timer end # Unsafely parse the file -- this isn't thread-safe and causes plenty of problems if used directly. def unsafe_parse(file) return unless FileTest.exist?(file) begin data = parse_file(file) rescue => details puts details.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] Puppet.err "Could not parse #{file}: #{details}" return end unsafe_clear(true) metas = {} data.each do |area, values| metas[area] = values.delete(:_meta) values.each do |key,value| set_value(key, value, area, :dont_trigger_handles => true, :ignore_bad_settings => true ) end end # Determine our environment, if we have one. if @config[:environment] env = self.value(:environment).to_sym else env = "none" end # Call any hooks we should be calling. settings_with_hooks.each do |setting| each_source(env) do |source| if value = @values[source][setting.name] # We still have to use value to retrieve the value, since # we want the fully interpolated value, not $vardir/lib or whatever. # This results in extra work, but so few of the settings # will have associated hooks that it ends up being less work this # way overall. setting.handle(self.value(setting.name, env)) break end end end # We have to do it in the reverse of the search path, # because multiple sections could set the same value # and I'm too lazy to only set the metadata once. searchpath.reverse.each do |source| source = run_mode if source == :run_mode source = @name if (@name && source == :name) if meta = metas[source] set_metadata(meta) end end end # Create a new setting. The value is passed in because it's used to determine # what kind of setting we're creating, but the value itself might be either # a default or a value, so we can't actually assign it. def newsetting(hash) klass = nil hash[:section] = hash[:section].to_sym if hash[:section] if type = hash[:type] unless klass = {:setting => Setting, :file => FileSetting, :boolean => BooleanSetting}[type] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid setting type '#{type}'" end hash.delete(:type) else case hash[:default] when true, false, "true", "false" klass = BooleanSetting when /^\$\w+\//, /^\//, /^\w:\// klass = FileSetting when String, Integer, Float # nothing klass = Setting else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value '#{hash[:default].inspect}' for #{hash[:name]}" end end hash[:settings] = self setting = klass.new(hash) setting end # This has to be private, because it doesn't add the settings to @config private :newsetting # Iterate across all of the objects in a given section. def persection(section) section = section.to_sym self.each { |name, obj| if obj.section == section yield obj end } end # Cache this in an easily clearable way, since we were # having trouble cleaning it up after tests. cached_attr(:file) do if path = self[:config] and FileTest.exist?(path) Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.new(path) end end # Reparse our config file, if necessary. def reparse if file and file.changed? Puppet.notice "Reparsing #{file.file}" parse reuse end end def reuse return unless defined?(@used) @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe new = @used @used = [] self.use(*new) end end # The order in which to search for values. def searchpath(environment = nil) if environment [:cli, :memory, environment, :run_mode, :main, :mutable_defaults] else [:cli, :memory, :run_mode, :main, :mutable_defaults] end end # Get a list of objects per section def sectionlist sectionlist = [] self.each { |name, obj| section = obj.section || "puppet" sections[section] ||= [] sectionlist << section unless sectionlist.include?(section) sections[section] << obj } return sectionlist, sections end def service_user_available? return @service_user_available if defined?(@service_user_available) return @service_user_available = false unless user_name = self[:user] user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new :name => self[:user], :audit => :ensure @service_user_available = user.exists? end def legacy_to_mode(type, param) if not defined?(@app_names) require 'puppet/util/command_line' command_line = Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new @app_names = Puppet::Util::CommandLine::LegacyName.inject({}) do |hash, pair| app, legacy = pair command_line.require_application app hash[legacy.to_sym] = Puppet::Application.find(app).run_mode.name hash end end if new_type = @app_names[type] Puppet.warning "You have configuration parameter $#{param} specified in [#{type}], which is a deprecated section. I'm assuming you meant [#{new_type}]" return new_type end type end def set_value(param, value, type, options = {}) param = param.to_sym unless setting = @config[param] if options[:ignore_bad_settings] return else raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to assign a value to unknown configuration parameter #{param.inspect}" end end value = setting.munge(value) if setting.respond_to?(:munge) setting.handle(value) if setting.respond_to?(:handle) and not options[:dont_trigger_handles] if ReadOnly.include? param and type != :mutable_defaults raise ArgumentError, "You're attempting to set configuration parameter $#{param}, which is read-only." end type = legacy_to_mode(type, param) @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe @values[type][param] = value @cache.clear clearused # Clear the list of environments, because they cache, at least, the module path. # We *could* preferentially just clear them if the modulepath is changed, # but we don't really know if, say, the vardir is changed and the modulepath # is defined relative to it. We need the defined?(stuff) because of loading # order issues. Puppet::Node::Environment.clear if defined?(Puppet::Node) and defined?(Puppet::Node::Environment) end value end # Set a bunch of defaults in a given section. The sections are actually pretty # pointless, but they help break things up a bit, anyway. def setdefaults(section, defs) section = section.to_sym call = [] defs.each { |name, hash| if hash.is_a? Array unless hash.length == 2 raise ArgumentError, "Defaults specified as an array must contain only the default value and the decription" end tmp = hash hash = {} [:default, :desc].zip(tmp).each { |p,v| hash[p] = v } end name = name.to_sym hash[:name] = name hash[:section] = section raise ArgumentError, "Parameter #{name} is already defined" if @config.include?(name) tryconfig = newsetting(hash) if short = tryconfig.short if other = @shortnames[short] raise ArgumentError, "Parameter #{other.name} is already using short name '#{short}'" end @shortnames[short] = tryconfig end @config[name] = tryconfig # Collect the settings that need to have their hooks called immediately. # We have to collect them so that we can be sure we're fully initialized before # the hook is called. call << tryconfig if tryconfig.call_on_define } call.each { |setting| setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) } end # Create a timer to check whether the file should be reparsed. def set_filetimeout_timer return unless timeout = self[:filetimeout] and timeout = Integer(timeout) and timeout > 0 timer = EventLoop::Timer.new(:interval => timeout, :tolerance => 1, :start? => true) { self.reparse } end # Convert the settings we manage into a catalog full of resources that model those settings. def to_catalog(*sections) sections = nil if sections.empty? catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("Settings") @config.values.find_all { |value| value.is_a?(FileSetting) }.each do |file| next unless (sections.nil? or sections.include?(file.section)) next unless resource = file.to_resource next if catalog.resource(resource.ref) catalog.add_resource(resource) end add_user_resources(catalog, sections) catalog end # Convert our list of config settings into a configuration file. def to_config str = %{The configuration file for #{Puppet[:name]}. Note that this file is likely to have unused configuration parameters in it; any parameter that's valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used. Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode. These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing. Generated on #{Time.now}. }.gsub(/^/, "# ") # Add a section heading that matches our name. if @config.include?(:run_mode) str += "[#{self[:run_mode]}]\n" end eachsection do |section| persection(section) do |obj| str += obj.to_config + "\n" unless ReadOnly.include? obj.name or obj.name == :genconfig end end return str end # Convert to a parseable manifest def to_manifest catalog = to_catalog catalog.resource_refs.collect do |ref| catalog.resource(ref).to_manifest end.join("\n\n") end # Create the necessary objects to use a section. This is idempotent; # you can 'use' a section as many times as you want. def use(*sections) sections = sections.collect { |s| s.to_sym } @sync.synchronize do # yay, thread-safe sections = sections.reject { |s| @used.include?(s) } return if sections.empty? begin catalog = to_catalog(*sections).to_ral rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace] Puppet.err "Could not create resources for managing Puppet's files and directories in sections #{sections.inspect}: #{detail}" # We need some way to get rid of any resources created during the catalog creation # but not cleaned up. return end catalog.host_config = false catalog.apply do |transaction| if transaction.any_failed? report = transaction.report failures = report.logs.find_all { |log| log.level == :err } raise "Got #{failures.length} failure(s) while initializing: #{failures.collect { |l| l.to_s }.join("; ")}" end end sections.each { |s| @used << s } @used.uniq! end end def valid?(param) param = param.to_sym @config.has_key?(param) end def uninterpolated_value(param, environment = nil) param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym # See if we can find it within our searchable list of values val = catch :foundval do each_source(environment) do |source| # Look for the value. We have to test the hash for whether # it exists, because the value might be false. @sync.synchronize do throw :foundval, @values[source][param] if @values[source].include?(param) end end throw :foundval, nil end # If we didn't get a value, use the default val = @config[param].default if val.nil? val end # Find the correct value using our search path. Optionally accept an environment # in which to search before the other configuration sections. def value(param, environment = nil) param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym # Short circuit to nil for undefined parameters. return nil unless @config.include?(param) # Yay, recursion. #self.reparse unless [:config, :filetimeout].include?(param) # Check the cache first. It needs to be a per-environment # cache so that we don't spread values from one env # to another. if cached = @cache[environment||"none"][param] return cached end val = uninterpolated_value(param, environment) if param == :code # if we interpolate code, all hell breaks loose. return val end # Convert it if necessary val = convert(val, environment) # And cache it @cache[environment||"none"][param] = val val end # Open a file with the appropriate user, group, and mode def write(default, *args, &bloc) obj = get_config_file_default(default) writesub(default, value(obj.name), *args, &bloc) end # Open a non-default file under a default dir with the appropriate user, # group, and mode def writesub(default, file, *args, &bloc) obj = get_config_file_default(default) chown = nil if Puppet.features.root? chown = [obj.owner, obj.group] else chown = [nil, nil] end Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(*chown) do mode = obj.mode || 0640 args << "w" if args.empty? args << mode # Update the umask to make non-executable files Puppet::Util.withumask(File.umask ^ 0111) do File.open(file, *args) do |file| yield file end end end end def readwritelock(default, *args, &bloc) file = value(get_config_file_default(default).name) tmpfile = file + ".tmp" sync = Sync.new raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot create #{file}; directory #{File.dirname(file)} does not exist" unless FileTest.directory?(File.dirname(tmpfile)) sync.synchronize(Sync::EX) do File.open(file, ::File::CREAT|::File::RDWR, 0600) do |rf| rf.lock_exclusive do if File.exist?(tmpfile) raise Puppet::Error, ".tmp file already exists for #{file}; Aborting locked write. Check the .tmp file and delete if appropriate" end # If there's a failure, remove our tmpfile begin writesub(default, tmpfile, *args, &bloc) rescue File.unlink(tmpfile) if FileTest.exist?(tmpfile) raise end begin File.rename(tmpfile, file) rescue => detail Puppet.err "Could not rename #{file} to #{tmpfile}: #{detail}" File.unlink(tmpfile) if FileTest.exist?(tmpfile) end end end end end private def get_config_file_default(default) obj = nil unless obj = @config[default] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown default #{default}" end raise ArgumentError, "Default #{default} is not a file" unless obj.is_a? FileSetting obj end # Create the transportable objects for users and groups. def add_user_resources(catalog, sections) return unless Puppet.features.root? return unless self[:mkusers] @config.each do |name, setting| next unless setting.respond_to?(:owner) next unless sections.nil? or sections.include?(setting.section) if user = setting.owner and user != "root" and catalog.resource(:user, user).nil? resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:user, user, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) resource[:gid] = self[:group] if self[:group] catalog.add_resource resource end if group = setting.group and ! %w{root wheel}.include?(group) and catalog.resource(:group, group).nil? catalog.add_resource Puppet::Resource.new(:group, group, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) end end end # Yield each search source in turn. def each_source(environment) searchpath(environment).each do |source| # Modify the source as necessary. source = self.run_mode if source == :run_mode yield source end end # Return all settings that have associated hooks; this is so # we can call them after parsing the configuration file. def settings_with_hooks @config.values.find_all { |setting| setting.respond_to?(:handle) } end # Extract extra setting information for files. def extract_fileinfo(string) result = {} value = string.sub(/\{\s*([^}]+)\s*\}/) do params = $1 params.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |str| if str =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\d]+)\s*$/ param, value = $1.intern, $2 result[param] = value raise ArgumentError, "Invalid file option '#{param}'" unless [:owner, :mode, :group].include?(param) if param == :mode and value !~ /^\d+$/ raise ArgumentError, "File modes must be numbers" end else raise ArgumentError, "Could not parse '#{string}'" end end '' end result[:value] = value.sub(/\s*$/, '') result end # Convert arguments into booleans, integers, or whatever. def munge_value(value) # Handle different data types correctly return case value when /^false$/i; false when /^true$/i; true when /^\d+$/i; Integer(value) when true; true when false; false else value.gsub(/^["']|["']$/,'').sub(/\s+$/, '') end end # This method just turns a file in to a hash of hashes. def parse_file(file) text = read_file(file) result = Hash.new { |names, name| names[name] = {} } count = 0 # Default to 'main' for the section. section = :main result[section][:_meta] = {} text.split(/\n/).each { |line| count += 1 case line when /^\s*\[(\w+)\]\s*$/ section = $1.intern # Section names # Add a meta section result[section][:_meta] ||= {} when /^\s*#/; next # Skip comments when /^\s*$/; next # Skip blanks when /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ # settings var = $1.intern # We don't want to munge modes, because they're specified in octal, so we'll # just leave them as a String, since Puppet handles that case correctly. if var == :mode value = $2 else value = munge_value($2) end # Check to see if this is a file argument and it has extra options begin if value.is_a?(String) and options = extract_fileinfo(value) value = options[:value] options.delete(:value) result[section][:_meta][var] = options end result[section][var] = value rescue Puppet::Error => detail detail.file = file detail.line = line raise end else error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not match line #{line}") error.file = file error.line = line raise error end } result end # Read the file in. def read_file(file) begin return File.read(file) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise ArgumentError, "No such file #{file}" rescue Errno::EACCES raise ArgumentError, "Permission denied to file #{file}" end end # Set file metadata. def set_metadata(meta) meta.each do |var, values| values.each do |param, value| @config[var].send(param.to_s + "=", value) end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb index 7bca44b76..07b712c08 100755 --- a/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/util/settings_spec.rb @@ -1,1099 +1,1108 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Puppet::Util::Settings do describe "when specifying defaults" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new end it "should start with no defined parameters" do @settings.params.length.should == 0 end it "should allow specification of default values associated with a section as an array" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => ["defaultval", "my description"]) end it "should not allow duplicate parameter specifications" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => ["a", "b"]) lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => ["c", "d"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow specification of default values associated with a section as a hash" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "defaultval", :desc => "my description"}) end it "should consider defined parameters to be valid" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => ["defaultval", "my description"]) @settings.valid?(:myvalue).should be_true end it "should require a description when defaults are specified with an array" do lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => ["a value"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should require a description when defaults are specified with a hash" do lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "a value"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an error if we can't guess the type" do lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => Object.new, :desc => "An impossible object"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should support specifying owner, group, and mode when specifying files" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "/some/file", :owner => "service", :mode => "boo", :group => "service", :desc => "whatever"}) end it "should support specifying a short name" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) end it "should support specifying the setting type" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "/w", :desc => "b", :type => :setting}) @settings.setting(:myvalue).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::Setting) end it "should fail if an invalid setting type is specified" do lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :type => :foo}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail when short names conflict" do @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) lambda { @settings.setdefaults(:section, :myvalue => {:default => "w", :desc => "b", :short => "m"}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when setting values" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :main, :myval => ["val", "desc"] @settings.setdefaults :main, :bool => [true, "desc"] end it "should provide a method for setting values from other objects" do @settings[:myval] = "something else" @settings[:myval].should == "something else" end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for setting values" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "newval") @settings[:myval].should == "newval" end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for turning booleans off" do @settings[:bool] = true @settings.handlearg("--no-bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == false end it "should support a getopt-specific mechanism for turning booleans on" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with no argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with an empty string as an argument to be a boolean, if the setting itself is a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should consider a cli setting with an empty string as an argument to be an empty argument, if the setting itself is not a boolean" do @settings[:myval] = "bob" @settings.handlearg("--myval", "") @settings[:myval].should == "" end it "should consider a cli setting with a boolean as an argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:bool] = false @settings.handlearg("--bool", "true") @settings[:bool].should == true end it "should not consider a cli setting of a non boolean with a boolean as an argument to be a boolean" do # Turn it off first @settings[:myval] = "bob" @settings.handlearg("--no-myval", "") @settings[:myval].should == "" end it "should clear the cache when setting getopt-specific values" do @settings.setdefaults :mysection, :one => ["whah", "yay"], :two => ["$one yay", "bah"] @settings[:two].should == "whah yay" @settings.handlearg("--one", "else") @settings[:two].should == "else yay" end it "should not clear other values when setting getopt-specific values" do @settings[:myval] = "yay" @settings.handlearg("--no-bool", "") @settings[:myval].should == "yay" end it "should clear the list of used sections" do @settings.expects(:clearused) @settings[:myval] = "yay" end it "should call passed blocks when values are set" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == [] @settings[:hooker] = "something" values.should == %w{something} end it "should call passed blocks when values are set via the command line" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == [] @settings.handlearg("--hooker", "yay") values.should == %w{yay} end it "should provide an option to call passed blocks during definition" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults(:section, :hooker => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :call_on_define => true, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == %w{yay} end it "should pass the fully interpolated value to the hook when called on definition" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults(:section, :one => ["test", "a"]) @settings.setdefaults(:section, :hooker => {:default => "$one/yay", :desc => "boo", :call_on_define => true, :hook => lambda { |v| values << v }}) values.should == %w{test/yay} end it "should munge values using the setting-specific methods" do @settings[:bool] = "false" @settings[:bool].should == false end it "should prefer cli values to values set in Ruby code" do @settings.handlearg("--myval", "cliarg") @settings[:myval] = "memarg" @settings[:myval].should == "cliarg" end it "should clear the list of environments" do Puppet::Node::Environment.expects(:clear).at_least(1) @settings[:myval] = "memarg" end it "should raise an error if we try to set 'name'" do lambda{ @settings[:name] = "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an error if we try to set 'run_mode'" do lambda{ @settings[:run_mode] = "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should warn and use [master] if we ask for [puppetmasterd]" do Puppet.expects(:warning) @settings.set_value(:myval, "foo", :puppetmasterd) @settings.stubs(:run_mode).returns(:master) @settings.value(:myval).should == "foo" end it "should warn and use [agent] if we ask for [puppetd]" do Puppet.expects(:warning) @settings.set_value(:myval, "foo", :puppetd) @settings.stubs(:run_mode).returns(:agent) @settings.value(:myval).should == "foo" end end describe "when returning values" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :section, :config => ["/my/file", "eh"], :one => ["ONE", "a"], :two => ["$one TWO", "b"], :three => ["$one $two THREE", "c"], :four => ["$two $three FOUR", "d"] FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true end it "should provide a mechanism for returning set values" do @settings[:one] = "other" @settings[:one].should == "other" end it "should interpolate default values for other parameters into returned parameter values" do @settings[:one].should == "ONE" @settings[:two].should == "ONE TWO" @settings[:three].should == "ONE ONE TWO THREE" end it "should interpolate default values that themselves need to be interpolated" do @settings[:four].should == "ONE TWO ONE ONE TWO THREE FOUR" end it "should provide a method for returning uninterpolated values" do @settings[:two] = "$one tw0" @settings.uninterpolated_value(:two).should == "$one tw0" @settings.uninterpolated_value(:four).should == "$two $three FOUR" end it "should interpolate set values for other parameters into returned parameter values" do @settings[:one] = "on3" @settings[:two] = "$one tw0" @settings[:three] = "$one $two thr33" @settings[:four] = "$one $two $three f0ur" @settings[:one].should == "on3" @settings[:two].should == "on3 tw0" @settings[:three].should == "on3 on3 tw0 thr33" @settings[:four].should == "on3 on3 tw0 on3 on3 tw0 thr33 f0ur" end it "should not cache interpolated values such that stale information is returned" do @settings[:two].should == "ONE TWO" @settings[:one] = "one" @settings[:two].should == "one TWO" end it "should not cache values such that information from one environment is returned for another environment" do text = "[env1]\none = oneval\n[env2]\none = twoval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings.value(:one, "env1").should == "oneval" @settings.value(:one, "env2").should == "twoval" end it "should have a run_mode that defaults to user" do @settings.run_mode.should == :user end end describe "when choosing which value to return" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :section, :config => ["/my/file", "a"], - :one => ["ONE", "a"] + :one => ["ONE", "a"], + :two => ["TWO", "b"] FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true Puppet.stubs(:run_mode).returns stub('run_mode', :name => :mymode) end it "should return default values if no values have been set" do @settings[:one].should == "ONE" end it "should return values set on the cli before values set in the configuration file" do text = "[main]\none = fileval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should return values set on the cli before values set in Ruby" do @settings[:one] = "rubyval" @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should return values set in the mode-specific section before values set in the main section" do text = "[main]\none = mainval\n[mymode]\none = modeval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "modeval" end it "should not return values outside of its search path" do text = "[other]\none = oval\n" file = "/some/file" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "ONE" end it "should return values in a specified environment" do text = "[env]\none = envval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings.value(:one, "env").should == "envval" end - it "should interpolate found values using the current environment" do + it 'should use the current environment for $environment' do @settings.setdefaults :main, :myval => ["$environment/foo", "mydocs"] @settings.value(:myval, "myenv").should == "myenv/foo" end + it "should interpolate found values using the current environment" do + text = "[main]\none = mainval\n[myname]\none = nameval\ntwo = $one/two\n" + @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) + @settings.parse + + @settings.value(:two, "myname").should == "nameval/two" + end + it "should return values in a specified environment before values in the main or name sections" do text = "[env]\none = envval\n[main]\none = mainval\n[myname]\none = nameval\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings.value(:one, "env").should == "envval" end end describe "when parsing its configuration" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true @file = "/some/file" @settings.setdefaults :section, :user => ["suser", "doc"], :group => ["sgroup", "doc"] @settings.setdefaults :section, :config => ["/some/file", "eh"], :one => ["ONE", "a"], :two => ["$one TWO", "b"], :three => ["$one $two THREE", "c"] FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true end it "should not ignore the report setting" do @settings.setdefaults :section, :report => ["false", "a"] myfile = stub "myfile" @settings[:config] = myfile text = <<-CONF [puppetd] report=true CONF @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:report].should be_true end it "should use its current ':config' value for the file to parse" do myfile = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/my/file" : "C:/myfile" # do not stub expand_path here, as this leads to a stack overflow, when mocha tries to use it @settings[:config] = myfile File.expects(:read).with(myfile).returns "[main]" @settings.parse end it "should fail if no configuration setting is defined" do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new lambda { @settings.parse }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should not try to parse non-existent files" do FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/some/file").returns false File.expects(:read).with("/some/file").never @settings.parse end it "should set a timer that triggers reparsing, even if the file does not exist" do FileTest.expects(:exist?).returns false @settings.expects(:set_filetimeout_timer) @settings.parse end it "should return values set in the configuration file" do text = "[main] one = fileval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "fileval" end #484 - this should probably be in the regression area it "should not throw an exception on unknown parameters" do text = "[main]\nnosuchparam = mval\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) lambda { @settings.parse }.should_not raise_error end it "should convert booleans in the configuration file into Ruby booleans" do text = "[main] one = true two = false " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == true @settings[:two].should == false end it "should convert integers in the configuration file into Ruby Integers" do text = "[main] one = 65 " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == 65 end it "should support specifying all metadata (owner, group, mode) in the configuration file" do @settings.setdefaults :section, :myfile => ["/myfile", "a"] text = "[main] myfile = /other/file {owner = service, group = service, mode = 644} " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:myfile].should == "/other/file" @settings.metadata(:myfile).should == {:owner => "suser", :group => "sgroup", :mode => "644"} end it "should support specifying a single piece of metadata (owner, group, or mode) in the configuration file" do @settings.setdefaults :section, :myfile => ["/myfile", "a"] text = "[main] myfile = /other/file {owner = service} " file = "/some/file" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:myfile].should == "/other/file" @settings.metadata(:myfile).should == {:owner => "suser"} end it "should call hooks associated with values set in the configuration file" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[main] mysetting = setval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse values.should == ["setval"] end it "should not call the same hook for values set multiple times in the configuration file" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[user] mysetting = setval [main] mysetting = other " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse values.should == ["setval"] end it "should pass the environment-specific value to the hook when one is available" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} @settings.setdefaults :section, :environment => ["yay", "a"] @settings.setdefaults :section, :environments => ["yay,foo", "a"] text = "[main] mysetting = setval [yay] mysetting = other " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse values.should == ["other"] end it "should pass the interpolated value to the hook when one is available" do values = [] @settings.setdefaults :section, :base => {:default => "yay", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} @settings.setdefaults :section, :mysetting => {:default => "defval", :desc => "a", :hook => proc { |v| values << v }} text = "[main] mysetting = $base/setval " @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse values.should == ["yay/setval"] end it "should allow empty values" do @settings.setdefaults :section, :myarg => ["myfile", "a"] text = "[main] myarg = " @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:myarg].should == "" end describe "and when reading a non-positive filetimeout value from the config file" do before do @settings.setdefaults :foo, :filetimeout => [5, "eh"] somefile = "/some/file" text = "[main] filetimeout = -1 " File.expects(:read).with(somefile).returns(text) File.expects(:expand_path).with(somefile).returns somefile @settings[:config] = somefile end it "should not set a timer" do EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).never @settings.parse end end end describe "when reparsing its configuration" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :section, :config => ["/test/file", "a"], :one => ["ONE", "a"], :two => ["$one TWO", "b"], :three => ["$one $two THREE", "c"] FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true end it "should use a LoadedFile instance to determine if the file has changed" do file = mock 'file' Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file file.expects(:changed?) @settings.stubs(:parse) @settings.reparse end it "should not create the LoadedFile instance and should not parse if the file does not exist" do FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/test/file").returns false Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).never @settings.expects(:parse).never @settings.reparse end it "should not reparse if the file has not changed" do file = mock 'file' Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file file.expects(:changed?).returns false @settings.expects(:parse).never @settings.reparse end it "should reparse if the file has changed" do file = stub 'file', :file => "/test/file" Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).with("/test/file").returns file file.expects(:changed?).returns true @settings.expects(:parse) @settings.reparse end it "should use a cached LoadedFile instance" do first = mock 'first' second = mock 'second' Puppet::Util::LoadedFile.expects(:new).times(2).with("/test/file").returns(first).then.returns(second) @settings.file.should equal(first) Puppet::Util::Cacher.expire @settings.file.should equal(second) end it "should replace in-memory values with on-file values" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = disk-init\n" file = mock 'file' file.stubs(:changed?).returns(true) file.stubs(:file).returns("/test/file") @settings[:one] = "init" @settings.file = file # Now replace the value text = "[main]\none = disk-replace\n" # This is kinda ridiculous - the reason it parses twice is that # it goes to parse again when we ask for the value, because the # mock always says it should get reparsed. @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.reparse @settings[:one].should == "disk-replace" end it "should retain parameters set by cli when configuration files are reparsed" do @settings.handlearg("--one", "clival") text = "[main]\none = on-disk\n" @settings.stubs(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "clival" end it "should remove in-memory values that are no longer set in the file" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = disk-init\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "disk-init" # Now replace the value text = "[main]\ntwo = disk-replace\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse #@settings.reparse # The originally-overridden value should be replaced with the default @settings[:one].should == "ONE" # and we should now have the new value in memory @settings[:two].should == "disk-replace" end it "should retain in-memory values if the file has a syntax error" do # Init the value text = "[main]\none = initial-value\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse @settings[:one].should == "initial-value" # Now replace the value with something bogus text = "[main]\nkenny = killed-by-what-follows\n1 is 2, blah blah florp\n" @settings.expects(:read_file).returns(text) @settings.parse # The originally-overridden value should not be replaced with the default @settings[:one].should == "initial-value" # and we should not have the new value in memory @settings[:kenny].should be_nil end end it "should provide a method for creating a catalog of resources from its configuration" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should respond_to(:to_catalog) end describe "when creating a catalog" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true @prefix = Puppet.features.posix? ? "" : "C:" end it "should add all file resources to the catalog if no sections have been specified" do @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => [@prefix+"/maindir", "a"], :seconddir => [@prefix+"/seconddir", "a"] @settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => [@prefix+"/otherdir", "a"] catalog = @settings.to_catalog [@prefix+"/maindir", @prefix+"/seconddir", @prefix+"/otherdir"].each do |path| catalog.resource(:file, path).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end end it "should add only files in the specified sections if section names are provided" do @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => [@prefix+"/maindir", "a"] @settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => [@prefix+"/otherdir", "a"] catalog = @settings.to_catalog(:main) catalog.resource(:file, @prefix+"/otherdir").should be_nil catalog.resource(:file, @prefix+"/maindir").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end it "should not try to add the same file twice" do @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => [@prefix+"/maindir", "a"] @settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => [@prefix+"/maindir", "a"] lambda { @settings.to_catalog }.should_not raise_error end it "should ignore files whose :to_resource method returns nil" do @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => [@prefix+"/maindir", "a"] @settings.setting(:maindir).expects(:to_resource).returns nil Puppet::Resource::Catalog.any_instance.expects(:add_resource).never @settings.to_catalog end describe "when adding users and groups to the catalog" do before do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true @settings.setdefaults :foo, :mkusers => [true, "e"], :user => ["suser", "doc"], :group => ["sgroup", "doc"] @settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => {:default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} @catalog = @settings.to_catalog end it "should add each specified user and group to the catalog if :mkusers is a valid setting, is enabled, and we're running as root" do @catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) @catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource) end it "should only add users and groups to the catalog from specified sections" do @settings.setdefaults :yay, :yaydir => {:default => "/yaydir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} catalog = @settings.to_catalog(:other) catalog.resource(:user, "jane").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "billy").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers not running as root" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns false catalog = @settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers is not a valid setting" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => {:default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} catalog = settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not add users or groups to the catalog if :mkusers is a valid setting but is disabled" do @settings[:mkusers] = false catalog = @settings.to_catalog catalog.resource(:user, "suser").should be_nil catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup").should be_nil end it "should not try to add users or groups to the catalog twice" do @settings.setdefaults :yay, :yaydir => {:default => "/yaydir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service"} # This would fail if users/groups were added twice lambda { @settings.to_catalog }.should_not raise_error end it "should set :ensure to :present on each created user and group" do @catalog.resource(:user, "suser")[:ensure].should == :present @catalog.resource(:group, "sgroup")[:ensure].should == :present end it "should set each created user's :gid to the service group" do @settings.to_catalog.resource(:user, "suser")[:gid].should == "sgroup" end it "should not attempt to manage the root user" do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true @settings.setdefaults :foo, :foodir => {:default => "/foodir", :desc => "a", :owner => "root", :group => "service"} @settings.to_catalog.resource(:user, "root").should be_nil end end end it "should be able to be converted to a manifest" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should respond_to(:to_manifest) end describe "when being converted to a manifest" do it "should produce a string with the code for each resource joined by two carriage returns" do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => ["/maindir", "a"], :seconddir => ["/seconddir", "a"] main = stub 'main_resource', :ref => "File[/maindir]" main.expects(:to_manifest).returns "maindir" second = stub 'second_resource', :ref => "File[/seconddir]" second.expects(:to_manifest).returns "seconddir" @settings.setting(:maindir).expects(:to_resource).returns main @settings.setting(:seconddir).expects(:to_resource).returns second @settings.to_manifest.split("\n\n").sort.should == %w{maindir seconddir} end end describe "when using sections of the configuration to manage the local host" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true @settings.setdefaults :main, :noop => [false, ""] @settings.setdefaults :main, :maindir => ["/maindir", "a"], :seconddir => ["/seconddir", "a"] @settings.setdefaults :main, :user => ["suser", "doc"], :group => ["sgroup", "doc"] @settings.setdefaults :other, :otherdir => {:default => "/otherdir", :desc => "a", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :mode => 0755} @settings.setdefaults :third, :thirddir => ["/thirddir", "b"] @settings.setdefaults :files, :myfile => {:default => "/myfile", :desc => "a", :mode => 0755} end it "should provide a method that writes files with the correct modes" do @settings.should respond_to(:write) end it "should provide a method that creates directories with the correct modes" do Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.expects(:asuser).with("suser", "sgroup").yields Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/otherdir", 0755) @settings.mkdir(:otherdir) end it "should create a catalog with the specified sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :other) end it "should canonicalize the sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use("main", "other") end it "should ignore sections that have already been used" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main) @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:other).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :other) end it "should ignore tags and schedules when creating files and directories" it "should be able to provide all of its parameters in a format compatible with GetOpt::Long" do pending "Not converted from test/unit yet" end it "should convert the created catalog to a RAL catalog" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main).returns @catalog @catalog.expects(:to_ral).returns @catalog @settings.use(:main) end it "should specify that it is not managing a host catalog" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") catalog.expects(:apply) @settings.expects(:to_catalog).returns catalog catalog.stubs(:to_ral).returns catalog catalog.expects(:host_config=).with false @settings.use(:main) end it "should support a method for re-using all currently used sections" do @settings.expects(:to_catalog).with(:main, :third).times(2).returns Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @settings.use(:main, :third) @settings.reuse end it "should fail with an appropriate message if any resources fail" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("foo") @catalog.stubs(:to_ral).returns @catalog @settings.expects(:to_catalog).returns @catalog @trans = mock("transaction") @catalog.expects(:apply).yields(@trans) @trans.expects(:any_failed?).returns(true) report = mock 'report' @trans.expects(:report).returns report log = mock 'log', :to_s => "My failure", :level => :err report.expects(:logs).returns [log] @settings.expects(:raise).with { |msg| msg.include?("My failure") } @settings.use(:whatever) end end describe "when dealing with printing configs" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new #these are the magic default values @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("") @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(false) @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(false) @settings.stubs(:value).with(:environment).returns(nil) end describe "when checking print_config?" do it "should return false when the :configprint, :genconfig and :genmanifest are not set" do @settings.print_configs?.should be_false end it "should return true when :configprint has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end it "should return true when :genconfig has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end it "should return true when :genmanifest has a value" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.print_configs?.should be_true end end describe "when printing configs" do describe "when :configprint has a value" do it "should call print_config_options" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.expects(:print_config_options) @settings.print_configs end it "should get the value of the option using the environment" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.expects(:value).with(:environment).returns("env") @settings.expects(:value).with("something", "env").returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs end it "should print the value of the option" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("something", nil).returns("foo") @settings.expects(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs end it "should print the value pairs if there are multiple options" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("bar,baz") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("bar").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:include?).with("baz").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("bar", nil).returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:value).with("baz", nil).returns("fud") @settings.expects(:puts).with("bar = foo") @settings.expects(:puts).with("baz = fud") @settings.print_configs end it "should print a whole bunch of stuff if :configprint = all" it "should return true after printing" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(true) @settings.stubs(:value).with("something", nil).returns("foo") @settings.stubs(:puts).with("foo") @settings.print_configs.should be_true end it "should return false if a config param is not found" do @settings.stubs :puts @settings.stubs(:value).with(:configprint).returns("something") @settings.stubs(:include?).with("something").returns(false) @settings.print_configs.should be_false end end describe "when genconfig is true" do before do @settings.stubs :puts end it "should call to_config" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.expects(:to_config) @settings.print_configs end it "should return true from print_configs" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genconfig).returns(true) @settings.stubs(:to_config) @settings.print_configs.should be_true end end describe "when genmanifest is true" do before do @settings.stubs :puts end it "should call to_config" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.expects(:to_manifest) @settings.print_configs end it "should return true from print_configs" do @settings.stubs(:value).with(:genmanifest).returns(true) @settings.stubs(:to_manifest) @settings.print_configs.should be_true end end end end describe "when setting a timer to trigger configuration file reparsing" do before do @settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @settings.setdefaults :foo, :filetimeout => [5, "eh"] end it "should do nothing if no filetimeout setting is available" do @settings.expects(:value).with(:filetimeout).returns nil EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).never @settings.set_filetimeout_timer end it "should always convert the timer interval to an integer" do @settings.expects(:value).with(:filetimeout).returns "10" EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).with(:interval => 10, :start? => true, :tolerance => 1) @settings.set_filetimeout_timer end it "should do nothing if the filetimeout setting is not greater than 0" do @settings.expects(:value).with(:filetimeout).returns -2 EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).never @settings.set_filetimeout_timer end it "should create a timer with its interval set to the filetimeout, start? set to true, and a tolerance of 1" do @settings.expects(:value).with(:filetimeout).returns 5 EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).with(:interval => 5, :start? => true, :tolerance => 1) @settings.set_filetimeout_timer end it "should reparse when the timer goes off" do EventLoop::Timer.expects(:new).with(:interval => 5, :start? => true, :tolerance => 1).yields @settings.expects(:reparse) @settings.set_filetimeout_timer end end describe "when determining if the service user is available" do it "should return false if there is no user setting" do Puppet::Util::Settings.new.should_not be_service_user_available end it "should return false if the user provider says the user is missing" do settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.setdefaults :main, :user => ["foo", "doc"] user = mock 'user' user.expects(:exists?).returns false Puppet::Type.type(:user).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:name] == "foo" }.returns user settings.should_not be_service_user_available end it "should return true if the user provider says the user is present" do settings = Puppet::Util::Settings.new settings.setdefaults :main, :user => ["foo", "doc"] user = mock 'user' user.expects(:exists?).returns true Puppet::Type.type(:user).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:name] == "foo" }.returns user settings.should be_service_user_available end it "should cache the result" end end