diff --git a/acceptance/tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb b/acceptance/tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb index 1a6234037..b3fec25d0 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/concurrency/ticket_2659_concurrent_catalog_requests.rb @@ -1,108 +1,108 @@ test_name "concurrent catalog requests (PUP-2659)" # we're only testing the effects of loading a master with concurrent requests confine :except, :platform => 'windows' step "setup a manifest" testdir = master.tmpdir("concurrent") apply_manifest_on(master, <<-MANIFEST, :catch_failures => true) File { ensure => directory, owner => #{master['user']}, group => #{master['group']}, mode => '750', } file { '#{testdir}': } file { '#{testdir}/busy': } file { '#{testdir}/busy/one.txt': ensure => file, mode => '640', content => "Something to read", } file { '#{testdir}/busy/two.txt': ensure => file, mode => '640', content => "Something else to read", } file { '#{testdir}/busy/three.txt': ensure => file, mode => '640', content => "Something more else to read", } file { '#{testdir}/manifests': } file { '#{testdir}/manifests/site.pp': ensure => file, content => ' $foo = inline_template(" <%- 1000.times do Dir.glob(\\'#{testdir}/busy/*.txt\\').each do |f| File.read(f) end end %> \\'touched the file system for a bit\\' ") notify { "end": message => $foo, } ', mode => '640', } MANIFEST step "start master" master_opts = { 'main' => { 'manifest' => "#{testdir}/manifests/site.pp", } } with_puppet_running_on(master, master_opts, testdir) do step "concurrent catalog curls (with alliterative alacrity)" agents.each do |agent| cert_path = on(agent, puppet('config', 'print', 'hostcert')).stdout.chomp key_path = on(agent, puppet('config', 'print', 'hostprivkey')).stdout.chomp cacert_path = on(agent, puppet('config', 'print', 'localcacert')).stdout.chomp agent_cert = on(agent, puppet('config', 'print', 'certname')).stdout.chomp run_count = 6 agent_tmpdir = agent.tmpdir("concurrent-loop-script") test_script = "#{agent_tmpdir}/loop.sh" create_remote_file(agent, test_script, <<-EOF) declare -a MYPIDS loops=#{run_count} for (( i=0; i<$loops; i++ )); do ( sleep_for="0.$(( $RANDOM % 49 ))" sleep $sleep_for url='https://#{master}:8140/production/catalog/#{agent_cert}' echo "Curling: $url" - curl -v -# -H 'Accept: text/pson' --cert #{cert_path} --key #{key_path} --cacert #{cacert_path} $url + curl --tlsv1 -v -# -H 'Accept: text/pson' --cert #{cert_path} --key #{key_path} --cacert #{cacert_path} $url echo "$PPID Completed" ) > "#{agent_tmpdir}/catalog-request-$i.out" 2>&1 & echo "Launched $!" MYPIDS[$i]=$! done for (( i=0; i<$loops; i++ )); do wait ${MYPIDS[$i]} done echo "All requests are finished" EOF on(agent, "chmod +x #{test_script}") on(agent, "#{test_script}") run_count.times do |i| step "Checking the results of catalog request ##{i}" on(agent, "cat #{agent_tmpdir}/catalog-request-#{i}.out") do assert_match(%r{< HTTP/1.* 200}, stdout) assert_match(%r{touched the file system for a bit}, stdout) end end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/environment/can_enumerate_environments.rb b/acceptance/tests/environment/can_enumerate_environments.rb index 6973d8bdb..47bcacc6c 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/environment/can_enumerate_environments.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/environment/can_enumerate_environments.rb @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ test_name "Can enumerate environments via an HTTP endpoint" def master_port(agent) setting_on(agent, "agent", "masterport") end def setting_on(host, section, name) on(host, puppet("config", "print", name, "--section", section)).stdout.chomp end def full_path(host, path) if host['platform'] =~ /win/ on(host, "cygpath '#{path}'").stdout.chomp else path end end def curl_master_from(agent, path, headers = '', &block) url = "https://#{master}:#{master_port(agent)}#{path}" cert_path = full_path(agent, setting_on(agent, "agent", "hostcert")) key_path = full_path(agent, setting_on(agent, "agent", "hostprivkey")) - curl_base = "curl -sg --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H '#{headers}'" + curl_base = "curl --tlsv1 -sg --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H '#{headers}'" on agent, "#{curl_base} '#{url}'", &block end environments_dir = master.tmpdir("environments") apply_manifest_on(master, <<-MANIFEST) File { ensure => directory, owner => #{master['user']}, group => #{master['group']}, mode => 0770, } file { "#{environments_dir}":; "#{environments_dir}/env1":; "#{environments_dir}/env2":; } MANIFEST master_opts = { :master => { :environmentpath => environments_dir } } if master.is_pe? master_opts[:master][:basemodulepath] = master['sitemoduledir'] end with_puppet_running_on(master, master_opts) do agents.each do |agent| step "Ensure that an unauthenticated client cannot access the environments list" do - on agent, "curl -ksv https://#{master}:#{master_port(agent)}/v2.0/environments", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7] do + on agent, "curl --tlsv1 -ksv https://#{master}:#{master_port(agent)}/v2.0/environments", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7] do assert_match(/< HTTP\/1\.\d 403/, stderr) end end step "Ensure that an authenticated client can retrieve the list of environments" do curl_master_from(agent, '/v2.0/environments') do data = JSON.parse(stdout) assert_equal(["env1", "env2", "production"], data["environments"].keys.sort) end end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_improper_query_params.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_improper_query_params.rb index 1f42c307f..4c805c761 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_improper_query_params.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_improper_query_params.rb @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ require 'json' test_name "CVE 2013-1652 Improper query parameter validation" do confine :except, :platform => 'windows' with_puppet_running_on master, {} do # Ensure each agent has a signed cert on agents, puppet('agent', "-t --server #{master}" ) agents.each do |agent| next if agent['roles'].include?( 'master' ) certname = on(agent, puppet('agent', "--configprint certname")).stdout.chomp payload = "https://#{master}:8140/production/catalog/#{certname}?use_node=" + "---%20!ruby/object:Puppet::Node%0A%20%20" + "name:%20#{master}%0A%20%20classes:%20\[\]%0A%20%20" + "parameters:%20%7B%7D%0A%20%20facts:%20%7B%7D" cert_path = on(agent, puppet('agent', "--configprint hostcert")).stdout.chomp key_path = on(agent, puppet('agent', "--configprint hostprivkey")).stdout.chomp - curl_base = "curl -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H 'Accept: pson'" + curl_base = "curl --tlsv1 -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H 'Accept: pson'" curl_call = "#{curl_base} '#{payload}'" step "Attempt to retrieve another nodes catalog" do on agent, curl_call do |test| begin res = JSON.parse( test.stdout ) fail_test( "Retrieved catalog for #{master} from #{agent}" ) if res['data']['name'] == master.name rescue JSON::ParserError # good, continue end end end end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_poison_other_node_cache.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_poison_other_node_cache.rb index f88fc6647..550b67367 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_poison_other_node_cache.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1652_poison_other_node_cache.rb @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ test_name "CVE 2013-1652 Poison node cache" do step "Determine suitability of the test" do skip_test( "This test will only run on Puppet 3.x" ) if on(master, puppet('--version')).stdout =~ /\A2\./ end with_puppet_running_on( master, {} ) do # Ensure agent has a signed cert on master, puppet('agent', '-t', "--server #{master}" ) certname = on( master, puppet('agent', "--configprint certname")).stdout.chomp cert_path = on( master, puppet('agent', "--configprint hostcert")).stdout.chomp key_path = on( master, puppet('agent', "--configprint hostprivkey")).stdout.chomp - curl_base = "curl -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" " + + curl_base = "curl --tlsv1 -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" " + "--key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H 'Accept: pson'" step "Attempt to poison the master's node cache" do yamldir = on( master, puppet('master', '--configprint yamldir' )).stdout.chomp exploited = "#{yamldir}/node/you.lose.yaml" on master, "rm -rf #{exploited}" on master, "rm -rf #{yamldir}/node/*" payload2 = "https://#{master}:8140/production/node/#{certname}?instance=" + "---+%21ruby%2Fobject%3APuppet%3A%3ANode%0A+classes" + "%3A%0A+-+foo%0A+name%3A+you.lose%0A+parameters" + "%3A+%7B%7D%0A+time%3A+2013-02-28+15%3A12%3A30.367008+-08%3A00" on master, "#{curl_base} '#{payload2}'" fail_test( "Found exploit file #{exploited}" ) if on( master, "[ ! -f #{exploited} ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).exit_code == 1 end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1653_puppet_kick.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1653_puppet_kick.rb index 818516aed..6320f8b32 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1653_puppet_kick.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1653_puppet_kick.rb @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ test_name "CVE 2013-1653: Puppet Kick Remote Code Exploit" do step "Determine suitability of the test" do confine :except, :platform => 'windows' versions = on( hosts, puppet( '--version' )) skip_test( "This test will not run on Puppet 2.6" ) if versions.any? {|r| r.stdout =~ /\A2\.6\./ } end def exploit_code( exploiter, exploitee, endpoint, port, file_to_create ) certfile = on( exploiter, puppet_agent( '--configprint hostcert' )).stdout.chomp keyfile = on( exploiter, puppet_agent( '--configprint hostprivkey' )).stdout.chomp exploit = %Q[#!#{exploiter['puppetbindir']}/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'puppet' require 'openssl' require 'net/https' yaml = < 'text/yaml', 'Accept' => 'yaml'} conn = Net::HTTP.new('#{exploitee}', #{port}) conn.use_ssl = true conn.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read('#{certfile}')) conn.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read('#{keyfile}')) conn.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE conn.request_put("/production/#{endpoint}/#{exploiter}", yaml, headers) do |response| response.read_body do |chunk| puts chunk end end ] return exploit end exploited = '/tmp/cve-2013-1653-has-worked' restauth_conf = %q[ path /run auth yes allow * ] teardown do agents.each do |agent| pidfile = on( agent, puppet_agent("--configprint pidfile") ).stdout.chomp on agent, "[ -f #{pidfile} ] && kill `cat #{pidfile}` || true" on agent, "rm -rf #{exploited}" end end agents.each do |agent| # We have to skip this case because of bug PP-436. When that gets fixed, we # can test on all nodes again. if agent == master Log.warn("This test does not support nodes that are both master and agents") next end atestdir = agent.tmpdir('puppet-kick-auth') mtestdir = master.tmpdir('puppet-kick-auth') step "Daemonize the agent" do # Lay down a tempory auth.conf that will allow the agent to be kicked create_remote_file(agent, "#{atestdir}/auth.conf", restauth_conf) # Start the agent on(agent, puppet_agent("--debug --daemonize --server #{master} --listen --no-client --rest_authconfig #{atestdir}/auth.conf")) step "Wait for agent to start listening" do timeout = 15 begin Timeout.timeout(timeout) do loop do # 7 is "Could not connect to host", which will happen before it's running - result = on(agent, "curl -k https://#{agent}:8139", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7]) + result = on(agent, "curl --tlsv1 -k https://#{agent}:8139", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7]) break if result.exit_code == 0 sleep 1 end end rescue Timeout::Error fail_test "Puppet agent #{agent} failed to start after #{timeout} seconds" end end end step "Attempt to exploit #{agent}" do # Ensure there's no stale data on agent, "rm -rf #{exploited}" on master, "rm -rf #{mtestdir}/exploit.rb" # Copy over our exploit and execute create_remote_file( master, "#{mtestdir}/exploit.rb", exploit_code( master, agent, 'run', 8139, exploited )) on master, "chmod +x #{mtestdir}/exploit.rb" on master, "#{mtestdir}/exploit.rb" # Did it work? fail_test( "Found exploit file #{exploited}" ) if on( agent, "[ ! -f #{exploited} ]", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] ).exit_code == 1 end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1654_sslv2_downgrade_agent.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1654_sslv2_downgrade_agent.rb index a2b25d6a4..08475aa1a 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1654_sslv2_downgrade_agent.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-1654_sslv2_downgrade_agent.rb @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ test_name "CVE 2013-1654 SSL2 Downgrade of Agent connection" do require 'puppet/acceptance/windows_utils' extend Puppet::Acceptance::WindowsUtils def which_ruby(host) if host['platform'] =~ /windows/ ruby_cmd(host) else host['puppetbindir'] ? "#{host['puppetbindir']}/ruby" : 'ruby' end end def suitable?(host) cmd = </dev/null &" timeout = 15 begin Timeout.timeout(timeout) do loop do # 7 is "Could not connect to host", which will happen before it's running # 28 is "Operation timeout", which could happen if the vm was running slowly - result = on(agent, "curl -m1 -k https://#{agent}:#{port}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7,28,35]) + result = on(agent, "curl --tlsv1 -m1 -k https://#{agent}:#{port}", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7,28,35]) break if result.exit_code == 0 or result.exit_code == 35 sleep 1 end end rescue Timeout::Error fail_test "Insecure Mock Server on #{agent} failed to start after #{timeout} seconds" end on(agent, puppet("agent --debug --test --server #{agent} --masterport #{port}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1]) do |test| assert_no_match(/'FOOBAR'/, test.stdout) end else logger.debug( "skipping #{agent} since SSLv2 is not available" ) end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-2275_report_acl.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-2275_report_acl.rb index f0071533b..48c158442 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-2275_report_acl.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-2275_report_acl.rb @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ test_name "(#19531) report save access control" step "Verify puppet only allows saving reports from the node matching the certificate" fake_report = <<-EOYAML --- !ruby/object:Puppet::Transaction::Report host: mccune metrics: {} logs: [] kind: inspect puppet_version: "2.7.20" status: failed report_format: 3 EOYAML with_puppet_running_on(master, {}) do submit_fake_report_cmd = [ - "curl -k -X PUT", + "curl --tlsv1 -k -X PUT", "--cacert \"$(puppet master --configprint cacert)\"", "--cert \"$(puppet master --configprint hostcert)\"", "--key \"$(puppet master --configprint hostprivkey)\"", "-H 'Content-Type: text/yaml'", "-d '#{fake_report}'", "\"https://#{master}:8140/production/report/mccune\"", ].join(" ") on master, submit_fake_report_cmd, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0] do msg = "(#19531) (CVE-2013-2275) Puppet master accepted a report for a node that does not match the certname" assert_match(/Forbidden request/, stdout, msg) end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_deserialization_again.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_deserialization_again.rb index 0526bd150..e14fd1612 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_deserialization_again.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_deserialization_again.rb @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ test_name "CVE-2013-3567 Arbitrary YAML Deserialization" reportdir = master.tmpdir('yaml_deserialization') dangerous_yaml = "--- !ruby/object:Puppet::Transaction::Report { metrics: { resources: !ruby/object:ERB { src: 'exit 0' } }, logs: [], resource_statuses: [], host: '$(puppet master --configprint certname)' }" submit_bad_yaml = [ - "curl -k -X PUT", + "curl --tlsv1 -k -X PUT", "--cacert $(puppet master --configprint cacert)", "--cert $(puppet master --configprint hostcert)", "--key $(puppet master --configprint hostprivkey)", "-H 'Content-Type: text/yaml'", "-d \"#{dangerous_yaml}\"", "\"https://#{master}:8140/production/report/$(puppet master --configprint certname)\"" ].join(' ') master_opts = { 'master' => { 'reportdir' => reportdir, 'reports' => 'store', } } # In PE, the master is running as non-root. We need to set the # reportdir permissions correctly for it. on master, "chmod 750 #{reportdir}" if options.is_pe? on master, "chown pe-puppet:pe-puppet #{reportdir}" elsif master.is_using_passenger? on master, "chown puppet:puppet #{reportdir}" end with_puppet_running_on(master, master_opts) do on master, submit_bad_yaml on master, "cat #{reportdir}/$(puppet master --configprint certname)/*" do assert_no_match(/ERB/, stdout, "Improperly propagated ERB object from input into puppet code") end end on master, "rm -rf #{reportdir}" diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_parameter_deserialization.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_parameter_deserialization.rb index d4c059018..a2b20e0d7 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_parameter_deserialization.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-3567_yaml_parameter_deserialization.rb @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ test_name "CVE-2013-3567 Arbitrary YAML Query Parameter Deserialization" CURL_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_PAGE = 22 require 'uri' dangerous_yaml = "--- !ruby/object:Puppet::Node::Environment { name: 'manage' }" submit_bad_yaml_as_parameter = [ - "curl -f -s -S -k -X GET", + "curl --tlsv1 -f -s -S -k -X GET", "--cacert $(puppet master --configprint cacert)", "--cert $(puppet master --configprint hostcert)", "--key $(puppet master --configprint hostprivkey)", "-H 'Accept: yaml'", "\"https://#{master}:8140/production/file_metadata/modules/testing/tested?links=#{URI.encode(dangerous_yaml)}\"" ].join(' ') modules = master.tmpdir('modules') apply_manifest_on master, < directory, owner => puppet } -> file { "#{modules}/testing": ensure => directory, owner => puppet } -> file { "#{modules}/testing/files": ensure => directory, owner => puppet } -> file { "#{modules}/testing/files/tested": ensure => file, content => "test", owner => puppet } MANIFEST master_opts = { 'master' => { 'modulepath' => modules, } } with_puppet_running_on(master, master_opts) do step "Expect the master to reject the request" on master, submit_bad_yaml_as_parameter, :acceptable_exit_codes => [CURL_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_PAGE] end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-4761_resource_type.rb b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-4761_resource_type.rb index d33af1af4..24252a1d0 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-4761_resource_type.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/security/cve-2013-4761_resource_type.rb @@ -1,58 +1,58 @@ require 'puppet/acceptance/temp_file_utils' extend Puppet::Acceptance::TempFileUtils initialize_temp_dirs teardown do remove_temp_dirs end test_name "CVE 2013-4761 Remote code execution via REST resource_type" do confine :except, :platform => 'windows' create_test_file(master, 'auth.conf', <<-AUTH) path /resource_type method find, search auth any allow * AUTH create_remote_file(master, '/tmp/exploit.rb', <<-EXPLOIT) ::File.open('/tmp/exploited', 'w') { |f| f.puts("exploited") } EXPLOIT chmod(master, '777', '/tmp/exploit.rb') master_opts = { 'master' => { 'autosign' => true, 'rest_authconfig' => get_test_file_path(master, 'auth.conf'), }, } with_puppet_running_on(master, master_opts) do # Ensure each agent has a signed cert on agents, puppet("agent", "-t", "--server #{master}") agents.each do |agent| next if agent['roles'].include?('master') step "Ensure that the exploit marker is gone" do on master, "rm -f /tmp/exploited" end step "Request a type that maps to the exploit file" do type_name = "::..::..::..::..::..::tmp::exploit" payload = "https://#{master}:8140/production/resource_type/#{type_name}" cert_path = on(agent, puppet("agent", "--configprint hostcert")).stdout.chomp key_path = on(agent, puppet("agent", "--configprint hostprivkey")).stdout.chomp - curl_base = "curl -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H 'Accept: pson'" + curl_base = "curl --tlsv1 -g --cert \"#{cert_path}\" --key \"#{key_path}\" -k -H 'Accept: pson'" on agent, "#{curl_base} '#{payload}'" end step "Check that the exploit marker was not created" do on master, "test ! -e /tmp/exploited" end end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_15717_puppet_kick.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_15717_puppet_kick.rb index 5daba5d8d..337020721 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/ticket_15717_puppet_kick.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_15717_puppet_kick.rb @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ test_name "#15717: puppet kick" step "verify puppet kick actually triggers an agent run" confine :except, :platform => 'windows' restauth_conf = < [0,7]) + result = on(agent, "curl --tlsv1 -k https://#{agent}:8139", :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,7]) break if result.exit_code == 0 sleep 1 end end rescue Timeout::Error fail_test "Puppet agent #{agent} failed to start after #{timeout} seconds" end step "kick the agent from the master" on(master, puppet_kick("--host #{agentname}")) do |result| assert_match(/Puppet kick is deprecated/, result.stderr, "Puppet kick did not issue deprecation warning") assert_match(/status is success/, result.stdout, "Puppet kick was successful, " + "but agent #{agent} did not report success") end ensure step "kill agent" on(agent, puppet_agent("--configprint pidfile")) do |result| on(agent, "kill `cat #{result.stdout.chomp}`") end end end end diff --git a/acceptance/tests/ticket_7117_broke_env_criteria_authconf.rb b/acceptance/tests/ticket_7117_broke_env_criteria_authconf.rb index a6970d1f9..7f5f8c4d4 100644 --- a/acceptance/tests/ticket_7117_broke_env_criteria_authconf.rb +++ b/acceptance/tests/ticket_7117_broke_env_criteria_authconf.rb @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ # Windows doesn't suppoert Facter fqdn properly confine :except, :platform => 'windows' test_name "#7117 Broke the environment criteria in auth.conf" testdir = master.tmpdir('env_in_auth_conf') # add to auth.conf add_2_authconf = %q{ path / environment override auth any allow * } step "Create a temp auth.conf" create_remote_file master, "#{testdir}/auth.conf", add_2_authconf on master, "chmod 644 #{testdir}/auth.conf" on master, "chmod 777 #{testdir}" with_puppet_running_on master, {'master' => {'rest_authconfig' => "#{testdir}/auth.conf"}}, testdir do agents.each do |agent| # Run test on Agents step "Run agent to upload facts" on agent, puppet_agent("--test --server #{master}") certname = master.is_pe? ? agent.to_s : on(agent, facter('fqdn')).stdout.chomp step "Fetch agent facts from Puppet Master" - on(agent, "curl -k -H \"Accept: yaml\" https://#{master}:8140/override/facts/#{certname}") do + on(agent, "curl --tlsv1 -k -H \"Accept: yaml\" https://#{master}:8140/override/facts/#{certname}") do assert_match(/--- !ruby\/object:Puppet::Node::Facts/, stdout, "Agent Facts not returned for #{agent}") end end end diff --git a/ext/project_data.yaml b/ext/project_data.yaml index dcb2edd65..641f85c20 100644 --- a/ext/project_data.yaml +++ b/ext/project_data.yaml @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ --- project: 'puppet' author: 'Puppet Labs' email: 'info@puppetlabs.com' homepage: 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet' summary: 'Puppet, an automated configuration management tool' description: 'Puppet, an automated configuration management tool' version_file: 'lib/puppet/version.rb' # files and gem_files are space separated lists files: '[A-Z]* install.rb bin lib conf man examples ext tasks spec' # The gem specification bits only work on Puppet >= 3.0rc, NOT 2.7.x and earlier gem_files: '[A-Z]* install.rb bin lib conf man examples ext tasks spec' gem_test_files: 'spec/**/*' gem_executables: 'puppet' gem_default_executables: 'puppet' gem_forge_project: 'puppet' gem_runtime_dependencies: facter: ['> 1.6', '< 3'] hiera: '~> 1.0' rgen: '~> 0.6.5' json_pure: gem_rdoc_options: - --title - "Puppet - Configuration Management" - --main - README.md - --line-numbers gem_platform_dependencies: x86-mingw32: gem_runtime_dependencies: # Pinning versions that require native extensions ffi: '1.9.3' win32-dir: '~> 0.4.9' - win32-eventlog: '~> 0.5.3' + win32-eventlog: '~> 0.6.1' win32-process: '~> 0.7.4' win32-security: '~> 0.2.5' win32-service: '~> 0.8.4' win32console: '1.3.2' minitar: '~> 0.5.4' x64-mingw32: gem_runtime_dependencies: ffi: '1.9.3' win32-dir: '~> 0.4.9' win32-eventlog: '~> 0.6.1' win32-process: '~> 0.7.4' win32-security: '~> 0.2.5' win32-service: '~> 0.8.4' minitar: '~> 0.5.4' bundle_platforms: x86-mingw32: mingw x64-mingw32: x64_mingw diff --git a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb index a10831719..657be9382 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb @@ -1,2017 +1,2017 @@ module Puppet def self.default_diffargs if (Facter.value(:kernel) == "AIX" && Facter.value(:kernelmajversion) == "5300") "" else "-u" end end ############################################################################################ # NOTE: For information about the available values for the ":type" property of settings, # see the docs for Settings.define_settings ############################################################################################ AS_DURATION = %q{This setting can be a time interval in seconds (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d), or years (5y).} STORECONFIGS_ONLY = %q{This setting is only used by the ActiveRecord storeconfigs and inventory backends, which are deprecated.} # This is defined first so that the facter implementation is replaced before other setting defaults are evaluated. define_settings(:main, :cfacter => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Whether or not to use the native facter (cfacter) implementation instead of the Ruby one (facter). Defaults to false.', :hook => proc do |value| return unless value raise ArgumentError, 'facter has already evaluated facts.' if Facter.instance_variable_get(:@collection) - require 'puppet/facts' - raise ArgumentError, 'cfacter version 0.2.0 or later is not installed.' unless Puppet::Facts.replace_facter + raise ArgumentError, 'cfacter version 0.2.0 or later is not installed.' unless Puppet.features.cfacter? + CFacter.initialize end } ) define_settings(:main, :confdir => { :default => nil, :type => :directory, :desc => "The main Puppet configuration directory. The default for this setting is calculated based on the user. If the process is running as root or the user that Puppet is supposed to run as, it defaults to a system directory, but if it's running as any other user, it defaults to being in the user's home directory.", }, :vardir => { :default => nil, :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where Puppet stores dynamic and growing data. The default for this setting is calculated specially, like `confdir`_.", }, ### NOTE: this setting is usually being set to a symbol value. We don't officially have a ### setting type for that yet, but we might want to consider creating one. :name => { :default => nil, :desc => "The name of the application, if we are running as one. The default is essentially $0 without the path or `.rb`.", } ) define_settings(:main, :logdir => { :default => nil, :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The directory in which to store log files", }, :log_level => { :default => 'notice', :type => :enum, :values => ["debug","info","notice","warning","err","alert","emerg","crit"], :desc => "Default logging level for messages from Puppet. Allowed values are: * debug * info * notice * warning * err * alert * emerg * crit ", }, :disable_warnings => { :default => [], :type => :array, :desc => "A comma-separated list of warning types to suppress. If large numbers of warnings are making Puppet's logs too large or difficult to use, you can temporarily silence them with this setting. If you are preparing to upgrade Puppet to a new major version, you should re-enable all warnings for a while. Valid values for this setting are: * `deprecations` --- disables deprecation warnings.", :hook => proc do |value| values = munge(value) valid = %w[deprecations] invalid = values - (values & valid) if not invalid.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot disable unrecognized warning types #{invalid.inspect}. Valid values are #{valid.inspect}." end end } ) define_settings(:main, :priority => { :default => nil, :type => :priority, :desc => "The scheduling priority of the process. Valid values are 'high', 'normal', 'low', or 'idle', which are mapped to platform-specific values. The priority can also be specified as an integer value and will be passed as is, e.g. -5. Puppet must be running as a privileged user in order to increase scheduling priority.", }, :trace => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to print stack traces on some errors", }, :profile => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to enable experimental performance profiling", }, :autoflush => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether log files should always flush to disk.", :hook => proc { |value| Log.autoflush = value } }, :syslogfacility => { :default => "daemon", :desc => "What syslog facility to use when logging to syslog. Syslog has a fixed list of valid facilities, and you must choose one of those; you cannot just make one up." }, :statedir => { :default => "$vardir/state", :type => :directory, - :mode => 01755, + :mode => "01755", :desc => "The directory where Puppet state is stored. Generally, this directory can be removed without causing harm (although it might result in spurious service restarts)." }, :rundir => { :default => nil, :type => :directory, - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where Puppet PID files are kept." }, :genconfig => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "When true, causes Puppet applications to print an example config file to stdout and exit. The example will include descriptions of each setting, and the current (or default) value of each setting, incorporating any settings overridden on the CLI (with the exception of `genconfig` itself). This setting only makes sense when specified on the command line as `--genconfig`.", }, :genmanifest => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to just print a manifest to stdout and exit. Only makes sense when specified on the command line as `--genmanifest`. Takes into account arguments specified on the CLI.", }, :configprint => { :default => "", :desc => "Print the value of a specific configuration setting. If the name of a setting is provided for this, then the value is printed and puppet exits. Comma-separate multiple values. For a list of all values, specify 'all'.", }, :color => { :default => "ansi", :type => :string, :desc => "Whether to use colors when logging to the console. Valid values are `ansi` (equivalent to `true`), `html`, and `false`, which produces no color. Defaults to false on Windows, as its console does not support ansi colors.", }, :mkusers => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to create the necessary user and group that puppet agent will run as.", }, :manage_internal_file_permissions => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether Puppet should manage the owner, group, and mode of files it uses internally", }, :onetime => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Perform one configuration run and exit, rather than spawning a long-running daemon. This is useful for interactively running puppet agent, or running puppet agent from cron.", :short => 'o', }, :path => { :default => "none", :desc => "The shell search path. Defaults to whatever is inherited from the parent process.", :call_hook => :on_define_and_write, :hook => proc do |value| ENV["PATH"] = "" if ENV["PATH"].nil? ENV["PATH"] = value unless value == "none" paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) Puppet::Util::Platform.default_paths.each do |path| ENV["PATH"] += File::PATH_SEPARATOR + path unless paths.include?(path) end value end }, :libdir => { :type => :directory, :default => "$vardir/lib", :desc => "An extra search path for Puppet. This is only useful for those files that Puppet will load on demand, and is only guaranteed to work for those cases. In fact, the autoload mechanism is responsible for making sure this directory is in Ruby's search path\n", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => proc do |value| $LOAD_PATH.delete(@oldlibdir) if defined?(@oldlibdir) and $LOAD_PATH.include?(@oldlibdir) @oldlibdir = value $LOAD_PATH << value end }, :ignoreimport => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "If true, allows the parser to continue without requiring all files referenced with `import` statements to exist. This setting was primarily designed for use with commit hooks for parse-checking.", }, :environment => { :default => "production", :desc => "The environment Puppet is running in. For clients (e.g., `puppet agent`) this determines the environment itself, which is used to find modules and much more. For servers (i.e., `puppet master`) this provides the default environment for nodes we know nothing about." }, :environmentpath => { :default => "", :desc => "A search path for directory environments, as a list of directories separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.) This setting must have a value set to enable **directory environments.** The recommended value is `$confdir/environments`. For more details, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html", :type => :path, }, :diff_args => { :default => lambda { default_diffargs }, :desc => "Which arguments to pass to the diff command when printing differences between files. The command to use can be chosen with the `diff` setting.", }, :diff => { :default => (Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? "" : "diff"), :desc => "Which diff command to use when printing differences between files. This setting has no default value on Windows, as standard `diff` is not available, but Puppet can use many third-party diff tools.", }, :show_diff => { :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Whether to log and report a contextual diff when files are being replaced. This causes partial file contents to pass through Puppet's normal logging and reporting system, so this setting should be used with caution if you are sending Puppet's reports to an insecure destination. This feature currently requires the `diff/lcs` Ruby library.", }, :daemonize => { :type => :boolean, :default => (Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? ? false : true), :desc => "Whether to send the process into the background. This defaults to true on POSIX systems, and to false on Windows (where Puppet currently cannot daemonize).", :short => "D", :hook => proc do |value| if value and Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? raise "Cannot daemonize on Windows" end end }, :maximum_uid => { :default => 4294967290, :desc => "The maximum allowed UID. Some platforms use negative UIDs but then ship with tools that do not know how to handle signed ints, so the UIDs show up as huge numbers that can then not be fed back into the system. This is a hackish way to fail in a slightly more useful way when that happens.", }, :route_file => { :default => "$confdir/routes.yaml", :desc => "The YAML file containing indirector route configuration.", }, :node_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => "plain", :desc => "Where to find information about nodes.", }, :node_cache_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => nil, :desc => "How to store cached nodes. Valid values are (none), 'json', 'msgpack', 'yaml' or write only yaml ('write_only_yaml'). The master application defaults to 'write_only_yaml', all others to none.", }, :data_binding_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => "hiera", :desc => "Where to retrive information about data.", }, :hiera_config => { :default => "$confdir/hiera.yaml", :desc => "The hiera configuration file. Puppet only reads this file on startup, so you must restart the puppet master every time you edit it.", :type => :file, }, :binder => { :default => false, :desc => "Turns the binding system on or off. This includes bindings in modules. The binding system aggregates data from modules and other locations and makes them available for lookup. The binding system is experimental and any or all of it may change.", :type => :boolean, }, :binder_config => { :default => nil, :desc => "The binder configuration file. Puppet reads this file on each request to configure the bindings system. If set to nil (the default), a $confdir/binder_config.yaml is optionally loaded. If it does not exists, a default configuration is used. If the setting :binding_config is specified, it must reference a valid and existing yaml file.", :type => :file, }, :catalog_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => "compiler", :desc => "Where to get node catalogs. This is useful to change if, for instance, you'd like to pre-compile catalogs and store them in memcached or some other easily-accessed store.", }, :catalog_cache_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => nil, :desc => "How to store cached catalogs. Valid values are 'json', 'msgpack' and 'yaml'. The agent application defaults to 'json'." }, :facts_terminus => { :default => 'facter', :desc => "The node facts terminus.", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => proc do |value| require 'puppet/node/facts' # Cache to YAML if we're uploading facts away if %w[rest inventory_service].include? value.to_s Puppet.info "configuring the YAML fact cache because a remote terminus is active" Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.cache_class = :yaml end end }, :inventory_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => "$facts_terminus", :desc => "Should usually be the same as the facts terminus", }, :default_file_terminus => { :type => :terminus, :default => "rest", :desc => "The default source for files if no server is given in a uri, e.g. puppet:///file. The default of `rest` causes the file to be retrieved using the `server` setting. When running `apply` the default is `file_server`, causing requests to be filled locally." }, :httplog => { :default => "$logdir/http.log", :type => :file, :owner => "root", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "Where the puppet agent web server logs.", }, :http_proxy_host => { :default => "none", :desc => "The HTTP proxy host to use for outgoing connections. Note: You may need to use a FQDN for the server hostname when using a proxy. Environment variable http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY will override this value", }, :http_proxy_port => { :default => 3128, :desc => "The HTTP proxy port to use for outgoing connections", }, :http_proxy_user => { :default => "none", :desc => "The user name for an authenticated HTTP proxy. Requires http_proxy_host.", }, :http_proxy_password =>{ :default => "none", :hook => proc do |value| if Puppet.settings[:http_proxy_password] =~ /[@!# \/]/ raise "Special characters in passwords must be URL compliant, we received #{value}" end end, :desc => "The password for the user of an authenticated HTTP proxy. Requires http_proxy_user. NOTE: Special characters must be escaped or encoded for URL compliance", }, :http_keepalive_timeout => { :default => "4s", :type => :duration, :desc => "The maximum amount of time a persistent HTTP connection can remain idle in the connection pool, before it is closed. This timeout should be shorter than the keepalive timeout used on the HTTP server, e.g. Apache KeepAliveTimeout directive. #{AS_DURATION}" }, :http_debug => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to write HTTP request and responses to stderr. This should never be used in a production environment." }, :filetimeout => { :default => "15s", :type => :duration, :desc => "The minimum time to wait between checking for updates in configuration files. This timeout determines how quickly Puppet checks whether a file (such as manifests or templates) has changed on disk. #{AS_DURATION}", }, :environment_timeout => { :default => "unlimited", :type => :ttl, :desc => "The time to live for a cached environment. #{AS_DURATION} This setting can also be set to `unlimited`, which causes the environment to be cached until the master is restarted." }, :queue_type => { :default => "stomp", :desc => "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing.", }, :queue_type => { :default => "stomp", :desc => "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing.", }, :queue_source => { :default => "stomp://localhost:61613/", :desc => "Which type of queue to use for asynchronous processing. If your stomp server requires authentication, you can include it in the URI as long as your stomp client library is at least 1.1.1", }, :async_storeconfigs => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to use a queueing system to provide asynchronous database integration. Requires that `puppet queue` be running.", :hook => proc do |value| if value # This reconfigures the termini for Node, Facts, and Catalog Puppet.settings.override_default(:storeconfigs, true) # But then we modify the configuration Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.cache_class = :queue Puppet.settings.override_default(:catalog_cache_terminus, :queue) else raise "Cannot disable asynchronous storeconfigs in a running process" end end }, :thin_storeconfigs => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Boolean; whether Puppet should store only facts and exported resources in the storeconfigs database. This will improve the performance of exported resources with the older `active_record` backend, but will disable external tools that search the storeconfigs database. Thinning catalogs is generally unnecessary when using PuppetDB to store catalogs.", :hook => proc do |value| Puppet.settings.override_default(:storeconfigs, true) if value end }, :config_version => { :default => "", :desc => "How to determine the configuration version. By default, it will be the time that the configuration is parsed, but you can provide a shell script to override how the version is determined. The output of this script will be added to every log message in the reports, allowing you to correlate changes on your hosts to the source version on the server. Setting a global value for config_version in puppet.conf is deprecated. Please set a per-environment value in environment.conf instead. For more info, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html", :deprecated => :allowed_on_commandline, }, :zlib => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Boolean; whether to use the zlib library", }, :prerun_command => { :default => "", :desc => "A command to run before every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero return code, the entire Puppet run will fail.", }, :postrun_command => { :default => "", :desc => "A command to run after every agent run. If this command returns a non-zero return code, the entire Puppet run will be considered to have failed, even though it might have performed work during the normal run.", }, :freeze_main => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Freezes the 'main' class, disallowing any code to be added to it. This essentially means that you can't have any code outside of a node, class, or definition other than in the site manifest.", }, :stringify_facts => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Flatten fact values to strings using #to_s. Means you can't have arrays or hashes as fact values.", }, :trusted_node_data => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Stores trusted node data in a hash called $trusted. When true also prevents $trusted from being overridden in any scope.", }, :immutable_node_data => { :default => '$trusted_node_data', :type => :boolean, :desc => "When true, also prevents $trusted and $facts from being overridden in any scope", } ) Puppet.define_settings(:module_tool, :module_repository => { :default => 'https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com', :desc => "The module repository", }, :module_working_dir => { :default => '$vardir/puppet-module', :desc => "The directory into which module tool data is stored", }, :module_skeleton_dir => { :default => '$module_working_dir/skeleton', :desc => "The directory which the skeleton for module tool generate is stored.", }, :forge_authorization => { :default => nil, :desc => "The authorization key to connect to the Puppet Forge. Leave blank for unauthorized or license based connections", }, :module_groups => { :default => nil, :desc => "Extra module groups to request from the Puppet Forge", } ) Puppet.define_settings( :main, # We have to downcase the fqdn, because the current ssl stuff (as oppsed to in master) doesn't have good facilities for # manipulating naming. :certname => { :default => lambda { Puppet::Settings.default_certname.downcase }, :desc => "The name to use when handling certificates. When a node requests a certificate from the CA puppet master, it uses the value of the `certname` setting as its requested Subject CN. This is the name used when managing a node's permissions in [auth.conf](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/config_file_auth.html). In most cases, it is also used as the node's name when matching [node definitions](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_node_definitions.html) and requesting data from an ENC. (This can be changed with the `node_name_value` and `node_name_fact` settings, although you should only do so if you have a compelling reason.) A node's certname is available in Puppet manifests as `$trusted['certname']`. (See [Facts and Built-In Variables](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_facts_and_builtin_vars.html) for more details.) * For best compatibility, you should limit the value of `certname` to only use letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. (That is, it should match `/\A[a-z0-9._-]+\Z/`.) * The special value `ca` is reserved, and can't be used as the certname for a normal node. Defaults to the node's fully qualified domain name.", :hook => proc { |value| raise(ArgumentError, "Certificate names must be lower case; see #1168") unless value == value.downcase }}, :certdnsnames => { :default => '', :hook => proc do |value| unless value.nil? or value == '' then Puppet.warning < < { :default => '', :desc => < { :default => "$confdir/csr_attributes.yaml", :type => :file, :desc => < { :default => "$ssldir/certs", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The certificate directory." }, :ssldir => { :default => "$confdir/ssl", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0771, + :mode => "0771", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where SSL certificates are kept." }, :publickeydir => { :default => "$ssldir/public_keys", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The public key directory." }, :requestdir => { :default => "$ssldir/certificate_requests", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where host certificate requests are stored." }, :privatekeydir => { :default => "$ssldir/private_keys", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The private key directory." }, :privatedir => { :default => "$ssldir/private", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where the client stores private certificate information." }, :passfile => { :default => "$privatedir/password", :type => :file, - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where puppet agent stores the password for its private key. Generally unused." }, :hostcsr => { :default => "$ssldir/csr_$certname.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their certificate requests." }, :hostcert => { :default => "$certdir/$certname.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their certificates." }, :hostprivkey => { :default => "$privatekeydir/$certname.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their private key." }, :hostpubkey => { :default => "$publickeydir/$certname.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where individual hosts store and look for their public key." }, :localcacert => { :default => "$certdir/ca.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where each client stores the CA certificate." }, :ssl_client_ca_auth => { :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Certificate authorities who issue server certificates. SSL servers will not be considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA certificate (localcacert) will be used." }, :ssl_server_ca_auth => { :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Certificate authorities who issue client certificates. SSL clients will not be considered authentic unless they possess a certificate issued by an authority listed in this file. If this setting has no value then the Puppet master's CA certificate (localcacert) will be used." }, :hostcrl => { :default => "$ssldir/crl.pem", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where the host's certificate revocation list can be found. This is distinct from the certificate authority's CRL." }, :certificate_revocation => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether certificate revocation should be supported by downloading a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to all clients. If enabled, CA chaining will almost definitely not work.", }, :certificate_expire_warning => { :default => "60d", :type => :duration, :desc => "The window of time leading up to a certificate's expiration that a notification will be logged. This applies to CA, master, and agent certificates. #{AS_DURATION}" }, :digest_algorithm => { :default => 'md5', :type => :enum, :values => ["md5", "sha256"], :desc => 'Which digest algorithm to use for file resources and the filebucket. Valid values are md5, sha256. Default is md5.', } ) define_settings( :ca, :ca_name => { :default => "Puppet CA: $certname", :desc => "The name to use the Certificate Authority certificate.", }, :cadir => { :default => "$ssldir/ca", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :desc => "The root directory for the certificate authority." }, :cacert => { :default => "$cadir/ca_crt.pem", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :desc => "The CA certificate." }, :cakey => { :default => "$cadir/ca_key.pem", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "The CA private key." }, :capub => { :default => "$cadir/ca_pub.pem", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :desc => "The CA public key." }, :cacrl => { :default => "$cadir/ca_crl.pem", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :desc => "The certificate revocation list (CRL) for the CA. Will be used if present but otherwise ignored.", }, :caprivatedir => { :default => "$cadir/private", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :desc => "Where the CA stores private certificate information." }, :csrdir => { :default => "$cadir/requests", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :desc => "Where the CA stores certificate requests" }, :signeddir => { :default => "$cadir/signed", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0755, + :mode => "0755", :desc => "Where the CA stores signed certificates." }, :capass => { :default => "$caprivatedir/ca.pass", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "Where the CA stores the password for the private key." }, :serial => { :default => "$cadir/serial", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :desc => "Where the serial number for certificates is stored." }, :autosign => { :default => "$confdir/autosign.conf", :type => :autosign, :desc => "Whether (and how) to autosign certificate requests. This setting is only relevant on a puppet master acting as a certificate authority (CA). Valid values are true (autosigns all certificate requests; not recommended), false (disables autosigning certificates), or the absolute path to a file. The file specified in this setting may be either a **configuration file** or a **custom policy executable.** Puppet will automatically determine what it is: If the Puppet user (see the `user` setting) can execute the file, it will be treated as a policy executable; otherwise, it will be treated as a config file. If a custom policy executable is configured, the CA puppet master will run it every time it receives a CSR. The executable will be passed the subject CN of the request _as a command line argument,_ and the contents of the CSR in PEM format _on stdin._ It should exit with a status of 0 if the cert should be autosigned and non-zero if the cert should not be autosigned. If a certificate request is not autosigned, it will persist for review. An admin user can use the `puppet cert sign` command to manually sign it, or can delete the request. For info on autosign configuration files, see [the guide to Puppet's config files](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/configuring.html).", }, :allow_duplicate_certs => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to allow a new certificate request to overwrite an existing certificate.", }, :ca_ttl => { :default => "5y", :type => :duration, :desc => "The default TTL for new certificates. #{AS_DURATION}" }, :req_bits => { :default => 4096, :desc => "The bit length of the certificates.", }, :keylength => { :default => 4096, :desc => "The bit length of keys.", }, :cert_inventory => { :default => "$cadir/inventory.txt", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The inventory file. This is a text file to which the CA writes a complete listing of all certificates." } ) # Define the config default. define_settings(:application, :config_file_name => { :type => :string, :default => Puppet::Settings.default_config_file_name, :desc => "The name of the puppet config file.", }, :config => { :type => :file, :default => "$confdir/${config_file_name}", :desc => "The configuration file for the current puppet application.", }, :pidfile => { :type => :file, :default => "$rundir/${run_mode}.pid", :desc => "The file containing the PID of a running process. This file is intended to be used by service management frameworks and monitoring systems to determine if a puppet process is still in the process table.", }, :bindaddress => { :default => "", :desc => "The address a listening server should bind to.", } ) define_settings(:master, :user => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The user puppet master should run as.", }, :group => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The group puppet master should run as.", }, :manifestdir => { :default => "$confdir/manifests", :type => :directory, :desc => "Used to build the default value of the `manifest` setting. Has no other purpose. This setting is deprecated.", :deprecated => :completely, }, :manifest => { :default => "$manifestdir/site.pp", :type => :file_or_directory, :desc => "The entry-point manifest for puppet master. This can be one file or a directory of manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order. Puppet manages this path as a directory if one exists or if the path ends with a / or \\. Setting a global value for `manifest` in puppet.conf is deprecated. Please use directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the environment's `manifests` directory as the main manifest, you can set `manifest` in environment.conf. For more info, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html", :deprecated => :allowed_on_commandline, }, :code => { :default => "", :desc => "Code to parse directly. This is essentially only used by `puppet`, and should only be set if you're writing your own Puppet executable.", }, :masterhttplog => { :default => "$logdir/masterhttp.log", :type => :file, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => 0660, + :mode => "0660", :create => true, :desc => "Where the puppet master web server saves its access log. This is only used when running a WEBrick puppet master. When puppet master is running under a Rack server like Passenger, that web server will have its own logging behavior." }, :masterport => { :default => 8140, :desc => "The port for puppet master traffic. For puppet master, this is the port to listen on; for puppet agent, this is the port to make requests on. Both applications use this setting to get the port.", }, :node_name => { :default => "cert", :desc => "How the puppet master determines the client's identity and sets the 'hostname', 'fqdn' and 'domain' facts for use in the manifest, in particular for determining which 'node' statement applies to the client. Possible values are 'cert' (use the subject's CN in the client's certificate) and 'facter' (use the hostname that the client reported in its facts)", }, :bucketdir => { :default => "$vardir/bucket", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where FileBucket files are stored." }, :rest_authconfig => { :default => "$confdir/auth.conf", :type => :file, :desc => "The configuration file that defines the rights to the different rest indirections. This can be used as a fine-grained authorization system for `puppet master`.", }, :ca => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether the master should function as a certificate authority.", }, :basemodulepath => { :default => "$confdir/modules#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}/usr/share/puppet/modules", :type => :path, :desc => "The search path for **global** modules. Should be specified as a list of directories separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.) If you are using directory environments, these are the modules that will be used by _all_ environments. Note that the `modules` directory of the active environment will have priority over any global directories. For more info, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html This setting also provides the default value for the deprecated `modulepath` setting, which is used when directory environments are disabled.", }, :modulepath => { :default => "$basemodulepath", :type => :path, :desc => "The search path for modules, as a list of directories separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.) Setting a global value for `modulepath` in puppet.conf is deprecated. Please use directory environments instead. If you need to use something other than the default modulepath of `:$basemodulepath`, you can set `modulepath` in environment.conf. For more info, see http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/environments.html", :deprecated => :allowed_on_commandline, }, :ssl_client_header => { :default => "HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN", :desc => "The header containing an authenticated client's SSL DN. This header must be set by the proxy to the authenticated client's SSL DN (e.g., `/CN=puppet.puppetlabs.com`). Puppet will parse out the Common Name (CN) from the Distinguished Name (DN) and use the value of the CN field for authorization. Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the `X-Client-DN` header, this setting should be `HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN`.", }, :ssl_client_verify_header => { :default => "HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY", :desc => "The header containing the status message of the client verification. This header must be set by the proxy to 'SUCCESS' if the client successfully authenticated, and anything else otherwise. Note that the name of the HTTP header gets munged by the web server common gateway inteface: an `HTTP_` prefix is added, dashes are converted to underscores, and all letters are uppercased. Thus, to use the `X-Client-Verify` header, this setting should be `HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY`.", }, # To make sure this directory is created before we try to use it on the server, we need # it to be in the server section (#1138). :yamldir => { :default => "$vardir/yaml", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => "750", + :mode => "0750", :desc => "The directory in which YAML data is stored, usually in a subdirectory."}, :server_datadir => { :default => "$vardir/server_data", :type => :directory, :owner => "service", :group => "service", - :mode => "750", + :mode => "0750", :desc => "The directory in which serialized data is stored, usually in a subdirectory."}, :reports => { :default => "store", :desc => "The list of report handlers to use. When using multiple report handlers, their names should be comma-separated, with whitespace allowed. (For example, `reports = http, tagmail`.) This setting is relevant to puppet master and puppet apply. The puppet master will call these report handlers with the reports it receives from agent nodes, and puppet apply will call them with its own report. (In all cases, the node applying the catalog must have `report = true`.) See the report reference for information on the built-in report handlers; custom report handlers can also be loaded from modules. (Report handlers are loaded from the lib directory, at `puppet/reports/NAME.rb`.)", }, :reportdir => { :default => "$vardir/reports", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The directory in which to store reports. Each node gets a separate subdirectory in this directory. This setting is only used when the `store` report processor is enabled (see the `reports` setting)."}, :reporturl => { :default => "http://localhost:3000/reports/upload", :desc => "The URL that reports should be forwarded to. This setting is only used when the `http` report processor is enabled (see the `reports` setting).", }, :fileserverconfig => { :default => "$confdir/fileserver.conf", :type => :file, :desc => "Where the fileserver configuration is stored.", }, :strict_hostname_checking => { :default => false, :desc => "Whether to only search for the complete hostname as it is in the certificate when searching for node information in the catalogs.", } ) define_settings(:metrics, :rrddir => { :type => :directory, :default => "$vardir/rrd", - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The directory where RRD database files are stored. Directories for each reporting host will be created under this directory." }, :rrdinterval => { :default => "$runinterval", :type => :duration, :desc => "How often RRD should expect data. This should match how often the hosts report back to the server. #{AS_DURATION}", } ) define_settings(:device, :devicedir => { :default => "$vardir/devices", :type => :directory, - :mode => "750", + :mode => "0750", :desc => "The root directory of devices' $vardir.", }, :deviceconfig => { :default => "$confdir/device.conf", :desc => "Path to the device config file for puppet device.", } ) define_settings(:agent, :node_name_value => { :default => "$certname", :desc => "The explicit value used for the node name for all requests the agent makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with node_name_fact. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see http://links.puppetlabs.com/node_name_value for more information." }, :node_name_fact => { :default => "", :desc => "The fact name used to determine the node name used for all requests the agent makes to the master. WARNING: This setting is mutually exclusive with node_name_value. Changing this setting also requires changes to the default auth.conf configuration on the Puppet Master. Please see http://links.puppetlabs.com/node_name_fact for more information.", :hook => proc do |value| if !value.empty? and Puppet[:node_name_value] != Puppet[:certname] raise "Cannot specify both the node_name_value and node_name_fact settings" end end }, :localconfig => { :default => "$statedir/localconfig", :type => :file, :owner => "root", - :mode => 0660, + :mode => "0660", :desc => "Where puppet agent caches the local configuration. An extension indicating the cache format is added automatically."}, :statefile => { :default => "$statedir/state.yaml", :type => :file, - :mode => 0660, + :mode => "0660", :desc => "Where puppet agent and puppet master store state associated with the running configuration. In the case of puppet master, this file reflects the state discovered through interacting with clients." }, :clientyamldir => { :default => "$vardir/client_yaml", :type => :directory, - :mode => "750", + :mode => "0750", :desc => "The directory in which client-side YAML data is stored." }, :client_datadir => { :default => "$vardir/client_data", :type => :directory, - :mode => "750", + :mode => "0750", :desc => "The directory in which serialized data is stored on the client." }, :classfile => { :default => "$statedir/classes.txt", :type => :file, :owner => "root", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the classes associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in the separate `puppet` executable using the `--loadclasses` option."}, :resourcefile => { :default => "$statedir/resources.txt", :type => :file, :owner => "root", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the resources associated with the retrieved configuration." }, :puppetdlog => { :default => "$logdir/puppetd.log", :type => :file, :owner => "root", - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "The fallback log file. This is only used when the `--logdest` option is not specified AND Puppet is running on an operating system where both the POSIX syslog service and the Windows Event Log are unavailable. (Currently, no supported operating systems match that description.) Despite the name, both puppet agent and puppet master will use this file as the fallback logging destination. For control over logging destinations, see the `--logdest` command line option in the manual pages for puppet master, puppet agent, and puppet apply. You can see man pages by running `puppet --help`, or read them online at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/man/." }, :server => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The puppet master server to which the puppet agent should connect." }, :use_srv_records => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether the server will search for SRV records in DNS for the current domain.", }, :srv_domain => { :default => lambda { Puppet::Settings.domain_fact }, :desc => "The domain which will be queried to find the SRV records of servers to use.", }, :ignoreschedules => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Boolean; whether puppet agent should ignore schedules. This is useful for initial puppet agent runs.", }, :default_schedules => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Boolean; whether to generate the default schedule resources. Setting this to false is useful for keeping external report processors clean of skipped schedule resources.", }, :puppetport => { :default => 8139, :desc => "Which port puppet agent listens on.", }, :noop => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to apply catalogs in noop mode, which allows Puppet to partially simulate a normal run. This setting affects puppet agent and puppet apply. When running in noop mode, Puppet will check whether each resource is in sync, like it does when running normally. However, if a resource attribute is not in the desired state (as declared in the catalog), Puppet will take no action, and will instead report the changes it _would_ have made. These simulated changes will appear in the report sent to the puppet master, or be shown on the console if running puppet agent or puppet apply in the foreground. The simulated changes will not send refresh events to any subscribing or notified resources, although Puppet will log that a refresh event _would_ have been sent. **Important note:** [The `noop` metaparameter](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/metaparameter.html#noop) allows you to apply individual resources in noop mode, and will override the global value of the `noop` setting. This means a resource with `noop => false` _will_ be changed if necessary, even when running puppet agent with `noop = true` or `--noop`. (Conversely, a resource with `noop => true` will only be simulated, even when noop mode is globally disabled.)", }, :runinterval => { :default => "30m", :type => :duration, :desc => "How often puppet agent applies the catalog. Note that a runinterval of 0 means \"run continuously\" rather than \"never run.\" If you want puppet agent to never run, you should start it with the `--no-client` option. #{AS_DURATION}", }, :listen => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether puppet agent should listen for connections. If this is true, then puppet agent will accept incoming REST API requests, subject to the default ACLs and the ACLs set in the `rest_authconfig` file. Puppet agent can respond usefully to requests on the `run`, `facts`, `certificate`, and `resource` endpoints.", }, :ca_server => { :default => "$server", :desc => "The server to use for certificate authority requests. It's a separate server because it cannot and does not need to horizontally scale.", }, :ca_port => { :default => "$masterport", :desc => "The port to use for the certificate authority.", }, :catalog_format => { :default => "", :desc => "(Deprecated for 'preferred_serialization_format') What format to use to dump the catalog. Only supports 'marshal' and 'yaml'. Only matters on the client, since it asks the server for a specific format.", :hook => proc { |value| if value Puppet.deprecation_warning "Setting 'catalog_format' is deprecated; use 'preferred_serialization_format' instead." Puppet.settings.override_default(:preferred_serialization_format, value) end } }, :preferred_serialization_format => { :default => "pson", :desc => "The preferred means of serializing ruby instances for passing over the wire. This won't guarantee that all instances will be serialized using this method, since not all classes can be guaranteed to support this format, but it will be used for all classes that support it.", }, :report_serialization_format => { :default => "pson", :type => :enum, :values => ["pson", "yaml"], :desc => "The serialization format to use when sending reports to the `report_server`. Possible values are `pson` and `yaml`. This setting affects puppet agent, but not puppet apply (which processes its own reports). This should almost always be set to `pson`. It can be temporarily set to `yaml` to let agents using this Puppet version connect to a puppet master running Puppet 3.0.0 through 3.2.x. Note that this is set to 'yaml' automatically if the agent detects an older master, so should never need to be set explicitly." }, :legacy_query_parameter_serialization => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "The serialization format to use when sending file_metadata query parameters. Older versions of puppet master expect certain query parameters to be serialized as yaml, which is deprecated. This should almost always be false. It can be temporarily set to true to let agents using this Puppet version connect to a puppet master running Puppet 3.0.0 through 3.2.x. Note that this is set to true automatically if the agent detects an older master, so should never need to be set explicitly." }, :agent_catalog_run_lockfile => { :default => "$statedir/agent_catalog_run.lock", :type => :string, # (#2888) Ensure this file is not added to the settings catalog. :desc => "A lock file to indicate that a puppet agent catalog run is currently in progress. The file contains the pid of the process that holds the lock on the catalog run.", }, :agent_disabled_lockfile => { :default => "$statedir/agent_disabled.lock", :type => :file, :desc => "A lock file to indicate that puppet agent runs have been administratively disabled. File contains a JSON object with state information.", }, :usecacheonfailure => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to use the cached configuration when the remote configuration will not compile. This option is useful for testing new configurations, where you want to fix the broken configuration rather than reverting to a known-good one.", }, :use_cached_catalog => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to only use the cached catalog rather than compiling a new catalog on every run. Puppet can be run with this enabled by default and then selectively disabled when a recompile is desired.", }, :ignoremissingtypes => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Skip searching for classes and definitions that were missing during a prior compilation. The list of missing objects is maintained per-environment and persists until the environment is cleared or the master is restarted.", }, :ignorecache => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Ignore cache and always recompile the configuration. This is useful for testing new configurations, where the local cache may in fact be stale even if the timestamps are up to date - if the facts change or if the server changes.", }, :dynamicfacts => { :default => "memorysize,memoryfree,swapsize,swapfree", :desc => "(Deprecated) Facts that are dynamic; these facts will be ignored when deciding whether changed facts should result in a recompile. Multiple facts should be comma-separated.", :hook => proc { |value| if value Puppet.deprecation_warning "The dynamicfacts setting is deprecated and will be ignored." end } }, :splaylimit => { :default => "$runinterval", :type => :duration, :desc => "The maximum time to delay before runs. Defaults to being the same as the run interval. #{AS_DURATION}", }, :splay => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to sleep for a pseudo-random (but consistent) amount of time before a run.", }, :clientbucketdir => { :default => "$vardir/clientbucket", :type => :directory, - :mode => 0750, + :mode => "0750", :desc => "Where FileBucket files are stored locally." }, :configtimeout => { :default => "2m", :type => :duration, :desc => "How long the client should wait for the configuration to be retrieved before considering it a failure. This can help reduce flapping if too many clients contact the server at one time. #{AS_DURATION}", }, :report_server => { :default => "$server", :desc => "The server to send transaction reports to.", }, :report_port => { :default => "$masterport", :desc => "The port to communicate with the report_server.", }, :inventory_server => { :default => "$server", :desc => "The server to send facts to.", }, :inventory_port => { :default => "$masterport", :desc => "The port to communicate with the inventory_server.", }, :report => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to send reports after every transaction.", }, :lastrunfile => { :default => "$statedir/last_run_summary.yaml", :type => :file, - :mode => 0644, + :mode => "0644", :desc => "Where puppet agent stores the last run report summary in yaml format." }, :lastrunreport => { :default => "$statedir/last_run_report.yaml", :type => :file, - :mode => 0640, + :mode => "0640", :desc => "Where puppet agent stores the last run report in yaml format." }, :graph => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to create dot graph files for the different configuration graphs. These dot files can be interpreted by tools like OmniGraffle or dot (which is part of ImageMagick).", }, :graphdir => { :default => "$statedir/graphs", :type => :directory, :desc => "Where to store dot-outputted graphs.", }, :http_compression => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Allow http compression in REST communication with the master. This setting might improve performance for agent -> master communications over slow WANs. Your puppet master needs to support compression (usually by activating some settings in a reverse-proxy in front of the puppet master, which rules out webrick). It is harmless to activate this settings if your master doesn't support compression, but if it supports it, this setting might reduce performance on high-speed LANs.", }, :waitforcert => { :default => "2m", :type => :duration, :desc => "How frequently puppet agent should ask for a signed certificate. When starting for the first time, puppet agent will submit a certificate signing request (CSR) to the server named in the `ca_server` setting (usually the puppet master); this may be autosigned, or may need to be approved by a human, depending on the CA server's configuration. Puppet agent cannot apply configurations until its approved certificate is available. Since the certificate may or may not be available immediately, puppet agent will repeatedly try to fetch it at this interval. You can turn off waiting for certificates by specifying a time of 0, in which case puppet agent will exit if it cannot get a cert. #{AS_DURATION}", }, :ordering => { :type => :enum, :values => ["manifest", "title-hash", "random"], :default => "manifest", :desc => "How unrelated resources should be ordered when applying a catalog. Allowed values are `title-hash`, `manifest`, and `random`. This setting affects puppet agent and puppet apply, but not puppet master. * `title-hash` (the default) will order resources randomly, but will use the same order across runs and across nodes. * `manifest` will use the order in which the resources were declared in their manifest files. * `random` will order resources randomly and change their order with each run. This can work like a fuzzer for shaking out undeclared dependencies. Regardless of this setting's value, Puppet will always obey explicit dependencies set with the before/require/notify/subscribe metaparameters and the `->`/`~>` chaining arrows; this setting only affects the relative ordering of _unrelated_ resources." } ) define_settings(:inspect, :archive_files => { :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "During an inspect run, whether to archive files whose contents are audited to a file bucket.", }, :archive_file_server => { :default => "$server", :desc => "During an inspect run, the file bucket server to archive files to if archive_files is set.", } ) # Plugin information. define_settings( :main, :plugindest => { :type => :directory, :default => "$libdir", :desc => "Where Puppet should store plugins that it pulls down from the central server.", }, :pluginsource => { :default => "puppet://$server/plugins", :desc => "From where to retrieve plugins. The standard Puppet `file` type is used for retrieval, so anything that is a valid file source can be used here.", }, :pluginfactdest => { :type => :directory, :default => "$vardir/facts.d", :desc => "Where Puppet should store external facts that are being handled by pluginsync", }, :pluginfactsource => { :default => "puppet://$server/pluginfacts", :desc => "Where to retrieve external facts for pluginsync", }, :pluginsync => { :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether plugins should be synced with the central server.", }, :pluginsignore => { :default => ".svn CVS .git", :desc => "What files to ignore when pulling down plugins.", } ) # Central fact information. define_settings( :main, :factpath => { :type => :path, :default => "$vardir/lib/facter#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}$vardir/facts", :desc => "Where Puppet should look for facts. Multiple directories should be separated by the system path separator character. (The POSIX path separator is ':', and the Windows path separator is ';'.)", :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the value added to facter. :hook => proc do |value| paths = value.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) Facter.search(*paths) end } ) define_settings( :tagmail, :tagmap => { :default => "$confdir/tagmail.conf", :desc => "The mapping between reporting tags and email addresses.", }, :sendmail => { :default => which('sendmail') || '', :desc => "Where to find the sendmail binary with which to send email.", }, :reportfrom => { :default => lambda { "report@#{Puppet::Settings.default_certname.downcase}" }, :desc => "The 'from' email address for the reports.", }, :smtpserver => { :default => "none", :desc => "The server through which to send email reports.", }, :smtpport => { :default => 25, :desc => "The TCP port through which to send email reports.", }, :smtphelo => { :default => lambda { Facter.value 'fqdn' }, :desc => "The name by which we identify ourselves in SMTP HELO for reports. If you send to a smtpserver which does strict HELO checking (as with Postfix's `smtpd_helo_restrictions` access controls), you may need to ensure this resolves.", } ) define_settings( :rails, :dblocation => { :default => "$statedir/clientconfigs.sqlite3", :type => :file, - :mode => 0660, + :mode => "0660", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "The sqlite database file. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}" }, :dbadapter => { :default => "sqlite3", :desc => "The type of database to use. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbmigrate => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to automatically migrate the database. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbname => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The name of the database to use. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbserver => { :default => "localhost", :desc => "The database server for caching. Only used when networked databases are used.", }, :dbport => { :default => "", :desc => "The database password for caching. Only used when networked databases are used. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbuser => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The database user for caching. Only used when networked databases are used. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbpassword => { :default => "puppet", :desc => "The database password for caching. Only used when networked databases are used. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbconnections => { :default => '', :desc => "The number of database connections for networked databases. Will be ignored unless the value is a positive integer. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :dbsocket => { :default => "", :desc => "The database socket location. Only used when networked databases are used. Will be ignored if the value is an empty string. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", }, :railslog => { :default => "$logdir/rails.log", :type => :file, - :mode => 0600, + :mode => "0600", :owner => "service", :group => "service", :desc => "Where Rails-specific logs are sent. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}" }, :rails_loglevel => { :default => "info", :desc => "The log level for Rails connections. The value must be a valid log level within Rails. Production environments normally use `info` and other environments normally use `debug`. #{STORECONFIGS_ONLY}", } ) define_settings( :couchdb, :couchdb_url => { :default => "", :desc => "The url where the puppet couchdb database will be created. Only used when `facts_terminus` is set to `couch`.", } ) define_settings( :transaction, :tags => { :default => "", :desc => "Tags to use to find resources. If this is set, then only resources tagged with the specified tags will be applied. Values must be comma-separated.", }, :evaltrace => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether each resource should log when it is being evaluated. This allows you to interactively see exactly what is being done.", }, :summarize => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to print a transaction summary.", } ) define_settings( :main, :external_nodes => { :default => "none", :desc => "An external command that can produce node information. The command's output must be a YAML dump of a hash, and that hash must have a `classes` key and/or a `parameters` key, where `classes` is an array or hash and `parameters` is a hash. For unknown nodes, the command should exit with a non-zero exit code. This command makes it straightforward to store your node mapping information in other data sources like databases.", } ) define_settings( :ldap, :ldapssl => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether SSL should be used when searching for nodes. Defaults to false because SSL usually requires certificates to be set up on the client side.", }, :ldaptls => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether TLS should be used when searching for nodes. Defaults to false because TLS usually requires certificates to be set up on the client side.", }, :ldapserver => { :default => "ldap", :desc => "The LDAP server. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.", }, :ldapport => { :default => 389, :desc => "The LDAP port. Only used if `node_terminus` is set to `ldap`.", }, :ldapstring => { :default => "(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))", :desc => "The search string used to find an LDAP node.", }, :ldapclassattrs => { :default => "puppetclass", :desc => "The LDAP attributes to use to define Puppet classes. Values should be comma-separated.", }, :ldapstackedattrs => { :default => "puppetvar", :desc => "The LDAP attributes that should be stacked to arrays by adding the values in all hierarchy elements of the tree. Values should be comma-separated.", }, :ldapattrs => { :default => "all", :desc => "The LDAP attributes to include when querying LDAP for nodes. All returned attributes are set as variables in the top-level scope. Multiple values should be comma-separated. The value 'all' returns all attributes.", }, :ldapparentattr => { :default => "parentnode", :desc => "The attribute to use to define the parent node.", }, :ldapuser => { :default => "", :desc => "The user to use to connect to LDAP. Must be specified as a full DN.", }, :ldappassword => { :default => "", :desc => "The password to use to connect to LDAP.", }, :ldapbase => { :default => "", :desc => "The search base for LDAP searches. It's impossible to provide a meaningful default here, although the LDAP libraries might have one already set. Generally, it should be the 'ou=Hosts' branch under your main directory.", } ) define_settings(:master, :storeconfigs => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to store each client's configuration, including catalogs, facts, and related data. This also enables the import and export of resources in the Puppet language - a mechanism for exchange resources between nodes. By default this uses ActiveRecord and an SQL database to store and query the data; this, in turn, will depend on Rails being available. You can adjust the backend using the storeconfigs_backend setting.", # Call our hook with the default value, so we always get the libdir set. :call_hook => :on_initialize_and_write, :hook => proc do |value| require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/node/facts' if value if not Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.cache_class = :store_configs Puppet.settings.override_default(:catalog_cache_terminus, :store_configs) end Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.cache_class = :store_configs Puppet::Resource.indirection.terminus_class = :store_configs end end }, :storeconfigs_backend => { :type => :terminus, :default => "active_record", :desc => "Configure the backend terminus used for StoreConfigs. By default, this uses the ActiveRecord store, which directly talks to the database from within the Puppet Master process." } ) define_settings(:parser, :templatedir => { :default => "$vardir/templates", :type => :directory, :desc => "Where Puppet looks for template files. Can be a list of colon-separated directories. This setting is deprecated. Please put your templates in modules instead.", :deprecated => :completely, }, :allow_variables_with_dashes => { :default => false, :desc => <<-'EOT' Permit hyphens (`-`) in variable names and issue deprecation warnings about them. This setting **should always be `false`;** setting it to `true` will cause subtle and wide-ranging bugs. It will be removed in a future version. Hyphenated variables caused major problems in the language, but were allowed between Puppet 2.7.3 and 2.7.14. If you used them during this window, we apologize for the inconvenience --- you can temporarily set this to `true` in order to upgrade, and can rename your variables at your leisure. Please revert it to `false` after you have renamed all affected variables. EOT }, :parser => { :default => "current", :desc => <<-'EOT' Selects the parser to use for parsing puppet manifests (in puppet DSL language/'.pp' files). Available choices are `current` (the default) and `future`. The `current` parser means that the released version of the parser should be used. The `future` parser is a "time travel to the future" allowing early exposure to new language features. What these features are will vary from release to release and they may be invididually configurable. Available Since Puppet 3.2. EOT }, :max_errors => { :default => 10, :desc => <<-'EOT' Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation errors in case multiple errors have been detected. A value of 0 is the same as a value of 1; a minimum of one error is always raised. The count is per manifest. EOT }, :max_warnings => { :default => 10, :desc => <<-'EOT' Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation warnings in case multiple warnings have been detected. A value of 0 blocks logging of warnings. The count is per manifest. EOT }, :max_deprecations => { :default => 10, :desc => <<-'EOT' Sets the max number of logged/displayed parser validation deprecation warnings in case multiple deprecation warnings have been detected. A value of 0 blocks the logging of deprecation warnings. The count is per manifest. EOT }, :strict_variables => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => <<-'EOT' Makes the parser raise errors when referencing unknown variables. (This does not affect referencing variables that are explicitly set to undef). EOT } ) define_settings(:puppetdoc, :document_all => { :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Whether to document all resources when using `puppet doc` to generate manifest documentation.", } ) end diff --git a/lib/puppet/external/nagios/base.rb b/lib/puppet/external/nagios/base.rb index 0aa50b411..06f6987ab 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/external/nagios/base.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/external/nagios/base.rb @@ -1,472 +1,472 @@ # The base class for all of our Nagios object types. Everything else # is mostly just data. class Nagios::Base class UnknownNagiosType < RuntimeError # When an unknown type is asked for by name. end include Enumerable class << self attr_accessor :parameters, :derivatives, :ocs, :name, :att attr_accessor :ldapbase attr_writer :namevar attr_reader :superior end # Attach one class to another. def self.attach(hash) @attach ||= {} hash.each do |n, v| @attach[n] = v end end # Convert a parameter to camelcase def self.camelcase(param) param.gsub(/_./) do |match| match.sub(/_/,'').capitalize end end # Uncamelcase a parameter. def self.decamelcase(param) param.gsub(/[A-Z]/) do |match| "_#{match.downcase}" end end # Create a new instance of a given class. def self.create(name, args = {}) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String if @types.include?(name) @types[name].new(args) else raise UnknownNagiosType, "Unknown type #{name}" end end # Yield each type in turn. def self.eachtype @types.each do |name, type| yield [name, type] end end # Create a mapping. def self.map(hash) @map ||= {} hash.each do |n, v| @map[n] = v end end # Return a mapping (or nil) for a param def self.mapping(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String if defined?(@map) @map[name] else nil end end # Return the namevar for the canonical name. def self.namevar if defined?(@namevar) return @namevar else if parameter?(:name) return :name elsif tmp = (self.name.to_s + "_name").intern and parameter?(tmp) @namevar = tmp return @namevar else raise "Type #{self.name} has no name var" end end end # Create a new type. def self.newtype(name, &block) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @types ||= {} # Create the class, with the correct name. t = Class.new(self) t.name = name # Everyone gets this. There should probably be a better way, and I # should probably hack the attribute system to look things up based on # this "use" setting, but, eh. t.parameters = [:use] const_set(name.to_s.capitalize,t) # Evaluate the passed block. This should usually define all of the work. t.class_eval(&block) @types[name] = t end # Define both the normal case and camelcase method for a parameter def self.paramattr(name) camel = camelcase(name) param = name [name, camel].each do |method| define_method(method) do @parameters[param] end define_method(method.to_s + "=") do |value| @parameters[param] = value end end end # Is the specified name a valid parameter? def self.parameter?(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @parameters.include?(name) end # Manually set the namevar def self.setnamevar(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @namevar = name end # Set the valid parameters for this class def self.setparameters(*array) @parameters += array end # Set the superior ldap object class. Seems silly to include this # in this class, but, eh. def self.setsuperior(name) @superior = name end # Parameters to suppress in output. def self.suppress(name) @suppress ||= [] @suppress << name end # Whether a given parameter is suppressed. def self.suppress?(name) defined?(@suppress) and @suppress.include?(name) end # Return our name as the string. def self.to_s self.name.to_s end # Return a type by name. def self.type(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @types[name] end # Convenience methods. def [](param) send(param) end # Convenience methods. def []=(param,value) send(param.to_s + "=", value) end # Iterate across all ofour set parameters. def each @parameters.each { |param,value| yield(param,value) } end # Initialize our object, optionally with a list of parameters. def initialize(args = {}) @parameters = {} args.each { |param,value| self[param] = value } if @namevar == :_naginator_name self['_naginator_name'] = self['name'] end end # Handle parameters like attributes. def method_missing(mname, *args) pname = mname.to_s pname.sub!(/=/, '') if self.class.parameter?(pname) if pname =~ /A-Z/ pname = self.class.decamelcase(pname) end self.class.paramattr(pname) # Now access the parameters directly, to make it at least less # likely we'll end up in an infinite recursion. if mname.to_s =~ /=$/ @parameters[pname] = args.first else return @parameters[mname] end else super end end # Retrieve our name, through a bit of redirection. def name send(self.class.namevar) end # This is probably a bad idea. def name=(value) unless self.class.namevar.to_s == "name" send(self.class.namevar.to_s + "=", value) end end def namevar (self.type + "_name").intern end def parammap(param) unless defined?(@map) map = { self.namevar => "cn" } map.update(self.class.map) if self.class.map end if map.include?(param) return map[param] else return "nagios-" + param.id2name.gsub(/_/,'-') end end def parent unless defined?(self.class.attached) puts "Duh, you called parent on an unattached class" return end klass,param = self.class.attached unless @parameters.include?(param) puts "Huh, no attachment param" return end klass[@parameters[param]] end # okay, this sucks # how do i get my list of ocs? def to_ldif str = self.dn + "\n" ocs = Array.new if self.class.ocs # i'm storing an array, so i have to flatten it and stuff kocs = self.class.ocs ocs.push(*kocs) end ocs.push "top" oc = self.class.to_s oc.sub!(/Nagios/,'nagios') oc.sub!(/::/,'') ocs.push oc ocs.each { |oc| str += "objectclass: #{oc}\n" } @parameters.each { |name,value| next if self.class.suppress.include?(name) ldapname = self.parammap(name) str += ldapname + ": #{value}\n" } str += "\n" end def to_s str = "define #{self.type} {\n" @parameters.keys.sort.each { |param| value = @parameters[param] str += %{\t%-30s %s\n} % [ param, if value.is_a? Array value.join(",").sub(';', '\;') else - value.sub(';', '\;') + value.to_s.sub(';', '\;') end ] } str += "}\n" str end # The type of object we are. def type self.class.name end # object types newtype :host do setparameters :host_name, :alias, :display_name, :address, :parents, :hostgroups, :check_command, :initial_state, :max_check_attempts, :check_interval, :retry_interval, :active_checks_enabled, :passive_checks_enabled, :check_period, :obsess_over_host, :check_freshness, :freshness_threshold, :event_handler, :event_handler_enabled, :low_flap_threshold, :high_flap_threshold, :flap_detection_enabled, :flap_detection_options, :failure_prediction_enabled, :process_perf_data, :retain_status_information, :retain_nonstatus_information, :contacts, :contact_groups, :notification_interval, :first_notification_delay, :notification_period, :notification_options, :notifications_enabled, :stalking_options, :notes, :notes_url, :action_url, :icon_image, :icon_image_alt, :vrml_image, :statusmap_image, "2d_coords".intern, "3d_coords".intern, :register, :use, :realm, :poller_tag, :business_impact setsuperior "person" map :address => "ipHostNumber" end newtype :hostgroup do setparameters :hostgroup_name, :alias, :members, :hostgroup_members, :notes, :notes_url, :action_url, :register, :use, :realm end newtype :service do attach :host => :host_name setparameters :host_name, :hostgroup_name, :service_description, :display_name, :servicegroups, :is_volatile, :check_command, :initial_state, :max_check_attempts, :check_interval, :retry_interval, :normal_check_interval, :retry_check_interval, :active_checks_enabled, :passive_checks_enabled, :parallelize_check, :check_period, :obsess_over_service, :check_freshness, :freshness_threshold, :event_handler, :event_handler_enabled, :low_flap_threshold, :high_flap_threshold, :flap_detection_enabled,:flap_detection_options, :process_perf_data, :failure_prediction_enabled, :retain_status_information, :retain_nonstatus_information, :notification_interval, :first_notification_delay, :notification_period, :notification_options, :notifications_enabled, :contacts, :contact_groups, :stalking_options, :notes, :notes_url, :action_url, :icon_image, :icon_image_alt, :register, :use, :_naginator_name, :poller_tag, :business_impact suppress :host_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end newtype :servicegroup do setparameters :servicegroup_name, :alias, :members, :servicegroup_members, :notes, :notes_url, :action_url, :register, :use end newtype :contact do setparameters :contact_name, :alias, :contactgroups, :host_notifications_enabled, :service_notifications_enabled, :host_notification_period, :service_notification_period, :host_notification_options, :service_notification_options, :host_notification_commands, :service_notification_commands, :email, :pager, :address1, :address2, :address3, :address4, :address5, :address6, :can_submit_commands, :retain_status_information, :retain_nonstatus_information, :register, :use setsuperior "person" end newtype :contactgroup do setparameters :contactgroup_name, :alias, :members, :contactgroup_members, :register, :use end # TODO - We should support generic time periods here eg "day 1 - 15" newtype :timeperiod do setparameters :timeperiod_name, :alias, :sunday, :monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday, :saturday, :exclude, :register, :use end newtype :command do setparameters :command_name, :command_line, :poller_tag end newtype :servicedependency do setparameters :dependent_host_name, :dependent_hostgroup_name, :dependent_service_description, :host_name, :hostgroup_name, :service_description, :inherits_parent, :execution_failure_criteria, :notification_failure_criteria, :dependency_period, :register, :use, :_naginator_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end newtype :serviceescalation do setparameters :host_name, :hostgroup_name, :servicegroup_name, :service_description, :contacts, :contact_groups, :first_notification, :last_notification, :notification_interval, :escalation_period, :escalation_options, :register, :use, :_naginator_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end newtype :hostdependency do setparameters :dependent_host_name, :dependent_hostgroup_name, :host_name, :hostgroup_name, :inherits_parent, :execution_failure_criteria, :notification_failure_criteria, :dependency_period, :register, :use, :_naginator_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end newtype :hostescalation do setparameters :host_name, :hostgroup_name, :contacts, :contact_groups, :first_notification, :last_notification, :notification_interval, :escalation_period, :escalation_options, :register, :use, :_naginator_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end newtype :hostextinfo do setparameters :host_name, :notes, :notes_url, :icon_image, :icon_image_alt, :vrml_image, :statusmap_image, "2d_coords".intern, "3d_coords".intern, :register, :use setnamevar :host_name end newtype :serviceextinfo do setparameters :host_name, :service_description, :notes, :notes_url, :action_url, :icon_image, :icon_image_alt, :register, :use, :_naginator_name setnamevar :_naginator_name end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/facts.rb b/lib/puppet/facts.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 945cedcdc..000000000 --- a/lib/puppet/facts.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -require 'puppet' - -module Puppet::Facts - - # Replaces the facter implementation with cfacter if the cfacter feature is present. - # - # @return [Boolean] True if the facter implementation was replaced or false if the cfacter feature is not present. - # @api public - def self.replace_facter - return false unless Puppet.features.cfacter? - return true if Facter == CFacter - - # Sync search directories - CFacter.search Facter.search_path - CFacter.search_external Facter.search_external_path if Puppet.features.external_facts? - - # CFacter supports external facts - Puppet.features.add(:external_facts) { true } - - # Alias Facter to CFacter - Object.send(:remove_const, :Facter) - Object.send(:const_set, :Facter, CFacter) - true - end - -end diff --git a/lib/puppet/feature/cfacter.rb b/lib/puppet/feature/cfacter.rb index 229673312..18924a951 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/feature/cfacter.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/feature/cfacter.rb @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ +require 'facter' require 'puppet/util/feature' Puppet.features.add :cfacter do begin require 'cfacter' # The first release of cfacter didn't have the necessary interface to work with Puppet # Therefore, if the version is 0.1.0, treat the feature as not present CFacter.version != '0.1.0' rescue LoadError false end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/node.rb b/lib/puppet/node.rb index 45282a32c..d61d49385 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/node.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/node.rb @@ -1,182 +1,184 @@ require 'puppet/indirector' # A class for managing nodes, including their facts and environment. class Puppet::Node require 'puppet/node/facts' require 'puppet/node/environment' # Set up indirection, so that nodes can be looked for in # the node sources. extend Puppet::Indirector # Use the node source as the indirection terminus. indirects :node, :terminus_setting => :node_terminus, :doc => "Where to find node information. A node is composed of its name, its facts, and its environment." attr_accessor :name, :classes, :source, :ipaddress, :parameters, :trusted_data, :environment_name attr_reader :time, :facts ::PSON.register_document_type('Node',self) def self.from_data_hash(data) raise ArgumentError, "No name provided in serialized data" unless name = data['name'] node = new(name) node.classes = data['classes'] node.parameters = data['parameters'] node.environment_name = data['environment'] node end def self.from_pson(pson) Puppet.deprecation_warning("from_pson is being removed in favour of from_data_hash.") self.from_data_hash(pson) end def to_data_hash result = { 'name' => name, 'environment' => environment.name, } result['classes'] = classes unless classes.empty? result['parameters'] = parameters unless parameters.empty? result end def to_pson_data_hash(*args) { 'document_type' => "Node", 'data' => to_data_hash, } end def to_pson(*args) to_pson_data_hash.to_pson(*args) end def environment if @environment @environment - elsif env = parameters["environment"] - self.environment = env - @environment - elsif environment_name - self.environment = environment_name - @environment else - # This should not be :current_environment, this is the default - # for a node when it has not specified its environment - # Tt will be used to establish what the current environment is. - # - Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(Puppet[:environment]) + if env = parameters["environment"] + self.environment = env + elsif environment_name + self.environment = environment_name + else + # This should not be :current_environment, this is the default + # for a node when it has not specified its environment + # Tt will be used to establish what the current environment is. + # + self.environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(Puppet[:environment]) + end + + @environment end end def environment=(env) if env.is_a?(String) or env.is_a?(Symbol) @environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(env) else @environment = env end end def has_environment_instance? !@environment.nil? end def initialize(name, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "Node names cannot be nil" unless name @name = name if classes = options[:classes] if classes.is_a?(String) @classes = [classes] else @classes = classes end else @classes = [] end @parameters = options[:parameters] || {} @facts = options[:facts] if env = options[:environment] self.environment = env end @time = Time.now end # Merge the node facts with parameters from the node source. def fact_merge if @facts = Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.find(name, :environment => environment) @facts.sanitize merge(@facts.values) end rescue => detail error = Puppet::Error.new("Could not retrieve facts for #{name}: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end # Merge any random parameters into our parameter list. def merge(params) params.each do |name, value| @parameters[name] = value unless @parameters.include?(name) end @parameters["environment"] ||= self.environment.name.to_s end # Calculate the list of names we might use for looking # up our node. This is only used for AST nodes. def names return [name] if Puppet.settings[:strict_hostname_checking] names = [] names += split_name(name) if name.include?(".") # First, get the fqdn unless fqdn = parameters["fqdn"] if parameters["hostname"] and parameters["domain"] fqdn = parameters["hostname"] + "." + parameters["domain"] else Puppet.warning "Host is missing hostname and/or domain: #{name}" end end # Now that we (might) have the fqdn, add each piece to the name # list to search, in order of longest to shortest. names += split_name(fqdn) if fqdn # And make sure the node name is first, since that's the most # likely usage. # The name is usually the Certificate CN, but it can be # set to the 'facter' hostname instead. if Puppet[:node_name] == 'cert' names.unshift name else names.unshift parameters["hostname"] end names.uniq end def split_name(name) list = name.split(".") tmp = [] list.each_with_index do |short, i| tmp << list[0..i].join(".") end tmp.reverse end # Ensures the data is frozen # def trusted_data=(data) Puppet.warning("Trusted node data modified for node #{name}") unless @trusted_data.nil? @trusted_data = data.freeze end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/ast/pops_bridge.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/ast/pops_bridge.rb index 63f36494d..9c6a31744 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/ast/pops_bridge.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/ast/pops_bridge.rb @@ -1,246 +1,252 @@ require 'puppet/parser/ast/top_level_construct' require 'puppet/pops' # The AST::Bridge contains classes that bridges between the new Pops based model # and the 3.x AST. This is required to be able to reuse the Puppet::Resource::Type which is # fundamental for the rest of the logic. # class Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge # Bridges to one Pops Model Expression # The @value is the expression # This is used to represent the body of a class, definition, or node, and for each parameter's default value # expression. # class Expression < Puppet::Parser::AST::Leaf def initialize args super @@evaluator ||= Puppet::Pops::Parser::EvaluatingParser.new() end def to_s Puppet::Pops::Model::ModelTreeDumper.new.dump(@value) end def evaluate(scope) @@evaluator.evaluate(scope, @value) end # Adapts to 3x where top level constructs needs to have each to iterate over children. Short circuit this # by yielding self. By adding this there is no need to wrap a pops expression inside an AST::BlockExpression # def each yield self end def sequence_with(other) if value.nil? # This happens when testing and not having a complete setup other else # When does this happen ? Ever ? raise "sequence_with called on Puppet::Parser::AST::PopsBridge::Expression - please report use case" # What should be done if the above happens (We don't want this to happen). # Puppet::Parser::AST::BlockExpression.new(:children => [self] + other.children) end end # The 3x requires code plugged in to an AST to have this in certain positions in the tree. The purpose # is to either print the content, or to look for things that needs to be defined. This implementation # cheats by always returning an empty array. (This allows simple files to not require a "Program" at the top. # def children [] end end class NilAsUndefExpression < Expression def evaluate(scope) result = super result.nil? ? :undef : result end end # Bridges the top level "Program" produced by the pops parser. # Its main purpose is to give one point where all definitions are instantiated (actually defined since the # Puppet 3x terminology is somewhat misleading - the definitions are instantiated, but instances of the created types # are not created, that happens when classes are included / required, nodes are matched and when resources are instantiated # by a resource expression (which is also used to instantiate a host class). # class Program < Puppet::Parser::AST::TopLevelConstruct attr_reader :program_model, :context def initialize(program_model, context = {}) @program_model = program_model @context = context @ast_transformer ||= Puppet::Pops::Model::AstTransformer.new(@context[:file]) @@evaluator ||= Puppet::Pops::Parser::EvaluatingParser.new() end # This is the 3x API, the 3x AST searches through all code to find the instructions that can be instantiated. # This Pops-model based instantiation relies on the parser to build this list while parsing (which is more # efficient as it avoids one full scan of all logic via recursive enumeration/yield) # def instantiate(modname) @program_model.definitions.collect do |d| case d when Puppet::Pops::Model::HostClassDefinition instantiate_HostClassDefinition(d, modname) when Puppet::Pops::Model::ResourceTypeDefinition instantiate_ResourceTypeDefinition(d, modname) when Puppet::Pops::Model::NodeDefinition instantiate_NodeDefinition(d, modname) else raise Puppet::ParseError, "Internal Error: Unknown type of definition - got '#{d.class}'" end end.flatten().compact() # flatten since node definition may have returned an array # Compact since functions are not understood by compiler end def evaluate(scope) @@evaluator.evaluate(scope, program_model) end # Adapts to 3x where top level constructs needs to have each to iterate over children. Short circuit this # by yielding self. This means that the HostClass container will call this bridge instance with `instantiate`. # def each yield self end private def instantiate_Parameter(o) # 3x needs parameters as an array of `[name]` or `[name, value_expr]` # One problem is that the parameter evaluation takes place in the wrong context in 3x (the caller's and # can thus reference all sorts of information. Here the value expression is wrapped in an AST Bridge to a Pops # expression since the Pops side can not control the evaluation if o.value [o.name, NilAsUndefExpression.new(:value => o.value)] else [o.name] end end def create_type_map(definition) result = {} # No need to do anything if there are no parameters return result unless definition.parameters.size > 0 # No need to do anything if there are no typed parameters typed_parameters = definition.parameters.select {|p| p.type_expr } return result if typed_parameters.empty? # If there are typed parameters, they need to be evaluated to produce the corresponding type # instances. This evaluation requires a scope. A scope is not available when doing deserialization # (there is also no initialized evaluator). When running apply and test however, the environment is # reused and we may reenter without a scope (which is fine). A debug message is then output in case # there is the need to track down the odd corner case. See {#obtain_scope}. # if scope = obtain_scope typed_parameters.each do |p| result[p.name] = @@evaluator.evaluate(scope, p.type_expr) end end result end # Obtains the scope or issues a warning if :global_scope is not bound def obtain_scope scope = Puppet.lookup(:global_scope) do # This occurs when testing and when applying a catalog (there is no scope available then), and # when running tests that run a partial setup. # This is bad if the logic is trying to compile, but a warning can not be issues since it is a normal # use case that there is no scope when requesting the type in order to just get the parameters. Puppet.debug("Instantiating Resource with type checked parameters - scope is missing, skipping type checking.") nil end scope end # Produces a hash with data for Definition and HostClass def args_from_definition(o, modname) args = { :arguments => o.parameters.collect {|p| instantiate_Parameter(p) }, :argument_types => create_type_map(o), :module_name => modname } unless is_nop?(o.body) args[:code] = Expression.new(:value => o.body) end @ast_transformer.merge_location(args, o) end def instantiate_HostClassDefinition(o, modname) args = args_from_definition(o, modname) - args[:parent] = o.parent_class + args[:parent] = absolute_reference(o.parent_class) Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, o.name, @context.merge(args)) end def instantiate_ResourceTypeDefinition(o, modname) Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, o.name, @context.merge(args_from_definition(o, modname))) end def instantiate_NodeDefinition(o, modname) args = { :module_name => modname } unless is_nop?(o.body) args[:code] = Expression.new(:value => o.body) end unless is_nop?(o.parent) args[:parent] = @ast_transformer.hostname(o.parent) end host_matches = @ast_transformer.hostname(o.host_matches) @ast_transformer.merge_location(args, o) host_matches.collect do |name| Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, name, @context.merge(args)) end end # Propagates a found Function to the appropriate loader. # This is for 4x future-evaluator/loader # def instantiate_FunctionDefinition(function_definition, modname) loaders = (Puppet.lookup(:loaders) { nil }) unless loaders raise Puppet::ParseError, "Internal Error: Puppet Context ':loaders' missing - cannot define any functions" end loader = if modname.nil? || modname == "" # TODO : Later when functions can be private, a decision is needed regarding what that means. # A private environment loader could be used for logic outside of modules, then only that logic # would see the function. # # Use the private loader, this function may see the environment's dependencies (currently, all modules) loaders.private_environment_loader() else # TODO : Later check if function is private, and then add it to # private_loader_for_module # loaders.public_loader_for_module(modname) end unless loader raise Puppet::ParseError, "Internal Error: did not find public loader for module: '#{modname}'" end # Instantiate Function, and store it in the environment loader typed_name, f = Puppet::Pops::Loader::PuppetFunctionInstantiator.create_from_model(function_definition, loader) loader.set_entry(typed_name, f, Puppet::Pops::Adapters::SourcePosAdapter.adapt(function_definition).to_uri) nil # do not want the function to inadvertently leak into 3x end def code() Expression.new(:value => @value) end def is_nop?(o) @ast_transformer.is_nop?(o) end + def absolute_reference(ref) + if ref.nil? || ref.empty? || ref.start_with?('::') + ref + else + "::#{ref}" + end + end end - end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb index f49134883..ed30655f6 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/compiler.rb @@ -1,619 +1,615 @@ require 'forwardable' require 'puppet/node' require 'puppet/resource/catalog' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' # Maintain a graph of scopes, along with a bunch of data # about the individual catalog we're compiling. class Puppet::Parser::Compiler extend Forwardable include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper def self.compile(node) $env_module_directories = nil node.environment.check_for_reparse new(node).compile.to_resource rescue => detail message = "#{detail} on node #{node.name}" Puppet.log_exception(detail, message) raise Puppet::Error, message, detail.backtrace end attr_reader :node, :facts, :collections, :catalog, :resources, :relationships, :topscope # The injector that provides lookup services, or nil if accessed before the compiler has started compiling and # bootstrapped. The injector is initialized and available before any manifests are evaluated. # # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector, nil] The injector that provides lookup services for this compiler/environment # @api public # attr_accessor :injector # Access to the configured loaders for 4x # @return [Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loaders] the configured loaders # @api private attr_reader :loaders # The injector that provides lookup services during the creation of the {#injector}. # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector, nil] The injector that provides lookup services during injector creation # for this compiler/environment # # @api private # attr_accessor :boot_injector # Add a collection to the global list. def_delegator :@collections, :<<, :add_collection def_delegator :@relationships, :<<, :add_relationship # Store a resource override. def add_override(override) # If possible, merge the override in immediately. if resource = @catalog.resource(override.ref) resource.merge(override) else # Otherwise, store the override for later; these # get evaluated in Resource#finish. @resource_overrides[override.ref] << override end end def add_resource(scope, resource) @resources << resource # Note that this will fail if the resource is not unique. @catalog.add_resource(resource) if not resource.class? and resource[:stage] raise ArgumentError, "Only classes can set 'stage'; normal resources like #{resource} cannot change run stage" end # Stages should not be inside of classes. They are always a # top-level container, regardless of where they appear in the # manifest. return if resource.stage? # This adds a resource to the class it lexically appears in in the # manifest. unless resource.class? return @catalog.add_edge(scope.resource, resource) end end # Do we use nodes found in the code, vs. the external node sources? def_delegator :known_resource_types, :nodes?, :ast_nodes? # Store the fact that we've evaluated a class def add_class(name) @catalog.add_class(name) unless name == "" end # Return a list of all of the defined classes. def_delegator :@catalog, :classes, :classlist # Compiler our catalog. This mostly revolves around finding and evaluating classes. # This is the main entry into our catalog. def compile Puppet.override( @context_overrides , "For compiling #{node.name}") do @catalog.environment_instance = environment # Set the client's parameters into the top scope. Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Set node parameters", [:compiler, :set_node_params]) { set_node_parameters } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Created settings scope", [:compiler, :create_settings_scope]) { create_settings_scope } if is_binder_active? # create injector, if not already created - this is for 3x that does not trigger # lazy loading of injector via context Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Created injector", [:compiler, :create_injector]) { injector } end Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated main", [:compiler, :evaluate_main]) { evaluate_main } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated AST node", [:compiler, :evaluate_ast_node]) { evaluate_ast_node } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated node classes", [:compiler, :evaluate_node_classes]) { evaluate_node_classes } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Evaluated generators", [:compiler, :evaluate_generators]) { evaluate_generators } Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Compile: Finished catalog", [:compiler, :finish_catalog]) { finish } fail_on_unevaluated @catalog end end # Constructs the overrides for the context def context_overrides() if Puppet[:parser] == 'future' require 'puppet/loaders' { :current_environment => environment, :global_scope => @topscope, # 4x placeholder for new global scope :loaders => lambda {|| loaders() }, # 4x loaders :injector => lambda {|| injector() } # 4x API - via context instead of via compiler } else { :current_environment => environment, } end end def_delegator :@collections, :delete, :delete_collection # Return the node's environment. def environment - unless node.environment.is_a? Puppet::Node::Environment - raise Puppet::DevError, "node #{node} has an invalid environment!" - end node.environment end # Evaluate all of the classes specified by the node. # Classes with parameters are evaluated as if they were declared. # Classes without parameters or with an empty set of parameters are evaluated # as if they were included. This means classes with an empty set of # parameters won't conflict even if the class has already been included. def evaluate_node_classes if @node.classes.is_a? Hash classes_with_params, classes_without_params = @node.classes.partition {|name,params| params and !params.empty?} # The results from Hash#partition are arrays of pairs rather than hashes, # so we have to convert to the forms evaluate_classes expects (Hash, and # Array of class names) classes_with_params = Hash[classes_with_params] classes_without_params.map!(&:first) else classes_with_params = {} classes_without_params = @node.classes end evaluate_classes(classes_without_params, @node_scope || topscope) evaluate_classes(classes_with_params, @node_scope || topscope) end # Evaluate each specified class in turn. If there are any classes we can't # find, raise an error. This method really just creates resource objects # that point back to the classes, and then the resources are themselves # evaluated later in the process. # # Sometimes we evaluate classes with a fully qualified name already, in which # case, we tell scope.find_hostclass we've pre-qualified the name so it # doesn't need to search its namespaces again. This gets around a weird # edge case of duplicate class names, one at top scope and one nested in our # namespace and the wrong one (or both!) getting selected. See ticket #13349 # for more detail. --jeffweiss 26 apr 2012 def evaluate_classes(classes, scope, lazy_evaluate = true, fqname = false) raise Puppet::DevError, "No source for scope passed to evaluate_classes" unless scope.source class_parameters = nil # if we are a param class, save the classes hash # and transform classes to be the keys if classes.class == Hash class_parameters = classes classes = classes.keys end hostclasses = classes.collect do |name| scope.find_hostclass(name, :assume_fqname => fqname) or raise Puppet::Error, "Could not find class #{name} for #{node.name}" end if class_parameters resources = ensure_classes_with_parameters(scope, hostclasses, class_parameters) if !lazy_evaluate resources.each(&:evaluate) end resources else already_included, newly_included = ensure_classes_without_parameters(scope, hostclasses) if !lazy_evaluate newly_included.each(&:evaluate) end already_included + newly_included end end def evaluate_relationships @relationships.each { |rel| rel.evaluate(catalog) } end # Return a resource by either its ref or its type and title. def_delegator :@catalog, :resource, :findresource def initialize(node, options = {}) @node = node set_options(options) initvars end # Create a new scope, with either a specified parent scope or # using the top scope. def newscope(parent, options = {}) parent ||= topscope scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(self, options) scope.parent = parent scope end # Return any overrides for the given resource. def resource_overrides(resource) @resource_overrides[resource.ref] end def injector create_injector if @injector.nil? @injector end def loaders @loaders ||= Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(environment) end def boot_injector create_boot_injector(nil) if @boot_injector.nil? @boot_injector end # Creates the boot injector from registered system, default, and injector config. # @return [Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector] the created boot injector # @api private Cannot be 'private' since it is called from the BindingsComposer. # def create_boot_injector(env_boot_bindings) assert_binder_active() pb = Puppet::Pops::Binder boot_contribution = pb::SystemBindings.injector_boot_contribution(env_boot_bindings) final_contribution = pb::SystemBindings.final_contribution binder = pb::Binder.new(pb::BindingsFactory.layered_bindings(final_contribution, boot_contribution)) @boot_injector = pb::Injector.new(binder) end # Answers if Puppet Binder should be active or not, and if it should and is not active, then it is activated. # @return [Boolean] true if the Puppet Binder should be activated def is_binder_active? should_be_active = Puppet[:binder] || Puppet[:parser] == 'future' if should_be_active # TODO: this should be in a central place, not just for ParserFactory anymore... Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.assert_rgen_installed() @@binder_loaded ||= false unless @@binder_loaded require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppetx' @@binder_loaded = true end end should_be_active end private def ensure_classes_with_parameters(scope, hostclasses, parameters) hostclasses.collect do |klass| klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope, parameters[klass.name] || {}) end end def ensure_classes_without_parameters(scope, hostclasses) already_included = [] newly_included = [] hostclasses.each do |klass| class_scope = scope.class_scope(klass) if class_scope already_included << class_scope.resource else newly_included << klass.ensure_in_catalog(scope) end end [already_included, newly_included] end # If ast nodes are enabled, then see if we can find and evaluate one. def evaluate_ast_node return unless ast_nodes? # Now see if we can find the node. astnode = nil @node.names.each do |name| break if astnode = known_resource_types.node(name.to_s.downcase) end unless (astnode ||= known_resource_types.node("default")) raise Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find default node or by name with '#{node.names.join(", ")}'" end # Create a resource to model this node, and then add it to the list # of resources. resource = astnode.ensure_in_catalog(topscope) resource.evaluate @node_scope = topscope.class_scope(astnode) end # Evaluate our collections and return true if anything returned an object. # The 'true' is used to continue a loop, so it's important. def evaluate_collections return false if @collections.empty? exceptwrap do # We have to iterate over a dup of the array because # collections can delete themselves from the list, which # changes its length and causes some collections to get missed. Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated collections", [:compiler, :evaluate_collections]) do found_something = false @collections.dup.each do |collection| found_something = true if collection.evaluate end found_something end end end # Make sure all of our resources have been evaluated into native resources. # We return true if any resources have, so that we know to continue the # evaluate_generators loop. def evaluate_definitions exceptwrap do Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated definitions", [:compiler, :evaluate_definitions]) do !unevaluated_resources.each do |resource| Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Evaluated resource #{resource}", [:compiler, :evaluate_resource, resource]) do resource.evaluate end end.empty? end end end # Iterate over collections and resources until we're sure that the whole # compile is evaluated. This is necessary because both collections # and defined resources can generate new resources, which themselves could # be defined resources. def evaluate_generators count = 0 loop do done = true Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Iterated (#{count + 1}) on generators", [:compiler, :iterate_on_generators]) do # Call collections first, then definitions. done = false if evaluate_collections done = false if evaluate_definitions end break if done count += 1 if count > 1000 raise Puppet::ParseError, "Somehow looped more than 1000 times while evaluating host catalog" end end end # Find and evaluate our main object, if possible. def evaluate_main @main = known_resource_types.find_hostclass([""], "") || known_resource_types.add(Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "")) @topscope.source = @main @main_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", :main, :scope => @topscope, :source => @main) @topscope.resource = @main_resource add_resource(@topscope, @main_resource) @main_resource.evaluate end # Make sure the entire catalog is evaluated. def fail_on_unevaluated fail_on_unevaluated_overrides fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections end # If there are any resource overrides remaining, then we could # not find the resource they were supposed to override, so we # want to throw an exception. def fail_on_unevaluated_overrides remaining = @resource_overrides.values.flatten.collect(&:ref) if !remaining.empty? fail Puppet::ParseError, "Could not find resource(s) #{remaining.join(', ')} for overriding" end end # Make sure we don't have any remaining collections that specifically # look for resources, because we want to consider those to be # parse errors. def fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections remaining = @collections.collect(&:resources).flatten.compact if !remaining.empty? raise Puppet::ParseError, "Failed to realize virtual resources #{remaining.join(', ')}" end end # Make sure all of our resources and such have done any last work # necessary. def finish evaluate_relationships resources.each do |resource| # Add in any resource overrides. if overrides = resource_overrides(resource) overrides.each do |over| resource.merge(over) end # Remove the overrides, so that the configuration knows there # are none left. overrides.clear end resource.finish if resource.respond_to?(:finish) end add_resource_metaparams end def add_resource_metaparams unless main = catalog.resource(:class, :main) raise "Couldn't find main" end names = Puppet::Type.metaparams.select do |name| !Puppet::Parser::Resource.relationship_parameter?(name) end data = {} catalog.walk(main, :out) do |source, target| if source_data = data[source] || metaparams_as_data(source, names) # only store anything in the data hash if we've actually got # data data[source] ||= source_data source_data.each do |param, value| target[param] = value if target[param].nil? end data[target] = source_data.merge(metaparams_as_data(target, names)) end target.tag(*(source.tags)) end end def metaparams_as_data(resource, params) data = nil params.each do |param| unless resource[param].nil? # Because we could be creating a hash for every resource, # and we actually probably don't often have any data here at all, # we're optimizing a bit by only creating a hash if there's # any data to put in it. data ||= {} data[param] = resource[param] end end data end # Set up all of our internal variables. def initvars # The list of overrides. This is used to cache overrides on objects # that don't exist yet. We store an array of each override. @resource_overrides = Hash.new do |overs, ref| overs[ref] = [] end # The list of collections that have been created. This is a global list, # but they each refer back to the scope that created them. @collections = [] # The list of relationships to evaluate. @relationships = [] # For maintaining the relationship between scopes and their resources. @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new(@node.name, @node.environment) # MOVED HERE - SCOPE IS NEEDED (MOVE-SCOPE) # Create the initial scope, it is needed early @topscope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(self) # Need to compute overrides here, and remember them, because we are about to # enter the magic zone of known_resource_types and intial import. # Expensive entries in the context are bound lazily. @context_overrides = context_overrides() # This construct ensures that initial import (triggered by instantiating # the structure 'known_resource_types') has a configured context # It cannot survive the initvars method, and is later reinstated # as part of compiling... # Puppet.override( @context_overrides , "For initializing compiler") do # THE MAGIC STARTS HERE ! This triggers parsing, loading etc. @catalog.version = known_resource_types.version end @catalog.add_resource(Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("stage", :main, :scope => @topscope)) # local resource array to maintain resource ordering @resources = [] # Make sure any external node classes are in our class list if @node.classes.class == Hash @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes.keys) else @catalog.add_class(*@node.classes) end end # Set the node's parameters into the top-scope as variables. def set_node_parameters node.parameters.each do |param, value| @topscope[param.to_s] = value end # These might be nil. catalog.client_version = node.parameters["clientversion"] catalog.server_version = node.parameters["serverversion"] if Puppet[:trusted_node_data] @topscope.set_trusted(node.trusted_data) end if(Puppet[:immutable_node_data]) facts_hash = node.facts.nil? ? {} : node.facts.values @topscope.set_facts(facts_hash) end end def create_settings_scope - unless settings_type = environment.known_resource_types.hostclass("settings") - settings_type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new :hostclass, "settings" - environment.known_resource_types.add(settings_type) - end + settings_type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new :hostclass, "settings" + environment.known_resource_types.add(settings_type) settings_resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", "settings", :scope => @topscope) @catalog.add_resource(settings_resource) settings_type.evaluate_code(settings_resource) scope = @topscope.class_scope(settings_type) + env = environment Puppet.settings.each do |name, setting| - next if name.to_s == "name" - scope[name.to_s] = environment[name] + next if name == :name + scope[name.to_s] = env[name] end end # Return an array of all of the unevaluated resources. These will be definitions, # which need to get evaluated into native resources. def unevaluated_resources # The order of these is significant for speed due to short-circuting resources.reject { |resource| resource.evaluated? or resource.virtual? or resource.builtin_type? } end # Creates the injector from bindings found in the current environment. # @return [void] # @api private # def create_injector assert_binder_active() composer = Puppet::Pops::Binder::BindingsComposer.new() layered_bindings = composer.compose(topscope) @injector = Puppet::Pops::Binder::Injector.new(Puppet::Pops::Binder::Binder.new(layered_bindings)) end def assert_binder_active unless is_binder_active? raise ArgumentError, "The Puppet Binder is only available when either '--binder true' or '--parser future' is used" end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb index a51dfbcfd..6d8b49edc 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb @@ -1,900 +1,902 @@ # The scope class, which handles storing and retrieving variables and types and # such. require 'forwardable' require 'puppet/parser' require 'puppet/parser/templatewrapper' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' # This class is part of the internal parser/evaluator/compiler functionality of Puppet. # It is passed between the various classes that participate in evaluation. # None of its methods are API except those that are clearly marked as such. # # @api public class Puppet::Parser::Scope extend Forwardable include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper require 'puppet/parser/resource' AST = Puppet::Parser::AST Puppet::Util.logmethods(self) include Puppet::Util::Errors attr_accessor :source, :resource attr_accessor :compiler attr_accessor :parent attr_reader :namespaces # Hash of hashes of default values per type name attr_reader :defaults # Add some alias methods that forward to the compiler, since we reference # them frequently enough to justify the extra method call. def_delegators :compiler, :catalog, :environment # Abstract base class for LocalScope and MatchScope # class Ephemeral attr_reader :parent def initialize(parent = nil) @parent = parent end def is_local_scope? false end def [](name) if @parent @parent[name] end end def include?(name) (@parent and @parent.include?(name)) end def bound?(name) false end def add_entries_to(target = {}) @parent.add_entries_to(target) unless @parent.nil? # do not include match data ($0-$n) target end end class LocalScope < Ephemeral def initialize(parent=nil) super parent @symbols = {} end def [](name) if @symbols.include?(name) @symbols[name] else super end end def is_local_scope? true end def []=(name, value) @symbols[name] = value end def include?(name) bound?(name) || super end def delete(name) @symbols.delete(name) end def bound?(name) @symbols.include?(name) end def add_entries_to(target = {}) super @symbols.each do |k, v| if v == :undef || v.nil? target.delete(k) else target[ k ] = v end end target end end class MatchScope < Ephemeral attr_accessor :match_data def initialize(parent = nil, match_data = nil) super parent @match_data = match_data end def is_local_scope? false end def [](name) if bound?(name) @match_data[name.to_i] else super end end def include?(name) bound?(name) or super end def bound?(name) # A "match variables" scope reports all numeric variables to be bound if the scope has # match_data. Without match data the scope is transparent. # @match_data && name =~ /^\d+$/ end def []=(name, value) # TODO: Bad choice of exception raise Puppet::ParseError, "Numerical variables cannot be changed. Attempt to set $#{name}" end def delete(name) # TODO: Bad choice of exception raise Puppet::ParseError, "Numerical variables cannot be deleted: Attempt to delete: $#{name}" end def add_entries_to(target = {}) # do not include match data ($0-$n) super end end # Returns true if the variable of the given name has a non nil value. # TODO: This has vague semantics - does the variable exist or not? # use ['name'] to get nil or value, and if nil check with exist?('name') # this include? is only useful because of checking against the boolean value false. # def include?(name) ! self[name].nil? end # Returns true if the variable of the given name is set to any value (including nil) # def exist?(name) next_scope = inherited_scope || enclosing_scope effective_symtable(true).include?(name) || next_scope && next_scope.exist?(name) end # Returns true if the given name is bound in the current (most nested) scope for assignments. # def bound?(name) # Do not look in ephemeral (match scope), the semantics is to answer if an assignable variable is bound effective_symtable(false).bound?(name) end # Is the value true? This allows us to control the definition of truth # in one place. def self.true?(value) case value when '' false when :undef false else !!value end end # Coerce value to a number, or return `nil` if it isn't one. def self.number?(value) case value when Numeric value when /^-?\d+(:?\.\d+|(:?\.\d+)?e\d+)$/ value.to_f when /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i value.to_i(16) when /^0[0-7]+$/ value.to_i(8) when /^-?\d+$/ value.to_i else nil end end # Add to our list of namespaces. def add_namespace(ns) return false if @namespaces.include?(ns) if @namespaces == [""] @namespaces = [ns] else @namespaces << ns end end def find_hostclass(name, options = {}) known_resource_types.find_hostclass(namespaces, name, options) end def find_definition(name) known_resource_types.find_definition(namespaces, name) end def find_global_scope() # walk upwards until first found node_scope or top_scope if is_nodescope? || is_topscope? self else next_scope = inherited_scope || enclosing_scope if next_scope.nil? # this happens when testing, and there is only a single test scope and no link to any # other scopes self else next_scope.find_global_scope() end end end # This just delegates directly. def_delegator :compiler, :findresource # Initialize our new scope. Defaults to having no parent. def initialize(compiler, options = {}) if compiler.is_a? Puppet::Parser::Compiler self.compiler = compiler else raise Puppet::DevError, "you must pass a compiler instance to a new scope object" end if n = options.delete(:namespace) @namespaces = [n] else @namespaces = [""] end raise Puppet::DevError, "compiler passed in options" if options.include? :compiler set_options(options) extend_with_functions_module # The symbol table for this scope. This is where we store variables. # @symtable = Ephemeral.new(nil, true) @symtable = LocalScope.new(nil) @ephemeral = [ MatchScope.new(@symtable, nil) ] # All of the defaults set for types. It's a hash of hashes, # with the first key being the type, then the second key being # the parameter. @defaults = Hash.new { |dhash,type| dhash[type] = {} } # The table for storing class singletons. This will only actually # be used by top scopes and node scopes. @class_scopes = {} @enable_immutable_data = Puppet[:immutable_node_data] end # Store the fact that we've evaluated a class, and store a reference to # the scope in which it was evaluated, so that we can look it up later. def class_set(name, scope) if parent parent.class_set(name, scope) else @class_scopes[name] = scope end end # Return the scope associated with a class. This is just here so # that subclasses can set their parent scopes to be the scope of # their parent class, and it's also used when looking up qualified # variables. def class_scope(klass) # They might pass in either the class or class name k = klass.respond_to?(:name) ? klass.name : klass @class_scopes[k] || (parent && parent.class_scope(k)) end # Collect all of the defaults set at any higher scopes. # This is a different type of lookup because it's # additive -- it collects all of the defaults, with defaults # in closer scopes overriding those in later scopes. # # The lookupdefaults searches in the the order: # # * inherited # * contained (recursive) # * self # def lookupdefaults(type) values = {} # first collect the values from the parents if parent parent.lookupdefaults(type).each { |var,value| values[var] = value } end # then override them with any current values # this should probably be done differently if @defaults.include?(type) @defaults[type].each { |var,value| values[var] = value } end values end # Look up a defined type. def lookuptype(name) find_definition(name) || find_hostclass(name) end def undef_as(x,v) if v.nil? or v == :undef x else v end end # Lookup a variable within this scope using the Puppet language's # scoping rules. Variables can be qualified using just as in a # manifest. # # @param [String] name the variable name to lookup # # @return Object the value of the variable, or nil if it's not found # # @api public def lookupvar(name, options = {}) unless name.is_a? String raise Puppet::ParseError, "Scope variable name #{name.inspect} is a #{name.class}, not a string" end table = @ephemeral.last if name =~ /^(.*)::(.+)$/ class_name = $1 variable_name = $2 lookup_qualified_variable(class_name, variable_name, options) # TODO: optimize with an assoc instead, this searches through scopes twice for a hit elsif table.include?(name) table[name] else next_scope = inherited_scope || enclosing_scope if next_scope next_scope.lookupvar(name, options) else variable_not_found(name) end end end def variable_not_found(name, reason=nil) if Puppet[:strict_variables] if Puppet[:parser] == 'future' throw :undefined_variable else reason_msg = reason.nil? ? '' : "; #{reason}" raise Puppet::ParseError, "Undefined variable #{name.inspect}#{reason_msg}" end else nil end end # Retrieves the variable value assigned to the name given as an argument. The name must be a String, # and namespace can be qualified with '::'. The value is looked up in this scope, its parent scopes, # or in a specific visible named scope. # # @param varname [String] the name of the variable (may be a qualified name using `(ns'::')*varname` # @param options [Hash] Additional options, not part of api. # @return [Object] the value assigned to the given varname # @see #[]= # @api public # def [](varname, options={}) lookupvar(varname, options) end # The scope of the inherited thing of this scope's resource. This could # either be a node that was inherited or the class. # # @return [Puppet::Parser::Scope] The scope or nil if there is not an inherited scope def inherited_scope if has_inherited_class? qualified_scope(resource.resource_type.parent) else nil end end # The enclosing scope (topscope or nodescope) of this scope. # The enclosing scopes are produced when a class or define is included at # some point. The parent scope of the included class or define becomes the # scope in which it was included. The chain of parent scopes is followed # until a node scope or the topscope is found # # @return [Puppet::Parser::Scope] The scope or nil if there is no enclosing scope def enclosing_scope if has_enclosing_scope? if parent.is_topscope? or parent.is_nodescope? parent else parent.enclosing_scope end else nil end end def is_classscope? resource and resource.type == "Class" end def is_nodescope? resource and resource.type == "Node" end def is_topscope? compiler and self == compiler.topscope end def lookup_qualified_variable(class_name, variable_name, position) begin if lookup_as_local_name?(class_name, variable_name) self[variable_name] else qualified_scope(class_name).lookupvar(variable_name, position) end rescue RuntimeError => e unless Puppet[:strict_variables] # Do not issue warning if strict variables are on, as an error will be raised by variable_not_found location = if position[:lineproc] " at #{position[:lineproc].call}" elsif position[:file] && position[:line] " at #{position[:file]}:#{position[:line]}" else "" end warning "Could not look up qualified variable '#{class_name}::#{variable_name}'; #{e.message}#{location}" end variable_not_found("#{class_name}::#{variable_name}", e.message) end end # Handles the special case of looking up fully qualified variable in not yet evaluated top scope # This is ok if the lookup request originated in topscope (this happens when evaluating # bindings; using the top scope to provide the values for facts. # @param class_name [String] the classname part of a variable name, may be special "" # @param variable_name [String] the variable name without the absolute leading '::' # @return [Boolean] true if the given variable name should be looked up directly in this scope # def lookup_as_local_name?(class_name, variable_name) # not a local if name has more than one segment return nil if variable_name =~ /::/ # partial only if the class for "" cannot be found return nil unless class_name == "" && klass = find_hostclass(class_name) && class_scope(klass).nil? is_topscope? end def has_inherited_class? is_classscope? and resource.resource_type.parent end private :has_inherited_class? def has_enclosing_scope? not parent.nil? end private :has_enclosing_scope? def qualified_scope(classname) raise "class #{classname} could not be found" unless klass = find_hostclass(classname) raise "class #{classname} has not been evaluated" unless kscope = class_scope(klass) kscope end private :qualified_scope # Returns a Hash containing all variables and their values, optionally (and # by default) including the values defined in parent. Local values # shadow parent values. Ephemeral scopes for match results ($0 - $n) are not included. # # This is currently a wrapper for to_hash_legacy or to_hash_future. # # @see to_hash_future # # @see to_hash_legacy def to_hash(recursive = true) @parser ||= Puppet[:parser] if @parser == 'future' to_hash_future(recursive) else to_hash_legacy(recursive) end end # Fixed version of to_hash that implements scoping correctly (i.e., with # dynamic scoping disabled #28200 / PUP-1220 # # @see to_hash def to_hash_future(recursive) if recursive and has_enclosing_scope? target = enclosing_scope.to_hash_future(recursive) if !(inherited = inherited_scope).nil? target.merge!(inherited.to_hash_future(recursive)) end else target = Hash.new end # add all local scopes @ephemeral.last.add_entries_to(target) target end # The old broken implementation of to_hash that retains the dynamic scoping # semantics # # @see to_hash def to_hash_legacy(recursive = true) if recursive and parent target = parent.to_hash_legacy(recursive) else target = Hash.new end # add all local scopes @ephemeral.last.add_entries_to(target) target end def namespaces @namespaces.dup end # Create a new scope and set these options. def newscope(options = {}) compiler.newscope(self, options) end def parent_module_name return nil unless @parent return nil unless @parent.source @parent.source.module_name end # Set defaults for a type. The typename should already be downcased, # so that the syntax is isolated. We don't do any kind of type-checking # here; instead we let the resource do it when the defaults are used. def define_settings(type, params) table = @defaults[type] # if we got a single param, it'll be in its own array params = [params] unless params.is_a?(Array) params.each { |param| if table.include?(param.name) raise Puppet::ParseError.new("Default already defined for #{type} { #{param.name} }; cannot redefine", param.line, param.file) end table[param.name] = param } end RESERVED_VARIABLE_NAMES = ['trusted', 'facts'].freeze # Set a variable in the current scope. This will override settings # in scopes above, but will not allow variables in the current scope # to be reassigned. # It's preferred that you use self[]= instead of this; only use this # when you need to set options. def setvar(name, value, options = {}) if name =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise Puppet::ParseError.new("Cannot assign to a numeric match result variable '$#{name}'") # unless options[:ephemeral] end unless name.is_a? String raise Puppet::ParseError, "Scope variable name #{name.inspect} is a #{name.class}, not a string" end # Check for reserved variable names if @enable_immutable_data && !options[:privileged] && RESERVED_VARIABLE_NAMES.include?(name) raise Puppet::ParseError, "Attempt to assign to a reserved variable name: '#{name}'" end - table = effective_symtable options[:ephemeral] + table = effective_symtable(options[:ephemeral]) if table.bound?(name) if options[:append] error = Puppet::ParseError.new("Cannot append, variable #{name} is defined in this scope") else error = Puppet::ParseError.new("Cannot reassign variable #{name}") end error.file = options[:file] if options[:file] error.line = options[:line] if options[:line] raise error end if options[:append] - table[name] = append_value(undef_as('', self[name]), value) + # produced result (value) is the resulting appended value, note: the table[]= does not return the value + table[name] = (value = append_value(undef_as('', self[name]), value)) else table[name] = value end - table[name] + value end def set_trusted(hash) setvar('trusted', deep_freeze(hash), :privileged => true) end def set_facts(hash) setvar('facts', deep_freeze(hash), :privileged => true) end # Deeply freezes the given object. The object and its content must be of the types: # Array, Hash, Numeric, Boolean, Symbol, Regexp, NilClass, or String. All other types raises an Error. # (i.e. if they are assignable to Puppet::Pops::Types::Data type). # def deep_freeze(object) case object when Array object.each {|v| deep_freeze(v) } object.freeze when Hash object.each {|k, v| deep_freeze(k); deep_freeze(v) } object.freeze when NilClass, Numeric, TrueClass, FalseClass # do nothing when String object.freeze else raise Puppet::Error, "Unsupported data type: '#{object.class}'" end object end private :deep_freeze # Return the effective "table" for setting variables. # This method returns the first ephemeral "table" that acts as a local scope, or this # scope's symtable. If the parameter `use_ephemeral` is true, the "top most" ephemeral "table" # will be returned (irrespective of it being a match scope or a local scope). # # @param use_ephemeral [Boolean] whether the top most ephemeral (of any kind) should be used or not - def effective_symtable use_ephemeral + def effective_symtable(use_ephemeral) s = @ephemeral.last - return s || @symtable if use_ephemeral - - # Why check if ephemeral is a Hash ??? Not needed, a hash cannot be a parent scope ??? - while s && !(s.is_a?(Hash) || s.is_local_scope?()) - s = s.parent + if use_ephemeral + return s || @symtable + else + while s && !s.is_local_scope?() + s = s.parent + end + s || @symtable end - s ? s : @symtable end # Sets the variable value of the name given as an argument to the given value. The value is # set in the current scope and may shadow a variable with the same name in a visible outer scope. # It is illegal to re-assign a variable in the same scope. It is illegal to set a variable in some other # scope/namespace than the scope passed to a method. # # @param varname [String] The variable name to which the value is assigned. Must not contain `::` # @param value [String] The value to assign to the given variable name. # @param options [Hash] Additional options, not part of api. # # @api public # def []=(varname, value, options = {}) setvar(varname, value, options = {}) end def append_value(bound_value, new_value) case new_value when Array bound_value + new_value when Hash bound_value.merge(new_value) else if bound_value.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "Trying to append to a hash with something which is not a hash is unsupported" end bound_value + new_value end end private :append_value # Return the tags associated with this scope. def_delegator :resource, :tags # Used mainly for logging def to_s "Scope(#{@resource})" end # remove ephemeral scope up to level # TODO: Who uses :all ? Remove ?? # def unset_ephemeral_var(level=:all) if level == :all @ephemeral = [ MatchScope.new(@symtable, nil)] else @ephemeral.pop(@ephemeral.size - level) end end def ephemeral_level @ephemeral.size end # TODO: Who calls this? def new_ephemeral(local_scope = false) if local_scope @ephemeral.push(LocalScope.new(@ephemeral.last)) else @ephemeral.push(MatchScope.new(@ephemeral.last, nil)) end end # Sets match data in the most nested scope (which always is a MatchScope), it clobbers match data already set there # def set_match_data(match_data) @ephemeral.last.match_data = match_data end # Nests a match data scope def new_match_scope(match_data) @ephemeral.push(MatchScope.new(@ephemeral.last, match_data)) end def ephemeral_from(match, file = nil, line = nil) case match when Hash # Create local scope ephemeral and set all values from hash new_ephemeral(true) match.each {|k,v| setvar(k, v, :file => file, :line => line, :ephemeral => true) } # Must always have an inner match data scope (that starts out as transparent) # In 3x slightly wasteful, since a new nested scope is created for a match # (TODO: Fix that problem) new_ephemeral(false) else raise(ArgumentError,"Invalid regex match data. Got a #{match.class}") unless match.is_a?(MatchData) # Create a match ephemeral and set values from match data new_match_scope(match) end end def find_resource_type(type) # It still works fine without the type == 'class' short-cut, but it is a lot slower. return nil if ["class", "node"].include? type.to_s.downcase find_builtin_resource_type(type) || find_defined_resource_type(type) end def find_builtin_resource_type(type) Puppet::Type.type(type.to_s.downcase.to_sym) end def find_defined_resource_type(type) known_resource_types.find_definition(namespaces, type.to_s.downcase) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) method.to_s =~ /^function_(.*)$/ name = $1 super unless name super unless Puppet::Parser::Functions.function(name) # In odd circumstances, this might not end up defined by the previous # method, so we might as well be certain. if respond_to? method send(method, *args) else raise Puppet::DevError, "Function #{name} not defined despite being loaded!" end end def resolve_type_and_titles(type, titles) raise ArgumentError, "titles must be an array" unless titles.is_a?(Array) case type.downcase when "class" # resolve the titles titles = titles.collect do |a_title| hostclass = find_hostclass(a_title) hostclass ? hostclass.name : a_title end when "node" # no-op else # resolve the type resource_type = find_resource_type(type) type = resource_type.name if resource_type end return [type, titles] end # Transforms references to classes to the form suitable for # lookup in the compiler. # # Makes names passed in the names array absolute if they are relative # Names are now made absolute if Puppet[:parser] == 'future', this will # be the default behavior in Puppet 4.0 # # Transforms Class[] and Resource[] type referenes to class name # or raises an error if a Class[] is unspecific, if a Resource is not # a 'class' resource, or if unspecific (no title). # # TODO: Change this for 4.0 to always make names absolute # # @param names [Array] names to (optionally) make absolute # @return [Array] names after transformation # def transform_and_assert_classnames(names) if Puppet[:parser] == 'future' names.map do |name| case name when String name.sub(/^([^:]{1,2})/, '::\1') when Puppet::Resource assert_class_and_title(name.type, name.title) name.title.sub(/^([^:]{1,2})/, '::\1') when Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use an unspecific Class[] Type" unless name.class_name name.class_name.sub(/^([^:]{1,2})/, '::\1') when Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType assert_class_and_title(name.type_name, name.title) name.title.sub(/^([^:]{1,2})/, '::\1') end end else names end end private def assert_class_and_title(type_name, title) if type_name.nil? || type_name == '' raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use an unspecific Resource[] where a Resource['class', name] is expected" end unless type_name =~ /^[Cc]lass$/ raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a Resource[#{type_name}] where a Resource['class', name] is expected" end if title.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use an unspecific Resource['class'] where a Resource['class', name] is expected" end end def extend_with_functions_module root = Puppet.lookup(:root_environment) extend Puppet::Parser::Functions.environment_module(root) extend Puppet::Parser::Functions.environment_module(environment) if environment != root end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/runtime3_support.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/runtime3_support.rb index 449a56054..127c7d6f5 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/runtime3_support.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/runtime3_support.rb @@ -1,564 +1,573 @@ # A module with bindings between the new evaluator and the 3x runtime. # The intention is to separate all calls into scope, compiler, resource, etc. in this module # to make it easier to later refactor the evaluator for better implementations of the 3x classes. # # @api private module Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Runtime3Support NAME_SPACE_SEPARATOR = '::'.freeze # Fails the evaluation of _semantic_ with a given issue. # # @param issue [Puppet::Pops::Issue] the issue to report # @param semantic [Puppet::Pops::ModelPopsObject] the object for which evaluation failed in some way. Used to determine origin. # @param options [Hash] hash of optional named data elements for the given issue # @return [!] this method does not return # @raise [Puppet::ParseError] an evaluation error initialized from the arguments (TODO: Change to EvaluationError?) # def fail(issue, semantic, options={}, except=nil) optionally_fail(issue, semantic, options, except) # an error should have been raised since fail always fails raise ArgumentError, "Internal Error: Configuration of runtime error handling wrong: should have raised exception" end # Optionally (based on severity) Fails the evaluation of _semantic_ with a given issue # If the given issue is configured to be of severity < :error it is only reported, and the function returns. # # @param issue [Puppet::Pops::Issue] the issue to report # @param semantic [Puppet::Pops::ModelPopsObject] the object for which evaluation failed in some way. Used to determine origin. # @param options [Hash] hash of optional named data elements for the given issue # @return [!] this method does not return # @raise [Puppet::ParseError] an evaluation error initialized from the arguments (TODO: Change to EvaluationError?) # def optionally_fail(issue, semantic, options={}, except=nil) if except.nil? # Want a stacktrace, and it must be passed as an exception begin raise EvaluationError.new() rescue EvaluationError => e except = e end end diagnostic_producer.accept(issue, semantic, options, except) end # Binds the given variable name to the given value in the given scope. # The reference object `o` is intended to be used for origin information - the 3x scope implementation # only makes use of location when there is an error. This is now handled by other mechanisms; first a check # is made if a variable exists and an error is raised if attempting to change an immutable value. Errors # in name, numeric variable assignment etc. have also been validated prior to this call. In the event the # scope.setvar still raises an error, the general exception handling for evaluation of the assignment # expression knows about its location. Because of this, there is no need to extract the location for each # setting (extraction is somewhat expensive since 3x requires line instead of offset). # def set_variable(name, value, o, scope) # Scope also checks this but requires that location information are passed as options. # Those are expensive to calculate and a test is instead made here to enable failing with better information. # The error is not specific enough to allow catching it - need to check the actual message text. # TODO: Improve the messy implementation in Scope. # if scope.bound?(name) if Puppet::Parser::Scope::RESERVED_VARIABLE_NAMES.include?(name) fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::ILLEGAL_RESERVED_ASSIGNMENT, o, {:name => name} ) else fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::ILLEGAL_REASSIGNMENT, o, {:name => name} ) end end scope.setvar(name, value) end # Returns the value of the variable (nil is returned if variable has no value, or if variable does not exist) # def get_variable_value(name, o, scope) # Puppet 3x stores all variables as strings (then converts them back to numeric with a regexp... to see if it is a match variable) # Not ideal, scope should support numeric lookup directly instead. # TODO: consider fixing scope catch(:undefined_variable) { x = scope.lookupvar(name.to_s) # Must convert :undef back to nil - this can happen when an undefined variable is used in a # parameter's default value expression - there nil must be :undef to work with the rest of 3x. # Now that the value comes back to 4x it is changed to nil. return (x == :undef) ? nil : x } # It is always ok to reference numeric variables even if they are not assigned. They are always undef # if not set by a match expression. # unless name =~ Puppet::Pops::Patterns::NUMERIC_VAR_NAME fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::UNKNOWN_VARIABLE, o, {:name => name}) end end # Returns true if the variable of the given name is set in the given most nested scope. True is returned even if # variable is bound to nil. # def variable_bound?(name, scope) scope.bound?(name.to_s) end # Returns true if the variable is bound to a value or nil, in the scope or it's parent scopes. # def variable_exists?(name, scope) scope.exist?(name.to_s) end def set_match_data(match_data, scope) # See set_variable for rationale for not passing file and line to ephemeral_from. # NOTE: The 3x scope adds one ephemeral(match) to its internal stack per match that succeeds ! It never # clears anything. Thus a context that performs many matches will get very deep (there simply is no way to # clear the match variables without rolling back the ephemeral stack.) # This implementation does not attempt to fix this, it behaves the same bad way. unless match_data.nil? scope.ephemeral_from(match_data) end end # Creates a local scope with vairalbes set from a hash of variable name to value # def create_local_scope_from(hash, scope) # two dummy values are needed since the scope tries to give an error message (can not happen in this # case - it is just wrong, the error should be reported by the caller who knows in more detail where it # is in the source. # raise ArgumentError, "Internal error - attempt to create a local scope without a hash" unless hash.is_a?(Hash) scope.ephemeral_from(hash) end # Creates a nested match scope def create_match_scope_from(scope) # Create a transparent match scope (for future matches) scope.new_match_scope(nil) end def get_scope_nesting_level(scope) scope.ephemeral_level end def set_scope_nesting_level(scope, level) # Yup, 3x uses this method to reset the level, it also supports passing :all to destroy all # ephemeral/local scopes - which is a sure way to create havoc. # scope.unset_ephemeral_var(level) end # Adds a relationship between the given `source` and `target` of the given `relationship_type` # @param source [Puppet:Pops::Types::PCatalogEntryType] the source end of the relationship (from) # @param target [Puppet:Pops::Types::PCatalogEntryType] the target end of the relationship (to) # @param relationship_type [:relationship, :subscription] the type of the relationship # def add_relationship(source, target, relationship_type, scope) # The 3x way is to record a Puppet::Parser::Relationship that is evaluated at the end of the compilation. # This means it is not possible to detect any duplicates at this point (and signal where an attempt is made to # add a duplicate. There is also no location information to signal the original place in the logic. The user will have # to go fish. # The 3.x implementation is based on Strings :-o, so the source and target must be transformed. The resolution is # done by Catalog#resource(type, title). To do that, it creates a Puppet::Resource since it is responsible for # translating the name/type/title and create index-keys used by the catalog. The Puppet::Resource has bizarre parsing of # the type and title (scan for [] that is interpreted as type/title (but it gets it wrong). # Moreover if the type is "" or "component", the type is Class, and if the type is :main, it is :main, all other cases # undergo capitalization of name-segments (foo::bar becomes Foo::Bar). (This was earlier done in the reverse by the parser). # Further, the title undergoes the same munging !!! # # That bug infested nest of messy logic needs serious Exorcism! # # Unfortunately it is not easy to simply call more intelligent methods at a lower level as the compiler evaluates the recorded # Relationship object at a much later point, and it is responsible for invoking all the messy logic. # # TODO: Revisit the below logic when there is a sane implementation of the catalog, compiler and resource. For now # concentrate on transforming the type references to what is expected by the wacky logic. # # HOWEVER, the Compiler only records the Relationships, and the only method it calls is @relationships.each{|x| x.evaluate(catalog) } # Which means a smarter Relationship class could do this right. Instead of obtaining the resource from the catalog using # the borked resource(type, title) which creates a resource for the purpose of looking it up, it needs to instead # scan the catalog's resources # # GAAAH, it is even worse! # It starts in the parser, which parses "File['foo']" into an AST::ResourceReference with type = File, and title = foo # This AST is evaluated by looking up the type/title in the scope - causing it to be loaded if it exists, and if not, the given # type name/title is used. It does not search for resource instances, only classes and types. It returns symbolic information # [type, [title, title]]. From this, instances of Puppet::Resource are created and returned. These only have type/title information # filled out. One or an array of resources are returned. # This set of evaluated (empty reference) Resource instances are then passed to the relationship operator. It creates a # Puppet::Parser::Relationship giving it a source and a target that are (empty reference) Resource instances. These are then remembered # until the relationship is evaluated by the compiler (at the end). When evaluation takes place, the (empty reference) Resource instances # are converted to String (!?! WTF) on the simple format "#{type}[#{title}]", and the catalog is told to find a resource, by giving # it this string. If it cannot find the resource it fails, else the before/notify parameter is appended with the target. # The search for the resource begin with (you guessed it) again creating an (empty reference) resource from type and title (WTF?!?!). # The catalog now uses the reference resource to compute a key [r.type, r.title.to_s] and also gets a uniqueness key from the # resource (This is only a reference type created from title and type). If it cannot find it with the first key, it uses the # uniqueness key to lookup. # # This is probably done to allow a resource type to munge/translate the title in some way (but it is quite unclear from the long # and convoluted path of evaluation. # In order to do this in a way that is similar to 3.x two resources are created to be used as keys. # # And if that is not enough, a source/target may be a Collector (a baked query that will be evaluated by the # compiler - it is simply passed through here for processing by the compiler at the right time). # if source.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Collector) # use verbatim - behavior defined by 3x source_resource = source else # transform into the wonderful String representation in 3x type, title = catalog_type_to_split_type_title(source) source_resource = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) end if target.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Collector) # use verbatim - behavior defined by 3x target_resource = target else # transform into the wonderful String representation in 3x type, title = catalog_type_to_split_type_title(target) target_resource = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) end # Add the relationship to the compiler for later evaluation. scope.compiler.add_relationship(Puppet::Parser::Relationship.new(source_resource, target_resource, relationship_type)) end # Coerce value `v` to numeric or fails. # The given value `v` is coerced to Numeric, and if that fails the operation # calls {#fail}. # @param v [Object] the value to convert # @param o [Object] originating instruction # @param scope [Object] the (runtime specific) scope where evaluation of o takes place # @return [Numeric] value `v` converted to Numeric. # def coerce_numeric(v, o, scope) unless n = Puppet::Pops::Utils.to_n(v) fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::NOT_NUMERIC, o, {:value => v}) end n end def call_function(name, args, o, scope) # Call via 4x API if the function exists there loaders = scope.compiler.loaders # find the loader that loaded the code, or use the private_environment_loader (sees env + all modules) adapter = Puppet::Pops::Utils.find_adapter(o, Puppet::Pops::Adapters::LoaderAdapter) loader = adapter.nil? ? loaders.private_environment_loader : adapter.loader if loader && func = loader.load(:function, name) return func.call(scope, *args) end # Call via 3x API if function exists there fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::UNKNOWN_FUNCTION, o, {:name => name}) unless Puppet::Parser::Functions.function(name) # Arguments must be mapped since functions are unaware of the new and magical creatures in 4x. # NOTE: Passing an empty string last converts nil/:undef to empty string mapped_args = args.map {|a| convert(a, scope, '') } result = scope.send("function_#{name}", mapped_args) # Prevent non r-value functions from leaking their result (they are not written to care about this) Puppet::Parser::Functions.rvalue?(name) ? result : nil end # The o is used for source reference def create_resource_parameter(o, scope, name, value, operator) file, line = extract_file_line(o) Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param.new( :name => name, # Here we must convert nil values to :undef for the 3x logic to work :value => convert(value, scope, :undef), # converted to 3x since 4x supports additional objects / types :source => scope.source, :line => line, :file => file, :add => operator == :'+>' ) end CLASS_STRING = 'class'.freeze def create_resources(o, scope, virtual, exported, type_name, resource_titles, evaluated_parameters) # TODO: Unknown resource causes creation of Resource to fail with ArgumentError, should give # a proper Issue. Now the result is "Error while evaluating a Resource Statement" with the message # from the raised exception. (It may be good enough). # resolve in scope. fully_qualified_type, resource_titles = scope.resolve_type_and_titles(type_name, resource_titles) # Not 100% accurate as this is the resource expression location and each title is processed separately # The titles are however the result of evaluation and they have no location at this point (an array # of positions for the source expressions are required for this to work). # TODO: Revisit and possible improve the accuracy. # file, line = extract_file_line(o) # Build a resource for each title resource_titles.map do |resource_title| resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new( fully_qualified_type, resource_title, :parameters => evaluated_parameters, :file => file, :line => line, :exported => exported, :virtual => virtual, # WTF is this? Which source is this? The file? The name of the context ? :source => scope.source, :scope => scope, :strict => true ) if resource.resource_type.is_a? Puppet::Resource::Type resource.resource_type.instantiate_resource(scope, resource) end scope.compiler.add_resource(scope, resource) scope.compiler.evaluate_classes([resource_title], scope, false, true) if fully_qualified_type == CLASS_STRING # Turn the resource into a PType (a reference to a resource type) # weed out nil's resource_to_ptype(resource) end end # Defines default parameters for a type with the given name. # def create_resource_defaults(o, scope, type_name, evaluated_parameters) # Note that name must be capitalized in this 3x call # The 3x impl creates a Resource instance with a bogus title and then asks the created resource # for the type of the name. # Note, locations are available per parameter. # scope.define_settings(capitalize_qualified_name(type_name), evaluated_parameters) end # Capitalizes each segment of a qualified name # def capitalize_qualified_name(name) name.split(/::/).map(&:capitalize).join(NAME_SPACE_SEPARATOR) end # Creates resource overrides for all resource type objects in evaluated_resources. The same set of # evaluated parameters are applied to all. # def create_resource_overrides(o, scope, evaluated_resources, evaluated_parameters) # Not 100% accurate as this is the resource expression location and each title is processed separately # The titles are however the result of evaluation and they have no location at this point (an array # of positions for the source expressions are required for this to work. # TODO: Revisit and possible improve the accuracy. # file, line = extract_file_line(o) evaluated_resources.each do |r| unless r.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType) && r.type_name != 'class' fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::ILLEGAL_OVERRIDEN_TYPE, o, {:actual => r} ) end resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new( r.type_name, r.title, :parameters => evaluated_parameters, :file => file, :line => line, # WTF is this? Which source is this? The file? The name of the context ? :source => scope.source, :scope => scope ) scope.compiler.add_override(resource) end end # Finds a resource given a type and a title. # def find_resource(scope, type_name, title) scope.compiler.findresource(type_name, title) end # Returns the value of a resource's parameter by first looking up the parameter in the resource # and then in the defaults for the resource. Since the resource exists (it must in order to look up its # parameters, any overrides have already been applied). Defaults are not applied to a resource until it # has been finished (which typically has not taken place when this is evaluated; hence the dual lookup). # def get_resource_parameter_value(scope, resource, parameter_name) # This gets the parameter value, or nil (for both valid parameters and parameters that do not exist). val = resource[parameter_name] - # The defaults must be looked up in the scope where the resource was created (not in the given - # scope where the lookup takes place. - resource_scope = resource.scope - if val.nil? && resource_scope && defaults = resource_scope.lookupdefaults(resource.type) - # NOTE: 3x resource keeps defaults as hash using symbol for name as key to Parameter which (again) holds - # name and value. - # NOTE: meta parameters that are unset ends up here, and there are no defaults for those encoded - # in the defaults, they may receive hardcoded defaults later (e.g. 'tag'). - param = defaults[parameter_name.to_sym] - # Some parameters (meta parameters like 'tag') does not return a param from which the value can be obtained - # at all times. Instead, they return a nil param until a value has been set. - val = param.nil? ? nil : param.value + # Sometimes the resource is a Puppet::Parser::Resource and sometimes it is + # a Puppet::Resource. The Puppet::Resource case occurs when puppet language + # is evaluated against an already completed catalog (where all instances of + # Puppet::Parser::Resource are converted to Puppet::Resource instances). + # Evaluating against an already completed catalog is really only found in + # the language specification tests, where the puppet language is used to + # test itself. + if resource.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource) + # The defaults must be looked up in the scope where the resource was created (not in the given + # scope where the lookup takes place. + resource_scope = resource.scope + if val.nil? && resource_scope && defaults = resource_scope.lookupdefaults(resource.type) + # NOTE: 3x resource keeps defaults as hash using symbol for name as key to Parameter which (again) holds + # name and value. + # NOTE: meta parameters that are unset ends up here, and there are no defaults for those encoded + # in the defaults, they may receive hardcoded defaults later (e.g. 'tag'). + param = defaults[parameter_name.to_sym] + # Some parameters (meta parameters like 'tag') does not return a param from which the value can be obtained + # at all times. Instead, they return a nil param until a value has been set. + val = param.nil? ? nil : param.value + end end val end # Returns true, if the given name is the name of a resource parameter. # def is_parameter_of_resource?(scope, resource, name) resource.valid_parameter?(name) end def resource_to_ptype(resource) nil if resource.nil? # inference returns the meta type since the 3x Resource is an alternate way to describe a type type_calculator.infer(resource).type end # This is the same type of "truth" as used in the current Puppet DSL. # def is_true? o # Is the value true? This allows us to control the definition of truth # in one place. case o # Support :undef since it may come from a 3x structure when :undef false else !!o end end # Utility method for TrueClass || FalseClass # @param x [Object] the object to test if it is instance of TrueClass or FalseClass def is_boolean? x x.is_a?(TrueClass) || x.is_a?(FalseClass) end def initialize @@convert_visitor ||= Puppet::Pops::Visitor.new(self, "convert", 2, 2) end # Converts 4x supported values to 3x values. This is required because # resources and other objects do not know about the new type system, and does not support # regular expressions. Unfortunately this has to be done for array and hash as well. # A complication is that catalog types needs to be resolved against the scope. # def convert(o, scope, undef_value) @@convert_visitor.visit_this_2(self, o, scope, undef_value) end def convert_NilClass(o, scope, undef_value) undef_value end def convert_String(o, scope, undef_value) # although wasteful, needed because user code may mutate these strings in Resources o.frozen? ? o.dup : o end def convert_Object(o, scope, undef_value) o end def convert_Array(o, scope, undef_value) o.map {|x| convert(x, scope, undef_value) } end def convert_Hash(o, scope, undef_value) result = {} o.each {|k,v| result[convert(k, scope, undef_value)] = convert(v, scope, undef_value) } result end def convert_Regexp(o, scope, undef_value) # Puppet 3x cannot handle parameter values that are reqular expressions. Turn into regexp string in # source form o.inspect end def convert_Symbol(o, scope, undef_value) case o # Support :undef since it may come from a 3x structure when :undef undef_value # 3x wants undef as either empty string or :undef else o # :default, and all others are verbatim since they are new in future evaluator end end def convert_PAnyType(o, scope, undef_value) o end def convert_PCatalogEntryType(o, scope, undef_value) # Since 4x does not support dynamic scoping, all names are absolute and can be # used as is (with some check/transformation/mangling between absolute/relative form # due to Puppet::Resource's idiosyncratic behavior where some references must be # absolute and others cannot be. # Thus there is no need to call scope.resolve_type_and_titles to do dynamic lookup. Puppet::Resource.new(*catalog_type_to_split_type_title(o)) end private # Produces an array with [type, title] from a PCatalogEntryType # This method is used to produce the arguments for creation of reference resource instances # (used when 3x is operating on a resource). # Ensures that resources are *not* absolute. # def catalog_type_to_split_type_title(catalog_type) split_type = catalog_type.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType) ? catalog_type.type : catalog_type case split_type when Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType class_name = split_type.class_name ['class', class_name.nil? ? nil : class_name.sub(/^::/, '')] when Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType type_name = split_type.type_name title = split_type.title if type_name =~ /^(::)?[Cc]lass/ ['class', title.nil? ? nil : title.sub(/^::/, '')] else # Ensure that title is '' if nil # Resources with absolute name always results in error because tagging does not support leading :: [type_name.nil? ? nil : type_name.sub(/^::/, ''), title.nil? ? '' : title] end else raise ArgumentError, "Cannot split the type #{catalog_type.class}, it represents neither a PHostClassType, nor a PResourceType." end end def extract_file_line(o) source_pos = Puppet::Pops::Utils.find_closest_positioned(o) return [nil, -1] unless source_pos [source_pos.locator.file, source_pos.line] end def find_closest_positioned(o) return nil if o.nil? || o.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Model::Program) o.offset.nil? ? find_closest_positioned(o.eContainer) : Puppet::Pops::Adapters::SourcePosAdapter.adapt(o) end # Creates a diagnostic producer def diagnostic_producer Puppet::Pops::Validation::DiagnosticProducer.new( ExceptionRaisingAcceptor.new(), # Raises exception on all issues SeverityProducer.new(), # All issues are errors Puppet::Pops::Model::ModelLabelProvider.new()) end # Configure the severity of failures class SeverityProducer < Puppet::Pops::Validation::SeverityProducer Issues = Puppet::Pops::Issues def initialize super p = self # Issues triggering warning only if --debug is on if Puppet[:debug] p[Issues::EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPECIALIZATION] = :warning else p[Issues::EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPECIALIZATION] = :ignore end # Store config issues, ignore or warning p[Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS_EXPORT] = Puppet[:storeconfigs] ? :ignore : :warning p[Issues::RT_NO_STORECONFIGS] = Puppet[:storeconfigs] ? :ignore : :warning end end # An acceptor of diagnostics that immediately raises an exception. class ExceptionRaisingAcceptor < Puppet::Pops::Validation::Acceptor def accept(diagnostic) super Puppet::Pops::IssueReporter.assert_and_report(self, {:message => "Evaluation Error:", :emit_warnings => true }) if errors? raise ArgumentError, "Internal Error: Configuration of runtime error handling wrong: should have raised exception" end end end class EvaluationError < StandardError end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/user/user_role_add.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/user/user_role_add.rb index 2abec5f45..f3100e04f 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/user/user_role_add.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/user/user_role_add.rb @@ -1,209 +1,210 @@ require 'puppet/util' require 'puppet/util/user_attr' require 'date' Puppet::Type.type(:user).provide :user_role_add, :parent => :useradd, :source => :useradd do desc "User and role management on Solaris, via `useradd` and `roleadd`." defaultfor :osfamily => :solaris commands :add => "useradd", :delete => "userdel", :modify => "usermod", :password => "passwd", :role_add => "roleadd", :role_delete => "roledel", :role_modify => "rolemod" options :home, :flag => "-d", :method => :dir options :comment, :method => :gecos options :groups, :flag => "-G" options :roles, :flag => "-R" options :auths, :flag => "-A" options :profiles, :flag => "-P" options :password_min_age, :flag => "-n" options :password_max_age, :flag => "-x" verify :gid, "GID must be an integer" do |value| value.is_a? Integer end verify :groups, "Groups must be comma-separated" do |value| value !~ /\s/ end has_features :manages_homedir, :allows_duplicates, :manages_solaris_rbac, :manages_passwords, :manages_password_age, :manages_shell #must override this to hand the keyvalue pairs def add_properties cmd = [] Puppet::Type.type(:user).validproperties.each do |property| #skip the password because we can't create it with the solaris useradd next if [:ensure, :password, :password_min_age, :password_max_age].include?(property) # 1680 Now you can set the hashed passwords on solaris:lib/puppet/provider/user/user_role_add.rb # the value needs to be quoted, mostly because -c might # have spaces in it if value = @resource.should(property) and value != "" if property == :keys cmd += build_keys_cmd(value) else cmd << flag(property) << value end end end cmd end def user_attributes @user_attributes ||= UserAttr.get_attributes_by_name(@resource[:name]) end def flush @user_attributes = nil end def command(cmd) cmd = ("role_#{cmd}").intern if is_role? or (!exists? and @resource[:ensure] == :role) super(cmd) end def is_role? user_attributes and user_attributes[:type] == "role" end def run(cmd, msg) execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not #{msg} #{@resource.class.name} #{@resource.name}: #{detail}", detail.backtrace end def transition(type) cmd = [command(:modify)] cmd << "-K" << "type=#{type}" cmd += add_properties cmd << @resource[:name] end def create if is_role? run(transition("normal"), "transition role to") else run(addcmd, "create") if cmd = passcmd run(cmd, "change password policy for") end end # added to handle case when password is specified self.password = @resource[:password] if @resource[:password] end def destroy run(deletecmd, "delete "+ (is_role? ? "role" : "user")) end def create_role if exists? and !is_role? run(transition("role"), "transition user to") else run(addcmd, "create role") end end def roles user_attributes[:roles] if user_attributes end def auths user_attributes[:auths] if user_attributes end def profiles user_attributes[:profiles] if user_attributes end def project user_attributes[:project] if user_attributes end def managed_attributes [:name, :type, :roles, :auths, :profiles, :project] end def remove_managed_attributes managed = managed_attributes user_attributes.select { |k,v| !managed.include?(k) }.inject({}) { |hash, array| hash[array[0]] = array[1]; hash } end def keys if user_attributes #we have to get rid of all the keys we are managing another way remove_managed_attributes end end def build_keys_cmd(keys_hash) cmd = [] keys_hash.each do |k,v| cmd << "-K" << "#{k}=#{v}" end cmd end def keys=(keys_hash) run([command(:modify)] + build_keys_cmd(keys_hash) << @resource[:name], "modify attribute key pairs") end # This helper makes it possible to test this on stub data without having to # do too many crazy things! def target_file_path "/etc/shadow" end private :target_file_path #Read in /etc/shadow, find the line for this user (skipping comments, because who knows) and return it #No abstraction, all esoteric knowledge of file formats, yay def shadow_entry return @shadow_entry if defined? @shadow_entry @shadow_entry = File.readlines(target_file_path). reject { |r| r =~ /^[^\w]/ }. - collect { |l| l.chomp.split(':') }. + # PUP-229 dont suppress the empty fields + collect { |l| l.chomp.split(':', -1) }. find { |user, _| user == @resource[:name] } end def password shadow_entry[1] if shadow_entry end def password_min_age - shadow_entry ? shadow_entry[3] : :absent + shadow_entry[3].empty? ? -1 : shadow_entry[3] end def password_max_age return :absent unless shadow_entry - shadow_entry[4] || -1 + shadow_entry[4].empty? ? -1 : shadow_entry[4] end # Read in /etc/shadow, find the line for our used and rewrite it with the # new pw. Smooth like 80 grit sandpaper. # # Now uses the `replace_file` mechanism to minimize the chance that we lose # data, but it is still terrible. We still skip platform locking, so a # concurrent `vipw -s` session will have no idea we risk data loss. def password=(cryptopw) begin shadow = File.read(target_file_path) # Go Mifune loves the race here where we can lose data because # /etc/shadow changed between reading it and writing it. # --daniel 2012-02-05 Puppet::Util.replace_file(target_file_path, 0640) do |fh| shadow.each_line do |line| line_arr = line.split(':') if line_arr[0] == @resource[:name] line_arr[1] = cryptopw line_arr[2] = (Date.today - Date.new(1970,1,1)).to_i.to_s line = line_arr.join(':') end fh.print line end end rescue => detail self.fail Puppet::Error, "Could not write replace #{target_file_path}: #{detail}", detail end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/resource.rb b/lib/puppet/resource.rb index 6388b61f5..7e7a6ab2c 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/resource.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/resource.rb @@ -1,580 +1,610 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/tagging' require 'puppet/util/pson' require 'puppet/parameter' # The simplest resource class. Eventually it will function as the # base class for all resource-like behaviour. # # @api public class Puppet::Resource # This stub class is only needed for serialization compatibility with 0.25.x. # Specifically, it exists to provide a compatibility API when using YAML # serialized objects loaded from StoreConfigs. Reference = Puppet::Resource include Puppet::Util::Tagging extend Puppet::Util::Pson include Enumerable attr_accessor :file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual, :validate_parameters, :strict attr_reader :type, :title require 'puppet/indirector' extend Puppet::Indirector indirects :resource, :terminus_class => :ral ATTRIBUTES = [:file, :line, :exported] def self.from_data_hash(data) raise ArgumentError, "No resource type provided in serialized data" unless type = data['type'] raise ArgumentError, "No resource title provided in serialized data" unless title = data['title'] resource = new(type, title) if params = data['parameters'] params.each { |param, value| resource[param] = value } end if tags = data['tags'] tags.each { |tag| resource.tag(tag) } end ATTRIBUTES.each do |a| if value = data[a.to_s] resource.send(a.to_s + "=", value) end end resource end def self.from_pson(pson) Puppet.deprecation_warning("from_pson is being removed in favour of from_data_hash.") self.from_data_hash(pson) end def inspect "#{@type}[#{@title}]#{to_hash.inspect}" end def to_data_hash data = ([:type, :title, :tags] + ATTRIBUTES).inject({}) do |hash, param| next hash unless value = self.send(param) hash[param.to_s] = value hash end data["exported"] ||= false params = self.to_hash.inject({}) do |hash, ary| param, value = ary # Don't duplicate the title as the namevar next hash if param == namevar and value == title hash[param] = Puppet::Resource.value_to_pson_data(value) hash end data["parameters"] = params unless params.empty? data end # This doesn't include document type as it is part of a catalog def to_pson_data_hash to_data_hash end def self.value_to_pson_data(value) if value.is_a? Array value.map{|v| value_to_pson_data(v) } elsif value.is_a? Puppet::Resource value.to_s else value end end def yaml_property_munge(x) case x when Hash x.inject({}) { |h,kv| k,v = kv h[k] = self.class.value_to_pson_data(v) h } else self.class.value_to_pson_data(x) end end YAML_ATTRIBUTES = [:@file, :@line, :@exported, :@type, :@title, :@tags, :@parameters] # Explicitly list the instance variables that should be serialized when # converting to YAML. # # @api private # @return [Array] The intersection of our explicit variable list and # all of the instance variables defined on this class. def to_yaml_properties YAML_ATTRIBUTES & super end def to_pson(*args) to_data_hash.to_pson(*args) end # Proxy these methods to the parameters hash. It's likely they'll # be overridden at some point, but this works for now. %w{has_key? keys length delete empty? <<}.each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| parameters.send(method, *args) end end # Set a given parameter. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def []=(param, value) validate_parameter(param) if validate_parameters parameters[parameter_name(param)] = value end # Return a given parameter's value. Converts all passed names # to lower-case symbols. def [](param) parameters[parameter_name(param)] end def ==(other) return false unless other.respond_to?(:title) and self.type == other.type and self.title == other.title return false unless to_hash == other.to_hash true end # Compatibility method. def builtin? builtin_type? end # Is this a builtin resource type? def builtin_type? resource_type.is_a?(Class) end # Iterate over each param/value pair, as required for Enumerable. def each parameters.each { |p,v| yield p, v } end def include?(parameter) super || parameters.keys.include?( parameter_name(parameter) ) end %w{exported virtual strict}.each do |m| define_method(m+"?") do self.send(m) end end def class? @is_class ||= @type == "Class" end def stage? @is_stage ||= @type.to_s.downcase == "stage" end # Cache to reduce respond_to? lookups @@nondeprecating_type = {} - # Create our resource. + # Construct a resource from data. + # + # Constructs a resource instance with the given `type` and `title`. Multiple + # type signatures are possible for these arguments and most will result in an + # expensive call to {Puppet::Node::Environment#known_resource_types} in order + # to resolve `String` and `Symbol` Types to actual Ruby classes. + # + # @param type [Symbol, String] The name of the Puppet Type, as a string or + # symbol. The actual Type will be looked up using + # {Puppet::Node::Environment#known_resource_types}. This lookup is expensive. + # @param type [String] The full resource name in the form of + # `"Type[Title]"`. This method of calling should only be used when + # `title` is `nil`. + # @param type [nil] If a `nil` is passed, the title argument must be a string + # of the form `"Type[Title]"`. + # @param type [Class] A class that inherits from `Puppet::Type`. This method + # of construction is much more efficient as it skips calls to + # {Puppet::Node::Environment#known_resource_types}. + # + # @param title [String, :main, nil] The title of the resource. If type is `nil`, may also + # be the full resource name in the form of `"Type[Title]"`. + # + # @api public def initialize(type, title = nil, attributes = {}) @parameters = {} + if type.is_a?(Class) && type < Puppet::Type + # Set the resource type to avoid an expensive `known_resource_types` + # lookup. + self.resource_type = type + # From this point on, the constructor behaves the same as if `type` had + # been passed as a symbol. + type = type.name + end # Set things like strictness first. attributes.each do |attr, value| next if attr == :parameters send(attr.to_s + "=", value) end @type, @title = extract_type_and_title(type, title) @type = munge_type_name(@type) if self.class? @title = :main if @title == "" @title = munge_type_name(@title) end if params = attributes[:parameters] extract_parameters(params) end if resource_type and ! @@nondeprecating_type[resource_type] if resource_type.respond_to?(:deprecate_params) resource_type.deprecate_params(title, attributes[:parameters]) else @@nondeprecating_type[resource_type] = true end end tag(self.type) tag(self.title) if valid_tag?(self.title) @reference = self # for serialization compatibility with 0.25.x if strict? and ! resource_type if self.class? raise ArgumentError, "Could not find declared class #{title}" else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid resource type #{type}" end end end def ref to_s end # Find our resource. def resolve catalog ? catalog.resource(to_s) : nil end # The resource's type implementation # @return [Puppet::Type, Puppet::Resource::Type] # @api private def resource_type @rstype ||= case type when "Class"; environment.known_resource_types.hostclass(title == :main ? "" : title) when "Node"; environment.known_resource_types.node(title) else Puppet::Type.type(type) || environment.known_resource_types.definition(type) end end # Set the resource's type implementation # @param type [Puppet::Type, Puppet::Resource::Type] # @api private def resource_type=(type) @rstype = type end def environment @environment ||= if catalog catalog.environment_instance else Puppet.lookup(:current_environment) { Puppet::Node::Environment::NONE } end end def environment=(environment) @environment = environment end # Produce a simple hash of our parameters. def to_hash parse_title.merge parameters end def to_s "#{type}[#{title}]" end def uniqueness_key # Temporary kludge to deal with inconsistant use patters h = self.to_hash h[namevar] ||= h[:name] h[:name] ||= h[namevar] h.values_at(*key_attributes.sort_by { |k| k.to_s }) end def key_attributes resource_type.respond_to?(:key_attributes) ? resource_type.key_attributes : [:name] end # Convert our resource to Puppet code. def to_manifest # Collect list of attributes to align => and move ensure first attr = parameters.keys attr_max = attr.inject(0) { |max,k| k.to_s.length > max ? k.to_s.length : max } attr.sort! if attr.first != :ensure && attr.include?(:ensure) attr.delete(:ensure) attr.unshift(:ensure) end attributes = attr.collect { |k| v = parameters[k] " %-#{attr_max}s => %s,\n" % [k, Puppet::Parameter.format_value_for_display(v)] }.join "%s { '%s':\n%s}" % [self.type.to_s.downcase, self.title, attributes] end def to_ref ref end # Convert our resource to a RAL resource instance. Creates component # instances for resource types that don't exist. def to_ral typeklass = Puppet::Type.type(self.type) || Puppet::Type.type(:component) typeklass.new(self) end def name # this is potential namespace conflict # between the notion of an "indirector name" # and a "resource name" [ type, title ].join('/') end def missing_arguments resource_type.arguments.select do |param, default| param = param.to_sym parameters[param].nil? || parameters[param].value == :undef end end private :missing_arguments # Consult external data bindings for class parameter values which must be # namespaced in the backend. # # Example: # # class foo($port=0){ ... } # # We make a request to the backend for the key 'foo::port' not 'foo' # def lookup_external_default_for(param, scope) # Only lookup parameters for host classes return nil unless resource_type.type == :hostclass name = "#{resource_type.name}::#{param}" lookup_with_databinding(name, scope) end private :lookup_external_default_for def lookup_with_databinding(name, scope) begin Puppet::DataBinding.indirection.find( name, :environment => scope.environment.to_s, :variables => scope) rescue Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError => e raise Puppet::Error.new("Error from DataBinding '#{Puppet[:data_binding_terminus]}' while looking up '#{name}': #{e.message}", e) end end private :lookup_with_databinding def set_default_parameters(scope) return [] unless resource_type and resource_type.respond_to?(:arguments) unless is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource) fail Puppet::DevError, "Cannot evaluate default parameters for #{self} - not a parser resource" end missing_arguments.collect do |param, default| external_value = lookup_external_default_for(param, scope) if external_value.nil? && default.nil? next elsif external_value.nil? value = default.safeevaluate(scope) else value = external_value end self[param.to_sym] = value param end.compact end def copy_as_resource result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) result.file = self.file result.line = self.line result.exported = self.exported result.virtual = self.virtual result.tag(*self.tags) result.environment = environment result.instance_variable_set(:@rstype, resource_type) to_hash.each do |p, v| if v.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) v = Puppet::Resource.new(v.type, v.title) elsif v.is_a?(Array) # flatten resource references arrays v = v.flatten if v.flatten.find { |av| av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) } v = v.collect do |av| av = Puppet::Resource.new(av.type, av.title) if av.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) av end end if Puppet[:parser] == 'current' # If the value is an array with only one value, then # convert it to a single value. This is largely so that # the database interaction doesn't have to worry about # whether it returns an array or a string. # # This behavior is not done in the future parser, but we can't issue a # deprecation warning either since there isn't anything that a user can # do about it. result[p] = if v.is_a?(Array) and v.length == 1 v[0] else v end else result[p] = v end end result end def valid_parameter?(name) resource_type.valid_parameter?(name) end # Verify that all required arguments are either present or # have been provided with defaults. # Must be called after 'set_default_parameters'. We can't join the methods # because Type#set_parameters needs specifically ordered behavior. def validate_complete return unless resource_type and resource_type.respond_to?(:arguments) resource_type.arguments.each do |param, default| param = param.to_sym fail Puppet::ParseError, "Must pass #{param} to #{self}" unless parameters.include?(param) end # Perform optional type checking if Puppet[:parser] == 'future' # Perform type checking arg_types = resource_type.argument_types # Parameters is a map from name, to parameter, and the parameter again has name and value parameters.each do |name, value| next unless t = arg_types[name.to_s] # untyped, and parameters are symbols here (aargh, strings in the type) unless Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.instance?(t, value.value) inferred_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.infer(value.value) actual = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.generalize!(inferred_type) fail Puppet::ParseError, "Expected parameter '#{name}' of '#{self}' to have type #{t.to_s}, got #{actual.to_s}" end end end end def validate_parameter(name) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid parameter #{name}" unless valid_parameter?(name) end def prune_parameters(options = {}) properties = resource_type.properties.map(&:name) dup.collect do |attribute, value| if value.to_s.empty? or Array(value).empty? delete(attribute) elsif value.to_s == "absent" and attribute.to_s != "ensure" delete(attribute) end parameters_to_include = options[:parameters_to_include] || [] delete(attribute) unless properties.include?(attribute) || parameters_to_include.include?(attribute) end self end private # Produce a canonical method name. def parameter_name(param) param = param.to_s.downcase.to_sym if param == :name and namevar param = namevar end param end # The namevar for our resource type. If the type doesn't exist, # always use :name. def namevar if builtin_type? and t = resource_type and t.key_attributes.length == 1 t.key_attributes.first else :name end end def extract_parameters(params) params.each do |param, value| validate_parameter(param) if strict? self[param] = value end end def extract_type_and_title(argtype, argtitle) if (argtitle || argtype) =~ /^([^\[\]]+)\[(.+)\]$/m then [ $1, $2 ] elsif argtitle then [ argtype, argtitle ] elsif argtype.is_a?(Puppet::Type) then [ argtype.class.name, argtype.title ] elsif argtype.is_a?(Hash) then raise ArgumentError, "Puppet::Resource.new does not take a hash as the first argument. "+ "Did you mean (#{(argtype[:type] || argtype["type"]).inspect}, #{(argtype[:title] || argtype["title"]).inspect }) ?" else raise ArgumentError, "No title provided and #{argtype.inspect} is not a valid resource reference" end end def munge_type_name(value) return :main if value == :main return "Class" if value == "" or value.nil? or value.to_s.downcase == "component" value.to_s.split("::").collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join("::") end def parse_title h = {} type = resource_type if type.respond_to? :title_patterns type.title_patterns.each { |regexp, symbols_and_lambdas| if captures = regexp.match(title.to_s) symbols_and_lambdas.zip(captures[1..-1]).each do |symbol_and_lambda,capture| symbol, proc = symbol_and_lambda # Many types pass "identity" as the proc; we might as well give # them a shortcut to delivering that without the extra cost. # # Especially because the global type defines title_patterns and # uses the identity patterns. # # This was worth about 8MB of memory allocation saved in my # testing, so is worth the complexity for the API. if proc then h[symbol] = proc.call(capture) else h[symbol] = capture end end return h end } # If we've gotten this far, then none of the provided title patterns # matched. Since there's no way to determine the title then the # resource should fail here. raise Puppet::Error, "No set of title patterns matched the title \"#{title}\"." else return { :name => title.to_s } end end def parameters # @parameters could have been loaded from YAML, causing it to be nil (by # bypassing initialize). @parameters ||= {} end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/settings.rb b/lib/puppet/settings.rb index 8f913c11c..b333c0e14 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/settings.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/settings.rb @@ -1,1387 +1,1390 @@ require 'puppet' require 'getoptlong' require 'puppet/util/watched_file' require 'puppet/util/command_line/puppet_option_parser' +require 'forwardable' # The class for handling configuration files. class Puppet::Settings + extend Forwardable include Enumerable require 'puppet/settings/errors' require 'puppet/settings/base_setting' require 'puppet/settings/string_setting' require 'puppet/settings/enum_setting' require 'puppet/settings/array_setting' require 'puppet/settings/file_setting' require 'puppet/settings/directory_setting' require 'puppet/settings/file_or_directory_setting' require 'puppet/settings/path_setting' require 'puppet/settings/boolean_setting' require 'puppet/settings/terminus_setting' require 'puppet/settings/duration_setting' require 'puppet/settings/ttl_setting' require 'puppet/settings/priority_setting' require 'puppet/settings/autosign_setting' require 'puppet/settings/config_file' require 'puppet/settings/value_translator' require 'puppet/settings/environment_conf' # local reference for convenience PuppetOptionParser = Puppet::Util::CommandLine::PuppetOptionParser attr_accessor :files attr_reader :timer # These are the settings that every app is required to specify; there are reasonable defaults defined in application.rb. REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS = [:logdir, :confdir, :vardir] # This method is intended for puppet internal use only; it is a convenience method that # returns reasonable application default settings values for a given run_mode. def self.app_defaults_for_run_mode(run_mode) { :name => run_mode.to_s, :run_mode => run_mode.name, :confdir => run_mode.conf_dir, :vardir => run_mode.var_dir, :rundir => run_mode.run_dir, :logdir => run_mode.log_dir, } end def self.default_certname() hostname = hostname_fact domain = domain_fact if domain and domain != "" fqdn = [hostname, domain].join(".") else fqdn = hostname end fqdn.to_s.gsub(/\.$/, '') end def self.hostname_fact() Facter["hostname"].value end def self.domain_fact() Facter["domain"].value end def self.default_config_file_name "puppet.conf" end # Create a new collection of config settings. def initialize @config = {} @shortnames = {} @created = [] # Keep track of set values. @value_sets = { :cli => Values.new(:cli, @config), :memory => Values.new(:memory, @config), :application_defaults => Values.new(:application_defaults, @config), :overridden_defaults => Values.new(:overridden_defaults, @config), } @configuration_file = nil # And keep a per-environment cache @cache = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } + @values = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } # The list of sections we've used. @used = [] @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization = [] @deprecated_setting_names = [] @deprecated_settings_that_have_been_configured = [] @translate = Puppet::Settings::ValueTranslator.new @config_file_parser = Puppet::Settings::ConfigFile.new(@translate) end # @param name [Symbol] The name of the setting to fetch # @return [Puppet::Settings::BaseSetting] The setting object def setting(name) @config[name] end # Retrieve a config value # @param param [Symbol] the name of the setting # @return [Object] the value of the setting # @api private def [](param) if @deprecated_setting_names.include?(param) issue_deprecation_warning(setting(param), "Accessing '#{param}' as a setting is deprecated.") end value(param) end # Set a config value. This doesn't set the defaults, it sets the value itself. # @param param [Symbol] the name of the setting # @param value [Object] the new value of the setting # @api private def []=(param, value) if @deprecated_setting_names.include?(param) issue_deprecation_warning(setting(param), "Modifying '#{param}' as a setting is deprecated.") end @value_sets[:memory].set(param, value) unsafe_flush_cache end # Create a new default value for the given setting. The default overrides are # higher precedence than the defaults given in defaults.rb, but lower # precedence than any other values for the setting. This allows one setting # `a` to change the default of setting `b`, but still allow a user to provide # a value for setting `b`. # # @param param [Symbol] the name of the setting # @param value [Object] the new default value for the setting # @api private def override_default(param, value) @value_sets[:overridden_defaults].set(param, value) unsafe_flush_cache end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that GetoptLong can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def addargs(options) # Add all of the settings as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| setting.getopt_args.each { |args| options << args } } options end # Generate the list of valid arguments, in a format that OptionParser can # understand, and add them to the passed option list. def optparse_addargs(options) # Add all of the settings as valid options. self.each { |name, setting| options << setting.optparse_args } options end # Is our setting a boolean setting? def boolean?(param) param = param.to_sym @config.include?(param) and @config[param].kind_of?(BooleanSetting) end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def clear unsafe_clear end # Remove all set values, potentially skipping cli values. def unsafe_clear(clear_cli = true, clear_application_defaults = false) if clear_application_defaults @value_sets[:application_defaults] = Values.new(:application_defaults, @config) @app_defaults_initialized = false end if clear_cli @value_sets[:cli] = Values.new(:cli, @config) # Only clear the 'used' values if we were explicitly asked to clear out # :cli values; otherwise, it may be just a config file reparse, # and we want to retain this cli values. @used = [] end @value_sets[:memory] = Values.new(:memory, @config) @value_sets[:overridden_defaults] = Values.new(:overridden_defaults, @config) + @values.clear @cache.clear end private :unsafe_clear # Clear @cache, @used and the Environment. # # Whenever an object is returned by Settings, a copy is stored in @cache. # As long as Setting attributes that determine the content of returned # objects remain unchanged, Settings can keep returning objects from @cache # without re-fetching or re-generating them. # # Whenever a Settings attribute changes, such as @values or @preferred_run_mode, # this method must be called to clear out the caches so that updated # objects will be returned. def flush_cache unsafe_flush_cache end def unsafe_flush_cache clearused # Clear the list of environments, because they cache, at least, the module path. # We *could* preferentially just clear them if the modulepath is changed, # but we don't really know if, say, the vardir is changed and the modulepath # is defined relative to it. We need the defined?(stuff) because of loading # order issues. Puppet::Node::Environment.clear if defined?(Puppet::Node) and defined?(Puppet::Node::Environment) end private :unsafe_flush_cache def clearused @cache.clear @used = [] end def global_defaults_initialized?() @global_defaults_initialized end def initialize_global_settings(args = []) raise Puppet::DevError, "Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!" if global_defaults_initialized? # The first two phases of the lifecycle of a puppet application are: # 1) Parse the command line options and handle any of them that are # registered, defined "global" puppet settings (mostly from defaults.rb). # 2) Parse the puppet config file(s). parse_global_options(args) parse_config_files @global_defaults_initialized = true end # This method is called during application bootstrapping. It is responsible for parsing all of the # command line options and initializing the settings accordingly. # # It will ignore options that are not defined in the global puppet settings list, because they may # be valid options for the specific application that we are about to launch... however, at this point # in the bootstrapping lifecycle, we don't yet know what that application is. def parse_global_options(args) # Create an option parser option_parser = PuppetOptionParser.new option_parser.ignore_invalid_options = true # Add all global options to it. self.optparse_addargs([]).each do |option| option_parser.on(*option) do |arg| opt, val = Puppet::Settings.clean_opt(option[0], arg) handlearg(opt, val) end end option_parser.on('--run_mode', "The effective 'run mode' of the application: master, agent, or user.", :REQUIRED) do |arg| Puppet.settings.preferred_run_mode = arg end option_parser.parse(args) # remove run_mode options from the arguments so that later parses don't think # it is an unknown option. while option_index = args.index('--run_mode') do args.delete_at option_index args.delete_at option_index end args.reject! { |arg| arg.start_with? '--run_mode=' } end private :parse_global_options # A utility method (public, is used by application.rb and perhaps elsewhere) that munges a command-line # option string into the format that Puppet.settings expects. (This mostly has to deal with handling the # "no-" prefix on flag/boolean options). # # @param [String] opt the command line option that we are munging # @param [String, TrueClass, FalseClass] val the value for the setting (as determined by the OptionParser) def self.clean_opt(opt, val) # rewrite --[no-]option to --no-option if that's what was given if opt =~ /\[no-\]/ and !val opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/,'no-') end # otherwise remove the [no-] prefix to not confuse everybody opt = opt.gsub(/\[no-\]/, '') [opt, val] end def app_defaults_initialized? @app_defaults_initialized end def initialize_app_defaults(app_defaults) REQUIRED_APP_SETTINGS.each do |key| raise SettingsError, "missing required app default setting '#{key}'" unless app_defaults.has_key?(key) end app_defaults.each do |key, value| if key == :run_mode self.preferred_run_mode = value else @value_sets[:application_defaults].set(key, value) unsafe_flush_cache end end apply_metadata call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization issue_deprecations @app_defaults_initialized = true end def call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization(options = {}) @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization.each do |setting| begin setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) rescue InterpolationError => err raise InterpolationError, err, err.backtrace unless options[:ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors] #swallow. We're not concerned if we can't call hooks because dependencies don't exist yet #we'll get another chance after application defaults are initialized end end end private :call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization # Return a value's description. def description(name) if obj = @config[name.to_sym] obj.desc else nil end end - def each - @config.each { |name, object| - yield name, object - } - end + def_delegator :@config, :each # Iterate over each section name. def eachsection yielded = [] @config.each do |name, object| section = object.section unless yielded.include? section yield section yielded << section end end end # Return an object by name. def setting(param) param = param.to_sym @config[param] end # Handle a command-line argument. def handlearg(opt, value = nil) @cache.clear if value.is_a?(FalseClass) value = "false" elsif value.is_a?(TrueClass) value = "true" end value &&= @translate[value] str = opt.sub(/^--/,'') bool = true newstr = str.sub(/^no-/, '') if newstr != str str = newstr bool = false end str = str.intern if @config[str].is_a?(Puppet::Settings::BooleanSetting) if value == "" or value.nil? value = bool end end if s = @config[str] @deprecated_settings_that_have_been_configured << s if s.completely_deprecated? end @value_sets[:cli].set(str, value) unsafe_flush_cache end def include?(name) name = name.intern if name.is_a? String @config.include?(name) end # check to see if a short name is already defined def shortinclude?(short) short = short.intern if name.is_a? String @shortnames.include?(short) end # Prints the contents of a config file with the available config settings, or it # prints a single value of a config setting. def print_config_options env = value(:environment) val = value(:configprint) if val == "all" hash = {} each do |name, obj| val = value(name,env) val = val.inspect if val == "" hash[name] = val end hash.sort { |a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |name, val| puts "#{name} = #{val}" end else val.split(/\s*,\s*/).sort.each do |v| if include?(v) #if there is only one value, just print it for back compatibility if v == val puts value(val,env) break end puts "#{v} = #{value(v,env)}" else puts "invalid setting: #{v}" return false end end end true end def generate_config puts to_config true end def generate_manifest puts to_manifest true end def print_configs return print_config_options if value(:configprint) != "" return generate_config if value(:genconfig) generate_manifest if value(:genmanifest) end def print_configs? (value(:configprint) != "" || value(:genconfig) || value(:genmanifest)) && true end # Return a given object's file metadata. def metadata(param) if obj = @config[param.to_sym] and obj.is_a?(FileSetting) { :owner => obj.owner, :group => obj.group, :mode => obj.mode }.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? } else nil end end # Make a directory with the appropriate user, group, and mode def mkdir(default) obj = get_config_file_default(default) Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(obj.owner, obj.group) do mode = obj.mode || 0750 Dir.mkdir(obj.value, mode) end end # The currently configured run mode that is preferred for constructing the application configuration. def preferred_run_mode @preferred_run_mode_name || :user end # PRIVATE! This only exists because we need a hook to validate the run mode when it's being set, and # it should never, ever, ever, ever be called from outside of this file. # This method is also called when --run_mode MODE is used on the command line to set the default # # @param mode [String|Symbol] the name of the mode to have in effect # @api private def preferred_run_mode=(mode) mode = mode.to_s.downcase.intern raise ValidationError, "Invalid run mode '#{mode}'" unless [:master, :agent, :user].include?(mode) @preferred_run_mode_name = mode # Changing the run mode has far-reaching consequences. Flush any cached # settings so they will be re-generated. flush_cache mode end # Return all of the settings associated with a given section. def params(section = nil) if section section = section.intern if section.is_a? String @config.find_all { |name, obj| obj.section == section }.collect { |name, obj| name } else @config.keys end end def parse_config(text, file = "text") begin data = @config_file_parser.parse_file(file, text) rescue => detail Puppet.log_exception(detail, "Could not parse #{file}: #{detail}") return end # If we get here and don't have any data, we just return and don't muck with the current state of the world. return if data.nil? record_deprecations_from_puppet_conf(data) # If we get here then we have some data, so we need to clear out any previous settings that may have come from # config files. unsafe_clear(false, false) # And now we can repopulate with the values from our last parsing of the config files. @configuration_file = data # Determine our environment, if we have one. if @config[:environment] env = self.value(:environment).to_sym else env = "none" end # Call any hooks we should be calling. @config.values.select(&:has_hook?).each do |setting| value_sets_for(env, self.preferred_run_mode).each do |source| if source.include?(setting.name) # We still have to use value to retrieve the value, since # we want the fully interpolated value, not $vardir/lib or whatever. # This results in extra work, but so few of the settings # will have associated hooks that it ends up being less work this # way overall. if setting.call_hook_on_initialize? @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization << setting else setting.handle(self.value(setting.name, env)) end break end end end call_hooks_deferred_to_application_initialization :ignore_interpolation_dependency_errors => true apply_metadata end # Parse the configuration file. Just provides thread safety. def parse_config_files file = which_configuration_file if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) begin text = read_file(file) rescue => detail Puppet.log_exception(detail, "Could not load #{file}: #{detail}") return end else return end parse_config(text, file) end private :parse_config_files def main_config_file if explicit_config_file? return self[:config] else return File.join(Puppet::Util::RunMode[:master].conf_dir, config_file_name) end end private :main_config_file def user_config_file return File.join(Puppet::Util::RunMode[:user].conf_dir, config_file_name) end private :user_config_file # This method is here to get around some life-cycle issues. We need to be # able to determine the config file name before the settings / defaults are # fully loaded. However, we also need to respect any overrides of this value # that the user may have specified on the command line. # # The easiest way to do this is to attempt to read the setting, and if we # catch an error (meaning that it hasn't been set yet), we'll fall back to # the default value. def config_file_name begin return self[:config_file_name] if self[:config_file_name] rescue SettingsError # This just means that the setting wasn't explicitly set on the command line, so we will ignore it and # fall through to the default name. end return self.class.default_config_file_name end private :config_file_name def apply_metadata # We have to do it in the reverse of the search path, # because multiple sections could set the same value # and I'm too lazy to only set the metadata once. if @configuration_file searchpath.reverse.each do |source| source = preferred_run_mode if source == :run_mode if section = @configuration_file.sections[source] apply_metadata_from_section(section) end end end end private :apply_metadata def apply_metadata_from_section(section) section.settings.each do |setting| if setting.has_metadata? && type = @config[setting.name] type.set_meta(setting.meta) end end end SETTING_TYPES = { :string => StringSetting, :file => FileSetting, :directory => DirectorySetting, :file_or_directory => FileOrDirectorySetting, :path => PathSetting, :boolean => BooleanSetting, :terminus => TerminusSetting, :duration => DurationSetting, :ttl => TTLSetting, :array => ArraySetting, :enum => EnumSetting, :priority => PrioritySetting, :autosign => AutosignSetting, } # Create a new setting. The value is passed in because it's used to determine # what kind of setting we're creating, but the value itself might be either # a default or a value, so we can't actually assign it. # # See #define_settings for documentation on the legal values for the ":type" option. def newsetting(hash) klass = nil hash[:section] = hash[:section].to_sym if hash[:section] if type = hash[:type] unless klass = SETTING_TYPES[type] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid setting type '#{type}'" end hash.delete(:type) else # The only implicit typing we still do for settings is to fall back to "String" type if they didn't explicitly # specify a type. Personally I'd like to get rid of this too, and make the "type" option mandatory... but # there was a little resistance to taking things quite that far for now. --cprice 2012-03-19 klass = StringSetting end hash[:settings] = self setting = klass.new(hash) setting end # This has to be private, because it doesn't add the settings to @config private :newsetting # Iterate across all of the objects in a given section. def persection(section) section = section.to_sym self.each { |name, obj| if obj.section == section yield obj end } end # Reparse our config file, if necessary. def reparse_config_files if files if filename = any_files_changed? Puppet.notice "Config file #{filename} changed; triggering re-parse of all config files." parse_config_files reuse end end end def files return @files if @files @files = [] [main_config_file, user_config_file].each do |path| if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(path) @files << Puppet::Util::WatchedFile.new(path) end end @files end private :files # Checks to see if any of the config files have been modified # @return the filename of the first file that is found to have changed, or # nil if no files have changed def any_files_changed? files.each do |file| return file.to_str if file.changed? end nil end private :any_files_changed? def reuse return unless defined?(@used) new = @used @used = [] self.use(*new) end # The order in which to search for values. def searchpath(environment = nil) [:memory, :cli, environment, :run_mode, :main, :application_defaults, :overridden_defaults].compact end # Get a list of objects per section def sectionlist sectionlist = [] self.each { |name, obj| section = obj.section || "puppet" sections[section] ||= [] sectionlist << section unless sectionlist.include?(section) sections[section] << obj } return sectionlist, sections end def service_user_available? return @service_user_available if defined?(@service_user_available) if self[:user] user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new :name => self[:user], :audit => :ensure @service_user_available = user.exists? else @service_user_available = false end end def service_group_available? return @service_group_available if defined?(@service_group_available) if self[:group] group = Puppet::Type.type(:group).new :name => self[:group], :audit => :ensure @service_group_available = group.exists? else @service_group_available = false end end # Allow later inspection to determine if the setting was set on the # command line, or through some other code path. Used for the # `dns_alt_names` option during cert generate. --daniel 2011-10-18 def set_by_cli?(param) param = param.to_sym !@value_sets[:cli].lookup(param).nil? end def set_value(param, value, type, options = {}) Puppet.deprecation_warning("Puppet.settings.set_value is deprecated. Use Puppet[]= instead.") if @value_sets[type] @value_sets[type].set(param, value) unsafe_flush_cache end end # Deprecated; use #define_settings instead def setdefaults(section, defs) Puppet.deprecation_warning("'setdefaults' is deprecated and will be removed; please call 'define_settings' instead") define_settings(section, defs) end # Define a group of settings. # # @param [Symbol] section a symbol to use for grouping multiple settings together into a conceptual unit. This value # (and the conceptual separation) is not used very often; the main place where it will have a potential impact # is when code calls Settings#use method. See docs on that method for further details, but basically that method # just attempts to do any preparation that may be necessary before code attempts to leverage the value of a particular # setting. This has the most impact for file/directory settings, where #use will attempt to "ensure" those # files / directories. # @param [Hash[Hash]] defs the settings to be defined. This argument is a hash of hashes; each key should be a symbol, # which is basically the name of the setting that you are defining. The value should be another hash that specifies # the parameters for the particular setting. Legal values include: # [:default] => not required; this is the value for the setting if no other value is specified (via cli, config file, etc.) # For string settings this may include "variables", demarcated with $ or ${} which will be interpolated with values of other settings. # The default value may also be a Proc that will be called only once to evaluate the default when the setting's value is retrieved. # [:desc] => required; a description of the setting, used in documentation / help generation # [:type] => not required, but highly encouraged! This specifies the data type that the setting represents. If # you do not specify it, it will default to "string". Legal values include: # :string - A generic string setting # :boolean - A boolean setting; values are expected to be "true" or "false" # :file - A (single) file path; puppet may attempt to create this file depending on how the settings are used. This type # also supports additional options such as "mode", "owner", "group" # :directory - A (single) directory path; puppet may attempt to create this file depending on how the settings are used. This type # also supports additional options such as "mode", "owner", "group" # :path - This is intended to be used for settings whose value can contain multiple directory paths, respresented # as strings separated by the system path separator (e.g. system path, module path, etc.). # [:mode] => an (optional) octal value to be used as the permissions/mode for :file and :directory settings # [:owner] => optional owner username/uid for :file and :directory settings # [:group] => optional group name/gid for :file and :directory settings # def define_settings(section, defs) section = section.to_sym call = [] defs.each do |name, hash| raise ArgumentError, "setting definition for '#{name}' is not a hash!" unless hash.is_a? Hash name = name.to_sym hash[:name] = name hash[:section] = section raise ArgumentError, "Setting #{name} is already defined" if @config.include?(name) tryconfig = newsetting(hash) if short = tryconfig.short if other = @shortnames[short] raise ArgumentError, "Setting #{other.name} is already using short name '#{short}'" end @shortnames[short] = tryconfig end @config[name] = tryconfig # Collect the settings that need to have their hooks called immediately. # We have to collect them so that we can be sure we're fully initialized before # the hook is called. if tryconfig.has_hook? if tryconfig.call_hook_on_define? call << tryconfig elsif tryconfig.call_hook_on_initialize? @hooks_to_call_on_application_initialization << tryconfig end end @deprecated_setting_names << name if tryconfig.deprecated? end call.each do |setting| setting.handle(self.value(setting.name)) end end # Convert the settings we manage into a catalog full of resources that model those settings. def to_catalog(*sections) sections = nil if sections.empty? catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("Settings", Puppet::Node::Environment::NONE) @config.keys.find_all { |key| @config[key].is_a?(FileSetting) }.each do |key| file = @config[key] next unless (sections.nil? or sections.include?(file.section)) next unless resource = file.to_resource next if catalog.resource(resource.ref) Puppet.debug("Using settings: adding file resource '#{key}': '#{resource.inspect}'") catalog.add_resource(resource) end add_user_resources(catalog, sections) add_environment_resources(catalog, sections) catalog end # Convert our list of config settings into a configuration file. def to_config str = %{The configuration file for #{Puppet.run_mode.name}. Note that this file is likely to have unused settings in it; any setting that's valid anywhere in Puppet can be in any config file, even if it's not used. Every section can specify three special parameters: owner, group, and mode. These parameters affect the required permissions of any files specified after their specification. Puppet will sometimes use these parameters to check its own configured state, so they can be used to make Puppet a bit more self-managing. The file format supports octothorpe-commented lines, but not partial-line comments. Generated on #{Time.now}. }.gsub(/^/, "# ") # Add a section heading that matches our name. str += "[#{preferred_run_mode}]\n" eachsection do |section| persection(section) do |obj| str += obj.to_config + "\n" unless obj.name == :genconfig end end return str end # Convert to a parseable manifest def to_manifest catalog = to_catalog catalog.resource_refs.collect do |ref| catalog.resource(ref).to_manifest end.join("\n\n") end # Create the necessary objects to use a section. This is idempotent; # you can 'use' a section as many times as you want. def use(*sections) sections = sections.collect { |s| s.to_sym } sections = sections.reject { |s| @used.include?(s) } return if sections.empty? begin catalog = to_catalog(*sections).to_ral rescue => detail Puppet.log_and_raise(detail, "Could not create resources for managing Puppet's files and directories in sections #{sections.inspect}: #{detail}") end catalog.host_config = false catalog.apply do |transaction| if transaction.any_failed? report = transaction.report status_failures = report.resource_statuses.values.select { |r| r.failed? } status_fail_msg = status_failures. collect(&:events). flatten. select { |event| event.status == 'failure' }. collect { |event| "#{event.resource}: #{event.message}" }.join("; ") raise "Got #{status_failures.length} failure(s) while initializing: #{status_fail_msg}" end end sections.each { |s| @used << s } @used.uniq! end def valid?(param) param = param.to_sym @config.has_key?(param) end def uninterpolated_value(param, environment = nil) Puppet.deprecation_warning("Puppet.settings.uninterpolated_value is deprecated. Use Puppet.settings.value instead") param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym values(environment, self.preferred_run_mode).lookup(param) end # Retrieve an object that can be used for looking up values of configuration # settings. # # @param environment [Symbol] The name of the environment in which to lookup # @param section [Symbol] The name of the configuration section in which to lookup # @return [Puppet::Settings::ChainedValues] An object to perform lookups # @api public def values(environment, section) - ChainedValues.new( + @values[environment][section] ||= ChainedValues.new( section, environment, value_sets_for(environment, section), @config) end # Find the correct value using our search path. # # @param param [String, Symbol] The value to look up # @param environment [String, Symbol] The environment to check for the value # @param bypass_interpolation [true, false] Whether to skip interpolation # # @return [Object] The looked up value # # @raise [InterpolationError] def value(param, environment = nil, bypass_interpolation = false) param = param.to_sym environment &&= environment.to_sym setting = @config[param] # Short circuit to nil for undefined settings. return nil if setting.nil? # Check the cache first. It needs to be a per-environment # cache so that we don't spread values from one env # to another. if @cache[environment||"none"].has_key?(param) return @cache[environment||"none"][param] elsif bypass_interpolation val = values(environment, self.preferred_run_mode).lookup(param) else val = values(environment, self.preferred_run_mode).interpolate(param) end @cache[environment||"none"][param] = val val end ## # (#15337) All of the logic to determine the configuration file to use # should be centralized into this method. The simplified approach is: # # 1. If there is an explicit configuration file, use that. (--confdir or # --config) # 2. If we're running as a root process, use the system puppet.conf # (usually /etc/puppet/puppet.conf) # 3. Otherwise, use the user puppet.conf (usually ~/.puppet/puppet.conf) # # @api private # @todo this code duplicates {Puppet::Util::RunMode#which_dir} as described # in {http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16637 #16637} def which_configuration_file if explicit_config_file? or Puppet.features.root? then return main_config_file else return user_config_file end end # This method just turns a file into a new ConfigFile::Conf instance # @param file [String] absolute path to the configuration file # @return [Puppet::Settings::ConfigFile::Conf] # @api private def parse_file(file) @config_file_parser.parse_file(file, read_file(file)) end private DEPRECATION_REFS = { [:manifest, :modulepath, :config_version, :templatedir, :manifestdir] => "See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations" }.freeze # Record that we want to issue a deprecation warning later in the application # initialization cycle when we have settings bootstrapped to the point where # we can read the Puppet[:disable_warnings] setting. # # We are only recording warnings applicable to settings set in puppet.conf # itself. def record_deprecations_from_puppet_conf(puppet_conf) conf_sections = puppet_conf.sections.inject([]) do |accum,entry| accum << entry[1] if [:main, :master, :agent, :user].include?(entry[0]) accum end conf_sections.each do |section| section.settings.each do |conf_setting| if setting = self.setting(conf_setting.name) @deprecated_settings_that_have_been_configured << setting if setting.deprecated? end end end end def issue_deprecations @deprecated_settings_that_have_been_configured.each do |setting| issue_deprecation_warning(setting) end end def issue_deprecation_warning(setting, msg = nil) name = setting.name ref = DEPRECATION_REFS.find { |params,reference| params.include?(name) } ref = ref[1] if ref case when msg msg << " #{ref}" if ref Puppet.deprecation_warning(msg) when setting.completely_deprecated? Puppet.deprecation_warning("Setting #{name} is deprecated. #{ref}", "setting-#{name}") when setting.allowed_on_commandline? Puppet.deprecation_warning("Setting #{name} is deprecated in puppet.conf. #{ref}", "puppet-conf-setting-#{name}") end end def get_config_file_default(default) obj = nil unless obj = @config[default] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown default #{default}" end raise ArgumentError, "Default #{default} is not a file" unless obj.is_a? FileSetting obj end def add_environment_resources(catalog, sections) path = self[:environmentpath] envdir = path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).first if path configured_environment = self[:environment] if configured_environment == "production" && envdir && Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(envdir) configured_environment_path = File.join(envdir, configured_environment) catalog.add_resource( Puppet::Resource.new(:file, configured_environment_path, :parameters => { :ensure => 'directory' }) ) end end def add_user_resources(catalog, sections) return unless Puppet.features.root? return if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? return unless self[:mkusers] @config.each do |name, setting| next unless setting.respond_to?(:owner) next unless sections.nil? or sections.include?(setting.section) if user = setting.owner and user != "root" and catalog.resource(:user, user).nil? resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:user, user, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) resource[:gid] = self[:group] if self[:group] catalog.add_resource resource end if group = setting.group and ! %w{root wheel}.include?(group) and catalog.resource(:group, group).nil? catalog.add_resource Puppet::Resource.new(:group, group, :parameters => {:ensure => :present}) end end end # Yield each search source in turn. def value_sets_for(environment, mode) searchpath(environment).collect do |name| case name when :cli, :memory, :application_defaults, :overridden_defaults @value_sets[name] when :run_mode if @configuration_file section = @configuration_file.sections[mode] if section ValuesFromSection.new(mode, section) end end else values_from_section = nil if @configuration_file if section = @configuration_file.sections[name] values_from_section = ValuesFromSection.new(name, section) end end if values_from_section.nil? && global_defaults_initialized? values_from_section = ValuesFromEnvironmentConf.new(name) end values_from_section end end.compact end # Read the file in. # @api private def read_file(file) return Puppet::FileSystem.read(file) end # Private method for internal test use only; allows to do a comprehensive clear of all settings between tests. # # @return nil def clear_everything_for_tests() unsafe_clear(true, true) @global_defaults_initialized = false @app_defaults_initialized = false end private :clear_everything_for_tests def explicit_config_file? # Figure out if the user has provided an explicit configuration file. If # so, return the path to the file, if not return nil. # # The easiest way to determine whether an explicit one has been specified # is to simply attempt to evaluate the value of ":config". This will # obviously be successful if they've passed an explicit value for :config, # but it will also result in successful interpolation if they've only # passed an explicit value for :confdir. # # If they've specified neither, then the interpolation will fail and we'll # get an exception. # begin return true if self[:config] rescue InterpolationError # This means we failed to interpolate, which means that they didn't # explicitly specify either :config or :confdir... so we'll fall out to # the default value. return false end end private :explicit_config_file? # Lookup configuration setting value through a chain of different value sources. # # @api public class ChainedValues + ENVIRONMENT_SETTING = "environment".freeze + # @see Puppet::Settings.values # @api private def initialize(mode, environment, value_sets, defaults) @mode = mode @environment = environment @value_sets = value_sets @defaults = defaults end # Lookup the uninterpolated value. # # @param name [Symbol] The configuration setting name to look up # @return [Object] The configuration setting value or nil if the setting is not known # @api public def lookup(name) set = @value_sets.find do |set| set.include?(name) end if set value = set.lookup(name) if !value.nil? return value end end @defaults[name].default end # Lookup the interpolated value. All instances of `$name` in the value will # be replaced by performing a lookup of `name` and substituting the text # for `$name` in the original value. This interpolation is only performed # if the looked up value is a String. # # @param name [Symbol] The configuration setting name to look up # @return [Object] The configuration setting value or nil if the setting is not known # @api public def interpolate(name) setting = @defaults[name] if setting val = lookup(name) # if we interpolate code, all hell breaks loose. if name == :code val else # Convert it if necessary begin val = convert(val) rescue InterpolationError => err # This happens because we don't have access to the param name when the # exception is originally raised, but we want it in the message raise InterpolationError, "Error converting value for param '#{name}': #{err}", err.backtrace end setting.munge(val) end else nil end end private def convert(value) - return nil if value.nil? - return value unless value.is_a? String - value.gsub(/\$(\w+)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) do |value| - varname = $2 || $1 - if varname == "environment" && @environment - @environment - elsif varname == "run_mode" - @mode - elsif !(pval = interpolate(varname.to_sym)).nil? - pval - else - raise InterpolationError, "Could not find value for #{value}" + case value + when nil + nil + when String + value.gsub(/\$(\w+)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) do |value| + varname = $2 || $1 + if varname == ENVIRONMENT_SETTING && @environment + @environment + elsif varname == "run_mode" + @mode + elsif !(pval = interpolate(varname.to_sym)).nil? + pval + else + raise InterpolationError, "Could not find value for #{value}" + end end + else + value end end end class Values + extend Forwardable + def initialize(name, defaults) @name = name @values = {} @defaults = defaults end - def include?(name) - @values.include?(name) - end + def_delegator :@values, :include? + def_delegator :@values, :[], :lookup def set(name, value) - if !@defaults[name] + default = @defaults[name] + + if !default raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to assign a value to unknown setting #{name.inspect}" end - if @defaults[name].has_hook? - @defaults[name].handle(value) + if default.has_hook? + default.handle(value) end @values[name] = value end - - def lookup(name) - @values[name] - end end class ValuesFromSection def initialize(name, section) @name = name @section = section end def include?(name) !@section.setting(name).nil? end def lookup(name) setting = @section.setting(name) if setting setting.value end end end # @api private class ValuesFromEnvironmentConf def initialize(environment_name) @environment_name = environment_name end def include?(name) if Puppet::Settings::EnvironmentConf::VALID_SETTINGS.include?(name) && conf return true end false end def lookup(name) return nil unless Puppet::Settings::EnvironmentConf::VALID_SETTINGS.include?(name) conf.send(name) if conf end def conf - unless @conf - if environments = Puppet.lookup(:environments) - @conf = environments.get_conf(@environment_name) - end - end - return @conf + @conf ||= if environments = Puppet.lookup(:environments) + environments.get_conf(@environment_name) + end end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/settings/file_setting.rb b/lib/puppet/settings/file_setting.rb index e20767374..800a9b7c4 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/settings/file_setting.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/settings/file_setting.rb @@ -1,226 +1,234 @@ # A file. class Puppet::Settings::FileSetting < Puppet::Settings::StringSetting class SettingError < StandardError; end # An unspecified user or group # # @api private class Unspecified def value nil end end # A "root" user or group # # @api private class Root def value "root" end end # A "service" user or group that picks up values from settings when the # referenced user or group is safe to use (it exists or will be created), and # uses the given fallback value when not safe. # # @api private class Service # @param name [Symbol] the name of the setting to use as the service value # @param fallback [String, nil] the value to use when the service value cannot be used # @param settings [Puppet::Settings] the puppet settings object # @param available_method [Symbol] the name of the method to call on # settings to determine if the value in settings is available on the system # def initialize(name, fallback, settings, available_method) @settings = settings @available_method = available_method @name = name @fallback = fallback end def value if safe_to_use_settings_value? @settings[@name] else @fallback end end private def safe_to_use_settings_value? @settings[:mkusers] or @settings.send(@available_method) end end attr_accessor :mode, :create def initialize(args) @group = Unspecified.new @owner = Unspecified.new super(args) end # Should we create files, rather than just directories? def create_files? create end # @param value [String] the group to use on the created file (can only be "root" or "service") # @api public def group=(value) @group = case value when "root" Root.new when "service" # Group falls back to `nil` because we cannot assume that a "root" group exists. # Some systems have root group, others have wheel, others have something else. Service.new(:group, nil, @settings, :service_group_available?) else unknown_value(':group', value) end end # @param value [String] the owner to use on the created file (can only be "root" or "service") # @api public def owner=(value) @owner = case value when "root" Root.new when "service" Service.new(:user, "root", @settings, :service_user_available?) else unknown_value(':owner', value) end end # @return [String, nil] the name of the group to use for the file or nil if the group should not be managed # @api public def group @group.value end # @return [String, nil] the name of the user to use for the file or nil if the user should not be managed # @api public def owner @owner.value end def set_meta(meta) self.owner = meta.owner if meta.owner self.group = meta.group if meta.group self.mode = meta.mode if meta.mode end def munge(value) if value.is_a?(String) and value != ':memory:' # for sqlite3 in-memory tests value = File.expand_path(value) end value end def type :file end # Turn our setting thing into a Puppet::Resource instance. def to_resource return nil unless type = self.type path = self.value return nil unless path.is_a?(String) # Make sure the paths are fully qualified. path = File.expand_path(path) return nil unless type == :directory or create_files? or Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(path) return nil if path =~ /^\/dev/ or path =~ /^[A-Z]:\/dev/i resource = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path) if Puppet[:manage_internal_file_permissions] if self.mode # This ends up mimicking the munge method of the mode # parameter to make sure that we're always passing the string # version of the octal number. If we were setting the # 'should' value for mode rather than the 'is', then the munge # method would be called for us automatically. Normally, one # wouldn't need to call the munge method manually, since # 'should' gets set by the provider and it should be able to # provide the data in the appropriate format. mode = self.mode mode = mode.to_i(8) if mode.is_a?(String) mode = mode.to_s(8) resource[:mode] = mode end # REMIND fails on Windows because chown/chgrp functionality not supported yet if Puppet.features.root? and !Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? resource[:owner] = self.owner if self.owner resource[:group] = self.group if self.group end end resource[:ensure] = type resource[:loglevel] = :debug resource[:links] = :follow resource[:backup] = false resource.tag(self.section, self.name, "settings") resource end # Make sure any provided variables look up to something. def validate(value) return true unless value.is_a? String value.scan(/\$(\w+)/) { |name| name = $1 unless @settings.include?(name) raise ArgumentError, "Settings parameter '#{name}' is undefined" end } end # @api private def exclusive_open(option = 'r', &block) controlled_access do |mode| Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file(), mode, option, &block) end end # @api private def open(option = 'r', &block) controlled_access do |mode| Puppet::FileSystem.open(file, mode, option, &block) end end private def file Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(value) end def unknown_value(parameter, value) raise SettingError, "The #{parameter} parameter for the setting '#{name}' must be either 'root' or 'service', not '#{value}'" end def controlled_access(&block) chown = nil if Puppet.features.root? chown = [owner, group] else chown = [nil, nil] end Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(*chown) do # Update the umask to make non-executable files Puppet::Util.withumask(File.umask ^ 0111) do - yield mode ? mode.to_i : 0640 + mode = case mode.class + when String + mode.to_i(8) + when NilClass + 0640 + else + mode + end + yield mode end end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type.rb b/lib/puppet/type.rb index 2e3a00e16..208d860f0 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type.rb @@ -1,2462 +1,2452 @@ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/log' require 'puppet/util/metric' require 'puppet/property' require 'puppet/parameter' require 'puppet/util' require 'puppet/util/autoload' require 'puppet/metatype/manager' require 'puppet/util/errors' require 'puppet/util/logging' require 'puppet/util/tagging' # see the bottom of the file for the rest of the inclusions module Puppet # The base class for all Puppet types. # # A type describes: #-- # * **Attributes** - properties, parameters, and meta-parameters are different types of attributes of a type. # * **Properties** - these are the properties of the managed resource (attributes of the entity being managed; like # a file's owner, group and mode). A property describes two states; the 'is' (current state) and the 'should' (wanted # state). # * **Ensurable** - a set of traits that control the lifecycle (create, remove, etc.) of a managed entity. # There is a default set of operations associated with being _ensurable_, but this can be changed. # * **Name/Identity** - one property is the name/identity of a resource, the _namevar_ that uniquely identifies # one instance of a type from all others. # * **Parameters** - additional attributes of the type (that does not directly related to an instance of the managed # resource; if an operation is recursive or not, where to look for things, etc.). A Parameter (in contrast to Property) # has one current value where a Property has two (current-state and wanted-state). # * **Meta-Parameters** - parameters that are available across all types. A meta-parameter typically has # additional semantics; like the `require` meta-parameter. A new type typically does not add new meta-parameters, # but you need to be aware of their existence so you do not inadvertently shadow an existing meta-parameters. # * **Parent** - a type can have a super type (that it inherits from). # * **Validation** - If not just a basic data type, or an enumeration of symbolic values, it is possible to provide # validation logic for a type, properties and parameters. # * **Munging** - munging/unmunging is the process of turning a value in external representation (as used # by a provider) into an internal representation and vice versa. A Type supports adding custom logic for these. # * **Auto Requirements** - a type can specify automatic relationships to resources to ensure that if they are being # managed, they will be processed before this type. # * **Providers** - a provider is an implementation of a type's behavior - the management of a resource in the # system being managed. A provider is often platform specific and is selected at runtime based on # criteria/predicates specified in the configured providers. See {Puppet::Provider} for details. # * **Device Support** - A type has some support for being applied to a device; i.e. something that is managed # by running logic external to the device itself. There are several methods that deals with type # applicability for these special cases such as {apply_to_device}. # # Additional Concepts: # -- # * **Resource-type** - A _resource type_ is a term used to denote the type of a resource; internally a resource # is really an instance of a Ruby class i.e. {Puppet::Resource} which defines its behavior as "resource data". # Conceptually however, a resource is an instance of a subclass of Type (e.g. File), where such a class describes # its interface (what can be said/what is known about a resource of this type), # * **Managed Entity** - This is not a term in general use, but is used here when there is a need to make # a distinction between a resource (a description of what/how something should be managed), and what it is # managing (a file in the file system). The term _managed entity_ is a reference to the "file in the file system" # * **Isomorphism** - the quality of being _isomorphic_ means that two resource instances with the same name # refers to the same managed entity. Or put differently; _an isomorphic name is the identity of a resource_. # As an example, `exec` resources (that executes some command) have the command (i.e. the command line string) as # their name, and these resources are said to be non-isomorphic. # # @note The Type class deals with multiple concerns; some methods provide an internal DSL for convenient definition # of types, other methods deal with various aspects while running; wiring up a resource (expressed in Puppet DSL # or Ruby DSL) with its _resource type_ (i.e. an instance of Type) to enable validation, transformation of values # (munge/unmunge), etc. Lastly, Type is also responsible for dealing with Providers; the concrete implementations # of the behavior that constitutes how a particular Type behaves on a particular type of system (e.g. how # commands are executed on a flavor of Linux, on Windows, etc.). This means that as you are reading through the # documentation of this class, you will be switching between these concepts, as well as switching between # the conceptual level "a resource is an instance of a resource-type" and the actual implementation classes # (Type, Resource, Provider, and various utility and helper classes). # # @api public # # class Type include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::Util::Tagging # Comparing type instances. include Comparable # Compares this type against the given _other_ (type) and returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on the order. # @param other [Object] the object to compare against (produces nil, if not kind of Type} # @return [-1, 0, +1, nil] produces -1 if this type is before the given _other_ type, 0 if equals, and 1 if after. # Returns nil, if the given _other_ is not a kind of Type. # @see Comparable # def <=>(other) # We only order against other types, not arbitrary objects. return nil unless other.is_a? Puppet::Type # Our natural order is based on the reference name we use when comparing # against other type instances. self.ref <=> other.ref end # Code related to resource type attributes. class << self include Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::Util::Warnings # @return [Array] The list of declared properties for the resource type. # The returned lists contains instances if Puppet::Property or its subclasses. attr_reader :properties end # Returns all the attribute names of the type in the appropriate order. # The {key_attributes} come first, then the {provider}, then the {properties}, and finally # the {parameters} and {metaparams}, # all in the order they were specified in the respective files. # @return [Array] all type attribute names in a defined order. # def self.allattrs key_attributes | (parameters & [:provider]) | properties.collect { |property| property.name } | parameters | metaparams end # Returns the class associated with the given attribute name. # @param name [String] the name of the attribute to obtain the class for # @return [Class, nil] the class for the given attribute, or nil if the name does not refer to an existing attribute # def self.attrclass(name) @attrclasses ||= {} # We cache the value, since this method gets called such a huge number # of times (as in, hundreds of thousands in a given run). unless @attrclasses.include?(name) @attrclasses[name] = case self.attrtype(name) when :property; @validproperties[name] when :meta; @@metaparamhash[name] when :param; @paramhash[name] end end @attrclasses[name] end # Returns the attribute type (`:property`, `;param`, `:meta`). # @comment What type of parameter are we dealing with? Cache the results, because # this method gets called so many times. # @return [Symbol] a symbol describing the type of attribute (`:property`, `;param`, `:meta`) # def self.attrtype(attr) @attrtypes ||= {} unless @attrtypes.include?(attr) @attrtypes[attr] = case when @validproperties.include?(attr); :property when @paramhash.include?(attr); :param when @@metaparamhash.include?(attr); :meta end end @attrtypes[attr] end # Provides iteration over meta-parameters. # @yieldparam p [Puppet::Parameter] each meta parameter # @return [void] # def self.eachmetaparam @@metaparams.each { |p| yield p.name } end # Creates a new `ensure` property with configured default values or with configuration by an optional block. # This method is a convenience method for creating a property `ensure` with default accepted values. # If no block is specified, the new `ensure` property will accept the default symbolic # values `:present`, and `:absent` - see {Puppet::Property::Ensure}. # If something else is wanted, pass a block and make calls to {Puppet::Property.newvalue} from this block # to define each possible value. If a block is passed, the defaults are not automatically added to the set of # valid values. # # @note This method will be automatically called without a block if the type implements the methods # specified by {ensurable?}. It is recommended to always call this method and not rely on this automatic # specification to clearly state that the type is ensurable. # # @overload ensurable() # @overload ensurable({|| ... }) # @yield [ ] A block evaluated in scope of the new Parameter # @yieldreturn [void] # @return [void] # @dsl type # @api public # def self.ensurable(&block) if block_given? self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure, &block) else self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do self.defaultvalues end end end # Returns true if the type implements the default behavior expected by being _ensurable_ "by default". # A type is _ensurable_ by default if it responds to `:exists`, `:create`, and `:destroy`. # If a type implements these methods and have not already specified that it is _ensurable_, it will be # made so with the defaults specified in {ensurable}. # @return [Boolean] whether the type is _ensurable_ or not. # def self.ensurable? # If the class has all three of these methods defined, then it's # ensurable. [:exists?, :create, :destroy].all? { |method| self.public_method_defined?(method) } end # @comment These `apply_to` methods are horrible. They should really be implemented # as part of the usual system of constraints that apply to a type and # provider pair, but were implemented as a separate shadow system. # # @comment We should rip them out in favour of a real constraint pattern around the # target device - whatever that looks like - and not have this additional # magic here. --daniel 2012-03-08 # # Makes this type applicable to `:device`. # @return [Symbol] Returns `:device` # @api private # def self.apply_to_device @apply_to = :device end # Makes this type applicable to `:host`. # @return [Symbol] Returns `:host` # @api private # def self.apply_to_host @apply_to = :host end # Makes this type applicable to `:both` (i.e. `:host` and `:device`). # @return [Symbol] Returns `:both` # @api private # def self.apply_to_all @apply_to = :both end # Makes this type apply to `:host` if not already applied to something else. # @return [Symbol] a `:device`, `:host`, or `:both` enumeration # @api private def self.apply_to @apply_to ||= :host end # Returns true if this type is applicable to the given target. # @param target [Symbol] should be :device, :host or :target, if anything else, :host is enforced # @return [Boolean] true # @api private # def self.can_apply_to(target) [ target == :device ? :device : :host, :both ].include?(apply_to) end # Processes the options for a named parameter. # @param name [String] the name of a parameter # @param options [Hash] a hash of options # @option options [Boolean] :boolean if option set to true, an access method on the form _name_? is added for the param # @return [void] # def self.handle_param_options(name, options) # If it's a boolean parameter, create a method to test the value easily if options[:boolean] define_method(name.to_s + "?") do val = self[name] if val == :true or val == true return true end end end end # Is the given parameter a meta-parameter? # @return [Boolean] true if the given parameter is a meta-parameter. # def self.metaparam?(param) @@metaparamhash.include?(param.intern) end # Returns the meta-parameter class associated with the given meta-parameter name. # Accepts a `nil` name, and return nil. # @param name [String, nil] the name of a meta-parameter # @return [Class,nil] the class for the given meta-parameter, or `nil` if no such meta-parameter exists, (or if # the given meta-parameter name is `nil`. # def self.metaparamclass(name) return nil if name.nil? @@metaparamhash[name.intern] end # Returns all meta-parameter names. # @return [Array] all meta-parameter names # def self.metaparams @@metaparams.collect { |param| param.name } end # Returns the documentation for a given meta-parameter of this type. # @param metaparam [Puppet::Parameter] the meta-parameter to get documentation for. # @return [String] the documentation associated with the given meta-parameter, or nil of no such documentation # exists. # @raise if the given metaparam is not a meta-parameter in this type # def self.metaparamdoc(metaparam) @@metaparamhash[metaparam].doc end # Creates a new meta-parameter. # This creates a new meta-parameter that is added to this and all inheriting types. # @param name [Symbol] the name of the parameter # @param options [Hash] a hash with options. # @option options [Class] :parent (Puppet::Parameter) the super class of this parameter # @option options [Hash{String => Object}] :attributes a hash that is applied to the generated class # by calling setter methods corresponding to this hash's keys/value pairs. This is done before the given # block is evaluated. # @option options [Boolean] :boolean (false) specifies if this is a boolean parameter # @option options [Boolean] :namevar (false) specifies if this parameter is the namevar # @option options [Symbol, Array] :required_features specifies required provider features by name # @return [Class] the created parameter # @yield [ ] a required block that is evaluated in the scope of the new meta-parameter # @api public # @dsl type # @todo Verify that this description is ok # def self.newmetaparam(name, options = {}, &block) @@metaparams ||= [] @@metaparamhash ||= {} name = name.intern param = genclass( name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :prefix => "MetaParam", :hash => @@metaparamhash, :array => @@metaparams, :attributes => options[:attributes], &block ) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] handle_param_options(name, options) param.metaparam = true param end # Returns the list of parameters that comprise the composite key / "uniqueness key". # All parameters that return true from #isnamevar? or is named `:name` are included in the returned result. # @see uniqueness_key # @return [Array] WARNING: this return type is uncertain def self.key_attribute_parameters @key_attribute_parameters ||= ( @parameters.find_all { |param| param.isnamevar? or param.name == :name } ) end # Returns cached {key_attribute_parameters} names. # Key attributes are properties and parameters that comprise a composite key # or "uniqueness key". # @return [Array] cached key_attribute names # def self.key_attributes # This is a cache miss around 0.05 percent of the time. --daniel 2012-07-17 @key_attributes_cache ||= key_attribute_parameters.collect { |p| p.name } end # Returns a mapping from the title string to setting of attribute value(s). # This default implementation provides a mapping of title to the one and only _namevar_ present # in the type's definition. # @note Advanced: some logic requires this mapping to be done differently, using a different # validation/pattern, breaking up the title # into several parts assigning each to an individual attribute, or even use a composite identity where # all namevars are seen as part of the unique identity (such computation is done by the {#uniqueness} method. # These advanced options are rarely used (only one of the built in puppet types use this, and then only # a small part of the available functionality), and the support for these advanced mappings is not # implemented in a straight forward way. For these reasons, this method has been marked as private). # # @raise [Puppet::DevError] if there is no title pattern and there are two or more key attributes # @return [Array>>>, nil] a structure with a regexp and the first key_attribute ??? # @comment This wonderful piece of logic creates a structure used by Resource.parse_title which # has the capability to assign parts of the title to one or more attributes; It looks like an implementation # of a composite identity key (all parts of the key_attributes array are in the key). This can also # be seen in the method uniqueness_key. # The implementation in this method simply assigns the title to the one and only namevar (which is name # or a variable marked as namevar). # If there are multiple namevars (any in addition to :name?) then this method MUST be implemented # as it raises an exception if there is more than 1. Note that in puppet, it is only File that uses this # to create a different pattern for assigning to the :path attribute # This requires further digging. # The entire construct is somewhat strange, since resource checks if the method "title_patterns" is # implemented (it seems it always is) - why take this more expensive regexp mathching route for all # other types? # @api private # def self.title_patterns case key_attributes.length when 0; [] when 1; [ [ /(.*)/m, [ [key_attributes.first] ] ] ] else raise Puppet::DevError,"you must specify title patterns when there are two or more key attributes" end end # Produces a resource's _uniqueness_key_ (or composite key). # This key is an array of all key attributes' values. Each distinct tuple must be unique for each resource type. # @see key_attributes # @return [Object] an object that is a _uniqueness_key_ for this object # def uniqueness_key self.class.key_attributes.sort_by { |attribute_name| attribute_name.to_s }.map{ |attribute_name| self[attribute_name] } end # Creates a new parameter. # @param name [Symbol] the name of the parameter # @param options [Hash] a hash with options. # @option options [Class] :parent (Puppet::Parameter) the super class of this parameter # @option options [Hash{String => Object}] :attributes a hash that is applied to the generated class # by calling setter methods corresponding to this hash's keys/value pairs. This is done before the given # block is evaluated. # @option options [Boolean] :boolean (false) specifies if this is a boolean parameter # @option options [Boolean] :namevar (false) specifies if this parameter is the namevar # @option options [Symbol, Array] :required_features specifies required provider features by name # @return [Class] the created parameter # @yield [ ] a required block that is evaluated in the scope of the new parameter # @api public # @dsl type # def self.newparam(name, options = {}, &block) options[:attributes] ||= {} param = genclass( name, :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter, :attributes => options[:attributes], :block => block, :prefix => "Parameter", :array => @parameters, :hash => @paramhash ) handle_param_options(name, options) # Grr. param.required_features = options[:required_features] if options[:required_features] param.isnamevar if options[:namevar] param end # Creates a new property. # @param name [Symbol] the name of the property # @param options [Hash] a hash with options. # @option options [Symbol] :array_matching (:first) specifies how the current state is matched against # the wanted state. Use `:first` if the property is single valued, and (`:all`) otherwise. # @option options [Class] :parent (Puppet::Property) the super class of this property # @option options [Hash{String => Object}] :attributes a hash that is applied to the generated class # by calling setter methods corresponding to this hash's keys/value pairs. This is done before the given # block is evaluated. # @option options [Boolean] :boolean (false) specifies if this is a boolean parameter # @option options [Symbol] :retrieve the method to call on the provider (or `parent` if `provider` is not set) # to retrieve the current value of this property. # @option options [Symbol, Array] :required_features specifies required provider features by name # @return [Class] the created property # @yield [ ] a required block that is evaluated in the scope of the new property # @api public # @dsl type # def self.newproperty(name, options = {}, &block) name = name.intern # This is here for types that might still have the old method of defining # a parent class. unless options.is_a? Hash raise Puppet::DevError, "Options must be a hash, not #{options.inspect}" end raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self.name} already has a property named #{name}" if @validproperties.include?(name) if parent = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) else parent = Puppet::Property end # We have to create our own, new block here because we want to define # an initial :retrieve method, if told to, and then eval the passed # block if available. prop = genclass(name, :parent => parent, :hash => @validproperties, :attributes => options) do # If they've passed a retrieve method, then override the retrieve # method on the class. if options[:retrieve] define_method(:retrieve) do provider.send(options[:retrieve]) end end class_eval(&block) if block end # If it's the 'ensure' property, always put it first. if name == :ensure @properties.unshift prop else @properties << prop end prop end def self.paramdoc(param) @paramhash[param].doc end # @return [Array] Returns the parameter names def self.parameters return [] unless defined?(@parameters) @parameters.collect { |klass| klass.name } end # @return [Puppet::Parameter] Returns the parameter class associated with the given parameter name. def self.paramclass(name) @paramhash[name] end # @return [Puppet::Property] Returns the property class ??? associated with the given property name def self.propertybyname(name) @validproperties[name] end # Returns whether or not the given name is the name of a property, parameter or meta-parameter # @return [Boolean] true if the given attribute name is the name of an existing property, parameter or meta-parameter # def self.validattr?(name) name = name.intern return true if name == :name @validattrs ||= {} unless @validattrs.include?(name) @validattrs[name] = !!(self.validproperty?(name) or self.validparameter?(name) or self.metaparam?(name)) end @validattrs[name] end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the given name is the name of an existing property def self.validproperty?(name) name = name.intern @validproperties.include?(name) && @validproperties[name] end # @return [Array, {}] Returns a list of valid property names, or an empty hash if there are none. # @todo An empty hash is returned if there are no defined parameters (not an empty array). This looks like # a bug. # def self.validproperties return {} unless defined?(@parameters) @validproperties.keys end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the given name is the name of an existing parameter def self.validparameter?(name) raise Puppet::DevError, "Class #{self} has not defined parameters" unless defined?(@parameters) !!(@paramhash.include?(name) or @@metaparamhash.include?(name)) end # (see validattr?) # @note see comment in code - how should this be documented? Are some of the other query methods deprecated? # (or should be). # @comment This is a forward-compatibility method - it's the validity interface we'll use in Puppet::Resource. def self.valid_parameter?(name) validattr?(name) end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the wanted state of the resoure is that it should be absent (i.e. to be deleted). def deleting? obj = @parameters[:ensure] and obj.should == :absent end # Creates a new property value holder for the resource if it is valid and does not already exist # @return [Boolean] true if a new parameter was added, false otherwise def add_property_parameter(prop_name) if self.class.validproperty?(prop_name) && !@parameters[prop_name] self.newattr(prop_name) return true end false end # @return [Symbol, Boolean] Returns the name of the namevar if there is only one or false otherwise. # @comment This is really convoluted and part of the support for multiple namevars (?). # If there is only one namevar, the produced value is naturally this namevar, but if there are several? # The logic caches the name of the namevar if it is a single name, but otherwise always # calls key_attributes, and then caches the first if there was only one, otherwise it returns # false and caches this (which is then subsequently returned as a cache hit). # def name_var return @name_var_cache unless @name_var_cache.nil? key_attributes = self.class.key_attributes @name_var_cache = (key_attributes.length == 1) && key_attributes.first end # Gets the 'should' (wanted state) value of a parameter or property by name. # To explicitly get the 'is' (current state) value use `o.is(:name)`, and to explicitly get the 'should' value # use `o.should(:name)` # @param name [String] the name of the attribute to obtain the 'should' value for. # @return [Object] 'should'/wanted value of the given attribute def [](name) name = name.intern fail("Invalid parameter #{name}(#{name.inspect})") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end if obj = @parameters[name] # Note that if this is a property, then the value is the "should" value, # not the current value. obj.value else return nil end end # Sets the 'should' (wanted state) value of a property, or the value of a parameter. # @return # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the setting of the value fails, or if the given name is nil. # @raise [Puppet::ResourceError] when the parameter validation raises Puppet::Error or # ArgumentError def []=(name,value) name = name.intern fail("Invalid parameter #{name}") unless self.class.validattr?(name) if name == :name && nv = name_var name = nv end raise Puppet::Error.new("Got nil value for #{name}") if value.nil? property = self.newattr(name) if property begin # make sure the parameter doesn't have any errors property.value = value rescue Puppet::Error, ArgumentError => detail error = Puppet::ResourceError.new("Parameter #{name} failed on #{ref}: #{detail}") adderrorcontext(error, detail) raise error end end nil end # Removes an attribute from the object; useful in testing or in cleanup # when an error has been encountered # @todo Don't know what the attr is (name or Property/Parameter?). Guessing it is a String name... # @todo Is it possible to delete a meta-parameter? # @todo What does delete mean? Is it deleted from the type or is its value state 'is'/'should' deleted? # @param attr [String] the attribute to delete from this object. WHAT IS THE TYPE? # @raise [Puppet::DecError] when an attempt is made to delete an attribute that does not exists. # def delete(attr) attr = attr.intern if @parameters.has_key?(attr) @parameters.delete(attr) else raise Puppet::DevError.new("Undefined attribute '#{attr}' in #{self}") end end # Iterates over the properties that were set on this resource. # @yieldparam property [Puppet::Property] each property # @return [void] def eachproperty # properties is a private method properties.each { |property| yield property } end # Return the parameters, metaparams, and properties that have a value or were set by a default. Properties are # included since they are a subclass of parameter. # @return [Array] Array of parameter objects ( or subclass thereof ) def parameters_with_value self.class.allattrs.collect { |attr| parameter(attr) }.compact end # Iterates over all parameters with value currently set. # @yieldparam parameter [Puppet::Parameter] or a subclass thereof # @return [void] def eachparameter parameters_with_value.each { |parameter| yield parameter } end # Creates a transaction event. # Called by Transaction or by a property. # Merges the given options with the options `:resource`, `:file`, `:line`, and `:tags`, initialized from # values in this object. For possible options to pass (if any ????) see {Puppet::Transaction::Event}. # @todo Needs a better explanation "Why should I care who is calling this method?", What do I need to know # about events and how they work? Where can I read about them? # @param options [Hash] options merged with a fixed set of options defined by this method, passed on to {Puppet::Transaction::Event}. # @return [Puppet::Transaction::Event] the created event def event(options = {}) Puppet::Transaction::Event.new({:resource => self, :file => file, :line => line, :tags => tags}.merge(options)) end # @return [Object, nil] Returns the 'should' (wanted state) value for a specified property, or nil if the # given attribute name is not a property (i.e. if it is a parameter, meta-parameter, or does not exist). def should(name) name = name.intern (prop = @parameters[name] and prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? prop.should : nil end # Registers an attribute to this resource type insance. # Requires either the attribute name or class as its argument. # This is a noop if the named property/parameter is not supported # by this resource. Otherwise, an attribute instance is created # and kept in this resource's parameters hash. # @overload newattr(name) # @param name [Symbol] symbolic name of the attribute # @overload newattr(klass) # @param klass [Class] a class supported as an attribute class, i.e. a subclass of # Parameter or Property # @return [Object] An instance of the named Parameter or Property class associated # to this resource type instance, or nil if the attribute is not supported # def newattr(name) if name.is_a?(Class) klass = name name = klass.name end unless klass = self.class.attrclass(name) raise Puppet::Error, "Resource type #{self.class.name} does not support parameter #{name}" end if provider and ! provider.class.supports_parameter?(klass) missing = klass.required_features.find_all { |f| ! provider.class.feature?(f) } debug "Provider %s does not support features %s; not managing attribute %s" % [provider.class.name, missing.join(", "), name] return nil end return @parameters[name] if @parameters.include?(name) @parameters[name] = klass.new(:resource => self) end # Returns a string representation of the resource's containment path in # the catalog. # @return [String] def path @path ||= '/' + pathbuilder.join('/') end # Returns the value of this object's parameter given by name # @param name [String] the name of the parameter # @return [Object] the value def parameter(name) @parameters[name.to_sym] end # Returns a shallow copy of this object's hash of attributes by name. # Note that his not only comprises parameters, but also properties and metaparameters. # Changes to the contained parameters will have an effect on the parameters of this type, but changes to # the returned hash does not. # @return [Hash{String => Object}] a new hash being a shallow copy of the parameters map name to parameter def parameters @parameters.dup end # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the attribute given by name has been added # to this resource or not. def propertydefined?(name) name = name.intern unless name.is_a? Symbol @parameters.include?(name) end # Returns a {Puppet::Property} instance by name. # To return the value, use 'resource[param]' # @todo LAK:NOTE(20081028) Since the 'parameter' method is now a superset of this method, # this one should probably go away at some point. - Does this mean it should be deprecated ? # @return [Puppet::Property] the property with the given name, or nil if not a property or does not exist. def property(name) (obj = @parameters[name.intern] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)) ? obj : nil end # @todo comment says "For any parameters or properties that have defaults and have not yet been # set, set them now. This method can be handed a list of attributes, # and if so it will only set defaults for those attributes." # @todo Needs a better explanation, and investigation about the claim an array can be passed (it is passed # to self.class.attrclass to produce a class on which a check is made if it has a method class :default (does # not seem to support an array... # @return [void] # def set_default(attr) return unless klass = self.class.attrclass(attr) return unless klass.method_defined?(:default) return if @parameters.include?(klass.name) return unless parameter = newattr(klass.name) if value = parameter.default and ! value.nil? parameter.value = value else @parameters.delete(parameter.name) end end # @todo the comment says: "Convert our object to a hash. This just includes properties." # @todo this is confused, again it is the @parameters instance variable that is consulted, and # each value is copied - does it contain "properties" and "parameters" or both? Does it contain # meta-parameters? # # @return [Hash{ ??? => ??? }] a hash of WHAT?. The hash is a shallow copy, any changes to the # objects returned in this hash will be reflected in the original resource having these attributes. # def to_hash rethash = {} @parameters.each do |name, obj| rethash[name] = obj.value end rethash end # @return [String] the name of this object's class # @todo Would that be "file" for the "File" resource type? of "File" or something else? # def type self.class.name end # @todo Comment says "Return a specific value for an attribute.", as opposed to what "An upspecific value"??? # @todo is this the 'is' or the 'should' value? # @todo why is the return restricted to things that respond to :value? (Only non structural basic data types # supported? # # @return [Object, nil] the value of the attribute having the given name, or nil if the given name is not # an attribute, or the referenced attribute does not respond to `:value`. def value(name) name = name.intern (obj = @parameters[name] and obj.respond_to?(:value)) ? obj.value : nil end # @todo What is this used for? Needs a better explanation. # @return [???] the version of the catalog or 0 if there is no catalog. def version return 0 unless catalog catalog.version end # @return [Array] Returns all of the property objects, in the order specified in the # class. # @todo "what does the 'order specified in the class' mean? The order the properties where added in the # ruby file adding a new type with new properties? # def properties self.class.properties.collect { |prop| @parameters[prop.name] }.compact end # Returns true if the type's notion of name is the identity of a resource. # See the overview of this class for a longer explanation of the concept _isomorphism_. # Defaults to true. # # @return [Boolan] true, if this type's name is isomorphic with the object def self.isomorphic? if defined?(@isomorphic) return @isomorphic else return true end end # @todo check that this gets documentation (it is at the class level as well as instance). # (see isomorphic?) def isomorphic? self.class.isomorphic? end # Returns true if the instance is a managed instance. # A 'yes' here means that the instance was created from the language, vs. being created # in order resolve other questions, such as finding a package in a list. # @note An object that is managed always stays managed, but an object that is not managed # may become managed later in its lifecycle. # @return [Boolean] true if the object is managed def managed? # Once an object is managed, it always stays managed; but an object # that is listed as unmanaged might become managed later in the process, # so we have to check that every time if @managed return @managed else @managed = false properties.each { |property| s = property.should if s and ! property.class.unmanaged @managed = true break end } return @managed end end ############################### # Code related to the container behaviour. # Returns true if the search should be done in depth-first order. # This implementation always returns false. # @todo What is this used for? # # @return [Boolean] true if the search should be done in depth first order. # def depthfirst? false end # Removes this object (FROM WHERE?) # @todo removes if from where? # @overload remove(rmdeps) # @deprecated Use remove() # @param rmdeps [Boolean] intended to indicate that all subscriptions should also be removed, ignored. # @overload remove() # @return [void] # def remove(rmdeps = true) # This is hackish (mmm, cut and paste), but it works for now, and it's # better than warnings. @parameters.each do |name, obj| obj.remove end @parameters.clear @parent = nil # Remove the reference to the provider. if self.provider @provider.clear @provider = nil end end ############################### # Code related to evaluating the resources. # Returns the ancestors - WHAT? # This implementation always returns an empty list. # @todo WHAT IS THIS ? # @return [Array] returns a list of ancestors. def ancestors [] end # Lifecycle method for a resource. This is called during graph creation. # It should perform any consistency checking of the catalog and raise a # Puppet::Error if the transaction should be aborted. # # It differs from the validate method, since it is called later during # initialization and can rely on self.catalog to have references to all # resources that comprise the catalog. # # @see Puppet::Transaction#add_vertex # @raise [Puppet::Error] If the pre-run check failed. # @return [void] # @abstract a resource type may implement this method to perform # validation checks that can query the complete catalog def pre_run_check end # Flushes the provider if supported by the provider, else no action. # This is called by the transaction. # @todo What does Flushing the provider mean? Why is it interesting to know that this is # called by the transaction? (It is not explained anywhere what a transaction is). # # @return [???, nil] WHAT DOES IT RETURN? GUESS IS VOID def flush self.provider.flush if self.provider and self.provider.respond_to?(:flush) end # Returns true if all contained objects are in sync. # @todo "contained in what?" in the given "in" parameter? # # @todo deal with the comment _"FIXME I don't think this is used on the type instances any more, # it's really only used for testing"_ # @return [Boolean] true if in sync, false otherwise. # def insync?(is) insync = true if property = @parameters[:ensure] unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end ensureis = is[property] if property.safe_insync?(ensureis) and property.should == :absent return true end end properties.each { |property| unless is.include? property raise Puppet::DevError, "The is value is not in the is array for '#{property.name}'" end propis = is[property] unless property.safe_insync?(propis) property.debug("Not in sync: #{propis.inspect} vs #{property.should.inspect}") insync = false #else # property.debug("In sync") end } #self.debug("#{self} sync status is #{insync}") insync end # Retrieves the current value of all contained properties. # Parameters and meta-parameters are not included in the result. # @todo As oposed to all non contained properties? How is this different than any of the other # methods that also "gets" properties/parameters/etc. ? # @return [Puppet::Resource] array of all property values (mix of types) # @raise [fail???] if there is a provider and it is not suitable for the host this is evaluated for. def retrieve fail "Provider #{provider.class.name} is not functional on this host" if self.provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) and ! provider.class.suitable? - result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) - # Normally, a Puppet::Resource instance will follow a very expensive code - # path that involves hitting the type loader to determine the Type class - # for `resource_type`. Since we're constructing this Resource inside a Type - # instance, we have the class information readily available and can save - # a lot of time by setting it directly. - # - # TODO: Puppet::Resource.new(type, ...) should handle this case during - # initialization. - result.resource_type = self.class + result = Puppet::Resource.new(self.class, title) # Provide the name, so we know we'll always refer to a real thing result[:name] = self[:name] unless self[:name] == title if ensure_prop = property(:ensure) or (self.class.validattr?(:ensure) and ensure_prop = newattr(:ensure)) result[:ensure] = ensure_state = ensure_prop.retrieve else ensure_state = nil end properties.each do |property| next if property.name == :ensure if ensure_state == :absent result[property] = :absent else result[property] = property.retrieve end end result end # Retrieve the current state of the system as a Puppet::Resource. For # the base Puppet::Type this does the same thing as #retrieve, but # specific types are free to implement #retrieve as returning a hash, # and this will call #retrieve and convert the hash to a resource. # This is used when determining when syncing a resource. # # @return [Puppet::Resource] A resource representing the current state # of the system. # # @api private def retrieve_resource resource = retrieve - resource = Resource.new(type, title, :parameters => resource) if resource.is_a? Hash + resource = Resource.new(self.class, title, :parameters => resource) if resource.is_a? Hash resource end # Given the hash of current properties, should this resource be treated as if it # currently exists on the system. May need to be overridden by types that offer up # more than just :absent and :present. def present?(current_values) current_values[:ensure] != :absent end # Returns a hash of the current properties and their values. # If a resource is absent, its value is the symbol `:absent` # @return [Hash{Puppet::Property => Object}] mapping of property instance to its value # def currentpropvalues # It's important to use the 'properties' method here, as it follows the order # in which they're defined in the class. It also guarantees that 'ensure' # is the first property, which is important for skipping 'retrieve' on # all the properties if the resource is absent. ensure_state = false return properties.inject({}) do | prophash, property| if property.name == :ensure ensure_state = property.retrieve prophash[property] = ensure_state else if ensure_state == :absent prophash[property] = :absent else prophash[property] = property.retrieve end end prophash end end # Returns the `noop` run mode status of this. # @return [Boolean] true if running in noop mode. def noop? # If we're not a host_config, we're almost certainly part of # Settings, and we want to ignore 'noop' return false if catalog and ! catalog.host_config? if defined?(@noop) @noop else Puppet[:noop] end end # (see #noop?) def noop noop? end # Retrieves all known instances. # @todo Retrieves them from where? Known to whom? # Either requires providers or must be overridden. # @raise [Puppet::DevError] when there are no providers and the implementation has not overridded this method. def self.instances raise Puppet::DevError, "#{self.name} has no providers and has not overridden 'instances'" if provider_hash.empty? # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers. provider_instances = {} providers_by_source.collect do |provider| self.properties.find_all do |property| provider.supports_parameter?(property) end.collect do |property| property.name end provider.instances.collect do |instance| # We always want to use the "first" provider instance we find, unless the resource # is already managed and has a different provider set if other = provider_instances[instance.name] Puppet.debug "%s %s found in both %s and %s; skipping the %s version" % [self.name.to_s.capitalize, instance.name, other.class.name, instance.class.name, instance.class.name] next end provider_instances[instance.name] = instance result = new(:name => instance.name, :provider => instance) properties.each { |name| result.newattr(name) } result end end.flatten.compact end # Returns a list of one suitable provider per source, with the default provider first. # @todo Needs better explanation; what does "source" mean in this context? # @return [Array] list of providers # def self.providers_by_source # Put the default provider first (can be nil), then the rest of the suitable providers. sources = [] [defaultprovider, suitableprovider].flatten.uniq.collect do |provider| next if provider.nil? next if sources.include?(provider.source) sources << provider.source provider end.compact end # Converts a simple hash into a Resource instance. # @todo as opposed to a complex hash? Other raised exceptions? # @param [Hash{Symbol, String => Object}] hash resource attribute to value map to initialize the created resource from # @return [Puppet::Resource] the resource created from the hash # @raise [Puppet::Error] if a title is missing in the given hash def self.hash2resource(hash) hash = hash.inject({}) { |result, ary| result[ary[0].to_sym] = ary[1]; result } title = hash.delete(:title) title ||= hash[:name] title ||= hash[key_attributes.first] if key_attributes.length == 1 raise Puppet::Error, "Title or name must be provided" unless title # Now create our resource. - resource = Puppet::Resource.new(self.name, title) + resource = Puppet::Resource.new(self, title) resource.catalog = hash.delete(:catalog) - resource.resource_type = self hash.each do |param, value| resource[param] = value end resource end # Returns an array of strings representing the containment heirarchy # (types/classes) that make up the path to the resource from the root # of the catalog. This is mostly used for logging purposes. # # @api private def pathbuilder if p = parent [p.pathbuilder, self.ref].flatten else [self.ref] end end ############################### # Add all of the meta-parameters. newmetaparam(:noop) do desc "Whether to apply this resource in noop mode. When applying a resource in noop mode, Puppet will check whether it is in sync, like it does when running normally. However, if a resource attribute is not in the desired state (as declared in the catalog), Puppet will take no action, and will instead report the changes it _would_ have made. These simulated changes will appear in the report sent to the puppet master, or be shown on the console if running puppet agent or puppet apply in the foreground. The simulated changes will not send refresh events to any subscribing or notified resources, although Puppet will log that a refresh event _would_ have been sent. **Important note:** [The `noop` setting](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/configuration.html#noop) allows you to globally enable or disable noop mode, but it will _not_ override the `noop` metaparameter on individual resources. That is, the value of the global `noop` setting will _only_ affect resources that do not have an explicit value set for their `noop` attribute." newvalues(:true, :false) munge do |value| case value when true, :true, "true"; @resource.noop = true when false, :false, "false"; @resource.noop = false end end end newmetaparam(:schedule) do desc "A schedule to govern when Puppet is allowed to manage this resource. The value of this metaparameter must be the `name` of a `schedule` resource. This means you must declare a schedule resource, then refer to it by name; see [the docs for the `schedule` type](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#schedule) for more info. schedule { 'everyday': period => daily, range => \"2-4\" } exec { \"/usr/bin/apt-get update\": schedule => 'everyday' } Note that you can declare the schedule resource anywhere in your manifests, as long as it ends up in the final compiled catalog." end newmetaparam(:audit) do desc "Marks a subset of this resource's unmanaged attributes for auditing. Accepts an attribute name, an array of attribute names, or `all`. Auditing a resource attribute has two effects: First, whenever a catalog is applied with puppet apply or puppet agent, Puppet will check whether that attribute of the resource has been modified, comparing its current value to the previous run; any change will be logged alongside any actions performed by Puppet while applying the catalog. Secondly, marking a resource attribute for auditing will include that attribute in inspection reports generated by puppet inspect; see the puppet inspect documentation for more details. Managed attributes for a resource can also be audited, but note that changes made by Puppet will be logged as additional modifications. (I.e. if a user manually edits a file whose contents are audited and managed, puppet agent's next two runs will both log an audit notice: the first run will log the user's edit and then revert the file to the desired state, and the second run will log the edit made by Puppet.)" validate do |list| list = Array(list).collect {|p| p.to_sym} unless list == [:all] list.each do |param| next if @resource.class.validattr?(param) fail "Cannot audit #{param}: not a valid attribute for #{resource}" end end end munge do |args| properties_to_audit(args).each do |param| next unless resource.class.validproperty?(param) resource.newattr(param) end end def all_properties resource.class.properties.find_all do |property| resource.provider.nil? or resource.provider.class.supports_parameter?(property) end.collect do |property| property.name end end def properties_to_audit(list) if !list.kind_of?(Array) && list.to_sym == :all list = all_properties else list = Array(list).collect { |p| p.to_sym } end end end newmetaparam(:loglevel) do desc "Sets the level that information will be logged. The log levels have the biggest impact when logs are sent to syslog (which is currently the default). The order of the log levels, in decreasing priority, is: * `crit` * `emerg` * `alert` * `err` * `warning` * `notice` * `info` / `verbose` * `debug` " defaultto :notice newvalues(*Puppet::Util::Log.levels) newvalues(:verbose) munge do |loglevel| val = super(loglevel) if val == :verbose val = :info end val end end newmetaparam(:alias) do desc %q{Creates an alias for the resource. Puppet uses this internally when you provide a symbolic title and an explicit namevar value: file { 'sshdconfig': path => $operatingsystem ? { solaris => '/usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config', default => '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', }, source => '...' } service { 'sshd': subscribe => File['sshdconfig'], } When you use this feature, the parser sets `sshdconfig` as the title, and the library sets that as an alias for the file so the dependency lookup in `Service['sshd']` works. You can use this metaparameter yourself, but note that aliases generally only work for creating relationships; anything else that refers to an existing resource (such as amending or overriding resource attributes in an inherited class) must use the resource's exact title. For example, the following code will not work: file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': owner => root, group => root, alias => 'sshdconfig', } File['sshdconfig'] { mode => 644, } There's no way here for the Puppet parser to know that these two stanzas should be affecting the same file. } munge do |aliases| aliases = [aliases] unless aliases.is_a?(Array) raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot add aliases without a catalog") unless @resource.catalog aliases.each do |other| if obj = @resource.catalog.resource(@resource.class.name, other) unless obj.object_id == @resource.object_id self.fail("#{@resource.title} can not create alias #{other}: object already exists") end next end # Newschool, add it to the catalog. @resource.catalog.alias(@resource, other) end end end newmetaparam(:tag) do desc "Add the specified tags to the associated resource. While all resources are automatically tagged with as much information as possible (e.g., each class and definition containing the resource), it can be useful to add your own tags to a given resource. Multiple tags can be specified as an array: file {'/etc/hosts': ensure => file, source => 'puppet:///modules/site/hosts', mode => 0644, tag => ['bootstrap', 'minimumrun', 'mediumrun'], } Tags are useful for things like applying a subset of a host's configuration with [the `tags` setting](/references/latest/configuration.html#tags) (e.g. `puppet agent --test --tags bootstrap`) or filtering alerts with [the `tagmail` report processor](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/report.html#tagmail)." munge do |tags| tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array tags.each do |tag| @resource.tag(tag) end end end # RelationshipMetaparam is an implementation supporting the meta-parameters `:require`, `:subscribe`, # `:notify`, and `:before`. # # class RelationshipMetaparam < Puppet::Parameter class << self attr_accessor :direction, :events, :callback, :subclasses end @subclasses = [] def self.inherited(sub) @subclasses << sub end # @return [Array] turns attribute value(s) into list of resources def munge(references) references = [references] unless references.is_a?(Array) references.collect do |ref| if ref.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) ref else Puppet::Resource.new(ref) end end end # Checks each reference to assert that what it references exists in the catalog. # # @raise [???fail] if the referenced resource can not be found # @return [void] def validate_relationship @value.each do |ref| unless @resource.catalog.resource(ref.to_s) description = self.class.direction == :in ? "dependency" : "dependent" fail ResourceError, "Could not find #{description} #{ref} for #{resource.ref}" end end end # Creates edges for all relationships. # The `:in` relationships are specified by the event-receivers, and `:out` # relationships are specified by the event generator. # @todo references to "event-receivers" and "event generator" means in this context - are those just # the resources at the two ends of the relationship? # This way 'source' and 'target' are consistent terms in both edges # and events, i.e. an event targets edges whose source matches # the event's source. The direction of the relationship determines # which resource is applied first and which resource is considered # to be the event generator. # @return [Array] # @raise [???fail] when a reference can not be resolved # def to_edges @value.collect do |reference| reference.catalog = resource.catalog # Either of the two retrieval attempts could have returned # nil. unless related_resource = reference.resolve self.fail "Could not retrieve dependency '#{reference}' of #{@resource.ref}" end # Are we requiring them, or vice versa? See the method docs # for futher info on this. if self.class.direction == :in source = related_resource target = @resource else source = @resource target = related_resource end if method = self.class.callback subargs = { :event => self.class.events, :callback => method } self.debug("subscribes to #{related_resource.ref}") else # If there's no callback, there's no point in even adding # a label. subargs = nil self.debug("requires #{related_resource.ref}") end Puppet::Relationship.new(source, target, subargs) end end end # @todo document this, have no clue what this does... it retuns "RelationshipMetaparam.subclasses" # def self.relationship_params RelationshipMetaparam.subclasses end # Note that the order in which the relationships params is defined # matters. The labelled params (notify and subcribe) must be later, # so that if both params are used, those ones win. It's a hackish # solution, but it works. newmetaparam(:require, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :NONE}) do desc "One or more resources that this resource depends on, expressed as [resource references](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html#resource-references). Multiple resources can be specified as an array of references. When this attribute is present: * The required resource(s) will be applied **before** this resource. This is one of the four relationship metaparameters, along with `before`, `notify`, and `subscribe`. For more context, including the alternate chaining arrow (`->` and `~>`) syntax, see [the language page on relationships](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html)." end newmetaparam(:subscribe, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc "One or more resources that this resource depends on, expressed as [resource references](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html#resource-references). Multiple resources can be specified as an array of references. When this attribute is present: * The subscribed resource(s) will be applied _before_ this resource. * If Puppet makes changes to any of the subscribed resources, it will cause this resource to _refresh._ (Refresh behavior varies by resource type: services will restart, mounts will unmount and re-mount, etc. Not all types can refresh.) This is one of the four relationship metaparameters, along with `before`, `require`, and `notify`. For more context, including the alternate chaining arrow (`->` and `~>`) syntax, see [the language page on relationships](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html)." end newmetaparam(:before, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :NONE}) do desc "One or more resources that depend on this resource, expressed as [resource references](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html#resource-references). Multiple resources can be specified as an array of references. When this attribute is present: * This resource will be applied _before_ the dependent resource(s). This is one of the four relationship metaparameters, along with `require`, `notify`, and `subscribe`. For more context, including the alternate chaining arrow (`->` and `~>`) syntax, see [the language page on relationships](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html)." end newmetaparam(:notify, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do desc "One or more resources that depend on this resource, expressed as [resource references](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html#resource-references). Multiple resources can be specified as an array of references. When this attribute is present: * This resource will be applied _before_ the notified resource(s). * If Puppet makes changes to this resource, it will cause all of the notified resources to _refresh._ (Refresh behavior varies by resource type: services will restart, mounts will unmount and re-mount, etc. Not all types can refresh.) This is one of the four relationship metaparameters, along with `before`, `require`, and `subscribe`. For more context, including the alternate chaining arrow (`->` and `~>`) syntax, see [the language page on relationships](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html)." end newmetaparam(:stage) do desc %{Which run stage this class should reside in. **Note: This metaparameter can only be used on classes,** and only when declaring them with the resource-like syntax. It cannot be used on normal resources or on classes declared with `include`. By default, all classes are declared in the `main` stage. To assign a class to a different stage, you must: * Declare the new stage as a [`stage` resource](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#stage). * Declare an order relationship between the new stage and the `main` stage. * Use the resource-like syntax to declare the class, and set the `stage` metaparameter to the name of the desired stage. For example: stage { 'pre': before => Stage['main'], } class { 'apt-updates': stage => 'pre', } } end ############################### # All of the provider plumbing for the resource types. require 'puppet/provider' require 'puppet/util/provider_features' # Add the feature handling module. extend Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures # The provider that has been selected for the instance of the resource type. # @return [Puppet::Provider,nil] the selected provider or nil, if none has been selected # attr_reader :provider # the Type class attribute accessors class << self # The loader of providers to use when loading providers from disk. # Although it looks like this attribute provides a way to operate with different loaders of # providers that is not the case; the attribute is written when a new type is created, # and should not be changed thereafter. # @api private # attr_accessor :providerloader # @todo Don't know if this is a name, or a reference to a Provider instance (now marked up as an instance # of Provider. # @return [Puppet::Provider, nil] The default provider for this type, or nil if non is defines # attr_writer :defaultprovider end # The default provider, or the most suitable provider if no default provider was set. # @note a warning will be issued if no default provider has been configured and a search for the most # suitable provider returns more than one equally suitable provider. # @return [Puppet::Provider, nil] the default or most suitable provider, or nil if no provider was found # def self.defaultprovider return @defaultprovider if @defaultprovider suitable = suitableprovider # Find which providers are a default for this system. defaults = suitable.find_all { |provider| provider.default? } # If we don't have any default we use suitable providers defaults = suitable if defaults.empty? max = defaults.collect { |provider| provider.specificity }.max defaults = defaults.find_all { |provider| provider.specificity == max } if defaults.length > 1 Puppet.warning( "Found multiple default providers for #{self.name}: #{defaults.collect { |i| i.name.to_s }.join(", ")}; using #{defaults[0].name}" ) end @defaultprovider = defaults.shift unless defaults.empty? end # @return [Hash{??? => Puppet::Provider}] Returns a hash of WHAT EXACTLY for the given type # @todo what goes into this hash? def self.provider_hash_by_type(type) @provider_hashes ||= {} @provider_hashes[type] ||= {} end # @return [Hash{ ??? => Puppet::Provider}] Returns a hash of WHAT EXACTLY for this type. # @see provider_hash_by_type method to get the same for some other type def self.provider_hash Puppet::Type.provider_hash_by_type(self.name) end # Returns the provider having the given name. # This will load a provider if it is not already loaded. The returned provider is the first found provider # having the given name, where "first found" semantics is defined by the {providerloader} in use. # # @param name [String] the name of the provider to get # @return [Puppet::Provider, nil] the found provider, or nil if no provider of the given name was found # def self.provider(name) name = name.intern # If we don't have it yet, try loading it. @providerloader.load(name) unless provider_hash.has_key?(name) provider_hash[name] end # Returns a list of loaded providers by name. # This method will not load/search for available providers. # @return [Array] list of loaded provider names # def self.providers provider_hash.keys end # Returns true if the given name is a reference to a provider and if this is a suitable provider for # this type. # @todo How does the provider know if it is suitable for the type? Is it just suitable for the platform/ # environment where this method is executing? # @param name [String] the name of the provider for which validity is checked # @return [Boolean] true if the given name references a provider that is suitable # def self.validprovider?(name) name = name.intern (provider_hash.has_key?(name) && provider_hash[name].suitable?) end # Creates a new provider of a type. # This method must be called directly on the type that it's implementing. # @todo Fix Confusing Explanations! # Is this a new provider of a Type (metatype), or a provider of an instance of Type (a resource), or # a Provider (the implementation of a Type's behavior). CONFUSED. It calls magically named methods like # "providify" ... # @param name [String, Symbol] the name of the WHAT? provider? type? # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] a hash of options, used by this method, and passed on to {#genclass}, (see # it for additional options to pass). # @option options [Puppet::Provider] :parent the parent provider (what is this?) # @option options [Puppet::Type] :resource_type the resource type, defaults to this type if unspecified # @return [Puppet::Provider] a provider ??? # @raise [Puppet::DevError] when the parent provider could not be found. # def self.provide(name, options = {}, &block) name = name.intern if unprovide(name) Puppet.debug "Reloading #{name} #{self.name} provider" end parent = if pname = options[:parent] options.delete(:parent) if pname.is_a? Class pname else if provider = self.provider(pname) provider else raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find parent provider #{pname} of #{name}" end end else Puppet::Provider end options[:resource_type] ||= self self.providify provider = genclass( name, :parent => parent, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider", :block => block, :include => feature_module, :extend => feature_module, :attributes => options ) provider end # Ensures there is a `:provider` parameter defined. # Should only be called if there are providers. # @return [void] def self.providify return if @paramhash.has_key? :provider newparam(:provider) do # We're using a hacky way to get the name of our type, since there doesn't # seem to be a correct way to introspect this at the time this code is run. # We expect that the class in which this code is executed will be something # like Puppet::Type::Ssh_authorized_key::ParameterProvider. desc <<-EOT The specific backend to use for this `#{self.to_s.split('::')[2].downcase}` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform. EOT # This is so we can refer back to the type to get a list of # providers for documentation. class << self # The reference to a parent type for the parameter `:provider` used to get a list of # providers for documentation purposes. # attr_accessor :parenttype end # Provides the ability to add documentation to a provider. # def self.doc # Since we're mixing @doc with text from other sources, we must normalize # its indentation with scrub. But we don't need to manually scrub the # provider's doc string, since markdown_definitionlist sanitizes its inputs. scrub(@doc) + "Available providers are:\n\n" + parenttype.providers.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.collect { |i| markdown_definitionlist( i, scrub(parenttype().provider(i).doc) ) }.join end # For each resource, the provider param defaults to # the type's default provider defaultto { prov = @resource.class.defaultprovider prov.name if prov } validate do |provider_class| provider_class = provider_class[0] if provider_class.is_a? Array provider_class = provider_class.class.name if provider_class.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) unless @resource.class.provider(provider_class) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid #{@resource.class.name} provider '#{provider_class}'" end end munge do |provider| provider = provider[0] if provider.is_a? Array provider = provider.intern if provider.is_a? String @resource.provider = provider if provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) provider.class.name else provider end end end.parenttype = self end # @todo this needs a better explanation # Removes the implementation class of a given provider. # @return [Object] returns what {Puppet::Util::ClassGen#rmclass} returns def self.unprovide(name) if @defaultprovider and @defaultprovider.name == name @defaultprovider = nil end rmclass(name, :hash => provider_hash, :prefix => "Provider") end # Returns a list of suitable providers for the given type. # A call to this method will load all providers if not already loaded and ask each if it is # suitable - those that are are included in the result. # @note This method also does some special processing which rejects a provider named `:fake` (for testing purposes). # @return [Array] Returns an array of all suitable providers. # def self.suitableprovider providerloader.loadall if provider_hash.empty? provider_hash.find_all { |name, provider| provider.suitable? }.collect { |name, provider| provider }.reject { |p| p.name == :fake } # For testing end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if this is something else than a `:provider`, or if it # is a provider and it is suitable, or if there is a default provider. Otherwise, false is returned. # def suitable? # If we don't use providers, then we consider it suitable. return true unless self.class.paramclass(:provider) # We have a provider and it is suitable. return true if provider && provider.class.suitable? # We're using the default provider and there is one. if !provider and self.class.defaultprovider self.provider = self.class.defaultprovider.name return true end # We specified an unsuitable provider, or there isn't any suitable # provider. false end # Sets the provider to the given provider/name. # @overload provider=(name) # Sets the provider to the result of resolving the name to an instance of Provider. # @param name [String] the name of the provider # @overload provider=(provider) # Sets the provider to the given instances of Provider. # @param provider [Puppet::Provider] the provider to set # @return [Puppet::Provider] the provider set # @raise [ArgumentError] if the provider could not be found/resolved. # def provider=(name) if name.is_a?(Puppet::Provider) @provider = name @provider.resource = self elsif klass = self.class.provider(name) @provider = klass.new(self) else raise ArgumentError, "Could not find #{name} provider of #{self.class.name}" end end ############################### # All of the relationship code. # Adds a block producing a single name (or list of names) of the given resource type name to autorequire. # Resources in the catalog that have the named type and a title that is included in the result will be linked # to the calling resource as a requirement. # # @example Autorequire the files File['foo', 'bar'] # autorequire( 'file', {|| ['foo', 'bar'] }) # # @param name [String] the name of a type of which one or several resources should be autorequired e.g. "file" # @yield [ ] a block returning list of names of given type to auto require # @yieldreturn [String, Array] one or several resource names for the named type # @return [void] # @dsl type # @api public # def self.autorequire(name, &block) @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires[name] = block end # Provides iteration over added auto-requirements (see {autorequire}). # @yieldparam type [String] the name of the type to autoriquire an instance of # @yieldparam block [Proc] a block producing one or several dependencies to auto require (see {autorequire}). # @yieldreturn [void] # @return [void] def self.eachautorequire @autorequires ||= {} @autorequires.each { |type, block| yield(type, block) } end # Adds dependencies to the catalog from added autorequirements. # See {autorequire} for how to add an auto-requirement. # @todo needs details - see the param rel_catalog, and type of this param # @param rel_catalog [Puppet::Resource::Catalog, nil] the catalog to # add dependencies to. Defaults to the current catalog (set when the # type instance was added to a catalog) # @raise [Puppet::DevError] if there is no catalog # def autorequire(rel_catalog = nil) rel_catalog ||= catalog raise(Puppet::DevError, "You cannot add relationships without a catalog") unless rel_catalog reqs = [] self.class.eachautorequire { |type, block| # Ignore any types we can't find, although that would be a bit odd. next unless Puppet::Type.type(type) # Retrieve the list of names from the block. next unless list = self.instance_eval(&block) list = [list] unless list.is_a?(Array) # Collect the current prereqs list.each { |dep| # Support them passing objects directly, to save some effort. unless dep.is_a? Puppet::Type # Skip autorequires that we aren't managing unless dep = rel_catalog.resource(type, dep) next end end reqs << Puppet::Relationship.new(dep, self) } } reqs end # Builds the dependencies associated with this resource. # # @return [Array] list of relationships to other resources def builddepends # Handle the requires self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.to_edges end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # Sets the initial list of tags to associate to this resource. # # @return [void] ??? def tags=(list) tag(self.class.name) tag(*list) end # @comment - these two comments were floating around here, and turned up as documentation # for the attribute "title", much to my surprise and amusement. Clearly these comments # are orphaned ... I think they can just be removed as what they say should be covered # by the now added yardoc. (Yo! to quote some of the other actual awsome specific comments applicable # to objects called from elsewhere, or not. ;-) # # @comment Types (which map to resources in the languages) are entirely composed of # attribute value pairs. Generally, Puppet calls any of these things an # 'attribute', but these attributes always take one of three specific # forms: parameters, metaparams, or properties. # @comment In naming methods, I have tried to consistently name the method so # that it is clear whether it operates on all attributes (thus has 'attr' in # the method name, or whether it operates on a specific type of attributes. # The title attribute of WHAT ??? # @todo Figure out what this is the title attribute of (it appears on line 1926 currently). # @return [String] the title attr_writer :title # The noop attribute of WHAT ??? does WHAT??? # @todo Figure out what this is the noop attribute of (it appears on line 1931 currently). # @return [???] the noop WHAT ??? (mode? if so of what, or noop for an instance of the type, or for all # instances of a type, or for what??? # attr_writer :noop include Enumerable # class methods dealing with Type management public # The Type class attribute accessors class << self # @return [String] the name of the resource type; e.g., "File" # attr_reader :name # @return [Boolean] true if the type should send itself a refresh event on change. # attr_accessor :self_refresh include Enumerable, Puppet::Util::ClassGen include Puppet::MetaType::Manager include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Logging end # Initializes all of the variables that must be initialized for each subclass. # @todo Does the explanation make sense? # @return [void] def self.initvars # all of the instances of this class @objects = Hash.new @aliases = Hash.new @defaults = {} @parameters ||= [] @validproperties = {} @properties = [] @parameters = [] @paramhash = {} @paramdoc = Hash.new { |hash,key| key = key.intern if key.is_a?(String) if hash.include?(key) hash[key] else "Param Documentation for #{key} not found" end } @doc ||= "" end # Returns the name of this type (if specified) or the parent type #to_s. # The returned name is on the form "Puppet::Type::", where the first letter of name is # capitalized. # @return [String] the fully qualified name Puppet::Type:: where the first letter of name is captialized # def self.to_s if defined?(@name) "Puppet::Type::#{@name.to_s.capitalize}" else super end end # Creates a `validate` method that is used to validate a resource before it is operated on. # The validation should raise exceptions if the validation finds errors. (It is not recommended to # issue warnings as this typically just ends up in a logfile - you should fail if a validation fails). # The easiest way to raise an appropriate exception is to call the method {Puppet::Util::Errors.fail} with # the message as an argument. # # @yield [ ] a required block called with self set to the instance of a Type class representing a resource. # @return [void] # @dsl type # @api public # def self.validate(&block) define_method(:validate, &block) end # @return [String] The file from which this type originates from attr_accessor :file # @return [Integer] The line in {#file} from which this type originates from attr_accessor :line # @todo what does this mean "this resource" (sounds like this if for an instance of the type, not the meta Type), # but not sure if this is about the catalog where the meta Type is included) # @return [??? TODO] The catalog that this resource is stored in. attr_accessor :catalog # @return [Boolean] Flag indicating if this type is exported attr_accessor :exported # @return [Boolean] Flag indicating if the type is virtual (it should not be). attr_accessor :virtual # Creates a log entry with the given message at the log level specified by the parameter `loglevel` # @return [void] # def log(msg) Puppet::Util::Log.create( :level => @parameters[:loglevel].value, :message => msg, :source => self ) end # instance methods related to instance intrinsics # e.g., initialize and name public # @return [Hash] hash of parameters originally defined # @api private attr_reader :original_parameters # Creates an instance of Type from a hash or a {Puppet::Resource}. # @todo Unclear if this is a new Type or a new instance of a given type (the initialization ends # with calling validate - which seems like validation of an instance of a given type, not a new # meta type. # # @todo Explain what the Hash and Resource are. There seems to be two different types of # resources; one that causes the title to be set to resource.title, and one that # causes the title to be resource.ref ("for components") - what is a component? # # @overload initialize(hash) # @param [Hash] hash # @raise [Puppet::ResourceError] when the type validation raises # Puppet::Error or ArgumentError # @overload initialize(resource) # @param resource [Puppet:Resource] # @raise [Puppet::ResourceError] when the type validation raises # Puppet::Error or ArgumentError # def initialize(resource) resource = self.class.hash2resource(resource) unless resource.is_a?(Puppet::Resource) # The list of parameter/property instances. @parameters = {} # Set the title first, so any failures print correctly. if resource.type.to_s.downcase.to_sym == self.class.name self.title = resource.title else # This should only ever happen for components self.title = resource.ref end [:file, :line, :catalog, :exported, :virtual].each do |getter| setter = getter.to_s + "=" if val = resource.send(getter) self.send(setter, val) end end @tags = resource.tags @original_parameters = resource.to_hash set_name(@original_parameters) set_default(:provider) set_parameters(@original_parameters) begin self.validate if self.respond_to?(:validate) rescue Puppet::Error, ArgumentError => detail error = Puppet::ResourceError.new("Validation of #{ref} failed: #{detail}") adderrorcontext(error, detail) raise error end end private # Sets the name of the resource from a hash containing a mapping of `name_var` to value. # Sets the value of the property/parameter appointed by the `name_var` (if it is defined). The value set is # given by the corresponding entry in the given hash - e.g. if name_var appoints the name `:path` the value # of `:path` is set to the value at the key `:path` in the given hash. As a side effect this key/value is then # removed from the given hash. # # @note This method mutates the given hash by removing the entry with a key equal to the value # returned from name_var! # @param hash [Hash] a hash of what # @return [void] def set_name(hash) self[name_var] = hash.delete(name_var) if name_var end # Sets parameters from the given hash. # Values are set in _attribute order_ i.e. higher priority attributes before others, otherwise in # the order they were specified (as opposed to just setting them in the order they happen to appear in # when iterating over the given hash). # # Attributes that are not included in the given hash are set to their default value. # # @todo Is this description accurate? Is "ensure" an example of such a higher priority attribute? # @return [void] # @raise [Puppet::DevError] when impossible to set the value due to some problem # @raise [ArgumentError, TypeError, Puppet::Error] when faulty arguments have been passed # def set_parameters(hash) # Use the order provided by allattrs, but add in any # extra attributes from the resource so we get failures # on invalid attributes. no_values = [] (self.class.allattrs + hash.keys).uniq.each do |attr| begin # Set any defaults immediately. This is mostly done so # that the default provider is available for any other # property validation. if hash.has_key?(attr) self[attr] = hash[attr] else no_values << attr end rescue ArgumentError, Puppet::Error, TypeError raise rescue => detail error = Puppet::DevError.new( "Could not set #{attr} on #{self.class.name}: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end end no_values.each do |attr| set_default(attr) end end public # Finishes any outstanding processing. # This method should be called as a final step in setup, # to allow the parameters that have associated auto-require needs to be processed. # # @todo what is the expected sequence here - who is responsible for calling this? When? # Is the returned type correct? # @return [Array] the validated list/set of attributes # def finish # Call post_compile hook on every parameter that implements it. This includes all subclasses # of parameter including, but not limited to, regular parameters, metaparameters, relationship # parameters, and properties. eachparameter do |parameter| parameter.post_compile if parameter.respond_to? :post_compile end # Make sure all of our relationships are valid. Again, must be done # when the entire catalog is instantiated. self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass| if param = @parameters[klass.name] param.validate_relationship end end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? } end # @comment For now, leave the 'name' method functioning like it used to. Once 'title' # works everywhere, I'll switch it. # Returns the resource's name # @todo There is a comment in source that this is not quite the same as ':title' and that a switch should # be made... # @return [String] the name of a resource def name self[:name] end # Returns the parent of this in the catalog. In case of an erroneous catalog # where multiple parents have been produced, the first found (non # deterministic) parent is returned. # @return [Puppet::Type, nil] the # containing resource or nil if there is no catalog or no containing # resource. def parent return nil unless catalog @parent ||= if parents = catalog.adjacent(self, :direction => :in) parents.shift else nil end end # Returns a reference to this as a string in "Type[name]" format. # @return [String] a reference to this object on the form 'Type[name]' # def ref # memoizing this is worthwhile ~ 3 percent of calls are the "first time # around" in an average run of Puppet. --daniel 2012-07-17 @ref ||= "#{self.class.name.to_s.capitalize}[#{self.title}]" end # (see self_refresh) # @todo check that meaningful yardoc is produced - this method delegates to "self.class.self_refresh" # @return [Boolean] - ??? returns true when ... what? # def self_refresh? self.class.self_refresh end # Marks the object as "being purged". # This method is used by transactions to forbid deletion when there are dependencies. # @todo what does this mean; "mark that we are purging" (purging what from where). How to use/when? # Is this internal API in transactions? # @see purging? def purging @purging = true end # Returns whether this resource is being purged or not. # This method is used by transactions to forbid deletion when there are dependencies. # @return [Boolean] the current "purging" state # def purging? if defined?(@purging) @purging else false end end # Returns the title of this object, or its name if title was not explicetly set. # If the title is not already set, it will be computed by looking up the {#name_var} and using # that value as the title. # @todo it is somewhat confusing that if the name_var is a valid parameter, it is assumed to # be the name_var called :name, but if it is a property, it uses the name_var. # It is further confusing as Type in some respects supports multiple namevars. # # @return [String] Returns the title of this object, or its name if title was not explicetly set. # @raise [??? devfail] if title is not set, and name_var can not be found. def title unless @title if self.class.validparameter?(name_var) @title = self[:name] elsif self.class.validproperty?(name_var) @title = self.should(name_var) else self.devfail "Could not find namevar #{name_var} for #{self.class.name}" end end @title end # Produces a reference to this in reference format. # @see #ref # def to_s self.ref end # Convert this resource type instance to a Puppet::Resource. # @return [Puppet::Resource] Returns a serializable representation of this resource # def to_resource resource = self.retrieve_resource resource.tag(*self.tags) @parameters.each do |name, param| # Avoid adding each instance name twice next if param.class.isnamevar? and param.value == self.title # We've already got property values next if param.is_a?(Puppet::Property) resource[name] = param.value end resource end # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the resource is virtual or not def virtual?; !!@virtual; end # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the resource is exported or not def exported?; !!@exported; end # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the resource is applicable to `:device` # Returns true if a resource of this type can be evaluated on a 'network device' kind # of hosts. # @api private def appliable_to_device? self.class.can_apply_to(:device) end # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the resource is applicable to `:host` # Returns true if a resource of this type can be evaluated on a regular generalized computer (ie not an appliance like a network device) # @api private def appliable_to_host? self.class.can_apply_to(:host) end end end require 'puppet/provider' diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/file/mode.rb b/lib/puppet/type/file/mode.rb index d7b521fa9..8a5ce2077 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/file/mode.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/file/mode.rb @@ -1,159 +1,163 @@ # Manage file modes. This state should support different formats # for specification (e.g., u+rwx, or -0011), but for now only supports # specifying the full mode. module Puppet Puppet::Type.type(:file).newproperty(:mode) do require 'puppet/util/symbolic_file_mode' include Puppet::Util::SymbolicFileMode desc <<-'EOT' The desired permissions mode for the file, in symbolic or numeric notation. Puppet uses traditional Unix permission schemes and translates them to equivalent permissions for systems which represent permissions differently, including Windows. Numeric modes should use the standard four-digit octal notation of `` (e.g. 0644). Each of the "owner," "group," and "other" digits should be a sum of the permissions for that class of users, where read = 4, write = 2, and execute/search = 1. When setting numeric permissions for directories, Puppet sets the search permission wherever the read permission is set. Symbolic modes should be represented as a string of comma-separated permission clauses, in the form ``: * "Who" should be u (user), g (group), o (other), and/or a (all) * "Op" should be = (set exact permissions), + (add select permissions), or - (remove select permissions) * "Perm" should be one or more of: * r (read) * w (write) * x (execute/search) * t (sticky) * s (setuid/setgid) * X (execute/search if directory or if any one user can execute) * u (user's current permissions) * g (group's current permissions) * o (other's current permissions) Thus, mode `0664` could be represented symbolically as either `a=r,ug+w` or `ug=rw,o=r`. However, symbolic modes are more expressive than numeric modes: a mode only affects the specified bits, so `mode => 'ug+w'` will set the user and group write bits, without affecting any other bits. See the manual page for GNU or BSD `chmod` for more details on numeric and symbolic modes. On Windows, permissions are translated as follows: * Owner and group names are mapped to Windows SIDs * The "other" class of users maps to the "Everyone" SID * The read/write/execute permissions map to the `FILE_GENERIC_READ`, `FILE_GENERIC_WRITE`, and `FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE` access rights; a file's owner always has the `FULL_CONTROL` right * "Other" users can't have any permissions a file's group lacks, and its group can't have any permissions its owner lacks; that is, 0644 is an acceptable mode, but 0464 is not. EOT validate do |value| + if !value.is_a?(String) + Puppet.deprecation_warning("Non-string values for the file mode property are deprecated. It must be a string, " \ + "either a symbolic mode like 'o+w,a+r' or an octal representation like '0644' or '755'.") + end unless value.nil? or valid_symbolic_mode?(value) raise Puppet::Error, "The file mode specification is invalid: #{value.inspect}" end end munge do |value| return nil if value.nil? unless valid_symbolic_mode?(value) raise Puppet::Error, "The file mode specification is invalid: #{value.inspect}" end normalize_symbolic_mode(value) end def desired_mode_from_current(desired, current) current = current.to_i(8) if current.is_a? String is_a_directory = @resource.stat && @resource.stat.directory? symbolic_mode_to_int(desired, current, is_a_directory) end # If we're a directory, we need to be executable for all cases # that are readable. This should probably be selectable, but eh. def dirmask(value) if FileTest.directory?(resource[:path]) and value =~ /^\d+$/ then value = value.to_i(8) value |= 0100 if value & 0400 != 0 value |= 010 if value & 040 != 0 value |= 01 if value & 04 != 0 value = value.to_s(8) end value end # If we're not following links and we're a link, then we just turn # off mode management entirely. def insync?(currentvalue) if stat = @resource.stat and stat.ftype == "link" and @resource[:links] != :follow self.debug "Not managing symlink mode" return true else return super(currentvalue) end end def property_matches?(current, desired) return false unless current current_bits = normalize_symbolic_mode(current) desired_bits = desired_mode_from_current(desired, current).to_s(8) current_bits == desired_bits end # Ideally, dirmask'ing could be done at munge time, but we don't know if 'ensure' # will eventually be a directory or something else. And unfortunately, that logic # depends on the ensure, source, and target properties. So rather than duplicate # that logic, and get it wrong, we do dirmask during retrieve, after 'ensure' has # been synced. def retrieve if @resource.stat @should &&= @should.collect { |s| self.dirmask(s) } end super end # Finally, when we sync the mode out we need to transform it; since we # don't have access to the calculated "desired" value here, or the # "current" value, only the "should" value we need to retrieve again. def sync current = @resource.stat ? @resource.stat.mode : 0644 set(desired_mode_from_current(@should[0], current).to_s(8)) end def change_to_s(old_value, desired) return super if desired =~ /^\d+$/ old_bits = normalize_symbolic_mode(old_value) new_bits = normalize_symbolic_mode(desired_mode_from_current(desired, old_bits)) super(old_bits, new_bits) + " (#{desired})" end def should_to_s(should_value) should_value.rjust(4, "0") end def is_to_s(currentvalue) if currentvalue == :absent # This can occur during audits---if a file is transitioning from # present to absent the mode will have a value of `:absent`. super else currentvalue.rjust(4, "0") end end end end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/class_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/class_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f63eb083 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/integration/parser/class_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +require 'spec_helper' +require 'puppet_spec/language' + +describe "Class expressions" do + extend PuppetSpec::Language + + before :each do + Puppet[:parser] = 'future' + end + + produces( + "class hi { }" => '!defined(Class[Hi])', + + "class hi { } include hi" => 'defined(Class[Hi])', + "include(hi) class hi { }" => 'defined(Class[Hi])', + + "class hi { } class { hi: }" => 'defined(Class[Hi])', + "class { hi: } class hi { }" => 'defined(Class[Hi])', + + "class bye { } class hi inherits bye { } include hi" => 'defined(Class[Hi]) and defined(Class[Bye])') + + produces(<<-EXAMPLE => 'defined(Notify[foo]) and defined(Notify[bar]) and !defined(Notify[foo::bar])') + class bar { notify { 'bar': } } + class foo::bar { notify { 'foo::bar': } } + class foo inherits bar { notify { 'foo': } } + + include foo + EXAMPLE + + produces(<<-EXAMPLE => 'defined(Notify[foo]) and defined(Notify[bar]) and !defined(Notify[foo::bar])') + class bar { notify { 'bar': } } + class foo::bar { notify { 'foo::bar': } } + class foo inherits ::bar { notify { 'foo': } } + + include foo + EXAMPLE +end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/compiler_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/compiler_spec.rb index 908dc3495..b2ec814ae 100755 --- a/spec/integration/parser/compiler_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/parser/compiler_spec.rb @@ -1,525 +1,525 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/parser/parser_factory' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'matchers/resource' describe "Puppet::Parser::Compiler" do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include Matchers::Resource before :each do @node = Puppet::Node.new "testnode" @scope_resource = stub 'scope_resource', :builtin? => true, :finish => nil, :ref => 'Class[main]' @scope = stub 'scope', :resource => @scope_resource, :source => mock("source") end it "should be able to determine the configuration version from a local version control repository" do pending("Bug #14071 about semantics of Puppet::Util::Execute on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows?) do # This should always work, because we should always be # in the puppet repo when we run this. version = %x{git rev-parse HEAD}.chomp Puppet.settings[:config_version] = 'git rev-parse HEAD' @parser = Puppet::Parser::ParserFactory.parser "development" @compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(@node) @compiler.catalog.version.should == version end end it "should not create duplicate resources when a class is referenced both directly and indirectly by the node classifier (4792)" do Puppet[:code] = <<-PP class foo { notify { foo_notify: } include bar } class bar { notify { bar_notify: } } PP @node.stubs(:classes).returns(['foo', 'bar']) catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(@node) catalog.resource("Notify[foo_notify]").should_not be_nil catalog.resource("Notify[bar_notify]").should_not be_nil end describe "when resolving class references" do it "should favor local scope, even if there's an included class in topscope" do Puppet[:code] = <<-PP class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } } class baz { } include baz include experiment include experiment::baz PP catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) notify_resource = catalog.resource( "Notify[x]" ) notify_resource[:require].title.should == "Experiment::Baz" end it "should favor local scope, even if there's an unincluded class in topscope" do Puppet[:code] = <<-PP class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } } class baz { } include experiment include experiment::baz PP catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) notify_resource = catalog.resource( "Notify[x]" ) notify_resource[:require].title.should == "Experiment::Baz" end end describe "(ticket #13349) when explicitly specifying top scope" do ["class {'::bar::baz':}", "include ::bar::baz"].each do |include| describe "with #{include}" do it "should find the top level class" do Puppet[:code] = <<-MANIFEST class { 'foo::test': } class foo::test { #{include} } class bar::baz { notify { 'good!': } } class foo::bar::baz { notify { 'bad!': } } MANIFEST catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) catalog.resource("Class[Bar::Baz]").should_not be_nil catalog.resource("Notify[good!]").should_not be_nil catalog.resource("Class[Foo::Bar::Baz]").should be_nil catalog.resource("Notify[bad!]").should be_nil end end end end it "should recompute the version after input files are re-parsed" do Puppet[:code] = 'class foo { }' Time.stubs(:now).returns(1) node = Puppet::Node.new('mynode') Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 Time.stubs(:now).returns(2) Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 # no change because files didn't change Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.stubs(:stale?).returns(true).then.returns(false) # pretend change Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 2 end ['class', 'define', 'node'].each do |thing| it "should not allow '#{thing}' inside evaluated conditional constructs" do Puppet[:code] = <<-PP if true { #{thing} foo { } notify { decoy: } } PP begin Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) raise "compilation should have raised Puppet::Error" rescue Puppet::Error => e e.message.should =~ /at line 2/ end end end it "should not allow classes inside unevaluated conditional constructs" do Puppet[:code] = <<-PP if false { class foo { } } PP lambda { Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end describe "when defining relationships" do def extract_name(ref) ref.sub(/File\[(\w+)\]/, '\1') end let(:node) { Puppet::Node.new('mynode') } let(:code) do <<-MANIFEST file { [a,b,c]: mode => 0644, } file { [d,e]: mode => 0755, } MANIFEST end let(:expected_relationships) { [] } let(:expected_subscriptions) { [] } before :each do Puppet[:code] = code end after :each do catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node) resources = catalog.resources.select { |res| res.type == 'File' } actual_relationships, actual_subscriptions = [:before, :notify].map do |relation| resources.map do |res| dependents = Array(res[relation]) dependents.map { |ref| [res.title, extract_name(ref)] } end.inject(&:concat) end actual_relationships.should =~ expected_relationships actual_subscriptions.should =~ expected_subscriptions end it "should create a relationship" do code << "File[a] -> File[b]" expected_relationships << ['a','b'] end it "should create a subscription" do code << "File[a] ~> File[b]" expected_subscriptions << ['a', 'b'] end it "should create relationships using title arrays" do code << "File[a,b] -> File[c,d]" expected_relationships.concat [ ['a', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd'], ] end it "should create relationships using collection expressions" do code << "File <| mode == 0644 |> -> File <| mode == 0755 |>" expected_relationships.concat [ ['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd'], ['c', 'd'], ['a', 'e'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'e'], ] end it "should create relationships using resource names" do code << "'File[a]' -> 'File[b]'" expected_relationships << ['a', 'b'] end it "should create relationships using variables" do code << <<-MANIFEST $var = File[a] $var -> File[b] MANIFEST expected_relationships << ['a', 'b'] end it "should create relationships using case statements" do code << <<-MANIFEST $var = 10 case $var { 10: { file { s1: } } 12: { file { s2: } } } -> case $var + 2 { 10: { file { t1: } } 12: { file { t2: } } } MANIFEST expected_relationships << ['s1', 't2'] end it "should create relationships using array members" do code << <<-MANIFEST $var = [ [ [ File[a], File[b] ] ] ] $var[0][0][0] -> $var[0][0][1] MANIFEST expected_relationships << ['a', 'b'] end it "should create relationships using hash members" do code << <<-MANIFEST $var = {'foo' => {'bar' => {'source' => File[a], 'target' => File[b]}}} $var[foo][bar][source] -> $var[foo][bar][target] MANIFEST expected_relationships << ['a', 'b'] end it "should create relationships using resource declarations" do code << "file { l: } -> file { r: }" expected_relationships << ['l', 'r'] end it "should chain relationships" do code << "File[a] -> File[b] ~> File[c] <- File[d] <~ File[e]" expected_relationships << ['a', 'b'] << ['d', 'c'] expected_subscriptions << ['b', 'c'] << ['e', 'd'] end end context 'when working with immutable node data' do context 'and have opted in to immutable_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:immutable_node_data] = true end def node_with_facts(facts) Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :memory Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.save(Puppet::Node::Facts.new("testing", facts)) node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.fact_merge node end matcher :fail_compile_with do |node, message_regex| match do |manifest| @error = nil begin - compile_to_catalog(manifest, node) + PuppetSpec::Compiler.compile_to_catalog(manifest, node) false rescue Puppet::Error => e @error = e message_regex.match(e.message) end end failure_message_for_should do if @error "failed with #{@error}\n#{@error.backtrace}" else "did not fail" end end end it 'should make $facts available' do node = node_with_facts('the_facts' => 'straight') catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $facts[the_facts] } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == "straight" end it 'should make $facts reserved' do node = node_with_facts('the_facts' => 'straight') expect('$facts = {}').to fail_compile_with(node, /assign to a reserved variable name: 'facts'/) expect('class a { $facts = {} } include a').to fail_compile_with(node, /assign to a reserved variable name: 'facts'/) end it 'should make $facts immutable' do node = node_with_facts('string' => 'value', 'array' => ['string'], 'hash' => { 'a' => 'string' }, 'number' => 1, 'boolean' => true) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{new}] = 2 %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen Hash/i) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{string}].chop! %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen String/i) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{array}][0].chop! %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen String/i) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{array}][1] = 2 %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen Array/i) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{hash}][%q{a}].chop! %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen String/i) expect('$i=inline_template("<% @facts[%q{hash}][%q{b}] = 2 %>")').to fail_compile_with(node, /frozen Hash/i) end it 'should make $facts available even if there are no facts' do Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :memory node = Puppet::Node.new("testing2") node.fact_merge catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $facts } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, {}) end end context 'and have not opted in to immutable_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:immutable_node_data] = false end it 'should not make $facts available' do Puppet[:facts_terminus] = :memory facts = Puppet::Node::Facts.new("testing", 'the_facts' => 'straight') Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.save(facts) node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.fact_merge catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => "An $facts space" } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == "An space" end end end context 'when working with the trusted data hash' do context 'and have opted in to trusted_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = true end it 'should make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $trusted[data] } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == "value" end it 'should not allow assignment to $trusted' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == true end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Attempt to assign to a reserved variable name: 'trusted'/) end it 'should not allow addition to $trusted hash' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $trusted['extra'] = 'added' notify { 'test': message => $trusted['extra'] == 'added' } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == true # different errors depending on regular or future parser end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /(can't modify frozen [hH]ash)|(Illegal attempt to assign)/) end it 'should not allow addition to $trusted hash via Ruby inline template' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $dummy = inline_template("<% @trusted['extra'] = 'added' %> lol") notify { 'test': message => $trusted['extra'] == 'added' } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == true end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /can't modify frozen [hH]ash/) end end context 'and have not opted in to trusted_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = false end it 'should not make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $trusted == undef } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == true end it 'should allow assignment to $trusted' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST catalog.resource("Notify[test]")[:message].should == true end end end context 'when evaluating collection' do it 'matches on container inherited tags' do Puppet[:code] = <<-MANIFEST class xport_test { tag 'foo_bar' @notify { 'nbr1': message => 'explicitly tagged', tag => 'foo_bar' } @notify { 'nbr2': message => 'implicitly tagged' } Notify <| tag == 'foo_bar' |> { message => 'overridden' } } include xport_test MANIFEST catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr1]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr2]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') end end end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb index 9c54d66b2..ea0a87e36 100644 --- a/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb @@ -1,750 +1,750 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/parser/parser_factory' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet_spec/pops' require 'puppet_spec/scope' require 'matchers/resource' require 'rgen/metamodel_builder' # Test compilation using the future evaluator describe "Puppet::Parser::Compiler" do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include Matchers::Resource before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end describe "the compiler when using future parser and evaluator" do it "should be able to determine the configuration version from a local version control repository" do pending("Bug #14071 about semantics of Puppet::Util::Execute on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows?) do # This should always work, because we should always be # in the puppet repo when we run this. version = %x{git rev-parse HEAD}.chomp Puppet.settings[:config_version] = 'git rev-parse HEAD' compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(Puppet::Node.new("testnode")) compiler.catalog.version.should == version end end it "should not create duplicate resources when a class is referenced both directly and indirectly by the node classifier (4792)" do node = Puppet::Node.new("testnodex") node.classes = ['foo', 'bar'] catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP, node) class foo { notify { foo_notify: } include bar } class bar { notify { bar_notify: } } PP catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[foo_notify]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bar_notify]") end it 'applies defaults for defines with qualified names (PUP-2302)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) define my::thing($msg = 'foo') { notify {'check_me': message => $msg } } My::Thing { msg => 'evoe' } my::thing { 'name': } CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[check_me]").with_parameter(:message, "evoe") end it 'Applies defaults from dynamic scopes (3x and future with reverted PUP-867)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) class a { Notify { message => "defaulted" } include b notify { bye: } } class b { notify { hi: } } include a CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[hi]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bye]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") end it 'gets default from inherited class (PUP-867)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) class a { Notify { message => "defaulted" } include c notify { bye: } } class b { Notify { message => "inherited" } } class c inherits b { notify { hi: } } include a CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[hi]").with_parameter(:message, "inherited") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bye]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") end it 'looks up default parameter values from inherited class (PUP-2532)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) class a { Notify { message => "defaulted" } include c notify { bye: } } class b { Notify { message => "inherited" } } class c inherits b { notify { hi: } } include a notify {hi_test: message => Notify[hi][message] } notify {bye_test: message => Notify[bye][message] } CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[hi_test]").with_parameter(:message, "inherited") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bye_test]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") end it 'does not allow override of class parameters using a resource override expression' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) Class[a] { x => 2} CODE end.to raise_error(/Resource Override can only.*got: Class\[a\].*/) end describe "when resolving class references" do it "should not favor local scope (with class included in topscope)" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } notify {"y" : require => Class[Experiment::Baz] } } class baz { } include baz include experiment include experiment::baz PP expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[x]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Baz]")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[y]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Experiment::Baz]")) end it "should not favor local scope, (with class not included in topscope)" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } notify {"y" : require => Class[Experiment::Baz] } } class baz { } include experiment include experiment::baz PP expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[x]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Baz]")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[y]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Experiment::Baz]")) end end describe "(ticket #13349) when explicitly specifying top scope" do ["class {'::bar::baz':}", "include ::bar::baz"].each do |include| describe "with #{include}" do it "should find the top level class" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class { 'foo::test': } class foo::test { #{include} } class bar::baz { notify { 'good!': } } class foo::bar::baz { notify { 'bad!': } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Class[Bar::Baz]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[good!]") expect(catalog).to_not have_resource("Class[Foo::Bar::Baz]") expect(catalog).to_not have_resource("Notify[bad!]") end end end end it "should recompute the version after input files are re-parsed" do Puppet[:code] = 'class foo { }' Time.stubs(:now).returns(1) node = Puppet::Node.new('mynode') Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 Time.stubs(:now).returns(2) Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 # no change because files didn't change Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.stubs(:stale?).returns(true).then.returns(false) # pretend change Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 2 end ['define', 'class', 'node'].each do |thing| it "'#{thing}' is not allowed inside evaluated conditional constructs" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) if true { #{thing} foo { } notify { decoy: } } PP end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel/) end it "'#{thing}' is not allowed inside un-evaluated conditional constructs" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) if false { #{thing} foo { } notify { decoy: } } PP end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel/) end end describe "relationships can be formed" do def extract_name(ref) ref.sub(/File\[(\w+)\]/, '\1') end def assert_creates_relationships(relationship_code, expectations) base_manifest = <<-MANIFEST file { [a,b,c]: mode => 0644, } file { [d,e]: mode => 0755, } MANIFEST catalog = compile_to_catalog(base_manifest + relationship_code) resources = catalog.resources.select { |res| res.type == 'File' } actual_relationships, actual_subscriptions = [:before, :notify].map do |relation| resources.map do |res| dependents = Array(res[relation]) dependents.map { |ref| [res.title, extract_name(ref)] } end.inject(&:concat) end actual_relationships.should =~ (expectations[:relationships] || []) actual_subscriptions.should =~ (expectations[:subscriptions] || []) end it "of regular type" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] -> File[b]", :relationships => [['a','b']]) end it "of subscription type" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] ~> File[b]", :subscriptions => [['a', 'b']]) end it "between multiple resources expressed as resource with multiple titles" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a,b] -> File[c,d]", :relationships => [['a', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd']]) end it "between collection expressions" do assert_creates_relationships("File <| mode == 0644 |> -> File <| mode == 0755 |>", :relationships => [['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd'], ['c', 'd'], ['a', 'e'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'e']]) end it "between resources expressed as Strings" do assert_creates_relationships("'File[a]' -> 'File[b]'", :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) end it "between resources expressed as variables" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = File[a] $var -> File[b] MANIFEST end it "between resources expressed as case statements" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['s1', 't2']]) $var = 10 case $var { 10: { file { s1: } } 12: { file { s2: } } } -> case $var + 2 { 10: { file { t1: } } 12: { file { t2: } } } MANIFEST end it "using deep access in array" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = [ [ [ File[a], File[b] ] ] ] $var[0][0][0] -> $var[0][0][1] MANIFEST end it "using deep access in hash" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = {'foo' => {'bar' => {'source' => File[a], 'target' => File[b]}}} $var[foo][bar][source] -> $var[foo][bar][target] MANIFEST end it "using resource declarations" do assert_creates_relationships("file { l: } -> file { r: }", :relationships => [['l', 'r']]) end it "between entries in a chain of relationships" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] -> File[b] ~> File[c] <- File[d] <~ File[e]", :relationships => [['a', 'b'], ['d', 'c']], :subscriptions => [['b', 'c'], ['e', 'd']]) end end context "when dealing with variable references" do it 'an initial underscore in a variable name is ok' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a { $_a = 10} include a notify { 'test': message => $a::_a } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 10) end it 'an initial underscore in not ok if elsewhere than last segment' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a { $_a = 10} include a notify { 'test': message => $_a::_a } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Illegal variable name/) end it 'a missing variable as default value becomes undef' do - # strict variables not on, + # strict variables not on catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a ($b=$x) { notify {test: message=>"yes ${undef == $b}" } } include a MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, "yes true") end end context 'when working with the trusted data hash' do context 'and have opted in to hashed_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = true end it 'should make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $trusted[data] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, "value") end it 'should not allow assignment to $trusted' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Attempt to assign to a reserved variable name: 'trusted'/) end end context 'and have not opted in to hashed_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = false end it 'should not make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => ($trusted == undef) } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, true) end it 'should allow assignment to $trusted' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, true) end end end context 'when using typed parameters in definition' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(String $x) { } foo { 'test': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Foo[test]").with_parameter(:x, 'say friend') end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo($a, $b, $c) { } foo { 'test': a => String, b=>10, c=>undef } MANIFEST end.to_not raise_error() end it 'denies non type compliant arguments' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Integer $x) { } foo { 'test': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'denies non type compliant default argument' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Integer $x = 'pow') { } foo { 'test': } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Type[Bar] $x) { notify { 'test': message => $x[text] } } define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } foo { 'test': x => Bar[joke] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 'knock knock') end end context 'when using typed parameters in class' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(String $x) { } class { 'foo': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Class[Foo]").with_parameter(:x, 'say friend') end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo($a, $b, $c) { } class { 'foo': a => String, b=>10, c=>undef } MANIFEST end.to_not raise_error() end it 'denies non type compliant arguments' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Integer $x) { } class { 'foo': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'denies non type compliant default argument' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Integer $x = 'pow') { } class { 'foo': } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Type[Bar] $x) { notify { 'test': message => $x[text] } } define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } class { 'foo': x => Bar[joke] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 'knock knock') end end context 'when using typed parameters in lambdas' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with('value') |String $x| { notify { "$x": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value]") end it 'handles an array as a single argument' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(['value', 'second']) |$x| { notify { "${x[0]} ${x[1]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value second]") end it 'denies when missing required arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |$x, $y| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$y is required but no value was given/m) end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) ['value', 1, true, undef].each |$x| { notify { "value: $x": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: value]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: 1]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: true]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: ]") end it 'accepts type-compliant, slurped arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1, 2) |Integer *$x| { notify { "${$x[0] + $x[1]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[3]") end it 'denies non-type-compliant arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |String $x| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'denies non-type-compliant, slurped arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1, "hello") |Integer *$x| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/called with mis-matched arguments.*expected.*Integer.*actual.*Integer, String/m) end it 'denies non-type-compliant default argument' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |$x, String $defaulted = 1| { notify { "${$x + $defaulted}": }} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*Any.*String.*actual.*Integer.*Integer/m) end it 'raises an error when a default argument value is an incorrect type and there are no arguments passed' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String $defaulted = 1| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'raises an error when the default argument for a slurped parameter is an incorrect type' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = 1| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'allows using an array as the default slurped value' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = [hi]| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'allows using a value of the type as the default slurped value' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = hi| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'allows specifying the type of a slurped parameter as an array' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |Array[String] *$defaulted = hi| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'raises an error when the number of default values does not match the parameter\'s size specification' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |Array[String, 2] *$defaulted = hi| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{2,\}.*actual.*arg count \{1\}/m) end it 'raises an error when the number of passed values does not match the parameter\'s size specification' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi) |Array[String, 2] *$passed| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{2,\}.*actual.*arg count \{1\}/m) end it 'matches when the number of arguments passed for a slurp parameter match the size specification' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi, bye) |Array[String, 2] *$passed| { $passed.each |$n| { notify { $n: } } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[bye]') end it 'raises an error when the number of allowed slurp parameters exceeds the size constraint' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi, bye) |Array[String, 1, 1] *$passed| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{1\}.*actual.*arg count \{2\}/m) end it 'allows passing slurped arrays by specifying an array of arrays' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with([hi], [bye]) |Array[Array[String, 1, 1]] *$passed| { notify { $passed[0][0]: } notify { $passed[1][0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[bye]') end it 'raises an error when a required argument follows an optional one' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$y = first, $x, Array[String, 1] *$passed = bye| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$x is required/) end it 'raises an error when the minimum size of a slurped argument makes it required and it follows an optional argument' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$x = first, Array[String, 1] *$passed| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$passed is required/) end it 'allows slurped arguments with a minimum size of 0 after an optional argument' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$x = first, Array[String, 0] *$passed| { notify { $x: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[first]') end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } with(Bar[joke]) |Type[Bar] $joke| { notify { "${joke[text]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[knock knock]") end end end context 'when evaluating collection' do it 'matches on container inherited tags' do Puppet[:code] = <<-MANIFEST class xport_test { tag('foo_bar') @notify { 'nbr1': message => 'explicitly tagged', tag => 'foo_bar' } @notify { 'nbr2': message => 'implicitly tagged' } Notify <| tag == 'foo_bar' |> { message => 'overridden' } } include xport_test MANIFEST catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr1]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr2]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') end end end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/resource_expressions_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/resource_expressions_spec.rb index c53e40c52..95da60b4d 100644 --- a/spec/integration/parser/resource_expressions_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/parser/resource_expressions_spec.rb @@ -1,282 +1,242 @@ require 'spec_helper' -require 'puppet_spec/compiler' -require 'matchers/resource' +require 'puppet_spec/language' describe "Puppet resource expressions" do - include PuppetSpec::Compiler - include Matchers::Resource - - def self.produces(expectations) - expectations.each do |manifest, resources| - it "evaluates #{manifest} to produce #{resources}" do - catalog = compile_to_catalog(manifest) - - if resources.empty? - base_resources = ["Class[Settings]", "Class[main]", "Stage[main]"] - expect(catalog.resources.collect(&:ref) - base_resources).to eq([]) - else - resources.each do |reference| - if reference.is_a?(Array) - matcher = have_resource(reference[0]) - reference[1].each do |name, value| - matcher = matcher.with_parameter(name, value) - end - else - matcher = have_resource(reference) - end - - expect(catalog).to matcher - end - end - end - end - end - - def self.fails(expectations) - expectations.each do |manifest, pattern| - it "fails to evaluate #{manifest} with message #{pattern}" do - expect do - compile_to_catalog(manifest) - end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, pattern) - end - end - end + extend PuppetSpec::Language describe "future parser" do before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end produces( - "$a = notify; $b = example; $c = { message => hello }; @@$a { $b: * => $c } realize(Resource[$a, $b])" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => "hello" }]]) + "$a = notify; $b = example; $c = { message => hello }; @@$a { $b: * => $c } realize(Resource[$a, $b])" => "Notify[example][message] == 'hello'") + context "resource titles" do produces( - "notify { thing: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], - "$x = thing notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], + "notify { thing: }" => "defined(Notify[thing])", + "$x = thing notify { $x: }" => "defined(Notify[thing])", - "notify { [thing]: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], - "$x = [thing] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], + "notify { [thing]: }" => "defined(Notify[thing])", + "$x = [thing] notify { $x: }" => "defined(Notify[thing])", - "notify { [[nested, array]]: }" => ["Notify[nested]", "Notify[array]"], - "$x = [[nested, array]] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[nested]", "Notify[array]"], + "notify { [[nested, array]]: }" => "defined(Notify[nested]) and defined(Notify[array])", + "$x = [[nested, array]] notify { $x: }" => "defined(Notify[nested]) and defined(Notify[array])", - "notify { []: }" => [], - "$x = [] notify { $x: }" => [], + "notify { []: }" => [], # this asserts nothing added + "$x = [] notify { $x: }" => [], # this asserts nothing added - "notify { default: }" => [], # nothing created because this is just a local default - "$x = default notify { $x: }" => []) + "notify { default: }" => "!defined(Notify['default'])", # nothing created because this is just a local default + "$x = default notify { $x: }" => "!defined(Notify['default'])") fails( "notify { '': }" => /Empty string title/, "$x = '' notify { $x: }" => /Empty string title/, "notify { 1: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Integer/, "$x = 1 notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Integer/, "notify { [1]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Integer/, "$x = [1] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Integer/, "notify { 3.0: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Float/, "$x = 3.0 notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Float/, "notify { [3.0]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Float/, "$x = [3.0] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Float/, "notify { true: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "$x = true notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "notify { [true]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "$x = [true] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "notify { [false]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "$x = [false] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Boolean/, "notify { undef: }" => /Missing title.*undef/, "$x = undef notify { $x: }" => /Missing title.*undef/, "notify { [undef]: }" => /Missing title.*undef/, "$x = [undef] notify { $x: }" => /Missing title.*undef/, "notify { {nested => hash}: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Hash/, "$x = {nested => hash} notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Hash/, "notify { [{nested => hash}]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Hash/, "$x = [{nested => hash}] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Hash/, "notify { /regexp/: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Regexp/, "$x = /regexp/ notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Regexp/, "notify { [/regexp/]: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Regexp/, "$x = [/regexp/] notify { $x: }" => /Illegal title type.*Expected String, got Regexp/, "notify { [dupe, dupe]: }" => /The title 'dupe' has already been used/, "notify { dupe:; dupe: }" => /The title 'dupe' has already been used/, "notify { [dupe]:; dupe: }" => /The title 'dupe' has already been used/, "notify { [default, default]:}" => /The title 'default' has already been used/, "notify { default:; default:}" => /The title 'default' has already been used/, "notify { [default]:; default:}" => /The title 'default' has already been used/) end context "type names" do produces( - "notify { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "$a = notify; $a { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "'notify' { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "sprintf('%s', 'notify') { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "$a = ify; \"not$a\" { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], + "notify { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "$a = notify; $a { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "'notify' { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "sprintf('%s', 'notify') { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "$a = ify; \"not$a\" { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", - "Notify { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "Resource[Notify] { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "'Notify' { testing: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], + "Notify { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "Resource[Notify] { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "'Notify' { testing: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", - "class a { notify { testing: } } class { a: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "class a { notify { testing: } } Class { a: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "class a { notify { testing: } } 'class' { a: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], + "class a { notify { testing: } } class { a: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "class a { notify { testing: } } Class { a: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "class a { notify { testing: } } 'class' { a: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", - "define a::b { notify { testing: } } a::b { title: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "define a::b { notify { testing: } } A::B { title: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "define a::b { notify { testing: } } 'a::b' { title: }" => ["Notify[testing]"], - "define a::b { notify { testing: } } Resource['a::b'] { title: }" => ["Notify[testing]"]) + "define a::b { notify { testing: } } a::b { title: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "define a::b { notify { testing: } } A::B { title: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "define a::b { notify { testing: } } 'a::b' { title: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])", + "define a::b { notify { testing: } } Resource['a::b'] { title: }" => "defined(Notify[testing])") fails( "'' { testing: }" => /Illegal type reference/, "1 { testing: }" => /Illegal Resource Type expression.*got Integer/, "3.0 { testing: }" => /Illegal Resource Type expression.*got Float/, "true { testing: }" => /Illegal Resource Type expression.*got Boolean/, "'not correct' { testing: }" => /Illegal type reference/, "Notify[hi] { testing: }" => /Illegal Resource Type expression.*got Notify\['hi'\]/, "[Notify, File] { testing: }" => /Illegal Resource Type expression.*got Array\[Type\[Resource\]\]/, "Does::Not::Exist { title: }" => /Invalid resource type does::not::exist/) end context "local defaults" do produces( - "notify { example:; default: message => defaulted }" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => "defaulted" }]], - "notify { example: message => specific; default: message => defaulted }" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => "specific" }]], - "notify { example: message => undef; default: message => defaulted }" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => nil }]], - "notify { [example, other]: ; default: message => defaulted }" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => "defaulted" }], - ["Notify[other]", { :message => "defaulted" }]], - "notify { [example, default]: message => set; other: }" => [["Notify[example]", { :message => "set" }], - ["Notify[other]", { :message => "set" }]]) + "notify { example:; default: message => defaulted }" => "Notify[example][message] == 'defaulted'", + "notify { example: message => specific; default: message => defaulted }" => "Notify[example][message] == 'specific'", + "notify { example: message => undef; default: message => defaulted }" => "Notify[example][message] == undef", + "notify { [example, other]: ; default: message => defaulted }" => "Notify[example][message] == 'defaulted' and Notify[other][message] == 'defaulted'", + "notify { [example, default]: message => set; other: }" => "Notify[example][message] == 'set' and Notify[other][message] == 'set'") end context "order of evaluation" do fails("notify { hi: message => value; bye: message => Notify[hi][message] }" => /Resource not found: Notify\['hi'\]/) - produces("notify { hi: message => (notify { param: message => set }); bye: message => Notify[param][message] }" => ["Notify[hi]", - ["Notify[bye]", { :message => "set" }]]) + produces("notify { hi: message => (notify { param: message => set }); bye: message => Notify[param][message] }" => "defined(Notify[hi]) and Notify[bye][message] == 'set'") fails("notify { bye: message => Notify[param][message]; hi: message => (notify { param: message => set }) }" => /Resource not found: Notify\['param'\]/) end context "parameters" do produces( - "notify { title: message => set }" => [["Notify[title]", { :message => "set" }]], - "$x = set notify { title: message => $x }" => [["Notify[title]", { :message => "set" }]], + "notify { title: message => set }" => "Notify[title][message] == 'set'", + "$x = set notify { title: message => $x }" => "Notify[title][message] == 'set'", - "notify { title: *=> { message => set } }" => [["Notify[title]", { :message => "set" }]], - "$x = { message => set } notify { title: * => $x }" => [["Notify[title]", { :message => "set" }]]) + "notify { title: *=> { message => set } }" => "Notify[title][message] == 'set'", + "$x = { message => set } notify { title: * => $x }" => "Notify[title][message] == 'set'") fails( "notify { title: unknown => value }" => /Invalid parameter unknown/, #BUG "notify { title: * => { hash => value }, message => oops }" => /Invalid parameter hash/, # this really needs to be a better error message. "notify { title: message => oops, * => { hash => value } }" => /Syntax error/, # should this be a better error message? "notify { title: * => { unknown => value } }" => /Invalid parameter unknown/) end context "virtual" do produces( - "@notify { example: }" => [], - "@notify { example: } realize(Notify[example])" => ["Notify[example]"], - "@notify { virtual: message => set } notify { real: message => Notify[virtual][message] }" => [["Notify[real]", { :message => "set" }]]) + "@notify { example: }" => "!defined(Notify[example])", + "@notify { example: } realize(Notify[example])" => "defined(Notify[example])", + "@notify { virtual: message => set } notify { real: message => Notify[virtual][message] }" => "Notify[real][message] == 'set'") end context "exported" do produces( - "@@notify { example: }" => [], - "@@notify { example: } realize(Notify[example])" => ["Notify[example]"], - "@@notify { exported: message => set } notify { real: message => Notify[exported][message] }" => [["Notify[real]", { :message => "set" }]]) + "@@notify { example: }" => "!defined(Notify[example])", + "@@notify { example: } realize(Notify[example])" => "defined(Notify[example])", + "@@notify { exported: message => set } notify { real: message => Notify[exported][message] }" => "Notify[real][message] == 'set'") end end describe "current parser" do before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'current' end produces( "notify { thing: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], "$x = thing notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], "notify { [thing]: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], "$x = [thing] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[thing]"], "notify { [[nested, array]]: }" => ["Notify[nested]", "Notify[array]"], "$x = [[nested, array]] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[nested]", "Notify[array]"], # deprecate? "notify { 1: }" => ["Notify[1]"], "$x = 1 notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[1]"], # deprecate? "notify { [1]: }" => ["Notify[1]"], "$x = [1] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[1]"], # deprecate? "notify { 3.0: }" => ["Notify[3.0]"], "$x = 3.0 notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[3.0]"], # deprecate? "notify { [3.0]: }" => ["Notify[3.0]"], "$x = [3.0] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[3.0]"]) # :( fails( "notify { true: }" => /Syntax error/) produces("$x = true notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[true]"]) # this makes no sense given the [false] case produces( "notify { [true]: }" => ["Notify[true]"], "$x = [true] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[true]"]) # *sigh* fails( "notify { false: }" => /Syntax error/, "$x = false notify { $x: }" => /No title provided and :notify is not a valid resource reference/, "notify { [false]: }" => /No title provided and :notify is not a valid resource reference/, "$x = [false] notify { $x: }" => /No title provided and :notify is not a valid resource reference/) # works for variable value, not for literal. deprecate? fails("notify { undef: }" => /Syntax error/) produces( "$x = undef notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[undef]"], # deprecate? "notify { [undef]: }" => ["Notify[undef]"], "$x = [undef] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[undef]"]) fails("notify { {nested => hash}: }" => /Syntax error/) #produces("$x = {nested => hash} notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[{nested => hash}]"]) #it is created, but isn't possible to reference the resource. deprecate? #produces("notify { [{nested => hash}]: }" => ["Notify[{nested => hash}]"]) #it is created, but isn't possible to reference the resource. deprecate? #produces("$x = [{nested => hash}] notify { $x: }" => ["Notify[{nested => hash}]"]) #it is created, but isn't possible to reference the resource. deprecate? fails( "notify { /regexp/: }" => /Syntax error/, "$x = /regexp/ notify { $x: }" => /Syntax error/, "notify { [/regexp/]: }" => /Syntax error/, "$x = [/regexp/] notify { $x: }" => /Syntax error/, "notify { default: }" => /Syntax error/, "$x = default notify { $x: }" => /Syntax error/, "notify { [default]: }" => /Syntax error/, "$x = [default] notify { $x: }" => /Syntax error/) end end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/scope_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/scope_spec.rb index b6672b126..c10caa7f0 100644 --- a/spec/integration/parser/scope_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/parser/scope_spec.rb @@ -1,741 +1,741 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' describe "Two step scoping for variables" do include PuppetSpec::Compiler def expect_the_message_to_be(message, node = Puppet::Node.new('the node')) catalog = compile_to_catalog(yield, node) catalog.resource('Notify', 'something')[:message].should == message end before :each do Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).never end context 'using current parser' do describe "using plussignment to change in a new scope" do it "does not change a string in the parent scope" do # Expects to be able to concatenate string using += expect_the_message_to_be('top_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" class override { $var += "override" include foo } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } include override MANIFEST end end end end context 'using future parser' do before(:each) do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end describe "using unsupported operators" do it "issues an error for +=" do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) $var = ["top_msg"] node default { $var += ["override"] } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/The operator '\+=' is no longer supported/) end it "issues an error for -=" do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) $var = ["top_msg"] node default { $var -= ["top_msg"] } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/The operator '-=' is no longer supported/) end end it "when using a template ignores the dynamic value of the var when using the @varname syntax" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include foo } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" include bar } class bar { notify { 'something': message => inline_template("<%= @var %>"), } } MANIFEST end end it "when using a template gets the var from an inherited class when using the @varname syntax" do expect_the_message_to_be('Barbamama') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include bar_bamama include foo } class bar_bamama { $var = "Barbamama" } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" include bar } class bar inherits bar_bamama { notify { 'something': message => inline_template("<%= @var %>"), } } MANIFEST end end it "when using a template ignores the dynamic var when it is not present in an inherited class" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include bar_bamama include foo } class bar_bamama { } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" include bar } class bar inherits bar_bamama { notify { 'something': message => inline_template("<%= @var %>"), } } MANIFEST end end end shared_examples_for "the scope" do describe "fully qualified variable names" do it "keeps nodescope separate from topscope" do expect_the_message_to_be('topscope') do <<-MANIFEST $c = "topscope" node default { $c = "nodescope" notify { 'something': message => $::c } } MANIFEST end end end describe "when colliding class and variable names" do it "finds a topscope variable with the same name as a class" do expect_the_message_to_be('topscope') do <<-MANIFEST $c = "topscope" class c { } node default { include c notify { 'something': message => $c } } MANIFEST end end it "finds a node scope variable with the same name as a class" do expect_the_message_to_be('nodescope') do <<-MANIFEST class c { } node default { $c = "nodescope" include c notify { 'something': message => $c } } MANIFEST end end it "finds a class variable when the class collides with a nodescope variable" do expect_the_message_to_be('class') do <<-MANIFEST class c { $b = "class" } node default { $c = "nodescope" include c notify { 'something': message => $c::b } } MANIFEST end end it "finds a class variable when the class collides with a topscope variable" do expect_the_message_to_be('class') do <<-MANIFEST $c = "topscope" class c { $b = "class" } node default { include c notify { 'something': message => $::c::b } } MANIFEST end end end describe "when using shadowing and inheritance" do it "finds values in its local scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('local_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include baz } class foo { } class bar inherits foo { $var = "local_msg" notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its inherited scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include baz } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "prefers values in its local scope over values in the inherited scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('local_msg') do <<-MANIFEST include bar class foo { $var = "inherited" } class bar inherits foo { $var = "local_msg" notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds a qualified variable by following parent scopes of the specified scope" do expect_the_message_to_be("from node") do <<-MANIFEST class c { notify { 'something': message => "$a::b" } } class a { } node default { $b = "from node" include a include c } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its inherited scope when the inherited class is qualified to the top" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include baz } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" } class bar inherits ::foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "prefers values in its local scope over values in the inherited scope when the inherited class is fully qualified" do expect_the_message_to_be('local_msg') do <<-MANIFEST include bar class foo { $var = "inherited" } class bar inherits ::foo { $var = "local_msg" notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in top scope when the inherited class is qualified to the top" do expect_the_message_to_be('top msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top msg" class foo { } class bar inherits ::foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } include bar MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its inherited scope when the inherited class is a nested class that shadows another class at the top" do expect_the_message_to_be('inner baz') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include foo::bar } class baz { $var = "top baz" } class foo { class baz { $var = "inner baz" } - class bar inherits baz { + class bar inherits foo::baz { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its inherited scope when the inherited class is qualified to a nested class and qualified to the top" do expect_the_message_to_be('top baz') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include foo::bar } class baz { $var = "top baz" } class foo { class baz { $var = "inner baz" } class bar inherits ::baz { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its inherited scope when the inherited class is qualified" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include bar } class foo { class baz { $var = "foo_msg" } } class bar inherits foo::baz { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "prefers values in its inherited scope over those in the node (with intermediate inclusion)" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include baz } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "prefers values in its inherited scope over those in the node (without intermediate inclusion)" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include bar } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "prefers values in its inherited scope over those from where it is included" do expect_the_message_to_be('foo_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { include baz } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { $var = "baz_msg" include bar } MANIFEST end end it "does not used variables from classes included in the inherited scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include bar } class quux { $var = "quux_msg" } class foo inherits quux { } class baz { include foo } class bar inherits baz { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "does not use a variable from a scope lexically enclosing it" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include other::bar } class other { $var = "other_msg" class bar { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its node scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include baz } class foo { } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "finds values in its top scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('top_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node default { include baz } class foo { } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { include bar } MANIFEST end end it "prefers variables from the node over those in the top scope" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node default { $var = "node_msg" include foo } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds top scope variables referenced inside a defined type" do expect_the_message_to_be('top_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node default { foo { "testing": } } define foo() { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds node scope variables referenced inside a defined type" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node default { $var = "node_msg" foo { "testing": } } define foo() { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end end describe "in situations that used to have dynamic lookup" do it "ignores the dynamic value of the var" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include foo } class baz { $var = "baz_msg" include bar } class foo inherits baz { } class bar { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds nil when the only set variable is in the dynamic scope" do expect_the_message_to_be(nil) do <<-MANIFEST node default { include baz } class foo { } class bar inherits foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } class baz { $var = "baz_msg" include bar } MANIFEST end end it "ignores the value in the dynamic scope for a defined type" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include foo } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" bar { "testing": } } define bar() { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "when using a template ignores the dynamic value of the var when using scope.lookupvar" do expect_the_message_to_be('node_msg') do <<-MANIFEST node default { $var = "node_msg" include foo } class foo { $var = "foo_msg" include bar } class bar { notify { 'something': message => inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('var') %>"), } } MANIFEST end end end describe "when using an enc" do it "places enc parameters in top scope" do enc_node = Puppet::Node.new("the node", { :parameters => { "var" => 'from_enc' } }) expect_the_message_to_be('from_enc', enc_node) do <<-MANIFEST notify { 'something': message => $var, } MANIFEST end end it "does not allow the enc to specify an existing top scope var" do enc_node = Puppet::Node.new("the_node", { :parameters => { "var" => 'from_enc' } }) expect { compile_to_catalog("$var = 'top scope'", enc_node) }.to raise_error( Puppet::Error, /Cannot reassign variable var at line 1(\:6)? on node the_node/ ) end it "evaluates enc classes in top scope when there is no node" do enc_node = Puppet::Node.new("the node", { :classes => ['foo'], :parameters => { "var" => 'from_enc' } }) expect_the_message_to_be('from_enc', enc_node) do <<-MANIFEST class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "overrides enc variables from a node scope var" do enc_node = Puppet::Node.new("the_node", { :classes => ['foo'], :parameters => { 'enc_var' => 'Set from ENC.' } }) expect_the_message_to_be('ENC overridden in node', enc_node) do <<-MANIFEST node the_node { $enc_var = "ENC overridden in node" } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $enc_var, } } MANIFEST end end end end describe 'using classic parser' do before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'current' end it_behaves_like 'the scope' it "finds value define in the inherited node" do expect_the_message_to_be('parent_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node parent { $var = "parent_msg" } node default inherits parent { include foo } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds top scope when the class is included before the node defines the var" do expect_the_message_to_be('top_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node parent { include foo } node default inherits parent { $var = "default_msg" } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "finds top scope when the class is included before the node defines the var" do expect_the_message_to_be('top_msg') do <<-MANIFEST $var = "top_msg" node parent { include foo } node default inherits parent { $var = "default_msg" } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end it "evaluates enc classes in the node scope when there is a matching node" do enc_node = Puppet::Node.new("the_node", { :classes => ['foo'] }) expect_the_message_to_be('from matching node', enc_node) do <<-MANIFEST node inherited { $var = "from inherited" } node the_node inherits inherited { $var = "from matching node" } class foo { notify { 'something': message => $var, } } MANIFEST end end end describe 'using future parser' do before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end it_behaves_like 'the scope' end end diff --git a/spec/lib/matchers/resource.rb b/spec/lib/matchers/resource.rb index 4498f959e..fc305d0d2 100644 --- a/spec/lib/matchers/resource.rb +++ b/spec/lib/matchers/resource.rb @@ -1,67 +1,68 @@ module Matchers; module Resource extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL matcher :be_resource do |expected_resource| @params = {} match do |actual_resource| matched = true failures = [] if actual_resource.ref != expected_resource matched = false failures << "expected #{expected_resource} but was #{actual_resource.ref}" end @params.each do |name, value| case value when RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher if !value.matches?(actual_resource[name]) matched = false failures << "expected #{name} to match '#{value.description}' but was '#{actual_resource[name]}'" end else if actual_resource[name] != value matched = false failures << "expected #{name} to be '#{value}' but was '#{actual_resource[name]}'" end end end @mismatch = failures.join("\n") matched end chain :with_parameter do |name, value| @params[name] = value end def failure_message_for_should @mismatch end end module_function :be_resource matcher :have_resource do |expected_resource| @params = {} @matcher = Matchers::Resource.be_resource(expected_resource) match do |actual_catalog| @mismatch = "" if resource = actual_catalog.resource(expected_resource) @matcher.matches?(resource) else @mismatch = "expected #{@actual.to_dot} to include #{@expected[0]}" false end end chain :with_parameter do |name, value| @matcher.with_parameter(name, value) end def failure_message_for_should @mismatch.empty? ? @matcher.failure_message_for_should : @mismatch end end + module_function :have_resource end; end diff --git a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb index 91ceed24f..4757705aa 100644 --- a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb +++ b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb @@ -1,47 +1,49 @@ module PuppetSpec::Compiler + module_function + def compile_to_catalog(string, node = Puppet::Node.new('foonode')) Puppet[:code] = string # see lib/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb#filter Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).filter { |r| r.virtual? } end def compile_to_ral(manifest) catalog = compile_to_catalog(manifest) ral = catalog.to_ral ral.finalize ral end def compile_to_relationship_graph(manifest, prioritizer = Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new) ral = compile_to_ral(manifest) graph = Puppet::Graph::RelationshipGraph.new(prioritizer) graph.populate_from(ral) graph end def apply_compiled_manifest(manifest, prioritizer = Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new) catalog = compile_to_ral(manifest) if block_given? catalog.resources.each { |res| yield res } end transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(catalog, Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply"), prioritizer) transaction.evaluate transaction.report.finalize_report transaction end def apply_with_error_check(manifest) apply_compiled_manifest(manifest) do |res| res.expects(:err).never end end def order_resources_traversed_in(relationships) order_seen = [] relationships.traverse { |resource| order_seen << resource.ref } order_seen end end diff --git a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/language.rb b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/language.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..09d88a851 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/language.rb @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +require 'puppet_spec/compiler' +require 'matchers/resource' + +module PuppetSpec::Language + def produces(expectations) + expectations.each do |manifest, resources| + it "evaluates #{manifest} to produce #{resources}" do + case resources + when String + node = Puppet::Node.new('specification') + Puppet[:code] = manifest + compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) + evaluator = Puppet::Pops::Parser::EvaluatingParser.new() + + # see lib/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb#filter + catalog = compiler.compile.filter { |r| r.virtual? } + + compiler.send(:instance_variable_set, :@catalog, catalog) + + expect(evaluator.evaluate_string(compiler.topscope, resources)).to eq(true) + when Array + catalog = PuppetSpec::Compiler.compile_to_catalog(manifest) + + if resources.empty? + base_resources = ["Class[Settings]", "Class[main]", "Stage[main]"] + expect(catalog.resources.collect(&:ref) - base_resources).to eq([]) + else + resources.each do |reference| + if reference.is_a?(Array) + matcher = Matchers::Resource.have_resource(reference[0]) + reference[1].each do |name, value| + matcher = matcher.with_parameter(name, value) + end + else + matcher = Matchers::Resource.have_resource(reference) + end + + expect(catalog).to matcher + end + end + else + raise "Unsupported creates specification: #{resources.inspect}" + end + end + end + end + + def fails(expectations) + expectations.each do |manifest, pattern| + it "fails to evaluate #{manifest} with message #{pattern}" do + expect do + PuppetSpec::Compiler.compile_to_catalog(manifest) + end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, pattern) + end + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/unit/defaults_spec.rb b/spec/unit/defaults_spec.rb index ce9490a7d..0d141d91c 100644 --- a/spec/unit/defaults_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/defaults_spec.rb @@ -1,89 +1,74 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/settings' describe "Defaults" do describe ".default_diffargs" do describe "on AIX" do before(:each) do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:kernel).returns("AIX") end describe "on 5.3" do before(:each) do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:kernelmajversion).returns("5300") end it "should be empty" do Puppet.default_diffargs.should == "" end end [ "", nil, "6300", "7300", ].each do |kernel_version| describe "on kernel version #{kernel_version.inspect}" do before(:each) do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:kernelmajversion).returns(kernel_version) end it "should be '-u'" do Puppet.default_diffargs.should == "-u" end end end end describe "on everything else" do before(:each) do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:kernel).returns("NOT_AIX") end it "should be '-u'" do Puppet.default_diffargs.should == "-u" end end end describe 'cfacter' do before :each do Facter.reset end it 'should default to false' do Puppet.settings[:cfacter].should be_false end it 'should raise an error if cfacter is not installed' do Puppet.features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns false lambda { Puppet.settings[:cfacter] = true }.should raise_exception ArgumentError, 'cfacter version 0.2.0 or later is not installed.' end it 'should raise an error if facter has already evaluated facts' do Facter[:facterversion] Puppet.features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns true lambda { Puppet.settings[:cfacter] = true }.should raise_exception ArgumentError, 'facter has already evaluated facts.' end - it 'should replace facter when set to true' do + it 'should initialize cfacter when set to true' do Puppet.features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns true - facter = Facter - external_facts = Puppet.features.external_facts? - begin - CFacter = mock - CFacter.stubs(:version).returns '0.2.0' - CFacter.stubs(:search).returns nil - CFacter.stubs(:search_external).returns nil - CFacter.stubs(:value).with(:somefact).returns 'foo' - Puppet.settings[:cfacter] = true - Facter.should eq CFacter - Facter.value(:somefact).should eq 'foo' - Puppet.features.external_facts?.should be_true - ensure - Object.send(:remove_const, :CFacter) - Object.send(:remove_const, :Facter) - Object.send(:const_set, :Facter, facter) - Puppet.features.add(:external_facts) { external_facts } - end + CFacter = mock + CFacter.stubs(:initialize) + Puppet.settings[:cfacter] = true end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/facts_spec.rb b/spec/unit/facts_spec.rb deleted file mode 100644 index a78038a38..000000000 --- a/spec/unit/facts_spec.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -require 'spec_helper' -require 'puppet/facts' - -describe Puppet::Facts do - - describe 'replace_facter' do - it 'returns false if cfacter feature is not present' do - Puppet::features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns false - Puppet::Facts.replace_facter.should be_false - end - - it 'returns true if cfacter is already enabled' do - Puppet::features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns true - - facter = Facter - begin - CFacter = mock - Object.send(:remove_const, :Facter) - Object.send(:const_set, :Facter, CFacter) - Puppet::Facts.replace_facter.should be_true - ensure - Object.send(:remove_const, :CFacter) - Object.send(:remove_const, :Facter) - Object.send(:const_set, :Facter, facter) - end - end - - it 'replaces facter with cfacter' do - Puppet.features.stubs(:cfacter?).returns true - facter = Facter - external_facts = Puppet.features.external_facts? - begin - CFacter = mock - CFacter.stubs(:version).returns '0.2.0' - CFacter.stubs(:search).returns nil - CFacter.stubs(:search_external).returns nil - CFacter.stubs(:value).with(:somefact).returns 'foo' - Puppet::Facts.replace_facter - Facter.should eq CFacter - Facter.value(:somefact).should eq 'foo' - Puppet.features.external_facts?.should be_true - ensure - Object.send(:remove_const, :CFacter) - Object.send(:remove_const, :Facter) - Object.send(:const_set, :Facter, facter) - Puppet.features.add(:external_facts) { external_facts } - end - end - - end - -end diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb index 8dd48e767..42cc4995e 100755 --- a/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb @@ -1,335 +1,357 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'tempfile' describe Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:user_role_add), :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:user).new(:name => 'myuser', :managehome => false, :allowdupe => false) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(resource) } before do resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval" resource.stubs(:should).with(:keys).returns Hash.new resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval" end describe "#command" do before do klass = stub("provider") klass.stubs(:command).with(:foo).returns("userfoo") klass.stubs(:command).with(:role_foo).returns("rolefoo") provider.stubs(:class).returns(klass) end it "should use the command if not a role and ensure!=role" do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:present) provider.class.stubs(:foo) provider.command(:foo).should == "userfoo" end it "should use the role command when a role" do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true) provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo" end it "should use the role command when !exists and ensure=role" do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:role) provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo" end end describe "#transition" do it "should return the type set to whatever is passed in" do provider.expects(:command).with(:modify).returns("foomod") provider.transition("bar").include?("type=bar") end end describe "#create" do before do provider.stubs(:password=) end it "should use the add command when the user is not a role" do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.expects(:addcmd).returns("useradd") provider.expects(:run).at_least_once provider.create end it "should use transition(normal) when the user is a role" do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true) provider.expects(:transition).with("normal") provider.expects(:run) provider.create end it "should set password age rules" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new :name => "myuser", :password_min_age => 5, :password_max_age => 10, :provider => :user_role_add provider = described_class.new(resource) provider.stubs(:user_attributes) provider.stubs(:execute) provider.expects(:execute).with { |cmd, *args| args == ["-n", 5, "-x", 10, "myuser"] } provider.create end end describe "#destroy" do it "should use the delete command if the user exists and is not a role" do provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.expects(:deletecmd) provider.expects(:run) provider.destroy end it "should use the delete command if the user is a role" do provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true) provider.expects(:deletecmd) provider.expects(:run) provider.destroy end end describe "#create_role" do it "should use the transition(role) if the user exists" do provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.expects(:transition).with("role") provider.expects(:run) provider.create_role end it "should use the add command when role doesn't exists" do provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false) provider.expects(:addcmd) provider.expects(:run) provider.create_role end end describe "with :allow_duplicates" do before do resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) provider.stubs(:execute) resource.stubs(:system?).returns false provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") } end it "should add -o when the user is being created" do provider.stubs(:password=) provider.create end it "should add -o when the uid is being modified" do provider.uid = 150 end end [:roles, :auths, :profiles].each do |val| context "#send" do describe "when getting #{val}" do it "should get the user_attributes" do provider.expects(:user_attributes) provider.send(val) end it "should get the #{val} attribute" do attributes = mock("attributes") attributes.expects(:[]).with(val) provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns(attributes) provider.send(val) end end end end describe "#keys" do it "should get the user_attributes" do provider.expects(:user_attributes) provider.keys end it "should call removed_managed_attributes" do provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" }) provider.expects(:remove_managed_attributes) provider.keys end it "should removed managed attribute (type, auths, roles, etc)" do provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" }) provider.keys.should == { :foo => "something" } end end describe "#add_properties" do it "should call build_keys_cmd" do resource.stubs(:should).returns "" resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar" }) provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns([]) provider.add_properties end it "should add the elements of the keys hash to an array" do resource.stubs(:should).returns "" resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar"}) provider.add_properties.must == ["-K", "foo=bar"] end end describe "#build_keys_cmd" do it "should build cmd array with keypairs seperated by -K ending with user" do provider.build_keys_cmd({"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "boo"}).should.eql? ["-K", "foo=bar", "-K", "baz=boo"] end end describe "#keys=" do before do provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false) end it "should run a command" do provider.expects(:run) provider.keys=({}) end it "should build the command" do resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser") provider.stubs(:command).returns("usermod") provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns(["-K", "foo=bar"]) provider.expects(:run).with(["usermod", "-K", "foo=bar", "someuser"], "modify attribute key pairs") provider.keys=({}) end end describe "#password" do before do @array = mock "array" end it "should readlines of /etc/shadow" do File.expects(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns([]) provider.password end it "should reject anything that doesn't start with alpha numerics" do @array.expects(:reject).returns([]) File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array) provider.password end it "should collect splitting on ':'" do @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array) @array.expects(:collect).returns([]) File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array) provider.password end it "should find the matching user" do resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username") @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array) @array.stubs(:collect).returns([["username", "hashedpassword"], ["someoneelse", "theirpassword"]]) File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array) provider.password.must == "hashedpassword" end it "should get the right password" do resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username") File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(["#comment", " nonsense", " ", "username:hashedpassword:stuff:foo:bar:::", "other:pword:yay:::"]) provider.password.must == "hashedpassword" end end describe "#password=" do let(:path) { tmpfile('etc-shadow') } before :each do provider.stubs(:target_file_path).returns(path) end def write_fixture(content) File.open(path, 'w') { |f| f.print(content) } end it "should update the target user" do write_fixture < nil, :property => nil, :catalog => stub("catalog", :dependent_data_expired? => false, :environment => @environment), :line => 0, :file => '' @foobar = make_absolute("/foo/bar baz") @feebooz = make_absolute("/fee/booz baz") @foobar_uri = URI.unescape(Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(@foobar).to_s) @feebooz_uri = URI.unescape(Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(@feebooz).to_s) end it "should be a subclass of Parameter" do source.superclass.must == Puppet::Parameter end describe "#validate" do let(:path) { tmpfile('file_source_validate') } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => path) } it "should fail if the set values are not URLs" do URI.expects(:parse).with('foo').raises RuntimeError lambda { resource[:source] = %w{foo} }.must raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should fail if the URI is not a local file, file URI, or puppet URI" do lambda { resource[:source] = %w{http://foo/bar} }.must raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Cannot use URLs of type 'http' as source for fileserving/) end it "should strip trailing forward slashes", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do resource[:source] = "/foo/bar\\//" resource[:source].should == %w{file:/foo/bar\\} end it "should strip trailing forward and backslashes", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do resource[:source] = "X:/foo/bar\\//" resource[:source].should == %w{file:/X:/foo/bar} end it "should accept an array of sources" do resource[:source] = %w{file:///foo/bar puppet://host:8140/foo/bar} resource[:source].should == %w{file:///foo/bar puppet://host:8140/foo/bar} end it "should accept file path characters that are not valid in URI" do resource[:source] = 'file:///foo bar' end it "should reject relative URI sources" do lambda { resource[:source] = 'foo/bar' }.must raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should reject opaque sources" do lambda { resource[:source] = 'mailto:foo@com' }.must raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should accept URI authority component" do resource[:source] = 'file://host/foo' resource[:source].should == %w{file://host/foo} end it "should accept when URI authority is absent" do resource[:source] = 'file:///foo/bar' resource[:source].should == %w{file:///foo/bar} end end describe "#munge" do let(:path) { tmpfile('file_source_munge') } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => path) } it "should prefix file scheme to absolute paths" do resource[:source] = path resource[:source].should == [URI.unescape(Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).to_s)] end %w[file puppet].each do |scheme| it "should not prefix valid #{scheme} URIs" do resource[:source] = "#{scheme}:///foo bar" resource[:source].should == ["#{scheme}:///foo bar"] end end end describe "when returning the metadata" do before do @metadata = stub 'metadata', :source= => nil @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:links).returns :manage @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source_permissions) end it "should return already-available metadata" do @source = source.new(:resource => @resource) @source.metadata = "foo" @source.metadata.should == "foo" end it "should return nil if no @should value is set and no metadata is available" do @source = source.new(:resource => @resource) @source.metadata.should be_nil end it "should collect its metadata using the Metadata class if it is not already set" do @source = source.new(:resource => @resource, :value => @foobar) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with do |uri, options| expect(uri).to eq @foobar_uri expect(options[:environment]).to eq @environment expect(options[:links]).to eq :manage end.returns @metadata @source.metadata end it "should use the metadata from the first found source" do metadata = stub 'metadata', :source= => nil @source = source.new(:resource => @resource, :value => [@foobar, @feebooz]) options = { :environment => @environment, :links => :manage, :source_permissions => nil } Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with(@foobar_uri, options).returns nil Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with(@feebooz_uri, options).returns metadata @source.metadata.should equal(metadata) end it "should store the found source as the metadata's source" do metadata = mock 'metadata' @source = source.new(:resource => @resource, :value => @foobar) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with do |uri, options| expect(uri).to eq @foobar_uri expect(options[:environment]).to eq @environment expect(options[:links]).to eq :manage end.returns metadata metadata.expects(:source=).with(@foobar_uri) @source.metadata end it "should fail intelligently if an exception is encountered while querying for metadata" do @source = source.new(:resource => @resource, :value => @foobar) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with do |uri, options| expect(uri).to eq @foobar_uri expect(options[:environment]).to eq @environment expect(options[:links]).to eq :manage end.raises RuntimeError @source.expects(:fail).raises ArgumentError lambda { @source.metadata }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if no specified sources can be found" do @source = source.new(:resource => @resource, :value => @foobar) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.expects(:find).with do |uri, options| expect(uri).to eq @foobar_uri expect(options[:environment]).to eq @environment expect(options[:links]).to eq :manage end.returns nil @source.expects(:fail).raises RuntimeError lambda { @source.metadata }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end it "should have a method for setting the desired values on the resource" do source.new(:resource => @resource).must respond_to(:copy_source_values) end describe "when copying the source values" do before do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => @foobar @source = source.new(:resource => @resource) @metadata = stub 'metadata', :owner => 100, :group => 200, :mode => "173", :checksum => "{md5}asdfasdf", :ftype => "file", :source => @foobar @source.stubs(:metadata).returns @metadata Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns true end it "should fail if there is no metadata" do @source.stubs(:metadata).returns nil @source.expects(:devfail).raises ArgumentError lambda { @source.copy_source_values }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set :ensure to the file type" do @metadata.stubs(:ftype).returns "file" @source.copy_source_values @resource[:ensure].must == :file end it "should not set 'ensure' if it is already set to 'absent'" do @metadata.stubs(:ftype).returns "file" @resource[:ensure] = :absent @source.copy_source_values @resource[:ensure].must == :absent end describe "and the source is a file" do before do @metadata.stubs(:ftype).returns "file" Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end it "should copy the metadata's owner, group, checksum, and mode to the resource if they are not set on the resource" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must == 100 @resource[:group].must == 200 @resource[:mode].must == "173" # Metadata calls it checksum, we call it content. @resource[:content].must == @metadata.checksum end it "should not copy the metadata's owner, group, checksum and mode to the resource if they are already set" do @resource[:owner] = 1 @resource[:group] = 2 @resource[:mode] = 3 @resource[:content] = "foobar" @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must == 1 @resource[:group].must == 2 @resource[:mode].must == "3" @resource[:content].should_not == @metadata.checksum end describe "and puppet is not running as root" do before do Puppet.features.stubs(:root?).returns false end it "should not try to set the owner" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].should be_nil end it "should not try to set the group" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:group].should be_nil end end context "when source_permissions is `use_when_creating`" do before :each do @resource[:source_permissions] = "use_when_creating" Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns true @source.stubs(:local?).returns(false) end context "when managing a new file" do it "should copy owner and group from local sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns true @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must == 100 @resource[:group].must == 200 @resource[:mode].must == "173" end it "copies the remote owner" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must == 100 end it "copies the remote group" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:group].must == 200 end it "copies the remote mode" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:mode].must == "173" end end context "when managing an existing file" do before :each do Puppet::FileSystem.stubs(:exist?).with(@resource[:path]).returns(true) end it "should not copy owner, group or mode from local sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns true @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must be_nil @resource[:group].must be_nil @resource[:mode].must be_nil end it "preserves the local owner" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must be_nil end it "preserves the local group" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:group].must be_nil end it "preserves the local mode" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:mode].must be_nil end end end context "when source_permissions is `ignore`" do before :each do @resource[:source_permissions] = "ignore" @source.stubs(:local?).returns(false) Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns true end it "should not copy owner, group or mode from local sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns true @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must be_nil @resource[:group].must be_nil @resource[:mode].must be_nil end it "preserves the local owner" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must be_nil end it "preserves the local group" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:group].must be_nil end it "preserves the local mode" do @source.copy_source_values @resource[:mode].must be_nil end end describe "on Windows" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end let(:deprecation_message) { "Copying owner/mode/group from the" << " source file on Windows is deprecated;" << " use source_permissions => ignore." } it "should copy only mode from remote sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must be_nil @resource[:group].must be_nil @resource[:mode].must == "173" end it "should copy mode from remote sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false @source.copy_source_values @resource[:mode].must == "173" end it "should copy owner and group from local sources" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns true @source.copy_source_values @resource[:owner].must == 100 @resource[:group].must == 200 @resource[:mode].must == "173" end it "should issue deprecation warning when copying metadata from remote sources when group, owner, and mode are unspecified" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with(deprecation_message).at_least_once @source.copy_source_values end it "should issue deprecation warning when copying metadata from remote sources if only user is unspecified" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with(deprecation_message).at_least_once @resource[:group] = 2 - @resource[:mode] = 3 + @resource[:mode] = "0003" @source.copy_source_values end it "should issue deprecation warning when copying metadata from remote sources if only group is unspecified" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with(deprecation_message).at_least_once @resource[:owner] = 1 - @resource[:mode] = 3 + @resource[:mode] = "0003" @source.copy_source_values end it "should issue deprecation warning when copying metadata from remote sources if only mode is unspecified" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with(deprecation_message).at_least_once @resource[:owner] = 1 @resource[:group] = 2 @source.copy_source_values end it "should not issue deprecation warning when copying metadata from remote sources if group, owner, and mode are all specified" do @source.stubs(:local?).returns false Puppet.expects(:deprecation_warning).with(deprecation_message).never @resource[:owner] = 1 @resource[:group] = 2 - @resource[:mode] = 3 + @resource[:mode] = "0003" @source.copy_source_values end end end describe "and the source is a link" do it "should set the target to the link destination" do @metadata.stubs(:ftype).returns "link" @metadata.stubs(:links).returns "manage" @resource.stubs(:[]) @resource.stubs(:[]=) @metadata.expects(:destination).returns "/path/to/symlink" @resource.expects(:[]=).with(:target, "/path/to/symlink") @source.copy_source_values end end end it "should have a local? method" do source.new(:resource => @resource).must be_respond_to(:local?) end context "when accessing source properties" do let(:catalog) { Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new } let(:path) { tmpfile('file_resource') } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => path, :catalog => catalog) } let(:sourcepath) { tmpfile('file_source') } describe "for local sources" do before :each do FileUtils.touch(sourcepath) end describe "on POSIX systems", :if => Puppet.features.posix? do ['', "file:", "file://"].each do |prefix| it "with prefix '#{prefix}' should be local" do resource[:source] = "#{prefix}#{sourcepath}" resource.parameter(:source).must be_local end it "should be able to return the metadata source full path" do resource[:source] = "#{prefix}#{sourcepath}" resource.parameter(:source).full_path.should == sourcepath end end end describe "on Windows systems", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do ['', "file:/", "file:///"].each do |prefix| it "should be local with prefix '#{prefix}'" do resource[:source] = "#{prefix}#{sourcepath}" resource.parameter(:source).must be_local end it "should be able to return the metadata source full path" do resource[:source] = "#{prefix}#{sourcepath}" resource.parameter(:source).full_path.should == sourcepath end it "should convert backslashes to forward slashes" do resource[:source] = "#{prefix}#{sourcepath.gsub(/\\/, '/')}" end end it "should be UNC with two slashes" end end describe "for remote sources" do let(:sourcepath) { "/path/to/source" } let(:uri) { URI::Generic.build(:scheme => 'puppet', :host => 'server', :port => 8192, :path => sourcepath).to_s } before(:each) do metadata = Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.new(path, :source => uri, 'type' => 'file') #metadata = stub('remote', :ftype => "file", :source => uri) Puppet::FileServing::Metadata.indirection.stubs(:find). with(uri,all_of(has_key(:environment), has_key(:links))).returns metadata resource[:source] = uri end it "should not be local" do resource.parameter(:source).should_not be_local end it "should be able to return the metadata source full path" do resource.parameter(:source).full_path.should == "/path/to/source" end it "should be able to return the source server" do resource.parameter(:source).server.should == "server" end it "should be able to return the source port" do resource.parameter(:source).port.should == 8192 end describe "which don't specify server or port" do let(:uri) { "puppet:///path/to/source" } it "should return the default source server" do Puppet[:server] = "myserver" resource.parameter(:source).server.should == "myserver" end it "should return the default source port" do Puppet[:masterport] = 1234 resource.parameter(:source).port.should == 1234 end end end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/type/nagios_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/nagios_spec.rb index f82b760e4..4bd1271c2 100755 --- a/spec/unit/type/nagios_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type/nagios_spec.rb @@ -1,284 +1,293 @@ #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/external/nagios' describe "Nagios parser" do NONESCAPED_SEMICOLON_COMMENT = <<-'EOL' define host{ use linux-server ; Name of host template to use host_name localhost alias localhost address } define command{ command_name notify-host-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /usr/bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ } EOL LINE_COMMENT_SNIPPET = <<-'EOL' # This is a comment starting at the beginning of a line define command{ # This is a comment starting at the beginning of a line command_name command_name # This is a comment starting at the beginning of a line ## --PUPPET_NAME-- (called '_naginator_name' in the manifest) command_name command_line command_line # This is a comment starting at the beginning of a line } # This is a comment starting at the beginning of a line EOL LINE_COMMENT_SNIPPET2 = <<-'EOL' define host{ use linux-server ; Name of host template to use host_name localhost alias localhost address } define command{ command_name command_name2 command_line command_line2 } EOL UNKNOWN_NAGIOS_OBJECT_DEFINITION = <<-'EOL' define command2{ command_name notify-host-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /usr/bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ } EOL MISSING_CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET = <<-'EOL' define command{ command_name notify-host-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /usr/bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ EOL ESCAPED_SEMICOLON = <<-'EOL' define command { command_name nagios_table_size command_line $USER3$/check_mysql_health --hostname localhost --username nagioschecks --password nagiosCheckPWD --mode sql --name "SELECT ROUND(Data_length/1024) as Data_kBytes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME=\"$ARG1$\"\;" --name2 "table size" --units kBytes -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ } EOL POUND_SIGN_HASH_SYMBOL_NOT_IN_FIRST_COLUMN = <<-'EOL' define command { command_name notify-by-irc command_line /usr/local/bin/riseup-nagios-client.pl "$HOSTNAME$ ($SERVICEDESC$) $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ #$SERVICEATTEMPT$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$ $SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME$s $SERVICELATENCY$s $SERVICEOUTPUT$ $SERVICEPERFDATA$" } EOL ANOTHER_ESCAPED_SEMICOLON = <<-EOL define command { \tcommand_line LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_haproxy -u 'http://blah:blah@$HOSTADDRESS$:8080/haproxy?stats\\;csv' \tcommand_name check_haproxy } EOL it "should parse without error" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(NONESCAPED_SEMICOLON_COMMENT) }.to_not raise_error end describe "when parsing a statement" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(NONESCAPED_SEMICOLON_COMMENT) results.each do |obj| it "should have the proper base type" do obj.should be_a_kind_of(Nagios::Base) end end end it "should raise an error when an incorrect object definition is present" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(UNKNOWN_NAGIOS_OBJECT_DEFINITION) }.to raise_error Nagios::Base::UnknownNagiosType end it "should raise an error when syntax is not correct" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(MISSING_CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET) }.to raise_error Nagios::Parser::SyntaxError end describe "when encoutering ';'" do it "should not throw an exception" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(ESCAPED_SEMICOLON) }.to_not raise_error end it "should ignore it if it is a comment" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(NONESCAPED_SEMICOLON_COMMENT) results[0].use.should eql("linux-server") end it "should parse correctly if it is escaped" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(ESCAPED_SEMICOLON) results[0].command_line.should eql("$USER3$/check_mysql_health --hostname localhost --username nagioschecks --password nagiosCheckPWD --mode sql --name \"SELECT ROUND(Data_length/1024) as Data_kBytes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME=\\\"$ARG1$\\\";\" --name2 \"table size\" --units kBytes -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$") end end describe "when encountering '#'" do it "should not throw an exception" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(POUND_SIGN_HASH_SYMBOL_NOT_IN_FIRST_COLUMN) }.to_not raise_error end it "should ignore it at the beginning of a line" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(LINE_COMMENT_SNIPPET) results[0].command_line.should eql("command_line") end it "should let it go anywhere else" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(POUND_SIGN_HASH_SYMBOL_NOT_IN_FIRST_COLUMN) results[0].command_line.should eql("/usr/local/bin/riseup-nagios-client.pl \"$HOSTNAME$ ($SERVICEDESC$) $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ \#$SERVICEATTEMPT$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$ $SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME$s $SERVICELATENCY$s $SERVICEOUTPUT$ $SERVICEPERFDATA$\"") end end describe "when encountering ';' again" do it "should not throw an exception" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new expect { results = parser.parse(ANOTHER_ESCAPED_SEMICOLON) }.to_not raise_error end it "should parse correctly" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(ANOTHER_ESCAPED_SEMICOLON) results[0].command_line.should eql("LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_haproxy -u 'http://blah:blah@$HOSTADDRESS$:8080/haproxy?stats;csv'") end end it "should be idempotent" do parser = Nagios::Parser.new src = ANOTHER_ESCAPED_SEMICOLON.dup results = parser.parse(src) nagios_type = Nagios::Base.create(:command) nagios_type.command_name = results[0].command_name nagios_type.command_line = results[0].command_line nagios_type.to_s.should eql(ANOTHER_ESCAPED_SEMICOLON) end end describe "Nagios generator" do it "should escape ';'" do param = '$USER3$/check_mysql_health --hostname localhost --username nagioschecks --password nagiosCheckPWD --mode sql --name "SELECT ROUND(Data_length/1024) as Data_kBytes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME=\"$ARG1$\";" --name2 "table size" --units kBytes -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$' nagios_type = Nagios::Base.create(:command) nagios_type.command_line = param nagios_type.to_s.should eql("define command {\n\tcommand_line $USER3$/check_mysql_health --hostname localhost --username nagioschecks --password nagiosCheckPWD --mode sql --name \"SELECT ROUND(Data_length/1024) as Data_kBytes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME=\\\"$ARG1$\\\"\\;\" --name2 \"table size\" --units kBytes -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$\n}\n") end it "should escape ';' if it is not already the case" do param = "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_haproxy -u 'http://blah:blah@$HOSTADDRESS$:8080/haproxy?stats;csv'" nagios_type = Nagios::Base.create(:command) nagios_type.command_line = param nagios_type.to_s.should eql("define command {\n\tcommand_line LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_haproxy -u 'http://blah:blah@$HOSTADDRESS$:8080/haproxy?stats\\;csv'\n}\n") end it "should be idempotent" do param = '$USER3$/check_mysql_health --hostname localhost --username nagioschecks --password nagiosCheckPWD --mode sql --name "SELECT ROUND(Data_length/1024) as Data_kBytes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME=\"$ARG1$\";" --name2 "table size" --units kBytes -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$' nagios_type = Nagios::Base.create(:command) nagios_type.command_line = param parser = Nagios::Parser.new results = parser.parse(nagios_type.to_s) results[0].command_line.should eql(param) end + + it "should accept FixNum params and convert to string" do + param = 1 + nagios_type = Nagios::Base.create(:serviceescalation) + nagios_type.first_notification = param + parser = Nagios::Parser.new + results = parser.parse(nagios_type.to_s) + results[0].first_notification.should eql(param.to_s) + end end describe "Nagios resource types" do Nagios::Base.eachtype do |name, nagios_type| puppet_type = Puppet::Type.type("nagios_#{name}") it "should have a valid type for #{name}" do puppet_type.should_not be_nil end next unless puppet_type describe puppet_type do it "should be defined as a Puppet resource type" do puppet_type.should_not be_nil end it "should have documentation" do puppet_type.instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not == "" end it "should have #{nagios_type.namevar} as its key attribute" do puppet_type.key_attributes.should == [nagios_type.namevar] end it "should have documentation for its #{nagios_type.namevar} parameter" do puppet_type.attrclass(nagios_type.namevar).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end it "should have an ensure property" do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(:ensure) end it "should have a target property" do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(:target) end it "should have documentation for its target property" do puppet_type.attrclass(:target).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end [ :owner, :group, :mode ].each do |fileprop| it "should have a #{fileprop} parameter" do puppet_type.parameters.should be_include(fileprop) end end nagios_type.parameters.reject { |param| param == nagios_type.namevar or param.to_s =~ /^[0-9]/ }.each do |param| it "should have a #{param} property" do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(param) end it "should have documentation for its #{param} property" do puppet_type.attrclass(param).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end end nagios_type.parameters.find_all { |param| param.to_s =~ /^[0-9]/ }.each do |param| it "should have not have a #{param} property" do puppet_type.should_not be_validproperty(:param) end end end end end