diff --git a/lib/puppet/functions.rb b/lib/puppet/functions.rb index a15e166f6..c29dfc249 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/functions.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/functions.rb @@ -1,548 +1,548 @@ # @note WARNING: This new function API is still under development and may change at any time # # Functions in the puppet language can be written in Ruby and distributed in # puppet modules. The function is written by creating a file in the module's # `lib/puppet/functions/` directory, where `` is # replaced with the module's name. The file should have the name of the function. # For example, to create a function named `min` in a module named `math` create # a file named `lib/puppet/functions/math/min.rb` in the module. # # A function is implemented by calling {Puppet::Functions.create_function}, and # passing it a block that defines the implementation of the function. # # Functions are namespaced inside the module that contains them. The name of # the function is prefixed with the name of the module. For example, # `math::min`. # # @example A simple function # Puppet::Functions.create_function('math::min') do # def min(a, b) # a <= b ? a : b # end # end # # Anatomy of a function # --- # # Functions are composed of four parts: the name, the implementation methods, # the signatures, and the dispatches. # # The name is the string given to the {Puppet::Functions.create_function} # method. It specifies the name to use when calling the function in the puppet # language, or from other functions. # # The implementation methods are ruby methods (there can be one or more) that # provide that actual implementation of the function's behavior. In the # simplest case the name of the function (excluding any namespace) and the name # of the method are the same. When that is done no other parts (signatures and # dispatches) need to be used. # # Signatures are a way of specifying the types of the function's parameters. # The types of any arguments will be checked against the types declared in the # signature and an error will be produced if they don't match. The types are # defined by using the same syntax for types as in the puppet language. # # Dispatches are how signatures and implementation methods are tied together. # When the function is called, puppet searches the signatures for one that # matches the supplied arguments. Each signature is part of a dispatch, which # specifies the method that should be called for that signature. When a # matching signature is found, the corrosponding method is called. # # Documentation for the function should be placed as comments to the # implementation method(s). # # @todo Documentation for individual instances of these new functions is not # yet tied into the puppet doc system. # # @example Dispatching to different methods by type # Puppet::Functions.create_function('math::min') do # dispatch :numeric_min do # param 'Numeric', 'a' # param 'Numeric', 'b' # end # # dispatch :string_min do # param 'String', 'a' # param 'String', 'b' # end # # def numeric_min(a, b) # a <= b ? a : b # end # # def string_min(a, b) # a.downcase <= b.downcase ? a : b # end # end # # Specifying Signatures # --- # # If nothing is specified, the number of arguments given to the function must # be the same as the number of parameters, and all of the parameters are of # type 'Object'. # # To express that the last parameter captures the rest, the method # `last_captures_rest` can be called. This indicates that the last parameter is # a varargs parameter and will be passed to the implementing method as an array # of the given type. # # When defining a dispatch for a function, the resulting dispatch matches # against the specified argument types and min/max occurrence of optional # entries. When the dispatch makes the call to the implementation method the # arguments are simply passed and it is the responsibility of the method's # implementor to ensure it can handle those arguments (i.e. there is no check # that what was declared as optional actually has a default value, and that # a "captures rest" is declared using a `*`). # # @example Varargs # Puppet::Functions.create_function('foo') do # dispatch :foo do # param 'Numeric', 'first' # param 'Numeric', 'values' # last_captures_rest # end # # def foo(first, *values) # # do something # end # end # # Access to Scope # --- # In general, functions should not need access to scope; they should be # written to act on their given input only. If they absolutely must look up # variable values, they should do so via the closure scope (the scope where # they are defined) - this is done by calling `closure_scope()`. # # Calling other Functions # --- # Calling other functions by name is directly supported via # {Puppet::Pops::Functions::Function#call_function}. This allows a function to # call other functions visible from its loader. # # @api public module Puppet::Functions # @param func_name [String, Symbol] a simple or qualified function name # @param block [Proc] the block that defines the methods and dispatch of the # Function to create # @return [Class] the newly created Function class # # @api public def self.create_function(func_name, function_base = Function, &block) if function_base.ancestors.none? { |s| s == Puppet::Pops::Functions::Function } raise ArgumentError, "Functions must be based on Puppet::Pops::Functions::Function. Got #{function_base}" end func_name = func_name.to_s # Creates an anonymous class to represent the function # The idea being that it is garbage collected when there are no more # references to it. # the_class = Class.new(function_base, &block) # Make the anonymous class appear to have the class-name # Even if this class is not bound to such a symbol in a global ruby scope and # must be resolved via the loader. # This also overrides any attempt to define a name method in the given block # (Since it redefines it) # # TODO, enforce name in lower case (to further make it stand out since Ruby # class names are upper case) # the_class.instance_eval do @func_name = func_name def name @func_name end end # Automatically create an object dispatcher based on introspection if the # loaded user code did not define any dispatchers. Fail if function name # does not match a given method name in user code. # if the_class.dispatcher.empty? simple_name = func_name.split(/::/)[-1] type, names = default_dispatcher(the_class, simple_name) last_captures_rest = (type.size_range[1] == Puppet::Pops::Types::INFINITY) the_class.dispatcher.add_dispatch(type, simple_name, names, nil, nil, nil, last_captures_rest) end # The function class is returned as the result of the create function method the_class end # Creates a default dispatcher configured from a method with the same name as the function # # @api private def self.default_dispatcher(the_class, func_name) unless the_class.method_defined?(func_name) raise ArgumentError, "Function Creation Error, cannot create a default dispatcher for function '#{func_name}', no method with this name found" end object_signature(*min_max_param(the_class.instance_method(func_name))) end # @api private def self.min_max_param(method) # Ruby 1.8.7 does not have support for details about parameters if method.respond_to?(:parameters) result = {:req => 0, :opt => 0, :rest => 0 } # TODO: Optimize into one map iteration that produces names map, and sets # count as side effect method.parameters.each { |p| result[p[0]] += 1 } from = result[:req] to = result[:rest] > 0 ? :default : from + result[:opt] names = method.parameters.map {|p| p[1].to_s } else # Cannot correctly compute the signature in Ruby 1.8.7 because arity for # optional values is screwed up (there is no way to get the upper limit), # an optional looks the same as a varargs In this case - the failure will # simply come later when the call fails # arity = method.arity from = arity >= 0 ? arity : -arity -1 to = arity >= 0 ? arity : :default # i.e. infinite (which is wrong when there are optional - flaw in 1.8.7) names = [] # no names available end [from, to, names] end # Construct a signature consisting of Object type, with min, and max, and given names. - # (there is only one type entry). Note that this signature is Object, not Optional[Object]. + # (there is only one type entry). # # @api private def self.object_signature(from, to, names) # Construct the type for the signature # Tuple[Object, from, to] factory = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory [factory.callable(factory.object, from, to), names] end # Function # === # This class is the base class for all Puppet 4x Function API functions. A # specialized class is created for each puppet function. # # @api public class Function < Puppet::Pops::Functions::Function # @api private def self.builder @type_parser ||= Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.new @all_callables ||= Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.all_callables DispatcherBuilder.new(dispatcher, @type_parser, @all_callables) end # Dispatch any calls that match the signature to the provided method name. # # @param meth_name [Symbol] The name of the implementation method to call # when the signature defined in the block matches the arguments to a call # to the function. # @return [Void] # # @api public def self.dispatch(meth_name, &block) builder().instance_eval do dispatch(meth_name, &block) end end end # Public api methods of the DispatcherBuilder are available within dispatch() # blocks declared in a Puppet::Function.create_function() call. # # @api public class DispatcherBuilder # @api private def initialize(dispatcher, type_parser, all_callables) @type_parser = type_parser @all_callables = all_callables @dispatcher = dispatcher end # Defines a positional parameter with type and name # # @param type [String] The type specification for the parameter. # @param name [String] The name of the parameter. This is primarily used # for error message output and does not have to match the name of the # parameter on the implementation method. # @return [Void] # # @api public def param(type, name) if type.is_a?(String) @types << type @names << name # mark what should be picked for this position when dispatching @weaving << @names.size()-1 else raise ArgumentError, "Type signature argument must be a String reference to a Puppet Data Type. Got #{type.class}" end end # Defines one required block parameter that may appear last. If type and name is missing the # default type is "Callable", and the name is "block". If only one # parameter is given, then that is the name and the type is "Callable". # # @api public def required_block_param(*type_and_name) case type_and_name.size when 0 type = @all_callables name = 'block' when 1 type = @all_callables name = type_and_name[0] when 2 type_string, name = type_and_name type = @type_parser.parse(type_string) else raise ArgumentError, "block_param accepts max 2 arguments (type, name), got #{type_and_name.size}." end unless type.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) raise ArgumentError, "Expected PCallableType, got #{type.class}" end unless name.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Expected block_param name to be a String, got #{name.class}" end if @block_type.nil? @block_type = type @block_name = name else raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to redefine block" end end # Defines one optional block parameter that may appear last. If type or name is missing the # defaults are "any callable", and the name is "block". The implementor of the dispatch target # must use block = nil when it is optional (or an error is raised when the call is made). # # @api public def optional_block_param(*type_and_name) # same as required, only wrap the result in an optional type required_block_param(*type_and_name) @block_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.optional(@block_type) end # Specifies the min and max occurance of arguments (of the specified types) # if something other than the exact count from the number of specified # types). The max value may be specified as -1 if an infinite number of # arguments are supported. When max is > than the number of specified # types, the last specified type repeats. # # @api public def arg_count(min_occurs, max_occurs) @min = min_occurs @max = max_occurs unless min_occurs.is_a?(Integer) && min_occurs >= 0 raise ArgumentError, "min arg_count of function parameter must be an Integer >=0, got #{min_occurs.class} '#{min_occurs}'" end unless max_occurs == :default || (max_occurs.is_a?(Integer) && max_occurs >= 0) raise ArgumentError, "max arg_count of function parameter must be an Integer >= 0, or :default, got #{max_occurs.class} '#{max_occurs}'" end unless max_occurs == :default || (max_occurs.is_a?(Integer) && max_occurs >= min_occurs) raise ArgumentError, "max arg_count must be :default (infinite) or >= min arg_count, got min: '#{min_occurs}, max: '#{max_occurs}'" end end # Specifies that the last argument captures the rest. # # @api public def last_captures_rest @last_captures = true end private # @api private def dispatch(meth_name, &block) # an array of either an index into names/types, or an array with # injection information [type, name, injection_name] used when the call # is being made to weave injections into the given arguments. # @types = [] @names = [] @weaving = [] @injections = [] @min = nil @max = nil @last_captures = false @block_type = nil @block_name = nil self.instance_eval &block callable_t = create_callable(@types, @block_type, @min, @max) @dispatcher.add_dispatch(callable_t, meth_name, @names, @block_name, @injections, @weaving, @last_captures) end # Handles creation of a callable type from strings specifications of puppet # types and allows the min/max occurs of the given types to be given as one # or two integer values at the end. The given block_type should be # Optional[Callable], Callable, or nil. # # @api private def create_callable(types, block_type, from, to) mapped_types = types.map do |t| @type_parser.parse(t) end if !(from.nil? && to.nil?) mapped_types << from mapped_types << to end if block_type mapped_types << block_type end Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.callable(*mapped_types) end end private # @note WARNING: This style of creating functions is not public. It is a system # under development that will be used for creating "system" functions. # # This is a private, internal, system for creating functions. It supports # everything that the public function definition system supports as well as a # few extra features. # # Injection Support # === # The Function API supports injection of data and services. It is possible to # make injection that takes effect when the function is loaded (for services # and runtime configuration that does not change depending on how/from where # in what context the function is called. It is also possible to inject and # weave argument values into a call. # # Injection of attributes # --- # Injection of attributes is performed by one of the methods `attr_injected`, # and `attr_injected_producer`. The injected attributes are available via # accessor method calls. # # @example using injected attributes # Puppet::Functions.create_function('test') do # attr_injected String, :larger, 'message_larger' # attr_injected String, :smaller, 'message_smaller' # def test(a, b) # a > b ? larger() : smaller() # end # end # # @api private class InternalFunction < Function # @api private def self.builder @type_parser ||= Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.new @all_callables ||= Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.all_callables InternalDispatchBuilder.new(dispatcher, @type_parser, @all_callables) end # Defines class level injected attribute with reader method # # @api private def self.attr_injected(type, attribute_name, injection_name = nil) define_method(attribute_name) do ivar = :"@#{attribute_name.to_s}" unless instance_variable_defined?(ivar) injector = Puppet.lookup(:injector) instance_variable_set(ivar, injector.lookup(closure_scope, type, injection_name)) end instance_variable_get(ivar) end end # Defines class level injected producer attribute with reader method # # @api private def self.attr_injected_producer(type, attribute_name, injection_name = nil) define_method(attribute_name) do ivar = :"@#{attribute_name.to_s}" unless instance_variable_defined?(ivar) injector = Puppet.lookup(:injector) instance_variable_set(ivar, injector.lookup_producer(closure_scope, type, injection_name)) end instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end # @note WARNING: This style of creating functions is not public. It is a system # under development that will be used for creating "system" functions. # # Injection and Weaving of parameters # --- # It is possible to inject and weave parameters into a call. These extra # parameters are not part of the parameters passed from the Puppet logic, and # they can not be overridden by parameters given as arguments in the call. # They are invisible to the Puppet Language. # # @example using injected parameters # Puppet::Functions.create_function('test') do # dispatch :test do # param 'Scalar', 'a' # param 'Scalar', 'b' # injected_param 'String', 'larger', 'message_larger' # injected_param 'String', 'smaller', 'message_smaller' # end # def test(a, b, larger, smaller) # a > b ? larger : smaller # end # end # # The function in the example above is called like this: # # test(10, 20) # # Using injected value as default # --- # Default value assignment is handled by using the regular Ruby mechanism (a # value is assigned to the variable). The dispatch simply indicates that the # value is optional. If the default value should be injected, it can be # handled different ways depending on what is desired: # # * by calling the accessor method for an injected Function class attribute. # This is suitable if the value is constant across all instantiations of the # function, and across all calls. # * by injecting a parameter into the call # to the left of the parameter, and then assigning that as the default value. # * One of the above forms, but using an injected producer instead of a # directly injected value. # # @example method with injected default values # Puppet::Functions.create_function('test') do # dispatch :test do # injected_param String, 'b_default', 'b_default_value_key' # param 'Scalar', 'a' # param 'Scalar', 'b' # end # def test(b_default, a, b = b_default) # # ... # end # end # # @api private class InternalDispatchBuilder < DispatcherBuilder # TODO: is param name really needed? Perhaps for error messages? (it is unused now) # # @api private def injected_param(type, name, injection_name = '') @injections << [type, name, injection_name] # mark what should be picked for this position when dispatching @weaving << [@injections.size() -1] end # TODO: is param name really needed? Perhaps for error messages? (it is unused now) # # @api private def injected_producer_param(type, name, injection_name = '') @injections << [type, name, injection_name, :producer] # mark what should be picked for this position when dispatching @weaving << [@injections.size()-1] end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/functions/assert_type.rb b/lib/puppet/functions/assert_type.rb index 7ff216a5e..ccd42c299 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/functions/assert_type.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/functions/assert_type.rb @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ # Returns the given value if it is an instance of the given type, and raises an error otherwise. # Optionally, if a block is given (accepting two parameters), it will be called instead of raising # an error. This to enable giving the user richer feedback, or to supply a default value. # # @example how to assert type # # assert that `$b` is a non empty `String` and assign to `$a` # $a = assert_type(String[1], $b) # # @example using custom error message # $a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| { fail("The name cannot be empty") } # # @example, using a warning and a default # $a = assert_type(String[1], $b) |$expected, $actual| { warning("Name is empty, using default") 'anonymous' } # # See the documentation for "The Puppet Type System" for more information about types. # Puppet::Functions.create_function(:assert_type) do dispatch :assert_type do param 'Type', 'type' - param 'Optional[Object]', 'value' - optional_block_param 'Callable[Optional[Object],Optional[Object]]', 'block' + param 'Object', 'value' + optional_block_param 'Callable[Object, Object]', 'block' end dispatch :assert_type_s do param 'String', 'type_string' - param 'Optional[Object]', 'value' - optional_block_param 'Callable[Optional[Object], Optional[Object]]', 'block' + param 'Object', 'value' + optional_block_param 'Callable[Object, Object]', 'block' end # @param type [Type] the type the value must be an instance of - # @param value [Optional[Object]] the value to assert + # @param value [Object] the value to assert # def assert_type(type, value, block=nil) unless Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.instance?(type,value) inferred_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.infer(value) # Do not give all the details - i.e. format as Integer, instead of Integer[n, n] for exact value, which # is just confusing. (OTOH: may need to revisit, or provide a better "type diff" output. # actual = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.generalize!(inferred_type) if block value = block.call(nil, type, actual) else raise Puppet::ParseError, "assert_type(): Expected type #{type} does not match actual: #{actual}" end end value end # @param type_string [String] the type the value must be an instance of given in String form - # @param value [Optional[Object]] the value to assert + # @param value [Object] the value to assert # def assert_type_s(type_string, value) t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.new.parse(type_string) assert_type(t, value) end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/closure.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/closure.rb index 30c536300..7a6162528 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/closure.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/evaluator/closure.rb @@ -1,217 +1,217 @@ # A Closure represents logic bound to a particular scope. # As long as the runtime (basically the scope implementation) has the behaviour of Puppet 3x it is not # safe to use this closure when the scope given to it when initialized goes "out of scope". # # Note that the implementation is backwards compatible in that the call method accepts a scope, but this # scope is not used. # # Note that this class is a CallableSignature, and the methods defined there should be used # as the API for obtaining information in a callable implementation agnostic way. # class Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Closure < Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::CallableSignature attr_reader :evaluator attr_reader :model attr_reader :enclosing_scope def initialize(evaluator, model, scope) @evaluator = evaluator @model = model @enclosing_scope = scope end # marker method checked with respond_to :puppet_lambda # @api private # @deprecated Use the type system to query if an object is of Callable type, then use its signatures method for info def puppet_lambda() true end # compatible with 3x AST::Lambda # @api public def call(scope, *args) variable_bindings = combine_values_with_parameters(args) tc = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator final_args = tc.infer_set(parameters.inject([]) do |final_args, param| if param.captures_rest final_args.concat(variable_bindings[param.name]) else final_args << variable_bindings[param.name] end end) if tc.callable?(type, final_args) @evaluator.evaluate_block_with_bindings(@enclosing_scope, variable_bindings, @model.body) else raise ArgumentError, "lambda called with mis-matched arguments\n#{Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::CallableMismatchDescriber.diff_string('lambda', final_args, [self])}" end end # Call closure with argument assignment by name def call_by_name(scope, args_hash, enforce_parameters) if enforce_parameters if args_hash.size > parameters.size raise ArgumentError, "Too many arguments: #{args_hash.size} for #{parameters.size}" end # associate values with parameters scope_hash = {} parameters.each do |p| scope_hash[p.name] = args_hash[p.name] || @evaluator.evaluate(p.value, @enclosing_scope) end missing = scope_hash.select { |name, value| value.nil? } if missing.any? raise ArgumentError, "Too few arguments; no value given for required parameters #{missing.collect(&:first).join(" ,")}" end tc = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator final_args = tc.infer_set(parameter_names.collect { |param| scope_hash[param] }) if !tc.callable?(type, final_args) raise ArgumentError, "lambda called with mis-matched arguments\n#{Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::CallableMismatchDescriber.diff_string('lambda', final_args, [self])}" end else scope_hash = args_hash end @evaluator.evaluate_block_with_bindings(@enclosing_scope, scope_hash, @model.body) end def parameters @model.parameters end # Returns the number of parameters (required and optional) # @return [Integer] the total number of accepted parameters def parameter_count # yes, this is duplication of code, but it saves a method call @model.parameters.size end # @api public def parameter_names @model.parameters.collect(&:name) end # @api public def type @callable ||= create_callable_type end # @api public def last_captures_rest? last = @model.parameters[-1] last && last.captures_rest end # @api public def block_name # TODO: Lambda's does not support blocks yet. This is a placeholder 'unsupported_block' end private def combine_values_with_parameters(args) variable_bindings = {} parameters.each_with_index do |parameter, index| param_captures = parameter.captures_rest default_expression = parameter.value if index >= args.size if default_expression # not given, has default value = @evaluator.evaluate(default_expression, @enclosing_scope) if param_captures && !value.is_a?(Array) # correct non array default value value = [value] end else # not given, does not have default if param_captures # default for captures rest is an empty array value = [] else @evaluator.fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, parameter, { :param_name => parameter.name }) end end else given_argument = args[index] if param_captures # get excess arguments value = args[(parameter_count-1)..-1] # If the input was a single nil, or undef, and there is a default, use the default if value.size == 1 && (given_argument.nil? || given_argument == :undef) && default_expression value = @evaluator.evaluate(default_expression, scope) # and ensure it is an array value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) end else value = given_argument end end variable_bindings[parameter.name] = value end variable_bindings end def create_callable_type() types = [] range = [0, 0] in_optional_parameters = false parameters.each do |param| type = if param.type_expr @evaluator.evaluate(param.type_expr, @enclosing_scope) else - Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.optional_object() + Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.object() end if param.captures_rest && type.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType) # An array on a slurp parameter is how a size range is defined for a # slurp (Array[Integer, 1, 3] *$param). However, the callable that is # created can't have the array in that position or else type checking # will require the parameters to be arrays, which isn't what is # intended. The array type contains the intended information and needs # to be unpacked. param_range = type.size_range type = type.element_type elsif param.captures_rest && !type.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType) param_range = ANY_NUMBER_RANGE elsif param.value param_range = OPTIONAL_SINGLE_RANGE else param_range = REQUIRED_SINGLE_RANGE end types << type if param_range[0] == 0 in_optional_parameters = true elsif param_range[0] != 0 && in_optional_parameters @evaluator.fail(Puppet::Pops::Issues::REQUIRED_PARAMETER_AFTER_OPTIONAL, param, { :param_name => param.name }) end range[0] += param_range[0] range[1] += param_range[1] end if range[1] == Puppet::Pops::Types::INFINITY range[1] = :default end Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.callable(*(types + range)) end # Produces information about parameters compatible with a 4x Function (which can have multiple signatures) def signatures [ self ] end ANY_NUMBER_RANGE = [0, Puppet::Pops::Types::INFINITY] OPTIONAL_SINGLE_RANGE = [0, 1] REQUIRED_SINGLE_RANGE = [1, 1] end diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/loader/ruby_legacy_function_instantiator.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/loader/ruby_legacy_function_instantiator.rb index 589b05c05..1f7abacef 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/loader/ruby_legacy_function_instantiator.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/loader/ruby_legacy_function_instantiator.rb @@ -1,109 +1,108 @@ # The RubyLegacyFunctionInstantiator loads a 3x function and turns it into a 4x function # that is called with 3x semantics (values are transformed to be 3x compliant). # # The code is loaded from a string obtained by reading the 3x function ruby code into a string # and then passing it to the loaders class method `create`. When Puppet[:biff] == true, the # 3x Puppet::Parser::Function.newfunction method relays back to this function loader's # class method legacy_newfunction which creates a Puppet::Functions class wrapping the # 3x function's block into a method in a function class derived from Puppet::Function. # This class is then returned, and the Legacy loader continues the same way as it does # for a 4x function. # # TODO: Wrapping of Scope # The 3x function expects itself to be Scope. It passes itself as scope to other parts of the runtime, # it expects to find all sorts of information in itself, get/set variables, get compiler, get environment # etc. # TODO: Transformation of arguments to 3x compliant objects # class Puppet::Pops::Loader::RubyLegacyFunctionInstantiator # Produces an instance of the Function class with the given typed_name, or fails with an error if the # given ruby source does not produce this instance when evaluated. # # @param loader [Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loader] The loader the function is associated with # @param typed_name [Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName] the type / name of the function to load # @param source_ref [URI, String] a reference to the source / origin of the ruby code to evaluate # @param ruby_code_string [String] ruby code in a string # # @return [Puppet::Pops::Functions.Function] - an instantiated function with global scope closure associated with the given loader # def self.create(loader, typed_name, source_ref, ruby_code_string) # Old Ruby API supports calling a method via :: # this must also be checked as well as call with '.' # unless ruby_code_string.is_a?(String) && ruby_code_string =~ /Puppet\:\:Parser\:\:Functions(?:\.|\:\:)newfunction/ raise ArgumentError, "The code loaded from #{source_ref} does not seem to be a Puppet 3x API function - no newfunction call." end # The evaluation of the 3x function creation source should result in a call to the legacy_newfunction # created = eval(ruby_code_string) unless created.is_a?(Class) raise ArgumentError, "The code loaded from #{source_ref} did not produce a Function class when evaluated. Got '#{created.class}'" end unless created.name.to_s == typed_name.name() raise ArgumentError, "The code loaded from #{source_ref} produced mis-matched name, expected '#{typed_name.name}', got #{created.name}" end # create the function instance - it needs closure (scope), and loader (i.e. where it should start searching for things # when calling functions etc. # It should be bound to global scope # TODO: Cheating wrt. scope - assuming it is found in the context closure_scope = Puppet.lookup(:global_scope) { {} } created.new(closure_scope, loader) end # This is a new implementation of the method that is used in 3x to create a function. # The arguments are the same as those passed to Puppet::Parser::Functions.newfunction, hence its # deviation from regular method naming practice. # def self.legacy_newfunction(name, options, &block) # 3x api allows arity to be specified, if unspecified it is 0 or more arguments # arity >= 0, is an exact count # airty < 0 is the number of required arguments -1 (i.e. -1 is 0 or more) # (there is no upper cap, there is no support for optional values, or defaults) # arity = options[:arity] || -1 if arity >= 0 min_arg_count = arity max_arg_count = arity else min_arg_count = (arity + 1).abs # infinity max_arg_count = :default end # Create a 4x function wrapper around the 3x Function created_function_class = Puppet::Functions.create_function(name) do # define a method on the new Function class with the same name as the function, but # padded with __ because the function may represent a ruby method with the same name that # expects to have inherited from Kernel, and then Object. # (This can otherwise lead to infinite recursion, or that an ArgumentError is raised). # __name__ = :"__#{name}__" define_method(__name__, &block) # Define the method that is called from dispatch - this method just changes a call # with multiple unknown arguments to passing all in an array (since this is expected in the 3x API). # We want the call to be checked for type and number of arguments so cannot call the function # defined by the block directly since it is defined to take a single argument. # define_method(:__relay__call__) do |*args| # dup the args since the function may destroy them # TODO: Should convert arguments to 3x, now :undef is send to the function send(__name__, args.dup) end # Define a dispatch that performs argument type/count checking # dispatch :__relay__call__ do - # Use Puppet Type Object (not Optional[Object] since the 3x API passes undef as empty string). param 'Object', 'args' # Specify arg count (transformed from 3x function arity specification). arg_count(min_arg_count, max_arg_count) end end created_function_class end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/loader/static_loader.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/loader/static_loader.rb index 27cfbe462..336d33e91 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/loader/static_loader.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/loader/static_loader.rb @@ -1,69 +1,69 @@ # Static Loader contains constants, basic data types and other types required for the system # to boot. # class Puppet::Pops::Loader::StaticLoader < Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loader attr_reader :loaded def initialize @loaded = {} create_logging_functions() end def load_typed(typed_name) load_constant(typed_name) end def get_entry(typed_name) load_constant(typed_name) end def find(name) # There is nothing to search for, everything this loader knows about is already available nil end def parent nil # at top of the hierarchy end def to_s() "(StaticLoader)" end private def load_constant(typed_name) @loaded[typed_name] end private # Creates a function for each of the specified log levels # def create_logging_functions() Puppet::Util::Log.levels.each do |level| fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(level) do # create empty dispatcher to stop it from complaining about missing method since # an override of :call is made instead of using dispatch. dispatch(:log) { } # Logs per the specified level, outputs formatted information for arrays, hashes etc. # Overrides the implementation in Function that uses dispatching. This is not needed here - # since it accepts 0-n Optional[Object] + # since it accepts 0-n Object. # define_method(:call) do |scope, *vals| # NOTE: 3x, does this: vals.join(" ") # New implementation uses the evaluator to get proper formatting per type # TODO: uses a fake scope (nil) - fix when :scopes are available via settings mapped = vals.map {|v| Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::EvaluatorImpl.new.string(v, nil) } Puppet.send(level, mapped.join(" ")) end end typed_name = Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loader::TypedName.new(:function, level) # TODO:closure scope is fake (an empty hash) - waiting for new global scope to be available via lookup of :scopes func = fc.new({},self) @loaded[ typed_name ] = Puppet::Pops::Loader::Loader::NamedEntry.new(typed_name, func, __FILE__) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_factory.rb b/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_factory.rb index e01494f8f..916a8e73b 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_factory.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/pops/types/type_factory.rb @@ -1,406 +1,401 @@ # Helper module that makes creation of type objects simpler. # @api public # module Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory @type_calculator = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new() Types = Puppet::Pops::Types # Produces the Integer type # @api public # def self.integer() Types::PIntegerType.new() end # Produces an Integer range type # @api public # def self.range(from, to) t = Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = from unless (from == :default || from == 'default') t.to = to unless (to == :default || to == 'default') t end # Produces a Float range type # @api public # def self.float_range(from, to) t = Types::PFloatType.new() t.from = Float(from) unless from == :default || from.nil? t.to = Float(to) unless to == :default || to.nil? t end # Produces the Float type # @api public # def self.float() Types::PFloatType.new() end # Produces the Numeric type # @api public # def self.numeric() Types::PNumericType.new() end # Produces a string representation of the type # @api public # def self.label(t) @type_calculator.string(t) end # Produces the String type, optionally with specific string values # @api public # def self.string(*values) t = Types::PStringType.new() values.each {|v| t.addValues(v) } t end # Produces the Optional type, i.e. a short hand for Variant[T, Undef] def self.optional(optional_type = nil) t = Types::POptionalType.new t.optional_type = type_of(optional_type) t end - # Convenience method to produce an Optional[Object] type - def self.optional_object() - optional(object()) - end - # Produces the Enum type, optionally with specific string values # @api public # def self.enum(*values) t = Types::PEnumType.new() values.each {|v| t.addValues(v) } t end # Produces the Variant type, optionally with the "one of" types # @api public # def self.variant(*types) t = Types::PVariantType.new() types.each {|v| t.addTypes(type_of(v)) } t end # Produces the Struct type, either a non parameterized instance representing all structs (i.e. all hashes) # or a hash with a given set of keys of String type (names), bound to a value of a given type. Type may be # a Ruby Class, a Puppet Type, or an instance from which the type is inferred. # def self.struct(name_type_hash = {}) t = Types::PStructType.new name_type_hash.map do |name, type| elem = Types::PStructElement.new if name.is_a?(String) && name.empty? raise ArgumentError, "An empty String can not be used where a String[1, default] is expected" end elem.name = name elem.type = type_of(type) elem end.each {|elem| t.addElements(elem) } t end def self.tuple(*types) t = Types::PTupleType.new types.each {|elem| t.addTypes(type_of(elem)) } t end # Produces the Boolean type # @api public # def self.boolean() Types::PBooleanType.new() end # Produces the Object type # @api public # def self.object() Types::PObjectType.new() end # Produces the Regexp type # @param pattern [Regexp, String, nil] (nil) The regular expression object or a regexp source string, or nil for bare type # @api public # def self.regexp(pattern = nil) t = Types::PRegexpType.new() if pattern t.pattern = pattern.is_a?(Regexp) ? pattern.inspect[1..-2] : pattern end t.regexp() unless pattern.nil? # compile pattern to catch errors t end def self.pattern(*regular_expressions) t = Types::PPatternType.new() regular_expressions.each do |re| case re when String re_T = Types::PRegexpType.new() re_T.pattern = re re_T.regexp() # compile it to catch errors t.addPatterns(re_T) when Regexp re_T = Types::PRegexpType.new() # Regep.to_s includes options user did not enter and does not escape source # to work either as a string or as a // regexp. The inspect method does a better # job, but includes the // re_T.pattern = re.inspect[1..-2] t.addPatterns(re_T) when Types::PRegexpType t.addPatterns(re.copy) when Types::PPatternType re.patterns.each do |p| t.addPatterns(p.copy) end else raise ArgumentError, "Only String, Regexp, Pattern-Type, and Regexp-Type are allowed: got '#{re.class}" end end t end # Produces the Literal type # @api public # def self.scalar() Types::PScalarType.new() end # Produces a CallableType matching all callables # @api public # def self.all_callables() return Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new end # Produces a Callable type with one signature without support for a block # Use #with_block, or #with_optional_block to add a block to the callable # If no parameters are given, the Callable will describe a signature # that does not accept parameters. To create a Callable that matches all callables # use {#all_callables}. # # The params is a list of types, where the three last entries may be # optionally followed by min, max count, and a Callable which is taken as the block_type. # If neither min or max are specified the parameters must match exactly. # A min < params.size means that the difference are optional. # If max > params.size means that the last type repeats. # if max is :default, the max value is unbound (infinity). - # + # # Params are given as a sequence of arguments to {#type_of}. # def self.callable(*params) case params.last when Types::PCallableType last_callable = true when Types::POptionalType last_callable = true if params.last.optional_type.is_a?(Types::PCallableType) end block_t = last_callable ? params.pop : nil # compute a size_type for the signature based on the two last parameters if is_range_parameter?(params[-2]) && is_range_parameter?(params[-1]) size_type = range(params[-2], params[-1]) params = params[0, params.size - 2] elsif is_range_parameter?(params[-1]) size_type = range(params[-1], :default) params = params[0, params.size - 1] end types = params.map {|p| type_of(p) } # create a signature callable_t = Types::PCallableType.new() tuple_t = tuple(*types) tuple_t.size_type = size_type unless size_type.nil? callable_t.param_types = tuple_t callable_t.block_type = block_t callable_t end def self.with_block(callable, *block_params) callable.block_type = callable(*block_params) callable end def self.with_optional_block(callable, *block_params) callable.block_type = optional(callable(*block_params)) callable end # Produces the abstract type Collection # @api public # def self.collection() Types::PCollectionType.new() end # Produces the Data type # @api public # def self.data() Types::PDataType.new() end # Creates an instance of the Undef type # @api public def self.undef() Types::PNilType.new() end # Produces an instance of the abstract type PCatalogEntryType def self.catalog_entry() Types::PCatalogEntryType.new() end # Produces a PResourceType with a String type_name # A PResourceType with a nil or empty name is compatible with any other PResourceType. # A PResourceType with a given name is only compatible with a PResourceType with the same name. # (There is no resource-type subtyping in Puppet (yet)). # def self.resource(type_name = nil, title = nil) type = Types::PResourceType.new() type_name = type_name.type_name if type_name.is_a?(Types::PResourceType) type.type_name = type_name.downcase unless type_name.nil? type.title = title type end # Produces PHostClassType with a string class_name. # A PHostClassType with nil or empty name is compatible with any other PHostClassType. # A PHostClassType with a given name is only compatible with a PHostClassType with the same name. # def self.host_class(class_name = nil) type = Types::PHostClassType.new() unless class_name.nil? type.class_name = class_name.sub(/^::/, '') end type end # Produces a type for Array[o] where o is either a type, or an instance for which a type is inferred. # @api public # def self.array_of(o) type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = type_of(o) type end # Produces a type for Hash[Scalar, o] where o is either a type, or an instance for which a type is inferred. # @api public # def self.hash_of(value, key = scalar()) type = Types::PHashType.new() type.key_type = type_of(key) type.element_type = type_of(value) type end # Produces a type for Array[Data] # @api public # def self.array_of_data() type = Types::PArrayType.new() type.element_type = data() type end # Produces a type for Hash[Scalar, Data] # @api public # def self.hash_of_data() type = Types::PHashType.new() type.key_type = scalar() type.element_type = data() type end # Produces a type for Type[T] # @api public # def self.type_type(inst_type = nil) type = Types::PType.new() type.type = inst_type type end # Produce a type corresponding to the class of given unless given is a String, Class or a PAbstractType. # When a String is given this is taken as a classname. # def self.type_of(o) if o.is_a?(Class) @type_calculator.type(o) elsif o.is_a?(Types::PAbstractType) o elsif o.is_a?(String) type = Types::PRubyType.new() type.ruby_class = o type else @type_calculator.infer_generic(o) end end # Produces a type for a class or infers a type for something that is not a class # @note # To get the type for the class' class use `TypeCalculator.infer(c)` # # @overload ruby(o) # @param o [Class] produces the type corresponding to the class (e.g. Integer becomes PIntegerType) # @overload ruby(o) # @param o [Object] produces the type corresponding to the instance class (e.g. 3 becomes PIntegerType) # # @api public # def self.ruby(o) if o.is_a?(Class) @type_calculator.type(o) else type = Types::PRubyType.new() type.ruby_class = o.class.name type end end # Generic creator of a RubyType - allows creating the Ruby type with nil name, or String name. # Also see ruby(o) which performs inference, or mapps a Ruby Class to its name. # def self.ruby_type(class_name = nil) type = Types::PRubyType.new() type.ruby_class = class_name type end # Sets the accepted size range of a collection if something other than the default 0 to Infinity # is wanted. The semantics for from/to are the same as for #range # def self.constrain_size(collection_t, from, to) collection_t.size_type = range(from, to) collection_t end # Returns true if the given type t is of valid range parameter type (integer or literal default). def self.is_range_parameter?(t) t.is_a?(Integer) || t == 'default' || t == :default end end diff --git a/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb b/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb index e381101c7..57205ceaf 100644 --- a/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb +++ b/spec/integration/parser/future_compiler_spec.rb @@ -1,722 +1,722 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/parser/parser_factory' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet_spec/pops' require 'puppet_spec/scope' require 'matchers/resource' require 'rgen/metamodel_builder' # Test compilation using the future evaluator describe "Puppet::Parser::Compiler" do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include Matchers::Resource before :each do Puppet[:parser] = 'future' end describe "the compiler when using future parser and evaluator" do it "should be able to determine the configuration version from a local version control repository" do pending("Bug #14071 about semantics of Puppet::Util::Execute on Windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows?) do # This should always work, because we should always be # in the puppet repo when we run this. version = %x{git rev-parse HEAD}.chomp Puppet.settings[:config_version] = 'git rev-parse HEAD' compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(Puppet::Node.new("testnode")) compiler.catalog.version.should == version end end it "should not create duplicate resources when a class is referenced both directly and indirectly by the node classifier (4792)" do node = Puppet::Node.new("testnodex") node.classes = ['foo', 'bar'] catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP, node) class foo { notify { foo_notify: } include bar } class bar { notify { bar_notify: } } PP catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[foo_notify]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bar_notify]") end it 'applies defaults for defines with qualified names (PUP-2302)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) define my::thing($msg = 'foo') { notify {'check_me': message => $msg } } My::Thing { msg => 'evoe' } my::thing { 'name': } CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[check_me]").with_parameter(:message, "evoe") end it 'does not apply defaults from dynamic scopes (PUP-867)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) class a { Notify { message => "defaulted" } include b notify { bye: } } class b { notify { hi: } } include a CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[hi]").with_parameter(:message, nil) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bye]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") end it 'gets default from inherited class (PUP-867)' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-CODE) class a { Notify { message => "defaulted" } include c notify { bye: } } class b { Notify { message => "inherited" } } class c inherits b { notify { hi: } } include a CODE expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[hi]").with_parameter(:message, "inherited") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[bye]").with_parameter(:message, "defaulted") end describe "when resolving class references" do it "should not favor local scope (with class included in topscope)" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } notify {"y" : require => Class[Experiment::Baz] } } class baz { } include baz include experiment include experiment::baz PP expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[x]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Baz]")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[y]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Experiment::Baz]")) end it "should not favor local scope, (with class not included in topscope)" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) class experiment { class baz { } notify {"x" : require => Class[Baz] } notify {"y" : require => Class[Experiment::Baz] } } class baz { } include experiment include experiment::baz PP expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[x]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Baz]")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[y]").with_parameter(:require, be_resource("Class[Experiment::Baz]")) end end describe "(ticket #13349) when explicitly specifying top scope" do ["class {'::bar::baz':}", "include ::bar::baz"].each do |include| describe "with #{include}" do it "should find the top level class" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class { 'foo::test': } class foo::test { #{include} } class bar::baz { notify { 'good!': } } class foo::bar::baz { notify { 'bad!': } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Class[Bar::Baz]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[good!]") expect(catalog).to_not have_resource("Class[Foo::Bar::Baz]") expect(catalog).to_not have_resource("Notify[bad!]") end end end end it "should recompute the version after input files are re-parsed" do Puppet[:code] = 'class foo { }' Time.stubs(:now).returns(1) node = Puppet::Node.new('mynode') Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 Time.stubs(:now).returns(2) Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 1 # no change because files didn't change Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.stubs(:stale?).returns(true).then.returns(false) # pretend change Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).version.should == 2 end ['define', 'class', 'node'].each do |thing| it "'#{thing}' is not allowed inside evaluated conditional constructs" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) if true { #{thing} foo { } notify { decoy: } } PP end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel/) end it "'#{thing}' is not allowed inside un-evaluated conditional constructs" do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-PP) if false { #{thing} foo { } notify { decoy: } } PP end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel/) end end describe "relationships can be formed" do def extract_name(ref) ref.sub(/File\[(\w+)\]/, '\1') end def assert_creates_relationships(relationship_code, expectations) base_manifest = <<-MANIFEST file { [a,b,c]: mode => 0644, } file { [d,e]: mode => 0755, } MANIFEST catalog = compile_to_catalog(base_manifest + relationship_code) resources = catalog.resources.select { |res| res.type == 'File' } actual_relationships, actual_subscriptions = [:before, :notify].map do |relation| resources.map do |res| dependents = Array(res[relation]) dependents.map { |ref| [res.title, extract_name(ref)] } end.inject(&:concat) end actual_relationships.should =~ (expectations[:relationships] || []) actual_subscriptions.should =~ (expectations[:subscriptions] || []) end it "of regular type" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] -> File[b]", :relationships => [['a','b']]) end it "of subscription type" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] ~> File[b]", :subscriptions => [['a', 'b']]) end it "between multiple resources expressed as resource with multiple titles" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a,b] -> File[c,d]", :relationships => [['a', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd']]) end it "between collection expressions" do assert_creates_relationships("File <| mode == 0644 |> -> File <| mode == 0755 |>", :relationships => [['a', 'd'], ['b', 'd'], ['c', 'd'], ['a', 'e'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'e']]) end it "between resources expressed as Strings" do assert_creates_relationships("'File[a]' -> 'File[b]'", :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) end it "between resources expressed as variables" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = File[a] $var -> File[b] MANIFEST end it "between resources expressed as case statements" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['s1', 't2']]) $var = 10 case $var { 10: { file { s1: } } 12: { file { s2: } } } -> case $var + 2 { 10: { file { t1: } } 12: { file { t2: } } } MANIFEST end it "using deep access in array" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = [ [ [ File[a], File[b] ] ] ] $var[0][0][0] -> $var[0][0][1] MANIFEST end it "using deep access in hash" do assert_creates_relationships(<<-MANIFEST, :relationships => [['a', 'b']]) $var = {'foo' => {'bar' => {'source' => File[a], 'target' => File[b]}}} $var[foo][bar][source] -> $var[foo][bar][target] MANIFEST end it "using resource declarations" do assert_creates_relationships("file { l: } -> file { r: }", :relationships => [['l', 'r']]) end it "between entries in a chain of relationships" do assert_creates_relationships("File[a] -> File[b] ~> File[c] <- File[d] <~ File[e]", :relationships => [['a', 'b'], ['d', 'c']], :subscriptions => [['b', 'c'], ['e', 'd']]) end end context "when dealing with variable references" do it 'an initial underscore in a variable name is ok' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a { $_a = 10} include a notify { 'test': message => $a::_a } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 10) end it 'an initial underscore in not ok if elsewhere than last segment' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a { $_a = 10} include a notify { 'test': message => $_a::_a } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Illegal variable name/) end it 'a missing variable as default value becomes undef' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class a ($b=$x) { notify {$b: message=>'meh'} } include a MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[undef]").with_parameter(:message, "meh") end end context 'when working with the trusted data hash' do context 'and have opted in to hashed_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = true end it 'should make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => $trusted[data] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, "value") end it 'should not allow assignment to $trusted' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Attempt to assign to a reserved variable name: 'trusted'/) end end context 'and have not opted in to hashed_node_data' do before :each do Puppet[:trusted_node_data] = false end it 'should not make $trusted available' do node = Puppet::Node.new("testing") node.trusted_data = { "data" => "value" } catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST, node) notify { 'test': message => ($trusted == undef) } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, true) end it 'should allow assignment to $trusted' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) $trusted = 'changed' notify { 'test': message => $trusted == 'changed' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, true) end end end context 'when using typed parameters in definition' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(String $x) { } foo { 'test': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Foo[test]").with_parameter(:x, 'say friend') end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo($a, $b, $c) { } foo { 'test': a => String, b=>10, c=>undef } MANIFEST end.to_not raise_error() end it 'denies non type compliant arguments' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Integer $x) { } foo { 'test': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'denies non type compliant default argument' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Integer $x = 'pow') { } foo { 'test': } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define foo(Type[Bar] $x) { notify { 'test': message => $x[text] } } define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } foo { 'test': x => Bar[joke] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 'knock knock') end end context 'when using typed parameters in class' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(String $x) { } class { 'foo': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Class[Foo]").with_parameter(:x, 'say friend') end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo($a, $b, $c) { } class { 'foo': a => String, b=>10, c=>undef } MANIFEST end.to_not raise_error() end it 'denies non type compliant arguments' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Integer $x) { } class { 'foo': x =>'say friend' } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'denies non type compliant default argument' do expect do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Integer $x = 'pow') { } class { 'foo': } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/type Integer, got String/) end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class foo(Type[Bar] $x) { notify { 'test': message => $x[text] } } define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } class { 'foo': x => Bar[joke] } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[test]").with_parameter(:message, 'knock knock') end end context 'when using typed parameters in lambdas' do it 'accepts type compliant arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with('value') |String $x| { notify { "$x": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value]") end it 'handles an array as a single argument' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(['value', 'second']) |$x| { notify { "${x[0]} ${x[1]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value second]") end it 'denies when missing required arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |$x, $y| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$y is required but no value was given/m) end it 'accepts anything when parameters are untyped' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) ['value', 1, true, undef].each |$x| { notify { "value: $x": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: value]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: 1]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: true]") expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[value: ]") end it 'accepts type-compliant, slurped arguments' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1, 2) |Integer *$x| { notify { "${$x[0] + $x[1]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[3]") end it 'denies non-type-compliant arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |String $x| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'denies non-type-compliant, slurped arguments' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1, "hello") |Integer *$x| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/called with mis-matched arguments.*expected.*Integer.*actual.*Integer, String/m) end it 'denies non-type-compliant default argument' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(1) |$x, String $defaulted = 1| { notify { "${$x + $defaulted}": }} MANIFEST - end.to raise_error(/expected.*Optional.*String.*actual.*Integer.*Integer/m) + end.to raise_error(/expected.*Object.*String.*actual.*Integer.*Integer/m) end it 'raises an error when a default argument value is an incorrect type and there are no arguments passed' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String $defaulted = 1| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'raises an error when the default argument for a slurped parameter is an incorrect type' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = 1| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*String.*actual.*Integer/m) end it 'allows using an array as the default slurped value' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = [hi]| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'allows using a value of the type as the default slurped value' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |String *$defaulted = hi| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'allows specifying the type of a slurped parameter as an array' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |Array[String] *$defaulted = hi| { notify { $defaulted[0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') end it 'raises an error when the number of default values does not match the parameter\'s size specification' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |Array[String, 2] *$defaulted = hi| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{2,\}.*actual.*arg count \{1\}/m) end it 'raises an error when the number of passed values does not match the parameter\'s size specification' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi) |Array[String, 2] *$passed| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{2,\}.*actual.*arg count \{1\}/m) end it 'matches when the number of arguments passed for a slurp parameter match the size specification' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi, bye) |Array[String, 2] *$passed| { $passed.each |$n| { notify { $n: } } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[bye]') end it 'raises an error when the number of allowed slurp parameters exceeds the size constraint' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with(hi, bye) |Array[String, 1, 1] *$passed| { } MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/expected.*arg count \{1\}.*actual.*arg count \{2\}/m) end it 'allows passing slurped arrays by specifying an array of arrays' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with([hi], [bye]) |Array[Array[String, 1, 1]] *$passed| { notify { $passed[0][0]: } notify { $passed[1][0]: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[hi]') expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[bye]') end it 'raises an error when a required argument follows an optional one' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$y = first, $x, Array[String, 1] *$passed = bye| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$x is required/) end it 'raises an error when the minimum size of a slurped argument makes it required and it follows an optional argument' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$x = first, Array[String, 1] *$passed| {} MANIFEST end.to raise_error(/Parameter \$passed is required/) end it 'allows slurped arguments with a minimum size of 0 after an optional argument' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) with() |$x = first, Array[String, 0] *$passed| { notify { $x: } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource('Notify[first]') end it 'accepts a Resource as a Type' do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) define bar($text) { } bar { 'joke': text => 'knock knock' } with(Bar[joke]) |Type[Bar] $joke| { notify { "${joke[text]}": } } MANIFEST expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[knock knock]") end end end context 'when evaluating collection' do it 'matches on container inherited tags' do Puppet[:code] = <<-MANIFEST class xport_test { tag('foo_bar') @notify { 'nbr1': message => 'explicitly tagged', tag => 'foo_bar' } @notify { 'nbr2': message => 'implicitly tagged' } Notify <| tag == 'foo_bar' |> { message => 'overridden' } } include xport_test MANIFEST catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(Puppet::Node.new("mynode")) expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr1]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') expect(catalog).to have_resource("Notify[nbr2]").with_parameter(:message, 'overridden') end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/functions/assert_type_spec.rb b/spec/unit/functions/assert_type_spec.rb index 612d33d9d..4c13db64b 100644 --- a/spec/unit/functions/assert_type_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/functions/assert_type_spec.rb @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/loaders' describe 'the assert_type function' do after(:all) { Puppet::Pops::Loaders.clear } around(:each) do |example| loaders = Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:testing, [])) Puppet.override({:loaders => loaders}, "test-example") do example.run end end let(:func) do Puppet.lookup(:loaders).puppet_system_loader.load(:function, 'assert_type') end it 'asserts compliant type by returning the value' do expect(func.call({}, type(String), 'hello world')).to eql('hello world') end it 'accepts type given as a String' do expect(func.call({}, 'String', 'hello world')).to eql('hello world') end it 'asserts non compliant type by raising an error' do expect do func.call({}, type(Integer), 'hello world') end.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /does not match actual/) end it 'checks that first argument is a type' do expect do func.call({}, 10, 10) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, Regexp.new(Regexp.escape( "function 'assert_type' called with mis-matched arguments expected one of: - assert_type(Type type, Optional[Object] value, Callable[Optional[Object], Optional[Object]] block {0,1}) - arg count {2,3} - assert_type(String type_string, Optional[Object] value, Callable[Optional[Object], Optional[Object]] block {0,1}) - arg count {2,3} + assert_type(Type type, Object value, Callable[Object, Object] block {0,1}) - arg count {2,3} + assert_type(String type_string, Object value, Callable[Object, Object] block {0,1}) - arg count {2,3} actual: assert_type(Integer, Integer) - arg count {2}"))) end it 'allows the second arg to be undef/nil)' do expect do func.call({}, optional(String), nil) end.to_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'can be called with a callable' do expected, actual = func.call({}, optional(String), 1, create_callable_2_args_unit) expect(expected.to_s).to eql('Optional[String]') expect(actual.to_s).to eql('Integer') end def optional(type_ref) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.optional(type(type_ref)) end def type(type_ref) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_of(type_ref) end def create_callable_2_args_unit() Puppet::Functions.create_function(:func) do dispatch :func do param 'Type', 'expected' param 'Type', 'actual' end def func(expected, actual) [expected, actual] end end.new({}, nil) end end diff --git a/spec/unit/pops/evaluator/evaluating_parser_spec.rb b/spec/unit/pops/evaluator/evaluating_parser_spec.rb index 0580945c7..8477aa0f2 100644 --- a/spec/unit/pops/evaluator/evaluating_parser_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/pops/evaluator/evaluating_parser_spec.rb @@ -1,1214 +1,1214 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/pops/evaluator/evaluator_impl' require 'puppet/loaders' require 'puppet_spec/pops' require 'puppet_spec/scope' require 'puppet/parser/e4_parser_adapter' # relative to this spec file (./) does not work as this file is loaded by rspec #require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/evaluator_rspec_helper') describe 'Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::EvaluatorImpl' do include PuppetSpec::Pops include PuppetSpec::Scope before(:each) do Puppet[:strict_variables] = true # These must be set since the is 3x logic that triggers on these even if the tests are explicit # about selection of parser and evaluator # Puppet[:parser] = 'future' Puppet[:evaluator] = 'future' # Puppetx cannot be loaded until the correct parser has been set (injector is turned off otherwise) require 'puppetx' end let(:parser) { Puppet::Pops::Parser::EvaluatingParser::Transitional.new } let(:node) { 'node.example.com' } let(:scope) { s = create_test_scope_for_node(node); s } types = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory context "When evaluator evaluates literals" do { "1" => 1, "010" => 8, "0x10" => 16, "3.14" => 3.14, "0.314e1" => 3.14, "31.4e-1" => 3.14, "'1'" => '1', "'banana'" => 'banana', '"banana"' => 'banana', "banana" => 'banana', "banana::split" => 'banana::split', "false" => false, "true" => true, "Array" => types.array_of_data(), "/.*/" => /.*/ }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end end context "When the evaluator evaluates Lists and Hashes" do { "[]" => [], "[1,2,3]" => [1,2,3], "[1,[2.0, 2.1, [2.2]],[3.0, 3.1]]" => [1,[2.0, 2.1, [2.2]],[3.0, 3.1]], "[2 + 2]" => [4], "[1,2,3] == [1,2,3]" => true, "[1,2,3] != [2,3,4]" => true, "[1,2,3] == [2,2,3]" => false, "[1,2,3] != [1,2,3]" => false, "[1,2,3][2]" => 3, "[1,2,3] + [4,5]" => [1,2,3,4,5], "[1,2,3] + [[4,5]]" => [1,2,3,[4,5]], "[1,2,3] + 4" => [1,2,3,4], "[1,2,3] << [4,5]" => [1,2,3,[4,5]], "[1,2,3] << {'a' => 1, 'b'=>2}" => [1,2,3,{'a' => 1, 'b'=>2}], "[1,2,3] << 4" => [1,2,3,4], "[1,2,3,4] - [2,3]" => [1,4], "[1,2,3,4] - [2,5]" => [1,3,4], "[1,2,3,4] - 2" => [1,3,4], "[1,2,3,[2],4] - 2" => [1,3,[2],4], "[1,2,3,[2,3],4] - [[2,3]]" => [1,2,3,4], "[1,2,3,3,2,4,2,3] - [2,3]" => [1,4], "[1,2,3,['a',1],['b',2]] - {'a' => 1, 'b'=>2}" => [1,2,3], "[1,2,3,{'a'=>1,'b'=>2}] - [{'a' => 1, 'b'=>2}]" => [1,2,3], }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "[1,2,3] + {'a' => 1, 'b'=>2}" => [1,2,3,['a',1],['b',2]], }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do # This test must be done with match_array since the order of the hash # is undefined and Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 produce different results. expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)).to match_array(result) end end { "[1,2,3][a]" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end { "{}" => {}, "{'a'=>1,'b'=>2}" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>2}, "{'a'=>1,'b'=>{'x'=>2.1,'y'=>2.2}}" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>{'x'=>2.1,'y'=>2.2}}, "{'a'=> 2 + 2}" => {'a'=> 4}, "{'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2} == {'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2}" => true, "{'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2} != {'x'=> 1, 'b'=>2}" => true, "{'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2} == {'a'=> 2, 'b'=>3}" => false, "{'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2} != {'a'=> 1, 'b'=>2}" => false, "{a => 1, b => 2}[b]" => 2, "{2+2 => sum, b => 2}[4]" => 'sum', "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2} + {'c'=>3}" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2} + {'b'=>3}" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>3}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2} + ['c', 3, 'b', 3]" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>3, 'c'=>3}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2} + [['c', 3], ['b', 3]]" => {'a'=>1,'b'=>3, 'c'=>3}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2} - {'b' => 3}" => {'a'=>1}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3} - ['b', 'c']" => {'a'=>1}, "{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3} - 'c'" => {'a'=>1, 'b'=>2}, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "{'a' => 1, 'b'=>2} << 1" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end context "When the evaluator perform comparisons" do { "'a' == 'a'" => true, "'a' == 'b'" => false, "'a' != 'a'" => false, "'a' != 'b'" => true, "'a' < 'b' " => true, "'a' < 'a' " => false, "'b' < 'a' " => false, "'a' <= 'b'" => true, "'a' <= 'a'" => true, "'b' <= 'a'" => false, "'a' > 'b' " => false, "'a' > 'a' " => false, "'b' > 'a' " => true, "'a' >= 'b'" => false, "'a' >= 'a'" => true, "'b' >= 'a'" => true, "'a' == 'A'" => true, "'a' != 'A'" => false, "'a' > 'A'" => false, "'a' >= 'A'" => true, "'A' < 'a'" => false, "'A' <= 'a'" => true, "1 == 1" => true, "1 == 2" => false, "1 != 1" => false, "1 != 2" => true, "1 < 2 " => true, "1 < 1 " => false, "2 < 1 " => false, "1 <= 2" => true, "1 <= 1" => true, "2 <= 1" => false, "1 > 2 " => false, "1 > 1 " => false, "2 > 1 " => true, "1 >= 2" => false, "1 >= 1" => true, "2 >= 1" => true, "1 == 1.0 " => true, "1 < 1.1 " => true, "'1' < 1.1" => true, "1.0 == 1 " => true, "1.0 < 2 " => true, "1.0 < 'a'" => true, "'1.0' < 1.1" => true, "'1.0' < 'a'" => true, "'1.0' < '' " => true, "'1.0' < ' '" => true, "'a' > '1.0'" => true, "/.*/ == /.*/ " => true, "/.*/ != /a.*/" => true, "true == true " => true, "false == false" => true, "true == false" => false, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "'a' =~ /.*/" => true, "'a' =~ '.*'" => true, "/.*/ != /a.*/" => true, "'a' !~ /b.*/" => true, "'a' !~ 'b.*'" => true, '$x = a; a =~ "$x.*"' => true, "a =~ Pattern['a.*']" => true, "a =~ Regexp['a.*']" => false, # String is not subtype of Regexp. PUP-957 "$x = /a.*/ a =~ $x" => true, "$x = Pattern['a.*'] a =~ $x" => true, "1 =~ Integer" => true, "1 !~ Integer" => false, "[1,2,3] =~ Array[Integer[1,10]]" => true, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "666 =~ /6/" => :error, "[a] =~ /a/" => :error, "{a=>1} =~ /a/" => :error, "/a/ =~ /a/" => :error, "Array =~ /A/" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end { "1 in [1,2,3]" => true, "4 in [1,2,3]" => false, "a in {x=>1, a=>2}" => true, "z in {x=>1, a=>2}" => false, "ana in bananas" => true, "xxx in bananas" => false, "/ana/ in bananas" => true, "/xxx/ in bananas" => false, "ANA in bananas" => false, # ANA is a type, not a String "String[1] in bananas" => false, # Philosophically true though :-) "'ANA' in bananas" => true, "ana in 'BANANAS'" => true, "/ana/ in 'BANANAS'" => false, "/ANA/ in 'BANANAS'" => true, "xxx in 'BANANAS'" => false, "[2,3] in [1,[2,3],4]" => true, "[2,4] in [1,[2,3],4]" => false, "[a,b] in ['A',['A','B'],'C']" => true, "[x,y] in ['A',['A','B'],'C']" => false, "a in {a=>1}" => true, "x in {a=>1}" => false, "'A' in {a=>1}" => true, "'X' in {a=>1}" => false, "a in {'A'=>1}" => true, "x in {'A'=>1}" => false, "/xxx/ in {'aaaxxxbbb'=>1}" => true, "/yyy/ in {'aaaxxxbbb'=>1}" => false, "15 in [1, 0xf]" => true, "15 in [1, '0xf']" => true, "'15' in [1, 0xf]" => true, "15 in [1, 115]" => false, "1 in [11, '111']" => false, "'1' in [11, '111']" => false, "Array[Integer] in [2, 3]" => false, "Array[Integer] in [2, [3, 4]]" => true, "Array[Integer] in [2, [a, 4]]" => false, "Integer in { 2 =>'a'}" => true, "Integer[5,10] in [1,5,3]" => true, "Integer[5,10] in [1,2,3]" => false, "Integer in {'a'=>'a'}" => false, "Integer in {'a'=>1}" => false, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { 'Object' => ['Data', 'Scalar', 'Numeric', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'String', 'Pattern', 'Collection', 'Array', 'Hash', 'CatalogEntry', 'Resource', 'Class', 'Undef', 'File', 'NotYetKnownResourceType'], # Note, Data > Collection is false (so not included) 'Data' => ['Scalar', 'Numeric', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'String', 'Pattern', 'Array', 'Hash',], 'Scalar' => ['Numeric', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'String', 'Pattern'], 'Numeric' => ['Integer', 'Float'], 'CatalogEntry' => ['Class', 'Resource', 'File', 'NotYetKnownResourceType'], 'Integer[1,10]' => ['Integer[2,3]'], }.each do |general, specials| specials.each do |special | it "should compute that #{general} > #{special}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "#{general} > #{special}", __FILE__).should == true end it "should compute that #{special} < #{general}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "#{special} < #{general}", __FILE__).should == true end it "should compute that #{general} != #{special}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "#{special} != #{general}", __FILE__).should == true end end end { 'Integer[1,10] > Integer[2,3]' => true, 'Integer[1,10] == Integer[2,3]' => false, 'Integer[1,10] > Integer[0,5]' => false, 'Integer[1,10] > Integer[1,10]' => false, 'Integer[1,10] >= Integer[1,10]' => true, 'Integer[1,10] == Integer[1,10]' => true, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the integer range comparison expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end end context "When the evaluator performs arithmetic" do context "on Integers" do { "2+2" => 4, "2 + 2" => 4, "7 - 3" => 4, "6 * 3" => 18, "6 / 3" => 2, "6 % 3" => 0, "10 % 3" => 1, "-(6/3)" => -2, "-6/3 " => -2, "8 >> 1" => 4, "8 << 1" => 16, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end context "on Floats" do { "2.2 + 2.2" => 4.4, "7.7 - 3.3" => 4.4, "6.1 * 3.1" => 18.91, "6.6 / 3.3" => 2.0, "-(6.0/3.0)" => -2.0, "-6.0/3.0 " => -2.0, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "3.14 << 2" => :error, "3.14 >> 2" => :error, "6.6 % 3.3" => 0.0, "10.0 % 3.0" => 1.0, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end context "on strings requiring boxing to Numeric" do { "'2' + '2'" => 4, "'2.2' + '2.2'" => 4.4, "'0xF7' + '010'" => 0xFF, "'0xF7' + '0x8'" => 0xFF, "'0367' + '010'" => 0xFF, "'012.3' + '010'" => 20.3, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "'0888' + '010'" => :error, "'0xWTF' + '010'" => :error, "'0x12.3' + '010'" => :error, "'0x12.3' + '010'" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end end end # arithmetic context "When the evaluator evaluates assignment" do { "$a = 5" => 5, "$a = 5; $a" => 5, "$a = 5; $b = 6; $a" => 5, "$a = $b = 5; $a == $b" => true, "$a = [1,2,3]; [x].map |$x| { $a += x; $a }" => [[1,2,3,'x']], "$a = [a,x,c]; [x].map |$x| { $a -= x; $a }" => [['a','c']], }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "[a,b,c] = [1,2,3]; $a == 1 and $b == 2 and $c == 3" => :error, "[a,b,c] = {b=>2,c=>3,a=>1}; $a == 1 and $b == 2 and $c == 3" => :error, "$a = [1,2,3]; [x].collect |$x| { [a] += x; $a }" => :error, "$a = [a,x,c]; [x].collect |$x| { [a] -= x; $a }" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end context "When the evaluator evaluates conditionals" do { "if true {5}" => 5, "if false {5}" => nil, "if false {2} else {5}" => 5, "if false {2} elsif true {5}" => 5, "if false {2} elsif false {5}" => nil, "unless false {5}" => 5, "unless true {5}" => nil, "unless true {2} else {5}" => 5, "$a = if true {5} $a" => 5, "$a = if false {5} $a" => nil, "$a = if false {2} else {5} $a" => 5, "$a = if false {2} elsif true {5} $a" => 5, "$a = if false {2} elsif false {5} $a" => nil, "$a = unless false {5} $a" => 5, "$a = unless true {5} $a" => nil, "$a = unless true {2} else {5} $a" => 5, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "case 1 { 1 : { yes } }" => 'yes', "case 2 { 1,2,3 : { yes} }" => 'yes', "case 2 { 1,3 : { no } 2: { yes} }" => 'yes', "case 2 { 1,3 : { no } 5: { no } default: { yes }}" => 'yes', "case 2 { 1,3 : { no } 5: { no } }" => nil, "case 'banana' { 1,3 : { no } /.*ana.*/: { yes } }" => 'yes', "case 'banana' { /.*(ana).*/: { $1 } }" => 'ana', "case [1] { Array : { yes } }" => 'yes', "case [1] { Array[String] : { no } Array[Integer]: { yes } }" => 'yes', "case 1 { Integer : { yes } Type[Integer] : { no } }" => 'yes', "case Integer { Integer : { no } Type[Integer] : { yes } }" => 'yes', # supports unfold "case ringo { *[paul, john, ringo, george] : { 'beatle' } }" => 'beatle', }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "2 ? { 1 => no, 2 => yes}" => 'yes', "3 ? { 1 => no, 2 => no, default => yes }" => 'yes', "3 ? { 1 => no, default => yes, 3 => no }" => 'no', "3 ? { 1 => no, 3 => no, default => yes }" => 'no', "4 ? { 1 => no, default => yes, 3 => no }" => 'yes', "4 ? { 1 => no, 3 => no, default => yes }" => 'yes', "'banana' ? { /.*(ana).*/ => $1 }" => 'ana', "[2] ? { Array[String] => yes, Array => yes}" => 'yes', "ringo ? *[paul, john, ringo, george] => 'beatle'" => 'beatle', }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end it 'fails if a selector does not match' do expect{parser.evaluate_string(scope, "2 ? 3 => 4")}.to raise_error(/No matching entry for selector parameter with value '2'/) end end context "When evaluator evaluated unfold" do { "*[1,2,3]" => [1,2,3], "*1" => [1], "*'a'" => ['a'] }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end it "should parse and evaluate the expression '*{a=>10, b=>20} to [['a',10],['b',20]]" do result = parser.evaluate_string(scope, '*{a=>10, b=>20}', __FILE__) expect(result).to include(['a', 10]) expect(result).to include(['b', 20]) end end context "When evaluator performs [] operations" do { "[1,2,3][0]" => 1, "[1,2,3][2]" => 3, "[1,2,3][3]" => nil, "[1,2,3][-1]" => 3, "[1,2,3][-2]" => 2, "[1,2,3][-4]" => nil, "[1,2,3,4][0,2]" => [1,2], "[1,2,3,4][1,3]" => [2,3,4], "[1,2,3,4][-2,2]" => [3,4], "[1,2,3,4][-3,2]" => [2,3], "[1,2,3,4][3,5]" => [4], "[1,2,3,4][5,2]" => [], "[1,2,3,4][0,-1]" => [1,2,3,4], "[1,2,3,4][0,-2]" => [1,2,3], "[1,2,3,4][0,-4]" => [1], "[1,2,3,4][0,-5]" => [], "[1,2,3,4][-5,2]" => [1], "[1,2,3,4][-5,-3]" => [1,2], "[1,2,3,4][-6,-3]" => [1,2], "[1,2,3,4][2,-3]" => [], "[1,*[2,3],4]" => [1,2,3,4], "[1,*[2,3],4][1]" => 2, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}[a]" => 1, "{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}[c]" => 3, "{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}[x]" => nil, "{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}[c,b]" => [3,2], "{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3}[a,b,c]" => [1,2,3], "{a=>{b=>{c=>'it works'}}}[a][b][c]" => 'it works', "$a = {undef => 10} $a[free_lunch]" => nil, "$a = {undef => 10} $a[undef]" => 10, "$a = {undef => 10} $a[$a[free_lunch]]" => 10, "$a = {} $a[free_lunch] == undef" => true, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "'abc'[0]" => 'a', "'abc'[2]" => 'c', "'abc'[-1]" => 'c', "'abc'[-2]" => 'b', "'abc'[-3]" => 'a', "'abc'[-4]" => '', "'abc'[3]" => '', "abc[0]" => 'a', "abc[2]" => 'c', "abc[-1]" => 'c', "abc[-2]" => 'b', "abc[-3]" => 'a', "abc[-4]" => '', "abc[3]" => '', "'abcd'[0,2]" => 'ab', "'abcd'[1,3]" => 'bcd', "'abcd'[-2,2]" => 'cd', "'abcd'[-3,2]" => 'bc', "'abcd'[3,5]" => 'd', "'abcd'[5,2]" => '', "'abcd'[0,-1]" => 'abcd', "'abcd'[0,-2]" => 'abc', "'abcd'[0,-4]" => 'a', "'abcd'[0,-5]" => '', "'abcd'[-5,2]" => 'a', "'abcd'[-5,-3]" => 'ab', "'abcd'[-6,-3]" => 'ab', "'abcd'[2,-3]" => '', }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end # Type operations (full set tested by tests covering type calculator) { "Array[Integer]" => types.array_of(types.integer), "Array[Integer,1]" => types.constrain_size(types.array_of(types.integer),1, :default), "Array[Integer,1,2]" => types.constrain_size(types.array_of(types.integer),1, 2), "Array[Integer,Integer[1,2]]" => types.constrain_size(types.array_of(types.integer),1, 2), "Array[Integer,Integer[1]]" => types.constrain_size(types.array_of(types.integer),1, :default), "Hash[Integer,Integer]" => types.hash_of(types.integer, types.integer), "Hash[Integer,Integer,1]" => types.constrain_size(types.hash_of(types.integer, types.integer),1, :default), "Hash[Integer,Integer,1,2]" => types.constrain_size(types.hash_of(types.integer, types.integer),1, 2), "Hash[Integer,Integer,Integer[1,2]]" => types.constrain_size(types.hash_of(types.integer, types.integer),1, 2), "Hash[Integer,Integer,Integer[1]]" => types.constrain_size(types.hash_of(types.integer, types.integer),1, :default), "Resource[File]" => types.resource('File'), "Resource['File']" => types.resource(types.resource('File')), "File[foo]" => types.resource('file', 'foo'), "File[foo, bar]" => [types.resource('file', 'foo'), types.resource('file', 'bar')], "Pattern[a, /b/, Pattern[c], Regexp[d]]" => types.pattern('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), "String[1,2]" => types.constrain_size(types.string,1, 2), "String[Integer[1,2]]" => types.constrain_size(types.string,1, 2), "String[Integer[1]]" => types.constrain_size(types.string,1, :default), }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end # LHS where [] not supported, and missing key(s) { "Array[]" => :error, "'abc'[]" => :error, "Resource[]" => :error, "File[]" => :error, "String[]" => :error, "1[]" => :error, "3.14[]" => :error, "/.*/[]" => :error, "$a=[1] $a[]" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)}.to raise_error(/Syntax error/) end end # Errors when wrong number/type of keys are used { "Array[0]" => 'Array-Type[] arguments must be types. Got Fixnum', "Hash[0]" => 'Hash-Type[] arguments must be types. Got Fixnum', "Hash[Integer, 0]" => 'Hash-Type[] arguments must be types. Got Fixnum', "Array[Integer,1,2,3]" => 'Array-Type[] accepts 1 to 3 arguments. Got 4', "Array[Integer,String]" => "A Type's size constraint arguments must be a single Integer type, or 1-2 integers (or default). Got a String-Type", "Hash[Integer,String, 1,2,3]" => 'Hash-Type[] accepts 1 to 4 arguments. Got 5', "'abc'[x]" => "The value 'x' cannot be converted to Numeric", "'abc'[1.0]" => "A String[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", "'abc'[1,2,3]" => "String supports [] with one or two arguments. Got 3", "Resource[0]" => 'First argument to Resource[] must be a resource type or a String. Got Fixnum', "Resource[a, 0]" => 'Error creating type specialization of a Resource-Type, Cannot use Fixnum where String is expected', "File[0]" => 'Error creating type specialization of a File-Type, Cannot use Fixnum where String is expected', "String[a]" => "A Type's size constraint arguments must be a single Integer type, or 1-2 integers (or default). Got a String", "Pattern[0]" => 'Error creating type specialization of a Pattern-Type, Cannot use Fixnum where String or Regexp or Pattern-Type or Regexp-Type is expected', "Regexp[0]" => 'Error creating type specialization of a Regexp-Type, Cannot use Fixnum where String or Regexp is expected', "Regexp[a,b]" => 'A Regexp-Type[] accepts 1 argument. Got 2', "true[0]" => "Operator '[]' is not applicable to a Boolean", "1[0]" => "Operator '[]' is not applicable to an Integer", "3.14[0]" => "Operator '[]' is not applicable to a Float", "/.*/[0]" => "Operator '[]' is not applicable to a Regexp", "[1][a]" => "The value 'a' cannot be converted to Numeric", "[1][0.0]" => "An Array[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", "[1]['0.0']" => "An Array[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", "[1,2][1, 0.0]" => "An Array[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", "[1,2][1.0, -1]" => "An Array[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", "[1,2][1, -1.0]" => "An Array[] cannot use Float where Integer is expected", }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)}.to raise_error(Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(result))) end end context "on catalog types" do it "[n] gets resource parameter [n]" do source = "notify { 'hello': message=>'yo'} Notify[hello][message]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == 'yo' end it "[n] gets class parameter [n]" do source = "class wonka($produces='chocolate'){ } include wonka Class[wonka][produces]" # This is more complicated since it needs to run like 3.x and do an import_ast adapted_parser = Puppet::Parser::E4ParserAdapter.new adapted_parser.file = __FILE__ ast = adapted_parser.parse(source) Puppet.override({:global_scope => scope}, "test") do scope.known_resource_types.import_ast(ast, '') ast.code.safeevaluate(scope).should == 'chocolate' end end # Resource default and override expressions and resource parameter access with [] { # Properties "notify { id: message=>explicit} Notify[id][message]" => "explicit", "Notify { message=>by_default} notify {foo:} Notify[foo][message]" => "by_default", "notify {foo:} Notify[foo]{message =>by_override} Notify[foo][message]" => "by_override", # Parameters "notify { id: withpath=>explicit} Notify[id][withpath]" => "explicit", "Notify { withpath=>by_default } notify { foo: } Notify[foo][withpath]" => "by_default", "notify {foo:} Notify[foo]{withpath=>by_override} Notify[foo][withpath]" => "by_override", # Metaparameters "notify { foo: tag => evoe} Notify[foo][tag]" => "evoe", # Does not produce the defaults for tag parameter (title, type or names of scopes) "notify { foo: } Notify[foo][tag]" => nil, # But a default may be specified on the type "Notify { tag=>by_default } notify { foo: } Notify[foo][tag]" => "by_default", "Notify { tag=>by_default } notify { foo: } Notify[foo]{ tag=>by_override } Notify[foo][tag]" => "by_override", }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end # Virtual and realized resource default and overridden resource parameter access with [] { # Properties "@notify { id: message=>explicit } Notify[id][message]" => "explicit", "@notify { id: message=>explicit } realize Notify[id] Notify[id][message]" => "explicit", "Notify { message=>by_default } @notify { id: } Notify[id][message]" => "by_default", "Notify { message=>by_default } @notify { id: tag=>thisone } Notify <| tag == thisone |>; Notify[id][message]" => "by_default", "@notify { id: } Notify[id]{message=>by_override} Notify[id][message]" => "by_override", # Parameters "@notify { id: withpath=>explicit } Notify[id][withpath]" => "explicit", "Notify { withpath=>by_default } @notify { id: } Notify[id][withpath]" => "by_default", "@notify { id: } realize Notify[id] Notify[id]{withpath=>by_override} Notify[id][withpath]" => "by_override", # Metaparameters "@notify { id: tag=>explicit } Notify[id][tag]" => "explicit", }.each do |source, result| it "parses and evaluates virtual and realized resources in the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)).to eq(result) end end # Exported resource attributes { "@@notify { id: message=>explicit } Notify[id][message]" => "explicit", "@@notify { id: message=>explicit, tag=>thisone } Notify <<| tag == thisone |>> Notify[id][message]" => "explicit", }.each do |source, result| it "parses and evaluates exported resources in the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)).to eq(result) end end # Resource default and override expressions and resource parameter access error conditions { "notify { xid: message=>explicit} Notify[id][message]" => /Resource not found/, "notify { id: message=>explicit} Notify[id][mustard]" => /does not have a parameter called 'mustard'/, # NOTE: these meta-esque parameters are not recognized as such "notify { id: message=>explicit} Notify[id][title]" => /does not have a parameter called 'title'/, "notify { id: message=>explicit} Notify[id]['type']" => /does not have a parameter called 'type'/, "notify { id: message=>explicit } Notify[id]{message=>override}" => /'message' is already set on Notify\[id\]/ }.each do |source, result| it "should parse '#{source}' and raise error matching #{result}" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)}.to raise_error(result) end end context 'with errors' do { "Class['fail-whale']" => /Illegal name/, "Class[0]" => /An Integer cannot be used where a String is expected/, "Class[/.*/]" => /A Regexp cannot be used where a String is expected/, "Class[4.1415]" => /A Float cannot be used where a String is expected/, "Class[Integer]" => /An Integer-Type cannot be used where a String is expected/, "Class[File['tmp']]" => /A File\['tmp'\] Resource-Reference cannot be used where a String is expected/, }.each do | source, error_pattern| it "an error is flagged for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)}.to raise_error(error_pattern) end end end end # end [] operations end context "When the evaluator performs boolean operations" do { "true and true" => true, "false and true" => false, "true and false" => false, "false and false" => false, "true or true" => true, "false or true" => true, "true or false" => true, "false or false" => false, "! true" => false, "!! true" => true, "!! false" => false, "! 'x'" => false, "! ''" => false, "! undef" => true, "! [a]" => false, "! []" => false, "! {a=>1}" => false, "! {}" => false, "true and false and '0xwtf' + 1" => false, "false or true or '0xwtf' + 1" => true, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { "false || false || '0xwtf' + 1" => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end context "When evaluator performs operations on literal undef" do it "computes non existing hash lookup as undef" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "{a => 1}[b] == undef", __FILE__).should == true parser.evaluate_string(scope, "undef == {a => 1}[b]", __FILE__).should == true end end context "When evaluator performs calls" do around(:each) do |example| Puppet.override(:loaders => Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:testing, []))) do example.run end end let(:populate) do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "$a = 10 $b = [1,2,3]") end { 'sprintf( "x%iy", $a )' => "x10y", # unfolds 'sprintf( *["x%iy", $a] )' => "x10y", '"x%iy".sprintf( $a )' => "x10y", '$b.reduce |$memo,$x| { $memo + $x }' => 6, 'reduce($b) |$memo,$x| { $memo + $x }' => 6, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do populate parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end { '"value is ${a*2} yo"' => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end it "provides location information on error in unparenthesized call logic" do expect{parser.evaluate_string(scope, "include non_existing_class", __FILE__)}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /line 1\:1/) end it 'defaults can be given in a lambda and used only when arg is missing' do env_loader = Puppet.lookup(:loaders).public_environment_loader fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(:test) do dispatch :test do param 'Integer', 'count' required_block_param end def test(count, block) block.call({}, *[].fill(10, 0, count)) end end the_func = fc.new({}, env_loader) env_loader.add_entry(:function, 'test', the_func, __FILE__) expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, "test(1) |$x, $y=20| { $x + $y}")).to eql(30) expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, "test(2) |$x, $y=20| { $x + $y}")).to eql(20) end it 'a given undef does not select the default value' do env_loader = Puppet.lookup(:loaders).public_environment_loader fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(:test) do dispatch :test do - param 'Optional[Object]', 'lambda_arg' + param 'Object', 'lambda_arg' required_block_param end def test(lambda_arg, block) block.call({}, lambda_arg) end end the_func = fc.new({}, env_loader) env_loader.add_entry(:function, 'test', the_func, __FILE__) expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, "test(undef) |$x=20| { $x == undef}")).to eql(true) end end context "When evaluator performs string interpolation" do let(:populate) do parser.evaluate_string(scope, "$a = 10 $b = [1,2,3]") end { '"value is $a yo"' => "value is 10 yo", '"value is \$a yo"' => "value is $a yo", '"value is ${a} yo"' => "value is 10 yo", '"value is \${a} yo"' => "value is ${a} yo", '"value is ${$a} yo"' => "value is 10 yo", '"value is ${$a*2} yo"' => "value is 20 yo", '"value is ${sprintf("x%iy",$a)} yo"' => "value is x10y yo", '"value is ${"x%iy".sprintf($a)} yo"' => "value is x10y yo", '"value is ${[1,2,3]} yo"' => "value is [1, 2, 3] yo", '"value is ${/.*/} yo"' => "value is /.*/ yo", '$x = undef "value is $x yo"' => "value is yo", '$x = default "value is $x yo"' => "value is default yo", '$x = Array[Integer] "value is $x yo"' => "value is Array[Integer] yo", '"value is ${Array[Integer]} yo"' => "value is Array[Integer] yo", }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and evaluate the expression '#{source}' to #{result}" do populate parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == result end end it "should parse and evaluate an interpolation of a hash" do source = '"value is ${{a=>1,b=>2}} yo"' # This test requires testing against two options because a hash to string # produces a result that is unordered hashstr = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}.to_s alt_results = ["value is {a => 1, b => 2} yo", "value is {b => 2, a => 1} yo" ] populate parse_result = parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) alt_results.include?(parse_result).should == true end it 'should accept a variable with leading underscore when used directly' do source = '$_x = 10; "$_x"' expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)).to eql('10') end it 'should accept a variable with leading underscore when used as an expression' do source = '$_x = 10; "${_x}"' expect(parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__)).to eql('10') end { '"value is ${a*2} yo"' => :error, }.each do |source, result| it "should parse and raise error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end end end context "When evaluating variables" do context "that are non existing an error is raised for" do it "unqualified variable" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, "$quantum_gravity", __FILE__) }.to raise_error(/Unknown variable/) end it "qualified variable" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, "$quantum_gravity::graviton", __FILE__) }.to raise_error(/Unknown variable/) end end it "a lex error should be raised for '$foo::::bar'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, "$foo::::bar") }.to raise_error(Puppet::LexError, /Illegal fully qualified name at line 1:7/) end { '$a = $0' => nil, '$a = $1' => nil, }.each do |source, value| it "it is ok to reference numeric unassigned variables '#{source}'" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == value end end { '$00 = 0' => /must be a decimal value/, '$0xf = 0' => /must be a decimal value/, '$0777 = 0' => /must be a decimal value/, '$123a = 0' => /must be a decimal value/, }.each do |source, error_pattern| it "should raise an error for '#{source}'" do expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) }.to raise_error(error_pattern) end end context "an initial underscore in the last segment of a var name is allowed" do { '$_a = 1' => 1, '$__a = 1' => 1, }.each do |source, value| it "as in this example '#{source}'" do parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__).should == value end end end end context "When evaluating relationships" do it 'should form a relation with File[a] -> File[b]' do source = "File[a] -> File[b]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'a', '->', 'File', 'b']) end it 'should form a relation with resource -> resource' do source = "notify{a:} -> notify{b:}" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['Notify', 'a', '->', 'Notify', 'b']) end it 'should form a relation with [File[a], File[b]] -> [File[x], File[y]]' do source = "[File[a], File[b]] -> [File[x], File[y]]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'a', '->', 'File', 'x']) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'b', '->', 'File', 'x']) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'a', '->', 'File', 'y']) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'b', '->', 'File', 'y']) end it 'should tolerate (eliminate) duplicates in operands' do source = "[File[a], File[a]] -> File[x]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'a', '->', 'File', 'x']) scope.compiler.relationships.size.should == 1 end it 'should form a relation with <-' do source = "File[a] <- File[b]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'b', '->', 'File', 'a']) end it 'should form a relation with <-' do source = "File[a] <~ File[b]" parser.evaluate_string(scope, source, __FILE__) scope.compiler.should have_relationship(['File', 'b', '~>', 'File', 'a']) end end context "When evaluating heredoc" do it "evaluates plain heredoc" do src = "@(END)\nThis is\nheredoc text\nEND\n" parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == "This is\nheredoc text\n" end it "parses heredoc with margin" do src = [ "@(END)", " This is", " heredoc text", " | END", "" ].join("\n") parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == "This is\nheredoc text\n" end it "parses heredoc with margin and right newline trim" do src = [ "@(END)", " This is", " heredoc text", " |- END", "" ].join("\n") parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == "This is\nheredoc text" end it "parses escape specification" do src = <<-CODE @(END/t) Tex\\tt\\n |- END CODE parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == "Tex\tt\\n" end it "parses syntax checked specification" do src = <<-CODE @(END:json) ["foo", "bar"] |- END CODE parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == '["foo", "bar"]' end it "parses syntax checked specification with error and reports it" do src = <<-CODE @(END:json) ['foo', "bar"] |- END CODE expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, src)}.to raise_error(/Cannot parse invalid JSON string/) end it "parses interpolated heredoc expression" do src = <<-CODE $name = 'Fjodor' @("END") Hello $name |- END CODE parser.evaluate_string(scope, src).should == "Hello Fjodor" end end context "Handles Deprecations and Discontinuations" do around(:each) do |example| Puppet.override({:loaders => Puppet::Pops::Loaders.new(Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:testing, []))}, 'test') do example.run end end it 'of import statements' do source = "\nimport foo" # Error references position 5 at the opening '{' # Set file to nil to make it easier to match with line number (no file name in output) expect { parser.evaluate_string(scope, source) }.to raise_error(/'import' has been discontinued.*line 2:1/) end end context "Detailed Error messages are reported" do it 'for illegal type references' do source = '1+1 { "title": }' # Error references position 5 at the opening '{' # Set file to nil to make it easier to match with line number (no file name in output) expect { parser.parse_string(source, nil) }.to raise_error(/Expression is not valid as a resource.*line 1:5/) end it 'for non r-value producing <| |>' do expect { parser.parse_string("$a = File <| |>", nil) }.to raise_error(/A Virtual Query does not produce a value at line 1:6/) end it 'for non r-value producing <<| |>>' do expect { parser.parse_string("$a = File <<| |>>", nil) }.to raise_error(/An Exported Query does not produce a value at line 1:6/) end it 'for non r-value producing define' do Puppet.expects(:err).with("Invalid use of expression. A 'define' expression does not produce a value at line 1:6") Puppet.expects(:err).with("Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel or inside other classes at line 1:6") expect { parser.parse_string("$a = define foo { }", nil) }.to raise_error(/2 errors/) end it 'for non r-value producing class' do Puppet.expects(:err).with("Invalid use of expression. A Host Class Definition does not produce a value at line 1:6") Puppet.expects(:err).with("Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel or inside other classes at line 1:6") expect { parser.parse_string("$a = class foo { }", nil) }.to raise_error(/2 errors/) end it 'for unclosed quote with indication of start position of string' do source = <<-SOURCE.gsub(/^ {6}/,'') $a = "xx yyy SOURCE # first char after opening " reported as being in error. expect { parser.parse_string(source) }.to raise_error(/Unclosed quote after '"' followed by 'xx\\nyy\.\.\.' at line 1:7/) end it 'for multiple errors with a summary exception' do Puppet.expects(:err).with("Invalid use of expression. A Node Definition does not produce a value at line 1:6") Puppet.expects(:err).with("Classes, definitions, and nodes may only appear at toplevel or inside other classes at line 1:6") expect { parser.parse_string("$a = node x { }",nil) }.to raise_error(/2 errors/) end it 'for a bad hostname' do expect { parser.parse_string("node 'macbook+owned+by+name' { }", nil) }.to raise_error(/The hostname 'macbook\+owned\+by\+name' contains illegal characters.*at line 1:6/) end it 'for a hostname with interpolation' do source = <<-SOURCE.gsub(/^ {6}/,'') $name = 'fred' node "macbook-owned-by$name" { } SOURCE expect { parser.parse_string(source, nil) }.to raise_error(/An interpolated expression is not allowed in a hostname of a node at line 2:23/) end end matcher :have_relationship do |expected| calc = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new match do |compiler| op_name = {'->' => :relationship, '~>' => :subscription} compiler.relationships.any? do | relation | relation.source.type == expected[0] && relation.source.title == expected[1] && relation.type == op_name[expected[2]] && relation.target.type == expected[3] && relation.target.title == expected[4] end end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "Relationship #{expected[0]}[#{expected[1]}] #{expected[2]} #{expected[3]}[#{expected[4]}] but was unknown to compiler" end end end diff --git a/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb b/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb index 37947578f..f2e7e6800 100644 --- a/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/pops/types/type_calculator_spec.rb @@ -1,1632 +1,1630 @@ require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' describe 'The type calculator' do let(:calculator) { Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new() } def range_t(from, to) t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new t.from = from t.to = to t end def pattern_t(*patterns) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.pattern(*patterns) end def regexp_t(pattern) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.regexp(pattern) end def string_t(*strings) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.string(*strings) end def callable_t(*params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.callable(*params) end def all_callables_t(*params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.all_callables() end def with_block_t(callable_t, *params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.with_block(callable_t, *params) end def with_optional_block_t(callable_t, *params) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.with_optional_block(callable_t, *params) end def enum_t(*strings) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.enum(*strings) end def variant_t(*types) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.variant(*types) end def integer_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.integer() end def array_t(t) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.array_of(t) end def hash_t(k,v) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.hash_of(v, k) end def data_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.data() end def factory() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory end def collection_t() Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.collection() end def tuple_t(*types) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.tuple(*types) end def struct_t(type_hash) Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.struct(type_hash) end - def optional_object_t - Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.optional_object() + def object_t + Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.object() end def types Puppet::Pops::Types end shared_context "types_setup" do def all_types [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRubyType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PType, ] end def scalar_types # PVariantType is also scalar, if its types are all Scalar [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, ] end def numeric_types # PVariantType is also numeric, if its types are all numeric [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType, ] end def string_types # PVariantType is also string type, if its types are all compatible [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType, ] end def collection_types # PVariantType is also string type, if its types are all compatible [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, ] end def data_compatible_types result = scalar_types result << Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType result << array_t(types::PDataType.new) result << types::TypeFactory.hash_of_data result << Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType tmp = tuple_t(types::PDataType.new) result << (tmp) tmp.size_type = range_t(0, nil) result end def type_from_class(c) c.is_a?(Class) ? c.new : c end end context 'when inferring ruby' do it 'fixnum translates to PIntegerType' do calculator.infer(1).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'large fixnum (or bignum depending on architecture) translates to PIntegerType' do calculator.infer(2**33).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'float translates to PFloatType' do calculator.infer(1.3).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType end it 'string translates to PStringType' do calculator.infer('foo').class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'inferred string type knows the string value' do t = calculator.infer('foo') t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType t.values.should == ['foo'] end it 'boolean true translates to PBooleanType' do calculator.infer(true).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end it 'boolean false translates to PBooleanType' do calculator.infer(false).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end it 'regexp translates to PRegexpType' do calculator.infer(/^a regular expression$/).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType end it 'nil translates to PNilType' do calculator.infer(nil).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end it ':undef translates to PNilType' do calculator.infer(:undef).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end it 'an instance of class Foo translates to PRubyType[Foo]' do class Foo end t = calculator.infer(Foo.new) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRubyType t.ruby_class.should == 'Foo' end context 'array' do it 'translates to PArrayType' do calculator.infer([1,2]).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType end it 'with fixnum values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1,2]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'with 32 and 64 bit integer values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1,2**33]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'Range of integer values are computed' do t = calculator.infer([-3,0,42]).element_type t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType t.from.should == -3 t.to.should == 42 end it "Compound string values are computed" do t = calculator.infer(['a','b', 'c']).element_type t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType t.values.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] end it 'with fixnum and float values translates to PArrayType[PNumericType]' do calculator.infer([1,2.0]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType end it 'with fixnum and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with float and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1.0,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with fixnum, float, and string values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1, 2.0,'two']).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with fixnum and regexp values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer([1, /two/]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with string and regexp values translates to PArrayType[PScalarType]' do calculator.infer(['one', /two/]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with string and symbol values translates to PArrayType[PObjectType]' do calculator.infer(['one', :two]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType end it 'with fixnum and nil values translates to PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer([1, nil]).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it 'with arrays of string values translates to PArrayType[PArrayType[PStringType]]' do et = calculator.infer([['first' 'array'], ['second','array']]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with array of string values and array of fixnums translates to PArrayType[PArrayType[PScalarType]]' do et = calculator.infer([['first' 'array'], [1,2]]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end it 'with hashes of string values translates to PArrayType[PHashType[PStringType]]' do et = calculator.infer([{:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }, {:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with hash of string values and hash of fixnums translates to PArrayType[PHashType[PScalarType]]' do et = calculator.infer([{:first => 'first', :second => 'second' }, {:first => 1, :second => 2 }]) et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType et = et.element_type et.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType end end context 'hash' do it 'translates to PHashType' do calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType end it 'with symbolic keys translates to PHashType[PRubyType[Symbol],value]' do k = calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).key_type k.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRubyType k.ruby_class.should == 'Symbol' end it 'with string keys translates to PHashType[PStringType,value]' do calculator.infer({'first' => 1, 'second' => 2}).key_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'with fixnum values translates to PHashType[key,PIntegerType]' do calculator.infer({:first => 1, :second => 2}).element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end end end context 'patterns' do it "constructs a PPatternType" do t = pattern_t('a(b)c') t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType t.patterns.size.should == 1 t.patterns[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType t.patterns[0].pattern.should == 'a(b)c' t.patterns[0].regexp.match('abc')[1].should == 'b' end it "constructs a PStringType with multiple strings" do t = string_t('a', 'b', 'c', 'abc') t.values.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'abc'] end end # Deal with cases not covered by computing common type context 'when computing common type' do it 'computes given resource type commonality' do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'File' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'File' r2.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r1.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File['/tmp/foo']" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r1.type_name = 'File' r1.title = '/tmp/bar' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "File" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() r2.type_name = 'Package' r2.title = 'apache' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Resource" end it 'computes given hostclass type commonality' do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r1.class_name = 'foo' r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r2.class_name = 'foo' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class[foo]" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() r2.class_name = 'bar' calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(calculator.common_type(r1, r2)).should == "Class" end it 'computes pattern commonality' do t1 = pattern_t('abc') t2 = pattern_t('xyz') common_t = calculator.common_type(t1,t2) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType common_t.patterns.map { |pr| pr.pattern }.should == ['abc', 'xyz'] calculator.string(common_t).should == "Pattern[/abc/, /xyz/]" end it 'computes enum commonality to value set sum' do t1 = enum_t('a', 'b', 'c') t2 = enum_t('x', 'y', 'z') common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) common_t.should == enum_t('a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z') end it 'computed variant commonality to type union where added types are not sub-types' do a_t1 = integer_t() a_t2 = enum_t('b') v_a = variant_t(a_t1, a_t2) b_t1 = enum_t('a') v_b = variant_t(b_t1) common_t = calculator.common_type(v_a, v_b) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType Set.new(common_t.types).should == Set.new([a_t1, a_t2, b_t1]) end it 'computed variant commonality to type union where added types are sub-types' do a_t1 = integer_t() a_t2 = string_t() v_a = variant_t(a_t1, a_t2) b_t1 = enum_t('a') v_b = variant_t(b_t1) common_t = calculator.common_type(v_a, v_b) common_t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType Set.new(common_t.types).should == Set.new([a_t1, a_t2]) end context "of callables" do it 'incompatible instances => generic callable' do t1 = callable_t(String) t2 = callable_t(Integer) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types).to be_nil expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'compatible instances => the least specific' do t1 = callable_t(String) scalar_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new t2 = callable_t(scalar_t) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType) expect(common_t.param_types.types).to eql([scalar_t]) expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'block_type is included in the check (incompatible block)' do t1 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), String) t2 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), Integer) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType) expect(common_t.param_types).to be_nil expect(common_t.block_type).to be_nil end it 'block_type is included in the check (compatible block)' do t1 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), String) scalar_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new t2 = with_block_t(callable_t(String), scalar_t) common_t = calculator.common_type(t1, t2) expect(common_t.param_types.class).to be(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType) expect(common_t.block_type).to eql(callable_t(scalar_t)) end end end context 'computes assignability' do include_context "types_setup" context "for Object, such that" do it 'all types are assignable to Object' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType.new() all_types.each { |t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Object is not assignable to anything but Object' do tested_types = all_types() - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType] t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType.new() tested_types.each { |t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Data, such that" do it 'all scalars + array and hash are assignable to Data' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() data_compatible_types.each { |t2| type_from_class(t2).should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'a Variant of scalar, hash, or array is assignable to Data' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() data_compatible_types.each { |t2| variant_t(type_from_class(t2)).should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Data is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() types_to_test = data_compatible_types- [Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(type_from_class(t2)) } end it 'Data is not assignable to a Variant of Data subtype' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() types_to_test = data_compatible_types- [Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] types_to_test.each { |t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(variant_t(type_from_class(t2))) } end it 'Data is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - scalar_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Scalar, such that" do it "all scalars are assignable to Scalar" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() scalar_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Scalar is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() types_to_test = scalar_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Scalar is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - scalar_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Numeric, such that" do it "all numerics are assignable to Numeric" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() numeric_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Numeric is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() types_to_test = numeric_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Numeric is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType, ] - numeric_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Collection, such that" do it "all collections are assignable to Collection" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() collection_types.each {|t2| t2.new.should be_assignable_to(t) } end it 'Collection is not assignable to any of its subtypes' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() types_to_test = collection_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType] types_to_test.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Collection is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Array, such that" do it "Array is not assignable to non Array based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Array is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Hash, such that" do it "Hash is not assignable to any other Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Hash is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Tuple, such that" do it "Tuple is not assignable to any other non Array based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Tuple is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Struct, such that" do it "Struct is not assignable to any other non Hashed based Collection type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType.new() tested_types = collection_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end it 'Struct is not assignable to any disjunct type' do tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] - collection_types t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType.new() tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end context "for Callable, such that" do it "Callable is not assignable to any disjunct type" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() tested_types = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType] tested_types.each {|t2| t.should_not be_assignable_to(t2.new) } end end it 'should recognize mapped ruby types' do { Integer => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Fixnum => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Bignum => Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new, Float => Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new, Numeric => Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new, NilClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new, TrueClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new, FalseClass => Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new, String => Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new, Regexp => Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new, Regexp => Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new, Array => Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.array_of_data(), Hash => Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.hash_of_data() }.each do |ruby_type, puppet_type | ruby_type.should be_assignable_to(puppet_type) end end context 'when dealing with integer ranges' do it 'should accept an equal range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,5), range_t(2,5)).should == true end it 'should accept an equal reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,5), range_t(5,2)).should == true end it 'should accept a narrower range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,10), range_t(3,5)).should == true end it 'should accept a narrower reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(2,10), range_t(5,3)).should == true end it 'should reject a wider range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(2,10)).should == false end it 'should reject a wider reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(10,2)).should == false end it 'should reject a partially overlapping range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(2,4)).should == false calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(4,6)).should == false end it 'should reject a partially overlapping reverse range' do calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(4,2)).should == false calculator.assignable?(range_t(3,5), range_t(6,4)).should == false end end context 'when dealing with patterns' do it 'should accept a string matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t('abc') p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a regexp matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(/abc/) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a pattern matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(pattern_t('abc')) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a regexp matching a pattern' do p_t = pattern_t(regexp_t('abc')) p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept a string matching all patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c') p_s = string_t('XabcY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should accept multiple strings if they all match any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('X', 'Y', 'abc') p_s = string_t('Xa', 'aY', 'abc') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == true end it 'should reject a string not matching any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c') p_s = string_t('XqqqY') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == false end it 'should reject multiple strings if not all match any patterns' do p_t = pattern_t('abc', 'ab', 'c', 'q') p_s = string_t('X', 'Y', 'Z') calculator.assignable?(p_t, p_s).should == false end it 'should accept enum matching patterns as instanceof' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L' 'XL', 'XXL') pattern = pattern_t('S', 'M', 'L') calculator.assignable?(pattern, enum).should == true end end context 'when dealing with tuples' do it 'matches empty tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t() tuple2 = tuple_t() calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'accepts an empty tuple as assignable to a tuple with a min size of 0' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Object) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t() calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should accept matching tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept matching tuples where one is more general than the other' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) tuple2 = tuple_t(Numeric,Numeric) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == false calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept ranged tuples' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 5, 5) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should reject ranged tuples when ranges does not match' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 4, 5) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should reject ranged tuples when ranges does not match (using infinite upper bound)' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 4, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t(Integer,Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == true calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == false end it 'should accept matching tuples with optional entries by repeating last' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, :default) tuple2 = tuple_t(Numeric,Numeric) factory.constrain_size(tuple2, 0, :default) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, tuple2).should == false calculator.assignable?(tuple2, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept matching tuples with optional entries' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Integer, Integer, String) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 1, 3) array2 = factory.constrain_size(array_t(Integer),2,2) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array2).should == true factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 3, 3) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array2).should == false end it 'should accept matching array' do tuple1 = tuple_t(1,2) array = array_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(array, 2, 2) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array).should == true calculator.assignable?(array, tuple1).should == true end it 'should accept empty array when tuple allows min of 0' do tuple1 = tuple_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(tuple1, 0, 1) array = array_t(Integer) factory.constrain_size(array, 0, 0) calculator.assignable?(tuple1, array).should == true calculator.assignable?(array, tuple1).should == false end end context 'when dealing with structs' do it 'should accept matching structs' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) struct2 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) calculator.assignable?(struct1, struct2).should == true calculator.assignable?(struct2, struct1).should == true end it 'should accept matching structs where one is more general than the other' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) struct2 = struct_t({'a'=>Numeric, 'b'=>Numeric}) calculator.assignable?(struct1, struct2).should == false calculator.assignable?(struct2, struct1).should == true end it 'should accept matching hash' do struct1 = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>Integer}) non_empty_string = string_t() non_empty_string.size_type = range_t(1, nil) hsh = hash_t(non_empty_string, Integer) factory.constrain_size(hsh, 2, 2) calculator.assignable?(struct1, hsh).should == true calculator.assignable?(hsh, struct1).should == true end end it 'should recognize ruby type inheritance' do class Foo end class Bar < Foo end fooType = calculator.infer(Foo.new) barType = calculator.infer(Bar.new) calculator.assignable?(fooType, fooType).should == true calculator.assignable?(Foo, fooType).should == true calculator.assignable?(fooType, barType).should == true calculator.assignable?(Foo, barType).should == true calculator.assignable?(barType, fooType).should == false calculator.assignable?(Bar, fooType).should == false end it "should allow host class with same name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == true end it "should allow host class with name assigned to hostclass without name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class() hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == true end it "should reject host classes with different names" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('another_name') calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == false end it "should reject host classes without name assigned to host class with name" do hc1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class('the_name') hc2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.host_class() calculator.assignable?(hc1, hc2).should == false end it "should allow resource with same type_name and title" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', 'foo') r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', 'foo') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true end it "should allow more specific resource assignment" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource() r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', '/tmp/foo') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == true end it "should reject less specific resource assignment" do r1 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file', '/tmp/foo') r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('file') calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == false r2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource() calculator.assignable?(r1, r2).should == false end end context 'when testing if x is instance of type t' do include_context "types_setup" it 'should consider undef to be instance of Object and NilType' do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new(), nil).should == true calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType.new(), nil).should == true end it 'should not consider undef to be an instance of any other type than Object and NilType and Data' do types_to_test = all_types - [ Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType, Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType] types_to_test.each {|t| calculator.instance?(t.new, nil).should == false } types_to_test.each {|t| calculator.instance?(t.new, :undef).should == false } end it 'should consider fixnum instanceof PIntegerType' do calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new(), 1).should == true end it 'should consider fixnum instanceof Fixnum' do calculator.instance?(Fixnum, 1).should == true end it 'should consider integer in range' do range = range_t(0,10) calculator.instance?(range, 1).should == true calculator.instance?(range, 10).should == true calculator.instance?(range, -1).should == false calculator.instance?(range, 11).should == false end it 'should consider string in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(string_t, 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, 'a').should == true calculator.instance?(range, 'abc').should == true calculator.instance?(range, '').should == false calculator.instance?(range, 'abcd').should == false end it 'should consider array in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(array_t(integer_t), 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, [1]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, []).should == false calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3,4]).should == false end it 'should consider hash in length range' do range = factory.constrain_size(hash_t(integer_t, integer_t), 1,2) calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {}).should == false calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3}).should == false end it 'should consider collection in length range for array ' do range = factory.constrain_size(collection_t, 1,3) calculator.instance?(range, [1]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3]).should == true calculator.instance?(range, []).should == false calculator.instance?(range, [1,2,3,4]).should == false end it 'should consider collection in length range for hash' do range = factory.constrain_size(collection_t, 1,2) calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2}).should == true calculator.instance?(range, {}).should == false calculator.instance?(range, {1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3}).should == false end it 'should consider string matching enum as instanceof' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', '0') calculator.instance?(enum, 'XS').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 'S').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 'XXL').should == false calculator.instance?(enum, '').should == false calculator.instance?(enum, '0').should == true calculator.instance?(enum, 0).should == false end it 'should consider array[string] as instance of Array[Enum] when strings are instance of Enum' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', '0') array = array_t(enum) calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XL']).should == true calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XXL']).should == false end it 'should consider array[mixed] as instance of Variant[mixed] when mixed types are listed in Variant' do enum = enum_t('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL') sizes = range_t(30, 50) array = array_t(variant_t(enum, sizes)) calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 30, 50]).should == true calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 'XXL']).should == false calculator.instance?(array, ['XS', 'S', 29]).should == false end it 'should consider array[seq] as instance of Tuple[seq] when elements of seq are instance of' do tuple = tuple_t(Integer, String, Float) calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 'a', 3.14]).should == true calculator.instance?(tuple, [1.2, 'a', 3.14]).should == false calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 1, 3.14]).should == false calculator.instance?(tuple, [1, 'a', 1]).should == false end it 'should consider hash[cont] as instance of Struct[cont-t]' do struct = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String, 'c'=>Float}) calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>3.14}).should == true calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1.2, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>3.14}).should == false calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=>3.14}).should == false calculator.instance?(struct, {'a'=>1, 'b'=>'a', 'c'=>1}).should == false end context 'and t is Data' do it 'undef should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, :undef).should == true end it 'other symbols should not be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, :love).should == false end it 'an empty array should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, []).should == true end it 'an empty hash should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {}).should == true end it 'a hash with nil/undef data should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {'a' => nil}).should == true calculator.instance?(data_t, {'a' => :undef}).should == true end it 'a hash with nil/undef key should not considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, {nil => 10}).should == false calculator.instance?(data_t, {:undef => 10}).should == false end it 'an array with undef entries should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, [:undef]).should == true calculator.instance?(data_t, [nil]).should == true end it 'an array with undef / data entries should be considered instance of Data' do calculator.instance?(data_t, [1, :undef, 'a']).should == true calculator.instance?(data_t, [1, nil, 'a']).should == true end end context "and t is something Callable" do it 'a Closure should be considered a Callable' do factory = Puppet::Pops::Model::Factory params = [factory.PARAM('a')] the_block = factory.LAMBDA(params,factory.literal(42)) the_closure = Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Closure.new(:fake_evaluator, the_block, :fake_scope) expect(calculator.instance?(all_callables_t, the_closure)).to be_true - # TODO: lambdas are currently unttypes, anything can be given if arg count is correct - expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(optional_object_t), the_closure)).to be_true - # Arg count is wrong - expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(optional_object_t, optional_object_t), the_closure)).to be_false + expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(object_t), the_closure)).to be_true + expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(object_t, object_t), the_closure)).to be_false end it 'a Function instance should be considered a Callable' do fc = Puppet::Functions.create_function(:foo) do dispatch :foo do param 'String', 'a' end def foo(a) a end end f = fc.new(:closure_scope, :loader) # Any callable expect(calculator.instance?(all_callables_t, f)).to be_true # Callable[String] expect(calculator.instance?(callable_t(String), f)).to be_true end end end context 'when converting a ruby class' do it 'should yield \'PIntegerType\' for Integer, Fixnum, and Bignum' do [Integer,Fixnum,Bignum].each do |c| calculator.type(c).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end end it 'should yield \'PFloatType\' for Float' do calculator.type(Float).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType end it 'should yield \'PBooleanType\' for FalseClass and TrueClass' do [FalseClass,TrueClass].each do |c| calculator.type(c).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType end end it 'should yield \'PNilType\' for NilClass' do calculator.type(NilClass).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end it 'should yield \'PStringType\' for String' do calculator.type(String).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType end it 'should yield \'PRegexpType\' for Regexp' do calculator.type(Regexp).class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType end it 'should yield \'PArrayType[PDataType]\' for Array' do t = calculator.type(Array) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType t.element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType end it 'should yield \'PHashType[PScalarType,PDataType]\' for Hash' do t = calculator.type(Hash) t.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType t.key_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType t.element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType end end context 'when representing the type as string' do it 'should yield \'Type\' for PType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new()).should == 'Type' end it 'should yield \'Object\' for PObjectType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PObjectType.new()).should == 'Object' end it 'should yield \'Scalar\' for PScalarType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new()).should == 'Scalar' end it 'should yield \'Boolean\' for PBooleanType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new()).should == 'Boolean' end it 'should yield \'Data\' for PDataType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new()).should == 'Data' end it 'should yield \'Numeric\' for PNumericType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new()).should == 'Numeric' end it 'should yield \'Integer\' and from/to for PIntegerType' do int_T = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType calculator.string(int_T.new()).should == 'Integer' int = int_T.new() int.from = 1 int.to = 1 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[1, 1]' int = int_T.new() int.from = 1 int.to = 2 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[1, 2]' int = int_T.new() int.from = nil int.to = 2 calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[default, 2]' int = int_T.new() int.from = 2 int.to = nil calculator.string(int).should == 'Integer[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Float\' for PFloatType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new()).should == 'Float' end it 'should yield \'Regexp\' for PRegexpType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new()).should == 'Regexp' end it 'should yield \'Regexp[/pat/]\' for parameterized PRegexpType' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() t.pattern = ('a/b') calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new()).should == 'Regexp' end it 'should yield \'String\' for PStringType' do calculator.string(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new()).should == 'String' end it 'should yield \'String\' for PStringType with multiple values' do calculator.string(string_t('a', 'b', 'c')).should == 'String' end it 'should yield \'String\' and from/to for PStringType' do string_T = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 1,1)).should == 'String[1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 1,2)).should == 'String[1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), :default, 2)).should == 'String[default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(string_T.new(), 2, :default)).should == 'String[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Array[Integer]\' for PArrayType[PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() t.element_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Array[Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Collection\' and from/to for PCollectionType' do col = collection_t() calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Collection[1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Collection[1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Collection[default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(col.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Collection[2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Array\' and from/to for PArrayType' do arr = array_t(string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Array[String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Array[String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Array[String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(arr.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Array[String, 2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple[Integer]\' for PTupleType[PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) calculator.string(t).should == 'Tuple[Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple[T, T,..]\' for PTupleType[T, T, ...]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new()) t.addTypes(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new()) calculator.string(t).should == 'Tuple[Integer, Integer, String]' end it 'should yield \'Tuple\' and from/to for PTupleType' do tuple_t = tuple_t(string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Tuple[String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Tuple[String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Tuple[String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(tuple_t.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Tuple[String, 2, default]' end it 'should yield \'Struct\' and details for PStructType' do struct_t = struct_t({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String}) s = calculator.string(struct_t) # Ruby 1.8.7 - noone likes you... (s == "Struct[{'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String}]" || s == "Struct[{'b'=>String, 'a'=>Integer}]").should == true struct_t = struct_t({}) calculator.string(struct_t).should == "Struct" end it 'should yield \'Hash[String, Integer]\' for PHashType[PStringType, PIntegerType]' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() t.key_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() t.element_type = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Hash[String, Integer]' end it 'should yield \'Hash\' and from/to for PHashType' do hsh = hash_t(string_t, string_t) calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 1,1)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 1, 1]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 1,2)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 1, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, :default, 2)).should == 'Hash[String, String, default, 2]' calculator.string(factory.constrain_size(hsh.copy, 2, :default)).should == 'Hash[String, String, 2, default]' end it "should yield 'Class' for a PHostClassType" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Class' end it "should yield 'Class[x]' for a PHostClassType[x]" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() t.class_name = 'x' calculator.string(t).should == 'Class[x]' end it "should yield 'Resource' for a PResourceType" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() calculator.string(t).should == 'Resource' end it 'should yield \'File\' for a PResourceType[\'File\']' do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() t.type_name = 'File' calculator.string(t).should == 'File' end it "should yield 'File['/tmp/foo']' for a PResourceType['File', '/tmp/foo']" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() t.type_name = 'File' t.title = '/tmp/foo' calculator.string(t).should == "File['/tmp/foo']" end it "should yield 'Enum[s,...]' for a PEnumType[s,...]" do t = enum_t('a', 'b', 'c') calculator.string(t).should == "Enum['a', 'b', 'c']" end it "should yield 'Pattern[/pat/,...]' for a PPatternType['pat',...]" do t = pattern_t('a') t2 = pattern_t('a', 'b', 'c') calculator.string(t).should == "Pattern[/a/]" calculator.string(t2).should == "Pattern[/a/, /b/, /c/]" end it "should escape special characters in the string for a PPatternType['pat',...]" do t = pattern_t('a/b') calculator.string(t).should == "Pattern[/a\\/b/]" end it "should yield 'Variant[t1,t2,...]' for a PVariantType[t1, t2,...]" do t1 = string_t() t2 = integer_t() t3 = pattern_t('a') t = variant_t(t1, t2, t3) calculator.string(t).should == "Variant[String, Integer, Pattern[/a/]]" end it "should yield 'Callable' for generic callable" do expect(calculator.string(all_callables_t)).to eql("Callable") end it "should yield 'Callable[0,0]' for callable without params" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t)).to eql("Callable[0, 0]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,t]' for callable with typed parameters" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, Integer))).to eql("Callable[String, Integer]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,min.max]' for callable with size constraint (infinite max)" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, 0))).to eql("Callable[String, 0, default]") end it "should yield 'Callable[t,min.max]' for callable with size constraint (capped max)" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(String, 0, 3))).to eql("Callable[String, 0, 3]") end it "should yield 'Callable[Callable]' for callable with block" do expect(calculator.string(callable_t(all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[0, 0, Callable]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(string_t, all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[String, Callable]") expect(calculator.string(callable_t(string_t, 1,1, all_callables_t))).to eql("Callable[String, 1, 1, Callable]") end end context 'when processing meta type' do it 'should infer PType as the type of all other types' do ptype = Puppet::Pops::Types::PType calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new()).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRubyType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() ).is_a?(ptype).should() == true end it 'should infer PType as the type of all other types' do ptype = Puppet::Pops::Types::PType calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType.new() )).should == "Type[Undef]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PDataType.new() )).should == "Type[Data]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType.new() )).should == "Type[Scalar]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() )).should == "Type[String]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PNumericType.new() )).should == "Type[Numeric]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() )).should == "Type[Integer]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType.new() )).should == "Type[Float]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType.new() )).should == "Type[Regexp]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBooleanType.new() )).should == "Type[Boolean]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCollectionType.new())).should == "Type[Collection]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType.new() )).should == "Type[Array[?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType.new() )).should == "Type[Hash[?, ?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRubyType.new() )).should == "Type[Ruby[?]]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PHostClassType.new() )).should == "Type[Class]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType.new() )).should == "Type[Resource]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PEnumType.new() )).should == "Type[Enum]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType.new() )).should == "Type[Variant]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PPatternType.new() )).should == "Type[Pattern]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType.new() )).should == "Type[Tuple]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType.new() )).should == "Type[Optional]" calculator.string(calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType.new() )).should == "Type[Callable]" end it "computes the common type of PType's type parameter" do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() string_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() calculator.string(calculator.infer([int_t])).should == "Array[Type[Integer], 1, 1]" calculator.string(calculator.infer([int_t, string_t])).should == "Array[Type[Scalar], 2, 2]" end it 'should infer PType as the type of ruby classes' do class Foo end [Object, Numeric, Integer, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, String, Regexp, Array, Hash, Foo].each do |c| calculator.infer(c).is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType).should() == true end end it 'should infer PType as the type of PType (meta regression short-circuit)' do calculator.infer(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new()).is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType).should() == true end it 'computes instance? to be true if parameterized and type match' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) type_type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(type_t) calculator.instance?(type_type_t, type_t).should == true end it 'computes instance? to be false if parameterized and type do not match' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() string_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) type_t2 = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(string_t) type_type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(type_t) # i.e. Type[Integer] =~ Type[Type[Integer]] # false calculator.instance?(type_type_t, type_t2).should == false end it 'computes instance? to be true if unparameterized and matched against a type[?]' do int_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() type_t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.type_type(int_t) calculator.instance?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PType.new, type_t).should == true end end context "when asking for an enumerable " do it "should produce an enumerable for an Integer range that is not infinite" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = 1 t.to = 10 calculator.enumerable(t).respond_to?(:each).should == true end it "should not produce an enumerable for an Integer range that has an infinite side" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = nil t.to = 10 calculator.enumerable(t).should == nil t = Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType.new() t.from = 1 t.to = nil calculator.enumerable(t).should == nil end it "all but Integer range are not enumerable" do [Object, Numeric, Float, String, Regexp, Array, Hash].each do |t| calculator.enumerable(calculator.type(t)).should == nil end end end context "when dealing with different types of inference" do it "an instance specific inference is produced by infer" do calculator.infer(['a','b']).element_type.values.should == ['a', 'b'] end it "a generic inference is produced using infer_generic" do calculator.infer_generic(['a','b']).element_type.values.should == [] end it "a generic result is created by generalize! given an instance specific result for an Array" do generic = calculator.infer(['a','b']) generic.element_type.values.should == ['a', 'b'] calculator.generalize!(generic) generic.element_type.values.should == [] end it "a generic result is created by generalize! given an instance specific result for a Hash" do generic = calculator.infer({'a' =>1,'b' => 2}) generic.key_type.values.sort.should == ['a', 'b'] generic.element_type.from.should == 1 generic.element_type.to.should == 2 calculator.generalize!(generic) generic.key_type.values.should == [] generic.element_type.from.should == nil generic.element_type.to.should == nil end it "does not reduce by combining types when using infer_set" do element_type = calculator.infer(['a','b',1,2]).element_type element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PScalarType inferred_type = calculator.infer_set(['a','b',1,2]) inferred_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType element_types = inferred_type.types element_types[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[1].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[2].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType element_types[3].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType end it "does not reduce by combining types when using infer_set and values are undef" do element_type = calculator.infer(['a',nil]).element_type element_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType inferred_type = calculator.infer_set(['a',nil]) inferred_type.class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PTupleType element_types = inferred_type.types element_types[0].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PStringType element_types[1].class.should == Puppet::Pops::Types::PNilType end end matcher :be_assignable_to do |type| calc = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeCalculator.new match do |actual| calc.assignable?(type, actual) end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "#{calc.string(actual)} should be assignable to #{calc.string(type)}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "#{calc.string(actual)} is assignable to #{calc.string(type)} when it should not" end end end