diff --git a/kolabd/__init__.py b/kolabd/__init__.py index 9629836..a5869d5 100644 --- a/kolabd/__init__.py +++ b/kolabd/__init__.py @@ -1,397 +1,396 @@ # Copyright 2010-2016 Kolab Systems AG (http://www.kolabsys.com) # # Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """ The Kolab daemon. """ import grp import os import pwd import shutil import sys import time import traceback import pykolab from pykolab.auth import Auth from pykolab import constants from pykolab import utils from pykolab.translate import _ from process import KolabdProcess as Process log = pykolab.getLogger('pykolab.daemon') conf = pykolab.getConf() class KolabDaemon(object): def __init__(self): """ The main Kolab Groupware daemon process. """ daemon_group = conf.add_cli_parser_option_group(_("Daemon Options")) daemon_group.add_option( "--fork", dest = "fork_mode", action = "store_true", default = False, help = _("Fork to the background.") ) daemon_group.add_option( "-p", "--pid-file", dest = "pidfile", action = "store", default = "/var/run/kolabd/kolabd.pid", help = _("Path to the PID file to use.") ) daemon_group.add_option( "-u", "--user", dest = "process_username", action = "store", default = "kolab", help = _("Run as user USERNAME"), metavar = "USERNAME" ) daemon_group.add_option( "-g", "--group", dest = "process_groupname", action = "store", default = "kolab", help = _("Run as group GROUPNAME"), metavar = "GROUPNAME" ) conf.finalize_conf() def run(self): """Run Forest, RUN!""" exitcode = 0 utils.ensure_directory( os.path.dirname(conf.pidfile), conf.process_username, conf.process_groupname ) try: try: (ruid, euid, suid) = os.getresuid() (rgid, egid, sgid) = os.getresgid() except AttributeError, errmsg: ruid = os.getuid() rgid = os.getgid() if ruid == 0: # Means we can setreuid() / setregid() / setgroups() if rgid == 0: # Get group entry details try: ( group_name, group_password, group_gid, group_members ) = grp.getgrnam(conf.process_groupname) except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, _("Group %s does not exist") % ( conf.process_groupname ) sys.exit(1) # Set real and effective group if not the same as current. if not group_gid == rgid: log.debug( _("Switching real and effective group id to %d") % ( group_gid ), level=8 ) os.setregid(group_gid, group_gid) if ruid == 0: # Means we haven't switched yet. try: ( user_name, user_password, user_uid, user_gid, user_gecos, user_homedir, user_shell ) = pwd.getpwnam(conf.process_username) except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, _("User %s does not exist") % ( conf.process_username ) sys.exit(1) # Set real and effective user if not the same as current. if not user_uid == ruid: log.debug( _("Switching real and effective user id to %d") % ( user_uid ), level=8 ) os.setreuid(user_uid, user_uid) except: log.error(_("Could not change real and effective uid and/or gid")) try: pid = os.getpid() if conf.fork_mode: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0 and not conf.fork_mode: self.do_sync() elif pid > 0: sys.exit(0) else: # Give up the session, all control, # all open file descriptors, see #5151 os.chdir("/") os.umask(0) os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() os.close(0) os.close(1) os.close(2) log.remove_stdout_handler() self.set_signal_handlers() self.write_pid() self.do_sync() except SystemExit, errcode: exitcode = errcode except KeyboardInterrupt: exitcode = 1 log.info(_("Interrupted by user")) except AttributeError, errmsg: exitcode = 1 traceback.print_exc() print >> sys.stderr, _("Traceback occurred, please report a " + "bug at https://issues.kolab.org") except TypeError, errmsg: exitcode = 1 traceback.print_exc() log.error(_("Type Error: %s") % errmsg) except: exitcode = 2 traceback.print_exc() print >> sys.stderr, _("Traceback occurred, please report a " + "bug at https://issues.kolab.org") sys.exit(exitcode) def do_sync(self): domain_auth = {} pid = os.getpid() primary_domain = conf.get('kolab', 'primary_domain') while 1: primary_auth = Auth(primary_domain) connected = False while not connected: try: primary_auth.connect() connected = True except Exception, errmsg: connected = False log.error(_("Could not connect to LDAP, is it running?")) time.sleep(5) log.debug(_("Listing domains..."), level=5) start = time.time() try: domains = primary_auth.list_domains() except: time.sleep(60) continue if isinstance(domains, list) and len(domains) < 1: log.error(_("No domains. Not syncing")) time.sleep(5) continue # domains now is a list of key-valye pairs in the format of # {'secondary': 'primary'}, we want the primaries primaries = list(set(domains.values())) # Store the naming contexts for the domains as # # {'domain': 'naming context'} # # and the domain root dns as # # {'domain': 'domain root dn'} # domain_root_dns = {} naming_contexts = {} for primary in primaries: naming_context = primary_auth.domain_naming_context(primary) - domain_root_dn = primary_auth.domain_root_dn(primary) + domain_root_dn = primary_auth._auth._kolab_domain_root_dn(primary) log.debug( _("Domain %r naming context: %r, root dn: %r") % ( primary, naming_context, domain_root_dn ), level=8 ) domain_root_dns[primary] = domain_root_dn naming_contexts[primary] = naming_context log.debug( _("Naming contexts to synchronize: %r") % ( list(set(naming_contexts.values())) ), level=8 ) # Find however many naming contexts we have, and what the # corresponding domain name is for them. - naming_contexts = list(set(naming_contexts.values())) primary_domains = [x for x,y in naming_contexts.iteritems() if domain_root_dns[x] == y] # Now we can check if any changes happened. added_domains = [] removed_domains = [] # Combine the domains from LDAP with the domain processes # accounted for locally. all_domains = list(set(primary_domains + domain_auth.keys())) log.debug(_("Result set of domains: %r") % (all_domains), level=8) for domain in all_domains: log.debug(_("Checking for domain %s") % (domain), level=8) if domain in domain_auth.keys() and domain in primary_domains: if not domain_auth[domain].is_alive(): log.debug(_("Domain %s isn't alive anymore.") % (domain), level=8) domain_auth[domain].terminate() added_domains.append(domain) else: log.debug(_("Domain %s already there and alive.") % (domain), level=8) continue elif domain in domain_auth.keys(): log.debug(_("Domain %s should not exist any longer.") % (domain), level=8) removed_domains.append(domain) else: log.debug(_("Domain %s does not have a process yet.") % (domain), level=8) added_domains.append(domain) if len(removed_domains) == 0 and len(added_domains) == 0: try: sleep_between_domain_operations_in_seconds = (float)(conf.get('kolab', 'domain_sync_interval')) time.sleep(sleep_between_domain_operations_in_seconds) except ValueError: time.sleep(600) log.debug( _("added domains: %r, removed domains: %r") % ( added_domains, removed_domains ), level=8 ) for domain in added_domains: domain_auth[domain] = Process(domain) domain_auth[domain].start() # Pause or hammer your LDAP server to death if len(added_domains) >= 5: time.sleep(10) for domain in removed_domains: domain_auth[domain].terminate() del domain_auth[domain] def reload_config(self, *args, **kw): pass def remove_pid(self, *args, **kw): """ Remove our PID file. Note that multiple processes can attempt to do this very same thing at the same time, and therefore we need to test if the PID file exists, and only try/except removing it. """ if os.access(conf.pidfile, os.R_OK): try: os.remove(conf.pidfile) except: pass raise SystemExit def set_signal_handlers(self): import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.reload_config) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.remove_pid) def write_pid(self): pid = os.getpid() fp = open(conf.pidfile, 'w') fp.write("%d\n" % (pid)) fp.close()