diff --git a/regression/regression-tests.bash b/regression/regression-tests.bash index 4f27cad..167f098 100644 --- a/regression/regression-tests.bash +++ b/regression/regression-tests.bash @@ -1,166 +1,166 @@ #!/bin/bash function consistency() { # check source and xml documentation for consistency ( cd .. # back to top level of project f1=/tmp/f1$$ f2=/tmp/f2$$ + trap 'rm -f $f1 $f2' 0 INT TERM QUIT grep 'case 0x' src/libpst.c | awk '{print $2}' | tr A-Z a-z | sed -e 's/://g' | sort >$f1 grep '^0x' xml/libpst.in | awk '{print $1}' | (for i in {1..19}; do read a; done; cat) | sort >$f2 diff $f1 $f2 less $f1 - #rm -f $f1 $f2 ls -al $f1 $f2 ) } function dodii() { n="$1" fn="$2" ba=$(basename "$fn" .pst) size=$(stat -c %s $fn) rm -rf output$n if [ -z "$val" ] || [ $size -lt 10000000 ]; then echo $fn mkdir output$n $val ../src/pst2dii -f /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf -B "bates-" -o output$n -O $ba.mydii -d $fn.log $fn >$fn.dii.err 2>&1 fi } function doldif() { n="$1" fn="$2" ba=$(basename "$fn" .pst) size=$(stat -c %s $fn) rm -rf output$n if [ -z "$val" ] || [ $size -lt 10000000 ]; then echo $fn mkdir output$n $val ../src/pst2ldif -d $ba.ldif.log -b 'o=ams-cc.com, c=US' -c 'inetOrgPerson' $fn >$ba.ldif.err 2>&1 fi } function dopst() { n="$1" fn="$2" ba=$(basename "$fn" .pst) size=$(stat -c %s $fn) jobs="" [ -n "$val" ] && jobs="-j 0" rm -rf output$n if [ -z "$val" ] || [ $size -lt 100000000 ]; then echo $fn mkdir output$n if [ "$regression" == "yes" ]; then $val ../src/readpst $jobs -te -r -cv -o output$n $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 else ## only email and include deleted items, have a deleted items folder with multiple item types #$val ../src/readpst $jobs -te -r -D -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## normal recursive dump char='BIG-5' char='us-ascii' acc="-a '.xls,.doc'" acc='' utf='-8' ## normal mode #echo $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn # $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## kmail mode #echo $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -k -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn # $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -k -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## recursive mode echo $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -r -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn $val ../src/readpst $utf $acc -C $char -j 0 -r -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## separate mode with filename extensions and .msg files #echo $val ../src/readpst $jobs -r -m -D -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn # $val ../src/readpst $jobs -r -m -D -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## separate mode where we decode all attachments to binary files #echo $val ../src/readpst $jobs -r -S -D -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn # $val ../src/readpst $jobs -r -S -D -cv -o output$n -d $ba.log $fn >$ba.err 2>&1 ## testing idblock #../src/getidblock -p $fn 0 >$ba.fulldump fi fi } #consistency #exit pushd .. make || exit popd rm -rf output* *.err *.log v="valgrind --leak-check=full" val="" func="dopst" [ "$1" == "pst" ] && func="dopst" [ "$1" == "pstv" ] && func="dopst" && val=$v [ "$1" == "ldif" ] && func="doldif" [ "$1" == "dii" ] && func="dodii" regression="" [ "$2" == "reg" ] && regression="yes" [ "$regression" == "yes" ] && val="" $func 1 ams.pst $func 2 sample_64.pst $func 3 test.pst $func 4 big_mail.pst $func 5 mbmg.archive.pst $func 6 Single2003-read.pst $func 7 Single2003-unread.pst $func 8 ol2k3high.pst $func 9 ol97high.pst $func 10 returned_message.pst $func 11 flow.pst $func 12 test-html.pst $func 13 test-text.pst $func 14 joe.romanowski.pst $func 15 hourig1.pst $func 16 test-mac.pst $func 17 backup.pst $func 18 spam.pst $func 19 rendgen.pst # single email appointment $func 20 rendgen2.pst # email appointment with no termination date $func 21 rendgen3.pst # mime signed email $func 22 rendgen4.pst # appointment test cases $func 23 rendgen5.pst # appointment test cases $func 24 paul.sheer.pst # embedded rfc822 attachment $func 25 jerry.pst # non ascii subject lines $func 26 phill.bertolus.pst # possible segfault in forked process, cannot reproduce $func 27 kaiser.pst # appointments with other character sets $func 28 pstsample.pst # character set issue $func 29 pstsample2.pst # embedded image in rtf data $func 30 pstsample3.pst # exports of rtf and html $func 31 Journal_Archives_08_29_2010.pst [ -n "$val" ] && grep 'lost:' *err | grep -v 'lost: 0 ' if [ "$regression" == "yes" ]; then ( (for i in output*; do find $i -type f; done) | while read a; do grep -v iamunique "$a" rm -f "$a" done ) >regression.txt fi