diff --git a/src/readpst.c b/src/readpst.c
index 4256ff3..e74ac68 100644
--- a/src/readpst.c
+++ b/src/readpst.c
@@ -1,2102 +1,2102 @@
  * readpst.c
  * Part of the LibPST project
  * Written by David Smith
  *            dave.s@earthcorp.com
 #include "define.h"
 #include "lzfu.h"
 #define OUTPUT_TEMPLATE "%s"
 #define OUTPUT_KMAIL_DIR_TEMPLATE ".%s.directory"
 #define KMAIL_INDEX ".%s.index"
 #define SEP_MAIL_FILE_TEMPLATE "%i%s"
 // max size of the c_time char*. It will store the date of the email
 #define C_TIME_SIZE 500
 struct file_ll {
     char *name;
     char *dname;
     FILE * output;
     int32_t stored_count;
     int32_t item_count;
     int32_t skip_count;
     int32_t type;
 int       grim_reaper();
 pid_t     try_fork(char* folder);
 void      process(pst_item *outeritem, pst_desc_tree *d_ptr);
 void      write_email_body(FILE *f, char *body);
 void      removeCR(char *c);
 void      usage();
 void      version();
 char*     mk_kmail_dir(char* fname);
 int       close_kmail_dir();
 char*     mk_recurse_dir(char* dir, int32_t folder_type);
 int       close_recurse_dir();
 char*     mk_separate_dir(char *dir);
 int       close_separate_dir();
 int       mk_separate_file(struct file_ll *f, char *extension);
 char*     my_stristr(char *haystack, char *needle);
 void      check_filename(char *fname);
 void      write_separate_attachment(char f_name[], pst_item_attach* attach, int attach_num, pst_file* pst);
 void      write_embedded_message(FILE* f_output, pst_item_attach* attach, char *boundary, pst_file* pf, char** extra_mime_headers);
 void      write_inline_attachment(FILE* f_output, pst_item_attach* attach, char *boundary, pst_file* pst);
 void      header_has_field(char *header, char *field, int *flag);
 void      header_get_subfield(char *field, const char *subfield, char *body_subfield, size_t size_subfield);
 char*     header_get_field(char *header, char *field);
 char*     header_end_field(char *field);
 void      header_strip_field(char *header, char *field);
 int       test_base64(char *body);
 void      find_html_charset(char *html, char *charset, size_t charsetlen);
 void      find_rfc822_headers(char** extra_mime_headers);
 void      write_body_part(FILE* f_output, pst_string *body, char *mime, char *charset, char *boundary, pst_file* pst);
 void      write_schedule_part_data(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item, const char* sender, const char* method);
 void      write_schedule_part(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item, const char* sender, const char* boundary);
 void      write_normal_email(FILE* f_output, char f_name[], pst_item* item, int mode, int mode_MH, pst_file* pst, int save_rtf, char** extra_mime_headers);
 void      write_vcard(FILE* f_output, pst_item *item, pst_item_contact* contact, char comment[]);
 int       write_extra_categories(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item);
 void      write_journal(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item);
 void      write_appointment(FILE* f_output, pst_item *item);
 void      create_enter_dir(struct file_ll* f, pst_item *item);
 void      close_enter_dir(struct file_ll *f);
 const char*  prog_name;
 char*  output_dir = ".";
 char*  kmail_chdir = NULL;
 // Normal mode just creates mbox format files in the current directory. Each file is named
 // the same as the folder's name that it represents
 #define MODE_NORMAL 0
 // KMail mode creates a directory structure suitable for being used directly
 // by the KMail application
 #define MODE_KMAIL 1
 // recurse mode creates a directory structure like the PST file. Each directory
 // contains only one file which stores the emails in mboxrd format.
 #define MODE_RECURSE 2
 // separate mode creates the same directory structure as recurse. The emails are stored in
 // separate files, numbering from 1 upward. Attachments belonging to the emails are
 // saved as email_no-filename (e.g. 1-samplefile.doc or 1-Attachment2.zip)
 #define MODE_SEPARATE 3
 // Output Normal just prints the standard information about what is going on
 #define OUTPUT_NORMAL 0
 // Output Quiet is provided so that only errors are printed
 #define OUTPUT_QUIET 1
 // default mime-type for attachments that have a null mime-type
 #define MIME_TYPE_DEFAULT "application/octet-stream"
 #define RFC822            "message/rfc822"
 // output mode for contacts
 #define CMODE_VCARD 0
 #define CMODE_LIST  1
 // output mode for deleted items
 #define DMODE_EXCLUDE 0
 #define DMODE_INCLUDE 1
 // Output type mode flags
 #define OTMODE_EMAIL        1
 #define OTMODE_JOURNAL      4
 #define OTMODE_CONTACT      8
 // output settings for RTF bodies
 // filename for the attachment
 #define RTF_ATTACH_NAME "rtf-body.rtf"
 // mime type for the attachment
 #define RTF_ATTACH_TYPE "application/rtf"
 // global settings
 int         mode         = MODE_NORMAL;
 int         mode_MH      = 0;   // a submode of MODE_SEPARATE
 int         mode_EX      = 0;   // a submode of MODE_SEPARATE
 int         mode_thunder = 0;   // a submode of MODE_RECURSE
 int         output_mode  = OUTPUT_NORMAL;
 int         contact_mode = CMODE_VCARD;
 int         deleted_mode = DMODE_EXCLUDE;
 int         output_type_mode = 0xff;    // Default to all.
 int         contact_mode_specified = 0;
 int         overwrite = 0;
 int         save_rtf_body = 1;
 int         file_name_len = 10;     // enough room for MODE_SPEARATE file name
 pst_file    pstfile;
 regex_t     meta_charset_pattern;
 int         number_processors = 1;  // number of cpus we have
 int         max_children  = 0;      // based on number of cpus and command line args
 int         max_child_specified = 0;// have command line arg -j
 int         active_children;        // number of children of this process, cannot be larger than max_children
 pid_t*      child_processes;        // setup by main(), and at the start of new child process
 int         shared_memory_id;
 sem_t*      global_children = NULL;
 sem_t*      output_mutex    = NULL;
 int grim_reaper(int waitall)
     int available = 0;
 #ifdef HAVE_FORK
     if (global_children) {
         sem_getvalue(global_children, &available);
         //printf("grim reaper %s for pid %d (parent %d) with %d children, %d available\n", (waitall) ? "all" : "", getpid(), getppid(), active_children, available);
         int i,j;
         for (i=0; i<active_children; i++) {
             int status;
             pid_t child = child_processes[i];
             pid_t ch = waitpid(child, &status, ((waitall) ? 0 : WNOHANG));
             if (ch == child) {
                 // check termination status
                 //if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
                 //    int ext = WEXITSTATUS(status);
                 //    printf("Process %d exited with status  %d\n", child, ext);
                 //    fflush(stdout);
                 if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
                     int sig = WTERMSIG(status);
                     DEBUG_INFO(("Process %d terminated with signal %d\n", child, sig));
                     //printf("Process %d terminated with signal %d\n", child, sig);
                 // this has terminated, remove it from the list
                 for (j=i; j<active_children-1; j++) {
                     child_processes[j] = child_processes[j+1];
         sem_getvalue(global_children, &available);
         //printf("grim reaper %s for pid %d with %d children, %d available\n", (waitall) ? "all" : "", getpid(), active_children, available);
     return available;
 pid_t try_fork(char *folder)
 #ifdef HAVE_FORK
     int available = grim_reaper(0);
     if (available) {
         pid_t child = fork();
         if (child < 0) {
             // fork failed, pretend it worked and we are the child
             return 0;
         else if (child == 0) {
             // fork worked, and we are the child, reinitialize *our* list of children
             active_children = 0;
             memset(child_processes, 0, sizeof(pid_t) * max_children);
             pst_reopen(&pstfile);   // close and reopen the pst file to get an independent file position pointer
         else {
             // fork worked, and we are the parent, record this child that we need to wait for
             //pid_t me = getpid();
             //printf("parent %d forked child pid %d to process folder %s\n", me, child, folder);
             child_processes[active_children++] = child;
         return child;
     else {
         return 0;   // pretend to have forked and we are the child
     return 0;
 void process(pst_item *outeritem, pst_desc_tree *d_ptr)
     struct file_ll ff;
     pst_item *item = NULL;
     memset(&ff, 0, sizeof(ff));
     create_enter_dir(&ff, outeritem);
     for (; d_ptr; d_ptr = d_ptr->next) {
         DEBUG_INFO(("New item record\n"));
         if (!d_ptr->desc) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("ERROR item's desc record is NULL\n"));
         DEBUG_INFO(("Desc Email ID %#"PRIx64" [d_ptr->d_id = %#"PRIx64"]\n", d_ptr->desc->i_id, d_ptr->d_id));
         item = pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr, NULL);
         DEBUG_INFO(("About to process item\n"));
         if (!item) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("A NULL item was seen\n"));
         if (item->subject.str) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("item->subject = %s\n", item->subject.str));
         if (item->folder && item->file_as.str) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Folder \"%s\"\n", item->file_as.str));
             if (output_mode != OUTPUT_QUIET) {
                     printf("Processing Folder \"%s\"\n", item->file_as.str);
             if (d_ptr->child && (deleted_mode == DMODE_INCLUDE || strcasecmp(item->file_as.str, "Deleted Items"))) {
                 //if this is a non-empty folder other than deleted items, we want to recurse into it
                 pid_t parent = getpid();
                 pid_t child = try_fork(item->file_as.str);
                 if (child == 0) {
                     // we are the child process, or the original parent if no children were available
                     pid_t me = getpid();
                     process(item, d_ptr->child);
 #ifdef HAVE_FORK
                     if (me != parent) {
                         // we really were a child, forked for the sole purpose of processing this folder
                         // free my child count slot before really exiting, since
                         // all I am doing here is waiting for my children to exit
                         grim_reaper(1); // wait for all my child processes to exit
                         exit(0);        // really exit
         } else if (item->contact && (item->type == PST_TYPE_CONTACT)) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Contact\n"));
             if (!(output_type_mode & OTMODE_CONTACT)) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("skipping contact: not in output type list\n"));
             else {
                 if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type;
                 if ((ff.type != PST_TYPE_CONTACT) && (mode != MODE_SEPARATE)) {
                     DEBUG_INFO(("I have a contact, but the folder type %"PRIi32" isn't a contacts folder. Skipping it\n", ff.type));
                 else {
                     if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE) mk_separate_file(&ff, (mode_EX) ? ".vcf" : "");
                     if (contact_mode == CMODE_VCARD) {
                         pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->comment);
                         write_vcard(ff.output, item, item->contact, item->comment.str);
                     else {
                         pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->contact->fullname);
                         pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->contact->address1);
                         fprintf(ff.output, "%s <%s>\n", item->contact->fullname.str, item->contact->address1.str);
         } else if (item->email && ((item->type == PST_TYPE_NOTE) || (item->type == PST_TYPE_SCHEDULE) || (item->type == PST_TYPE_REPORT))) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Email\n"));
             if (!(output_type_mode & OTMODE_EMAIL)) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("skipping email: not in output type list\n"));
             else {
                 if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type;
                 if ((ff.type != PST_TYPE_NOTE) && (ff.type != PST_TYPE_SCHEDULE) && (ff.type != PST_TYPE_REPORT) && (mode != MODE_SEPARATE)) {
                     DEBUG_INFO(("I have an email type %"PRIi32", but the folder type %"PRIi32" isn't an email folder. Skipping it\n", item->type, ff.type));
                 else {
                     char *extra_mime_headers = NULL;
                     if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE) mk_separate_file(&ff, (mode_EX) ? ".eml" : "");
                     write_normal_email(ff.output, ff.name, item, mode, mode_MH, &pstfile, save_rtf_body, &extra_mime_headers);
         } else if (item->journal && (item->type == PST_TYPE_JOURNAL)) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Journal Entry\n"));
             if (!(output_type_mode & OTMODE_JOURNAL)) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("skipping journal entry: not in output type list\n"));
             else {
                 if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type;
                 if ((ff.type != PST_TYPE_JOURNAL) && (mode != MODE_SEPARATE)) {
                     DEBUG_INFO(("I have a journal entry, but the folder type %"PRIi32" isn't a journal folder. Skipping it\n", ff.type));
                 else {
                     if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE) mk_separate_file(&ff, (mode_EX) ? ".ics" : "");
                     write_journal(ff.output, item);
                     fprintf(ff.output, "\n");
         } else if (item->appointment && (item->type == PST_TYPE_APPOINTMENT)) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Appointment Entry\n"));
             if (!(output_type_mode & OTMODE_APPOINTMENT)) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("skipping appointment: not in output type list\n"));
             else {
                 if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type;
                 if ((ff.type != PST_TYPE_APPOINTMENT) && (mode != MODE_SEPARATE)) {
                     DEBUG_INFO(("I have an appointment, but the folder type %"PRIi32" isn't an appointment folder. Skipping it\n", ff.type));
                 else {
                     if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE) mk_separate_file(&ff, (mode_EX) ? ".ics" : "");
                     write_schedule_part_data(ff.output, item, NULL, NULL);
                     fprintf(ff.output, "\n");
         } else if (item->message_store) {
             // there should only be one message_store, and we have already done it
             DEBUG_INFO(("item with message store content, type %i %s folder type %i, skipping it\n", item->type, item->ascii_type, ff.type));
         } else {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Unknown item type %i (%s) name (%s)\n",
                         item->type, item->ascii_type, item->file_as.str));
 int main(int argc, char* const* argv) {
     pst_item *item = NULL;
     pst_desc_tree *d_ptr;
     char * fname = NULL;
     char *d_log  = NULL;
     int c,x;
     char *temp = NULL;               //temporary char pointer
     prog_name = argv[0];
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     if (regcomp(&meta_charset_pattern, "<meta[^>]*content=\"[^>]*charset=([^>\";]*)[\";]", REG_ICASE | REG_EXTENDED)) {
         printf("cannot compile regex pattern to find content charset in html bodies\n");
     // command-line option handling
     while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "bc:Dd:ehj:kMo:qrSt:uVw"))!= -1) {
         switch (c) {
         case 'b':
             save_rtf_body = 0;
         case 'c':
             if (optarg && optarg[0]=='v') {
                 contact_mode_specified = 1;
             else if (optarg && optarg[0]=='l') {
                 contact_mode_specified = 1;
             else {
         case 'D':
             deleted_mode = DMODE_INCLUDE;
         case 'd':
             d_log = optarg;
         case 'h':
         case 'j':
             max_children = atoi(optarg);
             max_child_specified = 1;
         case 'k':
             mode = MODE_KMAIL;
         case 'M':
             mode = MODE_SEPARATE;
             mode_MH = 1;
             mode_EX = 0;
         case 'e':
             mode = MODE_SEPARATE;
             mode_MH = 1;
             mode_EX = 1;
             file_name_len = 14;
         case 'o':
             output_dir = optarg;
         case 'q':
             output_mode = OUTPUT_QUIET;
         case 'r':
             mode = MODE_RECURSE;
             mode_thunder = 0;
         case 'S':
             mode = MODE_SEPARATE;
             mode_MH = 0;
             mode_EX = 0;
         case 't':
             // email, appointment, contact, other
             if (!optarg) {
             temp = optarg;
             output_type_mode = 0;
             while (*temp > 0) {
               switch (temp[0]) {
                 case 'e':
                     output_type_mode |= OTMODE_EMAIL;
                 case 'a':
                     output_type_mode |= OTMODE_APPOINTMENT;
                 case 'j':
                     output_type_mode |= OTMODE_JOURNAL;
                 case 'c':
                     output_type_mode |= OTMODE_CONTACT;
         case 'u':
             mode = MODE_RECURSE;
             mode_thunder = 1;
         case 'V':
         case 'w':
             overwrite = 1;
     if (argc > optind) {
         fname = argv[optind];
     } else {
     number_processors =  sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
     max_children    = (max_child_specified) ? max_children : number_processors * 4;
     active_children = 0;
     child_processes = (pid_t *)pst_malloc(sizeof(pid_t) * max_children);
     memset(child_processes, 0, sizeof(pid_t) * max_children);
     if (max_children) {
         shared_memory_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(sem_t)*2, 0777);
         if (shared_memory_id >= 0) {
             global_children = (sem_t *)shmat(shared_memory_id, NULL, 0);
             if (global_children == (sem_t *)-1) global_children = NULL;
             if (global_children) {
                 output_mutex = &(global_children[1]);
                 sem_init(global_children, 1, max_children);
                 sem_init(output_mutex, 1, 1);
             shmctl(shared_memory_id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
     #ifdef DEBUG_ALL
         // force a log file
         if (!d_log) d_log = "readpst.log";
     #endif // defined DEBUG_ALL
     #ifdef HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H
         DEBUG_INIT(d_log, output_mutex);
         DEBUG_INIT(d_log, NULL);
     if (output_mode != OUTPUT_QUIET) printf("Opening PST file and indexes...\n");
     RET_DERROR(pst_open(&pstfile, fname), 1, ("Error opening File\n"));
     RET_DERROR(pst_load_index(&pstfile), 2, ("Index Error\n"));
     if (chdir(output_dir)) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("Cannot change to output dir %s: %s\n", output_dir, strerror(x)));
     d_ptr = pstfile.d_head; // first record is main record
     item  = pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr, NULL);
     if (!item || !item->message_store) {
         DIE(("Could not get root record\n"));
     // default the file_as to the same as the main filename if it doesn't exist
     if (!item->file_as.str) {
         if (!(temp = strrchr(fname, '/')))
             if (!(temp = strrchr(fname, '\\')))
                 temp = fname;
                 temp++; // get past the "\\"
             temp++; // get past the "/"
         item->file_as.str = (char*)pst_malloc(strlen(temp)+1);
         strcpy(item->file_as.str, temp);
         item->file_as.is_utf8 = 1;
         DEBUG_INFO(("file_as was blank, so am using %s\n", item->file_as.str));
     DEBUG_INFO(("Root Folder Name: %s\n", item->file_as.str));
     d_ptr = pst_getTopOfFolders(&pstfile, item);
     if (!d_ptr) {
         DIE(("Top of folders record not found. Cannot continue\n"));
     process(item, d_ptr->child);    // do the children of TOPF
     grim_reaper(1); // wait for all child processes
     if (global_children) {
     return 0;
 void write_email_body(FILE *f, char *body) {
     char *n = body;
     if (mode != MODE_SEPARATE) {
         while (n) {
             char *p = body;
             while (*p == '>') p++;
             if (strncmp(p, "From ", 5) == 0) fprintf(f, ">");
             if ((n = strchr(body, '\n'))) {
                 pst_fwrite(body, n-body, 1, f); //write just a line
                 body = n;
     pst_fwrite(body, strlen(body), 1, f);
 void removeCR (char *c) {
     // converts \r\n to \n
     char *a, *b;
     a = b = c;
     while (*a != '\0') {
         *b = *a;
         if (*a != '\r') b++;
     *b = '\0';
 void usage() {
     printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] {PST FILENAME}\n", prog_name);
     printf("\t-V\t- Version. Display program version\n");
     printf("\t-D\t- Include deleted items in output\n");
     printf("\t-M\t- Write emails in the MH (rfc822) format\n");
     printf("\t-S\t- Separate. Write emails in the separate format\n");
     printf("\t-b\t- Don't save RTF-Body attachments\n");
     printf("\t-c[v|l]\t- Set the Contact output mode. -cv = VCard, -cl = EMail list\n");
     printf("\t-d <filename> \t- Debug to file.\n");
     printf("\t-e\t- As with -M, but include extensions on output files\n");
     printf("\t-h\t- Help. This screen\n");
     printf("\t-j <integer>\t- Number of parallel jobs to run\n");
     printf("\t-k\t- KMail. Output in kmail format\n");
     printf("\t-o <dirname>\t- Output directory to write files to. CWD is changed *after* opening pst file\n");
     printf("\t-q\t- Quiet. Only print error messages\n");
     printf("\t-r\t- Recursive. Output in a recursive format\n");
     printf("\t-t[eajc]\t- Set the output type list. e = email, a = attachment, j = journal, c = contact\n");
     printf("\t-u\t- Thunderbird mode. Write two extra .size and .type files\n");
     printf("\t-w\t- Overwrite any output mbox files\n");
     printf("Only one of -k -M -r -S should be specified\n");
 void version() {
     printf("ReadPST / LibPST v%s\n", VERSION);
     printf("Big Endian implementation being used.\n");
     printf("Little Endian implementation being used.\n");
 #  error "Byte order not supported by this library"
 #ifdef __GNUC__
     printf("GCC %d.%d : %s %s\n", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __DATE__, __TIME__);
 char *mk_kmail_dir(char *fname) {
     //change to that directory
     //make a directory based on OUTPUT_KMAIL_DIR_TEMPLATE
     //allocate space for OUTPUT_TEMPLATE and form a char* with fname
     //return that value
     char *dir, *out_name, *index;
     int x;
     if (kmail_chdir && chdir(kmail_chdir)) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("mk_kmail_dir: Cannot change to directory %s: %s\n", kmail_chdir, strerror(x)));
     dir = malloc(strlen(fname)+strlen(OUTPUT_KMAIL_DIR_TEMPLATE)+1);
     sprintf(dir, OUTPUT_KMAIL_DIR_TEMPLATE, fname);
     if (D_MKDIR(dir)) {
         if (errno != EEXIST) {  // not an error because it exists
             x = errno;
             DIE(("mk_kmail_dir: Cannot create directory %s: %s\n", dir, strerror(x)));
     kmail_chdir = realloc(kmail_chdir, strlen(dir)+1);
     strcpy(kmail_chdir, dir);
     free (dir);
     //we should remove any existing indexes created by KMail, cause they might be different now
     index = malloc(strlen(fname)+strlen(KMAIL_INDEX)+1);
     sprintf(index, KMAIL_INDEX, fname);
     out_name = malloc(strlen(fname)+strlen(OUTPUT_TEMPLATE)+1);
     sprintf(out_name, OUTPUT_TEMPLATE, fname);
     return out_name;
 int close_kmail_dir() {
     // change ..
     int x;
     if (kmail_chdir) { //only free kmail_chdir if not NULL. do not change directory
         kmail_chdir = NULL;
     } else {
         if (chdir("..")) {
             x = errno;
             DIE(("close_kmail_dir: Cannot move up dir (..): %s\n", strerror(x)));
     return 0;
 // this will create a directory by that name,
 // then make an mbox file inside that directory.
 char *mk_recurse_dir(char *dir, int32_t folder_type) {
     int x;
     char *out_name;
     if (D_MKDIR (dir)) {
         if (errno != EEXIST) {  // not an error because it exists
             x = errno;
             DIE(("mk_recurse_dir: Cannot create directory %s: %s\n", dir, strerror(x)));
     if (chdir (dir)) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("mk_recurse_dir: Cannot change to directory %s: %s\n", dir, strerror(x)));
     switch (folder_type) {
             out_name = strdup("calendar");
         case PST_TYPE_CONTACT:
             out_name = strdup("contacts");
         case PST_TYPE_JOURNAL:
             out_name = strdup("journal");
         case PST_TYPE_STICKYNOTE:
         case PST_TYPE_TASK:
         case PST_TYPE_NOTE:
         case PST_TYPE_OTHER:
         case PST_TYPE_REPORT:
             out_name = strdup("mbox");
     return out_name;
 int close_recurse_dir() {
     int x;
     if (chdir("..")) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("close_recurse_dir: Cannot go up dir (..): %s\n", strerror(x)));
     return 0;
 char *mk_separate_dir(char *dir) {
     size_t dirsize = strlen(dir) + 10;
     char dir_name[dirsize];
     int x = 0, y = 0;
     do {
         if (y == 0)
             snprintf(dir_name, dirsize, "%s", dir);
             snprintf(dir_name, dirsize, "%s" SEP_MAIL_FILE_TEMPLATE, dir, y, ""); // enough for 9 digits allocated above
         DEBUG_INFO(("about to try creating %s\n", dir_name));
         if (D_MKDIR(dir_name)) {
             if (errno != EEXIST) { // if there is an error, and it doesn't already exist
                 x = errno;
                 DIE(("mk_separate_dir: Cannot create directory %s: %s\n", dir, strerror(x)));
         } else {
     } while (overwrite == 0);
     if (chdir(dir_name)) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("mk_separate_dir: Cannot change to directory %s: %s\n", dir, strerror(x)));
     if (overwrite) {
         // we should probably delete all files from this directory
 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
         DIR * sdir = NULL;
         struct dirent *dirent = NULL;
         struct stat filestat;
         if (!(sdir = opendir("./"))) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("mk_separate_dir: Cannot open dir \"%s\" for deletion of old contents\n", "./"));
         } else {
             while ((dirent = readdir(sdir))) {
                 if (lstat(dirent->d_name, &filestat) != -1)
                     if (S_ISREG(filestat.st_mode)) {
                         if (unlink(dirent->d_name)) {
                             y = errno;
                             DIE(("mk_separate_dir: unlink returned error on file %s: %s\n", dirent->d_name, strerror(y)));
     // we don't return a filename here cause it isn't necessary.
     return NULL;
 int close_separate_dir() {
     int x;
     if (chdir("..")) {
         x = errno;
         DIE(("close_separate_dir: Cannot go up dir (..): %s\n", strerror(x)));
     return 0;
 int mk_separate_file(struct file_ll *f, char *extension) {
     DEBUG_INFO(("opening next file to save email\n"));
     if (f->item_count > 999999999) { // bigger than nine 9's
         DIE(("mk_separate_file: The number of emails in this folder has become too high to handle\n"));
     sprintf(f->name, SEP_MAIL_FILE_TEMPLATE, f->item_count, extension);
     if (f->output) fclose(f->output);
     f->output = NULL;
     if (!(f->output = fopen(f->name, "w"))) {
         DIE(("mk_separate_file: Cannot open file to save email \"%s\"\n", f->name));
     return 0;
 char *my_stristr(char *haystack, char *needle) {
     // my_stristr varies from strstr in that its searches are case-insensitive
     char *x=haystack, *y=needle, *z = NULL;
     if (!haystack || !needle) {
         return NULL;
     while (*y != '\0' && *x != '\0') {
         if (tolower(*y) == tolower(*x)) {
             // move y on one
             if (!z) {
                 z = x; // store first position in haystack where a match is made
         } else {
             y = needle; // reset y to the beginning of the needle
             z = NULL; // reset the haystack storage point
         x++; // advance the search in the haystack
     // If the haystack ended before our search finished, it's not a match.
     if (*y != '\0') return NULL;
     return z;
 void check_filename(char *fname) {
     char *t = fname;
     if (!t) {
     while ((t = strpbrk(t, "/\\:"))) {
         // while there are characters in the second string that we don't want
         *t = '_'; //replace them with an underscore
 void write_separate_attachment(char f_name[], pst_item_attach* attach, int attach_num, pst_file* pst)
     FILE *fp = NULL;
     int x = 0;
     char *temp = NULL;
     // If there is a long filename (filename2) use that, otherwise
     // use the 8.3 filename (filename1)
     char *attach_filename = (attach->filename2.str) ? attach->filename2.str
                                                     : attach->filename1.str;
     DEBUG_INFO(("Attachment %s Size is %#"PRIx64", data = %#"PRIxPTR", id %#"PRIx64"\n", attach_filename, (uint64_t)attach->data.size, attach->data.data, attach->i_id));
     if (!attach->data.data) {
         // make sure we can fetch data from the id
         pst_index_ll *ptr = pst_getID(pst, attach->i_id);
         if (!ptr) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("Couldn't find i_id %#"PRIx64". Cannot save attachment to file\n", attach->i_id));
     if (!attach_filename) {
         // generate our own (dummy) filename for the attachement
         temp = pst_malloc(strlen(f_name)+15);
         sprintf(temp, "%s-attach%i", f_name, attach_num);
     } else {
         // have an attachment name, make sure it's unique
         temp = pst_malloc(strlen(f_name)+strlen(attach_filename)+15);
         do {
             if (fp) fclose(fp);
             if (x == 0)
                 sprintf(temp, "%s-%s", f_name, attach_filename);
                 sprintf(temp, "%s-%s-%i", f_name, attach_filename, x);
         } while ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) && ++x < 99999999);
         if (x > 99999999) {
             DIE(("error finding attachment name. exhausted possibilities to %s\n", temp));
     DEBUG_INFO(("Saving attachment to %s\n", temp));
     if (!(fp = fopen(temp, "w"))) {
         DEBUG_WARN(("write_separate_attachment: Cannot open attachment save file \"%s\"\n", temp));
     } else {
         (void)pst_attach_to_file(pst, attach, fp);
     if (temp) free(temp);
 void write_embedded_message(FILE* f_output, pst_item_attach* attach, char *boundary, pst_file* pf, char** extra_mime_headers)
     pst_index_ll *ptr;
     ptr = pst_getID(pf, attach->i_id);
     pst_desc_tree d_ptr;
     d_ptr.d_id        = 0;
     d_ptr.parent_d_id = 0;
     d_ptr.assoc_tree  = NULL;
     d_ptr.desc        = ptr;
     d_ptr.no_child    = 0;
     d_ptr.prev        = NULL;
     d_ptr.next        = NULL;
     d_ptr.parent      = NULL;
     d_ptr.child       = NULL;
     d_ptr.child_tail  = NULL;
     pst_item *item = pst_parse_item(pf, &d_ptr, attach->id2_head);
     // It appears that if the embedded message contains an appointment/
     // calendar item, pst_parse_item returns NULL due to the presence of
     // an unexpected reference type of 0x1048, which seems to represent
     // an array of GUIDs representing a CLSID. It's likely that this is
     // a reference to an internal Outlook COM class.
     //      Log the skipped item and continue on.
     if (!item) {
         DEBUG_WARN(("write_embedded_message: pst_parse_item was unable to parse the embedded message in attachment ID %llu", attach->i_id));
     } else {
         if (!item->email) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("write_embedded_message: pst_parse_item returned type %d, not an email message", item->type));
         } else {
             fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
             fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s\n\n", attach->mimetype.str);
             write_normal_email(f_output, "", item, MODE_NORMAL, 0, pf, 0, extra_mime_headers);
 void write_inline_attachment(FILE* f_output, pst_item_attach* attach, char *boundary, pst_file* pst)
     DEBUG_INFO(("Attachment Size is %#"PRIx64", data = %#"PRIxPTR", id %#"PRIx64"\n", (uint64_t)attach->data.size, attach->data.data, attach->i_id));
     if (!attach->data.data) {
         // make sure we can fetch data from the id
         pst_index_ll *ptr = pst_getID(pst, attach->i_id);
         if (!ptr) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("Couldn't find ID pointer. Cannot save attachment to file\n"));
     fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
     if (!attach->mimetype.str) {
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s\n", MIME_TYPE_DEFAULT);
     } else {
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s\n", attach->mimetype.str);
     fprintf(f_output, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n");
     if (attach->filename2.str) {
         // use the long filename, converted to proper encoding if needed.
         // it is already utf8
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Disposition: attachment; \n        filename*=%s\n\n", attach->filename2.str);
     else if (attach->filename1.str) {
         // short filename never needs encoding
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\n\n", attach->filename1.str);
     else {
         // no filename is inline
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Disposition: inline\n\n");
     (void)pst_attach_to_file_base64(pst, attach, f_output);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n\n");
 void header_has_field(char *header, char *field, int *flag)
     if (my_stristr(header, field) || (strncasecmp(header, field+1, strlen(field)-1) == 0)) {
         DEBUG_INFO(("header block has %s header\n", field+1));
         *flag = 1;
 void header_get_subfield(char *field, const char *subfield, char *body_subfield, size_t size_subfield)
     if (!field) return;
     char search[60];
     snprintf(search, sizeof(search), " %s=", subfield);
     char *n = header_end_field(field);
     char *s = my_stristr(field, search);
     if (n && s && (s < n)) {
         char *e, *f, save;
         s += strlen(search);    // skip over subfield=
         if (*s == '"') {
             e = strchr(s, '"');
         else {
             e = strchr(s, ';');
             f = strchr(s, '\n');
             if (e && f && (f < e)) e = f;
         if (!e || (e > n)) e = n;   // use the trailing lf as terminator if nothing better
         save = *e;
         *e = '\0';
             snprintf(body_subfield, size_subfield, "%s", s);  // copy the subfield to our buffer
         *e = save;
         DEBUG_INFO(("body %s %s from headers\n", subfield, body_subfield));
 char* header_get_field(char *header, char *field)
     char *t = my_stristr(header, field);
     if (!t && (strncasecmp(header, field+1, strlen(field)-1) == 0)) t = header;
     return t;
 // return pointer to \n at the end of this header field,
 // or NULL if this field goes to the end of the string.
 char *header_end_field(char *field)
     char *e = strchr(field+1, '\n');
     while (e && ((e[1] == ' ') || (e[1] == '\t'))) {
         e = strchr(e+1, '\n');
     return e;
 void header_strip_field(char *header, char *field)
     char *t = header_get_field(header, field);
     if (t) {
         char *e = header_end_field(t);
         if (e) {
             if (t == header) e++;   // if *t is not \n, we don't want to keep the \n at *e either.
             while (*e != '\0') {
                 *t = *e;
             *t = '\0';
         else {
             // this was the last header field, truncate the headers
             *t = '\0';
 int  test_base64(char *body)
     int b64 = 0;
     uint8_t *b = (uint8_t *)body;
     while (*b) {
         if ((*b < 32) && (*b != 9) && (*b != 10)) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("found base64 byte %d\n", (int)*b));
             DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(body, strlen(body), 0x10);
             b64 = 1;
     return b64;
 void find_html_charset(char *html, char *charset, size_t charsetlen)
     const int  index = 1;
     const int nmatch = index+1;
     regmatch_t match[nmatch];
     int rc = regexec(&meta_charset_pattern, html, nmatch, match, 0);
     if (rc == 0) {
         int s = match[index].rm_so;
         int e = match[index].rm_eo;
         if (s != -1) {
             char save = html[e];
             html[e] = '\0';
                 snprintf(charset, charsetlen, "%s", html+s);    // copy the html charset
             html[e] = save;
             DEBUG_INFO(("charset %s from html text\n", charset));
         else {
             DEBUG_INFO(("matching %d %d %d %d\n", match[0].rm_so, match[0].rm_eo, match[1].rm_so, match[1].rm_eo));
             DEBUG_HEXDUMPC(html, strlen(html), 0x10);
     else {
         DEBUG_INFO(("regexec returns %d\n", rc));
 void find_rfc822_headers(char** extra_mime_headers)
     char *headers = *extra_mime_headers;
     if (headers) {
         char *temp, *t;
         while ((temp = strstr(headers, "\n\n"))) {
             temp[1] = '\0';
             t = header_get_field(headers, "\nContent-Type: ");
             if (t) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("found content type header\n"));
                 char *n = strchr(t, '\n');
                 char *s = strstr(t, ": ");
                 char *e = strchr(t, ';');
                 if (!e || (e > n)) e = n;
                 if (s && (s < e)) {
                     s += 2;
                     if (!strncasecmp(s, RFC822, e-s)) {
                         headers = temp+2;   // found rfc822 header
                         DEBUG_INFO(("found 822 headers\n%s\n", headers));
             //DEBUG_INFO(("skipping to next block after\n%s\n", headers));
             headers = temp+2;   // skip to next chunk of headers
         *extra_mime_headers = headers;
 void write_body_part(FILE* f_output, pst_string *body, char *mime, char *charset, char *boundary, pst_file* pst)
     if (body->is_utf8 && (strcasecmp("utf-8", charset))) {
         // try to convert to the specified charset since the target
         // is not utf-8, and the data came from a unicode (utf16) field
         // and is now in utf-8.
         size_t rc;
         DEBUG_INFO(("Convert %s utf-8 to %s\n", mime, charset));
         pst_vbuf *newer = pst_vballoc(2);
         rc = pst_vb_utf8to8bit(newer, body->str, strlen(body->str), charset);
         if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
             // unable to convert, change the charset to utf8
             DEBUG_INFO(("Failed to convert %s utf-8 to %s\n", mime, charset));
             charset = "utf-8";
         else {
             // null terminate the output string
             pst_vbgrow(newer, 1);
             newer->b[newer->dlen] = '\0';
             body->str = newer->b;
     int base64 = test_base64(body->str);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
     fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s; charset=\"%s\"\n", mime, charset);
     if (base64) fprintf(f_output, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "\n");
     if (base64) {
         char *enc = pst_base64_encode(body->str, strlen(body->str));
         if (enc) {
             write_email_body(f_output, enc);
             fprintf(f_output, "\n");
     else {
         write_email_body(f_output, body->str);
 void write_schedule_part_data(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item, const char* sender, const char* method)
     fprintf(f_output, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "VERSION:2.0\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "PRODID:LibPST v%s\n", VERSION);
     if (method) fprintf(f_output, "METHOD:%s\n", method);
     fprintf(f_output, "BEGIN:VEVENT\n");
     if (sender) {
         if (item->email->outlook_sender_name.str) {
 	    fprintf(f_output, "ORGANIZER;CN=\"%s\":MAILTO:%s\n", item->email->outlook_sender_name.str, sender);
 	} else {
 	    fprintf(f_output, "ORGANIZER;CN=\"\":MAILTO:%s\n", sender);
     write_appointment(f_output, item);
     fprintf(f_output, "END:VCALENDAR\n");
 void write_schedule_part(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item, const char* sender, const char* boundary)
     const char* method  = "REQUEST";
     const char* charset = "utf-8";
     char fname[30];
     if (!item->appointment) return;
     // inline appointment request
     fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
     fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s; method=\"%s\"; charset=\"%s\"\n\n", "text/calendar", method, charset);
     write_schedule_part_data(f_output, item, sender, method);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n");
     // attachment appointment request
     snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "i%i.ics", rand());
     fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
     fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: %s; charset=\"%s\"; name=\"%s\"\n", "text/calendar", "utf-8", fname);
     fprintf(f_output, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\n\n", fname);
     write_schedule_part_data(f_output, item, sender, method);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n");
 void write_normal_email(FILE* f_output, char f_name[], pst_item* item, int mode, int mode_MH, pst_file* pst, int save_rtf, char** extra_mime_headers)
     char boundary[60];
     char altboundary[66];
     char *altboundaryp = NULL;
     char body_charset[30];
     char buffer_charset[30];
     char body_report[60];
     char sender[60];
     int  sender_known = 0;
     char *temp = NULL;
     time_t em_time;
     char *c_time;
     char *headers = NULL;
     int has_from, has_subject, has_to, has_cc, has_date, has_msgid;
     has_from = has_subject = has_to = has_cc = has_date = has_msgid = 0;
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->email->header);
     headers = (item->email->header.str) ? item->email->header.str : *extra_mime_headers;
     if (*extra_mime_headers && item->email->header.str) {
         // we have both extra mime headers from the outer message,  and also our own set of headers
         // normally we would use the headers on our current (inner) message, but those
         // headers are sometimes really bogus - they seem to be fragments of the message body. So
         // we only use them if they seem to be actual smtp rfc822 headers.
-        if ((strncasecmp(headers, "Return-Path: ") == 0) ||
-            (strncasecmp(headers, "Received: ") == 0) ||
-            (strncasecmp(headers, "From: ") == 0)) {
+        if ((strncasecmp(headers, "Return-Path: ", 13) == 0) ||
+            (strncasecmp(headers, "Received: ",    10) == 0) ||
+            (strncasecmp(headers, "From: ",         6) == 0)) {
         else {
             DEBUG_INFO(("Ignore bogus inner headers = \n%s\n", headers));
             headers = *extra_mime_headers;
     // setup default body character set and report type
     strncpy(body_charset, pst_default_charset(item, sizeof(buffer_charset), buffer_charset), sizeof(body_charset));
     body_charset[sizeof(body_charset)-1] = '\0';
     strncpy(body_report, "delivery-status", sizeof(body_report));
     body_report[sizeof(body_report)-1] = '\0';
     // setup default sender
     pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->email->sender_address);
     if (item->email->sender_address.str && strchr(item->email->sender_address.str, '@')) {
         temp = item->email->sender_address.str;
         sender_known = 1;
     else {
         temp = "MAILER-DAEMON";
     strncpy(sender, temp, sizeof(sender));
     sender[sizeof(sender)-1] = '\0';
     // convert the sent date if it exists, or set it to a fixed date
     if (item->email->sent_date) {
         em_time = pst_fileTimeToUnixTime(item->email->sent_date);
         c_time = ctime(&em_time);
         if (c_time)
             c_time[strlen(c_time)-1] = '\0'; //remove end \n
             c_time = "Fri Dec 28 12:06:21 2001";
     } else
         c_time = "Fri Dec 28 12:06:21 2001";
     // create our MIME boundaries here.
     snprintf(boundary, sizeof(boundary), "--boundary-LibPST-iamunique-%i_-_-", rand());
     snprintf(altboundary, sizeof(altboundary), "alt-%s", boundary);
     // we will always look at the headers to discover some stuff
     if (headers ) {
         char *t;
         temp = strstr(headers, "\n\n");
         if (temp) {
             // cut off our real rfc822 headers here
             temp[1] = '\0';
             // pointer to all the embedded MIME headers.
             // we use these to find the actual rfc822 headers for embedded message/rfc822 mime parts
             // but only for the outermost message
             if (!*extra_mime_headers) *extra_mime_headers = temp+2;
             DEBUG_INFO(("Found extra mime headers\n%s\n", temp+2));
         // Check if the headers have all the necessary fields
         header_has_field(headers, "\nFrom: ",        &has_from);
         header_has_field(headers, "\nTo: ",          &has_to);
         header_has_field(headers, "\nSubject: ",     &has_subject);
         header_has_field(headers, "\nDate: ",        &has_date);
         header_has_field(headers, "\nCC: ",          &has_cc);
         header_has_field(headers, "\nMessage-Id: ",  &has_msgid);
         // look for charset and report-type in Content-Type header
         t = header_get_field(headers, "\nContent-Type: ");
         header_get_subfield(t, "charset", body_charset, sizeof(body_charset));
         header_get_subfield(t, "report-type", body_report, sizeof(body_report));
         // derive a proper sender email address
         if (!sender_known) {
             t = header_get_field(headers, "\nFrom: ");
             if (t) {
                 // assume address is on the first line, rather than on a continuation line
                 char *n = strchr(t, '\n');
                 char *s = strchr(t, '<');
                 char *e = strchr(t, '>');
                 if (s && e && n && (s < e) && (e < n)) {
                 char save = *e;
                 *e = '\0';
                     snprintf(sender, sizeof(sender), "%s", s+1);
                 *e = save;
         // Strip out the mime headers and some others that we don't want to emit
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nMicrosoft Mail Internet Headers");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nMIME-Version: ");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nContent-Type: ");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: ");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nContent-class: ");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nX-MimeOLE: ");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nBcc:");
         header_strip_field(headers, "\nX-From_: ");
     DEBUG_INFO(("About to print Header\n"));
     if (item && item->subject.str) {
         pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->subject);
         DEBUG_INFO(("item->subject = %s\n", item->subject.str));
     if (mode != MODE_SEPARATE) {
         // most modes need this separator line.
         // procmail produces this separator without the quotes around the
         // sender email address, but apparently some Mac email client needs
         // those quotes, and they don't seem to cause problems for anyone else.
         fprintf(f_output, "From \"%s\" %s\n", sender, c_time);
     // print the supplied email headers
     if (headers) {
         int len = strlen(headers);
         if (len > 0) {
             fprintf(f_output, "%s", headers);
             // make sure the headers end with a \n
             if (headers[len-1] != '\n') fprintf(f_output, "\n");
             //char *h = headers;
             //while (*h) {
             //    char *e = strchr(h, '\n');
             //    int   d = 1;    // normally e points to trailing \n
             //    if (!e) {
             //        e = h + strlen(h);  // e points to trailing null
             //        d = 0;
             //    }
             //    // we could do rfc2047 encoding here if needed
             //    fprintf(f_output, "%.*s\n", (int)(e-h), h);
             //    h = e + d;
     // create required header fields that are not already written
     if (!has_from) {
         if (item->email->outlook_sender_name.str){
             pst_rfc2047(item, &item->email->outlook_sender_name, 1);
             fprintf(f_output, "From: %s <%s>\n", item->email->outlook_sender_name.str, sender);
         } else {
             fprintf(f_output, "From: <%s>\n", sender);
     if (!has_subject) {
         if (item->subject.str) {
             pst_rfc2047(item, &item->subject, 0);
             fprintf(f_output, "Subject: %s\n", item->subject.str);
         } else {
             fprintf(f_output, "Subject: \n");
     if (!has_to && item->email->sentto_address.str) {
         pst_rfc2047(item, &item->email->sentto_address, 0);
         fprintf(f_output, "To: %s\n", item->email->sentto_address.str);
     if (!has_cc && item->email->cc_address.str) {
         pst_rfc2047(item, &item->email->cc_address, 0);
         fprintf(f_output, "Cc: %s\n", item->email->cc_address.str);
     if (!has_date && item->email->sent_date) {
         char c_time[C_TIME_SIZE];
         struct tm stm;
         gmtime_r(&em_time, &stm);
         strftime(c_time, C_TIME_SIZE, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &stm);
         fprintf(f_output, "Date: %s\n", c_time);
     if (!has_msgid && item->email->messageid.str) {
         pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->email->messageid);
         fprintf(f_output, "Message-Id: %s\n", item->email->messageid.str);
     // add forensic headers to capture some .pst stuff that is not really
     // needed or used by mail clients
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->email->sender_address);
     if (item->email->sender_address.str && !strchr(item->email->sender_address.str, '@')
                                         && strcmp(item->email->sender_address.str, ".")
                                         && (strlen(item->email->sender_address.str) > 0)) {
         fprintf(f_output, "X-libpst-forensic-sender: %s\n", item->email->sender_address.str);
     if (item->email->bcc_address.str) {
         pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->email->bcc_address);
         fprintf(f_output, "X-libpst-forensic-bcc: %s\n", item->email->bcc_address.str);
     // add our own mime headers
     fprintf(f_output, "MIME-Version: 1.0\n");
     if (item->type == PST_TYPE_REPORT) {
         // multipart/report for DSN/MDN reports
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=%s;\n\tboundary=\"%s\"\n", body_report, boundary);
     else {
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"%s\"\n", boundary);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n");    // end of headers, start of body
     // now dump the body parts
     if ((item->type == PST_TYPE_REPORT) && (item->email->report_text.str)) {
         write_body_part(f_output, &item->email->report_text, "text/plain", body_charset, boundary, pst);
         fprintf(f_output, "\n");
     if (item->body.str && item->email->htmlbody.str) {
         // start the nested alternative part
         fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s\n", boundary);
         fprintf(f_output, "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n\tboundary=\"%s\"\n", altboundary);
         altboundaryp = altboundary;
     else {
         altboundaryp = boundary;
     if (item->body.str) {
         write_body_part(f_output, &item->body, "text/plain", body_charset, altboundaryp, pst);
     if (item->email->htmlbody.str) {
         find_html_charset(item->email->htmlbody.str, body_charset, sizeof(body_charset));
         write_body_part(f_output, &item->email->htmlbody, "text/html", body_charset, altboundaryp, pst);
     if (item->body.str && item->email->htmlbody.str) {
         // end the nested alternative part
         fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s--\n", altboundary);
     if (item->email->rtf_compressed.data && save_rtf) {
         pst_item_attach* attach = (pst_item_attach*)pst_malloc(sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         DEBUG_INFO(("Adding RTF body as attachment\n"));
         memset(attach, 0, sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         attach->next = item->attach;
         item->attach = attach;
         attach->data.data         = pst_lzfu_decompress(item->email->rtf_compressed.data, item->email->rtf_compressed.size, &attach->data.size);
         attach->filename2.str     = strdup(RTF_ATTACH_NAME);
         attach->filename2.is_utf8 = 1;
         attach->mimetype.str      = strdup(RTF_ATTACH_TYPE);
         attach->mimetype.is_utf8  = 1;
     if (item->email->encrypted_body.data) {
         pst_item_attach* attach = (pst_item_attach*)pst_malloc(sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         DEBUG_INFO(("Adding encrypted text body as attachment\n"));
         attach = (pst_item_attach*) pst_malloc(sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         memset(attach, 0, sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         attach->next = item->attach;
         item->attach = attach;
         attach->data.data = item->email->encrypted_body.data;
         attach->data.size = item->email->encrypted_body.size;
         item->email->encrypted_body.data = NULL;
     if (item->email->encrypted_htmlbody.data) {
         pst_item_attach* attach = (pst_item_attach*)pst_malloc(sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         DEBUG_INFO(("Adding encrypted HTML body as attachment\n"));
         attach = (pst_item_attach*) pst_malloc(sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         memset(attach, 0, sizeof(pst_item_attach));
         attach->next = item->attach;
         item->attach = attach;
         attach->data.data = item->email->encrypted_htmlbody.data;
         attach->data.size = item->email->encrypted_htmlbody.size;
         item->email->encrypted_htmlbody.data = NULL;
     if (item->type == PST_TYPE_SCHEDULE) {
         write_schedule_part(f_output, item, sender, boundary);
     // other attachments
         pst_item_attach* attach;
         int attach_num = 0;
         for (attach = item->attach; attach; attach = attach->next) {
             pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &attach->filename1);
             pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &attach->filename2);
             pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &attach->mimetype);
             DEBUG_INFO(("Attempting Attachment encoding\n"));
             if (attach->method == PST_ATTACH_EMBEDDED) {
                 DEBUG_INFO(("have an embedded rfc822 message attachment\n"));
                 if (attach->mimetype.str) {
                     DEBUG_INFO(("which already has a mime-type of %s\n", attach->mimetype.str));
                 attach->mimetype.str = strdup(RFC822);
                 attach->mimetype.is_utf8 = 1;
                 write_embedded_message(f_output, attach, boundary, pst, extra_mime_headers);
             else if (attach->data.data || attach->i_id) {
                 if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE && !mode_MH)
                     write_separate_attachment(f_name, attach, ++attach_num, pst);
                     write_inline_attachment(f_output, attach, boundary, pst);
     fprintf(f_output, "\n--%s--\n\n", boundary);
 void write_vcard(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item, pst_item_contact* contact, char comment[])
     char*  result = NULL;
     size_t resultlen = 0;
     char   time_buffer[30];
     // We can only call rfc escape once per printf, since the second call
     // may free the buffer returned by the first call.
     // I had tried to place those into a single printf - Carl.
     // make everything utf8
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->fullname);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->surname);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->first_name);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->middle_name);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->display_name_prefix);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->suffix);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->nickname);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->address1);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->address2);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->address3);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_po_box);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_street);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_city);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_state);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_postal_code);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_country);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_address);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_po_box);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_street);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_city);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_state);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_postal_code);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_country);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_address);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_po_box);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_street);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_city);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_state);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_postal_code);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_country);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_address);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_fax);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->business_phone2);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->car_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_fax);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->home_phone2);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->isdn_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->mobile_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->other_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->pager_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->primary_fax);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->primary_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->radio_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->telex);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->job_title);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->profession);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->assistant_name);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->assistant_phone);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &contact->company_name);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->body);
     // the specification I am following is (hopefully) RFC2426 vCard Mime Directory Profile
     fprintf(f_output, "BEGIN:VCARD\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "FN:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->fullname.str, &result, &resultlen));
     //fprintf(f_output, "N:%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",
     fprintf(f_output, "N:%s;", (!contact->surname.str)             ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->surname.str, &result, &resultlen));
     fprintf(f_output, "%s;",   (!contact->first_name.str)          ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->first_name.str, &result, &resultlen));
     fprintf(f_output, "%s;",   (!contact->middle_name.str)         ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->middle_name.str, &result, &resultlen));
     fprintf(f_output, "%s;",   (!contact->display_name_prefix.str) ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->display_name_prefix.str, &result, &resultlen));
     fprintf(f_output, "%s\n",  (!contact->suffix.str)              ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->suffix.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->nickname.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "NICKNAME:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->nickname.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->address1.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "EMAIL:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->address1.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->address2.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "EMAIL:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->address2.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->address3.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "EMAIL:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->address3.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->birthday)
         fprintf(f_output, "BDAY:%s\n", pst_rfc2425_datetime_format(contact->birthday, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (contact->home_address.str) {
         //fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=home:%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",
         fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=home:%s;",  (!contact->home_po_box.str)      ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_po_box.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                ""); // extended Address
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->home_street.str)      ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_street.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->home_city.str)        ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_city.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->home_state.str)       ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_state.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->home_postal_code.str) ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_postal_code.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s\n",               (!contact->home_country.str)     ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_country.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "LABEL;TYPE=home:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_address.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->business_address.str) {
         //fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=work:%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",
         fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=work:%s;",  (!contact->business_po_box.str)      ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_po_box.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                ""); // extended Address
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->business_street.str)      ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_street.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->business_city.str)        ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_city.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->business_state.str)       ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_state.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->business_postal_code.str) ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_postal_code.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s\n",               (!contact->business_country.str)     ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_country.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "LABEL;TYPE=work:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_address.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->other_address.str) {
         //fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=postal:%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",
         fprintf(f_output, "ADR;TYPE=postal:%s;",(!contact->other_po_box.str)       ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_po_box.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                ""); // extended Address
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->other_street.str)       ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_street.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->other_city.str)         ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_city.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->other_state.str)        ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_state.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s;",                (!contact->other_postal_code.str)  ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_postal_code.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "%s\n",               (!contact->other_country.str)      ? "" : pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_country.str, &result, &resultlen));
         fprintf(f_output, "LABEL;TYPE=postal:%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_address.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->business_fax.str)      fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=work,fax:%s\n",         pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_fax.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->business_phone.str)    fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=work,voice:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->business_phone2.str)   fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=work,voice:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->business_phone2.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->car_phone.str)         fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=car,voice:%s\n",        pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->car_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->home_fax.str)          fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=home,fax:%s\n",         pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_fax.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->home_phone.str)        fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=home,voice:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->home_phone2.str)       fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=home,voice:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->home_phone2.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->isdn_phone.str)        fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=isdn:%s\n",             pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->isdn_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->mobile_phone.str)      fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=cell,voice:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->mobile_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->other_phone.str)       fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=msg:%s\n",              pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->other_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->pager_phone.str)       fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=pager:%s\n",            pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->pager_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->primary_fax.str)       fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=fax,pref:%s\n",         pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->primary_fax.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->primary_phone.str)     fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=phone,pref:%s\n",       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->primary_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->radio_phone.str)       fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=pcs:%s\n",              pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->radio_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->telex.str)             fprintf(f_output, "TEL;TYPE=bbs:%s\n",              pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->telex.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->job_title.str)         fprintf(f_output, "TITLE:%s\n",                     pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->job_title.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->profession.str)        fprintf(f_output, "ROLE:%s\n",                      pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->profession.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->assistant_name.str || contact->assistant_phone.str) {
         fprintf(f_output, "AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD\n");
         if (contact->assistant_name.str)    fprintf(f_output, "FN:%s\n",                    pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->assistant_name.str, &result, &resultlen));
         if (contact->assistant_phone.str)   fprintf(f_output, "TEL:%s\n",                   pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->assistant_phone.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (contact->company_name.str)      fprintf(f_output, "ORG:%s\n",                       pst_rfc2426_escape(contact->company_name.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (comment)                        fprintf(f_output, "NOTE:%s\n",                      pst_rfc2426_escape(comment, &result, &resultlen));
     if (item->body.str)                 fprintf(f_output, "NOTE:%s\n",                      pst_rfc2426_escape(item->body.str, &result, &resultlen));
     write_extra_categories(f_output, item);
     fprintf(f_output, "VERSION: 3.0\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "END:VCARD\n\n");
     if (result) free(result);
  * write extra vcard or vcalendar categories from the extra keywords fields
  * @param f_output open file pointer
  * @param item     pst item containing the keywords
  * @return         true if we write a categories line
 int write_extra_categories(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item)
     char*  result = NULL;
     size_t resultlen = 0;
     pst_item_extra_field *ef = item->extra_fields;
     const char *fmt = "CATEGORIES:%s";
     int category_started = 0;
     while (ef) {
         if (strcmp(ef->field_name, "Keywords") == 0) {
             fprintf(f_output, fmt, pst_rfc2426_escape(ef->value, &result, &resultlen));
             fmt = ", %s";
             category_started = 1;
         ef = ef->next;
     if (category_started) fprintf(f_output, "\n");
     if (result) free(result);
     return category_started;
 void write_journal(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item)
     char*  result = NULL;
     size_t resultlen = 0;
     char   time_buffer[30];
     pst_item_journal* journal = item->journal;
     // make everything utf8
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->subject);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->body);
     fprintf(f_output, "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "DTSTAMP:%s\n",                     pst_rfc2445_datetime_format_now(sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->create_date)
         fprintf(f_output, "CREATED:%s\n",                 pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->create_date, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->modify_date)
         fprintf(f_output, "LAST-MOD:%s\n",                pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->modify_date, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->subject.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "SUMMARY:%s\n",                 pst_rfc2426_escape(item->subject.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (item->body.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "DESCRIPTION:%s\n",             pst_rfc2426_escape(item->body.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (journal && journal->start)
         fprintf(f_output, "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:%s\n", pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(journal->start, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     fprintf(f_output, "END:VJOURNAL\n");
     if (result) free(result);
 void write_appointment(FILE* f_output, pst_item* item)
     char*  result = NULL;
     size_t resultlen = 0;
     char   time_buffer[30];
     pst_item_appointment* appointment = item->appointment;
     // make everything utf8
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->subject);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &item->body);
     pst_convert_utf8_null(item, &appointment->location);
     fprintf(f_output, "DTSTAMP:%s\n",                     pst_rfc2445_datetime_format_now(sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->create_date)
         fprintf(f_output, "CREATED:%s\n",                 pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->create_date, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->modify_date)
         fprintf(f_output, "LAST-MOD:%s\n",                pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->modify_date, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (item->subject.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "SUMMARY:%s\n",                 pst_rfc2426_escape(item->subject.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (item->body.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "DESCRIPTION:%s\n",             pst_rfc2426_escape(item->body.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (appointment && appointment->start)
         fprintf(f_output, "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:%s\n", pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(appointment->start, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (appointment && appointment->end)
         fprintf(f_output, "DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:%s\n",   pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(appointment->end, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer));
     if (appointment && appointment->location.str)
         fprintf(f_output, "LOCATION:%s\n",                pst_rfc2426_escape(appointment->location.str, &result, &resultlen));
     if (appointment) {
         switch (appointment->showas) {
             case PST_FREEBUSY_TENTATIVE:
                 fprintf(f_output, "STATUS:TENTATIVE\n");
             case PST_FREEBUSY_FREE:
                 // mark as transparent and as confirmed
                 fprintf(f_output, "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n");
             case PST_FREEBUSY_BUSY:
             case PST_FREEBUSY_OUT_OF_OFFICE:
                 fprintf(f_output, "STATUS:CONFIRMED\n");
         if (appointment->is_recurring) {
             const char* rules[] = {"DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY", "YEARLY"};
             const char* days[]  = {"SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA"};
             pst_recurrence *rdata = pst_convert_recurrence(appointment);
             fprintf(f_output, "RRULE:FREQ=%s", rules[rdata->type]);
             if (rdata->count)       fprintf(f_output, ";COUNT=%u",      rdata->count);
             if ((rdata->interval != 1) &&
                 (rdata->interval))  fprintf(f_output, ";INTERVAL=%u",   rdata->interval);
             if (rdata->dayofmonth)  fprintf(f_output, ";BYMONTHDAY=%d", rdata->dayofmonth);
             if (rdata->monthofyear) fprintf(f_output, ";BYMONTH=%d",    rdata->monthofyear);
             if (rdata->position)    fprintf(f_output, ";BYSETPOS=%d",   rdata->position);
             if (rdata->bydaymask) {
                 char byday[40];
                 int  empty = 1;
                 int i=0;
                 memset(byday, 0, sizeof(byday));
                 for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
                     int bit = 1 << i;
                     if (bit & rdata->bydaymask) {
                         char temp[40];
                         snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s%s%s", byday, (empty) ? ";BYDAY=" : ";", days[i]);
                         strcpy(byday, temp);
                         empty = 0;
                 fprintf(f_output, "%s", byday);
             fprintf(f_output, "\n");
         switch (appointment->label) {
             case PST_APP_LABEL_NONE:
                 if (!write_extra_categories(f_output, item)) fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:NONE\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_IMPORTANT:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:IMPORTANT\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_BUSINESS:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:BUSINESS\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_PERSONAL:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:PERSONAL\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_VACATION:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:VACATION\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_MUST_ATTEND:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:MUST-ATTEND\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_TRAVEL_REQ:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:TRAVEL-REQUIRED\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_NEEDS_PREP:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:NEEDS-PREPARATION\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_BIRTHDAY:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:BIRTHDAY\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_ANNIVERSARY:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:ANNIVERSARY\n");
             case PST_APP_LABEL_PHONE_CALL:
                 fprintf(f_output, "CATEGORIES:PHONE-CALL\n");
     fprintf(f_output, "END:VEVENT\n");
     if (result) free(result);
 void create_enter_dir(struct file_ll* f, pst_item *item)
     pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->file_as);
     f->type         = item->type;
     f->stored_count = (item->folder) ? item->folder->item_count : 0;
     if (mode == MODE_KMAIL)
         f->name = mk_kmail_dir(item->file_as.str);
     else if (mode == MODE_RECURSE) {
         f->name = mk_recurse_dir(item->file_as.str, f->type);
         if (mode_thunder) {
             FILE *type_file = fopen(".type", "w");
             fprintf(type_file, "%d\n", item->type);
     } else if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE) {
         // do similar stuff to recurse here.
         f->name = (char*) pst_malloc(file_name_len);
         memset(f->name, 0, file_name_len);
     } else {
         f->name = (char*) pst_malloc(strlen(item->file_as.str)+strlen(OUTPUT_TEMPLATE)+1);
         sprintf(f->name, OUTPUT_TEMPLATE, item->file_as.str);
     f->dname = (char*) pst_malloc(strlen(item->file_as.str)+1);
     strcpy(f->dname, item->file_as.str);
     if (overwrite != 1) {
         int x = 0;
         char *temp = (char*) pst_malloc (strlen(f->name)+10); //enough room for 10 digits
         sprintf(temp, "%s", f->name);
         while ((f->output = fopen(temp, "r"))) {
             DEBUG_INFO(("need to increase filename because one already exists with that name\n"));
             DEBUG_INFO(("- increasing it to %s%d\n", f->name, x));
             sprintf(temp, "%s%08d", f->name, x);
             DEBUG_INFO(("- trying \"%s\"\n", f->name));
             if (x == 99999999) {
                 DIE(("create_enter_dir: Why can I not create a folder %s? I have tried %i extensions...\n", f->name, x));
         if (x > 0) { //then the f->name should change
             free (f->name);
             f->name = temp;
         } else {
     DEBUG_INFO(("f->name = %s\nitem->folder_name = %s\n", f->name, item->file_as.str));
     if (mode != MODE_SEPARATE) {
         if (!(f->output = fopen(f->name, "w"))) {
             DIE(("create_enter_dir: Could not open file \"%s\" for write\n", f->name));
 void close_enter_dir(struct file_ll *f)
     DEBUG_INFO(("processed item count for folder %s is %i, skipped %i, total %i \n",
                 f->dname, f->item_count, f->skip_count, f->stored_count));
     if (output_mode != OUTPUT_QUIET) {
             printf("\t\"%s\" - %i items done, %i items skipped.\n", f->dname, f->item_count, f->skip_count);
     if (f->output) {
         struct stat st;
         stat(f->name, &st);
         if (!st.st_size) {
             DEBUG_WARN(("removing empty output file %s\n", f->name));
     if (mode == MODE_KMAIL)
     else if (mode == MODE_RECURSE) {
         if (mode_thunder) {
             FILE *type_file = fopen(".size", "w");
             fprintf(type_file, "%i %i\n", f->item_count, f->stored_count);
     } else if (mode == MODE_SEPARATE)