diff --git a/docker/utils/rootfs/opt/app-root/src/kolabendpointtester.py b/docker/utils/rootfs/opt/app-root/src/kolabendpointtester.py index fb2c244b..f55ac1ff 100755 --- a/docker/utils/rootfs/opt/app-root/src/kolabendpointtester.py +++ b/docker/utils/rootfs/opt/app-root/src/kolabendpointtester.py @@ -1,706 +1,810 @@ #!/bin/env python3 """ kolabendpointtester.py --host apps.kolabnow.com --user user@kolab.org --password Secret --dav https://apps.kolabnow.com --fb https://apps.kolabnow.com/calendars/user@kolab.org/6f552d35-95c4-41f6-a7d2-cfd02dd867db """ import sys import traceback import socket import ssl import argparse from base64 import b64encode import http.client import urllib.parse from imaplib import IMAP4 from imaplib import IMAP4_SSL from smtplib import SMTP from smtplib import SMTP_SSL import dns.resolver +import re # print('\033[31m' + 'some red text') RED='\033[31m' GREEN='\033[32m' RESET='\033[39m' SSLNOVERIFY = True def print_error(msg): print(RED + f"=> ERROR: {msg}") print(RESET) # and reset to default color def print_success(msg): print(GREEN + f"=> {msg}") print(RESET) # and reset to default color def print_assertion_failure(): """ Print an error message about a failed assertion """ _, _, trace = sys.exc_info() tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(trace) _filename, line, _func, text = tb_info[-1] print(f" ERROR assertion on line {line} failed on {text}") def http_request(url, method, params=None, headers=None, body=None, verbose=False): """ Perform an HTTP request. """ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) # print("Connecting to ", parsed_url.netloc) if url.startswith('https://'): conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(parsed_url.netloc, 443, context = (ssl._create_unverified_context() if SSLNOVERIFY else None)) else: conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(parsed_url.netloc, 80) if verbose: conn.set_debuglevel(9) conn.connect() if params is None: params = {} if headers is None: headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" } if body is None: body = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) # Assemble a relative url url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(["", "", parsed_url.path, parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment]) print(f"Requesting {url} From {parsed_url.netloc} Using {method}") conn.request(method, url, body, headers) response = conn.getresponse() # Handle redirects if response.status in (301, 302,): print("Following redirect ", response.getheader('location', '')) return http_request( urllib.parse.urljoin(url, response.getheader('location', '')), method, params, headers, body, verbose) return response def basic_auth_headers(username, password): user_and_pass = b64encode( f"{username}:{password}".encode("ascii") ).decode("ascii") return { "Authorization": "Basic {}".format(user_and_pass) } def try_get(name, url, verbose, headers = None, body = None): try: response = http_request( url, "GET", None, headers, body, verbose ) success = response.status == 200 except http.client.RemoteDisconnected: print("Remote disconnected") print_error(f"{name} is not available") return False if not success: print_error(f"{name} is not available") if verbose or not success: print(" ", "Status", response.status) print(" ", response.read().decode()) return success def test_caldav_redirect(host, username, password, verbose): return discover_principal("https://" + host + "/.well-known/caldav", username, password, verbose) def discover_principal(url, username, password, verbose): body = '' headers = { "Content-Type": "application/xml; charset=utf-8", "Depth": "0", **basic_auth_headers(username, password) } try: response = http_request( f"{url}", "PROPFIND", None, headers, body, verbose ) except http.client.RemoteDisconnected: print_error(f"Caldav is not available at {url} (Remote disconnected)") return False success = response.status == 207 if not success: print_error(f"Caldav is not available at {url} (status != 207)") if verbose or not success: print(" ", "Status", response.status) print(" ", response.read().decode()) return success def test_freebusy_authenticated(url, username, password, verbose = False): # Request our own freebusy authenticated return try_get("Authenticated Freebusy", f"{url}/{username}.ifb", verbose, headers = basic_auth_headers(username, password)) def test_freebusy_unauthenticated(url, username, password, verbose = False): return try_get("Unauthenticated Freebusy", f"{url}/{username}.ifb", verbose) def test_autoconfig(host, username, password, verbose = False): if not try_get("Autoconf .well-known", f"https://{host}/.well-known/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml?emailaddress={username}", verbose): return False if not try_get("Autoconf /mail", f"https://{host}/mail/config-v1.1.xml?emailaddress={username}", verbose): return False return True # TODO # def test_007_well_known_outlook(): # body = ''' # # admin@example.local # # http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a # # # ''' # headers = { # "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8" # } # response = http_post( # "https://kolab-vanilla.{}.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml".format(hostname), # None, # headers, # body # ) # assert response.status == 200 # data = response.read() # decoded = codecs.decode(data) # # Sanity check of the data # assert 'example.local' in decoded # assert "admin@example.local" in decoded # # Ensure the alternative urls also work # assert http_post( # "https://kolab-vanilla.{}.local/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml".format(hostname), # None, # headers, # body # ).status == 200 # assert http_post( # "https://kolab-vanilla.{}.local/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml".format(hostname), # None, # headers, # body # ).status == 200 def test_autodiscover_activesync(host, activesynchost, username, password, verbose = False): """ We expect something along the lines of User Name user@example.com MobileSync https://kolab.example.com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync https://kolab.example.com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync """ body = f''' {username} http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/mobilesync/responseschema/2006 ''' headers = { "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8", **basic_auth_headers(username, password) } try: response = http_request( f"https://{host}/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", "POST", None, headers, body, verbose ) except http.client.RemoteDisconnected: print("Remote disconnected") print_error("Activesync autodiscover is not available") return False success = response.status == 200 data = response.read().decode() if success: try: # Sanity check of the data assert "MobileSync" in data assert f"https://{activesynchost}/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" in data assert username in data except AssertionError: print(data) print_assertion_failure() success = False if not success: print_error("Activesync autodiscover is not available") if verbose or not success: print(" ", "Status", response.status) print(" ", data) return success def test_activesync(host, username, password, verbose = False): headers = { "Host": host, **basic_auth_headers(username, password) } try: response = http_request( f"https://{host}/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync", "OPTIONS", None, headers, None, verbose ) except http.client.RemoteDisconnected: print("Remote disconnected") print_error("Activesync is not available") return False success = response.status == 200 data = response.read().decode() if success: try: assert response.getheader('MS-Server-ActiveSync', '') assert '14.1' in response.getheader('MS-ASProtocolVersions', '') assert 'FolderSync' in response.getheader('MS-ASProtocolCommands', '') except AssertionError: print_assertion_failure() success = False if not success: print_error("Activesync is not available") if verbose or not success: print(" ", "Status", response.status) print(" ", data) return success def test_dns(host, verbose = False): success = True try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(host, 'MX') for rdata in answers: print(' MX Host', rdata.exchange, 'has preference', rdata.preference) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: success = False print(" ERROR on MX record") except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: success = False print(" ERROR on MX record") try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(f"autodiscover.{host}", 'CNAME') for rdata in answers: print(' autodiscover CNAME', rdata.target) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: success = False print(f" ERROR on autodiscover.{host} CNAME entry") except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: success = False print(f" ERROR on autodiscover.{host} CNAME entry") srv_records = [ f"_autodiscover._tcp.{host}", f"_caldav._tcp.{host}", f"_caldavs._tcp.{host}", f"_carddav._tcp.{host}", f"_carddavs._tcp.{host}", f"_imap._tcp.{host}", f"_imaps._tcp.{host}", f"_sieve._tcp.{host}", f"_submission._tcp.{host}", f"_webdav._tcp.{host}", f"_webdavs._tcp.{host}", ] for record in srv_records: try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(record, 'SRV') for rdata in answers: print(" ", record, rdata.target) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: success = False print(" ERROR on record", record) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: success = False print(" ERROR on record", record) if not success: - print_error(f"Dns entires on {host} not available") + print_error(f"Dns entries on {host} not available") return success def test_email_dns(host, verbose = False): success = True srv_records = [ f"_autodiscover._tcp.{host}" ] for record in srv_records: try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(record, 'SRV') for rdata in answers: print(" ", record, rdata.target) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: success = False print(" ERROR on record", record) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: success = False print(" ERROR on record", record) if not success: - print_error(f"Dns entires on {host} not available") + print_error(f"Dns entries on {host} not available") return success +def test_dmarc_dns(host, verbose = False): + success = True + + try: + answers = dns.resolver.resolve(f"_dmarc.{host}", 'TXT') + for rdata in answers: + print(" _dmarc TXT", rdata) + except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: + success = False + print(" ERROR on _dmarc TXT") + except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: + success = False + print(" ERROR on _dmarc TXT") + + if not success: + print_error(f"DMARC dns entries on {host} not available") + + return success + +def validate_spf_record(rdata): + # Something like "v=spf1 mx a:kolab.klab.cc mx:kolab.klab.cc -all" + data = str(rdata) + if not data.startswith('"v=spf1'): + return False + + if not data.endswith('-all"'): + return False + + return True + +def test_spf_dns(host, verbose = False): + success = False + + try: + answers = dns.resolver.resolve(f"{host}", 'TXT') + for rdata in answers: + if validate_spf_record(rdata): + print(" SPF TXT", rdata) + success = True + break + else: + print(f" ERROR while validating spf record {data}") + + except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: + success = False + print(" ERROR on SPF TXT") + except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: + success = False + print(" ERROR on SPF TXT") + + if not success: + print_error(f"SPF dns entry on {host} not available") + + return success + +def validate_dkim_record(rdata): + data = str(rdata) + # Re-assemble the quoted string + data = "".join(re.findall('"([^"]*)"', data)) + print(data) + if not data.startswith("v=DKIM1;"): + return False + return True + +def test_dkim_dns(host, selector, verbose = False): + success = False + + try: + answers = dns.resolver.resolve(f"{selector}._domainkey.{host}", 'TXT') + for rdata in answers: + print(f" DKIM {selector}", rdata) + if validate_dkim_record(rdata): + success = True + else: + print(f" ERROR while validating dkim key {data}") + except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: + success = False + print(" ERROR on DKIM TXT") + except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: + success = False + print(" ERROR on DKIM TXT") + + if not success: + print_error(f"DKIM dns entries on {host} not available") + + return success def test_imap(host, user, password, verbose): success = True hosts = [ (host, 993, True, False), # (host, 143, False, True), ] for hosttuple in hosts: if verbose: print("Connecting to ", hosttuple) host, port, usessl, starttls = hosttuple try: if usessl: imap = IMAP4_SSL(host=host, port=port) else: imap = IMAP4(host=host, port=port) if starttls: imap.starttls() imap.login(user, password) status, list_response = imap.list() assert status == 'OK' for folder in list_response: if 'INBOX' in folder.decode('utf-8'): inbox_found = True assert inbox_found except AssertionError as err: print(" ERROR on peer", hosttuple, err) success = False except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except print(" ERROR on peer", hosttuple, err) success = False if not success: print_error("IMAP failed") return success def test_smtp(host, user, password, verbose): success = True hosts = [ (host, 465, True, False), (host, 587, False, True), ] for hosttuple in hosts: if verbose: print("Connecting to ", hosttuple) host, port, usessl, starttls = hosttuple try: if usessl: smtp = SMTP_SSL(host=host, port=port) else: smtp = SMTP(host=host, port=port) if starttls: smtp.starttls() # check we have an open socket assert smtp.sock # run a no-operation, which is basically a server-side pass-through status, _response = smtp.noop() assert status == 250 status, _response = smtp.login(user, password) assert status == 235 status, _response = smtp.quit() assert status == 221 except AssertionError as err: print(" ERROR on peer", hosttuple, err) success = False except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except print(" ERROR on peer", hosttuple, err) success = False if not success: print_error("SMTP failed") return success def test_certificates(host, davhost, imaphost, verbose): success = True hosts = [ (host, 443), ] if davhost: hosts.append((urllib.parse.urlparse(davhost).netloc, 443)) if imaphost: hosts.append((imaphost, 993)) hosts.append((imaphost, 465)) context = ssl.create_default_context() for hosttuple in hosts: hostname, _port = hosttuple try: conn = context.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET), server_hostname=hostname) conn.connect(hosttuple) cert = conn.getpeercert() if verbose: print(f"Certificate for {hosttuple}: {cert}") except OSError as err: print(" ERROR on peer", hosttuple, err) success = False if not success: print_error("Not all certificates are valid") return success def test_meet(host, verbose): headers = { "Host": host } try: response = http_request( f"https://{host}/meetmedia/signaling", "OPTIONS", None, headers, None, verbose ) except http.client.RemoteDisconnected: print("Remote disconnected") print_error("Activesync is not available") return False success = response.status == 200 data = response.read().decode() if success: try: assert "Transport unknown" in data except AssertionError: print_assertion_failure() success = False if not success: print_error("Meet signaling is not available") if verbose or not success: print(" ", "Status", response.status) print(" ", data) return success def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--host", help="Host") parser.add_argument("--username", help="Username") parser.add_argument("--password", help="User password") parser.add_argument("--imap", help="IMAP URI") parser.add_argument("--smtp", help="SMTP URI") parser.add_argument("--dav", help="DAV URI") parser.add_argument("--meet", help="MEET URI") parser.add_argument("--autoconfig", help="Check autoconfig") parser.add_argument("--dns", action='store_true', help="Check dns") + parser.add_argument("--dkim", help="Check DKIM dns record") parser.add_argument("--activesync", help="ActiveSync URI") parser.add_argument("--certificates", action='store_true', help="Check Certificates") parser.add_argument("--fb", help="Freebusy url as displayed in roundcube") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true', help="Verbose output") parser.add_argument("--default", action='store_true', help="Standard checks with only username and password") options = parser.parse_args() error = False if options.default: options.host = options.username.split('@')[1] options.dav = "https://" + options.host + "/.well-known/caldav" options.imap = options.host options.smtp = options.host options.activesync = options.host options.certificates = True if options.dav: if discover_principal(options.dav, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Caldav is available") else: error = True if options.host: if test_caldav_redirect(options.host, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Caldav on .well-known/caldav is available") # Kolabnow doesn't support this atm (it offers the redirect on apps.kolabnow.com), # so we ignore the error for now if options.autoconfig: if test_autoconfig(options.host, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Autoconf available") else: error = True if options.activesync: if options.autoconfig: if test_autodiscover_activesync(options.host, options.activesync, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Activesync Autodsicovery available") # Kolabnow doesn't support this, so we ignore the error for now if test_activesync(options.activesync, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Activesync available") else: error = True if options.fb: if test_freebusy_authenticated(options.fb, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Authenticated Freebusy is available") else: error = True # We rely on the activesync test to have generated the token for unauthenticated access. if test_freebusy_unauthenticated(options.fb, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("Unauthenticated Freebusy is available") else: error = True if options.dns: if test_dns(options.host, options.verbose): - print(f"=> DNS entries on {options.host} available") + print_success(f"DNS entries on {options.host} available") + else: + error = True + + if test_dmarc_dns(options.host, options.verbose): + print_success(f"DMARC DNS entries on {options.host} available") + else: + error = True + + if test_spf_dns(options.host, options.verbose): + print_success(f"SPF DNS entries on {options.host} available") else: error = True userhost = options.username.split('@')[1] if test_email_dns(userhost, options.verbose): - print(f"=> DNS entries on {userhost} available") + print_success(f"User DNS entries on {userhost} available") + else: + error = True + + if options.dkim: + if test_dkim_dns(options.host, options.dkim, options.verbose): + print_success(f"DKIM DNS entries on {options.host} available") else: error = True if options.certificates: if test_certificates(options.host, options.dav, options.imap, options.verbose): print_success("All certificates are valid") else: error = True if options.imap: if test_imap(options.imap, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("IMAP is available") else: error = True if options.smtp: if test_smtp(options.smtp, options.username, options.password, options.verbose): print_success("SMTP is available") else: error = True if options.meet: if test_meet(options.meet, options.verbose): print_success("Meet is available") else: error = True if error: print_error("At least one check failed") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()