diff --git a/src/app/Utils.php b/src/app/Utils.php index 178a36d6..e4ebaa79 100644 --- a/src/app/Utils.php +++ b/src/app/Utils.php @@ -1,631 +1,613 @@ country ? $net->country : $fallback; } /** * Return the country ISO code for the current request. */ public static function countryForRequest() { $request = \request(); $ip = $request->ip(); return self::countryForIP($ip); } /** * Return the number of days in the month prior to this one. * * @return int */ public static function daysInLastMonth() { $start = new Carbon('first day of last month'); $end = new Carbon('last day of last month'); return $start->diffInDays($end) + 1; } /** * Default route handler */ public static function defaultView() { // Return 404 for requests to the API end-points that do not exist if (strpos(request()->path(), 'api/') === 0) { return \App\Http\Controllers\Controller::errorResponse(404); } $env = self::uiEnv(); return view($env['view'])->with('env', $env); } /** * Download a file from the interwebz and store it locally. * * @param string $source The source location * @param string $target The target location * @param bool $force Force the download (and overwrite target) * - * @return void + * @throws \Exception */ - public static function downloadFile($source, $target, $force = false) + public static function downloadFile($source, $target, $force = false): void { if (is_file($target) && !$force) { return; } \Log::info("Retrieving {$source}"); - $fp = fopen($target, 'w'); - - $curl = curl_init(); - curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $source); - curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); - curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); - curl_exec($curl); - - if (curl_errno($curl)) { - \Log::error("Request error on {$source}: " . curl_error($curl)); - - curl_close($curl); - fclose($fp); - - unlink($target); - return; - } - - curl_close($curl); - fclose($fp); + Http::sink($target)->get($source)->throwUnlessStatus(200); } /** * Converts an email address to lower case. Keeps the LMTP shared folder * addresses character case intact. * * @param string $email Email address * * @return string Email address */ public static function emailToLower(string $email): string { // For LMTP shared folder address lower case the domain part only if (str_starts_with($email, 'shared+shared/')) { $pos = strrpos($email, '@'); $domain = substr($email, $pos + 1); $local = substr($email, 0, strlen($email) - strlen($domain) - 1); return $local . '@' . strtolower($domain); } return strtolower($email); } /** * Make sure that IMAP folder access rights contains "anyone: p" permission * * @param array $acl ACL (in form of "user, permission" records) * * @return array ACL list */ public static function ensureAclPostPermission(array $acl): array { foreach ($acl as $idx => $entry) { if (str_starts_with($entry, 'anyone,')) { if (strpos($entry, 'read-only')) { $acl[$idx] = 'anyone, lrsp'; } elseif (strpos($entry, 'read-write')) { $acl[$idx] = 'anyone, lrswitednp'; } return $acl; } } $acl[] = 'anyone, p'; return $acl; } /** * Generate a passphrase. Not intended for use in production, so limited to environments that are not production. * * @return string */ public static function generatePassphrase() { if (\config('app.env') != 'production') { if (\config('app.passphrase')) { return \config('app.passphrase'); } } $alphaLow = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $alphaUp = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $num = '0123456789'; $stdSpecial = '~`!@#$%^&*()-_+=[{]}\\|\'";:/?.>,<'; $source = $alphaLow . $alphaUp . $num . $stdSpecial; $result = ''; for ($x = 0; $x < 16; $x++) { $result .= substr($source, rand(0, (strlen($source) - 1)), 1); } return $result; } /** * Find an object that is the recipient for the specified address. * * @param string $address * * @return array */ public static function findObjectsByRecipientAddress($address) { $address = \App\Utils::normalizeAddress($address); list($local, $domainName) = explode('@', $address); $domain = \App\Domain::where('namespace', $domainName)->first(); if (!$domain) { return []; } $user = \App\User::where('email', $address)->first(); if ($user) { return [$user]; } $userAliases = \App\UserAlias::where('alias', $address)->get(); if (count($userAliases) > 0) { $users = []; foreach ($userAliases as $userAlias) { $users[] = $userAlias->user; } return $users; } $userAliases = \App\UserAlias::where('alias', "catchall@{$domain->namespace}")->get(); if (count($userAliases) > 0) { $users = []; foreach ($userAliases as $userAlias) { $users[] = $userAlias->user; } return $users; } return []; } /** * Retrieve the network ID and Type from a client address * * @param string $clientAddress The IPv4 or IPv6 address. * * @return array An array of ID and class or null and null. */ public static function getNetFromAddress($clientAddress) { if (strpos($clientAddress, ':') === false) { $net = \App\IP4Net::getNet($clientAddress); if ($net) { return [$net->id, \App\IP4Net::class]; } } else { $net = \App\IP6Net::getNet($clientAddress); if ($net) { return [$net->id, \App\IP6Net::class]; } } return [null, null]; } /** * Calculate the broadcast address provided a net number and a prefix. * * @param string $net A valid IPv6 network number. * @param int $prefix The network prefix. * * @return string */ public static function ip6Broadcast($net, $prefix) { $netHex = bin2hex(inet_pton($net)); // Overwriting first address string to make sure notation is optimal $net = inet_ntop(hex2bin($netHex)); // Calculate the number of 'flexible' bits $flexbits = 128 - $prefix; // Build the hexadecimal string of the last address $lastAddrHex = $netHex; // We start at the end of the string (which is always 32 characters long) $pos = 31; while ($flexbits > 0) { // Get the character at this position $orig = substr($lastAddrHex, $pos, 1); // Convert it to an integer $origval = hexdec($orig); // OR it with (2^flexbits)-1, with flexbits limited to 4 at a time $newval = $origval | (pow(2, min(4, $flexbits)) - 1); // Convert it back to a hexadecimal character $new = dechex($newval); // And put that character back in the string $lastAddrHex = substr_replace($lastAddrHex, $new, $pos, 1); // We processed one nibble, move to previous position $flexbits -= 4; $pos -= 1; } // Convert the hexadecimal string to a binary string $lastaddrbin = hex2bin($lastAddrHex); // And create an IPv6 address from the binary string $lastaddrstr = inet_ntop($lastaddrbin); return $lastaddrstr; } /** * Checks that a model is soft-deletable * * @param mixed $model Model object or a class name */ public static function isSoftDeletable($model): bool { if (is_string($model) && !class_exists($model)) { return false; } return method_exists($model, 'restore'); } /** * Normalize an email address. * * This means to lowercase and strip components separated with recipient delimiters. * * @param ?string $address The address to normalize * @param bool $asArray Return an array with local and domain part * * @return string|array Normalized email address as string or array */ public static function normalizeAddress(?string $address, bool $asArray = false) { if ($address === null || $address === '') { return $asArray ? ['', ''] : ''; } $address = self::emailToLower($address); if (strpos($address, '@') === false) { return $asArray ? [$address, ''] : $address; } list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $address); if (strpos($local, '+') !== false) { $local = explode('+', $local)[0]; } return $asArray ? [$local, $domain] : "{$local}@{$domain}"; } /** * Returns the current user's email address or null. * * @return string */ public static function userEmailOrNull(): ?string { $user = Auth::user(); if (!$user) { return null; } return $user->email; } /** * Returns a random string consisting of a quantity of segments of a certain length joined. * * Example: * * ```php * $roomName = strtolower(\App\Utils::randStr(3, 3, '-'); * // $roomName == '3qb-7cs-cjj' * ``` * * @param int $length The length of each segment * @param int $qty The quantity of segments * @param string $join The string to use to join the segments * * @return string */ public static function randStr($length, $qty = 1, $join = '') { $chars = env('SHORTCODE_CHARS', self::CHARS); $randStrs = []; for ($x = 0; $x < $qty; $x++) { $string = []; for ($y = 0; $y < $length; $y++) { $string[] = $chars[rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1)]; } shuffle($string); $randStrs[$x] = implode('', $string); } return implode($join, $randStrs); } /** * Returns a UUID in the form of an integer. * * @return int */ public static function uuidInt(): int { $hex = self::uuidStr(); $bin = pack('h*', str_replace('-', '', $hex)); $ids = unpack('L', $bin); $id = array_shift($ids); return $id; } /** * Returns a UUID in the form of a string. * * @return string */ public static function uuidStr(): string { return (string) Str::uuid(); } /** * Create self URL * * @param string $route Route/Path/URL * @param int|null $tenantId Current tenant * * @todo Move this to App\Http\Controllers\Controller * * @return string Full URL */ public static function serviceUrl(string $route, $tenantId = null): string { if (preg_match('|^https?://|i', $route)) { return $route; } $url = \App\Tenant::getConfig($tenantId, 'app.public_url'); if (!$url) { $url = \App\Tenant::getConfig($tenantId, 'app.url'); } return rtrim(trim($url, '/') . '/' . ltrim($route, '/'), '/'); } /** * Create a configuration/environment data to be passed to * the UI * * @todo Move this to App\Http\Controllers\Controller * * @return array Configuration data */ public static function uiEnv(): array { $countries = include resource_path('countries.php'); $req_domain = preg_replace('/:[0-9]+$/', '', request()->getHttpHost()); $sys_domain = \config('app.domain'); $opts = [ 'app.name', 'app.url', 'app.domain', 'app.theme', 'app.webmail_url', 'app.support_email', 'app.company.copyright', 'app.companion_download_link', 'app.with_signup', 'mail.from.address' ]; $env = \app('config')->getMany($opts); $env['countries'] = $countries ?: []; $env['view'] = 'root'; $env['jsapp'] = 'user.js'; if ($req_domain == "admin.$sys_domain") { $env['jsapp'] = 'admin.js'; } elseif ($req_domain == "reseller.$sys_domain") { $env['jsapp'] = 'reseller.js'; } $env['paymentProvider'] = \config('services.payment_provider'); $env['stripePK'] = \config('services.stripe.public_key'); $env['languages'] = \App\Http\Controllers\ContentController::locales(); $env['menu'] = \App\Http\Controllers\ContentController::menu(); return $env; } /** * Set test exchange rates. * * @param array $rates: Exchange rates */ public static function setTestExchangeRates(array $rates): void { self::$testRates = $rates; } /** * Retrieve an exchange rate. * * @param string $sourceCurrency: Currency from which to convert * @param string $targetCurrency: Currency to convert to * * @return float Exchange rate */ public static function exchangeRate(string $sourceCurrency, string $targetCurrency): float { if (strcasecmp($sourceCurrency, $targetCurrency) == 0) { return 1.0; } if (isset(self::$testRates[$targetCurrency])) { return floatval(self::$testRates[$targetCurrency]); } $currencyFile = resource_path("exchangerates-$sourceCurrency.php"); //Attempt to find the reverse exchange rate, if we don't have the file for the source currency if (!file_exists($currencyFile)) { $rates = include resource_path("exchangerates-$targetCurrency.php"); if (!isset($rates[$sourceCurrency])) { throw new \Exception("Failed to find the reverse exchange rate for " . $sourceCurrency); } return 1.0 / floatval($rates[$sourceCurrency]); } $rates = include $currencyFile; if (!isset($rates[$targetCurrency])) { throw new \Exception("Failed to find exchange rate for " . $targetCurrency); } return floatval($rates[$targetCurrency]); } /** * A helper to display human-readable amount of money using * for specified currency and locale. * * @param int $amount Amount of money (in cents) * @param string $currency Currency code * @param string $locale Output locale * * @return string String representation, e.g. "9.99 CHF" */ public static function money(int $amount, $currency, $locale = 'de_DE'): string { $nf = new \NumberFormatter($locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $result = $nf->formatCurrency(round($amount / 100, 2), $currency); // Replace non-breaking space return str_replace("\xC2\xA0", " ", $result); } /** * A helper to display human-readable percent value * for specified currency and locale. * * @param int|float $percent Percent value (0 to 100) * @param string $locale Output locale * * @return string String representation, e.g. "0 %", "7.7 %" */ public static function percent(int|float $percent, $locale = 'de_DE'): string { $nf = new \NumberFormatter($locale, \NumberFormatter::PERCENT); $sep = $nf->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL); $result = sprintf('%.2F', $percent); $result = preg_replace('/\.00/', '', $result); $result = preg_replace('/(\.[0-9])0/', '\\1', $result); $result = str_replace('.', $sep, $result); return $result . ' %'; } }