diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 91066d96..7bb1e6b0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ ## Quickstart Instructions to try it out * Make sure you have docker and docker-compose available. * Change to the base directory of this repository. -* Run 'HOSTNAME=kolab.local ADMIN_PASSWORD="simple123" bin/configure.sh config.prod' to configure this deployment. +* Run 'HOST=kolab.local ADMIN_PASSWORD="simple123" bin/configure.sh config.prod' to configure this deployment. * Run 'bin/deploy.sh' to start the deployment. * Run 'docker exec -w /src/kolabsrc/ kolab-webapp ./artisan user:password admin@kolab.local simple123' to set your admin password * Add an /etc/hosts entry " kolab.local" * navigate to https://kolab.local * login as "admin@kolab.local" with password "simple123" (or whatever you have set), and create your users. # Customization To customize the installation, copy config.prod and adjust to your liking. You can then install the configuration using 'bin/configure.sh $YOURCONFIG', and afterwards 'bin/deploy.sh' again. Please note that bin/deploy.sh will remove any existing data. # Use the ansible setup The ansible/ directory contains setup scripts to setup a fresh Fedora system with a kolab deployment. Modify the Makefile with the required variables and then execute `make setup`. This will configure the remote system and execute the above steps. ### Update To update the containers without removing the data: * git pull * Run "bin/update.sh" ### Backup / Restore The "bin/backup.sh" script will stop all containers, snapshot the volumes to the backup/ directory, and restart the containers. "bin/restore.sh" will stop all containers, restore the volumes from tarballs in the backup/ directory, and restart the containers. ### Requirements * docker * openssl diff --git a/ansible/setup.yml b/ansible/setup.yml index ab15edcc..fd5c18fd 100755 --- a/ansible/setup.yml +++ b/ansible/setup.yml @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ #!/usr/bin/ansible-playbook - name: Setup kolab deployment on fedora server hosts: "{{ hostname }}" remote_user: root tasks: - import_tasks: grub.yml - name: Set hostname ansible.builtin.hostname: name: "{{ hostname }}" - import_tasks: packages.yml - name: Put SELinux in permissive mode for docker selinux: policy: targeted state: permissive - name: Setup user kolab ansible.builtin.user: name: kolab shell: /bin/bash groups: wheel, audio, docker append: yes - name: sudo without password ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/sudoers state: present regexp: '^%wheel\s' line: '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' - name: Start service docker, if not started ansible.builtin.service: name: docker state: started - import_tasks: certbot.yml - name: get kolab git repo become: true become_user: kolab git: repo: https://git.kolab.org/source/kolab.git dest: /home/kolab/kolab version: "{{ git_branch }}" force: yes - name: Run bin/configure become: true become_user: kolab ansible.builtin.command: bin/configure.sh {{ config }} args: chdir: /home/kolab/kolab environment: - HOSTNAME: "{{ hostname }}" + HOST: "{{ hostname }}" OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY: "{{ openexchangerates_api_key }}" FIREBASE_API_KEY: "{{ firebase_api_key }}" PUBLIC_IP: "{{ public_ip }}" ADMIN_PASSWORD: "{{ admin_password }}" - name: Permit receiving mail firewalld: port: 25/tcp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit http traffic firewalld: port: 80/tcp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit https traffic firewalld: port: 443/tcp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit TCP trafic for coturn firewalld: port: 3478/tcp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit TCP trafic for coturn firewalld: port: 5349/tcp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit UDP trafic for coturn firewalld: port: 3478/udp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Permit UDP trafic for coturn firewalld: port: 5349/udp permanent: yes state: enabled zone: FedoraServer - name: Always restart docker before deploy (because of potential network issues otherwise) ansible.builtin.service: name: docker state: restarted - name: Run bin/deploy become: true become_user: kolab ansible.builtin.command: bin/deploy.sh args: chdir: /home/kolab/kolab diff --git a/bin/configure.sh b/bin/configure.sh index b79adbd5..221337a2 100755 --- a/bin/configure.sh +++ b/bin/configure.sh @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ #!/bin/bash # Uninstall the old config if [ -d config ]; then echo "Uninstalling the old config." find -L config/ -type f | while read file; do file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's|^config||g') file="./$file" rm -v $file done fi if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "Failed to find the configuration folder, please pass one as argument (e.g. config.demo)." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $1 ]; then echo "Failed to find the configuration folder, please pass one as argument (e.g. config.demo)." exit 1 fi echo "Installing $1." # Link new config rm config ln -s $1 config # Install new config find -L config/ -type f | while read file; do dir=$(dirname $file | sed -e 's|^config||g') dir="./$dir" if [ ! -d $dir ]; then mkdir -p $dir fi cp -v $file $dir/ done # Generate random secrets if ! grep -q "COTURN_STATIC_SECRET" .env; then COTURN_STATIC_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32); echo "COTURN_STATIC_SECRET=${COTURN_STATIC_SECRET}" >> src/.env fi if ! grep -q "MEET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN" .env; then MEET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32); echo "MEET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN=${MEET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN}" >> src/.env fi if ! grep -q "MEET_SERVER_TOKEN" .env; then MEET_SERVER_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32); echo "MEET_SERVER_TOKEN=${MEET_SERVER_TOKEN}" >> src/.env fi # Customize configuration sed -i \ - -e "s/{{ host }}/${HOSTNAME:-kolab.local}/g" \ + -e "s/{{ host }}/${HOST:-kolab.local}/g" \ -e "s/{{ openexchangerates_api_key }}/${OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY}/g" \ -e "s/{{ firebase_api_key }}/${FIREBASE_API_KEY}/g" \ -e "s/{{ public_ip }}/${PUBLIC_IP:-}/g" \ -e "s/{{ admin_password }}/${ADMIN_PASSWORD}/g" \ src/.env -if [ -f /etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/cert.pem ]; then - echo "Using the available letsencrypt certificate for ${HOSTNAME}" +if [ -f /etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/cert.pem ]; then + echo "Using the available letsencrypt certificate for ${HOST}" cat >> .env << EOF -KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/cert.pem -KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FULLCHAIN=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/fullchain.pem -KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/privkey.pem -PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/fullchain.pem -PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/privkey.pem +KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/cert.pem +KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FULLCHAIN=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/fullchain.pem +KOLAB_SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/privkey.pem +PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/fullchain.pem +PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOST}/privkey.pem EOF fi