diff --git a/src/resources/lang/en/app.php b/src/resources/lang/en/app.php index fe4e40e1..5a9e6800 100644 --- a/src/resources/lang/en/app.php +++ b/src/resources/lang/en/app.php @@ -1,167 +1,167 @@ 'Created', 'chart-deleted' => 'Deleted', 'chart-average' => 'average', 'chart-allusers' => 'All Users - last year', 'chart-discounts' => 'Discounts', 'chart-vouchers' => 'Vouchers', 'chart-income' => 'Income in :currency - last 8 weeks', 'chart-payers' => 'Payers - last year', 'chart-users' => 'Users - last 8 weeks', 'companion-create-success' => 'Companion app has been created.', 'companion-delete-success' => 'Companion app has been removed.', 'mandate-delete-success' => 'The auto-payment has been removed.', 'mandate-update-success' => 'The auto-payment has been updated.', - 'mandate-description-suffix' => ' Auto-Payment Setup', + 'mandate-description-suffix' => 'Auto-Payment Setup', 'planbutton' => 'Choose :plan', 'process-async' => 'Setup process has been pushed. Please wait.', 'process-user-new' => 'Registering a user...', 'process-user-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a user...', 'process-user-imap-ready' => 'Creating a mailbox...', 'process-domain-new' => 'Registering a custom domain...', 'process-domain-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a custom domain...', 'process-domain-verified' => 'Verifying a custom domain...', 'process-domain-confirmed' => 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...', 'process-success' => 'Setup process finished successfully.', 'process-error-distlist-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a distribution list.', 'process-error-domain-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a domain.', 'process-error-domain-verified' => 'Failed to verify a domain.', 'process-error-domain-confirmed' => 'Failed to verify an ownership of a domain.', 'process-error-resource-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a shared folder exists.', 'process-error-resource-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a resource.', 'process-error-shared-folder-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a shared folder exists.', 'process-error-shared-folder-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a shared folder.', 'process-error-user-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a user.', 'process-error-user-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a mailbox exists.', 'process-distlist-new' => 'Registering a distribution list...', 'process-distlist-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a distribution list...', 'process-resource-new' => 'Registering a resource...', 'process-resource-imap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...', 'process-resource-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a resource...', 'process-shared-folder-new' => 'Registering a shared folder...', 'process-shared-folder-imap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...', 'process-shared-folder-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...', 'discount-code' => 'Discount: :code', 'distlist-update-success' => 'Distribution list updated successfully.', 'distlist-create-success' => 'Distribution list created successfully.', 'distlist-delete-success' => 'Distribution list deleted successfully.', 'distlist-suspend-success' => 'Distribution list suspended successfully.', 'distlist-unsuspend-success' => 'Distribution list unsuspended successfully.', 'distlist-setconfig-success' => 'Distribution list settings updated successfully.', 'domain-create-success' => 'Domain created successfully.', 'domain-delete-success' => 'Domain deleted successfully.', 'domain-notempty-error' => 'Unable to delete a domain with assigned users or other objects.', 'domain-verify-success' => 'Domain verified successfully.', 'domain-verify-error' => 'Domain ownership verification failed.', 'domain-suspend-success' => 'Domain suspended successfully.', 'domain-unsuspend-success' => 'Domain unsuspended successfully.', 'domain-setconfig-success' => 'Domain settings updated successfully.', 'file-create-success' => 'File created successfully.', 'file-delete-success' => 'File deleted successfully.', 'file-update-success' => 'File updated successfully.', 'file-permissions-create-success' => 'File permissions created successfully.', 'file-permissions-update-success' => 'File permissions updated successfully.', 'file-permissions-delete-success' => 'File permissions deleted successfully.', 'payment-status-paid' => 'The payment has been completed successfully.', 'payment-status-canceled' => 'The payment has been canceled.', 'payment-status-failed' => 'The payment failed.', 'payment-status-expired' => 'The payment expired.', 'payment-status-checking' => "The payment hasn't been completed yet. Checking the status...", 'period-year' => 'year', 'period-month' => 'month', 'resource-update-success' => 'Resource updated successfully.', 'resource-create-success' => 'Resource created successfully.', 'resource-delete-success' => 'Resource deleted successfully.', 'resource-setconfig-success' => 'Resource settings updated successfully.', 'room-update-success' => 'Room updated successfully.', 'room-create-success' => 'Room created successfully.', 'room-delete-success' => 'Room deleted successfully.', 'room-setconfig-success' => 'Room configuration updated successfully.', 'room-unsupported-option-error' => 'Invalid room configuration option.', 'shared-folder-update-success' => 'Shared folder updated successfully.', 'shared-folder-create-success' => 'Shared folder created successfully.', 'shared-folder-delete-success' => 'Shared folder deleted successfully.', 'shared-folder-setconfig-success' => 'Shared folder settings updated successfully.', 'user-update-success' => 'User data updated successfully.', 'user-create-success' => 'User created successfully.', 'user-delete-success' => 'User deleted successfully.', 'user-suspend-success' => 'User suspended successfully.', 'user-unsuspend-success' => 'User unsuspended successfully.', 'user-reset-2fa-success' => '2-Factor authentication reset successfully.', 'user-reset-geo-lock-success' => 'Geo-lockin setup reset successfully.', 'user-setconfig-success' => 'User settings updated successfully.', 'user-set-sku-success' => 'The subscription added successfully.', 'user-set-sku-already-exists' => 'The subscription already exists.', 'search-foundxdomains' => ':x domains have been found.', 'search-foundxdistlists' => ':x distribution lists have been found.', 'search-foundxresources' => ':x resources have been found.', 'search-foundxshared-folders' => ':x shared folders have been found.', 'search-foundxusers' => ':x user accounts have been found.', 'signup-account-mandate' => 'Now it is required to provide your credit card details.' . ' This way you agree to charge you with an appropriate amount of money according to the plan you signed up for.', 'signup-plan-monthly' => 'You are choosing a monthly subscription.', 'signup-plan-yearly' => 'You are choosing a yearly subscription.', 'signup-subscription-monthly' => 'Monthly subscription', 'signup-subscription-yearly' => 'Yearly subscription', 'signup-invitations-created' => 'The invitation has been created.|:count invitations has been created.', 'signup-invitations-csv-empty' => 'Failed to find any valid email addresses in the uploaded file.', 'signup-invitations-csv-invalid-email' => 'Found an invalid email address (:email) on line :line.', 'signup-invitation-delete-success' => 'Invitation deleted successfully.', 'signup-invitation-resend-success' => 'Invitation added to the sending queue successfully.', 'support-request-success' => 'Support request submitted successfully.', 'support-request-error' => 'Failed to submit the support request.', 'siteuser' => ':site User', 'total' => 'Total', 'wallet-award-success' => 'The bonus has been added to the wallet successfully.', 'wallet-penalty-success' => 'The penalty has been added to the wallet successfully.', 'wallet-update-success' => 'User wallet updated successfully.', 'password-reset-code-delete-success' => 'Password reset code deleted successfully.', 'password-rule-min' => 'Minimum password length: :param characters', 'password-rule-max' => 'Maximum password length: :param characters', 'password-rule-lower' => 'Password contains a lower-case character', 'password-rule-upper' => 'Password contains an upper-case character', 'password-rule-digit' => 'Password contains a digit', 'password-rule-special' => 'Password contains a special character', 'password-rule-last' => 'Password cannot be the same as the last :param passwords', 'wallet-notice-date' => 'With your current subscriptions your account balance will last until about :date (:days).', 'wallet-notice-nocredit' => 'You are out of credit, top up your balance now.', 'wallet-notice-today' => 'You will run out of credit today, top up your balance now.', 'wallet-notice-trial' => 'You are in your free trial period.', 'wallet-notice-trial-end' => 'Your free trial is about to end, top up to continue.', 'vat-incl' => 'Incl. VAT :vat (:rate of :cost)', ];