diff --git a/src/tests/Browser/Reseller/WalletTest.php b/src/tests/Browser/Reseller/WalletTest.php index e2f8ab85..6ac85238 100644 --- a/src/tests/Browser/Reseller/WalletTest.php +++ b/src/tests/Browser/Reseller/WalletTest.php @@ -1,248 +1,250 @@ getTestUser('reseller@' . \config('app.domain')); $wallet = $reseller->wallets()->first(); $wallet->balance = 0; $wallet->save(); $wallet->payments()->delete(); $wallet->transactions()->delete(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test wallet page (unauthenticated) */ public function testWalletUnauth(): void { // Test that the page requires authentication $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('/wallet')->on(new Home()); }); } /** * Test wallet "box" on Dashboard */ public function testDashboard(): void { $reseller = $this->getTestUser('reseller@' . \config('app.domain')); Wallet::where('user_id', $reseller->id)->update(['balance' => 125]); // Positive balance $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new Home()) ->submitLogon('reseller@' . \config('app.domain'), \App\Utils::generatePassphrase(), true) ->on(new Dashboard()) ->assertSeeIn('@links .link-wallet svg + span', 'Wallet') ->assertSeeIn('@links .link-wallet .badge.bg-success', '1,25 CHF'); }); Wallet::where('user_id', $reseller->id)->update(['balance' => -1234]); // Negative balance $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new Dashboard()) ->assertSeeIn('@links .link-wallet svg + span', 'Wallet') ->assertSeeIn('@links .link-wallet .badge.bg-danger', '-12,34 CHF'); }); } /** * Test wallet page * * @depends testDashboard */ public function testWallet(): void { $reseller = $this->getTestUser('reseller@' . \config('app.domain')); Wallet::where('user_id', $reseller->id)->update(['balance' => -1234]); $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->click('@links .link-wallet') ->on(new WalletPage()) ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-title', 'Account balance -12,34 CHF') ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-title .text-danger', '-12,34 CHF') ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-text', 'You are out of credit'); }); } /** * Test Receipts tab * * @depends testWallet */ public function testReceipts(): void { $user = $this->getTestUser('reseller@' . \config('app.domain')); $wallet = $user->wallets()->first(); $wallet->payments()->delete(); + $user->created_at = Carbon::now(); + $user->save(); // Assert Receipts tab content when there's no receipts available $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new WalletPage()) ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-title', 'Account balance 0,00 CHF') ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-title .text-success', '0,00 CHF') ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-text', 'You are in your free trial period.') // TODO ->assertSeeIn('@nav #tab-receipts', 'Receipts') ->with('@receipts-tab', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->waitUntilMissing('.app-loader') ->assertSeeIn('p', 'There are no receipts for payments') ->assertDontSeeIn('p', 'Here you can download') ->assertMissing('select') ->assertMissing('button'); }); }); // Create some sample payments $receipts = []; $date = Carbon::create(intval(date('Y')) - 1, 3, 30); $payment = Payment::create([ 'id' => 'AAA1', 'status' => PaymentProvider::STATUS_PAID, 'type' => PaymentProvider::TYPE_ONEOFF, 'description' => 'Paid in March', 'wallet_id' => $wallet->id, 'provider' => 'stripe', 'amount' => 1111, 'currency_amount' => 1111, 'currency' => 'CHF', ]); $payment->updated_at = $date; $payment->save(); $receipts[] = $date->format('Y-m'); $date = Carbon::create(intval(date('Y')) - 1, 4, 30); $payment = Payment::create([ 'id' => 'AAA2', 'status' => PaymentProvider::STATUS_PAID, 'type' => PaymentProvider::TYPE_ONEOFF, 'description' => 'Paid in April', 'wallet_id' => $wallet->id, 'provider' => 'stripe', 'amount' => 1111, 'currency_amount' => 1111, 'currency' => 'CHF', ]); $payment->updated_at = $date; $payment->save(); $receipts[] = $date->format('Y-m'); // Assert Receipts tab with receipts available $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($receipts) { $browser->refresh() ->on(new WalletPage()) ->assertSeeIn('@nav #tab-receipts', 'Receipts') ->with('@receipts-tab', function (Browser $browser) use ($receipts) { $browser->waitUntilMissing('.app-loader') ->assertDontSeeIn('p', 'There are no receipts for payments') ->assertSeeIn('p', 'Here you can download') ->assertSeeIn('button', 'Download') ->assertElementsCount('select > option', 2) ->assertSeeIn('select > option:nth-child(1)', $receipts[1]) ->assertSeeIn('select > option:nth-child(2)', $receipts[0]); // Download a receipt file $browser->select('select', $receipts[0]) ->click('button') ->pause(2000); $files = glob(__DIR__ . '/../downloads/*.pdf'); $filename = pathinfo($files[0], PATHINFO_BASENAME); $this->assertTrue(strpos($filename, $receipts[0]) !== false); $content = $browser->readDownloadedFile($filename, 0); $this->assertStringStartsWith("%PDF-1.", $content); $browser->removeDownloadedFile($filename); }); }); } /** * Test History tab * * @depends testWallet */ public function testHistory(): void { $user = $this->getTestUser('reseller@' . \config('app.domain')); $wallet = $user->wallets()->first(); $wallet->transactions()->delete(); // Create some sample transactions $transactions = $this->createTestTransactions($wallet); $transactions = array_reverse($transactions); $pages = array_chunk($transactions, 10 /* page size*/); $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($pages) { $browser->on(new WalletPage()) ->assertSeeIn('@nav #tab-history', 'History') ->click('@nav #tab-history') ->with('@history-tab', function (Browser $browser) use ($pages) { $browser->waitUntilMissing('.app-loader') ->assertElementsCount('table tbody tr', 10) ->assertMissing('table td.email') ->assertSeeIn('.more-loader button', 'Load more'); foreach ($pages[0] as $idx => $transaction) { $selector = 'table tbody tr:nth-child(' . ($idx + 1) . ')'; $priceStyle = $transaction->type == Transaction::WALLET_AWARD ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'; $browser->assertSeeIn("$selector td.description", $transaction->shortDescription()) ->assertMissing("$selector td.selection button") ->assertVisible("$selector td.price.{$priceStyle}"); // TODO: Test more transaction details } // Load the next page $browser->click('.more-loader button') ->waitUntilMissing('.app-loader') ->assertElementsCount('table tbody tr', 12) ->assertMissing('.more-loader button'); $debitEntry = null; foreach ($pages[1] as $idx => $transaction) { $selector = 'table tbody tr:nth-child(' . ($idx + 1 + 10) . ')'; $priceStyle = $transaction->type == Transaction::WALLET_CREDIT ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'; $browser->assertSeeIn("$selector td.description", $transaction->shortDescription()); if ($transaction->type == Transaction::WALLET_DEBIT) { $debitEntry = $selector; } else { $browser->assertMissing("$selector td.selection button"); } } }); }); } }