diff --git a/kabc/vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp b/kabc/vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp index 8e16ea925..a9ebe87f9 100644 --- a/kabc/vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp +++ b/kabc/vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp @@ -1,312 +1,312 @@ /* This file is part of libkabc. Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "vcardparser.h" #include #include #include #define FOLD_WIDTH 75 using namespace KABC; static void addEscapes( QByteArray &str ) { str.replace( '\\', (char *)"\\\\" ); str.replace( ',', (char *)"\\," ); str.replace( '\r', (char *)"\\r" ); str.replace( '\n', (char *)"\\n" ); } static void removeEscapes( QByteArray &str ) { str.replace( (char *)"\\n", "\n" ); str.replace( (char *)"\\r", "\r" ); str.replace( (char *)"\\,", "," ); str.replace( (char *)"\\\\", "\\" ); } VCardParser::VCardParser() { } VCardParser::~VCardParser() { } VCard::List VCardParser::parseVCards( const QByteArray &text ) { VCard currentVCard; VCard::List vCardList; QByteArray currentLine; QList lines = text.split( '\n' ); bool inVCard = false; QList::Iterator it( lines.begin() ); QList::Iterator linesEnd( lines.end() ); for ( ; it != linesEnd; ++it ) { // remove the trailing \r, left from \r\n if ( (*it).endsWith( '\r' ) ) { (*it).chop( 1 ); } if ( (*it).startsWith( ' ' ) || (*it).startsWith( '\t' ) ) { //folded line => append to previous currentLine.append( (*it).mid( 1 ) ); continue; } else { if ( (*it).trimmed().isEmpty() ) { // empty line continue; } if ( inVCard && !currentLine.isEmpty() ) { // now parse the line int colon = currentLine.indexOf( ':' ); if ( colon == -1 ) { // invalid line currentLine = (*it); continue; } VCardLine vCardLine; const QByteArray key = currentLine.left( colon ).trimmed(); QByteArray value = currentLine.mid( colon + 1 ); QList params = key.split( ';' ); // check for group int groupPos = params[ 0 ].indexOf( '.' ); if ( groupPos != -1 ) { vCardLine.setGroup( QString::fromLatin1( params[ 0 ].left( groupPos ) ) ); vCardLine.setIdentifier( QString::fromLatin1( params[ 0 ].mid( groupPos + 1 ) ) ); } else { vCardLine.setIdentifier( QString::fromLatin1( params[ 0 ] ) ); } if ( params.count() > 1 ) { // find all parameters QList::ConstIterator paramIt( params.constBegin() ); for ( ++paramIt; paramIt != params.constEnd(); ++paramIt ) { QList pair = (*paramIt).split( '=' ); if ( pair.count() == 1 ) { // correct the fucking 2.1 'standard' if ( pair[ 0 ].toLower() == "quoted-printable" ) { pair[ 0 ] = "encoding"; pair.append( "quoted-printable" ); } else if ( pair[ 0 ].toLower() == "base64" ) { pair[ 0 ] = "encoding"; pair.append( "base64" ); } else { pair.prepend( "type" ); } } if ( pair[ 1 ].indexOf( ',' ) != -1 ) { // parameter in type=x,y,z format const QList args = pair[ 1 ].split( ',' ); QList::ConstIterator argIt; for ( argIt = args.constBegin(); argIt != args.constEnd(); ++argIt ) { vCardLine.addParameter( QString::fromLatin1( pair[ 0 ].toLower() ), QString::fromLatin1( *argIt ) ); } } else { vCardLine.addParameter( QString::fromLatin1( pair[ 0 ].toLower() ), QString::fromLatin1( pair[ 1 ] ) ); } } } removeEscapes( value ); QByteArray output; bool wasBase64Encoded = false; if ( vCardLine.parameterList().contains( QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ) ) { // have to decode the data if ( vCardLine.parameter( QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ).toLower() == QLatin1String( "b" ) || vCardLine.parameter( QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ).toLower() == QLatin1String( "base64" ) ) { output = QByteArray::fromBase64( value ); wasBase64Encoded = true; } else if ( vCardLine.parameter( QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ).toLower() == QLatin1String( "quoted-printable" ) ) { // join any qp-folded lines while ( value.endsWith( '=' ) && it != linesEnd ) { value.chop( 1 ); // remove the '=' value.append( *it ); ++it; } KCodecs::quotedPrintableDecode( value, output ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown vcard encoding type!" ); } } else { output = value; } if ( vCardLine.parameterList().contains( QLatin1String( "charset" ) ) ) { // have to convert the data QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( vCardLine.parameter( QLatin1String( "charset" ) ).toLatin1() ); if ( codec ) { vCardLine.setValue( codec->toUnicode( output ) ); } else { vCardLine.setValue( QString::fromUtf8( output ) ); } } else if ( wasBase64Encoded ) { vCardLine.setValue( output ); } else { vCardLine.setValue( QString::fromUtf8( output ) ); } currentVCard.addLine( vCardLine ); } // we do not save the start and end tag as vcardline - if ( (*it).toLower().startsWith( "begin:vcard" ) ) { + if ( (*it).toLower().startsWith( "begin:vcard" ) ) { //krazy:exclude=strings inVCard = true; currentLine.clear(); currentVCard.clear(); // flush vcard continue; } - if ( (*it).toLower().startsWith( "end:vcard" ) ) { + if ( (*it).toLower().startsWith( "end:vcard" ) ) { //krazy:exclude=strings inVCard = false; vCardList.append( currentVCard ); currentLine.clear(); currentVCard.clear(); // flush vcard continue; } currentLine = (*it); } } return vCardList; } QByteArray VCardParser::createVCards( const VCard::List &list ) { QByteArray text; QByteArray textLine; QString encodingType; QStringList idents; QStringList params; QStringList values; QStringList::ConstIterator identIt; QStringList::Iterator paramIt; QStringList::ConstIterator valueIt; VCardLine::List lines; VCardLine::List::ConstIterator lineIt; VCard::List::ConstIterator cardIt; bool hasEncoding; text.reserve( list.size() * 300 ); // reserve memory to be more efficient // iterate over the cards VCard::List::ConstIterator listEnd( list.end() ); for ( cardIt = list.begin(); cardIt != listEnd; ++cardIt ) { text.append( "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n" ); idents = (*cardIt).identifiers(); for ( identIt = idents.constBegin(); identIt != idents.constEnd(); ++identIt ) { lines = (*cardIt).lines( (*identIt) ); // iterate over the lines for ( lineIt = lines.constBegin(); lineIt != lines.constEnd(); ++lineIt ) { QVariant val = (*lineIt).value(); if ( val.isValid() ) { if ( (*lineIt).hasGroup() ) { textLine = (*lineIt).group().toLatin1() + '.' + (*lineIt).identifier().toLatin1(); } else { textLine = (*lineIt).identifier().toLatin1(); } params = (*lineIt).parameterList(); hasEncoding = false; if ( params.count() > 0 ) { // we have parameters for ( paramIt = params.begin(); paramIt != params.end(); ++paramIt ) { if ( (*paramIt) == QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ) { hasEncoding = true; encodingType = (*lineIt).parameter( QLatin1String( "encoding" ) ).toLower(); } values = (*lineIt).parameters( *paramIt ); for ( valueIt = values.constBegin(); valueIt != values.constEnd(); ++valueIt ) { textLine.append( ';' + (*paramIt).toLatin1().toUpper() ); if ( !(*valueIt).isEmpty() ) { textLine.append( '=' + (*valueIt).toLatin1() ); } } } } QByteArray input, output; // handle charset if ( (*lineIt).parameterList().contains( QLatin1String( "charset" ) ) ) { // have to convert the data const QString value = (*lineIt).value().toString(); QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( (*lineIt).parameter( QLatin1String( "charset" ) ).toLatin1() ); if ( codec ) { input = codec->fromUnicode( value ); } else { input = value.toUtf8(); } } else if ( (*lineIt).value().type() == QVariant::ByteArray ) { input = (*lineIt).value().toByteArray(); } else { input = (*lineIt).value().toString().toUtf8(); } // handle encoding if ( hasEncoding ) { // have to encode the data if ( encodingType == QLatin1String( "b" ) ) { output = input.toBase64(); } else if ( encodingType == QLatin1String( "quoted-printable" ) ) { KCodecs::quotedPrintableEncode( input, output, false ); } } else { output = input; } addEscapes( output ); if ( !output.isEmpty() ) { textLine.append( ':' + output ); if ( textLine.length() > FOLD_WIDTH ) { // we have to fold the line for ( int i = 0; i <= ( textLine.length() / FOLD_WIDTH ); ++i ) { text.append( ( i == 0 ? "" : " " ) + textLine.mid( i * FOLD_WIDTH, FOLD_WIDTH ) + "\r\n" ); } } else { text.append( textLine + "\r\n" ); } } } } } text.append( "END:VCARD\r\n" ); text.append( "\r\n" ); } return text; }