diff --git a/kioslave/nntp/nntp.cpp b/kioslave/nntp/nntp.cpp index 1ccf8fa24..d8bb1d605 100644 --- a/kioslave/nntp/nntp.cpp +++ b/kioslave/nntp/nntp.cpp @@ -1,964 +1,978 @@ /* This file is part of KDE Copyright (C) 2000 by Wolfram Diestel Copyright (C) 2005 by Tim Way Copyright (C) 2005 by Volker Krause This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "nntp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DBG_AREA 7114 #define DBG kDebug(DBG_AREA) #define ERR kError(DBG_AREA) using namespace KIO; extern "C" { int KDE_EXPORT kdemain(int argc, char **argv); } int kdemain(int argc, char **argv) { KComponentData componentData("kio_nntp"); if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_nntp protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } NNTPProtocol *slave; // Are we going to use SSL? if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "nntps") == 0) { slave = new NNTPProtocol(argv[2], argv[3], true); } else { slave = new NNTPProtocol(argv[2], argv[3], false); } slave->dispatchLoop(); delete slave; return 0; } /****************** NNTPProtocol ************************/ NNTPProtocol::NNTPProtocol ( const QByteArray & pool, const QByteArray & app, bool isSSL ) : TCPSlaveBase((isSSL ? "nntps" : "nntp"), pool, app, isSSL ), isAuthenticated( false ) { DBG << "=============> NNTPProtocol::NNTPProtocol"; readBufferLen = 0; m_defaultPort = isSSL ? DEFAULT_NNTPS_PORT : DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT; m_port = m_defaultPort; } NNTPProtocol::~NNTPProtocol() { DBG << "<============= NNTPProtocol::~NNTPProtocol"; // close connection nntp_close(); } void NNTPProtocol::setHost ( const QString & host, quint16 port, const QString & user, const QString & pass ) { DBG << ( ! user.isEmpty() ? (user+'@') : QString("")) << host << ":" << ( ( port == 0 ) ? m_defaultPort : port ); if ( isConnected() && (mHost != host || m_port != port || mUser != user || mPass != pass) ) nntp_close(); mHost = host; m_port = ( ( port == 0 ) ? m_defaultPort : port ); mUser = user; mPass = pass; } void NNTPProtocol::get( const KUrl& url ) { DBG << url.prettyUrl(); QString path = QDir::cleanPath(url.path()); // path should be like: /group/ or /group/ if ( path.startsWith( QDir::separator() ) ) path.remove( 0, 1 ); int pos = path.indexOf( QDir::separator() ); QString group; QString msg_id; if ( pos > 0 ) { group = path.left( pos ); msg_id = path.mid( pos + 1 ); } if ( group.isEmpty() || msg_id.isEmpty() ) { error(ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST,path); return; } int res_code; DBG << "group:" << group << "msg:" << msg_id; if ( !nntp_open() ) return; // select group if necessary if ( mCurrentGroup != group && !group.isEmpty() ) { infoMessage( i18n("Selecting group %1...", group ) ); res_code = sendCommand( "GROUP " + group ); if ( res_code == 411 ){ error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path ); mCurrentGroup.clear(); return; } else if ( res_code != 211 ) { unexpected_response( res_code, "GROUP" ); mCurrentGroup.clear(); return; } mCurrentGroup = group; } // get article infoMessage( i18n("Downloading article...") ); res_code = sendCommand( "ARTICLE " + msg_id ); if ( res_code == 423 || res_code == 430 ) { error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path ); return; } else if (res_code != 220) { unexpected_response(res_code,"ARTICLE"); return; } // read and send data char tmp[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; while ( true ) { if ( !waitForResponse( readTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, mHost ); nntp_close(); return; } int len = readLine( tmp, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); const char* buffer = tmp; if ( len <= 0 ) break; if ( len == 3 && tmp[0] == '.' && tmp[1] == '\r' && tmp[2] == '\n') break; if ( len > 1 && tmp[0] == '.' && tmp[1] == '.' ) { ++buffer; --len; } data( QByteArray::fromRawData( buffer, len ) ); } // end of data data(QByteArray()); // finish finished(); } void NNTPProtocol::put( const KUrl &/*url*/, int /*permissions*/, KIO::JobFlags /*flags*/ ) { if ( !nntp_open() ) return; if ( post_article() ) finished(); } void NNTPProtocol::special(const QByteArray& data) { // 1 = post article int cmd; QDataStream stream(data); if ( !nntp_open() ) return; stream >> cmd; if (cmd == 1) { if (post_article()) finished(); } else { error(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION,i18n("Invalid special command %1", cmd)); } } bool NNTPProtocol::post_article() { DBG; // send post command infoMessage( i18n("Sending article...") ); int res_code = sendCommand( "POST" ); if (res_code == 440) { // posting not allowed error(ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED, mHost); return false; } else if (res_code != 340) { // 340: ok, send article unexpected_response(res_code,"POST"); return false; } // send article now int result; bool last_chunk_had_line_ending = true; do { QByteArray buffer; dataReq(); result = readData( buffer ); DBG << "receiving data:" << buffer; // treat the buffer data if ( result > 0 ) { // translate "\r\n." to "\r\n.." int pos = 0; if ( last_chunk_had_line_ending && buffer[0] == '.' ) { buffer.insert( 0, '.' ); pos += 2; } last_chunk_had_line_ending = ( buffer.endsWith( "\r\n" ) ); //krazy:exclude=strings while ( (pos = buffer.indexOf( "\r\n.", pos )) > 0) { buffer.insert( pos + 2, '.' ); pos += 4; } // send data to socket, write() doesn't send the terminating 0 write( buffer, buffer.length() ); DBG << "writing:" << buffer; } } while ( result > 0 ); // error occurred? if (result<0) { ERR << "error while getting article data for posting"; nntp_close(); return false; } // send end mark write( "\r\n.\r\n", 5 ); // get answer res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if (res_code == 441) { // posting failed error(ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, mHost); return false; } else if (res_code != 240) { unexpected_response(res_code,"POST"); return false; } return true; } void NNTPProtocol::stat( const KUrl& url ) { DBG << url.prettyUrl(); UDSEntry entry; QString path = QDir::cleanPath(url.path()); QRegExp regGroup = QRegExp("^\\/?[a-z0-9\\.\\-_]+\\/?$",Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp regMsgId = QRegExp("^\\/?[a-z0-9\\.\\-_]+\\/<\\S+>$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); int pos; QString group; QString msg_id; // / = group list if (path.isEmpty() || path == "/") { DBG << "root"; fillUDSEntry( entry, QString(), 0, false, ( S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH ) ); // /group = message list } else if (regGroup.indexIn(path) == 0) { if ( path.startsWith( '/' ) ) path.remove(0,1); if ((pos = path.indexOf('/')) > 0) group = path.left(pos); else group = path; DBG << "group:" << group; // postingAllowed should be ored here with "group not moderated" flag // as size the num of messages (GROUP cmd) could be given fillUDSEntry( entry, group, 0, false, ( S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH ) ); // /group/ = message } else if (regMsgId.indexIn(path) == 0) { pos = path.indexOf('<'); group = path.left(pos); msg_id = KUrl::fromPercentEncoding( path.right(path.length()-pos).toLatin1() ); if ( group.startsWith( '/' ) ) group.remove( 0, 1 ); if ((pos = group.indexOf('/')) > 0) group = group.left(pos); DBG << "group:" << group << "msg:" << msg_id; fillUDSEntry( entry, msg_id, 0, true ); // invalid url } else { error(ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST,path); return; } statEntry(entry); finished(); } void NNTPProtocol::listDir( const KUrl& url ) { DBG << url.prettyUrl(); if ( !nntp_open() ) return; QString path = QDir::cleanPath(url.path()); if (path.isEmpty()) { KUrl newURL(url); newURL.setPath("/"); DBG << "redirecting to" << newURL.prettyUrl(); redirection(newURL); finished(); return; } else if ( path == "/" ) { fetchGroups( url.queryItem( "since" ), url.queryItem( "desc" ) == "true" ); finished(); } else { // if path = /group int pos; QString group; if ( path.startsWith( '/' ) ) path.remove( 0, 1 ); if ((pos = path.indexOf('/')) > 0) group = path.left(pos); else group = path; QString first = url.queryItem( "first" ); QString max = url.queryItem( "max" ); if ( fetchGroup( group, first.toULong(), max.toULong() ) ) finished(); } } void NNTPProtocol::fetchGroups( const QString &since, bool desc ) { int expected; int res; if ( since.isEmpty() ) { // full listing infoMessage( i18n("Downloading group list...") ); res = sendCommand( "LIST" ); expected = 215; } else { // incremental listing infoMessage( i18n("Looking for new groups...") ); res = sendCommand( "NEWGROUPS " + since ); expected = 231; } if ( res != expected ) { unexpected_response( res, "LIST" ); return; } // read newsgroups line by line QByteArray line; QString group; int pos, pos2; long msg_cnt; long access; UDSEntry entry; QHash entryMap; // read in data and process each group. one line at a time while ( true ) { if ( ! waitForResponse( readTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, mHost ); nntp_close(); return; } readBufferLen = readLine ( readBuffer, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); line = QByteArray( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if ( line == ".\r\n" ) break; // group name if ((pos = line.indexOf(' ')) > 0) { group = line.left(pos); // number of messages line.remove(0,pos+1); long last = 0; access = 0; if (((pos = line.indexOf(' ')) > 0 || (pos = line.indexOf('\t')) > 0) && ((pos2 = line.indexOf(' ',pos+1)) > 0 || (pos2 = line.indexOf('\t',pos+1)) > 0)) { last = line.left(pos).toLongLong(); long first = line.mid(pos+1,pos2-pos-1).toLongLong(); msg_cnt = abs(last-first+1); // group access rights switch ( line[pos2 + 1] ) { case 'n': access = 0; break; case 'm': access = S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP; break; case 'y': access = S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; break; } } else { msg_cnt = 0; } entry.clear(); fillUDSEntry( entry, group, msg_cnt, false, access ); if ( !desc ) listEntry( entry, false ); else entryMap.insert( group, entry ); } } // handle group descriptions QHash::Iterator it = entryMap.begin(); if ( desc ) { infoMessage( i18n("Downloading group descriptions...") ); totalSize( entryMap.size() ); } while ( desc ) { // request all group descriptions if ( since.isEmpty() ) res = sendCommand( "LIST NEWSGROUPS" ); else { // request only descriptions for new groups if ( it == entryMap.end() ) break; res = sendCommand( "LIST NEWSGROUPS " + it.key() ); ++it; if( res == 503 ) { // Information not available (RFC 2980 ยง2.1.6), try next group continue; } } if ( res != 215 ) { // No group description available or not implemented break; } // download group descriptions while ( true ) { if ( ! waitForResponse( readTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, mHost ); nntp_close(); return; } readBufferLen = readLine ( readBuffer, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); line = QByteArray( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if ( line == ".\r\n" ) break; //DBG << " fetching group description: " << QString( line ).trimmed(); int pos = line.indexOf( ' ' ); pos = pos < 0 ? line.indexOf( '\t' ) : qMin( pos, line.indexOf( '\t' ) ); group = line.left( pos ); QString groupDesc = line.right( line.length() - pos ).trimmed(); if ( entryMap.contains( group ) ) { entry = entryMap.take( group ); entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_EXTRA, groupDesc ); listEntry( entry, false ); } } if ( since.isEmpty() ) break; } // take care of groups without descriptions for ( QHash::Iterator it = entryMap.begin(); it != entryMap.end(); ++it ) listEntry( it.value(), false ); entry.clear(); listEntry( entry, true ); } bool NNTPProtocol::fetchGroup( QString &group, unsigned long first, unsigned long max ) { int res_code; QString resp_line; // select group infoMessage( i18n("Selecting group %1...", group ) ); res_code = sendCommand( "GROUP " + group ); if ( res_code == 411 ) { error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, group ); mCurrentGroup.clear(); return false; } else if ( res_code != 211 ) { unexpected_response( res_code, "GROUP" ); mCurrentGroup.clear(); return false; } mCurrentGroup = group; // repsonse to "GROUP " command is 211 then find the message count (cnt) // and the first and last message followed by the group name unsigned long firstSerNum, lastSerNum; resp_line = QString::fromLatin1( readBuffer ); QRegExp re ( "211\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)"); if ( re.indexIn( resp_line ) != -1 ) { firstSerNum = re.cap( 2 ).toLong(); lastSerNum = re.cap( 3 ).toLong(); } else { error( ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Could not extract message serial numbers from server response:\n%1", resp_line ) ); return false; } if (firstSerNum == 0) return true; first = qMax( first, firstSerNum ); if ( max > 0 && lastSerNum - first > max ) first = lastSerNum - max + 1; DBG << "Starting from serial number: " << first << " of " << firstSerNum << " - " << lastSerNum; setMetaData( "FirstSerialNumber", QString::number( firstSerNum ) ); setMetaData( "LastSerialNumber", QString::number( lastSerNum ) ); infoMessage( i18n("Downloading new headers...") ); totalSize( lastSerNum - first ); bool notSupported = true; if ( fetchGroupXOVER( first, notSupported ) ) return true; else if ( notSupported ) return fetchGroupRFC977( first ); return false; } bool NNTPProtocol::fetchGroupRFC977( unsigned long first ) { UDSEntry entry; // set article pointer to first article and get msg-id of it int res_code = sendCommand( "STAT " + QString::number( first ) ); QString resp_line = readBuffer; if (res_code != 223) { unexpected_response(res_code,"STAT"); return false; } //STAT res_line: 223 nnn ... QString msg_id; int pos, pos2; if ((pos = resp_line.indexOf('<')) > 0 && (pos2 = resp_line.indexOf('>',pos+1))) { msg_id = resp_line.mid(pos,pos2-pos+1); fillUDSEntry( entry, msg_id, 0, true ); listEntry( entry, false ); } else { error(ERR_INTERNAL,i18n("Could not extract first message id from server response:\n%1", resp_line)); return false; } // go through all articles while (true) { res_code = sendCommand("NEXT"); if (res_code == 421) { // last artice reached entry.clear(); listEntry( entry, true ); return true; } else if (res_code != 223) { unexpected_response(res_code,"NEXT"); return false; } //res_line: 223 nnn ... resp_line = readBuffer; if ((pos = resp_line.indexOf('<')) > 0 && (pos2 = resp_line.indexOf('>',pos+1))) { msg_id = resp_line.mid(pos,pos2-pos+1); entry.clear(); fillUDSEntry( entry, msg_id, 0, true ); listEntry( entry, false ); } else { error(ERR_INTERNAL,i18n("Could not extract message id from server response:\n%1", resp_line)); return false; } } return true; // Not reached } bool NNTPProtocol::fetchGroupXOVER( unsigned long first, bool ¬Supported ) { notSupported = false; QString line; QStringList headers; int res = sendCommand( "LIST OVERVIEW.FMT" ); if ( res == 215 ) { while ( true ) { if ( ! waitForResponse( readTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, mHost ); nntp_close(); return false; } readBufferLen = readLine ( readBuffer, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); line = QString::fromLatin1( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if ( line == ".\r\n" ) break; headers << line.trimmed(); DBG << "OVERVIEW.FMT:" << line.trimmed(); } } else { // fallback to defaults headers << "Subject:" << "From:" << "Date:" << "Message-ID:" << "References:" << "Bytes:" << "Lines:"; } res = sendCommand( "XOVER " + QString::number( first ) + '-' ); if ( res == 420 ) return true; // no articles selected if ( res == 500 ) notSupported = true; // unknwon command if ( res != 224 ) return false; long msgSize; QString name; UDSEntry entry; int udsType; QStringList fields; while ( true ) { if ( ! waitForResponse( readTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT, mHost ); nntp_close(); return false; } readBufferLen = readLine ( readBuffer, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); line = QString::fromLatin1( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if ( line == ".\r\n" ) { entry.clear(); listEntry( entry, true ); return true; } fields = line.split( '\t', QString::KeepEmptyParts); msgSize = 0; entry.clear(); udsType = KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_EXTRA; QStringList::ConstIterator it = headers.constBegin(); QStringList::ConstIterator it2 = fields.constBegin(); // first entry is the serial number name = (*it2); ++it2; for ( ; it != headers.constEnd() && it2 != fields.constEnd(); ++it, ++it2 ) { if ( (*it) == "Bytes:" ) { msgSize = (*it2).toLong(); continue; } QString atomStr; if ( (*it).endsWith( QLatin1String( "full" ) ) ) if ( (*it2).trimmed().isEmpty() ) atomStr = (*it).left( (*it).indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ); // strip of the 'full' suffix else atomStr = (*it2).trimmed(); else atomStr = (*it) + ' ' + (*it2).trimmed(); entry.insert( udsType++, atomStr ); if ( udsType >= KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_EXTRA_END ) break; } fillUDSEntry( entry, name, msgSize, true ); listEntry( entry, false ); } return true; // not reached } void NNTPProtocol::fillUDSEntry( UDSEntry& entry, const QString& name, long size, bool is_article, long access ) { long posting=0; // entry name entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, name); // entry size entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE, size); // file type entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, is_article? S_IFREG : S_IFDIR); // access permissions posting = postingAllowed? access : 0; long long accessVal = (is_article)? (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) : (S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH | posting); entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS, accessVal); entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_USER, mUser.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1("root") : mUser); /* entry->insert(UDS_GROUP, QString::fromLatin1("root")); */ // MIME type if (is_article) { entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MIME_TYPE, QString::fromLatin1("message/news") ); } } void NNTPProtocol::nntp_close () { if ( isConnected() ) { write( "QUIT\r\n", 6 ); disconnectFromHost(); isAuthenticated = false; } mCurrentGroup.clear(); } bool NNTPProtocol::nntp_open() { // if still connected reuse connection if ( isConnected() ) { DBG << "reusing old connection"; return true; } DBG << " nntp_open -- creating a new connection to" << mHost << ":" << m_port; // create a new connection (connectToHost() includes error handling) infoMessage( i18n("Connecting to server...") ); - if ( connectToHost( (isAutoSsl() ? "nntps" : "nntp"), mHost.toLatin1(), m_port ) ) + if ( connectToHost( (isAutoSsl() ? "nntps" : "nntp"), mHost, m_port ) ) { DBG << " nntp_open -- connection is open"; // read greeting int res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); /* expect one of 200 server ready - posting allowed 201 server ready - no posting allowed */ if ( ! ( res_code == 200 || res_code == 201 ) ) { unexpected_response(res_code,"CONNECT"); return false; } DBG << " nntp_open -- greating was read res_code :" << res_code; res_code = sendCommand("MODE READER"); // TODO: not in RFC 977, so we should not abort here if ( !(res_code == 200 || res_code == 201) ) { unexpected_response( res_code, "MODE READER" ); return false; } // let local class know whether posting is allowed or not postingAllowed = (res_code == 200); // activate TLS if requested if ( metaData("tls") == "on" ) { if ( sendCommand( "STARTTLS" ) != 382 ) { error( ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, i18n("This server does not support TLS") ); return false; } if ( !startSsl() ) { error( ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, i18n("TLS negotiation failed") ); return false; } } // *try* to authenticate now (see bug#167718) authenticate(); return true; } return false; } int NNTPProtocol::sendCommand( const QString &cmd ) { int res_code = 0; if ( !nntp_open() ) { ERR << "NOT CONNECTED, cannot send cmd" << cmd; return 0; } DBG << "cmd:" << cmd; write( cmd.toLatin1(), cmd.length() ); // check the command for proper termination if ( !cmd.endsWith( QLatin1String( "\r\n" ) ) ) write( "\r\n", 2 ); res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); // if authorization needed send user info if (res_code == 480) { DBG << "auth needed, sending user info"; if ( mUser.isEmpty() || mPass.isEmpty() ) { KIO::AuthInfo authInfo; authInfo.username = mUser; authInfo.password = mPass; if ( openPasswordDialog( authInfo ) ) { mUser = authInfo.username; mPass = authInfo.password; } } if ( mUser.isEmpty() || mPass.isEmpty() ) return res_code; res_code = authenticate(); if (res_code != 281) { // error should be handled by invoking function return res_code; } // ok now, resend command write( cmd.toLatin1(), cmd.length() ); if ( !cmd.endsWith( QLatin1String( "\r\n" ) ) ) write( "\r\n", 2 ); res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); } return res_code; } int NNTPProtocol::authenticate() { int res_code = 0; if( isAuthenticated ) { // already authenticated return 281; } if( mUser.isEmpty() || mPass.isEmpty() ) { return 281; // failsafe : maybe add a "relax" mode to optionally ask user/pwd. } // send username to server and confirm response write( "AUTHINFO USER ", 14 ); write( mUser.toLatin1(), mUser.length() ); write( "\r\n", 2 ); res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if( res_code == 281 ) { // no password needed (RFC 2980 3.1.1 does not required one) return res_code; } if (res_code != 381) { // error should be handled by invoking function return res_code; } // send password write( "AUTHINFO PASS ", 14 ); write( mPass.toLatin1(), mPass.length() ); write( "\r\n", 2 ); res_code = evalResponse( readBuffer, readBufferLen ); if( res_code == 281 ) { isAuthenticated = true; } return res_code; } void NNTPProtocol::unexpected_response( int res_code, const QString &command ) { ERR << "Unexpected response to" << command << "command: (" << res_code << ")" << readBuffer; - KIO::Error errCode; + // See RFC 3977 appendix C "Summary of Response Codes" switch ( res_code ) { - case 480: errCode = ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN; break; - default: errCode = ERR_INTERNAL; + case 205: // connection closed by the server: this can happens, e.g. if the session timeout on the server side + // Not the same thing, but use the same message as code 400 anyway. + case 400: // temporary issue on the server + error( ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER, + i18n( "The server %1 could not handle your request.\n" + "Please try again now or latter if the problem persists.", mHost ) ); + break; + case 480: // credential request + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, + i18n( "You need to authenticate to access the requested resource." ) ); + case 481: // wrong credential (TODO: place a specific message for this case) + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, + i18n( "The supplied login and/or password are incorrect." ) ); + break; + case 502: + error( ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, mHost ); + break; + default: + error( ERR_INTERNAL, i18n( "Unexpected server response to %1 command:\n%2", command, readBuffer ) ); } - error( errCode, i18n("Unexpected server response to %1 command:\n%2", - command, readBuffer ) ); - nntp_close(); } int NNTPProtocol::evalResponse ( char *data, ssize_t &len ) { if ( !waitForResponse( responseTimeout() ) ) { error( ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT , mHost ); nntp_close(); return -1; } len = readLine( data, MAX_PACKET_LEN ); if ( len < 3 ) return -1; // get the first three characters. should be the response code int respCode = ( ( data[0] - 48 ) * 100 ) + ( ( data[1] - 48 ) * 10 ) + ( ( data[2] - 48 ) ); DBG << "got:" << respCode; return respCode; } /* not really necessary, because the slave has to use the KIO::Error's instead, but let this here for documentation of the NNTP response codes and may by later use. QString& NNTPProtocol::errorStr(int resp_code) { QString ret; switch (resp_code) { case 100: ret = "help text follows"; break; case 199: ret = "debug output"; break; case 200: ret = "server ready - posting allowed"; break; case 201: ret = "server ready - no posting allowed"; break; case 202: ret = "slave status noted"; break; case 205: ret = "closing connection - goodbye!"; break; case 211: ret = "group selected"; break; case 215: ret = "list of newsgroups follows"; break; case 220: ret = "article retrieved - head and body follow"; break; case 221: ret = "article retrieved - head follows"; break; case 222: ret = "article retrieved - body follows"; break; case 223: ret = "article retrieved - request text separately"; break; case 230: ret = "list of new articles by message-id follows"; break; case 231: ret = "list of new newsgroups follows"; break; case 235: ret = "article transferred ok"; break; case 240: ret = "article posted ok"; break; case 335: ret = "send article to be transferred"; break; case 340: ret = "send article to be posted"; break; case 400: ret = "service discontinued"; break; case 411: ret = "no such news group"; break; case 412: ret = "no newsgroup has been selected"; break; case 420: ret = "no current article has been selected"; break; case 421: ret = "no next article in this group"; break; case 422: ret = "no previous article in this group"; break; case 423: ret = "no such article number in this group"; break; case 430: ret = "no such article found"; break; case 435: ret = "article not wanted - do not send it"; break; case 436: ret = "transfer failed - try again later"; break; case 437: ret = "article rejected - do not try again"; break; case 440: ret = "posting not allowed"; break; case 441: ret = "posting failed"; break; case 500: ret = "command not recognized"; break; case 501: ret = "command syntax error"; break; case 502: ret = "access restriction or permission denied"; break; case 503: ret = "program fault - command not performed"; break; default: ret = QString("unknown NNTP response code %1").arg(resp_code); } return ret; } */