diff --git a/kimap/fetchjob.cpp b/kimap/fetchjob.cpp index 211d06e32..4a9c4f1b3 100644 --- a/kimap/fetchjob.cpp +++ b/kimap/fetchjob.cpp @@ -1,508 +1,510 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2009 Kevin Ottens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "fetchjob.h" #include #include #include "job_p.h" #include "message_p.h" #include "session_p.h" namespace KIMAP { class FetchJobPrivate : public JobPrivate { public: FetchJobPrivate( FetchJob *job, Session *session, const QString& name ) : JobPrivate( session, name ), q(job), uidBased(false) { } ~FetchJobPrivate() { } void parseBodyStructure( const QByteArray &structure, int &pos, KMime::Content *content ); void parsePart( const QByteArray &structure, int &pos, KMime::Content *content ); QByteArray parseString( const QByteArray &structure, int &pos ); QByteArray parseSentence( const QByteArray &structure, int &pos ); void skipLeadingSpaces( const QByteArray &structure, int &pos ); MessagePtr message(int id) { if ( !messages.contains(id) ) { messages[id] = MessagePtr(new KMime::Message); } return messages[id]; } ContentPtr part(int id, QByteArray partName) { if ( !parts[id].contains(partName) ) { parts[id][partName] = ContentPtr(new KMime::Content); } return parts[id][partName]; } void emitPendings() { if ( pendingUids.isEmpty() ) { return; } if ( !pendingParts.isEmpty() ) { - emit q->partsReceived( sessionInternal()->selectedMailBox(), + emit q->partsReceived( selectedMailBox, pendingUids, pendingParts ); } else if ( !pendingSizes.isEmpty() || !pendingFlags.isEmpty() ) { - emit q->headersReceived( sessionInternal()->selectedMailBox(), + emit q->headersReceived( selectedMailBox, pendingUids, pendingSizes, pendingFlags, pendingMessages ); } else { - emit q->messagesReceived( sessionInternal()->selectedMailBox(), + emit q->messagesReceived( selectedMailBox, pendingUids, pendingMessages ); } pendingUids.clear(); pendingMessages.clear(); pendingParts.clear(); pendingSizes.clear(); pendingFlags.clear(); } FetchJob * const q; ImapSet set; bool uidBased; FetchJob::FetchScope scope; + QString selectedMailBox; QMap messages; QMap parts; QMap flags; QMap sizes; QMap uids; QTimer emitPendingsTimer; QMap pendingMessages; QMap pendingParts; QMap pendingFlags; QMap pendingSizes; QMap pendingUids; }; } using namespace KIMAP; FetchJob::FetchJob( Session *session ) : Job( *new FetchJobPrivate(this, session, i18n("Fetch")) ) { Q_D(FetchJob); d->scope.mode = FetchScope::Content; connect( &d->emitPendingsTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( emitPendings() ) ); } FetchJob::~FetchJob() { } void FetchJob::setSequenceSet( const ImapSet &set ) { Q_D(FetchJob); d->set = set; } ImapSet FetchJob::sequenceSet() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->set; } void FetchJob::setUidBased(bool uidBased) { Q_D(FetchJob); d->uidBased = uidBased; } bool FetchJob::isUidBased() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->uidBased; } void FetchJob::setScope( const FetchScope &scope ) { Q_D(FetchJob); d->scope = scope; } FetchJob::FetchScope FetchJob::scope() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->scope; } QMap FetchJob::messages() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->messages; } QMap FetchJob::parts() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->parts; } QMap FetchJob::flags() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->flags; } QMap FetchJob::sizes() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->sizes; } QMap FetchJob::uids() const { Q_D(const FetchJob); return d->uids; } void FetchJob::doStart() { Q_D(FetchJob); QByteArray parameters = d->set.toImapSequenceSet()+' '; switch ( d->scope.mode ) { case FetchScope::Headers: if ( d->scope.parts.isEmpty() ) { parameters+="(RFC822.SIZE INTERNALDATE BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (TO FROM MESSAGE-ID REFERENCES IN-REPLY-TO SUBJECT)] FLAGS UID)"; } else { parameters+='('; foreach ( const QByteArray &part, d->scope.parts ) { parameters+="BODY["+part+".MIME] "; } parameters+="UID)"; } break; case FetchScope::Flags: parameters+="(FLAGS UID)"; break; case FetchScope::Structure: parameters+="(BODYSTRUCTURE UID)"; break; case FetchScope::Content: if ( d->scope.parts.isEmpty() ) { parameters+="(BODY[] UID)"; } else { parameters+='('; foreach ( const QByteArray &part, d->scope.parts ) { parameters+="BODY["+part+"] "; } parameters+="UID)"; } break; } QByteArray command = "FETCH"; if ( d->uidBased ) { command = "UID "+command; } d->emitPendingsTimer.start( 100 ); + d->selectedMailBox = d->sessionInternal()->selectedMailBox(); d->tag = d->sessionInternal()->sendCommand( command, parameters ); } void FetchJob::handleResponse( const Message &response ) { Q_D(FetchJob); if (handleErrorReplies(response) == NotHandled ) { if ( response.content.size() == 4 && response.content[2].toString()=="FETCH" && response.content[3].type()==Message::Part::List ) { qint64 id = response.content[1].toString().toLongLong(); QList content = response.content[3].toList(); for ( QList::ConstIterator it = content.constBegin(); it!=content.constEnd(); ++it ) { QByteArray str = *it; ++it; if ( str=="UID" ) { d->uids[id] = it->toLongLong(); } else if ( str=="RFC822.SIZE" ) { d->sizes[id] = it->toLongLong(); } else if ( str=="INTERNALDATE" ) { d->message(id)->date()->setDateTime( KDateTime::fromString( *it, KDateTime::RFCDate ) ); } else if ( str=="FLAGS" ) { if ( (*it).startsWith('(') && (*it).endsWith(')') ) { QByteArray str = *it; str.chop(1); str.remove(0, 1); d->flags[id] = str.split(' '); } else { d->flags[id] << *it; } } else if ( str=="BODYSTRUCTURE" ) { int pos = 0; d->parseBodyStructure(*it, pos, d->message(id).get()); d->message(id)->assemble(); } else if ( str.startsWith("BODY[") ) { if ( !str.endsWith(']') ) { // BODY[ ... ] might have been split, skip until we find the ] while ( !(*it).endsWith(']') ) ++it; ++it; } int index; if ( (index=str.indexOf("HEADER"))>0 || (index=str.indexOf("MIME"))>0 ) { // headers if ( str[index-1]=='.' ) { QByteArray partId = str.mid( 5, index-6 ); d->part( id, partId )->setHead(*it); d->part( id, partId )->parse(); } else { d->message(id)->setHead(*it); d->message(id)->parse(); } } else { // full payload if ( str=="BODY[]" ) { d->message(id)->setContent( KMime::CRLFtoLF(*it) ); d->message(id)->parse(); d->pendingUids[id] = d->uids[id]; d->pendingMessages[id] = d->message(id); } else { QByteArray partId = str.mid( 5, str.size()-6 ); d->part( id, partId )->setBody(*it); d->part( id, partId )->parse(); d->pendingUids[id] = d->uids[id]; d->pendingParts[id] = d->parts[id]; } } } } if ( d->scope.mode == FetchScope::Headers ) { d->pendingUids[id] = d->uids[id]; d->pendingSizes[id] = d->sizes[id]; d->pendingFlags[id] = d->flags[id]; d->pendingMessages[id] = d->message(id); } } } else { d->emitPendingsTimer.stop(); d->emitPendings(); } } void FetchJobPrivate::parseBodyStructure(const QByteArray &structure, int &pos, KMime::Content *content) { skipLeadingSpaces(structure, pos); if ( structure[pos]!='(' ) { return; } pos++; if ( structure[pos]!='(' ) { // simple part pos--; parsePart( structure, pos, content ); } else { // multi part content->contentType()->setMimeType("MULTIPART/MIXED"); while ( posaddContent( child ); parseBodyStructure( structure, pos, child ); child->assemble(); } QByteArray subType = parseString( structure, pos ); content->contentType()->setMimeType( "MULTIPART/"+subType ); parseSentence( structure, pos ); // Ditch the parameters... FIXME: Read it to get charset and name QByteArray disposition = parseSentence( structure, pos ); if ( disposition.contains("INLINE") ) { content->contentDisposition()->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline ); } else if ( disposition.contains("ATTACHMENT") ) { content->contentDisposition()->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDattachment ); } parseSentence( structure, pos ); // Ditch the body language } // Consume what's left while ( poscontentType()->setMimeType( mainType+'/'+subType ); parseSentence( structure, pos ); // Ditch the parameters... FIXME: Read it to get charset and name parseString( structure, pos ); // ... and the id content->contentDescription()->from7BitString( parseString( structure, pos ) ); parseString( structure, pos ); // Ditch the encoding too parseString( structure, pos ); // ... and the size if ( mainType=="TEXT" ) { parseString( structure, pos ); // ... and the line count } QByteArray disposition = parseSentence( structure, pos ); if ( disposition.contains("INLINE") ) { content->contentDisposition()->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline ); } else if ( disposition.contains("ATTACHMENT") ) { content->contentDisposition()->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDattachment ); } // Consume what's left while ( pos