diff --git a/akonadi/selftestdialog.cpp b/akonadi/selftestdialog.cpp index af5281d2d..1b904cde3 100644 --- a/akonadi/selftestdialog.cpp +++ b/akonadi/selftestdialog.cpp @@ -1,602 +1,604 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2008 Volker Krause This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "selftestdialog_p.h" #include "agentmanager.h" #include "session_p.h" #include "servermanager_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // @cond PRIVATE #define AKONADI_CONTROL_SERVICE QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control") #define AKONADI_SERVER_SERVICE QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.Akonadi") using namespace Akonadi; static QString makeLink( const QString &file ) { return QString::fromLatin1( "%2" ).arg( file, file ); } enum SelfTestRole { ResultTypeRole = Qt::UserRole, FileIncludeRole, ListDirectoryRole, EnvVarRole, SummaryRole, DetailsRole }; SelfTestDialog::SelfTestDialog(QWidget * parent) : KDialog( parent ) { setCaption( i18n( "Akonadi Server Self-Test" ) ); setButtons( Close | User1 | User2 ); setButtonText( User1, i18n( "Save Report..." ) ); setButtonIcon( User1, KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("document-save") ) ); setButtonText( User2, i18n( "Copy Report to Clipboard" ) ); setButtonIcon( User2, KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("edit-copy") ) ); showButtonSeparator( true ); ui.setupUi( mainWidget() ); mTestModel = new QStandardItemModel( this ); ui.testView->setModel( mTestModel ); connect( ui.testView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), SLOT(selectionChanged(QModelIndex)) ); connect( ui.detailsLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), SLOT(linkActivated(QString)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), SLOT(saveReport()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(user2Clicked()), SLOT(copyReport()) ); runTests(); } void SelfTestDialog::hideIntroduction() { ui.introductionLabel->hide(); } QStandardItem* SelfTestDialog::report( ResultType type, const KLocalizedString & summary, const KLocalizedString & details) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem( summary.toString() ); switch ( type ) { case Skip: item->setIcon( KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("dialog-ok") ) ); break; case Success: item->setIcon( KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("dialog-ok-apply") ) ); break; case Warning: item->setIcon( KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("dialog-warning") ) ); break; case Error: default: item->setIcon( KIcon( QString::fromLatin1("dialog-error") ) ); } item->setEditable( false ); item->setWhatsThis( details.toString() ); item->setData( type, ResultTypeRole ); item->setData( summary.toString( 0 ), SummaryRole ); item->setData( details.toString( 0 ), DetailsRole ); mTestModel->appendRow( item ); return item; } void SelfTestDialog::selectionChanged(const QModelIndex &index ) { if ( index.isValid() ) { ui.detailsLabel->setText( index.data( Qt::WhatsThisRole ).toString() ); ui.detailsGroup->setEnabled( true ); } else { ui.detailsLabel->setText( QString() ); ui.detailsGroup->setEnabled( false ); } } void SelfTestDialog::runTests() { const QString driver = serverSetting( QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL") ).toString(); testSQLDriver(); if (driver == QLatin1String( "QPSQL" )) { testPSQLServer(); } else { testMySQLServer(); testMySQLServerLog(); testMySQLServerConfig(); } testAkonadiCtl(); testServerStatus(); testProtocolVersion(); testResources(); testServerLog(); testControlLog(); } QVariant SelfTestDialog::serverSetting(const QString & group, const char *key, const QVariant &def ) const { const QString serverConfigFile = XdgBaseDirs::akonadiServerConfigFile( XdgBaseDirs::ReadWrite ); QSettings settings( serverConfigFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); settings.beginGroup( group ); return settings.value( QString::fromLatin1(key), def ); } bool SelfTestDialog::useStandaloneMysqlServer() const { const QString driver = serverSetting( QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL") ).toString(); if ( driver != QLatin1String( "QMYSQL" ) ) return false; const bool startServer = serverSetting( driver, "StartServer", true ).toBool(); if ( !startServer ) return false; return true; } bool SelfTestDialog::runProcess(const QString & app, const QStringList & args, QString & result) const { QProcess proc; proc.start( app, args ); const bool rv = proc.waitForFinished(); result.clear(); result += QString::fromLocal8Bit( proc.readAllStandardError() ); result += QString::fromLocal8Bit( proc.readAllStandardOutput() ); return rv; } void SelfTestDialog::testSQLDriver() { const QString driver = serverSetting( QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL") ).toString(); const QStringList availableDrivers = QSqlDatabase::drivers(); - const KLocalizedString details = ki18n( "The QtSQL driver '%1' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration.\n" + const KLocalizedString detailsOk = ki18n( "The QtSQL driver '%1' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system." ) + .subs( driver ); + const KLocalizedString detailsFail = ki18n( "The QtSQL driver '%1' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration.\n" "The following drivers are installed: %2.\n" "Make sure the required driver is installed." ) .subs( driver ) .subs( availableDrivers.join( QLatin1String(", ") ) ); QStandardItem *item = 0; if ( availableDrivers.contains( driver ) ) - item = report( Success, ki18n( "Database driver found." ), details ); + item = report( Success, ki18n( "Database driver found." ), detailsOk ); else - item = report( Error, ki18n( "Database driver not found." ), details ); + item = report( Error, ki18n( "Database driver not found." ), detailsFail ); item->setData( XdgBaseDirs::akonadiServerConfigFile( XdgBaseDirs::ReadWrite ), FileIncludeRole ); } void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServer() { if ( !useStandaloneMysqlServer() ) { report( Skip, ki18n( "MySQL server executable not tested." ), ki18n( "The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server." ) ); return; } const QString driver = serverSetting( QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL") ).toString(); const QString serverPath = serverSetting( driver, "ServerPath", QLatin1String("") ).toString(); // ### default? const KLocalizedString details = ki18n( "You currently have configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server '%1'.\n" "Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and ensure you have the " "necessary read and execution rights on the server executable. The server executable is typically " "called 'mysqld', its locations varies depending on the distribution." ).subs( serverPath ); QFileInfo info( serverPath ); if ( !info.exists() ) report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server not found." ), details ); else if ( !info.isReadable() ) report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server not readable." ), details ); else if ( !info.isExecutable() ) report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server not executable." ), details ); else if ( !serverPath.contains( QLatin1String("mysqld") ) ) report( Warning, ki18n( "MySQL found with unexpected name." ), details ); else report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server found." ), details ); // be extra sure and get the server version while we are at it QString result; if ( runProcess( serverPath, QStringList() << QLatin1String( "--version" ), result ) ) { const KLocalizedString details = ki18n( "MySQL server found: %1" ).subs( result ); report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server is executable." ), details ); } else { const KLocalizedString details = ki18n( "Executing the MySQL server '%1' failed with the following error message: '%2'" ) .subs( serverPath ).subs( result ); report( Error, ki18n( "Executing the MySQL server failed." ), details ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServerLog() { if ( !useStandaloneMysqlServer() ) { report( Skip, ki18n( "MySQL server error log not tested." ), ki18n( "The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server." ) ); return; } const QString logFileName = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir( "data", QLatin1String( "akonadi/db_data" ) ) + QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1( "mysql.err" ); const QFileInfo logFileInfo( logFileName ); if ( !logFileInfo.exists() || logFileInfo.size() == 0 ) { report( Success, ki18n( "No current MySQL error log found." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server did not report any errors during this startup into '%1'." ).subs( logFileName ) ); return; } QFile logFile( logFileName ); if ( !logFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) { report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL error log not readable." ), ki18n( "A MySQL server error log file was found but is not readable: %1" ).subs( makeLink( logFileName ) ) ); return; } bool warningsFound = false; QStandardItem *item = 0; while ( !logFile.atEnd() ) { const QString line = QString::fromUtf8( logFile.readLine() ); if ( line.contains( QLatin1String( "error" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { item = report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server log contains errors." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server error log file '%1' contains errors." ).subs( makeLink( logFileName ) ) ); item->setData( logFileName, FileIncludeRole ); return; } if ( !warningsFound && line.contains( QLatin1String( "warn" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { warningsFound = true; } } if ( warningsFound ) { item = report( Warning, ki18n( "MySQL server log contains warnings." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server log file '%1' contains warnings." ).subs( makeLink( logFileName ) ) ); } else { item = report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server log contains no errors." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server log file '%1' does not contain any errors or warnings." ) .subs( makeLink( logFileName ) ) ); } item->setData( logFileName, FileIncludeRole ); logFile.close(); } void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServerConfig() { if ( !useStandaloneMysqlServer() ) { report( Skip, ki18n( "MySQL server configuration not tested." ), ki18n( "The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server." ) ); return; } QStandardItem *item = 0; const QString globalConfig = XdgBaseDirs::findResourceFile( "config", QLatin1String( "akonadi/mysql-global.conf" ) ); const QFileInfo globalConfigInfo( globalConfig ); if ( !globalConfig.isEmpty() && globalConfigInfo.exists() && globalConfigInfo.isReadable() ) { item = report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server default configuration found." ), ki18n( "The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at %1." ) .subs( makeLink( globalConfig ) ) ); item->setData( globalConfig, FileIncludeRole ); } else { report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server default configuration not found." ), ki18n( "The default configuration for the MySQL server was not found or was not readable. " "Check your Akonadi installation is complete and you have all required access rights." ) ); } const QString localConfig = XdgBaseDirs::findResourceFile( "config", QLatin1String( "akonadi/mysql-local.conf" ) ); const QFileInfo localConfigInfo( localConfig ); if ( localConfig.isEmpty() || !localConfigInfo.exists() ) { report( Skip, ki18n( "MySQL server custom configuration not available." ), ki18n( "The custom configuration for the MySQL server was not found but is optional." ) ); } else if ( localConfigInfo.exists() && localConfigInfo.isReadable() ) { item = report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server custom configuration found." ), ki18n( "The custom configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at %1" ) .subs( makeLink( localConfig ) ) ); item->setData( localConfig, FileIncludeRole ); } else { report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server custom configuration not readable." ), ki18n( "The custom configuration for the MySQL server was found at %1 but is not readable. " "Check your access rights." ).subs( makeLink( localConfig ) ) ); } const QString actualConfig = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir( "data", QLatin1String( "akonadi" ) ) + QLatin1String("/mysql.conf"); const QFileInfo actualConfigInfo( actualConfig ); if ( actualConfig.isEmpty() || !actualConfigInfo.exists() || !actualConfigInfo.isReadable() ) { report( Error, ki18n( "MySQL server configuration not found or not readable." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server configuration was not found or is not readable." ) ); } else { item = report( Success, ki18n( "MySQL server configuration is usable." ), ki18n( "The MySQL server configuration was found at %1 and is readable.").subs( makeLink( actualConfig ) ) ); item->setData( actualConfig, FileIncludeRole ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testPSQLServer() { const QString dbname = serverSetting( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ), "Name", QLatin1String( "akonadi" )).toString(); const QString hostname = serverSetting( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ), "Host", QLatin1String( "localhost" )).toString(); const QString username = serverSetting( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ), "User", QLatin1String( "akonadi" )).toString(); const QString password = serverSetting( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ), "Password", QLatin1String( "akonadi" )).toString(); const int port = serverSetting( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ), "Port", 5432).toInt(); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( QLatin1String( "QPSQL" ) ); db.setHostName( hostname ); db.setDatabaseName( dbname ); db.setUserName( username ); db.setPassword( password ); db.setPort( port ); if ( !db.open() ) { const KLocalizedString details = ki18n( db.lastError().text().toLatin1() ); report( Error, ki18n( "Cannot connect to PostgreSQL server." ), details); } else { report( Success, ki18n( "PostgreSQL server found." ), ki18n( "The PostgreSQL server was found and connection is working.")); } db.close(); } void SelfTestDialog::testAkonadiCtl() { const QString path = KStandardDirs::findExe( QLatin1String("akonadictl") ); if ( path.isEmpty() ) { report( Error, ki18n( "akonadictl not found" ), ki18n( "The program 'akonadictl' needs to be accessible in $PATH. " "Make sure you have the Akonadi server installed." ) ); return; } QString result; if ( runProcess( path, QStringList() << QLatin1String( "--version" ), result ) ) { report( Success, ki18n( "akonadictl found and usable" ), ki18n( "The program '%1' to control the Akonadi server was found " "and could be executed successfully.\nResult:\n%2" ).subs( path ).subs( result ) ); } else { report( Error, ki18n( "akonadictl found but not usable" ), ki18n( "The program '%1' to control the Akonadi server was found " "but could not be executed successfully.\nResult:\n%2\n" "Make sure the Akonadi server is installed correctly." ).subs( path ).subs( result ) ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testServerStatus() { if ( QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered( AKONADI_CONTROL_SERVICE ) ) { report( Success, ki18n( "Akonadi control process registered at D-Bus." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational." ) ); } else { report( Error, ki18n( "Akonadi control process not registered at D-Bus." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started " "or encountered a fatal error during startup." ) ); } if ( QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered( AKONADI_SERVER_SERVICE ) ) { report( Success, ki18n( "Akonadi server process registered at D-Bus." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational." ) ); } else { report( Error, ki18n( "Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started " "or encountered a fatal error during startup." ) ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testProtocolVersion() { if ( Internal::serverProtocolVersion() < 0 ) { report( Skip, ki18n( "Protocol version check not possible." ), ki18n( "Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements." ) ); return; } if ( Internal::serverProtocolVersion() < SessionPrivate::minimumProtocolVersion() ) { report( Error, ki18n( "Server protocol version is too old." ), ki18n( "The server protocol version is %1, but at least version %2 is required. " "Install a newer version of the Akonadi server." ) .subs( Internal::serverProtocolVersion() ) .subs( SessionPrivate::minimumProtocolVersion() ) ); } else { report( Success, ki18n( "Server protocol version is recent enough." ), ki18n( "The server Protocol version is %1, which equal or newer than the required version %2." ) .subs( Internal::serverProtocolVersion() ) .subs( SessionPrivate::minimumProtocolVersion() ) ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testResources() { AgentType::List agentTypes = AgentManager::self()->types(); bool resourceFound = false; foreach ( const AgentType &type, agentTypes ) { if ( type.capabilities().contains( QLatin1String("Resource") ) ) { resourceFound = true; break; } } const QStringList pathList = XdgBaseDirs::findAllResourceDirs( "data", QLatin1String( "akonadi/agents" ) ); QStandardItem *item = 0; if ( resourceFound ) { item = report( Success, ki18n( "Resource agents found." ), ki18n( "At least one resource agent has been found." ) ); } else { item = report( Error, ki18n( "No resource agents found." ), ki18n( "No resource agents have been found, Akonadi is not usable without at least one. " "This usually means that no resource agents are installed or that there is a setup problem. " "The following paths have been searched: '%1'. " "The XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable is set to '%2', make sure this includes all paths " "where Akonadi agents are installed to." ) .subs( pathList.join( QLatin1String(" ") ) ) .subs( QString::fromLocal8Bit( qgetenv( "XDG_DATA_DIRS" ) ) ) ); } item->setData( pathList, ListDirectoryRole ); item->setData( QByteArray( "XDG_DATA_DIRS" ), EnvVarRole ); } void Akonadi::SelfTestDialog::testServerLog() { QString serverLog = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir( "data", QLatin1String( "akonadi" ) ) + QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1( "akonadiserver.error" ); QFileInfo info( serverLog ); if ( !info.exists() || info.size() <= 0 ) { report( Success, ki18n( "No current Akonadi server error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server did not report any errors during its current startup." ) ); } else { QStandardItem *item = report( Error, ki18n( "Current Akonadi server error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server did report error during startup into %1." ).subs( makeLink( serverLog ) ) ); item->setData( serverLog, FileIncludeRole ); } serverLog += QLatin1String(".old"); info.setFile( serverLog ); if ( !info.exists() || info.size() <= 0 ) { report( Success, ki18n( "No previous Akonadi server error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server did not report any errors during its previous startup." ) ); } else { QStandardItem *item = report( Error, ki18n( "Previous Akonadi server error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi server did report error during its previous startup into %1." ).subs( makeLink( serverLog ) ) ); item->setData( serverLog, FileIncludeRole ); } } void SelfTestDialog::testControlLog() { QString controlLog = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir( "data", QLatin1String( "akonadi" ) ) + QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1( "akonadi_control.error" ); QFileInfo info( controlLog ); if ( !info.exists() || info.size() <= 0 ) { report( Success, ki18n( "No current Akonadi control error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its current startup." ) ); } else { QStandardItem *item = report( Error, ki18n( "Current Akonadi control error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process did report error during startup into %1." ).subs( makeLink( controlLog ) ) ); item->setData( controlLog, FileIncludeRole ); } controlLog += QLatin1String(".old"); info.setFile( controlLog ); if ( !info.exists() || info.size() <= 0 ) { report( Success, ki18n( "No previous Akonadi control error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its previous startup." ) ); } else { QStandardItem *item = report( Error, ki18n( "Previous Akonadi control error log found." ), ki18n( "The Akonadi control process did report error during its previous startup into %1." ).subs( makeLink( controlLog ) ) ); item->setData( controlLog, FileIncludeRole ); } } QString SelfTestDialog::createReport() { QString result; QTextStream s( &result ); s << "Akonadi Server Self-Test Report" << endl; s << "===============================" << endl; for ( int i = 0; i < mTestModel->rowCount(); ++i ) { QStandardItem *item = mTestModel->item( i ); s << endl; s << "Test " << (i + 1) << ": "; switch ( item->data( ResultTypeRole ).toInt() ) { case Skip: s << "SKIP"; break; case Success: s << "SUCCESS"; break; case Warning: s << "WARNING"; break; case Error: default: s << "ERROR"; break; } s << endl << "--------" << endl; s << endl; s << item->data( SummaryRole ).toString() << endl; s << "Details: " << item->data( DetailsRole ).toString() << endl; if ( item->data( FileIncludeRole ).isValid() ) { s << endl; const QString fileName = item->data( FileIncludeRole ).toString(); QFile f( fileName ); if ( f.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { s << "File content of '" << fileName << "':" << endl; s << f.readAll() << endl; } else { s << "File '" << fileName << "' could not be opened" << endl; } } if ( item->data( ListDirectoryRole ).isValid() ) { s << endl; const QStringList pathList = item->data( ListDirectoryRole ).toStringList(); if ( pathList.isEmpty() ) s << "Directory list is empty." << endl; foreach ( const QString &path, pathList ) { s << "Directory listing of '" << path << "':" << endl; QDir dir( path ); dir.setFilter( QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ); foreach ( const QString &entry, dir.entryList() ) s << entry << endl; } } if ( item->data( EnvVarRole ).isValid() ) { s << endl; const QByteArray envVarName = item->data( EnvVarRole ).toByteArray(); const QByteArray envVarValue = qgetenv( envVarName ); s << "Environment variable " << envVarName << " is set to '" << envVarValue << "'" << endl; } } s << endl; s.flush(); return result; } void SelfTestDialog::saveReport() { const QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( KUrl(), QString(), this, i18n("Save Test Report") ); if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) return; QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::ReadWrite ) ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Could not open file '%1'", fileName ) ); return; } file.write( createReport().toUtf8() ); file.close(); } void SelfTestDialog::copyReport() { QApplication::clipboard()->setText( createReport() ); } void SelfTestDialog::linkActivated(const QString & link) { KRun::runUrl( KUrl::fromPath( link ), QLatin1String("text/plain"), this ); } // @endcond #include "selftestdialog_p.moc"